Beulah Gilkey Collection, 1905-1960

Overview of the Collection

Gilkey, Beulah Gustavia
Beulah Gilkey Collection
1905-1960 (inclusive)
1905-1935 (bulk)
0.35 cubic foot, including 44 photographs, (3 boxes, including 1 oversize box)
Collection Number
MSS GilkeyB
The Beulah Gilkey Collection consists of materials assembled by Gilkey, primarily pertaining to the Oregon Agricultural College Class of 1910. Gilkey earned BS degrees from Oregon Agricultural College in 1910 and 1918 and an MS in 1941.
Oregon State University Libraries, Special Collections and Archives Research Center
Special Collections and Archives Research Center
121 The Valley Library
Oregon State University
Corvallis OR
Telephone: 5417372075
Fax: 5417378674
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.

Additional Reference Guides

Preliminary container list available online.


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Beulah Gilkey earned a BS degree from Oregon Agricultural College (OAC) in 1910. She worked as an assistant in the OAC Registrar's Office form 1910 until 1917, when she returned to school at OAC to prepare for teaching. She earned a second BS degree in 1918. She taught school in Corvallis and Portland and worked again at Oregon State College as a clerical assistant in the summers of 1943 and 1944. Beulah Gilkey was born in Washington in 1890 and her family moved to Corvallis in 1903. She died in 1977 in Corvallis. Her older sister was Helen Gilkey.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The Beulah Gilkey Collection consists of materials assembled by Gilkey primarily pertaining to the Oregon Agricultural College Class of 1910. The Collection includes correspondence of the class members pertaining to their activities after graduation and plans for reunions; memorabilia; publications and programs; and financial records.

The photographs consist predominantly of group portraits of the Class of 1910 at graduation and reunions and individual portrait images of class members made in 1905-1910. Most of the images are identified. The photographs also include several images of Helen Gilkey and other Botany Department faculty.

The collection also includes geometry exercises completed by Beulah's brother, Jesse, at Oregon Agricultural College in about 1907; Beulah's notebook from E.R. Lake's botany class in about 1907; and correspondence between S.H. Graf and others regarding opportunities for engineering faculty with universities in India.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

Beulah Gilkey Collection, Oregon State University Archives, Corvallis, Oregon.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Processing Note

The photographs in this collection were originally a separate OSU Archives collection (P 027) and have been combined with the paper records to form the Beulah Gilkey Collection. This collection is not fully processed; this guide is preliminary.

Acquisition Information

The photographs were received by the Archives in the mid-1960s.

Related Materials

Other photographs and materials pertaining to the Class of 1910 are available in the Bertha Andresen Photographs (P 026), Alexander K. Chapman Photograph Collection (P 235), Frances Alva Aitken Collection, Harriet's Collection, and the Memorabilia Collection. The Samuel H. Graf Collection includes letters from Graf describing his student years at Oregon Agricultural College (1903-1909) and early years as a faculty member (1901-1918). The Helen Gilkey Papers document the work of her Beulah Gilkey's sister.