Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
- Overview of the Collection
Historical Note
- Content Description
- Use of the Collection
- Administrative Information
Detailed Description of the Collection
- Deposition, Exhibit Listings
- Exhibit Books
- Bound Reports
- Wells Report on Arroyo Development
- Wells Exhibits: A Quantative Analysis of Arroyo Development
- Wells Exhibits, Volume II, Notes, Questions
- Zuni Depositions Taken During Zuni II
- Zuni Depositions Taken During Zuni II
- Zuni Depositions Taken During Zuni II
- Zuni Material
- Zuni Material
- Zuni II Photograph Collection
- Kolhu/wala:wa Files
- Zuni II Correspondence, Kolhu/wala:wa, Coronado Trail
- Kolhu/wala:wa Files
- Kolhu/wala:wa Materials
- Platt Contempt
- Platt Contempt
- Kolhu/wala:wa Reports, Interviews, Field Notes
- Kolhu/wala:wa Reports, Interviews, Field Notes
- Kolhu/wala:wa Trial Transcript, Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous Materials
- Correspondence and Accounts
- Zuni I and II Accounts
- Zuni II Files
- Zuni II Files
- Zuni II Files
- Zuni I Valuation Files
- Zuni I Valuation Files
- Zuni I Valuation Files
- Zuni I Valuation Files
- Zuni I Valuation Files
- Zuni I Valuation Files
- Zuni I Valuation Files
- Zuni I Valuation Files and Other Documents
- Ahayuda (War God) Repatriations
- Ahayuda (War God) Repatriations; Zuni I testimony Draft
- Various Subjects
- Hailey, Idaho History Project
- Lexicography of the Word Aarroyo
- Lexicography of the Word Aarroyo
- Various issues of The Native Nevadan and High Country News
- Various Environmental Publications
- Publications Relating to Native Americans
- Publications Relating to Native Americans
- Publications Relating to Native Americans
- Folklore
- Zuni I Hart
- Zuni I Hart Valuation Exhibits
- Zuni II Surrebuttal
- Zuni II Surrebuttal, Hart's Notes
- Hart and Ferguson Rebuttal Report
- Interviews by T. J. Ferguson
- Notes, Interviews, Manuscripts
- Hart Shoshone History Manuscript, Other Research and Reviews
- Miscellaneous Research, Reviews
- Miscellaneous Projects, Conferences, Research
- News Clippings
- Miscellaneous Materials
- Zuni Atlas, Notes, Correspondence, and Manuscript
- A Zuni Atlas Drafts, Notes
- A Zuni Atlas , Editor's Comments, Page Proofs, Galleys
- Zuni Atlas Maps
- Zuni and the Courts
- Zuni and the Courts , Drafts, Research
- Zuni and the Courts , Manuscript, Page Proofs
- E. Richard Hart's Rolodex Card File
- Personal Proposals, Background Materials, and Correspondence
- Miscellaneous and Western History Association
- Western History Association, Cowboy Poetry
- Native Peoples, Research Materials
- Idaho Land Use Manuscripts, Research Materials
- Zuni Research Material, News Clippings
- Cibola
- Publications
- Publications
- Miscellaneous Research Files
- Publications
- Environmental Publications
- Court Testimonies
- Zuni II Exhibits 8001-8091
- Zuni II Exhibits 8092-8182
- Zuni II Exhibits 8183-8279
- Zuni II Exhibits 8280-8389
- Zuni II Exhibits 8390-8462
- Exhibits PX 11001-11101
- Exhibits PX 11102-11123; Wiget 12001-12024
- Hart Files: Zuni Film, Oral History, Cibola Park
- Exhibits PX 13001.1-PX 13094.1
- Exhibits PX 13094.2-PX 13152
- Exhibits PX 13153-PX 13238
- Exhibits PX 13239-PX 13307.2 and Baxter PX 9001-9031
- Exhibits PX 3032-9047; Hart's History of Religious Objects
- Miscellaneous Materials
- Files 1-29
- Files 30-68
- Files 69-104
- Files 105-144
- Files 145-153K
- Files 153L-177
- Files 178-220
- Files 221-257
- Files 258-273
- Files 274-278
- Files 279-289
- Files 290-304
- Files 305-332
- Files 333-341
- Files 342-350
- Files 351-358
- Files 359-374
- Files 375-392
- Files 393-415
- Files 416-435
- Files 436-444
- Files 445-451; Shalako; Agriculture
- Denver Federal Records, AWC Materials, Zuni Agriculture, Z10 Files
- Z10 Files
- Z10 Files
- Z11 Files
- Z11 Files and Other Documents
- Z11 Files
- Z12 Files
- Z12 and Zuni Archaeology Program
- Zuni Archaeology Program
- Red Dot Folders
- Red Dot Folders
- Red Dot Folders
- Red Dot Folders
- Red Dot Folders
- Card Catalog, Authors, A-T
- Card Catalog, Authors, U-Z, Miscellaneous Groups, and Subjects
- Card Catalog, Authors and Subjects, 1970-1974
- Zuni Tabloid, Conference
- Zuni Tabloid
- Zuni History Conference, Cowboy Poetry, Various Site Visits
- Zuni Mountains
- Zuni Reports, Manuscript Drafts
- Zuni Reports
- Zuni Trust Lands
- Zuni Trust Lands
- Zuni Trade
- Zuni I Claims Court Transcripts
- Zuni I Claims Court, Research Materials
- Miscellaneous
- Reports
- Reports, Manuscript Drafts
- Bound Draft Reports
- Docket 327-81L, Wessel Exhibits
- Docket 327-81L, Wessel Exhibits
- Bound Reports
- Bound Reports
- Bound Reports
- Zuni Film File and News Clippings
- Zuni News Clippings; Ebert Manuscript
- Book of Burials, 1706-1719
- Zuni News Clippings, Hall Manuscripts, Billings
- Zuni Sacred Trail, Report by Hart and Exhibits
- Meshorer Pleadings
- Correspondence, Institute of the North American West, Reports
- Correspondence, the Institute of the North American West
- Zuni I Valuation Files
- Zuni I Valuation Files
- Zuni I Valuation Files
- Zuni I Valuation Files
- Zuni I Valuation Files
- Zuni I Valuation Files
- Glen Canyon Environmental Studies
- Glen Canyon Environmental Studies
- Glen Canyon Environmental Studies
- Zuni II Settlement Files
- Zuni II Settlement Files
- Zuni II Settlement Files
- National Archives
- National Archives
- National Archives
- Zuni Heaven
- Zuni Heaven
- Zuni Heaven
- Zuni Heaven
- Zuni Heaven
- Zuni Heaven
- Zuni Heaven
- Zuni Heaven
- Zuni Heaven
- Zuni Heaven
- Microfilm 1 Correspondence, U. S. Government to Fort Wingate
- Native Americans
- Reclamation Repayment Commissions
- Advertisement Posters for Art Exhibits
- Empty, Pre-Labeled Folders
- Zuni Materials, Institute of the American West
- Periodicals and Publications
- Periodicals
- Montana Magazine
- Periodicals
- Docket 161-79L, Hart Exhibits #7000-7106
- Docket 161-79L, Hart Exhibits #7107-7224
- Docket 161-79L, Hart Exhibits #7325-7380
- Docket 161-79L, Hart Exhibits #7381-7551
- Docket 161-79L, Hart Exhibits, #7552-7722
- Docket 161-79L, Hart Exhibits, #7723-7899
- Docket 161-79L, Hart Exhibits, #7899-7968; Zuni Material
- Dockets 327-81L and 224-84L, Hart Exhibits #1001-1201
- Dockets 327-81L and 224-84L, Hart Exhibits, #1202-1384
- Dockets 327-81L and 224-84L, Hart Exhibits, #1385-1496
- Dockets 327-81L and 224-84L, Hart Exhibits, #1496-1630
- Dockets 327-81L and 224-84L, Hart Exhibits, #1631-1774
- Dockets 327-81L and 224-84L, Hart Exhibits, #1774-1885
- Unites States v. Platt , Hart Exhibits #1-102
- Unites States v. Platt , Hart Exhibits, #102-224
- Unites States v. Platt , Hart Exhibits, #225-307
- Unites States v. Platt
- Zuni; Annual Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs
- Hart Correspondence and Unpublished Manuscripts
- Zuni and the Courts
- Zuni Experts; Miscellaneous Publications
- Zuni Photographs
- Zuni Photographs
- United States v. Idaho (Ownership of Lake Coeur d'Alene)
- United States v. Idaho (Ownership of Lake Coeur d'Alene)
- Miscellaneous Zuni Reports
- Timentwa
- Timentwa
- Timentwa
- Brief History of Colville Indian Reservation
- United States and Coeur D'Alene Tribe vs. State of Idaho
- United States and Coeur D'Alene Tribe vs. State of Idaho
- Zuni Mission Records (Births, Deaths, and Burials)
- Correspondence, Contracts, and Account Statements
- Contracts and Research Documents
- Sprague Exhibit
- Sprague, Power, and Concord Research
- Fahey Exhibit
- Additional Exhibits and RH Draft
- Trial Notes and News Clippings
- Exhibit Reports and Government Transcripts
- Research Documents
- Miscellaneous Material
- Computer Media
- Interviews, Maps, and Watershed Reports
- Reference Materials and Microfilm
- Hart Exhibit # 1-70
- Hart Exhibit # 71-210
- Hart Exhibit # 211-373
- Hart Exhibit # 374-474
- Hart Exhibit, Second Copy
- Hart Exhibit, Second Copy
- Hart Exhibit, Second Copy
- David Rhode Exhibit
- Rhode Exhibit, Second Copy
- Unreviewed Material
- Fence Lake Mine
- Manuscript and Article
- Zuni Water, Ramah Water, and Zuni Heaven Water
- T.J. Ferguson Review, Water Project Report
- Ramah Water, Jeff Hickey Research Files
- Ramah Water, Jeff Hickey Research Files
- Ramah Water, Jeff Hickey Research Files
- Ramah Water, Jeff Hickey Subject Files and Exhibits
- Ramah Water, Jeff Hickey Exhibits, #1 to 142
- Ramah Water, Jeff Hickey Exhibits, #143-164
- Ramah Water, Jeff Hickey Exhibits, #167-11 to 307
- Ramah Water, Jeff Hickey and David Rhode Reports
- Ramah Water, Hart Files
- Ramah Water, Department of Justice Exhibits #1-152
- Ramah Water, Department of Justice Exhibits #153-166
- Ramah Water, Department of Justice Exhibits #167-307
- Ramah Water and Zuni Water
- Zuni and Ramah Reports and Research Materials
- Zuni Heaven Water, Unused Materal
- Zuni Water and Zuni Heaven Water
- Zuni Water, Zuni Heaven Water, and Ramah Water
- Zuni Heaven, Hart Report and Exhibits #1-131
- Zuni Heaven, Exhibits #132-210 and Research Files
- Zuni Heaven Water, Hart Files
- Hart and Hart West & Associates Diskettes and CDROMS
- Miscellaneous Publications
- Mounted Maps and Documents, United States v. Idaho
- Mounted Maps and Documents, United States v. Idaho
- Mounted Maps and Documents, United States v. Idaho
- Ramah Water Agricultural Use
- Ramah Water Agricultural Use
- Ramah Water Agricultural Use
- Ramah Water Agricultural Use
- Ramah Water Agricultural Use
- Ramah Water Agricultural Use
- Exhibits #1-#135
- Exhibits #136-#264
- Exhibits #265-#519
- Exhibits #520-#733
- Exhibits #734-#842
- Exhibits #843-#1084
- Exhibits #1085-#1218
- Exhibits #1219-#1331
- Exhibits #1332-#1452
- Hart West and Associates, Correspondence and Conferences
- Hart, West and Associates, Financial
- Hart, West and Associates, Financial and Administrative
- Oversize
- Maps
- Working Files
- World Trade Organization Protest, Seattle
- Utah Lake
- Arches National Park, Colorado River, and Pedro Pino
- "Bastille Family Reunion"
- Oversize Publications and Clippings
- Tribal Tribune
- Tribal Tribune
- Financial
- Financial
- Financial
- Financial
- Financial
- Financial
- Financial
- Wenatchi Documentary, Research Files
- Wenatchi Documentary, Scripts
- Wenatchi Documentary, Public Relations and Outreach
- Utah Litigation, R. S. 2477, Road History Project Research Files
- Utah Litigation, R. S. 2477, Road History Project Research Files
- Utah Litigation, R. S. 2477, Road History Project Final Report
- Miscellaneous Files
- News Clippings, Cobell Lawsuit
- Camera-Ready Art
- Zuni Water Maps
- Zuni Maps
- Zuni Maps and Hearing Materials
- General Land Office Map
- Maps and Charts
- Maps and Charts
- Maps and Charts
- Land Maps
- Land Maps
- Land Maps
- Land Maps
- Land Maps
- Land Maps
- Land Maps
- Land Maps
- Land Maps
- Land Maps
- Land Maps
- Land Maps
- Land Map
- Land Maps
- Large Zuni Land Map
- Zuni Land Map
- Zuni Land Map
- Columbia River Project, Historical Documents
- Indian Reorganization Act
- Enrollment and Allottment
- Hunting and Fishing Rights
- Enrollment and Allottment; Wenatchapam Fishery
- Columbia River Dams; Salmon Run
- Enrollment and Allottment
- Boundary Issues
- Enrollment and Allottment; Land Use Issues
- Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation vs. the United States of America , Research, Exhibits, and Testimony
- Tribes of the Colville Reservation vs. the United States of America , Ethnographic and Historical Research
- Tribes of the Colville Reservation vs. the United States of America , Ethnographic and Historical Research (continued)
- Columbia River Issues: Political, Ethnographic and Historical Research
- Bureau of Indian Affairs Documents
- Bureau of Indian Affairs Documents
- Publications, A to F
- Publications, M - S
- Oversize Publications
- Research and Writings
- Research and Writings
- "Children of Murderers"
- Utah Litigation, R. S. 2477
- Invoices, Colville Confederated Tribes
- Oversize Material
- Maps
- Mashpee Wampanoag
- Upper Skagit
- Utah Lake
- Correspondence and News
- Wells Dam
- Wells Dam
- Wells Dam
- Wells Dam
- Wells Dam Notebooks
- Wells Dam Notebooks
- Wells Dam, PUD Archives
- Wells Dam, PUD Archives
- Wells Dam Settlement Research
- Wells Dam Settlement
- Wells Dam Settlement
- Wells Dam Settlement, Rocky Reach Dam
- Rocky Reach Dam
- Rocky Reach Dam
- Coeur d'Alene Submerged Lands Case
- Coeur d'Alene Submerged Lands Case
- Coeur d'Alene Submerged Lands Case
- Coeur d'Alene Submerged Lands Case
- Coeur d'Alene Submerged Lands Case
- Zuni
- Zuni
- Zuni
- Zuni
- Zuni, Microfiche
- Zuni
- Zuni
- Zuni
- Zuni
- Zuni II Damage Claim Notebooks
- Ramah Water Rights BIA Printout
- Oversize Material
- Maps
- Maps
- Maps
- Maps
- Maps
- Computer Discs
- Exhibits, Wx 1 - Wx 58
- Exhibits, Wx 59 - Wx 109
- Exhibits, Wx 110 - Wx 143
- Exhibits, Wx 144 - Wx 194
- Exhibits, Wx 195 - Wx 263
- Exhibits, Wx 264 - Wx 391
- Exhibits, Wx 392 - Wx 506
- Exhibits, Wx 507 - Wx 579
- Exhibits, Wx 580 - Wx 726
- Exhibits, Wx 727 - Wx 767
- Exhibits, DEW 1 - DEW 11
- Exhibits, DEW 12 - DEW 25
- Exhibits, DEW 26 - DEW 90
- Exhibits, DEW 91 - DEW 226
- Wenatchi Hearing
- Wenatchi Hearing
- Wenatchi Hearing
- Wenatchi Trial Preparation
- Wenatchi Trial Preparation
- Wenatchi Trial Preparation
- Wenatchi Trial
- Wenatchi Trial
- Wenatchi Trial
- Subjects, C - M
- Subjects, N - R
- Subjects, S - Z
- Tribal Tribune
- Oversize Publications
- Oversize Posters
- Hualapai Boundaries
- Hualapai Boundaries, Manuscripts
- Hualapai Boundaries, Manuscripts
- Palus Territory Project
- Palus Territory Project
- Palus Territory Project
- Washington Water Power Company
- Washington Water Power Company
- Jicarilla Apache Project
- Moses Columbia Reservation
- Klamath
- Klamath
- Klamath
- U. S. v. Oregon
- U. S. v. Oregon
- U. S. v. Oregon
- U. S. v. Oregon
- Wenatchi Fishing, Court Documents & Hart Testimony
- Wenatchi Fishing, Hart Testimony & Research
- Wenatchi Fishing, Watkins Files
- Annotations, Wenatchi & Colville
- Annotations, Wenatchi & Colville
- Annotations, National & Regional Archives and Wenatchi Land Fraud
- Wenatchi Land Fraud and Hart Expert Testimony
- Wenatchi Fishing, Hart Testimony & Research
- Wenatchi Fishing Rights Settlement Research
- Wenatchi and Yakama
- Western History Association Program Committee
- Subjects
- Subjects
- Publications
- State of Idaho v. United States of America, Court Documents, Coeur d'Alene
- State of Idaho v. United States of America; Hart Exhibits
- Record Group 75, Colville Letters Received (CIA), Coeur d'Alene
- Washington Water Power Company Files, Coeur d’Alene
- Reports, Coeur d’Alene
- General Report, Klamath
- Klamath Exhibits
- Klamath Supporting Documents
- Klamath Discovery Process, Notes and Annotations
- Day Timers
- Writing Files
- Writing Files
- Writing Files
- Writing Files
- Writing Files
- Writing Files
- Writing Files
- Articles, Not Written by Hart
- Writing Files and Expert Witness Files
- Expert Witness Files
- Writing Files
- Addendum
- Addendum
- 2017 Addendum
- Hualapai Boundaries, Bibliography and Exhibits
- Hualapai Boundaries
- Hualapai
- Hualapai Bibliography and Exhibits
- Shafer Museum and Okanogan County Historical Society
- Methow Conservancy and Twispworks
- Colville Tribal Interviews
- Colville Tribe Related Materials
- Zuni Water Rights
- Zuni Water Rights
- Sources Cited in “A History of Zuni Water Use," 2006
- Zuni Water
- Names and Subjects
E. Richard Hart papers, 1664-2014
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Hart, E. Richard
- Title
- E. Richard Hart papers
- Dates
- 1664-2014 (inclusive)16642011
- Quantity
- 521 boxes, (520 linear feet)
- Collection Number
- Accn1251
- Summary
- The E. Richard Hart papers (1664-2041) contain correspondence, research files, manuscripts, news clippings, maps, posters, publications, court exhibits, and financial documents. Hart is an author, researcher, and past director of the Institute of the American West at Sun Valley, Idaho (1979-1984). He is the co-founder of the Institute of the North American West (1984). He has also served as an expect witness in several federal court cases involving land claims by the Zuni Indians.
- Repository
University of Utah Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library
University of Utah
295 South 1500 East
Salt Lake City, UT
Telephone: 8015818863 - Access Restrictions
Twenty-four hour advanced notice encouraged. Materials must be used on-site. Access to parts of this collection may be restricted under provisions of state or federal law.
- Languages
- English
Historical NoteReturn to Top
E. Richard Hart was associated with the American West Center at the University of Utah from 1969 to 1975. From 1979 to 1984, he was director of the Institute of the American West at Sun Valley, Idaho. He was editor for several publications resulting from conferences held by the Institute. In 1984, Hart established the Institute of the North American West in Seattle, Washington. Some materials concerned with these organizations are found in this collection.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The E. Richard Hart Papers (1664-2011) contain correspondence, research files, manuscripts, news clippings, maps, posters, publications, court exhibits, and financial documents.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
It is the responsibility of the researcher to obtain any necessary copyright clearances.
Permission to publish material from the E. Richard Hart papers must be obtained from the Special Collections Manuscript Curator.
Preferred Citation
Initial Citation: E. Richard Hart papers Accn 1251, Box [ ]. Special Collections and Archives. University of Utah, J. Willard Marriott. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Following Citations:Accn 1251.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Boxes 1-56 and the map case items were donated in 1992, boxes 57-59 were donated in 1993, boxes 60-60B were donated in 1994, boxes 61-130 were donated in 1995, and boxes 131-158 were donated in 1991, totaling 79 lin. ft. Boxes 159-187 were donated in 1997 (14.25 lin. ft.). Cartons 188-218 were donated in 1998 (62 lin. ft.). Boxes 219-222 consist of C.B. Suzen Timentwa material and were donated in July 1999 (8 lin. ft.). Boxes 223-225 were donated in November 1999 (6.5 lin. ft.). Boxes 226-250 were donated in 2000 (48.25 lin. ft.). Boxes 251-283 were donated in 2001 (65.75 lin. ft.). Boxes 284-292 were donated in May 2002 (18 lin. ft.). Boxes 293-297 were donated in December 2002 (7 lin. ft.). Boxes 298-304 were donated by Richard Hart in December 2003 (15 lin. ft.) Boxes 305-321 were donated by Richard Hart in November 2004 (11.75 lin. ft.) Tubes 322-345 were donated by Richard Hart from 2000 to 2004 (26 lin. ft.) and processed by Andrew J. Lengyel in August 2005. Boxes 346-363 (10.5 lin. ft.) were donated by Richard Hart in November 2005. Boxes 364-374 (15.25 lin. ft.) were donated by Richard Hart in December 2006. Boxes 375-416 (36.25 lin. ft.) were donated by Richard Hart in December 2007. Boxes 417-439 (10.75 lin. ft.) were donated in November 2008. Boxes 440-444 (6.5 lin. ft.) were donated by Richard Hart in December 2009. Boxes 445-478 (16.75 lin. ft.) donated by Richard Hart in October 2010. Boxes 479-519 were donated in 2012. Boxes 520 and 521 were donated in 2014.
Acquisition Information
Donated by E. Richard Hart, 1991-2008
Donated by Richard Hart (bx 440-444), 2009
Donated by E. Richard Hart (bx 445-475), 2010
Donated by E. Richard Hart (bx 476-478), 2011
Donated by E. Richard Hart (bx 479-519), 2012
Donated by E. Richard Hart (bx 520-521), 2014
Processing Note
Processed by Karen Carver in 2003-2011.
Processed by Julia Huddleston in 2012-2015.
Separated Materials
All photographs and audio-visual materials have been moved to the E. Richard Hart photograph and audio-visual collections (P0439 and A0377).
Related Materials
Collections with related material are the American West Center Research Projects (Accn 1939), Institute of the American West (Ms 582), and Institute of the North American West (Accn 1293).
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Deposition, Exhibit ListingsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 1
Container(s) | Description |
Volume | |
1 | Analysis of Changes in Hydrology |
2 | Resource Consultants Exhibits, PX 13000-DX13001 |
3 | Deposition of Peter F. Lagasse |
4-5 | Range Management on the Zuni Reservation |
Folder | |
1 | Thadis Box Report, Hart's Notes |
Exhibit BooksReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 2
Container(s) | Description |
Volume | |
1 | Loren D. Potter, Ecological Interpretations of the Zuni Reservation |
2 | Loren D. Potter, Ecological Interpretations of the Zuni Reservation |
3 | Robert C. Balling, Analysis of Zuni Indian Reservation Precipitation |
Bound ReportsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 3
Container(s) | Description |
Volume | |
1 | Thomas Wessel, Federal Activity on the Zuni Reservation |
2 | Thomas Wessel, Deposition |
3 | Gordon C. Jacoby, Dendrochronological Investigation of the Zuni Reservation |
4 | Jacoby Exhibits |
Wells Report on Arroyo DevelopmentReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 4
Container(s) | Description |
Volume | |
1 | Stephen Wells, Quantitative Analysis of Arroyo Development |
2 | Exhibits for Volume I |
Wells Exhibits: A Quantative Analysis of Arroyo DevelopmentReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 5
Wells Exhibits, Volume II, Notes, QuestionsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 6
Zuni Depositions Taken During Zuni IIReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 7
Zuni Depositions Taken During Zuni IIReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 8
Zuni Depositions Taken During Zuni IIReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 9
Zuni Material, 1991-1992Return to Top
Container(s): Box 10
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Zuni Articles and News Clippings |
1991-1992 |
3 | Federal Indian Policy |
4 | Western Shoshone, News Clippings |
5-13 | Zuni II Notes |
14 | New Zuni II Accounts |
15 | Zuni II Causes and Effects of Gullying |
16 | Washington, D. C., Maps |
17 | Analysis of Problems |
18 | Ultimate Effects of Dams |
19-21 | Zuni II Legal Pleadings |
Zuni MaterialReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 11
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-7 | Reports and Files |
8-18 | Files on the Zuni II Photograph Collection |
Zuni II Photograph CollectionReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 12
Files on the Zuni II photograph collections are continued here from box 11.
Kolhu/wala:wa Files, 1984-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 13
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Interview with Tribal Council, Religious Leaders |
1989 |
2-3 | Working Files |
4 | Witnesses |
5-20 | Correspondence and Notes |
1984-1990 |
Zuni II Correspondence, Kolhu/wala:wa, Coronado Trail, 1983-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 14
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-7 | Zuni II Correspondence |
1983-1988 |
8-12 | Kolhu/wala:wa Notes |
13 | Database Development Methodology, Zuni Heaven Trail |
1989 |
14 | News Clippings, Correspondence |
1990 |
15-17 | Coronado Trail |
Kolhu/wala:wa Files, 1984-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 15
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-4 | Non-Zuni Witnesses, Interviews |
5-6 | Pre-Trial Order |
7-8 | Project File |
1990 |
9-12 | Notes for Trial |
13 | Meeting With Attornyes |
1989 |
14 | Lepofsky Interviews |
15 | Tom Leubben Materials |
16 | Bryant Rogers Materials |
17-20 | Sources, Notes |
21 | Telephone Notes |
1987 |
22 | Kolhu/wala:wa, Published, Congressional Report |
1984 |
Kolhu/wala:wa Materials, 1986Return to Top
Container(s): Box 16
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Interview with Zuni Tribal Council |
1986 |
2-3 | Floyd O'Neil Report |
4 | Floyd O'Neil Conclusions |
5 | O'Neil, Zuni Terms |
6 | Field Notes |
1986 |
7 | Interview |
1986 |
8 | Helicopter Notes |
1986 |
9 | Field Notes |
1986 |
10 | O'Neil Materials |
11 | Interview with Lewis and Lasiloo |
1986 |
12 | Yawakia Interview |
13 | Pilgrimage Participants |
14 | Othole Interview |
15 | Field Notes |
1986 |
16 | Appendix, Sites |
17 | Field Notes |
1986 |
18-19 | Glossary |
20 | Appendix, Maps |
21 | Maps |
22 | Statements at Hearing |
23 | Witness List |
24-25 | Maps for Kolhu/wala:wa |
26 | O'Neil Deposition |
27 | Affidavits |
Platt ContemptReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 17
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-8 | Platt Contempt Hearing |
9-16 | Investigation
Including a report by Hart and field notes.
Platt ContemptReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 18
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-4 | Trial Transcript |
5-8 | Platt Depositions |
9-17 | Kolhu/wala:wa Accounts |
18-20 | Platt Contempt Accounts |
Kolhu/wala:wa Reports, Interviews, Field Notes , 1986Return to Top
Container(s): Box 19
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
folders | ||
1-9 | Hart Report: The Barefoot Trail: Access to Zuni Heaven |
Folder | ||
10 | ||
11-14 | Interview with Zuni Tribal Council |
1986 |
15 | Interview with Albert S. Anderson |
1986 |
16 | Travel |
17 | Interview with Steve Udall and Arthur Lee |
1986 |
18-26 | Working Notes |
Kolhu/wala:wa Reports, Interviews, Field Notes, 1984-1988Return to Top
Container(s): Box 20
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Working Notes, Draft of Hart's Report |
2 | Hearing, Zuni Indian Tribe Lands |
1984 |
3 | Hart Report, Letter |
1985 |
4 | Archaeological Reconnaissance of Zuni Kolhu/wala:wa Pilgrimage Trail, T. J. Ferguson Report |
5 | Warren Greer, Notes |
1986 |
6 | Transcriptions of Field Work |
1986 |
7 | Field Notes |
1986 |
8 | Field Notes: Lee, Udall, Dishta, Ondulacy |
9 | Field Notes, Letter to Floyd O'Neil |
1986 |
10 | Field Notes |
1987 |
11 | Field Notes from Interviews |
1987 |
12 | John Niiha, Interview |
1988 |
13 | Field Notes |
1987 |
14 | Interview, Dr. Spencer D. Ellsworth |
1986 |
15-16 | Interview, Alex Seowtewa |
1986 |
17-19 | Interview with Zuni Religious Leaders |
1986 |
20 | Interview, Albert S. Anderson |
1986 |
21 | Interview, H. Jay Platt |
1986 |
22 | Interview, Mrs. Mabel Hinkson |
1986 |
23 | Field Notes |
1986 |
Kolhu/wala:wa Trial Transcript, MiscellaneousReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 21
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-5 | United States Geological Society Survey |
6-7 | Bureau of Land Management Deposition |
8 | Zuni Coop Brochure |
9 | Smithsonian Photograph Information |
Volume | |
1-4 | U. S. vs. Platt Trial Transcript |
Miscellaneous Materials, 1988-1991Return to Top
Container(s): Box 22
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Manuscript, Zuni Economic Development |
3 | Prucha Review Request |
4 | Joanne Mulcahy Correspondence |
5 | Alaska Politics |
6-11 | Crow Canyon Archeological Center |
12 | Western History Association Conference |
1988 |
13 | Western History Association Conference |
1990 |
14 | Museum of American Indian Legislation |
15 | News Clippings, Melcher Legislation |
16 | Native American Rights, Cultural Museums |
17 | Shalako |
1991 |
18 | Memo from T. J. Ferguson with Photocopies |
1989 |
19-24 | Correspondence, Notes |
1989 |
25 | Transition Report to the Zuni Tribal Council
A summary of the role of the Institute of North American West in Zuni land claims.
1990 |
Correspondence and Accounts, 1987-1992Return to Top
Container(s): Box 23
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-12 | Correspondence, Notes |
1990-1992 |
13-21 | Accounts |
1987-1988 |
Zuni I and II Accounts, 1988-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 24
Material covers November 1988 to April 1990.
Zuni II Files, 1984-1991Return to Top
Container(s): Box 25
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Meeting of Record |
1991 |
2 | Meeting |
1991 |
3 | Archaeology Curation |
4-6 | Deposition Notes |
7 | Motion for a new Trial |
8 | Trip File |
1984 |
9-21 | Accounts |
22 | Salt Lake City Meeting |
1988 |
23 | Tree Rings in Zuni Mountains |
Zuni II FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 26
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-14 | Hart Report Inserts
These were never inserted.
15-20 | Notes for Use at Trial |
Zuni II Files, 1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 27
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Arizona State University Support |
2 | Zuni II Celebration |
3 | Zuni II Conservation |
4 | Letter to Myles Flint |
1990 |
5 | Octavia Fellin Controversy |
6 | Settlement Letter |
1990 |
7 | Zuni II Damages |
8 | Logging News Clipping |
9 | Westphall |
10-12 | Zuni II Presentation |
13 | I have a Dream |
14 | Walsh Statement |
15 | Zuni II Dismissal |
16 | Settlement Fund Budget |
17 | Washington, D. C. |
1990 |
18 | News Clippings |
19 | Settlement Act Video
Three copies of photographs and description.
20 | Puyallup Settlement |
21-22 | Senate Select Report |
23 | McCain |
Zuni I Valuation FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 28
Zuni I background information, including documents regarding the Pacific Railroad, Homestead Bill, and other public land bills, 1857-1891.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Congressional Globe photocopies |
2 | Minimum Price for Public Lands |
3-4 | Pacific Railroad Bill, 37th Congress |
1861-1862 |
5-6 | Pacific Railroad Bill, Amendment |
7-17 | Homestead Bills |
1857-1862 |
18 | S. No. 2, 35th Congress, First Session |
1857-1858 |
19 | Homestead Bill, 35th Congress, Second Session |
1858-1859 |
20 | H. R. No. 4261, 44th Congress, Second Session |
1876-1877 |
21 | Sale of Timber Lands, 44th Congress, First Session |
1876 |
22 | H. R. 2152 and 4150, Mineral Lands |
1874 |
23 | S. No. 647, Southern Pacific Railroad |
1871 |
24 | H. R. No. 370, Public Lands |
1867-1868 |
25 | Homestead Bill, 35th Congress, Second Session |
1858-1859 |
26 | Speeches on Public Lands, 32nd Congress, Second Session |
1853 |
Zuni I Valuation FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 29
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-9 | Homestead |
10 | Case Law |
11-12 | Working File, Hart Report |
13-16 | Working File, valuation, minerals values |
Zuni I Valuation Files, 1851-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 30
This box contains original Institute of the North American West reports on valuation plus information about Arizona and New Mexico public lands valuations.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Working File, Valuation, Minerals Values |
3 | Uranium |
4 | Coal, Geology Reports |
5 | A. W. Whipple, Railroad Survey |
1854 |
6 | John O. Baxter, Weekly Reports |
1990 |
7 | National Archives, Coal Valuation |
8-13 | Original Institute of North American West Reports on Valuation |
14 |
The Land of Sunshine
, A Handbook of New Mexico
1906 |
15 | New Mexico, Vital Information |
1894 |
16 | Photocopy of History of the Union Pacific Coal Mines |
17 | Government Timber Lands |
1884 |
18-20 | Interior Department Territorial Papers, New Mexico |
1851-1914 |
21 |
The Resources of Arizona
1883 |
Zuni I Valuation Files, 1873-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 31
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Miscellaneous Excerpts |
2 | Excerpts from Southwestern National Monuments, Nation of the Willows |
1965-1988 |
3 | Guide to the Pacific Coast, Santa Fe Route and The Land of Sunshine |
1895-1906 |
4 | Miscellaneous Publications, Excerpts |
5 | Miscellaneous Publications, Excerpts about New Mexico |
6 | Photocopies of Zuni Land Claim area |
1990 |
7 | The United States Forestry Policy |
1878-1897 |
8-9 | Miscellaneous Excerpts, Photocopies about Forestry |
10 | New Mexico Mines and Minerals |
11 | New Mexico Agriculture, Pastoral, and Mineral Resources |
1873 |
12-17 | Photocopies from University of New Mexico Pertinent to Mining and Forestry |
18-22 | Background Materials on Coal and Minerals |
Zuni I Valuation Files, 1853-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 32
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Timber Prices |
1853-1888 |
3-4 | Miscellaneous Photocopies, Excerpts |
5-16 | Zuni I Valuation Correspondence, Notes |
1987-1990 |
17-18 | Zuni Claim Area |
19 | Jules Marcou Geology Report and Map |
1858 |
20 | Hart, Zuni Coal Mines and Damage to Zuni Trust Lands |
1987 |
21 |
News Reports,
Arizona Weekly
1859-1903 |
22 | Clarence E. Dutton, Mount Taylor and the Zuni Plateau |
1886 |
Zuni I Valuation Files, 1907-1939Return to Top
Container(s): Box 33
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-10 | Mineral Reports |
11-24 | Bureau of Indian Affairs CC Files |
1907-1939 |
Zuni I Valuation Files, 1907-1939Return to Top
Container(s): Box 34
This box contains a continuation of Bureau of Indian Affairs CC Files, 1907-1939.
Zuni I Valuation Files and Other DocumentsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 35
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-8 | Hart's Labeling Continued, also Microfilm |
9 | Zuni I Press Release |
10 | Zuni I Appropriation |
11 | Zuni I Resolutions |
12 | 1990 Election |
13 | Zuni I Certificate of Appreciation |
Ahayuda (War God) Repatriations, 1978-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 36
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Calendar of Zuni War Gods Repatriation |
1978-1987 |
2 | W. Eriacho and T. J. Ferguson, The Zuni War Gods |
1979 |
3 | Ahayuda Correspondence |
1980-1984 |
4 | Correspondence, Notes |
1987 |
5-7 | Repatriations, Correspondence, Notes |
1988 |
8 | Repatriations, Notes, News Release |
9 | News Clippings |
1988 |
10 | Sotheby's Collection, Including Ahayda |
11 | Correspondence |
1989 |
12 | Bureau of Indian Affairs |
1989 |
13 | Thomas LeRoy Larson, Thesis, The Zuni War God: Ahayu:da |
1989 |
14 | Background Materials, Some Correspondence |
15 | Photocopies of Articles, Newsletter, News Clipping |
16 | An Interview with the Zuni Tribal Council |
1990 |
17 | Repatriation Project, Final Report |
1990 |
18 | Report to Zuni Council Answering Questions by Nelson-Atkins Museum |
1990 |
19 | Institute of the North American West Report |
20 | Thirteen War Gods and Associated Shrines in Brooklyn Museum |
1990 |
Ahayuda (War God) Repatriations; Zuni I testimony Draft, 1990-1991Return to Top
Container(s): Box 37
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-13 | Ahayuda Repatriations Correspondence, Reports, Notes |
1990-1991 |
14-19 | First Draft of Zuni I Testimony |
Various SubjectsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 38
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-8 | Zuni History Conference, Notes, Correspondence, Grant |
9-11 | Versions of First Edition of Zuni History Tabloid |
12 | Indian Self-Rule, Postscript Manuscript by Hart |
13 | Zuni I, Hart Notes on Elam |
14-15 | Eggan Testimony, Carbon of Original |
16-19 | Southern Ute Archival Materials |
Hailey, Idaho History Project, 1971Return to Top
Container(s): Box 39
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Clark Spence, Boom of the Wood River Mines |
2 |
Sawtooth Mountain Star
News Clippings
3 | Ken Mecham, Carey Valley History |
1971 |
4 | Institute of the American West Project Records |
5 | Hailey, Idaho |
6-7 |
Hailey Times
8 | Bob Sims, Hailey Centennial |
9-11 | Hailey History Newspaper Sections |
12 | Elizabeth Leflang Sliger Articles, Letter |
13 | Idaho History Pamphlets |
14 |
Man, Wildlife and the Public Lands
15 | Craig W. Oler Research |
16 | Hailey Sections |
17 | Mark Klett Article on the Hailey Project |
18-21 | Photocopies of the Hailey Photographs |
22 | Interviews with Pete Peterson and Lucille Friedman |
Lexicography of the Word Aarroyo, 1925Return to Top
Container(s): Box 40
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-4 | Hart Testimony |
5 |
National Geographic
, 1925 issue
6-9 | Materials from Defendant |
10-11 | Hoehner Research |
12-13 | Hart Arroyo Sources |
14 | Dixon Arroyo Sources |
15-27 | Definitions by Date |
Lexicography of the Word AarroyoReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 41
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-14 | Contextual by Date, Arroyo |
15-19 | Isabel Adame Marin on Aarroyo |
20-21 | Dictionary Definitions |
22-23 | Robert W. Delaney on Aarroyo |
24 | Donna Pierce on Aarroyo |
Various issues of The Native Nevadan and High Country NewsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 42
Various Environmental Publications, 1978-1979Return to Top
Container(s): Box 43
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-4 | Idaho/Washington Environmental Studies |
5-6 | Tabloids |
7-8 |
Walker River Paiute Tribe News Notes
1978-1979 |
9 |
1978 |
10 |
Four Arrows
, Newsletters
11 | Native Self Sufficiency, Seventh Generation Fund |
12 | Native American Rights Fund |
Publications Relating to Native AmericansReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 44
Publications Relating to Native AmericansReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 45
Publications Relating to Native AmericansReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 46
FolkloreReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 47
This box contains newsletters of several folklore societies, including the American Folklore Society, various western state folklore societies, and the state folklore societies of New York and Pennsylvania.
Zuni I Hart, 1989-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 48
Folders 1-5 contain papers written by Hart, titles as listed. Also in this box are Hart valuation reports (in fourteen original folders); and Hart valuation exhibits listed in descending numbers VX50 to VX15 (also in original folders).
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Historical Analysis of Statutory Values of Land in Zuni Claim |
1990 |
2 | Minimum Values in Zuni Claim Area, Historical Perspective |
1990 |
3 | Lumber Values in New Mexico, Values in Atlantic/Pacific Railroad |
1989-1990 |
4 | Statutes on Establishing Minimum Values for Public Lands |
5 | Townsite Size in the Zuni Claim Area |
Zuni I Hart Valuation ExhibitsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 49
Continuing here in original folders are descending numbers VX14 to VX1; and also, in disrupted order, apparent duplicates of VX49-VX30.
Zuni II SurrebuttalReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 50
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-11 | Zuni II Surrebuttal from the Defendant |
12-18 | Zuni II Surrebuttal, Hart's Notes |
Zuni II Surrebuttal, Hart's NotesReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 51
Hart and Ferguson Rebuttal ReportReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 52
Interviews by T. J. FergusonReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 53
Interviews were conducted by T. J. Ferguson among the following persons associated with Zuni lands:
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Leroy Dewa |
2 | James Enote |
3 | Charles Eriacho |
4 | Calvin Eustace |
5 | Robert Fontenelle |
6 | Frank Ghaccu |
7-8 | Tom Idiaque |
9 | Dempsy Kantena |
10 | Frank Lalacita |
11 | Edison Laselute and David Mateya |
12 | Pesancio Lasiloo |
13 | Robert Lewis |
14 | Jimmy Lonjose |
15 | Chester Mahooty |
16 | Leo Nastacio |
17 | Sidney Neumayah and Bob Walela |
18 | Russell Owaleon |
19 | Virgil Pablo |
20 | Adam Penketewa |
21 | Remijo Panteah |
22 | Kalthutah Telsee |
23 | Elaine Thomas |
24 | Calvin Weeke |
Notes, Interviews, Manuscripts, 1984Return to Top
Container(s): Box 54
Folder 1 contains notes by T. J. Ferguson, folders 2 4 contain interviews by Richard Ford and T. J. Ferguson, folders 5 9 contain interviews by Richard Hart and T. J. Ferguson, and folders 10 14 contain manuscripts.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Ferguson Notes
Notes on Clarence Calavaza, Mazone Harker, Pacque Ondulacy, Patterson Peynestsa, and Joe Tsabetsaye.
2 | Sefferion Eriacho |
3 | Chester Mahooty |
1984 |
4 | Chauncey Simplicio |
5 | Al Abee |
6 | Robert Lewis |
7-9 | Zuni Tribal Council |
10-13 | Primary Testimony, PX 6000 |
14 | Rebuttal Report, PX 6000 |
Hart Shoshone History Manuscript, Other Research and Reviews, 1921-1985Return to Top
Container(s): Box 55
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Manuscript, Western Shoshone History |
1974 |
2 | Mexican War, Mormons, California Gold Rush; Government Contract |
3 | Treaty of 1855 |
4 | Ruby Valley Reserve |
5 | Treaty of 1863 |
6 | Carlin Farms |
7 | Hart Manuscript, Area Descriptions |
8 | Hart Manuscript, Bibliography, Letter, Maps |
9 | Southern Piute, Utah |
1921 |
10-11 | Suquamish Indian Tribe Material |
1977-1980 |
12 | Miscellaneous Indian Background Material |
13-18 | Fur Trappers, Paper and Research |
1977 |
19 | Illegal Aliens, News Clippings |
20-21 | Little Colorado Park Proposal
Canyon Lands Field Institute, Colorado Plateau, World Heritage
1985 |
Miscellaneous Research, Reviews, 1986-1987Return to Top
Container(s): Box 56
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-9 | Advancement Panel |
1987 |
10 | Western Folklife Center |
1987 |
11-12 | City Lore |
1987 |
13 | Jane Young Review |
14 |
Across Boundaries
, Review
15 | Worster Book Review |
1986 |
16-17 | Western Shoshone, Research Materials |
Miscellaneous Projects, Conferences, Research, 1987-1991Return to Top
Container(s): Box 57
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Volume | ||
1-2 |
Hart and T. J. Ferguson,
Cultural Properties of Four Tribes
Folder | ||
1-3 | Victoria Conference |
1991 |
4-5 | "The Trail to Zuni Heaven," |
1991 |
6-7 | Native American Fish and Wildlife Society |
1987 |
8-10 | American Society for Environmental History, Conference |
1991 |
News ClippingsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 58
This box contains mostly news clippings concerned with Zuni affairs.
Miscellaneous Materials, 1987Return to Top
Container(s): Box 59
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Western Shoshone News Clippings |
3 | Globescope, Sun Valley, Idaho |
1987 |
4 | Discovering the Pueblos |
5 | Zuni Pueblo, Draft |
6 |
Zuni Museum Matters
7 | "The Ancient Zuni Salt Lake Trail System" |
8 | E. Richard Hart, Curriculum Vita |
Zuni Atlas, Notes, Correspondence, and Manuscript, 1981-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 60
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-4 | Manuscript, Notes, Correspondence |
1981-1984 |
5-8 | Correspondence and Working |
1982-1983 |
9-11 | Correspondence, Contracts, Reviews |
1985-1987 |
12-13 | Second Edition, Correspondence, Advertising, Reviews |
1990 |
14-17 |
A Zuni Atlas
, Author's Set
18 | Maps |
A Zuni Atlas Drafts, Notes , 1982-1983Return to Top
Container(s): Box 60A
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-3 | Copies of Zuni Maps |
4-9 | Manuscript Draft |
1982 |
10 | Comments on Manuscript |
1983 |
11-14 | Manuscript Draft |
1983 |
15-18 | Manuscript Draft |
1983 |
19-20 | Appendix 1 and 2 Draft |
1983 |
21 | Sources Draft |
1983 |
A Zuni Atlas , Editor's Comments, Page Proofs, Galleys , 1984-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 60B
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-5 | Editor's Comments |
6 | Source List |
7 | Legends, Figures |
8 | Appendix 1 |
9 | Appendix 2 |
10-13 | Page Proofs |
14-15 | Author's Set of Galleys |
16 | Correspondence |
1984 |
17 | Correspondence |
1985 |
18 | Legends, Illustrations |
19 | Appendix 1 and 2; Sources |
20 | Zuni Orthography |
21 | Appendices, Land Use Sites |
22 | Reader's Report |
23 | University of Oklahoma Press Catalogue |
1990 |
Zuni Atlas Maps Return to Top
Container(s): Box 60C
Zuni and the Courts Return to Top
Container(s): Box 61
Container(s) | Description |
Volume | |
1 | Bound Draft of "Zuni and the Courts" |
2 |
To Gain Justice for Our People
3 |
Jeffrey S. Dean,
Dendrochronological Dating in the Zuni Area
Zuni and the Courts , Drafts, Research , 1993Return to Top
Container(s): Box 62
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | U.S. Claims, Findings |
3 | Edmund J. Ladd, Achieving True Interpretation |
1993 |
4 | Samuel C. Monson, Changing Meanings of Arroyo |
5 | Hank Meshorer, The Sacred Trail to Zuni Heaven |
6 | Governor Robert E. Lewis, Preface |
7 | Biographical Sketches of Contributors |
8 | Ward Alan Minge, New Mexican Reducciones |
9 | Zuni Sustainable Resource Development Plan |
10 | Zuni I Settlement Plan |
11-13 | Contributor Resumes |
14 | Zuni History Tabloids |
Zuni and the Courts , Manuscript, Page Proofs Return to Top
Container(s): Box 63
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Table of Contents |
2 | Preface, Governor Robert E. Lewis |
3-4 | Part I: Aboriginal Claims |
5-6 | Part II: Damage to Zuni Lands |
7 | Part III: The Barefoot Trail |
8 | Postscripts: Boyden, O'Neil, Ladd, Hart |
9 | Appendix I: Findings . . . Aboriginal Area |
10 | Appendix II: Findings . . . Taking Dates |
11 | Appendix III: Zuni Land Conservation Act of 1990 |
12 | Appendix IV: Plan for Judgment Funds |
13 | Zuni Sustainable Resource Development Plan |
14 |
Zuni and the Courts
, Page Proofs
E. Richard Hart's Rolodex Card FileReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 64
Personal Proposals, Background Materials, and CorrespondenceReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 65
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-6 | Personal Proposals |
7 | Resettling the West/Nicaragua |
8 | Credit Report |
9 | Tom Carter Project |
10 | Miscellaneous Items to Save |
11 | Boise State |
12 | Poetry Release, Posters |
13 | National Humanities Center Information |
14-16 | Miscellaneous Travel Information |
17 | Paul Allen Foundation Application |
18 | Patricia Albers, Sioux Kinship in a Colonial Setting |
19 | Colin Wood, Gulf Islands and San Juan Islands |
20 | Guidelines |
Miscellaneous and Western History Association, 1977-1994Return to Top
Container(s): Box 66
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Survey of Documents, Ontario |
1980 |
2 | Banff Center |
3 | Miscellaneous |
4 | Shenandoah National Park Study |
1977 |
5 | Indoor-Outdoor Space, Recreation |
6 | Park and Town; National Park Policy |
7 | California Parks; Olmstead Bibliography |
8 | Parks |
1978 |
9 | Donald B. Smith, The Dispossession of the Mississauga Indians |
10 | National Public Radio, Accounts |
11-12 | National Public Radio |
1993-1994 |
13 | Larry Wolfe Associates Management |
14-15 | Western History Association, Program Committee, Correspondence, Proposals |
1993 |
16-17 | Western History Association Sessions |
1993-1994 |
Western History Association, Cowboy Poetry, 1994Return to Top
Container(s): Box 67
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-7 | Program Committee, Tulsa Meeting |
8-14 | Topics |
15-18 | Albuquerque Meeting |
1994 |
19 |
Western History Quarterly
, Essay Review
1994 |
20-22 | Cowboy Poetry, Tenth Anniversary |
Native Peoples, Research Materials, 1980-1988Return to Top
Container(s): Box 68
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Volume | ||
1 |
The Indian Act
2 |
The Historical Development of the Indian Act
Folder | ||
1 | Cornelius J. Jaenen, Les Sauvages Ameriquains |
1980 |
2 | James Axtell, Some Thoughts on the Ethnohistory of Missions |
3 | Bruce G. Trigger, Ethnohistory: Problems and Prospects |
4 | Archive Records |
5 | Morrison, The Case of the Slandered Sagamore |
1980 |
6 | Robert J. Surtees, Studying Indian History in Canada |
1980 |
7 | Treaties, Related Subjects |
8 | A Growing Partnership: Historians and Anthropologists in Indian History |
9 | Bid for Historical Hearing, Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation |
1988 |
10 | Bid, Flathead Indian Reservation |
1988 |
11 | Bid, Crow Indian Reservation |
1988 |
12 | Bid, Fort Belknap Indian Reservation |
1988 |
13 | Bid, Blackfeet Indian Reservation |
1988 |
14 | Barry M. Gough, Similarities and Differences in Indian Policies |
15 | Native History Study Group Supplements |
16 | Canadian National Parks Centennial |
1985 |
17 | Indian Self-Government in Canada |
1983 |
Idaho Land Use Manuscripts, Research Materials, 1979-1995Return to Top
Container(s): Box 69
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Miscellaneous Pamphlets |
2 | Western Conference Program Materials |
3-4 | Land Management |
5 | Idaho Initial Wilderness Inventory |
1979 |
6 | Wilderness Evaluation of Idaho Public Lands |
1979 |
7 | Wilderness Intensive Inventory, Idaho Falls District |
1979 |
8 | Snake River Islands, Wilderness Evaluation, Sun Valley Area |
1979 |
9 | Idaho Intensive Wilderness Inventory |
1979 |
10 | Miscellaneous Correspondence |
11 | Western Shoshone
Land Use, Publications, and Manuscripts Regarding Bombing Range and Waste Disposal
12 | Folk Art Idaho Exhibition
Included is a list of photographs transferred to the Manuscripts Division's Multimedia Section (P0439).
13-16 | Miscellaneous Publications Concerned with Humanities |
1995 |
Zuni Research Material, News Clippings, 1985-1994Return to Top
Container(s): Box 70
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Volume | ||
1 |
Socorro Resource Management Plan
, Draft
1988 |
Folder | ||
1 | Exploring Social, Political and Economic Organization in the Zuni Region |
1994 |
2-8 | Zuni News Clippings |
9 | Cibola National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan |
1986 |
10 | Cibola National Forest (New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas) Maps |
1985 |
CibolaReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 71
Background publications on Cibola National Forest are found in this box.
PublicationsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 72
Publications on western subjects include environmental impact statements and environmental plans associated with Zuni territory.
PublicationsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 73
Publications on western subjects include environmental impact statements and environmental plans associated with Zuni territory.
Miscellaneous Research Files, 1853-1995Return to Top
Container(s): Box 74
Much of this material pertains to activities of the Institute of the American West in the 1980s.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Photocopy of Survey from Mississippi to Pacific |
1853-1854 |
2-4 | Miscellaneous Chronologies |
5-7 | Pitt Rivers War God (Zuni) |
8 | Institute of American West, Idaho, Correspondence, Research |
9 | Wood River, Parks Conference |
1984 |
10-12 | Idaho, Miscellaneous Correspondence, Research Materials |
13 | Buffalo Bill Museum Review |
1984 |
14 | Hal Cannon, Cowboy Poetry |
15 | Moscow, Idaho Conference |
1985 |
16-17 | Oral History as Court Testimony |
18 | American West Center Reunion |
1985 |
19 |
Remaining Ourselves: Music and Tribal Memory
An audio cassette tape was transferred to the Manuscripts Division's Multimedia Section (A0377).
1995 |
Publications, 1995Return to Top
Container(s): Box 75
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Volume | ||
1 |
Julian H. Steward,
Basin-Plateau Aboriginal Sociopolitical Groups
2 |
Festival of American Folklife
1995 |
Folder | ||
1-10 | In Their Own Words, Miscellaneous Publications; and a Calendar |
1995 |
Environmental PublicationsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 76
Court Testimonies, 1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 77
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Hart, The Fence Lake Mine Project |
2 | Hart, The Tribal Claim to Coeur d'Alene |
3 | O'Neil and Hart, Fraudulent Land Activities by United States |
1990 |
4 | Hart, The Ancient Zuni Salt Trail System |
5 | Hart, The Zuni Salt Lake Trail System |
6 | Hart, A Brief Ethnohistory of the Zuni Salt Lake to 1900 |
7 | Hart, Deforestation and Erosion in the Zuni Mountains |
8 | Statements from Experts Relative to S. 2203 |
9 | Statement of E. Richard Hart |
1990 |
10 | Statements of Experts Relative to H.R. 4143 |
Zuni II Exhibits 8001-8091Return to Top
Container(s): Box 78
Zuni II Exhibits 8092-8182Return to Top
Container(s): Box 79
Zuni II Exhibits 8183-8279Return to Top
Container(s): Box 80
Zuni II Exhibits 8280-8389Return to Top
Container(s): Box 81
Zuni II Exhibits 8390-8462Return to Top
Container(s): Box 82
Exhibits PX 11001-11101Return to Top
Container(s): Box 83
Exhibits PX 11102-11123; Wiget 12001-12024Return to Top
Container(s): Box 84
Hart Files: Zuni Film, Oral History, Cibola Park, 1984-1991Return to Top
Container(s): Box 85
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Zuni Film, Correspondence |
1984-1985 |
2 | Film, Documentary Information |
3 | Andrew Wiget, Father Juan Greyrobe Correspondence |
1987 |
4 | Andrew Wiget, Oral History and Correspondence |
1987-1988 |
5 | Will Roscoe, slide lecture, Children of One Father
Zuni History, 1850-1900
1987 |
6 | Will Roscoe, AWe'Wha and Klah, Correspondence |
1988-1989 |
7 | Will Roscoe, Correspondence |
1987-1988 |
8-11 | Proposed Zuni-Cibola National Historic Park |
1988 |
12 | Proposed Zuni-Cibola National Historic Park |
1989 |
13 | Proposed Zuni-Cibola National Historic Park Meeting |
1989 |
14 | Anita Kay Hardy, Architectural Form and Function as Reflections of Being |
1991 |
15 | Zuni Tribal Council Canes, Proposal |
1991 |
Exhibits PX 13001.1-PX 13094.1Return to Top
Container(s): Box 86
Exhibits PX 13094.2-PX 13152Return to Top
Container(s): Box 87
Exhibits PX 13153-PX 13238Return to Top
Container(s): Box 88
Exhibits PX 13239-PX 13307.2 and Baxter PX 9001-9031Return to Top
Container(s): Box 89
Exhibits PX 3032-9047; Hart's History of Religious Objects, 1918-1991Return to Top
Container(s): Box 90
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Volume | ||
1 |
A Brief History of Religious Objects From the Old Zuni Mission
1987 |
Folder | ||
1 | Stewart Culin, Good Furniture |
1918 |
2 | Brooklyn Museum Photographs, Attached Correspondence
These are photocopies. Original photographs were transferred to the Manuscripts Division's Multimedia Section (P0439).
3 | Zuni Mission Miera, Correspondence |
1987-1991 |
4 | Research Materials |
5 | A Brief History of Religious Objects . . . |
1987 |
6 | A Brief History of Religious Objects, Draft |
7-11 | Correspondence, Research Matter |
12 | Hart, The Miera Bultos from Zuni |
13 | Delaney, Mission, ZIIR |
14 | Photocopies of photographs from Brooklyn Museum
Originals of these photographs, as well as slides from the Brooklyn Museum, have been transferred to the Manuscripts Division's Multimedia Section (P0439).
Miscellaneous Materials, 1853-1995Return to Top
Container(s): Box 91
Originals of the nine letters from Fort Wingate (folder 16), and the letter from Major Kendrick (folder 4) are accessible with the approval of the Manuscripts Division Head.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Personal Festschrift in Honor of Floyd A. O'Neil |
1995 |
2 | Final Proof of Festschrift |
3 | Page Proofs of Festschrift |
4 | Photocopy of Brevet Major Henry Lane Kendrick Letter |
1853 |
5 | Major H. L. Kendrick Notation |
6-7 | Manuscripts, Notes |
8-9 | Zuni Trade in Corn, Final Draft |
10 | Hart, Everybody Has His Own Business |
1995 |
11 | Hart, Trade, Disease, and Navajo Hostilities |
12 | Henry L. Dodge, Biographical Information |
13 | Hart, Zuni Traditional Development of Natural Resources` |
1987 |
14 |
Zuni agriculture, Pages from
A Zuni Atlas
15 | Hart, Boundaries of Zuni Land |
16 | Photocopies of Fort Wingate Letters |
1870-1871 |
17 |
The Auerbach Collection
1992 |
Files 1-29, 1904-1935Return to Top
Container(s): Box 92
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Letter to Greg Thompson |
2 | National Archives, Files 1-11
Also includes some loose documents.
3 | Files 12-13, Central Classified |
1907-1935 |
4 | Files 14-15, Central Classified |
1904-1924 |
5 | File 16, Central Classified |
1908-1931 |
6 | File 17, Zuni, McDowell |
1919 |
7 | Files 18-25, Central Classified, Zuni Decimal File |
1917-1935 |
8-9 | File 26, Zuni Decimal File |
1915-1928 |
10 | File 27, Central Classified |
1914-1931 |
11 | File 28, Central Classified |
1929-1931 |
12 | File 29, Tipton, W. M., Trespass at Zuni |
1913 |
Files 30-68, 1909-1929Return to Top
Container(s): Box 93
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | File 30, Central Classified |
1919-1922 |
2-3 | Files 31-41, Central Classified |
1916-1929 |
4-5 | Files 42-52, Central Classified |
1916-1924 |
6-7 | File 53, Central Classified |
1915-1924 |
8-9 | Files 54-60, Central Classified |
1915-1924 |
10 | Files 61-68, Zuni Decimal File |
1909-1929 |
Files 69-104, 1850-1974Return to Top
Container(s): Box 94
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | File 69, Hearings at Zuni |
1931 |
2-3 | Files 70-81, National Archives, Central Classified |
1918-1934 |
4-5 | File 82, Zuni Agency |
1915-1934 |
6 | Files 83-86, Collier, John; Articles |
1920s |
7 | Files 87-88, Hart Notes |
1850s-1900s |
8 | File 88A, Dewey Dismuke Interview |
1974 |
9 | File 88B, Report on Zuni, Tyler Collect |
10 | File 89, Shroeder, Navajo/Apache Relations |
11 | File 90, Zuni Also Prays, C. Kuipers |
12-15 | Files 91-104, Central Classified |
1907-1920 |
Files 105-144, 1907-1912Return to Top
Container(s): Box 95
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Files 105-117, O'Neil-Denver Federal Records Center |
1907-1911 |
3 | File 118, Stevenson, Introduction To Ethnobotany |
1912 |
4 | File 119, Stevenson, Correspondence on Ethnobotany |
5-9 | File 120, Stevenson, Ethnobotany Manuscript |
1912 |
10 | File 121, List of plants Collected by Stevenson |
1912 |
11 | File 122, Hodge/Stevenson, Clans/Plants |
12 | Files 123-133, Interviews and Hart Notes |
13-16 | File 134, Roberts, Village of the Great Kivas |
17-19 | Files 135-144, United Pueblos, Southern Pueblos |
Files 145-153K, 1916-1917Return to Top
Container(s): Box 96
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Files 145-148, Farming, Industry, Stock- Zuni |
1916 |
2 | Files 149-152, Zuni News Clippings |
3 | File 153, Range and Wildlife |
1917 |
4 | File 153A, Chester Mahoody Deposition |
5 | File 153B, Frank Vacit Deposition |
6 | File 153C, Alonzo Hustito Deposition |
7 | File 153D, Ralph Quam Deposition |
8 | File 153E, Theodore Edaakie Deposition |
9 | File 153F, Mecalito Wlytsalucy Deposition |
10 | File 153G, Sefferino Erachio, Sr., Deposition |
11 | File 153H, Oscar Nastacio Deposition |
12 | File 153I, Tom Awelgate Deposition |
13 | File 153J, Fred Bowannie Deposition |
14 | File 153K, Chester H. Gaspar Deposition |
Files 153L-177Return to Top
Container(s): Box 97
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | File 153L, A. L. Nastacio Deposition |
2-3 | File 153M, Holmes and Fowler Manuscript, Parts 1 and 2 |
4-6 | Files 154-168, O'Neil and Thompson |
7 | File 169, Special Report 1903 American West Center |
8-10 | Files 170-176, Notes on Miscellaneous Books and other Works |
11 | File 177, Memorandum on Treaties |
Files 178-220, 1879-1945Return to Top
Container(s): Box 98
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | File 178, Zuni Annual Reports |
1897-1945 |
2 | File 179, Fuller, C.P. on Cushing, Zuni, and Hemenway |
1879-1889 |
3-6 | Files 180-194, Central Classified, Zuni 313 |
1907-1919 |
7-9 | Files 195-202, Central Classified, Zuni 331-339 |
1910-1932 |
10-14 | Files 203-220, Central Classified, Zuni 013-055 |
1909-1935 |
Files 221-257, 1884-1924Return to Top
Container(s): Box 99
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Files 221-121, Central Classified, Zuni 300, 301, 272, 256 |
2 | File 232, Zuni Investigation |
1924 |
3-6 | Files 233-247, National Archives Central Classified, Zuni 301-304.3 |
7 | Files 248-249, Central Classified, Zuni |
8-10 | File 250, Zuni Decimal File |
11-12 | File 251, Forest |
1908-1913 |
13 | Files 252-253, National Archives, Indian Affairs, Inspectors Reports |
1885-1910 |
14 | File 254, War God Shrine Documents |
15 | File 255, Missions of New Mexico |
16 | File 256, 1955 Zuni Governor Conflict |
17 | File 257, Cushing Annual Report |
1884 |
Files 258-273, 1980Return to Top
Container(s): Box 100
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | File 258, Cushing, Study of Pueblo Pottery |
2 | File 259, Mixed Blood Apaches |
3 | File 260, Ladd, High Altitude |
4 | File 261, Page, Redhouse |
5 | File 262, Mollhausen |
6 | File 263, Cushing, Primitive Copper Working |
7 | File 264, Huntington Library |
1980 |
8 | File 265, Espeyo, 1587, Transcript |
9 | File 266, Troyer, Indian Music Lecture |
10 | File 267, Kern Diaries |
11 | File 268, Southwest Museum Notes |
12 | File 269, Zuni Report (Photographs) |
13 | Files 270-271, Zuni Maps |
14-16 | File 272, Testimony, Final Copy I |
17-18 | File 273, Testimony, Final Copy II |
Files 274-278Return to Top
Container(s): Box 101
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-3 | File 274, Hart Notes on Materials, Testimony, Part I |
4-5 | File 275, Hart Notes on Materials, Testimony, Part II |
6-7 | File 276, Exhibits done with Reference Numbers |
8-9 | File 277, Uncorrected Testimony |
10-12 | File 278, Plat Research Carried out by John Baxter |
Files 279-289, 1970Return to Top
Container(s): Box 102
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-3 | File 279, Central Classified, Zuni 124-124.1, 130, 150 |
4 | File 280, Stewart, Guy--Pueblo Architecture |
5-6 | File 281, Roberts, H.H., Jr., Kiatuthlana |
7-8 | File 282, Wheeler (American West Center) |
9 | File 283, Southwest Museum and Smithsonian Institution Notes |
10 | File 284, Zuni Chronology, Hart |
11-12 | File 285, Hart, Unpublished Manuscripts |
1970 |
13 | File 286, Hodge, Metal Working |
14 | File 287, Culin |
15 | File 288, Articles |
16 | File 289, Zuni Agriculture |
Files 290-304, 1963-1977Return to Top
Container(s): Box 103
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | File 290, Navajo Findings of Fact |
2 | File 291, Salt Lake Hearings |
1977 |
3 | File 292, New Mexico Superintendency Microfilm |
4 | File 293, Hart, Witchcraft at Zuni, Unpublished Manuscript |
1970 |
5 | File 294, Triloki Nath Pandey, Signed Offprints, Notes |
6 | File 295, Land Meeting
A transcript and notes (the only record of this period in land claim effort--people recalled events since 1879).
1963 |
7-8 | File 296, Miscellaneous Articles and Notes on Books |
9 | File 297, S. Lyman Tyler, Report on Zuni Pueblo |
10 | File 298, Nathaniel Nasheboo Interview |
1973 |
11 | File 299, Interviews and Notes, Hart, American West Center |
12 | File 300, Cushing, Outlines of Zuni Creation Myths |
13 | File 301, John L. Landgraf, Land-Use |
14 | File 302, Catalogue, H-C, South West Museum #159 |
15 | File 303, Cushing, Los Nutrias |
16 | File 304, Brugge Documents |
Files 305-332, 1664-1940Return to Top
Container(s): Box 104
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | File 305, Map, Nueva Granada |
2 | File 306, Kern, Map of Territory of New Mexico |
1851 |
3 | File 307, Kern, Manuscript on Cibola |
1853 |
4 | File 308, Deposition of Ojeda |
1869 |
5 | File 309, Martinez, Expedition Against Moqui |
1716 |
6 | File 310, Vigil, Speech to the Hon. Assembly |
1846 |
7 | File 311, Brigand |
1664 |
8 | File 312, Crusate |
1684 |
9 | File 313, Vigil, Historical |
1801-1851 |
10 | File 314, Alvino Perez |
1835 |
11 | File 315, Overman Disbursements |
1852 |
12 | File 316, Sanchez, Inventory |
1789 |
13 | File 317, Stirling, Indian Tribes of Pueblo Land |
1940 |
14 | File 318, Gonzales, Shalakos |
15 | File 319, Zuni Land |
1939 |
16 | File 320, Riley, The Road to Hawikuh |
17 | File 321, Arroyo Cutting and Filling |
18 | File 322, Yellowhouse Survey |
19 | File 323, Woodbury, Prehistoric Agriculture |
20 | File 324, Bradfield, Hopi Agriculture |
21 | File 325, Hack, The Changing Hopi Environment |
22 | File 326, RG393, Records of Army, Department of New Mexico, L-R |
1856 |
23 | File 327, RG393, Continental Commands |
1850-1866 |
24 | File 328, RG393, Army Commands, Department of New Mexico, L-R |
1851-1858 |
25 | File 329, RG393, Army Commands, Department of New Mexico, L-R |
1858 |
26 | File 330, RG393, Army Commands, Department of New Mexico, L-R |
1857 |
27 | File 331, RG92, National Archives, Fort Defiance |
1855 |
28 | File 332, RG393, Army Commands, Department of New Mexico, L-R |
1853 |
Files 333-341, 1851-1906Return to Top
Container(s): Box 105
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | File 333, Fort Wingate |
1869-1906 |
2 | File 334, Fort Wingate, Selected Letters |
1869-1906 |
3 | File 335, Territorial Papers Office, National Archives |
4 | File 336, Fort Wingate |
1881-1893 |
5 | File 337, RG393, Records of Army Commands |
1862-1863 |
6-7 | File 338, RG393, National Archives |
1851-1866 |
8-9 | File 339, Bandelier |
10 | File 340, Bandelier, Chapters 3 and 4, Notes |
11-14 | File 341, Tipton #1, Denver Federal Records Center |
Files 342-350, 1867-1970Return to Top
Container(s): Box 106
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | File 342, Tipton #2, Denver Federal Records Center |
3 | File 343, Cushing, Frank H., Caves |
1881 |
4 | File 344, Christian Missionaries at Zuni, Unpublished Essay by Hart |
1970 |
5 |
File 345,
Harpers Weekly
1867-1884 |
6 | File 346, Gatschet-Cushing, Zuni Speeches |
7 | File 347, Cushing, Annual Report |
1883 |
8-13 | File 348, National Archives, Zuni |
1881-1892 |
14 | File 349, H-C South West Museum, Not Yet Cited |
15 | File 350, Cushing, Map |
Files 351-358Return to Top
Container(s): Box 107
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | File 351, Cushing, Pueblos and Ruins of the U.S. |
2 | File 352, Southwest Museum, Hodge-Cushing |
3 | File 353, Southwest Museum Documents |
4 | File 354, Hodge-Cushing Collection |
5-8 | File 355, Zuni History |
9-10 | File 356, Mindeleff, Annotated Bibliography |
11-12 | File 357, Mindeleff, Annotated Bibliography |
13-15 | File 358, Vlasich, Pueblo Indian Agriculture |
Files 359-374, 1979Return to Top
Container(s): Box 108
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-4 | File 359, Vlasich, Pueblo Indian Agriculture |
5 | File 360, Mills and Ferguson, Zuni Archaeology Program |
6 | File 361, Aberle, The Pueblo Indians of New Mexico |
7 | File 362, Bryan, Flood-Water Farming |
8 | File 363, Lands in Trust for Canoncito Navajos |
9-10 | File 364, Tree Ring Dates |
11 | File 365, Tainter and Gallio |
12 | File 366, Keur, A Chapter in Navajo-Pueblo Relations |
13 | File 367, Douglas, Main Types of Pueblo Cotton Textiles |
14-15 | File 368, Zuni Computer Printout |
16 | File 369, Bandelier, Archives of the Hemenway |
17 | File 370, Kirk, Zuni Hunt |
18 | File 371, The Early Navajo and Apache |
19 | File 372, The Captive Priest of Halona
A copy of manuscript oral history by Andrew Napetcha, tribal historian.
20 | File 373, Prehistoric Agricultural Systems |
21 | File 374, Freedom of Religion Hearings |
1979 |
Files 375-392, 1890-1957Return to Top
Container(s): Box 109
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | File 375, Prehistoric Southwest Agriculture and Water Control Freshness |
2-3 | File 376, Benedict and Others, Zuni Mythology |
4 | File 377, Hoffman, Notice of an Interesting Pueblo Weapon |
5 | File 378, Hart Interview with Bernie Vanderwagen |
6 | File 379, Eriacho, In the Beginning |
7 | File 380, Eriacho and Ferguson, Zuni War Gods |
8 | File 381, Maps |
9 | File 382, Forestry, Zuni |
1957 |
10 | File 383, Twitchell, Pueblo Land Tenures |
11 | File 384, Finders Guide, Zuni Archives |
12 | File 385, Zuni |
13 | File 386, Rasch, The Sante Fe Ring |
14 | File 387, Zuni Prehistory, Hart Manuscript |
15-17 | File 388, Miscellaneous Zuni Materials |
18 | File 389, Fewkes Transcription
This was a prepared from a wax recording.
1890 |
19 | File 390, Barbara J. Mills, Lumber Operations |
20 | File 391(1), Farming Villages, Milled Lumber |
21 | File 391(2), Tyler Notes on Zuni Period of Hardship |
22 | File 392, Southwest Museum Guide, T. J. F. |
Files 393-415, 1880-1960Return to Top
Container(s): Box 110
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | File 393, George Gwyther, AThe Pueblo Indians; Century |
2 | File 394, Marata Ferguson Letter |
3 | File 395, Lorenz Chavez, Autobiography |
4 | File 396, Zuni Letters to Commission of Indian Affairs (Zuni Pueblo Files) |
1946 |
5 | File 397, William A. Bell, New Tracks in North America |
6 | File 398, Zuni Rock Art |
7 | File 399, Solutions to Flooding in Zuni |
8 | File 400, Miscellaneous from Zuni Files |
1925-1960 |
9 | File 401, Brugge, Pueblo Factionalism |
10 | File 402, Hoffman, Historic Resources of the Little Colorado Valley |
11 | File 403, Kirk, Buffalo Fetish Jar |
12-14 | File 404, Zuni Ethno Orinthology |
15 | File 405, Udell Journal, Notes |
16 | File 406, Judd; Rinaldo |
17 |
File 407, Edward S. Curtis,
The North American Indian
, Excerpt
18 |
File 408, Ruth R. Ealy,
Water in a Thirsty Land
, Excerpt
19 | File 409, Ancient Pueblos |
20 | File 410, George Parker Winship, Coronado Expedition, Excerpt |
21 | File 411, G. W.James, from With the Zunis in New Mexico |
22 | File 412, A. F. Bandelier, Southwest Indians |
1880-1885 |
23 |
File 413, Edwin L. Sabin, from
Kit Carson Days
24 | File 414, Zuni Musical Instruments |
25 | File 415, Alfred E. Dittert Jr., Minerals and Rocks |
Files 416-435Return to Top
Container(s): Box 111
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | File 416, Status of Zuni Minerals |
2 | File 417, Kintigh, Settlement Patterns |
3 | File 418, Zuni Environment |
4 | File 419, Hydrogeology at Zuni |
5 | File 420, Barbara Tedlock |
6 | File 421, Abel, Official Correspondence of James S. Calhoon |
7 | File 422, Fewkes, Summer Ceremonials and Reconnaissance of Ruins |
8 | File 423, Scott, Extra Census Bulletin |
9 | File 424, Bolton, Spanish Exploration |
10 | File 425, Telling, Ramah |
11 | File 426, Telling, Dissertation |
12 | File 427, Defouri, Catholic Church |
13 | File 428, Domenech, Seven Years' Residence |
14 | File 429, National Archives, Notes and Miscellaneous Documents |
15 | File 430, Defendants Exhibits, Docket 229 |
16 | File 431, Denver Federal Records Center, Miscellaneous Materials |
17-18 | File 432, Correspondence, Zuni |
19 | File 433, Parsons, Notes on Zuni; BAE Index |
20 | File 434, Miscellaneous Papers, Documents, Notes |
21 | File 435, Elam Exhibits |
Files 436-444Return to Top
Container(s): Box 112
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | File 436, Hart, Miscellaneous Exhibits |
2 | File 437, Dan Dubois Hodge |
3-4 | File 438, Miscellaneous Items |
5 | File 439, Zuni National Cultural Park |
6 | File 440, Matthews |
7-8 | File 440, Miscellaneous Articles and Books |
9-11 | File 441, Miscellaneous Works |
12-14 | File 442, Miscellaneous Works |
15-17 | File 443, Miscellaneous Works |
18-19 | File 444, National Archives from American West Center |
Files 445-451; Shalako; Agriculture, 1881-1984Return to Top
Container(s): Box 113
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-4 | File 445, National Archives from American West Center |
5-7 | File 446, National Archives from American West Center |
8-11 | File 447, Smithsonian from American West Center |
12-14 | File 448, National Archives from American West Center |
15 |
File 449, Seven Articles from
Harper's Weekly
, American West Center
16 | File 450, National Archives, RG75, L-R, Bureau of Indian Affairs |
1881-1907 |
17-19 | File 451, Navajo Calendar, American West Center |
20 | Visit to Shalako |
1984 |
21-23 | Zuni Agriculture, Manuscript, Correspondence |
Denver Federal Records, AWC Materials, Zuni Agriculture, Z10 Files, 1889-1982Return to Top
Container(s): Box 114
Folders 1-14 contain Denver Federal Records Center materials as listed; folders 15-18 contain material from American West Center; folder 19 begins Z10 files. Hart began Z10 files in 1982 when Zuni II started up. They contain a diversity of materials including documents, news clippings, and correspondence as well as articles and primary and secondary source materials.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Materials; Typed Notes |
2 | Santa Fe Materials and Notes |
3 | Records of Adjutant General's Office |
4 | Nordstrom |
5 | Miscellaneous Photocopies |
6 | Navajo Agency; Interior Department Information |
7 | House of Representatives, Secretary of War |
1889-1890 |
8 | New Mexico Historical Review; Utah Historical Society; Ramah, New Mexico, and Other Documents |
9-14 | Miscellaneous Typed Notes |
15-18 | Copies of Material from National Archives and Denver Federal Center |
19 | Shalako |
1982 |
20 | B. Tedlock |
21 | Dillon: Rice Journal |
22 | 95-341, American Indian Religious Freedom |
23 | Ferguson, Historic Zuni Land Use |
24 | Holmes, The Cushing Census |
25 | Hardin, Zuni Ceramics |
26 | Ford, Inter-Indian Exchange |
27 | Chavers, Zuni Experiment |
28 | Woodbury, Pueblo Warfare |
29 | Simmons, Blacksmithing at Zuni Pueblo |
30 | Dean and Robinson, Dendroclimatic Variability in American Southwest |
Z10 Files, 1982Return to Top
Container(s): Box 115
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Zuni History Conference |
1982 |
2 | Adams, Obstinate Hopi |
3 | Ferguson/Anyon |
4 | Fay Anthropology Reports |
5 | Vale |
6 | Symposium on Prehistoric Agriculture |
7 | Denevan, Livestock and Gullying |
8 | Lazarus, Memorandum |
9 | Alford, San Vicente Arroyo |
10 | Leighly, Meandering Arroyos |
11 | Lagasse, Erosion Bibliography |
12 | Bourke: Zuni Urine Dance |
13 | Eggan, Beyond the Bicentennial |
14 | Ball, Indian Mining |
15 | Zuni Mining Notes, Used |
16 | Zuni Mining Notes, Correspondence, Manuscript |
17-18 | Zuni Mining |
19 | Zuni Mining, Walker, Palowahtiwa |
Z10 Files, 1982Return to Top
Container(s): Box 116
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Fenton, Taos Factionalism |
2 | Diggs |
1982 |
3 | Mills, Photographic Ethnohistory |
4 | Zuni Craftsman Catalogue |
5 | Ferguson and Hart, Lewis Interview |
1982 |
6 | Camazine, Zuni Ethnobotany |
7 | Oral History Paper by Richard Hart |
8 | Oral History Component |
9-11 | Defendant's Exhibits, Jenkins and Minge |
12 | Ferguson, Ethics |
13 | Ferguson, American Indian Religious Freedom Act |
14 | Brandt, Toward Factionalism |
15 | Man and Eagle |
16-19 | Defendant's Exhibits |
20-26 | Richard Hart Exhibits |
Z11 Files, 1846-1985Return to Top
Container(s): Box 117
Folders 4-10 contain exhibit 6000, Ferguson's Zuni II report, contents as listed below.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-3 | Ford Duplicate |
4 | Ferguson Questions |
5 | Table of Contents, Introduction, Sources, Sections 3.-5. |
6 | 6. Zuni Land Use |
1846-1908 |
7-8 | 7. Zuni Land Use, Agriculture, Livestock |
1909-1984 |
9 | 8. Archaeology; 9. Summary and Conclusions
Section 10 is not included.
10 | ll. Appendix 1 |
11 |
David J. Weber on early Published Graphic images,
Southwest Art
Includes a reproduction of 1851 color drawing of Zuni mission interior.
1984 |
12 | Notes |
13 | Uinta Surveys |
14 |
Gallup Independent
1985 |
15 | Ferguson, Paper on Salt and Water Control |
16 | Ferguson, A Century of Change |
17 | Leslie Spier, An Outline for a Chronology of Zuni Ruins
Includes a map.
18 | Leslie Spier, Zuni Weaving Technique |
19 | Employment Profiles |
20 | Immense Reserve for Zunis |
1903 |
Z11 Files and Other Documents, 1959-1984Return to Top
Container(s): Box 118
Z11 continues here in folders 1 through 18; other materials are in folders 19-21 as listed below.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Zuni Language Books for Children |
3 | Zuni Language, Illustrated |
4 | Zuni Language Learning Manual |
5 | Zuni Museum |
6 | Photograph Myths |
7 | Indians of New Mexico |
8 | Zuni Olympics Brochure |
1984 |
9 | Constitution |
1959 |
10 | Foster, Zuni-Cibola Trail |
11 | Zuni News Clippings |
12 | Pueblo Shields |
13 |
Shopping for Zuni Silver, Published in
1983 |
14-17 | Denver Federal Records Center Materials |
18 | Santa Fe, New Mexico |
19 | Wilfred Eriacho Book, Copies |
20 | William Tecumseh Sherman |
21 |
Young and Bartman,
Rock Art of the Zuni-Cibola Region
Z11 Files, 1959-1987Return to Top
Container(s): Box 119
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Report to the Zuni People |
1984 |
2 | Folklore, M. Jane Young |
3 | American West Center Correspondence |
4 | Report to the [Zuni] People |
1985 |
5 | Roberts Paper |
6 | Trowbridge, Zuni |
1987 |
7 | At the Laying of the Cornerstone |
8 | Constitution |
1959 |
9 | Bourke on the Southwest |
10 | Hodge |
11-14 | Bibliographic Materials, Zuni American West Center |
15 | Whitaker, The Zuni Shalako Festival |
Z12 Files, 1847Return to Top
Container(s): Box 120
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 |
The Republican
1847 |
2 | Forest Policy |
3 | Cibola Multiple Use Guide |
4 | Singer |
5 | Stevenson, Zuni Irrigation |
6-9 | Range Survey I |
10-12 | Range Survey II |
13 | Yellowhouse |
14 | Parsons |
15 | Savory |
16 | E. S. Sergeant |
17 | Gary Nabhan |
18 | Tsethlikai |
19 | Stock Reduction |
20 | Black Rock Dam |
21 | Clark to Wilson |
22 | Cushing |
23 | Eriacho |
24 | Green |
25 | Luke Lyon |
26 |
La Cronica
27 | Parks Maps |
28 | Kin and Clan |
29 | Allotments and Fee Land Map |
30 | Zuni Tree-Ring Dates |
31 | Miscellaneous |
32 | Bryan |
33 | Zuni Oil and Gas Development |
Z12 and Zuni Archaeology ProgramReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 121
Fds 1 through 19 continue the Z12 materials; folders 20-21 are correspondence concerned with the Zuni Archaeology Program.
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Stewart |
2 | Lonjose Reseeding Project |
3 | Hall-Chaco |
4 | Dean, et. al. |
5 | Rose and Dean |
6 | Ferguson, Ethics |
7 | Kintigh |
8 | Zuni II Deposition Exhibits |
9 | Eustace Interview |
10 | Penketewa Interview |
11 | Pablo Interview |
12 | Thomas Interview |
13 | Lonjose Interview; Enote Interview |
14 | Laselute and Mateya Interview |
15 | Lasiloo Interview |
16 | Eriacho Interview; Majooty Interview |
17 | Nastacio Interview |
18 | Neumayah and Walela Interview |
19 | Idiaque Interview |
20-21 | Zuni Archaeology Program Correspondence |
Zuni Archaeology Program, 1908-1959Return to Top
Container(s): Box 122
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Miscellaneous Correspondence |
1950s |
2 | Meetings and Dispute |
1943 |
3-4 | Z12/Zuni Archaeology Project Rebut Z11, Correspondence |
5-6 | Miscellaneous |
7 | Frank Harker |
8 | Big Snow |
1931-1932 |
9 | Tipton |
10 | Excavation Permits |
11 | Factionalism |
12 | Commissioner of Indian Affairs Report |
1908 |
13-25 | Annual Reports |
1916-1930 |
Red Dot Folders, 1907-1953Return to Top
Container(s): Box 123
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Schools, Land, Fish, buildings, Trade, Water, Irrigation |
1907-1909 |
2 | Living Conditions and Facilities |
1909-1912 |
3 | Canes |
1908-1924 |
4 | 1912 Horse Thieves |
1953 |
5 | School Reports |
1913-1918 |
6 | School, Mineral |
1920-1921 |
7-8 | Irrigation |
1911-1922 |
9 | School Inspection |
1921 |
10 | Margaret A. Lewis Home, Correspondence, Structure |
1925-1927 |
11-14 | All Subjects |
1920-1925 |
15 | Canes |
1925-1928 |
16 | Sale of Pots |
1933 |
17 | Mineral Samples |
1933 |
18 | Miscellaneous |
1923-1934 |
19 | Nutria Day School |
1934-1935 |
20-21 | Range Management |
1930-1931 |
Red Dot Folders, 1908-1941Return to Top
Container(s): Box 124
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-3 | Nutria Dam |
1930-1935 |
4-7 | All Subjects |
1930-1935 |
8 | Sub-marginal Lands |
1934 |
9-12 | Commissioner Collier's Office Files |
1937-1940 |
13 | Railroad Land |
1935 |
14 | Forestry |
1934-1935 |
15 | Flooding |
1940 |
16 | Civilian Conservation Corp Work |
1940 |
17 | Zuni Coal Mine |
1908 |
18-19 | Ag |
20 | Soil |
1941 |
21 | Irrigation, Stock, Agency |
Red Dot Folders, 1882-1947Return to Top
Container(s): Box 125
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Enterprise Reports |
1940-1944 |
2 | Annual Reports |
1942 |
3 | Timber Fire Control |
1943 |
4 | Demolition of Buildings, Coal Mine |
1943-1945 |
5 | Land, Forestry, Trade, Grazing, Allotments |
1934-1944 |
6 | Succession |
1944 |
7 | Lands, Buildings, M. Lewis House |
1944 |
8-9 | Allot, Historic site, Fire/Grazing, Soil/Water, Statistics |
1940-1944 |
10 | Lands, Trust Accounts |
1945 |
11 | Timber, Fire, Irrigation |
1943-1946 |
12 | Kelsey site; Vanderwagon |
1945-1946 |
13 | Land Status, Water |
1941-1943 |
14 | North and South Purchase Areas |
1946-1947 |
15 | Rights of Way |
1946 |
16 | Nutria, Conflicts, Lands, Water, Trespass |
1882-1883 |
17 | Stevenson; Graham, Black Rock Dam |
18-19 | Schools, Law and Order, Trespass, Nutria |
1885-1889 |
20 | Agency, School, Law and Order, Trespass |
1890-1893 |
21-22 | Letters Received
These are in regards to buildings, mission lands, law and order, witchcraft, school, and trespass.
1894-1899 |
Red Dot Folders, 1900-1929Return to Top
Container(s): Box 126
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Irrigation, Military, Law and Order, Schools |
1900-1904 |
3 | Christian Reformed and Catholic Missions |
4-5 | Black Rock Dam |
1907-1909 |
6-7 | Zuni Dam |
1910-1913 |
8-10 | Timber, Buildings, Land Surveys, Agriculture, Roads |
1913-1919 |
11 | Special Report, Zuni Dam |
1913 |
12 | Traders |
1916 |
13 | Forestry |
1918 |
14 | Dry Farming |
1919 |
15 | McDowell Report |
1919 |
16 | Health |
1923-1924 |
17 | Airport |
1929 |
18-19 | Bryan |
1928 |
Red Dot Folders, 1910-1982Return to Top
Container(s): Box 127
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Airways Beacon |
1930-1933 |
2-4 | Zuni Dam |
1928 |
5-6 | Black Rock Dam |
1929-1930 |
7-8 | Forestry |
1932 |
9 | Correspondence |
1928-1933 |
10-11 | Forestry |
1933 |
12 | Arroyos, Cutting |
1933 |
13 | Grazing, Sheep, Education |
1910-1933 |
14-15 | All Subjects |
1927-1934 |
16 | Hart, Zuni: A Working Bibliography |
1982 |
Card Catalog, Authors, A-TReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 128
Card Catalog, Authors, U-Z, Miscellaneous Groups, and SubjectsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 129
Card Catalog, Authors and Subjects, 1970-1974Return to Top
Container(s): Box 130
These cards were put together when Hart was at the American West Center working on his report for Steve Boyden, which was submitted to Congress to gain passage of enabling legislation. The corresponding files no longer exist.
Zuni Tabloid, Conference, 1982-1983Return to Top
Container(s): Box 131
The Zuni History Conference was held October 30-31, 1982, at Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico. Discussions of Zuni land use and history were conducted by Zuni leaders, anthropologists and historians. A tabloid containing pertinent material was published. Drafts of these proceedings are contained in boxes 131-133.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Posters for Zuni Tribal History Conference |
1983 |
2 | Chief Executives in Reservation Governance, Correspondence |
3-6 | Zuni Government Paper, Notes |
7 | School of American Research, Manuscript, Correspondence |
8 | The Development of Constitutional Government at Zuni Pueblo |
9-10 | Zuni Tabloid Reprint |
11 | Zuni Tabloid Reprint, Notes, Tabloid |
Zuni Tabloid, 1986-1987Return to Top
Container(s): Box 132
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Grant Proposal |
1986 |
2 | Zuni Museum Exhibit |
1987 |
3-9 | Zuni Tabloid |
10-15 | Zuni Conference Transcripts |
16 | Zuni Tabloid Manuscripts |
Zuni History Conference, Cowboy Poetry, Various Site Visits, 1982-1988Return to Top
Container(s): Box 133
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-3 | Zuni History Conference, Transcripts |
1982 |
4-5 | Cowboy Poetry |
1988 |
6 | Atlatl Site Visit |
7 | Pioche Site Visit |
8 | Eight Northern Pueblos Site Visit |
9 | Burke Museum Site Visit |
10 | Utah State University Site Visit |
11 | Hawaiian Site Visit |
12 | Oklahoma Site Visit |
Zuni Mountains, 1988Return to Top
Container(s): Box 134
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Volume | ||
1 |
The Zuni Mountains: Chronology of an Environmental Disaster
1988 |
Folder | ||
1-4 | Zuni Mountains, Manuscript Drafts |
Zuni Reports, Manuscript Drafts, 1987Return to Top
Container(s): Box 135
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Volume | ||
1 |
The Zuni Mountains
, Draft
Folder | ||
1 | Rebuttal Report: Damage to Zuni Trust Lands |
2 | Draft Material |
3 | Comments on PX 15,000 Draft Report |
4 | Hart and Ferguson, Rebuttal Report, Interpretation of Photographs |
5 | Draft 2, Kolhu/wala:wa, Barefoot Trail |
6 | Barefoot Trail |
1987 |
Zuni ReportsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 136
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Inserts for Other Copies |
2 | Barefoot Trail, Notes of T. J. Ferguson |
3 | Exhibit notes, Kolhu/wala:wa, Barefoot Trail |
4 | Koth Report |
5 | Zuni II Preliminary Report |
Zuni Trust Lands, 1876-1946Return to Top
Container(s): Box 137
This box contains drafts of various parts of the manuscript, .
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Damage to Zuni Trust Lands, first Draft |
2 | Part II Zuni Trust Lands |
1876-1900 |
3 | Zuni Trust Lands Summary |
1876-1900 |
4 | Part III Damage to Zuni Trust Lands |
1900-1946 |
5-6 | Damage to Zuni Trust Lands |
1918-1923 |
7 | Damage to Zuni Trust Lands Summary |
1900-1946 |
8-9 | Hart, Damage to Zuni Trust Lands |
10 | Zuni Trust Lands, Summary |
1876-1900 |
11 | Part III Damage to Zuni Trust Lands |
1900-1946 |
12-15 | Damage to Zuni Trust Lands |
1913-1946 |
Zuni Trust LandsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 138
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Damage to Zuni Trust Lands, Revisions |
2 | Part I Final |
3 | Part I Historical Descriptions |
4-5 | Part II Zuni Trust Lands |
6-10 | Part III Damage to Zuni Trust Lands |
Zuni TradeReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 139
Container(s) | Description |
Volume | |
1-2 |
Boundaries of Zuni Land
Folder | |
1 | Testimony, Working |
2 | Hart, Zuni Trade |
3 | Notes |
4-6 | Zuni Trade Notes, Manuscripts, Research |
Zuni I Claims Court TranscriptsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 140
Container(s) | Description |
Volume | |
1 | Defendant's Requested Findings of Fact |
2 | Defendant's Objections to Plaintiff's Requested Findings of Fact |
3 | Defendant's Brief |
4 | Plaintiff's Requested Findings of Fact |
5 | Footnotes to Plaintiff's Findings of Fact |
6 | Plaintiff's Post-Trial Brief |
Zuni I Claims Court, Research MaterialsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 141
Container(s) | Description |
Volume | |
1-3 | Plaintiff's Reply Brief, Plaintiff's Response to Defendant's Objections |
Folder | |
1 | Wichita Findings |
2 | Hart Exhibits |
3 | Findings of Fact |
4 | Motion to Dismiss |
5 | Findings of Fact |
6 | Rebuttal |
7 | Hart, Effects of Disease Among the Zunis and Population Estimates |
MiscellaneousReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 142
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Hart, Factors Relating to Zuni Land |
2 | Rebuttal Notes |
3 | Ed Ladd Testimony, Corrections |
4-5 | Trial Notes |
6-7 | Zuni Notes, Testimony |
8-10 | Pertinent Findings and Opinions |
11 | Hart, Oral Testimony |
Reports, 1979-1982Return to Top
Container(s): Box 143
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Semiannual Report on Progress of Zuni Land Claims Case |
1982 |
Volume | ||
1 |
United States Court of Claims Zuni Indian Tribe vs. United States
2 |
Semiannual Reports on Progress of Zuni Land Claims Case
1979-1982 |
3 |
Semiannual Reports on Progress of Zuni Reservation Damage Case
1981-1982 |
Reports, Manuscript Drafts, 1982-1988Return to Top
Container(s): Box 144
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Semi-annual Report on Progress of Zuni Reservation Damage Case |
1982 |
2 | T. J. Ferguson, Draft of Zuni II Testimony and Tree Ring Dates |
3 | T. J. Ferguson, Patterns of Zuni Land Use and Environmental Change |
1985 |
4 | John O. Baxter, Patterns of Land Use Within Zuni Land Claim Area |
1988 |
5 | Stephen A. Hall, Preliminary Report, Erosion of Zuni Reservation Lands |
1985 |
6 | Stephen A. Hall, Draft of Rebuttal Report |
1988 |
7 | John Appel, Zuni II Draft Testimony |
1984 |
8-9 | Richard I. Ford, Zuni Land Use and Damage to Trust Land |
10 | Stephen A. Hall, Zuni II Draft Testimony (Erosion) |
11 | Responses to Objections |
1984 |
Volume | ||
1 | Exhibit 7000, Rebuttal Report, Land Use Damage |
2 | Rebuttal Report, Geomorphology, Hydrology, and Land Use |
Bound Draft Reports, 1980-1985Return to Top
Container(s): Box 145
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Ferguson, Zuni Settlement and Land Use: An Archaeological Perspective |
1980 |
2 | Changes in Geomorphology, Hydrology, and Land Use |
1985 |
Volume | ||
1 |
Federal Government on the Zuni Reservation
Docket 327-81L, Wessel ExhibitsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 146
This box contains exhibits DX 11,001-DX 11,050 and DX 11,051-DX 11094.
Docket 327-81L, Wessel ExhibitsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 147
This box contains exhibits DX 11,096-DX 11,136 and DX 11,137-DX 11,181.
Bound ReportsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 148
Container(s) | Description |
Volume | |
1 |
Federal Government Activity on the Zuni Reservation
2 |
An Agricultural History of Jemez Pueblo, The American Period
Bound ReportsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 149
Container(s) | Description |
Volume | |
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 |
Bound ReportsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 150
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Volume | ||
1 |
Veronica Tiller,
An Agricultural History of Jemez Pueblo
2 |
An Agricultural History of Jemez Pueblo
1500-1845 |
3 | 1846-1946 |
Zuni Film File and News Clippings, 1980-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 151
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-3 | Zuni Film File, Morgan Associates, Correspondence, Proposal, Research |
1980-1981 |
4-9 | Zuni News Clippings |
1986-1990 |
Zuni News Clippings; Ebert Manuscript, 1987-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 152
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Zuni News Clippings |
1987-1990 |
3-5 |
Arizona Republic
Series on Bureau of Indian Affairs
6 | James I. Ebert, Draft, Historic Photographs: Photo interpretation |
Book of Burials, 1706-1719Return to Top
Container(s): Box 153
This box contains copies of pages from the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Book of Burials, for the years 1706 through 1719, referred to as the lost mission records of Zuni in Hart's notes.
Zuni News Clippings, Hall Manuscripts, Billings, 1987-1991Return to Top
Container(s): Box 154
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-5 | Zuni News Clippings |
1990-1991 |
6 | Steve Hall, Correspondence, Draft Report |
1988 |
7 | Monthly Income
Also includes Institute of the North American West billings.
1987 |
Zuni Sacred Trail, Report by Hart and Exhibits, 1985Return to Top
Container(s): Box 155
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Hart, The Zunis' Sacred Trail |
1985 |
2 | The Zunis' Sacred Trail, Exhibit List |
Meshorer Pleadings, 1985-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 156
Correspondence, Institute of the North American West, Reports, 1985-1987Return to Top
Container(s): Box 157
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Volume | ||
1 |
Owyhee Proposed MFP Amendment, Final Environmental Statement
1986 |
2 |
Jarbidge Resource,
Record of Decision
Folder | ||
1 | Project Facts for Institute of North American West |
1985-1987 |
2-19 | Correspondence and Memorandums |
1985-1987 |
Correspondence, the Institute of the North American West, 1987-1989Return to Top
Container(s): Box 158
Return to Top
Container(s): Tube
Container(s) | Description | |
Folder | ||
1 | Zuni II Maps: PX 15, 154.12 and PX 15, 154.13 (Tube 1) |
2 | Geology of the Zuni Reservation (Tube 2) |
3 | Zuni I Atlas and Maps (Tube 3) |
4-5 | Zuni II Geoscience Maps (Tubes 4-5) |
6 | Wharton Inland Waters Color Key and Poster (Tube 6) |
7 | Kolhu/wala:wa Maps (Tube 7) |
8 | Zuni I Map (Tube 8) |
9 | Zuni II Townsites Map, First Draft (Tube 9) |
10 | Plat Maps |
11 | Maps and Graphics
Original folder labeled as Ferguson Tube 1 Materials
Zuni I Valuation Files, 1870-1890Return to Top
Container(s): Box 159
Included in this box is material regarding land exchanges involving the United States government and the Zuni people.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | American West Center - RR Reports |
3-4 | Value Files |
5 | Census |
1870 |
6 | Census |
1880 |
7-8 | Census |
1890 |
Zuni I Valuation Files, 1868-1992Return to Top
Container(s): Box 160
Including in this box is material regarding land exchanges involving the United States government and the Zuni people.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Fraudulent Land Activities Maps |
2 | Westphall Copies |
3 | Land Grant |
4 | Fraudulent Acquisition of Titles |
5 | Congressional Record, Fraudulent |
1885 |
6 | Grant |
1869 |
7 | Fraudulent Maps |
8 | Elias Brevoort, New Mexico |
9 | Fraudulent Land Grants |
10 | Congressional Records |
1978 |
11 | Grant Documents |
1868 |
12 | Appropriations |
13 | The Zuni Land Conservation Act |
1990 |
14 | Color Erosion Photos |
15 | Zuni I Distribution Letter |
16 | Zuni Accounting |
1992 |
Zuni I Valuation FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 161
Including in this box is material regarding land exchanges involving by the United States government and the Zuni People.
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Correspondence from Zuni People to Governor Lewis |
2 | Phil Hughte |
3 | The Conservation Act |
4 | House and Senate Reports |
Zuni I Valuation FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 162
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-2 | Reports on Fraudulent Acquisition of Titles to Land |
3 | Copies of Private Land Claims |
4 | Fraudulent Senate Version |
5 | Sears General Land Office |
6 | Apache/Sitgreaves Soil Polygons |
7 | Laguna Report, Maps, and Charts |
Zuni I Valuation FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 163
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | New Mexico Surveyors Notes |
2 | Report of the Acoma Pueblo Land |
3 | Value of RR Grant |
4 | Directory of Researchers |
5 | T. J. Ferguson, Letter |
6 | Information From T. J. Ferguson |
7 | United States Geological Survey |
8 | Stauber, General Land Office Work |
9 | A Summary by John O. Baxter |
10 | Economic Growth of Subject Area |
11 | R. Stauber |
12 | Information on A & P Grant From National Archives |
13 | Report on Zuni I Valuation Meeting |
14 | Article by David J. Wishart |
Zuni I Valuation Files, 1992Return to Top
Container(s): Box 164
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Correspondence with Charles P. Miller |
2 | Arizona Guidebook |
3 | Fraudulent Land Activities |
4 | Environmental Systems Research Institute Maps and Text |
5 | Public Meeting |
1992 |
6 | Zuni I Findings |
Glen Canyon Environmental StudiesReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 165
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-3 | Glen Canyon Environmental Studies Correspondence |
4-8 | Pinta Kelsey Project |
Glen Canyon Environmental StudiesReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 166
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Padres Mesa |
2 | Glen Canyon Environmental Studies Proposal |
3 | Glen Canyon Environmental Studies Contract |
4 | Glen Canyon Environmental Studies Budget Amendment |
5 | Glen Canyon Environmental Studies 2nd Budget |
6-10 | Glen Canyon Environmental Studies Accounts |
Glen Canyon Environmental StudiesReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 167
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-5 | Glen Canyon Environmental Studies Accounts |
6 | Deer Springs |
7 | Maps and Documentation form Wheeler and Klett |
8 | Tule Spring Trail |
9 | Budget Amendments |
10 | Glen Canyon Environmental Studies Budget |
Zuni II Settlement Files, 1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 168
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Balling and Wells Response |
2 | Senate Originals |
3 | Pete |
4 | Hearing |
1990 |
5-6 | Birigaman Legislation |
7 | Draft Figures |
Zuni II Settlement Files, 1989Return to Top
Container(s): Box 169
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Hart House |
2 | Maps of Zuni Watershed |
3 | Statements from Experts Relative to H.R. |
4 | Final S.2203 |
5 | House Report on H.R. 4143 |
6 | House Hearing on H.R. 4143 |
7 | Zuni Conservation Act |
8 | H.R. 4143 Printed |
9 | Department of Justice Concerning the Zuni Claims Settlement Act |
10 | Albuquerque Journal |
11 | Zuni Claims Settlement Act |
1989 |
Zuni II Settlement FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 170
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Zuni Settlement |
2 | Statement by E. Richard Hart |
3 | Zuni Conservation Act |
4 | Conservation Bill |
5 | House Report |
6 | ASU Report |
7 | Zuni Press Conservation Act Release |
8 | Photocopies of Color Photographs |
9-12 | 4143 Hearing |
National ArchivesReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 171
National ArchivesReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 172
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-6 | National Archives |
7-28 | Sutland |
National ArchivesReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 173
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-5 | Sutland |
6-13 | Earlier American West Center Material |
Zuni HeavenReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 174
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Hodge, A Zuni Foot-Race |
2 | The Spirit Renewed |
3 | American Folk-Lore |
4 | The Story of a Soldier's Life |
5 | The Masterkey |
6 | Imre Sutton, Incident or Event |
7 | Kimberlee A. Sorem, Article |
8 | American Folk-Lore |
9 | Zuni Names and Naming Practices |
10 | Songs of the Zuni Kachina Society |
11 | Sacred Springs |
12 | Dances of Zuni Pueblo |
13 | The Creation of the Zunis |
14 | The Zuni Barefoot Runners |
15 | Thoughts on Zuni Religion |
16 | Triloki Nath Pandey, Article |
17 | Bureau of Indian Affairs Files |
18 | Ann Sofaer |
19 | Indian Notes |
20 | Smithsonian Institution |
21 | Catalog to the Smithsonian |
22 | New Mexico |
23 | Tedlock Poetry |
24 | Records of M. C. Stevenson |
Zuni Heaven, 1879-1979Return to Top
Container(s): Box 175
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Richard H. Kern |
2 |
Arizona Daily Star
3 |
Arizona Newspaper
4 | Zuni Conception and Pregnancy Beliefs |
5 | Senate Report |
6 | A. L. Kroeber, Zuni Kin and Clan |
7 | Zuni Games |
8 | Mike Marshall Interview |
9 | Kendall Blanchard, The Ramah Navajos |
10 | Archaeological Sites |
11 | Ancient Botany of the Zuni Indians |
12 | Stauber Material |
13 | M. C. Stevenson |
14 | Appendix I |
15 | Belief of Indians in Evolution |
16 | M. C. Stevenson |
17 | The Wipple Report |
18 | 1860 Correspondence |
19 | Native American Folklore |
1879-1979 |
20 | The Religious Life of the Zuni Child |
21 | Zuni Ancestral Gods and Masks |
22 | Zuni Archaeology Program |
23 | An Ecological Interpretation of Anasazi Settlement Patterns |
24 | Information from Dr. Jesse Green |
25 | A Tramp Across the Continent |
26 | The Land of Poco Tiempo |
27 | Dictionary of American Biography |
28 | History of the Zunis |
Zuni Heaven, 1885-1906Return to Top
Container(s): Box 176
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Federal Document |
2 | Photographer of the Southwest |
3 | Surveys |
4-6 | Harper
The original photographs have been transferred to the Manuscript Division Multimedia Section (P0439).
