Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
University of Idaho President's Office records, 1893-1965
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- University of Idaho
- Title
- University of Idaho President's Office records
- Dates
- 1893-1965 (inclusive)18931965
- Quantity
- 86 c.f.
- Collection Number
- UG 012, UG012 (collection)
- Summary
- Correspondence, reports, minutes of departmental meetings, financial reports, military reports, building blueprints and photographs, and other records retained by the presidents' administrative office.
- Repository
University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2350
Moscow, ID
Telephone: 2088850845 - Access Restrictions
This collection is open for research.
- Languages
- Sponsor
- Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Historical NoteReturn to Top
Presidents of the University of Idaho -- 1892 - 1965
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The records of the president's office span the years from 1893 to the end of the Theophilus presidency in July 1965. While this is primarily a correspondence file, it also contains financial reports, military reports, recommendations to and reports of the Board of Regents, building blueprints and photographs taken during construction, minutes of departmental meetings, and reports of various university committees. Also included are files for the university's two branches, the Southern Branch in Pocatello, 1927-1946, and Lewis-Clark Normal School, Lewiston, 1955-1961.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
The final physical arrangement of this record group reflects two previous efforts at sorting the material. The 1953 librarian Rodney Waldron went through the pre-1931 material and in the process interfiled correspondence from the Bursar's office. Then, in 1974, Rosemary Shull, secretary to retiring president Ernest Hartung, went through the earlier material and added the later papers. With the exception of the cumulative files which are now placed at the end of the papers, the material retains Mrs. Shull's arrangement and folder headings.
Files from the years 1893 to 1914 are in chronological order. The early incoming correspondence, 1893-1897, is addressed to the Secretary of the Board of Regents; the corresponding letterbooks containing the outgoing responses are in University Group 9. The bulk of this material relates to financial matters and matters concerning the agricultural experiment stations. The work of the Secretary of the Board was under the direction of the president's office, but it was not until 1897 that President Franklin B. Gault took over the financial aspect of this work, which accounts for the late date for the beginning of his files. However, the letters accepting academic appointments were still addressed to the Secretary of the Board.
It was under President James MacLean that carbon copies of outgoing letters were first retained. He also began adding subject files after each year in the chronological file, and each year these subject folders became more and more numerous. When Melvin Brannon became president in 1914 he began an alphabetical filing system by calendar year and separated the files into general correspondence, administrative offices, academic departments, and Board of Regents.
When Ernest Lindley became president in 1917 he retained the alphabetical arrangements, but changed the filing system to reflect the academic year; therefore many of Brannon's 1917 files run from January 1917 through June 1918. The number of special subject folders which were interfiled with the general "A-Z" folders continued to increase, so, when Buchanan became president in 1946 he abandoned the general folders and assigned topical headings to all correspondence files. This system continued through the administration of Theophilus.
The 1928/1929 segment of these papers contains a separate alphabet of Comptroller's files.
During the 1934/1935 academic year President Neal was also president of the Inland Empire Education Association and his papers reflecting his activities in this office are placed after the 1934/19 university files.
The final series contains several non-correspondence cumulative files such as accountant's reports, budgets, enrollment statistics, and faculty teaching loads, and cumulative correspondence files which include information on campus building projects, athletic material, and Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) files.
Duplicate copies of mimeographed material was discarded. Copies of faculty or other university publications were transferred to the vertical file in Special Collections. Other published material in this record group was removed and offered to the appropriate subject library. In all, a total of 28 c.f. was removed from the original collection.
As mentioned above, letterbooks used in conjunction with the early incoming correspondence are in University Group 9. Some of President MacLean's 1906-1909 correspondence was stored in a letterbox not connected to this record group. These letters were processed as University Group 10. Additional building and property reports, 1889-1949, were processed as University Group 11.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Series I. Correspondence, Chronological, 1893-1914Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
A. Secretary of the Board of Regents |
1893-1897 | |
Box/Folder | ||
1/1 | 42 items |
January - April 1893 |
1/2 | 69 items |
May - June 1893 |
1/3 | 108 items |
July - December 1893 |
1/4 | 81 items |
January - April 1894 |
1/5 | 71 items |
July - December 1894 |
1/6 | 54 items |
January - June 1895 |
1/7 | 72 items |
July - September 1895 |
1/8 | 57 items |
October - December 1895 |
1/9 | 61 items |
January - March 1896 |
1/10 | 58 items |
April - June 1896 |
1/11 | 65 items |
July - December 1896 |
1/12 | 23 items |
January - April 1897 |
B. Franklin B. Gault and Interim |
1897-1898 | |
Box/Folder | ||
1/13 | 86 items |
April - June 1897 |
1/14 | 91 items |
July - September 1897 |
1/15 | 77 items |
October - December 1897 |
1/16 | 75 items |
January - March 1898 |
1/17 | 74 items |
April - June 1898 |
1/18 | 66 items |
July - October 1898 |
C. Joseph P. Blanton |
1898-1899 | |
Box/Folder | ||
1/19 | 69 items |
November - December 1898 |
1/20 | 88 items |
January - March 1899 |
1/21 | 63 items |
April - June 1899 |
1/22 | 53 items |
July - September 1899 |
1/23 | 64 items |
October - December 1899 |
D. James A. MacLean and Interim |
1900-1914 | |
Box/Folder | ||
1/24 | 78 items |
January - December 1900 |
1/25 | 39 items |
January - May 1901 |
1/26 | 53 items |
June - December 1901 |
1/27 | Telegrams 67 items
1901 |
1/28 | 29 items |
January - June 1902 |
1/29 | 14 items |
July -December 1902 |
1/30 | Telegrams 29 items
1902 |
1/31 | 15 items |
January - June 1903 |
1/32 | 11 items |
July - December 1903 |
1/33 | Telegrams 13 items
1903 |
1/34 | Athletics 67 items
1903 |
2/35 | 49 items |
January - June 1904 |
2/36 | 107 items |
July - December 1904 |
2/37 | 33 items |
January - June 1905 |
2/38 | 28 items |
July - December 1905 |
2/39 | 82 items |
January - April 1906 |
2/40 | 111 items |
May - June 1906 |
2/41 | 85 items |
July - September 1906 |
2/42 | 78 items |
October - December 1906 |
2/43 | Building and Construction 42 items
1906 |
2/44 | Colson and Son 6 items
1906 |
2/45 | Fire 91 items
1906 |
2/46 | 113 items |
January - March 1907 |
2/47 | 130 items |
April - May 1907 |
2/48 | 77 items |
June 1907 |
2/49 | 86 items |
July 1907 |
2/50 | 88 items |
August 1907 |
2/51 | 82 items |
September 1907 |
2/52 | 59 items |
October 1907 |
2/53 | 58 items |
November 1907 |
2/54 | 40 items |
December 1907 |
2/55 | Academic reports and budgets 29 items
1907 |
2/56 | First National Bank Case 11 items
1907 |
2/57 | Legislature 14 items
1907 |
2/58 | 96 items |
January - February 1908 |
2/59 | 90 items |
March - April 1908 |
2/60 | 95 items |
May - June 1908 |
2/61 | 115 items |
July - August 1908 |
2/62 | 77 items |
September - October 1908 |
2/63 | 53 items |
November - December 1908 |
2/64 | Academic Reports and Budgets 27 items
1908 |
2/65 | Agricultural Experiment Station Reports 5 items
1906-1908 |
3/66 | 129 items |
January - March 1909 |
3/67 | 128 items |
April - June 1909 |
3/68 | 104 items |
July - August 1909 |
3/69 | 38 items |
September - December 1909 |
3/70 | Academic Reports and Budgets 53 items
1909 |
3/71 | Interstate Construction Company Case 11 items
1909 |
3/72 | Legislature 47 items
1909 |
3/73 | Shinn - Hyslop Case 15 items
1909 |
3/74 | 95 items |
January - February 1910 |
3/75 | 119 items |
March - April 1910 |
3/76 | 155 items |
May - June 1910 |
3/77 | 182 items |
July - August 1910 |
3/78 | 193 items |
September - October 1910 |
3/79 | 122 items |
November - December 1910 |
3/80 | Rules Revision 36 items
1910 |
3/81 | 90 items |
January - March 1911 |
3/82 | 168 items |
April - June 1911 |
3/83 | 117 items |
July - September 1911 |
3/84 | 80 items |
October - December 1911 |
3/85 | Legislature 28 items
1911 |
3/86 | Moscow Hardware Co. and Mitchell Case 15 items
1911 |
4/87 | 144 items |
January - March 1912 |
4/88 | 131 items |
April - June 1912 |
4/89 | 89 items |
July - August 1912 |
4/90 | 85 items |
September - December 1912 |
4/91 | Personnel 90 items
1911-1912 |
4/92 | 116 items |
January - April 1913 |
4/93 | 143 items |
May - August 1913 |
4/94 | 90 items |
September - December 1913 |
4/95 | Legislature 7 items
1913 |
4/96 | Military Correspondence 145 items
1903-1913 |
4/97 | Military Department Annual Reports 13 items
1897-1915 |
4/98 | Military Department Inspection Reports 16 items
1900-1914 |
4/99 | Personnel 119 items
1912-1913 |
4/100 | Regents 39 items
1913 |
4/101 | 76 items |
January - March 1914 |
Series II. Correspondence, Alphabetical, 1914-1965Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
A. Melvin A. Brannon |
1914-1917 | |
Box/Folder | ||
4/102 | 43 items |
April - June 1914 |
4/103 | 40 items |
July - September 1914 |
4/104 | 77 items |
October - December 1914 |
4/105 | Bursar 40 items
1914-1915 |
4/106 | Military Department 57 items
1914 |
4/107 | Board of Regents: Sisson/Bickell 215 items
1914 |
4/108 | Board of Regents: Rossi/E. Evans/D.L. Evans/Harland/Bruce 115 items
1914 |
4/109 | Student Council 28 items
1914 |
4/110 | Academic reports and budgets 29 items
1913-1915 |
5/111 | Personnel 100 items
1914 |
5/112 | Dean W.L. Carlyle, Agriculture 30 items
1914 |
5/113 | Dean J.G. Eldridge, Dean of the Faculty 19 items
1914 |
5/114 | Dean Permeal French, Dean of Women 8 items
1914 |
5/115 | Dean C.N. Little, Engineering 16 items
1914 |
5/116 | Dean C.H. Shattuck, Letters and Science 6 items
1914 |
5/117 | Dairying 10 items
1914 |
5/118 | Economics 20 items
1914 |
5/119 | Education 9 items
1914 |
5/120 | Engineering, Civil 44 items
1914 |
5/121 | Engineering, Electrical 21 items
1914 |
5/122 | Engineering, Mechanical 38 items
1914 |
5/123 | Engineering, Mining 27 items
1914 |
5/124 | English 38 items
1914 |
5/125 | Experiment Station 12 items
1914 |
5/126 | Extension 48 items
1914 |
5/127 | Extension: Dr. O.D. Center 63 items
1914 |
5/128 | Extension: Mr. R.B. Coglon 20 items
1914 |
5/129 | Extension: Mr. Regan/Mr. Rinehart 24 items
1914 |
5/130 | Extension: County Agents 52 items
1914 |
5/131 | Extension: Horticulturist 30 items
1914 |
5/132 | Forestry: A-M 161 items
1914 |
5/133 | Forestry: N-Z 93 items
1914 |
5/134 | Fraternities and Sororities 15 items
1914 |
5/135 | Geology 2 items
1914 |
5/136 | German and Latin 12 items
1914 |
5/137 | History 26 items
1914 |
5/138 | Home Economics 17 items
1914 |
5/139 | Horticulture 9 items
1914 |
5/140 | Law 30 items
1914 |
5/141 | Library 39 items
1914 |
5/142 | Mathematics 23 items
1914 |
5/143 | Music 100 items
1914 |
5/144 | Physical Education 18 items
1914 |
5/145 | Physics 9 items
1914 |
5/146 | Poultry 3 items
1914 |
5/147 | Romance Languages 9 items
1914 |
5/148 | Soils 7 items
1914 |
5/149 | Summer Session 7 items
1914 |
5/150 | Veterinary Science 22 items
1914 |
5/151 | Zoology 3 items
1914 |
5/152 | Legislature 51 items
1915 |
5/153 | Agriculture Extension 88 items
1914-1915 |
5/154 | Forestry 19 items
1914-1915 |
5/155 | Geology 17 items
1914-1915 |
5/156 | German 7 items
1914-1915 |
5/157 | Greek and Latin 5 items
1914-1915 |
5/158 | History 44 items
1914-1915 |
5/159 | Home Economics 34 items
1914-1915 |
5/160 | Law 47 items
1914-1915 |
5/161 | Mathematics 5 items
1914-1915 |
5/162 | Military 120 items
1914-1915 |
5/163 | Music 62 items
1914-1915 |
5/164 | Physical Education 72 items
1914-1915 |
5/165 | Physics 14 items
1914-1915 |
5/166 | Psychology/Philosophy 14 items
1914-1915 |
5/167 | Romance Languages 38 items
1914-1915 |
5/168 | Summer School 39 items
1914-1915 |
5/169 | Zoology 20 items
1914-1915 |
6/170 | A-B 68 items
1914-1915 |
6/171 | C-D 73 items
1914-1915 |
6/172 | Executive Committee 5 items
1914-1915 |
6/173 | E-F 87 items
1914-1915 |
6/174 | G-L 126 items
1914-1915 |
6/175 | M-R 117 items
1914-1915 |
6/176 | S 118 items
1914-1915 |
6/177 | T-Z 67 items
1914-1915 |
6/178 | Report to the Governor re: Faculty Time 15 items
1914-1915 |
6/179 | A 92 items
1915 |
6/180 | B 174 items
1915 |
6/181 | C 103 items
1915 |
6/182 | D-E 96 items
1915 |
6/183 | F-G 117 items
1915 |
6/184 | H-J 184 items
1915 |
6/185 | K-L 96 items
1915 |
6/186 | M 133 items
1915 |
6/187 | Newspapers: Write-ups and communications 59 items
1915 |
6/188 | Normal Schools/Colleges and universities of Idaho, Washington and Montana 53 items
1915 |
6/189 | N-O 61 items
1915 |
6/190 | P-R 181 items
1915 |
6/191 | Spokane Chamber of Commerce/University of Idaho Committee 29 items
1915 |
6/192 | S 152 items
1915 |
6/193 | T-V 67 items
1915 |
6/194 | W-Z 80 items
1915 |
6/195 | Department of Agriculture 60 items
1915 |
6/196 | Alumni 9 items
1915 |
6/197 | Bursar 175 items
1915 |
6/198 | Bursar: Requistions and Budgets 46 items
1915 |
6/199 | Dean of Women: Permeal French 14 items
1915 |
6/200 | Dean of Faculty: J.G. Eldridge 21 items
1915 |
7/201 | Library 45 items
1915 |
7/202 | Operations Force 34 items
1915 |
7/203 | Board of Regents Executive Committee 43 items
1915 |
7/204 | Board of Regents: W.S. Bruce/D.L. Evans 18 items
1915 |
7/205 | Board of Regents: Evan Evans 50 items
1915 |
7/206 | Board of Regents: H.H. Harland/B. McCoy/H.A. Walters 63 items
1915 |
7/207 | Board of Regents: Herman Rossi 177 items
1915 |
7/208 | Board of Education: Ralph T. Bickell 138 items
1915 |
7/209 | Board of Education: Edward O. Sisson, January - April 87 items
1915 |
7/210 | Board of Education: Edward O. Sisson 80 items
May - August 1915 |
7/211 | Board of Education: Edward O. Sisson 132 items
September - December 1915 |
7/212 | Students 65 items
1915 |
7/213 | Student Expenses 15 items
1915 |
7/214 | Stenographer Applications 12 items
1915 |
7/215 | University Betterment 15 items
1915 |
7/216 | YMCA 49 items
1915 |
7/217 | Agriculture, Dean of 96 items
1915 |
7/218 | Agriculture: Agricultural Engineering 3 items
1915 |
7/219 | Agriculture: Animal Husbandry 23 items
1915 |
7/220 | Agriculture: Bacteriology 14 items
1915 |
7/221 | Agriculture: Dairying 47 items
1915 |
7/222 | Agriculture: Experiment Station 81 items
1915 |
7/223 | Agriculture: Agricultural Chemistry 9 items
1915 |
7/224 | Agriculture: Agronomy 21 items
1915 |
7/225 | Agriculture: Horticulture 15 items
1915 |
7/226 | Agriculture: Poultry Husbandry 8 items
1915 |
7/227 | Agriculture: Practical Agriculture 26 items
1915 |
7/228 | Agriculture: Soils 10 items
1915 |
7/229 | Agriculture: Veterinary Science 3 items
1915 |
7/230 | Architect: Campus Improvement 225 items
1915 |
7/231 | Botany 37 items
1915 |
7/232 | Chemistry 21 items
1915 |
7/233 | Economics 36 items
1915 |
7/234 | Education 35 items
1915 |
7/235 | English 59 items
1915 |
7/236 | Extension 90 items
1915 |
7/237 | Extension: County Agents 23 items
1915 |
7/238 | Extension: O.D. Center 113 items
January - June 1915 |
7/239 | Extension: O.D. Center 103 items
July - December 1915 |
7/240 | Engineering, Dean of and Civil 86 items
1915 |
7/241 | Engineering, Electrical 70 items
1915 |
7/242 | Engineering, Mechanical 43 items
1915 |
7/243 | Farms 32 items
1915 |
7/244 | Mining 23 items
1915 |
8/245 | Salaries, Budgets, etc. 39 items
1916 |
8/246 | Agriculture, Dean of 37 items
1916 |
8/247 | Agriculture: Agricultural Engineering 2 items
1916 |
8/248 | Agriculture: Bacteriology 41 items
1916 |
8/249 | Agriculture: Crops 27 items
1916 |
8/250 | Agriculture: Dairying 45 items
1916 |
8/251 | Agriculture: Horticulture 22 items
1916 |
8/252 | Agriculture: Poultry 13 items
1916 |
8/253 | Agriculture: Practical Agriculture 14 items
1916 |
8/254 | Agriculture: Soils 37 items
1916 |
8/255 | Agriculture: Veterinary Science 8 items
1916 |
8/256 | Agricultural Experiment Station 158 items
1916 |
8/257 | Agricultural Extension: General 37 items
1916 |
8/258 | Agricultural Extension: O.D. Center 77 items
January - March 1916 |
8/259 | Agricultural Extension: O.D. Center 50 items
April - July 1916 |
8/260 | Agricultural Extension: O.D. Center 62 items
August - December 1916 |
8/261 | Agricultural Extension: E.P. Taylor and E.R. Bennett 9 items
1916 |
8/262 | Agricultural Extension: County Agents 23 items
1916 |
8/263 | Agricultural Extension: County Agents (H.W. Hochbaum) 67 items
1916 |
8/264 | Agricultural Extension: Experimental Farms 7 items
1916 |
8/265 | Agricultural Extension/University Extension 26 items
1916 |
8/266 | Botany 62 items
1916 |
8/267 | Business Administration 79 items
1916 |
8/268 | Chemistry 27 items
1916 |
8/269 | Chemistry, Fruit Storage Project 8 items
1916 |
8/270 | Economics 43 items
1916 |
8/271 | Economics: Professor Lewis' Survey on State Educational Institution Finances 36 items
1916 |
8/272 | Education 46 items
1916 |
8/273 | Engineering, Civil and Dean 126 items
1916 |
8/274 | Engineering, Electrical 64 items
1916 |
8/275 | Engineering, Mechanical 52 items
1916 |
8/276 | English 60 items
1916 |
8/277 | Forestry 13 items
1916 |
8/278 | Fraternities and Sororities 23 items
1916 |
8/279 | Geology 17 items
1916 |
8/280 | German, Greek, Latin 37 items
1916 |
8/281 | High Schools (Questionnaire) 36 items
1916 |
8/282 | History 89 items
1916 |
8/283 | Home Economics 61 items
1916 |
8/284 | Inter-Class Affairs 8 items
1916 |
8/285 | Law 53 items
1916 |
8/286 | Mathematics 10 items
1916 |
8/287 | Matriculation Lecture (absences) 17 items
1916 |
8/288 | Military Science 157 items
1916 |
9/289 | Mining and Metallurgy 86 items
1916 |
9/290 | Mining, Federal Mining Station 108 items
1916 |
9/291 | Music 95 items
1916 |
9/292 | Philosophy and Psychology 11 items
1916 |
9/293 | Physical Education 125 items
1916 |
9/294 | Physics 12 items
1916 |
9/295 | Romance Languages 28 items
1916 |
9/296 | Summer School 20 items
1916 |
9/297 | YMCA/YWCA 29 items
1916 |
9/298 | Zoology 55 items
1916 |
9/299 | Bursar 280 items
1916 |
9/300 | Dean: University Faculty 55 items
1916 |
9/301 | Dean: Letters and Science 7 items
1916 |
9/302 | Dean of Women 38 items
1916 |
9/303 | Executive Committee 100 items
1916 |
9/304 | Report of Faculty Time 33 items
1916 |
9/305 | Faculty Suggestions 22 items
1916 |
9/306 | Library 74 items
1916 |
9/307 | Operations 39 items
1916 |
9/308 | Board of Regents: W. Bruce/E. Evans/H. Harland 90 items
1916 |
9/309 | Board of Regents: B. McCoy/H. Rossi 118 items
1916 |
9/310 | Board of Regents: R. Terrell/T. Walters/R. Walker 68 items
1916 |
9/311 | State Department of Education 215 items
1916 |
9/312 | Commissioner of Education 205 items
January - June 1916 |
9/313 | Commissioner of Education 180 items
July - December 1916 |
9/314 | A 86 items
1916 |
9/315 | B 206 items
1916 |
9/316 | C-D 166 items
1916 |
9/317 | E-G 180 items
1916 |
9/318 | Inland Empire Teacher's Association 39 items
1916 |
9/319 | H-J 156 items
1916 |
10/320 | K-L 125 items
1916 |
10/321 | M 175 items
1916 |
10/322 | National Association of State Universities 35 items
1916 |
10/323 | Newspapers 62 items
1916 |
10/324 | Normal Schools/Colleges and universities of Idaho, Washington and Montana 18 items
1916 |
10/325 | N-O 115 items
1916 |
10/326 | Railroads 11 items
1916 |
10/327 | P-R 216 items
1916 |
10/328 | State Teachers Association 153 items
1916 |
10/329 | S 220 items
1916 |
10/330 | Taxation 13 items
1916 |
10/331 | T-Z 230 items
1916 |
10/332 | Bureau of Education, Reports to 31 items
1909-1917 |
B. Ernest H. Lindley |
1917-1920 | |
Box/Folder | ||
10/333 | Commissioner of Education 114 items
1917 |
10/334 | Executive Committee 77 items
1917 |
10/335 | Board of Regents 200 items
January - March 1917 |
10/336 | Board of Regents 120 items
April - August 1917 |
10/337 | Board of Regents 117 items
September - December 1917 |
10/338 | Board of Regents matters 39 items
1917 |
10/339 | Budgets 14 items
1917 |
10/340 | Bursar 181 items
1917 |
10/341 | A-B 136 items
1917 |
10/342 | C-D 138 items
1917 |
10/343 | E-G 146 items
1917 |
11/344 | H-J 108 items
1917 |
11/345 | K-M 163 items
1917 |
11/346 | N-R 172 items
1917 |
11/347 | S 138 items
1917 |
11/348 | T-Z 204 items
1917 |
11/349 | Agriculture, Dean of 125 items
1917-1918 |
11/350 | Agricultural Chemistry and Agricultural Engineering 14 items
1917-1918 |
11/351 | Agricultural Experiment Station 93 items
1917-1918 |
11/352 | Animal Husbandry 25 items
1917-1918 |
11/353 | Bacteriology and Botany 10 items
1917-1918 |
11/354 | Business Administration 12 items
1917-1918 |
11/355 | Chemistry 20 items
1917-1918 |
11/356 | Civil Engineering 11 items
1917-1918 |
11/357 | Dairying 28 items
1917-1918 |
11/358 | Economics 40 items
1917-1918 |
11/359 | Education 28 items
1917-1918 |
11/360 | Electrical Engineering 43 items
1917-1918 |
11/361 | Engineering, Dean of 56 items
1917-1918 |
11/362 | English 43 items
1917-1918 |
11/363 | Entomology 106 items
1917-1918 |
11/364 | Extension: O.D. Center 86 items
January - August 1917 |
11/365 | Extension: L.W. Fluharty 129 items
1917/1918 |
11/366 | Extension: County Agent Leader 67 items
1917-1918 |
11/367 | Extension: County Agricultural Agents 94 items
1917-1918 |
11/368 | Extension Specialists 67 items
1917-1918 |
11/369 | Extension: Demonstration Farms 7 items
1917-1918 |
11/370 | Faculty, Dean of 20 items
1917 |
11/371 | Faculty: General 9 items
1917-1918 |
11/372 | Farm Crops 8 items
1917-1918 |
11/373 | Forestry 34 items
1917-1918 |
11/374 | German/Greek/Latin 10 items
1917-1918 |
11/375 | History 22 items
1917 |
11/376 | Home Economics 54 items
1917-1918 |
11/377 | Law 43 items
1917-1918 |
11/378 | Letters and Science, Dean of 15 items
1917-1918 |
11/379 | Library 29 items
1917-1918 |
11/380 | Mathematics 6 items
1917 |
11/381 | Mechanical Engineering 34 items
1917-1918 |
11/382 | Metallurgy 20 items
1917-1918 |
11/383 | Mines, School of 31 items
1917-1918 |
11/384 | Mines, Federal Bureau of 23 items
1917 |
11/385 | Mining Engineering 16 items
1917 |
11/386 | Military 91 items
1917-1918 |
11/387 | Music 60 items
1917-1918 |
12/388 | Philosophy and Psychology 9 items
1917-1918 |
12/389 | Physical Education 6 items
1917-1918 |
12/390 | Physical Plant 9 items
1917 |
12/391 | Physics 3 items
1917 |
12/392 | Plant Pathology/Plant Physiology 4 items
1917-1918 |
12/393 | Poultry Husbandry 13 items
1917-1918 |
12/394 | Romance Languages 10 items
1917 |
12/395 | Soil Survey 8 items
1917-1918 |
12/396 | Summer School 56 items
1917 |
12/397 | Veterinary Science 10 items
1917-1918 |
12/398 | Vocational Education 4 items
1917 |
12/399 | Women, Dean of 16 items
1917-1918 |
12/400 | Salaries 14 items
1917/1918 |
12/401 | A-C 125 items
1918 |
12/402 | D-J 145 items
1918 |
12/403 | K-O 130 items
1918 |
12/404 | P-S 160 items
1918 |
12/405 | T-Z 83 items
1918 |
12/406 | State Supt. of Public Education: Ethel Redfield 29 items
1918/1919 |
12/407 | Commissioner of Education: E.A. Bryan 106 items
January - May 1918 |
12/408 | Commissioner of Education: E.A. Bryan 127 items
June - September 1918 |
12/409 | Commissioner of Education: E.A. Bryan 132 items
