Viola Garfield photograph collection, approximately 1890s-1960s

Overview of the Collection

Garfield, Viola Edmundson, 1899-1983
Viola Garfield photograph collection
approximately 1890s-1960s (inclusive)
4328 photographic prints
27 negatives : glass
39 albums
6 slides
382 negatives : nitrate
36 negatives
Collection Number
Photographic documentation on Northwest Coast totems, totem carving, and totem culture
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

Access the original volumes restricted. Use bound volumes of photocopies first, then issue copy prints in boxes with photocopies. Researchers can also view the microfilm of the collection.

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Biographical NoteReturn to Top

A young Viola Edmundson, too frightened to walk alone past a field of cows on the way to the schoolhouse, soon abandoned her first attempt at grade school. By the time she had turned twenty-two, however, the timid girl had grown up into an adventurous young woman. In August of 1922, Viola accepted a job from the Bureau of Indian Affairs teaching Tsimshian Indian children in a remote Alaskan village. Years later she described that “my first view of the Tsimshian was of rows of houses spaced along the meandering shores of New Metlakatla, Alaska. Approaching the island in a late August afternoon, Purple Mountain and Yellow Hill with their brilliant colors dwarfed the weathered homes and churches.” Accompanying her were five other teachers and the superintendent. Viola was one of only two in the group who had met an Indian previously, and her interactions with a few Salish Indians on Whidbey Island while growing up had been very limited. And regardless of prior experience, “none of us had known such people as the Metlakatlans.” The nine-month teaching assignment would define her life and work from that moment forward.

Born on December 5th, 1899 in Iowa, Viola moved with her family to Whidbey Island in 1905. Once an added year and the company of a younger sister provided the courage to brave the frightening gauntlet of cows, she thrived in school--gaining back the lost year by skipping the fourth grade--and graduated valedictorian of her high school class. She worked and saved for a year, and entered the University of Washington in 1919. Unfortunately, her money ran out during her second year, necessitating a transfer to the Bellingham Normal School. Shortly after earning a teaching certificate, she left for New Metlakatla.

When she arrived, many adult Metlakatlans had been among those who had helped build the village, and only the youngest had no memory of its founder. These settlers had left their ancestral homeland, and vowed to renounce their ancient customs in favor of approximating the white man’s culture. For this reason, they had a reputation among whites as being the most “progressive” of all Northwest Coast Indian tribes. Despite the sincere effort to assimilate, she noted that “in many ways the Metlakatlans displayed attitudes, beliefs and behavior that were foreign and incomprehensible to the teachers.” The Indian children, for example, would not compete for attention or for rewards because, she realized, they thought in terms of group, and not personal, interest. The uniqueness of the Indians and their culture fascinated the young Viola. Despite the superintendent’s injunction, she refused to punish children who spoke Tsimshian.

This initial immersion in Indian culture ended with the school year the following spring. She returned to Seattle and worked as a stenographer for the city’s Chamber of Commerce. Here she met Charles Darwin Garfield, an Alaskan who had founded the Seattle Fur Exchange, and they married on her twenty-fifth birthday. Her curiosity about Indian culture slumbered dormant until 1927, when she was able once again to attend the University of Washington. She majored in sociology, and renewed her interest in the Tsimshian under the influence of newly-arrived anthropologist Melville Jacobs. She returned to New Metlakatla to study Tsimshian marriage patterns for her Master’s Degree, which she received in 1931. For the next several years, she would alternate between spending summers at Columbia University in pursuit of doctoral studies and the rest of the year teaching at the University of Washington. At Columbia, she studied under Franz Boas, generally credited with being the "father of American anthropology." Like many other early Northwest anthropologists, she maintained throughout her long career the Boasian dedication to ethnographic detail and native texts. At the time Columbia required the publication of the dissertation before granting a Ph.D. Even though Garfield finished hers in 1935, she had to wait until the 1939 publication of Tsimshian Clan and Society before receiving her degree. Once she had the Ph.D., she joined the University of Washington as a full faculty member, where she would teach until her retirement in 1970.

