Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
Seattle Urban League records, 1930-1997
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Seattle Urban League
- Title
- Seattle Urban League records
- Dates
- 1930-1997 (inclusive)19301997
- Quantity
- 103.37 cubic feet (135 boxes, 3 microfilms)
- Collection Number
- 0607
- Summary
- Records of an interracial community social service agency in Seattle, Washington
- Repository
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931 - Access Restrictions
Open to all users, but access to portions of the papers restricted. Contact Special Collections for details.
- Languages
- English
- Sponsor
- Funding for encoding this finding aid was partially provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Historical NoteReturn to Top
The Seattle Urban League (later the Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle) is a social service organization created largely for the advocacy, community organization, and development of African Americans, other racial minorities, and the poor, but whose broader mission is to eliminate racial inequality, to create equal opportunity, and to promote self-sufficiency for these populations of Seattle citizens.
Established in 1929 and incorporated in 1936, the Seattle Urban League is an affiliate of the National Urban League that was founded in New York City in 1910. The governing body of the Seattle Urban League is a multi-racial, volunteer board of elected members, representing a broad range of people from the business and civic communities. Board responsibilities are to establish policy and programs, ensure funding, set up committees, review activities, select and annually review the executive director, elect board members, and in general oversee the progress of the League. The Executive Committee heads the Seattle Urban League staff, with Executive Director, Assistant Executive Director, Secretary and Treasurer.
At its incorporation in 1936, the Seattle Urban League board had 18 members and an all-volunteer staff. By 1946 the League had one paid professional and one clerical staff member. In 1947 and 1948 the League reorganized and expanded to respond to the needs of a growing minority population during World War II, and at this time the impetus of its mission changed from being chiefly a social service agency offering direct services, to one of civil rights, actively working to secure equal opportunities for African-Americans and other disadvantaged people.
After the 1947-48 expansion the Seattle Urban League consisted of the board of directors and its officers, plus an Industrial Secretary, a Neighborhood Secretary and an Administrative Secretary. By 1957, a second Vice President had been added to the list of officers, and nine standing committees had been created within the organization. Over time, roles of the secretaries were redefined as new programs were developed and issues addressed, and in 1958 the Executive Director position was established; from then on it was the key leadership position.
Lewis Watts, who had been serving as Executive Secretary since 1950, became the first Executive Director and served in this office until 1961. Watts took a leave of absence in 1960 to study at Brandeis University, and Edwin T. Pratt, who had been serving as Community Relations Director since 1956, became acting Executive Director. When Watts decided to stay at Brandeis to work on his doctorate, Pratt became Executive Director and went on to become one of the League's most dynamic leaders. Pratt, a committed civil rights leader, dedicated himself to breaking down barriers of segregation in all areas of life. He served as Executive Director until his death in January of 1969, when he was assassinated at his home in Shoreline by an unknown assailant.
Following this tragedy, Jerome Page became Executive Director after serving briefly as Deputy Director under Pratt. During the early years of his tenure, Page's leadership was augmented by the able assistance of former Education Director, Gerrit Kouwenhoven, who served as Assistant Director of the League until 1973.
Page served as leader during a period of tremendous growth for the Seattle Urban League, a period in which Pratt's earlier efforts to equalize opportunities for African-Americans and other minorities were pushed forward. Page brought a new perspective to the League, and worked hard to bring it more in tune with the immediate needs of the community. Page served as Executive Director until 1979, when he then transferred to Washington D.C. to become president of the Urban League's affiliate there.
In 1978, the Seattle Urban League adopted the new personnel structure (mostly titular) of the National Urban League, in which the President of the board converted to Chair, with Vice Chairs, and the Executive Director and President were combined in one officer. After a six-month search, the Seattle Urban League hired Spruiell White as President of the Seattle Urban League. White provided strong leadership during a time of reduced funding and increased need for services, but he resigned to return to his home in Chicago, Illinois in 1983.
Traditionally, the Seattle Urban League's programs and services focus on housing, education, employment, and health and welfare. The 1940s and 1950s programs delineated a long-term agenda of desegregation in housing, education, public accommodation and employment, together with family and community development. The 1960s maintained this policy, but programs were reoriented and expanded in both scope and vision in order to join with the rapidly growing civil rights movement. The League's old watchword “Improvement” was firmly replaced with “Equality.” Increased availability of federal funding for direct service agencies at this time facilitated this renewal.
To address racial discrimination in housing, the Seattle Urban League's Housing Committee worked to secure equal housing opportunities for minorities. Its responsibilities included gathering and disseminating information pertinent to minority housing needs, making recommendations to City, County, and State agencies concerning fair housing legislation, and coordinating activities with various public and private housing organizations and agencies.
The Housing Committee also worked to develop programs that focused on breaking up segregated housing patterns through establishing an open housing market. Between 1965 and 1967 it implemented the Urban League's Rental Project, assisting the Fair Housing Listing Service in locating affordable rental units for African Americans outside of Seattle's Central district. In June of 1966 the Housing Committee wrote a report detailing landlord and community attitudes on minority housing.
In 1967 the Housing Committee oversaw the formation of Operation Equality, a cooperative program of the Seattle Urban League and National Urban League funded by the Ford Foundation and the local community. Originally it served as a Fair Housing Listing Service to help minority and low-income people find adequate housing, but it quickly added the task of counseling prospective home buyers on how to receive federal housing assistance. It also pushed local, state, and federal housing agencies to improve housing conditions for the poor.
In education, the Seattle Urban League increased efforts to eliminate racial imbalance in Seattle schools, and to improve curricula. Included among these were in-service training for teachers, curriculum development that incorporated minority history and contemporary race relations, the Volunteer Transfer Program for diversifying racially-isolated schools, student counseling, scholarships and other programs. The League's work in education was carried out mainly by the Education Committee and later, the Education Department.
The Education Committee was formed in October of 1956 primarily to examine the conditions of schools in Seattle's Central District and to assess racial imbalances in all Seattle public schools. Initially its core membership was comprised of citizens and educators concerned about child welfare, teacher turnover, school boundaries, student transfers, and other related issues. These members assisted the Education Director in conducting research and presenting the results to the League's Board of Directors or to the Seattle School Board for further action. Eventually, however, the Education Committee's membership grew to include staff and board members from the League, as well as representatives of various school and community groups. Additionally, the Education Committee began to serve in more of an advisory role to the Education Director by helping to meet the annually determined goals and objectives of the Education Department.
One project of the Education Committee was the development of a desegregation plan for the Seattle Public Schools. Introduced in the fall of 1964, a “Proposal for Re-organization of the Elementary Division of the Seattle Public Schools,” more commonly known as the “Triad Plan,” served as the basis for the Seattle School District's program to desegregate middle schools in the late 1960s.
Seattle Urban League programs for vocational training and employment included direct services to individuals such as training workshops, job placement and referral, and job fairs. In addition to these services, in 1964 the “Equal Opportunity Employers” roster was established, which listed businesses that had pledged an open-door policy in hiring practices and that employed more than 40 persons.
Another significant employment program was On-The-Job Training (OJT). OJT was initially developed and administered by the National Urban League in 1966 under a grant from the Department of Labor. Its primary mission was to seek out and develop on-the-job training opportunities for unemployed or underemployed members of minority groups. Qualified applicants were referred to employers for training in jobs that had advancement potential, and the employer's training costs were defrayed through the League grant. OJT also provided counseling and support services to trainees on workplace issues, and monitored their progress.
Initially Seattle Urban League programs for health and welfare were limited to making referrals to other health and social work agencies, but over the years the League's agenda came to include the improvement of health care and public assistance services for minorities and the poor. According to former Urban League Health and Welfare Director, Kay Thode, in his last speech to the Urban League Board of Directors, Edwin Pratt stressed the need to take action to prevent poverty and inequality rather than to provide services to deal with the consequences of these ills. This led to a shift in emphasis from providing direct service to individual welfare clients to taking action to change the systems that caused these problems.
By the mid 1960s, the Seattle Urban League had added a Health and Welfare Director to their organization, and early among them was Ivan King, a major administrator for the minority adoption program. In 1968 Kay Thode became Health and Welfare Director, a position she held through March of 1983. Thode brought dynamic leadership to the League's health and welfare programs, which focused on poverty, welfare reform, inflation, childcare, hunger, nutrition, and other related concerns. Mrs. Thode worked closely with local welfare rights groups, as well as social service, education, and community groups. In addition, she also supervised students from the University of Washington's School of Social Work who had field placements at the League.
Program strategies for the Health and Welfare Department included lobbying the State Legislature and disseminating information to minorities and the poor regarding their rights in relation to various national, state, and local agencies established to serve them. The program agenda also included conducting research and analysis of health and welfare issues. Solutions to health and welfare problems were also addressed through participation in various citizens' committees and task forces. In addition, Thode and her staff spoke to churches, university classes, and other public forums.
The Seattle Urban League gave voice to the community with forums for discussion of current issues, especially during the 1960s. The Thursday Forum, a Seattle Urban League program on KCTS, Seattle's public television station, was one such opportunity. Another was the Grass Roots Forum, a monthly panel comprised of community resource workers and Central Area residents who discussed topics of concern. The League also published several research reports that studied current and ongoing problems of racial inequality, including “Seattle's Negro Population: A Statistical Profile” in 1963 and “Seattle's Racial Gap: 1968.” Other activities of the League included programs for youth, adult seminars, in-service training and speaking engagements throughout the Seattle area.
The 1970s continued many of these programs, but the racial turmoil of the late 1960s prompted the National Urban League to call for a “New Thrust” in all Urban League programs. This new protocol would gear programs even more to attack systems at the root of racial discrimination. While the Seattle Urban League continued its direct service programs, the New Thrust would underpin all current and new programs that aimed to change institutionalized systems of discrimination.
A major objective of the New Thrust was to mobilize the minority community, and to motivate individuals to become directly involved in confronting systems of discrimination. One important League program driven by these principles was a movement to educate and register minority citizens to vote. Raising the profile of the Seattle Urban League within the minority community was also an objective prompted by New Thrust, and in 1973 the League moved its offices from the Smith Tower into a newly-purchased and renovated building at the corner of Yesler and 14th Avenue in order to be closer to the people it served.
Affirmative action was a major part of the Seattle Urban League's 1970s agenda. In addition to continuing direct placement and referral and other employment programs, the League focused in large part on providing consulting services to corporations and on assisting them in meeting new federal employment guidelines.
In the mid 1970s On-The-Job Training began receiving funding indirectly through the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA), which provided federal monies to states and cities for job training and work experience. The King and Snohomish Manpower Consortium (KSMC) formed to collect this funding, and the Seattle Urban League contracted with KSMC to run OJT.
The League also fostered economic development in other areas with the organization of the Model Capital Corporation, a minority small business investment company, and the Construction Industry Development program that provided support services to minority contractors.
In the League's housing department, Operation Equality continued and expanded until it outgrew its initial scope. It separated from the Seattle Urban League in 1971 and merged with the Seattle Model City Program's Housing Development League. This move avoided a duplication of services between the two entities, and the new configuration, still carrying out the mission of Operation Equality, was renamed Seattle Housing Development. After this, the League no longer maintained a housing program and dissolved the Housing Committee. It continued to support housing, however, by raising funds for Seattle Housing Development and by placing staff members on the Seattle Housing Development's board of directors.
Efforts toward quality education and desegregation in the 1970s included the League's close participation with school and citizen committees to continue to develop plans for school desegregation. The final plan adopted by the Seattle School Board contained many components of the League's 1966 Triad Plan.
The Education Department was established circa 1970, encompassing the functions of the Education Director and the Education Committee. Desegregation and quality education in Seattle public schools were the two chief concerns of the Education Department. It actively promoted integration, affirmative action policies, and greater community involvement in Seattle area schools. Beginning in 1970, the Education Department began awarding the Edwin T. Pratt Scholarship in an effort to encourage minority students to pursue higher education. Named for the late Executive Director, this scholarship paid full college or university tuition and was awarded based on a student's motivation rather than past academic performance.
Project Excel, developed by Reverend Jesse L. Jackson as part of the PUSH (People United to Save Humanity) Program for Excellence in Education, was another program adopted by the Education Department in the 1970s. This program sought to promote academic success in underachieving students, to increase school attendance and decrease the number of student suspensions, to boost parent and community participation in schools, and to provide motivational activities for students. The Seattle Urban League served as the community agency for Project Excel by providing information and referral services for the Seattle School District's Academic Enhancement Program.
Project SUL was one more of the Seattle Urban League's educational programs, and provided outreach services to help parents of kindergarten students become involved in their children's schools, primarily in central and southeast Seattle. It also sought to develop district-wide solutions to the problems of school desegregation and to ensure that Seattle public schools develop and implement a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural curriculum. Project SUL received funding annually through an Emergency School Aid Act (ESAA) Title VII grant by the US Department of Education, and was supported by the Seattle Public Schools.
Directors and staff members of the Education Department were also active in numerous advisory committees and community groups, most notably the Central Area School Council. In January of 1969, the Seattle Urban League received a grant through the National Urban League's New Thrust Education Project to provide staff in supervising the establishment of a community school board in the Central District. Comprised of elected representatives, this school board, the Central Area School Council, sought to help parents influence and affect their children's education. The League's Education Director, Nan Pettit, and its Field Researcher, Carol Richman, assisted the Ad Hoc Committee for a Central Area School Council to prepare for its first elections in March of 1969. The League also informed residents about the candidates for the school council and encouraged them to vote.
In 1972 Kay Thode was named Social Worker of the Year by the Puget Sound chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, recognizing her dedication and expertise with laws and developments in the field of public assistance. In March of 1975 the Health and Welfare Department launched the Hypertension Project in cooperation with the Washington State Heart Association. This program was also assisted by several Central District churches and the Black Panther Party. Under project coordinator Marion Rivers, a Licensed Practical Nurse, and funded through a grant from the Washington/Alaska Regional Medical Program (W/ARMP), this six-month project screened a small portion of Seattle's African-American community for hypertension. Moreover, the project saw that those afflicted received proper medical care. Additionally, the Seattle Urban League's Education Committee developed an educational presentation that provided further information on hypertension and made referrals to community medical clinics. In 1978 and 1979 the Health and Welfare Department began to develop materials for another hypertension project, this time with a much stronger emphasis on follow-up care. It is not clear from the records, however, whether this new project was carried out.
For the Seattle Urban League, as well as many other social service agencies, the 1980s were marked by a decrease in federal funding for direct service programs. As a result, significant reductions took place in the League's staff and many of its programs. Meanwhile, the need for the Seattle Urban League's services were on the rise, as growing numbers of minorities and the poor were experiencing unemployment, discrimination and inflation. These conditions necessitated a reassessment of the League's vision and capabilities.
In order to maintain and maximize its effectiveness under these circumstances, the Seattle Urban League focused more sharply on advocacy, research, and community collaboration. Funding was garnered increasingly through corporate partnerships, grants and private donors. Although the Seattle Urban League has always relied on networking and partnering with various organizations and individuals, cooperative ventures were increasingly called for to continue developing and providing needed programs and services.
Through the end of the twentieth century the Seattle Urban League has continued this course of action. Since the 1930s the Seattle Urban League has aimed to change with the times and needs of the community which it serves, and it continues, as the Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle, to work toward the goals of its mission.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
Correspondence, organizational material, reports, minutes, financial records, subject files, case files, committee files, sound recordings, scrapbooks, and ephemera.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
Creator's literary rights not transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Organized into 4 accessions.
- Accession No. 0607-001, Seattle Urban League records, circa 1930-1965
- Accession No. 0607-007, Seattle Urban League records, 1933-1984
- Accession No. 0607-009, Seattle Urban League records, 1984-1997
- Accession No. 0607-010, Seattle Urban League records, 1950-1968
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Accession No. 0607-001: Seattle Urban League records, circa 1930-1965Return to Top
- Microfilm of earlier records, circa 1930-1960
- Administrative files, 1936-1963
- General correspondence, 1947-1965
- Outgoing letters, 1956-1963
- Incoming letters, 1956-1961
- Reports, 1947-1964
- Financial records, 1953-1965
- Ephemera, circa 1952-1964
- National Urban League conferences, 1955-1963
- Clippings, 1952-1966
- Subject files, circa 1950-1966
- Case files, circa 1948-1960
- Committee files, 1948-1964
- Louis G. Watts personal papers, undated
- Edwin T. Pratt personal papers, undated
Scope and Content: Contains correspondence, financial records, minutes, ephemera, and case files.
This accession documents the Seattle Urban League from its inception through the mid 1960s, spanning years during which it evolved a great deal. This evolution is reflected in the correspondence, reports, committee records and other topical series.
The League’s records from the 1930s and 1940s are on microfilm and include its first six month and first annual reports. Also on microfilm is the Banner Report, a survey of Seattle community patterns that was requested of the National Urban League in 1954, by the Seattle Urban League. The purpose of the study was to review the prevailing conditions and needs of the minority population, and the League’s effectiveness in meeting those needs. There is also a paper copy of this report in this accession. Other microfilmed records include general correspondence and related material regarding racial discrimination in Seattle’s golf courses.
The Seattle Urban League’s 1947-1948 reorganization is documented in the office files. There are several reports by and for the Research Committee that evaluate the League’s effectiveness in providing adequate service to the community, all of which conclude that the League should immediately expand.
The bulk of the accession is in the correspondence and ephemera series. Much of the material classified as ephemera includes bulletins, reports, pamphlets, and articles, from a wide variety of organizations.
Also included are records from twenty committees of the Seattle Urban League. The Community Relations Committee is particularly well documented.
This accession also contains personal papers of Lewis Watts and Edwin Pratt. Watts’ papers include a published copy of his master’s thesis, and correspondence regarding his resignation in 1961. Pratt’s papers contain a letter from Watts while on leave in 1960 at Brandeis University that describes his studies and shares advice and instruction about Seattle Urban League operations.
Physical/Technical Access: Microfilm reader necessary for viewing microfilm.
Restrictions on Access: Open to all users, but access to the case files is subject to restrictions. Contact Special Collections for details.
Microfilm reader necessary for viewing microfilm.
Acquisition Info: Accession No. 0607-001 consists of three previous accessions (0523-001, 0607-001, and 0681-001) that were donated by the Seattle Urban League between 1965 and 1967. These accessions were merged possibly during the late 1960s or early 1970s. Accession 0523-001 was donated by Edwin Pratt on behalf of the Seattle Urban League in January 1965. At the time, it comprised seven cartons of League papers. Accession 0607-001, received in March of 1966, consisted of four cartons of supplemental files through 1960. Accession 0681-001, the largest of the three accessions, comprised eleven cartons of correspondence, financial records, reports, and ephemera, and was donated in January of 1967.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
1/1 | 0607-001 | Microfilm of earlier
Scope and Content:
Index of Content:
circa 1930-1960 |
Administrative files |
1936-1963 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
1/2 | 0607-001 | Constitution & by-laws |
1936, 1953, 1961 |
1/3 | 0607-001 | Reorganization of Urban League |
1946, 1948 |
1/4-13 | 0607-001 | Annual meeting -- Correspondence and supporting
files |
1956-1957, 1959-1961, 1963 |
2/1 | 0607-001 | Annual meeting -- Supporting files |
1963 |
2/2-3 | 0607-001 | Annual dinner -- Correspondence &
memos |
1961-1962 |
2/4-5 | 0607-001 | Annual dinner -- Ephemera |
1961-1962 |
3/1-7 | 0607-001 | Board of Directors - Minutes |
1952-1961 |
3/8 | 0607-001 | Board of Directors - Correspondence and supporting
files |
1957-1959 |
3/9 | 0607-001 | Board of Directors - Attendance records |
1960-1961 |
3/10-12 | 0607-001 | Board of Directors - Minutes, reports and relating
materials |
1961-1962 |
4/1 | 0607-001 | Agreement with Washington Employment
Service |
1951 |
4/2-4 | 0607-001 | General correspondence of the President |
1957-1958, 1960-1963 |
General correspondence |
1947-1965 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
4/5 | 0607-001 | American Civil Liberties Union |
1957, 1959, 1960, 1962-1963 |
4/6-8 | 0607-001 | American Jewish Committee |
1958-1963 |
4/9-10 | 0607-001 | Anti-Defamation League |
1958-1963 |
4/11 | 0607-001 | Atlanta, University |
1955 |
4/12 | 0607-001 | Boeing Company |
1961 |
4/13 | 0607-001 | Boy Scouts of American |
1959 |
4/14 | 0607-001 | Building Service Employees Union |
1961 |
4/15 | 0607-001 | Camp Fire Girls |
1961-1962 |
4/16 | 0607-001 | Chamber of Commerce Seattle |
1954-1957, 1961, 1963 |
4/17 | 0607-001 | Child Welfare League of America |
1960 |
4/18 | 0607-001 | Children's Home Society of Washington |
1962 |
4/19 | 0607-001 | Christian Friends of Racial Equality |
1960-1961 |
4/20 | 0607-001 | Citizen's Committee for Negro Adoptions |
1962-1963 |
4/21 | 0607-001 | Civic Unity Committee, Seattle |
1955-1963 |
4/22 | 0607-001 | Community Chest |
1957-1958 |
4/23 | 0607-001 | Congress of Racial Equality |
1963 |
5/1 | 0607-001 | Council of Churches, Seattle |
1956-1963 |
5/2 | 0607-001 | Council of Social Agencies, Kansas City,
Missouri |
1955-1956 |
5/3 | 0607-001 | Encampment of Citizenship |
1961 |
5/4 | 0607-001 | Family Society of Seattle |
1949, 1959, 1961 |
5/5 | 0607-001 | Girl Scouts of America |
1951 |
5/6-8 | 0607-001 | Greater Seattle Housing Council |
1960-1963 |
5/9-11 | 0607-001 | Health & Welfare Council of Seattle |
1957-1960 |
5/12 | 0607-001 | Junior League |
1960-1961 |
5/13 | 0607-001 | King County Juvenile Court |
1958 |
5/14-17 | 0607-001 | King County Intergroup Relations Committee |
1955-1957, 1963-1964 |
5/18 | 0607-001 | Legal Aid Bureau |
undated |
5/19 | 0607-001 | Medina Children's Service |
1957 |
5/20-22 | 0607-001 | Municipal League, Seattle |
1961-1963 |
5/23 | 0607-001 | National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People, Seattle |
1963 |
5/24 | 0607-001 | National Association of Housing |
1958 |
5/25 | 0607-001 | National Association of Social Workers |
1956-1960 |
5/26 | 0607-001 | National Association of Social Workers, Puget Sound
Chapter |
1956-1960 |
6/1 | 0607-001 | Neighborhood House, Seattle |
1958-1961 |
6/2 | 0607-001 | New York, Intergroup Relations |
1959 |
6/3 | 0607-001 | Northend Brokers' Association, Seattle |
1955-1956 |
6/4 | 0607-001 | Oregon, Fair Employment Practices Division |
1957 |
6/5-6 | 0607-001 | Pacific Northwest Personnel Management
Association |
1955, 1963 |
6/7 | 0607-001 | Puget Sound Personnel and Guidance
Association |
1955-1957 |
6/8 | 0607-001 | Salvation Army |
1951-1953, 1961 |
6/9 | 0607-001 | Seattle Park Department |
1948-1951 |
6/10 | 0607-001 | Seattle Police Department |
1955-1962 |
6/11 | 0607-001 | Seattle Public Library |
1961 |
6/12-14 | 0607-001 | Seattle Public Schools |
1947, 1949, 1956-1964 |
6/15 | 0607-001 | Seattle-King County, Health Department |
1957-1961 |
6/16 | 0607-001 | Seattle Atlantic Street Center |
1959-1963 |
6/17 | 0607-001 | Seattle Citizens Committee for School
Support |
1963 |
6/18 | 0607-001 | Seattle Committee on Alcoholism |
1962-1963 |
6/19 | 0607-001 | Seattle Foundation |
1959-1964 |
6/20 | 0607-001 | Seattle Improvement Committee |
1958 |
6/21 | 0607-001 | Seattle Real Estate Board |
1957-1958 |
6/22 | 0607-001 | Seattle University |
1960 |
6/23-24 | 0607-001 | Seattle Urban Renewal Enterprise |
1958-1961 |
7/1-5 | 0607-001 | United Good Neighbors |
1958-1964 |
7/6 | 0607-001 | United States, Federal Housing
Administration |
1957-1959 |
7/7 | 0607-001 | United States Health, Education and Welfare
Department |
1958 |
7/8-9 | 0607-001 | United States Housing and Home Finance
Agency |
1957-1963 |
8/1 | 0607-001 | United States Housing and Home Finance
Agency |
1963-1964 |
8/2 | 0607-001 | United States Navy Recruiting Station |
1950-1951 |
8/3 | 0607-001 | United States President, Equal Employment
Opportunities Committee |
1960-1963 |
8/4-5 | 0607-001 | United States President, Government Contracts
Committee |
1959-1960 |
8/6 | 0607-001 | United States President, Government Employment Policy
Committee |
1956-1958 |
8/7-11 | 0607-001 | Urban League National Office
Scope and Content:
These Papers from the National Office are not all general
correspondence; some are newsletters, memoranda and notes.
