Stuart Forbes photograph collection, 1898-1899

Overview of the Collection

Wyman, Jasper N
Stuart Forbes photograph collection
1898-1899 (inclusive)
78 photographic prints (1 box) ; sizes vary
Collection Number
Photographs of the Alaska Gold Rush from 1898-1899. Subjects include miners, cabin fever, hauling supplies, mining activities, whipsawing. Localities represented: St. Michael, Holy Cross, Nulato, Koyukmnuk, Arctic City, West Beaver, Help Me Jack, Mallamute River. Most of the photographs were made by J.N. Wyman. Also included are scenes from upper New York State, images of men hunting deer, pictures of 1st Avenue, Seattle and Alki Beach.
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

Access to original photographs restricted. Copy prints are available for viewing. Permission of curator required for viewing original prints. Contact Special Collections for more information.

Request at UW


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Stuart Forbes was one of the 25 Illinois residents living in or near the town of Galesburg that pooled resources to create a mining company, Galesburg-Alaska Mining and Devloping Compnay, to mine for gold in the Canadian Yukon, also known as Koyukuk Gold Country, during the Klondike Goldrush in the late 1890s. At the time of the stampede to Koyukuk, Forbes was a student at University of Illinois. The Galesburg group decided upon Arctic City to prosepct for gold. They went on the Alankat River which entered the Koyukuk River just above Arctic City and set up camp near Beaver City. Forbes was part of the first prospecting party which included Jasper "Jap" Wyman, W.M. Pendergrass, Orvill D. White, and W.H. Van Scoyk.

Historical BackgroundReturn to Top

After gold was discovered by George Washington Carmack and his family on August 17, 1896, in Alaska near the Tanana River in the Klondike, prospectors from all over the nation stampeded the territory in the hopes of finding fortune. Between 1897 and 1898, more than 140,000 individuals traveled to Alaska to mine its gold fields. The Galesburg-Alaska Mining and Developing Company were of that number, their efforts were well documented by their resident photographer, Jasper "Jap" Wyman. Wyman left record of nearly 400 photographs. While Wyman was the photographer of the group, the skills of the 25 men and one woman varied widely from geologist to banker and blacksmith to butcher.

To avoid paying steep supply prices in Alaska, the group assembled one of the most complete outfits to head north at that time including such items as 20,000 pounds of flour, 7,500 of bacon, 4,500 of dried fruits, and 1,000 of butter in cans. They booked passage on the large sailing ship G.W. Watson and for transportation they strapped a 41-foot stram launch called the Silver Ware to the ship's deck, lumber to build a steam boat, and a flat-bottomed barge. During the weeks it took to assemble their outfit, the Galesburg-Alaska group stayed in and explored Seattle.

The Klondike was where most prospecting took place and Dawson City was the hub of activity. To avoid crowds, the Galesburg company decided to follow the Yukon up to the confluence of the Koyukuk River, near Arctic City. After weeks of traveling and scouting territory, the group moved into camp near Help-Me-Jack Creek on October 8, 1898. The camp was later referred to by the company as West Beaver due to its proximity to Beaver City. To help themselves survive the winter, they built small, rusitc log cabins. The cabins were 16-by-16 foot and comprised of spruce logs with a wood stove that could keep four or five men warm. The walls and flat roofs were covered with moss and dirt, the floors were made of logs, and the windows were covered in paper or cloth as glass was not avaialble. They worked through the Arctic winter, temperatures reaching as low as 65 degrees below zero. Mining was difficult as most gold was deep in frozen soil, near bedrock. Encountering no luck in such harsh conditions, the group decided to wait for the weather to improve and the ice to thaw. Struggling through winter together created a community of sorts and to while away the evenings, the men would play "bean poker," a form a poker created by the group as they had beans and chores such as copping firewood and laundry to trade on hand but no ready money. By May 1899, the temperature was in the mid-50s and the ice was beginning to melt. The group was occassionally rewarded for their wait with surface gold, but nothing more. The group spent 13 months looking for gold but ultimately headed home after their inability to find substantial amounts of gold. Those that returned home to Illinois booked their passage through Seattle.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Photographs of the Alaska Gold Rush from 1898-1899. Subjects include miners, cabin fever, hauling supplies, mining activities, whipsawing. Localities represented: St. Michael, Holy Cross, Nulato, Koyukmnuk, Arctic City, West Beaver, Help Me Jack, Mallamute River. Most of the photographs were made by J.N. Wyman. Also included are scenes from upper New York State, images of men hunting deer, pictures of 1st Avenue, Seattle and Alki Beach.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Alternative Forms Available