1904-1906 |
7 | Schuyler
The original photographs have been transferred to the Manuscript Division Multimedia Section (P0439).
1904 |
8 | Water in a Thirsty Land |
9 | Zuni Archives Photos |
10 | Dulton |
1885 |
11 | Pasadena Public Library |
Zuni HeavenReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 177
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Recording Orders |
2 | Court Information |
3 | Original Area Map |
4-5 | Settlement |
6 | Appraisal of Zuni Heaven |
7 | Appraisal of Ellsworth Ranch |
8 | Celebration |
9 | Court Decision |
10 | Maps |
11 | Platt Transcript |
Zuni Heaven, 1993Return to Top
Container(s): Box 178
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | News Clippings |
2 | Phoenix Article |
3 | Survey Maps
The original photographs have been transferred to the Manuscript Division Multimedia Section (P0439).
4 | Maps of Schnebly Well
The original photographs have been transferred to the Manuscript Division Multimedia Section (P0439).
5 | Pilgrimage |
1993 |
6 | Apache Country Hearing |
7 | Zuni Mythology |
8 | Article by Levi-Strauss |
9 | The Origin Myth of Zuni |
10 | Concho: The Enchanted Pearl |
Zuni HeavenReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 179
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Stinking Springs |
2 | Final Platt Apache Co. Transcript |
3 | Public Law 98-408 |
4 | Zuni Tales |
5 | Senate Report |
6 | Information from the Smithsonian |
7 | Interviews with Richey and Hinkson |
8 | Information from Kintigh |
9 | Article from The New Republic |
10 | Zuni Ethnohistory |
11 | Merrill's Notes |
12 | Articles Regarding Trespass |
13 | National Geographic Proposal |
14 | Zuni Government |
15 | Information from Richard I. Ford |
16 | The Kiva |
17 | A Zuni Detective |
18 | Stick Race |
19 | Certified Copies |
Zuni Heaven, 1854-1904Return to Top
Container(s): Box 180
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Ben Wittick Photographer |
2 | Kirk Bryan, Date of Channel Trenching |
3 | Kirk Bryan, Flood Water Farming |
4 | Fort Wingate |
1885-1904 |
5 | General Land Office Report |
1901 |
6 | Bernard DeVoto, The Easy Chair |
7 | How We Bought the United States |
8 | Frank Hamilton Cushing's Costume |
9 | American Museum of Natural History |
10 | Conklin, Picturesque Arizona |
1878 |
11 | Mrs. Mary H. Eastman |
1854 |
12 | Baxter Land Tenure |
13 | Kumanche of the Zuni Indians of New Mexico |
14 | The Wetherills of the Mesa Verde |
15 | Stauber Materials on General Land Office Surveys |
Zuni Heaven, 1900-1907Return to Top
Container(s): Box 181
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Bancroft Library Material |
2 | The White Indian |
3 | Denver Art Museum Documents |
4 | The Cities of the Dead |
5 | Sheldon Jackson |
6 | Zuni Mountain Area New Mexico |
7 | McKinley County Soil |
8 | Chaco Canyon |
9 | Washington State Folklife Council |
10 | Cultural Resources Management |
11 | National Forest |
1900 |
12-14 | Expedition Report |
1901-1904 |
15 | Lecture |
1904 |
16 | Expedition |
1907 |
Zuni HeavenReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 182
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Zuni Notes, Volume One |
2 | Zuni Notes, Volume Two |
3 | AONWA Office Reference File |
4 | Brooklyn Museum Archives |
5 | Fort Wingate Letters |
6 | Brief History of Fort Wingate |
7 | Photos of Erosion and the Land |
Zuni HeavenReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 183
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Cibachrome Originals |
Microfilm 1 Correspondence, U. S. Government to Fort WingateReturn to Top
Native AmericansReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 184
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Mormon Influence |
2 | United States vs. Shoshone Tribe of Wind Rivers Reservation, Wyoming |
3 | Colorado River Basing Management Study |
Volume | |
1 | Yeasuh Lemeah Tequekah Progress |
2 | Yeasuh Lemeah Tequekah Progress |
Reclamation Repayment Commissions , 1937-1938Return to Top
Container(s): Box 185
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Volume | ||
1 | Volume II |
1937-1938 |
2 | Volume III |
1937-1938 |
Advertisement Posters for Art ExhibitsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 186
Empty, Pre-Labeled FoldersReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 187
Docket 161-79L, Hart Exhibits, #7899-7968; Zuni MaterialReturn to Top
Container(s): Carton 199
Dockets 327-81L and 224-84L, Hart Exhibits #1001-1201Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 200
Dockets 327-81L and 224-84L, Hart Exhibits, #1202-1384Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 201
Dockets 327-81L and 224-84L, Hart Exhibits, #1385-1496Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 202
Dockets 327-81L and 224-84L, Hart Exhibits, #1496-1630Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 203
Dockets 327-81L and 224-84L, Hart Exhibits, #1631-1774Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 204
Dockets 327-81L and 224-84L, Hart Exhibits, #1774-1885Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 205
Unites States v. Platt Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 209
Includes Ebert Exhibits Dockets 327-81L and 224-84L Hart Rebuttal Exhibits #15001-15154. RESTRICTED
Zuni; Annual Reports of the Commissioner of Indian AffairsReturn to Top
Container(s): Carton 210
United States v. Idaho (Ownership of Lake Coeur d'Alene) Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 216
United States v. Idaho (Ownership of Lake Coeur d'Alene) Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 217
TimentwaReturn to Top
Container(s): Carton 219
This carton also contains one folder of correspondence related to the Timentwa material donated by Richard Hart in April, 2000.
TimentwaReturn to Top
Container(s): Carton 220
TimentwaReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 221
Brief History of Colville Indian ReservationReturn to Top
Container(s): Carton 222
This book has been badly damaged and is unavailable.
United States and Coeur D'Alene Tribe vs. State of Idaho, 1991-1998Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 223
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Coeur D'Alene Tribe's Opposition For Stay Pending Appeal |
1998 |
2 | Court Materials
The matter of the ownership of the beds and banks and all waters of all navigable water courses within the 1873 Coeur D'Alene reservation boundary.
1991 |
3 | Attorney's Work Product (confidential) |
1994 |
4 | Coeur D'Alene Appeal With Exhibits |
1992 |
5 | Idaho State Counterclaim |
1994 |
6 | Motion For Stay |
1998 |
7 | Discovery |
1994 |
8 | Tribe's Reply Brief |
1994 |
9 | Scheduling Conference |
1995 |
10 | U.S. Objection to Intervention |
1994 |
11 | Coer D'Alene Tribe Motion to Intervene |
1994 |
12 | Ninth Circuit Overturns Decision |
1994 |
13 | Tribe's Second Amended Complaint |
1995 |
14 | State's Response to Tribe's Second Amended Complaint |
1995 |
15 | Scheduling Order |
1996 |
16 | Tribe's Witnesses |
1996 |
17 | Idaho Response to First Interrogatories |
1997 |
18 | Coeur D'Alene First Request for Admissions |
1997 |
19 | Amended Schedule |
1997 |
20 | Idaho Motion to Dismiss |
1997 |
21 | State Motion for Summary Judgment |
1997 |
22 | Idaho Motion for Summary Judgment |
1997 |
23 | Idaho Motion Exhibits |
1997 |
24 | Idaho Statement Undisputed Facts |
1997 |
25 | Tribal Response to State |
1997 |
26 | Coeur D'Alene 1891 Claim |
1991 |
27 | Idaho Document List Discovery |
1997 |
28 | Order on Exhibits |
1997 |
29 | More Givens |
1997 |
30 | U. S. Motion to Limit |
1997 |
31 | State Pre-Trial Proposed Findings |
1997 |
32 | Idaho Trial Brief |
1997 |
33 | State Additional Exhibits |
1997 |
24 | Idaho's Suggested Findings |
1997 |
25 | Coeur D'Alene Trial Briefs and Exhibit List |
1997 |
United States and Coeur D'Alene Tribe vs. State of Idaho , 1994-1999Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 224
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | U.S. Post-Trial Brief |
2 | Tribe's Post-Trial Briefs |
3 | State's Reply Brief |
4 | Proposed Findings, United States |
5 | Idaho Response to Motion to Dismiss |
1998 |
6 | State's Proposed Findings |
1998 |
7 | U. S. Opposition to Summary Judgment |
1997 |
8 | Hart Proposed Findings |
9 | U. S. Brief on Dawes |
1998 |
10 | U. S. Response to Motion to Limit |
1998 |
11 | Tribe Response to Motion to Strike |
1998 |
12 | Tribe's Trial Costs |
1998 |
13 | Original U. S. Complaint |
1994 |
14 | Supreme Court |
15 | Appellate
1996 |
16 | Supreme Court Decision |
1997 |
17 | Court Grants Intervention |
1995 |
18 | Supreme Court Reject Tribe's Case |
1997 |
19 | Ninth Circuit Remands Tribal Lawsuit |
1994 |
20 | Order on Summary Judgment |
1997 |
21 | Idaho Post-Trial Briefs |
1998 |
22 | Briefs |
1998 |
23 | Court of Appeals, Tribe's Apellee Cross-Appellant Brief |
1999 |
24 | U. S. Court of Appeals, Brief for the United States |
1999 |
25-26 | Court of Appeals, United States' Supplemental Excerpts of Record |
27 | Tribe's Reply Brief to States' Response to Counter Appeal |
1999 |
28 | Idaho Reply and Response Brief |
1999 |
29 | Coeur D'Alene Appeal, Contract/Bills/Invoices |
1999 |
30 | Coeur D'Alene Appeal Brief |
1998-1999 |
31 | Coeur D'Alene Motion to Dismiss Idaho Appeal |
1998 |
32 | Order Denying Stay |
1998 |
33 | State Reply on Stay |
1998 |
34 | Coeur D'Alene Appeal, U. S. Response to State |
1997 |
Zuni Mission Records (Births, Deaths, and Burials)Return to Top
Container(s): Box 225
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Volume I |
2 | Volume II |
3-4 | Volume III |
Correspondence, Contracts, and Account StatementsReturn to Top
Container(s): Carton 226
Contracts and Research Documents, 1993-1997Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 227
Sprague Exhibit, 1934-1994Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 228
Sprague, Power, and Concord Research, 1930-1994Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 229
Fahey Exhibit, 1873-1973Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 230
Additional Exhibits and RH Draft, 1913-1997Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 231
Trial Notes and News Clippings, 1888-1998Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 232
Exhibit Reports and Government Transcripts, 1874-1998Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 233
Research Documents, 1885-1988Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 234
Miscellaneous Material, 1896-2000Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 235
Computer MediaReturn to Top
Container(s): Carton 236
Interviews, Maps, and Watershed Reports, 1933-1997Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 237
Reference Materials and Microfilm, 1878-1994Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 238
Hart Exhibit # 1-70, 1699-1974Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 239
Hart Exhibit # 71-210, 1892-1980Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 240
Hart Exhibit # 211-373, 1875-1976Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 241
Hart Exhibit # 374-474, 1900-1915Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 242
Hart Exhibit, Second CopyReturn to Top
Container(s): Carton 243
These Cartons are the duplicate of the Hart Exhibit. However, there is no second copy of Hart Exhibit # 374-474.
Hart Exhibit, Second CopyReturn to Top
Container(s): Carton 244
Hart Exhibit, Second CopyReturn to Top
Container(s): Carton 245
David Rhode Exhibit, 1937-1994Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 246
Rhode Exhibit, Second CopyReturn to Top
Container(s): Carton 247
Unreviewed Material, 1933-1994Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 248
Fence Lake Mine, 1900-1997Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 249
Manuscript and Article, 1977-1998Return to Top
Container(s): Box 250
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 |
Sun Valley: An Extraordinary History
1998 |
3 | Status of Mineral Resource Information for Zuni Reservation, New Mexico |
1977 |
Zuni Water, Ramah Water, and Zuni Heaven Water, 1974-1995Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 251
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Exhibit List, ZHW |
2 | NRCE Report, ZHW |
1991 |
3 | ZHW Meeting |
1995 |
4 | Gebhard Engineers |
1989 |
5 | Historical Research Associates (HRA) |
1993 |
6 | Kolhu/wala:wa Water |
7 | Interviews |
8 | Charles Hoffman, Little Colorado River Multiple Resource Area |
1981 |
9 | 1974 | |
10 | Water Right Entitlements Report |
1988 |
11-12 | Hart, Zuni Water |
13 | Zuni Water Basin, Ramah, Fiscal Year |
1995 |
14 | Zuni Water Contract, Fiscal Year |
1995 |
15 | RW and ZW, Revised Fiscal Year |
1995 |
16 | Zuni Water, Fiscal Years |
1991-1994 |
17 | Zuni Heaven Water |
18 | Kolhu/wala:wa, Fiscal Year |
1995 |
19 | Zuni 8/7 Resolution Costs |
T.J. Ferguson Review, Water Project ReportReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 252
This box contains a review of a draft report prepared by Barbara Holmes.
Ramah Water, Jeff Hickey Research Files, 1890-1991Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 253
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Albuquerque General
Labeled Administrative
2 | Conferences and Siminars
Labeled Administrative
3 | Outgoing Correspondence
Labeled Administrative
4 | Incoming Correspondence
Labeled Administrative
5 | Exhibit List
Labeled Administrative
6 | Field Notes
Labeled Administrative
7 | HRA
Labeled Administrative
8 | HRA Documents List
Labeled Administrative
9 | Interview Questionnaires
Labeled Administrative
10 | Memos
Labeled Administrative
11 | Miscellaneous
Labeled Administrative
12 | Museum of New Mexico
Labeled Administrative
13 | National Archives, Ramah
Labeled Administrative
14 | Negatives, Field Photos
These items have been removed to the Multimedia Archives. Labeled Administrative
15 | Notes/Discussions
Labeled Administrative
16 | Notes/Scope
Labeled Administrative
17 | Overview of Research and Writing
Concerns the history of the Ramah Navajo band. Labeled Administrative
18 | Phone
Labeled Administrative
19 | Progress Reports/Memos
Labeled Administrative
20 | Questions, Interviews
Labeled Administrative
21 | Supplies Ordering
Labeled Administrative
22 | Text Form, Ramah Navajo Indian Fields with Water Delivery Systems
Labeled Administrative
23 | University Microfilm, Inc.
Labeled Administrative
24 | Washington DC, General
Labeled Administrative
25 | Board of Indian Commissioners
Labeled Government Documents
26 | Commissioner of Indian Affairs Annual Reports
Labeled Government Documents
1890-1933 |
27 | Congressional Record
Labeled Government Documents
28 | Congressional Record, Navajo
Labeled Government Documents
29 | Executive Orders
Labeled Government Documents
30 | Navajo Agency Reports
Labeled Government Documents
31 | Navajo Treaties
Labeled Government Documents
32 | Pueblo Agency Reports
Labeled Government Documents
33 | Report on Indians, 1890 Census, New Mexico Section
Labeled Government Documents
34 | Serial Set, Miscellaneous
Labeled Government Documents
35 | Serial Set, Land and Reservation
Labeled Government Documents
36 | Statutes
Labeled Government Documents
37 | House 0542
Labeled Government Documents
38 | Senate 2213
Labeled Government Documents
39 | Senate 2531
Labeled Government Documents
40 | House 8982
Labeled Government Documents
41 | Indians
Labeled Government Documents
1920 |
42 | Conditions of the Indians
Labeled Government Documents
1931 |
43 | Conditions of the Indians
Labeled Government Documents
1936 |
44 | Administration, Hearing
Labeled Government Documents
1943 |
45 | Interview Extracts
Labeled Interviews, Water
46-47 | Rosie Eriacho
Labeled Interviews, Water
1990 |
48 | Mary Martinez
Labeled Interviews, Water
1991 |
49-50 | Sam Martinez
Labeled Interviews, Water
1990 |
51-52 | Tommy Pino
Labeled Interviews, Water
1990 |
53 | Jackson & Pauline Raphaelito
Labeled Interviews, Water
1991 |
54 | Unread Water Interviews
Labeled Interviews, Water
55 | Agency/Department Reports, Working File
Labeled Working
56 | Appendixes
Labeled Working
57 | Appendix, Anthro Errors
Labeled Working
58 | Crops, RPF/MNM (Unused)
Labeled Working
59 | HE7, Part 1
Contains a draft of History of the Ramah, New Mexico Navajo Indians. Labeled Working
60 | Draft #2
Labeled Working
1990 |
Ramah Water, Jeff Hickey Research Files, 1990-1991Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 254
Three envelopes of color photographs were removed from this carton and placed in the Multimedia Archives.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Draft |
1990 |
2 | Draft #3a |
1990 |
3 | Draft |
1991 |
4 | Excerpts/IRR#s/RPF Water Use |
5 | Fiche/Hearings |
6 | Fields |
7 | Labels, Copies, Masters |
8 | Library Information |
9 | Maps, Photocopies |
10 | Maps, Ramah Navajo |
11 | Maps, Ramah Gallup |
12 | Memos, Notes, Water |
1991 |
13 | New Information |
14 | Patterns of Ramah Navajo Agriculture and Water Use |
1990 |
15 | Population Graph (New) |
16 | Primary Source Working File |
17 | Reports/Forms |
18 | Repair |
19 | Staubes Figures |
20 | Other Figures |
21 | Zuni and Ramah Reports |
22 | Village Census and Count
Labeled Non-Working Files
23 | Yosemite
Labeled Non-Working Files
24 | Westrends, Natural Resources
Labeled Non-Working Files
25 | Microfiche
Labeled Non-Working Files
26 | Index Cards and Microfilm
Labeled Non-Working Files
Ramah Water, Jeff Hickey Research FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Carton 255
This box contains published and unpublished articles, excerpts, abstracts, bibliographies, theses, and government documents.
Ramah Water, Jeff Hickey Subject Files and Exhibits, 1909-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 256
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Reservation |
1909-1910 |
2 | Withdrawal of Ramah Lands |
1931 |
3 | Ramah General |
4 | Land |
1955 |
5 | Land Purchase |
1956 |
6 | Land |
1980 |
7 | Archaeological Surveys, Ramah |
8 | Baxter Material |
9 | BIA and Ramah Navajos |
10 | Canoncito |
11 | Cattle Ranching, Zuni/Ramah Area |
12 | Carr, Clark and Ramah Navajos |
13 | Cheechilgeetho Day School |
14 | Children Ramah |
15 | Clans, Ramah |
16 | Tom Collier
This folder is empty.
17 | Correspondence, Individual |
18 | Cultural Conservation Plan |
1990 |
19 | Dam |
20 | Dwellings |
21 | Education at Ramah |
22 | El Malpais |
23 | El Morro |
24 | EO Expansion of NIR |
1917-1918 |
25 | Facts, Ramah |
26 | Federal Register |
27 | Fence Lake |
28 | Jurisdiction |
29 | John L. Landgraf |
30 | Livestock |
31 | Lost Lands |
32 | Demy Mesia |
33 | Miscellaneous |
34 | Miscellaneous Documents Ramah (HRA) |
35 | Mormon Settlement |
36 | NIR Ramah Navajo |
37 | Navajo at Zuni |
38 | New Mexico Boundary Bill |
39 | New Mexico, Spanish New Mexico |
40 | Oral History |
41 | Political Organization |
42 | Population |
43 | Protohistory |
44 | Pueblo (So. Pueblo) Agricultural Statistics |
45 | Public Domain/Grazing/Allotment Issues |
46 | Querechos |
47 | Ramah Farmers, Landgraf Field Notes |
1941 |
48 | Ramah Land Matters |
49 | Ramah Reservoir |
50 | Ramah Area Rainfall |
51 | Reservation Status |
52 | Railraod, Santa Fe |
53 | Reviews, Books on Ramah |
54 | Rimrock Values Study, Personnel |
55 | Savola |
56 | Sheep Ranch |
57 | Smallpox |
58 | Stacher Land Exchange |
59 | Ernst Tietjen |
60 | Trading/Trades |
61 | Evan S. Vogt |
62 | Vogt and Ramah |
1915-1925 |
63 | Vost 8960 Acre Land Sale |
1929 |
64 | Water Reports, Ramah Navajo |
65 | Water, Items Not Used |
66-67 | Weather at Ramah |
68-71 | Jeff Hickey Exhibits, #165-1 to 167-1 |
Ramah Water, Jeff Hickey Exhibits, #1 to 142Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 257
Ramah Water, Jeff Hickey Exhibits, #143-164Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 258
This box also contains a box of backup disks for Jeff Hickey's material.
Ramah Water, Jeff Hickey Exhibits, #167-11 to 307Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 259
Ramah Water, Jeff Hickey and David Rhode Reports, 1989-1991Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 260
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | David Rhode Report
Agriculture and Water Use Before the Twentieth Century on the Zuni Reservation, West-Central New Mexico.
1989 |
2 | David Rhode Report
Draft and Peer Review.
1989 |
3 | David Rhode Report
Agriculture and Water Use Before the Twentieth Century on the Zuni Reservation, West-Central New Mexico.
1990 |
4 | Jeff Hickey Report
"The Ramah, New Mexico Navajo Indians: History, Agriculture, and Water Use, 1868-1955."
1990 |
5-6 | Jeff Hickey Report |
1991 |
7 | Jeff Hickey, Ramah Agricultural Data, Ramah Project 1938-1952 |
1990 |
8 | Jeff Hickey, Analysis of Ramah Water Use, Ramah Project 1938-1952 |
1990 |
Ramah Water, Hart Files, 1989-1992Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 261
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Whitewater |
1990 |
2 | Coppin RW Materials |
3 | Baxter RW Materials |
4 | Lost Ramah Lands |
1991 |
5 | Ramah Lands Map |
6 | HRA |
7 | Ramah |
1990 |
8 | Ramah |
9 | Marozas on GIS
The Role of Geographic Information Systems in American Indian Land and Water Rights Litigation
1990 |
10 | Jeff Hickey, Truth, Irrigation and the Ramah Navajos |
1990 |
11 | Martha Graham, Raramuri Residential Site Structure |
1989 |
12 | Abbey on Tarahumara |
13 | Ramah Interviews |
1990-1991 |
14-15 | Interviews |
16 | United Nations Status |
17 | Ramah Photos
Notes and Checkout Slips.
18 | HRA |
19 | Hat Repatriation |
20 | Jeff Hickey Manuscript Drafts |
21 | Ramah Water, Draft and Diskettes |
22 | M. Graham Report Ramah |
1992 |
Ramah Water, Department of Justice Exhibits #1-152Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 262
Ramah Water, Department of Justice Exhibits #153-166Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 263
Ramah Water, Department of Justice Exhibits #167-307Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 264
Ramah Water and Zuni Water, 1853-1994Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 265
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Navajo Trader |
2 | Water, Don't Have File |
3-4 | Zuni Water Resumes |
5 | Anyon Book |
6 | Duck Valley Water |
7 | Bejnar Interview |
8 | Irrigated Fields |
9 | Stauber Ag Totals |
10 | Water |
11 | Working Notes |
12 | AWC Materials |
13 | Perlman Stock Figures |
1988 |
14 | Perlman
Contains research material and a report entitled Cultivation Figures for the Zuni Indian Reservation, New Mexico 1776-1944
1988 |
15 | Perlman, List of Absent Exhibits |
16 | Santiago Onate Affidavit |
17 | Jenkins and Delaney Spanish |
18 | Chavez, Archives of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, 1678-1900 |
19-20 | David Cleveland Review |
21 | Hart, Zuni Population |
1989 |
22 | Population Exhibit List and Draft Report |
1989 |
23 | Population Draft |
24 | David Cleveland, Zuni Writings |
1993 |
25 | HRA, The Ramah Navajo |
1994 |
26 | Kern |
1853 |
27 | Farming Villages |
28 | BIA GIS |
29 | Ferguson Comments on Graham |
1991 |
30 | Leonard Comments on Graham |
1990 |
31 | Graham Research Design, Ramah |
1990 |
32 | Hickey, Article Length |
1991 |
33 | Ferguson
Areal Measurement of Polygons Depicting Ramah Navajo Agricultural Land Mapped by Dr. Martha Graham.
1991 |
34-35 | Miscellaneous Zuni |
Zuni and Ramah Reports and Research Materials, 1990-1992Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 266
The material in folders 11-15 was not included in Hart's report. More material was to be inserted later.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Original Graham Ramah |
2 | Graham Ramah Materials |
3 | Graham, Water Control Strategies |
1990 |
4-5 | Graham, Documented 20th Century Irrigated Agricultural Fields |
1990 |
6 | Hart, Zuni Population |
1991 |
7-8 | Hart, History of Zuni Water Use, Volume 1 |
1992 |
9-10 | Hart, History of Zuni Water Use, Volume 2 |
1992 |
11 | TJ Notes |
12 | HRA, Zuni Heaven Review |
13 | Beinecke Library, Yale University |
14 | Little Colorado River Adjudication |
15 | Zuni Heaven Water, Unused Material |
Zuni Heaven Water, Unused MateralReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 267
The material in this box is a continuation of folders 11-15 of box 266.
Zuni Water and Zuni Heaven Water, 1986-1991Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 268
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Barbara Holmes and Martha Graham, Zuni Irrigation in 20th Century |
1990 |
2 | Comments on Rhode Report Draft |
1989 |
3 | ZWIN Accounting |
4 | Zuni Report Drafts |
1987-1990 |
5 | Rhode Draft |
1989 |
6 | Memo to Becker |
1991 |
7 | Zuni Ethnohistorical Study, Contract Notes and History |
1986 |
8 | History of Zuni/Research Findings |
1989 |
9 | Zuni Settlement Patterns |
1992 |
10 | Water Correspondence |
1990 |
11 | Tabloid Accounts |
12 | Accounts Zuni Water, Fiscal Year |
1991 |
13 | Zuni Water Accounts |
1989-1990 |
14 | Hinkson Ranch |
1990-1991 |
15 | Zuni Heaven Water Accounts |
1990 |
Zuni Water, Zuni Heaven Water, and Ramah Water, 1988-1991Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 269
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Contracts, Fiscal Year |
1991 |
2 | Ramah, Fiscal Year |
1991 |
3 | Zuni Account, Fiscal Year |
1991 |
4 | ZAP Database |
5 | Zuni Water Report Draft |
6 | Zuni Population Report Draft |
7-9 | Ramah Water Accounts |
1989-1990 |
10 | Department of Justice (DOJ) Contacts |
11 | DOJ Budgets |
12 | Supplemental Grant |
1989 |
13 | Zuni Water and Ramah Budgets |
1988-1989 |
14 | ZAP Budgets |
1989-1990 |
15 | H. Becker Meeting, Budget |
1989 |
16 | Holmes and Rhode Papers, Draft |
17 | Rhode, Preliminary Partial Draft of Water Report |
1988 |
Zuni Heaven, Hart Report and Exhibits #1-131, 1990Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 270
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | 1990 | |
folders | ||
2-7 | Exhibits |
8-13 | Exhibits |
14-20 | Exhibits |
21-27 | Exhibits |
28-33 | Exhibits |
34-40 | Exhibits |
41-47 | Exhibits |
48-54 | Exhibits |
55-61 | Exhibits |
62-68 | Exhibits |
69-76 | Exhibits |
77-82 | Exhibits |
83-89 | Exhibits |
90-96 | Exhibits |
97-102 | Exhibits |
103-109 | Exhibits |
110-116 | Exhibits |
117-122 | Exhibits |
123-129 | Exhibits |
130-132 | Exhibits |
Zuni Heaven, Exhibits #132-210 and Research Files, 1851-1995Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 271
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-79 | Exhibits |
80 | TJ Photos at KO (Photocopies)
The original color photos have been removed to the Multimedia Archives.
81 | Kern
One color photo has been removed to the Multimedia Archives. A photocopy is available in this folder.
1851 |
82 | Richard H. Kearn Diary |
1851 |
83 | ZHW Maps |
84 | TJ Research Questions |
1994 |
85 | Zuni Heaven Water |
1994 |
86 | Gebhard Engineers |
1989 |
87 | Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant Papers |
88 | ZHW Field Notes |
1994 |
89 | Ed Ladd Interview |
1995 |
90 | Watkins Prelim |
91 | Hart, Zuni Water Use at Kolhu/Wala:Wa |
1990 |
Zuni Heaven Water, Hart Files, 1849-1995Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 272
Copies of the material in this carton were sent to the Department of Justice. Folders 5-66 generally contain photocopies of published material. Some unpublished material is included.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Kolhu/Wala:Wa Water |
1995 |
2 | Zuni Meeting |
1995 |
3 | Untitled |
4 | ZHW Notes |
5 | Abruzzi |
6 | Albert, Flora and Fauna |
7 | Apache County Water |
8 | Bandelier |
9 | Banta |
10 |
W. C. Barnes,
Apaches and Longhorns
11 |
Arizona Place Names
12 |
Las Carneradas
13 | Baxter |
14 | Bieber, Trails |
1849 |
15 | Castaneda, Coronado |
16 | Cleland, Trappers |
17 |
The Zunis of Cibola
18 | Cushing to Baird |
19 | Cushing to Baird, Map |
20 |
My Adventures in Zuni
21 | Cushing, Zuni Fetishes |
22 |
23 |
Recollections of a Pioneer
24 | Foreman, James Collier |
25 | Foreman, Leroux |
26 | Gebhard Engineering Report |
27 | Gonzales, Water Claims |
28 | Hammond and Rey, Coronado |
29 | Hart Field Notes |
30 | Haskett, Cattle Industry |
31 | Haskett, Sheep Industry |
32 | Helander to Olson |
33 | HRA, Historical Study of Non-Fed Water Claims |
34 | Kern Diary |
35 | Kern to Gwin, Practible Rate RR |
36 | Klett |
37 | Leone, Modern Mormonism |
38 | McClintock |
39 | Rafael Chacon Meketa |
40 | Morrisey, Range Cattle |
41 | NRCE Report |
42 | Parkhill, Leroux |
43 | Plog, Cultural Resources |
44 | Rose, Climate |
45 |
St. Johns Herald
46 |
St. Louis Daily Globe-Democrat
47 | Salt River Project, Coronado Generating Station |
1992 |
48 | Sergeant, Elizabeth |
49 | Shodo Ahon'a Kyanawa |
50 |
St. Johns Arizona Stake
51 | Sitgreaves |
52 |
The Zuni Indians
53 | Trotter to Commissioner, with Attachment |
1933 |
54 | Udall, Coronado |
55 |
US Dept. Interior,
The Colorado River
1946 |
56 |
US Dept. Interior,
Final Environmental Statement, Colorado Project
1977 |
57 | US Dept. Interior, Survey Field Notes |
1875 |
58 | US Dept. Interior, Survey Field Notes |
1968-1972 |
59 | US Dept. Interior, Survey Field Notes |
1944-1987 |
60 | US Senate Special Committee |
1890 |
61 |
David Weber,
62 |
Historical Atlas of Arizona
63 | Wheeler |
64 |
History of the St. Johns Arizona Stake
65 | Woodhouse |
66 | Zuni Agriculture |
Hart and Hart West & Associates Diskettes and CDROMSReturn to Top
Container(s): Carton 273
Miscellaneous Publications, 2001Return to Top
Container(s): Box 274
Mounted Maps and Documents, United States v. IdahoReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 275
Contains items used in the trial concerning Lake Coeur d'Alene.
Mounted Maps and Documents, United States v. IdahoReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 276
Contains items used in the trial concerning Lake Coeur d'Alene.
Mounted Maps and Documents, United States v. IdahoReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 277
Contains items used in the trial concerning Lake Coeur d'Alene.
Ramah Water Agricultural Use, 1934-1976Return to Top
Container(s): Tube 278
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
item | ||
1 | Burned Timber Canyon |
1934 |
2 | Burned Timber Canyon |
1941 |
3 | Burned Timber Canyon |
1976 |
4 | Burned Timber Canyon, Composite |
5 | Ramah |
1934 |
6 | Ramah |
1976 |
7 | Ramah, Composite |
8 | El Morro |
1934 |
9 | El Morro |
1941 |
10 | El Morro |
1976 |
11 | unlisted |
12 | El Morro, Composite |
13 | Togeye Lake |
1934 |
14 | Togeye Lake |
1941 |
15 | Togeye Lake |
1976 |
16 | Togeye Lake, Composite |
17 | Pescado |
1934 |
18 | Pescado |
1941 |
19 | Pescado |
1976 |
20 | Pescado, Composite |
21 | Shoemaker Canyon |
1934 |
22 | Shoemaker Canyon |
1941 |
23 | Shoemaker Canyon |
1976 |
24 | Shoemaker Canyon, Composite |
25 | Nicoll Lake |
1934 |
26 | Nicoll Lake |
1941 |
27 | Nicoll Lake |
1976 |
28 | Nicoll Lake, Composite |
29 | Goat Hill |
1934 |
30 | Goat Hill |
1941 |
31 | Goat Hill |
1976 |
32 | Goat Hill, Composite |
33 | Cerro Alto |
1934 |
34 | Cerro Alto |
1941 |
35 | Cerro Alto, Composite |
36 | Red Lake Mission |
1934 |
37 | Red Lake Mission |
1941 |
38 | Red Lake Mission |
1976 |
39 | Red Lake Mission, Composite |
40 | Shoemaker Canyon, S.E. |
1934 |
41 | Shoemaker Canyon, S.E. |
1941 |
42 | Shoemaker Canyon, S.E. |
1976 |
43 | Shoemaker Canyon, S.E., Composite |
44 | Nicoll Lake |
1934 |
45 | Nicoll Lake |
1941 |
46 | Upper Nutria Quad, Aspects |
47 | Upper Nutria Quad, Slopes |
48 | Tekapo Quad, Aspects |
49 | Tekapo Quad, Slopes |
50 | Horsehead Canyon, NW, Aspects |
51 | Horsehead Canyon, NW, Slopes |
52 | Horsehead Canyon Quad, Aspects |
53 | Horsehead Canyon Quad, Aspects |
54 | Pescado Quad, Aspects |
55 | Pescado Quad, Slopes |
56 | Chafin Well Quad, Aspects |
57 | Chafin Well Quad, Slopes |
58 | Roads |
59 | Plumasand Basin Quad, Aspects |
60 | Plumasand Basin Quad, Slopes |
61 | High Lonesome Well, Aspects |
62 | High Lonesome Well, Slopes |
63 | Shoemaker Canyon Quad, Aspects |
64 | Shoemaker Canyon Quad, Slopes |
65 | Barth Well Quad, Aspects |
66 | Barth Well Quad, Slopes |
67 | Upper Galastina Canyon, Aspects |
68 | Upper Galastina Canyon, Slopes |
69 | Pinehaven Quad, Slopes |
70 | Zuni Quad, Aspects |
71 | Zuni Quad, Slopes |
72 | Ojo Caliente Reservoir, Aspects |
73 | Ojo Caliente Reservoir, Slopes |
74 | Burned Timber Canyon, Aspects |
75 | Burned Timber Canyon, Slopes |
76 | Ramah Area |
1941 |
Ramah Water Agricultural UseReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 279
This tube contains 71 untitled maps created with Calcomp 1051 pen plotter. Original tube labeled ESRI and BIA Droplines, Zuni Water.
Ramah Water Agricultural Use, 1911-1991Return to Top
Container(s): Tube 280
This container holds maps from four shipping tubes. The following items are from a tube labeled Water Maps from BIA-ALB.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
item | ||
1 | Water for Upper Nutria |
2 | Water for Venad'to Camp |
3 | Water for Pinehaven |
4 | Water for Burned Timber Canyon |
5 | Water for Chi Chic Tah |
6 | Water for Horsehead Canyon |
7 | Water for Horsehead Canyon NW |
8 | Water for Ojo Caliente Reservoir |
9 | Water for Zuni |
10 | Water for Upper Galestina Canyon |
11 | Water for Te Kapo |
12 | Water for Pescado |
13 | Water for Shoemaker Canyon |
14 | Water for Blumasand Basin |
15 | Water for High Lonesome Well |
16 | Water for Chafin Well |
17 | Water for Vanderwagon Draw |
18 | Lakes/Spring/Tanks/Streams For Barth Well |
19 | Fields, Barth Well and Ojo Caliente Reservoir Quads
The following items are from a tube labeled Zuni Water Project 7/3/91 Electro Static Plots (ESRI)
1934 |
20 | Fields, Barth Well and Ojo Caliente Reservoir Quads |
1954 |
21 | Fields, Barth Well and Ojo Caliente Reservoir Quads |
1968 |
22 | Fields, Barth Well and Ojo Caliente Reservoir Quads |
1987-1989 |
23 | Agricultural Fields, Pinehaven and Upper Nutria Quads |
1934 |
24 | Agricultural Fields, Pinehaven and Upper Nutria Quads |
1954 |
25 | Agricultural Fields, Pinehaven and Upper Nutria Quads |
1968 |
26 | Agricultural Fields, Pinehaven and Upper Nutria Quads |
1987-1989 |
27 | Fields, Horsehead Canyon NM and Burned Timber Canyon Quads |
1934 |
28 | Fields, Horsehead Canyon NM and Burned Timber Canyon Quads |
1968 |
29 | Fields, Horsehead Canyon NM and Burned Timber Canyon Quads |
1987-1989 |
30 | Agricultural Fields, Horsehead Canyon and Pescado Quads |
1934 |
31 | Agricultural Fields, Horsehead Canyon and Pescado Quads |
1954 |
32 | Agricultural Fields, Horsehead Canyon and Pescado Quads |
1968 |
33 | Agricultural Fields, Horsehead Canyon and Pescado Quads |
1987-1989 |
34-36 | Zuni Agricultural Fields Identified on Tekapo and Zuni Quads
The following items are from a tube labeled AZuni Water I Final Drafts and Final Plots (electrostatic) of Module 1 (Zuni/Tekapo), 7/31/91
1987-1988 |
37-38 | Zuni Agricultural Fields Identified on Tekapo and Zuni Quads |
1911-1912 |
39 | Zuni Agricultural Fields Identified on Tekapo and Zuni Quads |
1934 |
40 | Zuni Agricultural Fields Identified on Tekapo and Zuni Quads |
1954 |
41 | Zuni Agricultural Fields Identified on Tekapo and Zuni Quads |
1968 |
42 | Zuni Agricultural Fields Identified on Tekapo and Zuni Quads |
1911-1988 |
43 | Zuni Runoff Irrigated Fields Identified on Tekapo and Zuni Quads |
1987-1988 |
44 | Horsehead Canyon NW, New Mexico
The following items are from a tube labeled Zuni Water I Maps by Ebert, Galestina and Mullen Canyon
45 | Pescado, New Mexico |
46 | Ojo Caliente Reservoir, New Mexico |
47 | Upper Nutria, New Mexico |
48 | Pinehaven, New Mexico |
49 | Barthwell, Arizona - New Mexico |
50 | Horsehead Canyon, New Mexico |
51 | Burned Timber Canyon, New Mexico |
52-54 | Zuni Water I Ebert Maps
(Galestina and Mullen Canyons from 1934 Aerials), 7/1/91
55-57 | Zuni Water I Ebert Maps
(Galestina and Mullen Canyons from 1934 Aerials), 7/1/91, copies.
Ramah Water Agricultural Use, 1911-1988Return to Top
Container(s): Tube 281
The following items are from a tube labeled Zuni Water I Draft and Draft Electrostatic Plots, Module 1
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
item | ||
1 | Zuni Runoff Irrigated Fields |
1934 |
2 | Zuni Agricultural Fields |
1911-1988 |
3 | Dropline Plot of Fields, BPD |
4 | Dropline Plot of Fields, IUF |
5 | Dropline Plot of Fields, FH |
6 | Dropline Plot of Fields, APD |
7-9 | Zuni Runoff Irrigated Fields |
1954 |
9-10 | Zuni Runoff Irrigated Fields |
1968 |
11 | Dropline Runoff Irrigated Fields, CPD |
12 | Dropline Runoff Irrigated Fields, BPD |
13 | Dropline Runoff Irrigated Fields, APD |
14 | Dropline Runoff Irrigated Fields, EPD |
15 | Zuni Runoff |
1911 |
16 | Module 1 Dropline Plot (Item-Newfield PY-ID)
The following items are from a tube labeled Draft, Scratch, etc. Droplines and Other Plots, Module 1
17 | Module 1 Dropline Plot (Item-Quad) |
18 | Module 1 Dropline Plot (Item-Newfield PY#) |
19 | Module 1 Dropline Plot (Item-Cult) |
20 | Module 1 Dropline Plot (Item-PD 1968) |
21 | Module 1 Dropline Plot (Item-PD 1954) |
22 | Module 1 Dropline Plot (Item-PD 1934) |
23 | Module 1 Dropline Plot (Item-PD 1911-1912) |
24 | Module 1 Dropline Plot (Item-IUA) |
25 | Annotation |
1911-1912 |
26 | Annotation |
1934 |
27 | Annotation |
1954 |
28 | Annotation |
1968 |
29 | Annotation |
1978 |
30 | Dropline Plot of Quad For Newfield PYX |
31 | Dropline Plot of PD 1911-1912 For Newfield PYX |
32 | Dropline Plot of PD 1934 For Newfield PYX |
33 | Dropline Plot of PD 1954 For Newfield PYX |
34 | Dropline Plot of PD 1987-1988 For Newfield PYX |
35 | Dropline Plot of PD 1968 For Newfield PYX |
36 | Dropline Plot of Cult For Newfield PYX |
37 | Dropline Plot of IUA For Newfield PYX |
38 | Dropline Plot of Newfield PYX-ID For Newfield PYX |
39 | Dropline Plot of Filed # For Newfield PYX |
Ramah Water Agricultural Use, 1911-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Tube 282
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
item | ||
1 | Navajo/Ramah Navajo Indian Lands in the Zuni River Basin |
1990 |
2 | Ramah Indian Reservation Roads, Buildings/Hydrology, BIA Road |
3 | Upper Nutria, Pinchover, Horsehead Canyon NW, Burned Timber Canyon |
4 | 3D View of 7.5 USGS Quad Zuni New Mexico
Includes Zuni Agricultural Fields and Zuni Irrigation Units
5 | Database Field #s Burned Timber and Pescado Quads
Hand-drawn on tissue.
6 | Upper Nutria
Hand-drawn on tissue.
7 | Yellowhouse DBF Overlay, Field #s, Horsehead Canyon New Mexico
Hand-drawn on tissue.
8 | Ojo Fields Numbers, Data Base
Hand-drawn on tissue.
9 | Zuni Agency Branch of Engineering Pescado Land Ownership Map |
10 | Zuni Agency Branch of Engineering Ojo Caliente Land Ownership Map |
11 | Draft of 1954 Cultivated Agricultural Fields in Module 2 |
12 | Zuni Fields, Zuni and Tekapo Quads |
13 | Zuni Indian Reservation Range Survey Forage Map |
14-15 | Zuni Pueblo Irrigation Base Map |
16 | Ojo Caliente Irrigation Unit |
17 | Zuni Indian Reservation, Ojo Caliente Irrigation Project |
18-20 | Nutria Irrigation Unit |
21 | Zuni Agricultural Fields, Horsehead Canyon and Pescado Quads |
1911-1989 |
Ramah Water Agricultural Use, 1912-1989Return to Top
Container(s): Tube 283
Geological Surveys (Aerial Photographs), Fd 1-13; Topographic Maps 14-86, other maps 87-142.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
item | ||
1 | Pescado |
2 | Takepo |
3 | Chi Chic Tah Quad |
4 | Horsehead Canyon |
5 | Burned Timber Canyon |
6 | Horsehead Canyon NW |
7 | Pinehaven |
8 | Upper Nutria |
9 | Ojo Caliente Reservoir |
10 | Vanderwagon Draw |
11 | Zuni |
12-13 | North Purchase |
14 | Vanderwagon Draw Quadrangle |
15 | Vanderwagon Quadrangle |
16 | Upper Nutria Quadrangle |
17 | Pinehaveen Quadrangle |
18 | Lupton Quadrangle |
19 | Jones Ranch School Quadrangle |
20 | Horsehead Canyon NW Quadrangle |
21 | Chafin Well Quadrangle |
22 | Chi Chic Tah Quadrangle |
23 | Plumasand Basin Quadrangle |
24 | Barth Well Quadrangle |
25 | Zuni Quadrangle |
26-27 | Burned Timber Canyon Quadrangle |
28 | Ojo Caliente Reservoir |
29 | Pinehaven Quadrangle (detail) |
30 | Horsehead Canyon Quadrangle |
31-32 | Horsehead Canyon NW Quadrangle |
33 | Togeye Lake Quadrangle |
34 | Vanderwagon Quadrangle |
35 | Jones Ranch School Quadrangle |
36-38 | Upper Nutria Quadrangle |
39-40 | Shoemaker Canyon Quadrangle |
41-45 | Horsehead Canyon Quadrangle |
46-50 | Ojo Caliente Reservoir Quadrangle |
51-56 | Tekapo Quadrangle |
57-60 | Pescado Quadrangle |
61 | Horsehead Canyon NW Quadrangle |
62-64 | Chi Chic Tah Quadrangle |
65-69 | Vamderwagon Draw Quadrangle |
70 | Chafin Well Quadrangle |
71-73 | Barth Well Quadrangle |
74-75 | High Lonesome Well Quadrangle |
76 | Plumasand Basin Quadrangle |
77-78 | Burned Timber Canyon Quadrangle |
79-82 | Zuni Quadrangle |
83 | Horsehead Canyon NW Quadrangle |
84 | Upper Galestina Canyon Quadrangle |
85-86 | Pinehaven Quadrangle |
87 | Horsehead Canyon NW and Burned Timber Canyon, New Mexico |
88 | Barth Well, Arizona - New Mexico |
1979 |
89-90 | Barth Well, Arizona and Ojo Caliente Reservoir, New Mexico |
91-93 | Horsehead Canyon and Pescado, New Mexico |
94 | Horsehead Canyon and Pescado |
1972 |
95-96 | Pinehave and Upper Nutria |
97 | Zuni Irrigation Unit |
98 | Tekapo and Zuni, New Mexico |
99 | Yellowhouse Horsehead Canyon Quadrangle |
100 | Untitled |
1912-1934 |
101 | Zuni Irrigation Unit Polygon Map |
102 | Additional Runoff Fields Polygons 1-5 |
103 | Tekapo Runoff Fields |
104-110 | Tekapo Runoff Fields (copies) |
111 | Plumasand |
112 | Untitled |
1954-1968 |
113 | Ojo Caliente Reservoir Polygons 1-257 |
114 | N.B. |
115-117 | Pinehaven |
118 | Damon |
1912 |
119 | Horsehead Canyon, New Mexico |
120 | Ditches and Roads |
1954 |
121 | Johnny Gaspar, Ellen Quandelacy |
122 | Zuni |
123 | Caliente Reservoir Water |
124 | Zuni and Tekapo Irrigation Units |
125 | Zuni Irrigation Units |
126-127 | Zuni Irrigation Units |
1954 |
128 | Pinehaven and Upper Nutria |
129 | Peach Orchards |
130 | Zuni Irrigation Unit |
1974 |
131 | Zuni Fields, Zuni and Tekapo Quads |
132 | Zuni Irrigation Unit |
1987-1989 |
133 | Base Map Zuni/Tekapo |
1968 |
134 | Zuni Irrigation Unit |
135 | Takepo, New Mexico (Topographic) |
136 | Nutria Farming District |
137 | Tekapo and Zuni, New Mexioc |
138 | Zuni Runoff Fields |
139 | Ditches and Runoff Fields |
140-141 | Horsehead Canyon NW and Burned Timber Canyon, New Mexico |
142 | Horsehead NW and Burned Timber |
1954-1968 |
Exhibits #1-#135Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 284
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Exhibit 1
Ackerman, Lillian. "The Effect of Missionary Ideals on Family Structure and Women's Roles in Plateau Indian Culture." Vol. 31, no. Numbers 1-2 (Spring/Summer 1987): pp. 64-73.
2 | Exhibit 2
Anon. , n. p., unpaginated, yca. 1974.
3 | Exhibit 3
Anon. St. Paul: Riley Brothers, 1886.
4 | Exhibit 4
Anon. . New York: Oxford University Press, 1950.
5 | Exhibit 5
Anon. . Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1899.
6 | Exhibit 6
Anon. . Portland, Oregon: Lewis & Dryden, 1884.
7 | Exhibit 7
Anon. "Sacred Heart." , Vol. 11 No. 1 (1881): pp. 49-52.
8 | Exhibit 8
Aripa, Lawrence. "The Effects of Missionaries on the Coeur d'Alene Tribe." Sacred Encounters: Indians, Non-Indians and Religion in the Canadian and American Northwest, 2nd Annual Symposium, Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest, Department of History, University of Washington, November 4, 1993.
9 | Exhibit 9
Arnold, R. Ross. . Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1932.
10 | Exhibit 10
Arthuis, P. "Rocky Mountains." , Vol. 13 No. 3 (1884): pp. 381-382.
11 | Exhibit 11
Bancroft, Hubert Howe. . Vol. Volume XXXI of The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft. San Francisco: The History Company, Publishers, 1890.
12 | Exhibit 12
Barken, Frances B. (ed). . Olympia, Washington: Washington State Capitol Museum, 1987, p. 69.
13 | Exhibit 13
Barry, J. Neilson. Letter to Bureau of Ethnology. July 28, 1922 and September 5, 1924, National Anthropological Archives. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.
14 | Exhibit 14
Biddle, Nicholas (ed). . New York: The Heritage Press, 1962, Vol. 1, end map; Vol. 2, p. 450.
15 | Exhibit 15
Bischoff, William N., and Charles M. Gates. "The Jesuits and the Coeur D'Alene Treaty of 1858." Vol. 34 (1943): pp. 169-181.
16 | Exhibit 16
Bischoff, William N. "The Coeur D'Alene Country, 1805-1892." In . New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 1974, pp. 204, 209-211, 213, 219, 222-223, 250, 256-257, 263, 265, and 267.
17 | Exhibit 17
Boas, Franz, and James Teit. . Fairfield, Washington: Ye Galleon Press, 1985, preface.
18 | Exhibit 18
Boone, Lalia. . Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho Press, 1988.
19 | Exhibit 19
Branch, E. Douglas. . New York and London: D. Appleton and Company, 1929, pp. 169-170.
20 | Exhibit 20
Brode, H. S. (ed). "Diary of Dr. Augustus J. Thibodo of the Northwest Exploring Expedition, 1859." Vol. 31 (July, 1940): pp. 287-347.