1955-1960 |
9/1-10 | 0607-001 | Urban League National Office |
1960-1962 |
10/1-12 | 0607-001 | Urban League National Office |
1962-1963 |
11/1-11 | 0607-001 | Urban League National Office |
1963-1964 |
12/1-12 | 0607-001 | Urban League National Office |
1964-1965 |
12/3 | 0607-001 | Urban League Chicago |
1960-1964 |
12/4 | 0607-001 | Urban League Los Angeles |
1958-1964 |
12/5 | 0607-001 | Urban League Miami |
1961 |
12/6 | 0607-001 | Urban League Minneapolis |
1959-1963 |
12/7 | 0607-001 | Urban League New York City |
1951-1963 |
12/8 | 0607-001 | Urban League Portland |
1953-1963 |
12/9 | 0607-001 | Urban League San Diego |
1959-1963 |
12/10-11 | 0607-001 | Urban League Seattle |
1963-1964 |
12/12 | 0607-001 | Urban League Washington, D.C. |
1956, 1959-1963 |
12/13 | 0607-001 | Urban League Western Regional Office |
1953-1960-1963 |
12/14 | 0607-001 | Urban League affiliates (miscellaneous )
Akron-Gary |
1950, 1961-1963 |
12/15 | 0607-001 | Urban League affiliates (miscellaneous ) Kansas
City-Winston-Salem |
1960-1964 |
12/16 | 0607-001 | Voluntary Home Mortgage Credit Program |
1955 |
12/17-26 | 0607-001 | Washington Board Against Discrimination |
1950-1963 |
13/1 | 0607-001 | Washington Employment Security Department |
1948-1949, 1963 |
13/2 | 0607-001 | Washington Penitentiary, Walla Walla |
1956-1957 |
13/3 | 0607-001 | Washington Public Assitance Department |
1959 |
13/4 | 0607-001 | Washington Vocational Education for
Rehabilitation |
1951 |
13/5 | 0607-001 | University of Washington |
1948-1962 |
13/6 | 0607-001 | Young Men's Christian Association |
1957-1958 |
Topical correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
13/7 | 0607-001 | Regarding: Open housing ordinance |
1963 |
13/8 | 0607-001 | Regarding: Television program |
1957 |
13/9-10 | 0607-001 | Regarding: "Seattle Profile" (radio-T.V.
series) |
1954-1955, 1959-1962 |
14/1-2 | 0607-001 | Regarding: Salary ranges |
1957-1963 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
14/3-13 | 0607-001 | Outgoing letters |
1956-1958, 1960-1963 |
14/14-17 | 0607-001 | Incoming letters |
1956-1957, 1960-1961 |
Reports |
1947-1964 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
15/1-3 | 0607-001 | Annual |
1947-1964 |
15/4 | 0607-001 | Housing projects |
1957 |
15/5-6 | 0607-001 | Internal, monthly |
1960-1963 |
15/7 | 0607-001 | Minority housing |
1960 |
15/8 | 0607-001 | Monthly narrative |
1953-1955 |
15/9 | 0607-001 | Reagrding: Seattle schools |
1959-1960 |
15/10 | 0607-001 | Survey of Seattle community patterns |
1954 |
15/11 | 0607-001 | To and from National Urban League |
1955-1963 |
15/12 | 0607-001 | Urban League intake -- A statistical study |
1950 |
15/13 | 0607-001 | World's Fair hiring |
1961-1962 |
Financial records |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
14/14 | 0607-001 | 1953, 1957 |
1953, 1957 |
16/1-5 | 0607-001 | 1958-1965 |
1958-1965 |
Ephemera |
circa 1952-1964 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
17/1 | 0607-001 | American Civil Liberties Union |
undated |
17/2-3 | 0607-001 | American Council to Improve Our
Neighborhood |
undated |
17/4 | 0607-001 | American Federation of Labor-Congress Industrial
Organization |
undated |
17/5-6 | 0607-001 | American Jewish Committee |
1958-1963 |
17/7-9 | 0607-001 | Anti-Defamation League |
1958-1963 |
17/10 | 0607-001 | A Miscellaneous |
17/11 | 0607-001 | Baptists Mount Zion Baptist Church |
1968 |
17/12 | 0607-001 | B Miscellaneous |
undated |
18/1 | 0607-001 | United States Chamber of Commerce |
undated |
18/2 | 0607-001 | Christian Friends for Racial Equality |
undated |
18/3 | 0607-001 | Cincinnati Mayor, Friendly Relations
Committee |
undated |
18/4 | 0607-001 | Civic Unity Committee, Seattle |
undated |
18/5 | 0607-001 |
"Community" Chicago
(Magazine) |
undated |
18/6 | 0607-001 | Community Relations Conference of Los
Angeles |
undated |
18/7 | 0607-001 | Community Relations Conference of Southern
California |
undated |
18/8 | 0607-001 | Community Relations Service, New York |
undated |
18/9 | 0607-001 | Congress Industrial Organization, Political Action
Committee |
undated |
18/10 | 0607-001 | Cosmopolitan Century Club, Seattle |
undated |
18/11 | 0607-001 | Council of Churches, National |
undated |
18/12 | 0607-001 | Council of Churches, Seattle |
undated |
18/13 | 0607-001 | Council of Churches, Washington - Northern
Idaho |
undated |
18/14 | 0607-001 | C Miscellaneous |
undated |
18/15 | 0607-001 | Des Moines, Iowa, Human Relations
Committee |
undated |
18/16 | 0607-001 | Encampment for Citizenship |
undated |
18/17 | 0607-001 | Engineers' Council for Professional
Development |
undated |
18/18 | 0607-001 | Family Society of Seattle |
undated |
18/19 | 0607-001 | Federation of Jewish Labor |
undated |
18/20 | 0607-001 | F Miscellaneous |
undated |
18/21 | 0607-001 | Health and Welfare Council of Seattle and King
County |
undated |
18/22 | 0607-001 | Jackson Street Community Council, Seattle |
undated |
19/1 | 0607-001 | Jewish Community Center |
undated |
19/2 | 0607-001 | King, Martin Luther, Jr. |
undated |
19/3 | 0607-001 | K Miscellaneous |
undated |
19/4 | 0607-001 | Los Angeles Welfare Council |
19/5 | 0607-001 | Mutual Life Insurance Company of North
Carolina |
undated |
19/6 | 0607-001 | M Miscellaneous |
undated |
19/7 | 0607-001 | National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People, New York |
undated |
19/8 | 0607-001 | National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People, Seattle |
undated |
19/9 | 0607-001 | National Association of Home Builders |
undated |
19/10 | 0607-001 | National Association of Social Workers |
undated |
19/11 | 0607-001 | National Child Labor Committee |
undated |
19/12 | 0607-001 | National Committee Against Discrimination in
Housing |
undated |
20/1 | 0607-001 | National Conference of Christians and Jews |
undated |
20/2 | 0607-001 | New York (City) Intergroup Relations
Commission |
undated |
20/3 | 0607-001 | New York (City) Education Board |
undated |
20/4 | 0607-001 | Newark Mayor, Group Relations Commission |
undated |
20/5 | 0607-001 | N Miscellaneous |
undated |
20/6 | 0607-001 | Oklahoma City Citizens' Action Committee |
undated |
20/7 | 0607-001 | "On the Tract" -- pamphlets |
undated |
20/8 | 0607-001 | Oregon Labor Bureau |
undated |
20/9 | 0607-001 | Pacific Northwest Personnel Management
Association |
undated |
20/10 | 0607-001 | Parents & Teachers Association,
Seattle |
undated |
20/11 | 0607-001 | Pittsburgh Human Relations Commission |
undated |
20/12 | 0607-001 | Pittsburgh Courier Publishing Company |
undated |
20/13 | 0607-001 | Public Affairs Committee |
undated |
20/14 | 0607-001 | Radio Corporation of America (RCA) |
undated |
20/15 | 0607-001 | Red Cross, United States |
undated |
20/16 | 0607-001 | Red Cross, Seattle |
21/1 | 0607-001 | Research Council for Economic Society |
undated |
21/2 | 0607-001 | Score |
undated |
21/3 | 0607-001 | Seattle Mayor |
undated |
21/4 | 0607-001 | Seattle Planning Commission |
undated |
21/5-6 | 0607-001 | Seattle Public Schools |
undated |
21/7 | 0607-001 | Seattle Public Schools, Edison Technical Schools and
Adult Education |
undated |
21/8 | 0607-001 | Seattle Urban Renewal Enterprise |
undated |
21/9-12 | 0607-001 | Southern Regional Council |
1959-1963 |
22/1 | 0607-001 | Southern Regional Council |
undated |
22/2 | 0607-001 | Tone Publication, Inc. |
undated |
22/3 | 0607-001 | "Tomorrows Scientists & Technicians" --
Pamphlets |
undated |
22/4 | 0607-001 | T Miscellaneous |
undated |
22/5 | 0607-001 | United Auto Workers |
undated |
22/6-7 | 0607-001 | United Good Neighbors |
undated |
22/8 | 0607-001 | United States Steel Corporation |
undated |
22/9-14 | 0607-001 | Urban League National Office |
undated |
23/1-2 | 0607-001 | Urban League National Office |
23/3 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Akron, Ohio |
undated |
23/4 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Anderson, Indiana |
undated |
23/5 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Atlanta, Georgia |
undated |
23/6 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Baltimore, Maryland |
undated |
23/7 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Boston, Massachusetts |
undated |
23/8 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Buffalo, New York |
undated |
23/9 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Chicago, Illinois |
1962-1963 |
23/10 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Cleveland |
1959-1963 |
23/11 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Colorado |
1962-1963 |
23/12 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Columbia, Ohio |
undated |
23/13 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Dayton, Ohio |
1961-1962 |
24/1 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Detroit, Michigan |
1955-1964 |
24/2 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Flint, Michigan |
1961-1964 |
24/3 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Gary, Indiana |
1959-1963 |
24/4 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Kansas City, Missouri |
1952-1963 |
24/5 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Los Angeles, California |
1953-1964 |
24/6 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Morris County, New Jersey |
1960-1963 |
24/7 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Muskegon, Michigan |
1960-1962 |
24/8 | 0607-001 | Urban League, New Orleans, Louisiana |
1960-1962 |
24/9 | 0607-001 | Urban League, New York City |
1960-1962 |
24/10 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Oklahoma City, Pklahoma |
1961-1964 |
24/11 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
1959-1963 |
24/12 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Phoenix, Arizona |
1961-1962 |
24/13 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |
1957-1964 |
24/14 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Portland, Oregon |
1958-1963 |
25/1 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Rhode Island |
1960-1961 |
25/2 | 0607-001 | Urban League, San Diego, Washington |
1960-1964 |
25/3 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Seattle |
1953, 1664 |
25/4 | 0607-001 | Urban League, South Bend, Indiana |
1960-1964 |
25/5 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Washington, D.C. |
1960-1963 |
25/6 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Wichita, Kansas |
1956 |
25/7 | 0607-001 | Urban League, Western Regional Office |
undated |
25/8-9 | 0607-001 | Urban League (various cities) A-Z
Miscellaneous |
undated |
25/10 | 0607-001 | Washington Board Against Discrimination |
1958-1960 |
25/11 | 0607-001 | Young Women's Christian Association |
undated |
National Urban League conferences |
1955-1963 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
26/1-10 | 0607-001 | Annual conference |
1955-1961 |
26/11 | 0607-001 | Board convention |
1955 |
26/12 | 0607-001 | Cleveland leadership |
1957 |
26/13 | 0607-001 | Delta workshop, Portland |
1961 |
26/14-16 | 0607-001 | Housing luncheon |
1958 |
27/1-2 | 0607-001 | Housing luncheon |
1959 |
27/3 | 0607-001 | Housing for minority families |
1955, 1961 |
27/4-7 | 0607-001 | Housing workshop |
1959, 1963 |
27/8-9 | 0607-001 | Human relations workshop |
1955, 1960-1963 |
27/10 | 0607-001 | Human resource workshop |
1960 |
27/11 | 0607-001 | Industrial relations and vocational
services |
1961 |
27/12 | 0607-001 | Nondiscrimination in employment |
1961 |
27/13 | 0607-001 | Personnel management seminar |
1962 |
27/14 | 0607-001 | Seabeck conference on leadership training |
1958 |
27/15 | 0607-001 | Southern Field Division |
1961 |
27/16 | 0607-001 | Staff workshop |
1957 |
27/17 | 0607-001 | "Tomorrow's Scientist and Technicians" --
pamphlets |
undated |
27/18-20 | 0607-001 | Vocational Guidance Institute |
1953-1958 |
28/1-12 | 0607-001 | Vocational Guidance Institute |
1959-1963 |
28/13 | 0607-001 | Washington conference |
1962 |
28/14 | 0607-001 | West coast joint staff conference |
1960 |
28/15 | 0607-001 | West Coast Urban Renewal Institute |
1963 |
28/16 | 0607-001 | Western regional office |
1960 |
28/17-18 | 0607-001 | Workshop -- "New Horizons in Community
Leadership" |
1961 |
28/19 | 0607-001 | Workshop on cultural factors |
1959 |
Clippings |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
29/1-13 | 0607-001 | General |
1952-1958 |
30/1-10 | 0607-001 | General |
1959-1964, 1966 |
Subject files |
circa 1950-1966 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
31/1 | 0607-001 | Age Discrimination Law |
31/2 | 0607-001 | Civic Community Committee, Seattle |
31/3 | 0607-001 | Civil Rights |
31/4-6 | 0607-001 | Education -- Scholarships |
31/7-17 | 0607-001 | Employment
Scope and Content:
1948-1960, undated |
31/18 | 0607-001 | Fair Employment Practice Committee |
31/19 | 0607-001 | Family Society of Seattle |
32/1 | 0607-001 | Health and welfare materials |
32/2-7 | 0607-001 | Housing: Rentals and urban renewals |
32/8 | 0607-001 | Leadership poll |
32/9 | 0607-001 | Narcotics |
32/10 | 0607-001 | Neighborhood house |
1955 |
32/11 | 0607-001 | Nursing |
32/12-13 | 0607-001 | Race relations |
32/14 | 0607-001 | Seattle, Government Departments |
32/15 | 0607-001 | Seattle, Parks and Recreation |
32/16 | 0607-001 | Seattle, Police Department (1960 four) |
33/1 | 0607-001 | Seattle, Police Department |
33/2-3 | 0607-001 | Seattle, Public Schools |
33/3-6 | 0607-001 | Seattle, Public Schools, Garfield High |
33/7 | 0607-001 | Social Work |
33/8 | 0607-001 | United States Employment Service |
33/9 | 0607-001 | Washington, Government |
33/10 | 0607-001 | University of Washington Social Work
School |
33/11 | 0607-001 | Youth problems |
33/12 | 0607-001 | Young Men's Christian Association, Seattle, East
Madison |
1950-1966 |
Case files
These are subdivided according to the headings of the Urban
League office. The subject divisions are: Affidavits, 1948-1958; By industry
and subject; Employment Discrimination; Fair Employment Practice Committee Case
Records; Washington State Board Against Discrimination cases; Welfare cases,
1955-1959; Individual cases (alphabetically by name of case)
Scope and Content:
The researcher should be aware that a subject file for
"housing", "employment discrimination", etc. will not contain all cases
relating to those subjects. More will be found in individual case folders and
elsewhere in this series.
Restrictions on Access:
Access subject to restrictions.
circa 1948-1960 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
34/1-9 | 0607-001 | Affidavits |
1948-1958 |
34/10 | 0607-001 | Agricultural Industry |
34/11-13 | 0607-001 | Alaska Project |
34/14 | 0607-001 | Amalgamated Clothing Workers |
34/15 | 0607-001 | American Federation of Labor |
34/16 | 0607-001 | American Jewish Committee |
34/17 | 0607-001 | Atkins, Vettress W. |
34/18 | 0607-001 | Bemis Bag Company |
34/19 | 0607-001 | Boeing Company |
34/20 | 0607-001 | Bremerton Oil Company |
34/21 | 0607-001 | Building Trade Council |
34/22 | 0607-001 | Cannery workers |
34/23 | 0607-001 | Clise, Charles F., Inc. |
34/24 | 0607-001 | Consolidated dairy products |
34/25 | 0607-001 | Continental Can Company |
34/26 | 0607-001 | Cooks and assistants |
34/37 | 0607-001 | Covey Laundry |
34/28 | 0607-001 | Discrimination in institutions of higher
learning |
34/29 | 0607-001 | Dureme, Inc. |
34/30 | 0607-001 | Electrical Workers Union |
34/31-33 | 0607-001 | Employment discrimination |
34/34-36 | 0607-001 | Fair Employment Practice Committee |
34/37 | 0607-001 | Foster, William B. |
35/1 | 0607-001 | Garment industries |
35/2 | 0607-001 | Golf clubs |
35/3 | 0607-001 | Goodlander, Francis |
35/4 | 0607-001 | Hara, Tsumi |
1955 |
35/5 | 0607-001 | Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders
International Union |
1948-1953 |
35/6 | 0607-001 | Housing |
35/7 | 0607-001 | Housing problems -- Tacoma |
35/8 | 0607-001 | Insurance companies |
35/9 | 0607-001 | International Longshoremen and Warehousemen's Union,
Local 1-19 |
35/10 | 0607-001 | King County Hospital |
35/11 | 0607-001 | Labor Temple, Seattle |
35/12 | 0607-001 | Laundry industry |
35/13 | 0607-001 | Lee, Clint W., Inc. |
35/14 | 0607-001 | McKinney, Jesse D. |
35/15 | 0607-001 | Marine Cooks and Steward Association |
35/16 | 0607-001 | Migrant workers |
35/17 | 0607-001 | Olympic Pic Company |
35/18 | 0607-001 | Olympic Steel Works |
35/19 | 0607-001 | Orpheum Garage, Inc. |
35/20 | 0607-001 | Pacific Car and Foundary Company |
35/21 | 0607-001 | Pacific Telephone and Telegram Company |
35/22 | 0607-001 | Pasco, William |
35/23 | 0607-001 | Picture modes |
35/24 | 0607-001 | Practical nurses |
35/25 | 0607-001 | Providence Hospital, Seattle |
35/26-27 | 0607-001 | Public accommodations |
35/28 | 0607-001 | Puget Sound Bridge and Dredge Company |
35/29 | 0607-001 | Rainier Brewing Company |
35/30 | 0607-001 | Restaurants |
35/31 | 0607-001 | Retail Clerk's Union |
35/32 | 0607-001 | Retail stores |
35/33 | 0607-001 | Seattle, Civil Service Commission |
35/34 | 0607-001 | Seattle Fire Department |
35/35 | 0607-001 | Seattle Public Schools, Garfield High |
35/36 | 0607-001 | Seattle Public Schools, King County |
35/37 | 0607-001 | Seattle Public Library |
35/38 | 0607-001 | Seattle Transit Authority |
35/39 | 0607-001 | Seattle Master Builders |
35/40 | 0607-001 | Seattle Packing Company |
35/41 | 0607-001 | Seattle-Tacoma Airport |
35/42 | 0607-001 | Seattle Trade's Council |
35/43 | 0607-001 | Shorewood Apartments |
35/44 | 0607-001 | Siler Mill Company |
35/45 | 0607-001 | Skyway Luggage Company |
35/46 | 0607-001 | Slenderella Systems |
35/47 | 0607-001 | Smith-Gandy Ford Company |
35/48 | 0607-001 | Smith, Kenneth V.S. Sakahara, Toru,
Attorney |
35/49 | 0607-001 | Standard Oil |
35/50 | 0607-001 | Stetson-Ross Machine Company |
35/51 | 0607-001 | Swift and Company |
35/52 | 0607-001 | Taxi companies |
36/1 | 0607-001 | Teamsters, International Brotherhood, Local
174 |
36/2 | 0607-001 | Teamsters Union, Local 307 |
36/3 | 0607-001 | Transportation Workers Union, Red Caps |
36/4 | 0607-001 | Typographical Union |
36/5 | 0607-001 | United States Army Transport Service |
36/6 | 0607-001 | United States Atomic Energy Commission |
36/7 | 0607-001 | United States Navy |
36/8 | 0607-001 | United States Navy Puget Sound Shipyard |
36/9 | 0607-001 | United States Thirteenth Naval District |
36/10 | 0607-001 | United States Post Office |
36/11 | 0607-001 | Van Vorst Company |
36/12 | 0607-001 | Waiters and Waitresses Union |
36/13-21 | 0607-001 | Washington discrimination against |
36/22 | 0607-001 | Washington Prison Terms and Parole Board |
36/23 | 0607-001 | University of Washington |
36/24 | 0607-001 | Washington Co-op and Poultry Association |
36/25-30 | 0607-001 | Welfare records |
1955-1959 |
36/31 | 0607-001 | Western Steel Castings Company, Inc. |
Committee files |
1948-1964 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
37/1-4 | 0607-001 | Citizens Committee on Negro Adoptions, correspondence,
minutes, clippings |
1961-1962 |
37/5-6 | 0607-001 | Citizens Committee on Minority Housing,
correspondence, notes, clippings |
1962-1963 |
37/7-16 | 0607-001 | Community Relations Committee, correspondence,
minutes, reports |
1957-1961 |
38/1-6 | 0607-001 | Community Relations Committee, correspondence,
minutes, reports, ephemera |
1959-1963 |
38/7 | 0607-001 | Community Services, correspondence,
reports |
1953, 1955, 1958 |
38/8-12 | 0607-001 | Education Committee, correspondence, minutes, notes,
ephemera |
1962-1964 |
38/13-17 | 0607-001 | Fair Employment Practices, Committee Review,
correspondence, minutes, reports, questionnaire, rphemera |
1948, 1956-1957 |
38/18-20 | 0607-001 | Garfield Retaining Committee, minutes,
ephemera |
1953-1955 |
39/1-7 | 0607-001 | Health and Welfare Committee, correspondence, minutes,
reports, notes, ephemera |
1961-1964 |
39/8-19 | 0607-001 | Housing Committee, correspondence, minutes, notes
(memos), ephemera |
1956-1963 |
40/1-7 | 0607-001 | Industrial Relations Committee, correspondence,
Scope and Content:
The Industrial Relations Committee's secretary, Richard Fox,
was responsible for the committee's work, and much of the secretary's work was
linked with that of the committee. Hence, no attempt has been made to
distinguish one from the other.
1954, 1956-1963 |
40/8 | 0607-001 | Job Development and Employment Committee,
correspondence, notes |
1963-1964 |
40/9-12 | 0607-001 | Labor Advisory Committee, correspondence, minutes,
notes (memos), ephemera |
1952, 1956-1959 |
40/13-16 | 0607-001 | Membership Committee, correspondence, membership
list |
1958-1963 |
40/17-18 | 0607-001 | Nominating Committee, correspondence, reports,
memos |
1960-1963 |
41/1 | 0607-001 | Public Relations Committee, correspondence |
1959 |
41/2-5 | 0607-001 | School Committee, correspondence, minutes, reports,
recommendations, memos, clippings, ephemera |
1956-1962 |
41/6-13 | 0607-001 | Urban Renewal Committee, correspondence, minutes,
reports |
1960-1961 |
42/1-6 | 0607-001 | Vocational Guidance & Institute Committee,
correspondence, minutes, memos, ephemera |
1951-1958 |
42/7 | 0607-001 | Youth Incentives Committee, report |
1963 |
Box | Accession | ||
43 | 0607-001 | Watts, Louis G. personal papers |
undated |
44 | 0607-001 | Pratt, Edwin T. personal papers |
Accession No. 0607-007: Seattle Urban League records, 1933-1984 (bulk 1960-1982)Return to Top
- Organizational records, 1933-1983
- Board of Directors, 1960-1980
- Edwin Pratt - Executive Director, 1948-1975
- Jerome Page - Executive Director, 1961-1982
- Seattle Urban League committees and departments, 1956-1984
- Related organizations, 1949-1982
Scope and Content: Contains correspondence, minutes, news releases, speeches and writings, budgets, newsletters, reports, subject files, scrapbooks, clippings, committee records, project files, ephemera, posters, and sound recordings.
The accession reflects the major organizational aspects of the Seattle Urban League from the 1960s through the early 1980s.
The Organizational records series dates from 1933-1983 (bulk 1962-1968) and provides an overview of the League and its activities. In particular, organizational files document changes and amendments to the League’s structure and mission over time, and the League’s annual reports from 1951 to 1983 give a summary of each year’s progress. In addition, there are scrapbooks of news clippings compiled both chronologically and by subject. These document League activities and concerns, as well as provide insight into civil rights issues of the 1950s and 1960s.
The Board of Directors series consists of material dating from 1960 to 1980. Recommendations, proposals, motions, resolutions, and statements series in this subgroup reveal the background and genesis of many of the League’s programs including Operation Equality, New Thrust, and On the Job Training. Other materials helpful in understanding League operations are the meeting packets: memos, statements, position papers and similar materials that were compiled for discussion and review at monthly board meetings. Financial records include monthly budget reports but also deal with program budgets. Executive Committee records are contained in this subgroup, and provide administrative data and information about committee activities. A confidential evaluation of Jerome Page for salary recommendation in 1978 within the Executive Committee records gives a summary of what the committee saw as the League’s program accomplishments for the mid 1970s.
The Edwin Pratt and Jerome Page Executive Director series are chiefly Seattle Urban League records generated by the executive directors and other staff. These records document League activities during the terms of these executive directors (Pratt 1960-1969, Page 1969-1979).
The Education Committee files comprise roughly .5 cubic feet of material dating from 1957 to 1981. Minutes document the numerous projects and activities of the Education Committee, especially its efforts to desegregate Seattle schools. Of particular interest is a complete 1964 copy of the Seattle Urban League’s “A Proposal for Re-organization of the Elementary Division of the Seattle Public Schools,” components of which were integrated into the Seattle School Board’s final desegregation plan.
The Education Department files consists of approximately 8.5 cubic feet of materials, primarily spanning the years 1968 to 1980. Correspondence, project files, reports, proposals, and subject files detail the many issues and activities concerning the Education Department. Salient topics include school desegregation, vocational training, multi-ethnic curricula, financial aid, and higher education for minorities. Subgroup highlights are materials documenting Project SUL and the formation of the Central Area School Council, two of the more significant endeavors undertaken by the Education Department. Among the Central Area School Council materials are subject files, clippings, and ephemera documenting its first election, held March 29, 1969.
The Health and Welfare Director files cover 1968 to 1982, primarily the years that Kay Thode served as Director of the Health and Welfare Department. A number of materials originating from her predecessor, Ivan King, are also present. This subgroup highlights the functions of the Health and Welfare Department, and especially Thode’s role as Health and Welfare Director. Her involvement in a wide range of social and health-related issues is documented by an extensive subject files and by the records of various committees and task forces she was associated with. In addition, project files for the Seattle Urban League’s Hypertension Project provide an excellent example of one of the Health and Welfare Department’s efforts to address quality of life issues faced by Seattle’s minority communities. Related to these files are the records of the Health and Welfare Committee, which likely served an advisory role to the Health and Welfare Director by helping to establish annual objectives and programs, as well as overseeing the Health and Welfare Department’s activities.
The Housing Committee files consist of materials dating from 1960 to 1968. These materials show the work of the Housing Committee in securing equal housing opportunities for minorities and the poor. Most noteworthy are project files for the Rental Project, which document the Housing Committee’s efforts to locate affordable housing for African-Americans outside the Central District.
