Kenneth D. Rosenberg collection, 1993-2014

Overview of the Collection

Rosenberg, Kenneth D.
Kenneth D. Rosenberg collection
1993-2014 (inclusive)
3.78 linear feet, (9 hollinger boxes)
Collection Number
Kenneth D. Rosenberg, M.D., M.P.H. worked in maternal and child health epidemiology and collaborated with many public health institutions locally and nationally. His work led to the creation and collection of much of this material, including public health reports and promotional publications, work files that lead to a published article, and papers from his work and professional service with Oregon Department of Human Services, Oregon Health and Science University, Oregon Public Health Association, Oregon Health Authority's Public Health Division with a focus on the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, and other public health collaborators.
Oregon Health & Science University, Historical Collections & Archives
OHSU Historical Collections & Archives
Oregon Health & Science University
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd. MC:LIB
Portland, OR
Telephone: 5034945587
Access Restrictions

There are no restrictions on access. This collection is open to the public.


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection includes a range of publications and reports produced primarily by the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS), as well as some other public health organizations. Additionally, it encompasses Kenneth Rosenberg's papers from his time working with the Oregon Public Health Association (OPHA) and Oregon Health Authority (OHA), and background and reference work leading up to an article in the American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) that Rosenberg helped author. A significant amount of the collection is also made up of his papers from Oregon's Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System.

It is organized into four main series: I. Public Health Reports and Publications, II. "Marketing Infant Formula Through Hospitals" article, III. Work and Professional Service, and IV. Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS).

The first series, "Public Health Reports and Publications," contains statistical and promotional health-related materials primarily from the Oregon DHS spanning from 1993 to 2011. Additionally, there is a small portion of publications produced by other public health organizations outside of DHS.

The second series, "'Marketing Infant Formula Through Hospitals' article" includes research, correspondence, presentation materials, multiple drafts, and edits from collaborators leading to the 2008 AJPH article "Marketing Infant Formula Through Hospitals: The Impact of Commercial Hospital Discharge Packs on Breastfeeding." Additional authors of this article were Carissa A. Eastham, M.S., Laurin J. Kasehagen, Ph.D., M.A., and Alfredo P. Sandoval, M.B.A., M.S.

The third series, "Work and Professional Service," consists of correspondence, paperwork, and research from Dr. Rosenberg's time working with OHA, OPHA Epidemiology and Biostatics Section, OPHA mentorship program, DHS, and Oregon Pediatric Society. There are also source materials on a few public health topics like community water fluoridation.

The fourth series, "Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)," is largely made up of administrative materials that supported the making and interpretation of the PRAMS survey sent out to new mothers by the OHA. The survey is used to collect information about people's experiences before, during, and immediately after pregnancy. The series includes correspondence regarding the questions in the surveys, and their efficacy, conversations with PRAMS projects in other states, response rates, and data requests for specific survey results. Additionally, there are PRAMS publications, requests for proposals for computer-assisted telephone interviewing services and the resulting contracts, studies on different PRAMS-related topics, and source material for ongoing assessment of the PRAMS survey.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

Kenneth D. Rosenberg, M.D., M.P.H. worked as a maternal and child health epidemiologist at the Office of Family Health in the Public Health Division of the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) from 1997 to 2015. He was also an Affiliate Assistant Professor at Oregon Health and Science University-Portland State University School of Public Health from 1997 to 2016. He graduated from Tufts University School of Medicine in 1973 and the Columbia University School of Public Health with a master's in public health in 1989. He was a post-doctoral fellow in perinatal epidemiology at Yale University School of Medicine from 1991 to 1993.

While working at OHA, Dr. Rosenberg was the program director of the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), a leader in the country for consistently collecting data and using that data to advocate for policy change benefiting mothers and children.

Dr. Rosenberg has been a member of OPHA since 1997 and was a co-founder of the OPHA's Epidemiology and Biostatistics Section. He was the section's vice–chair, served on the OPHA nominating committee, the program committee, and was on the Board of Directors from 2006 – 2012. He also worked to establish OPHA's mentorship program.

