Sanford Sterling Munro papers, 1959-1989

Overview of the Collection

Munro, Sanford Sterling, 1932-
Sanford Sterling Munro papers
1959-1989 (inclusive)
1960 (bulk)
39.36 cubic feet (40 boxes plus 1 vertical file)
Collection Number
Papers of Sanford Sterling, a public official, who served as a staffer for Henry "Scoop" Jackson.
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

Open to all users, but access to portions of the papers restricted. Contact repository for details.

Some material stored offsite; advance notice required for use.

Request at UW


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Sanford Sterling Munro was born in Madison, Wisconsin in 1932. Use of the first name was discontinued early and he was known as Sterling Munro throughout his adult life. He moved with his family to Bellingham, Washington in 1944, where he attended junior and senior high schools. A dinner meeting with then Washington State Congressman Henry "Scoop" Jackson in 1948 substantially encouraged Munro's ambitions to seek a career in public service. Consequently after his graduation from high school in 1949, he went to Washington, D. C. There he attended George Washington University evenings, while working days in a variety of Capitol Hill jobs, including one on Congressman Jackson's staff.

Munro's career was interrupted in 1951 when he was drafted into the Army for service during the Korean War. Discharged in Oklahoma in 1953, he headed immediately for Washington, D. C. and a position on the legislative staff of Henry Jackson, who had become a Senator in 1952. Munro completed George Washington University in 1956 with a bachelor's degree in Political Science and Journalism. In 1961 he was appointed Administrative Assistant to Senator Jackson, becoming the youngest A. A. in the Senate at the time.

Munro served Senator Jackson as his chief aide until 1975, and as his campaign director until 1976. During this period he managed the Senator's three successful re-election campaigns in 1964, 1970 and 1976. He also directed Jackson's two unsuccessful efforts to secure the Democratic Presidential nomination in 1972 and 1976. Dubbed "Washington's Silent Senator," Munro also expertly facilitated the Senator's legislative agenda, particularly those interests in natural resources, conservation, and the power industry of the northwest. He was also deeply involved in the Democratic politics of the State of Washington. Munro maintained an attentive and often supportive interest in numerous local, state legislative, gubernatorial and national races both during his employment with Senator Jackson, and later as a private citizen.

Sterling Munro retired from Senator Jackson’s staff in 1976 and moved to Wenatchee to work as a consultant. In September 1977 Munro was chosen by Chelan County Public Utility District as its arbitrator in a dispute with Puget Sound Power and Light over the size of its controversial Rock Island Dam Recreational Exhibit R. An Exhibit R is a recreational exhibit required by the Federal Power Commission in licensing a hydroelectric project. This was not required when Rock Island was initially constructed. However, when the Chelan PUD applied for a license amendment in the early 1970s to build a second powerhouse at Rock Island, the Federal Power Commission required one. The plan submitted by the PUD in 1975 was valued in excess of $16 million. Puget Sound Power and Light, which purchased power from Chelan County PUD, opposed the project. Munro had been active in the Citizens for Riverfront Development Committee which supported a full scale riverfront development. Munro was one of three arbitrators.

Late in 1977 Sterling Munro was named to head the Bonneville Power Administration, the agency which constructs, operates and markets power from federal hydroelectric projects in the Pacific Northwest. One of the first major problems Munro had to deal with as B.P.A. Administrator was the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, which had been introduced in Congress by the Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee. The bill was a response to the energy shortfall predicted in coming years and the stalled hydro-thermal program under which the state’s new nuclear plants were being built. The bill, sponsored in the Senate by Henry M. Jackson, created a Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Council made up of two representatives from each of the four northwest states. The Council was charged with developing a comprehensive regional energy plan. The measure also enabled B.P.A. to purchase the output of thermoelectrical power plants. During the legislative campaign, B.P.A.’s role in promoting the bill was controversial and was criticized by some BPA critics. The Regional Power Bill passed in late 1980. Sterling Munro resigned his BPA post February 3, 1981, after a dispute over the Reagan administration’s hiring freeze.

From 1981 until his death, he was Vice President and National Director of the Public Power Group of John Nuveen & Co., a municipal bonds firm. He died of a heart attack in Seattle on March 9, 1992.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The records document his civil service and consultant careers through 1981, and his political activities as a private citizen through 1990. Approximately two-thirds of the accession contains material generated during Munro's tenure on Senator Jackson's staff and primarily chronicles the various Jackson campaigns and successful legislative efforts. Included in the accession are the incoming and outgoing correspondence of Jackson, Munro and other members of the Jackson legislative and campaign staffs. The Papers also contain financial records for the 1972 and 1976 Jackson campaigns; campaign materials, legislation, news releases, reports, speeches and writings, subject series, clippings and ephemera.

It is characteristic of Munro's style of operation as the man-behind-the-scenes that the Papers describe more about Henry Jackson and other members of his staff than they do about Munro. He worked tirelessly on behalf of Washington state, but did not seem to care who got the credit because he believed that the initials A. A. stood for "Absolutely Anonymous." His correspondence files, however, give strong clues about the power and scope of his activities.

The accession is divided into four subgroups: Aide to Henry M. Jackson; Personal Papers; Consultant/Arbitrator; and Administrator, U.S. Bonneville Power Administration. The first subgroup is divided into two parts: Campaign Papers and all other papers created as Jackson’s aide. The Campaign Papers span the period 1960 to 1976 and are arranged chronologically, according to Senator Jackson's campaigns for various political offices. The series contains documents relating to all of Senator Jackson's political campaigns during this period, including his abortive effort to become the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee in 1960. Munro's intelligence files on other state, Congressional and Presidential election candidates are also included in this series. Jackson's Presidential campaigns-in 1972 and 1976, which Munro managed, generated the bulk of the papers in this series.

