Recognitions and Honorary Degrees Records, 1892-2002

Overview of the Collection

Recognitions and Honorary Degrees Records
1892-2002 (inclusive)
1940-2002 (bulk)
2 cu. ft.
Collection Number
General Collection B-1-3-1
Biographies of Award Recipients at Whitworth College. These have been drawn from a number of sources. Also included are references to materials in the Whitworth Board of Trustees file which discuss the pros and cons of the practice of awarding honorary degrees.
Whitworth University Archives and Special Collections
Whitworth University Archives and Special Collections
300 W. Hawthorne Road
Spokane, WA 99251
Telephone: 5097774481
Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research use

Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment of the Humanities.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

This file constitutes a record of recognitions of outstanding individuals in the life of Whitworth College (honorary degrees and other awards). It is an open file; additional entries may be made in future years. Sources include the Board of Trustees file, newspaper clippings, Whitworth College alumni publications, the college catalogs, and commencement programs.

Over the years there has been some controversy concerning the practice of awarding honorary degrees by colleges and universities. Have some of them been awarded in the expectation of financial gain or prestige by the institution? If so, some evaluators assert that the practice cheapens the degree. (NOTE: For a discussion of the practice see Folder 1/2 in this file and Honorary Degree Committee folders in the Board of Trustees file). On the other hand, some recipients may be highly deserving of the honor for lives of exemplary service. The researcher is invited to decide.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Biographies of Award Recipients at Whitworth College. These have been drawn from a number of sources. Also included are references to materials in the Whitworth Board of Trustees file which discuss the pros and cons of the practice of awarding honorary degrees.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

This collection is open for use

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Since this is an open file a detailed inventory of recipients of awards (in alphabetical order) is not included here.

Processing Note

This collection was last updated on 27 Aug. 2002

Related Materials

Board of Trustees, Faculty Biographies, Trustee Biographies, Alumni Publications

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
1/1 Introduction and Inventory; Lists of Recipients by Year of Award
Photographs The Recognitions Committee Guidelines. Critique of the Practice of Awarding Honorary Degrees by Colleges and Universities (See also Board of Trustees File, Honorary Degrees Committee) Honorary Degrees Committee Minutes. Christian Service Awards. Christian Statesman Awards. Distinguished Community Service Awards. Distinguished Lay Leader Awards. Distinguished Pastoral Leadership Awards. The George F. Whitworth Medal.