Garfield formed a crucial part of the nucleus of a department internationally famous for its specialization in Northwest Coast Indian culture. French anthropologist Claude Lévy-Strauss, for example, relied upon Tsimshian examples drawn from Garfield in his early studies of kinship and mythology. Outside academia, Garfield was most famous for her work on totem poles. She worked with the United States Forest Service (U.S.F.S.) to restore many Alaskan totem poles, and together with Linn A. Forrest, a U.S.F.S. regional architect and supervisor of the restoration project, wrote The Wolf and the Raven: Totem Poles of Southeastern Alaska in 1948. She also wrote a history of the famous Seattle totem pole in Pioneer Square. Garfield’s research illustrated how the poles are not just intricately crafted, beautiful works of art, but sophisticated symbols created by the Indians to tell of family, history and mythology.

Viola Edmundson Garfield died in 1983, after spending a life studying, promoting and trying to preserve the art and culture of Northwest Coast Indians.

Biographical note written by Rich Bellon, 1995.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Throughout her professional career both at the University and in the field, Viola Garfield assembled, from museums, libraries, scholars and photographers, this collection of photographic documentation on Northwest Coast totems, totem carving, and totem culture. A first set of 26 volumes containing 1749 photographs and written material (housed in brown notebooks with white casings) are organized primarily along tribal divisions. The majority of photographs are identified as to symbolism, tribal origin, location, photographer, and date of photograph. All volumes are indexed in detail. The first part of the Box Contents gives a brief description of each volume. (Note totem classification scheme). Additional material including some duplicates of the images relating to the 26 volumes can be found in BOXES 4-6. These are arranged along tribal categories similiar to those in the volumes. BOX 7 contains miscellaneous subject material relating to native art and Viola Garfield in general. BOXES 1-3 contain a second set of albums and personal scrapbooks relating to and documenting her trips to Alaska. In the 1930s-1940s she conducted University of Washington summer cruises to places of interest in Southeastern Alaska. They include postcards, snapshots, maps, clippings and ephemeral items. In addition there are 382 nitrate negatives. Some are labelled with Viola Garfield's original totem classification system, others were given new Garfield numbers. Most have been printed, but in some cases, matching prints were not found.

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Processing Note

The photographs were relocated from the Viola Garfield Papers, Accession No. 2027 in the repository.


VOLUME 1: Haida, Alaska
Howkan (H Series, H100-H129)
Klinquan (Kli Series, Kli100 Kli140)
Sukkwan (Su Series, Su100- Su113)
"Published Illustrations of Haida Poles in Alaska Towns"
Notes from "Descriptive Booklet on the Alaska Historical Museum," ed. by Rev. A.P. Kashevaroff
"Old Witch Totem to Stare Down Again on Juneau," Juneau Independent, May 13, 1954.
"John Wallace's Pole from Sukkwan".

VOLUME 2: Haida, Alaska
Hydaburg Totem Park (Hy Series, Hy100 Hy184)
Notes on poles sold to John Wallace from U.S. Forest Service files, Juneau.
"Story of the Chief's Totem Pole." (re pole made for John Wallace for Secretary of Interior Office)
Notes on Hydaburg poles from National Archives (includes price list for poles submitted by John Wallace)

VOLUME 3: Haida Alaska
Old Kasaan (Ka Series, Ka100 - Ka170)
Index (2 versions)
Notes on carvers
Map of Kasaan Village made by Herbert W. Krieger
Explanation of map
Correlation of John Krieger's map and Garfield's inventory
Notes from Waterman, T.T., "Some conundrums in Northwest Coast Art," American Anthropoligist 25, n.4, 1923.