Copy photographs are available for reference use.

Restrictions on Use

Restrictions may exist on reproduction, quotation, or publication. Contact Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries for details.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Donor: Stuart Forbes

Processing Note

Processed by: Maggie Chamberlin and Heather Robbins; processing completed in 2013.

Copy prints for researcher use were made in 200?. Album text was photocopied for access.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Album of Galesburg-Alaska Mining and Development Company in the Klondike mining for goldReturn to Top

Most of the photos were taken by J. N. Wyman.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
1/1 1
Large group of gold-seekers on deck of the schooner G.W. Watson in the Bering Sea
Caption on photo: Gold Seekers on G.W. Watson Schooner- Bearing Sea. June 14-1898.
June 14, 1898
1/1 2
Prospectors landing on the beach at St. Michaels, Alaska
J.N. Wyman, Galesburg, IL (29) (photographer)
Caption on photo: 1st landing on the beach, St. Michaels, Alaska. June 16-1898.Written on album and verso of photo: The first landing was hailed with a joy that I can’t forget yet. Twenty-six days of sea voyage had their charms but they added to the charms of the land for us. The little grassy mossy beach seemed like a paradise. Not a tree or bush of any kind can be seen on the hills around. Lots of beautiful flowers bloom in the damp grass such as I sent back in ’98.
June 16, 1898
1/1 3
Camp of Indian families standing outside a cabin in St. Michaels, Alaska
Caption on photo: Indian Camp, St. Michaels, Alaska June 20-1898.
June 20, 1898
1/1 4
Men standing and seated in chairs outside the hotel at Ft. Get-there, St. Michaels, Alaska
J.N. Wyman, Galesburg, IL (01) (photographer)
Caption on photo: Hotel - Ft.Get-there, St. Michaels, Alaska.
June 20, 1898
1/1 5
Landscape showing tents and men building boats at St. Michaels, Alaska
J.N. Wyman, Galesburg, IL (40) (photographer)
Caption on photo: Boat building at St. Michaels, June 26-1898.Written on album and verso of photo: This is the first camp we had at St. Michael’s in ’98. We put up the steamer here and the beach for almost a mile was lined with parties preparing to go up stream. Farther back than the picture shows are low coast hills & small lakes. The sand along the shore is black. Indians’ tents are scattered along the shore and on the wet mossy knolls and on the rocky islands and beaches.
June 26, 1898
1/2 6
Stuart Forbes, seated on a cot in a tent in St. Michaels, Alaska, surrounded by furs, clothing, and luggage.
Written on album and verso of photo: My own little tent on the island of St. Michael. Taken a year ago, in July ’98.
July 1898
1/2 7
Two men working in the G.A.M. Co. blacksmith shop, St. Michaels, Alaska
Written on album and verso of photo: Venberg and High-boy
July 13, 1898
1/2 8
Men and boys standing in a field with cabins and logs near the Yukon River, Ft. Hamilton, Alaska
J.N. Wyman, Galesburg, IL (45) (photographer)
Caption on photo: Ft.Hamilton, Yukon River, July 20-1898.Written on album and verso of photo: A very typical scene that marks many lonely posts along the river that are given large lettered names on the maps.
July 20, 1898
1/2 9
People standing on the deck of a boat loaded with supplies in Andreafski, Alaska
Caption on photo: Boats and outfit of G.A.M Co. Andreafski, Alaska
July 26, 1898
1/2 10
Men standing and seated outside the A.C. Trading Post, Andreafska, Alaska
J.N. Wyman, Galesburg, IL (47) (photographer)
Caption on photo: A.C. Trading Post. Andreafska, Alaska.
July 26, 1898
1/3 11
Men and dogs pictured with boats and fish drying on wooden racks, Holy Cross, Alaska
J.N. Wyman, Galesburg, IL (photographer)
Caption on photo: Holy-Cross, Alaska, Aug 2-1898.
August 2, 1898
1/3 12
Panoramic scene with boats, tents, men, and cabins, Nulato, Alaska
Caption on photo: Nulato, Alaska, Aug 8-1898.Written on album and verso of photo: Fish racks for drying fish along the shore. Yukon boats from up country in the water.
August 8,1898
1/3 13
Men standing outside the store and post office, Koyukuk Alaska