Whitworth College Honorary Degrees

Name Occupation Year awarded
Ainley, Rev. Charles Pastor 1959
Alder, Dr. Homer Everett Educator 1960
Ahmaogok, Rev. Roy Missionary to Alaskan Eskimos 1965
Andrews, Rev. C. W. Pastor 1998
Arend, Albert K. Businessman, Civic and Community Leader 1965
Armstrong, Rev. R. Rolland Field Representative, Board of National Missions in Alaska 1953
Bhandare, Rt. Rev. Ramahandra S. Bishop, United Church of India 1977
Bassett, G. W. Director, Los Angeles Conservatory of Music
Baugh, Rev. Odin Albertus Pastor 1968
Bhardare, Rt. Rev. R. S. Bishop of Nagpur, North India 1977
Blackstone, Rev. James H. Pastor 1950
Boppell, Rev. Charles J. Pastor 1952
Breckenridge, Eugene H. Educator 1969
Brown, Rev. David Pastor 1948
Brown, Paul C. Pacific Coast Secretary for Christian Education 1931
Bryan, Rev. Ernest Rowland Pastor 1949
Burgess, Rev. Frank Russell Pastor 1968
Buteyn, Rev. Donald P. Pastor 1974
Caldwell, Rev. Edward James Pastor 1959
Campbell, Rev. Alexander Murdo Director of Evangelism 1956
Campbell, Rev. Kenneth Representative, Board of Pensions 1958
Campbell, Phyllis J. Bank President and C. E. O. 1994
Carr, Rev. A. Vincent Pastor 1960
Carroll, Charles O. Prosecuting Attorney 1963
Chalmers, Rev. William George Pastor, College President 1968
Chutikul, Saisuree V. Secretary-General, National Youth Bureau, Bangkok, Thailand 1988
Claver, O. P., Sister Peter Hospital President 1990
Coffin y Sanches, Rev. Jose Moderator, General Assembly of Mexico 1948
Cosh, Rev. Nathan Pastor, Scotland 1895
Cowles, William Hutchinson Newspaper Publisher 1954
Coughlin, S. J., Rev. Bernard J. College President 1996
Christiansen, Rev. Robert M. Pastor 1954
Crawford, Rev. T. M. Pastor 1895
Cunningham, Rev. Robert R. Pastor 1965
Daniel, Robert Businessman 1971
Das, Rev. Andrew Thakur Leader, Church of Pakistan 1952
Davenport, Rev. D. M. Pastor 1896
Davis, Rev. Robert Newman Pastor 1975
Devin, William F. Attorney; President, Synod of Washington Corporation 1957
Divine, Dr. Sherman L. 1923
Doromal, Quintian Salas President, Silliman University, Philippine Islands 1974
Drury, Dr. Clifton M. Author and Educator 1955
Duerr, Donald A. Business Administrator No Action
Duoane, Margaret Taylor Pioneer of Sacred Dance 1998
Duff, Rev. Haldane Pastor No Action
Dunlap, Rev. A. Taylor Pastor No Action
Durham, Nelson W. Writer, History of Spokane, WA 1935
Duvall, Robert F. President and C. E. O., National Council on Economic Education 1995
Edmonson, Rev. W. W. Pastor 1927
Egtvedt, Clairmont L. Chairman and Director, Boeing Co. 1965
Esler, Rev. David Seminary Professor 1965
Evans, Hon. Daniel Jackson Governor of State of Washington 1966
Ferguson, Rev. Robert R. Pastor 1960
Foley, Hon. Thomas S. Speaker, House of Representatives 1990
Forrester, Dr. James Director of Development, Whitworth College 1949
Fosseen, Hon. Neal R. Mayor of Spokane, Washington 1967
Frazier, Dr. William Harvey Physician 1986
French, Dr. C. Clement President, Washington State Univ. 1956
Fuller, Millard D. Founder of Habitat for Humanity 1990
Ghormley, Dr. Alfred M. Businessman 1963
Ghormley, Rev. Charles Pastor 1943
Giboney, Rev. George W. Pastor 1898
Ginley, Rev. Charles Howard Missionary to Mexico and Guatemala 1959
Glarum, L. Stanley Professor of Music 1968
Graves, J. P. Investor 1940
Gray, Frances Marian President, Beirut College for Women, Lebanon 1960
Green, Jr., Joshua Banker 1968
Hampson, Thomas Opera Singer 1993
Han, Rev. Joong-Sik Head Chaplain, Soong-Sil University, Seoul, Korea 1996
Hardwick, Dr. Francis T. Educator 1944
Hatfield, Sen. Mark O. Politician 1980
Hanson, Raymond L. Attorney 1978
Hatch, Jack Businessman and Community Leader 1991
Hays, Rev. James Pastor 1926
Hill, Judge Matthew W. Justice of the Supreme Court No Action
Hines, Jerome Albert Link Metropolitan Opera Basso 1964
Hitchcock, Philip S. Lumberman 1962
Hixson, Christine President, Lied Foundation 1998
Hofmeister, Jr., Rev. Charles F. Pastor No Action
Holcomb, Rev. Ronald Pastor No Action
Holt, Lt. Col. Maurice Robert Chaplain, U. S. Army 1956
Horan, Hon. Walt Congressman, Lawyer 1946
Howes, Rev. Roy E. Pastor 1960
Hutchison, Rev. A. L. Pastor 1896
Irwin, David M. President, Washington Friends of Higher Education 1997
James, Rev. D. M. Pastor 1892
Jenkins, Marion R. Dean of Women, Whitworth College 1965
Johnson, Rev. C. Walter Missionary 1951
Johnston, Eric Lawyer 1942
Jones, Rev. G. Loren Pastor 1982
Jones, Rev. Olin McKendree Pastor and Educator 1962
Kamm, Dr. Samuel Richey Educator 1963
Katims, Milton Conductor of Seattle Symphony 1959
Keen, Rev. Hunter Pastor to the Nez Perce 1991
Kelly, Rev. William R. Presbytery and Synod Executive 1971
Kildow, George O. Educator 1950
Killian, Rev. William L. Pastor 1930
Kim, Chi Sun President, Soong Sil University, Seoul, Korea 1988
Kim, Rev. Sam Whan Pastor, Seoul, Korea 2001
Kipper, Joe Businessman No Action
Kissinger, Dorothy Vale Humanitarian 1978
Klein, Marjorie Music Educator 1984
Knoll, Rev. Lee E. Pastor 1954