The rest of the Aide to Henry M. Jackson subgroup primarily spans the period 1965-1971 and contains materials Munro accumulated about several legislative projects. Among these are the development of the North Cascades and Redwood national parks, the National Environmental Protection Act, Colorado River Basin legislation and the hydro-thermal power program in the northwest. Although there is little original material other than correspondence, the photograph, report, speeches and writings, subject, clippings and ephemera files in this series suggest his involvement and strong interest.

"Personal Papers" is the smallest subgroup and reflects Munro's role as party elder statesman during the years 1978-1990. The series primarily contains subject files, clippings and ephemera. It documents his continuing close association with Senator Jackson's interests well after the Senator's death, and his involvement with other campaigns at both the state and national level.

The Consultant/Arbitrator subgroup primarily consists of records concerning the Rock Island Dam Recreational Exhibit R.

The Bonneville Power Administration subgroup largely consists of copies of memos, legislation, writings, testimony and other material. Much is material written by others and sent to Munro. The largest portion documents the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Creator's literary rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Accession No. 4531-001: Sanford Sterling Munro papers, 1959-1989Return to Top

39.33 cubic feet (40 boxes)

Scope and Content: Campaign files, memorabilia, correspondence, reports, speeches and writings, legislation, publications, subject series, proceeding, memoranda, ephemera, audio tapes, 1959-1989. Chiefly concerns election campaigns of Henry M. Jackson and Democratic politics. Also includes Munro's papers as Administrator of the Bonneville Power Administration, 1978-1981 and records of his activities as a governmental affairs consultant. Box 23 is oversize materials.

Restrictions on Access: Open to all users, but access to portions of the papers restricted. Contact repository for details.

Some material stored offsite; advance notice is required for use.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by Gene Munro., 9/1/1995.