The On-The-Job Training Program (OJT) files cover the years 1965 to 1980, and consist of correspondence, reports; contracts with Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA), and King-Snohomish Manpower Consortium (KSMC); materials from conferences and conventions, meeting minutes, and other records providing insight into the employment finding services and job training operations of this program. Project files include Concentrated Employment Program (CEP), an employment program which coordinated job development, counseling, coaching and placement; Minority Skills Bank, a system that matched skilled persons with contracted employers; Urban Awareness Program, a seminar-based project that worked with local businesses, such as The Seattle Times, to promote the hiring of minority employees; and In-School OJT. subject files include apprenticeship programs, equal opportunity programs, and National Urban League programs. The bulk of these materials appear to originate during David Lantry’s service as Project Director for OJT, circa 1973 to 1979.
This accession also contains several cubic feet of audio tapes. Most of the audio tapes appear to have been recorded during the 1960s, and include radio and television broadcasts, League sponsored events, and interviews. Among these are recordings of the Grass Roots Forum, the Thursday Forum, an interview with Roberta Byrd Barr and LeRoi Jones regarding Whitney Young, and what is possibly Edwin Pratt’s last speech before his assassination.
Physical/Technical Access: Listening equipment necessary for reel-to-reel audio tapes. Contact Special Collections for details.
Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.
Listening equipment necessary for reel-to-reel audio tapes. Contact Special Collections for details.
Acquisition Info: Accession No. 0607-007 is comprised of four separate accessions (1747-001, 0607-004, 0607-005, and 0607-06) that were combined in 2002 and 2003. The Seattle Urban League donated the records between 1971 and 1984, most of which had been stored in the basement of League headquarters at 14th and Yesler. Accession 1747-001 was received in 1971 and contained approximately 14 cubic feet of records, chiefly from the 1950’s and 1960’s. 0607-004 was received in 1981 and consisted of 3 cubic feet of scrapbooks of clippings and writings, photographs, and some correspondence and reports. 0607-005, received in 1984, comprised some 66 cubic feet of records dating from 1963-1983. 0607-006 measured 2.5 inches and was mostly newsletters and ephemera from 1966-1978. Accession 0607-007 also includes Seattle Urban League newsletters, flyers, ephemera, and other mailings received by the University of Washington Libraries between 1966 and 1979.
Processing Info: Merged and processed in 2002-2003. Processing was completed in 2007.
Processing Info: Three 1/2" open reel video tapes, two 3/4" U-matic video cassettes, seven reels of 16 mm motion picture film, approximately 82 color slides, and roughly one cubic foot of photographs were relocated to the Seattle Urban League Photograph and Moving Image Collection, PH Coll. 625, in Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries.
The video cassettes and open reel video tapes appear to be mostly public service announcements produced for the Seattle Urban League during the late 1970s. Of particular interest is a video recording of a press conference held for National Urban League president, Vernon E. Jordan, on April 10, 1978, at Seattle’s Langston Hughes Cultural Center. Also of note are master copies of two public service announcements funded by the Seattle Urban League and the Food and Drug Administration. The first of these, entitled “Check It Out!” concerns nutrition labels on food items and was scripted and produced by Rainier Beach High School students. The second public service announcement, “Handle With Care!” deals with the proper application of cosmetics. It too employed the script writing and production talents of Garfield High School students. Both videos were created under the direction of the League’s Neighborhood Youth Consumer Education Project/Seattle Consumer Action Team (NYCEP/SCAT) during the first half of 1977.
The reels of 16 mm motion picture film seem to date from the late 1960s to early 1970s, and are mostly short television announcements that were most likely created by the National Urban League. Especially notable is a copy of the Seattle Urban League’s 1969 Annual Report that was probably shown as part of its 1970 “Non-Dinner” Annual Meeting and aired on KIRO TV, May 24, 1970. The film outlines major programs and activities undertaken by the League during 1969 and indicates the direction it hoped these would take in 1970 and beyond. It features discussions with Jerome Page, Luther Carr, Kay Thode, and Carl McCray. It also features the presentation of the 1969 Edwin T. Pratt Man-of-the Year Award by Mayor Wes Uhlman to Tyree Scott, and has footage of a speech by National Urban League president, Whitney Young, Jr. This film also documents unfavorable living conditions in Seattle’s Central District, with footage of houses in the ghetto, public demonstrations, and social unrest.
Another highlight is a ca. 1967 film that appears to document the Urban League’s On-The-Job Training Program. It features footage of skilled workers in factories and other business settings, the Seattle Urban League offices, and what appears to be an interview with Edwin Pratt. Also of interest is a short film from 1967 of a membership appeal for the Seattle Urban League by Mayor J.D. Braman.
The color slide images mostly date from 1975 to 1979, with a few dating to 1967. In general, these depict various League projects, events, and activities. One especially significant group of slides provides documentation of staff activities and day-to-day operations at the Seattle Urban League’s headquarters, ca. 1975. Also of note are slides used for NYCEP/SCAT public service announcements on cosmetic use, as well as slides of high school students and Urban League staff that are possibly related to the NYCEP/SCAT videos mentioned above.
Lastly, the photographs relocated from this accession cover the years ca. 1936 to ca. 1978, and are mostly black and white. Taken as a whole, these photographs document the Seattle Urban League’s development through the 1940s and 1950s and its evolution in the 1960s and 1970s with the advent and growth of the civil rights movement. The subject matter of these photos is primarily Urban League functions and events, various staff members and guest speakers, and public demonstrations. There are also numerous promotional or publicity photos. Photographs of League staff and public activities during the years prior to Edwin Pratt’s directorship are noteworthy, as are photos taken for the Central Area School Council elections and photos of the Advocates for Affirmative Action demonstration at Seattle City Hall in 1972. Also worth mentioning are photographs from the mid-1960s documenting housing conditions in the Central District, as well as numerous annual meeting photographs.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Organizational records |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
1/1 | 0607-007 | Historical features |
1953-1954, circa 1973 |
1/2-7 | 0607-007 | Organization |
1953, 1961-1978, undated |
Incoming letters |
To Ivan King |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
1/8 | 0607-007 | National Urban League |
1964-1966 |
1/9 | 0607-007 | Seattle Human Rights Commission |
1964-1966 |
1/10 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools |
1964-1966 |
1/11 | 0607-007 | Urban League affiliates |
1964-1966 |
1/12 | 0607-007 | Washington Adoption Resource Exchange |
1964-1966 |
1/13-15 | 0607-007 | A-Z Miscellaneous |
1964-1966 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
1/16 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Research |
1966 |
1/17 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1957-1963, 1972 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
1/18-35 | 0607-007 | Outgoing letters |
1961-1965 |
2/1-30 | 0607-007 | Outgoing letters |
1965-1970 |
3/1-27 | 0607-007 | Outgoing letters |
1970-1973 |
4/1-18 | 0607-007 | Outgoing letters |
1973-1976, 1979 |
4/19 | 0607-007 | Memoranda |
1965-1982 |
Minutes |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
4/20 | 0607-007 | Staff meetings |
1967, 1970-1972 |
4/21 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1971 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
4/22 | 0607-007 | Staff rosters |
1979-1981 |
4/23-26 | 0607-007 | News releases |
1961-1972 |
box-folder:oversize | |||
81/1 | 0607-007 | News releases |
1965 |
Resolutions |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
4/27-29 | 0607-007 | Seattle |
1963-1966 |
4/30 | 0607-007 | National |
1962-1966 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
4/31 | 0607-007 | Office file guide |
circa 1972 |
Statements |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
5/1 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League |
1959, 1961 |
5/2 | 0607-007 | Churches and Race |
1966, 1968 |
5/3 | 0607-007 | Education |
1950, 1962-1964 |
5/4 | 0607-007 | Fair Housing Law Campaign |
1963-1967 |
5/5 | 0607-007 | Race Relations Improvement |
1963, 1966 |
5/6 | 0607-007 | National Urban League |
1966, 1968, 1973 |
Speeches and writings |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
5/7 | 0607-007 | Annual Dinner Script |
1977 |
5/8 | 0607-007 | National Urban League |
1964, undated |
5/9 | 0607-007 | Race Relations |
1965 |
5/10 | 0607-007 | Of Irene Taeuber |
1958 |
5/11 | 0607-007 | Of Whitney Young, Jr. |
1964 |
Budget files and reports |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
5/12-29 | 0607-007 | To United Good Neighbors Fund (Community Chest of
Seattle and King County) |
1959-1974 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
5/30 | 0607-007 | Auditor's reports |
1956-1964 |
Newsletters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
5/31 | 0607-007 | Bandersnatch |
1970-1971 |
5/32-34 | 0607-007 | Of Seattle Urban League |
1959-1978, 1981 |
5/35 | 0607-007 | Of others |
1958-1973 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
5/36-6/4 | 0607-007 | Publications |
1960-1968, undated |
6/5-6 | 0607-007 | Police Operations Manual - SPD |
undated |
Reports |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
6/7-8 | 0607-007 | Annual |
1951-1983 |
6/9-7/5 | 0607-007 | Monthly statistics |
1959-1967 |
7/6-8 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League miscellaneous |
1962-1974 |
7/9 | 0607-007 | National Urban League evaluations of
Seattle |
1963-1974 |
7/10-11 | 0607-007 | National Urban League miscellaneous |
1954, 1966-1970, undated |
7/12-14 | 0607-007 | Tapley's Hospital survey |
1968 |
7/15 | 0607-007 | "Audit of Intergroup Relations in the City of
Seattle" |
1950 |
7/16-21 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous (others) |
1957-1972 |
Project Files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
7/22 | 0607-007 | A.I.D. (International Students) |
1963-1966 |
7/23 | 0607-007 | "Doors are Opening" |
1964 |
7/24 | 0607-007 | Downtown Project/J.C. Penney report |
1964 |
7/25 | 0607-007 | Grassroots forum |
1967 |
8/1-2 | 0607-007 | Labor Education Advancement Program |
1967-1969 |
8/3-4 | 0607-007 | Reading workshop |
1964 |
8/5 | 0607-007 | Summer Reading Program |
1964 |
8/6-8 | 0607-007 | Thursday forum |
1969, undated |
8/9-11 | 0607-007 | Triad Plan |
1964-1966 |
8/12 | 0607-007 | Vocational Institute |
1961-1962 |
8/13-16 | 0607-007 | Voter Registration |
1973 |
Event files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
8/17-48 | 0607-007 | Annual meetings (of the Seattle Urban
League) Photographs
1963-1970 |
9/1 | 0607-007 | Black Economic Summit meeting |
1974 |
9/2 | 0607-007 | Forum on the Washington scene |
1969, undated |
9/3 | 0607-007 | Job fair |
1964-1965 |
9/4-6 | 0607-007 | National Urban League conferences |
1970, 1974-1977 |
9/7-12 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Delegate
Assemblies |
1975-1978 |
9/13 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Executive Directors
meeting |
1977-1978 |
9/14 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Labor Affairs
conference |
1973 |
9/15 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Management seminar |
1977 |
9/16 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Minority Highway Construction
Project |
1974, undated |
9/17 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Urban Affairs
Conference |
1973 |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
9/18 | 0607-007 | All-American City Contest |
1967 |
9/19 | 0607-007 | American Civil Liberties Union |
1966-1968 |
9/20 | 0607-007 | Anti-Semitism |
1963-1965, undated |
9/21 | 0607-007 | Black Achievement Awards |
1975 |
9/22 | 0607-007 | Black Student Union |
1968 |
9/23 | 0607-007 | Business and industry survey |
1960-1961 |
9/24 | 0607-007 | CARITAS Interracial Center |
1965, undated |
9/25-26 | 0607-007 | Census |
1957-1963 |
9/27 | 0607-007 | Central Area Economic Opportunity Citizen's
Committee |
1965 |
9/28 | 0607-007 | Central Area Neighborhood Opportunity
Center |
1965 |
9/29-32 | 0607-007 | Central Contractors Association |
1969-1970 |
9/33 | 0607-007 | Children's agencies |
undated |
9/34 | 0607-007 | Church involvement |
1964-1966, undated |
9/35 | 0607-007 | Economics of inequality; economic problems of
Negros |
1954-1967 |
9/36 | 0607-007 | Education in the ghetto |
1969, undated |
9/37 | 0607-007 | Equal employment opportunity |
1966-1967 |
9/38 | 0607-007 | Expo housing issues |
1962 |
9/39 | 0607-007 | Freeways/Citizens Against the R. H.
Thomson |
1969 |
9/40 | 0607-007 | Health and Social Welfare Council |
1977 |
9/41-44 | 0607-007 | Housing |
1963-1967 |
9/45 | 0607-007 | Indian Fish-In |
1965 |
9/46 | 0607-007 | King County Probation and Parole
Department |
1966 |
10/1 | 0607-007 | Law Enforcement Advisory Council of Seattle Bar
Assoc. |
1967-1968 |
10/2 | 0607-007 | National Urban League, Affiliation
information |
1977 |
10/3 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Housing and Community
Development |
1975-1978 |
10/4 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Housing Foundation |
1968 |
10/5 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Minority Aged
Services |
1977 |
10/6 | 0607-007 | New Careers Project |
undated |
10/7 | 0607-007 | Plans for Progress program |
1966-1967 |
10/8 | 0607-007 | Property rights and personal property |
1963 |
10/9 | 0607-007 | Public housing |
1960, 1961 |
10/10 | 0607-007 | Race relations |
1966 |
10/11 | 0607-007 | Religious resources |
1964 |
10/12 | 0607-007 | Retail selling survey |
1961 |
10/13-14 | 0607-007 | School curricula |
1962-1965, undated |
10/15 | 0607-007 | Seattle Chamber of Commerce |
1966-1967 |
10/16 | 0607-007 | Seattle Chamber of Commerce Intergroup Relations
Workshop |
1965 |
10/17 | 0607-007 | Seattle Model Cities Program Education
Committee |
1968 |
10/18 | 0607-007 | Seattle Opportunities Industrialization
Center |
1967 |
10/19 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools, Building plans and
policies |
1959, undated |
10/20 | 0607-007 | Seattle school boycott |
1966 |
10/21 | 0607-007 | Seattle schools |
1964-1966 |
10/22 | 0607-007 | Seattle topless activities |
1965-1966 |
10/23 | 0607-007 | Tax exemption |
1956-1959, 1964 |
10/24 | 0607-007 | Title II funds |
undated |
10/25 | 0607-007 | Trade Unions & Negroes, Relationship of Union
& Civil Rights |
1965-1967 |
10/26 | 0607-007 | Tri-cities area |
1961 |
10/27-31 | 0607-007 | United Good Neighbors |
1954-1966 |
10/32 | 0607-007 | United States Civil Rights Commission |
1962-1966 |
10/33 | 0607-007 | United States Civil Service Commission |
1966-1967 |
10/34 | 0607-007 | Federal Housing Administration |
1965-1966 |
10/35 | 0607-007 | United States Veterans Administration |
1963-1965 |
10/36 | 0607-007 | United Way |
1978 |
Urban League affiliates |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
10/37-11/1 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1958-1968 |
11/2 | 0607-007 | New York |
1969-1970 |
11/3 | 0607-007 | Omaha |
1933-1965, undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
11/4 | 0607-007 | Vocational Rehabilitation |
1966-1967 |
11/5 | 0607-007 | Washington (State). Employment Security
Department |
1960-1963 |
11/6 | 0607-007 | Washington (State). Department of Public
Assistance |
1956, 1964 |
11/7 | 0607-007 | Washington Association of Social Welfare |
1963-1966 |
11/8 | 0607-007 | Washington Citizens Committee for Civil Rights
Legislation |
1960-1963 |
11/9 | 0607-007 | World Congress of Peace Forces |
1973 |
11/10-11 | 0607-007 | Young, Whitney M., Jr. |
1961-1966 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
11/12 | 0607-007 | Contracts |
1969-1970, undated |
11/13 | 0607-007 | Applications - Grants |
circa 1965, undated |
11/14-18 | 0607-007 | Lists |
1957-1966, undated |
11/19-20 | 0607-007 | Photographs (photocopies) |
1973, undated |
11/21-28 | 0607-007 | Ephemera |
1961-1980, undated |
Pamphlet Files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
11/29 | 0607-007 | Adoption, childcare, and youth |
1959-1961, undated |
11/30 | 0607-007 | Attitudes |
1963, undated |
11/31 | 0607-007 | Audio-visual aids |
1963-1965, undated |
12/1 | 0607-007 | Bibliography |
1963-1966 |
12/2 | 0607-007 | Business |
1961, undated |
12/3-4 | 0607-007 | Civil Liberties and Civil Rights |
1962-1966 |
12/5-6 | 0607-007 | Curriculum |
1950, 1965 |
12/7 | 0607-007 | Educational Opportunities |
1964, undated |
12/8 | 0607-007 | Employment Opportunity - Seattle |
1965-1966, undated |
12/9 | 0607-007 | Employment Opportunity - Specific
Careers |
1966, undated |
12/10 | 0607-007 | Integration |
1963-1964, undated |
12/11 | 0607-007 | Labor |
1956-1965 |
12/12 | 0607-007 | Legislation |
1961-1962, undated |
12/13 | 0607-007 | Religion |
1959-1963 |
12/14 | 0607-007 | Schools |
1963-1966 |
Research Materials |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
12/15 | 0607-007 | Bibliographies - Human Relations |
1956-1966, undated |
12/16-17 | 0607-007 | Bibliographies - The Negro in Print |
1966, undated |
12/18 | 0607-007 | Bibliographies - Title I and Head Start |
1966, undated |
12/19 | 0607-007 | Brotherhood |
1961-1967, undated |
12/20 | 0607-007 | Curriculum Proposals |
1965-1966 |
12/21 | 0607-007 | Equal Educational Opportunity |
undated |
12/22 | 0607-007 | "Facts at Your Fingertips" - American Jewish
Committee |
1964 |
12/23 | 0607-007 | "The Founder's Day Fund" - Clark College National
Alumni Association |
1964 |
12/24 | 0607-007 | Head Start |
1966, undated |
12/25 | 0607-007 | Intergroup Education |
undated |
12/26 | 0607-007 | Labor |
1960-1964 |
12/27 | 0607-007 | People to People |
1963 |
12/28 | 0607-007 | Reading Programs |
1966, undated |
13/1 | 0607-007 | Research |
1958-1963 |
13/2 | 0607-007 | "Secretarial Seminars and Workshops Made Easy" -
National Secretaries Association |
1962-1963 |
13/3 | 0607-007 | State Labor Council |
1966 |
13/4 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1966-1967 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
13/5 | 0607-007 | Maps - Seattle Negro Population |
1940-1965 |
Scrapbooks |
box:oversize | Accession | ||
82 | 0607-007 | General Clippings 2 vols.
1969-1973 |
83 | 0607-007 | Civil Rights Movement in Seattle |
1963 |
83 | 0607-007 | General Clippings (vol. 3) |
1971 |
84 | 0607-007 | "Civil Rights Legislation to 1964, Intergroup
Relations, Seattle Public Schools" |
1960-1964 |
84 | 0607-007 | "Intergroup Relations, Transfer Program and
Miscellany, Seattle Public Schools" |
1964 |
84 | 0607-007 | "Miscellaneous Integration, Leading up to Transfer
Program In Seattle Public Schools" |
1956-1963 |
85 | 0607-007 | General clippings Regarding: Urban League and Civil
Rights 7 vols.
1958-1969 |
Clippings |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
13/6 | 0607-007 | Adoption, Children's Homes |
1966-1967 |
13/7 | 0607-007 | Bremerton race tension |
1966 |
13/8 | 0607-007 | Cable T.V. |
1973 |
13/9 | 0607-007 | Central Area organizations |
1967-1968 |
13/10 | 0607-007 | Church - resolutions on race |
1965, 1967 |
13/11 | 0607-007 | [Other] Civil rights organizations |
1966-1968 |
13/12 | 0607-007 | Continuous Progress centers |
1968 |
13/13-14 | 0607-007 | Discrimination, cost of |
1962-1968, undated |
13/15 | 0607-007 | Education |
1965-1968 |
13/16 | 0607-007 | Equal Employment Opportunity |
1965-1967 |
13/17 | 0607-007 | Franklin High School incident |
1968 |
13/18 | 0607-007 | Guaranteed income maintenance |
1966 |
13/19 | 0607-007 | Housing - Group (open housing, etc.) |
1966-1968 |
13/20 | 0607-007 | Job opportunities and employment |
1968 |
13/21 | 0607-007 | King, Martin Luther |
1963-1968 |
13/22 | 0607-007 | King County Grand Jury report |
1966 |
13/23 | 0607-007 | Labor and race relations |
1966 |
13/24 | 0607-007 | Negro Voters League |
1968 |
13/25 | 0607-007 | Open housing |
1963 |
13/26 | 0607-007 | Police practices |
1968 |
13/27 | 0607-007 | Political candidates |
1967-1968 |
13/28 | 0607-007 | Race, health, welfare |
1963-1968 |
13/29 | 0607-007 | Race labeling |
1961-1962 |
13/30 | 0607-007 | Racial climate, Seattle |
1967-1968 |
13/31 | 0607-007 | Racial riots |
1967-1968 |
13/32 | 0607-007 | Reese incident |
1965 |
13/33 | 0607-007 | School transfer program |
1968 |
13/34 | 0607-007 | Seattle Observer |
1964 |
13/35 | 0607-007 | Seattle, Building and Construction Trade
Unions |
1969 |
13/36-39 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools |
1965-1968, 1978-1979 |
13/40 | 0607-007 | Seattle, Racial Disturbances |
1968 |
13/41 | 0607-007 | Seattle Times - Donald K. Smith series |
1965 |
13/42 | 0607-007 | University of Washington |
1968 |
13/43-44 | 0607-007 | S.U.L. Miscellany |
1963-1968 |
14/1-2 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1958-1968 |
Sound Recordings; Sound tape reels
General Notes:
User listening copies (on CD-ROM) mentioned in this inventory
are located in box 87
Box | Accession | ||
77 | 0607-007 | Adult Seminar 5 sound tape reels
Digital Content/Other Formats:
Listening copy on CD-ROM available.
1967 January 15-1967 February 12 |
77 | 0607-007 | Annual Meetings of Seattle Urban League 6 sound tape reels
1964-1967 |
77 | 0607-007 | Bellevue Civil Rights 1 sound tape reel
undated |
77 | 0607-007 | Black Muslims, KIRO 1 sound tape reel
undated |
77 | 0607-007 | Board Staff Meeting 1 sound tape reel
Digital Content/Other Formats:
Listening copy on CD-ROM available.
1969 January 29 |
77 | 0607-007 | "Richard L. Butterfield - Ketchikan,
Alaska" 1 sound tape reel
undated |
77 | 0607-007 | "Cabbages Young" 1 sound tape reel
undated |
77 | 0607-007 | "Mr. & Mrs. Charles" parts 1,2,3 2 sound tape reels
undated |
77 | 0607-007 | Family Study 1 sound tape reel
undated |
77 | 0607-007 | "Godfrey Cambridge and unidentified news
columnist" 1 sound tape reel
undated |
77 | 0607-007 | "Mr. and Mrs. Gayton" 1 sound tape reel
undated |
77 | 0607-007 | Grass Roots Forum 15 sound tape reels
Digital Content/Other Formats:
Listening copy on CD-ROM available.
1965-1967 |
78 | 0607-007 | Grass Roots Forum 6 sound tape reels
1967-1968 |
78 | 0607-007 | Housing Workshop 2 sound tape reels
1963 March 9 |
78 | 0607-007 | Interview: Leroi Jones - Roberta Byrd 1 sound tape reel
undated |
78 | 0607-007 | KIRO Public Pulse 9 sound tape reels
1966, undated |
78 | 0607-007 | KIRO TV - Housing 1 sound tape reel
undated |
78 | 0607-007 | KOL Inquiry with Edwin Pratt 1 sound tape reel
1965 February 14 |
78 | 0607-007 | KOMO School Proposals 1 sound tape reel
undated |
78 | 0607-007 | KRAB Radio Commentary 1 sound tape reel
1964 |
78 | 0607-007 | KYAC Radio spot announcement 1 sound tape reel
undated |
78 | 0607-007 | Labor Education Advancement Program (LEAP) Proposal
- Art Green 1 sound tape reel
undated |
78 | 0607-007 | National Urban League "New Thrust" radio promotion
with James Brown 1 sound tape reel
undated |
78 | 0607-007 | Seattle Profile #3-19 17 sound tape reels
undated |
79 | 0607-007 | Seattle Profile #20-26 7 sound tape reels
undated |
79 | 0607-007 | "Seattle Urban League Center" 1 sound tape reel
undated |
79 | 0607-007 | "Seattle Urban League Dinner" 1 sound tape reel
1973 May 25 |
Speeches |
Box | Accession | ||
79 | 0607-007 | "Crisis in the Nation" 1 sound tape reel
undated |
79 | 0607-007 | Of Martin Luther King - "I Have a
Dream" 1 sound tape reel
undated |
79 | 0607-007 | Of Edwin Pratt 6 sound tape reels
1967-1969, undated |
Box | Accession | ||
79 | 0607-007 | Summer Seminar 9 sound tape reels
1966 July 19-August 23 |
79 | 0607-007 | "Thirty Minutes" 1 sound tape reel
undated |
79 | 0607-007 | Thursday Forum 10 sound tape reels
1965-1967 |
80 | 0607-007 | Thursday Forum 14 sound tape reels
1967-1969, undated |
80 | 0607-007 | Urban League Annual Dinner 2 sound tape reels
Digital Content/Other Formats:
Listening copy on CD-ROM available.
1968, undated |
80 | 0607-007 | Urban League Conversation 4 sound tape reels
1965-1966 |
80 | 0607-007 | "Urban League Dedication of Building" 1 sound tape reel
1973 December 8 |
80 | 0607-007 | Urban League Special 2 sound tape reels
undated |
80 | 0607-007 | "Whitney M. Young Memorial Service" 1 sound tape reel
1971 March 19 |
80 | 0607-007 | "Whitney M. Young Speeches from the O.I.C.
