Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 587 photograph collection, 1916-2010

Overview of the Collection

Amalgamated Transit Union. Local 587 (Seattle, Wash.)
Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 587 photograph collection
1916-2010 (inclusive)
Photographic prints, negatives and graphics (9 boxes) ; sizes vary
Collection Number
Photographs of the activities of the Seattle Amalgamated Transit Union Local 587 between years 1916 and 2010.
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

The collection is open to the public.

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Additional Reference Guides

Processing Funded by the Amalgamated Transit Workers Union, Local 587

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Founded in 1892, Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 587 is the largest ATU local on the West Coast. The local had 4000 active and 300 retired members in King, Clallam and Jefferson counties as of 2011. The main membership is comprised primarily of transit operators, but the union also includes 800 members working in over 80 craft occupations.

ATU Local 587 represents employees of:

King County Metro King County, Washington First Transit King County, Washington Solid Ground King County, Washington Jefferson Transit Authority Jefferson County, Washington Clallam Transit System Clallam County, Washington

ATU 587 has, as of 2012, about 4,000 active and 300 retired members spread throughout King, Jefferson, and Clallam counties, and is the largest West Coast ATU chapter. Also as of 2012, ATU International was the largest transit workers' union in North America, including over 190,000 members in the US and Canada.

On April 8, 1912, the Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employees of America, Local 587 was formed by the Rainier Valley Electric Railway Workers. The name was eventually shortened to the Amalgamated Transit Union. The international union itself had been established in 1892, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor and the Knights of Labor. The history of Local 587 is intertwined with that of its major bargaining counterparts: the Seattle Electric Company/Puget Sound Traction, Light, and Power/ Puget Power, Seattle Transit, and Metro Transit/King County Metro Transit. Public transit in Seattle has undergone many changes, peaks, and troughs, each of which greatly affected ATU 587.

The first horse-drawn street railway was built in Seattle in1884, but horse-drawn cars proved troublesome on the city’s many hills. Horses were soon replaced by the first cable cars, introduced in 1887, and several independent streetcar lines were established. With the economic depression of 1893, many of these lines suffered and were bought but Boston-based Stone & Weber, who managed them under the names the Seattle Electric Company, Puget Sound Traction, Light, and Power, or Puget Power. By 1900, Stone and Webster had acquired twenty-two street railway lines and the main power company.

ATU 587’s first major action came in July 1917. Relations were already tense, as Puget Power had cut wages to compensate for operating losses, but things came to a head when two transit employees were fired for joining ATU 587. The remaining 1,500 employees walked out in response. When Puget Sound Traction, Light, and Power brought in strikebreakers, the striking workers rioted and overturned two streetcars in Pioneer Square. This strike shut down operations in the city and forced shipyards to close, so, as it occurred during WWI, the federal government pressured both sides for arbitration. As a result, ATU 587 did not win a wage increase, but the company was prohibited from firing workers solely for joining the union.

In 1918, Puget Power was losing money, in part due to competition from motorized jitney taxes and the private auto. $400,000 behind in taxes to the city, Puget Power asked the city to lease some of its lines. In response, Seattle Mayor Ole Hanson purchased the entire streetcar system from Puget Power (for much more than it was technically worth). Voters approved the plan, paying $15 million (renegotiated to $10 million) and the city assumed control in 1919, renaming the system the Seattle Municipal Railway. After a few years, the city also began to struggle to pay for this system, especially with fares set at the low price of a nickel. To remedy the problem in 1939, Seattle Mayor Arthur Langlie borrowed $10.2 million from New Deal agency the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to pay off Puget Power and purchase 235 trolley buses and 102 motor coaches. By 1941, the last streetcar ran in Seattle (until the 1980s, when streetcars were revived by the waterfront, and later in South Lake Union.

During WWII, ridership rose to 57 million as the government rationed gasoline, while ATU 587 made wartime concessions. A new group of younger leadership took over the ATU 587 in 1945 and committed themselves to strengthening the union and increasing assertiveness. The ATU 587 made major gains in the postwar period, obtaining paid vacation and the first operator wages over $2 per hour.

In the 1950s, though, ridership decreased as Seattleites spread to the suburbs. Tensions grew as Seattle Transit lost money but ATU 587 remained assertive, until union members went on strike in 1956. The city of Seattle eventually won an injunction that declared public employee strikes illegal. Suburban sprawl continued, while voters did not approve sources of funding for transit proposed by the Forward Thrust program. By 1973, it became evident that even the survival of the system was in question, as Seattle Transit faced impending bankruptcy. The Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle (Metro), established in 1958 to deal with waste treatment in the greater Seattle area, received voter authorization to take over the transit system in King County by 1973. With this shift, ATU Local 1384, associated with privately owned Metropolitan Transit Corporation, merged into ATU 587.

Metro Transit tried to decrease costs, to the frustration of ATU 587; at the time, Seattle transit employees made about 15-20% less than employees in other West Coast cities and lacked a cost-of-living adjustment in the face of rapid inflation. Yet Metro was hiring rapidly, and was hesitant to also give employees, new and old, these benefits. ATU 587 went on strike for 15 days in 1974, asking for higher wages and benefits, but Metro was not compliant. A federal mediator was brought in, and parties eventually settled on sick leave, an eight-hour day, and a 34% wage increase for drivers and mechanics, plus cost-of-living increases, though other Metro Transit employees did not gain quite so much. In 1977, Metro instituted part-time drive positions to provide sufficient service during peak times without losing massive amounts of money in off-peak hours. Some ATU 587 members protested this policy with some strategic sickouts, as part-time drivers violated the guarantee of an eight-hour day. However, the union’s eventual position when negotiating the installation of part-time drivers was to try to make the position undesirable, with few benefits, in the hopes that having part-time employees would be untenable and Metro would eliminate the position. This tactic proved shortsighted in many ways, as there were many part-time drivers, so ATU 587 spent much of the following decades trying to improve the working conditions of part-timers. Other issues arose regarding seniority between part-time and full-timer drivers, to be negotiated in the coming decades.

Metro made some changes to operations in Seattle in the 1970s-1990s. It instituted the Ride Free downtown area, implemented services for the handicapped like wheelchair lifts and Paratransit Services, and proposed a 1.3 mile bus tunnel in 1987, completed in 1990. However, Metro ceased to exist in 1994, as it was found unconstitutional, and was replaced by the King County Metro.