21 | Exhibit 21
Brogan, James M. . Spokane: Gonzaga University, 1926, pp. 5-11.
22 | Exhibit 22
Brosnan, C. J. . New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1926.
23 | Exhibit 23
Brown, Wm. Compton. . Spokane, Washington: C. W. Hill Printing Co., n.d., pp. 260-261 and 417.
24 | Exhibit 24
Burns, Robert Ignatius. "Coeur D'Alene Diplomacy in the Nez Perce War of 1877." Vol. LXIII, no. No. 1 (March 1952), pp. 7-8, 11, 36-42, 44-45, 48-50, 52, 132-33, 139-40, 189-91, 210.
25 | Exhibit 25
Burns, Robert Ignatius. "The Jesuits, the Northern Indians, and the Nez Perce War of 1877." Vol. 42 (1951): pp. 40-76.
26 | Exhibit 26
Burns, Robert Ignatius. . New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966, pp. 7-8, 11, 36-42, 48-50, 52, 132-133, 139-140, 189-191, and 210.
27 | Exhibit 27
Burns, Robert Ignatius. "Pere Joset's Account of the Indian War of 1858." Vol. 38 (1947): pp. 285-315.
28 | Exhibit 28
Butler, L. F. . Chicago: Cushing, Thomas & Co., 1884.
29 | Exhibit 29
Butler, Robert B. . Pocatello: Idaho State University Museum, 1968, pp. 56-57.
30 | Exhibit 30
Butler, Robert B. "A Report on Excavations in the Palouse and Craig Mountain Sections." (1962). Pocatello, Idaho; p. 9.
31 | Exhibit 31
Carriker, Robert C. "Joseph M. Cataldo, S. J.: Courier of Catholicism to the Nez Perces," (Clyde A. Milner and Floyd A. O'Neil, eds.). Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1985, pp. 109 and 123.
32 | Exhibit 32
Cataldo, J. M. "Indian Missions." , Vol. 2 No. 1 (1873): pp. 57-58.
33 | Exhibit 33
Chalfant, Stuart A. "Historical Material Relative to Coeur D'Alene Indian Aboriginal Distribution." In . New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1974, pp. 46, 50-52, 86, 110-156, 158, 164-92, 188-189, 194-96.
34 | Exhibit 34
Chittenden, H. M., and A. T. Richardson. . 4 vols., 1905; Vol. 1, pp. 375 and Vol. 3, p. 997.
35 | Exhibit 35
Clark, Ella. "The Old Mission." Vol. 15, No. 3 (Fall, 1971): pp. 19-27.
36 | Exhibit 36
Cody, Edmund. , Kellogg, Idaho: Edmund R. Cody, 1930, pp. 1-46.
37 | Exhibit 37
Coeur d'Alene Tribe. Tribal Council. "Fact Sheet: Origins of Heyburn Park." Plummer: n.d. [1981].
38 | Exhibit 38
Coleman, Louis C. "The Spring by the Side of the Road," MSS "Re: Sacred Heart Mission on the St. Joe River," Gonzaga University. Oregon Province Archives of the Society of Jesus, Spokane, Washington.
39 | Exhibit 39
Connolly, Thomas E. . Fairfield, Washington: Ye Galleon Press, 1990.
40 | Exhibit 40
Connolly, Thomas E., and Gary B. Palmer. "Making Traditional Values Work in the 20th Century." In , edited by E. Richard Hart, pp. 8-10. Sun Valley, Idaho: Institute of the NorthAmerican West, 1982.
41 | Exhibit 41
Connolly, Thomas E., and Coeur d'Alene Tribe. "Coeur D'Alene Tribal Story." In . Boise, Idaho: Idaho Centennial Commission, 1990.
42 | Exhibit 42
Cotroneo, Ross R. and Jack Dozier. "A Time of Disintegration: the Coeur D'Alene and the Dawes Act." Vol. V, No. 4 (October 1974): pp. 405-419.
43 | Exhibit 43
Coues, Elliott (ed). , Vol. II. New York: Francis P. Harper, 1897, pp. 526, 605, 621, 643-44, 672, 708-709, 711-14, 726, 767, 889, 891, 899, 907, and 909.
44 | Exhibit 44
Cox, Ross. . London: Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, 1831, pp. 249 and 261-264.
45 | Exhibit 45
Cox, Ross. "Adventures on the Columbia River." In , Vols. I & II, 1941, pp. 61-62.
46 | Exhibit 46
Cox, Ross. . Portland, Oregon: Binfords & Mort Publishers, n.d.
47 | Exhibit 47
Cox, Thomas R. "Tribal Leadership in Transition: Chief Peter Moctelme of the Coeur D'Alenes." Vol. 23, No. 1 (Spring 1979): pp. 2-9, 25-31.
48 | Exhibit 48
Crosby, Edward J. , n.p., n.d.
49 | Exhibit 49
Cross, Alden. "Indians Claim Ownership to Site of Post Falls Dam," , July 3, 1973, p. 1.
50 | Exhibit 50
Curtis, Edward S. , Vol. 7, pp. 53-62, 79-102. New York: Johnson Reprint Company, 1911 (reprint), pp. 53-62, 69, 71-72, 76, 79-102, and 165.
51 | Exhibit 51
Dahlgren, Dorothy, and Simone Carbonneau Kincaid. . Coeur d'Alene: Museum of North Idaho, 1991, pp. 127-128, 130-132, 138, and 150.
52 | Exhibit 52
Davenport, R. W. . Contributions to the hydrology of the United States, Water-Supply Paper 500-A. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1921, pp. 1-31.
53 | Exhibit 53
Debo, Angie. , pp. 301-302. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1970.
54 | Exhibit 54
De Luca Waide, Delores. . Harrison, Idaho: privately printed, n.d., pp. 2, 5, and 78.
55 | Exhibit 55
De Smet, Father Pierre Jean. "Missions of the Rocky Mountains." Vol. 7 (1846): pp. 347, 352-363, 368-369, and 372-375.
56 | Exhibit 56
De Smet, Father Pierre Jean. . Fairfield, Washington: Ye Galleon Press, 1985 (first published 1863), pp. 7-13, 24-32, 84-91, 119-121, and 130-133.
57 | Exhibit 57
De Smet, Father Pierre Jean. . Fairfield, Washington: Ye Galleon Press, 1978 (first published 1847), pp. X-XI, 22-25, 36-37, 44-45, 96-97, 106, 264-270, 274-275, and 278-281.
58 | Exhibit 58
De Smet, Father Pierre Jean. . Fairfield, Washington: Ye Galleon Press, 1986 (first published 1843), pp. 2, 6-7 and 10.
59 | Exhibit 59
De Smet, Father Pierre Jean. . Fairfield, Washington: Ye Galleon Press, 1985 (first published 1841).
60 | Exhibit 60
Diomedi, Alexander. . Fairfield, Washington: Ye Galleon Press, 1978 (originally published 1902), pp. 10, 28, 53-55, and 61-80.
61 | Exhibit 61
Dozier, Jack. "Chief Andrew Seltice--Protector of the Coeur d'Alene Indians," , November 11, 1962. Library and Archives. Cheney-Cowles Museum, Spokane, Washington.
62 | Exhibit 62
Dozier, Jack. "The Coeur D'Alene Indians in the War of 1858." Vol. V, No. 3 (Fall 1961): pp. 22-32.
63 | Exhibit 63
Dozier, Jack. "Coeur D'Alene Country: the Creation of the Coeur D'Alene Indian Reservation in North Idaho." (1962): pp. 1-7.
64 | Exhibit 64
Dozier, Jack. "History of the Coeur D'Alene Indians to 1900." M.A. Thesis, University of Idaho, 1962, pp. 7, 11, 13, 16-21, 25-33, 77-80, 87-91, 93-94, and 96.
65 | Exhibit 65
Dunbar, Seymour. . New York: Edward Eberstadt, 1927, pp. 61-62 and 68.
66 | Exhibit 66
Duncan, Kate C. "Images and Objects from Father DeSmet and the Indians of the Rocky Mountain West." (Summer, 1993): pp. 53-63, and 91.
67 | Exhibit 67
Fahey, John. , 1965.
68 | Exhibit 68
Feathers, Joseph J. S. . Lewiston, Idaho: Lewis-Clark State College Press, 1971, pp. xxiii-xxiv, 1-8, 11, 14-16, 44-45, 47-48, 50, 57, and 62-63.
69 | Exhibit 69
Fisher, Ron, and Charles R. Whitlock. . Coeur d'Alene, Idaho: Alpha Omega, Inc., 1983.
70 | Exhibit 70
Hilder, Frazer C. "Map of the Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation, Idaho." Office of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior: Washington, D. C., ca. 1910 [same as Exhibit #680].
71 | Exhibit 71
George, Oswald. "Historical MSS." Library and Archives. Cheney-Cowles Museum, Spokane, Washington, 1968.
72 | Exhibit 72
Glassley, Ray H. . Portland, Oregon: Binfords & Mort, 1953.
73 | Exhibit 73
Glover, Richard (ed.). . Toronto: The Champlain Society, 1962, pp. 267-270, 296, 299, 378, and 380.
74 | Exhibit 74
Goetzmann, William H. . New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1971, pp. 311-312.
75 | Exhibit 75
Gradon, Kerman D. and Harold A. Rands. "Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation. Township No. 47 North, Range No. 4 West of the Boise Meridian, Idaho" (Map). Surveyor General's Office, Boise, August 17, 1907.
76 | Exhibit 76
Greenough, W. Earl. "First 100 Years, Coeur D'Alene Mining Region, 1846-1946." An Address before the Montana section of the American Institute of Mining & Metallurgical Engineers. Mullan, Idaho: W. Earl Greenough, 1947, pp. 4-5.
77 | Exhibit 77
Hagan, William T. "United States Indian Policies, 1860-1900," Vol. 4. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1988, pp. 55 and 57.
78 | Exhibit 78
Hale, Janet Campbell. . New York: Random House, 1993, pp. 147-148.
79 | Exhibit 79
Harms, Su, ed. Vols. I-III (1937-1940) (July 1980). Plummer, Idaho: Serento Press, pp. 35, 47, 51, 56-57, 61-62, 83-86, 101, 110-111, 132, 134, 144-145, 147, 150-152, 157-59, 165, 170, 192-193, 198, 213, 220, 222, 232, 234, 237, 239-240, 245, 260, 279-81, 307-8, 319, 324-25, 357, 366-67 and 373.
80 | Exhibit 80
Hart. E. Richard. Fieldnotes. Interview with Father Thomas Connolly, July 26, 1993, Sacred Heart Mission, DeSmet, Idaho.
81 | Exhibit 81
Hart, E. Richard. Fieldnotes. Meeting with Coeur d'Alene Tribal Council (Norma Peone, Albert Garrick, Ernie Stensgar, Lawrence Aripa, Henry SiJohn, Margaret Jose) and their attorneys, Ray Givens and Howard Funke, also Public Affairs Officer Bob Bostwick. Then interview with Dixie Saxon at Heyburn State, May 12, 1993.
82 | Exhibit 82
Hart, E. Richard. Fieldnotes. Meeting with Coeur d'Alene Tribal Chairman Ernest Stensgar and Councilman Lawrence Aripa, with Hank Meshorer, July 26, 1993, Plummer, Idaho.
83 | Exhibit 83
Hart, E. Richard. Fieldnotes. Telephone interview with Father Thomas Connolly, Sacred Heart Mission, DeSmet, Idaho, May 5, 1993.
84 | Exhibit 84
Haskell, Susan H. Letter to T. J. Ferguson, August 31, 1993, enclosing accession information from Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology.
85 | Exhibit 85
Hill, Edward E. . Washington, D. C.: National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, 1981, pp. 135 and 146.
86 | Exhibit 86
Hodge, Frederick Webb, ed. , p. 594. Totowa, New Jersey: Rowman and Littlefield, 1975, p. 594.
87 | Exhibit 87
Hudson, L., S. Boswell, C. D. Carley, W. Choquette, C. Miss, D. H. Chance, and M. A. Stamper. . Sandpoint, Idaho: Cultural Resource Consultants, 1981, pp. 37-38, 40, 43, 51, 53-54, and 57.
88 | Exhibit 88
Hult, Ruby El. . Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1953, pp. 20-21, 23-24, 30, 72-73, 79, and 197-203.
89 | Exhibit 89
Hutton, May Arkwright. "The Coeur D'Alenes: a Tale of the Modern Inquisition in Idaho." in . Montgomery, James W. (ed.), Fairfield, Washington: Ye Galleon Press, 1974, pp. 156 and 173.
90 | Exhibit 90
Hutton, May Arkwright. . Denver, Colorado: The App Engraving and Printing Co., 1900.
91 | Exhibit 91
Idaho State. Chatq'ele' Interpretive Center at Rocky Point, Heyburn State Park (brochure), Idaho State Parks and Recreation, Boise, Idaho, n. d. [1993].
92 | Exhibit 92
Idaho State. . Charlottesville, Virginia: The Michie Company, 1993, p. 415.
93 | Exhibit 93
James, Elizabeth. "The Allotment Period on the Nez Perce Reservation: Encroachments, Obstacles, and Reactions." Vol. 37, No. 1 (1993): pp. 11-23.
94 | Exhibit 94
Johnson, Randall A. . n.p.: privately printed, 1972.
95 | Exhibit 95
Jones, Fred O. "A Valuation Study of the Mineral Resources of the Lands Ceded by the Coeur D'Alene Tribe of Indians on March 3, 1891." Expert Testimony submitted in behalf of the Coeur d'Alene Tribe, , Indian Claims Commission, Docket 81. Spokane, Washington, May, 1956.
96 | Exhibit 96
Josephy, Alvin M., Jr. . New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1974, p. 339.
97 | Exhibit 97
Josephy, Alvin M., Jr. . New Haven: Yale University Press, 1965, pp. 145-157.
98 | Exhibit 98
Joset, Joseph, S. J. Deposition. Territory of Idaho, County of Kootenai, District Court, April 6, 1887, Sacred Heart Mission Archives.
99 | Exhibit 99
Kappler, Charles Joseph. , 3 vols. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1904; Vol. I, pp. 272, 418-425, 835-837; Vol. III, pp. 203-205, 318-319, 326; 612, 616; including (27 Stat. 616), (33 Stat. 196), (34 Stat. 335) and (35 Stat. 78).
100 | Exhibit 100
Kip, Lawrence. . New York: Redfield, 1859, pp. 84-85.
101 | Exhibit 101
Kowrach, Edward J., and Thomas E. Connolly (eds.) . Fairfield, Washington: Ye Galleon Press, 1990, pp. 9-11, 13-20, 24-25, 27-40, 42-43, 56, 58-61, 63-68, 70-97, 99-156, 159-168, 173-192, 197-199, 202-204, 206-208, 210-218, 224-233, 235-255, 268, 274, 315-316, 321, 337-339, 348, 353 and 358.
102 | Exhibit 102
Lamar, Howard R (ed.). . New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1977, p. 136.
103 | Exhibit 103
Laurie, Clayton D. "The United States Army and the Coeur d'Alenes: Federal Military Intervention in the Mining Wars of 1892-1899." Vol. 37, No. 2 (Summer, 1993): pp. 12-29.
104 | Exhibit 104
Lewis, William S. (ed.). "The Sinclair Party--An Emigration Overland Along the Old Hudson Bay Company Route from Manitoba to the Spokane Country in 1854." Vol. VII, No. 3 (July, 1916): p. 195.
105 | Exhibit 105
Liljeblad, Sven. "Indian Peoples in Idaho." MSS., Idaho State College. University of Washington Archives, 1957, p. 27.
106 | Exhibit 106
Liljeblad, Sven. . Pocatello, Idaho: Idaho State University Museum, 1972.
107 | Exhibit 107
Livingston Little, D. E. "An Economic History of North Idaho, 1800-1900--Part I." Vol. II, No. 2 (April 1963): pp. 121-132.
108 | Exhibit 108
Livingston-Little, D. E. . Journal of the West: Lorrin L. Morrison and Carroll Spear Morrison Publishers, 1965.
109 | Exhibit 109
Magnuson, Richard G. , 1968, pp. 2-3, 6-15, 21, 46-47, 58-59, 78-81, 94-95, 124-127, 130-131, 151, and 187.
110 | Exhibit 110
Manring, Benjamin Franklin. . Spokane, Washington: Inland Printing Company, 1912.
111 | Exhibit 111
Matheson-Curtis, Donna. "Water Potato Day more than just another day off," . Series II, Volume IX, Issue X (November 5, 1993), p. 5.
112 | Exhibit 112
McCarl, Robert. "A Spatial Analysis of Coeur d'Alene Traditional Literature: Aquatic Culture and Cultural Survival Through Narrative." Institute of the NorthAmerican West, August 20, 1993.
113 | Exhibit 113
Mengarini, G., and George Gibbs. "Vocabulary." In . Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1877, pp. 267-282.
114 | Exhibit 114
Miller, Tom O., Jr. "Four Burials from the Coeur D'Alene Region, Idaho." Vol. XIX, No. 4 (April 1954): pp. 389-390.
115 | Exhibit 115
Miller, Tom O., Jr. "Archaeological Survey of Kootenai County, Northern Idaho." . Pocatello, Idaho; Vol. 2, No. 2 (Autumn, 1959): pp. 38-54.
116 | Exhibit 116
Miller, Christopher L. . New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1985, pp. 8-9, 12-16, 21, 23-25, 29-30, 35, 42-43, 45, 49-50, 103, 105, and 115-116.
117 | Exhibit 117
Montgomery, James W. . Fairfield, Washington: Ye Galleon Press, 1974.
118 | Exhibit 118
Mullan, Captain John. . New York: Arno Press, 1973 (originally published 1865), pp. 10-11, 18-19, 22-27, 32-33, 42-45, 50-51, 58-63, and 80-85.
119 | Exhibit 119
Murray, Alberta. . Fairfield, Washington: Ye Galleon Press, 1976, pp. 22, 53, 61, and 83.
120 | Exhibit 120
Needham, Gordon. "Needham Family Memoirs," . Fairfield, Washington: Ye Galleon Press, 1988.
121 | Exhibit 121
Nicodemus, Lawrence G. . Spokane, Washington: Coeur d'Alene Tribal Council, 1975, pp. 209, 247 and 351.
122 | Exhibit 122
Nicodemus, Lawrence G. . Spokane: Coeur d'Alene Tribal Council, 1975, pp. iii-v.
123 | Exhibit 123
Palladino, Lawrence. . Fairfield, Washington: Ye Galleon Press, 1967.
124 | Exhibit 124
Palmer, Gary B. "The Farm of Peter Vincent (Pierre Basa)," Sacred Heart Mission Archives, pp. 2-3.
125 | Exhibit 125
Palmer, Gary B. "The Language and Culture Approach in the Coeur d'Alene Language Preservation Project." , Vol. 47, No. 4 (Winter, 1988): pp. 307-317.
126 | Exhibit 126
Palmer, Gary B. "Mary Toto's Story." (1980). Plummer, Idaho.
127 | Exhibit 127
Palmer, Gary B. "'Where There Are Muskrats': the Semantic Structure of Coeur D'Alene Place Names." Vol. 32, no. Nos. 3-4 (1990): pp. 263-294.
128 | Exhibit 128
Palmer, Gary B., Thomas Connolly, and Lawrence Nicodemus. . Plummer, Idaho: Coeur d'Alene Tribe, 1987.
129 | Exhibit 129
Palmer, Gary B., Lawrence Nicodemus, and Lavinia Felsman. Plummer, Idaho: Coeur d'Alene Tribe, 1987, pp. 1-119, and 135-138.
130 | Exhibit 130
Pavesic, Max G., Mark G. Plew, and Roderick Sprague. , 1979.
131 | Exhibit 131
Peltier, Jerome. . Fairfield, Washington: Ye Galleon Press, 1983, pp. 16-21 and 26-32.
132 | Exhibit 132
Peltier, Jerome. . Fairfield, Washington: Ye Galleon Press, 1981, pp. 17-18, 20, 22-23, 26, 30-57, and 58-68.
133 | Exhibit 133
Peltier, Jerome. . Moscow, Idaho: Peltier Publications, 1975, pp. 9, 17-18, 21-24, 27, 29, 36-41, 71-77, and 80-81.
134 | Exhibit 134
Peltier, Jerome. . Montreal: Payette Radio Limited, 1971.
135 | Exhibit 135
Peterson, Jacqueline. . Washington State University: Norman, 1993, pp. 22-23, 44, 50, 56-57, 83, 97, 118-119, and 122-123.
Exhibits #136-#264Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 285
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Exhibit 136
Peterson, Jacqueline. "Sacred Enounters: Religion, Indians, and Non-Indians in the American and Canadian Rockies." Sacred Encounters: Indians, Non-Indians and Religion in the Canadian and American Northwest, 2nd Annual Symposium, Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest, Department of History, University of Washington, November 3, 1993.
2 | Exhibit 137
Point, Nicholas. Edited and translated by Joseph P. Donnelly. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967, pp. vii-xi, 1-9, 12, 14-16, 47-100, 174-175, 178, 180-181, and 263-274.
3 | Exhibit 138
Pupils of St. Ignatius Indian School. . St. Ignatius, Montana: St. Ignatius Indian School, 1886.
4 | Exhibit 139
Rabe, Fred W., and David C. Flaherty. . Moscow, Idaho: Idaho Research Foundation, Inc., 1974, pp. 10, 12, 30, 46-47,60-66, 81-81, and 85-86.
5 | Exhibit 140
Rands, Harold A. "Township No. 47 North, Range No. 4 West of the Boise Meridian, Idaho" (Map). Surveyor General's Office, Boise, July 22, 1901.
6 | Exhibit 141
Rands, Harold A. "Township No. 47 North, Range No. 4 West of the Boise Meridian, Idaho" (survey notes). Surveyor General's Office, Boise, July 22, 1901, copies from archives of General Land Office, Bureau of Land Management, Boise, Idaho.
7 | Exhibit 142
Rassier, Phillip J. . Boise: State of Idaho, 1978, pp. 40-41, 55, 65-66, 86-94, 119-120, 122-123, 129-130, 168, 183, and 188.
8 | Exhibit 143
Rassier, Phillip J. . Boise: State of Idaho, 1978, pp. 76, 79-80, and 123.
9 | Exhibit 144
Raufer, Sister Maria Ilma, O.P. . Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Company, 1966, pp. 78-79.
10 | Exhibit 145
Ray, Verne F. "Native Villages and Groupings of the Columbia Basin." Vol. XXVII, no. No. 2 (April 1936): pp. 104-105, 116, and 130-133.
11 | Exhibit 146
Ray, Verne F. . Los Angeles, 1939, pp. 2, 11-13, 18, 24-31, 35-36, 46, 50-54, 61-63, 66, 79, 81, 84, 88, 91, 95, 112, 115, 124, 137-138, and 140-143.
12 | Exhibit 147
Reichard, Gladys A. . Philadelphia: American Folklore Society, 1947, pp. 1-42, 51-53, 63-72, 98-109, 118-123, 132, 170-181, 192-193, 199-200, 202-207 and 209.
13 | Exhibit 148
Reichard, Gladys A. "Imagery in an Indian Vocabulary." Vol. XVIII, no. Number 2 (April 1943): pp. 96-102.
14 | Exhibit 149
Reichard, Gladys A. "The Style of Coeur D'Alene Mythology." In Verhandlungen Des XXIV. , edited by R. Grossmann and G. Antze, pp. 243-253. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruytey & Co., 1934.
15 | Exhibit 150
Robinson, Willard B. "Frontier Architecture." Vol. III, no. No. 4 (1959-1960).
16 | Exhibit 151
Royce, Charles C. "Indian Land Cessions in the United States." In , pp. 546-547, 866-869, 942-945, 948-949, Plate CXXIII. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1899.
17 | Exhibit 152
Ruby, Robert H., and John A. Brown. . Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1986.
18 | Exhibit 153
Rupar, Marilyn. . n.p., n.d.
19 | Exhibit 154
Russell, Lloyd, and Dorothy Clanton. . Harrison, Idaho: privately printed, 1990.
20 | Exhibit 155
Sanders, Helen Fitzgerald. . Seattle: The Alice Harriman Company, 1910, p. 123.
21 | Exhibit 156
Savage, Nancy L. . Moscow, Idaho: Idaho Water Resources Research Institute, University of Idaho, May, 1986.
22 | Exhibit 157
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. , 263. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1983.
23 | Exhibit 158
Schoenberg, Wilfred P. . Washington, D. C.: The Pastoral Press, 1987, pp. 97, 102-104, 108, 111, 241, and 246-247.
24 | Exhibit 159
Schoenberg, Wilfred P. . Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1982, pp. 25-27, 35, 40, 47, 58-61, 70-71, 73-74, 87, 97-98, 108-111, 149, 226, and 236.
25 | Exhibit 160
Schwantes, Carlos A. . Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1989, pp. 97-108, 117, 149, and 212-215.
26 | Exhibit 161
Scott, Hugh L. "Report on the Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation, Idaho." August 10, 1922. National Anthropological Archives. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.
27 | Exhibit 162
Seymour, Flora Warren. "Coeur d'Alene Indians, Idaho." October 10, 1929. National Anthropological Archives. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.
28 | Exhibit 163
Shane, Alfred E., and Betty J. Shane. "Coeur D'Alene Indian Cemeteries & Burial Grounds, 1844-1987, Benewah & Kootenai Counties, Idaho." MSS. Library of Congress, 1987.
29 | Exhibit 164
Spier, Leslie. "Tribal Distribution in Washington." . George Banta Publishing Company Agent: Menasha, Wisconsin. No. 3 (1936), pp. 5-11 and 40-43.
30 | Exhibit 165
St. Hilaire, S. J. "Sacred Heart Mission, Idaho; History Manuscript." Gonzaga University. Oregon Province Archives of the Society of Jesus, Spokane, Washington. Box 732 (Early History 1872-1911), pp. 1-26.
31 | Exhibit 166
Stevens, Harold D. "An Analysis of Coeur d'Alene Indian-White Interrelations." M.A. Thesis, University of Idaho, 1955, pp. 15, 55-56, 58, 100-102 and fig. 1.
32 | Exhibit 167
Stevens, Gov. Isaac Ingalls. (Edward J. Kowrach, ed.). Fairfield, Washington: Ye Galleon Press, 1978, pp. 23-66.
33 | Exhibit 168
Stevens, Gov. Isaac Ingalls. , "Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to Ascertain the Most Practicable and Economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean," Volume I, Washington: A. O. P. Nicholson Printer, 1855, pp. 147-152, 422 and 426; and Vol. XII, Book I. Washington: Thomas H. Ford, Printer, 1860, pp. 109, 130-135, 175, 179, 196, 200-202, 224, 254 and 344.
34 | Exhibit 169
Stoll, William T. . Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho Press, 1991.
35 | Exhibit 170
Swanton, John R. , pp. 411-412. Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1952.
36 | Exhibit 171
Teit, James A. "The Coeur d'Alene." In , edited by Franz Boas. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1930, pp. 25-26, 37-43, 46-94, 96, 101-102, 105-110, 113-129, 134-138, 162-163, 172-174, and 179.
37 | Exhibit 172
Teit, James A. "Coeur D'Alene Tales." In , edited by Franz Boas, New York: American Folk-Lore Society, 1917, pp. 19, 96-97, 119-128, and 181-183.
38 | Exhibit 173
Teit, James A. "The Thompson Indians of British Columbia." Vol. II (1900), pp. 191 and 251-256.
39 | Exhibit 174
Teit, James A., and Franz Boas. . Seattle, Washington: Shorey Book Store, 1973 (facsimile reproduction--see exhibit 171).
40 | Exhibit 175
Terrell, John Upton. . New York: The World Publishing Company, 1971, pp. 352-353 and 356-359.
41 | Exhibit 176
Thompson, Albert W. "Coeur D'Alene: the Names Applied to the Tribe and Lake." (1978), pp. 13-15.
42 | Exhibit 177
Todd, Ronald (ed). "Letters of Governor Isaac I. Stevens, 1857-1858." (October, 1940): 411-413.
43 | Exhibit 178
Thrapp, Dan L. . 3 Vols. Glendale, California: The Arthur H. Clark Company, 1988, p. 1032.
44 | Exhibit 179
Thwaites, Reuben Gold. . Vols. 4-6, New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1905; Vol. 4, Pt. II, pp. 363-365; Vol. 5, Pt. I, pp. 93-94; Vol. 6, Pt. I, p. 119.
45 | Exhibit 180
Tuohy, Donald R. "Horseshoes and Handstones: the Meeting of History and Prehistory at the Old Mission of the Sacred Heart." Vol. II, no. No. 2 (Summer 1958): pp. 21-27.
46 | Exhibit 181
Turney High, Harry Holbert. "Ethnography of the Kutenai." , Number 56 (1941), pp. 13, 22-25, 30-31, and 54-55.
47 | Exhibit 182
Tyler, S. Lyman. . Washington, D.C.: United States Department of the Interior, 1973, pp. 84-85, 91, and 95-98.
48 | Exhibit 183
United States. Congress. . 43rd Congress, 1st Session, pp. 774-775, 2089. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1874.
49 | Exhibit 184
United States. . 44th Congress, 1st Session, p. 4403. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1876.
50 | Exhibit 185
United States. . 48th Congress, 2nd Session, p. 1221. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1885.
51 | Exhibit 186
United States. . 49th Congress, 2nd Session, pp. 272, 305, 502, 825, 1203, 1244, 1565, 1576-1577, 1682, 1736, 1974, 2729-2731. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1886-1887.
52 | Exhibit 187
United States. . 50th Congress, 1st Session, pp. 19, 618, 693, 894, 1131, 2290, 2370, 3053, 4165, 4308, 4330, 4910. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1887-1888.
53 | Exhibit 188
United States. . 50th Congress, 1st Session, pp. 7153, 8643, 8754-8755, 8892. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1888.
54 | Exhibit 189
United States. . 51st Congress, 1st Session, pp. 212, 224,1645, 1899, 2775, 3757, 5769-5771, 5905, 8478-8479, 8840. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1889-90.
55 | Exhibit 190
United States. . 51st Congress, 2nd Session, pp. 966, 1525. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1891.
56 | Exhibit 191
United States. . 52nd Congress, 2nd Session, pp. 1170, 1173. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1893.
57 | Exhibit 192
United States. . 53rd Congress, 2nd Session, pp. 3197, 3261. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1894.
58 | Exhibit 193
United States. . 59th Congress, 2nd Session, pp. 1591-1592, 2265, 3715, 3831, 3972, 4590-4592. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1907.
59 | Exhibit 194
United States. . 60th Congress, 1st Session, pp. 137, 2111, 2531, 2627, 2658, 3253, 3378. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1907-1908.
60 | Exhibit 195
United States. . 61th Congress, 3rd Session, pp. 477. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1910.
61 | Exhibit 196
United States. . 96th Congress, 1st Session, pp. 11292 and 11304-11305. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1979.
62 | Exhibit 197
United States. Congress. House. . Ex. Doc. No. 44. 36th Congress, 2d Session. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1861.
63 | Exhibit 198
United States. Congress. House. . Ex. Doc. No. 102. 43d Congress, 1st Session. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1874.
64 | Exhibit 199
United States. Congress. House. . Ex. Doc. No. 178. 48th Congress, 2d Session. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1885.
65 | Exhibit 200
United States. Congress. House. . Report No. 3836. 49th Congress, 2d Session. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1887.
66 | Exhibit 201
United States. Congress. House. . Report No. 4133. 49th Congress 2d Session. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1887.
67 | Exhibit 202
United States. Congress. House. . Report No. 4134. 49th Congress, 2d Session. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1887.
68 | Exhibit 203
United States. Congress. House. . House Executive Document No. 63. 50th Congress, 1st Session. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1888.
69 | Exhibit 204
United States. Congress. House. . Report No. 1713. 50th Congress, 1st Session. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1888.
70 | Exhibit 205
United States. Congress. House. . Report No. 2988. 51st Congress, 1st Session. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1890.
71 | Exhibit 206
United States. Congress. House. . Report No. 1109. 51st Congress, 1st Session. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1890.
72 | Exhibit 207
United States. Congress. House. . Ex. Doc. No. 158. 53d Congress, 2nd Session. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1894.
73 | Exhibit 208
United States. Congress. Senate. "Department of the Pacific," . Senate Executive Document. 35th Congress, 2nd Session. Washington, D.C.: William A. Harris, 1859, pp. 346-349, 354-363, 369-399, 407, and 408-410.
74 | Exhibit 209
United States. Congress. Senate. . Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 43. 37th Congress, 3rd Session. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1863.
75 | Exhibit 210
United States. Congress. Senate. . Sen. Misc. Doc. No. 32. 43d Congress, 1st Session. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1874.
76 | Exhibit 211
United States. Congress. Senate. . Ex. Doc. No. 1. 47th Congress, 1st Session. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1881.
77 | Exhibit 212
United States. Congress. Senate. . Ex. Doc. No. 122. 49th Congress, 1st Session. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1886.
78 | Exhibit 213
United States. Congress. Senate. . Ex. Doc. No. 76. 50th Congress, 1st Session. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1888.
79 | Exhibit 214
United States. Congress. Senate. . Misc. Doc. No. 36. 50th Congress, 1st Session. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1888.
80 | Exhibit 215
United States. Congress. Senate. . Ex. Doc. No. 14. 51st Congress, 1st Session. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1889.
81 | Exhibit 216
United States. Congress. Senate. . Misc. Doc. No. 95. 51st Congress, 1st Session. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1890.
82 | Exhibit 217
United States. Congress. Senate. . Report No. 251. 60th Congress, 1st Session. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1908.
83 | Exhibit 218
United States. Congress. Senate. . Hearing on 1152 (and others). 96th Congress, 1st Session. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1980, pp. 37-40, 64, 72-74, and 76-78.
84 | Exhibit 219
United States. Congress (Statutes). , pp. 869-870. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1854.
85 | Exhibit 220
United States. Congress (Statutes). , pp. 133-154. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1885.
86 | Exhibit 221
United States. Congress (Statutes). , pp. 215-219, 989-991, 1027-1032. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1891.
87 | Exhibit 222
United States. Congress (Statutes). , pp. 120-122. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1893.
88 | Exhibit 223
United States. Congress (Statutes). , pp. 322-323. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1895.
89 | Exhibit 224
United States. Congress (Statutes). . Part 1, pp. 354-355. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1907.
90 | Exhibit 225
United States. Congress (Statutes). . Act of 1908, ch. 153 (35 Stat. 70). Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1910.
91 | Exhibit 226
United States. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Indian Affairs. . Billings, Montana: Planning Support Group, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1976, pp. 2, 5-8, 33-38, 45-47, 60, 65 and 77.
92 | Exhibit 227
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1866-67. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1867, pp. 190-192.
93 | Exhibit 228
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1867. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1868, pp. 417-420.
94 | Exhibit 229
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1868, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
95 | Exhibit 230
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1869, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
96 | Exhibit 231
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1870, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
97 | Exhibit 232
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1871, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
98 | Exhibit 233
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1872, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
99 | Exhibit 234
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1873, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, pp. 385, 392 and 527-532.
100 | Exhibit 235
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1874, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, pp. 367-368.
101 | Exhibit 236
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1875, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, p. 562.
102 | Exhibit 237
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1876, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, p. 614.
103 | Exhibit 238
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1877, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, pp. 405-413.
104 | Exhibit 239
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1878-79, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, pp. 625-626 and 744-747.
105 | Exhibit 240
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1879, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, p. 250
106 | Exhibit 241
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1880, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, pp. 275-276.
107 | Exhibit 242
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1881, Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, p. 219.
108 | Exhibit 243
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1882, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, pp. 213-214.
109 | Exhibit 244
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1883, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
110 | Exhibit 245
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1884, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, pp. 203-206 and 322-323.
111 | Exhibit 246
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1885, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
112 | Exhibit 247
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1886, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, pp. 108 and 449.
113 | Exhibit 248
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1887, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, pp. 29-30 and 287.
114 | Exhibit 249
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1888, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, pp. 323-324 and 442-443.
115 | Exhibit 250
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1889, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, pp. 21-22 and 282.
116 | Exhibit 251
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1890, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
117 | Exhibit 252
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1891, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
118 | Exhibit 253
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1892, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
119 | Exhibit 254
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1893, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, p. 720.
120 | Exhibit 255
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1894, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, p. 312.
121 | Exhibit 256
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1895, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, p. 590.
122 | Exhibit 257
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1896, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
123 | Exhibit 258
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1897, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
124 | Exhibit 259
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1898, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
125 | Exhibit 260
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1899, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
126 | Exhibit 261
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1900, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
127 | Exhibit 262
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1901, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
128 | Exhibit 263
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1902, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
129 | Exhibit 264
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1903, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
Exhibits #265-#519Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 286
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Exhibit 265
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1904-5, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
2 | Exhibit 266
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1906, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, pp. 213-214.
3 | Exhibit 267
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1907-8, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
4 | Exhibit 268
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1909, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
5 | Exhibit 269
United States. Department of the Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. "Annual Report," 1910, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
6 | Exhibit 270
United States. Department of the Interior. General Land Office. "Report of the Commissioner of the General Land-Office to the Secretary of the Interior for the Year 1873," 1873. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, pp. 141 and 144.
7 | Exhibit 271
United States. Department of the Interior. General Land Office. "Report of the Commissioner of the General Land-Office for the Year 1888," 1888. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, p. 446.
8 | Exhibit 272
United States. Department of the Interior. General Land Office. "Report of the Commissioner of the General Land-Office for the Fiscal Year Year Ended June 30, 1891," 1891. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, p. 352.
9 | Exhibit 273
United States. Department of the Interior. General Land Office. "Report of the Commissioner of the General Land-Office for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1892," 1892. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, p. 188.
10 | Exhibit 274
United States. Department of the Interior. General Land Office. "Report of the Commissioner of the General Land-Office for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1893," 1893. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, p. 333.
11 | Exhibit 275
United States. . Washington, D. .: Government Printing Office, 1912, p. 72.
12 | Exhibit 276
United States. Indian Claims Commission. "Findings of Fact." Docket No. 81, , 1955.
13 | Exhibit 277
United States. Indian Claims Commission. "Opinion." Docket No. 81, , 1955.
14 | Exhibit 278
United States. Secretary of the Interior. (reprint of Senate Executive Document 14, 51st Congress, 1st Session). Edited by Glen Adams. Fairfield, Washington: Ye Galleon Press, 1970.
15 | Exhibit 279
United States. Secretary of the Interior. . Fairfield, Washington: Ye Galleon Press, 1981, pp. 8, 10, and 63-69.
16 | Exhibit 280
Walker, Deward E., Jr. . Anthropological Monographs of the University of Idaho, Vol. 1, no. No. 2 (1971), Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, pp. 46-53, 100-104 and 177-206.
17 | Exhibit 281
Walker, Deward E., Jr. . Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho Press, 1980, pp. 61-102.
18 | Exhibit 282
Weibel, Geo. F. Rev. Joseph M. Cataldo, . Spokane: Gonzaga Quarterly, March 15, 1928, pp. 6 and 9.
19 | Exhibit 283
Wells, Merle W. (ed.). , Boise: Idaho Historical Society, n.d., pp. 3-7, 9-13, 22-24 and 26-27.
20 | Exhibit 284
White, C. Albert. . Bureau of Land Management: Washington, D. C., 1983, pp. 14, 29-30, 48, 59, 82, 90, 94, 112, 114-115, 119, 146, 161, 202, 441-442, 464-465, 501-510, 513, 523-524, and 595-681.
21 | Exhibit 285
White, Richard. , Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1991.
22 | Exhibit 286
Wickwire, Wendy. "Women in Ethnography: The Research of James A. Teit," Vol. 40, No. 4 (Fall 1993): p. 540.
23 | Exhibit 287
Wight, E. L., Mary Mitchell, and Marie Schmidt. . Portland, Oregon: Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1960.
24 | Exhibit 288
Wright, Robin K. (ed.) . Seattle, Washington: University of Washington Press, 1991.
25 | Exhibit 289
Wood, C. E. S. "Famous Indians. Portraits of Some Indian Chiefs," Vol. XLVI, N.S. Vol. X (1893): pp. 436-445.
26 | Exhibit 290
Wood, John V. . Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1984, pp. 4-8, 26-41.
27 | Exhibit 291
Work, John. . Memoir No. X. Victoria, B. C.: Archives of British Columbia, 1945.
28 | Exhibit 292
James O'Neil to Commissioner Price, June 22, 1881, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
29 | Exhibit 293
"The Catholic Mission Among the Coeur d'Alene Indians. Memoranda." Desmet, Idaho, July 23, 1925, Gonzaga University. Oregon Province Archives of the Society of Jesus, Spokane, Washington.
30 | Exhibit 294
Caruana, Joseph M., S. J. to N. B. [?]. MS 2/351, Idaho State Historical Society. Archives, Boise, Idaho.
31 | Exhibit 295
Downer to Commissioner, May 9, 1866, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 337, Letters Received, Idaho Superintendency, RG 75, National Archives.
32 | Exhibit 296
Ballard to Hough, September 18, 1866, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 337, Letters Received, Idaho Superintendency, RG 75, National Archives.
33 | Exhibit 297
Ballard to Cooley, November 20, 1866, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 337, Letters Received, Idaho Superintendency, RG 75, National Archives.
34 | Exhibit 298
Commissioner of General Land Office to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, July 18, 1867, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 337, Letters Received, Idaho Superintendency, RG 75, National Archives.
35 | Exhibit 299
Ballard to Taylor, October 9, 1867, with attachments, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 337, Letters Received, Idaho Superintendency, RG 75, National Archives.
36 | Exhibit 300
Chiefs of the Coeur d'Alene Nation to [Commissioner of Indian Affairs], November 18, 1872, Letters Received, Washington Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 912, RG 75, National Archives.
37 | Exhibit 301
Superintendent of the Washington Superintendency, R.H. Milroy to John A. Simms, December 14, 1872, Letters Received, Washington Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 912, RG 75, National Archives.
38 | Exhibit 302
Supt. of Indian Affairs, Washington Territory, to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, December 15, 1872, Letters Received, Washington Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 912, RG 75, National Archives.
39 | Exhibit 303
Wheaton [?] to Hon. H. W. Corbett, January 23, 1873, Letters Received, Washington Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 912, RG 75, National Archives.
40 | Exhibit 304
Surveyor General of Idaho to Commissioner of General Land Office, April 29, 1873, Letters Received, Washington Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 912, RG 75, National Archives.
41 | Exhibit 305
D. P. Thompson to Surveyor General, May 6, 1873, Letters Received, Washington Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 912, RG 75, National Archives.
42 | Exhibit 306
Acting Commissioner of the General Land Office to Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. P. Smith, May 31, 1873, Letters Received, Washington Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 912, RG 75, National Archives.
43 | Exhibit 307
Catholic Commissioner of Indian Missions Charles Ewing to Secretary of the Interior, June 5, 1873, Letters Received, Washington Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 912, RG 75, National Archives.
44 | Exhibit 308
Acting Secretary of the Interior to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, June 30, 1873, Letters Received, Washington Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 912, RG 75, National Archives.
45 | Exhibit 309
Smith to Shanks, July 1, 1873, Letters Sent by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, RG 75, Microfilm, M21, Roll 112, RG 75, National Archives.
46 | Exhibit 310
Bennett to Secretary of the Interior, April 10, 1873, Letters Received, Idaho Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 341, RG 75, National Archives.
47 | Exhibit 311
Bennett to Commissioner, May 21, 1873, Letters Received, Idaho Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 341, RG 75, National Archives.
48 | Exhibit 312
Bennett to Commissioner, June 4, 1873, Letters Received, Idaho Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 341, RG 75, National Archives.
49 | Exhibit 313
Shanks to Sec. of the Interior, enclosing agreement with Coeur d'Alene, August 1, 1873, Letters Received, Idaho Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 341, RG 75, National Archives.
50 | Exhibit 314
Shanks, Bennett and Monteith, Telegram, August 6, 1873, Letters Received, Washington Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 912, RG 75, National Archives.
51 | Exhibit 315
Monteith to Commissioner, August 6, 1873, Letters Received, Idaho Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 341, RG 75, National Archives.
52 | Exhibit 316
Dept. of Interior file notice, November 8, 1873, Letters Received, Washington Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 912, RG 75, National Archives.
53 | Exhibit 317
Andrew Seltice to Father J. B. Brouillet, translated by Father Cataldo (copy transmitted to Indian office), August 17, 1873, Letters Received, Washington Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 912, RG 75, National Archives.
54 | Exhibit 318
Father J. B. Brouillet to Andrew Seltis, Chief of the Coeur d'Alene, September 8, 1873, Letters Received, Washington Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 912, RG 75, National Archives.
55 | Exhibit 319
Shanks, Bennett, and Reed to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, November 17, 1873, Letters Received, Idaho Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 341, RG 75, National Archives.
56 | Exhibit 320
Acting Commissioner to Secretary of the Interior, December 4, 1873, Letters Received, Idaho Superintendency, Microfilm, M. 234, Roll 342, RG 75, National Archives.
57 | Exhibit 321
Brown to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, December 30, 1873, Letters Received, Washington Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 912, RG 75, National Archives.
58 | Exhibit 322
Contract, August 25, 1873, Letters Received, Washington Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 912, RG 75, National Archives. This contract was to survey the 1873 Executive Order Reservation.
59 | Exhibit 323
John B. Monteith to Edward P. Smith (C.I.A.), July 20, 1874, Letters Received, Idaho Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 342, RG 75, National Archives.
60 | Exhibit 324
O'Neil to Commissioner Price, June 22, 1881, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
61 | Exhibit 325
Simms to Commissioner Price, September 29, 1881, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
62 | Exhibit 326
John A. Simms, Colville Agency to Rev. J. B. A. Brouillet, December 22, 1881, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
63 | Exhibit 327
Simms to Commissioner, December 22, 1881, with attached clipping, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
64 | Exhibit 328
Simms to the Congressional Delegate from Idaho, December 24, 1881, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
65 | Exhibit 329
O'Neill to Ainslie, Delegate from Idaho, December 28, 1881, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
66 | Exhibit 330
Simms to Commissioner, June 25, 1882, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
67 | Exhibit 331
Simms to Commissioner, May 3, 1882, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
68 | Exhibit 332
Simms to Commissioner, October 4, 1882, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
69 | Exhibit 333
Price to Simms, February 9, 1882, Record Group 75, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Pacific Northwest Regional Repository, National Archives.
70 | Exhibit 334
Price to Simms, March 30, 1882, Record Group 75, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Pacific Northwest Regional Repository, National Archives.
71 | Exhibit 335
Price to Simms, July 15, 1882, Record Group 75, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Pacific Northwest Regional Repository, National Archives.
72 | Exhibit 336
Price to Simms, October 26, 1882, Record Group 75, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Pacific Northwest Regional Repository, National Archives.
73 | Exhibit 337
Brooks to Simms, August 7, 1880, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Box 5, Pacific Northwest Regional Federal Repository, National Archives.
74 | Exhibit 338
Commissioner to Simms, January 10, 1880, Record Group 75, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
75 | Exhibit 339
Price to Simms, September 9, 1882, Record Group 75, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
76 | Exhibit 340
Brooks to Simms, July 9, 1880, Record Group 75, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
77 | Exhibit 341
Brouillet to Price, August 20, 1881, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
78 | Exhibit 342
Commissioner to Simms, May 22, 1880, Record Group 75, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
79 | Exhibit 343
Simms, John A. "Notice!" July 26, 1881, Record Group 75, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
80 | Exhibit 344
Simms to Commissioner, July 31, 1882, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
81 | Exhibit 345
James Shinn to Secretary of Interior, November 15, 1882, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
82 | Exhibit 346
Commissioner McFarland of the General Land Office to Secretary of Interior Feller, November 6, 1882, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
83 | Exhibit 347
Secretary of War to Secretary of the Interior, April 5, 1882, with enclosures and clipping, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
84 | Exhibit 348
Brouillet to Commissioner, June 14, 1882, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
85 | Exhibit 349
"Agreement," January 1, 1883, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Box 18a, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
86 | Exhibit 350
Secretary of the Interior to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, May 11, 1883, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
87 | Exhibit 351
Seltise and eleven other Coeur d'Alene leaders, November 4, 1883, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
88 | Exhibit 352
Waters to Price, November 10, 1883, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
89 | Exhibit 353
Johnson, et. al., August 25, 1877, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
90 | Exhibit 354
Price et. al. to the Priests, Chief & Coeur d'Alene Indians, June 19, 1877, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
91 | Exhibit 355
Waters to Price, November 24, 1883, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
92 | Exhibit 356
Waters to Price, November 30, 1883, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
93 | Exhibit 357
Waters to Price, November 10, 1883, Record Group 75, Letters Received, National Archives.
94 | Exhibit 358
Stevens to Simms, June 13, 1883, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
95 | Exhibit 359
Price to Simms, July 24, 1883, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
96 | Exhibit 360
Price to Simms, July 25, 1883, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
97 | Exhibit 361
Price to Waters, November 24, 1883, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
98 | Exhibit 362
Price to Waters, April 30, 1883 (telegram), Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
99 | Exhibit 363
Price to Waters, March 20, 1884, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
100 | Exhibit 364
Waters to Price, March 29, 1884, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
101 | Exhibit 365
O'Neill to Waters, April 14, 1884, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
102 | Exhibit 366
Secretary of the Coeur d'Alene Steam Navigation Co. to Hon. J. N. Dolph, April 26, 1884, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
103 | Exhibit 367
Waters to Price, May 11, 1884, telegram, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
104 | Exhibit 368
Murphy to Waters, March 6, 1884, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
105 | Exhibit 369
Waters to Price, March 27, 1884, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
106 | Exhibit 370
Price to Waters, May 21, 1884, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
107 | Exhibit 371
T. F. Singisen, Delegate from the Territory of Idaho, to Secretary Teller, April 25, 1884, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
108 | Exhibit 372
Waters to Price, May 1, 1884, with three enclosures, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
109 | Exhibit 373
Waters to Price, June 26, 1884, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
110 | Exhibit 374
Waters to Price, June 26, 1884, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
111 | Exhibit 375
Price to Waters, July 12, 1884, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
112 | Exhibit 376
Andrew Seltice to Commissioner Price August 13, 1884, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
113 | Exhibit 377
Waters to Price, September 6, 1884, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
114 | Exhibit 378
Price to Waters, May 20, 1884, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
115 | Exhibit 379
Price to Waters, September 29, 1884, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
116 | Exhibit 380
Price to Waters, November 18, 1884, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
117 | Exhibit 381
Waters to Price, April 30, 1884, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
118 | Exhibit 382
C .C. Austin to Indian Office, May 3, 1884, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
119 | Exhibit 383
Baker to Waters, June 20, 1884, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
120 | Exhibit 384
Waters to Price, June 26, 1884, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
121 | Exhibit 385
General Land Office to Indian Office, October 9, 1884, Register of Letters Received (entry of October 13, 1884), Record Group 75, National Archives.
122 | Exhibit 386
Waters to Price, November 17, 1884, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
123 | Exhibit 387
Sexton to Waters, December 8, 1884, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
124 | Exhibit 388
Waters to Finance Division, December 27, 1884, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
125 | Exhibit 389
Waters to Price, April 11, 1884, with enclosure, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
126 | Exhibit 390
Price to Waters, January 2, 1884, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
127 | Exhibit 391
Price to Waters, March 19, 1884, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
128 | Exhibit 392
Price to Waters, April 23, 1884, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
129 | Exhibit 393
Acting Secretary to Commissioner, February 15, 1884, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
130 | Exhibit 394
Price to Waters, February 20, 1884, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
131 | Exhibit 395
Price to Waters, February 23, 1884, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
132 | Exhibit 396
Price to Waters, March 21, 1884, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
133 | Exhibit 397
Stevens to Waters, May 28, 1884, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
134 | Exhibit 398
Price to Waters, July 14, 1884, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
135 | Exhibit 399
Waters to Price, January 21, 1884, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
136 | Exhibit 400
A. F. McLeod to Secretary of the Interior, June 25, 1884, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
137 | Exhibit 401
O'Neill to Waters, March 20, 1885, and enclosure, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
138 | Exhibit 402
Waters to Price, March 26, 1885, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
139 | Exhibit 403
Commissioner to Waters, May 14, 1885, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
140 | Exhibit 404
Price to Waters, February 26, 1885, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
141 | Exhibit 405
Price to Secretary of the Interior, February 4, 1885, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
142 | Exhibit 406
Price to Waters, March 14, 1885, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
143 | Exhibit 407
Waters to Price, April 2, 1885, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
144 | Exhibit 408
John A. Simms to Atkins, April 28, 1885, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
145 | Exhibit 409
Waters to Atkins, April 18, 1885, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
146 | Exhibit 410
Many Citizens to General Land Office, September 13, 1885, enclosing map, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
147 | Exhibit 411
Upshaw to Moore, November 6, 1885, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
148 | Exhibit 412
Hayden v. Frost, et al, Idaho Territorial Court; March, 1887; Sacred Heart Mission Archives.