Conference" 1 sound tape reel
undated |
80 | 0607-007 | "Whitney Young Press Conference at Olympic
Hotel" 1 sound tape reel
1969 January 30 |
80 | 0607-007 | Unidentified recordings 5 sound tape reels
undated |
Sound Recordings; CD-ROM |
Adult Seminar |
Box | Accession | ||
87 | 0607-007 | CD 1: "Segregation is Killing Me!" 5 CD-ROM: 2 user, 2 master, 1 WAV
1967 January 15 |
87 | 0607-007 | CD 2: "Why Negroes Have Too Many
Babies" 5 CD-ROM: 2 user, 2 master, 1 WAV
1967 January 22 |
87 | 0607-007 | CD 3: "Where do Negro Leaders Come
From?" 5 CD-ROM: 2 user, 2 master, 1 WAV
1967 January 29 |
87 | 0607-007 | CD 4: "How to be Sane Though Negro" 5 CD-ROM: 2 user, 2 master, 1 WAV
1967 February 5 |
87 | 0607-007 | CD 5: "World Revolution of Color" 5 CD-ROM: 2 user, 2 master, 1 WAV
1967 February 12 |
Box | Accession | ||
87 | 0607-007 | CD 6: Board Staff Meeting 5 CD-ROM: 2 user, 2 master, 1 WAV
1969 January 29 |
Grass Roots Forum |
Box | Accession | ||
87 | 0607-007 | CD 7: "Role of the Church in the Social
Revolution" 3 CD-ROM: 1 user, 1 master, 1 WAV
1965 September 21 |
87 | 0607-007 | CD 8: "Who Needs the Negro" 5 CD-ROM: 2 user, 2 master, 1 WAV
1966 January 11 |
87 | 0607-007 | CD 9: "Does White Man Speak with Forked
Tongue?" 3 CD-ROM: 1 user, 1 master, 1 WAV
1966 February 8 |
87 | 0607-007 | CD 10: "Should Children Be Used in Civil
Disobedience?" 5 CD-ROM: 2 user, 2 master, 1 WAV
1966 May 10 |
87 | 0607-007 | CD 11: "Triple Revolution: Gravestones or
Monuments for Public Education" 5 CD-ROM: 2 user, 2 master, 1 WAV
1966 October 18 |
87 | 0607-007 | CD 12: "Is the Lost Sheep of Social Reform
Labor?" 5 CD-ROM: 2 user, 2 master, 1 WAV
1966 November 15 |
87 | 0607-007 | CD 13: "Health and Welfare or Wealth and
Hellfare?" 5 CD-ROM: 2 user, 2 master, 1 WAV
1967 January 17 |
87 | 0607-007 | CD 14: "Why Women Hide Out in the
Home" 5 CD-ROM: 2 user, 2 master, 1 WAV
1967 February 21 |
87 | 0607-007 | CD 15: "The Third Bridge a South Wall for the
Ghetto" 5 CD-ROM: 2 user, 2 master, 1 WAV
1967 April 25 |
87 | 0607-007 | CD 16: "Is Recreation a Wreck?" 5 CD-ROM: 2 user, 2 master, 1 WAV
1967 June 20 |
87 | 0607-007 | CD 17: "An Urban Riot: Who Wins, Who
Loses" 5 CD-ROM: 2 user, 2 master, 1 WAV
1967 September 19 |
87 | 0607-007 | CD 18: "Are You Being Cheated on Your
Food?" 5 CD-ROM: 2 user, 2 master, 1 WAV
1967 October 17 |
87 | 0607-007 | CD 19: "Will I Have Christmas Mom?" 5 CD-ROM: 2 user, 2 master, 1 WAV
1967 December 12 |
87 | 0607-007 | CD 20: "Seattle's Scheduled Race Riot" 5 CD-ROM: 2 user, 2 master, 1 WAV
1967 December 20 |
87 | 0607-007 | CD 21: Urban League Annual Dinner 3 CD-ROM: 1 user, 1 master, 1 WAV
1968 |
Board of Directors |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
14/3-8 | 0607-007 | Organization |
1961-1978 |
Incoming letters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
14/9 | 0607-007 | From board members |
1966-1978 |
14/10-12 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous A-Z |
1965-1979 |
Outgoing letters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
14/13-15 | 0607-007 | Board mailings |
1966-1979 |
14/16-18 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1968-1979, undated |
General correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
14/19-25 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1961-1974 |
14/26-27 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Board membership |
1964-1966, 1973 |
14/28 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Henderson/Hale high school
case |
1964 |
14/29 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Holiday party |
1972 |
14/30 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Membership appeals |
1972-1974 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
14/31-33 | 0607-007 | Memoranda |
1966-1974 |
14/34-37 | 0607-007 | Minutes and agenda |
1960-1961 |
15/1-26 | 0607-007 | Minutes and agenda |
1961-1972 |
16/1-8 | 0607-007 | Minutes and agenda |
1973-1979, undated |
16/9 | 0607-007 | Minutes and agenda of miscellaneous board
meetings |
1964-1969, 1979 |
16/10-53 | 0607-007 | Meeting packets |
1966-1980 |
box-folder:oversize | |||
81/2 | 0607-007 | Meeting packets |
October 1970 |
Event files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
16/54-17/7 | 0607-007 | Board/staff meetings, retreats, workshops |
1964-1966 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
17/8-9 | 0607-007 | Attendance |
1960-1974, undated |
box-folder:oversize | |||
81/3 | 0607-007 | Attendance |
1960-1965 |
Box/Folder | |||
17/10 | 0607-007 | Employment programs |
1976-1978 |
17/11 | 0607-007 | Executive director's reports |
1977-1978, undated |
17/12 | 0607-007 | Field investigation |
1979 |
17/13 | 0607-007 | Housing Committee |
1967-1968 |
17/14 | 0607-007 | Monthly statistical |
1967-1969 |
17/15 | 0607-007 | On-The-Job Training |
1967 |
17/16 | 0607-007 | Operation Equality |
1967-1970 |
17/17 | 0607-007 | Race relations |
1966, 1968 |
17/18 | 0607-007 | Scholarships |
1967-1978 |
17/19 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1966-1979, undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
17/20-26 | 0607-007 | Financial records |
1968-1979, undated |
17/27 | 0607-007 | Recommendations |
1977-1978 |
17/28-29 | 0607-007 | Proposals |
1964-1979, undated |
17/30 | 0607-007 | Motions |
1976-1979, undated |
17/31-33 | 0607-007 | Resolutions |
1966-1979, undated |
17/34-36 | 0607-007 | Statements |
1966-1979 |
Speeches and writings |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
17/37-38 | 0607-007 | of Board members |
1967-1978, undated |
17/39-40 | 0607-007 | of others |
1966-1977, undated |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
17/41 | 0607-007 | Areas of concern |
1972-1977, undated |
17/42 | 0607-007 | Parking lot |
1976 |
17/43 | 0607-007 | School desegregation |
1977 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
17/44-45 | 0607-007 | News releases |
1964-1979 |
17/46 | 0607-007 | Notes |
undated |
17/47 | 0607-007 | Lists |
1964-1972, undated |
17/48 | 0607-007 | Forms |
undated |
17/49 | 0607-007 | Ephemera |
1978, undated |
17/50 | 0607-007 | Clippings |
1964-1978 |
17/51 | 0607-007 | Miscellany |
1968, undated |
Committee files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
17/52-55 | 0607-007 | Membership Committee |
1964-1979 |
17/56, 18/1-2 | 0607-007 | Nominating Committee |
1964-1979, undated |
Executive Committee |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
18/3 | 0607-007 | Organization |
1972-1976, undated |
18/4 | 0607-007 | Outgoing letters |
1961-1970, 1977 |
18/5 | 0607-007 | General correspondence |
1961, 1970-1973 |
18/6-10 | 0607-007 | Memoranda |
1961-1976 |
18/11-21 | 0607-007 | Minutes and agenda |
1961-1979 |
18/22 | 0607-007 | Financial records |
1961-1977, undated |
18/23 | 0607-007 | Reports |
1960, 1970 |
18/24 | 0607-007 | Subject file - King County Contract
Compliance |
1979 |
18/25 | 0607-007 | Notes |
1970,1977, undated |
18/26 | 0607-007 | Evaluation of Jerome Page, Executive
Director |
1978 |
Edwin Pratt - Executive Director |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
18/27 | 0607-007 | Biographical features |
undated |
Incoming letters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
18/28 | 0607-007 | American Jewish Committee, Seattle
Chapter |
1963-1969 |
18/29 | 0607-007 | Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, Pacific
Northwest Region |
1964-1968 |
18/30 | 0607-007 | Helen Bush-Parkside School |
1963, 1966 |
18/31 | 0607-007 | Central Area Community Council |
1963, 1967 |
18/32 | 0607-007 | Christian Friends for Racial Equality |
1956-1965 |
18/33 | 0607-007 | Humphrey, Hubert H. |
1968 |
18/34 | 0607-007 | KCTS |
1965-1969 |
18/35 | 0607-007 | KING Broadcasting Company |
1963-1968 |
18/36 | 0607-007 | King County Freeholders |
1968 |
18/37 | 0607-007 | KIRO |
1964-1966 |
18/38 | 0607-007 | KOMO |
1963-1968 |
18/39-41 | 0607-007 | National Urban League |
1961-1968 |
18/42-43 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Western Regional
Office |
1964-1968 |
18/44 | 0607-007 | Seattle, City Council |
1963, 1968 |
18/45 | 0607-007 | Seattle, Municipal court |
1966 |
18/46 | 0607-007 | Seattle, Public Schools |
1963-1968 |
18/47 | 0607-007 | United States Federal Housing
Administration |
1962-1968 |
18/48 | 0607-007 | United States Department of Labor |
1968 |
18/49 | 0607-007 | United States - Various federal agencies |
1961-1968 |
18/50-51 | 0607-007 | University of Washington. School of Social
Work |
1962-1968 |
18/52 | 0607-007 | University of Washington - Various
departments |
1962-1968 |
18/53-54 | 0607-007 | Urban League Affiliates |
1963-1968 |
18/55 | 0607-007 | Washington (State). Department of Public
Assistance |
1962-1968 |
18/56 | 0607-007 | Young, Whitney M. Jr. |
1968 |
18/57 | 0607-007 | Young Men's Christian Association.
Seattle |
1961-1965 |
18/58-19/17 | 0607-007 | A-Z |
1961-1969 |
19/18 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Annual Meeting |
1968 |
19/19 | 0607-007 | Regarding: National Urban League
conference |
1963 |
19/20 | 0607-007 | Hate Letters |
1962-1967 |
19/21 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous unidentified |
1964-1965 |
Outgoing letters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
19/22-20/2 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1961-1969 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/3-4 | 0607-007 | Membership mailings |
1966-1968 |
20/5 | 0607-007 | Form letters |
undated |
General correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/6 | 0607-007 | Doces, John |
1966 |
20/7 | 0607-007 | Jones, Rex |
1961-1966 |
20/8-13 | 0607-007 | United Good Neighbors |
1963-1968 |
20/14 | 0607-007 | Various Labor Organizations |
1963-1967 |
20/15 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Middle school Proposal |
1968 |
20/16 | 0607-007 | Regarding: PB&S and Assoc, Inc. |
1966 |
20/17-24 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous Personal |
1960-1969, undated |
Memoranda |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/25 | 0607-007 | Memos from Mr. Pratt |
1966-1968 |
20/26-27 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1961-1966 |
Interoffice correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/28 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Staff meetings |
1967-1969 |
20/29-31 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1967-1969 |
Correspondence of others |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/32 | 0607-007 | Jerome Page |
1967-1968 |
20/33 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League Staff |
1965-1968 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/34 | 0607-007 | Minutes of others |
1963, 1968 |
Reports |
1961-1968, undated | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/35 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Alcoholism |
1966-1968 |
20/36 | 0607-007 | "The Economic Status of the Seattle
Negro" |
circa 1966 |
20/37 | 0607-007 | Financial report |
1968 |
20/38 | 0607-007 | Legal Services Center |
1967 |
20/39 | 0607-007 | Membership reports |
1968-1969 |
20/40 | 0607-007 | Newcomers programs |
1966, undated |
20/41 | 0607-007 | "The Non-White Worker in the Seattle Metropolitan
Area" |
1963 |
20/42 | 0607-007 | Perron, Carol's work log |
undated |
20/43 | 0607-007 | Racial employment rates |
1967 |
20/44 | 0607-007 | Rental Project |
1959 |
20/45 | 0607-007 | Seattle response to President's Commission on Civil
Disorders |
1968 |
20/46-48 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League program |
1964-1967 |
20/49 | 0607-007 | Social welfare survey |
1965-1966, undated |
20/50 | 0607-007 | Survey of racial attitudes in the Broadview
district |
1948, 1968 |
20/51 | 0607-007 | Wash. State Advisory Committee to |
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights |
1967 | ||
20/52 | 0607-007 | YMCA survey |
1956 |
20/53 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1961-1964 |
Speeches and writings |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
21/1-3 | 0607-007 | of Pratt |
1958-1967 |
21/4-5 | 0607-007 | of Seattle Urban League members |
1968. undated |
21/6 | 0607-007 | of Whitney Young, Jr. |
1967, undated |
21/7-16 | 0607-007 | of others |
1950-1968, undated |
Event files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
21/18-19 | 0607-007 | A. I. D. correspondence |
1968 |
21/20 | 0607-007 | A. I. D. foreign students |
1967-1968, undated |
21/21-23 | 0607-007 | A. I. D. Program Leadership Training
Seminar |
1967-1968 |
21/24 | 0607-007 | National Urban League conference |
1968 |
21/25-26 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League annual meeting |
1968 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
21/27-22/3 | 0607-007 | Seminar on Equal Opportunities and Racial
Harmony |
1968 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
22/4 | 0607-007 | Washington State Board Against
Discrimination/Seattle Urban League Staff conference |
1967 |
22/5 | 0607-007 | Whitney Young Jr. visit |
1968 |
22/6-7 | 0607-007 | Resolutions |
1964-1967, undated |
22/8 | 0607-007 | News releases |
1965-1969, undated |
Newsletters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
22/9 | 0607-007 | Trends in housing |
1965-1966 |
22/10 | 0607-007 | Of others |
1964-1968 |
Project files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
22/11 | 0607-007 | Adult seminars |
1967 |
22/12 | 0607-007 | Black Adult Self-Help (BASH) |
1968 |
22/13 | 0607-007 | Central Area Community School Council |
1968-1969 |
22/14-15 | 0607-007 | Grass Roots Forum |
1965-1967 |
22/16 | 0607-007 | Housing Intern Program |
1968-1969 |
22/17-19 | 0607-007 | Labor Education Advancement Program
(LEAP) |
1967-1970 |
22/20-21 | 0607-007 | Minority Crime Prevention |
1957-1960 |
22/22-29 | 0607-007 | Negro Scholarship Fund |
1964-1966 |
22/30 | 0607-007 | Police Harassment Study |
1967, undated |
22/31-32 | 0607-007 | SAV-CAP effort |
1966-1967 |
22/33-34 | 0607-007 | Summer Program for Participation of Black Student
Members in Urban League Programs |
1968-1969 |
22/35-45 | 0607-007 | Thursday Forum |
1966, 1968 |
23/1 | 0607-007 | Work Study |
1966-1968 |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
23/3 | 0607-007 | Ad Hoc Committee for Emergency Services |
undated |
23/4 | 0607-007 | Apprenticeship program information |
1967, undated |
23/5 | 0607-007 | Birth Control |
1963-1968 |
23/6 | 0607-007 | Black Social Workers |
1968 |
23/7 | 0607-007 | Black United Front |
1968 |
23/8 | 0607-007 | Black Unity Coalition |
1968 |
23/9 | 0607-007 | Central Area Committee for Peace and Improvement
(CAPI) |
1968, undated |
23/10 | 0607-007 | Central Area Services Center |
1967-1968, undated |
23/11 | 0607-007 | Central Area Statistics |
1950-1964, undated |
23/12 | 0607-007 | Church and State |
1963-1968, undated |
23/13 | 0607-007 | Church Resolutions on Race |
1967 |
23/14 | 0607-007 | Citizens Crusade Against Poverty |
1968 |
23/15 | 0607-007 | Citizens for Quality Education |
1967-1968, undated |
23/16 | 0607-007 | Citizen's Legislative Review Committee (Seattle City
Council) |
1968, undated |
23/17 | 0607-007 | Citizens Planning Council |
1968, undated |
23/18-19 | 0607-007 | Civil Rights Organizations, Other |
1967-1968, undated |
23/20-21 | 0607-007 | Community Action Program |
1966, 1968, undated |
23/22-23 | 0607-007 | Community Agencies and Organizations |
1962-1966, undated |
23/24 | 0607-007 | Consumer Education in Housing |
1954-1966, undated |
23/25 | 0607-007 | Council of Churches of Greater Seattle |
1968 |
23/26 | 0607-007 | Delinquency and Institutions |
undated |
23/27 | 0607-007 | Discrimination Cases |
1957-1964, undated |
23/28-29 | 0607-007 | Doors are Opening (Booklet) |
1964, undated |
23/30 | 0607-007 | East Side Conference on Religion and
Race |
1963-1968, undated |
23/31-32 | 0607-007 | Education |
1964-1968, undated |
23/33-34 | 0607-007 | Educational Programs |
1962-1969 |
23/35 | 0607-007 | Family Planning |
1965-1967 |
23/36 | 0607-007 | Federal Employment |
1963-1965 |
23/37 | 0607-007 | Federal Exams |
1967, undated |
23/38 | 0607-007 | Federal Fair Housing Act |
1968, undated |
23/39 | 0607-007 | Ghetto Involvement |
1968 |
23/40 | 0607-007 | Girl Scouts of America |
1968 |
23/41 | 0607-007 | Governor's Conference on Education |
1968 |
23/42 | 0607-007 | Governor's Council on Aging |
1962-1965 |
23/43-45 | 0607-007 | Housing Laws and Legislation |
1960-1969 |
23/46 | 0607-007 | "In White America" program |
1964-1965 |
24/1 | 0607-007 | Job Development/Descriptions |
undated |
24/2 | 0607-007 | Job Opportunities |
1968 |
24/3 | 0607-007 | Jobs Now |
1968 |
24/4 | 0607-007 | Justice Without Violence Workshop |
1969 |
24/5 | 0607-007 | King County Probation and Parole
Department |
1967 |
24/6 | 0607-007 | King County Welfare Association |
1966 |
24/7 | 0607-007 | Leschi Improvement Council |
1966, undated |
24/8 | 0607-007 | Meany, (Edmond) Jr. High |
1961, 1966-1967 |
24/9 | 0607-007 | Model Neighborhood Citizen participation |
undated |
24/10 | 0607-007 | National and State Legislation |
1960-1965 |
24/11 | 0607-007 | National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People |
1962, undated |
24/12 | 0607-007 | National Association of Intergroup Relations
Officials |
1966 |
24/13 | 0607-007 | National Reparations Committee |
1962 |
24/14 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Fellowship |
1968 |
24/15 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Human Resources
Program |
1966-1967 |
24/16 | 0607-007 | Negotiation Now |
1967 |
24/17-19 | 0607-007 | Negro First Family Booklet |
1963, undated |
24/20 | 0607-007 | Negro Voters League |
undated |
24/21-25 | 0607-007 | New Thrust |
1968-1969, undated |
24/26 | 0607-007 | Newsletters |
1968-1969 |
24/27-28 | 0607-007 | PTA Human Relations Conference Program Advisory
Committee |
1967-1968 |
24/29 | 0607-007 | Planned Parenthood Center of Seattle |
1964-1966 |
24/30-31 | 0607-007 | Police |
1961-1967, undated |
24/32 | 0607-007 | Police Community Relations |
1967-1968 |
24/32 | 0607-007 | Police Department (Seattle) |
1968-1969 |
24/34-36 | 0607-007 | Police Questionnaire |
1959-1960, undated |
24/37 | 0607-007 | Police Practices |
1965-1967 |
24/38-39 | 0607-007 | Police Tours |
1958-1960, undated |
24/40 | 0607-007 | Public Housing Administration |
1959-1964 |
24/41 | 0607-007 | Race labeling in newspapers |
1960 |
24/42 | 0607-007 | Reese incident |
1965 |
24/43 | 0607-007 | Referendum 35, 1967 |
1967-1968 |
24/44 | 0607-007 | Right to Work |
1966-1967, undated |
24/45 | 0607-007 | Rumor Center |
1968 |
24/46-48 | 0607-007 | Seattle, Human Rights Commission |
1963-1969, undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
24/49-25/2 | 0607-007 | Seattle, Model Cities |
1967-1968, undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
25/3-4 | 0607-007 | Seattle, Public Schools |
1966-1968 |
25/5 | 0607-007 | Seattle Atlantic Street Center |
1962-1964 |
25/6-7 | 0607-007 | Seattle Charter Amendment |
1967 |
25/8 | 0607-007 | Seattle Community Council and Committees |
1966-1968 |
25/9 | 0607-007 | Seattle Fair Housing Ordinance |
1968, undated |
25/10 | 0607-007 | Seattle Friends of Student Nonviolent Coordinating
Committee |
1967 |
25/11 | 0607-007 | Seattle-King County Board of Realtors |
1967-1968, undated |
25/12-18 | 0607-007 | Seattle-King County Economic Opportunity
Board |
1965-1968, undated |
25/19-20 | 0607-007 | Seattle Press Council |
1967-1968 |
25/21 | 0607-007 | Seattle Voting Statistics |
1964, undated |
25/22 | 0607-007 | Social Welfare - Race, Health and
Welfare |
1967, undated |
25/23 | 0607-007 | Supreme Court Civil Rights Decisions |
1967-1968 |
25/24 | 0607-007 | Tacoma Civil Rights clearing house (Tacoma Catholic
Interracial Council) |
1968, undated |
25/25-26 | 0607-007 | Tacoma Urban League |
1968 |
25/27 | 0607-007 | Three-M Areas |
1961, undated |
25/28 | 0607-007 | Tri-Cities |
1968 |
25/29 | 0607-007 | United States Commission of Civil Rights |
1965-1967, undated |
25/30 | 0607-007 | United States Federal Housing
Administration |
1960-1965 |
25/31 | 0607-007 | United States House Un-American Activities
Committee |
1966-1967 |
25/32-33 | 0607-007 | United States Office of Economic Opportunity
(Seattle-King County Economic Opportunity Board) |
1966-1969, 1975, undated |
25/34-35 | 0607-007 | University of Washington - Conferences |
1968, undated |
25/36-38 | 0607-007 | University of Washington - Programs |
1964-1966, undated |
25/39 | 0607-007 | Urban Employment Program |
1967 |
25/40-41 | 0607-007 | Urban Renewal |
1960-1966 |
25/42 | 0607-007 | Veterans |
1968-1969 |
26/1-7 | 0607-007 | Washington State. Board Against
Discrimination |
1964-1970 |
26/8 | 0607-007 | Washington State. Legislature |
1966-1967 |
26/9-10 | 0607-007 | Washington State. Department of Public
Instruction |
1961-1967 |
26/11 | 0607-007 | Yakima |
1967-1968 |
26/12 | 0607-007 | YMCA-YWCA |
1966-1967 |
26/13 | 0607-007 | YWCA Unmarried Mothers Program |
1967, undated |
26/14 | 0607-007 | Youth Incentives - Dropouts |
1964-1968, undated |
26/15-18 | 0607-007 | Pamphlets |
1966-1967, undated |
26/19 | 0607-007 | Contracts - Of Local Unions |
1964-1967 |
Personnel Files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
26/20-21 | 0607-007 | Rettie, C. William |
1967-1968 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
26/22 | 0607-007 | Court papers |
1970-1971 |
26/23 | 0607-007 | Ephemera |
1964-1968 |
26/24-31 | 0607-007 | Lists |
1961-1969, undated |
26/32-34 | 0607-007 | Clippings |
1956, 1963-1968 |
26/35 | 0607-007 | Agencies Discussion Group |
1961-1964 |
26/36-38 | 0607-007 | Central Area Civil Rights Committee |
1963-1969 |
26/39 | 0607-007 | Committee Of Agency Executives |
1963-1968 |
26/40 | 0607-007 | District School Committee On Bottomly
Proposal |
1968, undated |
26/41 | 0607-007 | Garfield Community Council |
1958-1967 |
26/42 | 0607-007 | Information Systems Committee |
1967-1968 |
26/43 | 0607-007 | Joint Study Committee Between Black And Jewish
Communities |
1968-1969 |
26/44 | 0607-007 | Municipal League Of Seattle And King County. Civil
Rights Committee |
1966 |
26/45-47 | 0607-007 | Municipal League Of Seattle And King County. Urban
Social Problems Committee |
1968-1970 |
26/48 | 0607-007 | Municipal League Of Seattle And King County.
Candidates Investigating Committee |
1963-1966 |
26/49 | 0607-007 | Puget Sound Ad Hoc Housing Fund Committee |
1967-1968 |
26/50 | 0607-007 | Urban League Seattle, Ad Hoc Committee - Structure And
Function |
1967 |
27/1-4 | 0607-007 | Urban League Seattle, Minority Housing
Committee |
1957-1967 |
27/5 | 0607-007 | Urban League Seattle, Speakers Bureau |
1961-1963 |
27/6-11 | 0607-007 | Washington. Attorney General. Citizen's Committee On
Crime |
1967-1968, undated |
Jerome Page - Executive Director |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
27/12 | 0607-007 | Biographical features |
1969, undated |
27/13-14 | 0607-007 | Organization |
1961, 1974-1976, undated |
Incoming letters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
27/15 | 0607-007 | Adams, Brock |
1969, 1976 |
27/16 | 0607-007 | American Civil Liberties Union.