ATU 587 has shown concern for worker rights and workplace conditions over the years, particularly in the 1980s-2000s, the period most strongly covered by this collection. In 1980, ATU 587 codified past practice and work rules by writing up extensive contracts, which grew to hundreds of pages and gave the union a stronger legal basis for grievances and other requests. ATU 587 began to represent Clallam Transit Services and Jefferson Transit Authority in the early 1980s, and Paratransit Services in the 1990s. The ATU also was politically active in the 1980s, supporting Greg Nickels for King County Council. In 1989, the Department of Transportation, a federal organization that subsidized much of Metro Transit, began to require random drug testing. This policy led the ATU 587 to a court battle, which it eventually lost. Metro Transit and ATU 587 suffered a tragedy in 1998 when Metro operator Mark McLaughlin was attacked by a gunman while driving a bus across the Aurora Bridge. The bus crashed and fell off the bridge, killing McLaughlin, the shooter, and a passenger. In 2003, the ATU 587 supported a move to bring surveillance cameras onto buses, arguing that cameras would help prevent assaults on drivers. ATU 587 concerns in the last few decades have included issues such as these about workplace conditions.

Throughout much of the 1990s and 2000s, ATU 587 also struggled for higher wages and better benefits as funding for transit remained unstable. Contract negotiations in 1989-1990 proved difficult, as ATU 587 members walked out for several hours and outside negotiators were brought in. ATU 587 won a modest wage increase and benefits. In 1999, State Initiative 695, sponsored by Tim Eyman, proposed to require voter approval for tax increase while lowering vehicle license tab fees from 2.2% of a vehicle’s value to $30. Despite the efforts of the ATU and other groups on the No on I-695 campaign, the initiative passed. Several groups, including ATU 587, took the issue to court, arguing that it did not follow the Washington constitution, which restricts initiatives to one subject. The court threw out I-695, but politicians installed a similar cut on license tabs. In 2000, Eyman proposed another initiative, I-745, which would have designated 90% of state and local transportation for roads, with only 10% left for other forms of transportation. ATU 587 campaigned passionately against the measure, and it was rejected. In 2002, citizens rejected Referendum 51, which would have provided a large amount of funding to improve state transportation, while approving a $30 limit on car tabs. Overall, ATU 587 and King County Metro alike have spent much of the past few decades struggling to find stable transit funding.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection contains photos and visual materials that chronicle the activities of Local 587 of the Amalgamated Transit Union. The collection provides information about the ATU 587 working conditions and internal culture. Of particular interest are photos from the first series, that date from 1916 to 1971 and are generally of the union's leadership, members, and workplaces. Most of the photographs from 1916 to 1971 were donated by August (Augie) Antonino, a longtime leader in the union and subject of many of the photos. Another highlight are the rolls of film and photo album pages on the ATU 587 No on I-695 campaign and the ATU 587 No on I-745 campaign.

Other Descriptive InformationReturn to Top

Forms part of the Labor Archives of Washington

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

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Restrictions on Use

Restrictions may exist on reproduction, quotation, or publication. Contact Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries for details.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Materials generally are arranged into series based on the topic and content of the image. Individual items in a subdivision are arranged chronologically.

Acquisition Information

Donor: President/Business Agent Paul J. Bachtel, January 06, 2012

Separated Materials

Documents are in collection 5680-001.

Photographs by Ken Slusher were moved to the Ken Slusher photograph and videotape collection PH2015-008 in June 2018.



Amalgamated Transit Union. ATU 100 Years, 1892-1992: A History of the Amalgamated Transit Union.Washington, D.C.: A.T.U., 1992.

Amalgamated Transit Union Local 587. The 587 Handbook: A Guide to Our Union.Handbook, Seattle, 1986.

Aurelius, John P. and Michael W. Voris. The Trolley-Coach Program in Seattle.Seattle: No Publisher, 1978.

Bachtel, Paul J. “County should approve vehicle fee to preserve Metro Transit service.” Seattle Times,July 22, 2011. Accessed Feb. 17, 2012.

Crowley, Walter. Routes: An Interpretive History of Public Transportation in Metropolitan Seattle.Seattle: Metro Transit, 1993.

Crowley, Walt. “Seattle City Council approves franchise for new Westlake streetcar line on October 14, 1890.” modified Oct. 9, 2008. Accessed Feb. 17, 2012.

Crowley, Walt. “Seattle Transportation: From Trolleys to Monorails, A Timeline.” modified Jan. 5, 2007. Accessed Feb. 20, 2012.

Garber, Andrew. “I-745 foes, backers warn of consequences.” Seattle Times,Sept. 22, 2000. Accessed Feb. 15, 2012. slug=metro04m.

Garber, Andrew and Roberto Sanchez. “Voters drive off plan to limit transit funding.” Seattle Times,Nov. 8, 2000. Accessed Feb. 15, 2012.

Lane, Bob. “Metro Drivers Back On Job Today -- Union Makes Its Point About Negotiations.” Seattle Times,Dec. 4, 1990. Accessed Feb. 17, 2012.

Lane, Bob. “Metro, Union Try New Method to Settle Bitter Contract Dispute." Seattle Times,Oct. 7, 1991. Accessed Feb. 15, 2012.

Lewis, Peter. “Concerns raised over surveillance on Metro buses.” Seattle Times,Aug. 4, 2003. Accessed Feb. 17, 2012.

Lindblom, Mike. “Picket protests pay cuts for Metro Access van drivers.” Seattle Times,July 29, 2008. Accessed Feb. 17, 2012.

Malm, Richard F. Transit Planning in Metropolitan Seattle: A Historical Perspective.Seattle: National Government Publication, 1986.

McRoberts, Patrick. “Metro bus plunges off Seattle's Aurora Bridge after driver is shot on November 27, 1998.” modified Dec. 3, 1998. Accessed Feb. 15, 2012.

McRoberts, Patrick. “King County voters on Forward Thrust bonds approve stadium and aquarium and nix transit on February 13, 1968.” modified May 11, 2007. Accessed Feb. 15, 2012.

Oldham, Kit. “Metro: Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle.” modified June 18, 2006. Accessed Feb. 15, 2012.