October - December 1918 |
12/410 | Commissioner of Education: E.A. Bryan 102 items
January - March 1919 |
12/411 | Commissioner of Education: E.A. Bryan 142 items
April - June 1919 |
12/412 | Department of Education: Business Manager, A.C. Price 131 items
January - June 1918 |
12/413 | Department of Education: Business Manager, A.C. Price 136 items
July - June 1919 |
12/414 | Regents: Individuals 81 items
1918/1919 |
12/415 | President's Report to the Board of Regents 9 items
1918/1919 |
12/416 | President's Report to the Executive Committee 2 items
1918/1919 |
12/417 | President E.H. Lindley (from his secretary) 65 items
1918/1919 |
12/418 | Dean of the Faculty 12 items
1918/1919 |
12/419 | Agriculture, Dean of 92 items
1918/1919 |
12/420 | Agricultural Chemistry/Agricultural Engineering 19 items
1918/1919 |
12/421 | Animal Husbandry 13 items
1918/1919 |
12/422 | Bacteriology 11 items
1918/1919 |
12/423 | Botany 38 items
1918/1919 |
12/424 | Bursar 220 items
1918/1919 |
12/425 | Campus Day Improvements 2 items
1918/1919 |
12/426 | Chemistry 28 items
1918/1919 |
12/427 | Civil Engineering 4 items
1918/1919 |
12/428 | Commencement Week Exercises 10 items
1918/1919 |
12/429 | Dairying 8 items
1918/1919 |
12/430 | Economics 30 items
1918/1919 |
12/431 | Education 18 items
1918/1919 |
12/432 | Electrical Engineering 23 items
1918/1919 |
12/433 | Engineering College, Dean of 21 items
1918/1919 |
12/434 | English 37 items
1918/1919 |
13/435 | Extension: Appointment Request Blanks 110 items
1918/1919 |
13/436 | Extension: Director, L. W. Fluharty 150 items
1918/1919 |
13/437 | Extension: County Agent Leader, H. W. Hochbaum 20 items
1918/1919 |
13/438 | Extension: State Club Leader, W. T. McCall 14 items
1918/1919 |
13/439 | Farm Crops 5 items
1918/1919 |
13/440 | Forestry: Dean and Department 50 items
1918/1919 |
13/441 | Geology and Geological Survey 9 items
1918/1919 |
13/442 | German/Greek/Latin 10 items
1918/1919 |
13/443 | History 22 items
1918/1919 |
13/444 | Home Economics 47 items
1918/1919 |
13/445 | Horticulture 6 items
1918/1919 |
13/446 | Insect Pests 14 items
1918/1919 |
13/447 | Law: Dean and Department 15 items
1918/1919 |
13/448 | Letters and Science: Dean 12 items
1918/1919 |
13/449 | Library 30 items
1918/1919 |
13/450 | Mathematics 4 items
1918/1919 |
13/451 | Mechanical Engineering 16 items
1918/1919 |
13/452 | Metallurgical Research (U.S. Bureau of Mines Cooperating) 17 items
1918/1919 |
13/453 | Military 150 items
1918/1919 |
13/454 | Mines: Dean and Dept./Federal Bureau of Mines 64 items
1918/1919 |
13/455 | Music 121 items
1918/1919 |
13/456 | Operation 13 items
1918/1919 |
13/457 | Philosophy and Pyschology 13 items
1918/1919 |
13/458 | Physical Education 24 items
1918/1919 |
13/459 | Physics 4 items
1918/1919 |
13/460 | Plant Pathology 14 items
1918/1919 |
13/461 | Poultry 6 items
1918/1919 |
13/462 | Women, Dean of 17 items
1918/1919 |
13/463 | A 79 items
1918/1919 |
13/464 | President G.A. Axline, Albion Normal 4 items
1918/1919 |
13/465 | U.S. Department of Agriculture 12 items
1918/1919 |
13/466 | Governor Moses Alexander 57 items
1918/1919 |
13/467 | American Red Cross 14 items
1918/1919 |
13/468 | Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations 48 items
1918/1919 |
13/469 | B 141 items
1918/1919 |
13/470 | Senator William E. Borah 22 items
1918/1919 |
13/471 | C 136 items
1918/1919 |
13/472 | Clippings 19 items
1918/1919 |
13/473 | American Council on Education 15 items
1918/1919 |
13/474 | D 38 items
1918/1919 |
13/475 | Governor D.W. Davis 17 items
1918/1919 |
13/476 | E 62 items
1918/1919 |
13/477 | U.S. Department of Education 46 items
1918/1919 |
13/478 | Chancellor Edward C. Elliott, Montana (Helena) 9 items
1918/1919 |
13/479 | President O.M. Elliott, Lewiston State Normal 11 items
1918/1919 |
13/480 | F 44 items
1918/1919 |
13/481 | Food Administration: Herbert Hoover 33 items
1918/1919 |
13/482 | President W.T. Foster, Reed College 76 items
1918/1919 |
13/483 | Fraternities and Sororities 12 items
1918/1919 |
13/484 | Hon. Burton French 99 items
1918/1919 |
13/485 | G 48 items
1918/1919 |
13/486 | Dr. F.A. Golder, State College of Washington 22 items
1918/1919 |
13/487 | H 108 items
1918/1919 |
13/488 | President E.O. Holland, Washington State College 14 items
1918/1919 |
13/489 | I 23 items
1918/1919 |
13/490 | J 36 items
1918/1919 |
13/491 | K 60 items
1918/1919 |
13/432 | L 53 items
1918/1919 |
14/493 | Lecture requests 26 items
1918/1919 |
14/494 | Legislators 26 items
1918/1919 |
14/495 | M 173 items
1918/1919 |
14/496 | N 42 items
1918/1919 |
14/497 | National Association of State Universities 11 items
1918/1919 |
14/498 | Senator John F. Nugent 61 items
1918/1919 |
14/499 | Newspapers 47 items
1918/1919 |
14/500 | O-P 65 items
1918/1919 |
14/501 | Presidents of Universities and Normal Schools in the Northwest 46 items
1918/1919 |
14/502 | R 128 items
1918/1919 |
14/503 | Miles F. Reed, Idaho Technical Institute 17 items
1918/1919 |
14/504 | Rhodes Scholarship 9 items
1918/1919 |
14/505 | S 155 items
1918/1919 |
14/506 | Supt. F.W. Simmons, Lewiston 15 items
1918/1919 |
14/507 | President E.O. Sisson, Montana 27 items
1918/1919 |
14/508 | Spokane Chamber of Commerce 33 items
1918/1919 |
14/509 | State Defense Council 43 items
1918/1919 |
14/510 | Student Affairs 32 items
1918/1919 |
14/511 | T-U 63 items
1918/1919 |
14/512 | U.S. Government (All depts. not under separate file) 18 items
1918/1919 |
14/513 | United War Work 57 items
1918/1919 |
14/514 | V-W 71 items
1918/1919 |
14/515 | Federal Board for Vocational Education 46 items
1918/1919 |
14/516 | War Department 115 items
1918/1919 |
14/517 | Y-Z 76 items
1918/1919 |
14/518 | SATC (Student Army Training Corps): General 9 items
1918/1919 |
14/519 | SATC: Business Director 70 items
1918/1919 |
14/520 | SATC: Committee on Education, General 137 items
1918/1919 |
14/521 | SATC: Committee on Education and Special Training 26 items
1918/1919 |
14/522 | SATC: District Headquarters 104 items
1918/1919 |
14/523 | SATC: Extra Academic Activities 10 items
1918/1919 |
14/524 | SATC: National Army Training Detachment and Section B 127 items
1918/1919 |
14/525 | SATC: Subsistence and Quarters 58 items
1918/1919 |
14/526 | SATC: Health 52 items
1918/1919 |
15/527 | A 52 items
1919/1920 |
15/528 | B 109 items
1919/1920 |
15/529 | C 110 items
1919/1920 |
15/530 | D 82 items
1919/1920 |
15/531 | Governor D.W. Davis 12 items
1919/1920 |
15/532 | E-H 130 items
1919/1920 |
15/533 | I-K 111 items
1919/1920 |
15/534 | L-M 139 items
1919/1920 |
15/535 | N-P 131 items
1919/1920 |
15/536 | R 70 items
1919/1920 |
15/537 | S 170 items
1919/1920 |
15/538 | Statistics of Student Registration 12 items
1919/1920 |
15/539 | T-U 75 items
1919/1920 |
15/540 | V-Z 120 items
1919/1920 |
15/541 | Biennial Budget: Summaries and Exhibits 12 items
1919/1920 |
15/542 | Executive Committee actions by correspondence 70 items
1919/1920 |
15/543 | President's Report to the Board of Regents 1 item
1919/1920 |
15/544 | President Lindley 93 items
1919/1920 |
15/545 | Commissioner of Education: Enoch A. Bryan 155 items
1919/1920 |
15/546 | Board of Education: Individuals 61 items
1919/1920 |
15/547 | Educational Extension Division 20 items
1919/1920 |
15/548 | Press Service 15 items
1919/1920 |
15/549 | Payrolls 22 items
October - June 1918/1920 |
C. Alfred H. Upham |
1920-1927 | |
Box/Folder | ||
15/550 | Inauguration of Alfred H. Upham 13 items
March 30 1921 |
15/551 | A-D 73 items
1920/1921 |
15/552 | Governor D.W. Davis 12 items
1920/1921 |
15/553 | E-J 147 items
1920/1921 |
15/554 | Robert O. Jones, Secretary of State 15 items
1920/1921 |
15/555 | K-L 55 items
1920/1921 |
15/556 | President's Office 70 items
1920/1921 |
15/557 | M-P 110 items
1920/1921 |
15/558 | W.L. Payne transaction 38 items
1920/1921 |
15/559 | R-S 108 items
1920/1921 |
15/560 | Salaries 8 items
1920/1921 |
15/561 | T-Z 77 items
1920/1921 |
15/562 | President's reports to the executive committee and board 10 items
1920/1921 |
15/563 | Executive Committee action by circular letter 20 items
1920/1921 |
16/564 | Financial Reports 10 items
1920/1921 |
16/565 | Francis Jenkins, Bursar 55 items
1920/1921 |
16/566 | Commissioner of Education: E.A. Bryan 107 items
January - June 1920 |
16/567 | Commissioner of Education: E.A. Bryan 172 items
July - December 1920 |
16/568 | Commissioner of Education: E.A. Bryan 107 items
January - June 1920 |
16/569 | Dept. of Education: Business Agent, A.C. Price 65 items
1920/1921 |
16/570 | Board of Education/Regents: Individuals 109 items
1920/1921 |
16/571 | A-C 107 items
1921/1922 |
16/572 | Contracts and specifications (Assay Building/Basement of Administration Building/Ridenbaugh Annex) 3 items
1921/1922 |
16/573 | Governor D.W. Davis 14 items
1921/1922 |
16/574 | D-H 157 items
1921/1922 |
16/575 | Idaho Technical Institute 11 items
1921/1922 |
16/576 | I-M 92 items
1921/1922 |
16/577 | P-S 121 items
1921/1922 |
16/578 | Salaries 5 items
1921/1922 |
16/579 | T-Z 115 items
1921/1922 |
16/580 | President and Office 56 items
1921/1922 |
16/581 | Form letters 8 items
1921/1922 |
16/582 | Dean Eldridge 6 items
1921/1922 |
16/583 | Dean French 5 items
1921/1922 |
16/584 | Dean Hulme 4 items
1921/1922 |
16/585 | A.C. Price, Business Agent 94 items
July - February 1921/1922 |
16/586 | A.C. Price, Business Agent 93 items
March - June 1921/1922 |
16/587 | Commissioner of Education: E.A. Bryan 123 items
July - December 1921 |
16/588 | Commissioner of Education: E.A. Bryan 70 items
January - June 1922 |
16/589 | Board of Regents: R.M. Walker/Evan Evans 91 items
1921/1922 |
16/590 | Board of Regents: Stanly A. Easton 115 items
1921/1922 |
16/591 | Board of Regents: Rockwell/Redfield/Taylor/Graveley 44 items
1921/1922 |
16/592 | President's reports to the Regents 2 items
1921/1922 |
16/593 | L.F. Parsons' Correspondence file 94 items
1921/1922 |
16/594 | A-B 135 items
1922/1923 |
16/595 | C-E 98 items
1922/1923 |
16/596 | Governor D.W. Davis 8 items
1922/1923 |
16/597 | U.S. Dept. of Education 4 items
1922/1923 |
16/598 | Educational buildings 24 items
1922/1923 |
16/599 | H-J 65 items
1922/1923 |
16/600 | Idaho Technical Institute 17 items
1922/1923 |
16/601 | Robert O. Jones 23 items
1922/1923 |
17/602 | K-L 100 items
1922/1923 |
17/603 | Gov. C.C. Moore 37 items
1922/1923 |
17/604 | P-R 86 items
1922/1923 |
17/605 | S 94 items
1922/1923 |
17/606 | Salaries 3 items
1922/1923 |
17/607 | Scholarships 16 items
1922/1923 |
17/608 | Statistics of Student Registration 22 items
1922/1923 |
17/609 | T-Z 113 items
1922/1923 |
17/610 | Water furnished to City by University 6 items
1922/1923 |
17/611 | Edwin A. Wilson Company (audit) 66 items
1922/1923 |
17/612 | President's reports to the Board of Regents 6 items
1922/1923 |
17/613 | President's Office 30 items
1922/1923 |
17/614 | L.F. Parsons, Administration 12 items
1922/1923 |
17/615 | Frank Stanton, Bursar 67 items
1922/1923 |
17/616 | Francis Jenkins, Proctor 2 items
1922/1923 |
17/617 | A.C. Price, Business Agent 187 items
1922/1923 |
17/618 | Commissioner of Education: E.A. Bryan 100 items
July - December 1922 |
17/619 | Commissioner of Education: E.A. Bryan 153 items
January - June 1923 |
17/620 | Board of Regents: Stanly A. Easton 72 items
1922/1923 |
17/621 | Board of Regents: Huntington Taylor 38 items
1922/1923 |
17/622 | Board of Regents: Graveley/Rockwell/Redfield 35 items
1922/1923 |
17/623 | Extension: Director, L. W. Fluharty 61 items
1922/1923 |
17/624 | A-B 139 items
1923/1924 |
17/625 | C-D 134 items
1923/1924 |
17/626 | Paul Davis, Memorial Building Committee 45 items
1923/1924 |
17/627 | E-F 112 items
1923/1924 |
17/628 | Endowment Funds 19 items
1923/1924 |
17/629 | G-L 183 items
1923/1924 |
17/630 | Land Grant Colleges, Annual Report 4 items
1923/1924 |
17/631 | M-O 139 items
1923/1924 |
17/632 | P-S 155 items
1923/1924 |
17/633 | Salaries 8 items
1923/1924 |
17/634 | State Officials other than the governor 134 items
1923/1924 |
17/635 | T-Z 138 items
1923/1924 |
17/636 | Vocational Education: Mr. Kerr, Vice-Director 13 items
1923/1924 |
17/637 | Edward A. Wilson Company, CPA's 18 items
1923/1924 |
17/638 | Applications for traveling permits 16 items
1923/1924 |
18/639 | Departmental: A-Z 268 items
1923/1924 |
18/640 | President's Reports to Regents 5 items
1923/1924 |
18/641 | Administration: President's Office 24 items
1923/1924 |
18/642 | Administration: Executive Secretary (L.F. Parsons) 13 items
1923/1924 |
18/643 | Administration: Bursar (Frank Stanton) 105 items
1923/1924 |
18/644 | Administration: Director of Publicity (Edward F. Mason) 17 items
1923/1924 |
18/645 | Administration: Proctor (Francis Jenkins) 10 items
1923/1924 |
18/646 | Administration: Registrar (Ella Olesen) 3 items
1923/1924 |
18/647 | Administration: Deans (Ivan Crawford) 25 items
1923/1924 |
18/648 | Administration: Deans (E. J. Iddings) 137 items
1923/1924 |
18/649 | Administration: Deans (Davis/French/Messenger/Miller/Thomson) 23 items
1923/1924 |
18/650 | Board of Education: General Office 55 items
1923/1924 |
18/651 | Board of Education: I. E. Rockwell, President 93 items
1923/1924 |
18/652 | Board of Education: Stanly A. Easton 114 items
1923/1924 |
18/653 | Board of Education: Huntington Taylor 67 items
1923/1924 |
18/654 | Board of Education: Lippincott/Graveley/Russmun 24 items
1923/1924 |
18/655 | Extension: W. Kjosness 80 items
1923/1924 |
18/656 | Extension: Personnel 18 items
1923/1924 |
18/657 | Extension: A-Z 85 items
1923/1924 |
18/658 | A-B 200 items
1924/1925 |
18/659 | C 175 items
1924/1925 |
18/660 | Commencement 30 items
1924/1925 |
18/661 | D-F 128 items
1924/1925 |
18/662 | Enrollment 8 items
1924/1925 |
18/663 | G-H 136 items
1924/1925 |
18/664 | I-K 115 items
1924/1925 |
18/665 | L-M 172 items
1924/1925 |
18/666 | Land Grant Colleges 11 items
1924/1925 |
18/667 | Memorial Committee 82 items
1924/1925 |
18/668 | Governor C.C. Moore 54 items
1924/1925 |
18/669 | N-P 196 items
1924/1925 |
18/670 | Q-S 168 items
1924/1925 |
18/671 | Salaries 4 items
1924/1925 |
18/672 | State Officials other than Governor 102 items
1924/1925 |
19/673 | T-V 117 items
1924/1925 |
19/674 | W-Z 95 items
1924/1925 |
19/675 | President's Reports to Board of Education 5 items
1924/1925 |
19/676 | Administration: President's Office (L.F. Parsons) 11 items
1924/1925 |
19/677 | Administration: Bursar (Frank Stanton) 86 items
1924/1925 |
19/678 | Administration: Publications (E.F. Mason) 25 items
1924/1925 |
19/679 | Administration: Francis Jenkins, Proctor and Ella Olesen, Registrar 19 items
1924/1925 |
19/680 | Administration: Deans (Crawford/Eldridge/French/Miller/Thomson) 23 items
1924/1925 |
19/681 | Administration: Deans (Iddings) 132 items
1924/1925 |
19/682 | Board of Education: General Office 8 items
1924/1925 |
19/683 | Board of Education: Ethel Redfield 100 items
1924/1925 |
19/684 | Board of Education: Stanly Easton 80 items
1924/1925 |
19/685 | Board of Education: Huntington Taylor 35 items
1924/1925 |
19/686 | Board of Ed.: St.Clair/Rockwell/Lippincott/Graveley/Russum 39 items
1924/1925 |
19/687 | Extension: W. B. Kjosness 43 items
1924/1925 |
19/688 | Extension Division: A-Z 77 items
1924/1925 |
19/689 | Departments (Publications by faculty) 39 items
1924/1925 |
19/690 | Departments: Agriculture/Architecture/Botany/Chemistry/Civil Engineering 69 items
1924/1925 |
19/691 | Departments: Dairy Husbandry/Economics/English/Forestry/Foundry and Machine Shop 50 items
1924/1925 |
19/692 | Departments: Graduate Instruction/History/Home Economics/ Infirmary/Law/Library 39 items
1924/1925 |
19/693 | Departments: Mathematics/Mechanical Engineering/Military/Mines and Metallurgy/Modern Languages/Music 81 items
1924/1925 |
19/694 | Departments: Operations/Philosophy/Physical Education/Physics/Poultry Husbandry/Psychology/Veterans Bureau/Zoology and Entomology 38 items
1924/1925 |
19/695 | Miscellaneous: Fees and deposits/Foreign students 6 items
1924/1925 |
19/696 | Miscellaneous: Form letters 11 items
1924/1925 |
19/697 | A 122 items
1925/1926 |
19/698 | Aberdeen Substation/Albion Normal, ASUI 29 items
1925/1926 |
19/699 | B 108 items
1925/1926 |
19/700 | C 102 items
1925/1926 |
19/701 | Commencement 23 items
1925/1926 |
19/702 | D-F 130 items
1925/1926 |
19/703 | Davidson Bids/Discipline Committee 34 items
1925/1926 |
19/704 | Elm Street/Enrollment 31 items
1925/1926 |
19/705 | Faculty Directory/Form letters 18 items
1925/1926 |
19/706 | G-H 130 items
1925/1926 |
19/707 | Health Committee 7 items
1925/1926 |
19/708 | I-K 151 items
1925/1926 |
19/709 | Idaho State Chamber of Commerce 56 items
1925/1926 |
19/710 | Idaho Teacher/Idaho Technical Institute/Inland Empire Teachers Association 29 items
1925/1926 |
19/711 | Kuhn mortgage - Jerome Station 24 items
1925/1926 |
19/712 | L-M 161 items
1925/1926 |
19/713 | Land Grant Colleges Report 2 items
1925/1926 |
19/714 | Memorial Committee/University of Montana/ Gov. C.C. Moore 79 items
1925/1926 |
20/715 | N-P 113 items
1925/1926 |
20/716 | Non-resident tuition 4 items
1925/1926 |
20/717 | Official notices/Oregon Agricultural College/University of Oregon 31 items
1925/1926 |
20/718 | Phi Beta Kappa 21 items
1925/1926 |
20/719 | R-S 162 items
1925/1926 |
20/720 | Rhodes Scholalrships 30 items
1925/1926 |
20/721 | Salaries 6 items
1925/1926 |
20/722 | State Insurance/State Officials 106 items
1925/1926 |
20/723 | T-V 100 items
1925/1926 |
20/724 | W-Z 98 items
1925/1926 |
20/725 | Washington State College/University of Washington 25 items
1925/1926 |
20/726 | Legislative Matters 17 items
1925/1926 |
20/727 | President's reports to the Board of Education 4 items
1925/1926 |
20/728 | Administration: President's Office/Bursar 102 items
1925/1926 |
20/729 | Administration: Publicity/Proctor/Registrar/Graduate Manager 46 items
1925/1926 |
20/730 | Administration: Deans (Angell/Crawford/Dale/Davis/Eldridge/French) 44 items
1925/1926 |
20/731 | Administration: Deans (Iddings) 125 items
1925/1926 |
20/732 | Administration: Deans (Messenger/Miller/Thomson/Wodsedalek) 40 items
1925/1926 |
20/733 | Board of Education: Ethel Redfield 211 items
1925/1926 |
20/734 | Board of Education: Stanly A. Easton 68 items
1925/1926 |
20/735 | Board of Education: Huntington Taylor 75 items
1925/1926 |
20/736 | Board of Education: St. Clair/Graveley/Russum/Lippincott 46 items
1925/1926 |
20/737 | Extension Division 29 items
1925/1926 |
20/738 | Departments: Agriculture/Architecture/Bacteriology/Botany/Chemistry/Civil Engineering 52 items
1925/1926 |
20/739 | Departments: Dairy Husbandry/Economics/Education/English/Forestry/Geology 74 items
1925/1926 |
20/740 | Departments: History/Home Economics/Law/Library/Mathematics/Mechanical Engineering 34 items
1925/1926 |
20/741 | Departments: Military/Mines/Modern Languages/Music/Operations 64 items
1925/1926 |
20/742 | Departments: Physical Education/Physics/Veterans Bureau/Zoology/Entomology 89 items
1925/1926 |
20/743 | Sandpoint Experiment Station 7 items
1925/1926 |
20/744 | A 142 items
1926/1927 |
20/745 | Albion Normal/ASUI/USDA 41 items
1926/1927 |
20/746 | B 88 items
1926/1927 |
20/747 | Gov. H. C. Baldridge 27 items
1926/1927 |
20/748 | C-D 140 items
1926/1927 |
20/749 | Discipline Committee 20 items
1926/1927 |
20/750 | E-G 194 items
1926/1927 |
20/751 | Dept. of Education/Form letters 23 items
1926/1927 |
21/752 | H-I 117 items
1926/1927 |
21/753 | History Trophy Rules 25 items
1926/1927 |
21/754 | State Chamber of Commerce/Department of Insurance 72 items
1926/1927 |
21/755 | Idaho Technical Institute 133 items
1926/1927 |
21/756 | J-L 105 items
1926/1927 |
21/757 | Land Grant College Association/Lewiston Normal 14 items
1926/1927 |
21/758 | M 96 items
1926/1927 |
21/759 | Memorial Committee/Gov. Moore/University of Montana 40 items
1926/1927 |
21/760 | N 118 items
1926/1927 |
21/761 | O-R 170 items
1926/1927 |
21/762 | Oregon Agricultural College/University of Oregon 28 items
1926/1927 |
21/763 | Phi Beta Kappa/PA system/Purchasing Department 51 items
1926/1927 |
21/764 | Rhodes Scholarship 52 items
1926/1927 |
21/765 | S 100 items
1926/1927 |
21/766 | State officials/Student Affairs 70 items
1926/1927 |
21/767 | T 102 items
1926/1927 |
21/768 | U-Z 118 items
1926/1927 |
21/769 | Vocational Education/Veterans' Bureau 19 items
1926/1927 |
21/770 | Washington State College/University of Washington 38 items
1926/1927 |
21/771 | President's reports to the Board of Education 7 items
1926/1927 |
21/772 | Administration: President's Office 13 items
1926/1927 |
21/773 | Administration: Bursar 97 items
1926/1927 |
21/774 | Administration: University Editor 31 items
1926/1927 |
21/775 | Administration: Registrar 14 items
1926/1927 |
21/776 | Administration: Graduate Manager/Infirmary Nurse 15 items
1926/1927 |
21/777 | Administration: Deans (Angell/Crawford/Dale/Davis/Eldridge/French) 39 items
1926/1927 |
21/778 | Administration: Deans (E.J. Iddings) 114 items
1926/1927 |
21/779 | Administration: Deans (Messenger/Miller/Thomson/Wodsedalek) 50 items
1926/1927 |
21/780 | Board of Education: Ethel Redfield 205 items
1926/1927 |
21/781 | Board of Education: Huntington Taylor 48 items
1926/1927 |
21/782 | Board of Education: Stanly A. Easton 65 items
1926/1927 |
21/783 | Board of Education: Lippincott/Graveley/St. Clair/Russum 55 items
1926/1927 |
21/784 | Departments: Agricultural Extension Division and Experiment Station 72 items
1926/1927 |
21/785 | Departments: Agriculture/Architecture/Bacteriology/Botany 94 items
1926/1927 |
22/786 | Departments: Chemistry/Civil Engineering/Classical Languages/Dairy Husbandry 43 items
1926/1927 |
22/787 | Departments: Economics/Education/English/Forestry 42 items
1926/1927 |
22/788 | Departments: Home Economics/Horticulture/Law/Library/ Mathematics/Mechanical Engineering 39 items
1926/1927 |
22/789 | Departments: Military/Mines and Metallurgy/Modern Languages/Non-resident Instruction 54 items
1926/1927 |
22/790 | Departments: Operation/Philosophy/Physical Education/Zoology and Entomology 59 items
1927/1927 |
D. Frederick J. Kelly |
1927-1930 | |
Box/Folder | ||
22/791 | A 93 items
1927/1928 |
22/792 | Albion Normal/ASUI 12 items
1927/1928 |
22/793 | B 95 items
1927/1928 |
22/794 | Gov. H. C. Baldridge 15 items
1927/1928 |
22/795 | C 115 items
1927/1928 |
22/796 | Commencement 26 items
1927/1928 |
22/797 | D-G 128 items
1927/1928 |
22/798 | Discipline Committee/USDE/Faculty Directory/Form letters 28 items
1927/1928 |
22/799 | H-I 111 items
1927/1928 |
22/800 | Chamber of Commerce/Department of Insurance 82 items
1927/1928 |
22/801 | J-L 138 items
1927/1928 |
22/802 | Land Grant College Association/Lewiston Normal 13 items
1927/1928 |
22/803 | M-O 136 items
1927/1928 |
22/804 | University of Minnesota/Memorial Committee/University of Montana/Non-resident Instruction/University of Oregon/Oregon Agricultural College 49 items
1927/1928 |
22/805 | P-R 99 items
1927/1928 |
22/806 | Phi Beta Kappa/Public Events/Purchasing Department 20 items
1927/1928 |
22/807 | S-T 133 items
1927/1928 |
22/808 | State officials other than Governor 97 items
1927/1928 |
22/809 | U-Z 117 items
1927/1928 |
22/810 | Washington State College/University of Washington 16 items
1927/1928 |
22/811 | Administration: President's Office 49 items
1927/1928 |
22/812 | Administration: Bursar 84 items
1927/1928 |
22/813 | Administration: University Editor/Infirmary/Proctor/Registrar 63 items
1927/1928 |
22/814 | Administration: Deans (Crawford/Dale/Harris/Eldridge/ French/Hungerford/Graduate Manager) 98 items
1927/1928 |
22/815 | Administration: Deans (E.J. Iddings) 90 items
1927/1928 |
22/816 | Administration: Deans (Messenger/Miller/Thomson/Wodsedalek) 62 items
1927/1928 |
22/817 | Board of Education, President's report to 4 items
1927/1928 |
22/818 | Board of Education: W.D. Vincent 144 items
1927/1928 |
22/819 | Board of Education: W.D. Vincent 134 items
1927/1928 |
23/820 | Board of Education: Graveley/St. Clair 53 items
1927/1928 |
23/821 | Board of Education: Huntington Taylor 104 items
1927/1928 |