Rosenberg helped start the conversation around the potential negative effects of marketing infant formula through hospitals with his 2008 article Marketing Infant Formula Through Hospitals: The Impact of Commercial Hospital Discharge Packs on Breastfeeding published in theAmerican Journal of Public Health (AJPH).

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

OHSU Historical Collections & Archives (HC&A) is the owner of the original materials and digitized images in our collections, however, the collection may contain materials for which copyright is not held. Patrons are responsible for determining the appropriate use or reuse of materials. Consult with HC&A to determine if we can provide permission for use.

Preferred Citation

[Collection title], Collection Number [####-###], Oregon Health & Science University, Historical Collections & Archives.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Materials donated by Ken Rosenberg in multiple parts. Accession 2014-022 was donated on 2014 October 21; the PRAMS materials (accession 2014-026) were donataed on 2014 October 2.


Resources consulted while writing the Biographical Note

Oregon Public Health Association. "Lifetime Achievement: Kenneth D. Rosenberg, MD, MPH." 2015 OPHA Award Winners. Accessed September 10, 2024.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

I. Public health reports and publications, 1993-2011Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1
"Achieving Oregon's Health Birth Benchmarks": Maternity care needs assessment
1 2
"Babies First! Clients' Experience with Care": executive summary
1 3
Child and Family Health Needs Assessment and Recommendations for Public Health-5 booklets
1 4
"Report Card: The Status of Children in Oregon" by Children First for Oregon
1996, 2000, 2006
1 5
"Climate Change Challenging Public Health" by Northwest Public Health
1 6
"Costs of Intimate Partner Violence Against Oregon Women"
1 7
"Early Childhood Matters": Oregon's framework for a statewide birth-through-five early childhood system
1 8
"Family Planning a Public Health Success": Oregon family planning annual report
1 9
"A Health Active Oregon: Statewide Physical Activity and Nutrition Plan 2007-2015"
circa 2006
1 10
"How to Become a Breastfeeding Friendly Mother Employer" brochure
1 11
Oregon Benchmarks County Data Book
2005 November
1 12
"Oregon Child Fatality Review Team First Annual Report" including letter from state health officer
1 13
Oregon Child Health 2010: Data and Resource Guide
1 14
Oregon commission for child care report to the governor and the legislature: "Child Care and Education: Building a Firm Foundation for Oregon's Family and Oregon's Economy"
1 15
Oregon health services office of family health progress report: "Working to Improve the Health of Oregon's Children, Women, and Families"
1 16
Oregon Perinatal Data Book
1 17
Oregon report on child fatalities: "Keeping Kids Alive"
1 18
Oregon school-based health centers: Standard for certification
1 19
"Oregon Teen Pregnancy Prevention Action Agenda": revision
2002 March
1 20
"Oregon Teen Pregnancy Prevention Action Agenda"
2002 November
1 21
"Oregon Motherscare: Supporting Healthy Pregnancies" brochure
1 22
"Oregon Vital Statistics Annual Report" (vol. 2)
2 1
"Oregon Vital Statistics Annual Report" (vol. 1)
2 2
"Oregon Vital Statistics Annual Report" (vol. 2)
2 3
"Oregon Vital Statistics Annual Report" (vol. 1)
2 4
"Oregon Vital Statistics Annual Report" (vol. 2)
2 5
"Oregon Vital Statistics Annual Report" (vol. 1)
2 6
"Oregon Vital Statistics Annual Report" (vol. 2) including email, handwritten notes
2 7
Oregon youth risk behavior survey summary report
2 8
Oregon youth sexual health plan
2 9
Portland children's investment fund 2006/2007 progress report
2 10
"A Safe Place for Newborns" (DHS information packet for mothers considering giving up a newborn baby)
2 11
School-based health centers status report: "Accessible Health Care for Youth"
2 12
School-based health centers status report: "Quality Health Care for Kids"
2 13
School-based health centers status report: "Healthier Youth, Stronger Communities"
3 1
School-based health centers status report: "Focusing on our Future"
3 2
"Selected Reportable Communicable Disease Summary: 2010 State of Oregon"
3 3
Status of children in Oregon's child protection system
3 4
Status of children in Oregon's child protection system
3 5
Status of Oregon's children county data book from Children First of Oregon
3 6
Turning point-transforming public health state by state