149 | Exhibit 413
Reed to Vorhees, December 26, 1885, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
150 | Exhibit 414
McFarland to Atkins, May 14, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
151 | Exhibit 415
R. E. McFarland to Commissioner J. D. C. Atkins, June 1, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
152 | Exhibit 416
Atkins to Moore, January 6, 1886, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
153 | Exhibit 417
Atkins to Moore, March 11, 1886, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
154 | Exhibit 418
Sec. of War to Sec. of Interior, July 3, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
155 | Exhibit 419
McFarland to Sec. Atkins, June 28, 1886, submitting various affidavits, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
156 | Exhibit 420
Affidavit of George McCabe, June 24, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
157 | Exhibit 421
Affidavit of Robert E. McFarland, June 28, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
158 | Exhibit 422
Affidavit of Charles Smith, December 19, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
159 | Exhibit 423
Affidavit of Silas Greestable, June 22, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
160 | Exhibit 424
Upshaw to Moore, May 24, 1886, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
161 | Exhibit 425
Moore to Atkins, March, 1886, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
162 | Exhibit 426
Lazelle to Adjutant General, July 27, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
163 | Exhibit 427
Secretary of War to Secretary of Interior, August 9, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
164 | Exhibit 428
1st Asst. Secretary of the Interior, Note to File, August 11, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
165 | Exhibit 429
F. Holmes, Resident Farmer to Gwydir, August 14, 1888, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
166 | Exhibit 430
"Agreement" (with attached departmental objections), December 29, 1886, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
167 | Exhibit 431
Commissioner to Moore, December 9, 1886, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
168 | Exhibit 432
Upshaw to Moore, October 25, 1886, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
169 | Exhibit 433
Secretary to Commissioner, October 18, 1886, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
170 | Exhibit 434
Commissioner to Moore, July 28, 1886, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
171 | Exhibit 435
Secy. of the Wash. & Idaho RR Co. to Moore, July 20, 1886, with enclosures, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
172 | Exhibit 436
Atkins to Moore, August 4, 1886, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
173 | Exhibit 437
Lamar to Sec. of War, May 14, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
174 | Exhibit 438
Atkins to Secretary of the Interior, May 12, 1886, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
175 | Exhibit 439
Lamar to Secretary of War, May 14, 1886, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
176 | Exhibit 440
O'Neill to Moore, January 2, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
177 | Exhibit 441
Colville Agent Benjamin P. Moore to Commissioner Atkins, January 4, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
178 | Exhibit 442
Moore to Atkins, March 20, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
179 | Exhibit 443
Moore to Atkins, March 26, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
180 | Exhibit 444
Morris to Moore, November 17, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
181 | Exhibit 445
Atkins to Moore, December 17, 1886, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
182 | Exhibit 446
Atkins to Moore, January 25, 1886, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
183 | Exhibit 447
Upshaw to Moore, September 22, 1886, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
184 | Exhibit 448
Morris to Land Commissioner of U.S., November 17, 1886, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
185 | Exhibit 449
Representative Hailey (Idaho) to Indian Office, May 17, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
186 | Exhibit 450
Notes relative to responding to a Senate Resolution, (1886), Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
187 | Exhibit 451
Saltice to O'Neill, March 8, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
188 | Exhibit 452
O'Neill to Moore, March 13, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
189 | Exhibit 453
Moore to Atkins, March 25, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
190 | Exhibit 454
Seltice et. al. to Secretary of the Interior, November 29, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
191 | Exhibit 455
Atkins to Moore, April 16, 1886, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
192 | Exhibit 456
Upshaw to Moore, October 23, 1886, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
193 | Exhibit 457
Moore to Atkins enclosing newspaper clipping, April 16, 1886, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
194 | Exhibit 458
Moore to Atkins, April 13, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
195 | Exhibit 459
Atkins to Moore, March 18, 1887, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
196 | Exhibit 460
Atkins to Gwydir, June 4, 1887, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
197 | Exhibit 461
Gwydir to Commissioner, August 19, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
198 | Exhibit 462
Cook, Gleason and Harrington to Secretary Lamar, April 30, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
199 | Exhibit 463
Gwydir to Atkins, May 14, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
200 | Exhibit 464
Gwydir to Atkins, telegram, May 14, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
201 | Exhibit 465
Resident Farmer to Moore, May 4, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
202 | Exhibit 466
Trespassing on Coeur d'Alene Reservation, File 2889, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General (Main Series) 1881-1889, Microfilm Roll 533, Record Group 75, National Archives.
203 | Exhibit 467
Secretary of War to Secretary of the Interior, May 18, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
204 | Exhibit 468
Secretary of War to Indian Office, July 14, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
205 | Exhibit 469
Atkins to Gwydir, June 1, 1887, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
206 | Exhibit 470
Carlin to Asst. Adj. General, August 1, 1887, with map, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
207 | Exhibit 471
Straughan to Sparks, August 10, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
208 | Exhibit 472
Straughan to Carlin at Fort Sherman, August 10, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
209 | Exhibit 473
Secretary of War to Secretary of the Interior, September 10, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
210 | Exhibit 474
Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs A. B. Upshaw to Secretary of the Interior, October 24, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
211 | Exhibit 475
Gwydir to Atkins, October 27, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
212 | Exhibit 476
Commissioner Sparks to Secretary of Interior L. Q. C. Lamar, November 11, 1887, and attached maps, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
213 | Exhibit 477
Commissioner Sparks to Secretary Lamar, November 11, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
214 | Exhibit 478
Upshaw to Gwydir, August 9, 1887, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
215 | Exhibit 479
Atkins to Gwydir, December 15, 1887, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
216 | Exhibit 480
Col. William P. Carlin to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, December 19, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
217 | Exhibit 481
Cockrell to Atkins, February 24, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
218 | Exhibit 482
B. Henley (House of Reps.) to Indian Office, February 1, 1887, Register of Letters Received (entry of February 2, 1887) Record Group 75, National Archives.
219 | Exhibit 483
Cockrell to Atkins, April 4, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
220 | Exhibit 484
Saltice to Wright, et. al., April 2, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
221 | Exhibit 485
Wright, et. al. to Atkins, April 13, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
222 | Exhibit 486
George Harvey, License to Trade at Coeur d'Alene, January 25, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
223 | Exhibit 487
Nelson Martin to Secretary of the Interior, June 27, 1887, telegram, and notes to file, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
224 | Exhibit 488
Moore to Atkins, January 28, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
225 | Exhibit 489
King to Acting Commissioner, June 2, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
226 | Exhibit 490
Moore to Atkins, January 28, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
227 | Exhibit 491
Secretary of the Interior to Commissioner, September 13, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
228 | Exhibit 492
Rickard D. Gwydir to J. D. C. Atkins, November 22, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
229 | Exhibit 493
Atkins to Gwydir, July 8, 1887, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
230 | Exhibit 494
Hawkins to Moore, May 6, 1887, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
231 | Exhibit 495
Lamar to Commissioner, June 30, 1887, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
232 | Exhibit 496
King to Hawkins, June 2, 1887, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
233 | Exhibit 497
Atkins to Moore, January, 19, 1887, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
234 | Exhibit 498
"The Diary of DeSmet Mission, Idaho from 1878 to 193(9)," Box 730, House Diaries, 1878-1944, Gonzaga University. Oregon Province Archives of the Society of Jesus, Spokane, Washington.
235 | Exhibit 499
Gwydir to Atkins, June 24, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
236 | Exhibit 500
Saltese et. al. to Asst. Commissioner Upshaw, August 16, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
237 | Exhibit 501
Mullan to Lamar, February 18, 1887, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
238 | Exhibit 502
Atkins to Gwydir, September 29, 1887, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
239 | Exhibit 503
Upshaw to Gwydir, June 9, 1888, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
240 | Exhibit 504
Upshaw to Gwydir, July 25, 1888, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
241 | Exhibit 505
Secretary to Gwydir, October 1, 1888, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
242 | Exhibit 506
Commissioner to Gwydir, December 8, 1888, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
243 | Exhibit 507
Palmer to Atkins, January 16, 1888, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
244 | Exhibit 508
Atkins to Gwydir, March 26, 1888, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
245 | Exhibit 509
Commissioner to Gwydir, April 19, 1888, telegram, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
246 | Exhibit 510
F. Holmes, Resident Farmer to Gwydir, August 14, 1888, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
247 | Exhibit 511
Gwydir to Commissioner, August 28, 1888, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
248 | Exhibit 512
Atkins to Gwydir, January 10, 1888, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
249 | Exhibit 513
Seltice, et. al., to President Harrison, April 30, 1889, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
250 | Exhibit 514
Acting Commissioner to Gwydir, April 24, 1889, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
251 | Exhibit 515
Cataldo to Mullan, May 10, 1889, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
252 | Exhibit 516
Note to File, Executive Mansion, The President, 1889, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
253 | Exhibit 517
Charles Hoffman to Secretary of the Interior, May 4, 1889, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
254 | Exhibit 518
Hobbs to Secretary of the Interior, July 3, 1889, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
255 | Exhibit 519
Hon. J. N. Dolph to Secretary of the Interior, August 11, 1889, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
Exhibits #520-#733Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 287
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Exhibit 520
Manderson to Secretary of the Interior, December 4, 1889, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
2 | Exhibit 521
James Ballard, homestead entry, September 17, 1889, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
3 | Exhibit 522
Cole to Commissioner, October 5, 1889, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
4 | Exhibit 523
Note to File, May 31, 1889, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
5 | Exhibit 524
Gwydir to Indian Office, April 5, 1889, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
6 | Exhibit 525
Frederick Post to Indian Office, September 28, 1889, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
7 | Exhibit 526
Acting Commissioner to Cole, September 19, 1889, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
8 | Exhibit 527
Gwydir to Commissioner, May 4, 1889, enclosing Holmes to Gwydir, March 20, 1889, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
9 | Exhibit 528
Morgan to Cole, July 8, 1889, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
10 | Exhibit 529
Commissioner Morgan to Secretary of the Interior, December 7, 1889, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
11 | Exhibit 530
Report of the Coeur d'Alene Indian Commission, September, 1889, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
12 | Exhibit 531
Transcript of Coeur d'Alene Indian Commission Councils with the tribe, 1889, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
13 | Exhibit 532
Receipt, January 25, 1889, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
14 | Exhibit 533
Morgan to Cole, August 5, 1889, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
15 | Exhibit 534
Morgan to Cole, August 6, 1889, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
16 | Exhibit 535
Simpson to Commissioner, August 8, 1889, telegram, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
17 | Exhibit 536
Shupe to Mitchell, August 31, 1889, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
18 | Exhibit 537
Mitchell to Simpson, September 4, 1889, telegram, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
19 | Exhibit 538
Mitchell to Commissioner, September 4, 1889, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
20 | Exhibit 539
Simpson, Shoup and Humphrey to Commissioner, September 11, 1889, telegram, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
21 | Exhibit 540
Simpson, et. al., to Commissioner Morgan, September 11, 1889, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
22 | Exhibit 541
Mitchell to Indian Office (note to file), January 28, 1890, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
23 | Exhibit 542
Morgan to Cole, May 6, 1890, Letters Received, Colville Agency, RG 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
24 | Exhibit 543
Morgan to Cole, June 28, 1890, Letters Received, Colville Agency, RG 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
25 | Exhibit 544
Parker to Ingalls, March 16, 1890, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
26 | Exhibit 545
Lee to President Harrison, May 9, 1890, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
27 | Exhibit 546
Eleanor Lee to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, March 16, 1891, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
28 | Exhibit 547
Gildea to Cole, April 21, 1890, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
29 | Exhibit 548
Notes to file, 1890, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
30 | Exhibit 549
Conner to Commissioner of General Land Office, June 20, 1890, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
31 | Exhibit 550
Conner to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, June 20, 1890, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
32 | Exhibit 551
Thom to Secretary of the Interior, July 18, 1890, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
33 | Exhibit 552
Thompson to Post Adjutant, August 22, 1890, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
34 | Exhibit 553
Morgan to Cole, July 5, 1890, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
35 | Exhibit 554
Act'g Commissioner to Cole, November 15, 1890, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
36 | Exhibit 555
Acting Commissioner to Cole, October 1, 1890, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
37 | Exhibit 556
Secretary of the Interior John W. Noble to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, June 27, 1890, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
38 | Exhibit 557
Belt to McCammon, May 10, 1890, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
39 | Exhibit 558
Mullan to Gildea, May 15, 1890, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
40 | Exhibit 559
Acting Commissioner to Cole, October 11, 1890, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
41 | Exhibit 560
Acting Commissioner to Cole, December 24, 1891, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
42 | Exhibit 561
Acting Commissioner to Cole, August 28, 1891, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
43 | Exhibit 562
Acting Commissioner to Cole, August 6, 1891, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
44 | Exhibit 563
Acting Commissioner to Cole, May 27, 1891, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
45 | Exhibit 564
Acting Commissioner to Cole, June 8, 1891, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
46 | Exhibit 565
Acting Commissioner to Cole, March 28, 1891, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
47 | Exhibit 566
Acting Commissioner to Cole, March 17, 1891, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
48 | Exhibit 567
Morgan to Cole, June 26, 1891, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
49 | Exhibit 568
Morgan to Cole, June 30, 1891, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
50 | Exhibit 569
Commissioner Morgan to Secretary of the Interior, November 4, 1891, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
51 | Exhibit 570
Cole to Commissioner, October 24, 1891, enclosing certificate approving the census roll, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
52 | Exhibit 571
Seltice et. al., October 21, 1891, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
53 | Exhibit 572
Mullan to Indian Office, October 6, 1891, with enclosures, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
54 | Exhibit 573
Commissioner to Quin a mo sey, August 27, 1891, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
55 | Exhibit 574
Morgan to Cole, October 10, 1891, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
56 | Exhibit 575
Morgan to Cole, November 7, 1891, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
57 | Exhibit 576
Acting Commissioner to Cole, December 14, 1891, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
58 | Exhibit 577
Wells to Secretary of the Interior, June 17, 1891, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
59 | Exhibit 578
Morgan to Cole, February 9, 1892, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
60 | Exhibit 579
H. W. Desgrangers, Editor of the Spokane Enterprise, January 25, 1892, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
61 | Exhibit 580
Morgan to Cole, March 16, 1892, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
62 | Exhibit 581
Morgan to Cole, March 16, 1892, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
63 | Exhibit 582
Franklin to Cole, March 21, 1892, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
64 | Exhibit 583
A. A. Crane for the People of Harrison to President Harrison, September 4, 1891, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives. The local historical society in Harrison is named for Crane.
65 | Exhibit 584
Secretary to Commissioner, Sept. 21, 1891, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
66 | Exhibit 585
First Assistant Secretary to Secretary, September 18, 1891, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
67 | Exhibit 586
Morgan to Cole, October 15, 1891, Letters Received, Colville Agency, RG 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
68 | Exhibit 587
Cole to Commissioner, October 9, 1891, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
69 | Exhibit 588
Note to File, Cole, November, 12, 1891, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
70 | Exhibit 589
Cole to Commissioner, November 12, 1891, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
71 | Exhibit 590
Latham to Secretary of the Interior, February 26, 1892, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
72 | Exhibit 591
Secretary to Commissioner, March 19, 1893, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
73 | Exhibit 592
Cole to Commissioner, May 7, 1892, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
74 | Exhibit 593
Secretary to Commissioner, July 26, 1892, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
75 | Exhibit 594
Morgan to Cole, July 30, 1892, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
76 | Exhibit 595
Budlong to Cole, August 26, 1892, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
77 | Exhibit 596
Secretary of the Interior to Commissioner, March 18, 1893, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
78 | Exhibit 597
Cole to Commissioner, September 24, 1892, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
79 | Exhibit 598
Commissioner to Secretary, December 15, 1892, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
80 | Exhibit 599
Commissioner to Smith, July 20, 1893, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
81 | Exhibit 600
Commissioner to Bubb, August 11, 1893, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
82 | Exhibit 601
Commissioner to Smith, August 11, 1893, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
83 | Exhibit 602
Secretary to Commissioner, July 21, 1893, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
84 | Exhibit 603
Notes to File, July 14, 1893, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
85 | Exhibit 604
Bubb and Hartman to Commissioner, October 28, 1893, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
86 | Exhibit 605
Seltice et. al. to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, November, 1893, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
87 | Exhibit 606
Bubb to Commissioner, November 3, 1893, enclosing his drafted, but unsigned cession agreement, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
88 | Exhibit 607
Seltice et. al., to Commissioner, December 18, 1893, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
89 | Exhibit 608
Secretary to Commissioner, December 15, 1893, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
90 | Exhibit 609
Browning to Lane, December 21, 1893, with enclosure, Letters Received, Colville Agency, Record Group 75, Pacific Northwest Regional Archives; Seattle, Washington; National Archives.
91 | Exhibit 610
Lane to Commissioner, January 1, 1894, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," February 2, 1894, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
92 | Exhibit 611
Transcript of proceedings, February 6, 1894, DeSmet, Idaho, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
93 | Exhibit 612
Lane to Commissioner, February 10, 1894, "Harrison Townsite on Coeur d'Alene Reservation," Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
94 | Exhibit 613
"Agreement concluded on the 7th day of February, 1894 between John Lane, Special United States Indian Agent, on the part of the United States, and the Indians of the Coeur d'Alene Reservation in the State of Idaho," Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
95 | Exhibit 614
Lane to Commissioner, February 12, 1894, telegram, Special Case No. 200, Record Group 75, National Archives.
96 | Exhibit 615
Seltice et. al. to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, May 14, 1894, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
97 | Exhibit 616
Seltice et. al. to President Cleveland, May 14, 1894, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
98 | Exhibit 617
Bubb to Commissioner, June 14, 1894, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
99 | Exhibit 618
Bubb to Commissioner, August 23, 1894, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
100 | Exhibit 619
Seltice et. al. to Commissioner, June 11, 1894, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
101 | Exhibit 620
Bubb to Commissioner, July 27, 1895, with enclosure, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
102 | Exhibit 621
Smith to Newman, April 19, 1897, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
103 | Exhibit 622
Secretary of War to Secretary of the Interior, June 26, 1899, telegram, with attachments, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
104 | Exhibit 623
Anderson to Commissioner, November 16, 1899, with enclosure, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
105 | Exhibit 624
Anderson to Commissioner, December 17, 1898, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
106 | Exhibit 625
William T. S. Curtis to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, April 7, 1902, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
107 | Exhibit 626
Tonner to Colville, October 2, 1902. Letters Received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Colville Agency, RG 75, Box 14, Pacific Northwest Regional Repository, National Archives.
108 | Exhibit 627
Tonner to Anderson, August 8, 1902. Letters Received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Colville Agency, Pacific Northwest Regional Repository, RG 75, Box 18A, National Archives.
109 | Exhibit 628
Anderson to the Secretary, St . Joe Boom Co., May 28, 1903, Letters Received fromthe Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Colville Agency, Pacific Northwest Regional Repository, RG 75, Box 18A, National Archives.
110 | Exhibit 629
Anderson to the St. Joe Boom Co., June 4, 1903, Letters Received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Colville Agency, Pacific Northwest Regional Repository, RG 75, Box 18A, National Archives.
111 | Exhibit 630
Dorchester, Daniel. "DeSmet Ind. Bd. & School," 1890, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
112 | Exhibit 631
Jones to Anderson, December 5, 1903, Letters Received from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Colville Agency, Pacific Northwest Regional Repository, RG 75, Box 18A, National Archives.
113 | Exhibit 632
Coeur d'Alene Indians, Petition, February 12, 1902, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
114 | Exhibit 633
Worley and Sams to Commissioner, January 11, 1909, Letters Received, RG 75, National Archives; exhibit copy from , Civ. Nos. 1-76-231, 77-2058.
115 | Exhibit 634
Worley, Sams and Wallace to Commissioner, January 16, 1909, Letters Received, RG 75, National Archives; exhibit copy from , Civ. Nos. 1-76-231, 77-2058.
116 | Exhibit 635
Acting Commissioner to Secretary of the Interior, January 29, 1909, Letters Received, RG 75, National Archives; exhibit copy from , Civ. Nos. 1-76-231, 77-2058.
117 | Exhibit 636
Hauke to Commissioner of the General Land Office, March 23, 1910, Letters Received, RG 75, National Archives; exhibit copy from , Civ. Nos. 1-76-231, 77-2058.
118 | Exhibit 637
Secretary to Governor of Idaho, n.d., Letters Received, RG 75, National Archives; exhibit copy from , Civ. Nos. 1-76-231, 77-2058.
119 | Exhibit 638
Heyburn to Garfield, January 6, 1909, telegram, Letters Received, RG 75, National Archives; exhibit copy from , Civ. Nos. 1-76-231, 77-2058.
120 | Exhibit 639
Coeur d'Alene Tribal Council. "Origins of Heyburn State Park: Fact Sheet," Plummer, Idaho, [1981].
121 | Exhibit 640
"Decision Pleases Tribe," newspaper clipping, March 6, 1976, "Chr," Library and Archives. Cheney-Cowles Museum, Spokane, Washington.
122 | Exhibit 641
"Tribe Considers Changes in Park," , March 6, 1976, Library and Archives. Cheney-Cowles Museum, Spokane, Washington.
123 | Exhibit 642
"Tribe Wants it Back," newspaper clipping, June 18, 1975, "Chr," Library and Archives. Cheney-Cowles Museum, Spokane, Washington.
124 | Exhibit 643
"$14 Million Park. Heyburn future unclear," , September 5, 1975, Library and Archives. Cheney-Cowles Museum, Spokane, Washington.
125 | Exhibit 644
"Heyburn Cabins to Lose Leases," newspaper clipping, March 9, 1976, "Chr," Library and Archives. Cheney-Cowles Museum, Spokane, Washington.
126 | Exhibit 645
Shanks to Sec. of the Interior, enclosing agreement with Coeur d'Alene, August 1, 1873, Letters Received, Idaho Superintendency, Microfilm, M 234, Roll 341, National Archives.
127 | Exhibit 646
"Agreement," Letters Received, #26974, 1889, Record Group 75, National Archives.
128 | Exhibit 647
Jesuit Archives, Missouri Province, St. Louis; DeSmetiana Nos. IX C8, #13, #27, #28, #34 (sides one and two), and #37.
129 | Exhibit 648
United States, Indian Claims Commission. "Commission Findings." In . New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1974, pp. 304, 308-310, 313, 326 and 328.
130 | Exhibit 649
24 Stats., 44. 49th Congress, 1st Session, Chas. 333, p. 44.
131 | Exhibit 650
Peacock, Eldred G. "Early Idaho Panhandle Doctor Reached Patients on Horseback, Boats and Rails," , Vol. 23, No. 1 (Winter, 1979), pp. 1-15.
132 | Exhibit 651
36 Stat. 2494.
133 | Exhibit 652
35 Stat., 70.
134 | Exhibit 653
35 Stat., 78-79.
135 | Exhibit 654
Rossi, Jeremiah. "Rocky Mountains." , Vol. 17 No. 1 (1887): pp. 73-81.
136 | Exhibit 655
, 566 F. Supp. 15, 1982.
137 | Exhibit 656
72 Stat., 121.
138 | Exhibit 657
"Coeur d'Alene Indians to Share Big Cash Grant," , August 16, 1959 (copy from Cheney Cowles Museum).
139 | Exhibit 658
86 Stat. 788.
140 | Exhibit 659
26 Stat. 1029-1030.
141 | Exhibit 660
28 Stat. 322-323.
142 | Exhibit 661
United States. General Accounting Office. "Report Re: Petition of the Coeur d'Alene Tribe of Indians, Indian Claims Commission, No. 81," n. d., Records of the Indian Claims Commission, Record Group 279, National Archives.
143 | Exhibit 662
Clum to Secretary of the Interior, December 4, 1873, Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Letters Received, 1874, Idaho, I 46, National Archives.
144 | Exhibit 663
Secretary of the Interior to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, January 14, 1874, Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Letters Received, 1874, Idaho, I 46, National Archives.
145 | Exhibit 664
Arrington, Leonard J. . Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho Press, 1994; Vol. 1, pp. 420-421; Vol. 2, pp. 349-352.
146 | Exhibit 665
Callister, Marion J. "Order" and "Memorandum," , Civ. No. 77-2058, November 8, 1979.
147 | Exhibit 666
Brody, Paul. "Map Accompanying the report of Lieut. Col. H. M. Lazelle. U. S. Army Actg. Inspector General," August 12, 1886, Map #1255, Record Group 75, National Archives.
148 | Exhibit 667
Hilder, Frazer C. "Map of Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation, Idaho," Department of the Interior, 1911, Map #8871, Record Group 75, National Archives.
149 | Exhibit 668
Hilder, Frazer C. "Map of Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation, Idaho," Department of the Interior, 1911, Map #8872, Record Group 75, National Archives.
150 | Exhibit 669
Hilder, Frazer C. "Map of Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation, Idaho," Department of the Interior, 1911, Record Group 75, National Archives.
151 | Exhibit 670
Hilder, Frazer C. "Map of Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation, Idaho," Department of the Interior, n. d. [1911], Forestry and Grazing, Idaho, Coeur d'Alene, Record Group 75, National Archives.
152 | Exhibit 671
Williamson, Chas. H. "Official Map of Coeur d'Alene Gold Mines," W. B. Ayer & Co., 1884, Map #899, Record Group 75, National Archives.
153 | Exhibit 672
Coeur d'Alene Tribal GIS. "Coeur d'Alene Tribal Lands," July 13, 1993.
154 | Exhibit 673
Surveyor General for Idaho. "Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation: Township No. 46 North, Range No. 3 West," Boise, 1907, Boise BLM Archives.
155 | Exhibit 674
Surveyor General for Idaho. "Township No. 48 North, Range No. 4 West," Boise, 1893, Boise BLM Archives.
156 | Exhibit 675
Surveyor General for Idaho. "Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation: Township No. 47 North, Range No. 3 West," Boise, 1905, Boise BLM Archives.
157 | Exhibit 676
Leyden, Lieut. S. A. "Lake Coeur d'Alene," 1887, Map #1297, Record Group 75, National Archives.
158 | Exhibit 677
Anon. "Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation," August, 1887, Map #30379, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
159 | Exhibit 678
Anon. "Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation," 1888, Map #5268, Letters Received, Record Group 75, National Archives.
160 | Exhibit 679
Chandler, William P. "Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation," Map #1022, Record Group 75, National Archives.
161 | Exhibit 680
Hilder, Frazer C. "Map of Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation, Idaho," Department of the Interior, 1910, CMF Published Map, Record Group 75, National Archives [same as Exhibit #70].
162 | Exhibit 681
Anon. Untitled map of proposed Coeur d'Alene Reservation, [ca. 1866-7], Map #356, Record Group 75, National Archives.
163 | Exhibit 682
Anon. "Proposed reservation for Coeur d'Alenes in Idaho," 1866, Map #758, Record Group 75, National Archives.
164 | Exhibit 683
Anon. "Mission Harbor, Idaho," 1887, Map #1297, Record Group 75, National Archives.
165 | Exhibit 684
Roads Division. Northern Idaho Agency. Office of Indian Affairs. Department of the Interior. "Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation, Idaho, 1939, Record Group 75, National Archives.
166 | Exhibit 685
United States Geological Survey. "Spokane," 1:250,000 quad. map, 1980.
167 | Exhibit 686
United States Geological Survey. "Coeur d'Alene," 1:100,000 quad topographic map, 1987.
168 | Exhibit 687
United States Geological Survey. "St. Maries," 1:100,000 quad topographic map, 1987.
169 | Exhibit 688
Coeur d'Alene Tribe. "Original Territory," map; April, 1989.
170 | Exhibit 689
Coeur d'Alene Tribe. "History Map," n.d.
171 | Exhibit 690
Idaho State. Department of Parks and Recreation. "Heyburn State Park," brochure, n.d.
172 | Exhibit 691
Hart, E. Richard. Coeur d'Alene Village Sites (map). Adapted from Verne F. Ray. 1994.
173 | Exhibit 692
Abraham, Brenda. "Water Potato Day pow wow was a big success," , November 29, 1994.
174 | Exhibit 693
Anon. "The Spokane Country," , September 14, 1872.
175 | Exhibit 694
Anon. "Those Were the Days. . .," . Volume 24, Number 2 (Summer, 1980), pp. 16-17.
176 | Exhibit 695
Anon. "Washington Water Power Company," , vol. 14 (November, 1907): 338-42 [Notes by Marilyn Watkins--original unavailable].
177 | Exhibit 696
Anon. "A 100-Mile Side Trip Through the Scenic Beauties of the Inland Empire, Through the Panhandle of Idaho by the Shadowy St. Joe and Coeur d'Alene Lake." Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul RY.: n. p., 1915.
178 | Exhibit 697
Anon., , vol. II (Spokane: S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1912), p. 296-97.
179 | Exhibit 698
Arrington, Leonard J., , 2 vols. (Moscow: University of Idaho Press, 1994); Vol. 1, pp. 23-45, 55-58, 133, 139, 155-157, 184, 402, and 495-499; Vol. 2, pp. 204-206.
180 | Exhibit 699
Baker, Darius F. "Exterior Lines, Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation," Fieldnotes of the first survey of the exterior boundary of the Coeur d'Alene Reservation, 1883; Vol. 77, pp. 1-262, microfiche, copy from archives of General Land Office, Bureau of Land Management, Boise, Idaho.
181 | Exhibit 700
Baker, William, "John Monteith at the Nez Perce Agency: 1871-1879," (M. A. Thesis, University of Washington, 1973); pp. 9, 11, 17, and 55.
182 | Exhibit 701
Baylor, David William, "Silver, Lead and Zinc in the Economic Development of Shoshone County, Idaho" (Master's thesis, University of Washington, 1972); pp. 31, 33 and Appendix A-C.
183 | Exhibit 702
Beal, Merrill D. and Merle W. Wells, , vol. I. (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co, Inc., 1959); pp. 16-17, 35-36, 39-41, 44, 50-51, 53-55, 58-59, 209-212, 214-215, and 282.
184 | Exhibit 703
Bennett, T. W. "Gov. Bennett's Letter," , Vol. 1, May 16, 1874 (the governor's letter was dated April 15, 1874).
185 | Exhibit 704
Bennett, T. W. "Governor Bennett's Letter," , Vol. 1, October 4, 1873 (the governor's letter was dated September 18, 1873).
186 | Exhibit 705
Blewett, Steve, "A History of the Washington Water Power Company, 1889 to 1989: Building On a Century of Service," (Spokane, WA: The Washington Water Power Company, March 8, 1989), p. 7-9, 11, 21.
187 | Exhibit 706
Carriker, Robert C., (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1995); pp. 58, 80-83, 182, and 207.
188 | Exhibit 707
Casner, Nicholas A., "Leaded Waters: A History of Mining Pollution on the Coeur d'Alene River in Idaho, 1900-1950" (M.A. thesis, Boise State University, 1989), p. 27-49.
189 | Exhibit 708
Cazier, Lola. . United States [Bureau of Land Management]: Washington, D. C.; 1976, pp. 35-37, 48-51, and 56.
190 | Exhibit 709
Chadwick, S. J., "Colonel Steptoe's Battle," , vol. 2, no. 4 (July, 1908): 333-43.
191 | Exhibit 710
Coeur d'Alene City Commercial Club, "The Panhandle of Idaho," 1909. n.p.
192 | Exhibit 711
Coeur d'Alene & Spokane Ry., "The Lake and River Route," 1906. n.p.
193 | Exhibit 712
Coggins, George Cameron and Charles F. Wilkinson. . The Foundation Press, Inc.: Mineola, New York; 1981, pp. 55-65.
194 | Exhibit 713
Cohen, Felix. (1982 ed.). Michie Bobbs-Merrill: Charlottesville, Virginia; 1982, p. 576.
195 | Exhibit 714
Colson, Dennis C., (Moscow: University of Idaho Press, 1991), pp. 10 and 280.
196 | Exhibit 715
Conley, Cort, (Cambridge, Idaho: Backeddy Books, 1982), pp. 44 and 435-437.
197 | Exhibit 716
Coville, Frederick V. "Added Botanical Notes on Carl A. Geyer," June, 1940 (Volume XLII, Number 4), pp. 323-324.
198 | Exhibit 717
Coville, Frederick V. "Notes on the Plants Used by the Klamath Indians of Oregon," , vol. V, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Botany (Washington: GPO, 1897-1901): pp. 90-91.
199 | Exhibit 718
Cox, Thomas R., "Weldon Heyburn, Lake Chatcolet, and the Evolving Concept of Public Parks," 24 (Summer, 1980): 2-15.
200 | Exhibit 719
Cox, Thomas R., (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1988); pp. xi-xiii, 3-31, 178-189, and 234-236.
201 | Exhibit 720
Cox, Thomas R. Cox to Hart, May 20, 1995. Letter Report for United States Department of Justice.
202 | Exhibit 721
Cox, Thomas R. Deposition of Thomas R. Cox, June 12, 1979. n the United States District Court for the District of Idaho. State of Idaho vs. Cecil D. Andrus, Case No. 1-76-231; United States of America vs. State of Idaho, et al., Case No. 77-2058.
203 | Exhibit 722
Cox, Thomas R., "Changing Patterns of Land Use Among the Coeur d'Alene: An Environmental Ethnohistory." Presented at the 1995 Biannual Meeting of the American Society of Environmental History, Las Vegas, Nevada; pp. 3-6, 10, 16, and 45-46.
204 | Exhibit 723
Dallam, Ansell & Edwards, . (Spokane Falls: Evening Review Book and Job Print, 1885), p. 13, 32, 34.
205 | Exhibit 724
David, John B. "Field notes of the Survey of the Subdivision and meander lines of T. 50 North...Range No. 4 West," 1880; Vol. 72, p. 88 and 94-95; microfiche, copy from archives of General Land Office, Bureau of Land Management, Boise, Idaho.
206 | Exhibit 725
Dozier, Jack, "The Coeur d'Alene Land Rush, 1909-10," Pacific Northwest Quarterly 53 (October 1962): 145-150.
207 | Exhibit 726
Drury, Clifford Merrill. . The Caxton Printers, Ltd.: Caldwell, Idaho; 1940; pp. 188-190.
208 | Exhibit 727
Drury, Clifford M. Drury. . The Arthur H. Clark Company, 1976, pp. 222, 247, 262, 269, 271-274, and 278.
209 | Exhibit 728
Drury, Clifford M. "Botanist in Oregon in 1843-44, for Kew Gardens, London," Oregon Historical Quarterly June, 1940 (Volume XLI, Number 2), pp. 182-188.
210 | Exhibit 729
Eagleson, Ernest G. "Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation, Township No. 47 North, Range No. 3 West of the Boise Meridian, Idaho," October 30, 1907; Map. Copy from archives of General Land Office, Bureau of Land Management, Boise, Idaho.
211 | Exhibit 730
Echeverria, John D., Pope Barrow, Richard Roos-Collins, (Washington, D. C.: Island Press, 1989), p. 16.
212 | Exhibit 731
Elliott, T. C., "Steptoe Butte and Steptoe Battle-Field," , vol. 18, no. 4 (October, 1927): 243-53.
213 | Exhibit 732
Fahey, John, (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1971); p. 24, 32, 58, 62, 112-17, 119-20, 123, 144, 247-48, 250.
214 | Exhibit 733
Fahey, John. . University of Washington Press: Seattle, 1965.; pp. 48-49 and 235.
Exhibits #734-#842Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 288
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Exhibit 734
Fahey, John, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1974); pp. 74-75, 78-81, 86-113, 170-171, 192-193, 230-231, 234-235, 322-327, and 337-361.
2 | Exhibit 735
Fahey, John, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1986); p. 56
3 | Exhibit 736
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, "Matter of the Application for License of the Washington Water Power Company," Project Nos. 2545-005 and 009 (Phase II). Opinion No. 199, issued November 16, 1983, (25 FERC 61, 228.), p. 1-4, 10, 22, 26-27, 29, 32.
4 | Exhibit 737
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, "Order on Remand, Determining Lack of Authority, and Vacating Prior Orders," May 17, 1988, The Washington Water Power Company,Project Nos. 2545-005, -009, -011, and -012 (43 FERC 61 254), Accession 8806020154, Roll 2851, Frame 2836-2839.
5 | Exhibit 738
Geyer, Karl Andreas. "Botanical Information," . Hippolyte Bailliere, Publisher: London, Volume V, pp. 200-208, 286-291, 295, 299-301 and 517.
6 | Exhibit 739
Glover, James N., (Fairfield, Washington: Ye Galleon Press, 1985); pp. 9-14, 17-25, 27, 30, and 35-41.
7 | Exhibit 740
Hailey, John, (Boise: Syms-York Co., Inc., 1910); pp. 308, 317, and 377-379.
8 | Exhibit 741
Hidy, Ralph W., Frank Ernest Hill, and Allan Nevins, (New York: The MacMillan Company, 1963); pp. 248-272.
9 | Exhibit 742
Hilton, George W. and John F. Due, (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1960); pp. 386-391.
10 | Exhibit 743
Huntington to Johnson, March 21, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
11 | Exhibit 744
Huntington to White, July 26, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 35, Folder July-September, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
12 | Exhibit 745
Huntington to White, September 9, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 35, Folder July-September, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
13 | Exhibit 746
Huntington to White, April 29, 1911, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 36, Folder April 1911, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
14 | Exhibit 747
"Indian Affairs," , Vol. 7, May 24, 1873.
15 | Exhibit 748
"Indian Committee Addition," , Vol. 1, January 10, 1874, reported he was reappointed to the committee.
16 | Exhibit 749
Idaho. Legislature, (Boise, ID: Syms-York Co, 1909), Chap. 186, p. 388-390.
17 | Exhibit 750
Idaho. Legislature, (Boise, ID: Syms-York Co, 1911), p. 229-230, 334-336.
18 | Exhibit 751
Idaho, Supreme Court of Idaho, Washington Water Power Co. v. Waters et al., March 28, 1911. , v. 115, May 15-July 10, 1911 (St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1911), p. 682-87. (19 Idaho, 595).
19 | Exhibit 752
Idaho, Supreme Court of Idaho, Gaskill v. Washington Water Power Co., October 29, 1909. , v. 105, December 20, 1909-January 24, 1910 (St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1910), 51-55.
20 | Exhibit 753
Idaho, Supreme Court of Idaho, Callahan v. Price, 26 Idaho, 745-55.
21 | Exhibit 754
Idaho, Department of Public Works, (Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers, 1921), Part I, Heyburn Park.
22 | Exhibit 755
Idaho, , W. N. Stephens; pp. 28-29 and 60-63.
23 | Exhibit 756
Idaho, , Frank M. Kendall; pp. 48-53.
24 | Exhibit 757
Idaho, , J. B. Gowen; pp. 36-41.
25 | Exhibit 758
Idaho. Warranty Deed. Between R. K. Neill, et. al, and Washington Water Power Company. January 9, 1902. Deed Record Book 1, pp. 11-13. Kootenai County Courthouse; Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
26 | Exhibit 759
Idaho. Deed. Frederick Post to R. K. Neill. August 1, 1900. Deed Record Book U, pp. 164-165; Kootenai County Courthouse; Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
27 | Exhibit 760
Iowa. Supreme Court of Iowa. Houghton v. The C., D. & M. R. Co. (47 Iowa 370); December, 1877.
28 | Exhibit 761
Iowa. Supreme Court of Iowa. Kraut v. Crawford (18 Iowa 549); June, 1865.
29 | Exhibit 762
Jackson, Donald and Mary Lee Spence. , Volume 1. University of Illinois Press: Urbana, p. 10.
30 | Exhibit 763
Johnson to Huntington, March 14, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
31 | Exhibit 764
Killoren, John J. . University of Oklahoma Press: Norman, 1994; pp. 227 and 249.
32 | Exhibit 765
Leiberg, John B., "General Report on a Botanical Survey of the Coeur d'Alene Mountains in Idaho During the Summer of 1895." , vol. V, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Botany (Washington: GPO, 1897-1901): 1-66.
33 | Exhibit 766
MacCalla, C. S. "The Post Falls Development of the Washington Water Power Company." v. 51 (May 23 & 30, 1908): p. 1095-98, and 1136-38.
34 | Exhibit 767
Madsen, Brigham D., (Idaho: Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1958); pp. 148-155, 158-161, 172-175, 182-193, 196-197, and 335-337.
35 | Exhibit 768
McConnell, W. J., (Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, 1913); pp. 40-43.
36 | Exhibit 769
McKee, Ruth Karr. . The Caxton Printers, Ltd.; Caldwell, Idaho; 1945; pp. 256, plate opposite 256, 258, 263-264.
37 | Exhibit 770
McKelvey, Susan Delano, (Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 1991); [Reprint of the edition of 1955 published by Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University.] pp. 386, 659-667, 770-791.
38 | Exhibit 771
Miller, W. Clayton, U. S. Deputy Surveyor. "Frederick Post Claim. Field notes of the Survey of the Confirmed claim of Frederick Post, in Township 50 N. Range 5 West of the Boise Meridian," Vol. 108, pp. 83-108, microfiche, copy from archives of General Land Office, Bureau of Land Management, Boise, Idaho.
39 | Exhibit 772
Miller, W. Clayton, U. S. Deputy Surveyor. "Field Notes of the Survey of the North Boundary of the Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation of the Boise Meridian, Idaho." September 28, 1891; Vol. 108, pp. 648-684b and 688a-689a, microfiche, copy from archives of General Land Office, Bureau of Land Management, Boise, Idaho.
40 | Exhibit 773
Miller, W. Clayton, U. S. Deputy Surveyor. "Field Notes of the Survey of the Subdivisional and Meanders of Township 48 North, Range 1 West of the Boise Meridian, Idaho." Vol. 108, pp. 794 and 832, microfiche, copy from archives of General Land Office, Bureau of Land Management, Boise, Idaho.
41 | Exhibit 774
Milner, Clyde A. II, Carol A. O'Connor, Martha A. Sandweiss, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994); p. 436.
42 | Exhibit 775
Mock, L. Byrd, "The Lucerne of America," 57 (January 1911) 1-10. Also reprinted in 24 (Summer, 1980) 18-23.
43 | Exhibit 776
Mullan, John, . (Fairfield, Washington: Ye Galleon Press, 1994); pp. 15-17, 28-31, 42-43, 49, 51, 54-57 and map.
44 | Exhibit 777
Nelson, Denys, "Yakima Days," , vol XIX, 1928. pp. 45-51; 117-33; 181-92.
45 | Exhibit 778
Nelson, Beatrice Ward, (Washington, D. C.: National Conference on State Parks, Inc., 1928); pp. 66-71, 314-317.
46 | Exhibit 779
Newell, Gordon, ed., (Seattle: Superior Publishing Company, 1966); pp. 92, 114, 147, 308-309, and 467.
47 | Exhibit 780
Olsen, Loran, "The Power of Song: Native Music in the Northwest," , vol. 39, no. 2 (Summer, 1995): 3-9.
48 | Exhibit 781
Osborn, John ed., "Valley of Death." , 6 (July/August 1994): 3, 25-63. Originally printed in Coeur d'Alene Press, 1929-1930.
49 | Exhibit 782
Pacheco, Thomas H. "Indian Bedlands Claims: A Need to Clear the Waters," , Vol. 15:1 (1991), pp. 11-14.
50 | Exhibit 783
Palmer, Gary B., "Indian Pioneers: Coeur d'Alene Mission Farming from 1842-1876," , Volume 22, Number 1 (Spring, 1981): 65-92.
51 | Exhibit 784
Palmer, Gary, "Index to Historic Map of Lake Coeur d'Alene," University of Nevada, Las Vegas, March 10, 1993; 12 pp.
52 | Exhibit 785
Parker, Samuel, (Minneapolis: Ross & Haines, 1967 [Originally published 1838]); pp. 228, 290-291, 299, 302 and map.
53 | Exhibit 786
Paurrault, Joseph. "Township No. 47 North, Range No. 3 West of the Boise Meridian," March 28, 1902; Map. Copy from archives of General Land Office, Bureau of Land Management, Boise, Idaho.
54 | Exhibit 787
Pennsylvania. Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Mills v. Buchanan (14 Penn. St. 59); September, 1850.
55 | Exhibit 788
Post, Frank T. and Samuel Herrick. "Brief on Rehearing of the Washington Water Power Company Permit." In re The Washington Water Power Company Permit. Filed November 16th, 1910). United States Department of the Interior, The Evening Post Job Printing Office, New York. Located at: Department of the Interior Against the Washington Water Power Company, 1909-10. Record Group 49, Records of the Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office, Unidentified Divisions, Entry 1028, Boxes 1-7. National Archives, Washington, D.C.; 37 pp.
56 | Exhibit 789
Post, Frank T., John P. Gray and Samuel Herrick. "Original Brief of the Washington Water Power Company." In re The Washington Water Power Company Permit. Filed May 11th, 1910). United States Department of the Interior, The Evening Post Job Printing Office, New York. Located at: Department of the Interior Against the Washington Water Power Company, 1909-10. Record Group 49, Records of the Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office, Unidentified Divisions, Entry 1028, Boxes 1-7. National Archives, Washington, D.C.; 209 pp.
57 | Exhibit 790
Rands, Harold A. "Township No. 47 North, Range No. 3 West of the Boise Meridian, Idaho, Retraced," Map dated March 28, 1902; Surveyor General of Idaho; copy from archives of the General Land Office, Bureau of Land Management; Boise, Idaho.
58 | Exhibit 791
Rands, Harold A., U. S. Deputy Surveyor. "Field Notes of the Survey of....Meanders of, and location of with Exterior of Townsite of Harrison--T. 47 N. R. 4. W. of the Boise Meridian," Vol. 190, pp. 362-428, microfiche, copy from archives of General Land Office, Bureau of Land Management, Boise, Idaho. Portions of this document are also found in Exhibit #141.
59 | Exhibit 792
Rands, Harold A., U. S. Deputy Surveyor. "Field Notes of the Retracement of the Old North Boundary of the Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation through Ranges Nos. 1,2, and 3 West of the Boise Meridian," Vol. 190, pp. 264-266 and 278-282, microfiche, copy from archives of General Land Office, Bureau of Land Management, Boise, Idaho.
60 | Exhibit 793
Rands, Harold A., U. S. Deputy Surveyor. "Field Notes of the New North Boundary of the Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation through T. 47 N., Ranges 1, 2 and 3 West of the Boise Meridian," Vol. 190, pp. 307-361, microfiche, copy from archives of General Land Office, Bureau of Land Management, Boise, Idaho. Portions of this exhibit were previously filed as part of Exhibit # 141.
61 | Exhibit 794
Rands, Harold A., U. S. Deputy Surveyor. "Field Notes of the East and West Boundaries of Township No. 47 North, Range No. 3 West-East Boundary of Township No. 47 North, Range No. 2 West of the Boise Meridian," Vol. 190, pp. 283-291 and 306, microfiche, copy from archives of General Land Office, Bureau of Land Management, Boise, Idaho. Portions of this exhibit were previously filed as part of Exhibit # 141.
62 | Exhibit 795
Renk, Nancy F., "Off to the Lakes: Vacationing in North Idaho During the Railroad Era, 1885-1915," , vol. 34, no. 2 (Summer, 1990): 2-15.
63 | Exhibit 796
Richards, Kent D., (Pullman: Washington State University Press, 1993). First published by the Brigham Young University Press, 1979; pp. 127, 140, 225-226 and 249.
64 | Exhibit 797
Ruby, Robert H. and John A. Brown, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1989); p. 22.
65 | Exhibit 798
Ruby, Robert H. and John A. Brown, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1970); p. 156.
66 | Exhibit 799
Schoolcraft, Henry, , Parts I and V. (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1853-56); Pt. I, p. 521; Pt. V, pp. 490-491.
67 | Exhibit 800
Schwantes, Carlos, ed., (Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho Press, 1994); pp. 135-136 and 150.
68 | Exhibit 801
Schwantes, Carlos A., (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1989)
69 | Exhibit 802
Shanks, John P. C., T. W. Bennett, and Henry W. Reed. "Extracts from Report of Commissioners," , Vol. 1, p. 4, May 16, 1874.
70 | Exhibit 803
Smalley, Eugene V., , n.p. [Microfilm, University of Washington], n.d [1884]; pp. 832-842.
71 | Exhibit 804
Smith, Robert Wayne, . (Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 1961), p. 42, 98, 106.
72 | Exhibit 805
Smits, David D. "The Frontier Army and the Destruction of the Buffalo: 1865-1883," , Volume XXV, Number 3 (Autumn, 1994), pp. 312-338.
73 | Exhibit 806
Sowder, Charles Jr., "Heyburn State Park: Idaho's Playground," (January 1938) 21-23.
74 | Exhibit 807
, "Frederick Post, Pioneer, is Dead," August 8, 1908, p. 1.
75 | Exhibit 808
Stevens, Hazard, , vols. I and II. (Boston: Houghton, Mufflin and Company, 1900); Vol. I, pp. 384-395; Vol. II, map and pp. 17-27, 61, 64-75, 90-91, 120-142, and 230-231.
76 | Exhibit 809
Thomas, John H. "Botanical explorations in Washington, Oregon, California and adjacent regions," , 3:11, 15 and 44; 1969.
77 | Exhibit 810
Thompson, David, "David Thompson's Journeys in Idaho," edited by T. C. Elliott, , vol. 11, no. 2 (April, 1920): 97-103; vol. 23 (1932): 18-24, 88-93, 173-76.
78 | Exhibit 811
, Visitors' Guide Spokane, Coeur d'Alene, Post Falls (May, 1995): L16.
79 | Exhibit 812
Uhden, C. F., "System of Washington Water Power Company," v. 33, September 5, 1914, p. 5-7.
80 | Exhibit 813
United States, Congress, , Vol XLVIII, (Washington: GPO, 1912), p. 8038.
81 | Exhibit 814
United States, Circuit Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, "Lawyer v. Post et al." , vol. 109. July-October, 1901 (St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1901): 512-15.
82 | Exhibit 815
United States, Congress (Statutes), , vol. XXXI (Washington, D. C.: GPO, 1901), p. 790-791. (31 Stat., 790.)
83 | Exhibit 816
United States, Congress (Statutes), "An Act to Establish the Territorial Government of Oregon," Aug. 14, 1848, (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1854), pp. 323-331.
84 | Exhibit 817
United States. Supreme Court. "Railroad Company v. Schurmeir." (7 Wall. 272); December, 1868.
85 | Exhibit 818
United States. Department of the Interior. Records Relating to Legal Action Taken by the Department of the Interior Against the Washington Water Power Company, 1909-10. Record Group 49, Records of the Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office, Unidentified Divisions, Entry 1028, Boxes 1-7. National Archives, Washington, D.C. Volume 1; pp. 27, 32-33, 50, 55, 71-73, 201, 204-208, 213, 233, 241, 257-258, 275, 288-289, and 335-354.
86 | Exhibit 819
United States. Department of the Interior. Records Relating to Legal Action Taken by the Department of the Interior Against the Washington Water Power Company, 1909-10. Record Group 49, Records of the Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office, Unidentified Divisions, Entry 1028, Boxes 1-7. National Archives, Washington, D.C. Volume 2; pp. 432, 438, 463-464, 515-519, 571, 595, 613-615, 628, 639-641, 6673, 729-730, 734, 803, and 811-821.