23/822 | Board of Education: Easton/Wilson 119 items
1927/1928 |
23/823 | Extension Division 62 items
1927/1928 |
23/824 | Southern Branch: General/Dean Angell/Bursar 172 items
1927/1928 |
23/825 | Southern Branch: Executive Committee Minutes 1 item
l927/1938 |
23/826 | Budgets: Administration/Letters and Science/Non Agricultural Academic 50 items
1927/1928 |
23/827 | Budgets: College of Agriculture/Experiment Station/Extension 30 items
1927/1928 |
23/828 | Departments: Agriculture/Architecture/Botany/Business 64 items
1927/1928 |
23/829 | Departments: Chemistry/Civil Engineering/Classical Languages/Dairy Husbandry/Education/English 65 items
1927/1928 |
23/830 | Departments: Forestry/Geology/History/Home Economics/Law/Library 67 items
1927/1928 |
23/831 | Departments: Mathematics/Military/Mines/Modern Languages/ Music/Non-resident Instruction 51 items
1927/1928 |
23/832 | Departments: Operation/Physical Education/Physics/Poultry Husbandry/Psychology/Zoology 42 items
1927/1928 |
23/833 | Inauguration of F. J. Kelly 3 items
1928 |
23/834 | Comptroller Files: Correspondence, A-B 80 items
1928/1929 |
23/835 | Comptroller Files: Correspondence, C-G 129 items
1928/1929 |
23/836 | Comptroller Files: Correspondence, H-M 106 items
1928/1929 |
23/837 | Comptroller Files: Correspondence, N-R 110 items
1928/1929 |
23/838 | Comptroller Files: Correspondence, S 120 items
1928/1929 |
23/839 | Comptroller Files: Correspondence, T-Z 32 items
1928/1929 |
23/840 | Comptroller Files: Administration (Bursar/Dean of Women/Graduate Manager/Infirmary/Operation) 71 items
1928/1929 |
23/841 | Comptroller Files: Administration (President's Office) 110 items
1928/1929 |
23/842 | Comptroller Files: Administration (Proctor/Publicity Office/Registrar) 18 items
1928/1929 |
23/843 | Comptroller Files: Administration (Deans) 100 items
1928/1929 |
23/844 | Comptroller Files: Board of Education 83 items
1928/1929 |
23/845 | Comptroller Files: Southern Branch 63 items
1928/1929 |
23/846 | A-C 121 items
1928/1929 |
23/847 | Alumni Associations/ASUI 12 items
1928/1929 |
23/848 | Gov. Baldridge/Budgets 37 items
1928/1929 |
23/849 | Borah Foundation and Lectureship 91 items
1928/1929 |
23/850 | Commencement/Committees/Contracts 60 items
1928/1929 |
24/851 | D-F 70 items
1928/1929 |
24/852 | Discipline Committee/Educational objectives/Form letters/Fraternities 124 items
1928/1929 |
24/853 | G-I 106 items
1928/1929 |
24/854 | Health and Housing Committee/History Trophy/Inauguration of Kelly 24 items
1928/1929 |
24/855 | J-M 96 items
1928/1929 |
24/856 | Land Grant College Association/Legislative Program/Library/Memorial Committee/University of Minnesota 109 items
1928/1929 |
24/857 | N-R 78 items
1928/1929 |
24/858 | Prospective Students/Reorganization/Rhodes Scholarship 57 items
1928/1929 |
24/859 | S-V 73 items
1928/1929 |
24/860 | Salary/State officials/Statistics/Utah Agricultural College/University of Utah 94 items
1928/1929 |
24/861 | W-Z 77 items
1928/1929 |
24/862 | Washington State College/University of Washington 34 items
1928/1929 |
24/863 | Administration: President's Office 40 items
1928/1929 |
24/864 | Administration: Bursar and Comptroller 89 items
1928/1929 |
24/865 | Administration: Editor/Infirmary/Proctor/Registrar 89 items
1928/1929 |
24/866 | Administration: Deans (Crawford/Davis/Eldridge/French/Horton) 60 items
1928/1929 |
24/867 | Administration: Deans (Iddings) 138 items
1928/1929 |
24/868 | Administration: Deans (Messenger/Miller/Wodsedalek) 38 items
1928/1929 |
24/869 | Board of Education: W.D. Vincent 231 items
1928/1929 |
24/870 | Board of Education: St. Clair/Easton/Wilson 133 items
1928/1929 |
24/871 | Board of Education: Taylor/Graveley/Allen 82 items
1928/1929 |
24/872 | Departments: Budgets 26 items
1928/1929 |
24/873 | Departments: Southern Branch (Dean Angell) 130 items
1928/1929 |
24/874 | Departments: Southern Branch (General and Budgets) 29 items
1928/1929 |
24/875 | Departments: Agriculture/Architecture/Art 93 items
1928/1929 |
24/876 | Departments: Bacteriology/Botany/Business Administration/Chemistry/Civil Engineering 76 items
1928/1929 |
24/877 | Departments: Education/English/Extension/Forestry/Geology 82 items
1928/1929 |
24/878 | Departments: History/Home Economics/Law/Library 115 items
1928/1929 |
24/879 | Departments: Military, Mines and Metallurgy 162 items
l928/1929 |
24/880 | Departments: Modern Language/Music/Operation/Philosophy/Physical Education 106 items
1928/1929 |
24/881 | Departments: Physics/Placement Service/Psychology/Zoology 85 items
1928/1929 |
24/882 | A-D 89 items
1929/1930 |
24/883 | Alumni Associations/American Association of University Women/ASUI 58 items
1929/1930 |
24/884 | Biennial reports/Building needs 64 items
1929/1930 |
24/885 | Budgets 31 items
1929/1930 |
24/886 | Commencement/Committees/Discipline Committee 93 items
1929/1930 |
24/887 | E-I 69 items
1929/1930 |
24/888 | U.S. Department of Education/Faculty Directory/Forest Nursery/Form letters 58 items
1929/1930 |
24/889 | Gov. Baldridge/High schools/History Trophy/State Chamber of Commerce 63 items
1929/1930 |
24/890 | J-N 100 items
1929/1930 |
24/891 | Land Grant College Association/Legislature, Federal and State/Lewiston Normal/University of Michigan 49 items
1929/1930 |
24/892 | Non-resident Tuition 41 items
1929/1930 |
24/893 | O-Z 134 items
1929/1930 |
24/894 | Official notices/Oregon State College/University of Oregon/Organizations 44 items
1929/1930 |
24/895 | Pacific Ocean School for Social Study/Prospective Students 54 items
1929/1930 |
24/896 | Radio Broadcasting Station/Recommendations/Rhodes Scholarship 146 items
1929/1930 |
24/897 | Salary Roll/State officials 72 items
1929/1930 |
24/898 | Utah Agricultural College/University of Utah/Vocational Education/Washington State College/University of Washington 62 items
1929/1930 |
24/899 | Administration: Offices (Bursar/Comptroller) 100 items
1929/1930 |
24/900 | Administration: Offices (Graduate Manager/Infirmary/President's Office/Proctor/Publicity) 122 items
1929/1930 |
24/901 | Administration: Offices (Registrar/Stenographic Bureau/ Student Personnel/Supt. of Buildings/Summer School) 115 items
1929/1930 |
24/902 | Administration: Deans (Angell/Crawford/Davis/Eldridge/ Fahrenwald/Farmer/French) 121 items
1929/1930 |
24/903 | Administration: Deans (Iddings) 166 items
1929/1930 |
24/904 | Administration: Deans (Masterson/Messenger/Miller) 91 items
1929/1930 |
24/905 | Board of Education: General 42 items
1929/1930 |
24/906 | Board of Education: Individuals 98 items
1929/1930 |
24/907 | Commissioner of Education: W.D. Vincent 305 items
1929/1930 |
26/908 | Southern Branch: Executive Dean (John R. Dyer) 153 items
1929/1930 |
26/909 | Southern Branch: General/Bursar/Faculty 105 items
1929/1930 |
26/910 | Departments: Agriculture/Extension 126 items
1929/1930 |
26/911 | Departments: Art and Architecture/Bacteriology/Botany/Business 81 items
1929/1930 |
26/912 | Departments: Chemistry/Classical Language/Education/Engineering/English 82 items
1929/1930 |
26/913 | Departments: Forestry/Geology/History/Home Economics/Journalism applications 110 items
1929/1930 |
26/914 | Departments: Law/Library/Mathematics/Military/Mines) 139 items
1929/1930 |
26/915 | Departments: Modern Languages/Music/Non-resident Instruction/ Operation 113 items
1929/1930 |
26/916 | Departments: Philosophy/Physical Education (Men and Women)/Physics/Psychology 111 items
1929/1930 |
26/917 | Departments: Student Health Service/Supt. of Buildings and Grounds/Zoology 148 items
1929/1930 |
E. Mervin G. Neale and Interim |
1930/1937 | |
Box/Folder | ||
26/918 | A-C 46 items
1930/1931 |
26/919 | Alumni Associations/ASUI/Borah Foundation/Commencement/Committees 75 items
1930/1931 |
26/920 | D-I 31 items
1930/1931 |
26/921 | Discipline Committee/Faculty Directory/Form letters/Fees/ Governor/Idaho Education Association/Chamber of Commerce 86 items
1930/1931 |
26/922 | J-N 71 items
1930/1931 |
26/923 | Land/Land Grant College Association/Non-resident Tuition 228 items
1930/1931 |
26/924 | O-R 89 items
1930/1931 |
26/925 | Radio Station/Rhodes Scholarship 8 items
1930/1931 |
26/926 | S-Z 82 items
1930/1931 |
26/927 | State officials/Union Pacific/U.S.Department of Education/ Washington State College/University of Washington 40 items
1930/1931 |
26/928 | Administration: Offices (Bursar) 205 items
1930/1931 |
26/929 | Administration: Offices (Graduate Manager/Infirmary/Library/Non-resident Instruction) 31 items
1930/1931 |
26/930 | Administration: Offices (President's Office/Proctor/Publicity) 67 items
1930/1931 |
26/931 | Administration: Offices (Registrar/Summer School/Supt. of Buildings and Grounds) 130 items
1930/1931 |
26/932 | Administration: Deans (Axtell/Crawford/Eldridge) 83 items
1930/1931 |
26/933 | Administration: Deans (Farmer/Finch/French) 119 items
1930/1931 |
26/934 | Administration: Deans (Iddings) 220 items
1930/1931 |
26/935 | Administration: Deans (Masterson/Messenger/Miller) 102 items
1930/1931 |
26/936 | Board of Regents: General 37 items
1930/1931 |
26/937 | Board of Regents: Davis/Easton/Geddes/Graveley/St.Clair/Walters/Wilson 106 items
1930/1931 |
26/938 | Board of Education: Commissioner (W. D.Vincent) 240 items
1930/1931 |
27/939 | Southern Branch: General (Executive Dean/Bursar) 68 items
1930/1931 |
27/940 | Departments: Agriculture/Art and Architecture/Botany/Business Administration/Chemistry 69 items
1930/1931 |
27/941 | Departments: Education/Engineering/English/Forestry/Geology 44 items
1930/1931 |
27/942 | Departments: History/Home Economics/Law/Mathematics/Military/Mines and Metallurgy/Music 87 items
1930/1931 |
27/943 | Departments: Philosophy/Political Science/Psychology/Physical Education (Men and Women)/Physics/Zoology 53 items
1930/1931 |
27/944 | A-B 88 items
1931/1932 |
27/945 | ASUI/Alumni/Borah Foundation 114 items
1931/1932 |
27/946 | C-F 69 items
1931/1932 |
27/947 | Commencement/Committees/Discipline Committee/Faculty/Form letters 91 items
1931/1932 |
27/948 | G-L 81 items
1931/1932 |
27/949 | Governor/Idaho State Song/Land Grant College Association 26 items
1931/1932 |
27/950 | M-R 72 items
1931/1932 |
27/951 | Paul Mort/National Association of State Universities/National Education Association 30 items
1931/1932 |
27/952 | Non-resident Tuition 200 items
1931/1932 |
27/953 | Radio Broadcasting Station/Religious Education/RhodesScholarship 43 items
1931/1932 |
27/954 | S-Z 56 items
1931/1932 |
27/955 | State officials/Student Loan Fund/Uniform English Test/U.S. Department of Education/Geology/Washington Bi-Centennial, Washington State College 100 items
1931/1932 |
27/956 | Administration: Buildings and Grounds/Bursar/Graduate Manager/Infirmary 120 items
1931/1932 |
27/957 | Administration: Library/Non-resident Instruction/President's Office/Proctor/Publicity/Purchasing/Registrar/Summer School 131 items
1931/1932 |
27/958 | Administration: Correspondence with students 223 items
1931/1932 |
27/959 | Administration: Deans (Crawford/Farmer/Finch/French/Hungerford) 143 items
1931/1932 |
27/960 | Administration: Deans (Iddings) 154 items
1931/1932 |
27/961 | Administration : Deans (Kerr/Kostalek/Masterson/Messenger/ Miller) 167 items
1931/1932 |
27/962 | Administration: Biennial reports of Deans to President 15 items
1931/1932 |
28/963 | Department of Education: Commissioner (W.D.Vincent) 113 items
1931/1932 |
28/964 | Department of Education: Insurance Clerk (Beryl Turner) 22 items
1931/1932 |
28/965 | Department of Education: Regents (General) 10 items
1931/1932 |
28/966 | Department of Education: Regents (Davis/Geddes/Graveley/St. Clair/Walters/Wilson) 87 items
1931/1932 |
28/967 | Southern Branch: General (Faculty/Dean/Bursar) 116 items
1931/1932 |
28/968 | Departments: Agriculture/Bacteriology/Business Administration/Classical Languages/Education/Engineering/ English 49 items
1931/1932 |
28/969 | Departments: Forestry/History/Home Economics/Law/ Mathematics/Military/Mines/Modern Languages/Music 59 items
1931/1932 |
28/970 | Departments: Philosophy/Physical Education (Men and Women)/Physics/Psychology 48 items
1931/1932 |
28/971 | Dairy Barn Fire 35 items
April 21 1932 |
28/972 | Personal Car Authorizations 34 items
1931/1932 |
28/973 | Heating Agreements/Alpha Theta Omega and Kappa Kappa Gamma 13 items
1931/1932 |
28/974 | Budget Material 30 items
1931/1932 |
28/975 | Salary Data 13 items
1931/1932 |
28/976 | A-C 79 items
1932/1933 |
28/977 | 40th Anniversary 100 items
October 12 1932 |
28/978 | Alumni/ASUI/Budgets in other universities/Commencement/Committees 113 items
1932/1933 |
28/979 | D-L 84 items
1932/1933 |
28/980 | Discipline Committee/Faculty/Federal Appropiations/Federal Farm Relief/Form letters 112 items
1932/1933 |
28/981 | Governor Ross/Idaho Education Association/Information requests/Land Grant College Association/University miscellany/Legislature 100 items
1932/1933 |
28/982 | M-S 88 items
1932/1933 |
28/983 | Memorial Gym roof/National Association of State Universities/National Education Association/ Non-resident Tuition 47 items
1932/1933 |
28/984 | Oversmith/Printing Costs/Religious Education/Rhodes Scholarship 51 items
1932/193 |
28/985 | Salary data/Comparative salary statistics/Unit costs of education 36 items
1932/1933 |
28/986 | State officials/Student employment/Student Loan Fund/Correspondence with students 127 items
1932/1933 |
29/987 | T-Z 17 items
1932/1933 |
29/988 | Tuition (Out of State) 118 items
1932/1933 |
29/989 | U.S. Department of Agriculture/United States Society/Unreserved Public Lands/Washington State College 100 items
1932/1933 |
29/990 | Administration: Offices (Buildings and Grounds/Bursar) 142 items
1932/1933 |
29/991 | Administration: Offices (Graduate Manager/Infirmary/Library/Non-resident Instruction) 74 items
1932/1933 |
29/992 | Administration: Offices (Proctor/President's Office/ Publications/Purchasing/Registrar/Summer Session) 97 items
1932/1933 |
29/993 | Administration: Deans (Crawford/Farmer/Finch/French/Hungerford) 70 items
1932/1933 |
29/994 | Administration: Deans (Iddings) 104 items
1932/1933 |
29/995 | Administration: Deans (Kerr/Kostalek/Masterson/Messenger/Miller) 128 items
1932/1933 |
29/996 | Board of Regents: General 31 items
1932/1933 |
29/997 | Board of Regents: Condie/Davis/Day/Geddes/Graveley/St. Clair/Walters/Wilson 94 items
1932/1933 |
29/998 | Board of Regents: Commissioner of Education (W.D. Vincent) 71 items
1932/1933 |
29/999 | Departments: Southern Branch 61 items
1932/1933 |
29/1000 | Departments: Agriculture/Art and Architecture 59 items
1932/1933 |
29/1001 | Departments: Bacteriology/Botany/Chemistry/Classical Languages/Education/English 37 items
1932/1933 |
29/1002 | Departments: Forestry/Home Economics/Law/Mathematics/Military 87 items
1932/1933 |
29/1003 | Departments: Mines/Music/Physical Education (Men and Women)/Psychology 46 items
1932/1933 |
29/1004 | A-C 53 items
1933/1934 |
29/1005 | Academic Council/Alumni/ASUI/Borah Foundation/Certification/Commencement 123 items
1933/1934 |
29/1006 | Committees/Cooperative Housing 91 items
1933/1934 |
29/1007 | D-I 47 items
1933/1934 |
29/1008 | Discipline Committee/Form letters/Fraternities and Sororities/Governor/Homecoming/Idaho Education Association 85 items
1933/1934 |
29/1009 | Information, Requests for/Inspection of private colleges 111 items
1933/1934 |
29/1010 | J-Q 73 items
1933/1934 |
29/1011 | Land Grant College Association/Land Grant College Appropriations/Moscow Rotary Club 129 items
1933/1934 |
29/1012 | James Monroe, Accountant/National Association of State Universities/National Education Association/Non-resident Tuition 130 items
1933/1934 |
29/1013 | R-Z 80 items
1933/1934 |
29/1014 | Rhodes Scholars/State officials/U.S. Department of Education/State College of Washington 156 items
1933/1934 |
30/1015 | Administration: Offices (Buildings and Grounds/Bursar/Graduate Manager) 122 items
1933/1934 |
30/1016 | Administration: Offices (Infirmary/Library/Non-resident Instruction/President's Office) 81 items
1933/1934 |
30/1017 | Administration: Offices: (Proctor/Publications/Purchasing/Registrar) 50 items
1933/1934 |
30/1018 | Administration: Summer School 18 items
1933/1934 |
30/1019 | Administration: Academic Council 17 items
1933/1934 |
30/1020 | Administration: Budgets 20 items
1933/1934 |
30/1021 | Administration: Deans (Crawford/Farmer/Finch/French/Hubert/Hungerford) 116 items
1933/1934 |
30/1022 | Administration: Deans (Iddings) 145 items
1933/1934 |
30/1023 | Administration: Deans (Johnson/Kerr/Kostalek) 75 items
1933/1934 |
30/1024 | Administration: Deans (Masterson/Messenger/Miller) 102 items
1933/1934 |
30/1025 | Board of Regents: General (Recommendations, etc.) 30 items
1933/1934 |
30/1026 | Board of Regents: Condie/Day/Graveley/Jenny/St.Clair/Steel/Wilson 132 items
1933/1934 |
30/1027 | Southern Branch: Acting Executive Dean E. J. Baldwin 107 items
1933/1934 |
30/1028 | Southern Branch: Dean J. R. Nichols 81 items
1933/1934 |
30/1029 | Southern Branch: Bursar/Faculty/General 50 items
1933/1934 |
30/1030 | Southern Branch: Deanship Applications, A-J 155 items
1933/1934 |
30/1031 | Southern Branch: Deanship Applications, K-Z 171 items
1933/1934 |
30/1032 | Departments: Agriculture/Art and Architecture/Business Administration/Chemistry/Classical Languages 41 items
1933/1934 |
30/1033 | Departments: Education/Engineering/English/Forestry/History/Home Economics/Law 35 items
1933/1934 |
30/1034 | Departments: Mathematics/Military/Mines/Modern Languages 86 items
1933/1934 |
30/1035 | Departments: Music/Physical Education (Men and Women)/Physics/Zoology 35 items
1933/1934 |
30/1036 | Miscellaneous: Faculty 3 items
1933/1934 |
30/1037 | Miscellaneous: Federal Civil Works Administration 78 items
1933/1934 |
30/1038 | Miscellaneous: Federal Emergency Relief Administration 45 items
1933/1934 |
30/1039 | Miscellaneous: Federal Public Works Administration/Federal Wheat Administration Program 20 items
1933/1934 |
30/1040 | Miscellaneous: First Trust and Savings Bank 38 items
1933/1934 |
30/1041 | Miscellaneous: Forest Reserve Area (University of Idaho Forest) 88 items
1933/1934 |
30/1042 | Miscellaneous: Old Steps Memorial (Burton French Award) 26 items
1933/1934 |
30/1043 | A-F 26 items
1934/1935 |
30/1044 | Academic Council/Alumni/ASUI/Commencement 76 items
1934/1935 |
30/1045 | Committees/Co-op Housing/Discipline Committee/Faculty 94 items
1934/1935 |
31/1046 | Federal Emergency Relief Administration 100 items
1934/1935 |
31/1047 | Forestry Dean applications 106 items
1934/1935 |
31/1048 | Form letters/Fraternities and Sororities 20 items
1934/1935 |
31/1049 | G-M 36 items
1934/1935 |
31/1050 | Governor Ross/Information re: University of Idaho 85 items
1934/1935 |
31/1051 | Inspection of private colleges 61 items
1934/1935 |
31/1052 | Land Grant College Association/Legislature 64 items
1934/1935 |
31/1053 | N-Z 49 items
1934/1935 |
31/1054 | National Association of State Universities/National Education Association 28 items
1934/1935 |
31/1055 | Non-resident Tuition 173 items
1934/1935 |
31/1056 | Regional planning/Rhodes Scholarship/Soil Erosion Service/State officials 88 items
1934/1935 |
31/1057 | Correspondence re: Students 170 items
1934/1935 |
31/1058 | U.S. Department of Education 6 items
1934/1935 |
31/1059 | Administration: Offices (Bursar) 113 items
1934/1935 |
31/1060 | Administration: Offices (Buildings and Grounds/Graduate Manager/Infirmary/Library) 84 items
1934/1935 |
31/1061 | Administration: Offices (Non-resident and Placement/President's Office/Proctor/Publications/Registrar) 114 items
1934/1935 |
31/1062 | Administration: Offices (Summer School) 25 items
1934/1935 |
31/1063 | Administration: Deans (Crawford/Farmer) 54 items
1934/1935 |
31/1064 | Administration: Deans (Fahrenwald/Finch) 59 items
1934/1935 |
31/1065 | Administration: Deans (French/Howard/Hungerford/Kerr) 53 items
1934/1935 |
31/1066 | Administration: Deans (Iddings) 181 items
1934/1935 |
31/1067 | Administration: Deans (Kostalek) 150 items
1934/1935 |
31/1068 | Administration: Deans (Masterson/McArdle/Messenger) 66 items
1934/1935 |
31/1069 | Board of Regents: General 43 items
1934/1935 |
31/1070 | Board of Regents: Condie/Day/Jenny/St. Clair/Steel/Wilson 50 items
1934/1935 |
31/1071 | Southern Branch: General and Dean Nichols 88 items
1934/1935 |
31/1072 | Departments: Agriculture/Art and Architecture/Bacteriology/Botany/Business Administration 55 items
1934/1935 |
31/1073 | Departments: Chemistry/Education/Engineering/English/Forestry 53 items
1934/1935 |
31/1074 | Departments: History/Home Economics/Law/Mathematics 71 items
1934/1935 |
31/1075 | Departments: Military/Mines/Modern Languages/Music 108 items
1934/1935 |
32/1076 | Departments: Physical Education (Men)/Coaching position Theodore Bank 205 items
1934/1935 |
32/1077 | Departments: Physical Education (Women)/Physics/Political Science 21 items
1934/1935 |
32/1078 | Miscellaneous: Forest Reserve Area/Insurance Inventories/Development of Campus and Grounds 74 items
1934/1935 |
32/1079 | Miscellaneous: Budget Requests 27 items
1934/1935 |
32/1080 | Inland Empire Education Association 126 items
1934/1935 |
32/1081 | Inland Empire Education Association 176 items
1934/1935 |
32/1082 | Inland Empire Education Association 172 items
1934/1935 |
32/1083 | A-D 39 items
1935/1936 |
32/1084 | Academic Council/Adult Education/Alumni/Applications/ASUI 120 items
1935/1936 |
32/1085 | Boise Junior College Accreditation Report 41 items
1935/1936 |
32/1086 | Commencement 134 items
1935/1936 |
32/1087 | Committees/Co-op Housing/Discipline Committee 78 items
1935/1936 |
32/1088 | E-K 29 items
1935/1936 |
32/1089 | Faculty/Vardis Fisher (Writers' Project)/Form letters/Fraternities and Sororities 69 items
1935/1936 |
32/1090 | Health and Housing Committee/Homecoming Day 124 items
1935/1936 |
32/1091 | Idaho Memorial Building Association 83 items
1935/1936 |
32/1092 | Idaho-Nevada Football Game/Information re: University of Idaho 105 items
1935/1936 |
32/1093 | Inspection of private colleges/Coeur d'Alene Junior College/Ricks 30 items
1935/1936 |
32/1094 | L-N 76 items
1935/1936 |
32/1095 | Land Grant College Association/National Association of State Universities/National Education Association 90 items
1935/1936 |
32/1096 | National Youth Administration 122 items
1935/1936 |
32/1097 | National Youth Administration 134 items
1935/1936 |
32/1098 | Non-resident Tuition 144 items
1935/1936 |
32/1099 | O-R 33 items
1935/1936 |
32/1100 | Public Events/Rhodes Scholarships 50 items
1935/1936 |
33/1101 | S-Z 138 items
1935/1936 |
33/1102 | Sabbatical Leaves/State Planning Board 25 items
1935/1936 |
33/1103 | Correspondence re: Students, A-I 133 items
1935/1936 |
33/1104 | Correspondence re: Students, J-Z 188 items
1935/1936 |
33/1105 | U.S. Department of Education/Washington State College/Will Rogers Memorial Commission 63 items
1935/1936 |
33/1106 | Administration: Biennial Reports of Deans 51 items
1935/1936 |
33/1107 | Administration: Offices (Buildings and Grounds/Bursar) 218 items
1935/1936 |
33/1108 | Administration: Offices (Graduate Manager/Infirmary/Library) 87 items
1935/1936 |
33/1109 | Administration: Offices (Non-resident Instruction/President's Office/Proctor/Publications) 148 items
1935/1936 |
33/1110 | Administration: Offices (Purchasing/Registrar/Summer School) 84 items
1935/1936 |
33/1111 | Administration: Deans (Crawford/Fahrenwald/Farmer) 93 items
1935/1936 |
33/1112 | Administration: Deans (French/Howard/Hungerford) 90 items
1935/1936 |
33/1113 | Administration: Deans (Iddings) January - July 143 items
1936 |
33/1114 | Administration: Deans (Iddings) July - December 164 items
1935 |
33/1115 | Administration: Deans (Jeffers/Kerr) 120 items
1935/1936 |
33/1116 | Administration: Deans (Kostalek) 254 items
1935/1936 |
33/1117 | Administration: Deans (Messenger/McArdle) 44 items
1935/1936 |
33/1118 | Board of Regents: President's Report to 1 item
1935/1936 |
33/1119 | Board of Regents: Recommendations to, January - July 8 items
1936 |
33/1120 | Board of Regents: Recommendations to 16 items