VOLUME 4: Haida, Alaska
New Kasaan (Ka Series)
Index (See Album 3)
Obituary of carver James Son-i-hat Peele

VOLUME 5: Tlingit
Tongass (T Series, T100-T199)
Village Island (T Series, T200-T249)
Cape Fox (T Series, T250-T299)
Cat Island (T Series, T300-T350)
Includes notes on Lincoln pole controversy. Notes from : Deans, James, "Tales of the Totems of the Hidery," 1899; Shotridge, Louis, "The Bride of Tongass; a study of the Tlingit marriage ceremony, " 1929; Benyon, William, paper sent to Hunter Lewis, U.B.C. 1950; Knapp, Frances & Rheta Louise Childe, The Thlinkets of Southeastern Alaska, 1896; Krieger, H.W., "Indian Villages of Southeast Alaska," 1927.
Map by H.W. Krieger of Tongass Village.
Explanation of Map.
Copy of statement to Judge Wickersham re: the Lincoln pole by Joe Starr and William Kininook, 1923.
"The So-called Lincoln Totem Pole," by William Lewis Paul.
"How the Abe Got on a Totem Pole," by Mabel Powers, Saturday Evening Post, Feb. 11, 1950.
Notes from: Waterman, T.T., manuscript notes and sketch of Village Island, 1922; Archbold, C.M., Report on Village Island for the U.S. Forest Service, 1938; Waterman, T.T., "Some Conundrums in Northwest Coast Art," American Anthropologist 25, no. 4, 1923; Archbold, C.M., Report on Cape Fox for U.S. Forest Service, 1938 or 1939; Waterman, T.T., manuscrit notes and sketch of Cape Fox, 1922; "Museum Exhibit," Daily Alaska Empire, Feb 25, 1950; Notes from Harriman Expedition, v.1, 1910.

VOLUME 6: Tlingit
Saxman (K Series, K200-T234)
Notes from Harriman Alaska Expedition, v. 1, 1910.
News release for The Wolf and the Raven.
Notes from the Alaskan Sportsman, v.17, no. 7, July 1951, p. 30.
Notes from Scidmore, Eliza, Appleton's Guide-book to Alaska and the Northwest, 1893, p. 52.
Notes from Krieger, H.W., "Indian Villages of Southeast Alaska," 1928, p. 491.

VOLUME 7: Tlingit
Ketchikan (K Series, K100 - K115)
Mud Blight (Mb Series, Mb100-Mb117)
"High Man on Totem Pole," Seattle Times, June 11, 1951.
"Totem Poles," by John S. Robinson, undated.

VOLUME 8: Tlingit
Klawock Totem Pole (Kla Series, Kla100-Kla124)
Tuxekan (Tx Series)
Notes on carvers

VOLUME 9: Tlingit
Wrangell (W Series W300)
Publications referred in description of Wrangell poles.
"Wrangell Totems"
Notes from Collis, Septimia M., A Woman's trip to Alaska, 1890.
Notes from Knapp, Frances and Rheta Louise Childe, The Thlinkets of Southeastern Alaska, 1896, p.28.
Notes from Scidmore, Eliza, Appleton's Guidebook to Alaska and the Northwest, 1893.

VOLUME 10: Tlingit
Shakes Island (W Series W100-W151)
"Carved Ancestor of an Indian Chief," Denver Art Museum, July 16, 1956.

VOLUME 11: Tlingit
Sitka National Monument (S Series, S100-S119)
Town carvings (S Series, S200-S215)
Sitka Paintings (S Series, S220-S224)
Some history of Sitka included.
Notes on poles exhibited at Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, Portland, Ore., 1905.
Excerpt from journal of Frederica de Laguna re carver George Benson
Notes on Sitka National Monument from Sitka Sentinel, July 26, 1940, p.4,6.

VOLUME 12: Northern Tlingit
Hoonah (Nt Series, Nt100 Nt119)
Kake (Nt Series, Nt120-Nt139)
Klukwan (Nt Series, Nt140-Nt169)
Angoon, Kootsnahoo, Killisnoo (Nt Series, Nt 170-Nt189)
Clipping on stone bear grave marker at Angoon. The Alaska Sportsman, Oct. 1955, p.24.
Excerpt from "The Totems of Alaska," by Winter & Pond, 1905.
Notes on drawing by Thomas Suria, painter with Malaspina at Port Mulgrave.
"Yax te: the Big Dipper," by Linn A. Forrest, 1941.