Koehler, Rev. Charles F. Pastor 1928
Koopmans, Rev. Theodore Pastor 1961
Koper, Rev. Paul W. Christian Education Director, Synod of Oklahoma 1955
Kuyper, Rev. Neal Arie Pastor and Psychologist 1967
Lainson, Jr., Harry A. Businessman 1965
Lamont, Rev. T. J. Pastor 1895
Langford, Rev. Richard P. Pastor 1965
Lazear, Jr., Rev. Robert M. Missionary in Columbia, S. A. 1953
Lee, John Park Public Relations Director, Board of National Missions 1963
Lindaman, Edward B. President of Whitworth College 1980
Little, Rev. James S. Pastor 1976
Little, John Russell Seminary Provost 1963
MacFarlane, Rev. Robert T. Pastor 1937
MacHenry, Rev. Ward W. Pastor 1949
Marshall, Rev. John Murray Pastor 1976
Mason, Leslie F. Supt. Of Lakeland Village 1964
McCleave, Rev. George Pastor 1951
McCloud, Rev. J. Oscar Program Agency Director Presbyterian Church (U. S. A.) 1975
McEachran, William L. Businessman 1950
Meekhof, Rev. David C. President, Sheldon Jackson College 1999
Mills, Rev. Robert A. Pastor 1967
Mitchell, Chaplain Lawrance Jessup Chaplain, U. S. Army 1952
Moldenhauer, Dr. Hans Music Archivist and Researcher 1986
Moody, Rev. Raymond Waddell Pastor 1967
Muir, Rev. Charles W. Field Director of Christian Education, Synod of WA-AK 1957
Munger, Rev. Robert A. Pastor 1947
Myers, Dale D. Engineer, N. A. S. A. 1970
Myers, Dr. David G. Educator 1989
Myers, Kenneth G. Businessman 1975
Neustel, Benjamin Conrad Professor of Chemistry 1953
Newhall, Jane Christian Philanthropist 1992
Ogilvie, Rev. Lloyd John Pastor 1973
Osbrink, Rev. Leonard James Pastor No Action
Palmer, Rev. Earl Frank Pastor 1985
Park, Rev. Chang-Whan Seminary Professor, Seoul, Korea 1967
Parks, Dr. Sharon Daloz Seminary Professor 1990
Paul, William Lewis Attorney 1972
Pawlik, Rev. Zdzislaw Pastor, Warsaw, Poland 1985
Pearson, Jr., Rev. J. Edgar Pastor 1970
Penhalurick, Rev. Harold E. National Missions Field Representative 1964
Petersen, Rev. Lemuel Executive Minister, Greater Seattle Council of Churches 1961
Phillips, Wendell Archaeologist 1964
Planje, C. W. Businessman No Action
Polhemus, Rev. C. E. Presbytery Executive 1950
Price, Rev. Sheldon Pastor 1948
Rasco, Rev. William Wilson Director of Christian Education, Synod of Oklahoma 1955
Rayburn, Rev. James Director of Young Life No Action
Redfield, Rev. Richard Pastor No Action
Rice, Jr., Rev. Howard L. Assoc. Professor, San Anselmo Seminary 1978
Rodkey, Dr. Grant Physician 1988
Rogers, Hon. David H. Mayor, City of Spokane 1977
Ross, S. N. J. M.,Dr. Kathleen A. President, Heritager College 1992
Scafe, Rev. Charles R. Pastor 1925
Schnucker, Rev. Calvin T. Pastor 1944
Shaw, Rev. Ellis Raymond Pastor No Action
Shaw, Jr., John A. Supt. Of Public Schools, Spokane 1953
Simon, Arthur E. Attorney 1964
Sinclair, Rev. Clarence H. Columbia Cooperative Minister No Action
Smith, Dr. Ellen Psychologist, South Africa 1987
Smith, Dr. Dorothy Paulsen Vice President, Valparaiso University 1997
Smith, Helen Faul Professor, Medical University of South Africa 1987
Smith, Dr. Nico Pastor, South Africa 1987
Smith, Rev. Richard Knox Synod of Arizona Executive 1969
Sorensen, William Charles Superintendent of Public Schools, Spokane, WA 1963
Starr, William S. President, Young Life 1978
Stassen, Hon. Harold Edward Governor, State of Minnesota; Assistant to President Eisenhower 1936
Staub, Rev. H. A. Pastor 1936
Steele, Rev. Garth Pastor 1959
Stevenson, Rev. W. A. President, Whitworth College 1924
Stewart, A. M. Editor and Proprietor of The Scottish American, New York City 1894
Stoddard, Rev. William E. Pastor 1973
Stone, Raymond L. Dean of Faculty, North Idaho Junior College No Action
Stroum, Samuel N. Businessman 1989
Sundberg, Rev. Rodney A. Missionary (C. O. E. M. A. R.) 1963
Tapingkae, Dr. Amnua President, Payap University, Chiang Mai, Thailand 1996
Taylor, Rev. Donald E. Pastor No Action
Taylor, Rev. Norman Missionary 1951
Teeter, Dorothea Missionary, Beirut, Lebanon 1981
Thompson, Rev. A. N. Pastor 1894
Thorp, Rev. Robert G. Missionary to Guatemala 1967
Thulean, Donald Conductor, Spokane Symphony 1967
Top, Rev. Evert Pastor 1948
Toriumi, Rev. David Pastor No Action
Tracy, Louise Treadwell Founder of John Tracy Clinic 1974
Travaille, Rev. Forrest Clifford Missionary in Thailand 1956
Turner, Rev. Horace C. E. O., Deaconess Hospital 1952
Turnbull, Rev. Ralph G. Pastor 1951
Uddenberg, Robert C. Aeronautical Engineer 1974
Veneklasen, Rev. James T. Professor, Dubuque Seminary 1947
Waddell, Rev. Richard Lord Missionary, Brazil 1957
Warner, Donald E. Scientist, International Health Service 1971
Warren, Rev. Frank Furness President, Whitworth College 1956
Warren, P. Ward Civil Engineer 1894
Weyerhaeuser, C. Davis Businessman and Philanthropist 1962
Whitfield, Judge L. A. Attorney 1960
Whitsitt, Rev. William Pastor 1940
Williams, Luke G. C. E. O., American Sign and Indicator Corporation 1982
1/3 Honorary Degrees Committee
Presidential Commendations. Trustee Commendations.
See also in Board of Trustees File.

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