July - December 1935 |
33/1121 | Board of Regents: Supt. of Public Instruction, J.W. Condie 72 items
1935/1936 |
33/1122 | Board of Regents: Day/Jenny/St. Clair/Steel/Wilson 86 items
1935/1936 |
33/1123 | State Officials 21 items
1935/1936 |
34/1124 | Southern Branch: General 63 items
1935/1936 |
34/1125 | Southern Branch: J.R. Nichols 165 items
1935/1936 |
34/1126 | Departments: Agriculture/Art and Architecture 92 items
1935/1936 |
34/1127 | Departments: Business Administration/Chemistry/ Education/Engineering/English 61 items
1935/1936 |
34/1128 | Departments: Forestry (General and Deanship) 77 items
1935/1936 |
34/1129 | Departments: History/Home Economics/Law/Mathematics 30 items
1935/1936 |
34/1130 | Departments: Military 156 items
1935/1936 |
34/1131 | Departments: Mines/Modern Languages/Music (General and Head) 147 items
1935/1936 |
34/1132 | Departments: Philosophy/Physical Education (Men and Women)/Physics/Political Science/Psychology/Zoology 79 items
1935/1936 |
34/1133 | Miscellaneous: Regional Planning/Washington Water Power Power contracts/Williams Collection 87 items
1935/1936 |
34/1134 | A-C 52 items
1936/1937 |
34/1135 | Academic Council/Alumni/ASUI 41 items
1936/1937 |
34/1136 | Boise Junior College/Borah Foundation/Governor B. Clark/Coeur d'Alene Junior College 88 items
1936/1937 |
34/1137 | Commencement 112 items
1936/1937 |
34/1138 | Committees/Cooperative Housing 60 items
1936/1937 |
34/1139 | D-H 38 items
1936/1937 |
34/1140 | Discipline Committee/Excuses from Commencement 140 items
1936/1937 |
34/1141 | Faculty/Form letters/Fraternities and Sororities/Gooding College 52 items
1936/1937 |
34/1142 | Health Committee/Homecoming/Housing Committee 107 items
1936/1937 |
34/1143 | I-N 66 items
1936/1937 |
34/1144 | Idaho Education Association/Information re: University of Idaho 88 items
1936/1937 |
34/1145 | Land Grant College Association 74 items
1936/1937 |
34/1146 | Legislature/Lewiston State Normal School 44 items
1936/1937 |
34/1147 | National Association of State Universities/National Education Association 17 items
1936/1937 |
34/1148 | National Youth Administration 120 items
1936/1937 |
34/1149 | Non-resident Tuition 146 items
1936/1937 |
35/1150 | O-R 48 items
1936/1937 |
35/1151 | Public events/Retirement Plan/Rhodes Scholarship 32 items
1936/1937 |
35/1152 | S-Z 65 items
1936/1937 |
35/1153 | Sewer line/State officials/State Planning Board- Education/Committee/Statistics 39 items
1936/1937 |
35/1154 | Correspondence with students 289 items
1936/1937 |
35/1155 | U.S. Department of Education/University of Washington/Washington State College 23 items
1936/1937 |
35/1156 | Administration: Offices (Buildings and Grounds/Bursar) 91 items
1936/1937 |
35/1157 | Administration: Offices (Infirmary/Graduate Manager/Library/Non-resident and Placement Bureau) 68 items
1936/1937 |
35/1158 | Administration: Offices (President/Proctor/Publications/Purchasing) 109 items
1936/1937 |
35/1159 | Administration: Offices (Registrar/Summer School) 37 items
1936/1937 |
35/1160 | Administration: Deans (Crawford/Fahrenwald/Farmer/French/ Howard/Hungerford) 73 items
1936/1937 |
35/1161 | Administration: Deans (Iddings) 198 items
1936/1937 |
35/1162 | Administration: Deans (Jeffers/Kerr) 75 items
1936/1937 |
35/1163 | Administration: Deans (Kostalek) 175 items
1936/1937 |
35/1164 | Administration: Deans (Messenger/E. Miller) 100 items
1936/1937 |
35/1165 | Board of Regents: Recommendations 6 items
January - July 1937 |
35/1166 | Board of Regents: Recommendations 145 items
July - December 1936 |
35/1167 | Board of Regents: J.W. Condie, Supt. of Public Instruction 96 items
1936/1937 |
35/1168 | Board of Regents: Day/Jenny/St. Clair/Steel/Swim/Wilson 27 items
1936/1937 |
35/1169 | Southern Branch: Dean Nichols/General 118 items
1936/1937 |
35/1170 | Departments: Agriculture/Art and Architecture/Botany/ Education/Engineering/English 57 items
1936/1937 |
35/1171 | Departments.: Forestry/History/Home Economics/Law/Military/Modern Languages/Music 125 items
1936/1937 |
35/1172 | Departments.: Philosophy/Physical Education (Men and Women)/Political Science/Psychology/Sociology/Zoology 57 items
1936/1937 |
35/1173 | Miscellaneous: Budget Requests/Biennial Report Correspondence/Inventory 30 items
1936/1937 |
F. Harrison C. Dale |
1937-1946 | |
Box/Folder | ||
35/1174 | A-C 100 items
1937/1938 |
35/1175 | Academic Council/Adult Education/Adult Education/ Albion Normal/Alumni/American Institute of Cooperation/Applications 94 items
1937/1938 |
36/1176 | Argonaut/ASUI 118 items
1937/1938 |
36/1177 | Boise Junior College/Borah Foundation 126 items
1937/1938 |
36/1178 | Commencement: General and Excuses 253 items
1937/1938 |
36/1179 | Governor B. Clark/Committees/Co-op Housing 103 items
1937/1938 |
36/1180 | D-H 52 items
1937/1938 |
36/1181 | Discipline Committee/Faculty/Faculty Meeting/Form letters/Fraternities and Sororities 65 items
1937/1938 |
36/1182 | Health and Housing/Homecoming/Housemother 103 items
1937/1938 |
36/1183 | I-M 43 items
1937/1938 |
36/1184 | Idaho Education Association/Information re: University of Idaho/Junior Week 66 items
1937/1938 |
36/1185 | Land Grant College Association/Lewiston Normal/LDS Institute 38 items
1937/1938 |
36/1186 | N-R 51 items
1937/1938 |
36/1187 | National Youth Administration/Requests for help/General 180 items
1937/1938 |
36/1188 | National Youth Administration/Regulations/Special Projects 36 items
1937/1938 |
36/1189 | National Association of State Universities/Non-resident Tuition/Office space, Requests for 146 items
1937/1938 |
36/1190 | Prospective Students/Publication Statements/Public Events/Regional Planning/Rhodes Scholarship 61 items
1937/1938 |
36/1191 | S-Z 60 items
1937/1938 |
36/1192 | Social Work, Proposed Curriculum 150 items
1937/1938 |
36/1193 | Speaking engagements 287 items
1937/1938 |
36/1194 | State officials/Student employment/Student-Faculty Council/Student strike 32 items
1937/1938 |
36/1195 | Students, Correspondence re: 102 items
1937/1938 |
36/1196 | U.S. Department of Education/Washington State College/University of Washington/ Women's Disciplinary Board 63 items
1937/1938 |
36/1197 | Administration: Offices (Buildings and Grounds/Bursar) 135 items
1937/1938 |
36/1198 | Administration: Offices (Graduate Manager/Infirmary/Library/Non-resident Instruction/Personnel) 152 items
1937/1938 |
36/1199 | Administration: Offices (President Kerr and Dale) 117 items
1937/1938 |
36/1200 | Administration: Offices (President - Out of state travel) 139 items
1937/1938 |
37/1201 | Administration: Offices (Proctor/Dean of Men/Purchasing Agent) 141 items
1937/1938 |
37/1202 | Administration: Offices (Registrar/Student Union and Bookstore/Summer Session) 55 items
1937/1938 |
37/1203 | Administration: Deans (Buchanan/Crawford/Eldridge/ Fahrenwald/Farmer/Howard/Hungerford) 79 items
1937/1938 |
37/1204 | Administration: Deans (Iddings) 153 items
1937/1938 |
37/1205 | Administration: Deans (Jeffers/Johnson/Kerr/Kostalek) 140 items
1937/1938 |
37/1206 | Administration: Deans (Messenger/E. Miller/Olson) 116 items
1937/1938 |
37/1207 | Administration: University Editor 26 items
1937/1938 |
37/1208 | Board of Regents: Recommendations 12 items
1937/1938 |
37/1209 | Board of Regents: J.W. Condie, Supt. of Public Instruction 114 items
1937/1938 |
37/1210 | Board of Regents: Day/Jenny/St. Clair/Steel/Swim 141 items
1937/1938 |
37/1211 | Southern Branch 166 items
1937/1938 |
37/1212 | Departments: Agriculture/Art and Architecture/Business Administration/Chemistry/Education 59 items
1937/1938 |
37/1213 | Departments: Engineering (General and Deanship) 172 items
1937/1938 |
37/1214 | Departments: English/Forestry/History/Home Ecnomics 123 items
1937/1938 |
37/1215 | Departments: Infirmary 87 items
1937/1938 |
37/1216 | Departments: Law/Mathematics/Military/Mines/Modern Language/Music 56 items
1937/1938 |
37/1217 | Departments: Philosophy/Physical Education (Men and Women)/Physics/Psychology 68 items
1937/1938 |
37/1218 | Academic Council/Accrediting/Alumni 102 items
1938/1939 |
37/1219 | ASUI 48 items
1938/1939 |
37/1220 | Boise Junior College/Borah Foundation 80 items
1938/1939 |
37/1221 | C/Campus steps 47 items
1938/1939 |
37/1222 | Commencement (General and Excuses from) 164 items
1938/1939 |
37/1223 | Committees/Cooperative Housing 43 items
1938/1939 |
38/1224 | D/Discipline Committee/E 60 items
1938/1939 |
38/1225 | F/Faculty applications/Faculty Directory 101 items
1938/1939 |
38/1226 | Football invitations/Form letters/Fraternities and Sororities/Freshman Week 85 items
1938/1939 |
38/1227 | G/Governor/H/Homecoming Day 71 items
1938/1939 |
38/1228 | I/Idaho Education Association/Information re: University of Idaho/J/K 83 items
1938/1939 |
38/1229 | L/Land Grant College Association/LDS Institute/Legislature 61 items
1938/1939 |
38/1230 | M/N/National Association of State Universities/National Youth Administration/Northwest Regional Council/O 95 items
1938/1939 |
38/1231 | P/Prospective students/Public Works Administration/Public events/Q 91 items
1938/1939 |
38/1232 | R/Rhodes Scholarship/Sabbaticals/Social Work Curriculum/State officials/Survey/Student correspondence 122 items
1938/1939 |
38/1233 | Student Cooperatives (Reports/Correspondence/etc) 67 items
1938/1939 |
38/1234 | Student Cooperatives (Financial Statements) 113 items
1933-1940 |
38/1235 | Tuition/University Cooperative Association/U.S. Department of Education/Utah State Agricultural College 43 items
1938/1939 |
38/1236 | Washington State College/University of Washington/University of Wyoming 98 items
1938/1939 |
38/1237 | Administration: Offices (Buildings and Grounds/Bursar/Dean of Men/Director of Dorms/Hosts) 202 items
1938/1939 |
38/1238 | Administration: Offices (Graduate Manager/Infirmary/Library/Non-resident Instruction) 84 items
1938/1939 |
38/1239 | Administration: Offices (President, General - Travel Reports) 187 items
1938/1939 |
38/1240 | Administration: Offices (Publications/Purchasing Agent/Registrar/Student Union Bookstore/Summer Session) 87 items
1938/1939 |
38/1241 | Administration: Deans (Buchanan/Eldgridge/Fahrenwald) 97 items
1938/1939 |
38/1242 | Administration: Deans (Farmer/Howard/Hungerford) 56 items
1938/1939 |
38/1243 | Administration: Deans (Iddings) 198 items
1938/1939 |
38/1244 | Administration: Deans (Jeffers) 100 items
1938/1939 |
38/1245 | Administration: Deans (Kerr/Messenger/Olson/Dean of Women) 154 items
1938/1939 |
39/1246 | Board of Education: Recommendations to 11 items
1938/1939 |
39/1247 | Board of Education: J.W. Condie, Supt. of Education 134 items
1938/1939 |
39/1248 | Board of Regents: Day/Geddes/Jenny/McNaughton 103 items
1938/1939 |
39/1249 | Board of Regents: St. Clair/Steel/Swim 130 items
1938/1939 |
39/1250 | Southern Branch: General 41 items
1938/1939 |
39/1251 | Southern Branch: Dean Nichols 142 items
1938/1939 |
39/1252 | Southern Branch: Four-year University 83 items
1938/1939 |
39/1253 | Departments: Agriculture/Art and Architecture/Business Administration 78 items
1938/1939 |
39/1254 | Departments: Chemistry/Education/Engineering/English/Forestry 48 items
1938/1939 |
39/1255 | Departments: History/Home Economics/Languages/Mathematics 57 items
1938/1939 |
39/1256 | Departments: Military/Mines/Music/Philosophy/Psychology 88 items
1938/1939 |
39/1257 | Departments: Physical Education (Men) 33 items
1938/1939 |
39/1258 | Departments: Physical Education (Women)/Physics/Psychology 12 items
1938/1939 |
39/1259 | Miscellaneous: Engineering Accreditation/Home Economics Cottage/National Farm and Home Hour 59 items
1938/1939 |
39/1260 | Miscellaneous: 50th anniversary 211 items
1939 |
39/1261 | Academic Council/Accrediting/Addresses/All University Day/Normal School 52 items
1939/1940 |
39/1262 | Alumni/ASUI 118 items
1939/1940 |
39/1263 | B/Boise Junior College/Borah Foundation 105 items
1939/1940 |
39/1264 | C/Commencement/Commencement Excuses/Committees/Co-ops 191 items
1939/1940 |
39/1265 | D/Discipline Committee/E 67 items
1939/1940 |
39/1266 | F/Faculty applications/Faculty-General/Federal Power Commission/Fraternities/Form letters/Four-year University/Freshman Week 100 items
1939/1940 |
39/1267 | G/Governor Bottolfsen/H/Homecoming Game 83 items
1939/1940 |
39/1268 | I/Idaho Education Association/Idaho-Montana Game/Idaho- Utah State Game/Idaho-Utah Game/Information re: University of Idaho 144 items
1939/1940 |
39/1269 | J/K/L/Land Grant College Association/Latin America/LDS Institute/Lewiston State Normal School 104 items
1939/1940 |
40/1270 | M/Memorial Steps/N/National Association State Univerities/North Idaho Junior College/Northwest Regional Council/National Youth Administration 135 items
1939/1940 |
40/1271 | O/Oakley Herald/P/Parking Committee/Pilot Training/Police School/Prospective Students/Public Events 142 items
1939/1940 |
40/1272 | R/S/Sabbatical/Sears Scholarships/State officials/Student applications/Student correspondence/Student-Faculty Council 114 items
1939/1940 |
40/1273 | T/U/U of Arizona/U.S. Department of Education/Utah State Agricultural College/V/W/Washington State College/University of Washington/University of Wyoming/X/Y/Z 147 items
1939/1940 |
40/1274 | Administration: Offices (Buildings and Grounds/Bursar) 133 items
1939/1940 |
40/1275 | Administration: Offices (Dormitories/Graduate Manager/Infirmary/Library) 115 items
1939/1940 |
40/1276 | Administration: Offices (Non-resident Instruction/President's Office/Publications/Purchasing Agent/Registrar/Student Union/Summer Session) 155 items
1939/1940 |
40/1277 | Administration: Deans (Buchanan/Eldridge/Fahrenwald/ Farmer/Howard/Hungerford) 115 items
1939/1940 |
40/1278 | Administration: Deans (Iddings) 292 items
1939/1940 |
40/1279 | Administration: Deans (Jeffers/Kerr/Messenger/Olson/Wunderlich) 226 items
1939/1940 |
40/1280 | Board of Regents: Recommendations to 12 items
1939/1940 |
40/1281 | Board of Regents: J.W. Condie, Supt. of Public Instruction 145 items
1939/1940 |
40/1282 | Board of Regents: Andersen/Geddes/McNaughton/Steel/Swim 250 items
1939/1940 |
40/1283 | Southern Branch: Dean Nichols/General 178 items
1939/1940 |
40/1284 | Departments: Agriculture/Art and Architecture/Botany/Business Administration/Chemistry 89 items
1939/1940 |
40/1285 | Departments: Education/Engineering/English/Forestry 57 items
1939/1940 |
40/1286 | Departments: History/Home Economics/Languages/Law/Military/Mines 96 items
1939/1940 |
40/1287 | Departments: Music/Physical Education (Men and Women)/ Philosophy/Physics/Psychology/Secretary Studies/Zoology 117 items
1939/1940 |
40/1288 | Miscellaneous: Phosphate Problems 200 items
1939/1940 |
40/1289 | Miscellaneous: Garbage 8 items
1939/1940 |
41/1290 | A/Academic Council/Accrediting/Administrative Reports/All University Day 22 items
1940/1941 |
41/1291 | Alumni/Alumni Secretary 145 items
1940/1941 |
41/1292 | American Forum of Democracy/ASUI/Awards Assembly 48 items
1940/1941 |
41/1293 | B/Biennial Report/Boise Junior College 52 items
1940/1941 |
41/1294 | Bookstore/Borah Foundation 157 items
1940/1941 |
41/1295 | Budget/Closing out Budget Balances 45 items
1940/1941 |
41/1296 | C/Commencement/Commencement invitations/Commencement excuses 210 items
1940/1941 |
41/1297 | Committees/Congressional Delegation/Discipline Committee 15 items
1940/1941 |
41/1298 | F/Faculty/Faculty applications/Form letters/Fraternities and Sororities/Freshman Week 130 items
1940/1941 |
41/1299 | Governor/Homecoming Day 41 items
1940/1941 |
41/1300 | I/Idaho Credit Union/Idaho Games (Gonzaga/Utah State/Nevada/Utah) 112 items
1940/1941 |
41/1301 | Idaho Education Association/Idaho Institute of Christian Education/Idaho Representatives at Inaugurations/State Planning Board Information 107 items
1940/1941 |
41/1302 | J/K/L/Land Grant College Association/Legislature/Lewiston Normal School/M 89 items
1940/1941 |
41/1303 | National Association of State Universities/National Defense/North Idaho Chamber of Commerce/Northwest Regional Council/National Youth Administration 104 items
1940/1941 |
41/1304 | P/Parking Committee/Phosphate Problem/Pilot Training/Plant Committee/Progressive Education/Prospective Students/Public events 159 items
1940/1941 |
41/1305 | Registration/Reserve Officers/S/Sabbatical Leaves/Sears- Roebuck Scholarship/State officials/ State employees 117 items
1940/1941 |
41/1306 | Dr. Steiner/Stenographic applications/Student applications and correspondence/Student-Faculty Council/Summer School 159 items
1940/1941 |
41/1307 | T/U/Utah State/U.S. Department of Education/W/Washington State College/University of Washington/University of Wyoming 90 items
1940/1941 |
41/1308 | Administration: Offices (Buildings and Grounds/Bursar/Director of Dormitories/Dormitory Hosts) 130 items
1940/1941 |
41/1309 | Administration: Offices (Graduate Manager/Infirmary/Library/Non-resident Instruction) 52 items
1940/1941 |
41/1310 | Administration: Offices (President/Publications/Purchasing Agent) 123 items
1940/1941 |
41/1311 | Administration: Offices (Registrar/Bookstore/Summer Session) 66 items
1940/1941 |
41/1312 | Administration: Deans (Buchanan/Eldridge/Fahrenwald/ Farmer/Howard/Hungerford) 120 items
1940/1941 |
41/1313 | Administration: Deans (Iddings) 230 items
1940/1941 |
42/1314 | Administration: Deans (Jeffers/Kerr/Messenger/Olson/Wunderlich) 137 items
1940/1941 |
42/1315 | Board of Regents: Recommendations to 20 items
1940/1941 |
42/1316 | Board of Regents: Superintendent of Public Education 185 items
1940/1941 |
42/1317 | Board of Regents: Anderson/Geddes/Jenny/McNaughton/Steel/Swim 234 items
1940/1941 |
42/1318 | Southern Branch: Dean Nichols 217 items
1940/1941 |
42/1319 | Southern Branch: General 46 items
1940/1941 |
42/1320 | Departments: Agriculture/Art and Architecture/Botany/Business Administration 70 items
1940/1941 |
42/1321 | Departments: Chemistry/Education/Engineering/English/Forestry 76 items
1940/1941 |
42/1322 | Departments: History/Home Economics/Journalism/Languages Law 32 items
1940/1941 |
42/1323 | Departments: Military/Mines/Music/Philosophy/Physical Education (Women) 112 items
1940/1941 |
42/1324 | Departments: Physical Education (Men)/Athletic Situation/Coaches 213 items
1940/1941 |
42/1325 | Departments: Physics/Political Science/Psychology/Zoology 13 items
1940/1941 |
42/1326 | Miscellaneous: Aberdeen Lease 16 items
1940/1941 |
42/1327 | Miscellaneous: Alcohol Experimentation 84 items
1938-1941 |
42/1328 | Miscellaneous: Borah Memorial 96 items
1940/1941 |
42/1329 | Miscellaneous: Building Program/Campus Approach 72 items
1940/1941 |
42/1330 | Miscellaneous: Certification/Sallie Hume Douglas 35 items
1940/1941 |
42/1331 | Miscellaneous: Gamma Phi Beta House/Sewer/Student Activities/Bond financing/Summer Camp 29 items
1940/1941 |
42/1332 | Miscellaneous: Townsend Plan/University Farm Report/War 31 items
1940/1941 |
42/1333 | Aberdeen Station/Acacdemic Council/Accelerated Program/Address by President Dale/Air Corps Billeting/Albion State Normal School/Alcohol Experimentation/All University Day/Alumni 130 items
1941/1942 |
42/1334 | Armory Building, New 106 items
1941/1942 |
42/1335 | ASUI/Award Assembly 67 items
1941/1942 |
42/1336 | Borah Foundation/Catalog material/Civilian Lecture Service/College of Idaho 119 items
1941/1942 |
42/1337 | Commencement: General/Acceptances/Invitations/Excuses 180 items
1941/1942 |
42/1338 | Committee on Perpetuating Democracy/Committees/Congressional Delegation/Defense Savings Stamps/Discipline Committee/Events--opening week of school 54 items
1941/1942 |
42/1339 | Faculty applications/Faculty-General/Faculty Wives/Form letters/Fraternities and Sororities/Governor 102 items
1941/1942 |
42/1340 | Health and Housing/High Altitude Branch Station/Homecoming Game 75 items
1941/1942 |
43/1341 | Idaho Education Association/Idaho Farm Income 81 items
1941/1942 |
43/1342 | Idaho Football Games (Willamette/Montana/Montana State) 126 items
1941/1942 |
43/1343 | Idaho State Guard/Idaho Taxpayers League/Information 33 items
1941/1942 |
43/1344 | Japanese Evacuation 90 items
1941/1942 |
43/1345 | Junior College/Land Grant College Association/Land Purchases/Lewiston State Normal School) 52 items
1941/1942 |
43/1346 | National Association of State Universities/National Defense/National Youth Administration) 107 items
1941/1942 |
43/1347 | Out of State Tuition/Phi Beta Kappa Report 41 items
1941/1942 |
43/1348 | Phosphate Problem/Pilot Training/Plant Committee/Progressive Education/Prospective Students/Public Events 79 items
1941/1942 |
43/1349 | Registration statistics/Reserve Officers/Sabbatical Leaves/Scholarship (Men's living groups)/School of Forestry Summer Camp 60 items
1941/1942 |
43/1350 | Selective Service System/Service Flag/State Officials/Student applications 91 items
1941/1942 |
43/1351 | Student Correspondence/Student Union 114 items
1941/1942 |
43/1352 | Summer Conference on Higher Education/Summer Session 143 items
1941/1942 |
43/1353 | Taylor Avenue Improvements/Teacher Placement and Training 60 items
1941/1942 |
43/1354 | USO/University of Arizona/University of Montana/University of Washington/University of Wyoming/U.S. Department of Education/Utah State Agricultural College 47 items
1941/1942 |
43/1355 | War Policies/Washington State College 66 items
1941/1942 |
43/1356 | Building Program: Dairy Science 190 items
1941/1942 |
43/1357 | Building Program: Engineering Building 111 items
1941/1942 |
43/1358 | Administration: Alumni Secretary/Buildings and Grounds/Bursar 162 items
1941/1942 |
43/1359 | Administration: Director of Dormitories/Graduate Manager/ Infirmary/Library/Non-resident Instruction 90 items
1941/1942 |
43/1360 | Administration: President's Office/Out of State Travel 229 items
1941/1942 |
43/1361 | Administration: Publications/Purchasing Agent/Registrar/Student Union Bookstore 125 items
1941/1942 |
43/1362 | Administration: Deans (Buchanan/Eldridge/Fahrenwald) 96 items
1941/1942 |
43/1363 | Administration: Deans (Farmer/Howard/Hungerford) 63 items
1941/1942 |
43/1364 | Administration: Deans (Iddings) 258 items
1941/1942 |
43/1365 | Administration: Deans (Jeffers/Kerr/Messenger) 102 items
1941/1942 |
43/1366 | Administration: Deans (M.B. Olson/W.A. Olson/Wunderlich) 94 items
1941/1942 |
44/1367 | Board of Regents: Recommendations 28 items
1941/1942 |
44/1368 | Board of Regents: Office of State Superintendent/Andersen/Jenny/McNaughton 185 items
1941/1942 |
44/1369 | Board of Regents: C.E. Roberts 200 items
1941/1942 |
44/1370 | Board of Regents: Steel/Wilson/State School Inspector 88 items
1941/1942 |
44/1371 | Board of Regents: Miscellaneous Matters 11 items
1941/1942 |
44/1372 | Southern Branch: Dean Nichols 81 items
1941/1942 |
44/1373 | Southern Branch: General 62 items
1941/1942 |
44/1374 | Departments: Agriculture/Art and Architecture 98 items
1941/1942 |
44/1375 | Departments.: Botany/Business Administration/Chemistry/County Agent Newsletter/Education 49 items
1941/1942 |
44/1376 | Departments: Engineering/Engineering Defense Training 44 items
1941/1942 |
44/1377 | Departments.: English/Forestry/History/Home Economics/ Journalism/Languages/Law 52 items
1941/1942 |
44/1378 | Departments: Mathematics/Military/Mines/Music/Philosophy 88 items
1941/1942 |
44/1379 | Departments.: Physical Education (Men and Women)/Physics/ Psychology/Secretarial Studies/Zoology 67 items
1941/1942 |
44/1380 | A/Address by Dale/Admissions (Special)/Albion State Normal/Alcohol Experimentation/Alumni Association/Alumni Secretary/American Council on Education/ASUI/Awards 144 items
1942/1943 |
44/1381 | Borah Foundation/C/Christmas Vacation Transportation/Civilian Pilot Training 107 items
1942/1943 |
44/1382 | Classes of l0 students or less/Commencement/Committees/Discipline Committee 101 items
1942/1943 |
44/1383 | E/Electro-metallurgical laboratory/Enlisted Reserve Corps/Events--opening week of school 125 items
1942/1943 |
44/1384 | Facilities for War Use/Faculty applications/Faculty - General/Form letters/Fraternities and Sororities 76 items
1942/1943 |
44/1385 | G/Games/Girard Honorary Degree/Governor 148 items