87 | Exhibit 820
United States. Department of the Interior. Records Relating to Legal Action Taken by the Department of the Interior Against the Washington Water Power Company, 1909-10. Record Group 49, Records of the Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office, Unidentified Divisions, Entry 1028, Boxes 1-7. National Archives, Washington, D.C. Volume 3; pp. 957-962, 973-975, 991, 995-997, 1006-1010, 1053-1057, 1064-1065, 1092, 1247, 1250, 1261, 1270, 1297-1298, 1368-1369, 1375-1377, 1384, 1387-1389, 1399, 1419, and 1429.
88 | Exhibit 821
United States. Department of the Interior. Records Relating to Legal Action Taken by the Washington Water Power Company Records. Permit Hearing, 1910; Eastern Washington University Archives. Volume 4; pp. 1442-1445, 1452-1457, 1488, 1496-1503, 1506, 1508-1511, 1516, 1527, 1539, 1576-1578, 1599-1605, 1608-1609, 1616-1617, 1627-1628, 1631, 1637-1638, 1641-1650, 1656-1660, 1669, 1690-1691, 1700-1701, 1708-1711, 1723, 1731-1736, 1749-1751, 1757-1758, 1760-1762, 1767-1768, 1775-1776, 1784-1787, 1801, 1811-1814, 1819, 1831-1834, 1837, and 1841-1842.
89 | Exhibit 822
United States. Department of the Interior. Records Relating to Legal Action Taken by the Washington Water Power Company Records. Permit Hearing, 1910; Eastern Washington University Archives. Volume 5; pp. 1852-1864, 1900, 1914-1922, 1933-1936, 1941-1944, 1951, 1980-1982, 1998-1999, 2040-2041, 2067-2068, 2080-2083, 2107-2108, 2113, 2125-2129, 2172, 2187-2188, 2212-2215, 2221-2223, 2241, and 2254-2257.
90 | Exhibit 823
United States. Department of the Interior. Records Relating to Legal Action Taken by the Washington Water Power Company Records. Permit Hearing, 1910; Eastern Washington University Archives. Volume 6; pp. 2282-2285, 2290-2294, 2377-2378, 2387-2388, 2448, 2495-2496, 2534, 2564, 2583, 2636, 2638, and 2650.
91 | Exhibit 824
United States. Department of the Interior. Records Relating to Legal Action Taken by the Department of the Interior Against the Washington Water Power Company, 1909-10. Record Group 49, Records of the Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office, Unidentified Divisions, Entry 1028, Boxes 1-7. National Archives, Washington, D.C. Volume 7; pp. 2788, 2799-2800, 2811-2812, 2819-2822, 2868-2871, 2897, 2962, 2970, 3020-3021, 3125, 3131-3132, 3252, 3276-3277, 3282-3297.
92 | Exhibit 825
United States. Department of the Interior. Records Relating to Legal Action Taken by the Washington Water Power Company Records. Permit Hearing, 1910; Eastern Washington University Archives. Volume 10; 4428-4433, 4441-4442, 4446-4447, 4455, 4457-4459, 4464-4466, 4507-4512, 4516-4519, 4539-4541, 4554-4555, 4558-4564, 4605, 4629-4637, 4648-4649, 4667-4668, 4680-4682, 4694-4695, 4701, 4706-4707, 4712-4713, 4722-4723, 4753, 4757-4764, 4769-4770, 4779-4782, 4810, 4821, 4824-4825, 4843-4846, 4859, 4869-4871, 4914-4916, 4927, 4942-4943, and 4957-4967.
93 | Exhibit 826
United States. Department of the Interior Against the Washington Water Power Company, 1909-10. Record Group 49, Records of the Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office, Unidentified Divisions, Entry 1028, Boxes 1-7. National Archives, Washington, D.C. Volume 11; pp. 5031-5034, 5038-5040, 5044, 5051, 5057-5061, 5072-5073, 5076-5077, 5096, 5116, 5118-5124, 5142-5143, 5152-5155, 5192-5193, 5209-5211, 5216--5120, 5221-5226, 5241-5242, 5243-5248, 5254, 5318, 5325-5328, 5368-5369, 5885-5386, 5391-5392, and 5399.
94 | Exhibit 827
United States. Department of the Interior Against the Washington Water Power Company, 1909-10. Record Group 49, Records of the Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office, Unidentified Divisions, Entry 1028, Boxes 1-7. National Archives, Washington, D.C. Volume 12; pp. 5466-5467, 5496-5498, 5521-5526, 5528-5529, 5554-5555, 5567, 5573-5574, 5641-5642, 5644-5648, and 5701-5705.
95 | Exhibit 828
United States. Department of the Interior Against the Washington Water Power Company, 1909-10. Record Group 49, Records of the Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office, Unidentified Divisions, Entry 1028, Boxes 1-7. National Archives, Washington, D.C. Volume 13; pp. 5864-5872, 5880-5881, 5890, 5905-5906, 5916-5917, 5932-5933, 5961-5965, 5969-5978, 6032-6036, 6041, 6117-6122, 6132-6134, 6148, 6160, 6174, 6207, 6236-6240, 6252-6254, 6307, and 6378-6381.
96 | Exhibit 829
United States. Department of the Interior Against the Washington Water Power Company, 1909-10. Record Group 49, Records of the Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office, Unidentified Divisions, Entry 1028, Boxes 1-7. National Archives, Washington, D.C. Volume 14; pp. 6426-6427, 6446, 6455-6458, 6485, 6508, 6515, 6570-6571, 6626-6630, 6671, and 6946.
97 | Exhibit 830
United States. Department of the Interior. Records Relating to Legal Action Taken by the Washington Water Power Company Records. Permit Hearing, 1910; Eastern Washington University Archives. Volume 18; pp. 8323, 8346, 8353, 8377-8379, 8491, 8570, 8596-8597, 8742-8743, 8747, and index.
98 | Exhibit 831
United States. Department of the Interior. "Motion for Rehearing In re Departmental Decision." April 22, 1912, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 37, Folder April 1912, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
99 | Exhibit 832
United States. Department of the Interior. General Land Office. . Government Printing Office: Washington, D. C.; 1902, p. 6.
100 | Exhibit 833
United States. Department of Interior. Bureau of Reclamation. . (Boise, ID, 1956); pp. i, 8-9, 20-21, and 31.
101 | Exhibit 834
United States. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Land Management. . Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C., 1947; pp. 3-6, 230-236 and 363-364.
102 | Exhibit 835
United States. Congress. The 1953 Submerged Lands Act (67 Stat. 29).
103 | Exhibit 836
United States. Circuit Court of Idaho. "Spokane Mill Co. v. Post et. al." , Volume 50 (May-August, 1892. West Publishing Co.: St. Paul, 1892, pp. 429-433.
104 | Exhibit 837
United States, Congress (Statutes), Act of April 30, 1908, Sixtieth Congress, Session I., Ch. 153, 1908. vol. XXXV, Part I. p. 78-79.
105 | Exhibit 838
United States. General Land Office. Patent. United States of America to Frederick Post. September 22, 1894. Deed Record Book L, p. 623, Kootenai County Courthouse; Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
106 | Exhibit 839
Walker, Deward E., Jr., "Coeur d'Alene," in Mary B. Davis, (New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1994), p. 122-23.
107 | Exhibit 840
Wardner, Jim, (New York: Anglo-American Publishing Co, 1900); pp. 50-66, 72-73 an 80-82.
108 | Exhibit 841
Washington Water Power Company, "Hydroelectric Projects of the Washington Water Power Company" (WWPC, 1994); 16 pp.
109 | Exhibit 842
Wheat, Carl I., , 1540-1861, 5 vols. (San Francisco: The Institute of Historical Cartography, 1957-63). Reprinted by Maurizio Martino Publisher, Storrs-Mansfield, Connecticut; Vol. 2, pp. 40-43, 81-82, 99-111, 149, 155-161, 165-167, 177, 185, 188-189, 205-206, 208, 210, 216-217, 220-221, 224, 240-242, 245-246, 248-249, 251, 256, 261-262, 269 and associated maps; Vol. 3, pp. 35, 39, 41, 44-45, 55-56, 90, 110, 112, 129-130, 162, 251, 253-254, 256, 258-259, 265, 291, 299, 305-306, 325 and associated maps; Vol. 4, pp. 8-13, 35, 37-38, 41, 68, 71-72, 82, 144, 199, 210-211, 239 and associated maps; Vol. 5, Part I, pp. 47-50, 62, 85-98, 105, 118-121, 137, 139, 152, 168, 205-208, 213, 219-222 and associated maps; Vol. 5, Part II, pp. 224, 276-277, 334, 389, 397, 399-401, 413, 440 and associated maps.
Exhibits #843-#1084Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 289
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Exhibit 843
White to Huntington, April 28, 1911, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 36, Folder April 1911, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
2 | Exhibit 844
Winser, Henry J., (St. Paul: Northern News Co., 1888); p. 322.
3 | Exhibit 845
Woodworth-Ney, Laura, "The Conquest of Coeur d'Alene Waterways: Severalty and the Coeur d'Alene Indian Tribe, 1889-1933." Paper read at the Pacific Northwest History Conference; March 24, 1995; Richland, Washington; 15 pp.
4 | Exhibit 846
Woody, Frank H., "From Missoula to Walla Walla in 1857 on Horseback," , Vol 3, No. 4 (October, 1912): 277-86.
5 | Exhibit 847
Wright, E. W., ed., (New York: Antiquarian Press, Ltd., 1961); pp. 309, 325, and 398-399.
6 | Exhibit 848
, August 13, 1906.
7 | Exhibit 849
, August 14, 1906.
8 | Exhibit 850
, October 8, 1906.
9 | Exhibit 851
, November 1, 1906.
10 | Exhibit 852
, November 17, 1906.
11 | Exhibit 853
, January 26, 1907.
12 | Exhibit 854
, April 6, 1907.
13 | Exhibit 855
, August 6, 1907.
14 | Exhibit 856
, August 9, 1907.
15 | Exhibit 857
, August 29, 1907.
16 | Exhibit 858
, October 12, 1907
17 | Exhibit 859
, December 19, 1907.
18 | Exhibit 860
, January 8, 1908.
19 | Exhibit 861
, January 27, 1908.
20 | Exhibit 862
, February 8, 1908.
21 | Exhibit 863
, April 4, 1908.
22 | Exhibit 864
, April 6, 1908.
23 | Exhibit 865
, March 16, 1872, p. 2, "A Crying Evil."
24 | Exhibit 866
, April 6, 1872, p. 2, "Jurisdiction upon the Nez Perce Reserve."
25 | Exhibit 867
, May 25, 1872, p. 2, "A New Reservation."
26 | Exhibit 868
, May 25, 1872, p. 2, "Information for Settlers."
27 | Exhibit 869
, June 22, 1872, p. 2, "Indians Troubling Whites."
28 | Exhibit 870
, June 29, 1872, p. 2, "Letter from Spokan Bridge."
29 | Exhibit 871
, August 3, 1872, p. 2, "A New Indian Reservation."
30 | Exhibit 872
, September 21, 1872, p. 2, "Over the Route."
31 | Exhibit 873
, September 21, 1872, p. 2, "Col. Sanford's Exploring Trip."
32 | Exhibit 874
, September 28, 1872, p. 2, "Petition for Mail Service."
33 | Exhibit 875
, February 8, 1873, "Indian Warfare."
34 | Exhibit 876
, March 1, 1873, "Our Indians Again."
35 | Exhibit 877
, May 3, 1873, "Indian Condition and Policy."
36 | Exhibit 878
, Lewiston, Idaho, May 17, 1873, p. 2, letter, Father Cataldo.
37 | Exhibit 879
, May 24, 1873, p. 3, "Feeling Among the Indians."
38 | Exhibit 880
, June 28, 1873, p. 3, letter, Andrew Seltice.
39 | Exhibit 881
, August 2, 1873, p. 3, "Local Intelligence."
40 | Exhibit 882
, September 13, 1873, p. 2, "The Coeur d'Alene Reserve."
41 | Exhibit 883
, October 4, 1873, "The Coeur d'Alene Reserve."
42 | Exhibit 884
, November 8, 1873, p. 2, "Shanks on Indians."
43 | Exhibit 885
, November 29, 1873, p. 2, "The Indian Muddle."
44 | Exhibit 886
, November 29, 1873, p. 3, "Lapwai Letter."
45 | Exhibit 887
, November 29, 1873, p. 4, "Gen. Shanks on Indians."
46 | Exhibit 888
, February 7, 1874, p. 1, "A New Reservation."
47 | Exhibit 889
, February 14, 1874, p. 2, "That Reservation Bill."
48 | Exhibit 890
, February 21, 1874, p. 2, "Coming to Reason."
49 | Exhibit 891
, March 21, 1874, p. 2, "Letter from Walla Walla" and "Shanks' Scheme Defeated."
50 | Exhibit 892
, June 27, 1874, p. 1, "Shanks, Without a Pair."
51 | Exhibit 893
, January 6, 1872, "From the North."
52 | Exhibit 894
, May 23, 1872, p. 3.
53 | Exhibit 895
, July 4, 1872, p. 2.
54 | Exhibit 896
, August 15, 1872, "Department of Interior."
55 | Exhibit 897
, August 20, 1872, "Communication from the Governor."
56 | Exhibit 898
, January 14, 1873, p. 1.
57 | Exhibit 899
, January 14, 1873, p. 2.
58 | Exhibit 900
, February 13, 1873, p. 2, "Indian Inspectors."
59 | Exhibit 901
, March 25, 1873, p. 3, "From Washington."
60 | Exhibit 902
, April 22, 1873, p. 2.
61 | Exhibit 903
, April 26, 1873. p. 2, "Indian Matters in Idaho."
62 | Exhibit 904
, May 3, 1873, p. 2, "Petition."
63 | Exhibit 905
, July 1, 1873, p. 3.
64 | Exhibit 906
, October 23, 1873, p. 3, "Oneida County."
65 | Exhibit 907
, October 25, 1873, p. 2, "Indians."
66 | Exhibit 908
, November 22, 1873, p. 2, "Fort Hall Treaty a Success."
67 | Exhibit 909
, November 29, 1873, p. 2, "Indian Agent J. B. Monteith."
68 | Exhibit 910
, April 13, 1906.
69 | Exhibit 911
, December 7, 1906.
70 | Exhibit 912
, February 1, 1907.
71 | Exhibit 913
, April 26, 1907.
72 | Exhibit 914
, May 10, 1907.
73 | Exhibit 915
, May 24, 1907.
74 | Exhibit 916
, August 9, 1907.
75 | Exhibit 917
, February 28, 1908.
76 | Exhibit 918
, March 20, 1908.
77 | Exhibit 919
, May 29, 1908.
78 | Exhibit 920
, August 21, 1908.
79 | Exhibit 921
, December 25, 1908.
80 | Exhibit 922
, March 12, 1909.
81 | Exhibit 923
, March 19, 1909.
82 | Exhibit 924
, April 8, 1910.
83 | Exhibit 925
, April 22, 1910.
84 | Exhibit 926
, April 29, 1910.
85 | Exhibit 927
, May 6, 1910.
86 | Exhibit 928
, May 13, 1910.
87 | Exhibit 929
, July 8 1910.
88 | Exhibit 930
, August 5, 1910.
89 | Exhibit 931
, October 21, 1910.
90 | Exhibit 932
, December 23, 1910.
91 | Exhibit 933
, January 13, 1911.
92 | Exhibit 934
, February 10, 1911.
93 | Exhibit 935
, February 24, 1911.
94 | Exhibit 936
, March 31, 1911.
95 | Exhibit 937
, June 2, 1911.
96 | Exhibit 938
, June 30, 1911.
97 | Exhibit 939
, July 21, 1911.
98 | Exhibit 940
, August 4, 1911.
99 | Exhibit 941
, December 15, 1911.
100 | Exhibit 942
, January 5, 1912.
101 | Exhibit 943
, June 21, 1912.
102 | Exhibit 944
, June 6, 1913.
103 | Exhibit 945
, April 22, 1903.
104 | Exhibit 946
, December 6, 1903.
105 | Exhibit 947
, March 5, 1904
106 | Exhibit 948
, April 29, 1904.
107 | Exhibit 949
, September 7, 1904.
108 | Exhibit 950
, January 18, 1905.
109 | Exhibit 951
, October 1, 1905.
110 | Exhibit 952
, January 18, 1910.
111 | Exhibit 953
, December 12, 1911.
112 | Exhibit 954
, June 22, 1872, p. 2, "The New Indian Reserve."
113 | Exhibit 955
, June 22, 1872, p. 2, "The Colville Reservation."
114 | Exhibit 956
, July 13, 1872, p. 2, "The New Reserve" and "The Colville Reservation."
115 | Exhibit 957
, July 27, 1872, p. 2, "A New Indian Reserve."
116 | Exhibit 958
, August 3, 1872, p. 2, "Indian Matters."
117 | Exhibit 959
, March 1, 1873, p. 2, "Indian Movements."
118 | Exhibit 960
, May 10, 1873, "Indian Matters."
119 | Exhibit 961
, May 17, 1873, p. 2, "Indians All Peaceable."
120 | Exhibit 962
, July 18, 1873, p. 2, "Indian Affairs."
121 | Exhibit 963
, September 20, 1873, p. 2, "The Coeur d'Alene Reserve."
122 | Exhibit 964
, October 11, 1873, "Gov. Bennett Explains."
123 | Exhibit 965
, January 24, 1874, p. 2, "A New Reservation."
124 | Exhibit 966
, January 31, 1874, p. 2, "That New Reservation."
125 | Exhibit 967
Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs to George S. McLaren, May 5, 1908, RG. 75, 90805/07, National Archives.
126 | Exhibit 968
Anon. to C. F. Adams, November 9, 1901, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1901, Washington State University Archives, Pullman, Washington.
127 | Exhibit 969
Assistant Secretary of the General Land Office to Secretary of the Interior, June 15, 1911, Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary, Central Classified Files, Record Group 48, General Land Office, Indian Reservations, Coeur d'Alene, File No. 2-9, Box 608, April 11, 1907-Mar. 5, 1912, National Archives.
128 | Exhibit 970
Benham to Huntington , March 7, 1902, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 12, Folder 1902, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
129 | Exhibit 971
Bleecker to Herrick, February 24, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
130 | Exhibit 972
Bleecker to Herrick, March 18, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
131 | Exhibit 973
Bleecker to Herrick, April 2, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
132 | Exhibit 974
Bleecker to Knight, September 7, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
133 | Exhibit 975
Complaint, D. E. Hall v. WWPC, October 18, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
134 | Exhibit 976
Complaint in the District Court of the Eighth Judicial District of the State of Idaho, Kootenai County v. Washington Water Power Company, January 27, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
135 | Exhibit 977
Crane, A. A., Statement of The Washington Water Power Company, 1908, Record Group 75, File 90805/07, National Archives.
136 | Exhibit 978
Crauston (?) to Huntington, December 7, 1900, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1900, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
137 | Exhibit 979
Deed, Quit Claim Deed, Frederick Post to R. K. Neill, August 1, 1900, recorded in Book U of Deeds, p. 166-67, Kootenai County Recorders Office, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
138 | Exhibit 980
Deed, Frederick Post to R. K. Neill, August 1, 1900, recorded in Book U of Deeds, p. 168-69, Kootenai County Recorders Office, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
139 | Exhibit 981
Deed, Quit Claim Deed, Frederick Post and wife to R. K. Neill, January 18, 1902, recorded in Book 1 of Deeds, p. 9-10, Kootenai County Recorders Office, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
140 | Exhibit 982
Deed, Indenture, Idaho Lumber and Manufacturing Company to Washington Water Power Company, December 17, 1904, Deed Record Book 9, p. 460-63, Kootenai County Recorders Office, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
141 | Exhibit 983
Deed, Indenture, Alice L. Martin and A. M. Martin to Washington Water Power Company, December 17, 1904, Deed Record Book 9, p. 464-65, Kootenai County Recorders Office, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
142 | Exhibit 984
Deed, Heyburn State Park, Patent No. 213295, June 29, 1911, Bureau of Land Management Archives, Boise, Idaho.
143 | Exhibit 985
Dietrich, Frank S., Instructions to Referees, WWPC v. Charles Waters, et al. and WWPC v. John L. Ferguson, et al., Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 36, Folder August 1911, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
144 | Exhibit 986
Doty, Elmer vs. Washington Water Power Company, Affidavit of H. L. Bleecker, p. 3-5. Case #2213, in the District Court of the First Judicial District in and for the County of Kootenai, State of Idaho. Film #33, meter 141, Kootenai County Court Records, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
145 | Exhibit 987
Fisher to Director of the Geological Survey, April 20, 1911, Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary, Central Classified Files, Record Group 48, General Land Office, Indian Reservations, Coeur d'Alene, File No. 2-9, Box 608, April 11, 1907-Mar. 5, 1912, National Archives.
146 | Exhibit 988
Gaskill v. WWPC, Brief of Appellant, filed August 16, 1909, p. 9-18, 23-24, 34. Appellant No. 1564, Box 47, folder 71, Supreme Court of the State of Idaho, Boise, Idaho.
147 | Exhibit 989
Gaskill v. WWPC, Petition for Rehearing, filed November 17, 1909, p. 4. Appellant No. 1564, Box 47, folder 71, Supreme Court of the State of Idaho, Boise, Idaho.
148 | Exhibit 990
Hauke to Secretary of the Interior, Oct. 10, 1912, Record Group 75, File 90805/07, National Archives.
149 | Exhibit 991
Hawley to Heyburn, May 15, 1912, Hawley papers, Governors' files, Box 5, Folder 39, Idaho State Archives, Boise, Idaho.
150 | Exhibit 992
Herrick to Bleecker, March 23, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
151 | Exhibit 993
Herrick to Bleecker, April 9, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
152 | Exhibit 994
Herrick to Bleecker, August 2, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
153 | Exhibit 995
Heyburn to Hawley, May 20, 1912, Hawley papers, Governors' files, Box 5, Folder 39, Idaho State Archives, Boise, Idaho.
154 | Exhibit 996
Huntington to Anderson, March 17, 1903, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 21, Folder A, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
155 | Exhibit 997
Huntington to Anderson, March 27, 1903, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 21, Folder A, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
156 | Exhibit 998
Huntington to Crane, October 4, 1907, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1907, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
157 | Exhibit 999
Huntington to Darlington, September 9, 1903, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 21, Folder D, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
158 | Exhibit 1000
Huntington to Gray & Knight, May 3, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
159 | Exhibit 1001
Huntington to Neil, January 7, 1903, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 12, Folder 1903, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
160 | Exhibit 1002
Huntington to Penrose, February 14, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
161 | Exhibit 1003
Huntington to Perks, May 4, 1909, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1909, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
162 | Exhibit 1004
Huntington to Receiver, U. S. Land Office, October 14, 1902, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 12, Folder 1902, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
163 | Exhibit 1005
Huntington to Richards, September 19, 1901, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1901, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
164 | Exhibit 1006
Huntington to Thorndike, August 17, 1909, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 34, Folder August, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
165 | Exhibit 1007
Huntington to White, April 10, 1908, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 32, Folder 1908, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
166 | Exhibit 1008
Huntington to White, February 15, 1909, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 34, Folder February, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
167 | Exhibit 1009
Huntington to White, February 24, 1909, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 34, Folder February, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
168 | Exhibit 1010
Huntington to White, April 8, 1909, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 34, Folder April, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
169 | Exhibit 1011
Huntington to White, April 29, 1909, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 34, Folder April, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
170 | Exhibit 1012
Huntington to White, May 15, 1909, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 34, Folder May, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
171 | Exhibit 1013
Huntington to White, February 12, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 35, Folder January-March, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
172 | Exhibit 1014
Huntington to White, March 26, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 35, Folder July-September, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
173 | Exhibit 1015
Huntington to White, August 1, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 35, Folder July-September, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
174 | Exhibit 1016
Huntington to White, August 2, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 35, Folder July-September, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
175 | Exhibit 1017
Huntington to White, August 3, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 35, Folder July-September, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
176 | Exhibit 1018
Huntington to White, August 5, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 35, Folder July-September, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
177 | Exhibit 1019
Huntington to White, September 2, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 35, Folder July-September, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
178 | Exhibit 1020
Huntington to White, telegram, September 15, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 35, Folder July-September, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
179 | Exhibit 1021
Huntington to White, March 17, 1911, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 36, Folder March 1911, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
180 | Exhibit 1022
Huntington to White, April 3, 1911, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 36, Folder April 1911, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
181 | Exhibit 1023
Huntington to White, June 23, 1911, (with copy of Seltice statement),Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 36, Folder June 1911, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
182 | Exhibit 1024
Huntington to White, July 11, 1911, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 36, Folder July 1911, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
183 | Exhibit 1025
Huntington to White, August 7, 1911, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 36, Folder August 1911, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
184 | Exhibit 1026
Huntington to White, August 9, 1911, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 36, Folder August 1911, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
185 | Exhibit 1027
Huntington to White, August 10, 1911, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 36, Folder August 1911, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
186 | Exhibit 1028
Huntington to White, December 11, 1911, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 37, Folder December 1911, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
187 | Exhibit 1029
Huntington to White, May 13, 1912, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 37, Folder May 1912, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
188 | Exhibit 1030
Huntington to White, March 12, 1913, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 38, Folder March 1913, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
189 | Exhibit 1031
Jones, A. A. to Senator Henry L. Myers, February 12, 1914, Record Group 75, Coeur d'Alene 313-1907, 90805, File No. 90805/07, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
190 | Exhibit 1032
Knight to Bleecker, April 5, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
191 | Exhibit 1033
Knight to Bleecker, November 14, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
192 | Exhibit 1034
Knight to Bleecker, November 18, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
193 | Exhibit 1035
Knight to MacCalla, March 22, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
194 | Exhibit 1036
Knight to Shaw, March 28, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
195 | Exhibit 1037
Knight to Shaw, May 13, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
196 | Exhibit 1038
Knight to WWPC, January 18, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
197 | Exhibit 1039
Knight to WWPC, September 3, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
198 | Exhibit 1040
Knight to WWPC, September 9, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
199 | Exhibit 1041
Lane to Borah, May 26, 1913, Washington Water Power Company Records, SPC 972-0006, Box 13, Folder 5; Eastern Washington University Archives, Cheney, WA.
200 | Exhibit 1042
"List of Officers having served since date of Incorporation to October 31, 1939," Washington Water Power Company Records, SPC 972-0006, Box 17, Folder 15; Eastern Washington University Archives, Cheney, WA.
201 | Exhibit 1043
Neill to Richards, February 13, 1902, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 12, Folder 1902, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
202 | Exhibit 1044
Office of Indian Affairs, Memorandum in re flooding of certain lands in Coeur d'Alene Reservation, Idaho, by the Washington Water Power Company, undated, RG. 75, 90805/07, National Archives.
203 | Exhibit 1045
Post to Bleecker, March 7, 1911, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 36, Folder March 1911, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
204 | Exhibit 1046
Post to White, November 28, 1911, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 37, Folder November 1911, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
205 | Exhibit 1047
Rankin to Bleecker, January 9, 1913, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 14, Folder 1913, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
206 | Exhibit 1048
Richards to Huntington, September 21, 1900, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1900, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
207 | Exhibit 1049
Richards to Secretary of the Interior, August 27, 1902, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 12, Folder 1902, Washington State University Archives, Pullman, Washington.
208 | Exhibit 1050
Richards to White, August 18, 1900, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1900, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
209 | Exhibit 1051
Richards to White, August 21, 1900, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1900, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
210 | Exhibit 1052
Richards (?) to White, August 23, 1900, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1900, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
211 | Exhibit 1053
Richards to White, January 28, 1901, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1901, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
212 | Exhibit 1054
Richards to White, May 21, 1901, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1901, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
213 | Exhibit 1055
Richards to White, February 6, 1903, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 12, Folder 1903, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
214 | Exhibit 1056
Richards to White, March 18, 1903, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 12, Folder 1903, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
215 | Exhibit 1057
Richards to White, March 30, 1903, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 12, Folder 1903, Washington State University Archives, Pullman, Washington.
216 | Exhibit 1058
Richards to White, July 28, 1904, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 31, Folder 1905 [sic], Washington State University Archives, Pullman, Washington.
217 | Exhibit 1059
Richards to White, October 12, 1904, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 31, Folder 1905 [sic], Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
218 | Exhibit 1060
Richards to White, October 24, 1904, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 31, Folder 1905 [sic], Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
219 | Exhibit 1061
Richards to White, September 12, 1906, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 31, Folder 1906, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
220 | Exhibit 1062
Richards to White, September 6, 1907, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 32, Folder 1907, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
221 | Exhibit 1063
Richards to White, telegram, November 21, 1907, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 32, Folder 1907, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
222 | Exhibit 1064
Richards to White, December 17, 1906 [1907], Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 32, Folder 1907, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
223 | Exhibit 1065
Richards to White, December 28, 1907, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 32, Folder 1907, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
224 | Exhibit 1066
Richards to White, January 6, 1908, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 32, Folder 1908, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
225 | Exhibit 1067
Richards to White, February 8, 1908, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 32, Folder 1908, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
226 | Exhibit 1068
Richards to White, June 28, 1909, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 34, Folder June, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
227 | Exhibit 1069
Richards to White, August 11, 1909, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 34, Folder August, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
228 | Exhibit 1070
Richards to White, August 18, 1909, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 34, Folder August, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
229 | Exhibit 1071
Richards to White, December 1, 1909, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 34, Folder December, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
230 | Exhibit 1072
Richards to White, December 3, 1909, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 34, Folder December, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
231 | Exhibit 1073
Richards to White, December 4, 1909, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 34, Folder December, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
232 | Exhibit 1074
Richards to White, December 15, 1909, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 34, Folder December, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
233 | Exhibit 1075
Richards to White, March 29, 1911, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 36, Folder March 1911, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
234 | Exhibit 1076
Richards to White, May 26, 1911, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 36, Folder May 1911, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
235 | Exhibit 1077
Secretary to James S. Sherman, April 27, 1908, Record Group 75, File 90805/07, National Archives.
236 | Exhibit 1078
Smith to Secretary of Interior, May 1, 1911, Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary, Central Classified Files, Record Group 48, General Land Office, Indian Reservations, Coeur d'Alene, File No. 2-9, Box 608, April 11, 1907-Mar. 5, 1912, National Archives.
237 | Exhibit 1079
Taggart to Huntington, May 23, 1904, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 12, Folder 1904, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
238 | Exhibit 1080
Towles to Shaw, October 27, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 13, Folder 1910, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
239 | Exhibit 1081
Valentine to Director of Geological Survey, May 5, 1911, Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary, Central Classified Files, Record Group 48, General Land Office, Indian Reservations, Coeur d'Alene, File No. 2-9, Box 608, April 11, 1907-Mar. 5, 1912, National Archives.
240 | Exhibit 1082
Valentine to Secretary, January 29, 1909, General Land Office, Indian Reservations, Coeur d'Alene, RG 48, File 2-9, Box 608, April 11, 1907-Mar. 5, 1912, National Archives.
241 | Exhibit 1083
W.W.P.Co.-A-2, "Property," n.d., Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 1, Folder 20, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
242 | Exhibit 1084
Washington Water Power Company v. Waters et al, No. 1696, Brief of Appellant, filed July 9, 1910, p. 5-7; Box 53, folder 79, Idaho Supreme Court Records, Boise, ID.
Exhibits #1085-#1218Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 290
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Exhibit 1085
Washington Water Power Company v. Waters et al, No. 1696, Bleecker, H. L. Affidavit; Transcript on Appeal, pp. 272-280. Box 53, folder 79, Idaho Supreme Court Records, Boise, ID.
2 | Exhibit 1086
Washington Water Power Company v. Waters et al, No. 1696, MacCalla, C. S. Testimony; Transcript on Appeal filed June 15, 1910, p. 201-8; Box 53, folder 79, Idaho Supreme Court Records, Boise, ID.
3 | Exhibit 1087
Washington Water Power Company, "Reclassification of Electric Plant, Statements 'A' to 'I', Inclusive," p. 30-32, 38-40, 143, prepared for the Federal Power Commission, 1939, Washington Water Power Company Records, SPC 972-0006, microfilm; Eastern Washington University Archives, Cheney, WA.
4 | Exhibit 1088
Weeks to Huntington, n.d., Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 12, Folder 1906, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
5 | Exhibit 1089
Weeks to Huntington, December 15, 1906, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 12, Folder 1906, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
6 | Exhibit 1090
Wells to First Assistant Secretary, May 8, 1911, Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary, Central Classified Files, Record Group 48, General Land Office, Indian Reservations, Coeur d'Alene, File No. 2-9, Box 608, April 11, 1907-Mar. 5, 1912, National Archives.
7 | Exhibit 1091
White to Huntington, March 21, 1910, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 35, Folder January-March, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
8 | Exhibit 1092
White to Huntington, April 5, 1911, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 36, Folder April 1911, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
9 | Exhibit 1093
White to Huntington, June 17, 1911, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 36, Folder June 1911, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
10 | Exhibit 1094
White to Huntington, June 27, 1911, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 36, Folder June 1911, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
11 | Exhibit 1095
White to Richards, May 8, 1900, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1900, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
12 | Exhibit 1096
White to Richards, May 21, 1900, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1900, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
13 | Exhibit 1097
White to Richards, May 23, 1900, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1900, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
14 | Exhibit 1098
White to Richards, August 23, 1900, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1900, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
15 | Exhibit 1099
White to Richards, November 9, 1900, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1900, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
16 | Exhibit 1100
White to Richards, December 11, 1900, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1900, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
17 | Exhibit 1101
White to Richards, January 24, 1901, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1901, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
18 | Exhibit 1102
White to Richards, February 5, 1901, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1901, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
19 | Exhibit 1103
White to Richards, April 11, 1901, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1901, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
20 | Exhibit 1104
White to Richards, August 29, 1901, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1901, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
21 | Exhibit 1105
White to Richards, September 21, 1901, Washington Water Power Compnay Records, Box 11, Folder 1901, Washington State University Archives, Pullman, Washington.
22 | Exhibit 1106
White to Richards, November 7, 1901, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1901, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
23 | Exhibit 1107
White to Richards, November 14, 1901, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1901, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
24 | Exhibit 1108
White to Richards, December 2, 1901, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1901, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
25 | Exhibit 1109
White to Richards, December 5, 1901, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1901, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
26 | Exhibit 1110
White to Richards, December 28, 1901, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 11, Folder 1901, Washington State University Archives, Pullman, Washington.
27 | Exhibit 1111
White to Richards, August 8, 1906, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 31, Folder 1906, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
28 | Exhibit 1112
White to Richards, November 28, 1906, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 31, Folder 1906, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
29 | Exhibit 1113
White to Richards, December 20, 1907, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 32, Folder 1907, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
30 | Exhibit 1114
White to Richards, December 31, 1907, Washington Water Power Company Records, Box 32, Folder 1907, Washington State University Archives; Pullman, Washington.
31 | Exhibit 1115
Worley and Sams to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, April 4, 1908, Record Group 75, Coeur d'Alene 313-1907, 90805, File No. 90805/07, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
32 | Exhibit 1116
Borah to Secretary of the Interior, March 19, 1913,Washington Water Power Company Records, SPC 972-0006, Box 13, Folder 5; Eastern Washington University Archives, Cheney, WA.
33 | Exhibit 1117
Rankin to Huntington, April 3, 1913, Washington Water Power Company Records, SPC 972-0006, Box 13, Folder 5; Eastern Washington University Archives, Cheney, WA.
34 | Exhibit 1118
Rankin to Huntington, June 6, 1913, Washington Water Power Company Records, SPC 972-0006, Box 13, Folder 5; Eastern Washington University Archives, Cheney, WA.
35 | Exhibit 1119
Anon. . Spokane, Washington: Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903, pp. 756-759, 971-975
36 | Exhibit 1120
Boag, Peter G. . Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992, pp. 3, 10, 12-17.
37 | Exhibit 1121
Brookings Institution, Institute for Government Research. . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1928.
38 | Exhibit 1122
Buckley, Cornelius M. . Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1989.
39 | Exhibit 1123
Chance, David H. "Influences of the Hudson's Bay Company on the Native Cultures of the Colvile [sic?] District," , 7 (1973): pp. 42-43, 69-70, 106-109.
40 | Exhibit 1124
Clark, Ella E. . Berkeley: University of California Press, 1953, pp. 74-75.
41 | Exhibit 1125
Cronon, William. . New York: Hill & Wang, 1983.
42 | Exhibit 1126
Davies, John (ed.). . Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1980, pp. 64-65, 82.
43 | Exhibit 1127
Hart, E. Richard. "Karl A. Geyer at Coeur d'Alene, 1843-1844," HWA, October 25, 1995.
44 | Exhibit 1128
Deutsch, Herman J. "Indian and White in the Inland Empire: The Contest for the Land, 1880-1912," , 47 (1956): pp. 44-51.
45 | Exhibit 1129
[Diomedi, Alexander]. "Mission Sacratissimi Cordis Jesu Among the Coeur d'Alene," (Sacred Heart Mission Papers, Mss. IV, Oregon Province Archives, Crosby Library, Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington [hereafter SHMP]), pp. 1-2, 4-5.
46 | Exhibit 1130
Driver, Harold E. and William C. Massey. "Comparative Studies of North American Indians," , n.s. 47 (1957): 284-287.
47 | Exhibit 1131
Dunn, J. P., Jr. . New York: Harpers, 1886, p. 305.
48 | Exhibit 1132
Ewan, Joseph. . Denver: University of Denver Press, 1950, pp. 214-215.
49 | Exhibit 1133
Franchere, Gabriel. . ed. by W. Kaye Lamb, Publications of the Champlain Society, Vol. 45. Toronto: Champlain Society, 1969, p. 150.
50 | Exhibit 1134
Gray, William H. "The Unpublished Journal of William H. Gray from December, 1836 to October, 1837," , 15 (1913): pp. 15, 77.
51 | Exhibit 1135
Gunther, Erna. "The Westward Movement of Some Plains Traits," , N.S. 52 (1950): 176-177.
52 | Exhibit 1136
Haines, Francis. "The Northward Spread of Horses among the Plains Indians," , n. s. 40 (1938): 430, 435-436.
53 | Exhibit 1137
Hunn, Eugene S. "Mobility as a Factor Limiting Resource Use in the Columbia Plateau of North America," in Nancy M. Williams and Eugene S. Hunn, eds., Resource Managers: . Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1982, pp. 23-33.
54 | Exhibit 1138
Hunn, Eugene S. . Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1990, pp. 170-179.
55 | Exhibit 1139
Joset, Joseph, S. J. "The Coeur d'Alene Mission and Its Church," mss XLII, SHMP.
56 | Exhibit 1140
Kinney, J. P. . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1937, pp. 265-266.
57 | Exhibit 1141
Lewis, Henry T. "Fire Technology and Resource Management in Aboriginal North America and Australia," in Williams and Hunn, , 53-58
58 | Exhibit 1142
Meinig, D. W. . Seattle: University of Washington Press, pp. 23-25, 70-72.
59 | Exhibit 1143
Merk, Frederick. . Harvard Historical Studies, Vol. 31 (Cambridge, Mass.,: Harvard University Press, 1931), pp. xxvi, 47-50, 105, 111, 134, 266, 270, 310, 338.
60 | Exhibit 1144
Wildsho, Peter; Peter Mocktelmy [sic]; et. al., petition to Commissioner of Indian Affairs and Secretary of the Interior, 1906, items 31247 and 31460, Letters Received, 1881-1907, Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Record Group 75, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
61 | Exhibit 1145
Otis, D. S. . ed. by Francis Paul Prucha. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1973, pp. 93-94.
62 | Exhibit 1146
Painter, H. M. "The Coming of the Horse," , 2 (1946): pp. 155-157.
63 | Exhibit 1147
Palmer, Gary B. "Indian Pioneers: Migration to Ni'lokhwalqw (DeSmet)," unpublished paper presented at 80th annual meeting, American Anthropological Association, December, 1981, pp. 2, 5-18.
64 | Exhibit 1148
Philp, Kenneth R. "John Collier and the Controversy over the Wheeler-Howard Bill," in Jane F. Smith and Robert M. Kvasnicka, eds., (Washington, D.C.: Howard University Press, 1976), pp. 185-186.
65 | Exhibit 1149
Pyne, Stephen J. . Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1982, pp. 71-83.
66 | Exhibit 1150
Rich, E. E. (ed.). , Publications of the Champlain Society, Hudson's Bay Company Series, Vol. 10 (Toronto: Champlain Society, 1947), pp. 49, 68-69.
67 | Exhibit 1151
Robbins, William G. "Landscape and Environment: Ecological Change in the Intermontane Northwest," 84 (1993): pp. 140-149.
68 | Exhibit 1152
Ruby, Robert H. and John A. Brown. . Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1972, pp. 7-8, 18-20, 48, 59, 288.
69 | Exhibit 1153
Sams, W. B. and Charles O. Worley to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, January 30, 1908, file 8214-08-Coeur d'Alene 307.2, Central Office Files, 1907-1939, Bureau of Indian Affairs (Record Group 75, National Archives, Washington, D. C.), microcopy M-595, reel 51.
70 | Exhibit 1154
Scott, Orland A. . Coeur d'Alene, Idaho: by the author, 1907, pp. 39, 115, 119, 229-231.
71 | Exhibit 1155
Seltice, Joseph. note on present conditions, n. d. [ca. 1939], Correspondence of Chief Joseph Seltice, SHMP.
72 | Exhibit 1156
, Nov. 4, 1938
73 | Exhibit 1157
, June 17, 1905; March 1, 1907
74 | Exhibit 1158
United States. Congress. . 62nd Congress., 2nd Session, p. 2702.
75 | Exhibit 1159
United States. Congress. Senate. . Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1934, pp. 16992-16998.
76 | Exhibit 1160
, March 23, 1866.
77 | Exhibit 1161
[Weibel, George F.] "Fifty Years of a Peaceful Conquest," , 5 (1914): p. 528.
78 | Exhibit 1162
White, Richard. . Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1980, pp. 20-23, 32-33.
79 | Exhibit 1163
Bischoff, William. . Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton, Press, 1945.
80 | Exhibit 1164
DeSmet, Pierre-Jean, (Philadelphia: M. Fithian, 1843), p. 122, 210.
81 | Exhibit 1165
Hart, I. W. (ed.) , Volume II. Caxton Printers, Ltd.: Caldwell, Idaho; 1912; pp. 2014-2016, 2022-2024, and 2085-2089.
82 | Exhibit 1166
Interview with Felix Aripa; Tribal Memory Project, June 24, 1981, Interviewer Lavinia Felsman, pages 1-9.
83 | Exhibit 1167
Stories of Stanislas Aripa in the Coeur d'Alene Language, "Coyote Eats his Own Marrow," TMP, recorded circa 1950, translated in July, 1982 by Lavinia Felsman and Gary Palmer, Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada, diskette 9B, pages 10-12.
84 | Exhibit 1168
Stories of Stanislas Aripa in the Coeur d'Alene Language, "The Desmet Mission School and the Government Service Trip to Washington", translated by Palmer and Felsman, July, 1982. Stories of Stanislas Aripa in the Coeur d'Alene Language, "The Smallpox Epidemic and the Great Chief on High," translated by Palmer and Felsman, July, 1982, pages 13-39.
85 | Exhibit 1169
Stories of Stanislas Aripa in the Coeur d'Alene Language, "Toad and the Son of Light," translated by Palmer and Felsman, July, 1982, pages 40-45.
86 | Exhibit 1170
Interview with Joe Vincent Basa, November 12, 1982, interviewed by Lavinia Felsman, pages 46-59.
87 | Exhibit 1171
"Coeur d'Alene Indians." manuscript history by F. Tom Connolly and Gary Palmer for the Idaho Humanities Forum, n.d., pages 60-62.
88 | Exhibit 1172
Interview with Kathrine Pascal Finley, April 6, 1981, interviewed by Lavinia Felsman, pages 63-65.
89 | Exhibit 1173
Interview with Donald George, July 20, 1983, interviewed by Lavinia Felsman pages 66-68.
90 | Exhibit 1174
Interview with Donald and Lucy George, July or August, 1980, interviewed by Lavinia Felsman, pages 69-71.
91 | Exhibit 1175
"Post Falls Historical Society Special Dedication Edition--Qlemiln Riverside Park," Article title, "The Indian Sage," by Paschal George first published in , June 1939, reprinted in July 1980, 2nd. reprint June 1981, edited by Su Harms, pages 72-74.
92 | Exhibit 1176
"This is Bill Meshell's Story," Interview with Bill Meshell, April 3, 1981, interviewed by Lavinia Felsman (original date Sept. 15, 1983), pages 75-81.
93 | Exhibit 1177
Interview with Bill Meshell at home, Desmet, Idaho, June 18, 1982, interviewed by Lavinia Felsman, pages 82-86.
94 | Exhibit 1178
Interview with Bill Meshell, at his home, "Another Coyote," July 8, 1981, pages 87-91.
95 | Exhibit 1179
Interview with Evelyn Ford, with Mrs. Ann Mary Moctelme and Father Cornelius Byrne, June, 1982, transcribed and translated by Lavinia Felsman and Gary Palmer, pages 92-107.
96 | Exhibit 1180
Interview with Catherine Pascal, May 5, 1985
97 | Exhibit 1181
"Memoirs of Basil Peone: Chief Peter Moctelme, An Indian Herodotus," copied from , n.d., pages 115-117.
98 | Exhibit 1182
Interview with Herman Seltice, July 20, 1983, interviewed by Lavinia Felsman, pages 118-128.
99 | Exhibit 1183
Interview with Margaret Stensgar, September 22, 1980, interviewed by Dusty Seylor; and July 13, 1983, interviewed by Lavinia Lelsman; pages 129-152.
100 | Exhibit 1184
"Traditional and Historic Use of Lake Chatcolet By the Coeur d'Alene Tribe," paper prepared for Oral History Session, Lake Chatcolet, July 14, 1982, by Dr. Gary Palmer, Project Humanist; and Lavinia Felsman, Project Interviewer pages 153-159.
101 | Exhibit 1185
Interviews with Lawrence Aripa (June 10, 1993), Felix Aripa (June 12, 1993) and Ann Samuels (June 12, 1993) by Robert McCarl for the Institute of the North American West. Interviews were held respectively in Lovell Valley and Worley, Idaho. Lawrence Aripa Page 1-22, Ann Samuels, Page 23-42 Felix Aripa, pages 43-64
102 | Exhibit 1186
Release forms from Lawrence Aripa, Felix Aripa, and Ann Samuels. Photographs of subjects also included.
103 | Exhibit 1187
Hart, E. Richard. "Official United States Surveys of River and Lake Beds and Banks," May 10, 1996, HWA.
104 | Exhibit 1188
Watkins, Marilyn P. "Coeur d'Alene Indian Use of Reservation Bed and Banks, 1880-1910," Table and Map.
105 | Exhibit 1189
Hart, E. Richard. "The Efficacy of the 1873 Coeur D'alene Executive Order," Hart West & Associates, Prepared for the United States Department of Justice, , Civil #92-35703, July 19, 1997.
106 | Exhibit 1190
United States. Statutes at Large, I, pp. 51-53. "Northwest Ordinance," July 13, 1787.
107 | Exhibit 1191
Brewster, Benjamin Harris to Secretary of the Interior, January 17, 1882, "Indian Reservations," Attorney General Opinion (17 U.S. Op. Atty. Gen. 258)
108 | Exhibit 1192
Brown, Everett Somerville. . University of California Press: Berkeley, 1920, pp. 14-109.
109 | Exhibit 1193
Burton, Lloyd. . University of Kansas Press: Lawrence, 1991.
110 | Exhibit 1194
Chaput, Donald. "Generals, Indian Agents, Politicians: The Doolittle Survey of 1865," ; July, 1972 (Volume III, Number 3), pp. 268-282.
111 | Exhibit 1195
Clark, Blue, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1994), pp. x, 1-3, 7, 14-16, 19-21, 27, 29, 54-55, 67-68, 71, 77-78, 82, 108, 133, and 140-141.
112 | Exhibit 1196
Cohen, Felix S., , Department of the Interior, Office of the Solicitor (Washington, DC: GPO, 1943), pp. 299-302.
113 | Exhibit 1197
Commager, Henry Steele. . New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1963, pp. 238-242.
114 | Exhibit 1198
Debo, Angie. . University of Oklahoma Press: Norman, 1970.
115 | Exhibit 1199
Donaldson, Thomas. . Johnson Reprint Corporation: New York and London, 1970 (Originally published GPO: Washington, 1884; a publication of the Public Land Commission), pp. v-xvi, 1-27, 90-107, 152-199, 214-223, 240-255, 294-297, 332-356, 363-364, 454, 456, 517, 529, 533, 541, 549-551, 598-599, 639, 668, 696-710, 727, 730, 743, 968-969, 979, 1014-1047, 1187, 1202, 1215, 1242-1247, 1250-1259, 1278, 1282-1284, maps and tables.
116 | Exhibit 1200
Ericsson, Robert J., "The Navigation Servitude and Reserved Indian Property: Does the Rule of No Compensation Apply to Indian Interest in Navigable Waters?" , 1979, 57-76.
117 | Exhibit 1201
Foner, Eric. . New York: Harper & Row, 1988.
118 | Exhibit 1202
Frazer, Robert W. . University of Oklahoma Press: Norman, 1965, pp. 103-104.
119 | Exhibit 1203
Garland, A. H. to Secretary of the Interior, "Opinion," February 28, 1877 [sic, 1887]. (18 U.S. Op. Atty. Gen. 557)
120 | Exhibit 1204
Garland, A. H. to the Secretary of the Interior, March 29, 1885, "Old Winnebago and Crow Creek Reservation," Opinion of the Attorney General (18 U.S. Op. Atty. Gen. 141)
121 | Exhibit 1205
Gates, Paul Wallace. . New York: Arno Press, 1979, pp. 205-206 and 209-210
122 | Exhibit 1206
Gates, Paul W. , Arno Press: New York, 1979, pp. iv-v, xi, 370, 653-654, and 663-665.
123 | Exhibit 1207
Gibson, Arrell Morgan. : Prehistory to the Present. Lexington: D.C. Heath and Company, 1980.
124 | Exhibit 1208
Hart, E. Richard. "Boundaries of Zuni Land: With Emphasis on Details Relating to Incidents Occurring 1846-1946," expert testimony submitted to the United States Court of Claims, Docket 161-79L, March 1980, Vol. 1, pp. 91-93 and Vol. 2, p. 89.
125 | Exhibit 1209
Hart, E. Richard. "The Zuni Mountains: Chronology of an Environmental Disaster," expert testimony submitted to the United States Claims Court, Dockets 327-81L and 224-84L, September 11, 1988, pp. 67 and 126-132.
126 | Exhibit 1210
Hart, E. Richard (ed.) . University Press of Kansas: Lawrence, 1995, pp. 68-69, 275-276 and 285, includes Tyler, Lyman. "Zuni Indians Under the Laws of Spain, Mexico, and the United States."
127 | Exhibit 1211
Hoxie, Frederick E. "The End of the Savage: Indian Policy in the United States Senate, 1880-1900," , Volume LV, Number 2 (Summer, 1977), pp. 157-179.
128 | Exhibit 1212
Hundley, Norris, Jr., "The Dark and Bloody Ground of Indian Water Rights: Confusion Elevated to Principle," , vol. IX, No. 4, (October 1978): 455-82.
129 | Exhibit 1213
Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada. . Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada: Reno, 1976, pp. 65-66.
130 | Exhibit 1214
Johnson, Edward C. . Walker River Paiute Tribe: Schurz, Nevada; 1975, pp. 28 and 39.
131 | Exhibit 1215
Johnson, Edward C. "Walker River," . Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada: Reno, 1976, p. 96
132 | Exhibit 1216
Kappler, Charles J. (compiler and editor) , Vol. IV (Laws compiled to March 4, 1927). Government Printing Office: Washington, 1929, pp. 1001-1053.
133 | Exhibit 1217
Kappler, Charles J. (compiler and editor) , Vol. III (Laws compiled to December 1, 1913). Government Printing Office: Washington, 1913, pp. 667-695.
134 | Exhibit 1218
Kappler, Charles J. (compiler and editor) , Vol. I (Laws compiled to December 1, 1902). Government Printing Office: Washington, 1904, pp. 801-936.