Searcey, Dionne and Brier Dudley. “Transit Workers Sue To Overturn I-695 -- Union Might Also Try To Block New Law.” Seattle Times,Nov. 18, 1999. Accessed Feb. 20, 2012.

Seattle Times Staff. “Union Favors Suit, But . . .” Seattle Times,Nov. 19, 1999. Accessed Feb. 17, 2012.

“Washington $30 License Tab Initiative, Initiative 695 (1999).” Ballotpedia.Last modified July 3, 2011. Accessed Mar. 6, 2012.$30_License_Tab_Initiative,_Initiative_695_%281999%29.

Wilma, David. “City Council accepts $10.2 million loan to rehabilitate bankrupt Seattle Municipal Railway on June 19, 1939.” modified Jan. 1, 1999. Accessed Feb. 20, 2012.

Wilma, David. “Seattle takes over ownership and operation of the streetcar system on April 1, 1919.” modified July 11, 2000. Accessed Feb. 20, 2012.

Wilma, David. “Trackless trolleys and buses replace streetcars in Seattle Transit System on April 13, 1941.” modified Mar. 28, 2002. Accessed Feb. 15, 2012.

Related Materials

The Amalgamated Transit Union Local 587 website was regularly captured by the Internet Archive Wayback Machine from 2014-2015. The snapshots can be viewed here:*/

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


ATU Activities,  1950s-2000s?Return to Top

Consists of 4"x6" photo prints, usually with the corresponding 35MM film. These photos are almost all of the ATU 587 activities, ranging from special events, protests, social events and parties, conferences, or meetings, to daily workplace and member photos.