1942/1943 |
44/1386 | Idaho Education Association/Idaho Institute of Christian Education/Idaho State Guard/Info re: University of Idaho/Insurance 96 items
1942/1943 |
44/1387 | Labor Situation/Land Grant College Association/Lewiston State Normal School/Jerry Miller case 90 items
1942/1943 |
44/1388 | National Defense/National Youth Administration/Out of State Tuition 118 items
1942/1943 |
44/1389 | Plant Committee/Presto Recorder/Prospective Students/Public Events 89 items
1942/1943 |
44/1390 | Registration Fees and Statistics/Speaking engagements/State Officials/Student Applications and Correspondence/T/Thanksgiving holiday classes 96 items
1942/1943 |
44/1391 | U.S.O./University of Montana/University of Wyoming/University surveys/Utah State Agricultural College/U.S. Department of Education 72 items
1942/1943 |
44/1392 | War Emergency Admissions Policy/War Policies/War records Committee/Washington State College 22 items
1942/1943 |
45/1393 | Administration: Offices (Buildings and Grounds/Bursar) 189 items
1942/1943 |
45/1394 | Administration: Offices (Dormitories/Graduate Manager/Health and Housing/Infirmary/Library) 108 items
1942/1943 |
45/1395 | Administration: Offices (Non-resident Instruction/President's Office/Publication/Purchasing) 189 items
1942/1943 |
45/1396 | Administration: Offices (Registrar/Student Union/Bookstore/Summer Session/Summer Term) 86 items
1942/1943 |
45/1397 | Administration: Deans (Eldridge/Fahrenwald/Farmer/Howard/Hungerford) 77 items
1942/1943 |
45/1398 | Administration: Deans (Iddings) 220 items
1942/1943 |
45/1399 | Administration: Deans (Jeffers/Johnson/Kerr) 142 items
1942/1943 |
45/1400 | Administration: Deans (Lattig/Messenger/Olson) 84 items
1942/1943 |
45/1401 | Board of Regents: Biennial Report of President to 26 items
1942/1943 |
45/1402 | Board of Regents: Recommendations to 23 items
1942/1943 |
45/1403 | Board of Regents: Superintendent/Andersen/Jenny/McNaughton 87 items
1942/1943 |
45/1404 | Board of Regents: Roberts/Steel/Wilson 220 items
1942/1943 |
45/1405 | Southern Branch: Nichols/Baldwin/General 113 items
1942/1943 |
45/1406 | Departments: Agriculture/Art and Architecture 62 items
1942/1943 |
45/1407 | Departments: Botany/Business Administration/Chemistry 29 items
1942/1943 |
45/1408 | Departments: Education (General and Appointments) 127 items
1942/1943 |
45/1409 | Departments: Engineering/Engineering Defense Training/English/Forestry 75 items
1942/1943 |
45/1410 | Departments: History/Home Economics/Journalism/Languages/Law 43 items
1942/1943 |
45/1411 | Departments: Mathematics/Military/Mines/Music/Philosophy 57 items
1942/1943 |
45/1412 | Departments: Physical Education/Physics/Political Science/Psychology/Zoology 68 items
1942/1943 |
45/1413 | Academic Adjustment Committee/Accelerated Program 140 items
1943/1944 |
45/1414 | Air Transport/Albion St Normal/Alumni/American Council on Education/ASUI/Borah Foundation 39 items
1943/1944 |
45/1415 | Budget 106 items
1943/1944 |
45/1416 | Christmas Vacation Transportation/College of Idaho/Committees/Commencement 153 items
1943/1944 |
45/1417 | Conference-Institute of Higher Education/Credit for Military Service/Faculty applications/Survey of Higher Education Facilities/Form letters/Governor of Idaho 61 items
1943/1944 |
46/1418 | Idaho State Officials/Idaho Education Association/State Planning Board/Information re: University of Idaho/Insurance/Inter-American Affairs 113 items
1943/1944 |
46/1419 | Land Grant College Association/Lewiston State Normal School/Miscellaneous/Methodist Church 118 items
1943/1944 |
46/1420 | National Association of State Universities/Out of State Tuition/Post-War Material/Prospective Students 52 items
1943/1944 |
46/1421 | Recommendations/Registration Statistics/Donald Rice/Student correspondence/Summer Session 67 items
1943/1944 |
46/1422 | Utah State Agricultural College/U.S. Department of Education/Visual Education/War Emergency Admissions Policy/War Policies/Washington State College/University of Wyoming 48 items
1943/1944 |
46/1423 | Administration: President's Office (Faculty lists/ Addresses/Committees/Speaking engagements/Statements/ Personal/Office/Sons of American Revolution) 163 items
1943/1944 |
46/1424 | Administration: Offices (Bursar/Buildings and Grounds/Dormitories) 102 items
1943/1944 |
46/1425 | Administration: Offices (Graduate Manager/High School Correspondence Courses/Infirmary/Library) 93 items
1943/1944 |
46/1426 | Administration: Offices (Non-resident Instruction/Publications/Purchasing Agent/Registrar) 65 items
1943/1944 |
46/1427 | Administration: Deans (Eldgridge/Fahrenwald/Farmer/Howard/Hungerford) 50 items
1943/1944 |
46/1428 | Administration: Deans (Iddings/Jeffers/Johnson) 82 items
1943/1944 |
46/1429 | Administration: Deans (Kerr/Lattig/Messenger/Olson/Weltzin) 104 items
1943/1944 |
46/1430 | Board of Regents: Recommendations 24 items
1943/1944 |
46/1431 | Board of Regents: General 13 items
1943/1944 |
46/1432 | Board of Regents: Andersen/Chatburn/Condie 100 items
1943/1944 |
46/1433 | Board of Regents: Jenny/McCarthy/McNaughton 99 items
1943/1944 |
46/1434 | Board of Regents: Roberts/Steel/Wilson 142 items
1943/1944 |
46/1435 | Southern Branch: Board Matters 13 items
1943/1944 |
46/1436 | Southern Branch: Dean and General 74 items
1943/1944 |
46/1437 | Departments.: Agriculture/Art and Architecture/ Bacteriology/Botany/Business Administration 107 items
1943/1944 |
46/1438 | Departments: Chemistry/Education/Engineering/English/Forestry 92 items
1943/1944 |
46/1439 | Departments.: History/Home Economics/Journalism/ Languages/Law/Mathematics/Mines/Military/Music 96 items
1943/1944 |
46/1440 | Departments.: Philosophy/Physical Education (Men and Women)/Physics/Political Science/Psychology/Zoology 51 items
1943/1944 |
46/1441 | Army Specialized Training Unit: Answers to letters of parents 105 items
1943/1944 |
46/1442 | Army Specialized Training Program: Blank forms/Commencement Programs 17 items
1943/1944 |
46/1443 | Army Specialized Training Program: Contracts/Star/ROTC/ASCU 141 items
1943/1944 |
46/1444 | Army Specialized Training Program: Curricula 30 items
1943/1944 |
47/1445 | Army Specialized Training Program: Facilities (Housing/Instructional) 63 items
1943/1944 |
47/1446 | Army Specialized Training Program: Faculty 197 items
1943/1944 |
47/1447 | Army Specialized Training Program: Miscellaneous/Preliminaries 121 items
1943/1944 |
47/1448 | Army Specialized Training Program: Publicity and Public Relations/Sanitary Reports 68 items
1943/1944 |
47/1449 | Navy Training School (Radio): CCC Camp Buildings/Collegiate Training Program v-l2 82 items
1943/1944 |
47/1450 | Navy Training School (Radio): Contracts 155 items
1943/1944 |
47/1451 | Navy Training School (Radio): Facilities/Financing 142 items
1943/1944 |
47/1452 | Navy Training School (Radio): Graduation Exercises/Inventory/Medical Care/Miscellaneous 183 items
1943/1944 |
47/1453 | Navy Training School (Radio): Personnel/Preliminaries/Range Findings and Watch Standing/Recreational Program 180 items
1943/1944 |
47/1454 | Navy Training School (Radio): Surplus Property 40 items
1943/1944 |
47/1455 | Veterans Administration: General 227 items
1942-1947 |
47/1456 | Veterans Administration: Trainees 194 items
1944/1945 |
47/1457 | Veterans Health/Housing Contracts and Financing 113 items
1943/1944 |
47/1458 | Veterans Housing: General 186 items
1945-1946 |
47/1459 | ROTC: Army/Air Force/Navy Joint Policies, 1945-1954 65 items
1943-1954 |
47/1460 | NROTC: Curriculum/Facilities/Naval Science Laboratory 79 items
1943/1944 |
47/1461 | NROTC: Miscellaneous 100 items
1945/1946 |
47/1462 | NROTC: Personnel/Preliminaries/Officers/Regulations/Firing Range 124 items
1943/1944 |
47/1463 | ROTC: Army Branch/Infantry/Engineer, 1936-54 117 items
1936/1954 |
48/1464 | Academic Adjustment Committee/Alumni/ASUI/Award Assembly 39 items
1944/1945 |
48/1465 | Budget/College of Idaho/Commencement/Committees 118 items
1944/1945 |
48/1466 | Discipline Committee/Dreps Case 38 items
1944/1945 |
48/1467 | Faculty (General and applications)/Financial Reports/Wm. Randolph Hearst Trophy/Idaho Education Association Idaho Governor and state officials/Idaho State Planning Board/Information re: University of Idaho 123 items
1944/1945 |
48/1468 | Japanese American Students/Land Grant College Association/Legislature/Miscellaneous 219 items
1944/1945 |
48/1469 | North Idaho Chamber of Commerce/Nurses Training Program/ Out of State tuition/Pea and Bean Inspection/ Phi Delta Theta Scholarship, 1939-1945/Prospective Students/Recommendations 91 items
1939/1945 |
48/1470 | Summer Session and Term/Student Correspondence/Survey of Higher Education Facilities/Teacher Training/ Traveling Library/Visual Education/Washington State College/University of Wyoming 126 items
1944/1945 |
48/1471 | Administration: President's Office (Addresses/ Statements/Committees/Jackson Hole National Monument/Statutes and Decisions [Correspondence/Galley and page proof]) 119 items
1944/1945 |
48/1471 | Administration: Offices (Bursar/Buildings and Grounds/Dormitories/Graduate Manager/Infirmary) 85 items
1944/1945 |
48/1473 | Administration: Offices (Library/Non-resident Instruction/President's Office/Publications/Purchasing/Registrar) 142 items
1944/1945 |
48/1474 | Administration: Deans (Cady/Carter/Eldridge/Fahrenwald/ Farmer/Howard/Hungerford) 48 items
1944/1945 |
48/1475 | Administration: Deans (Iddings/Jeffers/Kerr/Lattig/Weltzin) 82 items
1944/1945 |
48/1476 | Board of Regents: General/Circular letters/Biennial Report of the President to the Board 163 items
1944/1945 |
48/1477 | Board of Regents: McCarthy/McNaughton/Owen/Steel 128 items
1944/1945 |
48/1478 | Board of Regents: Sullivan/Wilson 147 items
1944/1945 |
48/1479 | Southern Branch: Dean Baldwin/General 66 items
1944/1945 |
48/1480 | Departments: Agriculture/Art and Architecture/Bacteriology/Business Administration 79 items
1944/1945 |
48/1481 | Departments: Chemistry/Education/Engineering/English 99 items
1944/1945 |
48/1482 | Departments: Forestry/History/Home Economics/Journalism 68 items
1944/1945 |
48/1483 | Departments: Languages/Law/Mathematics/Military/Mines/Music 59 items
1944/1945 |
48/1484 | Departments.: Physical Education (Men and Women)/Physics/Political Science/Psychology/Zoology 61 items
1944/1945 |
48/1485 | ASUI/Bonneville Power Administration/College of Idaho 11 items
1945/1946 |
48/1486 | Commencement: General and Honorary Degrees 70 items
1945/1946 |
48/1487 | Miscellaneous/North Idaho Junior College/Prospective Students/Recommendations/Research Institute Legislation 55 items
1945/1946 |
48/1488 | Retirement Programs/Scholarships 36 items
1945/1946 |
48/1489 | Selective Service System 171 items
1945/1946 |
48/1490 | Summer Session and Term/Shattuck Property/Surplus Property 70 items
1945/1946 |
48/1491 | Administration: Advisory Committee and Research Council 58 items
1945/1946 |
48/1492 | Departments: Agriculture/Business Administration/Education/Engineering 87 items
1945/1946 |
48/1493 | Departments: Forestry/Law/Mines/Music/Physical Education (Women) 59 items
1945/1946 |
G. Jesse E. Buchanan |
1946-1954 | |
Box/Folder | ||
49/1494 | Academic Council/Alumni/ASUI/Automobiles/Awards 40 items
1946/1947 |
49/1495 | Biennial Report/Boise Junior College/Bonneville Power Administration/Borah Foundation 37 items
1946/1947 |
49/1496 | Budget 38 items
1946/1947 |
49/1497 | Civil Aeronautics Administration/College of Idaho/ Commencement/Committees/Consulting Policy 113 items
1946/1947 |
49/1498 | Deanships: Agriculture/Engineering/Law 183 items
1946/1947 |
49/1499 | Director of Athletics/Discipline Committee/Emergency Appropriation Request 33 items
1946/1947 |
49/1500 | Faculty on Leave of Absence/Faculty Staff Welfare Committee 153 items
1946/1947 |
49/1501 | Farragut College and Technical Institute/Faculty Applications 121 items
1946/1947 |
49/1502 | Idaho Congressional Delegates/Governor/State Officials 87 items
1946/1947 |
49/1503 | Idaho Education Association/Idaho Power Company/Idaho State Chamber of Commerce/Idaho State Planning Board 25 items
1946/1947 |
49/1504 | Idaho State College, Pocatello 139 items
1946/1947 |
49/1505 | Idaho Retirement Plan 103 items
1937-1947 |
49/1506 | Institute of Christian Education/Idaho-Veterans/Land Grant College Association/Memorandums-Administrative 54 items
1946/1947 |
49/1507 | Miscellaneous 105 items
1946/1947 |
49/1508 | National Associationn of State Universities/National Education Association/National Science Foundation/ North Idaho College of Education -Lewiston/North Idaho Junior College, Northwest Conference on Higher Education 66 items
1946/1947 |
49/1509 | On the Job Training/Out of State Students 77 items
1946/1947 |
49/1510 | Patent Policy/Pea and Bean Inspection/Peabody Recommendations 60 items
1946/1947 |
49/1511 | Pharmacy/President's Commission on Higher Education/Prospective Students/Public Relations Council/ Pullman-Moscow Airport 59 items
1946/1947 |
49/1512 | Recommendations/Scholarships/Scofield Gift/Southern Idaho College of Education/Visual Education/Washington State College 79 items
1946/1947 |
49/1513 | Administration: Buchanan (Personal) 288 items
1946/1947 |
49/1514 | Administration: Buchanan (Speaking engagements/Statements) 127 items
1946/1947 |
49/1515 | Administration: Buchanan (American Society of Civil Engineering/American Society for Engineering Education) 103 items
1946/1947 |
49/1516 | Administration: Offices (Alumni Secretary/Buildings and Grounds/Bursar) 132 items
1946/1947 |
49/1517 | Administration: Offices (Director of Dormitories/Educational Field Services/Graduate Manager/Infirmary/ Library/Non-resident Instruction 57 items
1946/1947 |
49/1518 | Administration: Offices (President/Purchasing Agent/Registrar/Student Union Building/Veterans Education) 29 items
1946/1947 |
49/1519 | Administration: Deans (Carter/Fahrenwald/Hungerford/Janssen/Jeffers) 17 items
1946/1947 |
49/1520 | Administration: Deans (Kerr/Lattig/Theophilus/Weltzin) 56 items
1946/1947 |
49/1521 | Board of Regents: General 43 items
1946/1947 |
49/1522 | Board of Regents: Houston/Jones/McNaughton/McCarthy/Remsberg/Owen/Wilson 68 items
1946/1947 |
50/1523 | Departments: Agriculture 130 items
1946/1947 |
50/1524 | Departments.: Art and Architecture/Bacteriology/Botany/Business Administration/Chemistry 29 items
1946/1947 |
50/1525 | Departments.: Education/Engineering/English/Forestry/History/Home Economics 77 items
1946/1947 |
50/1526 | Departments: Journalism/Languages/Law 90 items
1946/1947 |
50/1527 | Departments: Mathematics/Military/Mines/Music 125 items
1946/1947 |
50/1528 | Departments: Philosophy/Physical Education (Men and Women) 113 items
1946/1947 |
50/1529 | Departments: Physics/Political Science/Psychology/Secretary Studies/Zoology 37 items
1946/1947 |
50/1530 | Miscellaneous: Survey of Higher Education Facilities 51 items
1946/1947 |
50/1531 | Miscellaneous: Traffic and Safety Committee/University Development Committee 63 items
1946/1947 |
50/1532 | Miscellaneous: UNESCO/U.S. Office of Education 47 items
1946/1947 |
50/1533 | Academic Council/Agricultural Consulting Council/Alumni 43 items
1947/1948 |
50/1534 | American Council on Education/American Legion/ASUI/Associated Governing Boards of State Institutions/Athletic Committee 58 items
1947/1948 |
50/1535 | Bean Experimentation Project/Borah Foundation/Budget/Cancer Research Committee and Project/Certification 52 items
1947/1948 |
50/1536 | Commencement: General and Honorary Degrees 119 items
1947/1948 |
50/1537 | Committees/Copyright/Elweta Property/Executive Committee/ Faculty Teaching Load/Farm Electrification 55 items
1947/1948 |
50/1538 | Farragut College/Gifts/Heyburn Letters 35 items
1947/1948 |
50/1539 | Idaho Congressional Delegates/Governor/State Officials 131 items
1947/1948 |
50/1540 | Idaho Co-op Wildlife Research/State College/State Planning Board/Teacher's Retirement 33 items
1947/1948 |
50/1541 | In-Service Training Committee/Institutional Coordinating Committee 126 items
1947/1948 |
50/1542 | Keith Property/Ketchum Keystone/KUOI/Legal Council/Metzinger Gift/Miscellaneous/Moscow Chamber of Commerce 73 items
1947/1948 |
50/1543 | NCAA/National Education Association/National Science Foundation/M. Juanita Noble Gift/North Idaho College of Education/North Idaho Junior College/National Student Association/Operations Council 53 items
1947/1948 |
50/1544 | Research Council: General 107 items
1947/1948 |
50/1545 | Research Council: Historical 137 items
1943-1947 |
50/1546 | ROTC Conference/Salary Survey/Scholarships and Gifts/Southern Idaho College of Education/Stephens Memorial Fund 70 items
1947/1948 |
50/1547 | Students: Correspondence/Foreign/Prospective/Out of State/General/Sons and Daughters of Alumni 152 items
1947/1948 |
50/1548 | Summer School/Swim Memorial Fund/Traffic and Safety Committee/UNESCO/U.S. Department of Education 91 items
1947/1948 |
50/1549 | University Development Committee/University of Wyoming/Veterans Administration/Washington State College/YMCA 68 items
1947/1948 |
50/1550 | Administration: Buchanan (Administrative Personnel Committee/Administrative Authority/American Road-builders Association) 45 items
1947/1948 |
50/1551 | Administration: Buchanan (Budget - Research/Citizens Committee/Personal/Statements) 33 items
1947/1948 |
51/1552 | Administration: Offices (Alumni Secretary/Athletic Director/Buildings and Grounds/Bursar) 47 items
1947/1948 |
51/1553 | Administration: Offices (Dormitories Director/Educational Field Service/Emergency Housing and Veterans Villages/Executive Secretary - Research Council) 91 items
1947/1948 |
51/1554 | Administration: Offices (Faculty-Staff Welfare Committee/Field Agent) 41 items
1947/1948 |
51/1555 | Administration: Offices (Graduate Manager/Library/Publications/Purchasing) 48 items
1947/1948 |
51/1556 | Administration: Offices (Registrar/Student Union/Veterans Education) 12 items
1947/1948 |
51/1557 | Administration: Deans (Hungerford/Kerr/Stimson) 20 items
1947/1948 |
51/1558 | Board of Regents: Executive Committee (General) 42 items
1947/1948 |
51/1559 | Board of Regents: Jones/McCarthy/McNaughton/Owen/Remsberg 27 items
1947/1948 |
51/1560 | Departments: Agriculture 95 items
1947/1948 |
51/1561 | Departments: Art and Architecture/Biology/Business Administration/Education/Engineering/English 27 items
1947/1948 |
51/1562 | Departments: Forestry/Home Economics/Law/Languages 43 items
1947/1948 |
51/1563 | Departments: Military/Mines/Music/Naval Science 74 items
1947/1948 |
51/1564 | Departments: Physical Education (Men and Women)/Physical Science 42 items
1947/1948 |
51/1565 | Academic Council/Agricultural Consulting Council/Alumni/American Council on Education/ASUI/Association of American Universities 36 items
1948/1949 |
51/1566 | Budget/Cancer Project/Chamber of Commerce (Moscow) 26 items
1948/1949 |
51/1567 | Commencement 132 items
1948/1949 |
51/1568 | Committees: Athletic, Faculty-Staff Welfare/Honorary Degree 16 items
1948/1949 |
51/1569 | Committees: In-service Training 15 items
1948/1949 |
51/1570 | Committees: Library/Miscellaneous/Public Relations/Traffic and Safety/Committee Reports 71 items
1948/1949 |
51/1571 | Displaced Persons/Sallie Hume Douglas/Farm Electrification/Farragut University/Football Games 47 items
1948/1949 |
51/1572 | Idaho: Congressional and Legislative Delegates/State Officials/State Budget Director 23 items
1948/1949 |
51/1573 | Idaho Co-op Wildlife Research Unit/Institute of Education State College/Teachers Retirement 69 items
1948/1949 |
51/1574 | KUOI/Labor Extension Service Act/Legislation 18 items
1948/1949 |
51/1575 | Memorandums/Miscellaneous 111 items
1948/1949 |
51/1576 | National Association of State Universities/NCAA/National Education Association/North Idaho College/Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools/Northwest Scientific Association 35 items
1948/1949 |
51/1577 | Potato Research/Pullman-Moscow Airport/Recommendations/Research Council 67 items
1948/1949 |
51/1578 | Salary Survey/Scholarships/Southern Idaho College 41 items
1948/1949 |
51/1579 | Students (Correspondence/Out of State/Prospective) 49 items
1948/1949 |
51/1580 | Sugar Beet Technology Committee/Summer Session and Term/Textile Conference Committee/U.S. Office of Education 47 items
1948/1949 |
51/1581 | Vandal Boosters/Veterans Administration/Washington State College 36 items
1948/1949 |
51/1582 | Administration: Buchanan (Personal) 169 items
1948/1949 |
51/1583 | Administration: Offices (Alumni Secretary/Buildings and Grounds/Bursar) 99 items
1948/1949 |
51/1584 | Administration: Offices (Department of Educational Field Service/Director of Athletics/Directory of Dormitories/Director of Housing) 77 items
1948/1949 |
51/1585 | Administration: Offices (Executive Secretary, Research/Library) 73 items
1948/1949 |
51/1586 | Administration: Offices (Publications/Purchasing Agent/Registrar/Veterans) 40 items
1948/1949 |
52/1587 | Administration: Deans (Hungerford/Kerr/Lattig) 32 items
1948/1949 |
52/1588 | Board of Regents: General 44 items
1948/1949 |
52/1589 | Board of Regents: Jones/McCarthy/McNaughton/Owen 36 items
1948/1949 |
52/1590 | Departments: Agriculture 82 items
1948/1949 |
52/1591 | Departments: Business Administration/Education/Engineering/Forestry/Law 85 items
1948/1949 |
52/1592 | Departments: Military/Mines/Music 43 items
1948/1949 |
52/1593 | Departments: Naval Science 43 items
1948/1949 |
52/1594 | Faculty Meeting Minutes/Agriculture/Business/Education/Engineering 65 items
1948/1949 |
52/1595 | Faculty Meeting Minutes/Forestry/Law/Letters and Science/Mines 54 items
1948/1949 |
52/1596 | Alpha Gamma Rho/Alumni/ASUI/Athletic Dormitory/Audio Visual Center/Awards 36 items
1949/1950 |
52/1597 | Blot Magazine/Borah Symposium/Budget/Cafe Operations 46 items
1949/1950 |
52/1598 | Commencement/CVA 63 items
1949/1950 |
52/1599 | Committees: Miscellaneous/Athletic/Faculty-Staff Welfare/In-Service Training/Resource Development Council/Traffic and Safety 60 items
1949/1950 |
52/1600 | Faculty Housing/Faculty Teaching Loads 19 items
1949/1950 |
52/1601 | Farm Electrification/Football Games/Gifts-Miscellaneous/Graduate School of Nuclear Energy 106 items
1949/1950 |
52/1602 | Idaho: Governor/Congressional Delegates/State Board of Examiners/Budget Director/Elected Officials 72 items
1949/1950 |
52/1603 | Idaho Co-op Wildlife Research Unit/ Hoover Commission/State College/Teachers Retirement 53 items
1949/1950 |
52/1604 | Improvement of Teaching/In-Service Training for Secretaries/Information re: University of Idaho/ Institutes and Workshops/Irregular Help/Land Grant College Association 46 items
1949/1950 |
52/1605 | Medical Plan/Memorandums/Microfilming project/Miscellaneous 124 items
1949/1950 |
52/1606 | Moscow/National Education Association/Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools 52 items
1949/1950 |
52/1607 | Pacific Coast Conference/Radio Center/Research Council 45 items
1949/1950 |
52/1608 | Scholarships/Students (Correspondence/Out of State/Prospective) 109 items
1949/1950 |
52/1609 | Summer Session/U.S. Office of Education/University Building Association/University Heights/Vandal Boosters/Veterans Administration 33 items
1949/1950 |
52/1610 | Administration: Buchanan (Personal) 132 items
1949/1950 |
52/1611 | Budget Justification 35 items
1949/1950 |
52/1612 | Administration: Budget (Academic plans/Letters) 21 items
1949/1950 |
53/1613 | Administration: Offices (Buildings and Grounds/Bursar) 31 items
1949/1950 |
53/1614 | Administration: Offices (Director of Athletics/Dormitories/Family Housing/Educational Field Service 118 items
1949/1950 |
53/1615 | Administration: Offices (Executive Secretary, Research Council/Library/Publications) 87 items
1949/1950 |
53/1616 | Administration: Offices (Purchasing Agent/Registrar/Veterans Education) 34 items
1949/1950 |
53/1617 | Administration: Deans (Fahrenwald/Farmer/Hungerford/Jeffers) 18 items
1949/1950 |
53/1618 | Administration: Deans (Kerr/Lattig/Stimson/Weltzin) 39 items