J.N. Wyman, Galesburg, IL (64) (photographer)
Caption on photo: Store and Post-Office, Koyukuk, Alaska, Aug 8, 1898.
August 8, 1898
1/3 14
Men posing with axes in front of a cabin in a clearing, Koyukuk River, Alaska
J.N. Wyman, Galesburg, IL (67) (photographer)
Caption on photo: G.A.M.Co. Gutting Wood on Koyukuk River, Aug 11, 1898.Written on album and verso of photo: An old empty cabin built years ago by the early traders.
August 11, 1898
1/3 15
Men cutting down trees with axes and saws, Koyukuk River, Alaska
Caption on photo: G.A.M.Co: Cutting wood on Koyukuk River, Aug 14, 1898.Written on album and verso of photo: A very good typical “wooding-up” scene on the Koyokuk River. We used to turn out any time of the day or the night and cut a few cords of wood.
August 14, 1898
1/4 16
Men and women standing under the sign "Artic City" in a clearing with tents, felled logs, and a half-built cabin
Written on album and verso of photo: Arctic City as we first saw it late in August. Now there are cabins where the tents stood and a small store or two, a saloon and a grave-yard mark the settlement on the Arctic Circle.
August 21, 1898
1/4 17
Three men towing a supply boat with a rope, Help Me Jack Creek, Alaska
Caption on photo: Lining a boat, Help Me Jack Cr., Alaska.Written on album and verso of photo: I put in about 175 miles of this work after we left the steamer in the Fall of ’98. In swift water the difficulties can well be imagined and the importance of not losing the boat or load of provisions gives a serious tone to an otherwise exciting bit of work simply.
October 11, 1898
1/4 18
Two men whipsawing lumber near a river, West Beaver, Alaska
Caption on photo: Whipsawing Lumber, West Beaver, Alaska.Written on album and verso of photo: The cabin is built and the creek is just closing. “Whip-sawing” boards for table and shelves.
October 13, 1898
1/4 19
Group of men standing outside a small wooden cabin, West Beaver, Alaska. Stuart Forbes is second from the right.
Caption on photo: Illinos Cabin, West Beaver, Alaska.Written on album and verso of photo: “Sweet-Home Cabin” just before it snowed.
October 13, 1898
1/4 20
Four men sawing and chopping wood near a cabin, West Beaver, Alaska. Stuart Forbes is first from the left.
Caption on photo: Sawing Wood, West Beaver, Alaska.Written on album and verso of photo: Stuart, Bill, White, "High-boy" "Sweet-Home Cabin".
October 24, 1898
1/5 21
Men with the Illinois Dog Team standing in a snowy field near a cabin, West Beaver, Alaska
Caption on photo: Illinois Dog Team, West Beaver, Alaska.Written on album and verso of photo: Starting for the gulches from "Sweet-Home Cabin".
November 21, 1898
1/5 22
Two men preparing food and reading in cabin, West Beaver, Alaska
Caption on photo: Cooking Dinner, West Beaver, Alaska.Written on album and verso of photo: Judy and "Harry" in the corner called the kitchen, of the Sweet-Home Cabin. Making biscuits.
January 1, 1899
1/5 23
Three men prospecting for gold in a snowy clearning, Help Me Jack, Alaska
Caption on photo: Prospecting Hole on the Help-Me-Jack, Alaska, Jan 5-1891, Depth 51 Ft.Written on album and verso of photo: This hole was sunk 50 ft. deep. Little Harry was nearly killed once here. The bucket was dropped by accident from above. Fortunately he escaped with only bad bruises. Gold! hit!
January 5, 1899
1/5 24
Three men in cabin, two are playing cards.
Caption on photo: Evening Amusement in Alaska, January 6, 1899.Written on album and verso of photo: Stuart, Bill and High-boy just on the left as you enter the cabin on "Beaver Creek". This is a flash-light taken in mid-winter. Notice the heavy moss between the logs. Large cakes of the same cover the roof holes above. You could pick little red Arkle berries, or cranberries we used to call them, from the moss long after the hut was made. It brings back weeks and weeks of silence and toiling as I look at the picture. There was scurvy then and accidents from freezing, but we came through without any of it to mar the little effort we were making. I expect it looks pretty tough, didn't it?
January 6, 1899
1/5 25
Three men standing in front of cabin in the woods. Stuart Forbes is first from the left