Container(s) Description Dates
Specific events, subdivided into protests and rallies, social events, conventions and conferences, and smaller meetings.
Protests and Rallies
Protests and rallies, further subdivided by types of protests, with sets on protests against I-695 and I-745, other protests staged by ATU 587, and rallies put on by other organizations.
ATU 587 "No on I-695" campaign
Box/Folder item
1/1 1 Sept. 21, 1999
1/2-3 2-3
ATU 587 No on I-695 campaign
ATU 587 No on I-745 campaign
Box/Folder item
1/4 4
ATU 587 No on I-745 campaign
Nov. 29, 2001-Dec. 5, 2001
1/5-10 5-10 2000
1/11 11
ATU 587 No on I-745 yard signs with Poy Chinn, Jennie Gil, Pat Naumann
1/12-1/15 12-15
ATU 587 No on I-745 Campaign
1/16 16
ATU 587 No on I-745 Campaign and man and woman portrait
1/17 17
ATU 587 campaigns and Seattle transit
Set of 23 photos including: ATU 587 No on I-745 campaign; ATU 58 No on I-695 campaign; Seattle transit and commuters.
Other ATU 587 Protests
Box item
1 18 1985?
1/18 19
"Joe Isuzu" sign about 1987 contract negotiation
Sign for inside bus, created by Don MacAdam.
February 11, 1988
1/19 20
Olympia rally, lobby
1/20 21
Lobby Day, Olympia
1/21 22 April 1, 1999
1/22 23 May 19, 1999
1/23 24
ATU 587 activities and members
Set of 12 photos including: ATU 587 Rally for Safety; full time pick; Carey Watson and Dave Dellplain; Hazel Hawkins; Todd Shipyard (?); ATU 587 picnic.
1/24 25
Union activities
Set of 3 photos including: Bus Fare Box; Greyhound Rally; ATU members with children.
1/25 26
ATU 587 activities and leadership
Set of 21 photos including protests; ATU 587 leadership; picnic.
1/26 27
Rally and meeting
Print, negatives and contact sheet including rally at Husky Stadium; meeting; people making signs.
1 28
ATU 587 No on I-200
Protests Not Organized by ATU 587
Box/Folder item
1/27 29
Solidarity Day Parade, Washington D.C.
Sept. 1991
1/28 30
Solidarity Day march and rally
Aug, 31, No Year, 1990s?
1/28 31
Lockheed Strike
1 32-35
1991 Rallies
4 photos: Solidarity Day; Rebuild America Rally in Connecticut, with Jesse Jackson; Service Employees Union Rally; Iron Workers Convention.
1 36-39
Imperial Food Products/DPE (Department for Professional Employees?): man and boys looking at a building
1/30 40
Demonstration by members of Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 14761 against Book Publishing Co.
Sept. 1992
1 41-44
American Federation of Government Employees rally
Feb. 1995
1 45-48
Bridgestone/Firestone protests
July 1995
1 49
Garfield Martin Luther King Jr. rally
1/31 50
Airline Attendants picketing
1/32 51
Martin Luther King Jr. Day rally
ATU 587 Social Events
Picnics, parades and festivals, Halloween parties, winter holiday (Christmas) parties, awards ceremonies, retirement parties, and memorial services.
Box item
1 52-53 Aug 2, 1986
1 54-55
ATU 587 picnic
July 25, 1987
1/33 56
ATU 587 retirees' picnic and ATU 587 office
8/1 57-60
ATU picnic
4 panorama prints
1/34-35 61-62
ATU 587 picnic
Aug. 1992
1/36-38 63-65
ATU 587 picnic, Lincoln Park
July 24, 1993
1/39 66
ATU 587 picnic, Lincoln Park
early 1990s
1/40-42 67-69
ATU 587 picnic
1/43 70
ATU 587 picnic
2/1-4 71-74
ATU 587 picnic
2/5-6 75-76
ATU 587 retirees' picnic
2/7 77
ATU 587 retirees' picnic
June 2, 1994
2/8 78
ATU 587 retirees' picnic
2/9 79
ATU 587 retirees' picnic
Aug. 2002?
2/10 80
Clallam Transit System picnic
Aug. 15, 1993
Parades and Festivals
Box item
2 81-85
Kent/Columbia City parade
5 black and white prints
July 1987
2/11-12 86-87
ATU 587 Diamond Jubilee parade
2/13 88
Buses decorated for Black Community Festival parade, for News Review
2/14 89
African American group, with children, posing in front of bus filled with balloons
2/15 90
Milton Merkel and George Barna at " Metroadeo" , "Pierce Transit Winner 1983-1985"
June 21, 1986
2/16 91
Salmon Days
2/17-20 92-95
Seafair, with ATU hydroplane "Rapid Transit"
Halloween Parties
Box/Folder item
9/1 96
"Blueline" layout for ATU 587 Halloween party poster
2 97-98 1980s-1990s?
2/21 99
ATU 587 Halloween party
2/22 100
Halloween party
2/23 101
ATU 587 Halloween party in the bus tunnel
2/24 102
ATU 587 Halloween party in the bus tunnel
Winter Holiday Parties
Box/Folder item
8/2 103 1950s?
2/25 104
ATU 587 retirees' dinner
Dec. 1992
2/26 105
ATU 587 retirees' Christmas party
2/27 106
ATU 587 retirees' Christmas party
2/28-29 107-108
ATU 587 retirees' Christmas party
2/30 109
ATU 587 retirees' Christmas parties
box-folder:oversize item
9/2 110 1941
2/31 111
Banquet, possibly for Operators of the Year
2/32 112
Al Ramey Operator of the Year party
2/33 113
Al Gisselberg Operator of the Year party
2/34 114
Maintenance Employee of the Year barbecue
3/1 115
National Order of Bigtime Ultra Luminary Leaders (NOBULL) banquet
3/2 116
3/3 117
Clallam Transit System award and banquet
3/4 118
ATU 587 events and office
Set of 15 photos: Don Kyllo Operator of the Year Party; two men with noose; office.
9/3 119-122
Metro Operator of the Year posters
4 posters
4 posters with the portrait and name of every winner of the Operator of the Year award, an honor given by Metro or King County Transit.
2002; 2005-2007
Retirement Parties
Box/Folder item
3/5 123
Al Ramey Birthday/retirement party
In 2013 and 2014, Al Ramey received several press write-ups about his 50+ years of safe driving.
3/6 124
Richard Yount retirement party
3/7 125
Ben Patawaran retirement party
3/8-12 126-130
Dale Bartz retirement party
Memorial Services
Box/Folder item
3/13-14 131-132
Dave Dellplain memorial service
3/15 133
Trip to Olympia for tribute to Mark McLaughlin
March 26, 1999
3/16 134
ATU 587 events
Set of 9 photos: retirees' Christmas party, Dec. 8, 2000; Mark McLaughlin memorial, Nov. 25, 2000; man with Energizer Bunny doll, Dec. 8, 2000. Photos include Jim Ethridge, Jennie Gil, Esther Fields, Lance Norton, Ross Karrell, Chuck Carlton, Jim Wade, Nilton Merkel, Dick Benson, and Pat Larson.
9/4 135
Posters for member funerals
24 posters formerly labeled "Member Funerals." Seem to be designated for a memorial service or for the newsletter. Most are collages of photos dedicated to one person.
Other social events
Box/Folder item
3/17 136
House exterior and people going to Seahawks game
3/18 137
ATU 587 events and parties
Set of 63 photos with negatives and contact sheet including: Retirees picnic, 2002; protest over wages, 1999; South Base holiday party, 1999; Wayne Daubenspeck Operator of the Year party, 1998; retirement party, 2000; Clallam Transit System awards, 2000; members talking; members in an office.
3/19 138
ATU 587 events
Set of 32 photos including: ATU 587 retirees' dinner, 1999; speakers, 1999-2000; meeting.
3/20 139
ATU 587 events, members, and a travel photo
Set of 5 photos including: Picnic; three men; group photo - Latino Event?.
8/3 140 1990s?
Conventions and Conferences
Photographs of larger conventions, with subsets on the ATU International Convention, ATU regional conferences like the Northwest Joint Conference, the ATU Latino Caucus, the ATU Black Caucus, other conventions, and the travel photos from these conferences.
ATU International Convention
Box/Folder item
3/21 141
ATU International 100th Anniversary Convention
3/22-25 142-145
ATU International Convention
3/26-29 146-149
ATU International Convention
ATU Regional Conferences
Photos from various regional conferences of ATU Locals. The Northwest Joint Conference, sometimes called the Northwest Conference or Northwest Joint Conference Board and abbreviated NWJC, NWC, NJCB or NwJCB, is a formal organization of ATU Locals in the northwest of North America. The Western Conference is a more informal organization of ATU Locals in western North America.
1987- 2000s?
Box item
3 150-155
Combined Western Conference
Includes MacCoy and wife, John Grendahl and Sam Gamble, Dan Linville.
Apr. 11-13, 1986
3/30 156
Western Conference, Seattle, WA
June 1989
3/31-32 157-158
Northwest Joint Conference, Edmonton, Alberta
3/33 159
Northwest Joint Conference, Calgary, Alberta
July 1993
3/34 160
Northwest Joint Conference Board
Jan. 1994
3/35 161
Northwest Joint Conference Board
June 1995
4/1 162
Northwest Conference, Oakland, CA
4/2-4 163-165
Northwest Joint Conference
4/5 166
Mel Schopeut (sp?) at Northwest Conference
4/6-11 167-172
Northwest Conference, Las Vegas
4/12-14 173-175
Northwest Conference
4/15 176
ATU Western Conference
4/16 177
Western States Conference
ATU Latino Caucus
Box/Folder item
4/17-19 178-180
ATU Latino Caucus
4/20 181
ATU 587 activities
Set of 37 photos including: Latino Caucus officers; fishing photos; ATU 587 members outdoors; Graffiti Task Force Dec 10, 1994; man with Energizer Bunny doll at meeting Dec. 2000; election polling place signs.
ATU Black Caucus
Box/Folder item
4/21 182
ATU Black Caucus, Detroit, MI
May 18-21, 1995
4/22-23 183-184
ATU Black Caucus 30th Anniversary, New Orleans, LA
4/24 185
ATU Black Caucus
4/25 186
ATU Black Caucus, Undated, Seattle, WA
Other Conventions, Conferences and Meetings
Box/Folder item
8/4-5 187-188
ATU President R.O. Mischo receiving honorary ATU 587 membership
Left to right. Chil Paulson, Walt Nord, International Sec. R.O. Mischo, Augie Antonino, Jimmie Harner
May 1965
4/26 189
Conference photos
4 190-191 1985?
4 192-194
ATU Leadership Training Seminar at George F. Meany Center for Labor Studies, Silver Spring, Maryland
July 1987
4/27 195
George Meany Union Issues for Working Women, students and African delegation.
2 negative contact sheets.
4/28 196
Labor conferences
Set of 15 photos including: ATU Black Caucus, 28th Conference 1995; ATU Latino Caucus; Washington State Labor Council meeting.
4/29 197
ATU 587 members at unlabeled conference and with 34th District State Senator Erik Poulsen
4/30 198
Convention, St. Thomas, "Coral World Atrium"
4/31 199
4/32 200
Conference and meeting
4/33 201
Cultural Change Conference
4/34 202
Joint Session Corporate Cultural Change Conference, Metro/King County
4/35 203
Corporate Cultural Change Conference
4/36-37 204-205
United Steelworkers event
Sept. 30-Oct. 1, No Year, 1990s?
4/38 206
Clallam Transit System picnic and ATU-Committee on Political Education (COPE) meeting
4/39 207
4/40 208
4/41 209
Regional Transit Plan meeting
Travel Photos From Convention and Conferences
Box item
4 210
ATU members lined up to board bus in Nicaragua
May 1986
5/1 211
San Juan Fort landscape and city
5/2 212
Bacardi factory tour
5/3 213
School buildings and children in rural Oaxaca
July 1992
5/4-6 214-216
ATU members in New Orleans
5/7 217
Spokane transit and traffic
Sept. 22, 2000
5/8 218
Folk dancers and Salt Lake City Winter Olympics
Meetings of ATU 587 and Other Local Organizations
ATU 587 Meetings consists of rolls of film (except where noted) on smaller meetings, such as ATU 587 meetings or events put on by Metro Transit, such as route picks.
Box item
5 219-221
Three people receiving ATU certificates of appreciation from Dan Linville, on stage
July 1987
5 222
Dan Linville presenting $750 check to King County Labor Council Labor Agency Foodbank
3 negative frames; 1 print
Dec. 2, 1987
5 223 1980s-1990s?
5/9 224
Bus fare box training
5/10 225
Rhonda Hilyer training
5/11 226
Route pick at Ryerson Base
5/12 227
North Base shop steward meeting
Nov. 25, 1992
5/13-14 228-229
Route and shift pick for part-time bus drivers
Spring 1993
5/15 230
Candidates forum
Aug. 1993
5/16 231
King County/Metro event at the Kingdome
Nov. 11, 1993
5/17 232
Scheduling committee
Spring 1994
5/18 233
Clallam Transit System signing
5/19-20 234-235
Nancy Rose presentation
Apr. 3, 1997
5/21 236
Clallam Transit System signing
5/22 237
Northwest Harvest food drive
5/23 238
ATU-Committee on Political Education (COPE) workshop
March 2002
5/24 239
5/25 240
ATU 587 political involvement, meetings, and members
Set of 32 photos including: ATU No on I-745 campaign; Jefferson Transit Authority members; Clallam Transit System members; ATU 587 Members with Senators Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray; Puget Sound ATU Summit meeting, Oct. 27, 2000; grievance and arbitration seminar, Nov. 4, 2000; ATU President Lance Norton giving a donation to King County Proposition 1 Campaign Director Tom Jones. Photos include Pam Thompson, Dave Thompson, Pat Downes, Jennie Gil, Pat Connelly, Michelle Page, Glen Travis, Lance Norton, Don Hansen, Michael Moore, Darryl Butler, Edwardo Taylor, Joseph Bell, Ramona Davis, Bobby Wood, Lonnie Jacobs, Tom Jones, and Gordon "Flash" Guhl.
Workplace Scenes
The workplaces of ATU 587 members.
Office Scenes
Many of these offices are probably the ATU 587 office, but unless they are labeled as such there was no explicit information that suggests they were from that location.
Box/Folder item
8/6 241 1950s-1960s?
8/7 242 1950s-1960s?
5/26 243
Office scenes, woman with mohawk hairstyle and sunglasses
5/27 244
5/28-29 245-246
5/30 247
Office, woman with oversize Mickey Mouse watch
5/31 248
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) office
5/32 249
Recarpeting International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) office
5/33 250
ATU members and office scenes
Photo set including: Linda Anderson; David Bagidban (sp?); office scenes
5/34 251
ATU office and Department of Licensing
5/35 252
Contract negotiations and office
5/36 253
Office and inauguration of officers
5/37 254
Workplace photos and members
Set of 12 photos and negatives including locker room; meeting; office; Michael Gillman; Ricky Brown.
5/38 255
Office photos and street market possibly in New Orleans
5/39 256
July 2005
Equipment and Buses
Equipment, both in its typical state and which has been altered or decorated in some way.
Box/Folder item
8/8 257 1920s-1940s?
8/9 258 1940s-1950s?
8/10 259 1950s-1960s?
5 260-261
Eldo Kaikkberg and Americana bus
1 negative contact sheet with 35 frames; 1 black and white print
July 1986
5/40-5/41 262-263
5/42 264
Toy bus in a toilet, labeled "So. Tunnel Enterance" [sic]
5/43 265
Painted "graffiti" bus
5/44 266
Many bikes strapped to a bus, "Bikes on Buses?" for News Review
5/45 267
Bus numbers and interiors