1949/1950 |
53/1619 | Board of Regents: General, Executive Committee 18 items
1949/1950 |
53/1620 | Board of Education: Jones/McCarthy/McNaughton/Remsberg 30 items
1949/1950 |
53/1621 | Departments: Academic Council/Agriculture/Air Science and Tactics 129 items
1949/1950 |
53/1622 | Departments: Business Administration/Business Dean 128 items
1949/1950 |
53/1623 | Departments: Education/Engineering/Forestry 75 items
1949/1950 |
53/1624 | Departments: Humanities/Law/Military/Mines/Music 46 items
1949/1950 |
53/1625 | Departments: Naval Science/Social Sciences 42 items
1949/1950 |
53/1626 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Agriculture/Business/Education 21 items
1949/1950 |
53/1627 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Engineering 45 items
1949/1950 |
53/1628 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Forestry/Law/Letters and Science/Mines 44 items
1949/1950 |
53/1629 | Academic Council/Alumni/American Council on Education/ASUI/Association of NROTC Colleges/Athletic Dormitory/Atomic Energy Commission/Audio Visual Aids Center 100 items
1950/1951 |
53/1630 | Bookstore/Cafe Operations/Chamber of Commerce - Idaho/Columbia Basin Inter-Agency Committee 23 items
1950/1951 |
53/1631 | Commencement 114 items
1950/1951 |
53/1632 | Committees: Reports/Athletic/Home Economics Advisory/Miscellaneous/Student Union/Traffic and Safety/University Recreation 72 items
1950/1951 |
53/1633 | Faculty Directory/Faculty Teaching Load/Farm Electrification 43 items
1950/1951 |
53/1634 | Farragut: Application/Installations/University 81 items
1950/1951 |
53/1635 | Football 149 items
1950/1951 |
53/1636 | Gifts/Graduate School of Nuclear Engineering/Idaho: Congessional Delegation/Governor/Legislative Delegates/State Board of Examiners/State Elected Officials 82 items
1950/1951 |
53/1637 | Idaho Education Association/Idaho Seed Law/Idaho State College 60 items
1950/1951 |
53/1638 | In-Service Training for Secretaries/Information re: University of Idaho/Institute of International Education/KUOI 56 items
1950/1951 |
53/1639 | Land Grant College Association and Committee on Irrigated Agriculture and Water Resources 74 items
1950/1951 |
54/1640 | Miscellaneous 118 items
1950/1951 |
54/1641 | Moscow/Municipal League/National Association of State Universities/National Committee on Accrediting/National Defense Committee of Land Grant Colleges/National Education Association 62 items
1950/1951 |
54/1642 | Operations Council/Orientation-New Faculty/PTA/Potato Research 42 items
1950/1951 |
54/1643 | Recommendations/Research Council/ROTC 109 items
1950/1951 |
54/1644 | Scholarships/Students: Correspondence, Foreign, Prospective/Student Union/Summer Session 72 items
1950/1951 |
54/1645 | Teacher Certification/U.S. Office of Education/University Heights/Veterans Administration 19 items
1950/1951 |
54/1646 | Administration: Buchanan (Personal) 138 items
1950/1951 |
54/1647 | Administration: Almuni Secretary/ASUI and Graduate Manager/Director of Athletics 25 items
1950/1951 |
54/1648 | Administration: Offices (Buildings and Grounds) 16 items
1950/1951 |
54/1649 | Administration: Offices (Bursar/Department of Educational Field Services/Director of Family Housing) 72 items
1950/1951 |
54/1650 | Administration: Offices (Executive Secretary, Research Council/Library Publications) 47 items
1950/1951 |
54/1651 | Administration: Offices (Registrar) 96 items
1950/1951 |
54/1652 | Administration: Deans (Hungerford/Kerr/Lattig) 34 items
1950/1951 |
54/1653 | Board of Regents: General and Individuals 36 items
1950/1951 |
54/1654 | Departments: Agriculture 140 items
1950/1951 |
54/1655 | Departments: Agricultural Consulting Council/Agricultural Extension problem/Air Science and Tactics 74 items
1950/1951 |
54/1656 | Departments: Biological Sciences/Business Administration/ Education/Engineering 67 items
1950/1951 |
54/1657 | Departments: Forestry 54 items
1950/1951 |
54/1658 | Departments: Graduate School/Humanities/Law/Military Science/Mines 81 items
1950/1951 |
54/1659 | Departments: Music/Naval Science/Physical Education (Men)/Physical Sciences/Social Sciences 46 items
1950/1951 |
54/1660 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Agriculture/Business/Education 40 items
1950/1951 |
54/1661 | Faculty Meeting: Engineering 48 items
1950/1951 |
54/1662 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Forestry/Law/Letters and Science/Mines 47 items
1950/1951 |
54/1663 | Academic Council/Alumni/American Council on Education/ASUI 64 items
1951/1952 |
54/1664 | Association of NROTC Colleges/Athletics/American Council on Education/Bookstore/Budget 45 items
1951/1952 |
54/1665 | Cafe Operations/ Chamber of Commerce (Idaho and Moscow)/Civil Defense/Columbia Basin Inter-Agency Committee 39 items
1951/1952 |
54/1666 | Commencement 113 items
1951/1952 |
55/1667 | Committees: Athletic/Faculty Staff Affairs/History - University of Idaho/In-Service Training 61 items
1951/1952 |
55/1668 | Committees: Miscellaneous/Public Education Governing Board Study/Public Events/Public Relations/Recreation Rhodes-Fulbright Advisory/Traffic and Safety/United Nations Program 57 items
1951/1952 |
55/1669 | Cooperative Curricula/Crusade for Freedom/Faculty Applications/Faculty Teaching Load/Faculty Telephone Directory/Faculty Club 48 items
1951/1952 |
55/1670 | Farm Electrification 42 items
1951/1952 |
55/1671 | Football 124 items
1951/1952 |
55/1672 | R.B. Gilbert/Governor's Educucation Study Committee/Graduate School of Nuclear Energy 19 items
1951/1952 |
55/1673 | Idaho: Congressional Delegates/Governor/State Officials 95 items
1951/1952 |
55/1674 | Idaho Insitute of Christian Education/Idaho State College 104 items
1951/1952 |
55/1675 | Information regarding the University of Idaho 70 items
1951/1952 |
55/1676 | Land Grant College Association/Land Grant College Association Executive Committee 104 items
1951/1952 |
55/1677 | Memorandums (Administrative)/Miscellaneous 146 items
1951/1952 |
55/1678 | Moscow/National Association of State Universities/NCAA/ National Education Association/National Association of Secondary and Higher Schools/National Science Association/Orientation (Faculty) 32 items
1951/1952 |
55/1679 | Pacific Coast Conference/Pacific Northwest Conference on Higher Education/Recommendations/Research Council 73 items
1951/1952 |
55/1680 | Speakers/Student Correspondence/Students (Foreign/Prospective)/Student Union Operations/Summer Session/ Teachers Retirement/Universal Military Training and Service Legislation/U.S. Office of Education/University Heights/Veterans Administration/Washington State College 76 items
1951/1952 |
55/1681 | Administration: Buchanan (Personal) 237 items
1951/1952 |
55/1682 | Administration: Buchanan (United States Military Academy Conference on Military Education) 11 items
1952 |
55/1683 | Administration: Offices (Alumni Secretary/ASUI-Athletics/Audio Visual 75 items
1951/1952 |
55/1684 | Administration: Offices (Buildings and Grounds) 46 items
1951/1952 |
55/1685 | Administration: Offices (Bursar) 64 items
1951/1952 |
55/1686 | Administration: Director of Dormitories/Director of Family Housing/Educational Field Services/Executive Secretary- Research Council/Field Agent/Infirmary 116 items
1951/1952 |
55/1687 | Administration: Library 43 items
1951/1952 |
55/1688 | Administration: Non-resident Instruction/Placement Service/President's Office/Publications/Purchasing/Radio Isotopes Laboratory 62 items
1951/1952 |
55/1689 | Administration: Offices (Registrar) 91 items
1951/1952 |
55/1690 | Administration: Offices (ROTC Coordinator/Student Counseling) 29 items
1951/1952 |
55/1691 | Administration: Deans: (Fahrenwald/Hart/Kerr/Lattig/Steffens/Weltzin) 35 items
1951/1952 |
55/1692 | Board of Regents: General/Executive Committee/Individuals 67 items
1951/1952 |
55/1693 | Departments: Art and Architecture/Agriculture 170 items
1951/1952 |
55/1694 | AFROTC/Biological Sciences/Business Administration 72 items
1951/1952 |
56/1695 | Departments: Education including Advisory Committee on Teacher Education 68 items
1951/1952 |
56/1696 | Departments: Engineering 62 items
1951/1952 |
56/1697 | Departments: Forestry 80 items
1951/1952 |
56/1698 | Departments: Graduate School/Humanities/Law/Letters and Science 70 items
1951/1952 |
56/1699 | Departments: Military (ROTC) 65 items
1951/1952 |
56/1700 | Departments: Mines/Music/Naval Science 100 items
1951/1952 |
56/1701 | Departments.: Physical Education (Men and Women)/Physical Sciences/Psychology/Radio Center/Social Sciences 22 items
1951/1952 |
56/1702 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Agriculture/Business Administration/Education 36 items
1951/1952 |
56/1703 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Engineering 44 items
1951/1952 |
56/1704 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Forestry/Law/Letters and Science/Mines 35 items
1951/1952 |
56/1705 | Academic Freedom 33 items
1949-1953 |
56/1706 | AAUP/American Council on Education/ASUI (Gem/Argonaut/KUOI) 41 items
1952/1953 |
56/1707 | Association of Governing Boards of State Universities/Association of NROTC Colleges 46 items
1952/1953 |
56/1708 | Athletic Personnel and Relations/Atomic Energy Commission 43 items
1952/1953 |
56/1709 | Boise Junior College/Chambers of Commerce 13 items
1952/1953 |
56/1710 | Committees: Miscellaneous/Academic Council/Athletic/Archives and History/Faculty-Staff Affairs/Health and Housing/In-Service Training 73 items
1952/1953 |
56/1711 | Committees: Library/Operations/Public Events/Public Relations/Recreation/Rhodes-Fulbright Advisory/Student Union/Traffic and Safety 44 items
1952/1953 |
56/1712 | Commencement 135 items
1952/1953 |
56/1713 | Co-op Study 171 items
1952/1953 |
56/1714 | Crusade for Freedom/Faculty Applications/Fellowships 37 items
1952/1953 |
56/1715 | Football 203 items
1952/1953 |
56/1716 | Graduate School of Nuclear Engineering/Idaho - Congressional Delegates/Governor/Legislative Delegates/State Auditor/State Elected Officials 62 items
1952/1953 |
56/1717 | Idaho Institute of Christian Education/Idaho State College 79 items
1952/1953 |
56/1718 | Information re: University of Idaho/Institute of International Education 105 items
1952/1953 |
56/1719 | Land Grant College Association/Miscellaneous/Moscow, City of 142 items
1952/1953 |
56/1720 | National Association of State Universities/Northwest Scientific Association/Pacific Coast Conference/ Recommendations/Students -Correspondence(Foreign/Prospective) 81 items
1952/1953 |
56/1721 | University Heights/University -Teacher Training Program/Vandal Boosters/Veterans Administration/Vocational Education, State Board for/Washington State College 61 items
1952/1953 |
56/1722 | Administration: Buchanan (Personal) 273 items
1952/1953 |
56/1723 | Administration: Buchanan (Boy Scouts/SpeakingEngagements/Statements/State Library Board 106 items
1952/1953 |
57/1724 | Administration: Administrative Memorandums (bound) 1 item
1946-1953 |
57/1725 | Administration: Offices (Alumni Secretary/ASUI/Athletics (General Manager)/Audio Visual) 132 items
1952/1953 |
57/1726 | Administration: Offices (Bookstore/Bursar/Business Office/Cafe Operations/Civil Defense) 54 items
1952/1953 |
57/1727 | Administration: Offices (Dormitories/Educational Field Service/Executive Secretary -Research Council/Family Housing/Field Agent) 88 items
1952/1953 |
57/1728 | Administration: Offices (Library/Non-resident Instruction) 41 items
1952/1953 |
57/1729 | Administration: Offices (Physical Plant) 27 items
1952/1953 |
57/1730 | Administration: Offices (Place Bureau/President's Office/Publications) 52 items
1952/1953 |
57/1731 | Administration: Offices (Registrar) 131 items
1952/1953 |
57/1732 | Administration: Offices (Student Affairs including Shoup/Estes/Thomas case/Student Counseling Center/Student Union Operations) 34 items
1952/1953 |
57/1733 | Administration: Deans (Hart/Janssen/Steffens) 7 items
1952/1953 |
57/1734 | Board of Regents: General/Executive Committee/Individuals 55 items
1952/1953 |
57/1735 | Departments: Agriculture 84 items
1952/1953 |
57/1736 | Agricultural Consulting Council/Agriculture (Farm Electrification) 52 items
1952/1953 |
57/1737 | Departments: Art and Architecture/Biological Science/Business Administration/Education/Engineering 69 items
1952/1953 |
57/1738 | Departments: Forestry/Forestry Dean suggestions 111 items
1952/1953 |
57/1739 | Departments: Forestry Dean Candidates 113 items
1952/1953 |
57/1740 | Departments: Graduate School/Home Economics/Humanities/Law/Letters and Science 52 items
1952/1953 |
57/1741 | Departments: Mines/Music/Physical Education/Radio Center 45 items
1952/1953 |
57/1742 | Departments: ROTC (General/Coordinator/Air Force) 70 items
1952/1953 |
57/1743 | Departments: ROTC: (Army/Navy) 93 items
1952/1953 |
57/1744 | Departments: Summer School 26 items
1952/1953 |
57/1745 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Agriculture/Business Administration/Education 45 items
1952/1953 |
57/1746 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Engineering 48 items
1952/1953 |
57/1747 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Forestry/Law/Letters and Science/Mines 57 items
1952/1953 |
58/1748 | AAUP/American Council on Education/Association of Governing Boards of State Institutions/Association of NROTC Colleges/Atomic Energy Commission/Awards 29 items
1953/1954 |
58/1749 | Budget 7 items
1953/1954 |
58/1750 | Chambers of Commerce/Columbia Basin Inter-Agency Committee/Columbia Interstate Compact Commission 40 items
1953/1954 |
58/1751 | Commencement 82 items
1953/1954 |
58/1752 | Committees: Miscellaneous/Discipline, 1947-1954/Crusade for Freedom 81 items
1947/1954 |
58/1753 | Faculty Applications, General 85 items
1953/1954 |
58/1754 | Faculty Meetings: General and Speeches 30 items
1946/1953 |
58/1755 | Faculty-Staff Affairs/Faculty Study Fellowships/Fellowships and Foundations 10 items
1953/1954 |
58/1756 | Football 166 items
1953/1954 |
58/1757 | Forestry: Accreditation-Society of American Foresters/Fish-Power Committee/Forest Advisory Council/Hatter Creek Deer Enclosure/Slash Disposal 84 items
1953/1954 |
58/1758 | Forestry: Timber Management/Wildlife Mortality/Coeur d'Alene River Wildlife Research Advisory Committee 54 items
1953/1954 |
58/1759 | Graduate School of Nuclear Engineering/Hell's Canyon 21 items
1953/1954 |
58/1760 | Idaho: Congressional Delegates/State of/Idaho Education Association/Institute of Christian Education 59 items
1953/1954 |
58/1761 | Idaho State College 96 items
1947/1954 |
58/1762 | Idaho State Planning Board/Information re: University of Idaho/Institute of International Education/Invitations and Announcements 150 items
1953/1954 |
58/1763 | Labor Unions/Land Grant College Association (Correspondence)/Land Grant College Association Committee in Legislation/Land Grant College Association Committee on Intergovernmental Relations/National Defense 148 items
1953/1954 |
58/1764 | Miscellaneous/Moscow/National Association of Manufacturers/National Association of State Universities 93 items
1953/1954 |
58/1765 | National Committee on Accrediting, 1951-1954/National Project in Agriculture Communication/New Student Orientation/Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools/Northwest Scientific Association Orientation (non-degree), 1949-1954 70 items
1949/1954 |
58/1766 | Public Utilities Executive Course, 1953-1956/Recommendations/Research Council 114 items
1953/1956 |
58/1767 | Resource Conservation Workshop/Resource Development Council, 1950-1955 71 items
1950/1955 |
58/1768 | Resource Roads 85 items
1953/1954 |
58/1769 | Secretaries (Orientation and Testing)/Students/Summer School 107 items
1953/1954 |
58/1770 | Television/U.S. Office of Education/Veterans Administration/Washington State College 55 items
1953/1954 |
58/1771 | Administration: Buchanan (Personal) 261 items
1953/1954 |
59/1772 | Administration: Buchanan (Historical File) 34 items
1953/1954 |
59/1773 | Administration: Buchanan (Speaking engagements/Statements) 29 items
1953/1954 |
59/1774 | Administration: Accreditation (Correspondence - Gilfillan) 95 items
1953/1954 |
59/1775 | Administration: Accreditation (Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools) 39 items
1953/1954 |
59/1776 | Administration: Accreditation (Correspondence by Colleges) 112 items
1953/1954 |
59/1777 | Administration: Accreditation (Final Report of Committee) 1 item
1953/1954 |
59/1778 | Administration: Offices (Agricultural Experiment Station, l948-53/Agricultural Extension Service, 1949-1954) 46 items
1948/1954 |
59/1779 | Administration: Offices (Alumni Secretary and individuals) 46 items
1953/1954 |
59/1780 | Administration: ASUI/Athletics (Director/Board of Control/Administration) 85 items
1953/1954 |
59/1781 | Administration: Athletics (Boxing - Drop/Changes) 145 items
1953/1954 |
59/1782 | Administration: Offices (Athletics/Lawr and Pickett Cases/Policy) 96 items
1953/1954 |
59/1783 | Administration: Offices (Athletics -Publications/Re-organization Athletics and Physical Education/Work Program) 116 items
1953/1954 |
59/1784 | Administration: Offices (Audio-Visual Center/Bookstore) 18 items
1953/1954 |
59/1785 | Administration: Budget (Supporting Material) 159 items
1950-1952 |
59/1786 | Administration: Budget (Academic Plans) 1 item
1951-1953 |
59/1787 | Administration: Budget Plans 1 item
1953/1955 |
59/1788 | Administration: Offices (Bursar/Business/Cafe operations/Dormitories and Co-op Council) 64 items
1953/1954 |
59/1789 | Administration: Offices (Educational Field Service/Executive Secretary -Research Council/Family Housing/ Field Agent/Health Service/Library/Non-resident Instruction) 86 items
1953/1954 |
59/1790 | Administration: Offices (Physical Plant/Photo Center/Placement Service/President's Office/Publications/Purchasing) 65 items
1953/1954 |
59/1791 | Student Affairs/Student Counseling Center/Student Union operations/University Auditor 41 items
1953/1954 |
59/1792 | President's Photograph Project 12 items
1951/1954 |
59/1793 | Board of Regents Photograph Project 234 items
1948/1954 |
59/1794 | Board of Regents: General/State Department of Education 96 items
1953/1954 |
59/1795 | Legislation relating to Governing Boards 59 items
1948/1954 |
59/1796 | Federal Legislation: Reserves/ROTC/Tax Exempt Foundations/GI's 52 items
1953/1954 |
60/1797 | Teacher Certification Review Committee: General 113 items
1950/1954 |
60/1798 | Teacher Certification Review Committee: Reports 37 items
1953/1954 |
60/1799 | Departments: Agriculture 64 items
1953/1954 |
60/1800 | Departments: Agriculture (Consulting Council/Extension and Experiment Stations Conference/Extension Orientation) 28 items
1953/1954 |
60/1801 | Departments: Agriculture (Extension/4-H) 13 items
1947-1952 |
60/1802 | Departments: Agriculture (Farm Electrification Program) 36 items
1953/1954 |
60/1803 | Departments: Agriculture (Policy/J.D. Remsberg) 133 items
1953/1954 |
60/1804 | Departments: Art and Architecture/Business Administration/Education 30 items
1953/1954 |
60/1805 | Departments: Engineering and Engineering Council for Professional Development 55 items
1953/1954 |
60/1806 | Departments: English and Reading Clinic/English Proficiency/FBI Cooperative School, 1947-1954/Forestry 59 items
1947/1954 |
60/1807 | Departments.: Graduate School/Home Economics/Humanities/Law/Letters and Science/Mathematics 47 items
1953/1954 |
60/1808 | Departments: Mines/Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology/Mines Deanship 174 items
1953/1954 |
60/1809 | Departments: Music/Physical Education (Men)/PreMed and Dentistry/Radio Center 57 items
1953/1954 |
60/1810 | Departments: ROTC 152 items
1953/1954 |
60/1811 | Departments: Social Sciences/Alcoholism and Narcotics Research 23 items
1953/1954 |
H. Donald R. Theophilus |
1950-1965 | |
Box/Folder | ||
60/1812 | Administration: D.R. Theophilus (Personal) 247 items
1954/1955 |
60/1813 | Administration: Theophilus (Statements/Speaking Engagements) 77 items
1954/1955 |
60/1814 | Administration: Lawrence Welle Case/Robert M. Hutchins 89 items
1954/1955 |
60/1815 | Administration: Application for President 35 items
1954/1955 |
60/1816 | Administration: Theophilus (Letters of Congratuations) 277 items
1954/1955 |
60/1817 | Administration: Presidents Office 52 items
1954/1955 |
60/1818 | Administration: Budget 56 items
1954/1955 |
60/1819 | Administration: 25-year employee banquet 62 items
1954/1955 |
60/1820 | Administration: Commencement 180 items
1954/1955 |
60/1821 | Administration: Board of Regents/Department of Education 83 items
1954/1955 |
61/1822 | Administration: Offices (Alumni Secretary and Association) 53 items
1954/1955 |
61/1823 | Administration: Offices (ASUI/Argonaut/Audio Visual) 77 items
1954/1955 |
61/1824 | Administration: Offices (Business/Cafe Operations/Dormitories/Educational Field Service) 59 items
1954/1955 |
61/1825 | Administration: Offices (Family Housing/Field Agent/Health Services/Library/Non-resident Instruction) 55 items
1954/1955 |
61/1826 | Administration: Offices (Physical Plant/Placement Service/ Publications/Research Council/Speakers/Summer School/Registrar) 59 items
1954/1955 |
61/1827 | Departments: Agriculture/Agricultural Consulting Council/Farm Electrification 150 items
1954/1955 |
61/1828 | Departments: Art and Architecture/Athletics/Biological Sciences/Business Administration 78 items
1954/1955 |
61/1829 | Departments: Education/Engineering/Forestry/Graduate School 105 items
1954/1955 |
61/1830 | Departments.: Home Economics/Humanities/Law/Letters and Science/Mathematics/Mines/Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology 64 items
1954/1955 |
61/1831 | Departments.: Music/Physical Education/Physical Science/PreMed-PreDent/Radio Center/Social Science 66 items
1954/1955 |
61/1832 | Departments.: ROTC Panel (Reserve Forces Policy Board)/Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1950-1954 175 items
1950/1955 |
61/1833 | Departments: ROTC Panel Reports 9 items
1950/1954 |
61/1834 | Departments: ROTC (Air/Army/Navy) 141 items
1954/1955 |
61/1835 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Agriculture/Business Administration/Education/Engineering 61 items
1954/1955 |
61/1836 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Forestry/Law/Letters and Science/Mines 68 items
1954/1955 |
61/1837 | Academic Council/American Council on Education/Association/NROTC Colleges/Columbia Basin Interstate Compact Commission 25 items
1954/1955 |
61/1838 | Committees: Discipline/Faculty-Staff Affairs/Public Events/Rhodes-Fulbright Advisory/Student Union/Traffic and Safety 49 items
1954/1955 |
61/1839 | Crusade for Freedom -Idaho/Faculty Applications/Faculty Housing/Faculty Meeting/Faculty Study Fellowship/Fellowships and Foundations 105 items
1954/1955 |
61/1840 | Football 132 items
1954/1955 |
61/1841 | Graduate School (GENE)/Gifts 59 items
1954/1955 |
61/1842 | Idaho: Congressional Delegates/Governor/Legislative Delegates/State of/Governor's Conference on Education 105 items
1954/1955 |
61/1843 | Idaho Education Association/State Chamber of Commerce/State College 60 items
1954/1955 |
61/1844 | Information re: University of Idaho/Institute of International Education 98 items
1954/1955 |
61/1845 | Invitations and Announcements 118 items
1954/1955 |
61/1846 | Land Grant College Association/NCAA/National Committee on Accrediting/Operations Council/Orientation (non-degree) Radiological Defense 63 items
1954/1955 |
61/1847 | Student Affairs/Students (Foreign/Out of State/Prospective)/Vocational Education/Washington State 132 items
1954/1955 |
61/1848 | Presidents Office: Correspondence with Dr. Buchanan/Vouchers 90 items
1955/1956 |
61/1849 | Presidents Office: Engagements 246 items
1955/1956 |
62/1850 | Presidents Office: Miscellaneous/Personal 293 items
1955/1956 |
62/1851 | Presidents Office: Commencement 80 items
1955/1956 |
62/1852 | Board of Regents/State Department of Education 107 items
1955/1956 |
62/1853 | Administration: Audio Visual Center/Alumni/ASUI/Argonaut 88 items