Exhibits #1219-#1331Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 291
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Exhibit 1219
Kelly, Lawrence C. , 1900-1935. The University of Arizona Press: Tucson, 1968, pp. 16-25, 28-30, 34, 38-47, 50-55, 57-58, 61-65, 69, 72-80, 82, 90-93, and 99-100.
2 | Exhibit 1220
Kelly, Lawrence C. "Charles Henry Burke, 1821-29," (edited by Robert M. Kvasnicka and Herman J. Viola, with a foreword by Philleo Nash). University of Nebraska Press: Lincoln and London, 1979, p. 258.
3 | Exhibit 1221
Knaebel, Ernest. Acting Attorney General to the Secretary of Agriculture, September 5, 1911 (29 U. S. Op. Atty. Gen 239).
4 | Exhibit 1222
Lake Mohonk Conference. ; October 7-9, 1885; Philadelphia: Sherman & Co., 1886, pp. 6-7, 27-45 and 48-50.
5 | Exhibit 1223
Lake Mohonk Conference. ; October 12-14, 1886; Washington: Government Printing Office, 1887; pp. 11-12 and 30-35.
6 | Exhibit 1224
Lake Mohonk Conference. ; September 26-28, 1888; Lake Mohonk Conference: 1888; pp. 5-10, 20, 45, and 63-69.
7 | Exhibit 1225
Lake Mohonk Conference. , 1889; Lake Mohonk Conference: 1889; pp. 13-15, 84-97 and 121.
8 | Exhibit 1226
Madsen, Brigham D. . Caxton Printers: Caldwell, Idaho; 1979, pp. 112-118, 186-189 and 197-203.
9 | Exhibit 1227
Marshall, Thomas Maitland. . Berkeley: University of California Press, 1914.
10 | Exhibit 1228
McLaughlin, Michael R., "The Dawes Act, or Indian General Allotment Act of 1887: The Continuing Burden of Allotment. A Selective Annotated Bibliography," 20:2 (1996): 59-105.
11 | Exhibit 1229
McKinney, Whitney. . Institute of the American West and Howe Brothers: Salt Lake City, 1983, pp. 19-22.
12 | Exhibit 1230
Minge, Ward Alan. . University of New Mexico Press: Albuquerque, 1991, pp. 57-58.
13 | Exhibit 1231
Nelson, Byron, Jr. . Hupa Tribe: Hoopa, California, 1978, pp. 187-197.
14 | Exhibit 1232
Otis, D. S. (with an introduction by Francis Paul Prucha). University of Oklahoma Press: Norman, 1973 (first published 1934), pp. ix-xviii, 3-6, 12-5, 30, 33-56, 58, 84, 92-94, 98-123 and 154.
15 | Exhibit 1233
Pacheco, Thomas H., "Indian Bedlands Claims: A Need to Clear the Waters," , vol. 15:1, 1991: 1-51.
16 | Exhibit 1234
Patterson, E. O, Solicitor, to Secretary of the Interior, March 6, 1926 in Kappler, Charles J., , vol. IV (Laws) compiled to March 4, 1927 (Washington, DC: GPO, 1929), p. 1061-64.
17 | Exhibit 1234
Stone, Harlan F., Attorney General, to Hubert Work Secretary of the Interior, May 27, 1924, in Kappler, Charles J., , vol. IV (Laws) compiled to March 4, 1927 (Washington, DC: GPO, 1929), p. 1056-1061.
18 | Exhibit 1235
Powell, J. W. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1879, pp. ii-xi, 1-4, 6, 10-12, 19-24, and 27-43.
19 | Exhibit 1236
Prucha, Francis Paul (ed.). (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1978), pp. 122-140.
20 | Exhibit 1237
Prucha, Francis Paul (ed.). . University of Nebraska Press: Lincoln, 1975.
21 | Exhibit 1238
Prucha, Francis Paul. . University of Oklahoma Press: Norman, 1976.
22 | Exhibit 1239
Prucha, Francis Paul. . University of California Press: Berkeley, 1994, pp. 312-313, 329-333, and 446-515.
23 | Exhibit 1240
Prucha, Francis Paul. , Two volumes in one. University of Nebraska Press: Lincoln and London, 1995, pp. 485-489, 887-889 and 1106-1108.
24 | Exhibit 1241
Prucha, Francis Paul. (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1982).
25 | Exhibit 1242
Prucha, Francis Paul. "Thomas Jefferson Morgan, 1889-1893," , 1824-1977 (edited by Robert M. Kvasnicka and Herman J. Viola), Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1979, pp. 193-203.
26 | Exhibit 1243
Rassier, Phillip J. . State of Idaho: Boise; June, 1978, pp. 10-11.
27 | Exhibit 1244
Rassier, Phillip J. . State of Idaho: Boise; June, 1978.
28 | Exhibit 1245
Ruby, Robert H. and John A. Brown. . Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1986, pp. 125-126 and 161.
29 | Exhibit 1246
Sacred Heart Mission. The Pacific Northwest Tribes Missions Collection of the Oregon Province Archives of the Society of Jesus. Records of the Sacred Heart Mission, Idaho. Microfilm roll 16, A8136, Suzallo Library, University of Washington.
30 | Exhibit 1247
Smith, Burton M. "The Politics of Allotment: The Flathead Indian Reservation as a Test Case," , Volume 70, Number 3 (July, 1979), pp. 131-140.
31 | Exhibit 1248
Sonnichsen, C. L. . University of Oklahoma Press: Norman, 1973, pp. 89 and 110-133.
32 | Exhibit 1249
Steen, Harold K. . University of Washington Press: Seattle, 1977, pp. 34-37, 101-102 and 324-325.
33 | Exhibit 1250
Stegner, Wallace. . Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1954.
34 | Exhibit 1251
Strickland, Rennard, ed., , 1983 Edition (Charlottesville, VA: The Michie Company, 1982), pp. 127-128, 130-137, 493-499 and 576.
35 | Exhibit 1252
Sutton, Imre. . Clearwater Publishing Company, Inc.: New York, 1975.
36 | Exhibit 1253
Thomas, Cyrus, "Introduction," to "Indian Land Cessions in the United States," by Charles C. Royce, , 1896-97, by J. W. Powell, part 2, p. 527-643.
37 | Exhibit 1254
United States. House. "Allowance of Lands in Severalty to Indians," 48th Congress, 2d Session, Report No. 2247, 1885 (Serial Set #2328).
38 | Exhibit 1255
United States. House. "Lands in Severalty to Indians," 46th Congress, 2d Session, Report No. 1576, 1880 (Serial Set #1938).
39 | Exhibit 1256
United States. House. "Lands to Indians in Severalty," 45th Congress, 3d Session, Report No. 165, 1879 (Serial Set # 1866).
40 | Exhibit 1257
United States. House. 49th Congress, 1st Session, Report No. 1682, 1886 (Serial Set #2440).
41 | Exhibit 1258
United States. Senate. Report No. 234, 48th Congress, 1st Session, 1884 (Serial Set #2174).
42 | Exhibit 1259
United States. House. "Agreement with Ute Indians of Colorado," 46th congress, 2d Session, Report No. 1401, 1880 (Serial Set # 1937).
43 | Exhibit 1260
United States. House. "Allotment of Lands in Severalty to Indians," 49th Congress, 1st Session, Report No. 1835 (Serial Set #2440).
44 | Exhibit 1261
United States. House. "Transfer of the Indian Bureau to the War Department," January 31, 1879; 45th Congress, 3rd Session, House Report No. 92. United States. House. "Transfer of the Indian Bureau to the War Department," January 31, 1879; 45th Congress, 3rd Session, House Report No. 93.
45 | Exhibit 1262
United States. Senate. . Volume 7, Part 1; January 14, 1878; p. 304.
46 | Exhibit 1263
United States. House. . Volume 8, Part 1; January 31, 1879; p. 864.
47 | Exhibit 1264
United States. Senate. . Volume 8, Part 2; February 6, 1879-February 12, 1879; pp. 1044 and 1221-1226.
48 | Exhibit 1265
United States. House. . Volume 8, Part 3; March 3, 1879; p. 2403.
49 | Exhibit 1266
United States. Senate. . Volume 9, Part 1; March 24, 1879; pp. 44-45 and 615.
50 | Exhibit 1267
United States. Senate. . Volume 10, Part 1; January 12, 1880-February 16, 1880; pp. 274 and 912.
51 | Exhibit 1268
United States. Senate. . Volume 10, Part 2; March 8, 1880; p. 1394.
52 | Exhibit 1269
United States. Senate. . Volume 10, Part 3; April 1, 1880-April 12, 1880; pp. 2027-2030, 2058-2067, 2146, 2152-2164, 2189-2202, 2221-2228, 2249-2268, and 2309-2320.
53 | Exhibit 1270
United States. Senate. . Volume 10, Part 4; May 19, 1880; p. 3507.
54 | Exhibit 1271
United States. Senate. . Volume 10, Part 5; June 7, 1880; pp. 4251-4263.
55 | Exhibit 1272
United States. Congress. . Volume 10, Appendix; 1880; pp. 100-105, 233-237, and 274-276.
56 | Exhibit 1273
United States. Senate. . Volume 11, Part 1; January 20, 1881-January 25, 1881; pp. 761, 778-788, 873-882, and 904-912.
57 | Exhibit 1274
United States. Senate. . Volume 11, Part 2; January 25, February 5, 1881; pp. 913, 933-943, 994-1003, 1028-1036, 1060-1070, 1096, 1211, and 1253.
58 | Exhibit 1275
United States. Senate. . Volume 13, Part 1; December 5, 1881-January 18, 1882; pp. 3, 77, 101-102, and 484.
59 | Exhibit 1276
United States. Senate. . Volume 13, Part 2; February 21, 1882-March 13, 1882; pp. 1326-1330, 1524, 1697, and 1824.
60 | Exhibit 1277
United States. Senate. . Volume 13, Part 3; July 28, 1882; p. 2141.
61 | Exhibit 1278
United States. Senate. . Volume 13, Part 7; July 28, 1882; p. 6625.
62 | Exhibit 1279
United States. Congress. . Volume 15, Part 1; December 4, 1883 to January 7, 1884; pp. 13, 117 and 249.
63 | Exhibit 1280
United States. Senate. . Volume 15, Part 2; February 27, 1884; p. 1414.
64 | Exhibit 1281
United States. Senate. . Volume 15, Part 3; March 25-26, 1884; pp. 2240-2242 and 2277-2280.
65 | Exhibit 1282
United States. Senate. . Volume 15, Part 4; April 29, 1884; pp. 3520-3522.
66 | Exhibit 1283
United States. House. . Volume 15, Part 5; June 10 to June 15, 1884; pp. 4988-4996.
67 | Exhibit 1284
United States. Senate. . Volume 16, Part 1; December 1, 1884 to January 9, 1885; pp. 2, 218, and 580.
68 | Exhibit 1285
United States. Congress. . Volume 16, Part 3; February 23, 1885 to March 3, 1885; pp. 2030-2031, 2086-2087, 2116, 2127, 2205, 2236, 2257, 2290, 2306, and 2503.
69 | Exhibit 1286
United States. Congress. . Volume 17, Part 1; December 8, 1885-February 19, 1886; pp. 123, 389, 412, 486, 699, 941, 1558-1559, and 1630-1635.
70 | Exhibit 1287
United States. Congress. . Volume 17, Part 2; February 23, 1886 to March 2, 1886; pp. 1688, 1719-1720, 1762-1764, and 1959.
71 | Exhibit 1288
United States. Congress. . Volume 17, Part 4; April 27-28, 1886; pp. 3864 and 3929.
72 | Exhibit 1289
United States. Congress. . Volume 18, Part 1; December 15, 1886 to January 25, 1887; pp. 189-192, 224-226, 247, 273, 285, 313-315, 478, 511, 534, 580, 772-773, 882, and 972-974.
73 | Exhibit 1290
United States. Congress. . Volume 18, Part 2; December 15, 1886 to January 25, 1887; pp. 1046, 1054, 1565, 1577, and 1736.
74 | Exhibit 1291
United States. Congress. . 40th Congress, 3rd Session, Part 3; February 27, 1869 and March 3, 1869, pp. 1698-1707 and 1813-1814.
75 | Exhibit 1292
United States. Congress. . 41st Congress, 1st Session, March 19-April 6, 1869, pp. 164-173, 413-424, and 557-573.
76 | Exhibit 1293
United States. Congress. . 41st Congress, 2nd Session, Part 2, February 25, 1870; pp. 1575-1581.
77 | Exhibit 1294
United States. Congress. . 41st Congress, 2nd Session, Part 6; June 29, 1870-July 14, 1870; pp. 4971-4973 and 5606-5610.
78 | Exhibit 1295
United States. Congress. . 41st Congress, 3rd Session, Part 1; January 25-January 27, 1871; pp. 730-739, 762-771, and 789-790.
79 | Exhibit 1296
United States. Congress. . 41st Congress, 3rd Session, Part 2; February 10-February 23, 1871; pp. 1112-1115, 1480-1497, 1499-1508, and 1562-1589.
80 | Exhibit 1297
United States. Congress. . 41st Congress, 3rd Session, Part 3; March 1, 1871; pp. 1810-1812 and 1821-1825.
81 | Exhibit 1298
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1875, pp. 16-19 and 60.
82 | Exhibit 1299
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1876, pp. vi-vii and ix.
83 | Exhibit 1300
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1877, p. 1.
84 | Exhibit 1301
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1878, pp. iv-xi.
85 | Exhibit 1302
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1879, pp. iv-v and xliii.
86 | Exhibit 1303
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1880, pp. xvi-xviii.
87 | Exhibit 1304
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1881, pp. iii-v and xxii-xxix.
88 | Exhibit 1305
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1882, pp. xlii-xlv.
89 | Exhibit 1306
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1883, pp. xi-xvii.
90 | Exhibit 1307
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1884, pp. xiii-xv and xlviii-li.
91 | Exhibit 1308
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1885, pp. iii-vii.
92 | Exhibit 1309
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1886, pp. xix-xx.
93 | Exhibit 1310
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1887, pp. iv-x.
94 | Exhibit 1311
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1888, pp. xxxvii-xxxix.
95 | Exhibit 1312
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1889, pp. 14-19.
96 | Exhibit 1313
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1890, pp. iii-vi and xxiii-xxxi.
97 | Exhibit 1314
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1891, pp. 9-43.
98 | Exhibit 1315
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1892, pp. 64-73.
99 | Exhibit 1316
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1893, pp. 23-27.
100 | Exhibit 1317
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1894, pp. 19-25 and 32-35.
101 | Exhibit 1318
United States. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1895, pp. 19-25.
102 | Exhibit 1319
United States. House. . 52nd Congress, 2nd Session, House Executive Document No. 79; December, 9, 1892.
103 | Exhibit 1320
Utley, Robert M. . Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1984, pp. 106-109.
104 | Exhibit 1321
Washburn, Wilcomb E. , Vol. III, Greenwood Press: Westport, Connecticut, 1973, pp. 2144-2150 and 2188-2193.
105 | Exhibit 1322
Western States Water Council. . Western States Water Council. March 8, 1976.
106 | Exhibit 1323
Wheatley, Charles F., , vol. II, Parts 2-5, prepared for the Public Land Law Review Commission (Springfield, VA: Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific & Technical Information, 1969), pp. 163, 185-189, 270, and 272-273.
107 | Exhibit 1324
Wilkinson, Charles E. . Yale University Press: New Haven, 1987, pp. 63-68 and 179.
108 | Exhibit 1325
Young, Mary E. "Indian Removal and Land Allotment: The Civilized Tribes and Jacksonian Justice," from by Paul W. Gates; New York: Arno Press, 1979.
109 | Exhibit 1326
United States. Congress. Senate. "Condition of the Indian Tribes: Report of the Joint Special Committee, Appointed under Joint Resolutions of March 3, 1865." Senate Report No. 156, 39th Congress, 2nd Session, Serial Set number 1279, pp. 2-10.
110 | Exhibit 1327
Worcester, Donald E. . University of Oklahoma Press: Norman, 1979, pp. 85-86 and 91.
111 | Exhibit 1328
Kelly, Lawrence. . The Pruett Publishing Company: Boulder, 1970, pp. 16-17 and 56-57.
112 | Exhibit 1329
Tiller, Veronica E. Velarde. . University of Nebraska Press: Lincoln, 1983, p. 61.
113 | Exhibit 1330
Thrapp, Dan L. . University of Oklahoma Press: Norman, 1974, pp. 86-87, 99, and 340.
114 | Exhibit 1331
Reeve, Frank D. "The Federal Indian Policy in New Mexico, 1858-1880," , Vol. XIII, No. 1 (January, 1938), pp. 14-17 and 36.
Exhibits #1332-#1452Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 292
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Exhibit 1332
Scott, Orland A. . Coeur d'Alene, Idaho: Caxton Printers, 1967 (first published, privately, in 1907), pp. 157, 191-193, 195, 228-231, 238, 246, and 313.
2 | Exhibit 1333
Amsden, Charles Avery. . Peregrine Smith, Inc.: Salt Lake City, 1975 (first published 1934), pp. 164-168.
3 | Exhibit 1334
Arrington, Leonard J. , 2 Vols. University of Idaho Press: Moscow, Frame 189-199, Letters Received, Office of Indian Affairs.
4 | Exhibit 1347
Applegate, E.L., to Secretary of Interior, February 15, 1873, M 234: Idaho Roll 341, Frames 200-205, Letters Received, Office of Indian Affairs.
5 | Exhibit 1348
Delano, Secretary of Interior, to Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs, March 26, 1873, M 234: Idaho, Roll 341, Frames 182-185, Letters Received, Office of Indian Affairs.
6 | Exhibit 1349
Commissioner to Shanks, April 11, 1873, M 234: Idaho, Roll 342, Frames 680-686, Letters Received, Office of Indian Affairs.
7 | Exhibit 1350
Commissioner of Indian Affairs to Shanks, June 25, 1873, M 234: Idaho, Roll 341, Frames 221-224, Letters Received, Office of Indian Affairs.
8 | Exhibit 1351
Bennett to Commissioner, April 13, 1874, M 234: Idaho, Roll 342, Frames 8-20, Letters Received, Office of Indian Affairs.
9 | Exhibit 1352
Commissioner of Indian Affairs Hayt to Secretary of the Interior, September 9, 1878, L-R, RG75, Microfilm, M234, Roll 350, Frames 742-744, NA [copy from State of Idaho during discovery].
10 | Exhibit 1353
Secretary of the Interior Delano to Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs Clum, March 3, 1873, enclosing E. L. Applegate "Memoranda," [copy from State of Idaho during discovery].
11 | Exhibit 1354
"Memoranda on the Coeur d'Alene Indians by E. L. Applegate," March 3, 1873, [copy from State of Idaho during discovery].
12 | Exhibit 1355
Acting Commissioner to Delano, March 8, 1873, RG75, M-348, Roll 22, pp. 320-321. [copy from State of Idaho during discovery].
13 | Exhibit 1356
Hayt to Fenn, October 31, 1877, RG 75, M-21, Roll 138, p. 139, NA [copy from State of Idaho during discovery].
14 | Exhibit 1357
"An Act to grant pre-emption rights to settlers on the public lands," 21st Congress, 1st Session; May 29, 1830 (4 Stat 420-421).
15 | Exhibit 1358
"An Act to provide for the organization of the department of Indian affairs," 23rd Congress, 1st Session; June 30, 1834. (4 Stat., 735-738)
16 | Exhibit 1359
"An Act to appropriate the proceeds of the sales of the public lands, and to grant pre-emption rights," 27th Congress, 1st Session; September 4, 1841 (5 Stat 453-458).
17 | Exhibit 1360
"An Act to establish the Territorial Government of Oregon," 30th Congress, 1st Session; August 14, 1848. (9 Stat., 323-331)
18 | Exhibit 1361
U. S. Congress, . From December 1, 1845, to March 3, 1851, vol. IX, ed. George Minot (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1854), p. 437. (9 Stat. 437)
19 | Exhibit 1362
"An Act to create the Office of Surveyor-General of the Public Lands in Oregon, and to provide for the Survey, and to make Donations to Settlers of the said Public Lands," 31st Congress, 1st Session; September 27, 1850. (9 Stat., 496-500)
20 | Exhibit 1363
"An Act to amend an act entitled "An Act to create the Office of Surveyor-General of the Public Lands in Oregon, and to provide for the Survey, and to make Donations to the Settlers of the said Public Lands," 32nd Congress, 2nd Session; February 14, 1853. (10 Stat., 158-160)
21 | Exhibit 1364
U. S. Congress, Statutes at Large and Treaties of the United States of America. From December 1, 1851, to March 3, 1855, vol. X, ed. George Minot (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1855), p. 238 (10 Stat. 238).
22 | Exhibit 1365
"An Act to amend the Act approved September twenty-seven, eighteen hundred and fifty, to create the office of Surveyor-General of the Public Lands in Oregon, etc., and also the Act amendatory thereof, approved February nineteen [fourteenth] eighteen hundred and fifty-three," 33rd Congress, 1st Session; July 17, 1854. (10 Stat., 305-306)
23 | Exhibit 1366
U. S. Congress, , vol. X, ed. George Minot (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1854), p. 699 (10 Stat. 699).
24 | Exhibit 1367
United States. Congress. "An Act to amend...[the] Trade and Intercourse Act...," , Vol. XII, 1862, 37th Congress, Session II, 1862, pp. 338-339.
25 | Exhibit 1368
United States. Congress. "An Act to protect the Property of Indians who had adopted the Habits of civilized Life" , Vol. XII, 1862, 37th Congress, Session II, 1862, pp. 427-428. (12 Stat., 427-428)
26 | Exhibit 1369
United States. Congress. Appropriation Act, , Vol. XII, 1862, 37th Congress, Session II, 1862, pp. 528. (12 Stat., 528)
27 | Exhibit 1370
United States. Congress. Appropriation Act , Vol. XII, 1863, 37th Congress, Session III, 1863, p. 793. (12 Stat., 793)
28 | Exhibit 1371
United States. Congress. "An Act to provide a temporary Government for the Territory of Idaho," , Vol. XII, 1865, 37th Congress, Session III, 1865, pp. 808-814. (12 Stat., 808-814)
29 | Exhibit 1372
12 Stat., 819.
30 | Exhibit 1373
13 Stat., 63.
31 | Exhibit 1374
United States. Congress. Appropriation Act. , Vol. XIII, 1864, 38th Congress, Session I, 1864, p. 180. (13 Stat., 180)
32 | Exhibit 1375
United States. Congress. Appropriation Act. , Vol. XIII, 38th Congress, Session II, 1865, p. 559. (13 Stat., 559)
33 | Exhibit 1376
United States. Congress. Appropriation Act. , Vol. XIV, 39th Congress, Session I, 1866, p. 279. (14 Stat., 279)
34 | Exhibit 1377
United States. Congress. "An Act to Establish a Land Office In the Territory of Idaho," , Vol. XIV, 39th Congress, Session II, 1867, p. 77. (14 Stat., 77)
35 | Exhibit 1378
United States. Congress. "An Act to create the Office of Surveyor-General in Idaho Territory," , Vol. XIV, 39th Congress, Session II, 1867, p. 77.
36 | Exhibit 1379
"An Act making Appropriations for the current and contingent Expenses of the Indian Department, and for fulfilling Treaty Stipulations with various Indian Tribes for the Year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight," 39th Congress, 2nd Session, Chapter 173; March 2, 1867; p. 515. (14 Stat., 492-515)
37 | Exhibit 1380
United States. Congress. Appropriation Act. , Vol. XIV, 39th Congress, Session II, 1867, p. 512. (14 Stat., 512)
38 | Exhibit 1381
United States. Congress. "An Act making Appropriations for the Expenses of Commissioner sent by the President to the Indian Country." 40th Congress, 1st Session, Chapter II, March 14, 1867; , December, 1867-March, 1869, p. 1. (15 Stat., 1)
39 | Exhibit 1382
United States. Congress. "An Act making Appropriations to supply Deficiencies in the Appropriations for contingent Expenses of the Senate of the United States for the fiscal Year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and for other purposes." 40th Congress, 1st Session, Chapter XIII, March 29, 1867; , December, 1867-March, 1869, p. 7-9. (15 Stat., 7-9)
40 | Exhibit 1383
United States. Congress. "An Act to establish Peace with certain Hostile Indian Tribes." 40th Congress, 1st Session, Chapter XXXII, July 20, 1867; , December, 1867-March, 1869, p. 17-18. (15 Stat., 17-18)
41 | Exhibit 1384
United States. Congress. "An Act amendatory of "An Act making Appropriations to supply Deficiencies in the Appropriations for contingent Expenses of the Senate of the United States for the fiscal Year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and for other purposes." 40th Congress, 1st Session, Chapter XXXIV, July 20, 1867; , December, 1867-March, 1869, p. 18. (15 Stat., 18)
42 | Exhibit 1385
"An Act to provide a temporary Government for the Territory of Wyoming," 40th congress, 2nd Session; July 25, 1868 (15 Stat. 178).
43 | Exhibit 1386
U. S. Congress, . From December 1867, to March 1869, vol. XV, ed. George P. Sanger (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1870), p. 223. (15 Stat., 223)
44 | Exhibit 1387
16 Stat., 12-13 and 40-41.
45 | Exhibit 1388
16 Stat., V. 1, 354-7.
46 | Exhibit 1389
16 Stat., v. 1., 544-571.
47 | Exhibit 1390
17 Stat., v. 1., 174-187.
48 | Exhibit 1391
17 Stat., v. 1., 436-439 and 454-65.
49 | Exhibit 1392
United States. Statutes at Large. Forty-Seventh Congress, Sess. I., Cha. 169, Sec. Six, 1882, p. 88. (22 Stat., 88)
50 | Exhibit 1393
"Puyallup Tribe of Indians Settlement Act of 1989," June 21 1989 (PL 101-41)
51 | Exhibit 1394
United States. Congress. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1878, pp. 325-326, 395, 413, and 419-420.
52 | Exhibit 1395
"An Act to amend and further extend the benefits of the act approved February eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled "An Act to provide for the allotment of land in severalty to Indians on the various reservations, and to extend the protection of the laws of the United States over the Indians and for other purposes," 51st Congress, 2nd Session; February 28, 1891. (26 Stat., 794-796)
53 | Exhibit 1396
26 Stat. 1026-1032.
54 | Exhibit 1397
33 Stat., 211.
55 | Exhibit 1398
"An Act To amend section six of an act approved February eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled "An Act to provide for the allotment of lands in severalty to Indians on the various reservations, and to extend the protection of the laws of the United States and the Territories over the Indians, and for other purposes," 59th Congress, 1st Session; May 8, 1906. (34 Stat., 182)
56 | Exhibit 1399
34 Stat., 326.
57 | Exhibit 1400
40 Stat., 570.
58 | Exhibit 1401
40 Stat., 562.
59 | Exhibit 1402
41 Stat., 34.
60 | Exhibit 1403
41 Stat., 31-34.
61 | Exhibit 1404
44 Stat., 1347-1348.
62 | Exhibit 1405
United States. Department of the Interior. . Washington: Government Printing Office, 1912, pp. 187-189.
63 | Exhibit 1406
(140 US 575, 11 S Ct. 870, May 25, 1891), pp. 576-577.
64 | Exhibit 1407
(131 Fed.,39, Ninth Circuit Crt. of Appeals, May 3, 1904). [1407]
65 | Exhibit 1408
(97 Fed 670, September 11, 1899, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, No. 482).
66 | Exhibit 1409
(32 Wash 610, 73 P 701, September 8, 1903).
67 | Exhibit 1410
No. 86 (160 US 394, 16 S Ct. 360, January 6, 1896).
68 | Exhibit 1411
(228 US 243, 1913).
69 | Exhibit 1412
(236 U.S. 459, 35 S.Ct. 309, February 23, 1915).
70 | Exhibit 1413
(255 F 253, 9th Cir, 1919).
71 | Exhibit 1414
22. Stat., 88.
72 | Exhibit 1415
25 Stat., 160-161.
73 | Exhibit 1416
25 Stat., 1002.
74 | Exhibit 1417
24 Stat., 388-391.
75 | Exhibit 1418
Father J. M. Cataldo to Hon. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1871.
76 | Exhibit 1419
Chance, David H. Influences of the Hudson's Bay Company on the Native Cultures of the Colvile District, , Vol. 7, No. 1, Part 2, pp. 107-109.
77 | Exhibit 1420
Cole, George M. , New York, John Wiley & Sons, pp. 1-4, 57, 109, and 113-118.
78 | Exhibit 1421
Cox, Thomas R. The Origins of Idaho's State Parks: A Study in Belated Action, Presented at Annual Meeting, Pacific Northwest History Conference, Tacoma, Washington, April 5, 1975.
79 | Exhibit 1422
Ellis, Richard N., ed. . Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1975. p. 10.
80 | Exhibit 1423
Hooker, W. J. , Vol. VI. London: Hippolyte Bailliere, 1847. pp. 65-79, 207-256.
81 | Exhibit 1424
Hooker, W. J. , Vol III, pp. 287-300, Vol. V, pp. 257-265, Vol. VII, 371-378, Vol. VIII, pp. 16-19.
82 | Exhibit 1425
83 | Exhibit 1426
Jenkins, Myra Ellen, and Albert H. Schroeder. , Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1974. pp. 49-50.
84 | Exhibit 1427
85 | Exhibit 1428
Josephy, Alvin M., Jr. . New Haven: Yale University Press, 1965. pp.418-431.
86 | Exhibit 1429
Supreme Court of Idaho. No. 13390, Nov. 2, 1983. pp. 1-12.
87 | Exhibit 1430
Supreme Court of Utah. . No. 6774, Jan. 3, 1947. pp. 130-131, 134-135.
88 | Exhibit 1431
Ruby, Robert H. And John A. Brown. . Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1965. p. 128.
89 | Exhibit 1432
Simpson, James A. . Kingman, Arizona: Plat Key Publishing, 1994. Ppp. ix-xiv, 6-9, 15-19, 27, 31-33, 37-40, 48-50.
90 | Exhibit 1433
, Volume 50. St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1892. pp. 428-433.
91 | Exhibit 1434
Idaho State Historical Society. , 1863-1890. pp. 18, 26.
92 | Exhibit 1435
White, Richard. . New York: Hill and Wang, 1995. pp. 14-19.
93 | Exhibit 1436
J.E. Colcord to Richard Hart, 8 November 1996. Review of Reports on Coeur d'Alene Reservation Surveys. (U.S. v. Idaho, Civil #92-35703)
94 | Exhibit 1437
Cox, Thomas R. A Report on the History of Land and Water Resource Use Among the Coeur D'Alene, June 1, 1996.
95 | Exhibit 1438
Watkins, Marilyn P. , July 3, 1996.
96 | Exhibit 1439
Hart, E. Richard. , Vol I, July 15, 1996.
97 | Exhibit 1439
Hart, E. Richard. , Vol II, July 15, 1996.
98 | Exhibit 1439
Hart, E. Richard. , Vol III, July 15, 1996.
99 | Exhibit 1439
Hart, E. Richard. , July 15, 1996.
100 | Exhibit 1440
J. E. Colcord to Richard Hart, 28 December 1996. Review of Reports on Heyburn State Park (US v. Idaho, Civil #92-35703).
101 | Exhibit 1441
Bade, Edward S. Title, Points and Lines in Lakes and Streams, , Vol. 24, No. 3, February, 1950, pp. 306-346.
102 | Exhibit 1442
United States District Court, Eastern District of Washington. . Decision by Court, February 12, 1997.
103 | Exhibit 1443
873 Federal Supplement. , December 20, 1994, pp. 1422-1450.
104 | Exhibit 1444
Stowell, George. Some Recollections of General E. L. Applegate, , Volume XV, No. 4, December, 1914, pp. 252-263.
105 | Exhibit 1445
Klamath County Historical Society. , 1984, pp. 9-10.
106 | Exhibit 1446
Corning, Howard McKinley, ed. . Portland: Binfords & Mort, 1956, p. 9.
107 | Exhibit 1447
Glassley, Ray Hoard. . Portland: Binfords & Mort, 1953, pp. 172-173.
108 | Exhibit 1448
Bancroft, Hubert How. , Vol. II. New York: The Bancroft Company, pp. 430-431, 595-595.
109 | Exhibit 1449
Carey, Charles Henry. . Chicago: Pioneer Historical Publishing Company, 1922, p. 813.
110 | Exhibit 1450
. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1890, pp. 204-205.
111 | Exhibit 1451
Curriculum Vita, Thomas R. Cox.
112 | Exhibit 1452
Curriculum Vita, E. Richard Hart, November 26, 1997.
Hart West and Associates, Correspondence and Conferences, 1992-2002Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 293
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-5 | Correspondence |
1995-1999 |
6-10 | Conference, Western History Association |
1997-1999 |
11-12 | Conference, Native American Studies, Boise State |
1998 |
13 | Bookfest |
1997 |
14 | Get a Life, Wyaco |
1998 |
15 | Referee, Negotiating Boundaries of Territory and Civilization |
2002 |
16 | Coeur d'Alene Mining Pollution Case |
1996-1999 |
17 | Hoh Indian Tribe |
1996 |
18 | Lummi Indian Tribe |
1992-2001 |
19 | Seattle City Light |
1996 |
20 | Western Shoshone, Newsclippings |
1998-2002 |
21 | Steven K. Albert |
22 | William A. Dodge |
23 | Michael Holloman |
24 | Robert S. McCarl |
25 | Irene Sutton |
1997 |
26 | Resumes |
1993-1995 |
Hart, West and Associates, Financial, 1995-1997Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 294
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Check Stubs |
1995-1996 |
2-5 | Bank Account |
1995-1997 |
6-12 | Accounts |
1995-1997 |
13 | Payroll |
1995-1996 |
14-15 | Taxes |
1995-1996 |
Hart, West and Associates, Financial and Administrative, 1995-2000Return to Top
Container(s): Box 295
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Taxes |
1997 |
2-3 | American Express |
1996-1997 |
4 | Miscellaneous Administrative
Contains files on industrial insurance, unemployment insurance, accounts payable and receivable, and a financial journal.
1995-1996 |
5 | Office Space |
2000 |
OversizeReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 296
This box contains two copies of Life magazine (1967,1971); a copy of House Executive Document, No. 105, 50th Congress, 1st Session, 1888; sheet music by Carlos Troyer, Traditional Songs of the Zuni Indians, 1909; various manuscript maps associated with court cases; archival copies of General Land Office plats; copies of maps relating to the history of the Coeur d'Alene area; and prints of images used in court cases. Also included is a USGS map, Idaho Initial Wilderness Inventory Proposed Decision, BLM, March 1979.
MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 297
Container(s) | Description | |
Folder | ||
1 |
USDA, Idaho Panhandle National Forests, 1:126,720, 1988
USDA, Idaho Panhandle National Forests, 1:126,720, 1989
USGS, St. Maries, Idaho, 1:100,000, 1981
USGS, St. Maries, Idaho, 1:100,000, 1987
USGS, St. Maries, Idaho, Topographic, 1:100,000, 1981 (2)
USGS, Spokane Contour, 1:250,000, 1980 (3)
BLM, Coeur d'Alene Quadrangle, 1:100,000, 1978
Donita, Inc., Coeur d'Alene Contour, 1:100,000, 1990
Rand McNally, Idaho-Montana
2 |
General Land Office Plat of Addition to Fort Sherman Military Reservation, 1892
General Land Office Plat of Fort Sherman Abandoned Military Reservation
Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation (3)
Map Showing Survey by Washington Water Power Company, Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation, 1:2,000, 1902
Northern Idaho Agency Roads Division, Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation, 1939
Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation, 1884
Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation, 1886
Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation, 1888
Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation, 1935 (2)
DeSmet (hand-drawn, 6)
DeSmet map of Coeur d'Alene Region
This map has annotations highlighted in yellow translating the Salish place names to English. Hart commissioned anthropologist Dr. Gary Palmer to do this work.
3 |
Photographic Prints of 19th Century DeSmet Maps (7)
4 |
New Mexico, hand-colored from the 1881 Atlas of Augustus Mitchell
County and Township Map of Arizona and New Mexico, 1881
Railroad and County Map of Arizona, 1887
5 |
Coeur d'Alene Indian Use of Reservation Bed and Bank, 1880-1910 (8)
Working Files, 1967-2003Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 298
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Mailing List |
2 | Custer, News Clippings |
1967 |
3 | Andrew Gulliford |
1996 |
4 | Will Bagley |
1997 |
5 | Shoshone-Paiute Ranching Heritage Project Workshop |
1996 |
6 | Shoshone-Paiute Ranching Heritage Project, Duck Valley |
1996-1998 |
7 | "Sho-Pai News" |
1996-1997 |
8 | News Clippings and Articles |
1996-2001 |
9 | Muckleshoot |
1999 |
10-14 | "A Western Family Reunion," Sun Valley Conference |
2000 |
15 | Floyd Fest
Tribute panel for Floyd A. O'Neil at the annual conference of the Western History Association.
2001 |
16 | Isletta |
2001 |
17 | Border Crossings |
2001 |
18 | Colorado State University
Hart address entitled "The Ownership of Lake Coeur d'Alene: Tribal Sovereignty and the Equal Footing Doctrine."
2002 |
19 | Western Shoshone News Clippings
Efforts by Congress to end the Western Shoshone claims controversy thwarted by Shoshones who objected to taking the several hundred millions of dollars for land taken. They claim they should get title to the land back.
2002-2003 |
20 | Zuni |
2002 |
21 | Zuni Salt Lake
The long-standing controversy over a proposed coal strip mine near Zuni Salt Lake finally resolved in 2003 when the Salt River Project agreed to drop plans to strip mine. A new controversy involving proposed gas exploration in the area began.
2002-2003 |
22 | Miscellaneous Publications |
2002-2003 |
World Trade Organization Protest, Seattle, 1999-2001Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 299
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Memos, Handouts, Complaints, Resolutions, Flyers |
2 | Posters |
3 | WTO Protest Photos (Photocopies) |
1999 |
4 | Richard Hart Statement |
1999 |
5 | "Seattle Post Intelligence" Satire |
1999 |
6 | Lynette Westendorf |
1999 |
7 | Report, National Lawyers Guild, WTO Legal Group |
8 | ACLU Publications |
2000 |
9-16 | News Clippings, 2000-2001 |
Utah Lake, 1850s-2000Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 300
In 1997 Hart was hired by Stephen G. Boyden, Assistant Attorney General of Utah, to work on a project to determine the boundaries of Utah Lake. In an earlier case before the United States Supreme Court, the court determined that the State of Utah owned the submerged lands beneath the navigable waters of Utah Lake. Utah now had to determine where the boundary of the submerged lands was located. Normally ordinary high water mark determines the demarcation of submerged lands, but in the 1850s the outlet to Utah Lake, the Jordan River, was dammed, which led to the destruction of the usual evidence used for determining the ordinary high water mark. Hart was hired to study the history of the lake, analyze the first surveys of the lake, and produce a report.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Hart Bio and Expertise |
1999 |
2 | Correspondence |
1990s |
3 | Financial |
1990s |
4 | Legal Documents |
1997-2000 |
5 | U.S. Motion to Dismiss and Related Documents |
1998 |
6 | Hart, "Official Surveys of Coeur d'Alene Reservation River and Lake Beds and Banks" |
1996 |
7 | "Utah Lake and Jordan River Distribution" |
1996 |
8 | Navigability |
1997 |
9 | Simpson, "Utah Lake Meander Lines" |
1999 |
10 | News Clippings |
1990s |
11-13 | Utah Lake Research |
14 | Research Chronology |
1976-1989 |
15 | Secondary Sources |
16 | Correspondence of the Surveyors General of Utah |
1840s-1870s |
17 | Survey Field Notes |
19th Century |
18-19 | Utah Lake Plat Maps |
19th Century |
20-21 | Utah Lake Survey Field Notes |
19th Century |
22 | Case Law |
1842-1969 |
Arches National Park, Colorado River, and Pedro Pino, 1979-2002Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 301
Folders one through eight contain Hart's research files on the boundary between Utah state-owned submerged lands beneath the Colorado River and the federally owned National Park lands. Folders nine through seventeen contain Hart's research and manuscript material for a biography of Pedro Pino.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Arches/Colorado River |
1996-1998 |
3 | Mineral Leasing Plan |
1998 |
4 | "Canyon Legacy" |
1989-1996 |
5 | ||
6 | Grand Staircase-Escalante, New Mexico |
1986-1999 |
7 | Preliminary Report |
1998 |
8 | Accounts |
1998 |
9 | Pedro Pino Manuscript |
1979 |
10 | Working Draft |
11 | "Though Your Body May Perish: A Biography of Pedro Pion" |
2002 |
12-13 | "Redline" Manuscript |
14 | Correspondence and Reader Notes |
1985-2002 |
15 | Marriott Library Presentation |
2003 |
16 | Zuni Land Grant Research |
17 | Digital Manuscript Files |
"Bastille Family Reunion", 1990sReturn to Top
Container(s): Carton 302
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | First Draft |
2 | Jeff Comments |
3 | Draft |
4 | Consolidated Press |
5 | Bound Draft |
6 | Proofs |
7 | "The 30th Annual Bastille Family Reunion" |
2000 |
8 | Correspondence and Notes |
9 | Notes, Clippings, Correspondence |
10-11 | Digital Files |
Oversize Publications and Clippings, 1983-2003Return to Top
Container(s): Box 303
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | "Zuni History" |
1983 |
2 | News Clippings |
1996-2003 |
3 |
Tribal Tribune
The is the official publication of the confederated tribes of the Colville Reservation.
1996-1998 |
4 |
Tribal Tribune
1999 |
Tribal Tribune , 2000-2003Return to Top
Container(s): Box 304
Tribal Tribune , 2004Return to Top
Container(s): Box 305
Financial, 1997-1998Return to Top
Container(s): Box 306
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Schedule C |
1997 |
2-4 | Accounts Payable and Receivable |
1998 |
5 | American Express |
1998 |
Financial, 1998Return to Top
Container(s): Box 307
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Bank Statements |
1998 |
3 | Payroll |
1998 |
4 | Taxes |
1998 |
Financial, 1999Return to Top
Container(s): Box 308
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Accounts Payable and Receivable |
1999 |
3 | American Express |
1999 |
4 | Bank Statements |
1999 |
Financial, 1999Return to Top
Container(s): Box 309
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Bank Statements |
1999 |
2 | Taxes |
1999 |
Financial, 2000Return to Top
Container(s): Box 310
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-3 | Accounts Payable and Receivable |
2000 |
4 | American Express |
2000 |
Financial, 2000Return to Top
Container(s): Box 311
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | American Express |
2000 |
2-3 | Bank Statements |
2000 |
4 | Check Stubs |
2000 |
5 | Taxes |
2000 |
Financial, 2001Return to Top
Container(s): Box 312
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Bank Statements |
2001 |
2-3 | American Express |
2001 |
Wenatchi Documentary, Research Files, 2000-2002Return to Top
Container(s): Box 313
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Correspondence, Research, Notes |
2000 |
3 | Harriett Bullitt |
2000 |
4 | Native American Studies Conference |
2000 |
5 | 16th Annual Washington State Indian Education Association Conference |
2000 |
6 | Conference Paper, "Wenatchi Use of Traditional Resources" |
2000 |
7 | Greater Wenatchee Community Foundation |
2001 |
8 | Washington Arts Commission |
2002 |
9 |
Winds of Change
2002 |
Wenatchi Documentary, Scripts, 2000-2002Return to Top
Container(s): Box 314
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | "False Promises: The Lost Land of the Wenatchi" |
2000 |
2 | First Draft |
3 | Script Revisions |
4 | Hart, "The History of the Wenatchi Fishing Reservation" |
Wenatchi Documentary, Public Relations and Outreach, 2000-2002Return to Top
Container(s): Box 315
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | "How Can You Help?" False Promises Website |
2-5 | Public Relations and Outreach |
2001-2002 |
6 | Fundraising |
2000-2001 |
Utah Litigation, R. S. 2477, Road History Project Research FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 316
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Attorney's Instructions |
2000 |
2 | Benson Syndicate |
3 | Boyden, Utah Roads |
4 | Bureau of Public Roads |
5 | Burr Trail Decision |
2000 |
6 | Carter Road |
7 | Construction of Roads |
8 | Correspondence |
2000-2001 |
9 | County Maps from National Archives |
10 | Stephan Erickson, "Dirt Roads Are Stirring Up Dust Again" |
11 | Federal Regularions Pertaining to R. S. 2477 |
12 | Finlayson Memo |
2000 |
13 | Goetzmann |
14 | Great Salt Lake |
1920-2000 |
15 | Hart, "Indian Trails and Chacoan Roads" |
16 | Hart, et al, "Construction of Roads during the American Period" |
1995 |
17 | J. J. Hill |
18 | Interview Training Session |
2000 |
Utah Litigation, R. S. 2477, Road History Project Research FilesReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 317
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Monson |
2000 |
2 | National Archives |
3 | National Archives Record Group 30 |
4 | Notes and Illustrations |
5 | Public Law 789 |
1916 |
6 | Redd Theory |
7 | Statutes |
8 | 13 Stat 183 |
1864 |
9 | 23 Stat 321, Unlawful Occupancy |
1885 |
10 | 33 Stat 882 |
1905 |
11 | 40 Stat 1000 |
1918 |
12 | 43 USC Section 218 |
1964 |
13 | Urquhart Memo |
2000 |
14 | Utah, 4/25-28
Contains notes on meeting with John Boyden in April 2002.
15 | Utah Roads, New Materials |
16 | Utah, R. S. 2477, Comments |
Utah Litigation, R. S. 2477, Road History Project Final ReportReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 318
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Notes, Draft 1 |
3 | Hart, "R. S. 2477 Rights-of-Way and the History of Highways in the United States" |
2001 |
Miscellaneous Files, 1996-2004Return to Top
Container(s): Box 319
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Correspondence |
1996-2002 |
2 | Alvin Josephy (Western History Association) |
2004 |
3 | Kennewick Man |
2001-2002 |
4 | National Museum of the American Indian |
5 | Western Shoshone News Clippings |
2003-2004 |
6 | Hart, "Return of the Water Horse" |
2004 |
7-8 |
Randall Schalk and Robert Mierendorf,
Cultural Resources of the Rocky Reach of the Columbia River
News Clippings, Cobell Lawsuit , 1997-2004Return to Top
Container(s): Box 320
Zuni Water MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 322
Zuni MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 323
Zuni Maps and Hearing MaterialsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 324
General Land Office MapReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 325
Maps and ChartsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 326
Maps and ChartsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 327
Maps and ChartsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 328
Land MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 329
Land MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 330
Land MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 331
Land MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 332
Land MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 333
Land MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 334
Land MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 335
Land MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 336
Land MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 337
Land MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 338
Land MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 339
Land MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 340
Land MapReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 341
Land MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 342
Large Zuni Land MapReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 343
Zuni Land MapReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 344
Zuni Land MapReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 345
Columbia River Project, Historical Documents, 1857-1936Return to Top
Container(s): Box 346
Contains photocopies of documents found in the National Archives, Record Group 75. Those documents relate to the historical basis of fishing and hunting rights for the Colville Confederated Tribes of north central Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
6 | ||
9 | ||
11 |
Indian Reorganization Act, 1930sReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 347
Contains photocopies of documents from the National Archives relating to the political and economic situation of the Colville tribe. Also includes the Larouche report, which documents conditions on the reservation in 1936 and 1937.
Enrollment and Allottment, 1908-1911Return to Top
Container(s): Box 348
Contains photocopies of documents from Record Group 75, National Archives, concerning the enrollment of persons into the Colville Tribe.
Hunting and Fishing Rights, 1896-1929Return to Top
Container(s): Box 349
Contains photocopies of documents found in the National Archives, Record Group 75, concerning fishing and hunting rights of Colville tribal members in Washington.
Enrollment and Allottment; Wenatchapam Fishery, 1898-1998Return to Top
Container(s): Box 350
Contains photocopies of documents in Record Group 75 at the National Archives concerning tribal enrollment and allottments. Also contains documents related to , Docket Nos. 161 and 181.
Columbia River Dams; Salmon Run, 1912-1943Return to Top
Container(s): Box 351
Contains photocopies of documents from the National Archives, Record Group 75 and from the Federal Record Center in Seattle, Washington. Included are correspondence, reports, petitions, Colville Tribal Council meeting minutes, and legal documents.
Enrollment and Allottment, 1913-1934, 1988Return to Top
Container(s): Box 352
Contains photocopies of documents from Record Group 75 in the National Archives. Included are enrollment applications, correpondence, reports on enrollment applications, Colville Tribal Council meeting minutes, and the minutes of the 1934 Northwest Indian Congress.
Boundary Issues, 1859-1934Return to Top
Container(s): Box 353
Contains photocopies of documents found in the National Archives. Included are correspondence, reports, land descriptions, and council meeting minutes.
Enrollment and Allottment; Land Use Issues, 1917-1955Return to Top
Container(s): Box 354
Contains photocopies of documents from the Federal Record Center in Seattle, Washington. Included are correspondence, reports, conference meeting minutes, transcripts of testimony before congress, and material produced by the U.S. government printing office. Also included are photocopies of 19th-century publications in the United States Serial Set, Files 1 and 2.
Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation vs. the United States of America , Research, Exhibits, and Testimony , 1870-1965Return to Top
Container(s): Box 355
Includes photocopies of correspondence, reports, statutes, executive orders, news articles, exhibit lists, digests of exhibits, affidavits, and transcripts of testimony. Also included is a summary of the testimony of Deward E. Walker, Jr., Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Colorado.
Tribes of the Colville Reservation vs. the United States of America , Ethnographic and Historical Research , 1906-1988Return to Top
Container(s): Box 356
Contains a continuation of Dr. Walker's testimony and transcripts of testimony given by Peter Lemery, Gus Whitelaw, and Verne Frederick Ray. Also includes reports, research notes, excerpts from published sources, and interview transcripts.
Tribes of the Colville Reservation vs. the United States of America , Ethnographic and Historical Research (continued) , 1845-1985Return to Top
Container(s): Box 357
Contains photocopies of published and unpublished reports.
Columbia River Issues: Political, Ethnographic and Historical Research, 1839-1982Return to Top
Container(s): Box 358
Contains photocopies of published and unpublished reports, including excerpts from the Annual Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs between 1851 and 1920.
Bureau of Indian Affairs Documents, 1853-1901Return to Top
Container(s): Box 359
Bureau of Indian Affairs Documents, 1880-1907Return to Top
Container(s): Box 360
Publications, A to F, 2004-2005Return to Top
Container(s): Box 361
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 |
AASLH History News
The magazine of the American Association for State and Local History.
2004-2005 |
2 |
Common Ground
Publication concerned with preservation of America's heritage.
2004-2005 |
3 |
CRM: The Journal of Heritage Stewardhsip
2005 |
4 | Environmental Publications |
2004-2005 |
5-6 | Folklore Publications |
2004-2005 |
7 |
Forest Magazine
2005 |
Publications, M - S, 2004-2005Return to Top
Container(s): Box 362
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 |
Montana: The Magazine of Western History
3 | Miscellaneous Publications |
2005 |
4 |
National Museum of the American Indian
2004-2005 |
5 |
2004-2005 |
Oversize Publications, 2004-2005Return to Top
Container(s): Box 363
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 |
High Country News
November 2004-October 2005 |
2 |
Tribal Tribune
November 2004-October 2005 |
Research and WritingsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 364
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Hart, "The Efficacy of the 1873 Coeur d'Alene Executive Order"
Written in conjunction with Hart's testimony in .
1997 |
2 | Imre Sutton, Zuni and Coeur d'Alene Land Claims |
1998-2000 |
3 | Exectuive Order Research, Miscellaneous |
1997 |
4 | Hart, "The Dawes Act and the Permanency of Executive Order Reservations" |
1998 |
5-6 | Dawes Act Research and Correspondence |
1998-2000 |
7 | Hart, "R.S. 2477 Rights-of-Way and the History of Highways in the United States"
Written in conjunction with expert testimony, Utah Litigation, R. S. 2477, Road History Project. First Draft.