Caption on photo: Ill. Cabin No. 5, On Beaver Creek, Alaska, January 6, 1899.Written on album and verso of photo: This is the "marjorie cabin" on "Beaver Creek" where I spent most of the dark winter months. (1) Stuart (2) Bill (3) "High Boy". We three were here digging together. On either side are big mountains. The big trees are mostly around close to the cabin. Farther up the mountain they get smaller and shunted.
January 6, 1899
1/6 26
Three men standing in a snowy clearing near two prospecting holes with smoke coming out of them. Stuart Forbes is first from the left.
Caption on photo: Prospecting for Gold on Beaver Creek, Alaska, Jan 6, 1899.Written on album and verso of photo: The hole nearest was 30 ft. to bedrock--a cold job, hard work--cutting cord wood and thawing out the ground with fires, set twice a day.
January 6, 1899
1/6 27
Four men, one with guns, standing in front of a cabin.
Caption on photo: Ill. Cabin, Rockybottom, Alaska, Jan. 17, 1899.Written on album and verso of photo: The cabin on "Rocky Bottom Creek." White (1) Rodine (2) Burt (3) Judy (4). Burt used to be a baker for Chris Mason's old restaurant in Princeton, Illinois.
January 17, 1899
1/6 28
Group of musicians and people gathered together in a cabin
Caption on photo: Amusement Gathering, Beaver City, Alaska, Jan. 18, 1899.Written on album and verso of photo: "Harry," the guitar player on the left with the flower on his sweater, and Judy in the center with the flower in his hair and Otis with the clarionet.
January 18, 1899
1/6 29
Four men digging prospecting holes in a distant clearing near a creek
Caption on photo: Jan, 18, 1899, Prospecting Rockybottom Creek, Alaska.
January 18, 1899
1/6 30
Man in show-shoeing gear near a large opening in a rockwall
Caption on photo: "Hunting", Mallamute R. Alaska, Feb-9-1899.Written on album and verso of photo: Snow-shoeing on the upper river.
February 9, 1899
1/7 31
Three men pulling sleds filled with camping supplies on a trail in the snow
Caption on photo: On the trail, Mallamute R. Alaska, Feb-9-1899.Written on album and verso of photo: The sled contains probably two months grub, stove, tent, and camp outfit. Without dogs a man must get into the harness himself and worn out from 10 to 25 miles a day according to conditions of trail and weather. Tents are pitched in the snow beside the trail, spruce boughs are cut and thrown in to be covered with blankets. Then the wind can blow and howl while the coffee boils and the biscuits bake and perhaps a stray minstrel picks a chord from a weather worn instrument.
February 9, 1899
1/7 32
Man standing near sled in a canyon covered by ice and snow
Caption on photo: Feb.10-1899, Scene on Mallamute R. Alaska.Written on album and verso of photo: A sled load, out on a caribou hunt about 85 miles from the divide leading to the Arctic slope.
February 10, 1899
1/7 33
Canyon wall covered with large icicles and snow
Caption on photo: "Icy Canyon." Mallamute R. Alaska. Feb 10-1899.
February 10, 1899
1/7 34
Man sitting on a sled near a large rock pinnacle covered with snow.
Caption on photo: Scenery on Mallamute R. Alaska, Feb 10-1899Written on album and verso of photo: Caribou hunt.
February 10, 1899
1/7 35
Six men sitting together in a log cabin playing cards, reading magazines, and smoking from pipes. Stuart Forbes in first from the left
Caption on photo: West Beaver Alaska, Mar: 6-1899.Written on album and verso of photo: Illinois boys up country. The dinginess of the picture gives a very fair impression of a candle-lit cabin. It is really much darker as a rule than the picture shows.
March 6, 1899
1/8 36
Six men at a table in a cabin playing cards, and smoking from pipes. Stuart Forbes is second from the left
Caption on photo: "Bean Poker" West Beaver Alaska. Mar. 6-1899.Written on album and verso of photo: No nuggets yet so sometimes we played for beans instead.
March 6, 1899
1/8 37
Group of Indian hunters in a snowy clearing with dogs and sleds filled with supplies
Caption on photo: Indians going Caribou Hunting, Help Me Jack Cr: Alaska, March 11-1899.
March 11, 1899
1/8 38
Group of prospectors and Indians posing together near a sled and three dogs