ATU Members,  1916-2000s?Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box item
5/46 268 1916
5 269
Allen A. Noel
Allen Noel was ATU 587 Business Agent 1945-1953.
8/11-12 270-271 Oct. 28, 1955
8/13 272 July 1971
5/47 273
Marvin McDonald with guitar
5/48 274
Margaret Schultz, Local Hero
The "Local Hero" award recognizes union members who contribute to the quality of the union local.
5/49 275
Carey Watson, Local Hero
The "Local Hero" award recognizes union members who contribute to the quality of the union local.
5/50 276
Jennie Gil
6/1 277
Dick Benson
6/2 278
David Dellplain
6/3 279
Janis Alvos
Sept. 1986?
6/4 280
Jerry Wells
6/5 281
Larry Montgomery
6/6 282
Rudy Kollar
6/7 283
Sal van Guilder
6/8 284
Maggi Fimia
6/9 285
Don "Radar" Aylesworth
6/10 286
Glen Travis
6/11 287
Mike Shea
6/12 288
Fred Coates
6/13 289
Mike Queere
6/14 290
Al and Walt
6 291-292
Ray Eagleson, unit repair
6 293
Dan Linville and Reese Linquist, 587 Committee on Political Education endorsement
Oct. 1986
6 294
Dan Linville, Gayle Malliux, and Reese Linquist, 587 Committee on Political Education endorsement
Oct. 1986
6 295
Dan Linville at press conference on assaults
June 12, 1987
6 296
Dan Linville presenting check to Douglas Waldrip
June 10, 1987
6 297
Jerry Morris, Clallam Transit System steward and organizer
6 298 1987
6 299
Pennie Ledford
6 300
Les Smith
6 301
Glen Farley
6 302
Jackie Chany
6 303
Laurie Lewis
6 304
Mark McLaughlin
6 305
Jeffrey Jackson
6 306
Cedric Whittlesey
6 307
Patti Rath
6 308
ATU 587 sticker in car window
6 309 1987
6 310 1987?
6/15 311 1910s?
6 312 1930s-1940s?
8/14 313
Group of Retired Transit Municipal Street Railway Employees
Front Row: 1. D.F Boyd 2. W. E. Kelly 3 A.L. Dye 4. A.W. McClure 5. Eric Bodine 6. Louis Peterson 7. J.F Border 8. Victor Carlson 9. A. J. Wyant 10. P.C. Dougherty 11. Fred Harmon 12. M. A. Chittenden. Middle Row 1. R.F. Parker 2. Joe Malone 3. Chas. E. Anderson 4. C.W. Spity 5. No Name 6. Clarence E. Benson Last Row 1. H.W. Steeves 2. Ross C. Anderson 3. Michael Roche 4. M.A. Ernard? 5. John Hector 6. Perry Young 7. C.F. Bickford 8. E.H. Durham 9. Joe Johnson 10. A.H. Force.
8/15 314 Sept. 1955
8/16 315 1960s?
8/17-18 316-317
ATU members with Governor Arthur B. Langlie signing a bill
Bill was sponsored by 587. Standing: Vic Newhard, Allen Noel, Walter Nord, Vern Morris, Augie Antonino
6/16 318 1960s?
6 319 Apr. 1962
6 320
Group of people, possibly Black Caucus
1 print, 1 slide, 2 negative frames
6 321
Women holding a check
OS6 322
Group of people in front of a building
8/19 323
Group of people behind a table
6/17 324
Man and woman
6/18 325
ATU member and WWII veteran
6/19 326
Portrait of a man
6/20-21 327-328
Jefferson Transit Authority ATU 587 members
6/22 329
ATU 587 members
6/23-24 330-331
Visitors from Toronto
6/25 332
Officer pictures from News Review
6/26 333
Lance Norton and another man
6/27 334
ATU members taking an oath
6/28 335
ATU 587 members, activities, and protest
Set of 4 photos including: ATU 587 members; full time pick; protester with sign "Bus Drivers are not Fair Game".
6/29 336
Bickford and ATU 587 activites
Set of 15 photos including: Bickford portrait; ATU 587 Members with Dave Moore, Vice President of ATU 883 (Everett); Northwest Harvest food drive; ATU 587 members.
6/30 337
ATU 587 members, events, and city
Set of 58 photos including: ATU 587 members and officers; rally for Patty Murray; city skyline; band playing; man with people in bird suits in the background.
6/31 338
Labor event and ATU 587 members and leadership
Set of 26 photos and negatives including: Kingdome event; Steve Webb; Maggi Fimia; Sal van Guilder installed.
6/32 339
ATU members with Ron Sims, Patty Murray, and Gary Locke and photos from a meeting