II. "Marketing Infant Formula Through Hospitals" article, 2004-2008Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
3 7
Correspondence, drafts, meeting materials, methodology, Eastham's hiring documents
2005 May-November
3 8
Correspondence with American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) and collaborators, source materials
3 9
Correspondence , drafts
2008 July-August
3 10
Correspondence, drafts, source materials
2008 June-July
3 11
Correspondence, drafts, source materials
2008 August
3 12
Correspondence, drafts, source materials
2008 August
4 1
Correspondence, drafts, AJPH submission information, source materials
2008 August
4 2
Correspondence, internal reviewers, source materials
2004 December, 2005 August
4 3
Correspondence, drafts, one-page version, source materials, "Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative in Ukraine"
2005 August-October
4 4
Correspondence, draft
2006 August
4 5
Correspondence, drafts, edits
2006 March-July
4 6
Correspondence, source materials
2006 July
4 7
Correspondence, draft
2006 July-August
4 8
Correspondence, drafts
2006 July-August
4 9
Correspondence, drafts
2006 September
4 10
Correspondence , drafts
2006 September
4 11
Correspondence, drafts, source materials
2006 September
5 1
Correspondence, AJPH, drafts, source materials, one-page summary
2007 January-February
5 2
Correspondence, AJPH, drafts, source materials
2007 January
5 3
Correspondence, AJPH, drafts, source materials, meeting materials
2006 December-2007 March
5 4
Correspondence, AJPH, source materials
5 5
Correspondence, Eastham's original version, AJPH signature forms, drafts
5 6
Correspondence, AJPH, drafts, source materials, meeting materials
2006 September
5 7
Correspondence, meeting materials, source materials
2006 August-2008 February

III. Work and professional service, 2004-2014Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
5 8
Oregon Public Health Assocation(OPHA) epidemiology and biostatistics (epi-biostat) section: Correspondence, administrative materials, conference planning (folder 1 of 2)
2006-2008, 2012
6 1
OPHA epi-biostat section: Correspondence, administrative materials, conference planning (folder 2 of 2)
6 2
OPHA epi-biostat section: administrative correspondence, mentorship program materials, meeting materials
2010 June-2011 March
6 3
OPHA program committee: annual meeting planning
6 4
OPHA epidemiology forum: planning materials, and correspondence
2003-2009, 2012
6 5
OPHA mentorship program: correspondence, meeting minutes
6 6
OPHA administrative correspondence, marketing materials, meeting materials, bylaws, mentorship materials
6 7
OPHA board manual
6 8
OPHA meeting materials, advocacy materials
6 9
OPHA conference/annual meeting: materials, planning, agendas, handouts, and notes
7 1
OPHA conference/annual meeting: materials, planning, agendas, handouts, and notes
7 2
OPHA conference/annual meeting: abstracts for review and responses
7 3
OPHA conference/annual meeting: conference brochure and notes
7 4
Oregon Pediatric Society: meeting materials, budget materials
2005, 2010
7 5
Community water fluoridation: correspondence, reference materials (folder 1 of 2)
7 6
Community water fluoridation: correspondence, reference materials (folder 2 of 2)
7 7
Correspondence regarding records requests for emails with Eli Schwarz
7 8
Community water fluoridation: correspondence, reference materials