Container(s) Description Dates
Series 1: Aide to Henry M. Jackson—Campaign Papers
Campaign 1960, Presidential Campaign
Box/Folder Accession
1/1 4531-001
Speeches and Writings by Henry M. Jackson
1/2-3 4531-001
Democratic National Convention—Directory
1/4 4531-001
United States Senator Henry M. Jackson for Vice President Committee
1/5 4531-001
Sound Recordings—Democratic National Convention
Includes two 45 rpm recordings of convention music.
1/6 4531-001
1/7-9 4531-001
23/3 4531-001
Henry M. Jackson Campaign Materials
Scope and Content: Includes a flyer promoting Democratic Vice Presidential ambitions.
Campaign 1964, Henry M. Jackson Senatorial Re-election
Box/Folder Accession
1/10 4531-001
General Correspondence of Henry M. Jackson
1/11 4531-001
General Correspondence of Sterling Munro
1/12 4531-001
Incoming Correspondence
Scope and Content: Includes Invitations for Henry M. Jackson.
1/13 4531-001
Scope and Content: Includes list of legislation sponsored by Henry M. Jackson.
1/14-15 4531-001
23/4 4531-001
State of Washington Official List of office holders at the Congressional, state, county and municipal level.
1/16 4531-001
1/17 4531-001
Speeches and Writings by Henry M. Jackson
1/18 4531-001
Speeches and Writings by others
1/19 4531-001
Democratic Party—Democratic national Committee
1/20 4531-001
Democratic Party—Washington State Central Committee
1/21 4531-001
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
1/22 4531-001
Jackson for Senate Re-election Committee
1/23 4531-001
Munro Action File
1/24 4531-001
“Power Pool” Proposal of April 15, 1964
1/25 4531-001
Trip Files—Itineraries for Henry M. Jackson
1/26 4531-001
Trip Files—Washington State Visits, Henry M. Jackson
1/27-29 4531-001
Trip Files—Washington State Visits, Sterling Munro
1/30 4531-001
Voting Records—Henry M. Jackson
1/31 4531-001
1/32-38 4531-001
23/5 4531-001
General Notes: Oversized.
1/39 4531-001
Campaign 1970, Senatorial Re-election
Box/Folder Accession
2/1 4531-001
General Correspondence of Henry M. Jackson
2/2-3 4531-001
General Correspondence of Sterling Munro
2/4 4531-001
Incoming Letters—Bipartisan Support for Henry M. Jackson
2/5 4531-001
Incoming Letters—Response to “Citizens for Jackson” Letter
2/6-7 4531-001
Campaign Materials—General
2/8-9 4531-001
Campaign materials—Contents of Scrapbook
23/6 4531-001
Campaign Materials—Contents of Scrapbook
General Notes: Oversized.
23/2 4531-001
Campaign Materials—Artifacts
General Notes: Oversized.
2/10 4531-001
Election Returns, Washington State General Election
2/11-12 4531-001
Primary Election
23/7 4531-001
Primary Election—Tabulation of Results
General Notes: Oversized.
2/13 4531-001
Endorsements of Senator Henry M. Jackson
2/14-16 4531-001
Various Lists
2/17 4531-001
List of Henry M. Jackson’s Legislative and Committee Staff
2/18-20 4531-001
List of Potential Contributors
2/21 4531-001
2/22 4531-001
2/23 4531-001
Publications--Mandate for Reform, Democratic National Committee
2/24 4531-001
Schedules of Sterling Munro
2/25 4531-001
Henry M. Jackson Speeches and Writings
2/26 4531-001
Citizens for Jackson Committees
2/27 4531-001
Campaign Events
2/28-30 4531-001
Campaign Events: An Evening with the Jacksons
2/31 4531-001
Campaign Films
2/32-33 4531-001
Campaign Planning
2/34-35 4531-001
Direct Mail Campaign
23/8 4531-001
Sample Post Card Questionnaire
General Notes: Oversized.
2/36 4531-001
2/37 4531-001
Democratic Party—Democratic National Committee
2/38 4531-001
Democratic Party—Democratic Senatorial Committee
2/39-3/1 4531-001
Democrats—Washington State
23/9 4531-001
King County Democratic Central Committee Newsletter
General Notes: Oversized.
3/2 4531-001
“Dump Jackson” Movement
3/3 4531-001
“End American involvement in the War” Amendment
3/4 4531-001
Federal Communications Commission’s “Fairness Doctrine” in Television/Radio Broadcasting
3/5 4531-001
Independents for Jackson
3/6 4531-001
Jackson Appreciation Dinner
3/7 4531-001
McCann-Erickson, Incorporated
3/8 4531-001
Carl Maxey and Political Advertising
3/9 4531-001
3/10 4531-001
Broadcast and Cable Media
3/11 4531-001
Print media
3/12 4531-001
Reader’s Digest—Profile of Henry M. Jackson
3/13 4531-001
Republicans—Washington State
23/11 4531-001
Michael K. Ross Flyer
General Notes: Oversized.
3/14-15 4531-001
Sentinel Anti-Ballistic Missile System (ABM)
23/10 4531-001
Flyer produced by the American Security Council
General Notes: Oversized.
3/16 4531-001
Washington Get Out the Vote Chicano Committee
3/17 4531-001
Washington State Coordinating Committee for the 19 Year Old Vote
3/18-19 4531-001
Washington State Democratic Convention
3/20 4531-001
Voting Records—Henry M. Jackson
3/21-25 4531-001
3/26-33 4531-001
23/12 4531-001
General Notes: Oversized.
3/34 4531-001
Campaign 1972, Jackson for President
Box/Folder Accession
3/35 4531-001
General correspondence of Henry M. Jackson
3/36 4531-001
General Correspondence of Sterling Munro
4/1-2 4531-001
General Correspondence of Walter T. Skallerup
4/3 4531-001
General Correspondence of Others
4/4-7 4531-001
Incoming Letters—Reaction to Senator Jackson’s Comments about George McGovern
4/8 4531-001
Incoming Letters—Reaction to Senator Jackson's Comments about George Wallace
4/9 4531-001
Incoming Letters—Speaking Engagements of Henry M. Jackson
4/10 4531-001
Campaign Materials—Henry M. Jackson
4/11 4531-001
Campaign Materials— Others
4/12 4531-001
Election Results—Electoral College and Voter Returns for the General Election
4/13 4531-001
Financial Records—General
23/13 4531-001
Financial Records— Mostly Expense Tabulations