ATU 587 Photo Albums,  1980s-2000?Return to Top

The original order of the albums has been preserved, as has the original page order.
Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
6/33-38 340-345
Album 1: Latino Caucus album
Album 2
Box/Folder item
8/20 346
Album 2: ATU protester and other man
Robert DeGiulio, Seattle Post-Intelligencer (photographer)
6/39-41 347-355
Album 2 photos
This photo album was subdivided into different topics: ; ATU Jerry Fund; ATU Diamond Jubilee and construction; ATU members; ATU meetings; transit photos; ATU mechanic and picnic; ATU members at a banquet.
8/21 356
Album 2: Jerry Fund photos
6/39 357
Album 2: ATU Diamond Jubilee and Construction
8 358-360
Numbers not used
8/22 361
Album 2: ATU members
6 362-368
Album 2: ATU meetings
8/23 369
Album 2: ATU meetings
6 370-380
Album 2: Transit photos
8/24 381
Album 2: Mechanics and picnic
8/25 382
Album 2: ATU Board
6 383
Album 2: ATU banquet
Box/Folder item
7/1-6 384-390
Album 3: No on I-745 Campaign
This photo album was subdivided into different activities, all with a title: "Getting the Word Out"; The titles of the folders reflect these topics. "Getting the Word Out" includes a photo of Governor Gary Locke.
Box/Folder item
7/1-7 384-389
Album 3: No on I-745 Campaign: Getting the Word Out
"Phone Banking & Post Cards"; "Seen & Read"; "Banners"; "Rally No on 745!"; and "Volunteers & Events & Misc."
8/26 390
Album3: No on I-745 signs
7/7-25 391-411
Album 4
Box/Folder item
7/7-24 391-408
Album 4
ATU members; Dee Wakenight at Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) Convention, 1988; first retiree from telecommunications, 1989; ATU 49th Convention, 1989; Metro Rodeo, 1989; South Base Christmas party, 1989;ATU-COPE members in Olympia, 1989; retiree Christmas party Seattle, WA, 1989; ATU Black Caucus, 1990; vehicle maintenance JAtL graduation, 1990; all members meeting, Oct. 1990; Labor Education and Research Center (LERC) - Olympia, April 19, 1990; office staff, 1989; Executive Board retreat, 1988; Executive Board retreat, 1989; Labor Council - Spokane; tunnel customer aassistance rep. break room, 1991; all member meeting, 1991.
Number not used
Box/Folder item
7/25 410
Album 4: Greyhound strikers and Crawford graduation
8/28 411
Album 4: Greyhound strikers and Crawford graduation
7/26-44 412-432
Album 5
Box/Folder item
7/26-30 412-416
Album 5:
Halloween, 1988; Northwest Joint Conference, Portland, OR, Sept. 1988; Diamond Jubilee, Jefferson County Transit, April 1988; ATU Arbitration Seminar, Feb. 1988; Metro picnic, 1989; Northwest Joint Conference, 1988.
8/29 417
Album 5: Metro picnic
7/31-37 418-424
Album 5 photos
Jesse Wineberry fundraiser with Martin Luther King III, 1989; ATU Local 1001 Women's Conference, Denver, CO, June 1989; ATU Western Conference, Seattle, WA, 1989; Rev. Jesse Jackson at Mt. Zion Church, Seattle, WA 1989; Clallam and Jefferson County ATU members.
8/30 425
Album 5: Clallam and Jefferson County ATU members.
7/38-44 426-432
Album 5:
ATU Western Conference, Seattle, WA 1989; ATU Black Caucus, New Orleans, LA, 1989; A. Phillip Randolph Institute dinner banquet, Nov. 1989; Metro spaghetti feed, United Way at Central, Nov. 1989; ATU International Convention, 1989; ATU picnic, 1989; Paul Tolliver, 1989.