IV. Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), 1998-2014Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
7 9
Source materials, correspondence regarding Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility, Oregon Prevention Conference, Oregon Public Health Association
2010, 2014
7 10
PRAMS questionnaire booklet in English
7 11
PRAMS questionnaire booklet in Spanish
7 12
PRAMS questionnaire booklet in English
7 13
Meeting materials, questionnaire data, budget information, correspondence
7 14
Correspondence and abstracts for conference
7 15
Correspondence including "mini-proposals" for review
7 16
Correspondence regarding data request, topic proposal, and draft of 2008-2010 strategic plan
8 1
Correspondence and feedback about paper on gestational diabetes mellitus
8 2
"Periconceptional Multivitamin Use Reduces the Risk of Preeclampsia"
8 3
"PRAMS State Timeline May '07 - October '07" and related correspondence
8 4
New Jersey PRAMS data, "mini-proposal" and related correspondence, letter from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) summarizing visit
2002, 2005, 2006
8 5
Correspondence regarding data about pregnant women and smoking, study on pregnant, homeless women receiving support from Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
8 6
Draft of study on gestational diabetes mellitus with edits
8 7
Correspondence regarding confidentiality statement
8 8
PRAMS meeting materials, PRAMS update presentations
8 9
Correspondence and article about discrimination experienced by pregnant women
8 10
Correspondence regarding PRAMS study
2006, 2009
8 11
Correspondence regarding budgets and grants
8 12
Correspondence regarding CDC review, response rates, data requests, "mini-proposal", administrative tasks (folder 1 of 2)
2004-2005, 2008-2009
8 13
Correspondence regarding CDC review, response rates, data requests, "mini-proposal" administrative tasks (folder 2 of 2)
2006, 2008
8 14
"The Perinatal Health of Rural Women: Data from the 2001 Oregon PRAMS Survey" final brochure and corresponding edits and data
8 15
Correspondence regarding new birth certificate's effect on sampling, PRAMS survey edits, data requests. Data from Colorado
circa 2003
8 16
Correspondence about PRAMS survey drafts, conflict of interest investigation form
8 17
"2005 Report: Illinois Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System" and 2008 letter from report's project director
2005, 2008
8 18
Source material and correspondence about participation rates
8 19
Correspondence about "mini-proposals" and amendments, data request, and a paper about instruction placement
8 20
Meeting materials, survey data, budget information
8 21
Correspondence about and including draft of PRAMS survey, seminar notes
8 22
Correspondence, quotes, and contracts for Request for Proposal 2657 (RFP 2657) for telephone survey services with Clearwater Research
8 23
Correspondence and draft of contract with Clearwater Research, Incorporated
8 24
PRAMS Journal Club meeting materials and correspondence
8 25
PRAMS grant information, publications from other states' PRAMS
circa 2005
8 26
"Pregnancy and Oral Health" by Kim Thomson including thank you note
8 27
Correspondence regarding PRAMS protocols, data analysis, grants, data from other states, proposals for Michigan conference
9 1
Correspondence regarding computer assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) contractor, final draft of RFP 2657
2008 February
9 2
Correspondence regarding State Working Group (SWG), and data requests
2008 January-February
9 3
Correspondence, notes, meeting minutes
2008 February
9 4
Correspondence regarding Benton County Breastfeeding Needs Assessment, source material
9 5
Correspondence regarding survey response rates
2008 February
9 6
Correspondence regarding SWG, survey response rates and incentives, software, meeting materials, PRAMS flyer
9 7
Project review form for Violence Against Women Act Law Enforcement and Prosecution Advocacy Evaluation Pilot Project
9 8
Overall Core Questionnaire Evaluation and related correspondence
9 9
Overall Core Evaluation Summary: All States
9 10
Standard Questionnaire Evaluation: All States
9 11
Standard Questionnaire Evaluation Summary and Recommendations: All States and related correspondence
9 12
"Timing of pregnancy recognition, initiation of prenatal care, and birth outcomes" project paper
9 13
PRAMS publications collected in a folder for distribution
circa 2002
9 14
PRAMS publications collected in a folder for distribution, contains some materials in Spanish and materials for a presentation for Mexican public health workers
circa 2002
9 15
Oregon Master of Public Health Student Research Symposium materials
circa 2002
9 16
Correspondence regarding surveying in special circumstances, meeting materials
9 17
PRAMS grant application for the period of April 15, 2008 - April 14, 2009 and related documents
9 18
Data sharing agreement with CDC, survey revisions, survey questions in Spanish, data requests, and data analysis
9 19
Core Evaluation Summary
circa 2003
9 20
Question Appraisal System QAS-99
9 21
Cognitive interviewing guide
circa 1999

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Breast Feeding
  • Epidemiology
  • Maternal-Child Health Services
  • Pregnancy
  • Public Health
  • Schools, Public Health
  • Statistics

Corporate Names

  • Oregon Health Authority
  • Oregon Public Health Association
  • Oregon. Department of Human Services
  • Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (Oregon)

Geographical Names

  • Oregon