Caption on photo: West Beaver, Alaska. March 11-1899.Written on album and verso of photo: Some "North Star" and "Illinois" boys on "Help-me-Jack" creek in front of Sweet Home Cabin.
March 11, 1899
1/8 39
Landscape showing large swath of trees and several people interspersed among the trees
Caption on photo: Town Site of West Beaver Alaska, Mar.17-1899.Written on album and verso of photo: The "Home Sweet Home" cabin at "W. Beaver" near "Beaver City" on the Allenkakat, and 15 miles from the "Marjorie" cabin on "Beaver Creek". It is half covered with snow now. The creek shown beyond and way past the foot hills out of sight of the creek and the mountains. The wind often blew cold and swayed the tall spruce trees till the snow fell from the heavy branches.
March 17, 1899
1/8 40
12 men posing in front of cabin in Beaver City, Alaska
Caption on photo: Beaver City, Alaska, Mar: 20-1899.Written on album and verso of photo: The four men in the center behind the log were very bad cases of scurvy.
March 20, 1899
1/9 41
Large group of men eating food and cleaning dishes in a log cabin
Caption on photo: Camping in a Mallamoot Shack, Alaska, Allenkakat R., Mar:22, 1899.Written on album and verso of photo: A large mixed company of miners coming up the river, camping together in the old Indian shacks.
March 22, 1899
1/9 42
Long line of men, dogs, and sleds packed with gear in a snowy clearing
J.N. Wyman Art, Galesburg, IL (photographer)
Caption on photo: Exodus of Beaver City, Alaska. March 23-1899, J.N. Wyman Art: Galesburg, Ill.Written on album and verso of photo: Lots of company on the trail. Plenty of hard work-good spirits prevail.
March 23, 1899
1/9 43
Five men posing together in front of a small cabin in Arctic City, Alaska
Caption on photo: Arctic City, Alaska, Apr: 4-1899.Written on album and verso of photo: Another view of Arctic City. Ice still in the river, good sledding and moderate weather.
April 4, 1899
1/9 44
Row of sled dogs and several men posing at the base of a hill near a long building on stilts
Caption on photo: Ready for the Trail: Bergman, Alaska, Apr:1-1899.Written on album and verso of photo: Five miles above Arctic City. This is the way we got our mail up to Beaver City from Bergman, "Windy Jim" with just such an outfit came to Bergman from St. Michaels'. Company's store and canvas work-house-miners cabin on the right up the little creek that flows into the Koyukuk at this point. The dog team is on the trail on the river ice that swings into the port. Usually one pushes behind, but when the trail is [frooz] two often have to snow-shoe ahead of the dogs. It packs under the shoes sufficiently to give the dogs a footing and keep them from floundering in the snow.
April 1, 1899
1/9 45
Two men whip sawing and several small groupings of men posing in front of two log cabins
Caption on photo: Illinois Cabins, Allenkakat R. Alaska, Apr 17-1899Written on album and verso of photo: The winter cabins on the bank near the steamers in winter quarters.
April 17, 1899
1/10 46
Men sitting and reading in cabin near wood stove
Caption on photo: Winter Quarters, Allenkakat R. Apr 17-1899.Written on album and verso of photo: Illinois boys near steamers in a Winter Cabin.
April 17, 1899
1/10 47
Two steam boats parked in a small slough surrounded by trees
Caption on photo: Winter Quarters, Alaska, Apr-30, 1899.Written on album and verso of photo: The steamers what left in the mouth of the little slough as shown. The winter cabins were built on the right of the picture at this place (about 40 miles up the Allenkakat river).
April 30, 1899
1/10 48
Three men resting together on a sleeping bunk in a log cabin. Word "marjorie" appears carved in a log at the foot of the bunk. Stuart Forbes is first from the left
circa 1898-1899
1/10 49a-b
Stuart Forbes posing in shoe-shoes with dog and gun in a heavily wooded area
Caption on photo: Leigh.
circa 1898-1899
1/10 50
Two men at a small table playing cards. Stuart Forbes is on the left.
circa 1898-1899
1/10 51a-b
Group of men sitting and reading in a small cabin. "Home Sweet Home" carved into a log.
Caption on photo: Leigh.
circa 1898-1899