1955/1956 |
62/1854 | Administration: Business Office/Dormitories and Cafe Operations 96 items
1955/1956 |
62/1855 | Administration: Educational Field Service/Family Housing/Field Agent 30 items
1955/1956 |
62/1856 | Administration: Library/Library Building, 1952-1955 124 items
1952/1956 |
62/1857 | Administration: Non-resident Instruction/Physical Plant/Placement Service 38 items
1955/1956 |
62/1858 | Administration: Publications/Purchasing/Registrar/Student Affairs 121 items
1955/1956 |
62/1859 | Departments: Agriculture 157 items
1955/1956 |
62/1860 | Departments: Agricultural Consulting Council/Vo-Ag Teachers 9 items
1955/1956 |
62/1861 | Departments: Art and Architecture/Athletics 76 items
1955/1956 |
62/1862 | Departments: Biological Sciences/Business Administration 60 items
1955/1956 |
62/1863 | Departments: Education/Engineering 74 items
1955/1956 |
62/1864 | Departments: Forestry/Graduate School/Graduate Council Minutes 145 items
1955/1956 |
62/1865 | Departments: Home Economics/Humanities/Law/ Letters and Science 94 items
1955/1956 |
62/1866 | Departments: Mines/Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology/Music/Physical Education/Psychology/Radio Center 104 items
1955/1956 |
62/1867 | Departments: ROTC 89 items
1955/1956 |
62/1868 | Departments: Social Sciences/Summer School 52 items
1955/1956 |
62/1869 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Agriculture/Business Administration/Education/Engineering 53 items
1955/1956 |
62/1870 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Forestry/Law/Letters and Science/Mines 53 items
1955/1956 |
62/1871 | Academic Council Minutes 97 items
1954/1956 |
62/1872 | American Council on Education (Approved Requisitions and Memorandums) 57 items
1955/1956 |
62/1873 | Catalog Material/College of Idaho 67 items
1955/1956 |
62/1874 | Committees (Including Public Events and Hutchins controversy) 90 items
1955/1956 |
62/1875 | Faculty Applications/Football Games 132 items
1955/1956 |
63/1876 | Gritman Library Records, 1938-1955/Idaho: Congessional Delegates/Governor/Legislative Delegates/State Officials (elected) 110 items
1938/1956 |
63/1877 | Idaho Mental Health Commission Survey 44 items
1955/1956 |
63/1878 | Inquiries re: University of Idaho/Institute of International Education/Invitations and Announcements 107 items
1955/1956 |
63/1879 | Land Grant College Association/Lewis-Clark Normal School 81 items
1955/1956 |
63/1880 | Miscellaneous 146 items
1955/1956 |
63/1881 | National Association of State Universities/NCAA/National Education Association/National Planning Association/ NRTS Graduate Program/National Association of Secondary and Higher Schools 61 items
1955/1956 |
63/1882 | Oak Ridge Institute/Pacific Northwest Conference on Higher Education 77 items
1955/1956 |
63/1883 | Recommendations/Religious Education, 1948-55 66 items
1948/1956 |
63/1884 | Research Council: General and Correspondence 69 items
1955/1956 |
63/1885 | Research Advisory Council 129 items
1955/1956 |
63/1886 | Research Foundation and Patent Committee 200 items
1947/1956 |
63/1887 | Rodeo Team, 1953-56/Selective Service/Spalding Museum Foundation, 1947-1956 105 items
1947/1956 |
63/1888 | Staff Letter Notices/Students 75 items
1955/1956 |
63/1889 | Teacher Certification/Travel Reports/Other University Presidents/Veterans Administration 53 items
1955/1956 |
63/1890 | Washington State College/Whitehouse Conference on Education 33 items
1955/1956 |
63/1891 | President: Personal (l) 244 items
1956/1957 |
63/1892 | President: Personal (2) 230 items
1956/1957 |
63/1893 | President's Office (1) 100 items
1956/1957 |
63/1894 | President's Office (2) 119 items
1956/1957 |
63/1895 | Administration: Administration/Administrative Council/Admissions Committee/Out of State Admissions Committee 71 items
1956/1957 |
63/1896 | Administration: Agriculture 214 items
1956/1957 |
63/1897 | Administration: Agriculture (Experiment Projects) 66 items
1952/1956 |
64/1898 | Administration: Agriculture (Ecuador Project) 68 items
l954-1955 |
64/1899 | Administration: Agricultural Extension Service 162 items
1949/1957 |
64/1900 | Administration: Alumni Association and Secretary 42 items
1956/1957 |
64/1901 | Administration: ASUI/General Manager ASUI, 1951-1956 138 items
1951/1957 |
64/1902 | Administration: ASUI/KUOI, 1947-1957/Student Union, 1949-1956 108 items
1947/1957 |
64/1903 | Administration: Athletics, 1947-1957 182 items
1947/1957 |
64/1904 | Administration: Audio-Visual Center/Board of Regents/Buildings 73 items
1956/1957 |
64/1905 | Administration: Business Administration (General and Deanship) 106 items
1956/1957 |
64/1906 | Administration: Business Administration (Deanship applicants) 124 items
1956/1957 |
64/1907 | Administration: Business Office 130 items
1956/1957 |
64/1908 | Administration: Commencement 183 items
1956/1957 |
64/1909 | Administration: Commencement (Honorary Degrees) 93 items
1956/1957 |
64/1910 | Administration: Education 80 items
1956/1957 |
64/1911 | Administration: Education (Extension Courses, 1950-1956, and Field Service) 92 items
1950/1957 |
64/1912 | Administration: Engineering/Extension Agreement with Utah Institutions, 1953-1955/Field Agents 127 items
1953/1957 |
64/1913 | Administration: Forestry 58 items
1951/1957 |
64/1914 | Administration: Graduate School/Health Service/Letters and Science 135 items
1956/1957 |
64/1915 | Administration: Lewis-Clark Normal School/Library 80 items
1956/1957 |
64/1916 | Administration: Mines/Bureau of Mines and Geology 69 items
1956/1957 |
64/1917 | Administration: Mines (Deanship applications) 117 items
1954/1956 |
64/1918 | Administration: Music (Vandaleers and Pep Band) 112 items
1947/1957 |
64/1919 | Administration: Non-resident Instruction/Placement Bureau/Publications Office/Registrar 22 items
1956/1957 |
64/1920 | AAUP/AAUW/American Council on Education/American Association of Land Grant Colleges 34 items
1956/1957 |
64/1921 | Budget/Chambers of Commerce 64 items
1956/1957 |
65/1922 | Committees: General Information 70 items
1954/1957 |
65/1923 | Committees: Advisory on Farm Housing, 1949-1952/Advisory on Home Economics, 1953-1957/Archives and History, 1955-1956./Athletic Board of Control, 1954-1956 84 items
1949/1957 |
65/1924 | Committees: Borah Foundation, 1949-1957/Faculty-Staff Affairs, 1955-1957/Fine Arts/General Extension/Health 78 items
1949/1957 |
65/1925 | Committees: In-Service Training, 1953-1957/etc. 61 items
1953/1957 |
65/1926 | Committees: Patent/Public Events/Public Relations/Recreation, 1955-1956/Rhodes, Fulbright and Foreign Scholarships, 1952-1956 49 items
1952/1957 |
65/1927 | Committees: Scholarship/Student Book Store/Student Union/TV Development Program, 1954-1956/Traffic Appeal, 1951-1956/Traffic and Safety/Weather Modification, 1952-1954 72 items
1951/1957 |
65/1928 | Councils: Academic/Graduate/Operations, 1955-1956/Research 125 items
1955/1957 |
65/1929 | Dormitories, 1946-1956/Faculty, 1955-1957/Applications 102 items
1946/1957 |
65/1930 | Idaho: Governor/Legislature/Idaho Education Association 59 items
1956/1957 |
65/1931 | Idaho State College 86 items
1956/1957 |
65/1932 | Institute for College and University Administrators/LDS Institute 23 items
1956/1957 |
65/1933 | Miscellaneous 105 items
1956/1957 |
65/1934 | National Association of State Universities/National Education Association/National Planning Commission/Pacific Northwest Conference on Higher Education 16 items
1956/1957 |
65/1935 | ROTC/Association of NROTC Colleges/State Department of Education 143 items
1956/1957 |
65/1936 | Students/Student Affairs/Student Housing 136 items
1956/1957 |
65/1937 | Armed Forces Institute 22 items
1953/1954 |
65/1938 | President: Personal 281 items
1957/1958 |
65/1939 | President (Engagements) 62 items
1957/1958 |
65/1940 | Administration: Alumni Secretary and Association/ASUI (General) 91 items
1957/1958 |
65/1941 | Administration: ASUI (Argonaut)/Associated Women Students/Gem/KUOI/Athletics 89 items
1957/1958 |
65/1942 | Administration: Business Office/Dormitories/Education Field Service/Education Extension Courses 74 items
1957/1958 |
65/1943 | Administration: Faculty Housing/Field Agents/Health Services/Library/Non-resident Instruction 80 items
1957/1958 |
65/1944 | Adminisration: Physical Plant/Purchasing Agent/President's Office 130 items
1957/1958 |
65/1945 | Administration: Publications/Registrar 36 items
1957/1958 |
65/1946 | Administration: ROTC 82 items
1957/1958 |
65/1947 | Administration: Student Affairs (Counseling Center/Housing) 51 items
1957/1958 |
65/1948 | Departments: Agriculture 118 items
1957/1958 |
65/1949 | Departments: Agriculture (Air Pollution/Experiment Station/Extension Services) 57 items
1957/1958 |
65/1950 | Departments: Agriculture (Extension/Soil Conservation/Farm Electrification/4-H-FFA Agreement/Ecuador - FOA) 58 items
1957/1958 |
65/1951 | Departments: Business Administration/Public Utilities Executive Course/Education/Engineering 75 items
1957/1958 |
66/1952 | Departments: Forestry/Graduate School (GENE/NRTS) 119 items
1957/1958 |
66/1953 | Departments: Law/Letters and Science 123 items
1957/1958 |
66/1954 | Departments.: Mines/Bureau of Mines/Physical Education/Psychology/Summer School/National Science Foundation Institute 105 items
1957/1958 |
66/1955 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Agriculture/Business Administration/Education/Engineering 48 items
1957/1958 |
66/1956 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Forestry/Law/Letters and Science/Mines 51 items
1957/1958 |
66/1957 | Associations: General/AAUW/American Council on Education Association of Land Grant College and State Universities 69 items
1957/1958 |
66/1958 | Board of Regents/Budget 100 items
1957/1958 |
66/1959 | Catalog Material/Chambers of Commerce/Colleges (General)/College of Idaho/Columbia Basin Interagency Commission 94 items
1957/1958 |
66/1960 | Commencement 138 items
1957/1958 |
66/1961 | Committees: General/Admission/Athletic Board of Control/Borah Foundation/Commencement/Discipline 72 items
1957/1958 |
66/1962 | Committees: Faculty-Staff Affairs/Fine Arts/Honorary Degrees/In-Service Training/Interim Committee of the Faculty/Library/Loan Fund/Museum Development 50 items
1957/1958 |
66/1963 | Committees: Patent/Public Events/Radio Isotope/ Recreation/Scholarship/Student-Faculty/Student Union 49 items
1957/1958 |
66/1964 | Councils: General/Academic/Administrative/Graduate/Operations/Research Advisory/Research 60 items
1957/1958 |
66/1965 | Faculty: General/Applications/Teachers' Retirement/Federal Government 69 items
1957/1958 |
66/1966 | Hecla-Bunker Hill Scholarship Fund 107 items
1952/1958 |
66/1967 | Idaho: Governor/Congressional Delegates/Legislatiure/State/State Board of Examiners/State Department of Education/Idaho Education Association 75 items
1957/1958 |
66/1968 | Idaho State Coaches Association 133 items
1950/1958 |
66/1969 | Idaho State College/Institute for College and University Administrators/Institute of International Education/Latah County/Living Groups 102 items
1957/1958 |
66/1970 | Miscellaneous/Moscow/National Association of State Universities/National Education Association/Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools 97 items
1957/1958 |
66/1971 | Students: General/Campus Christian Center/Foreign 112 items
1957/1958 |
66/1972 | Traffic (Parking Report)/U.S. Office of Education/Washington State College 11 items
1957/1958 |
66/1973 | Gifts and Scholarships: ASARCO, 1954-1957/Crown Zellerbach, 1954-1958/Danforth Foundation, 1956-1957/Davis Brothers (Winn and Lovett Foundation, 1948-1958/Donald Kirk David (Mrs. George Jewett), 1951-1958 102 items
1948/1958 |
66/1974 | Gifts and Scholarships: Jerome J. Day Library, 1941-1957/First Security Foundation, 1953-1957/Gault Hall Memorial, 1956-1958/General Electric, 1955-1957/General Motors, 1955-1958/Carl Raymond Gray (Union Pacific), 1955-1957 117 items
1941/1958 |
66/1975 | Gifts and Scholarships: Margaret W. Jewett Organ, 1952-1954/Miscellaneous, 1950-1958 103 items
1950/1958 |
66/1976 | Theophilus: Personal 204 items
July - December 1958 |
66/1977 | Theophilus: Personal 234 items
January - June 1959 |
66/1978 | Theophilus: Engagements and Speeches 55 items
1958/1959 |
67/1979 | Offices: Alumni Secretary/ASUI 120 items
1958/1959 |
67/1980 | Offices: Athletics (Department and Director)/Football 153 items
1958/1959 |
67/1981 | Offices: Business and telephone system/Physical Plant (Water Supply)/Placement Service 106 items
1958/1959 |
67/1982 | Offices: President (Executive Dean)/Idaho Will grow/Public Events-Politicians 87 items
1958/1959 |
67/1983 | Offices: President (Requests for Projected Information/Salary Survey/Self-Evaluation Study) 50 items
1958/1959 |
67/1984 | Offices: Publications/Registrar/Student Affairs and Dormitories 82 items
1958/1959 |
67/1985 | Departments: Agriculture 180 items
1958/1959 |
67/1986 | Departments: Agricultural Extension/Art and Architecture 55 items
1958/1959 |
67/1987 | Departments.: Business Administration (Community Development Program)/Highway Economic Survey/Public Utilities Executive Course/Communications 97 items
1958/1959 |
67/1988 | Departments.: Education, including Field Service/Non-resident Instruction/Agreement with Moscow School District/Engineering) 96 items
1958/1959 |
67/1989 | Departments: Graduate School (GENE/NRTS)/Forestry/Law 83 items
1958/1959 |
67/1990 | Departments: Letters and Science Library/Medical/Mines 129 items
1958/1959 |
67/1991 | Departments: ROTC/Summer School and National Science Foundation Summer Institute 151 items
1958/1959 |
67/1992 | Associations: Land Grant College and State Universities/Rocky Mountain Universities/National Association of State Universities/Board of Regents 71 items
1958/1959 |
67/1993 | Budget/Buildings-Use of/Colleges 153 items
1958/1959 |
67/1994 | Commencement 119 items
1958/1959 |
67/1995 | Committees: General 130 items
1958/1959 |
67/1996 | Committees: Patent/Special 28 items
1958/1959 |
67/1997 | Councils: Academic/Administrative/Operations/Research 98 items
1958/1959 |
67/1998 | Fire Inspection/Government Agencies/Idaho-Legislature/Idaho State Board of Examiners/Idaho Academy of Science/Idaho State College 130 items
1958/1959 |
67/1999 | National Defense Education Act/Parking/Rocky Mountain Science Council 64 items
1958/1959 |
67/2000 | Streets/Students 137 items
1958/1959 |
67/2001 | Students: (Foreign/Living Groups/Religious Groups)/Western Data Processing Center 77 items
1958/1959 |
68/2002 | Scholarships/Gifts: General, 1950-1959 300 items
1950/1959 |
68/2003 | Scholarships: Bunker Hill, 1951-1956 151 items
1951/1956 |
68/2004 | Scholarships: Kellogg Foundation, 1951/1953/AE Larson, 1951-1956 46 items
1951/1956 |
68/2005 | Scholarships: PFI Foundation, 1952-1957/Presser Foundation, 1951-58 97 items
1951/1958 |
68/2006 | Scholarships: Ralston-Purina/Sandpoint News-Bulletin/Sears-Roebuck/J. R. Simplot/Standard Oil/Dean Stoll Education Fund/Utah Power and Light/Washington Water Power/Westvaco 31 items
1958/1959 |
68/2007 | Theophilus: Personal 260 items
January - June 1960 |
68/2008 | Theophilus: Personal 150 items
July - December 1959 |
68/2009 | Theophilus: Engagements/President's Office/General and 25-Year service dinner 168 items
1959/1960 |
68/2010 | Offices: Alumni Secretary/ASUI and General Manager 84 items
1959/1960 |
68/2011 | Offices: ASUI (Argonaut/Gem/Athletics/Football) 164 items
1959/1960 |
68/2012 | Offices: Business/Bookstore/Dormitories/Executive Dean 113 items
1959/1960 |
68/2013 | Offices: Field Agents/Health Service/Housing/Library/Non-resident Instruction 92 items
1959/1960 |
68/2014 | Offices: Photo Center/Physical Plant/Placement/Placement/ Publications/Purchasing Agent 62 items
1959/1960 |
68/2015 | Offices: Registrar and Admissions/ROTC 104 items
1959/1960 |
68/2016 | Offices: Student Affairs/Associated Women Students/Student Counseling Center/Summer/NSF Summer Institute/Counseling and Guidance Summer Institute 87 items
1959/1960 |
68/2017 | Departments: Adult Education (Applications, General) 143 items
1959/1960 |
68/2018 | Departments: Adult Education Centers (Boise/Mountain Home) 36 items
1959/1960 |
68/2019 | Departments: Agriculture 142 items
1959/1960 |
68/2020 | Departments: Agriculture (Extension/4-H/FFA/Farm Electrification/USDA 87 items
1959/1960 |
68/2021 | Departments.: Art and Architecture/Biological Science/Business Administration/Public Utilities Executive Course 39 items
1959/1960 |
68/2022 | Departments: Communications/Education/Engineering/Forestry 102 items
1959/1960 |
68/2023 | Departments: Graduate School (GENE/NRTS)/Ph.D. Degree 61 items
1959/1960 |
69/2024 | Departments: Home Economics/Humanities/Law/Letters and Science 79 items
1959/1960 |
69/2025 | Departments: Mathematics/Mines/Music/Physical Science/Social Science 92 items
1959/1960 |
69/2026 | Associations: Associations and Memberships/AAUP/AAUW/Association of Governing Boards of State Universities/Association of Land Grant College and Universities 68 items
1959/1960 |
69/2027 | Associations: Association of Rocky Mountain Universities/Idaho Academy of Science/Idaho Education Association/Institute for College and University Administrators 34 items
1959/1960 |
69/2028 | Associations: National Association of State Universities/National Education Association/NCAA/Pacific Northwest Conference on Higher Education/Western Data Processing Center 21 items
1959/1960 |
69/2029 | Board of Regents: General/Memorandums 120 items
1959/1960 |
69/2030 | Centennials/Chambers of Commerce 47 items
1959/1960 |
69/2031 | Colleges: General/College of Idaho/Idaho State College/Magic Valley Christian College/University of Idaho Washington State University 119 items
1959/1960 |
69/2032 | Commencement 133 items
1959/1960 |
69/2033 | Committees 110 items
1959/1960 |
69/2034 | Faculty: General/Applications/Leave/Load 117 items
1959/1960 |
69/2035 | Fellowships, Grants, Awards: Boise Payette Lumber Co./General Electric/Kaiser Steel 74 items
1959/1960 |
69/2036 | Foundations: General/Danforth/Research/Spalding Museum 71 items
1959/1960 |
69/2037 | Foundations: Potlatch Forests 89 items
1959/1960 |
69/2038 | Funds/Gifts 200 items
1959/1960 |
69/2039 | Hall of Fame/Honorary Degrees 46 items
1959/1960 |
69/2040 | Idaho: Congressional Delegates/County of Latah/Governor's Committee on Air Pollution/Tax Commission/Legislature/State of/State Department of Education 101 items
1959/1960 |
69/2041 | Joint Civilian Orientation Conference/NDEA/Study of Electrical Computing Devices 37 items
1959/1960 |
69/2042 | Scholarships: General 178 items
1959/1960 |
69/2043 | Scholarships: ASARCO/Crown Zellerbach/Donald Kirk David/lst Security/Consul General Foster Forestry 110 items
1959/1960 |
69/2044 | Scholarships: Hecla-Bunker Hill 86 items
1959/1960 |
69/2045 | Scholarships: Iddings/Larson/Morrison Family/Rhodes 75 items
1959/1960 |
69/2046 | Students: General 116 items
1959/1960 |
69/2047 | Students: Campus Christian Center/Foreign/Honorary Groups/Honors/Living Groups/Visiting Scholars 121 items
1959/1960 |
69/2048 | Traffic, Parking, etc./U of I film/U of I-WSC Facilities/U.S Government Departments 32 items
1959/1960 |
70/2049 | Theophilus: Personal 242 items
July - December 1960 |
70/2050 | Theophilus: Personal 272 items
January - June 1961 |
70/2051 | Theophilus: College invitations/Engagements/IE Forestry Advisory Council/National Project in Agricultural Communication/National Council on Accrediting/Senior Honorary Dinner/Statements 66 items
1960/1961 |
70/2052 | Offices: Admissions/Alumni Association and Secretary 72 items
1960/1961 |
70/2053 | Offices: ASUI and General Manager 80 items
1960/1961 |
70/2054 | Offices: ASUI (Argonaut/Gem/Athletics/Football/Budget) 117 items
1960/1961 |
70/2055 | Offices: Business/Dormitories/Executive Dean/Housing 102 items
1960/1961 |
70/2056 | Offices: Library/Physical Plant (Reports)/Traffic/Water 69 items
1960/1961 |
70/2057 | Offices: President/Publications/Registrar 72 items
1960/1961 |
70/2058 | Offices: ROTC 82 items
1960/1961 |
70/2059 | Offices: Student Affairs 54 items
1960/1961 |
70/2060 | Departments: Adult Education 85 items
1960/1961 |
70/2061 | Departments: Agriculture (General) 150 items
1960/1961 |
70/2062 | Departments: Agriculture (Experiment Station/Extension/4-H/Farm Electrification) 61 items
1960/1961 |
70/2063 | Departments: Business Administration (5 sub-divisions) 77 items
1960/1961 |
70/2064 | Departments: Communications/Education 51 items
1960/1961 |
70/2065 | Departments: Engineering/Forestry 71 items
1960/1961 |
70/2066 | Departments: Graduate School (3 sub-divisions including NDEA) 79 items
1960/1961 |
70/2067 | Departments: Graduate School (NRTS/NSF) 53 items
1960/1961 |
70/2068 | Departments: Law/Letters and Science/Mathematics/Medical (2 year) 74 items
1960/1961 |
70/2069 | Departments: Mines/Music/Physical Science/PreMed/Social Science 65 items
1960/1961 |
70/2070 | Accreditation/American Council on Education/Association Memberships 49 items
1960/1961 |
70/2071 | Associations: Land Grant College and State Universities/Association of Rocky Mountain Universities 65 items
1960/1961 |
71/2072 | Budget/Buildings/Catalog/Chambers of Commerce 63 items
1960/1961 |
71/2073 | Colleges: General/Idaho State College/Magic Valley/St. Gertrude's/Washington State College 139 items
1960/1961 |
71/2074 | Colleges: University of Idaho History Project 29 items
1938-1959 |
71/2075 | Commencement: General and Historical 195 items
1960/1961 |
71/2076 | Committees 180 items
1959/1961 |
71/2077 | Committees: Annual Reports 3 items
1959/1961 |
71/2078 | Councils: Academic/Administrative, 1958-1961 146 items
1958/1961 |
71/2079 | Councils: Graduate/Research Advisory 108 items
1960/1961 |
71/2080 | Councils: Research 97 items
1960/1961 |
71/2081 | Faculty: Applications/ Club, 1945-1961 97 items
1945/1961 |
71/2082 | Faculty: Sabbaticals 112 items
1960/1961 |
71/2083 | Faculty: Space Assignments, 1951-196l/Retirement/Loads 93 items
1951/1961 |
71/2084 | Government Agencies: Federal/Congress/ Office of Education Grants 35 items
1960/1961 |
71/2085 | Idaho: State of/Academy of Science/Idaho Education Association/Governor/Governor's Committee on Air Pollution 64 items
1960/1961 |
71/2086 | Idaho Legislature/Pre Legislative Material/State Educational Survey 140 items
1960/1961 |
71/2087 | Institute for Internationl Education/National Education Association/NCAA/National Project in Agricultural Communications/Northwest Association for Secondary and Higher Schools/Pacific Northwest Conference on Higher Education 30 items
1960/1961 |
71/2088 | Board of Regents and Board of Education 152 items
1960/1961 |
71/2089 | Miscellaneous/Sample invitations/Scholarships 77 items
1960/1961 |
71/2090 | Students 163 items
1960/1961 |
71/2091 | Students: Advanced Placement/Foreign/Honorary Groups/Living Groups/Religious Groups/Senior Honors Dinner 64 items
1960/1961 |
71/2092 | Water Resources/WICHE 31 items
1960/1961 |
71/2093 | Theophilus: Personal 76 items
1961/1962 |
71/2094 | Offices: Academic Vice President/Admissions/Alumni Secretary 116 items
1961/1962 |
71/2095 | Offices: ASUI and General Manager 122 items
1961/1962 |
72/2096 | Offices: Athletics (Department/Football) 158 items
1961/1962 |
72/2097 | Offices: Business (Including Dick's Civil Defense file) 121 items
1961/1962 |
72/2098 | Offices: Dormitories/Housing/Library/Physical Plant 60 items
1961/1962 |
72/2099 | Offices: President's/Development Fund/Travel Vouchers/Salary Exchange Information 76 items
1961/1962 |
72/2100 | Offices: Publications/Purchasing/Registrar 62 items
1961/1962 |
72/2101 | Offices: ROTC/Student Affairs 109 items
1961/1962 |
72/2102 | Departments: Adult Education and Summer School 91 items
1961/1962 |
72/2103 | Departments: Agriculture 120 items
1961/1962 |
72/2104 | Departments: Agriculture (Experiment Station/Extension/4-H/Farm Electrification/USDA) 63 items
1961/1962 |
72/2105 | Departments: Art and Architecture/Business Administration/Communications 100 items