ATU 587 Officers and Executive Board ,  1940s-2009?Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
8/31 433
Group with ATU 587 leadership
Back row, left tor ight: William Bredice, Gordon Grant, A. Hokanson, K. Johnson, Ed Cox, J. Hamilton, K. Skoog, Charles Carroll. Front Row: Augie Antonino, Chill Paulson, Allan Noel, Vic Newhard, Robert Ferguson, N. Singerman, Walt Nord.
7/45 434
Northwest Joint Council
Seated: Ed Rafter, Al Gerking, A. Noel, Rogen Cross. Standing: R.W. Clary, Chip Paulson, Walt Nord, Gene Watson, Bill Mauck, Lem Pollock, A. Antonino, Frank Uhl.
8/32-33 435-436 Dec. 1961
7/46-47 437-438
Executive Board trip to Clallam Transit Services
7/48 439
Executive Board Officer Ramona Davis and ATU 587 President Dan Linville
7/49 440
Installation of Executive Board and John and Jennifer Stavseth (Sp?)
7/50 441
Officer elections and retirees' picnic
7 442-443
Dee Wakenight, new Executive Board Officer
2 prints and 10 negative frames
Jan. 26, 1988
Number not used
Box item
7 445
Paul Griffin, ATU 587 Financial Secretary
7 446
Dan Linville, ATU 587 President
Executive Board Group Photos
Groups of the ATU 587 Executive Board. Most have been labeled with the names, and sometimes positions, of individuals. The Executive Board is elected and serves for three years.
Box/Folder item
8/34 447
Executive Board, 1988-1991
Front Row: Doug Comstock, Del Taylor, Lani Carl, John Grendahl, Dave Dellplain, Dan Linville, Phyllis Hutchinson, Linda King, Carolyn Keogh and John Farrell. Back Row: Bill Corr, Don MacAdam, Paul Stretch, Paul Griffin, Hazel Hawkins, Andy Gilmore, Garth MacCoy, George Williams, Gordon Guhl and Sam Gamble.
9/5 448
Executive Board, 1991-1993
Back Row (Left to Right): Linda L. King, Clallam/Jefferson County; John M. Grendahl, T.O Pos. #8; Samuel J. Gamble, Facilities Maintenance; Don J. MacAdam, V.M. Pos. #1; James F. Walker, Supervisors; William G. Clifford, T.O. Pos. #4, Kenneth McCormick, Minority Affairs; Eugene M. Underwood, T.O. Pos. #5; Anthony J. Dawson, V.M. Pos. #3; Kevin K. Kinsey, V.M. Pos #2; Dealther L. Taylor, T.O. Pos. #3; Front Row (Left to Right): William R. Corr, T.O. Pos #2; Deeann K. Wakenight, T.O. Pos. #6; Garth A. MacCoy, Recording Secretary; Daniel T. Linville, President; David R. Dellplain, Vice-President; Paul L. Griffin, Financial Secretary/Treasurer; Lani J. Carl, T.O. Pos. #1; Harvey A. Johnson, T.O. Pos. #7. Not Shown: George Williams, Special Classifications.
OS6 449
Executive Board, 1993-1994
Back Row (Left to Right): Bill Clifford, T.O. Position #4; Kenny McCormick, Minority Affairs Officer; Jim Walker, Supervisors; George Williams, Special Classifications; Shirley Walker, T.O. Position #5; Bill Corr, T.O. Position #2; Kevin Kinsey, V.M. Position #2; Curt Stacey, Clallam/Jefferson County; Sam Gamble, Facilities Maintenance. Front Row (Left to Right): Jennie Gil, T.O. Position #8, Tony Dawson, V.M. Position #3; Dee Wakenight, T.O. Position #6; Garth MacCoy, Recording Secretary/Editor 587 News Review; Paul L. Griffin, Financial Secretary/Treasurer; Gene Underwood, Vice President/Assistant Business Representative; Daniel T. Linville, President/Business Representative; Harvey Johnson, T.O. Position #7; Ramona Davis, T.O. Position #1; Del Taylor, T.O. Position #3.
9/6 450
Executive Board, 1994-97
ATU Local 587 Executive Board Officers 1994-1997 Back Row (left to right): Don MacAdam, V.M. Position #1; Bruce Tiebout, T.O. Position #7; Steve Webb, V.M. Position #2; Andy Gilmore, V.M. Position #3; Lance Norton, T.O. Position #8; Zane Rudolph, Supervisors; Shirley Walker, T.O. Position #5; George Williams, Special Classifications; Front Row (left to right): Harvey Johnson, T.O. Position #6; John T. Farrell, T.O. Position #4; Jennie Gil, T.O. Position #1; Paul L. Griffin, Financial Secretary/Treasurer; Daniel T. Linville, President/Business Representative; Glen A Travis, Vice President/Assistant Business Representative; Kenny McCormick, Recording Secretary; Del Taylor, T.O. Position #3; Sal VanGuilder, Facilities Maintenance. (Not Pictured): Brian Tracey, T.O. Position #2; Larry Montgomery, Minority Affairs Officer; Curt Stacey, Clallam/Jefferson County.
9/7 451
Executive Board, 1997-2000
Back Row: Ben Cedeño, T.O. Pos. #3; Joe Mangiameli, Clallam/Jefferson; Lynn Swart, 1st Line Supervisors; John Riley, Special Classifications; Garth MacCoy, T.O. Pos. #1; Larry Montgomery, Minority Affairs; Brian Sherlock, T.O. Pos. #8; Mike Rochon, VM Pos. #1; Mike Whitehead, VM Pos. #2; John Bellinger, VM Pos. #3; Front Row: Shirely Walker, T.O. Pos. #5; John Farrell, T.O. Pos. #4; Ramona Davis, T.O. Pos. #2; Paul Griffin, Financial Secretary/Treasurer; Barry Samet, President; Glen Travis, Vice President; Kenny McCormick, Recording Secretary; Linda Anderson, T.O. Pos. #7; Lance Norton, T.O. Pos. #6; Rich Taitano, Facilities Maintenance.
9/8 452
Executive Board, 1998-2000
Back row (left to right): John Riley, Special Classifications; Joe Mangiameli, Clallam/Jefferson County; Garth MacCoy, T.O. Position 1; Larry Montgomery, Minority Affairs Officer; J. Rick Sepolen, T.O. Position 3; Lance Norton, T.O. Position 6; Lynn Swart, Supervisors; Shirley Walker, T.O. Position 5; Front row (left to right): Rich Taitano, Facilities Maintenance; Ramona Davis, T.O. Position 2; Linda Anderson T.O. Position 7; Jennie Gil, Recording Secretary; Barry Samet, President/Business Representative; Glen Travis, Vice-President/Business Representative; Paul Griffin, Financial Secretary/Treasurer; John Farrell, T.O. Position 4; Mike Rochon, V.V. Position 1; John Bellinger, V.M. Position 3; Mike Whitehead, V.M. Position 2. (Not Pictured): Brian Sherlock, T.O. Position 8.
9/9 453
Executive Board, 2000-2003
Back Row From Left: John Bellinger, VM Pos. #3; Mike Rochon, VM Pos. #1; Mike Whitehead, VM Pos. #2; Ninus Hopkins, SPT; Daniel T. Linville, T.O. Pos. #5; Joe Mangiameli, Clallam/Jefferson; Garth MacCoy, T.O. Pos. #1; Chris Daniels, Special Classifications; Brian Sherlock, T.O. Pos. #4; Paul Bachtel, T.O. Pos. #6; John Farrell T.O. Pos. #7; Front Row From Left: Shirley Walker, Minority Affairs; Lisa Carter, Facilities Maintenance; Jennie Gil, Recording Secretary; Glen A. Travis, Vice President; Lance F. Norton, President; Paul L. Griffin, Financial Secretary; David Magidman, Supervisors; Dee Wakenight, T.O. Pos. #3 Not Pictured: Linda Anderson; T.O. Pos #2 & Katherine Eckhardt; T.O. Pos. #8.
9/10 454
Executive Board, 2003-2006
ATU Local 587 Executive Board 2003-2006 with 1940 Brill Trolley Bus Back Row From Left: Paul Bachtel, TO Pos. #1; Rick Sepolen, TO Pos.#5; Brian Sherlock, TO Pos.#4; Chris Daniels, Special Classifications; Paul Neil, Supervisors; Ray Campbell, Minority Affairs Officer; Bruce Tiebout, TO Pos.#8; Paul L. Griffin, Financial Secretary/Treasurer; Joe Mangiameli, Clallam/Jefferson County; Ninus Hopkins, SPT/MV; Jeff Stambaugh, VM Pos.#3; Mike Whitehead, VM Pos.#1; John Bellinger, VM Pos.#2. Front Row From Left: Alan Huston, Facilities Maintenance; Neal Safrin, TO Pos.#7; Rick Gleason, TO Pos.#6; Jennie L. Gil, Recording Secretary; Lance F. Norton, President/Business Representative; Glen A. Travis, Vice President/Assistant/Business Representative; Dee Wakenight, TO Pos.#3; Marc Auerbach, TO Pos.#2.
9/11 455
Executive Board, 2006-2009
Executive Board Local 587 From left to right: Deborah Stenoien VM Pos. #3; Christopher Daniels, Special Classifications; Dee Wakenight TO Pos. #3; Jeff Stambaugh, VW Pos. #2; Ray Campbell, Minority Affairs; Mike Whitehead, VW Pos. #1; Linda Anderson, TO Pos. #7; Brian Sherlock, TO. Pos. #4; Paul Neil, Financial Secretary/Treasurer; Michael Shea, Supervisors; Paul J. Bachtel, Recording Secretary; Ninus Hopkins, SPT/MV; Lance F. Norton, President/Business Representative; Michael Moore, TO Pos. #2; Kenny McCormick, Vice President/Assistant Business Representative; Joe Mangiameli, Clallam/Jefferson County; Rick Sepolen, TO Pos. #5; Lisa Thompson, TO Pos. #8; Neal Safrin, TO Pos. #1; Thomas Woolley, Facilities Maintenance; Judy Young, TO Pos. #6.
9/12 456
Executive Board, 2009-2012
Box/Folder item
8/35 457
Group photo, possibly Executive Board, indoor
8/36 458
Group, possibly of Executive Board standing outdoors
1 contact sheet and 1 print