Washington |
1969-1978 |
27/17 | 0607-007 | American Jewish Committee. Seattle |
1969-1975 |
27/18 | 0607-007 | Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. Pacific
Northwest Region |
1970-1977 |
27/19 | 0607-007 | Black Academy of Music |
1975 |
27/20 | 0607-007 | Black Retreat Steering Committee |
1970 |
27/21 | 0607-007 | Boeing Company |
1969-1972, 1978 |
27/22 | 0607-007 | Boy Scouts of America. Chief Seattle
Council |
1969-1970, 1978 |
27/23 | 0607-007 | Central Area Community Alcoholism Center |
1976 |
27/24 | 0607-007 | Central Seattle Community Council |
1969-1970 |
27/25 | 0607-007 | Council of Churches of Greater Seattle |
1969-1970 |
27/26 | 0607-007 | Decuir, Herman H, Sr. |
1970-1972 |
27/27 | 0607-007 | Dudley, Don T. |
1975-1979 |
27/28 | 0607-007 | Evans, Daniel J. |
1971-1976 |
27/29 | 0607-007 | Frayn, R. Mort |
1976-1978 |
27/30 | 0607-007 | Girl Scouts of America. Totem Girl Scout
Council |
1969-1970 |
27/31 | 0607-007 | Hruza, Frank L. |
1970 |
27/32 | 0607-007 | Jackson, Henry M. |
1969-1979 |
27/33 | 0607-007 | Jordan, Vernon E. |
1974, 1978-1979 |
27/34 | 0607-007 | KCTS |
1972-1979 |
27/35 | 0607-007 | King County |
1969-1978 |
27/36 | 0607-007 | King-Snohomish Manpower Consortium |
1974-1979 |
27/37 | 0607-007 | KING TV |
1969-1979 |
27/38 | 0607-007 | KIRO Radio and Television |
1970-1973 |
27/39 | 0607-007 | KOMO Radio |
1969 |
27/40 | 0607-007 | KYAC Radio |
1974-1977 |
27/41 | 0607-007 | League of Women Voters of Seattle |
1969-1970, 1978 |
27/42 | 0607-007 | Magnuson, Warren Grant |
1969, 1978-1979 |
27/43 | 0607-007 | NAACP. Seattle Branch |
1969-1979 |
27/44 | 0607-007 | NAACP, various branches |
1969-1979 |
27/45 | 0607-007 | National Commission for Manpower Policy |
1977-1978 |
27/46 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Administration
Department |
1969-1978 |
27/47 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Board of Trustees |
1969 |
27/48 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Executive
Department |
1969-1978 |
27/49 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Field Services
Department |
1969-1970, 1974 |
27/50 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Personnel
Department |
1969-1970 |
27/51 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Program
Development |
1969-1978 |
27/52 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Public Relations
Department |
1970 |
27/53 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Washington Bureau |
1969, 1974 |
27/54-56 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Western Regional
Office |
1969-1979 |
27/57 | 0607-007 | Pritchard, Joel |
1975-1978 |
27/58 | 0607-007 | Private Sector Initiatives |
1977-1979 |
27/59 | 0607-007 | Ray, Dixy Lee |
1977, 1979 |
27/60 | 0607-007 | Royer Charles |
1978-1979 |
27/61 | 0607-007 | Schneider, Lawrence |
1969-1970 |
27/62 | 0607-007 | Seattle, City Council |
1969-1977 |
27/63 | 0607-007 | Seattle, Executive Department |
1970, 1979 |
27/64 | 0607-007 | Seattle, Human Resources Department |
1973-1979 |
27/65 | 0607-007 | Seattle, Human Rights Department (Human Rights
Commission) |
1972-1979 |
27/66 | 0607-007 | Seattle, Public Schools |
1969-1979 |
27/67-68 | 0607-007 | Seattle Central Community College |
1969-1979 |
27/69 | 0607-007 | Seattle Chamber of Commerce |
1969-1977 |
27/70 | 0607-007 | Seattle Communication Council |
1969 |
27/71 | 0607-007 | Seattle-First National Bank |
1971-1978 |
27/72 | 0607-007 | Seattle-King County New Careers Project |
1974-1975 |
27/73 | 0607-007 | Seattle Opportunities Industrialization
Center |
1969-1973 |
27/74 | 0607-007 | Smith, Charles Z. |
1970-1979 |
27/75 | 0607-007 | Tacoma Urban League |
1974-1976 |
27/76 | 0607-007 | Talbert, Henry A. |
1976-1977 |
27/77 | 0607-007 | Uhlman, Wesley C. |
1970-1976 |
27/78 | 0607-007 | United Airlines |
1975-1979 |
27/79 | 0607-007 | United Front for Survival |
1973 |
28/1 | 0607-007 | United Inner-City Development Foundation |
1975-1979 |
28/2 | 0607-007 | United States Department of Labor |
1969-1978 |
28/3 | 0607-007 | University of Washington. College of Education
Visiting Committee |
1970 |
28/4 | 0607-007 | University of Washington. School of Social
Work |
1969-1979 |
28/5 | 0607-007 | University of Washington (various
offices) |
1969-1979 |
28/6 | 0607-007 | Urban League Affiliates |
1969-1979 |
28/7 | 0607-007 | Washington. Employment Security
Department |
1969-1979 |
28/8 | 0607-007 | Washington. Social and Heath Services |
1978-1979 |
28/9 | 0607-007 | Washington Jockey Club (Kenneth
Alhadeff) |
1977-1978 |
28/10 | 0607-007 | Western Washington State College |
1969-1979 |
28/11 | 0607-007 | Young Men's Christian Association.
Seattle |
1970, 1977-1979 |
28/12 | 0607-007 | Young Women's Christian Association. Seattle-King
County |
1969-1979 |
28/13-16 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous A - D |
1969-1979 |
28/17-32 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous E - Z |
1969-1979 |
28/33 | 0607-007 | First name only and unsigned |
1971-1976 |
28/34 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Marshall, Clifford |
1974 |
28/35 | 0607-007 | Regarding: People Running for Public
Office |
1977 |
28/36 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Youth Community |
1970 |
Outgoing letters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
28/37-38 | 0607-007 | To the membership of the Seattle Urban
League |
1969-1977 |
28/39-44 | 0607-007 | Chronological |
1969-1979 |
29/1-4 | 0607-007 | Chronological |
1979, undated |
General correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
29/5 | 0607-007 | Black Cultural Association |
1972 |
29/6 | 0607-007 | Breakfast Group |
1971 |
29/7 | 0607-007 | King County. Prosecuting Attorney |
1974 |
29/8-10 | 0607-007 | National Urban League |
1970-1974 |
29/11-12 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Western Regional
Office |
1972-1978 |
29/13 | 0607-007 | News media |
1971-1973 |
29/14 | 0607-007 | Seattle, City Council |
1969 |
29/15 | 0607-007 | United Good Neighbors |
1970 |
29/16 | 0607-007 | United States Community Services
Administration |
1974-1979 |
29/17 | 0607-007 | United States Office of Economic
Opportunity |
1974-1977 |
29/18 | 0607-007 | Urban League Affiliates |
1971 |
29/19 | 0607-007 | Washington. Army National Guard |
1971-1974 |
29/20 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Administrator of the Office of Public
Defender (Washington state) |
1970 |
29/21 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Affirmative Action |
1973 |
29/22 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Membership |
1970 |
29/23 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Minority Business Education |
1971 |
29/24 | 0607-007 | Regarding: National Guard "Youth Today"
Program |
1974 |
29/25 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Relocation (of Seattle Urban League
offices) |
1972 |
29/26 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Seattle Mental Health
Institute |
1973-1974 |
29/27 | 0607-007 | Regarding: UW. School of Dentistry. Minority Affairs
Committee |
1977 |
29/28 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Urban Services Center
dedication |
1973 |
29/29-39 | 0607-007 | Chronological |
1970-1979 |
Interoffice correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
30/1 | 0607-007 | Benson, Maurice "Buzzy" (Building
Manager) |
1977-1979 |
30/2 | 0607-007 | Department Heads |
1977 |
30/3 | 0607-007 | Lantry, David N. (Program Planning) |
1978 |
30/4 | 0607-007 | Peak, Carleton |
1978-1979 |
30/5 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Pratt Awards |
1969 |
30/6-25 | 0607-007 | Chronological |
1969-1979 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
30/26-37 | 0607-007 | Reader files |
1969-1979 |
Minutes |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
30/38 | 0607-007 | All-Staff meetings |
1970 |
31/1-2 | 0607-007 | All-Staff meetings |
1971-1978 |
31/3 | 0607-007 | Department Heads meetings |
1976-1978 |
31/4 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1971, 1977 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
31/5 | 0607-007 | Staff roster |
1979 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
31/6-15 | 0607-007 | Of the Seattle Urban League |
1969-1979 |
31/16-19 | 0607-007 | Of the National Urban League and
affiliates |
1969-1978 |
31/20-30 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1970-1977, undated |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
31/31 | 0607-007 | 1969 Political Campaigns |
1969 |
31/32 | 0607-007 | 1970 Census Undercount of Blacks |
1970 |
31/33 | 0607-007 | Abie Label and Associates |
1970 |
31/34-49 | 0607-007 | Affirmative Action |
1969-1978, undated |
32/1 | 0607-007 | Affirmative Minority Construction Opportunity
(AMCO) |
1970 |
32/2 | 0607-007 | Afro-American Journal |
1969-1970 |
32/3 | 0607-007 | Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity |
1971-1973, undated |
32/4 | 0607-007 | Asian American Advisory Council |
1972 |
32/5 | 0607-007 | Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies |
1972-1973 |
32/6 | 0607-007 | Associated Grocers Inc. |
1969 |
32/7 | 0607-007 | Black Arts West |
1972-1973 |
32/8 | 0607-007 | Black - Jewish Dialogue |
1973 |
32/9 | 0607-007 | Black Media |
1973 |
32/10 | 0607-007 | Black Panther Party. Washington |
1969-1970 |
32/11 | 0607-007 | Black Social Workers Scholarship Fund |
1975 |
32/12 | 0607-007 | Black Student Unions |
undated |
32/13 | 0607-007 | Black Women's Network |
1980, undated |
32/14 | 0607-007 | Bremerton Urban League |
1976 |
32/15 | 0607-007 | Brisker, E.J. Proposal |
1973-1974 |
32/16 | 0607-007 | Case to Maintain an Independent Office of Contract
Compliance |
1979 |
32/17 | 0607-007 | Center for Career Alternatives |
1980-1981 |
32/18 | 0607-007 | Center for Urban Studies |
1975 |
32/19 | 0607-007 | Central Area Bicentennial Forum |
1976 |
32/20 | 0607-007 | Central Area Community Alcoholism Center |
1974-1975 |
32/21 | 0607-007 | Central Area Crime Prevention Committee |
1970 |
32/22-26 | 0607-007 | Central Area Motivation Program (CAMP) |
1964-1972, 79-1981 |
32/27 | 0607-007 | Central Area Senior Citizens |
1974-1975 |
32/28 | 0607-007 | Central Contractors Association |
1969 |
32/29 | 0607-007 | Central Seattle Community Council |
1969-1971 |
32/30-31 | 0607-007 | Central Seattle Community Council
Federation |
1972-1976 |
32/32-33 | 0607-007 | Children/Child Care |
1973-1974 |
32/34 | 0607-007 | Citizens Against Mandatory Busing (CAMB)
suit |
1972 |
32/35 | 0607-007 | Citizens for Fair School Funding |
1976 |
32/36 | 0607-007 | CMP Support Services |
1974 |
32/37 | 0607-007 | Coalition Against Discrimination |
1970 |
32/38 | 0607-007 | Coalition Against Recall |
1972 |
32/39 | 0607-007 | Coalition Concern |
1971 |
32/40 | 0607-007 | Communications |
1969 |
32/41 | 0607-007 | Community Disorders |
1970 |
32/42 | 0607-007 | Community Improvement School |
1969 |
32/43 | 0607-007 | Community/Police Cooperative Planning
Committee |
1970 |
32/44 | 0607-007 | Comprehensive Manpower Act |
1973, undated |
32/45-46 | 0607-007 | Concerned Central Area Citizens (CACC) |
1969 |
32/47 | 0607-007 | Contract Compliance Ordinance |
1972 |
32/48-49 | 0607-007 | Contract Compliance Program |
1978 |
32/50 | 0607-007 | Council Journal (Council of Executive Officers
/Nat'l Urban League) |
1974 |
32/51-52 | 0607-007 | Day Care Development Project |
1977 |
32/53 | 0607-007 | Detroit Urban League |
1971, 1974 |
32/54 | 0607-007 | East Side Human Relations Council |
1969-1970 |
32/55 | 0607-007 | Economic Development Advisory Committee |
1973-1974 |
32/56-63 | 0607-007 | Education |
1970-1972, undated |
32/64 | 0607-007 | Elections |
1969 |
32/65 | 0607-007 | Energy Crisis |
undated |
32/66 | 0607-007 | Emergency Employment Act |
1971 |
32/67 | 0607-007 | Garfield High School Community Action
Meeting |
1976 |
32/68 | 0607-007 | Health Systems Plan for Northwest
Washington |
1977 |
33/1 | 0607-007 | Hollow Point Bullets |
1974-1975 |
33/2 | 0607-007 | Honorary Legislative Resolution |
1971 |
33/4 | 0607-007 | Interim |
1969-1970 |
33/5-6 | 0607-007 | Interstate 90 |
1969-1974 |
33/7 | 0607-007 | Jobs |
1970 |
33/8 | 0607-007 | Jordan, Vernon E. |
1971 |
33/9 | 0607-007 | KCTS TV |
1971 |
33/10 | 0607-007 | KING TV |
1970 |
33/11 | 0607-007 | Latcholia, Kenneth E. |
1973 |
33/12 | 0607-007 | Legislative Watch Committee |
1974 |
33/13 | 0607-007 | Mayoral Candidate Human Rights Forum |
1977 |
33/14 | 0607-007 | Minority Businesses |
1972 |
33/15 | 0607-007 | Model Campaign Finance Reform Act |
1970 |
33/16 | 0607-007 | National Council of Negro Women. Seattle |
1970 |
33/17 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Education |
1969 |
33/18 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Trustees |
1972 |
33/19 | 0607-007 | Neighborhood Youth Corps |
1971 |
33/20 | 0607-007 | Northwest Council of Black Professional
Engineers |
undated |
33/21 | 0607-007 | Northwest Minority Manpower Association |
1972-1973 |
33/22 | 0607-007 | Northwest Regional Energy Conference |
1977 |
33/23 | 0607-007 | Northwest Regional Foundation |
undated |
33/24 | 0607-007 | Opportunities for Minorities in Health Science
Positions |
1975, undated |
33/25 | 0607-007 | Police/Community Relations |
undated |
33/26 | 0607-007 | Portland Urban League |
1977-1978 |
33/27-29 | 0607-007 | Edwin T. Pratt Awards |
1970-1971 |
33/30-33 | 0607-007 | Pratt Memorials |
1969 |
33/34 | 0607-007 | Pratt Fine Arts Center |
1977 |
33/35 | 0607-007 | Program for Local Service |
1973-1974 |
33/36 | 0607-007 | Project FIND |
1972 |
33/37 | 0607-007 | Puget Sound Governmental Conference |
1974 |
33/38 | 0607-007 | Rapid Transit Plan |
1969 |
33/39 | 0607-007 | Recall Petition - Mayor Wesley C. Uhlman |
undated |
33/40-41 | 0607-007 | Redlining |
1975-1977 |
33/42 | 0607-007 | Rejected Judkins Redevelopment Study |
1976 |
33/43 | 0607-007 | Relocation Poll |
1971 |
33/44 | 0607-007 | Research Task Force Meeting |
1978 |
33/45 | 0607-007 | Revenue Sharing |
1971 |
33/46 | 0607-007 | Ross, Michael |
1972 |
33/47 | 0607-007 | Save Mt. Baker Ridge Project (I-90) |
1969-1970 |
33/48 | 0607-007 | Seattle, Department of Community
Development |
1972 |
33/49 | 0607-007 | Seattle, Human Rights Commission |
1970-1972 |
33/50-63 | 0607-007 | Seattle, Model City Program |
1969-1973 |
33/64 | 0607-007 | Seattle, Police Department - Chief
Selection |
1970 |
33/65 | 0607-007 | Seattle, Police Department - John Herbert
shooting |
1975 |
33/66-68 | 0607-007 | Seattle, Public Schools |
1970 |
33/69-70 | 0607-007 | Seattle 2000 Commission |
1972-1973 |
34/1 | 0607-007 | Seattle Black Firemen |
1970 |
34/2 | 0607-007 | Seattle Board of Freeholders - Seattle
Charter |
1975 |
34/3 | 0607-007 | Seattle Chamber of Commerce |
1972, undated |
34/4 | 0607-007 | Seattle Committee for Martin Luther King |
1970 |
34/5-6 | 0607-007 | Seattle Community College |
1969-1974 |
34/7-9 | 0607-007 | Seattle King County Economic Opportunity
Board |
1968-1972 |
34/10 | 0607-007 | Seattle: Leadership |
1973 |
34/11-12 | 0607-007 | Seattle Opportunities Industrialization
Center |
1972-1973, 1977 |
34/13 | 0607-007 | Seattle Plan for the Elimination of Racial
Imbalance |
1977 |
34/14 | 0607-007 | Seattle Population Information |
1969, 1971 |
34/15 | 0607-007 | Seattle School District Faculty
transfers |
1976 |
34/16 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban Academy |
1971 |
34/17 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League administration |
1969-1971 |
34/18-19 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League staff |
1973, 1976, undated |
34/20 | 0607-007 | Simply Heavenly (fundraiser) |
1974-1975 |
34/21-22 | 0607-007 | Skid Road |
1966-1971, 1976 |
34/23 | 0607-007 | Social Welfare Management Curriculum Development
Project |
1975 |
34/24 | 0607-007 | South East Effective Development |
1976 |
34/25 | 0607-007 | Southeast Youth Accountability & Service
Bureau |
1979 |
34/26-27 | 0607-007 | Survival Fund |
1971 |
34/28 | 0607-007 | Tacoma Urban League |
1972-1979 |
box-folder:oversize | |||
81/4 | 0607-007 | Tacoma Urban League |
1972,1974 |
Box/Folder | |||
34/29 | 0607-007 | Talent |
1972 |
34/30 | 0607-007 | Terms of Affiliation (National Urban
League) |
1971, undated |
34/31 | 0607-007 | Thurston County Urban League Committee |
1971-1972, 1978, 1982 |
34/32 | 0607-007 | Tri-Cities |
1970 |
34/33-40 | 0607-007 | United Good Neighbors |
1969-1972, undated |
34/41 | 0607-007 | United National Business League
Foundation |
undated |
34/42-43 | 0607-007 | U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Washington State
Advisory Committee |
1971-1972 |
34/44 | 0607-007 | United States Jaycees - Project
Mainstream |
1974-1975 |
34/45-35/17 | 0607-007 | United Way of King County |
1970-1979 |
University of Washington |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
35/18 | 0607-007 | Citizen Participation Conference |
1975-1976 |
35/19 | 0607-007 | Ethnic Cultural Center |
undated |
35/20 | 0607-007 | Minority Affairs Committee |
1977 |
35/21 | 0607-007 | School of Communications |
1970 |
35/22-27 | 0607-007 | School of Social Work |
1969-1972 |
35/28 | 0607-007 | Special Groups Conference Panel |
1976 |
35/29 | 0607-007 | Technical Advisory Committee - Social Welfare
Management |
1975-1976 |
35/30 | 0607-007 | Work Study |
1968-1973 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
35/31 | 0607-007 | Urban Services Center |
1973 |
35/32 | 0607-007 | Urban Studies |
1973, undated |
35/33 | 0607-007 | Vanhu Cablevision |
1976 |
35/34 | 0607-007 | Voter Registration |
1972-1974 |
35/35 | 0607-007 | Walker (Eddie Ray) Murals |
1979 |
35/36 | 0607-007 | Washington (State). Board Against
Discrimination |
1969-1970 |
35/37 | 0607-007 | Washington (State). Human Rights
Commission |
1977, 1979, undated |
35/38 | 0607-007 | Washington. Secretary of State. Urban Affairs
Council |
1970-1971 |
35/39 | 0607-007 | Washington 2000 Program |
1973-1974 |
35/40 | 0607-007 | Washington Insurance Council |
1969 |
35/41 | 0607-007 | Washington State Black Conference |
1973 |
35/42 | 0607-007 | Washington State Business League |
1981, undated |
35/43 | 0607-007 | West Seattle Freeway Project |
1974 |
35/44 | 0607-007 | "Which Way America?" (Nat'l Urban League
program) |
1971 |
35/45 | 0607-007 | White House Conference on Domestic and Economic
Affairs |
1975 |
35/46 | 0607-007 | Women in Unity |
1973 |
35/47 | 0607-007 | Yesler-Atlantic Neighborhood Project |
1969-1970, 1975 |
35/48-53 | 0607-007 | Young, Whitney M. Junior |
1967, 1971 |
box-folder:oversize | |||
81/5 | 0607-007 | Young, Whitney M. Junior |
1971 |
Box/Folder | |||
35/54 | 0607-007 | Youth Community Conservation and Improvement
Projects |
1977 |
35/55 | 0607-007 | Youth Summer Employees |
1972 |
35/56 | 0607-007 | Zionism |
1975 |
Event files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
35/57 | 0607-007 | Alpha Phi Alpha Dance-A-Thon |
1976 |
35/58-59 | 0607-007 | Annual Meetings (Seattle Urban League) |
1969-1970 |
36/1 | 0607-007 | Annual Meetings (Seattle Urban League) |
1971 |
box-folder:oversize | |||
81/6 | 0607-007 | Annual Meetings (Seattle Urban League) |
1969 |
Box/Folder | |||
36/2 | 0607-007 | Basketball game, ABA/NBA All-Stars |
1971 |
36/3 | 0607-007 | Board/Staff Retreat |
1972 |
36/4 | 0607-007 | Board Training Workshop |
1978 |
36/5 | 0607-007 | Lt. Governor Brown visit |
1976 |
36/6 | 0607-007 | City Care Conference |
1979 |
36/7 | 0607-007 | Executive Director Meetings, Conferences and
Seminars |
1972-1973 |
36/8 | 0607-007 | Vernon Jordan visits |
1973-1974 |
36/9 | 0607-007 | March Against Underemployment of
Minorities |
1969 |
36/10 | 0607-007 | Minority Contractors Workshop |
1974 |
36/11 | 0607-007 | Mobile Training Workshop |
1973-1974 |
36/12 | 0607-007 | National Conference on Housing |
1973 |
36/13 | 0607-007 | National Organization of Black Law Enforcement
Executives (NOBLE) Conference |
1978 |
36/14-18 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Conferences |
1970-1974 |
36/19 | 0607-007 | Seattle Chamber of Commerce Seminar |
1976 |
36/20 | 0607-007 | Special Education Programs & Black American
Students Workshop |
1969 |
36/21 | 0607-007 | Staff Retreat |
1974 |
36/22 | 0607-007 | Gloria E.A. Toote visit |
1974 |
36/23 | 0607-007 | Urban Affairs Conference |
1971 |
36/24 | 0607-007 | Urban League Portland - Vernon Jordan
visit |
1972 |
36/25 | 0607-007 | Urban Legislative Workshop |
1973 |
36/26 | 0607-007 | Washington Association for Social Welfare
Conference |
1977 |
36/27 | 0607-007 | Western Regional Conference |
1970 |
Project files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
36/28 | 0607-007 | 14th and Yesler development |
1972 |
36/29 | 0607-007 | Affirmative Action Program |
1971-1972 |
36/30 | 0607-007 | American Indian Fine Arts and Heritage
Class |
1969 |
36/31-35 | 0607-007 | Construction Industry Development
Project |
1970-1973 |
36/36-37 | 0607-007 | Day Care project |
1977 |
36/38 | 0607-007 | Drug Abuse project |
1973 |
36/39 | 0607-007 | Entrepreneurial Development Program |
1970 |
36/40 | 0607-007 | Film: "Getting It Together" |
1969 |
36/41 | 0607-007 | Lobbying |
1978 |
36/42 | 0607-007 | Labor Education Advancement Program
(LEAP) |
1969 |
36/43-44 | 0607-007 | Labor Education Advancement Recompense for
Non-Whites (LEARN) |
1969 |
36/45-37/3 | 0607-007 | Media Action |
1972-1973 |
37/4 | 0607-007 | National Black Survey |
1979 |
37/5 | 0607-007 | New Thrust |
1969-1970 |
37/6 | 0607-007 | Operation Breakthrough |
1970-1973, undated |
37/7-9 | 0607-007 | Seattle Consumer Action Team (SCAT)/Neighborhood
Youth Consumer Education Project (NYCEP) |
1976-1977 |
37/10-15 | 0607-007 | Thursday Forum |
1969-1970 |
37/16 | 0607-007 | Volunteer Program |
1970 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
37/17-19 | 0607-007 | Newsletters of others |
37/20-30 | 0607-007 | Financial records |
1969-1978, undated |
Speeches and writings |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
37/31-32 | 0607-007 | Page, Jerome |
1969, 1976-1979, undated |
37/33 | 0607-007 | Young Whitney M. |
1968-1970, undated |
37/34 | 0607-007 | National Urban League miscellaneous |
1969, undated |
37/35 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League miscellaneous |
1975-1976, undated |
37/36 | 0607-007 | Other miscellaneous |