1961/1962 |
72/2106 | Departments: Education/Engineering/Forestry 77 items
1961/1962 |
72/2107 | Departments: Graduate School (NDEA/NRTS/NSF) 110 items
1961/1962 |
72/2108 | Departments: Law/Letters and Science 115 items
1961/1962 |
72/2109 | Departments: Math/Medical/Mines/Bureau of Mines 65 items
1961/1962 |
72/2110 | Departments: Music/Nursing/Physical Sciences 45 items
1961/1962 |
72/2111 | Associations: American Council on Education/AAUP/AAUW/Association of Rocky Mountain Universities/Association of Land Grant Colleges 90 items
1961/1962 |
72/2112 | Associations: Idaho Academy of Science/NCAA/National Education Association 29 items
1961/1962 |
72/2113 | Budget/Chamber of Commerce 24 items
1961/1962 |
72/2114 | Colleges: General 93 items
1961/1962 |
72/2115 | Colleges: Idaho State College/Magic Valley Christian/St. Gertrude's/Washington State College/Columbia Basin Interagency Committee 37 items
1961/1962 |
72/2116 | Committees: General 148 items
1961/1962 |
72/2117 | Committees: Reports 29 items
1961/1962 |
72/2118 | Councils: Academic/Administrative/Graduate 64 items
1961/1962 |
72/2119 | Councils: Research, 1955-1962/Research Advisory 150 items
1955/1962 |
72/2120 | Faculty: General/Applications 77 items
1961/1962 |
72/2121 | Federal Government: Agencies/Congress/Office of Education 65 items
1961/1962 |
72/2122 | Fellowships/Foundations/Gifts/Grants 92 items
1961/1962 |
73/2123 | Idaho: State of/Governor/Legislature 61 items
1961/1962 |
73/2124 | Idaho: Board of Regents and Board of Education/Memorandums/Department of Education/Permanent Building Fund 116 items
1961/1962 |
73/2125 | Scholarships/Security Clearance 83 items
1961/1962 |
73/2126 | Students: Honorary/Living/Foreign/Religious Groups 151 items
1961/1962 |
73/2127 | Theophilus: Correspondence 230 items
1962/1963 |
73/2128 | Theophilus: Engagements/Speeches 17 items
1962/1963 |
73/2129 | Theophilus: Organizations (Land Grant Centennial/Hall of Fame/Inland Empire Forestry Advisory Committee) 60 items
1962/1963 |
73/2130 | Theophilus: Organizations (National Committee on Accreditation/National Rivers and Harbors Congress/Natural Resources Commission) 29 items
1962/1963 |
73/2131 | Theophilus: Organizations (Pacific Coast Committee/Pacific Science Center) 30 items
1962/1963 |
73/2132 | Theophilus: Organizations (PFI Foundations) 43 items
1962/1963 |
73/2133 | Theophilus: Senior Honorary Dinner 51 items
1962/1963 |
73/2134 | Schools and Colleges: Adult Education 9 items
1962/1963 |
73/2135 | Schools and Colleges: Agriculture 95 items
1962/1963 |
73/2136 | Schools and Colleges: Agricultural Experiment Station/Agricultural Extension/USDA 48 items
1962/1963 |
73/2137 | Schools and Colleges: Business Administration/Education/ Engineering/Forestry 53 items
1962/1963 |
73/2138 | Schools and Colleges: Graduate School/Law/Letters and Science/Mines 125 items
1962/1963 |
73/2139 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Agriculture/Business Administration/Education/Engineering 38 items
1962/1963 |
73/2140 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Forestry/Law/Letters and Science Mines 43 items
1962/1963 |
73/2141 | Associations: AAUW/American Council on Education/Association of Land Grant Colleges/Association of Rocky Mountain Universities 59 items
1962/1963 |
73/2142 | Associations: Chamber of Commerce/Idaho Academy of Science/Idaho Education Association/National Education Association/Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools 15 items
1962/1963 |
73/2143 | Awards/Budget/Buildings/Colleges 80 items
1962/1963 |
73/2144 | Commencement 51 items
1962/1963 |
73/2145 | Charts (Organization)/Committees/Councils 72 items
1962/1963 |
74/2146 | Development Fund/Faculty/Foundations/Gifts 54 items
1962/1963 |
74/2147 | Idaho Department of Education/Governor/Legislature 33 items
1962/1963 |
74/2148 | Idaho: Natural Resources Commission 189 items
1962/1963 |
74/2149 | Idaho: Board of Regents/State of Idaho/University Policies 61 items
1962/1963 |
74/2150 | U.S.: Congress/Office of Education 10 items
1962/1963 |
74/2151 | Offices: Admissions/Alumni Secretary/ASUI 96 items
1962/1963 |
74/2152 | Offices: Athletics 78 items
1962/1963 |
74/2153 | Offices: Computer Center/Dormitories/Housing/Library/Publications/Physical Plant/President's Travel Vouchers 106 items
1962/1963 |
74/2154 | Offices: Registrar/ROTC 76 items
1962/1963 |
74/2155 | Offices: Student Affairs 75 items
1962/1963 |
74/2156 | Water Resources Committee: Correspondence 108 items
1961/1963 |
74/2157 | Water Resources Committee: Minutes 29 items
1961/1963 |
74/2158 | Theophilus: Correspondence 165 items
1963/1964 |
74/2159 | Theophilus: Dinners/75th Anniversary 74 items
1963/1964 |
74/2160 | Theophilus: Engagements and Speeches 76 items
1963/1964 |
74/2161 | Theophilus: Football invitations 54 items
1963/1964 |
74/2162 | Theophilus: Pacific Science Center 4 items
1963/1964 |
74/2163 | Theophilus: Potlatch Forests Foundation 37 items
1963/1964 |
74/2164 | Offices: Admissions/Alumni Secretary/ASUI and General Manager 86 items
1963/1964 |
74/2165 | Offices: Athletics (Director/Board of Control/Big Sky Conference) 54 items
1963/1964 |
74/2166 | Offices: Bookstore/Business 95 items
1963/1964 |
74/2167 | Offices: Development Fund Program 8 items
1963/1964 |
74/2168 | Offices: Library/Physical Plant/President (Travel Vouchers) 73 items
1963/1964 |
74/2169 | Offices: Publications/Registrar 18 items
1963/1964 |
75/2170 | Offices: ROTC/Student Affairs 101 items
1963/1964 |
75/2171 | Schools and Colleges: Adult Education and Summer School 15 items
1963/1964 |
75/2172 | Schools and Colleges: Agriculture (Experiment Station/Extension/Farm Electrification) 44 items
1963/1964 |
75/2173 | Schools and Colleges: Business Administration/Communications/Education 49 items
1963/1964 |
75/2174 | Schools and Colleges: Engineering/Forestry 75 items
1963/1964 |
75/2175 | Schools and Colleges: Graduate School (NDEA/NRTS/NSF) 100 items
1963/1964 |
75/2176 | Schools and Colleges: Letters and Science 80 items
1963/1964 |
75/2177 | Schools and Colleges: Mathematics/Mines/IBM/Music/Physical Science 89 items
1963/1964 |
75/2178 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Agriculture/Business Administration/Education/Engineering 37 items
1963/1964 |
75/2179 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Forestry/Law/Letters and Science Mines 46 items
1963/1964 |
75/2180 | Accrediting/Associations 65 items
1963/1964 |
75/2181 | Carillon 53 items
1963/1964 |
75/2182 | Colleges 100 items
1963/1964 |
75/2183 | Commencement: General 46 items
1963/1964 |
75/2184 | Commencement: Invitation responses/Honorary Degrees 132 items
1963/1964 |
75/2185 | Committees: General/Executive/Interim 116 items
1963/1964 |
75/2186 | Councils: Academic/Graduate/Operations 33 items
1963/1964 |
75/2187 | Councils: Research/Research Advisory 70 items
1963/1964 |
75/2188 | Faculty: General/Applications/Teaching Loads 54 items
1963/1964 |
75/2189 | Federal Agencies: General/Congress/Office of Education 98 items
1963/1964 |
75/2190 | Foundations/Research Foundation/Gifts/Grants/Honors 98 items
1963/1964 |
75/2191 | Idaho: State of 47 items
1963/1964 |
76/2192 | Idaho: Department of Education/Governor/Historical Society/Legislature/Permanent Building Fund Council 52 items
1963/1964 |
76/2193 | Idaho: Regents (General and Memorandums) 157 items
1963/1964 |
76/2194 | Memorandums/Moscow 24 items
1963/1964 |
76/2195 | Presidential Applications: Procedures/Lists/Letters 44 items
1963/1964 |
76/2196 | Presidential Finalists (Calhoun/Carlson/Cutler/Fisher/Merritt) 76 items
1963/1964 |
76/2197 | Scholarships 73 items
1963/1964 |
76/2198 | Students 138 items
1963/1964 |
76/2199 | Theophilus: Correspondence 255 items
January - June 1965 |
76/2200 | Theophilus: Correspondence 160 items
July - December 1964 |
76/2201 | Theophilus: Report to Board on H.B. 307 22 items
1964/1965 |
76/2202 | Theophilus: Engagements and Speeches 92 items
1964/1965 |
76/2203 | Theophilus: Social Functions (Boise Game/Chief's Lunch/Physical Science Dedication/Senior Honorary Dinner/Theophilus Reception/Twenty-five year service dinner) 114 items
1964/1965 |
76/2204 | Theophilus: Christmas Letters 58 items
1964/1965 |
76/2205 | Theophilus: Committees, Grants, etc. (Boy Scouts/Davis Winn-Dixie/Inland Empire Forest Advisory Council/Mary Hall Nicolls Estate/National Rivers and Harbors Commission/Natural Resources Commission 90 items
1964/1965 |
76/2206 | Theophilus: Committees, Grants, (Potlatch Foundation/Rhodes Scholarship/Spalding Museum 58 items
1964/1965 |
76/2207 | Theophilus: Water Resources Committee 97 items
1964/1965 |
76/2208 | Theophilus: Water Resources Research Institute 28 items
1964/1965 |
76/2209 | Administration: Academic Vice President/Accreditation/Admissions/Alumni Secretary and Association/ASUI and General Manager 97 items
1964/1965 |
76/2210 | Administration: Athletics (Department and Director) 100 items
1964/1965 |
76/2211 | Administration: Athletics (Board of Control/Big Sky Conference/Applications - Director) 97 items
1964/1965 |
76/2212 | Administration: Bookstore/Business Office 170 items
1964/1965 |
76/2213 | Administration: Housing/Library 136 items
1964/1965 |
76/2214 | Administration: Physical Plant 24 items
1964/1965 |
77/2215 | Administration: President (Vouchers)/Publications/Registrar 90 items
1964/1965 |
77/2216 | Administration: ROTC 92 items
1964/1965 |
77/2217 | Administration: Student Affairs 50 items
1964/1965 |
77/2218 | Schools and Colleges: Adult Education (General) 24 items
1964/1965 |
77/2219 | Schools and Colleges: Adult Education (Placement/Summer School) 7 items
1964/1965 |
77/2220 | Schools and Colleges: Agriculture 110 items
1964/1965 |
77/2221 | Schools and Colleges: Agriculture (Experiment Station/Extension/Farm Electrification/4-H and FFA/USDA) 55 items
1964/1965 |
77/2222 | Schools and Colleges: Business Administration/Education/Engineering 106 items
1964/1965 |
77/2223 | Schools and Colleges: Forestry (Idaho Co-operative Wildlife/USFS) 32 items
1964/1965 |
77/2224 | Schools and Colleges: Graduate (AEC/NASA/NDEA/NRTS/NSF) 108 items
1964/1965 |
77/2225 | Schools and Colleges: Law 52 items
1964/1965 |
77/2226 | Schools and Colleges: Letters and Science 68 items
1964/1965 |
77/2227 | Schools and Colleges: Letters and Science (Communications/Mathematics/Music/Physical Science) 62 items
1964/1965 |
77/2228 | Schools and Colleges: Mines/Bureau of Mines/Mines Deanship 73 items
1964/1965 |
77/2229 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Agriculture/Agricultural Economics/Business Administration/Education/Engineering 53 items
1964/1965 |
77/2230 | Faculty Meeting Minutes: Forestry/Graduate/Law/Letters and Science/Mines 35 items
1964/1965 |
77/2231 | Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges/Association of Rocky Mountain Universities/ Idaho Academy of Science/Idaho Education Association/ Northwest Scientific Association/Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools 56 items
1964/1965 |
77/2232 | Catalog/Chamber of Commerce/Civil Defense 43 items
1964/1965 |
77/2233 | Colleges: College of Idaho/Idaho State College/Washington State University 121 items
1964/1965 |
77/2234 | Commencement/Honorary Degrees 51 items
1964/1965 |
77/2235 | Committees: General/Memberships/Borah/Superior Students/Executive 70 items
1964/1965 |
77/2236 | Committees: Faculty/Interim, 1962-1965/Patent/Testing 81 items
1962/1965 |
77/2237 | Councils: Academic/Administrative, 1962-1965 181 items
1962/1965 |
77/2238 | Councils: Graduate/Operations/Research 68 items
1964/1965 |
77/2239 | Development Fund Program 10 items
1964/1965 |
78/2240 | Faculty/Faculty Appointments/Faculty Women's Club 33 items
1964/1965 |
78/2241 | Federal Agencies: General 37 items
1964/1965 |
78/2242 | Federal Agencies: Congress 65 items
1964/1965 |
78/2243 | Federal Agencies: U.S. Office of Education 26 items
1964/1965 |
78/2244 | Fellowships/Foundations 9 items
1964/1965 |
78/2245 | Gifts/Grants 90 items
1964/1965 |
78/2246 | Idaho: State of/Department of Education/Governor 82 items
1964/1965 |
78/2247 | Idaho: Legislature/Permanent Building Fund Council 76 items
1964/1965 |
78/2248 | Idaho: Board of Regents 172 items
1964/1965 |
78/2249 | Idaho: Board of Regents (Memorandums)/(University) Lawyer 37 items
1964/1965 |
78/2250 | Matching Funds/Memorandums/Moscow/Pacific Northwest Conference on Higher Education 29 items
1964/1965 |
78/2251 | Quarter System/Radio Isotopes/Scholarships 78 items
1964/1965 |
78/2252 | Students 97 items
1964/1965 |
78/2253 | Students: Foreign/Honorary/Living and Religious Groups/Universities Council on Hydrology 26 items
1964/1965 |
Series III. Cumulative FilesReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
A. |
Box/Folder | ||
78/2254 | Accountant's Reports 4 items
1917 |
78/2255 | Accountant's Reports 5 items
1928 |
78/2256 | Accountant's Reports 8 items
1929, 1930 |
78/2257 | Accountant's Reports 5 items
1931 |
78/2258 | Accountant's Reports 5 items
1932 |
78/2259 | Accountant's Reports 9 items
1933, 1934 |
78/2260 | Accountant's Reports 9 items
1935, 1936 |
B. |
Box/Folder | ||
78/2261 | ASUI Reports 30 items
1931/1933 |
78/2262 | ASUI Reports 38 items
1933/1935 |
78/2263 | ASUI Reports 28 items
1935/1937 |
C. |
Box/Folder | ||
78/2264 | Blue Bucket Inn Balance Sheet Statements 8 items
1937 |
D. |
Box/Folder | ||
78/2265 | Budgets: Request and Operating 2 items
1929-30 |
78/2266 | Budgets: Request and Operating 4 items
1931-1932 |
78/2267 | Budgets: Request and Operating 4 items
1933-1934 |
78/2268 | Budgets: Request and Operating 12 items
1935-1936 |
78/2269 | Budgets: Request and Operating 5 items
1937-1938 |
E. |
Box/Folder | ||
80/2270 | Buildings: Building Programs 111 items
1928-1952 |
80/2271 | Buildings: Campus Plan 75 items
1945-1964 |
80/2272 | Buildings: Road Plan 9 items
1947-1954 |
80/2273 | Buildings: Streets 23 items
1959-1962 |
80/2274 | Buildings: Administration Remodelling 78 items
1957-1962 |
80/2275 | Buildings: Agriculture (Experiment Stations) 73 items
1951-1960 |
80/2276 | Buildings: Agriculture (Agricultural Engineering and Small Animal Lab) 61 items
1930-1962 |
80/2277 | Buildings: Armory (Proposed) 1947/Art, 1954-66/Athletics, 1953-66 23 items
1947-1966 |
80/2278 | Buildings: Campus Club 60 items
1958-1959 |
80/2279 | Buildings: Computer Center, 1964/Dormitories, 1954-64/Education, 1964-65 35 items
1964-1965 |
80/2280 | Buildings: Engineering Classroom (Including photos) 94 items
1928-1953 |
80/2281 | Buildings: Fine Arts, 1928/Forestry, 1928-1961/French Hall, 1952-1953 55 items
1928-1961 |
80/2282 | Buildings: Gault-Upham Halls 103 items
1953-1957 |
80/2283 | Buildings: Golf Course 41 items
1935-1937 |
80/2284 | Buildings: Heating Plant (Boiler) 127 items
1938-1939 |
80/2285 | Buildings: Heating Plant (Boiler) 140 items
1939-1942 |
80/2286 | Buildings: Heating Plant (Boiler) Specificiations 1 item
1940 |
80/2287 | Buildings: Heating Plant 12 items
1950-1962 |
80/2288 | Buildings: Home Economics, 1953/Home Management House, 1958/Industrial Arts, 1957/Skating Rink, 1954-1955 23 items
1953-1958 |
80/2289 | Buildings: Infirmary 108 items
1933-1935 |
80/2290 | Buildings: Infirmary 270 items
1934-1935 |
80/2291 | Buildings: Infirmary 148 items
1936-1938 |
80/2292 | Buildings: Infirmary (Architect) 158 items
1935-1937 |
80/2293 | Buildings: Infirmary (Bids) 97 items
1936 |
80/2294 | Buildings: Infirmary (Bond Issue) 30 items
1934-1935 |
80/2295 | Buildings: Infirmary (Change Orders) 148 items
1936-1937 |
80/2296 | Buildings: Infirmary (Contractors) 67 items
1935-1937 |
80/2297 | Buildings: Infirmary (Equipment) 1936-37/Legal Matters, 1935-36 82 items
1935-1937 |
80/2298 | Buildings: Infirmary (Public Liability Insurance, 1936/Requisitions, 1935-37 123 items
1935-1937 |
80/2299 | Buildings: Infirmary (Rules and Regulations) 22 items
1934-1937 |
81/2300 | Buildings: Infirmary (Specifications) 3 items
1935-1936 |
81/2301 | Buildings: Infirmary (Time Extensions) 56 items
1937 |
81/2302 | Buildings: Infirmary (Addition) 47 items
1958-1960 |
81/2303 | Buildings: Information Center, 1961-62/Law School, 1930, 1950-52 27 items
1930-1962 |
81/2304 | Buildings: Library Addition 118 items
1936-1937 |
81/2305 | Buildings: Library Addition 63 items
1937 |
81/2306 | Buildings: Library Addition (Applications, 1935/Architecture, 1937) 78 items
1935, 1937 |
81/2307 | Buildings: Library Addition (Bids, 1937/Bond Issue, 1936) 41 items
1936, 1937 |
81/2308 | Buildings: Library Addition (Change Orders, 1937/Contractor, 1937/Equipment, 1936-37) 100 items
1936-1937 |
81/2309 | Buildings: Library Addition (Requisitions, 1936-37/Rules and Regulations, 1936-37/Time Extension, 1937) 100 items
1936-1937 |
81/2310 | Buildings: Library (New) 125 items
1927-1952 |
81/2311 | Buildings: Library (New) 140 items
1953-1957 |
81/2312 | Buildings: Library (New) 38 items
1958-1964 |
81/2313 | Buildings: Memorial Gym 108 items
1949-1954 |
81/2314 | Buildings: Military Science (Proposed) 2 items
1953 |
81/2315 | Buildings: Mines, 1904-1944; 1958-1962 121 items
1904-1962 |
81/2316 | Buildings: Mines (Fund) 93 items
1958-1960 |
81/2317 | Buildings: Music, 1949-1952; Physical Plant, 1957 61 items
1949-1957 |
81/2318 | Buildings: Physical Science, 1958-61/President's House, 1958 57 items
1958-1961 |
81/2319 | Buildings: Public Works Administration Projects 80 items
1935-1936 |
81/2320 | Buildings: Stadium, 1936-37/Steel House, 1952-53 45 items
1936-1953 |
82/2321 | Buildings: Student Union 72 items
1935-1937 |
82/2322 | Buildings: Student Union 72 items
1956-1958 |
82/2323 | Buildings: Student Union 76 items
1959-1962 |
82/2324 | Buildings: Willis Sweet Dormitory (General) 82 items
1935-1937 |
82/2325 | Buildings: Willis Sweet Hall (Architect) 96 items
1936-1939 |
82/2326 | Buildings: Willis Sweet Hall (Contracts and Specifications) 24 items
1936 |
82/2327 | Buildings: Willis Sweet Hall (Financing) 85 items
1936-1939 |
82/2328 | Buildings: Willis Sweet Hall (Public Works Administration Papers, 1935-36/Dedication, 1937) 34 items
1935-1937 |
82/2329 | Buildings: Temporary 1946, 1954/Wallace Complex, 1960-64/Warehouse Area, 1947 58 items
1946-1964 |
82/2330 | Buildings: Water Tank (Including photos) 32 items
1950-1957 |
82/2331 | Buildings: Miscellaneous 32 items
1954-1964 |
F. |
Box/Folder | ||
82/2332 | Dining Hall Reports 6 items
1934-1937 |
G. |
Box/Folder | ||
82/2333 | Estimated Income Statements 6 items
1929-1938 |
H. |
Box/Folder | ||
82/2334 | Enrollment Statistics 37 items
1892-1930 |
82/2335 | Enrollment Statistics 31 items
1930-1932 |
82/2336 | Enrollment Statistics 33 items
1932-1934 |
82/2337 | Enrollment Statistics 50 items
1934-1936 |
82/2338 | Enrollment Statistics 21 items
1936-1937 |
I. |
Box/Folder | ||
82/2339 | Faculty Time Schedule 5 items
1926-1929 |
82/2340 | Faculty Time Schedule 9 items
1929-1931 |
82/2341 | Faculty Time Schedule 10 items
1931-1932 |
82/2342 | Faculty Time Schedule 6 items
1932-1934 |
82/2343 | Faculty Time Schedule 12 items
1934-1937 |
J. |
Box/Folder | ||
82/2344 | Grade Summaries 5 items
1925-1929 |
82/2345 | Grade Summaries 5 items
1930-1932 |
82/2346 | Grade Summaries 7 items
1932-1934 |
82/2347 | Grade Summaries 14 items
1934-1936 |
82/2348 | Grade Summaries 4 items
1936-1937 |
K. |
Box/Folder | ||
83/2349 | Lewis-Clark Normal School 38 items
1953/1957 |
83/2350 | Lewis-Clark Normal School 217 items
1957/1958 |
83/2351 | Lewis-Clark Normal School 114 items
1958/1959 |
83/2352 | Lewis-Clark Normal School (Budget and Audit) 2 items
1958/1959 |
83/2353 | Lewis-Clark Normal School 147 items
1959/1960 |
83/2354 | Lewis-Clark Normal School (Regent's Recommendations/Prospectus/Audit 6 items
1959/1960 |
83/2355 | Lewis-Clark Normal School 132 items
1960/1961 |
83/2356 | Lewis-Clark Normal School (Recommendations for Regents/Budget Material) 15 items
1960/1961 |
83/2357 | Lewis-Clark Normal School 126 items
1961/1962 |
83/2358 | Lewis-Clark Normal School (Recommendations for Regents/Budgets) 11 items
1961/1962 |
83/2359 | Lewis-Clark Normal School 115 items
1962/1963 |
83/2360 | Lewis-Clark Normal School (Recommendations for Regents/Budgets/Audit/etc.) 10 items
1962/1963 |
L. |
Box/Folder | ||
83/2361 | Pacific Coast Conference 73 items
1947-1951 |
83/2362 | Pacific Coast Conference 66 items
1951/1952 |
83/2363 | Pacific Coast Conference 61 items
1952/1953 |
83/2364 | Pacific Coast Conference 57 items
1953/1954 |
83/2365 | Pacific Coast Conference 47 items
1954/1955 |
84/2366 | Pacific Coast Conference 97 items
1955/1956 |
84/2367 | Pacific Coast Conference 100 items
1956/1957 |
84/2368 | Pacific Coast Conference 51 items
1957/1958 |
84/2369 | Pacific Coast Conference 33 items
1958/1959 |
84/2370 | Pacific Coast Conference: Athletic Work Program 106 items
1947-1955 |
84/2371 | Pacific Coast Conference: Athletic Work Program 225 items
1955-1960 |
84/2372 | Pacific Coast Conference: Clippings 154 items
1949-1953 |
84/2373 | Pacific Coast Conference: Grades and Academic Progress 14 items
1952-1955 |
84/2374 | Pacific Coast Conference: President's Council and other athletic papers 23 items
1956-66 |
84/2375 | Pacific Coast Conference: Recruiting 27 items
1947-1954 |
84/2376 | Pacific Coast Conference: Survey Report (E.N. Atherton) 1 item
1938? |
M. |
Box/Folder | ||
84/2377 | Policy 93 items
1947-1952 |
84/2378 | Policy 120 items
1953-1956 |
84/2379 | Policy 110 items
1957-1961 |
N. |
Box/Folder | ||
84/2380 | Southern Branch: Faculty Time Schedules 5 items
1928-1931 |
84/2381 | Southern Branch: Faculty Time Schedules 8 items
1931-1934 |
84/2382 | Southern Branch: Faculty Time Schedules 9 items
1934-1938 |
84/2383 | Southern Branch: Enrollment Statistics 17 items
1931-1934 |
84/2384 | Southern Branch: Enrollment Statistics 23 items
1934-1937 |
85/2385 | Southern Branch: Financial Reports 7 items
1927-1928 |
85/2386 | Southern Branch: Financial Reports 10 items
1929-1930 |
85/2387 | Southern Branch: Financial Reports 5 items
1931-1932 |
85/2388 | Southern Branch: Financial Reports 7 items
1933-1934 |
85/2389 | Southern Branch: Financial Reports 11 items
1935-1936 |
85/2390 | Southern Branch: Financial Reports 6 items
1937-1938 |
O. |
Box/Folder | ||
85/2391 | Vandal Boosters 38 items
1946/1947 |
85/2392 | Vandal Boosters 40 items
1947/1948 |
85/2393 | Vandal Boosters (by city) 221 items
1947/1948 |
85/2394 | Vandal Boosters: Payroll and Recruiting 80 items
1947/1948 |
85/2395 | Vandal Boosters 67 items
1948/1949 |
85/2396 | Vandal Boosters 56 items
1949/1950 |
85/2397 | Vandal Boosters 44 items
1950/1951 |
85/2398 | Vandal Boosters 48 items
1951/1952 |
85/2399 | Vandal Boosters 85 items
1952/1953 |
85/2400 | Vandal Boosters 65 items
1953/1954 |
85/2401 | Vandal Boosters 57 items
1954-1957 |
85/2402 | Vandal Boosters 43 items
1957-1960 |
85/2403 | Vandal Boosters 56 items
1960-1965 |
85/2404 | Vandal Boosters: Bank Statements 110 items
1941-1953 |
85/2405 | WICHE 32 items
1950-1952 |
P. |
Box/Folder | ||
85/2406 | WICHE 115 items
1953-1954 |
85/2407 | WICHE 55 items
1955 |
85/2408 | WICHE 44 items
1956 |
85/2409 | WICHE 46 items
1957 |
85/2410 | WICHE 55 items
1958 |
85/2411 | WICHE 64 items
1959 |
85/2412 | WICHE 44 items
January - August 1960 |
85/2413 | WICHE 29 items
September - December 1960 |
85/2414 | WICHE 55 items
January - June 1961 |
85/2415 | WICHE 62 items
July - December 1961 |
85/2416 | WICHE 42 items
January - May 1962 |
85/2417 | WICHE 38 items
June - August 1962 |
85/2418 | WICHE 40 items
September - December 1962 |
85/2419 | WICHE 73 items
January - May 1963 |
85/2420 | WICHE 32 items
June - August 1963 |
85/2421 | WICHE 55 items
September - December 1963 |
85/2422 | WICHE 54 items
January - August 1964 |
85/2423 | WICHE 37 items
September - December 1964 |
85/2424 | WICHE 33 items
January - March 1965 |
85/2425 | WICHE 28 items
April - December 1965 |
85/2426 | WICHE: Annual Meeting Minutes 7 items
1953-1961 |
85/2427 | WICHE: Executive Committee Minutes 37 items
1953-1964 |
85/2428 | WICHE: Pamphlets 17 items
1958-1966 |