VOLUME 13: Seattle and vicnity
Seattle pole from Tongass (Se Series, Se100-)
Other poles, mostly commercial Cedar Lumber Company (Se200-Se225)
West Seattle (Se226-Se230)
Notes on the Seattle totem and its source.
"Man who felled Pioneer Square Totem 55 Years Ago Admits His Crime on Visit," Juneau Independent, June 17, 1954.
"Totem Pole May be Erected On New Yesler Site," Seattle Times, July 10, 1940.
"New Totem Pole to Keep Vandals Away," Seattle Times, July 26, 1940.
"Dr. Garfield Issues Pamplet on Alaskan Indian Habits," U.W. Daily, Aug. 1, 1940.
"Skipper Knows; he paddled away on Seattle toem pole," Seattle Times, Dec. 25, 1938.
"New Totem Pole Here Ready for Installation, " Seattle Post- Intelligencer, April 18, 1940.
"Indians First Tested Material of "America's Overcoat," American Lumberman, July 18, 1936.
"Face-lifting for Totem," Seattle Times, Oct. 16, 1949.
"10-ton Totem Pole," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Feb. 28, 1950.

VOLUME 15: Tsimshian
Kitsegulka (Ts600)
Kispiox (Ts700)
Kitladamax (Ts800)
Port Simpson (Ts900)
New & old Metlakatla (TsTs950)
Kitixt (Ts1000)
Excerpts from Beynon, William. An account of totem pole erections and ceremonies at Gitsagyukla, Skeena River (Skeena Crossing), B.C., Jan. 1945.
"A New Totem Pole to Join the Old," Seattle Times Pictorial, March 26, 1972, p. 24-28.
Map of Port Simpson, B.C. done by William Beynon. ca. 1938.
Loan of receipt and description of Tsimshian house model made by Fred Alexcee.

VOLUME 16: Haida, Queen Charlotte Islands
Ninstints (Ha200 Series)
Skidegate Channel (Ha400-600)
West Coast (Ha700-800)
Northern Group (Ha900-1100)
References and Photographers
Notes from Dawson, George M., "Report on Queen Charlotte Islands," 1878.
Editorial note on Deans, James, "Tales from the Totems of Hidery, " 1899.
Notes from Duff, Wilson, "Poles from Skidans and Tanoo, 1954.

VOLUME 17: Haida, Queen Charlotte Islands
Miscellaneous, original location unknown (Ha1-Ha54 Series)

VOLUME 18: Kwakiutl, Nootka, B.C. Salish
Fort Rupert (Kw Series, Kw100)
Alert Bay (Kw Series, Kw200-)
Miscellaneous (Kw Series, Kw300-)
Nootka: (N Series, N100-)
British Columbia Salish: Bella Coola (Be Series, Be100-), Miscellaneous (Sa Series)
Thunderbird Park, Victoria (BCm100)
Stanley Park, Vancouver (BCm200)
Souvenir program, opening ceremonies of the new Kwakiutl Indian house in Thunderbird Park, Vicotira, B.C.
"Bella Coola (Totem) returned to Park, "Seattle Post Intelligencer, May 27, 1958.
"Gift Totem Pole Set up in Garden," The Vancouver Sun, April 17, 1954.

VOLUME 19: Miscellaneous, vol. 1
(M Series)
Includes carvings of unknown location, pictures from the Territorial Museum in Juneau and illustrations other then totem poles.
"Seattle Man Carved Totem Pole with Spirit of Steelhead Fishing," by C.L. Anderson, undated
"Restoration," by C.M. Archbold, The Alaska Sportsman, March 1939.

VOLUME 20: Miscellaneous Vol. 2
Alaskan Eskimo (M Series)
Notes from Petroff, Ivan, "Report on the Population, Industries and Resources of Alaska," 1884.