1969-1979, undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
37/37 | 0607-007 | Statements |
1972, undated |
Proposals |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
37/38 | 0607-007 | Black Minorities in Broadcasting |
1969 |
37/39 | 0607-007 | Grant |
1973 |
37/40 | 0607-007 | Senior Service proposal |
1977 |
37/41 | 0607-007 | Title VII ESAA |
1973 |
37/42 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1973-1975, undated |
News releases |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
37/43, 38/1 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League |
1969-1978 |
38/2 | 0607-007 | Other |
1969-1975 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
38/3 | 0607-007 | Contracts |
1971 |
38/4 | 0607-007 | Ordinances |
1976, undated |
38/5 | 0607-007 | Case file: Smith, Willy |
1978 |
38/6-7 | 0607-007 | Questionnaires |
1972-1974 |
Notes |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
38/8 | 0607-007 | Of J.W. Page |
undated |
38/9 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
38/10 | 0607-007 | Resumes |
undated |
38/11-17 | 0607-007 | Lists |
undated |
box-folder:oversize | |||
81/7 | 0607-007 | Posters |
undated |
Box/Folder | |||
38/18-19 | 0607-007 | Ephemera |
1969-1976, undated |
Clippings |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
38/20 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Central Contractor's
Association |
1969-1970 |
38/21 | 0607-007 | Regarding: O. I. C. Conference |
1971 |
38/22 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1969-1979 |
Related organizations |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
38/23-24 | 0607-007 | Association of Governing Boards of Universities and
Colleges |
1974-1977 |
38/25-26 | 0607-007 | Central Area Civil Rights Committee |
1966-1967, 1971-1973 |
38/27 | 0607-007 | Cooperative Area Manpower Planning System
(camps) |
1970 |
38/28-29 | 0607-007 | Eastern Washington State College, Board Of
Trustees |
1973-1976 |
38/30-32 | 0607-007 | Economic Resource Development, Policy
Board |
1972-1973 |
38/33 | 0607-007 | Environmental Works |
1972 |
38/34 | 0607-007 | KCTS Advisory Board |
1970 |
38/35-38 | 0607-007 | Municipal League of Seattle and King County, Board
Of Trustees |
1971-1977 |
38/39 | 0607-007 | National Association of Social Workers, Puget Sound
Chapter |
1970 |
38/40 | 0607-007 | National Urban League, Council of Executive
Directors |
1971-1975 |
38/41 | 0607-007 | Northwest Minority Communications
Association |
1973 |
39/1 | 0607-007 | Police - Community Relations Committee |
1968-1969 |
39/2-5 | 0607-007 | Voluntary Agency Executives Coalition |
1971-1977 |
Seattle Urban League committees |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
39/6 | 0607-007 | Affirmative Action Advisory Committee |
1977-1979 |
39/7 | 0607-007 | Personnel Committee |
1966-1967 |
39/8 | 0607-007 | Public Relations Committee |
1973, 1978, undated |
39/9 | 0607-007 | Volunteer Committee |
1969-1970 |
Seattle Urban League committees and
departments |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
39/10-11 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League Awards Committee |
1960-1968 |
39/12 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League Building Committee |
1976-1979 |
Seattle Urban League Education Committee |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
39/13 | 0607-007 | General Correspondence |
1958-1972 |
39/14-19 | 0607-007 | Minutes |
1958-1981 |
39/20 | 0607-007 | Memoranda |
1961-1972 |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
39/21 | 0607-007 | Adult and Vocational Education |
1963-1966 |
39/22 | 0607-007 | Desegregation |
1977-1978 |
39/23 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools |
1967-1968 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
39/24 | 0607-007 | News releases |
1962-1972 |
39/25-26 | 0607-007 | Reports |
1957-1979 |
Proposals |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
39/27 | 0607-007 | "A Proposal for Reorganization of the
Elementary |
Division of the Seattle Public
Schools" |
1964 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
39/28 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1958-1971 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
39/29 | 0607-007 | Speeches and writings |
1963, undated |
39/30 | 0607-007 | Statistics |
1963-1966 |
39/31 | 0607-007 | Notes |
1972, undated |
39/32 | 0607-007 | Membership Lists |
1962-1972, 1981 |
39/33 | 0607-007 | Miscellany |
1963, 1970 |
39/34 | 0607-007 | Ephemera |
1963-1964, 1971, undated |
39/35 | 0607-007 | Clippings |
1961-1963, 1968 |
Seattle Urban League Education Department |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
39/36 | 0607-007 | Organizational Features |
1978-1984 |
Incoming Letters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
39/37 | 0607-007 | Citizens Education Center Northwest |
1980 |
39/38 | 0607-007 | National Urban League |
1977-1981 |
39/39 | 0607-007 | Urban League Affiliates |
1980 |
39/40-40/5 | 0607-007 | Chronological |
1967-1981 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
40/6-11 | 0607-007 | Outgoing Letters |
1967-1981 |
40/12 | 0607-007 | Interdepartmental Correspondence |
1970-1971 |
40/13-15 | 0607-007 | Intradepartmental Correspondence |
1968-1971,1978-1980 |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
40/16 | 0607-007 | Seattle University |
1977-1980 |
40/17-18 | 0607-007 | Chronological |
1972, 1980-1981, undated |
Minutes |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
40/19 | 0607-007 | Central Seattle Youth Service Bureau |
1979 |
40/20 | 0607-007 | Washington State. Board of Education. Discipline
Subcommittee |
1981 |
40/21 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous Staff Meetings |
1970-1971, 1979 |
Project Files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
40/22-38 | 0607-007 | Project Excel |
1978-1981, undated |
Project SUL |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
40/39 | 0607-007 | Organizational Features |
undated |
40/40-41 | 0607-007 | Outgoing Letters |
1978-1980 |
40/42 | 0607-007 | Reader File |
1980 |
40/43 | 0607-007 | Intradepartmental Correspondence |
1979-1980, undated |
40/44 | 0607-007 | Minutes |
1978-1980, undated |
Agenda |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
40/45 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Desegregation and Job Bank
Library |
1978 |
40/46 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1980, undated |
Grant Files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
40/47-41/5 | 0607-007 | Emergency School Aid Act (ESAA), Title VII
Funding |
1978-1981, undated |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
41/6 | 0607-007 | Alving, Mary Louise |
1980-1981 |
41/7 | 0607-007 | Core Parent Activities |
1980-1981 |
41/8 | 0607-007 | ESAA, Title VII |
1978, undated |
41/9 | 0607-007 | Project SUL Advisory Committee |
1979-1980 |
41/10 | 0607-007 | Student Assignment and Transfer |
1979-1981 |
41/11 | 0607-007 | Summary Statement for 1980-81 |
undated |
41/12 | 0607-007 | Title VII Advisory Committee |
1978-1979 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
41/13 | 0607-007 | Staff Reports |
1979-1980, undated |
Reports |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
41/14 | 0607-007 | Desegregation |
1979 |
41/15 | 0607-007 | Of Elaine Eagles |
1979-1980 |
41/16-17 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1979-1981, undated |
Budget Files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
41/18 | 0607-007 | Worksheet Revenues and Expenses |
1978-1979 |
41/19-20 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1979-1984, undated |
Proposal |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
41/21 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League Literacy Improvement
Center |
1979 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
41/22 | 0607-007 | Job Descriptions |
1980-1981 |
41/23 | 0607-007 | Staff Resumes |
undated |
41/24 | 0607-007 | Operations Manual |
1981 |
41/25 | 0607-007 | Surveys |
1980-1981, undated |
41/26 | 0607-007 | Newsletters |
1979-1981, undated |
41/27 | 0607-007 | Notes |
undated |
41/28 | 0607-007 | Staff Lists |
undated |
41/29 | 0607-007 | Ephemera |
1980-1981 |
41/30 | 0607-007 | Miscellany |
1981, undated |
Projects of others |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
41/31 | 0607-007 | All School Arts Project |
1979-1980 |
41/32 | 0607-007 | Casey Family Program |
1981 |
41/33 | 0607-007 | Ethnic Heritage Studies Program |
undated |
41/34 | 0607-007 | Garfield High School Magnet School |
1968-1970 |
41/35 | 0607-007 | Garfield High School Title VIII Tutorial
Program |
1970-1971, undated |
41/36 | 0607-007 | Model Cities Cultural Pluralism
Project |
undated |
41/37 | 0607-007 | Nova Project |
undated |
41/38 | 0607-007 | Parent Power Workshops |
1971 |
41/39 | 0607-007 | Project Interchange |
1967, undated |
41/40-43 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban Academy |
1961-1971 |
41/44 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools, Basic Plan for
Occupational Education |
1969-1970 |
41/45 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools, Conflict Resolution
Training Program |
1971-1972 |
41/46 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools, Follow Through
Program |
1968-1970 |
42/1 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools, Lunch
Program |
1968-1969 |
42/2 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools, Meany-Madrona Crime
Prevention Program1972-73 |
42/3 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools, Voluntary Transfer
Program |
1968-1973 |
42/4 | 0607-007 | West Seattle Street Academy |
1970-1972 |
Proposals |
Desegregation Plans |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
42/5-11 | 0607-007 | Other Schools |
1969-1970, 1980, undated |
42/12-28 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools |
1966-1981 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
42/29, 43/1-9 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1966-1973, undated |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
43/10 | 0607-007 | Affirmative Action in Higher Education |
1980-1981 |
43/11 | 0607-007 | Black Education Center School Goals |
1976 |
43/12 | 0607-007 | Budget Testimony |
March 3, 1982 |
43/13 | 0607-007 | Bus Rules |
1970-1972, undated |
43/14 | 0607-007 | Central City Voter Registration
Campaign |
1976 |
43/15 | 0607-007 | Children's Defense Fund |
1980-1981 |
43/16 | 0607-007 | Citizens for Quality Integrated Education
(Coalition Concern) |
1970-1971 |
43/17 | 0607-007 | Day Care Information |
undated |
43/18 | 0607-007 | Desegregation |
1966-1972 |
43/19 | 0607-007 | Desegregation Monitoring |
1980 |
43/20 | 0607-007 | Desegregation of Seattle Public
Schools |
1972 |
43/21 | 0607-007 | Desegregation Steering Committee |
1977, undated |
43/22 | 0607-007 | Education Department Information |
1979-1980 |
43/23 | 0607-007 | Edwin T. Pratt Scholarship |
1980-1981 |
43/24 | 0607-007 | Garfield High School Curriculum |
1973 |
43/25 | 0607-007 | Higher Education |
1964-1967 |
43/26 | 0607-007 | Human Relations |
1966-1970 |
43/27 | 0607-007 | Ingraham High School |
1979-1980 |
43/28 | 0607-007 | Leschi, Beacon Hill School Materials |
1978-1980, undated |
43/29 | 0607-007 | Magnet School Program |
1977 |
43/30 | 0607-007 | Multi-Ethnic/Multi-Cultural Resource
Center |
1979, undated |
43/31 | 0607-007 | Municipal League Meetings |
1976-1977 |
43/32 | 0607-007 | National Committee for School
Desegregation |
1980-1981 |
43/33 | 0607-007 | Pacific Northwest Bell Contribution
Request |
1979-1980 |
43/34-35 | 0607-007 | Parent, Teacher, and Student Association. Seattle
Council |
1978-1981 |
43/36 | 0607-007 | Parent, Teacher and Student Association. Seattle
Council & Office of Intergroup Relations Workshop |
1972 |
43/37 | 0607-007 | Scholarships and Loans |
1963-1965 |
43/38 | 0607-007 | School Climate Profile |
1973, undated |
43/39 | 0607-007 | School Closures |
1973-1974, 1979 |
43/40 | 0607-007 | School Desegregation |
1965-1966,1977-1981,undated |
43/41 | 0607-007 | School Desegregation Case Studies |
1965-1970 |
43/42 | 0607-007 | Seattle, Human Rights Commission |
1968-1971 |
43/43 | 0607-007 | Seattle, Mayor's Task Force on Peaceful
Desegregation |
1979 |
43/44 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools Educational Planning
Committee |
1979 |
43/45 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools Fundamental School
Option |
1979-1980 |
43/46 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools Literature |
1967-1970 |
43/47 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools Planning, Research, and
Evaluation Office |
1980-1981 |
43/48 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools Reorganization |
1980, undated |
43/49 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools School/Community Liaison
Services Program |
1979, undated |
43/50 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools Seattle School District #1
Board |
1977-1981 |
44/1 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools Seattle School District #1
Board Legislative Sessions |
1981 |
44/2 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools Volunteer
Services |
1972 |
44/3 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools & Seattle Alliance of
Educators Rally |
1973 |
44/4 | 0607-007 | Seattle Anti-Klan Network |
1980 |
44/5 | 0607-007 | Seattle Community College (Black Student
Union) |
1969 |
44/6 | 0607-007 | Seattle School Levies |
1973-1978 |
44/7 | 0607-007 | Spectrum Schools |
1971 |
44/8 | 0607-007 | Summary of URS Study for Facility Master
Planning |
undated |
44/9 | 0607-007 | Triad Plan |
1977-1979 |
44/10 | 0607-007 | Tuition Tax Credits |
1981 |
44/11 | 0607-007 | UW - Academic African Sojourn |
1970 |
44/12 | 0607-007 | UW. Black Student Union |
1968 |
44/13 | 0607-007 | UW. Minority Student Program |
1968-1970 |
44/14 | 0607-007 | Urban School Problems |
1965-1966 |
44/15 | 0607-007 | Washington State School Board
Legislation |
1966-1970 |
Conferences & Workshops |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
44/16 | 0607-007 | Conference on Minority Education |
1972 |
44/17 | 0607-007 | Education Change Team Conference |
1970 |
44/18 | 0607-007 | Minority Affairs Workshop |
1972 |
44/19 | 0607-007 | National Urban League 1979 National
Conference |
1979 |
44/20 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Western Regional Education
Conference |
1970 |
44/21 | 0607-007 | Parents as Partners in Education |
1980 |
44/22 | 0607-007 | Puget Sound Governmental Conference. Seminar on
Cooperative Planning |
1970 |
44/23 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League Board/Staff
Workshop |
1971 |
44/24 | 0607-007 | Teacher as a Catalyst for Change in Minority
Education |
1972 |
44/25 | 0607-007 | Workshop in Social Action |
1969 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
44/26 | 0607-007 | "Context for Education in the
Seventies" |
1969 |
44/27 | 0607-007 | "Continuous Progress" Final Report |
1967 |
44/28 | 0607-007 | "Education in Action" |
1970 |
44/29 | 0607-007 | League of Women Voters of Seattle, Study of
Seattle School System |
1962 |
44/30 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous Seattle Public Schools
Studies |
1967, 1972 |
44/31 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous Studies and Reports |
1968-1970 |
44/32 | 0607-007 | Monthly Reports from Lolita Darby |
1980-1981 |
44/33 | 0607-007 | National Education Studies and Reports |
1966-1969 |
44/34 | 0607-007 | Quality of Health Care at Seattle
Hospitals |
1968 |
44/35 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools Staff Morale |
1980 |
44/36 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools "Urban Education
Crisis" |
1969 |
44/37 | 0607-007 | "Social Welfare Agencies and the
Negro" |
1967-1969 |
44/38 | 0607-007 | Washington Education Association. De Facto
Segregation Reports |
1968, 1970, undated |
Speeches and writings |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
44/39 | 0607-007 | Kimbrough to Seattle School Board |
1965 |
44/40 | 0607-007 | "Minorities, Civil Rights, and Brigham Young
University" |
1970 |
44/41 | 0607-007 | "Minority Viewpoint: Equal Opportunity Through
Education in the Free American Society" |
undated |
44/42 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous Speeches and Writings |
1977 |
44/43 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous Speeches and Writings of
Others |
1965-1972, 1978-1980 |
44/44 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Seattle Public Schools Student
Senate |
1970 |
44/45 | 0607-007 | Speech by Nan Petit |
1973 |
44/46 | 0607-007 | Spellman's Speech to Central Seattle Community
Council |
1969 |
Course Material |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
44/47 | 0607-007 | Multi-Ethnic Curriculum Information |
undated |
44/48 | 0607-007 | The Negro: Past and Present |
1968-1969 |
44/49 | 0607-007 | Student Rights and responsibilities |
1972 |
44/50 | 0607-007 | Tacoma Public Schools. "Teaching and the
Disadvantaged Child" |
1966 |
44/51 | 0607-007 | Textbook Evaluations |
1964-1966, undated |
Questionnaires And Surveys |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
44/52 | 0607-007 | Community Institution Follow Up |
1979 |
44/53 | 0607-007 | Counseling Survey |
1971-1973 |
44/54 | 0607-007 | Initial Interview Report |
undated |
45/1 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools Student and Parent
Preference Survey Data |
1977 |
45/2 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools Survey of Certificated
Staff |
1980 |
45/3 | 0607-007 | Survey on Desegregation Impact |
1978 |
Financial Aid/scholarships |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
45/4-5 | 0607-007 | Edwin T. Pratt Scholarship |
1970-1973, 1980-1981 |
45/6 | 0607-007 | Edwin T. Pratt Scholarship Recipients |
1970-1971, 1980-1981 |
45/7 | 0607-007 | Federal Sources of Funding |
1969 |
45/8 | 0607-007 | General Scholarship Information |
1970 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
45/9 | 0607-007 | Memoranda |
1971, 1978 |
45/10 | 0607-007 | Grant Files |
1970 |
Contract |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
45/11 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools Singer/Graflex,
Inc. |
1970 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
45/12 | 0607-007 | Job Descriptions |
1979 |
Lists |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
45/13 | 0607-007 | Address Lists |
1969, undated |
45/14 | 0607-007 | Members of School Councils |
1971-1972 |
45/15 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous Lists |
1971, undated |
45/16 | 0607-007 | Parent Lists |
undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
45/17 | 0607-007 | Directories |
1968-1972, undated |
Legislation |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
45/18 | 0607-007 | Education Measures Passed by 1973
Legislature |
1973 |
Testimony |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
45/19 | 0607-007 | EIS Testimonies on School Closures |
1981 |
45/20 | 0607-007 | Maudine Cooper on Youth Employment & Training
Initiatives |
1980 |
Bylaws |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
45/21 | 0607-007 | District Citizens School Advisory
Council |
1971 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
45/22 | 0607-007 | Maps |
1978-1979, undated |
Newsletters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
45/23 | 0607-007 | Bandersnatch |
February 1971 |
45/24 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools Southeast Education
Center |
1970-1971 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
45/25-26 | 0607-007 | News releases |
1970-1973, undated |
45/27 | 0607-007 | Ephemera |
1965-1971, 1978-1979 |
45/28-29 | 0607-007 | Clippings |
1967-1973, 1978, undated |
45/30-31 | 0607-007 | Miscellany |
1966-1973, 1979-1980 |
45/32 | 0607-007 | Ad Hoc Committee For Tax Reform |
1973 |
45/33-34 | 0607-007 | American Friends Service Committee. Pacific
Northwest Regional Office 1977-81 |
45/35 | 0607-007 | American Friends Service Committee. Education
Group |
1971-1972 |
Central Area School Council |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
45/36 | 0607-007 | Organizational Features |
1968-1969 |
45/37 | 0607-007 | Incoming Letters |
1968-1972 |
45/38 | 0607-007 | Outgoing Letters |
1968-1969 |
45/39 | 0607-007 | General Correspondence |
1968-1970 |
45/40 | 0607-007 | Interoffice Correspondence |
1969 |
Minutes |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
45/41-44 | 0607-007 | Central Area School Council |
1968-1971 |
45/45 | 0607-007 | Community School Conference Steering
Committee |
Jan. 25, 1970 |
45/46 | 0607-007 | Joint C.A.S.C./Seattle Model Cities
Program/S.U.L. Meetings |
1970 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
45/47 | 0607-007 | Memoranda |
1972, undated |
45/48-52 | 0607-007 | Reports |
1969-1970, undated |
Speeches and Writings |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
45/53 | 0607-007 | "A Community School Council in
Seattle" |
undated |
45/54 | 0607-007 | "A New Thrust for the Urban League
Movement" |
1969 |
Proposals |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
45/55 | 0607-007 | Central Area Committee on Civil Rights
Proposal |
1968 |
45/56 | 0607-007 | Central Area Educational Institute's "Ideas and
Proposals" |
1969 |
45/57 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous Proposals |
1968-1969, undated |
45/58 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Central Region Title I
Proposals |
1971 |
45/59 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Community School Council |
undated |
45/60 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Consumer Protection and Consumer
Education |
undated |
45/61 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Meany Jr. High School |
1969 |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
45/62 | 0607-007 | 4-4-4 Plan |
1970 |
45/63 | 0607-007 | Agreement on C.A.S.C. |
1968-1969 |
46/1 | 0607-007 | Central Area Community Talent Bank |
undated |
46/2 | 0607-007 | Central Area Educational Institute |
1969 |
46/3-5 | 0607-007 | Central Area School Council Election |
1969 |
46/6 | 0607-007 | New Thrust Education Project |
1968-1969 |
46/7 | 0607-007 | Seattle Model City Program/C.A.S.C.
