Louis C. Zucker papers, 1904-1982

Overview of the Collection

Zucker, Louis C., 1895-
Louis C. Zucker papers
1904-1982 (inclusive)
9 linear feet
Collection Number
MS 0485
The Louis C. Zucker papers (1904-1982) consist of personal materials; teaching materials relating to his teaching in English and Judaic studies; research on Rabbi Adolph H. Fink and Sara Teasdale; a section of the papers of Judge Herbert Schiller; religious materials including articles and addresses on Judaism and religion generally, songbooks, Jewish organizations, and holidays. Zucker was a professor of English at the University of Utah. He was also active in Jewish affairs and organizations in Salt Lake City.
University of Utah Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library
University of Utah
295 South 1500 East
Salt Lake City, UT

Telephone: 8015818863
Access Restrictions

Twenty-four hour advanced notice encouraged. Materials must be used on-site. Access to parts of this collection may be restricted under provisions of state or federal law.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

Louis Clement Zucker was born April 10, 1895, to Polish-Jewish immigrant parents in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He attended the University of Pennsylvania where he completed a bachelor of art (1919) and a master of art degree (1920) in English. In 1920, Zucker married Ethel Kaplan and the couple moved to Wisconsin where Zucker was employed as an instructor of English at the University of Wisconsin while he worked on a doctorate degree.

In 1928, Zucker moved to Salt Lake City to accept a position as assistant professor of English at the University of Utah. In addition to his duties as an English professor, he was active in promoting Judaic studies at the university, and taught courses in Hebrew, Yiddish, and Jewish law, literature, and history.

Zucker was well known for his research on the agricultural colony at Clarion, Utah. In 1967, he began collaborating with Juanita Brooks on her research into the history of Jews in Utah, and eventually edited Brooks's book, The History of the Jews in Utah. In 1962, Zucker collaborated with Leroy J. Robertson in translating the Israeli national anthem, "Hatikva," into English for the music Robertson had been commissioned to compose by Columbia Recording Studios.

In addition to his academic activities at the University of Utah, Louis Zucker was involved with the local Jewish community. He served as a board member of the Temple B'nai Israel, and as president of the Congregation Montefiore Religious School. Additionally, he was instrumental in the construction of the James L. White Jewish Community Center and a new synagogue in Salt Lake City.

Dr. Zucker was a board member of the Salt Lake Civic Music Association and the Utah chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union. He was a charter member of most cultural and artistic organizations in Utah including the Utah Symphony Orchestra, Ballet West, and the Utah Heritage Foundation. Zucker served as secretary of the Utah Conference for Human Welfare, as chair of the humanities section of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, and was a book reviewer for both the Deseret News and the Salt Lake Tribune.

In 1977, Zucker donated funds for the construction of a fountain in Perception Garden at Memory Grove in Salt Lake City, as a memorial to his wife who had died in 1974. The Ethel Zucker Memorial Fountain was completed and dedicated in October 1981, six months before Louis C. Zucker himself passed away.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Louis C. Zucker spent most of his professional career at the University of Utah. He became an influential member of the Utah Jewish community and was active in promoting Judaic studies at the university. Dr. Zucker's papers were donated to the Marriott Library in 1982, by his son, Alex Wilson, and have been organized into the four sections: personal, religious, University of Utah, and miscellaneous materials.

The personal section of the collection contains information on Zucker and his family. Additional materials include personal correspondence, poetry, information on awards Zucker received, and materials relating to his doctoral thesis.

Dr. Zucker collected, as well as authored, numerous articles and addresses on religious topics. These items comprise the largest portion of the religious section and can be located in boxes five and six. Other materials in the religious section include prayer and song books, information on Jewish organizations Zucker affiliated with, and material on Jewish holidays.

As a professor at the University of Utah, Zucker taught numerous courses in English and Judaic studies. The third section of the collection contains lecture notes, exams, and other materials used in his classes. Also, materials pertaining to Zucker's association with the Middle East Center and the University of Utah Libraries can be located in this section.

The final section of the collection consists of a wide assortment of materials Zucker collected. Of particular interest are the materials related to Rabbi Adolph H. Fink, who was active in the anti-Nazi movement in the United States prior to and during the Second World War, and letters and poetry written by early twentieth- century American poet, Sara Teasdale. Additionally, Zucker acquired a portion of Judge Herbert Schiller's personal papers. These can be located in boxes seventeen and eighteen.

Along with the written materials, an authentic Sumerian cuneiform tablet accompanied the Zucker collection. The tablet is now housed in the Rare Books Division of Special Collections.

Historical charts of French, German, and Spanish literature, as well as a drawing of a perception fountain, are located in the map case.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

The library does not claim to control copyright for all materials in the collection. An individual depicted in a reproduction has privacy rights as outlined in Title 45 CFR, part 46 (Protection of Human Subjects). For further information, please review the J. Willard Marriott Library’s Use Agreement and Reproduction Request forms.