VOLUME 21: Tools and Techniques of carving.

VOLUME 22: Notes - Old Kasaan, New Kasaan, Hydaburg, Klinkwan, Howkan.

VOLUME 23: Notes - Tongass, Cape Fox, Village Island, Cat Island, Ketchikan, Mud Blight.

VOLUME 24: Notes

VOLUME 25: Notes - Shakes Island

VOLUME 26: Notes - Klawak, Ranger's report of salvageable poles at Tuxekan, typed notes and text for The Wolf and the Raven.

BOX 1:
ALBUM 1: 1 album with 921 images.
Includes commercial photographs by E.W.Merrill, Cameron, George L. Johnson and the Photo Shop Studio of scenic views vicinity of Sitka, Seward, Anchorage and Atlin (B.C.). Also included are snapshots of a visit to Alaska by steamer and train, ca. 1920s. Among the images are views of Sitka (Sitka Totem Park, pupils at the Sheldon Jackson Mission School, Russian church service including native choir, halibut at Booth Fisheries), Juneau, Taku and Columbia Glaciers, Cordova, Port Althorpe, Valdez, Seward (African American railroad employee feeding animals), Anchorage (Gray Line Tours sightseeing bus), Industrial School at Eklutna, Matamuska, Chickaloon, Mt. McKinley National Park, Fairbanks, Tanana River, Yukon River, Rampart, Fort Yukon, Dawson (Robert Service and his cabin), Whitehorse, Carcross, Atlin Lake, Lake Bennett, Skagway, Wrangell. (Note: Includes 2 photographs signed by Winter and Pond in pencil).

BOX 2a:
ALBUM 2: Album of 13 reproductions of original drawings by W. Langdon Kihn.

ALBUM 3: 72 photographs of Charles D. Garfield and friends in vicinity of Juneau? Also shows mining, hydraulicing activities and the Log Cabin Soda Works, Juneau. n.d.

ALBUM 4: Album with 21 photographs by an unidentified photographer, ca. 1898-1900. Inscribed to "Mr & Mrs. B.J. Young from Mont. Hawthorn. Astoria, Ore." Included are images of totem poles at Fort Wrangell and Ketchikan; Shakan graveyard and canneries; views of Kasaan showing Chief Suny Heart's totem, Chief Skowl's grave at Kasaan Bay, Paul Young's totem. (See NA 3506-3521)

ALBUM 5: 81 photographs taken or acquired in the years 1920-1929 of Metlakatla, Alaska. Some date from 1887-. Includes views of native carvers, canneries, missions, missionaries, portrait of Father Duncan, native basketball teams, Viola Garfield, family and friends. Nearly all identified and dated. (See NA3522-3546. NA3544 is missing from album. KK 9/1997)

BOX 3a:
ALBUM 6: Scrapbook (unbound) describing the University of Washington Summer School Cruises to Alaska in 1934 and 1935 aboard Alaska Steamship Company's S.S. Northwestern and S.S. Aleutian. Conducted by Viola E. Garfield. Includes 44 b/w snapshots and ephemeral items relating to visits to Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway, Sitka, Ketchikan, Petersburg.

ALBUM 7: Scrapbook describing the University of Washington Summer School Cruises to Alaska in 1936, 1937, and 1938 aboard the Alaska Steamship Company's S.S. Northwestern, S.S. Aleutian, and S.S. Alaska. Conducted by Viola E. Garfield. Includes 69 b/w photographs and ephemera relating to the trip. Includes images of the Todd Cannery (Peril Straight), Union Bay Cannery, Cannery at Petersburg, Hoonah Cannery (Chichagot Island?), Metlakatla Cannery.

ALBUM 8: Scrapbook describing the University of Washington Summer School Cruises to Alaska in 1939, 1940 and 1941 aboard the Alaska Steamship Company's S.S. Yukon, S.S. Alaska, and S.S. Prince George. Conducted by Viola E. Garfield. Includes 56 b/w photographs and ephemera relating to the trip.