Contract |
1971-1972 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
46/8 | 0607-007 | Student Paper |
1969 |
Conferences and Workshops |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
46/9 | 0607-007 | C.A.S.C. Retreat |
1969 |
46/10 | 0607-007 | Miscellany |
1968-1970 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
46/11 | 0607-007 | Notes |
undated |
46/12 | 0607-007 | Budget Files |
1969, undated |
Job Descriptions |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
46/13 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League/Seattle Public Schools
Positions Regarding: Central Area |
1969-1971, undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
46/14 | 0607-007 | Membership Lists |
1971-1973, undated |
46/15 | 0607-007 | Newsletter |
Feb. 9, 1973 |
46/16 | 0607-007 | Ephemera |
1971, undated |
46/17 | 0607-007 | Clippings |
1969-1973 |
46/18 | 0607-007 | Miscellany |
1969, 1972, undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
46/19 | 0607-007 | Committee Of Concerned Black Citizens |
1977, undated |
Seattle Public Schools Committees |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
46/20 | 0607-007 | Choice Committee |
1980-1981 |
46/21-22 | 0607-007 | Citizens Advisory Committee |
1979-1981 |
46/23-24 | 0607-007 | Citizens Budget Advisory Committee |
1979-1981 |
46/25-26 | 0607-007 | Citizens Committee for Academic
Excellence |
1978-1981 |
46/27-29 | 0607-007 | Citizens School Advisory Councils |
1970-1971, 1973, undated |
46/30 | 0607-007 | Citizens Transportation Advisory
Committee |
1978 |
46/31 | 0607-007 | Committee on Review of Proposed Graduation
Requirements |
1972-1973 |
46/32 | 0607-007 | Community Liaison Services Parents Advisory
Committee |
1973 |
46/33 | 0607-007 | Compensatory Education Parent Advisory
Council |
1978-1980 |
46/34-35 | 0607-007 | District Planning Commission |
1978-1979, undated |
46/36 | 0607-007 | District Wide Advisory Committee for
Desegregation |
1979-1981 |
47/1-2 | 0607-007 | Educational Planning Committee |
1979-1980 |
47/3 | 0607-007 | Elections Procedures Recommendations
Committee |
1973 |
47/4 | 0607-007 | Garfield Citizens Advisory Committee |
1968 |
47/5 | 0607-007 | Garfield Community Council |
1961-1969 |
47/6 | 0607-007 | Garfield High School Citizens Advisory
Committee |
1968 |
47/7 | 0607-007 | Human Relations Coordinating Council |
1980-1981 |
47/8-9 | 0607-007 | Human Relations Planning Committee |
1971 |
47/10 | 0607-007 | Human Rights Commission Consortium For Better
Education |
1979-1980 |
47/11 | 0607-007 | Middle School Voluntary Transfer Steering
Committee |
1973 |
47/12 | 0607-007 | Minimum Competencies Advisory
Committee |
1979-1981 |
47/13-15 | 0607-007 | Model Cities Education Task Force |
1969-1973 |
47/16 | 0607-007 | Representative Community Committee |
1973 |
47/17 | 0607-007 | School Board Advisory Committee for the
Superintendent Selection Process |
1980 |
47/18 | 0607-007 | Southeast Area Task Force |
1976-1980 |
47/19 | 0607-007 | Steering Committee of the 1980 Seattle School Levy
Campaign |
1979-1980 |
47/20-21 | 0607-007 | Urban, Rural, Racial, and Disadvantage
Committee |
1973 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
47/22-48/4 | 0607-007 | Voucher Study Committee |
1968-1971 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
48/5 | 0607-007 | Voucher Study Committee. Community Information
Subcommittee |
1971 |
48/6 | 0607-007 | S.u.l. Task Force On Desegregation |
1972 |
48/7-9 | 0607-007 | United Community Services |
1971-1973 |
48/10 | 0607-007 | University Of Washington. Visiting Committee For The
College Of Education |
1971-1972 |
48/11-12 | 0607-007 | Washington Legislature. Joint Committee On
Education. Subcommittee On Metropolitan Education |
1968-1970 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
48/13 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League Employment Committee |
1974, 1977 |
48/14 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League Finance Committee |
1969-1970 |
48/15-22 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League Health and Welfare
Committee |
1959-1978 |
Seattle Urban League Health and Welfare
Director |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
48/23 | 0607-007 | Goals And Objectives |
1978 |
48/24-34 | 0607-007 | General Correspondence |
1963-1975 |
49/1-5 | 0607-007 | General Correspondence |
1976-1982 |
Minutes |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
49/6 | 0607-007 | Of Health and Welfare Committee |
1965-1966 |
49/7 | 0607-007 | Of others |
1981-1982, undated |
Conferences And Conventions |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
49/8 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1962, 1970 |
49/9-25 | 0607-007 | Freedom from Want |
1975-1976 |
49/26 | 0607-007 | Legal Services for Health Advocacy
Conference |
1981 |
49/27 | 0607-007 | Minority Awareness Seminar |
1974 |
49/28 | 0607-007 | N.U.L. Conference |
1975 |
49/29-30 | 0607-007 | Washington Economic Conversion
Conference |
1980 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
49/31 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1971-1980 |
49/32 | 0607-007 | Activity/Committee Reports |
1978 |
49/33-34 | 0607-007 | Annual Service Data Reports |
1978 |
49/35-37 | 0607-007 | Hospital Survey Report |
1968-1970 |
49/38 | 0607-007 | H.R.1 |
1971 |
49/39 | 0607-007 | Legislative Report |
1977 |
49/40 | 0607-007 | People Who Inter-Marry: Pioneers or
Protesters?" |
1967 |
49/41 | 0607-007 | Social and Economic Characteristics in King
County, Washington |
1973 |
49/42 | 0607-007 | Social Welfare Agencies and the Negro |
1967 |
49/43-44 | 0607-007 | Social Welfare Agencies - Revisited |
1968 |
Reports Of Others |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
49/45 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1964, 1971 |
50/1 | 0607-007 | Joint Recruitment Project for Minority Adoptive
Homes |
1956-1959 |
50/2 | 0607-007 | The Puzzle: Why Hunger in King County? |
1972 |
Speeches and writings |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
50/3-4 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1965-1978, undated |
50/5 | 0607-007 | Food Stamps: Effect of New Regulations |
1971 |
50/6 | 0607-007 | Handbook for Supervisors of
Disadvantaged |
undated |
50/7 | 0607-007 | Health and Welfare: The Urban League's
Approach |
1964 |
50/8 | 0607-007 | Indicators of Need |
circa 1971 |
50/9 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Requirements for a Minimum
Income Floor |
1971 |
50/10 | 0607-007 | Priorities for Health & Welfare
Programming |
undated |
50/11 | 0607-007 | The Social Revolution and Health and
Welfare |
1964 |
50/12 | 0607-007 | Testimony to the Bishop's Urban Coalition
Hearings |
1978 |
50/13 | 0607-007 | Toward an Unencumbered Income
Guarantee |
1970 |
50/14 | 0607-007 | Welfare Grants and the Poverty Level |
1978 |
50/15 | 0607-007 | Work, Welfare, Women and Wealth, or Whose Work and
Whose Welfare? |
1977 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
50/16 | 0607-007 | Speeches and writings Of Others |
1971-1973, 1982, undated |
Box | |||
51 | 0607-007 | Card File Indices - Includes "negro Pioneers" &
"inter-racial Couples" |
circa 1971 |
Questionnaires And Surveys |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
50/17-20 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1966-1968, undated |
50/21 | 0607-007 | Effects of Urban Renewal on Racial
Desegregation |
1960 |
50/22 | 0607-007 | Health and Welfare Survey |
1966 |
50/23 | 0607-007 | Intermarriage Survey |
1966 |
50/24 | 0607-007 | National Black Survey |
1979 |
50/25 | 0607-007 | Neighborhoods in Transition |
1962 |
50/26-27 | 0607-007 | Priorities Assessment Questionnaire |
1979 |
50/28 | 0607-007 | Social Welfare Agencies Survey |
1966-1967 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
50/29 | 0607-007 | Proposal |
1968 |
50/30 | 0607-007 | News releases |
1964-1982 |
Notes |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
50/31-32 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
undated |
50/33 | 0607-007 | Economic Opportunity |
1977 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
50/34 | 0607-007 | Lists |
1969, 1978-1980, undated |
Bulletins |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
50/35-37 | 0607-007 | Hunger Action Center |
1976-1982 |
50/38 | 0607-007 | PE Bulletin |
1982 |
Newsletters Of Others |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
50/39 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1969-1982 |
50/40-41 | 0607-007 | Politics for Workers |
1975-1977 |
50/42-43 | 0607-007 | Tacoma Community House Minority News |
1973-1981 |
50/44-45 | 0607-007 | Vivian Gaboury's Letter from Olympia |
1969-1979 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
50/46 | 0607-007 | Grant File |
1968 |
50/47 | 0607-007 | Program Files |
1968-1969 |
Project Files |
Hypertension Project |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
50/48 | 0607-007 | Organizational Features |
1975, 1978, undated |
50/49 | 0607-007 | Incoming Letters |
1974-1975, 1979 |
50/50 | 0607-007 | Outgoing Letters |
1974-1976 |
50/51 | 0607-007 | General Correspondence |
1975-1979 |
50/52 | 0607-007 | Minutes |
1974-1975 |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
52/1 | 0607-007 | American Heart Association |
1976-1980 |
52/2 | 0607-007 | American Heart Association. Planning and
Development Fund |
1975-1976 |
52/3 | 0607-007 | Blood Pressure Screening Clinic |
1975 |
52/4 | 0607-007 | Initiative 314 |
undated |
52/5 | 0607-007 | Rivers, Marian |
1975-1976, undated |
52/6 | 0607-007 | United Way Development and Demonstration
Fund |
1978 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
52/7 | 0607-007 | Reports |
1975 |
52/8-10 | 0607-007 | Proposals |
1975-1976, 1979, undated |
52/11 | 0607-007 | Speeches and Writings |
undated |
52/12 | 0607-007 | Conference File |
1978 |
52/13 | 0607-007 | Grant Files |
1974-1976 |
52/14 | 0607-007 | Budget Files |
1975-1976, undated |
52/15 | 0607-007 | Contract |
1975 |
52/16 | 0607-007 | Screening Records |
1975 |
52/17 | 0607-007 | Project Results |
1976 |
52/18 | 0607-007 | Activity & Time Sheets |
1979 |
52/19 | 0607-007 | News releases |
1974-1975, undated |
Newsletters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
52/20 | 0607-007 | Of National High Blood Pressure Education
Program |
1975-1976 |
52/21 | 0607-007 | Regional Medical Program Results |
1975 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
52/22 | 0607-007 | Pamphlets |
1975, undated |
52/23 | 0607-007 | Notes |
1977, undated |
52/24 | 0607-007 | Lists |
undated |
52/25 | 0607-007 | Ephemera |
1975, 1978, undated |
52/26 | 0607-007 | Clippings |
1974-1979 |
52/27 | 0607-007 | Miscellany |
1977-1978, undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
52/28 | 0607-007 | Information and Referral Project |
1974-1976 |
52/29 | 0607-007 | Pioneer Square Health Welfare Project |
1970-1971 |
52/30 | 0607-007 | Voter Action Projects |
1963 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
52/31 | 0607-007 | Curriculum File - Seattle Community College
Seminar |
undated |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
52/32 | 0607-007 | ACLU Legislative Conference |
1968 |
52/33 | 0607-007 | Action Alliance for Children, Youth and
Families |
1980 |
52/34 | 0607-007 | Adoption |
1980 |
52/35-37 | 0607-007 | Adult Corrections |
1979-1983 |
52/38-39 | 0607-007 | Aging |
1972, 1981 |
52/40 | 0607-007 | Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)
Amendments |
1981 |
52/41 | 0607-007 | Aid to Families with Dependent Children
Hearings |
1982 |
52/42 | 0607-007 | Alliance for Human Services, Education and
Welfare |
1981 |
52/43-45 | 0607-007 | Block Grants |
1975, 1981 |
52/46 | 0607-007 | Child Welfare |
1980-1982 |
52/47 | 0607-007 | Children's Protective Services |
1969 |
52/48 | 0607-007 | Chore Services Cuts |
1981 |
52/49 | 0607-007 | Churches and Negroes |
1969-1970 |
52/50 | 0607-007 | Citizens Alert for Rapid vs. Highway Transit
1971 |
52/51 | 0607-007 | Citizens Participation for Progress of
Washington |
1970 |
52/52 | 0607-007 | Coalition Against Discrimination |
1971 |
52/53 | 0607-007 | Coalition for Children, Youth and
Families |
1982 |
52/54-55 | 0607-007 | Consumer Health Education and Training
Program |
1968-1972 |
52/56 | 0607-007 | Consumer Training Proposal |
1969 |
52/57 | 0607-007 | Day Care |
1982 |
52/58 | 0607-007 | Defense Spending |
1978 |
52/59 | 0607-007 | Election - Federal |
1980 |
52/60 | 0607-007 | Election - State |
1980 |
52/61 | 0607-007 | Energy Assistance for the Poor |
1979-1980 |
52/62 | 0607-007 | Family Planning |
1964-1973 |
52/63-64 | 0607-007 | Federal Budget Cuts |
1981 |
52/65 | 0607-007 | Fluoridation |
1968, undated |
52/66 | 0607-007 | Foster Care |
1977-1980 |
53/1 | 0607-007 | Handicapped |
1970-1971 |
53/2-4 | 0607-007 | Health Agencies |
1970-1971 |
53/5 | 0607-007 | Health and Human Services Network |
1980-1981 |
53/6 | 0607-007 | Health and Welfare Application Process |
1964 |
53/7-8 | 0607-007 | Health Careers |
1968-1972 |
53/9 | 0607-007 | Holly Park Neighborhood Multi-Service
Center |
1970 |
53/10-11 | 0607-007 | Housing |
1978-1981 |
53/12 | 0607-007 | Housing Rehab Proposal |
undated |
53/13-14 | 0607-007 | H.R.1 |
1972 |
53/15 | 0607-007 | Human Potentials Center |
1969 |
53/16-17 | 0607-007 | Inflation |
1972-1980 |
53/18 | 0607-007 | Initiative 24 |
1980 |
53/19 | 0607-007 | Initiative 271 |
1972 |
53/20 | 0607-007 | Initiative 314 |
1975 |
53/21 | 0607-007 | Initiative 394 |
1981 |
53/22 | 0607-007 | Initiative 401 |
1981 |
53/23-24 | 0607-007 | Join Hands |
1969-1972 |
53/25 | 0607-007 | Juvenile Code |
1980-1981 |
53/26 | 0607-007 | King County Community Councils |
1968-1969 |
53/27 | 0607-007 | King County Democratic Platform |
1970 |
53/28 | 0607-007 | King County Epilepsy League |
undated |
53/29 | 0607-007 | King County Hospital |
1969-1970 |
53/30 | 0607-007 | King County Legislative Workshop |
1973 |
53/31 | 0607-007 | King County Medical Society |
1968 |
53/32 | 0607-007 | King County Mental Health Planning |
1969 |
53/33 | 0607-007 | Legal Services Suit vs. USDA on Surplus
Foods |
1971 |
53/34 | 0607-007 | Legislative Committee Meetings |
1970-1975 |
53/35 | 0607-007 | Lobbyists |
1979-1981 |
53/36-37 | 0607-007 | Low-Income Energy Assistance Plan
(CAMP) |
1981 |
53/38 | 0607-007 | Minority Executive Directors Coalition |
1983 |
53/39 | 0607-007 | National Caucus of Labor Committees |
1973 |
53/40 | 0607-007 | National Council of Negro Women |
1968 |
53/41 | 0607-007 | National Council on the Aging |
1969 |
53/42 | 0607-007 | Nixon's Economic Policy |
1971 |
53/43 | 0607-007 | Nutrition and Health Council |
1971-1972 |
53/44 | 0607-007 | Parks and Recreation |
1962-1968 |
53/45-46 | 0607-007 | Peace |
1968-1983 |
53/47 | 0607-007 | Polk, William |
1981 |
53/48-49 | 0607-007 | Public Assistance Law |
1981-1982 |
53/50 | 0607-007 | Public Health Service |
1972 |
53/51 | 0607-007 | Puget Sound Conversion Project |
1980 |
53/52 | 0607-007 | Puget Sound Health Systems Agency |
1977-1978 |
53/53 | 0607-007 | Recipient Representation on SDPA Advisory
Committees |
1970-1972 |
53/54 | 0607-007 | Research Proposal |
1973 |
53/55 | 0607-007 | Rock Festivals |
53/56 | 0607-007 | Seattle Consumer Action Network |
1980 |
53/57 | 0607-007 | Seattle Emergency Housing Service |
1978-1981 |
53/58-59 | 0607-007 | Seattle Legal Rights Association |
1969-1970 |
53/60-61 | 0607-007 | Seattle Model City Program |
1967-1970 |
53/62, 54/1-4 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools Proposal |
1964 |
54/5 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban Network |
1980 |
54/6 | 0607-007 | Social Security |
1979 |
54/7 | 0607-007 | Social Welfare Coalition Against the
War |
1969-1970 |
54/8 | 0607-007 | Solidarity Day |
1981 |
54/9-10 | 0607-007 | State Bills - Summaries |
1981 |
54/11 | 0607-007 | United Good Neighbor |
1968-1970 |
54/12-13 | 0607-007 | United Good Neighbor Agencies |
1969-1970 |
54/14 | 0607-007 | University of Washington |
1968-1970 |
54/15-16 | 0607-007 | Washington Association of Community Action
Agencies (WACAA) |
1980-1981 |
54/17-18 | 0607-007 | Welfare Caseload |
1980-1981 |
54/19-26 | 0607-007 | Welfare Cuts |
1980-1981 |
54/27-32 | 0607-007 | Welfare Facts |
1970 |
54/33-45 | 0607-007 | Welfare Reform |
1972-1979 |
55/1 | 0607-007 | White House Conference on Handicapped
Individuals |
1976 |
55/2 | 0607-007 | White Racism |
1965-1971 |
55/3 | 0607-007 | Women's Groups |
1980-1981 |
55/4 | 0607-007 | Work Incentive Program (WIN) |
1979-1980 |
55/5 | 0607-007 | Y.M.C.A. Seattle |
undated |
55/6 | 0607-007 | Young Jr., Whitney M. |
1971 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
55/7-8 | 0607-007 | Clippings |
1969-1972 |
55/9 | 0607-007 | Miscellany |
1965-1978, undated |
55/10-15 | 0607-007 | Fair Budget Action Campaign |
1982 |
55/16-22 | 0607-007 | Washington. Department Of Social And Health
Services. Advisory Committee |
1979-1981 |
55/23-30 | 0607-007 | Washington. Employment And Training Council Ad Hoc
Welfare Reform Committee |
1979-1981 |
55/31-44 | 0607-007 | Welfare Coalition |
1973-1982 |
55/45 | 0607-007 | Seattle, Public Schools. Citizens' Staff Human
Relations Task Force |
1970 |
55/46-56/2 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League Agency Survey Task
Force |
1969-1970 |
56/3 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League Conference Planning
Committee |
1976 |
56/4 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League Health Coordinating
Committee |
1969 |
56/5 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League Welfare Workshop
Committee |
1970 |
Seattle Urban League Housing Committee |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
56/6 | 0607-007 | General Correspondence |
1962-1968 |
56/7-8 | 0607-007 | Minutes |
1963-1970 |
56/9 | 0607-007 | Membership Lists |
1967, undated |
56/10 | 0607-007 | Proposal |
undated |
Project Files - Rental Project |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
56/11 | 0607-007 | General Correspondence |
1965-1966 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
56/12 | 0607-007 | Progress |
1965-1966 |
56/13 | 0607-007 | Bulletins |
1965-1966 |
56/14 | 0607-007 | Status of Applicants |
1966-1967, undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
56/15 | 0607-007 | Lists - Rental Listings |
1963, undated |
Rental Resource Forms |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
56/16-18 | 0607-007 | Negative |
1965-1966 |
56/19-20 | 0607-007 | Polled Owners & Managers Refusing to Rent to
Negroes |
1967 |
56/21 | 0607-007 | Refusals & Evasives Found in "Avoided
Areas" |
1965-1967 |
56/22-23 | 0607-007 | Evasive and ? |
1965 |
56/24-25 | 0607-007 | Polled Owners & Managers Evasive About
Renting to Negroes |
1967 |
56/26 | 0607-007 | Instructions |
1965 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
56/27 | 0607-007 | Applications |
1967 |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
56/28 | 0607-007 | Fair Housing Listing Service |
1963-1965 |
56/29 | 0607-007 | Harmony Homes Inc. |
1962-1964 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
56/30 | 0607-007 | Speeches and Writings |
1965, undated |
56/31 | 0607-007 | Clippings |
undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
56/32 | 0607-007 | Resolutions |
1963-1964 |
56/33 | 0607-007 | Ordinances |
1963 |
56/34 | 0607-007 | Speeches and writings |
1960-1967 |
56/35 | 0607-007 | Clippings |
1963-1967 |
56/36 | 0607-007 | Miscellany |
1962-1963, 1968 |
Seattle Urban League Job Development
Committee |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
56/37-40 | 0607-007 | Incoming Letters |
1962-1966 |
56/41-44 | 0607-007 | Outgoing Letters |
1962-1965 |
57/1 | 0607-007 | Outgoing Letters |
1966-1969 |
57/2-6 | 0607-007 | Interoffice Correspondence |
1961-1968 |
57/7 | 0607-007 | Minutes |
1963-1968 |
57/8--9 | 0607-007 | Reports - Monthly |
1961-1966 |
57/10 | 0607-007 | Lists |
1963-1966 |
57/11 | 0607-007 | Subject files - Jobs Now |
1968 |
57/12 | 0607-007 | Miscellany |
1963-1967 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
57/13 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League Negro Scholarship
Fund |
1964-1967 |
57/14 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League Office Relocation Task
Force |
1971 |
Seattle Urban League On-The-Job Training Program
(OJT) |
1965-1980 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
70/25-27 | 0607-007 | Organizational features |
1965-1978 |
Incoming letters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
70/28 | 0607-007 | Affiliate correspondence |
1976 |
70/29 | 0607-007 | Construction Industry Development |
1970 |
70/30 | 0607-007 | Employer letters seeking applicants |
1966 |
70/31-32 | 0607-007 | Equal employment letters |
1974-1979 |
70/33 | 0607-007 | Labor Management Training and Apprenticeship of
King County |
1969-1970 |
70/34 | 0607-007 | National Urban League |
1967-1977 |
70/35 | 0607-007 | Seattle Fire Department |
1972 |
70/36 | 0607-007 | Seattle Model Cities Program |
1975 |
70/37 | 0607-007 | United States Penitentiary McNeil Island Black
Culture Program |
1970 |
70/38-46, 71/8 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous Chronological |
1966-1977 |
Outgoing letters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
71/9 | 0607-007 | to National Urban League |
1966-1977 |
71/10-12 | 0607-007 | of Humes, Hascal O. |
1966 |
71/13-14 | 0607-007 | of Lantry, David |
1974-1979 |
71/15 | 0607-007 | of Maxie, Charles M. |
1969-1970 |
71/16-22 | 0607-007 | of Sanford, Lawrence E. |
1966-1969 |
71/23-24 | 0607-007 | of Williams, George, Project Director |
1972-1973 |
71/25-36 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous Chronological |
1966-1977 |
General correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
71/37-38 | 0607-007 | of Collins, Cecil A. |
1968-1969 |
71/39-40, 72/1-9 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous chronological |
1966-1979, undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
72/10-22 | 0607-007 | Intradepartmental correspondence |
1965-1979 |
72/23-36 | 0607-007 | Interdepartmental correspondence |
1965-1979 |
Minutes (mostly Staff Meetings) |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
72/37-38 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League executive staff
meetings |
1966-1970 |
72/39 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1974-1976 |
72/40 | 0607-007 | Fiscal year 1977 contract staff meeting
notes |
1976 |
72/41-42 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League departmental directors
meetings |
1976-1977 |
Contracts |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
73/1-10 | 0607-007 | Comprehensive Employment and Training Act
(CETA) |
circa 1974-1979 |
73/11-44 | 0607-007 | King-Snohomish Manpower Consortium
(KSMC) |
circa 1973-1978 |
73/45-48, 74/1-5 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Subcontracts |
1966-1973 |
box-folder:oversize | |||
81/8 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Subcontracts |
1971-1973 |
Box/Folder | |||
74/6-15 | 0607-007 | United States Manpower Development Training
Act |
1965-1978 |
74/16-23 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous Contracts |
1965-1978 |
Proposals |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
74/24 | 0607-007 | On-the-Job Training Program (OJT)
proposal |
1965 |
74/25 | 0607-007 | Neighborhood House |
1971-1972 |
74/26-27 | 0607-007 | Seattle City Light Affirmative Action |
1971-1972 |
74/28-29 | 0607-007 | Centro de la Raza |
1973 |
74/30-31 | 0607-007 | Fiscal Year 1974 |
1973-1974 |
74/32 | 0607-007 | Foundation Grant |
1975 |
74/33 | 0607-007 | Area Agency on Aging |
1976-1977 |
74/34 | 0607-007 | Ex-Offender Proposal |
1977 |
74/35 | 0607-007 | Career Counseling, Comprehensive Employment and
Training Act (CETA) King County |
1977 |
74/36 | 0607-007 | Minority Jobs Research |
1977 |
74/37 | 0607-007 | Sexual Offender Proposal |
1977 |
74/38 | 0607-007 | Battelle Private Sector Initiatives (PSI)
Proposal |
1978-1979 |
74/39 | 0607-007 | Resource Library Proposal |
undated |
74/40 | 0607-007 | Personnel Exchange Program |
undated |
74/41-42 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1969, undated |
Project files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
74/43-45 | 0607-007 | Concentrated Employment Program (CEP) |
1969 |
74/46-47 | 0607-007 | In School OJT |
1975-1976 |
Minority Skills Bank |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
74/48-50 | 0607-007 | General Correspondence |
1970-1979, undated |
75/1 | 0607-007 | Reports |
1975-1979, undated |
75/2 | 0607-007 | Activity Reports, Matthew Bryant |
1975 |
75/3-4 | 0607-007 | Contracts |
1976-1978, undated |
75/5-6 | 0607-007 | Lists |
1975-1982 |
Budget |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
75/7 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1976-1978, undated |
75/8 | 0607-007 | Title IV Special Projects: Fiscal Year
1977 |
1977 |
75/9 | 0607-007 | Fiscal Year 1977 |
1977 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
75/10 | 0607-007 | Brochure |
undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
75/11 | 0607-007 | Urban Awareness Program |
1969-1970 |
Lists |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
75/12 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1969-1972 |
75/13 | 0607-007 | Available publications |
1969 |
75/14 | 0607-007 | Client businesses |
undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
75/15 | 0607-007 | Rosters |
1972-1973 |
75/16 | 0607-007 | Resolutions |
1969 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
75/17 | 0607-007 | Affiliate Data |
1974-1977 |
75/18 | 0607-007 | Annual Comprehensive Employment and Training
Act |
1978 |
75/19 | 0607-007 | Contract/Trainee Statistics
#34-9-0011-003 |
1970 |
75/20 | 0607-007 | Daily |
1968-1972 |
75/21 | 0607-007 | Employment Programs |
undated |
75/22 | 0607-007 | Employment Security |
1972-1973 |
75/23 | 0607-007 | Fiscal Year 1966 |
1966-1967 |
75/24 | 0607-007 | Fiscal Year 1975 |
1974-1976 |
75/25 | 0607-007 | Full Employment - Jordan |
undated |
75/26-34 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous Chronological |
1966-1979, undated |
75/35 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous Individual Reports |
1969 |
75/36-42 | 0607-007 | Monthly |
1965-1980 |
75/43 | 0607-007 | Monthly Statistics |
1968-1969 |
75/44 | 0607-007 | Placement |
1969 |
75/45-46 | 0607-007 | Progress and Compliance |
1968-1969 |
75/47-48 | 0607-007 | Progress/Status |
1972-1973 |
75/49 | 0607-007 | Staff Reports of Meetings |
1970-1971 |
75/50 | 0607-007 | Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Labor
Market |
1976-1978 |
75/51-53 | 0607-007 | Statistical |
1969-1971 |
75/54 | 0607-007 | Statistical Reports on Completion |
1977 |
75/55 | 0607-007 | United Way Conference Report |
1977 |
75/56 | 0607-007 | United Way Service Data |
1975-1977 |
75/57 | 0607-007 | Weekly |
1970 |
75/58-60 | 0607-007 | Weekly Statistical |
1968-1972 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
75/61-67 | 0607-007 | Financial records |
1966-1977, undated |
76/1-3 | 0607-007 | Invoice materials |
1968-1974 |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
76/4 | 0607-007 | Administrative Log of Employee
Activity |
1976-1977 |
76/5-8 | 0607-007 | Affirmative Action |
1976-1978, undated |
76/9 | 0607-007 | Alleged Fraud Incident |
1969 |
76/10-11 | 0607-007 | Apprenticeship Programs |
1964-1966 |
76/12 | 0607-007 | Audit Letter |
1977-1978 |
76/13 | 0607-007 | B.W. Industries |
1976 |
76/14 | 0607-007 | Background on Manpower |
1977, undated |
76/15 | 0607-007 | Bellevue Police Department and Equal
Opportunity |
1975-1976 |
76/16 | 0607-007 | Board Committee- David Lantry
Scope and Content:
Includes employment committee records and department heads
meeting minutes
1977 |
76/17 | 0607-007 | Board Report |
1976 |
76/18 | 0607-007 | Board Retreat |
1978 |
76/19 | 0607-007 | Budgeting and Financial Management |
1977-1978, undated |
76/20 | 0607-007 | Central Contractors Association |
1969 |
76/21 | 0607-007 | Cooperative Area Manpower Planning
System |
1970 |
76/22 | 0607-007 | Direct Placement |
1971-1972 |
76/23 | 0607-007 | Employer Information |
1965-1967 |
76/24 | 0607-007 | Equal Employment Opportunity Companies and
Newsletters |
1966-1969 |
76/25 | 0607-007 | Federal Contract Compliance Officers |
1968-1970 |
76/26 | 0607-007 | Human Needs Coalition |
1973, undated |
76/27 | 0607-007 | Intergovernmental Job Information
Center |
1972-1973, undated |
76/28-31 | 0607-007 | Job Development |
1971-1976, undated |
76/32 | 0607-007 | Join Hands & United Customers for All-American
Hiring |
1969-1970 |
76/33 | 0607-007 | King County Contract Compliance |
1977-1978 |
76/34 | 0607-007 | King County Metro Transit Advisory
Committee |
1973-1975 |
76/35 | 0607-007 | Manpower Information |
1970-1971 |
76/36 | 0607-007 | Minority Engineers |
1971 |
76/37 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Job to Industry
Program |
1974 |
76/38 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Office of Veterans
Affairs |
1970 |
76/39 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Priorities |
1978 |
76/40 | 0607-007 | Negro Working Girl |
1966 |
76/41 | 0607-007 | New Employee Orientation |
1973-1977 |
76/42 | 0607-007 | Operation Improvement |
1977-1978 |
76/43 | 0607-007 | Operations |
1977-1978 |
76/44 | 0607-007 | Playground Safety Standards |
1976 |
76/45 | 0607-007 | Port of Seattle |
1971-1973 |
76/46 | 0607-007 | Port of Seattle Employment Profile |
1971 |
76/47 | 0607-007 | Prisons and Jails |
1973-1974 |
76/48 | 0607-007 | Private Sector Initiatives |
1977-1978 |
76/49 | 0607-007 | Program Models for Youth Programs |
1977 |
76/50-52 | 0607-007 | Program Planning |
1977-1978 |
76/53 | 0607-007 | Publicity Campaign |
undated |
76/54 | 0607-007 | Puget Sound Coalition |
1973, undated |
76/55 | 0607-007 | Seattle/Opportunities Industrialization
Center |
1966-1975 |
76/56 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Schools Work Training
Programs |
1973-1975 |
76/57 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League Parking Lot |
1976-1978 |
76/58 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League OJT Reception |
1972 |
76/59 | 0607-007 | Services Employment &
Redevelopment |
1972-1973 |
76/60 | 0607-007 | Sheet Metal Workers Local 99 |
1968-1969, undated |
76/61 | 0607-007 | Staff Evaluations |
1975 |
76/62 | 0607-007 | Statewide Minority Job Research and Placement
Project |
1978 |
76/63 | 0607-007 | Sunset Sportswear |
1974-1975 |
88/1 | 0607-007 | Team Performance Policy |
1980 |
88/2 | 0607-007 | Training Programs |
1971 |
88/3 | 0607-007 | United Airlines Affirmative Action
Plan |
1977 |
88/4 | 0607-007 | United Way of America Services Identification
System |
1977, undated |
88/5 | 0607-007 | University of Washington Inter-Race Relations
Workshop |
1969 |
88/6 | 0607-007 | Urban League Affiliates Regarding: Black
Cooperatives |
1969 |
88/7 | 0607-007 | Washington State Welfare Rights |
1973 |
88/8 | 0607-007 | Youth Employment Models |
1977 |
88/9 | 0607-007 | Washington State Student Resumes and Summer
Employment |
1969-1970 |
Personnel files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
88/10 | 0607-007 | Mercer, Lyle F. |
1965-1966 |
88/11 | 0607-007 | Lantry, David |
1974-1978 |
88/12 | 0607-007 | Humes, Hascal O. |
1966 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
88/13 | 0607-007 | Job postings |
1968-1974 |
88/14 | 0607-007 | Legislation |
1969 |
88/15 | 0607-007 | Newsletters |
1967-1977 |
Conferences and conventions |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
88/16 | 0607-007 | Cooperative Education: The Merging Manpower
Resource |
1975-1975 |
88/17 | 0607-007 | Economic Development Department
Conference |
1977 |
88/18 | 0607-007 | Joining the Community Through Jobs: The Role of
the Private Sector |
1975 |
88/19 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1968-1969 |
88/20 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Kansas City
Conference |
1976 |
88/21 | 0607-007 | Office of Manpower Development Training Denver
Conference |
1976 |
86/1 | 0607-007 | On the Job Training Conference-Phoenix |
1972 |
86/2 | 0607-007 | Portland Office of Manpower Development and
Training Conference |
1975 |
86/3 | 0607-007 | San Francisco Youth Program Planning
Conference |
1977 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
86/4-5 | 0607-007 | Statistics |
1968-1970 |
86/6 | 0607-007 | Speeches and writings |
1965-1977, undated |
86/7-8 | 0607-007 | Notes |
1974-1975, undated |
86/9 | 0607-007 | Ephemera |
1967-1978 |
86/10 | 0607-007 | Clippings |
1966-1974 |
86/11 | 0607-007 | Davis, Edward, Affirmative Action
Specialist |
1977-1979 |
86/12 | 0607-007 | King-Snohomish County Manpower Area Planning
Council |
1972-1973 |
86/13-16 | 0607-007 | National Commission for Manpower Policy (David N.
