Rosalie Moore papers , 1927-1986

Overview of the Collection

Moore, Rosalie, 1910-
Rosalie Moore papers
1927-1986 (inclusive)
5 linear feet, (8 containers, 11 volumes)
Collection Number
Coll 215
The Rosalie Moore Papers contain correspondence, manuscripts, tearsheets, and published versions of literary work. The correspondence includes personal correspondence, as well as and professional correspondence with various publishers. In addition to poetry, Moore's forte, the manuscripts contain plays and children's stories written in collaboration with Moore's husband, Bill Brown. The collection also includes published versions of Moore's work.
University of Oregon Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives
UO Libraries--SCUA
1299 University of Oregon
Eugene OR
Telephone: 5413463068
Access Restrictions

Collection is open to the public. Collection must be used in Special Collections and University Archives Reading Room. Collection or parts of collection may be stored offsite. Please contact Special Collections and University Archives in advance of your visit to allow for transportation time.

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See the Current Collection Guide for detailed description and requesting options.

Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

Rosalie Moore was born Gertrude Elizabeth Moore in Oakland, California on October 8, 1910. She first ventured into poetry as a teenager, with a poem protesting--in the grand high flown, "poetic" manner-- the building of the Golden Gate Bridge. The poem was published in the Oakland Tribune. Since that time she has become a widely published poet.

Rosalie Moore attended the University of California at Berkeley where she majored in English and graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. in 1932; in 1934 she received her M.A. in English Literature, also at Berkeley. However, Moore insists that her career as a poet really began several years later when she began attending the poetry-writing classes of critic and writer Lawrence Hart in 1937. Hart, Jeanne McGahey, Moore, Robert Horan, and several other poets formed a group known as the Activists who worked from the tenet that through accurate language and imagery a poem should give the reader a corresponding experience.

In 1938 Rosalie Moore was awarded the University of Chicago's Charles H. Sergel award for poetic drama with her play The Boar, now expanded and entitled The Calydonian Boar Hunt. She won the Albert Bender Award in literature in 1943, and in 1949 received the Yale Series Younger Poet Award for her collection of poems The Grasshopper's Man (originally titled "Journeys Toward Center"). Rosalie Moore also has received two Guggenheim Fellowships, in 1950 and again in 1951.

Rosalie Moore's work has been published in many periodicals, including Accent, Furioso, The New Yorker, and Saturday Review. Her books include, among others, The Grasshopper's Man and Other Poems, 1949; Year of the Children, 1977; a book of poems dealing with the Children's Crusade in Europe in 1212 A.D.; and Of Singles and Doubles, a collection of poems published in 1979. Both Year of the Children and Of Singles and Doubles were published by Woolmer/Brotherson, and Year of the Children was nominated for a Pulitzer award. With her husband, Bill Brown, she collaborated on a series of children's books published by Coward-McCann, including The Forest Fireman, Whistle Park, The Boy Who Got Mailed, Big Rig, and The Department Store Ghost. Two other books, Tickley and the Fox and The Hippopotamus That Wanted to Be a Baby were published by Lantern Press.

In 1965 Rosalie Moore joined the faculty at the College of Marin in Kentfield, California, and taught basic writing and creative writing classes until her retirement in 1976. Miss Moore is currently living in the San Francisco Bay area and has three daughters and three grandchildren also living in Marin County.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The Rosalie Moore collection consists primarily of correspondence, manuscripts, and published examples of her work.

The correspondence series is composed mainly of letters between Moore and her publishers concerning reprint rights to her poems. Of special not are two letters from W.H. Auden concerning his introduction to Rosalie Moore's first published volume, The Grasshopper's Man and Other Poems in the Yale Younger Poets Series. Other correspondents include Karl Shapiro of Poetry (Chicago), John Ciardi of Saturday Review, Louis Untermeyer, Lawrence Hart, Hoanne McGahey Hart, and extensive communication with both The New Yorker and Yale University Press.

The manuscripts in the collection include examples of many of Moore's poems, plays, and fictional writings. A manuscript of The Grasshopper's Man can be found here. Also available in a manuscript for Moore's poem "Catalog", a popular poem about cats that has been reprinted in many textbooks and anthologies. Play manuscripts include The Calydonian Boar Hunt.

Fiction manuscripts include "The Forest Fireman," a children's story co-written with Moore's husband, Bill Brown, and several other children's stories by Bill and Rosalie Brown.

A large portion of the collection is devoted to published examples of Rosalie Moore's work in a wide variety of publications, including The New Yorker, The Pacific Spectator, Poetry, and Voices. Also, a publication called Tuesdays, 1 to 3 (1978) contains poems written by Moore's students in her classes at College of Marin.

Book jackets, galley proofs, and tearsheets pertaining to Moore's published work are found in this collection, as well as a collection of poetry anthologies containing examples of her work. Of special note is the book entitled Learned and Leaved: A Tribute to Rosalie Moore. Written by colleagues at the Marin Poetry Center to honor Moore, it contains a more precise biography than presented here.

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