ALBUM 9: Album containing typewritten manuscript and 38 b/w photographs of Skagway, Lake Bennett, White Pass and Yukon Route. Includes historical and descriptive information. Possible background for summer cruises.

ALBUM 10: Album containing typewritten manuscript and 6 b/w photographs of Sitka. Includes historical and descriptive information. Possible background material for summer cruises.

ALBUM 11: Album containing typewritten and 6 b/w photographs of Wrangell and Petersburg. Includes historical and descriptive information. Possible background information for summer cruises.

ALBUM 12: Album containing typewritten manuscript and 5 b/w photographs of Juneau and vicinity. Includes historical and descriptive information. Possible background information for summer cruises.

BOX 4: Loose photographs of Alaska totempoles, Native American artand Alaska scenery relating to the contents of the Garfield Notebooks. In some case they are duplicates of the images found in the notebooks.
FOLDER 1: 93 photographs. Haida: Howkan, Klinquan, Sukkwan, Hydaburg. (See Garfield Volume 1)
FOLDER 2: 75 photographs. Haida: Kasaan. (See Garfield Volume 3,4)
FOLDER 3: 9 photographs. Haida: Kasaan. (See Garfield Volume 3,4)
FOLDER 4: 48 photographs. Haida: Kasaan. (See Garfield Volume 3,4)
FOLDER 5: 29 photographs. Tlingit: Tongass, Village Island, Cape Fox, Cat Island. (See Garfield Volume 5)
FOLDER 6: 30 photographs. Tlingit: Saxman, Ketchikan, Mud Bight. (See Garfield Volumes 6 and 7).
FOLDER 7: 91 photographs. Tlingit: Saxman, Ketchikan, Mud Bight. (See Garfield Volumes 6 and 7)

BOX 5: Loose photographs of Alaska totempoles, Native American artand Alaska scenery relating to the contents of the Garfield Notebooks. In some case they are duplicates of the images found in the notebooks.
FOLDER 1: 70 photographs. Tlingit: Klawak. (See Garfield Volume 8)
FOLDER 2: 38 photographs. Tlingit: Tuxekan. (See Garfield Volume 8)
FOLDER 3: 45 photographs. Tlingit: Wrangell. (See Garfield Volume 9)
FOLDER 4: 28 photographs. Tlingit: Shakes Island. (See Garfield Volume 10)
FOLDER 5: 54 photographs. Tlingit: Sitka. (See Garfield Volume 11)
FOLDER 6: 36 photographs. Northern Tlingit: Hoonah, Kake, Klukwan, Angoon, Kootsnahoo, Killisnoo.

BOX 6: Loose photographs of Alaska totempoles, Native American artand Alaska scenery relating to the contents of the Garfield Notebooks. In some case they are duplicates of the images found in the notebooks.
FOLDER 1: 32 photographs. Seattle and vicinity. (See Garfield Volume 13)
FOLDER 2: 89 photographs. Tsimshian: Port Simpson, Hazelton (British Columbia (See Garfield Volume 15)
FOLDER 3: 14 photographs. British Columbia Kwakiutl. (See Garfield Volume 18)
FOLDER 4: 15 photographs. British Columbia Kwakiutl: Kincombe Inlet.
FOLDER 5: 11 photographs. British Columbia Kwakiutl: Kincombe Inlet.
FOLDER 6: 16 photographs. Prince Rupert, Fort Rupert (British Columbia).
FOLDER 7: 16 photographs. Miscellaneous: University of Washington Burke Museum.
FOLDER 8: 5 photographs. Miscellaneous: Port Chilkoot.
FOLDER 9: 64 photographs. Miscellaneous: National Museum of Canada - Barbeau Collection.
FOLDER 10: 28 photographs. Miscellaneous: Photos by Hagevig.
FOLDER 11: 37 photographs. Miscellaneous: General.
FOLDER 12: 90 photographs. Miscellaneous: General.