Loose photographs from Galesburg mining stampedeReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
1/11 52
Three men seated inside tent with dead deer strung up between trees
circa 1898-1899
1/12 53
Two men hunting in the snow
circa 1898-1899
1/12 54
Log cabin in the snow
circa 1898-1899
1/12 55
Three men standing in the snow
Written on verso: A bad trail.
circa 1898-1899
1/12 56
Man and dead deer on a horse
circa 1898-1899
1/12 57
A dog sled with one man sitting in the sled surrounded by two men and one young woman
circa 1898-1899
1/12 58
Four men outside a tent with dead deer strung up between trees
circa 1898-1899
1/12 59
Four men standing outside holding rifles
Stuart Forbes on the left.
circa 1898-1899
1/12 60
Man seated at desk holding papers and a pen inside a log cabin
circa 1898-1899
1/12 61
Man in furs and snow shoes holding a gun outside in the snow
circa 1898-1899
1/12 62
Man seated outside
circa 1898-1899
1/12 63
Two mean setead at a table eating a meal
Home Sweet Hom is carved into the log behind the men's heads.
circa 1898-1899
1/12 64
Two men seated on a blanket eating
circa 1898-1899
1/12 65
Group of men and horses traveling along a trail
circa 1898-1899
1/12 66
Man standing in the kitchen area of log cabin holding a knife
circa 1898-1899
1/12 67
Three men playing cards at a table
circa 1898-1899
1/12 68
Man standing outside log cabin in the snow
circa 1898-1899
1/12 69
Two men seated at table
circa 1898-1899
Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
1/12 70
Two women and young boy seated on logs on the beach
Written on verso: Mrs. May Rendburt and Miss Meek and Hugh Chirlburby (baby) at Alki
July 22, 1900
1/12 71
Young woman standing between logs at beach
Miss Meek P. Alki
circa 1900
1/12 72
People at Alki Beach
Written on verso: Beach Al-ki.
circa 1900
1/12 73
Man standing on the dock surrounded by boats at Seattle waterfront
circa 1900
1/12 74
Groups of people outdoors walking and standing along a dirt path
Written on verso: Robert-Al-ki, Seattle
circa 1900
1/12 75
First avenue in Seattle, Washington
Written on verso: First Ave, Seattle.
circa 1900s

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Visual Materials Collections (University of Washington)

Form or Genre Terms

  • Photographs