2001 |
8 | Road History Project, Research |
2002-2003 |
9 |
Kappler's Indian Affairs Laws and Treaties
1936-1971 |
Research and WritingsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 365
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Hart, "Anatomy of a Fraud: The Lost Reservation of the P'squosa" |
2000 |
2 | Hart Book Reviews |
2002-2006 |
3 | "Historians as Expert Witnesses
Conference, Penn State. Closed to the public, this conference was attended by experts from cases involving chemical contamination, tobacco, and other cases.
2002 |
4 |
News Clippings,
Cobell v. Kempthorne
2004-2006 |
5 | News Clippings, Western Shoshone |
2005-2006 |
6 | "News from the Nations" |
2006 |
7 | "Children of Murderers," Final Draft
Unpublished Hart novel about a mythical Southwest Pueblo and tribal water rights cases. Inspired by Harts work at Zuni Pueblo.
Invoices, Colville Confederated Tribes, 1996-2002Return to Top
Container(s): Boxes 370-372
Oversize MaterialReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 373
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 |
Exhibit 33,
American Highways
1977 |
2 |
Tribal Tribune
2005-2006 |
MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 374
Contains maps used in research and testimony, Utah Litigation, R. S. 2477. Includes maps of Rush Valley, Utah; Utah-Nevada; Arches National Park; Moab, Utah; Shafer Basin, Gold Bar Canyon, Big Bend, and the Windows Section, Utah; Nevada-California; township plats surrounding Utah Lake (1850s); Utah County Public Works Department maps showing ownership of riparian lands around Utah Lake; quads of Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah.
Mashpee Wampanoag, 1974-2007Return to Top
Container(s): Box 375
In 2005 Hart was asked by the Mashpee Wampanoag, a tribe located on Cape Cod in Massachusetts, to review their petition and supporting materials that were to be submitted to the Office of Federal Acknowledgment (successor to the Branch of Acknowledgment and Research) in the Department of the Interior. Because of their unique history and location the Mashpee were long recognized by Massachusetts Colony and State, but not by the United States. In 1975 they filed notice with the Department of Interior that they sought formal federal acknowledgment. Over the course of the next 20 years, they submitted many thousands of pages of materials supporting their claims. During that period the Department established seven criteria. Hart was asked to review their entire set of materials and to make recommendations to the Tribe. Aftr he reviewed and analyzed the materials, located in the basement of the tribal office building in the town of Mashpee on Cape Code, he concluded that the Tribe did meet the seven criteria. In 2006 the OFA issued its report agreeing that the tribe did meet the criteria and after a six month period the determination was made final.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe |
2000-2005 |
3 | Ludtke, "The Mashpee Wampanoags: A Case of Ethnic Resurrection" |
1974 |
4 | Proposed Finding |
5 | Clippings |
2006-2007 |
Upper Skagit, 2006-2007Return to Top
Container(s): Box 376
In 2006, Hart was asked by the Upper Skagit Tribe to research a question related to the Boldt Decision, which used the phrase "the marine waters of Puget Sound." He was asked to determine if that phrase was meant to include Skagit Bay and Saratoga Passage, locations used for fishing by the Upper Skagit. The Suquamish had claimed that the above passage entitled them to fish in Upper Skagit waters. Hart was asked to look at the issue from an historical point of view, and submitted a historical declaration largely pointing out that the term Puget Sound originally and for most of modern history referred only to the area below Tacoma. The judge ruled in favor of the Upper Skagit, although mostly on other grounds.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Upper Skagit |
2 | Case Law |
3 | Research, Fishing |
4 | Legal Documents |
5 | Material Cited by Jon Kimerling |
Utah Lake, 2000-2002Return to Top
Container(s): Box 377
Beginning in 1997 Hart worked for the state of Utah Assistant Attorney General Steve Boyden on a case related to Utah Lake. A riparian owner was polluting the lake, constructing dams with debris and attempting to claim portions of the lakebed. Utah Lake is a navigable lake and Hart was retained to research and testify on the issue. This box contains related correspondence and court documents.
Correspondence and NewsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 378
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | General Correspondence |
1999-2005 |
2 | New Clippings |
2007 |
3-5 |
Tribal Tribune
2006-2007 |
6 | Miscellaneous |
Wells Dam, 2002Return to Top
Container(s): Box 379
The Colville Reservation is bounded on the east and south by the Columbia River and on the west by the Okanogan River. The tribe has always claimed that it owned to the middle of the rivers. In 1962 the Federal Power Commission issued a license to the Douglas County Public Utility District (PUD)to construct a hydroelectric dam a few miles south of the confluence of the Columbia and Okanogan Rivers. By 1967 Wells Dam was generating power. The Colville Tribe almost immediately began negotiations with the PUD, demanding a portion of the hydroelectric revenue. After a Supreme Court Decision in , tribal attorneys worried about their chances in court and negotiations ceased. After the Coeur d'Alene Tribe's victory in , a case in which Hart was the lead witness for the United States, the Colville Tribe hired him to research whether their ownership extended to the middle of the rivers. In 2002, Hart completed an extensive report, in which he concluded they did own to the middle of the rivers. The Tribe approached the PUD and said that if a settlement was not reached, they would litigate. The two parties agreed to negotiate for a year and see if a settlement was possible. Hart completed a shorter negotiation report and submitted it to the PUD and eighteen months of negotiation followed. The PUD eventually agreed that the tribe owned to the middle of the river, and was entitled to revenue from about 11% of the pool. In October 2004, the tribe and PUD reached a settlement. The tribe received land, about $20 million dollars, and 5 1/2% of the annual revenue for about 50 years. The annual payment this year was $10 million. Information submitted by an economist concluded the settlement had a total value of about $500 million.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Maps and Images |
2-3 | Notes |
4-5 | Hart, "Water Boundaries of the Colville Indian Reservation" |
2002 |
Wells Dam, 1872-2002Return to Top
Container(s): Box 380
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | 2002 | |
2 | 2002 | |
3-6 | Research |
1872-2002 |
Wells Dam, 1871-2001Return to Top
Container(s): Box 381
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Litigation Strategy |
1983 |
2 | Litigation |
1983-2001 |
3-6 | Research |
1871-2001 |
Wells Dam, 1874-2001Return to Top
Container(s): Box 382
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Congressional Record |
1874-1902 |
2 | Serial Set |
1874-1902 |
folders | ||
3 | 2001 | |
4 | Grand Coulee |
2001 |
Folder | ||
5 |
Wells Dam Notebooks, 2003Return to Top
Container(s): Box 383
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Monse Irrigation Project |
2 | Legal Opinions |
3-4 | Reservation Deeds |
2003 |
5 | PUD Position, Colville Negotiations |
2003 |
Wells Dam NotebooksReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 384
Wells Dam, PUD Archives, 1960-2003Return to Top
Container(s): Box 385
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Schedule |
2003 |
2-4 | Boxes 1-139 |
1960-1972 |
5-6 | Notebook, Box 119 |
1980-1983 |
Wells Dam, PUD Archives, 1957-2003Return to Top
Container(s): Box 386
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Reports |
1964-2003 |
3 | 2415 Report |
1983 |
4-6 | 1957-2003 |
Wells Dam Settlement Research, 1871-1999Return to Top
Container(s): Box 387
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Koch and Bower Research |
1871-1985 |
2 | Bower Documents |
1890-1994 |
3 | Power Generator and Colville Surveys |
1910-1993 |
4-6 | Research |
1941-1999 |
Wells Dam Settlement, 2004Return to Top
Container(s): Box 388
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | 1959-2003 | |
2 | PUD Land Acquisitions |
1959-2003 |
3-6 | Settlement Negotiations |
2003-2004 |
Wells Dam Settlement, 2004Return to Top
Container(s): Box 389
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | 2004 |
Wells Dam Settlement, Rocky Reach Dam, 2000-2005Return to Top
Container(s): Box 390
In 2003 Hart was hired by the Chelan County PUD to do an investigation of the lands impacted by Rocky Reach Dam, a few miles downstream on the Columbia from Wells Dam. Specifically, he was to determine if there were Colville Traditional Cultural Properties (TCPs) in the impacted area. After conducting extensive research and interviews with tribal members, Hart submitted his report to the PUD. He determined there were several types of TCPs in the project area, documented them, and then mapped them. This addendum contains research materials, a draft report, and typed summaries of the interviews conducted.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | 2004 | |
2-3 | Wells Dam Settlement, Hart Copies |
2004 |
4 | Rocky Reach Dam, Notes and Correspondence |
2000-2004 |
5 | Columbia Valley Tribes |
6 | Salishan Tribes |
Rocky Reach Dam, 1950s-2004Return to Top
Container(s): Box 391
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Columbia, Chelan, Entiat, and Wenatchee Tribes |
2 | Columbia Salish |
3 | Indian Claims Commission |
1950s-1970s |
4 | Interview Summaries |
2004 |
5 | Research, Royce |
6-7 | Research Notes |
1971-1995 |
Rocky Reach Dam, 1992-2003Return to Top
Container(s): Box 392
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Cultural Resources |
1992 |
2 | Press Packet |
3 | Cultural Element Distributions |
4 | TCP Draft |
5 | Hart, "Traditional Cultural Properties and Rocky Reach Dam" |
2003 |
6 | Maps and Illustrations |
Coeur d'Alene Submerged Lands Case, 1866-1997Return to Top
Container(s): Box 393
This box contains materials from Hart's work on the Coeur d'Alene submerged lands case, beginning with materials relating to Heyburn State Park. The report on the creation of the park between 1908 and 1911 was important because when the United States conveyed the park to the State of Idaho (from the Coeur d'Alene Reservation), it included the water and submerged lands of the lakes in the park, which were navigable. That was strong evidence that the tribe owned the submerged lands within its boundaries before the conveyance. Materials related to Hart's analysis of Indian Executive Order reservations follows. Issues had been raised by the State of Idaho relative to the efficacy of Executive Order reservations. He looked at every Executive Order reservation that had been established and eventually concluded that all of them had been issued by the president with congressionally-granted authority and as a result the reservations were every bit as efficacious as treaty reservations. Dr. Marilyn Watkins also worked for on this project, and aided Hart in preparation of a reservation by reservation analysis. The analysis, research materials used to write the report, material on court decisions of pertinent cases, survey notes, hearings on use of the reservation in 1910, and transcriptions and frames from National Archives microfilm are contained in boxes related to the Coeur d'Alene Submerged Lands Case.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Hart, "Heyburn State Park, 1908-1911" |
1996 |
2-4 | Heyburn Sources |
1907-1979 |
5 | Hart, "Karl A. Geyer at Coeur d' Alene, 1843-1844"
Includes research notes.
1995 |
6-7 | Executive Order Research |
1866-1997 |
8 | Executive Order Master Tables |
Coeur d'Alene Submerged Lands Case, 1881-1997Return to Top
Container(s): Box 394
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Executive Orders, Draft Table |
2-4 | Executive Orders, Reservation Analysis |
5-6 | Executive Orders, Research |
1881-1997 |
Coeur d'Alene Submerged Lands Case, 1888-1996Return to Top
Container(s): Box 395
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Survey Notes |
1888-1996 |
3-4 | Hart, "Official Surveys of Coeur d'Alene Reservation River and Lake Beds and Banks"
Includes research material.
1996 |
5 | Law Articles |
1960s-1990s |
Coeur d'Alene Submerged Lands Case, 1862-1995Return to Top
Container(s): Box 396
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Law Articles |
1960s-1990s |
2 | National Archives Microfilm Copies |
1860s |
3-6 | Testimony Source Material |
1906-1995 |
Coeur d'Alene Submerged Lands Case, 1906-1995Return to Top
Container(s): Box 397
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Testimony Source Material |
1906-1995 |
Zuni, 1883-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 398
The files in boxes 398 and 399 consist of materials generated by Ronald Stauber, who worked for Hart while he was Executive Director of the Institute of the NorthAmerican West. Ron did research and created maps on a number of Zuni projects. Zuni I was a land claim against the United States for lands taken without conscionable payment. Zuni II was a claim against the United States for damage to Zuni trust lands due to actions or inaction of the United States. Congress settled those two cases with a payment to the tribe of $50 million. Kolhuwalawa, or Zuni Heaven, is the place in Arizona where Zunis believe they go after death. Ron helped map the trail to Zuni Heaven during a lawsuit by the United States to establish a prescriptive easement for the Zuni Tribe. Religious leaders walk the trail every four years and carry out ceremonies along the trail and at Kolhuwalawa. Hart also worked on legislation that resulted in the acquisition Kolhuwalawa for the Zuni Tribe. When the cases were all settled Hart obtained a grant from NEH to hold a conference at Zuni to explain what had transpired in all the cases.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-3 | Kolhuwalwa |
1883-1990 |
4-5 | Zuni History Project |
1982-1983 |
Zuni, 1883-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 399
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-3 | Zuni History Project |
1979-1988 |
4 | Zuni Trust Lands, GLO Surveys |
1883-1884 |
5 | Zuni Trust Lands, Digitization Log |
1990 |
Zuni, 1880-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 400
The Zuni I land claim case, like all Indian land claims, was litigated in two phases. First, the extent of lands taken was determined, then the value of the land at the time of taking was established, with no interest. Boxes 400 and 401 contain extensive materials on the classification of lands taken, including the following materials: General Land Office Surveyor General description photostats of pertinent townships in Arizona and New Mexico, market data research transcribed (this was material generated by one of Zuni's appraisers, R. Howard Sears), CADD drawing logs (used to generate valuation maps of lands taken), and digitizing logs (used to generate valuation maps of lands taken).
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Zuni Lands |
1987-1990 |
2 | Zuni Trust Lands, Survey Notebook |
3-4 | Sears GLO Transcripts, Arizona and New Mexico |
5-6 | GLO Surveys, Field Notes Notebooks |
1880-1937 |
Zuni, 1875-1986Return to Top
Container(s): Box 401
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-4 | Survey Field Notes |
1882-1913 |
5 | Koluwala Project GLO Survey Notes |
1875-1883 |
6 | Koluwala Pilgrimage Route Project Notebook |
1986 |
Zuni, MicroficheReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 402
Microfiche of the Arizona portion of the claim area GLO survey notes.
Zuni, 1875-1984Return to Top
Container(s): Box 403
Boxes 403 and 404 contain material related to valuation and damage in the Zuni I case and GLO information on Zuni trust lands used in the Zuni II case.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Notebooks, Zuni I Valuation and Damage |
1904-1966 |
3-6 | Zuni II, Surveyor's Notes |
1875-1984 |
Zuni, 1875-1985Return to Top
Container(s): Box 404
This box contains GLO information on Zuni trust lands used in the Zuni II case.
Zuni, 1881-1987Return to Top
Container(s): Box 405
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Zuni II, GLO Information |
1985-1988 |
2-3 | Zuni I Land Classification |
1881-1920 |
4 | Zuni Water Case Notebook |
1987 |
Zuni, 1895-1992Return to Top
Container(s): Box 406-407
These boxes contain material pertaining to a proposed book project to be entitled "Zuni in the Courts: Essays on the Adjudication of the Zuni Land Claims."
Zuni II Damage Claim NotebooksReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 408
Ramah Water Rights BIA PrintoutReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 409
Oversize MaterialReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 410
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Adbuster Calendars |
2001; 2005 |
2-5 | Wells Dam Research |
1880s |
6 | Zuni II Land Damage Tracings |
Volume | ||
7 | Printout, GLO Records |
MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 411
Contains two three-dimensional maps of the Kolhuwalawa trail, one map from Zuni I showing timber in the Zuni claim area, and six digitized maps showing the extent of Zuni agriculture at different dates in time.
MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 412
Contains a) Kolhuwalawa pilgrimage maps, including the cadastral survey done by the BLM, b) Zuni II land damage GLO maps, and c) Zuni I land classification maps and National Archives historic map of area railroads.
MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 413
Contains a) Zuni I land classification maps and maps showing timber, railroads, and maps related to the survey fraud in the area in the 1880s; b) maps used in digitizing the Zuni I claim area; and c) GLO maps of townships that contain Zuni reservation land (handwritten on each map are the locations of agricultural fields, irrigations features, trails, road, and information on the depth of the arroyos).
Computer DiscsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 416
Exhibits, Wx 1 - Wx 58Return to Top
Container(s): Box 417
In 1996 Richard Hart was hired by the Colville Tribes to work on Wenatchi fishing rights. The Wenatchi, one of the twelve tribes of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, were party to the 1855 Walla Walla Treaty, but did not move to the Yakima Reservation. Article 10 of the treaty established a small reservation for them at the juncture of the Wenatchi and Icicle Rivers, the location of one of the region’s great salmon fisheries. The United States failed to survey the reservation or remove it from the public domain. When the Great Northern Railroad came through the area in 1894, a dishonest Yakima Indian agent had the reservation surveyed as being high in the mountains, where the Indians could not live in winter. He talked the Yakima Indians into ceding the Wentachi reservation with the stipulation that Wenatchis would continue to have fishing rights and would be granted land where they lived. Eventually the Wenatchi were moved to the Colville Reservation, and it was decided in U. S. v. Oregon that the Wenatchi had forfeited their fishing rights when they did not move to the Yakima Reservation. The research undertaken by Hart was instrumental in making a case that the Wenatchi were promised fishing rights under the 1894 agreement with the Yakima, an agreement that had been ratified by Congress. The resulting litigation was resolved in 2008, when a federal judge ruled that the Wenatchi do have fishing rights under the 1894 agreement. This addendum contains Hart’s research files, notes, correspondence, reports, and various court documents. This body of material is a valuable archive on the Wenatchi. Boxes 417-426 contain exhibits prepared by E. Richard Hart, who testified on behalf of the Wenatchi. A printed list of exhibits is in Box 417, Fd 1.
Exhibits, Wx 59 - Wx 109Return to Top
Container(s): Box 418
Exhibits, Wx 110 - Wx 143Return to Top
Container(s): Box 419
Exhibits, Wx 144 - Wx 194Return to Top
Container(s): Box 420
Exhibits, Wx 195 - Wx 263Return to Top
Container(s): Box 421
Exhibits, Wx 264 - Wx 391Return to Top
Container(s): Box 422
Exhibits, Wx 392 - Wx 506Return to Top
Container(s): Box 423
Exhibits, Wx 507 - Wx 579Return to Top
Container(s): Box 424
Exhibits, Wx 580 - Wx 726Return to Top
Container(s): Box 425
Exhibits, Wx 727 - Wx 767Return to Top
Container(s): Box 426
Exhibits, DEW 1 - DEW 11Return to Top
Container(s): Box 427
Boxes 427-430 contain the exhibits of anthropologist Deward E. Walker, who testified in the case for the Yakama, who tried to prevent the Wenatchis from obtaining fishing rights. A printed list of exhibits is in Box 427, Fd 1.
Exhibits, DEW 12 - DEW 25Return to Top
Container(s): Box 428
Exhibits, DEW 26 - DEW 90Return to Top
Container(s): Box 429
Exhibits, DEW 91 - DEW 226Return to Top
Container(s): Box 430
Wenatchi HearingReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 431
Boxes 431-433 contain material related to the federal court hearing in Portland, Oregon, in 2003. After the hearing, the federal judge ruled the Wenatchi did not have a fishing right. Colville appealed, the Ninth Circuit reversed the decision, and sent the matter back to federal court for trial. The Justices in the Ninth Circuit repeatedly cited Hart’s article in Western Legal History which described the Wenatchi fishing rights under the 1894 agreement.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Correspondence and Notes |
1998-2002 |
2 | Correspondence |
2003 |
3 | "Colville Indian Reservation Integrated Resource Management Plan 2000-2014, Final Environmental Impact Statement |
2000 |
4 | Clovis Site Clippings |
1990-1991 |
5 | Selected Lands, Maps and Related Documents |
6 | Wenatchi Working Files |
2002 |
Wenatchi HearingReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 432
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Wenatchi Working Files |
2002-2004 |
3 | Brief |
2003 |
4 | Temporary Restraining Order and Colville Briefs |
2003 |
5 | Hart, "History of the Wenatchi Fishing Reservation" |
2002 |
6 | Letter from Secretary of the Interior on Yakama Agreement |
1894 |
7 | Wenatchi Hearing; Papers, Notes, and Declaration |
2003 |
8 | Temporary Restraining Order |
2002 |
9 | TRO Declarations |
2003 |
Wenatchi HearingReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 433
The tribes attempted to interest the state of Washington’s Senators in sponsoring legislation to settle the matter. This box contains Hart’s work related to that draft legislation.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | G.I.S. Maps |
2 | Wenatchi Publicity |
2002 |
3 | Draft Legislation |
2001-2003 |
4-6 | Wenatchi News Clippings |
2002-2003 |
Wenatchi Trial PreparationReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 434
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Yakama Briefs |
2007 |
3 | Yakama Briefs, Hart Notes |
4-6 | Walker Testimony |
7 | Walker Research Group, "The Yakama Nation and the Wenatshapam Fishery" |
2007 |
Wenatchi Trial PreparationReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 435
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Colville Declarations and Opposition Brief |
2007 |
2 | Related Court Documents |
2007-2008 |
3 | Verne F. Ray, "Ethnic Impact of the Events Incident to Federal Power Development on the Colville and Spakane Indian Reservations" |
1977 |
4 | Hart, "Wenatchi Fishing Rights and the 1894 Yakama Agreement" |
2008 |
5 | Hart, "Response to the Report of Dr. Deward Walker" |
2008 |
6 | Hart Exhibit List |
7 | Hart Research and Notes |
1853-2008 |
Wenatchi Trial PreparationReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 436
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Richard Scheuerman Correspondence |
2008 |
2 | Lillian A. Ackerman Material |
1994-2008 |
3-4 | Prep for Trial Materials |
Wenatchi TrialReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 437
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Appeal |
2003-2004 |
2 | Correspondence |
2004 |
3 | Strategy |
2004 |
4 | Publicity |
2004 |
5 | Yakama and CCT Responses |
2004 |
6 | Wenatchi Federal Appeal |
2004 |
7-8 | Wenatchi State Legislation |
2004-2005 |
Wenatchi TrialReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 438
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Research |
2 | Exhibits |
3 | Trials, Notes, and Testimony |
4 | Dick Scheuerman |
2001-2003 |
5 | February 21 Hearing |
2005 |
6 | Legislation |
2005 |
7 | Correspondence and Clippings |
2005-2008 |
8 | Ninth Circuit Opinion |
2006 |
9 | Lillian A. Ackerman |
2007-2008 |
10 | Walker Original Report |
2007 |
Wenatchi TrialReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 439
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Questions for Walker |
2 | Walker Rebuttal Report |
2008 |
3 | Hart Response to Walker Rebuttal |
2008 |
4 | Hart Deposition |
2008 |
5 | Susan S. Gooding Rebuttal Report |
2008 |
6 | Colville Trial Briefs |
2008 |
7 | Hart Notes on Briefs |
8 | Yakama Trial Briefs |
2008 |
9 | Colville Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law |
2008 |
10 | Colville Response |
2008 |
11 | Washington Post-Trial Brief |
2008 |
12 | Judge King Opinion and Order |
2008 |
Subjects, C - M, 1996-2009Return to Top
Container(s): Box 440
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Chelan River Irrigation District |
1998 |
2 | Cobell |
2008-2009 |
3 | Columbia River Film |
2002 |
4 | Confluence Project |
2009 |
5 | Dennis P. Eichhorn |
1995-2001 |
6 | Fishing |
1996 |
7 | Haim Gordon |
2001-2002 |
8 | Grand Coulee Dam Area |
1996-1997 |
9 | Indian Country News |
2009 |
10 | Isleta |
2003 |
11 | Lake Chelan Management Plans |
1995 |
12 | Management of Anadromous Fish Habitat on Public Lands |
1996 |
13 | Methow Conservancy |
2008 |
14 | Methow Valley Nose |
1998-2004 |
Subjects, N - RReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 441
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission |
1995-1996 |
2 | Northwest Power Planning Council |
2001 |
3 | North Cascades Fiddle Contest |
2001-2002 |
4 | North Cascades, Ross Lake, Lake Chelan Management Plan |
1988 |
5-7 | Okanogan National Forest |
8 | Public Development Authority (PDA) |
2008 |
9 | Public History |
1979 |
10 | Roundup |
1982 |
Subjects, S - ZReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 442
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Greg Smoak, "Ghost Dances and Identity" |
2002 |
3 | Wenatchee National Forest Management Plan |
1990 |
4 | Western Shoshone |
2007-2008 |
5 | Richard White, "Shellfish Testimony" |
1996 |
6 | Ye Galleon Press |
1992-2001 |
7 | Zuni |
1967-2007 |
Tribal Tribune, 2008-2009Return to Top
Container(s): Box 443
Oversize Publications, 1979-2007Return to Top
Container(s): Box 444
Oversize Posters, 1970s-1990sReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 445
Contains posters related to art and culture in the Western United States.
Hualapai Boundaries, 1883-2007Return to Top
Container(s): Box 446
Boxes 446-448 contain documents related to Hart's work with the Hualapai tribe in establishing reservation boundaries. The National Park Service claimed control of the Colorado River, but Hart's report indicated that the north boundary of the reservation was in the middle of the Colorado River. Hart also determined that the west boundary was roughly ten miles further west than had been indicated. He was able to find the original boundary markers from the 1875-1883 period.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Contracts, Correspondence, and Notes |
2006-2007 |
2 | Hualapai Files CD |
3-4 | Notes and Bibliography |
5 | Research |
1883 |
6 | Skywalk |
2007 |
7 | Travel |
2006-2007 |
8 | Working Files |
2006-2007 |
Hualapai Boundaries, Manuscripts, 2006-2007Return to Top
Container(s): Box 447
Hualapai Boundaries, Manuscripts, 2006-2007Return to Top
Container(s): Box 448
Palus Territory Project, 1930-2003Return to Top
Container(s): Box 449
Boxes 449-451 contain material related to Hart's research on the extent, use, and occupancy of land by the Palus.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Correspondence, Contracts, and Notes |
2002-2003 |
2 | Verne Ray Testimony |
1960-1961 |
3-5 | Ray Reports and Articles |
1930-1979 |
Palus Territory Project, 1930-1991Return to Top
Container(s): Box 450
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Verne Ray and Stuart Chalfant Testimony |
1960 |
2 | Chalfant Reports |
1960-1974 |
3 | Chance Deposition and Testimony |
1991 |
4-5 | Indian Claims Commission |
1961-1979 |
6 | Articles and Report, "Ame"s to "Boas" |
Palus Territory Project, 1930-1979Return to Top
Container(s): Box 451
Contains articles and reports from "Brown" to "Yakama Memory."
Washington Water Power Company, 1902-2009Return to Top
Container(s): Box 452
Boxes 452 and 453 contain material related to a conflict between the Coeur d'Alene tribe and the Avista Power Company, successor to the Washington Water Power Company.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Allotments, Coeur d'Alene Agency |
1906-2006 |
2 | Annual Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs |
1911-1920 |
3-4 | Annotations |
5 | National Archives Record Group 75 |
1908-1910 |
6 | National Archives, Pacific NW Region |
1902-2005 |
7 | News Clippings |
2006-2009 |
8 | Notes on Manuscripts |
1995 |
Washington Water Power Company, 1900-2005Return to Top
Container(s): Box 453
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Research and Notes |
1908-2005 |
3 | WWPC Finding Guides |
4 | WWPC Correspondence |
1900-1913 |
5 | WWPC, Eastern Washington University |
1910-1939 |
6 | Doty v. WWPC |
1908-1909 |
7 | Gaskill v. WWPC |
1908-1909 |
8 | WWPC v. Waters |
1910 |
9 | Namen v. City of Polson |
1974-1982 |
10 | University of Utah |
2005 |
Jicarilla Apache Project, 1974-2003Return to Top
Container(s): Box 454
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Project Administration |
2001-2002 |
3 | Travel |
2001-2002 |
4 | Wilson, Jicarilla Accounting Claim |
1974-2002 |
5 | First Year Reports |
2002 |
6 | Final Reports |
2003 |
7 | Final Reports, Hart Review and Correspondence |
2003 |
Moses Columbia ReservationReturn to Top
Container(s): Boxes 455-457
These boxes contain annotations of documentary materials gathered as research for Hart's report on the establishment of the Moses Columbia Reservation, which was later reduced.
Klamath, 1979-2005Return to Top
Container(s): Box 458
Boxes 458-460 contain documents related to Hart's contract with the United States Department of Justice as an expert witness in the adjudication of the Klamath River watershed in Oregon state court.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Dept. of Justice Memorandum, Case No. 277 |
2005 |
2 | Case No. 277 and Case No. 280 |
3 | Motions, Case No. 282 |
2005 |
4 | Dept. of Justice Motion, Case No. 286 |
2005 |
5 | Motions, Case No. 286 |
6 | Kimball v. Callahan |
1979-1981 |
7 | U. S. v. Adair |
1981-2005 |
8 | Briefs (CD-Rom) |
2005 |
Klamath, 1930-2009Return to Top
Container(s): Box 459
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-3 | Annotations |
4 | Confidential Draft Report, Do Not Cite |
5 | E. R. Hart, "Methow Territory and the Yakama Treaty of 1855" |
2002 |
6 | News Clippings |
2006-2009 |
7 | Research File |
8 | Leslie Spear, Klamath Ethnography |
1930 |
Klamath, 2005-2009Return to Top
Container(s): Box 460
U. S. v. Oregon, 1991-1996Return to Top
Container(s): Box 461
Boxes 461-464 contain documents gathered and reviewed by Hart in his work to establish Wenatchi fishing rights based on a 19th-century agreement. The Confederated Colville Tribes attempted to block Wenatchi rights by intervening in United States v. Oregon.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Oregon Briefs and Decisions |
1992-1996 |
2 | Chance Testimony and Marsh Decision |
1991-1992 |
3-5 | Deward Walker Testimony, ICC |
U. S. v. OregonReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 462
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-2 | Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation Exhibit Notebooks |
3-5 | U.S v. Oregon Exhibits |
6 | Trial Notebook, Sprague |
U. S. v. Oregon, 1909-1991Return to Top
Container(s): Box 463
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Bower Research Notes |
1991 |
2 | Chronological Document List, Wenatshapam Fishery |
3-4 | Colville Base Roll (Washington Indian Census Roll) |
1937 |
5 | Colville Photos (Photocopies) |
6 | Colville Reservation Census |
1920 |
7 | John Hamilt |
1909-1937 |
8 | Miscellaneous Documents |
U. S. v. Oregon, 1909-1991Return to Top
Container(s): Box 464
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Miscellaneous |
2 | Mount Tolman Project |
1980-1981 |
3-4 | National Archives Record Group 75 |
1909-1954 |
5 | Notes, Gary Palmer's Interim Report |
1991 |
6 | Sandpoint Materials |
1929-1938 |
7 | Tandy Book, Enrollment |
1934 |
Wenatchi Fishing, Court Documents & Hart Testimony, 2003-2010Return to Top
Container(s): Box 465
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | District Court Ruling |
2008 |
2 | Confederated Colville Tribes Briefs |
2009 |
3 | U. S. Brief |
2009 |
4 | Yakama Briefs |
2009 |
5 | Ninth Circuit Ruling |
2010 |
6 | E. R. Hart, "Wenatchi Fishing Rights and the 1894 Agreement" |
2007 |
7 | E. R. Hart, "Response to the Report of Dr. Deward Walker" |
2008 |
8 | Hart Maps |
9 | Washington State Senate Resolution |
2003 |
Wenatchi Fishing, Hart Testimony & Research, 1894-1983Return to Top
Container(s): Box 466
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | U.S. v. Oregon, Hart Exhibits (CD) |
2 | Miscellaneous |
3 | "Letter from the Secretary of the Interior" |
1894 |
4-6 | Schalk & Mierendorf, Cultural Resources of the Rocky Reach of the Columbia River |
1983 |
7 | Hart Annotations, Scheuerman, The Wenatchi Indians |
1982 |
8 | Chalfant and Ray Testimony, ICC Docket 161 and 224 |
1957 |
Wenatchi Fishing, Watkins Files, 1879-1995Return to Top
Container(s): Box 467
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Notes |
2 | Notes, Colville Documents |
3 | Notes, Colville and Wenatchi Documents |
4 | Maps and Tables |
5 | "The Wenatshapam Fishery" |
1995 |
6 | Working Draft, "Columbia Reservation" |
7-8 | Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Reports and Treaties |
1879-1929 |
Annotations, Wenatchi & Colville, 1855-1991Return to Top
Container(s): Box 468
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Palmer Testimony |
1991 |
2 | Wenatchi |
1965-1994 |
3 | Wenatchi Acts, Executive Orders, and Agreements |
1855-1906 |
4-5 | Wenatchi and Colville |
1882-2001 |
Annotations, Wenatchi & Colville, 1858-1998Return to Top
Container(s): Box 469
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Wenatchi and Colville |
1858-1998 |
3 | Symons Report |
1967 |
4 | Waring, My Pioneer Past |
1936 |
5 | Lake Chelan Hydroelectric Project |
1998 |
6 | Sale of Wenatshapan Fishery |
1894 |
Annotations, National & Regional Archives and Wenatchi Land Fraud, 1827-2000Return to Top
Container(s): Box 470
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-3 | Annotations, National & Regional Archives |
1827-1995 |
4 | Notes, Wenatchi Project |
1999 |
5 | Wenatchi Notes, 2000 Report |
Wenatchi Land Fraud and Hart Expert Testimony, 1855-2002Return to Top
Container(s): Box 471
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Wenatchi Land Fraud |
1855-2002 |
3-5 | Hart Expert Testimony, Wenatshapan Fishery Vol. I and II |
1996 |
Wenatchi Fishing, Hart Testimony & Research, 2000Return to Top
Container(s): Box 472
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Research, Hart Expert Testimony Vol. III |
2 | Minnesota Historical Society |
2000 |
3 | James J. Hill Library |
2000 |
4-6 | Settlement Research, Wenatchi Fishing Rights |
Wenatchi Fishing Rights Settlement Research, 1998-2001Return to Top
Container(s): Box 473
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Colville Working |
1998-2000 |
2 | Hart Files |
3-5 | ||
6 | Hart, "The History of the Wenatchi Fishing Reservation" |
2001 |
Wenatchi and Yakama, 1891-2004Return to Top
Container(s): Box 474
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Hart, "Anatomy of a Fraud: The Lost Reservation of the P'squosa" |
2000 |
2 | Monitor Park Title Report |
1891-2004 |
3-4 | Wenatchee River Park |
1971-2003 |
5 | Yakama Nation v. Flores |
1997 |
Western History Association Program Committee, 2009Return to Top
Container(s): Box 475
Subjects, 1980-2011Return to Top
Container(s): Box 476
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | American Indian Artifact Price Guide |
2 | Archaeological Excavations in the Carrrizo Wash Valley, CD-ROM |
2004 |
3 | Cayuse and Modoc Indians |
4 | Cobell |
2010-2011 |
5 |
Empires in the Sun Miscellaneous |
1982 |
6 | Historic American Maps |
1980-1981 |
7 | Mashpee |
2007-2011 |
8 | Miscellaneous Pamphlets and Brochures |
9 | Leonard Peltier |
1991 |
Subjects, 1970-1995Return to Top
Container(s): Box 477
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Spokane Indians |
1970-1995 |
2 | Wenatchee Prehistory |
1980s |
Publications, 1967-2011Return to Top
Container(s): Box 478
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Miscellaneous Publications |
1967-1995 |
2 | Jackson, " Get the Money and Shoot" |
1981 |
3 |
" Indian Water Policy"
1981 |
4 |
" Native American Tribal Court Profiles"
1985 |
5 | Indian Law Seminar Materials |
1987 |
6 | Gerow, Eighty-Two Miles from Nowhere
2003 |
7 |
Addicted to War
2004 |
8 |
Methow Naturalist
2007-2008 |
9 |
The Wild Phlox
2009-2011 |
10 | Hart, " The 1912 Joseph La Fleur Statement" |
2010 |
State of Idaho v. United States of America, Court Documents, Coeur d'Alene, 1998-2003Return to Top
Container(s): Box 479
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Petition, Writ of Certiorari; Brief for the U.S. in Opposition |
2000 |
2 | Oral Arguments |
2001 |
3 | David C. Frederick |
2001 |
4 | Hart File, Appellate Division Consultation |
1998-2001 |
5 | Additional Briefs |
2001 |
6 | Supreme Court Decision and News Clippings |
2001-2003 |
7-8 | Hart Exhibits 1-27 |
State of Idaho v. United States of America; Hart ExhibitsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 480- 495
Box 480, folder 1 contains an itemized listing of the exhibits contained in boxes 480-495.
Record Group 75, Colville Letters Received (CIA), Coeur d'AleneReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 496-497
Washington Water Power Company Files, Coeur d’Alene, 2005Return to Top
Container(s): Box 498
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | "Coeur d’Alene Sovereign Management of Lake Coeur d’Alene and St. Joe River |
2005 |
2 | Preliminary Report: Washington Water Power Company and the Coeur d’Alene Tibe unittitle |
2005 |
3 | WWPC Exhibits, Administrative File unittitle |
4 | Itemized List of Exhibits |
5 | WWPC Exhibits, 1-29 |
6 | Summary of Historial Events Relating to the Tribe, the Lake and the River |
Reports, Coeur d’AleneReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 499
Box 499 contains the 1996 of John Fahey that was submitted in the first case. Also enclosed in this box are the experet reports of Stuart A. Chalfant and William N. Bischoff that were submitted to the Indian Claims case Commission, along with the Commission’s findings in the Coeur d’Alene case.
General Report, Klamath, 2005-2012Return to Top
Container(s): Box 500
Box 500 contains drafts, annotations and comments from attorneys and tribal officials on the Klamath case. Hart worked on the adjudication of the Klamath watershed, focusing on what fish were utilized by each tribe. Each tributary of the river had its own case.
Klamath Exhibits, 2005-2012Return to Top
Container(s): Box 501-502
An item level listing of the exhibits is located in carton 501, folder 1.
Klamath Supporting Documents, 2008-2014Return to Top
Container(s): Box 503
This box contains materials relating to Hart’s direct testimony in Klamath cases 277, 279, 280, 281, 282, and 286.
Klamath Discovery Process, Notes and Annotations, 2008-2014Return to Top
Container(s): Box 504
This box contains materials relating to Hart’s expert witness files relating to Klamath cases 277, 279, 280, 281, 282, and 286.
Day Timers, 1989-2008Return to Top
Container(s): Box 505-508
Writing Files, 1969-1981Return to Top
Container(s): Box 509
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Index to the Millennial Star |
1969 |
2 | Divorce," poetry published in Diologue |
1970 |
3 | "Zuni History" |
1970 |
4 | "Anthropologists at Zuni" |
1970 |
5 | Zuni Poetry |
1970 |
6 | Articles Concerning Indians in Harper’s Weekly |
1970 |
7 | The Religious Import of Canyon de Chelly |
1970 |
8 | Witchcraft at Zuni |
1970 |
9 | Christian Missionaries and the Growth of Zuni Factionalism |
1970 |
10 | "Anthropology," poetry published in Roanoke Review |
1971 |
11 | "One Coyote," poetry published in Folio |
1971 |
12 | "Apostate," poetry published in Folio |
1971 |
13 | "An Age of Water" poetry published in Cardinal Poetry Quarterly |
1972 |
14 | Glossary of Zuni Terms |
1973 |
15 | "Experiences and Descriptions" |
1973 |
16 | Kya:k Holi |
1974 |
17 | "A Preliminary Examination of Documents Relating to Zuni Land, 1846-1951" |
1974 |
18 | "Western Shoshone History" |
1974 |
19 | "Factors Relating to Zuni Land, 1900-1951" |
1975 |
20 | Newe: A Western Shoshone History (with Beverly Crum) |
1976 |
21 | "Indian/White Relations: Myths and Realities" |
1977 |
22 | "The Oral History Component" Idaho Humanities Forum |
1979 |
23 | FARM: The Future of Agriculture in the Rocky Mountains |
1979 |
24 | "Wildhorse Reservoire," testimony given at a Bureau of Indian Affairs hearing in Boise, Idaho |
1979 |
25 | FARM: The Future of Agriculture in the Rocky Mountains |
1980 |
26 | "Effects of Disease among the Zunis and Population Estimates" |
1980 |
27 | "The Traditional Shoshone Method of Preparing and Tanning Deer Hides" |
1980 |
28 | "I Will Die an Indian" |
1980 |
29 | "Zuni Agriculture: An Historical Application of Ethnological Research" |
1980 |
30-31 | "Boundaries of Zuni Land: With Emphasis on Details Relating to Incidents Occurring 1846-1946" |
1980 |
32 | "Rebuttal Report," Plaintiff's Exhibit submitted in behalf of the Zuni Indian Tribe |
1981 |
33 | "Utah’s Riches: Utah Folk Art Catalog of Material Culture" review in The Sunstone Review |
1981 |
34 | That Awesome Space: Human Interaction with the Intermountain Landscape |
1982 |
Writing Files, 1981- 1985Return to Top
Container(s): Box 510
Writing Files, 1985- 1988Return to Top
Container(s): Box 511
Writing Files, 1988- 1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 512
Writing Files, 1990- 1994Return to Top
Container(s): Box 513
Writing Files, 1994- 2002Return to Top
Container(s): Box 514
Writing Files, 1960s- 2010Return to Top
Container(s): Box 515
Articles, Not Written by Hart, 1972- 2010Return to Top
Container(s): Box 516
Writing Files and Expert Witness Files, 1985- 1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 517
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | "An Ethnohistory of the Zuni People" |
1983 |
2 | "Boundaries of Zuni Land: With Emphasis on Details Relating to Incidents Occurring 1846-1946," Plaintiff's Exhibit 7000
3 | "Rebuttal Reports: Boundaries of Zuni Land" |
4 | "Damage to Zuni Trust Lands" |
5 | "'The Barefoot Trail': Access to ‘Zuni Heaven" |
6 | "The Zuni Mountains: Chronology of An Environmental Disaster" |
Expert Witness Files, 1985- 1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 517
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | "A History of the Coeur d'Alene Tribe's Claim to Lake Coeur d'Alene" |
2 | "The Ordinary High Water Mark of the Colorado River near Goose Island Campground," prepared for the Office of the Attorney General of Utah. |
3 | "Preliminary Report: The Ordinary High Water Mark of Utah Lake," with Marilyn P. Watkins, prepared for the Office of the Attorney General of Utah |
4 | "Fishing Rights Associated with the Wenatchapam Fishery Reservation," prepared for the Office of the Reservation Attorney, Confederated Tribes of
Colville |
5 | ""Colville Tribes’ Ownership of the Beds of the Columbia and Okanogan Rivers within the Wells Dam Project," prepared for the Office of the
Reservation Attorney, Confederated Tribes of Colville |
6 | "R. S. 2477 Rights-of-Way in Utah and the History of Highways in the United States," Preliminary Report submitted to the Office of the Attorney General of Utah. |
Writing Files, 1988- 1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 519
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | "Palus Territory," Produced for the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, in partial fulfillment of Army Corps of Engineers Contract
DACW68-00, July 20, 2003 |
2 | Hunting, Fishing and Gathering Rights Associated with the Columbia Reservation," prepared for the Office of the Reservation Attorney, Confederated Tribes of Colville |
3 | "Traditional Cultural Properties And Rocky Reach Dam," Produced for the Chelan County PUD, PSA No. 03-047, TCP Study, Rocky Reach
Hydroelectric Project. |
4 | "Preliminary Report: Usual and Accustomed Fishing Rights At Willamette Falls, Oregon," prepared for the Office of the Attorney General of Oregon |
5 | "Hunting, Fishing and Gathering of the Klamath Tribes and the 1864 Treaty," produced under contract with the United States Department of Justice. |
6 | "A History of Zuni Water Use" and "Executive Summary," Expert Testimony Submitted to the U. S. Department of Justice in Behalf of the Zuni Indian
Tribe |
Addendum, 1957- 2014Return to Top
Container(s): Box 520
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Aboriginal Trade |
2014 |
2 | The American West Center at Fifty |
2014 |
3 | Dick, William |
2013 |
4 | Digital Library Project |
5 | Hadley, Drummond |
2005-2006 |
6 | Joseph Library |
2009 |
7 | Kamiakin Article |
2009 |
8 | Letters to the Editor |
2014 |
9 | Frank Matsura Lecture |
2013 |
10 | McCarl, Bob |
2013 |
11 | Methow Minds |
2012 |
12-13 | Mourning Dove Symposium |
2012 |
14 | Osoyoos State Park |
2010 |
15 | Peace and Friendship Award |
2013 |
16 | Poetry |
1964-1996 |
17 | Public History |
2011 |
18 | Racist Lyrics |
1957-2011 |
19 | University of Utah Press |
2012 |
20 | Voices of Colville Confederated Tribes |
2012 |
Addendum, 2007- 2013Return to Top
Container(s): Box 521
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | "The West Boundary of the Hualapai Indian Reservation" |
2 | Western History Association |
2007 |
3 | Western Historical Quarterly, Editorial Board |
2010-2013 |
4 | Western Historical Quarterly |
2013 |
2017 Addendum, 1997- 2009Return to Top
Container(s): Box 522
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | "The North Boundary of the Hualapai Reservation" |
2010-2009 |
2 | "Comments on the Hualapai Tribe" Rulemaking on Special Regulations; Areas of the National Park System |
2009 |
3 | Matthews-Lamb, Sandra. “The Nineteenth Century Cruzate Grants: Pueblos, Peddlers, and the Great Confidence Scam?" Draft Dissertation |
1997 |
Hualapai Boundaries, Bibliography and ExhibitsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 523
This box contains exhibits 1- 222, and other supplemental material relating to Hart’s work with the Hualapai tribe to determine northern and western boundaries. A complete listing of the exhibits is located in folder 1.
Hualapai BoundariesReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 524
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | "Indian Claims Commission and the West Hualapai Boundary" |
2 | North Boundary NPS Report and Exhibits |
3 | The West Boundary of the Hualapai Indian Reservation |
4 | Donald Simon, Questions Regarding Goldwater |
5 | Hualapai Publication, Imre Sutton |
6 | North Boundary Correspondence |
7 | Western History Address, Sherry Smith |
8 | Western Water Rights Digital Library |
9 | Clippings Not Used |
10 | North Boundary Article |
11 | Western Legal History Article |
12 | Hart Report, North Boundary |
2009 |
13 | Proposed Rule |
2009 |
14 | HX 376, Worster |
15 | HX 377, Looney |
16 | HX 240 |
17 | Enlargement Act |
18-19 | Notes on Sept 2009 NPS Report |
20 | 2009 Memos |
21 | North Boundary Report |
2008 |
22 | West Boundary Report |
23-27 | Arizona State University, Goldwater Research |
28 | North Boundary, Information Not Used |
HualapaiReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 525
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Hualapai Miscellaneous Materials |
2 | Hualapai, Montana Case |
2012 |
3 | Hualapai Archaeology |
4 | Indian Rights Association, Archival Finding Aid, Fort Lewis College |
5 | Crampton Notes, American West Center |
6 | Hualapai Archaeology |
7 | Farming by the Big Sandy Band of Hualapai |
8 | Hualapai, Lenn Berlin |
9 | Digital Photos, Grand Canyon Archives |
10 | Boundary bibliography, Grand Canyon Archives |
11 | Hualapai, Bat Cave |
12 | Big Sandy Annotations |
13 | Correspondence |
1943 |
14 | "The North Boundary of the Hualapai Reservation," Williams Comments |
15 | Surveyor Reports and Attorneys Correspondence |
16-20 | Hualapai Bibliography A-G |
Hualapai Bibliography and ExhibitsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 526-527
Shafer Museum and Okanogan County Historical Society Return to Top
Container(s): Box 528
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Shafer Museum, Winthrop Walking Tour |
2 | Shafer Museum, Westernization Architectural Committee |
2003 |
3 | American Association for State and Local History |
2004 |
4 | Okanogan County Historical Society (OCSH) |
5-24 | Shafer Museum and OCSH Administrative Files |
Methow Conservancy and TwispworksReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 529
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Methow Conservancy Book Club |
2 | Methow Out My Window |
2014 |
3 | Methow Out My Window, Notes |
2013 |
4 | Methow Conservancy, Agricultural Taskforce |
5-8 | Methow Conservancy, Administrative Materials |
9-13 | Twispworks, Administrative Materials |
Colville Tribal InterviewsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 530- 531
Boxes 530 and 531 contain interviews and photographs relating to the Okanogan and Wenatchi Tribal members, conducted by Hart between 1998 and 2000. They are restricted, and require written permission from the Colville History and Archaeology Office to view.
Colville Tribe Related MaterialsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 532
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | “Pima Indians, Water Rights, and the Federal Government: U.S. vs Gila Valley Irrigation District," Shelly C. Dudley |
1996 |
2-3 | Environmental Report, Arizona Station Project. Snowflake and St. John’s Generating Station Sites, Vol. 2 |
1974 |
4-5 | "A Historical Study of Non-Federal Water Claims in the Little Colorado River Basin, Arizona," Vol 1, Historical Research Associates |
1986 |
Zuni Water RightsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 533
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Zuni Exhibits, 1596- 7233.2 |
2-3 | "A History of Zuni Water Use," Volume II, Draft |
1992 |
4 | "A History of Zuni Water Use," Volume I, Draft with Edits |
1992 |
5 | United States v. State of New Mexico, et al. Zuni River Basin |
2005 |
6 | Book Chapter Review, Darlis Miller |
7 | "Zuni Population, 1539-1989" |
1991 |
8-9 | Zuni Water Use, Executive Summary, Draft |
2006 |
Zuni Water RightsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 534
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Zuni Water, Executive Summary |
2006 |
2 | Zuni Water, Exhibit List |
1992 |
3 | Zuni Population |
2006 |
4 | "A History of Zuni Water Use," Volume I |
2005 |
5 | " A History of Zuni Water Use," Volume II |
2005 |
6 | Cartography at Zuni |
7 | Jane Marx, Zuni Water |
2008 |
8 | Zuni Water, Lost Exhibits |
2008 |
9 | Zuni Water, New Exhibit Information |
10 | Ramah |
11 | "Stolen Art is Not Cool," Susan Mulcahy |
12 | Zuni Election Results |
2006 |
13 | Zuni Water Case Update |
2007 |
14-15 | Readers Report, “Matilda Coxe Stevenson: Pioneer Anthropologist," Darlis A. Miller |
16 | Zuni Breadstuff |
17 | Zuni Water, News Clippings |
18 | Zuni Water, Case Restarting |
1998 |
19 | A:shiwi Cultural Complex: A Vision for the Zuni Tribe |
2002 |
20 | The Adjudication of the Zuni Water Basin |
1991 |
21 | Department of Justice, Zuni Water |
22 | Tribal Census Office |
2006 |
23 | Zuni, New Literature |
2004-2005 |
24 | Zuni Water |
25 | Zuni Water Correspondence |
2005 |
26 | Zuni Water Contract |
2005 |
Sources Cited in “A History of Zuni Water Use," 2006, 2006Return to Top
Container(s): Box 535-537
Zuni Water, 2011-2013Return to Top
Container(s): Box 538
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-4 | Zuni Water Rebuttal Report, Draft and Final |
2011 |
5 | Zuni Water Rebuttal Report, Contract and Financial Documents |
2012-2013 |
6 | Zuni Water Rebuttal Report, Miscellaneous Documents |
2011 |
7 | Zuni Water Rebuttal, New Exhibits |
2011 |
8 | "Zuni and the Courts" CD-ROM |
9 | Zuni Water, Rebuttal, Hart Notes |
10 | Research Notes, University of Utah |
2013 |
11 | "Critique of ‘A History of Zuni Water Use,’" Stanley Hordes |
2010 |
12 | Rebuttal Correspondence, Bradley Bridgewater |
2011 |
13 | Occasional Paper, “Treaties, Land Cessions, and Other U.S. Congressional Documents Relative to American Indian Tribes," George Fay |
14 | Zuni Water Rebuttal, Report G. Emlen Hall |
2013 |
15 | Zuni Water Rebuttal, Sergeant |
16 | Zuni Water Rebuttal, Yannello |
17 | Zuni Water Rebuttal, Hall and McNeer |
18 | Zuni Water Rebuttal, Judge Garcia Ruling |
19 | Navajo Indian Reservation, Report of H.J. Hagerman, U.S. Senate |
20-22 | Ramah Navajo Research Materials |