Preferred Citation

Collection Name, Collection Number, Box Number, Folder Number. Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library, The University of Utah.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Organized in four sections: I. Personal; II. Religious; III. University of Utah; IV. Miscellaneous.

Acquisition Information

Donated by Alex Wilson in 1982.

Processing Note

Processed by Suzanne M. Stauffer, Allesen Peck, and Lynette Peck in 1988.

Separated Materials

Photographs transferred to the Multimedia Division of Special Collections (P0313).

Audio tape of interviews transferred to the Multimedia Division of Special Collections (A0298).

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

I:  Personal MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
General Materials
Box Folder
1 1
Louis C. Zucker Vitae
1 2-4
Anatole France Zucker (son)
Court records, transcripts of testimonies, letters entered as evidence, and other materials pertaining to the petition of Anatole Zucker for adoption by Alexander and Ruth Wilson Levinson.
1 5
Miscellaneous Financial Material
1 6
National Jewish Welfare Board Distinguished Service Certificate
1 7
B'nai B'rith Outstanding Service Award
1 8
Salt Lake Hadassah Chapter Award
1 9-12
Zucker, Poetry
1 13
Address--"A New Look at the Problem of Criminal Responsibility"
1 14
Drayton's Pastorials
Word index compiled by Zucker.
1 15
Miscellaneous Material
Box Folder
2 1-3
University of Pennsylvania
Miscellaneous notebooks and classwork.
2 4-16
University of Wisconsin
Doctoral thesis material, 1920-1928.
Personal Materials--Ethel Zucker
Box Folder
3 1
3 2
State Training School Association for Retarded Children
3 3
Miscellaneous Certificates
3 4-8
Get Well Cards
3 9
Obituary and Memorials
3 10-17
Letters of Condolence
3 18-21
Memorial Contributions
3 22-25
Ethel Zucker Memorial Fountain
Correspondence, pamphlets, dedication materials, and newsclippings.
Personal Correspondence

II:  Religious MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Articles and Addresses
Box Folder
5 1-8
Zucker, "Joseph Smith as a Student of Hebrew"
5 9-21
Zucker, "Mormon and Jew: Meeting on the American Frontier"
5 22
Davis Bitton, "Anti-Intellectualism in Mormon History"
5 23
J. H. Benton, "The Book of Common Prayer: Its Origin and Growth"
5 24
Zucker, "What is A Pharisee?"
6 1
Rabbi Aryeh Lew, "Response To Chaplains"
6 2
Samuel Sandmel, "Role of the Rabbi"
6 3
Zucker, "Jews of Salt Lake City: Our Background"
6 4
Zucker, "Judaism"
6 5
Harry Orlinsky, "The Septuagint: The Oldest Translation of the Bible"
6 6
Leo Jung, "What is Judaism?"
6 7
Ellis Rivkin, "A Decisive Pattern in American Jewish History"
6 8
Ellis Rivkin, "Defining the Pharisees: The Tannaitic Sources"
6 9
Ellis Rivkin, "The Meaning of the Messiah in Jewish Thought"
6 10
Ellis Rivkin, "Pharisaism and Crisis of Individual in Greco-Roman World"
6 11
Ellis Rivkin, "Zeitlin's Contribution to Understanding the Second Commonwealth"
6 12
Ellis Rivkin, "Ben Sira and the Non-Existence of the Synagogue"
6 13
Ellis Rivkin, "Modern Trends in Judaism"
6 14
Ellis Rivkin, "History of the Jews"
6 15
Henry Slonimsky, "The Philosophy Implicit in the Midrash"
6 16
Leon Zucker, "What Judaism Teaches About God"
6 17
Marc Chagall, "Ten Prints: Illustrations of the Bible"
6 18
"The New Literature of an Ancient People"
6 19
Abraham J. Heschel, "Existence and Celebration"
6 20-21
Arnold H. Green, "Survey of L.D.S. Proselyting to the Jewish People"
6 22
Sermons on the Readings from the Prophets
6 23
Sermons on the Torah Readings
6 24
Cyrus H. Gordans, "Homer and the Bible"
6 25
A. Biran, "Archaelogical Activities"
Religious Organizations and Books
Box Folder
7 1-13
The Society of Biblical Literature
Programs, speeches, and notes.
7 14-17
Union of American Hebrew Congregations
Articles and miscellaneous material.
7 18
National Council of Jewish Women, Salt Lake City Chapter
Membership list.
7 19
Hadassah Roster
7 20
Jewish Relief Society
Statement of purpose.
7 21
Congregation Kol Ami Dedication
Articles, program, and newsclippings.
7 22
Correspondence with Miscellaneous Jewish Organizations
7 1
J. Seixas, Hebrew Grammar
With annotations by Zucker.
General Religious Materials
Box Folder
8 1-3
Passover Services
8 4
8 5
Assorted Holiday Materials
8 6
Jewish Music
8 7
American Jewish Tercentenary
8 8-9
Centennial of Jews in Utah
Correspondence, articles, and programs.
8 10
James L. White Jewish Community Center Dedication Program
8 11
Cuneiform Tablet
Documentation and related notes only. The tablet itself is housed in the Rare Books Division of Special Collections.
8 12
Martin Buber
8 13
Haim Nahman Bialik
8 14
General Material