General Notes: Oversized
4/14 4531-001
Campaign Finance Reports
4/15-20 4531-001
Campaign Finance Reports for Citizens for Jackson committees in Several States
4/21 4531-001
Financial Reports
4/22 4531-001
4/23-25 4531-001
4/26-30 4531-001
News Releases
4/31 4531-001
4/32 4531-001
Photographs of Senator and Mrs. Henry M. Jackson
4/33 4531-001
Photographs of Unidentified Groups of Individuals
4/34-37 4531-001
4/38-39 4531-001
Reports—A Survey of the Political Climate in Florida, Volume I and II
4/40 4531-001
Reports—A Survey of the Political Climate in Florida, WAVE II
4/41 4531-001
Reports—A Survey of the Political Climate in New Hampshire
4/42 4531-001
Reports—A Survey of the Political Climate in Wisconsin
4/43 4531-001
Reports—Political Climate Survey of the State of Washington
4/44-5/4 4531-001
Speeches and Writings of Henry M. Jackson
5/5 4531-001
Speeches and Writings of Others
5/6-8 4531-001
23/14 4531-001
General Notes: Oversized.
5/9 4531-001
Citizens for Jackson
5/10 4531-001
Campaign Analysis
5/11 4531-001
Campaign Announcement
5/12 4531-001
Campaign Headquarters
5/13 4531-001
Campaign Headquarters—Organization
5/14 4531-001
Campaign Staff File, Bill Brawley
5/15 4531-001
Campaign Staff File, Brian Corcoran
5/16 4531-001
Campaign Staff File, Gordon Culp
5/17 4531-001
Campaign Staff File, Stanley Golub
5/18 4531-001
Campaign Staff File, Jerry Grinstein
5/19 4531-001
Campaign Staff File, Jerry Hoeck
5/20 4531-001
Campaign Staff File, Hy Raskin
5/21 4531-001
Campaign Staff File, Jerry Verkler
5/22 4531-001
Campaign Staff File, Ben Wattenberg
5/23 4531-001
Campaign Staff File, Glen Wood
5/24-26 4531-001
Coalition for a Democratic Majority
5/27 4531-001
5/28 4531-001
Delegate Selection Deadlines by State
5/29 4531-001
Democratic Manual for the Democratic national Convention
5/30 4531-001
Democratic National Committee
5/31-32 4531-001
Presidential Nomination Process—Preplanning
23/15 4531-001
Floor Plans of the Miami Beach Convention hall
General Notes: Oversized.
5/33-35 4531-001
Contest for Party Chairmanship
5/36-37 4531-001
5/28-6/2 4531-001
Democratic National Convention
6/3-7 4531-001
Credential Committee
6/8 4531-001
Delegate Lists
6/9 4531-001
Sterling Munro’s Handbook
6/10 4531-001
Democratic Party
6/11 4531-001
Charter Commission
6/12-14 4531-001
Washington State
6/15 4531-001
Democratic Presidential Candidates, Other
6/16 4531-001
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
6/17 4531-001
Democrats, Congressional
6/18-19 4531-001
Direct Mail Campaign
6/20 4531-001
Federal Election Campaign Act
6/21 4531-001
Henry M. Jackson for President Citizens Council
6/22 4531-001
Housing Amendment to National Land Use Policy Bill
6/23-25 4531-001
Johnson, Stanley Martin
6/26 4531-001
Loyalty Oaths
6/27-28 4531-001
McGovern, George
6/29 4531-001
Nixon “Enemies” List
6/30 4531-001
Media Campaign
6/31 4531-001
Presidential Campaign Finance Inquiries—Senate Select
6/32 4531-001
Report—U. S. General Accounting Office
6/33 4531-001
U. S. V. Mitchell, et al.
6/34 4531-001
Watergate Special Prosecution Force
6/35 4531-001
Wild, Claude C.
6/36 4531-001
6/37 4531-001
6/38 4531-001
Secret Service Detail
6/39-41 4531-001
6/42 4531-001
Wallace, George
6/43-7/1 4531-001
Washington State Politics
7/2 4531-001
Youth Campaign
7/3-6 4531-001
7/7-14 4531-001
23/1 4531-001
General Notes: Oversized.
7/15 4531-001
Campaign 1976, Jackson for President
Box/Folder Accession
7/16 4531-001
Campaign 1976, Jackson for President
7/17-19 4531-001
General Correspondence of Henry M. Jackson
7/19 4531-001
General Correspondence of Robert Keefe
7/20-21 4531-001
General Correspondence of Richard (Dick) Kline
7/22-27 4531-001
General Correspondence of Sterling Munro
7/28-33 4531-001
General Correspondence of Walter T. Skallerup
7/34 4531-001
General Correspondence of Others
7/35-36 4531-001
Incoming Letters—Campaign Supporters
7/37 4531-001
Incoming Letters—Issues Related
7/38-8/2 4531-001
Outgoing Letters—Thank You Letters to Contributors
8/3 4531-001
8/4 4531-001
Campaign Materials
23/16 4531-001
Flyers, Photos for Television Commercials
General Notes: Oversized.
8/5 4531-001
8/6-7 4531-001
Financial Records—Budgets
23/18 4531-001
Financial Records—Ledger Sheets
General Notes: Oversized.
8/8-17 4531-001
Financial Records—Campaign Finance Reports
8/18 4531-001
Financial Records—Comptroller General of the U. S., Registration form and Statement of Organization for a Committee
8/19 4531-001
Financial Records—Federal Election Commission, Registration Form and Statement of Organization for a Committee
8/20 4531-001
Finance Records—Finance Committee
8/21 4531-001
Finance Records—Fund Raising
8/22 4531-001
Finance Records—Policies and Procedures
8/23-25 4531-001
Finance Records—Treasurer’s Reports
23/19 4531-001
Finance Records—Campaign Expenditure Comparisons of Democratic Presidential Contenders
General Notes: Oversized.
8/26 4531-001
Finance Records—Other Candidates
8/27 4531-001
Finance Records—U. S. Corporate Income Tax
8/28 4531-001
Finance Records—Miscellany
8/29-31 4531-001
8/32 4531-001
8/33-38 4531-001
8/39 4531-001
8/40-41 4531-001
News releases
8/42-46 4531-001
8/47 4531-001
Photographs of Henry M. Jackson Campaigning in Puerto Rico
8/48-9/2 4531-001
Polls—Cambridge Survey Research, Massachusetts Study
9/3-8 4531-001
Polls—Gallup Opinion Index
9/9 4531-001
Polls—Hamilton and Staff, A Political Survey of Florida Democrats
9/10-13 4531-001
Polls—Quayle, Plesser & Company, Survey of New York Primary Voters
9/14 4531-001
