UW Ethnomusicology Archives video recordings: Leah Pogwizd recordings: Li Bo: Demo: Galloping Horses, 2009-03-05

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Pogwizd, Leah
UW Ethnomusicology Archives video recordings: Leah Pogwizd recordings: Li Bo: Demo: Galloping Horses
1 optical media  :  WD - 1 DVD (digital, stereo); Duration: 00:08:33
Collection Number
Instructional recording made by visiting artist Li Bo, University of Washington, Music Room 54, 3/5/09.
University of Washington Ethnomusicology Archives
University of Washington
Ethnomusicology Archives
Box 353450
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065430974
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Leah Pog­wizd is a Birmingham, WA-based bassist and instructional designer. Pogwizd earned a B.M. in Jazz Studies at the University of North Texas and an M.A./PhD in Ethnomusicology, at the University of Washington.

Li Bo, born in Inner Mongolia in 1955, is a distinguished performer on the morin khuur, the horse-head fiddle known in Chinese as matouqin. He has been a professional musician since the age of 15, when he joined a local performing arts troupe and began to travel across the steppes. Later he was a featured soloist with a national troupe, and eventually became the lead morin khuur player with the Inner Mongolian Radio/Television network. In the mid-1980s, he taught in the School of Music at the Inner Mongolia Normal University. When Li Bo came to the United States to perform at the Northwest Folklife Festival in 2004 and 2005, he volunteered to work with students.

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Videorecording made by Leah Pogwizd, a student of Li Bo; original mini-DV videocassette copied to iMovie file LiBo_030509 (Archives does not have original videocassette).

Li Bo demonstrates Morin Khuur piece "Galloping Horses" and plays each section at slow tempo to assist students learning this piece.

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