III:  University of Utah MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Course Materials
Box Folder
9 1
English 142
9 2-3
English 165
9 4-6
English 250
9 7
Political Science 223, Hebrew Law
9 8
Old Testament as World Literature
9 9
Jewish Literature Since the Bible
9 10
Hebrew 2R
9 11
World Religions, Summer Institute
9 12-22
General Course Materials
General Course Materials
Student Papers
Box Folder
11 1
Robert F. Bennett, "Moses"
11 2
Lynn Bennion, "Examination of References to Egypt of the Exodus"
11 3
Blanche Cannon, "Dombey and Son...Almost a Tragedy"
11 4
Ann Chamberlin, "Modern Israeli Folk Dance"
11 5
William Mulder, "Relation Between Righteousness and Prosperity"
11 6
Sister M. Philip, "Hebraism in the Psalms"
11 7
Alexander Schreiner, "The Music of Biblical Times"
11 8
John A. Tvedtnes, "The Jews in Moslem Spain"
11 9
Larry Wilcox, "Comparative Analysis of Bible Found in Book of Mormon"
Middle East Center and University of Utah Libraries
Box Folder
12 1-10
Middle East Center
Departmental correspondence, gifts, graduate studies program, and other material.
12 11
Louis and Ethel Zucker Prize for Hebrew Studies
12 12
Yiddish Material
12 13
Friends of the Library Newsletters
12 14
University of Utah Libraries Gifts
12 15-20
University of Utah Libraries Judaica Collection
Correspondence, contributions, fund raisers, and collection development policy.
12 21
Learning Center and Library Dedication
Newsclippings, program, and correspondence.
12 22
Louis C. Zucker Gift to the Marriott Library
Correspondence regarding Zucker's donation of an Epstein portrait and metal stamps of Israel.
General University of Utah Material
Box Folder
13 1
Albert Ray Olpin Inauguration
Program and correspondence.
13 2
James C. Fletcher Inauguration
13 3
David Gardner Inauguration
Program and correspondence.
13 4
Louis C. Zucker Retirement and Emeritus Appointments
13 5-6
University of Utah Centennial
Programs and other material.
13 7
School Song Contest
13 8
English Department Newsletters
13 9
Lecture Series Announcements