Polls—Sub-Committee on Intergovernmental Relations of the Committee Government Operations of the U. S. Senate-Confidence and Concern: Citizens View American Government
9/15 4531-001
Polls—Who’s Who Among American High School Students
9/16 4531-001
Polls—Yankelovich, Skelly & White, Incorporated
9/17-21 4531-001
9/22 4531-001
9/23 4531-001
Position Papers—Henry M. Jackson
9/24 4531-001
9/25-18 4531-001
Speeches and Writings of Henry M. Jackson
9/29-30 4531-001
Speeches and Writings of Others
10/1 4531-001
Lloyd Bentsen, Campaign Financing & Campaign Issues
10/2 4531-001
10/3 4531-001
Economic Policy
10/4 4531-001
Energy Crisis
10/5 4531-001
10/6 4531-001
Land Use legislation
10/7 4531-001
Welfare Reform
10/8 4531-001
10/9-14 4531-001
Carter, Jimmy
10/15 4531-001
Chairman’s Representatives
10/16 4531-001
10/17 4531-001
Democratic National Committee
10/18-19 4531-001
Democratic National Committee—Conference on Democratic Party Organization (Charter Conference)
10/20 4531-001
Democratic National Convention
10/21-23 4531-001
Democratic National Convention—Contents of Sterling Munro Convention Binder
10/24 4531-001
Democratic National convention—Jackson Delegates
10/25 4531-001
Democratic national Convention—Party Platform Committee
10/26 4531-001
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
10/27-30 4531-001
Direct Mail
10/31 4531-001
Federal Election Campaign Act
10/32 4531-001
Federal Election Commission
10/33 4531-001
Jackson for President Committee
10/34 4531-001
Campaign Strategy
10/35-38 4531-001
Campaign for Delegates
10/39 4531-001
Campaign for Delegates—Boiler Room Reports
10/40 4531-001
Campaign for Delegates—Staff Manual
10/41-11/50 4531-001
Campaign for Delegates by State
11/51 4531-001
Meeting 14-15 July, 1975
11/52-53 4531-001
Planning and Organization
11/54 4531-001
Special Interest Groups
12/1-3 4531-001
Special Interest groups—Black Americans
12/4-6 4531-001
Special Interest Groups—Hispanic Americans
12/7 4531-001
Special Interest Groups—Women
12/8 4531-001
State Area Office Coordinators
12/9 4531-001
12/10 4531-001
Washington State Steering Committee
12/11-12 4531-001
Jackson Planning Committee
12/13 4531-001
Jackson Planning Committee—Media
12/14 4531-001
Kennedy, Edward (Ted)
12/15-20 4531-001
Labor Unions
12/21 4531-001
Labor Unions—Profiles of AFL-CIO Executive Council Members
12/22 4531-001
Media-ABC (American Broadcasting Company)
12/23 4531-001
12/24 4531-001
Navy Shipyards
12/25 4531-001
Political Advertising
12/26 4531-001
Presidential Candidates, Other
12/27 4531-001
Rockefeller, Nelson
12/28-29 4531-001
Wallace, George
12/30-32 4531-001
Washington State Presidential Primary
12/33-13/8 4531-001
23/21-22 4531-001
Clippings of Henry M. Jackson, Newspaper Coverages of Presidential Primary Wins in Massachusetts and New York
General Notes: Oversized.
23/9-14/6 4531-001
23/23 4531-001
General Notes: Oversized.
14/7-8 4531-001
Campaign 1976, Senatorial Re-Election
Box/Folder Accession
14/9 4531-001
General Correspondence—Munro, Sterling
23/17 4531-001
Campaign Materials of Jackson, Henry M., Bumper Sticker Mock-up
General Notes: Oversized.
14/10 4531-001
Elections—Primary, Washington State
14/11-12 4531-001
Financial Records—Campaign Finance Reports
14/13 4531-001
Financial Records—Contributors
14/14 4531-001
Financial Records—Federal Election Commission
14/15 4531-001
Financial Records—Financial Report Deadlines
14/16 4531-001
Financial Records—Fundraising
14/17 4531-001
News Releases
14/18-19 4531-001
14/20 4531-001
Schedules—Jackson, Henry M.
14/21 4531-001
Brock Adams Congressional Committee
14/22 4531-001
Brock Adams Senate Committee
14/23 4531-001
Campaign Issues
14/24-25 4531-001
Candidates for U. S. Senate, Other
14/26 4531-001
Citizens Committee for Brock Adams
14/17 4531-001
Citizens Committee for Slade Gorton
14/28 4531-001
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
14/29-30 4531-001
Democrats, Washington State
14/31 4531-001
Federal Election Campaign Act
14/32 4531-001
Management Practices Seminar
14/33 4531-001
People for Jackson for United States Senator
14/34-36 4531-001
Political Advertising
14/37 4531-001
14/38-39 4531-001
14/40-15/1 4531-001
Series 2: Campaigns of Others
Campaign 1962, Congressional, Gubernatorial and State Legislature
Box/Folder Accession
15/2 4531-001
Christensen, Richard G. Republican Candidate for Governor
15/3-5 4531-001
Washington State Democratic Committee
15/6 4531-001
Young Citizens on the Move for U. S. Senator Warren G. Magnuson
Campaign 1964, Presidential and Congressional
Box/Folder Accession
15/7 4531-001
Goldwater, Barry
15/8 4531-001
Andrews, Lloyd J.— Republican Candidate, United States Senate
15/9 4531-001
Hansen, Julia Butler— Incumbent, United States Representative
15/10 4531-001
Horan, Walter R. —Incumbent, United States Representative
15/11 4531-001
May, Catherine— Incumbent, United States Representative
15/12 4531-001
Pelly, Thomas M.—Incumbent, United States Representative
15/13 4531-001
Rockefeller Nelson
23/24 4531-001
The Nelson Rockefeller Story
General Notes: Oversized.
15/14 4531-001
Stinson, Bill—Incumbent, United States Representative
15/15 4531-001
Tollefson, Thor C.—Incumbent, United States Representative
15/16 4531-001
Westland, Jack—Incumbent, United States Representative
Campaign 1966, United States House of Representatives
Box/Folder Accession
15/17 4531-001
Foley, Thomas
Campaign 1968, Presidential
Box/Folder Accession
15/18-20 4531-001
Gallup Opinion Index
Campaign 1970—1972, Congressional
General Notes: Oversized.
Box/Folder Accession
15/21 4531-001