BOX 7: Photographs and ephemeral items relating to Viola Garfield and Northwest Native American art.
FOLDER 1: Various correspondence with Viola Garfield regarding totem poles and her research.
FOLDER 2: 13 b/w and color photographs and ephemera regarding the totem pole carved by Chilkat Indians for the Standard Oil Company Refinery at Kenai, Alaska. 1963.
FOLDER 3: 5 b/w photographs and ephemera relating to the Seattle totem pole, Pioneer Square. Included is copy of booklet by Viola Garfield entitled "The Seattle Totem Pole".
FOLDER 4: 5 b/w photographs regarding:
-Dudley Carter carving Thunderbird pole in the Westlake Mall, Seattle. Sept-Oct. 1960
-Dedication of pole at Sand Point Naval Air Station for Thunderbirds, Naval Air Reserve organization. Oct. 29, 1960.
-Totem pole at Northwest Memorial Hospital, Seattle. 1960.
FOLDER 5: 35 b/w photographs and typewritten notes by Frederic Douglas of totem pole carved by John Wallace of Hydaburg, Alaska and his son Fred at the Golden Gate International Exposition, San Francisco, 1939. Also includes 3 b/w photographs showing natives carvers at work, 4 original pieces of artworks (pencil on board) describing John Wallace's pole.
FOLDER 6: 34 b/w photographs of an unidentified trip taken by Viola Garfield to British Columbia in 1911? No other information available.
FOLDER 7: 2 b/w photographic reproductions of maps: British Columbia coastline, n.d. (2 copies); Alaska, 1597.
FOLDER 8: 13 b/w photographs from the Smithsonian Institution and correspondence from Viola Garfield dated 1962.
FOLDER 9: 12 b/w photographs of Carrier totem poles photographed by Jim Hackler in British Columbia with accompanying correspondence. Dated 1957.
FOLDER 10: booklets entitled:
-Carved history: the totem poles and house posts of Sitka National Historical Park. c1980.
-The Totems of Alaska. Published by Winter and Pond, 1905. FOLDER 11: Miscellaneous newspaper clippings and ephemera regarding Viola Garfield and various totem poles. FOLDER 12: 27 b/w photographs of an exhibit of Emily Carr's paintings taken by William Beynon, Port Simpson, B.C. Corresponding negatives in BOX 13. (There are 28 images. One glass negative not printed)

BOX 8:
-Volumes 1(3) 1928-1929, 1(4) 1929-1930, 2(4) 1936, 2(6) 1938 of the Memory Book published by the Metlakatla School. Included are 31 b/w snapshots and mimieographed text offered by students.
-"Memory Book". Jubilee number 1887-1937, Vol. 2(5). A mimieographed booklet containing the history of Metlakatla, Annette Island, history of town council, history of the Metlakatla Concert Hall and band, bank, town cannery, sawmill, school, powerplant, community hall, Duncan Memorial Church, President Harding's visit in July 1923. IIlustrated with 20 b/w snapshots.

BOX 9: 68 nitrate negatives. Corresponds to images in the Garfield Volumes (Notebooks) and loose images on Alaskan and Pacific Northwest Native American art.

BOX 10: 106 nitrate negatives. Corresponds to images in the Garfield Volumes (Notebooks) and loose images on Alaskan and Pacific Northwest Native American art.

BOX 11: 97 nitrate negatives. Corresponds to images in the Garfield Volumes (Notebooks) and loose images on Alaskan and Pacific Northwest Native American art.

BOX 12: 111 nitrate negatives, not printed. Image of Viola Garfield's trips to Alaska. All unidentified localities, people, and some totem pole art. n.d.

BOX 13: 27 glass negatives. Photographs of an exhibit of Emily Carr's paintings and a few totem poles taken by William Beynon, Port Simpson, B.C. Corresponding prints in BOX 7, FOLDER 12.

BOX 14: - 1 10 x 4.5 safety negative. - 35 35mm negaives. - 6 35mm slides. Reproduction of Saxman pole done by Bernard W. Powell, Glenbrook, Conn.