Original Art Related to ATU 587 and its Publications,  1980s-1990s?Return to Top

Art related to ATU 587 activities or issues. Much of this art is cartoons, probably used in the ATU 587 News Review, the monthly newsletter.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
9/13 459
ATU 587 logo
9/14 460
Original art for News Review, "Pete and Cookie"
Two sets of cartoon panels, 4 in the first and 3 in the second. From a cartoon strip entitled "Pete and Cookie." Probably by Dan Linville.
9/15 461
Original cartoon, "B.O.S.S., A Base Oddity"
Two drafts of a cartoon, each labeled "BOSS: A Base Oddity, 2001 hours O.T." One with grid background, one with black background
9/16 462
Original art of bus driving down Queen Anne Hill
Three panels for a cartoon
8/37 463
Card with painted/dyed fabric "Summer Breezes on the Sound" on the front and pen drawing "ATU 587 Picnic" on the inside
Susan Schneider (Artist)
8/38 464
Cartoon of Cathlamet ferry and a bus
Dan Linville (Cartoonist)
8/39 465 1980s-1990s?
OS6 466 1991
8/40 467
Mockup of ATU 587 Diamond Jubilee Logo

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Visual Materials Collections (University of Washington)

Corporate Names

  • Amalgamated Transit Union. Local 587 (Seattle, Wash.)--Photographs