Freeman, J. J. “Tiny”
23/25 4531-001
Campaign Flyers
General Notes: Oversized.
15/22 4531-001
Heavey, Ed.
23/26 4531-001
Campaign Flyers
12/23-24 4531-001
Hempelmann, John
General Notes: Oversized.
15/25-26 4531-001
McCormack, Mike
23/27 4531-001
Campaign Material
15/27 4531-001
Pelly, Tom
Campaign 1974, Congressional and Gubernatorial Elections
Box/Folder Accession
15/28-30 4531-001
Senator Henry M. Jackson’s national Efforts on Behalf of Democratic Candidates
Campaign 1976, Presidential, Congressional and Gubernatorial
Box/Folder Accession
15/31-33 4531-001
Carter/Mondale Presidential Campaign
15/34 4531-001
Meeds, Lloyd
15/35 4531-001
Ray, Dixy Lee
Series 3: Aide to Henry M. Jackson
Box/Folder Accession
15/36 4531-001
General Correspondence of Henry M. Jackson
15/37 4531-001
General Correspondence of Sterling Munro
15/38 4531-001
General Correspondence of Others
15/39 4531-001
News Releases of Henry M. Jackson
15/40-41 4531-001
Orders—Federal Power Commission
15/42 4531-001
Photographs for North Cascades—A Report to the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture
15/43 4531-001
Photographs of Mount Rainier National Park—Paradise Visitor Center Under Construction
16/1 4531-001
Photographs of North Cascades National Forest Development Plan
16/2 4531-001
Photographs of Steheken Landing and Lodge
16/3-6 4531-001
Publications—Democratic Journal
16/7 4531-001
Publications—Democratic Caucus Report, Washington State Legislature, House of Representatives
16/8-13 4531-001
Reports—North Cascades, A report to the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture
16/14 4531-001
Reports— Olympic National Park Boundary Study Committee
23/28 4531-001
Reports—Maps and Brochures included with the Study
General Notes: Oversized.
16/15 4531-001
Reports—Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County—Antilon Lake Pumped Storage Project
16/16-18 4531-001
Quinault Report—Olympic National Park, Washington
16/19 4531-001
Report on Study of the Public Need with Respect to Visitor Facilities in Mount Rainier National Park
16/20 4531-001
Report on the Manpower Problems in the Seattle, Washington Area
Speeches and Writings of Jackson, Henry M.
Box/Folder Accession
16/21 4531-001
“Challenges in Reclamation’s Future”; National Reclamation Association; Honolulu, Hawaii
16/22 4531-001
“Environment and Change: ‘How Much?’ Or ‘How Good?’”; Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs; Portland, Oregon
16/23 4531-001
“Environmental Quality—Progress and Prospect”; national Council of State Garden Clubs; Biloxi, Mississippi
16/24 4531-001
Jefferson/Jackson Day Dinner; Boise, Idaho
0.64 4531-001
Jefferson/Jackson Day Dinner, Fairfax County
16/26 4531-001
Jefferson/Jackson Day Dinner, Raleigh, North Carolina
16/27 4531-001
Lakehaven Sewer District Dedication; Federal Way, Washington
16/28 4531-001
Metallurgical Society, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers; New York, New York
16/29 4531-001
National Forest Products Association; Washington, D. C.
16/30 4531-001
“Northwest Water Resources: Planning and Issues”; Seattle Chamber of Commerce; Seattle, Washington
16/31 4531-001
Opening of the New Paradise Visitors Center; Mount Rainier National Park
16/32 4531-001
“Pacific Northwest Water Issues: An Assessment”; Pacific Northwest Symposium; Wenatchee, Washington
16/33 4531-001
Portland City Club; Portland, Oregon
16/34 4531-001
“Tell It Like It Is”; Association of Washington Industries; Seattle, Washington
16/35 4531-001
University of Puget Sound Luncheon; Tacoma, Washington
16/36 4531-001
Wanapam Dam; Grant County, Washington
16/37 4531-001
Washington State Council of Retail Clerks; Bellingham, Washington
16/38 4531-001
Washington State Democratic Convention; Spokane, Washington
16/39 4531-001
“Water and the Nation”; American Water Works Association; Bal Harbor, Florida
16/40 4531-001
“Water and the Northwest”; Washington State Grange Association; Everett, Washington
16/41 4531-001
“Water for the Future”; American Water Works Association
16/42 4531-001
Western Political Science Association; Seattle, Washington
16/43 4531-001
Whatcom County Law Enforcement Conference; Bellingham, Washington
16/44 4531-001
Young Democrats
Subject SubSeries
Box/Folder Accession
16/45 4531-001
Alaska Native Claims: Major Elements of a Proposed Settlement
17/1 4531-001
Alaska Oil Development
17/2 4531-001
Alpine Lakes Land Use Proposal
23/30 4531-001
Map of New Compromised Proposal for Alpine Lakes Wilderness Area
General Notes: Oversized.
17/3 4531-001
Aluminum Industry
23/32 4531-001
BPA Firm Contract Demand and Estimated Interruption Data
General Notes: Oversized.
17/4 4531-001
Ben Franklin Lock and Dam, Columbia River, Washington
17/5-7 4531-001
Bonneville Power Administration Hydro-Thermal Power Project
17/8-18 4531-001
Democrats, Washington State
17/19 4531-001
Design for Washington
17/20-21 4531-001
Hells Canyon, Idaho
17/22 4531-001
Kennescott Mining in the Glacier Peak Wilderness
17/23 4531-001
McDonnell, Jay
17/24-25 4531-001
National Environmental Policy
0.65384615385 4531-001
National Park Service, Department of Interior
Box/Folder Accession
17/27 4531-001
National Park Service, Operations in Washington State
23/29 4531-001
Summaries of Completed and Anticipated Park Service Activities in the State of Washington
General Notes: Oversized.
17/28-29 4531-001
North Cascades National Park
23/31 4531-001
Map of Main Trails and Back Country Camp Areas
General Notes: Oversized.
17/30 4531-001
Potomac National River
17/31-32 4531-001