Lantry) |
1971-1979 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
57/15-18 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League Personnel Practices
Committee |
1956-1964 |
Seattle Urban League Planning and Evaluation Director
(Willy Smith) |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
57/19 | 0607-007 | Bibliography |
undated |
57/20 | 0607-007 | Health Manpower Workshop |
1969-1971 |
57/21 | 0607-007 | Seattle Model City Program |
1969-1970 |
Seattle Urban League Research and Communications
Director (William Strawbridge) |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
57/22-24 | 0607-007 | General correspondence |
1974-1976 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
57/25 | 0607-007 | After Graduation - What?: Follow-Up Survey of the
class Graduating in 1967 |
1969 |
57/26 | 0607-007 | Employment Client Profile |
1974 |
57/27 | 0607-007 | Evaluation of Low Performance by Job Applicants
Taking Employment Security's Metropolitan Achievement Test |
1974 |
57/28 | 0607-007 | Monthly Reports |
1976 |
57/29 | 0607-007 | Neighborhood Profiles for Seattle's Twenty
Critical Neighborhoods |
1971 |
57/30 | 0607-007 | United Way Service Data Report |
1974-1976 |
Reports Of Others |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
57/31 | 0607-007 | Seattle Public Library: Yesler Branch |
1974 |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
57/32 | 0607-007 | Affirmative Action |
1971-1974 |
57/33 | 0607-007 | Census Workshop |
1975 |
57/34 | 0607-007 | Education |
1969-1974 |
57/35 | 0607-007 | Health Education Coalition of King County
(HECK) |
1976 |
57/36 | 0607-007 | Income |
1974-1976 |
57/37 | 0607-007 | Personnel |
1975 |
57/38 | 0607-007 | Population |
1970-1974 |
57/39 | 0607-007 | Proposed Neighborhood Preservation
Program |
1975 |
57/40 | 0607-007 | Racial Gap |
1968-1974 |
57/41 | 0607-007 | Tacoma's Racial Gap |
1975 |
Speeches and writings |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
57/42 | 0607-007 | Publicity |
1976 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
57/43 | 0607-007 | News releases |
1977 |
57/44-45 | 0607-007 | Clippings |
1975, undated |
57/46-50 | 0607-007 | Reader Files |
1961-1967, undated |
57/51 | 0607-007 | Minutes |
1967-1968 |
58/1 | 0607-007 | Reports |
1968 |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
58/2-3 | 0607-007 | Parents' Night |
1964 |
58/4 | 0607-007 | Seattle-King County Youth Commission |
1958, 1964-1965 |
58/5 | 0607-007 | Seattle Neighborhood Youth Corps |
1966 |
58/6-7 | 0607-007 | Washington. Employment Security Dept. Youth
Opportunity Center |
1965-1967 |
Project Files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
58/8-11 | 0607-007 | Operation Higher Motivation |
1967-1969 |
Related organizations |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
58/12-32 | 0607-007 | Construction Industry Development Program |
1970-1972 |
Model Capital Corporation |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
58/33-37 | 0607-007 | Organization |
1971-1982 |
58/38 | 0607-007 | Incoming letters |
1971-1979 |
58/39 | 0607-007 | Outgoing letters |
1972-1979, undated |
General correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
58/40 | 0607-007 | of Culp, Dwyer, Guterson and Grader |
1971-1980 |
58/41 | 0607-007 | of Hubbard, Walter |
1971-1980 |
58/42 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Dividends and earnings
distribution |
1971-1980 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
58/43 | 0607-007 | Memoranda |
1971-1981 |
Minutes |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
59/1-2 | 0607-007 | Board of Directors |
1974-1975 |
59/3 | 0607-007 | Loan Committee |
1973-1974 |
59/4-5 | 0607-007 | General |
1970-1980 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
59/6 | 0607-007 | American Association of Minority Enterprises Small
Business Investment Company (MESBIC) |
1975 |
59/7 | 0607-007 | MESBIC of Washington |
1971-1978 |
59/8 | 0607-007 | Small Business Portfolios |
1976 |
59/9 | 0607-007 | Various MESBICS |
1972-1975 |
59/10-11 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1972-1980 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
59/12 | 0607-007 | Speeches and writings |
undated |
59/13 | 0607-007 | Grant Proposals |
1972, 1978 |
59/14-19 | 0607-007 | Financial records |
1972-1979 |
59/20 | 0607-007 | Legal Documents |
1972-1978 |
59/21 | 0607-007 | Personnel Files |
1973-1976 |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
59/22 | 0607-007 | Bangasser management contract |
1973-1975 |
59/23 | 0607-007 | Board of directors membership |
1972-1974 |
59/24 | 0607-007 | Impact Communications |
1977-1978 |
59/25 | 0607-007 | M&R Enterprises |
1982 |
59/26 | 0607-007 | Shareholders |
1974-1976 |
59/27 | 0607-007 | Shareholder meetings |
1976-1977 |
59/28 | 0607-007 | The Skanner |
1980 |
59/29 | 0607-007 | Sunrise Compost Company |
1973 |
59/30 | 0607-007 | Timberlake, Inc. |
1974 |
59/31 | 0607-007 | United Inner City Development
Foundation |
1971-1972 |
Project Files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
59/32-35 | 0607-007 | Dudley Communications Ltd./KYAC |
1975-1979 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
59/36-60/4 | 0607-007 | Gemini Associates |
1974-1978 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
60/5-13 | 0607-007 | MESBIC (Minority Enterprises Small Business
Investment Company) of Washington Joint Venture |
1971-1975 |
60/14-16 | 0607-007 | MESBIC of Washington merger |
1977-1980 |
60/17-23 | 0607-007 | New Heritage House, Inc. (John
Brisker) |
1973-1976, undated |
60/24-26 | 0607-007 | Seattle Hedonist magazine |
1973-1976, undated |
60/27-61/5 | 0607-007 | Vanhu, Inc. |
1971-1978 |
61/6 | 0607-007 | Notes |
undated |
61/7 | 0607-007 | Ephemera |
undated |
61/8 | 0607-007 | Clippings |
1973-1975 |
61/9 | 0607-007 | Miscellany |
undated |
National Urban League |
Organizational Features |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
61/10 | 0607-007 | By-Laws |
1960-1963 |
61/11-12 | 0607-007 | Manuals |
1956, 1961-1962 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
61/13-15 | 0607-007 | Memoranda |
1949, 1963, 1976 |
61/16 | 0607-007 | News releases |
1963, 1966-1972, undated |
Newsletters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
61/17 | 0607-007 | Of National Urban League |
1968, 1970-1973 |
61/18 | 0607-007 | Of Affiliates |
1964-1977 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
61/19 | 0607-007 | Publication - Secretariat |
1967-1968 |
61/20 | 0607-007 | Report - "state Of National Urban
League" |
1975 |
61/21-24 | 0607-007 | Conference Files |
1960-1965 |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
61/25 | 0607-007 | Black Middle Class |
1974 |
61/26 | 0607-007 | Skills Bank |
1964, undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
61/27 | 0607-007 | Speeches and writings |
1974 |
61/28 | 0607-007 | Bulletins |
1966 |
61/29-33 | 0607-007 | Pamphlet Files |
1956-1965 |
61/34 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Education Council |
1968-1972 |
61/35 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Executive Director's
Treasurer |
1964-1966 |
61/36, 62/1 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Executive Secretaries
Council |
1960-1961, undated |
62/2 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Equal Opportunity Day
Committee |
1958 |
62/3-4 | 0607-007 | National Urban League Western Regional
Office |
1962-1966 |
Operation Equality |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
62/5 | 0607-007 | Organization |
1966-1967, undated |
Incoming letters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
62/6 | 0607-007 | Endorsements |
1966 |
62/7-8 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous A - Z |
1967-1971 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
62/9-28 | 0607-007 | Outgoing letters |
1966-1970 |
63/1-4 | 0607-007 | Outgoing letters |
1970-1971 |
63/5-6 | 0607-007 | Outgoing letters Of The Legal Department |
1970-1971 |
General correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
63/7-8 | 0607-007 | Ford Foundation |
1969-1971 |
63/9 | 0607-007 | National Urban League |
1969 |
63/10 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1966-1973 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
63/11-13 | 0607-007 | Memoranda |
1966-1971 |
Minutes |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
63/14 | 0607-007 | Staff Meetings |
1967-1971 |
63/15 | 0607-007 | Neighborhood Advisory Council & neighborhood
committees |
1967-1968 |
63/16 | 0607-007 | Consolidation meetings |
1971 |
63/17-18 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous (of Operation Equality) |
1967-1971 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
63/19-23 | 0607-007 | Monthly |
1967-1971 |
63/24 | 0607-007 | Quarterly |
1970-1971 |
63/25 | 0607-007 | Yearly |
1968, 1970 |
63/26-28 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous Operation Equality |
1967-1971, undated |
63/29-30 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous other |
1968-1970 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
63/31-64/2 | 0607-007 | Financial records |
1966-1971 |
Speeches and writings |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
64/3 | 0607-007 | of Operation Equality |
1966-1970 |
64/4 | 0607-007 | of Seattle and National Urban League |
1963-1967, undated |
64/5-6 | 0607-007 | of Others |
1968-1969, undated |
64/7 | 0607-007 | Drafts |
1967, undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
64/8 | 0607-007 | Statements Of Discrimination |
1968-1969 |
64/9 | 0607-007 | Newsletters |
1967-1969 |
64/10 | 0607-007 | News releases |
1966-1968 |
64/11 | 0607-007 | Contracts |
1970-1971, undated |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
64/12-13 | 0607-007 | 221(h) projects |
1968-1969 |
64/15 | 0607-007 | Advertisements |
1969 |
64/16 | 0607-007 | Consolidation |
1971 |
64/17 | 0607-007 | Counseling Services (of Operation
Equality) |
1970 |
64/18 | 0607-007 | Foundation for Cooperative Housing Feasibility
Study |
1969 |
64/19-20 | 0607-007 | Fundraising |
1968-1971 |
64/21 | 0607-007 | Hiring |
1966-1971 |
64/22 | 0607-007 | Housing code |
1969 |
64/23 | 0607-007 | Housing fair |
1968 |
64/24 | 0607-007 | Legislation and ordinances |
1967-1968, undated |
64/25-26 | 0607-007 | Operation Breakthrough |
1970-1971 |
64/27 | 0607-007 | Operation Equality Task Force |
1970 |
64/28 | 0607-007 | Success stories |
1969 |
64/29 | 0607-007 | United Inner City Development Fund |
1970 |
64/30 | 0607-007 | Workshop |
1969 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
64/31 | 0607-007 | Job descriptions |
undated |
64/32 | 0607-007 | Lists |
1967-1969, undated |
64/33 | 0607-007 | Notes |
undated |
64/34 | 0607-007 | Ephemera |
1966-1973 |
64/35-37 | 0607-007 | Clippings |
1966-1971 |
64/38 | 0607-007 | Miscellany |
undated |
Seattle Housing Development |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
65/1 | 0607-007 | Organization |
undated |
Incoming letters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
65/2 | 0607-007 | U.S. Housing and Urban Development Dept.
(HUD) |
1972-1975 |
65/3 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Mortgages |
1974 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
65/4-5 | 0607-007 | Outgoing letters |
1971-1978 |
General correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
65/6 | 0607-007 | Church of the Epiphany |
1974 |
65/7 | 0607-007 | Regarding: Audit |
1972-1974 |
65/8-9 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1972-1977 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
65/10-11 | 0607-007 | Memoranda |
1972-1974, 1976-1977 |
65/12 | 0607-007 | Minutes |
1972 |
Speeches and writings |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
65/13-14 | 0607-007 | "Reading Material" |
1973 |
65/15 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
undated |
Reports |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
65/16-17 | 0607-007 | Weekly |
1974-1975 |
65/18 | 0607-007 | Monthly to Ford Foundation |
1972 |
65/19 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous to Ford Foundation |
1973-1974 |
65/20 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1972-1973 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
65/21-22 | 0607-007 | Proposals |
1973, undated |
65/23 | 0607-007 | Newsletters |
1972 |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
65/24 | 0607-007 | A. W. Carter contract |
1971 |
65/25 | 0607-007 | Central Brokers Association |
1973 |
65/26 | 0607-007 | CETA training |
1973-1975 |
65/27-28 | 0607-007 | Counseling plans/programs |
1974-1978, undated |
65/29-30 | 0607-007 | Delinquency and default counseling |
1972-1973 |
65/31 | 0607-007 | Executive director search |
1972 |
65/32 | 0607-007 | Experimental housing allowance |
1973 |
65/33 | 0607-007 | Ford Foundation matching funds |
1972-1973 |
65/34 | 0607-007 | Funding |
1973-1974 |
65/35 | 0607-007 | Housing Affairs newsletters |
1974-1975 |
65/36-37 | 0607-007 | Insurance Information Center |
1973-1974 |
65/38 | 0607-007 | Model Contractors, Inc. |
1972 |
65/39 | 0607-007 | Moon vs. Takasaki |
1971-1972 |
65/40 | 0607-007 | Mortgages |
1974-1975 |
65/41 | 0607-007 | Neighborhood Housing Rehabilitation
Program |
1973-1974 |
66/1 | 0607-007 | New Towns involvement |
1972-1973 |
66/2 | 0607-007 | Performance appraisal |
1972 |
66/3 | 0607-007 | Pest-X |
1976 |
66/4-5 | 0607-007 | Pierce County. Community Action
Program |
1974-1975 |
66/6 | 0607-007 | Port of Seattle relocation |
1974 |
66/7 | 0607-007 | Property releases |
1973 |
66/8 | 0607-007 | Public Assistance |
undated |
66/9 | 0607-007 | Referrals |
undated |
66/10 | 0607-007 | Seattle Emergency Housing Service |
1973 |
66/11 | 0607-007 | Seattle Model Cities Revenue Sharing |
1972-1973 |
66/12 | 0607-007 | South Park Workshops |
1974 |
66/13 | 0607-007 | Stock transfer |
1973 |
66/14 | 0607-007 | Tenant-Landlord bill |
1973 |
66/15-16 | 0607-007 | Training Programs |
1971, 1974 |
66/17 | 0607-007 | Urban homesteading |
1974-1975 |
65/18 | 0607-007 | U.S. Farmer's Home Administration |
1974 |
66/19 | 0607-007 | Washington State Housing Counseling |
1974 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
66/20 | 0607-007 | Forms |
undated |
66/21 | 0607-007 | Clippings |
1973-1975 |
66/22-23 | 0607-007 | Miscellany |
undated |
66/24 | 0607-007 | Seattle Housing Development, Board of
Directors |
1972 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
66/25-32 | 0607-007 | Advocates For Affirmative Action Central Area Citizens
Committee (central Area Motivation Program) |
1971-1972 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
66/33-34 | 0607-007 | Organizational features |
1967-1971, undated |
66/35 | 0607-007 | Incoming letters |
1969-1971 |
66/36 | 0607-007 | Outgoing letters |
1970-1971 |
66/37 | 0607-007 | Memoranda |
1967-1972 |
Minutes |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
66/38 | 0607-007 | Board meetings |
1970-1972 |
66/39 | 0607-007 | Central Area Motivation Project staff
meetings |
1968 |
66/40 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1966-1971 |
Project files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
66/41 | 0607-007 | Beautification/Operation Improvement |
1970-1971 |
66/42 | 0607-007 | Black Arts West |
1970-1971 |
66/43 | 0607-007 | Communications Department |
1970 |
67/1 | 0607-007 | Education Talent Search Program (ETSP) |
1970-1971 |
67/2 | 0607-007 | Head Start |
1970-1971 |
67/3 | 0607-007 | Management Information System (MIS)
project |
1969-1971 |
67/4 | 0607-007 | Motivated ADC Mothers Program |
1970 |
67/5 | 0607-007 | Repair service project |
1970-1971 |
67/6 | 0607-007 | Seattle Community Organization for Renewal
Enterprises (SCORE) |
1970-1971 |
67/7 | 0607-007 | Tenants Organization |
1970 |
67/8 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1969-1971 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
67/9 | 0607-007 | Announcements |
1968-1971 |
67/10-11 | 0607-007 | Financial records |
1970-1972 |
67/12 | 0607-007 | Newsletters |
1968, undated |
67/13 | 0607-007 | Miscellany |
1966, undated |
67/14-15 | 0607-007 | Executive board |
1967-1968 |
67/16-18 | 0607-007 | Central Area Citizens Committee for Economic
Opportunity |
1964-1965 |
Citizens Committee for Negro Adoptions |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
67/19 | 0607-007 | By Laws |
undated |
67/20-21 | 0607-007 | General correspondence |
1961-1963 |
67/22-23 | 0607-007 | Minutes |
1961-1967 |
67/24 | 0607-007 | Reports |
1959-1961 |
67/25 | 0607-007 | Referrals and inquiries |
1962-1963 |
67/26 | 0607-007 | Surveys - Negro Children Awaiting
Adoption |
1961-1962 |
67/27 | 0607-007 | Membership lists |
67/28 | 0607-007 | Lists |
67/29 | 0607-007 | Speeches and writings |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
67/30 | 0607-007 | "A Child In Your Future" |
undated |
67/31 | 0607-007 | Medina Children's Service Minority Adoption
Project |
1965-1967 |
67/32 | 0607-007 | Programs |
1962,1966, undated |
67/33 | 0607-007 | Washington Adoption Resource Exchange |
1964-1965 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
67/34 | 0607-007 | Notes |
67/35 | 0607-007 | Financial records |
1962-1963 |
67/36 | 0607-007 | Ephemera |
67/37 | 0607-007 | Miscellany |
67/38 | 0607-007 | Clippings |
1961-1967 |
67/39 | 0607-007 | Seattle Urban League Committee On Adoptions And
Foster Home Placement Of Negro Children |
1953-1955 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
67/40-68/13 | 0607-007 | Council of Planning Affiliates |
1963-1977 |
68/14 | 0607-007 | Council of Planning Affiliates, Contract Negotiations
Committee |
1970 |
68/15 | 0607-007 | Council of Planning Affiliates, Legislative
Committee |
1970-1971 |
Court Ordered Advisory Committee (COAC) |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
68/16 | 0607-007 | Organization |
undated |
General correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
68/17 | 0607-007 | United Construction Workers
Association. |
1972-1974 |
68/18-21 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1969-1979, undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
68/22 | 0607-007 | Memoranda |
1970-1976 |
Minutes |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
68/23-24 | 0607-007 | General |
1972-1974 |
68/25 | 0607-007 | Special Electrical Apprenticeship
Subcommittee |
1972 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
68/26-30 | 0607-007 | Financial records |
1972-1977 |
68/31 | 0607-007 | Contracts |
1973, undated |
68/32-35 | 0607-007 | Court papers |
1969-1979 |
69/1 | 0607-007 | News releases |
1973, undated |
69/2-3 | 0607-007 | Speeches and writings |
1971-1973 |
Subject files |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
69/4 | 0607-007 | Affirmative action in the construction
industry |
1969-1970, undated |
69/5 | 0607-007 | Curricula |
1972, undated |
69/6 | 0607-007 | Labor apprentice programs |
1969, undated |
69/7 | 0607-007 | Labor outreach proposals |
1969-1970 |
69/8 | 0607-007 | Program merger |
1973 |
69/9 | 0607-007 | Supplemental Order relative to COAC and United
Construction Workers Association |
1972 |
69/10 | 0607-007 | United Construction Workers Association
(UCWA) |
1974-1975, undated |
69/11 | 0607-007 | UCWA and the Lindberg decision |
1972 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
69/12-14 | 0607-007 | Miscellaneous |
1969-1979 |
69/15 | 0607-007 | Contacts |
1972 |
69/16-21 | 0607-007 | Employment Equal Opportunities Commission
reports |
1974-1976 |
69/22 | 0607-007 | Monthly data sheets |
1972, 1976-1977 |
69/23-26 | 0607-007 | Monthly reports |
1972-1977 |
69/27-31 | 0607-007 | Quarterly reports of the U. S.
Attorney |
1972-1974 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
69/32 | 0607-007 | Clippings |
1969-1977 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
69/33-70/13 | 0607-007 | Joint Manpower Board (unicenter) |
1971-1976 |
70/14 | 0607-007 | King County Intergroup Relations Committee |
1964 |
70/15-23 | 0607-007 | United Inner City Development Foundation |
1969-1973 |
Accession No. 0607-009: Seattle Urban League records, 1984-1997Return to Top
Scope and Content: Meeting minutes for the Seattle Urban League Board of Directors.
Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.
Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights retained. Contact Special Collections for details
Acquisition Info: Donor: R.Y. Woodhouse, June 29, 2011.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Accession | ||
1 | 0607-009 | Board minutes |
1984-1990 |
2 | 0607-009 | Board minutes |
1991-1997 |
Accession No. 0607-010: Seattle Urban League records, 1950-1968Return to Top
Scope and Content: Statements and memos, annual report, fliers, brochures, course material and other documents related to the Seattle Urban League.
Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.
Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights not transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.
Acquisition Info: Source of material and date of receipt unknown.
Processing Info: Processed by A. Demeter, 2014
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
1/1 | 0607-010 | Statements and memos |
1960-1964 |
1/2 | 0607-010 | Annual Report |
1959 |
1/3 | 0607-010 | Housing workshop |
1963 |
1/4 | 0607-010 | Paper -
Racial Trends in
Seattle, Lewis Watts |
1958 |
1/5 | 0607-010 | Seattle University courses - SC 166N and 266N, Racial
Relations |
1958 |
1/6 | 0607-010 | Pamphlets, informational handouts, and event
fliers |
1961-1968 |
1/7 | 0607-010 | News reprints |
1950-1963 |
1/8 | 0607-010 |
The Facts, "The Northwest's
Largest American Negro Publication," no. 1 |
1964 April 15 |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- African American civil rights workers--Washington (State)--Seattle
- African American leadership--Washington (State)--Seattle
- African American leadership--Washington (State)--Seattle
- African Americans--Civil rights--Washington (State)--Seattle
- African Americans--Civil rights--Washington (State)--Seattle
- African Americans--Education--Washington (State)--Seattle
- African Americans--Employment--Washington (State)--Seattle
- African Americans--Health and hygiene--Washington (State)--Seattle
- African Americans--Housing--Washington (State)--Seattle
- African Americans--Washington (State)
- African Americans--Washington (State)--Seattle--Social conditions
- African Americans--Washington (State)--Seattle--Societies, etc
- African Americans--Washington (State)--Seattle--Societies, etc.--Archives
- Civil rights demonstrations--Washington (State)--Seattle
- Civil rights movements--United States
- Civil rights movements--Washington (State)--Seattle
- Civil rights movements--Washington (State)--Seattle
- Civil rights--Washington (State)
- Civil rights--Washington (State)--Seattle--Societies, etc
- Civil rights--Washington (State)--Seattle--Societies, etc
- Discrimination in education--Washington (State)--Seattle
- Discrimination in employment--Law and legislation--Washington (State)--Seattle
- Discrimination in employment--Washington (State)--Seattle
- Discrimination in housing--Law and legislation--Washington (State)--Seattle
- Discrimination in housing--Washington (State)--Seattle
- Discrimination in medical care--Washington (State)--Seattle
- Human services--Washington (State)--Seattle
- Minorities--Washington (State)--Seattle
- Nonprofit organizations--Washington (State)--Seattle
- Nonprofit organizations--Washington (State)--Seattle--Archives
- Personal Papers/Corporate Records (University of Washington)
- Social work with African Americans--Washington (State)--Seattle
Personal Names
Corporate Names
- National Urban League
- Seattle Urban League--Archives
- Seattle Urban League--Employees
- Seattle Urban League--Photographs