IV:  General MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
14 1-4
Good Reading
Correspondence, manuscripts, and published editions.
14 5-6
Jews In Utah Lecture Series, Utah Heritage Foundation
Notes and miscellaneous materials.
14 7
Miscellaneous material pertaining to Israel.
14 8
Materials relating to Zucker's translation of the Israeli national anthem. Included are correspondence, notes, articles, and a copy of the song.
14 9-14
History of Jews in Utah
Manuscript and correspondence with Juanita Brooks regarding the book.
14 15
Jewish Cultural Exhibit at Children's Museum of Utah
Correspondence and notes.
14 16-26
Clarion, Utah
Correspondence, research notes, newsclippings, and articles.
15 1
Brandeis University Presidential Inauguration
Program and correspondence.
15 2
Gilbert Murray, The Stoic Philosophy
15 3
Mayor's Prayer Breakfast
Program and miscellaneous material.
15 4-5
Utah State University Visiting Professor Program
Correspondence and articles.
15 6
Capital Punishment
15 7
Garreta Helen Busey, "Reflection of Positivism in English Literature"
15 8
American Civil Liberties Union
Correspondence and newsletters.
15 9
Oriental-Western Literary and Cultural Relations Conference
Correspondence, articles, and travel materials.
15 10
Joseph Rosenblatt
15 11
Simon Bamberger
Correspondence and articles.
15 12
Solomon Numes Carvalho
Miscellaneous notes and correspondence.
15 13
International Comparative Literature Association
Programs and miscellaneous material.
15 14
William Mulder
Fulbright Fellowship recommendation.
15 15
Miscellaneous Material
The books in this series are from Zucker's personal collection. All of the books contain handwritten notes by Zucker, and many of them have been autographed by the authors.
Box Volume
16 1
Leonard J. Arrington, The Price of Prejudice
16 2
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles, The Communist Manifesto
16 3
Louis Locke, William Gibson, George Arms, Introduction to Literature
16 4
Cynthia A. Pugh, A Book of Short Stories
16 5
Fawn M. Brodie, Thaddeus Stevens
16 6
Roger Loomis, Donald Clark, Modern English Readings
16 7
Albert Einstein, Ideas and Opinions
16 8
E. M. Forster, A Passage to India
16 9
Grant Overton, Great Modern Short Stories
16 10
John Stuart Mill, On Liberty
16 11
Robert Browning, Pippa Passes
Herbert Schiller
Box Folder
17 1-4
Herbert Schiller Estate
Correspondence, will, tributes, certificates, and miscellaneous material.
17 1
"Corporate Proceedings of Continental Cleaning and Dyeing Company"
17 5-11
Hebert Schiller Files, A-E
Speeches, articles, and other miscellaneous materials arranged alphabetically.
Herbert Schiller Files, F-Z
Speeches, articles, and other miscellaneous materials arranged alphabetically.
Fink and Teasdale materials
Box Folder
19 1-4
Rabbi Adolph H. Fink
Correspondence, newsclippings, and miscellaneous material.
19 5
Sarah Teasdale
Poetry and Correspondence
General Materials
Box Folder
20 1
Utah Jewish Family Genealogies: Cohn, Hirschman, and Friedman
20 2
Correspondence with Bernice Tumen concerning Genealogies
20 3
Various Correspondence
20 4
Newspaper Clippings
20 5
Newspaper Clippings
20 6
Materials from Congregation Kol Ami
Includes a program from the cornerstone dedication (1976), and various congregational announcements.
20 7
The Voice of Kol Ami Newsletters
20 8
Jerry Gephart, "Jewish Assimilation Takes an Unusual Form"
Concerning the merger of the two Jewish congregations in Salt Lake City.
20 9
Jack Goodman, "Jews in Zion"
20 10
Materials Concerning Utah's Jewish Community
20 11
Newsletters and annoucements of Utah's Jewish Community
20 12
Periodicals and Articles from National Jewish Organizations
21 1
Salt Lake City Illustrated
21 2
Newsletters Concerning Utah
21 3
Collected Magazine Articles, Advertisements, and Flyers
21 4-7
21 8
Zucker, drafts of The Jews of Salt Lake City: Our Background
21 9
Drafts for papers on History of the Jews
Writing and Correspondence
Box Folder
22 1
Zucker, Writings
22 2-3
General Correspondence
22 4
Ethel Zucker Postcards
These postcards are from Ethel Zucker's youth and are written in Russian.
22 5
Correspondence with Mordecai Gorelik
22 6
Correspondence with the Jewish Institute of Religion
22 7
Correspondence About James G. McDonald Luncheon
22 8
University of Utah Correspondence
22 9
Correspondence, University of Utah and Israeli Consulate
Correspondence through Zucker concerning possible Israeli students to study at the University of Utah.
22 10
Notes Concerning University of Utah Middle East Center
The University of Utah
Box Folder
23 1
University of Utah Announcements and Pamphlets
23 2
Judaica Library Project at the University of Utah
23 3
University of Utah Library Materials
23 4
Other Judaica and Hebraica Collections
23 5
Class Sylabi
23 6-7
Class Papers
Jewish History, Education and Literature
Box Folder
24 1
Jewish Congregations in Utah, Notes
24 2
Kol Ami and B'Nai Israel Materials
Kol Ami and B'Nai Israel are synagogues in Salt Lake City.
24 3
George Washington on Judaism in America
24 4
Israel Academy
24 5
Judaism and Other Religious Culture
24 6
Jewish History and Literature
24 7
Jewish Literature and Zionism
24 8
Article and Other Material on Esther and Job
24 9
Papers and Pamphlets on Judaism
24 10
The Reconstructionist
The Reconstructionist is a Jewish Cultural Journal.
24 11
Hebrew University Materials
Judaism and Hebrew Materials
Box Folder
25 1-2
25 3
Hebrew Materials and Notes
25 4
Photocopies of Hebrew Manuscript
25 5
Yiddish Materials
25 6
The Jewish Experience
25 7
25 8
Book Reviews and Advertisements
General Materials
Box Folder
26 1
Anniversary Celebrations at Universities
26 2
Maps and Atlases
26 3
The Dybbuk
26 4
Saul Bellow Materials
26 5
Lucius Marsden Durham, "Dante Today"
26 6
Emma Kafler Helwing, "My Neighbors and I"
26 7
Pamphlets and Notes
26 8
Notes and Correspondence
26 9
General Papers and Pamphlets
Articles and Notes
Box Folder
27 1
News and Feature Articles
27 2-6
28 1-4
28 5-6
Newspaper Clippings
Newspaper Clippings