Power Generation in the Pacific Northwest—Hydro-Thermal Program
17/33 4531-001
Power Generation in the Pacific Northwest—Other Issues
17/34 4531-001
Proposed Nuclear Generator Sites
18/1 4531-001
Proposed Raise in Interest Rates
18/2 4531-001
Washington State Thermal Power Plan Site Evaluation Council
18/3 4531-001
Legislation—Washington State Engrossed Bill Number 49, An Act Relating to the Location of Power Plants…
18/4-5 4531-001
18/6 4531-001
Proposal for a Point of the Arches National Seashore
18/7 4531-001
Proposed North Cascades National Forest/Recreation Development Plan
23/33 4531-001
Map of Development Plan
General Notes: Oversized.
18/8 4531-001
Redwood National Park
18/9 4531-001
Republican Far Right
18/10 4531-001
Speech materials of Henry M. Jackson
18/11-12 4531-001
Supersonic Transport (SST)
18/13 4531-001
Survey ‘69
18/14-15 4531-001
United States Department of Labor, Manpower Meeting in Seattle
18/16 4531-001
Washington State Politics
18/17 4531-001
Water—Colorado River Basin Projects
18/18 4531-001
Water—Columbia Interstate Compact, Brief Analysis
18/19 4531-001
Water—Columbia Plateau Resources Council
18/20 4531-001
Water—Greater Columbia Basin Project
18/21 4531-001
Water—Department of Interior
18/22 4531-001
Water—Inland Empire Waterways Association Convention
18/23 4531-001
Water—Middle Snake River Project
18/24 4531-001
Water—National Water Commission
18/25-28 4531-001
Water—Water Diversion
18/29 4531-001
Water—Western States Water Council
18/30-32 4531-001
General Correspondence of Frederickson, Frederick
18/33 4531-001
General Correspondence of Jackson, Henry M.
18/34-19/3 4531-001
General Correspondence of Johnson, Ralph W.
19/4 4531-001
General Correspondence of Munro, Sterling
19/5 4531-001
General Correspondence of Others
19/6 4531-001
Legislation—A Bill to Authorize the Construction, Operation and Maintenance of the Colorado River Basin Project, S. 1019
19/7-8 4531-001
Legislation—Amendment to Section 101—Omnibus Rivers and Bill
19/9-10 4531-001
Legislation—Colorado River Basin Project Act, S. 1004
19/11-13 4531-001
Legislation—Colorado River Basin Project Act, H. R. 3300
19/14 4531-001
Legislation—Colorado River Basin Project Act, H. R. 14384, H. R. 14385
19/15 4531-001
Legislation—Colorado River Basin Project Act—Contents of Sterling Munro’s Binder
19/16 4531-001
Legislation—Federal Water Projects Recreation Act
19/17 4531-001
Legislation—River Basin Planning Act, S. 21
19/18 4531-001
19/19 4531-001
19/20 4531-001
News Releases
19/21 4531-001
19/22 4531-001
Report—Progress Report, Lower Colorado River Basin Project
19/23 4531-001
19/24 4531-001
Speeches and Writings of Henry M. Jackson
19/25-30 4531-001
Speeches and Writings of Others
19/31-20/1 4531-001
20/2-20/16 4531-001
23/34 4531-001
General Notes: Oversized.
20/17 4531-001
20/18-19 4531-001
Water and Power
20/20-21 4531-001
Wenatchee River Front
23/35 4531-001
Project Description List
General Notes: Oversized.
20/22 4531-001
Young Democratic Clubs of America
20/23 4531-001
Youth Conservation Corps
20/24 4531-001
Report of Survey on the March 13, 1962 Bond Election
20/25 4531-001
Survey of Spokane Conservative Vs. Liberal Attitudes
20/26 4531-001
Voting Records—First Session of the 90th Congress
21/1-5 4531-001
21/6-22 4531-001
21/23 4531-001
23/36 4531-001
General Notes: Oversized.
Series 4: Personal Papers
Box/Folder Accession
22/1 4531-001
Biographical Features
22/2-5 4531-001
Incoming Letters
22/6 4531-001
Incoming Letters—H. M. Jackson
22/7 4531-001
Outgoing Letters
22/8 4531-001
22/9 4531-001
22/10 4531-001
Campaigns 1980, 1982, United States Senate—General Correspondence
22/11 4531-001
Campaigns 1980, 1982, United States Senate—Notes
22/12 4531-001
Campaigns 1980, 1982, United States Senate—Polls of a Survey of Voter Attitudes in the State of Washington
22/13 4531-001
Campaigns 1980, 1982, United States Senate—Various Polls
22/14 4531-001
Campaigns 1980, 1982, United States Senate—Gorton, Slade
22/15-17 4531-001
Campaigns 1980, 1982, United States Senate—People for Jackson Committee
22/18 4531-001
Campaigns 1980,1982, United States Senate—Senate Candidates, Other
22/19 4531-001
Campaigns 1980, 1982, United States Senate—Senator Henry M. Jackson—News Releases
22/20-22 4531-001
Campaigns 1980, 1982, United States Senate—Clippings
22/23-25 4531-001
Campaigns 1980, 1982, United States Senate—Ephemera
22/26 4531-001
Campaign 1984, Gubernatorial—General Correspondence
22/27-29 4531-001
Campaign 1984, Gubernatorial—Financial Records of People for Gardner (Booth)—Governor
22/30 4531-001
Campaign 1984, Gubernatorial—Financial Records of Other Candidates
22/31 4531-001
Campaign 1984, Gubernatorial—Speeches and Writings of Others
22/32-33 4531-001
Gardner Gubernatorial Campaign
22/34 4531-001
Swift, Al
22/35 4531-001
22/36-40 4531-001
22/41-42 4531-001
22/43 4531-001
23 4531-001
Oversized Items
24 4531-001
Audio Cassette Tapes—Henry M. Jackson’s Baruch Award
24 4531-001
Audio Cassette Tapes—Baton Rouge, Louisiana Labor Speech
24 4531-001
Political Endorsement Tapes—Tape 1, Commercials for Jimmy Carter for President & Dixy Lee Ray for Governor
24 4531-001
Political Endorsement Tapes—Tape 2, Commercials for Jimmy Carter for President, Loyd Meeds for Congress & Dixy Lee Ray for Governor
24 4531-001
Political Endorsement Tapes—Tape 3, Commercials for Jimmy Carter for President & Lloyd Meeds for Congress
24 4531-001
Political Endorsement Tapes—Tape 4, Commercials for Jimmy Carter for President
24 4531-001
Political Endorsement Tapes—Tape 6, Commercials for Jimmy Carter for President & Dixy Lee Ray for Governor
24 4531-001
Political Endorsement Tapes—Tape 7, Commercials for Jimmy Carter for President, Norm Dicks for Congress & Dixy Lee Ray for Governor
24 4531-001
Audio Cassette Tapes— Los Angeles California
24 4531-001
Audio Cassette Tapes— Presidential Campaign
24 4531-001
Audio Cassette Tapes— Spring Fiesta Group
24 4531-001
Audio Cassette Tapes— Munro, Sterling and Others
24 4531-001
Audio Cassette Tapes— Bonneville Power Administration
24 4531-001
Audio Cassette Tapes— Anti-Busing—Group B
2 Tapes
24 4531-001
Audio Cassette Tapes— Pro-Busing—Group A
1 Tape
Campaigns 1986, 1988, 1989 Presidential and Congressional
Box/Folder Accession
25/1 4531-001
Incoming Letters
25/2 4531-001
General Correspondence of Sterling Munro
25/3 4531-001
Bylaws-Democratic Party
25/4 4531-001
Campaign 1988 National Business Council
25/5 4531-001
Nunn, Sam
25/6 4531-001
Presidential Delegate Selection plans for 16 States
25/7 4531-001
Political Fundraising
25/8-11 4531-001
25/12-14 4531-001
25/15 4531-001
25/16 4531-001
Henry M. Jackson Honors, Parks, etc.
25/17 4531-001
Henry M. Jackson memorial Service
25/18-20 4531-001
North Cascades National Park,Henry M. Jackson Memorial
23/37 4531-001
North Cascades National Park,Henry M. Jackson Memorial Site maps
General Notes: Oversized.
26/21-22 4531-001
North Cascades: A 100 Year Legacy, Research Project—Sylvia Thorpe
25/23-24 4531-001
SeaTac International Airport Renaming Controversy
Box/Folder Accession
25/25 4531-001
Canada—United States Energy Issues Seminar
25/26 4531-001
Columbia National River Bill
25/27-26/1 4531-001
Columbia River—Preservation & Recreation Development Efforts
26/2-3 4531-001
Economic Development Administration
26/4 4531-001
Future of Electric Power Workshop
26/5-11 4531-001
Petroleum Marketing Practices Act
26/12 4531-001
Project Excellence Executive Committee
26/13-27/9 4531-001
Rock Island Dam Recreation “Exhibit R”
23/40 4531-001
Rock Island Dam Recreation “Exhibit R” Brochure
General Notes: Oversized.
23/39 4531-001
Rock Island Dam Recreation “Exhibit R” News Releases
General Notes: Oversized.
27/10-28/4 4531-001
Stewards of the River Reports
Administrator, United States Bonneville Power Administration
Box/Folder Accession
28/5-6 4531-001
Organizational/Historical Features
28/7-8 4531-001
Outgoing Letters
28/9-11 4531-001
General Correspondence
28/12 4531-001
28/13 4531-001
Legislation (Pacific Northwest Electrical Power Planning and Conservation Act)—Organizational/Historical Features
28/14-15 4531-001
Legislation (Pacific Northwest Electrical Power Planning and Conservation Act)—Incoming Letters
28/16-19 4531-001
Legislation (Pacific Northwest Electrical Power Planning and Conservation Act)—General Correspondence
28/20-30/5 4531-001
Legislation (Pacific Northwest Electrical Power Planning and Conservation Act)—Bills
30/6-20 4531-001
Legislation (Pacific Northwest Electrical Power Planning and Conservation Act)—Testimony
30/21-31/4 4531-001
Legislation (Pacific Northwest Electrical Power Planning and Conservation Act)—Memoranda
31/5-6 4531-001
Legislation (Pacific Northwest Electrical Power Planning and Conservation Act)—Speeches and Writings
31/7-8 4531-001
Legislation (Pacific Northwest Electrical Power Planning and Conservation Act)—Reports
31/9 4531-001
Legislation (Pacific Northwest Electrical Power Planning and Conservation Act)—Notes
31/10-11 4531-001
Legislation (Pacific Northwest Electrical Power Planning and Conservation Act)—Bulletins
31/12 4531-001
Legislation (Pacific Northwest Electrical Power Planning and Conservation Act)—Resolution
31/13 4531-001
Legislation (Pacific Northwest Electrical Power Planning and Conservation Act)—Ephemera
31/14-16 4531-001
Legislation (Pacific Northwest Electrical Power Planning and Conservation Act)—News Releases
31/17-18 4531-001
Legislation (Pacific Northwest Electrical Power Planning and Conservation Act)—Clippings
31/19 4531-001
Bills—WPPS Nuclear Project Number 1, Agreement vs. United States Department of Interior
31/20-30 4531-001
31/31-32/2 4531-001
Speeches and Writings of Sterling Munro
32/3-7 4531-001
Speeches and Writings of Others
32/8-9 4531-001
32/10-33/9 4531-001
33/10 4531-001
Domestic and Rural Power Authority
33/11 4531-001
Electric Power Research Institute
33/12 4531-001
Role Environmental Impact Study
33/13-16 4531-001
Pacific Northwest River Basins commission
33/17-21 4531-001
Public Power Council
33/22-34/17 4531-001
Washington Public Power Supply System
34/18-19 4531-001
Natural Resources Defense Council
35/1-2 4531-001
35/3-4 4531-001
Power rates
35/5-12 4531-001
Department of Energy
35/13 4531-001
Court Papers
35/14-23 4531-001
35/24 4531-001
Testimony—Congressional hearings Index
35/25-26 4531-001
Testimony—Excerpt from Senate & House Hearings before the Committee on Appropriations
36/1-3 4531-001
36/4-6 4531-001
36/7 4531-001
Policies—City of Seattle
36/8 4531-001
36/9-12 4531-001
36/13 4531-001
News Releases
36/14-15 4531-001
News Letters
36/16 4531-001
36/17 4531-001
36/18 4531-001
36/19 4531-001
36/20-21 4531-001
Conference and Conventions
36/22 4531-001
36/23 4531-001
36/24-25 4531-001
36/26-31 4531-001
36/32-25 4531-001

Accession No. 4531-002: Sanford Sterling Munro papers, circa 1981Return to Top

1 vertical file

Scope and Content: Biographical feature and photograph produced at the time that Munro became Vice President and National Director of Nuveen's Public Power Group.

Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by Gene Munro, 8/15/1997.