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Table of Contents
Mike M. Masaoka papers, 1931-1991
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Masaoka, Mike, 1915-1991
- Title
- Mike M. Masaoka papers
- Dates
- 1931-1991 (inclusive)19311991
- Quantity
- 43 linear feet, (88 boxes)
- Collection Number
- MS 0656
- Summary
- Mike M. Masaoka served as National Secretary (1941-1943) and Washington lobbyist (1945-1953) for the Japanese American Citizens' League. He was a member of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team during World War II and served as president of the Japan-America Society. He was active in issues of immigration reform and compensation for victims of wartime internment. The collection includes scrapbooks, yearbooks, correspondence, court and congressional documents, articles, oral history transcripts, and autobiography of Mike M. Masaoka which document his life as a Japanese American citizen. This collection documents the history and problems of Japanese American immigration, evacuation and internment during World War II, efforts to seek redress for damages, the Japanese American Citizens' League, minority issues of Japanese Americans, Japanese trade and culture, and Hawaiian statehood.
- Repository
University of Utah Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library
University of Utah
295 South 1500 East
Salt Lake City, UT
Telephone: 8015818863 - Access Restrictions
Twenty-four hour advanced notice encouraged. Materials must be used on-site. Access to parts of this collection may be restricted under provisions of state or federal law.
Four original letters have been removed and placed in Reserve. Access must be given by the Manuscripts Curator and by appointment. An archivist must remain with the items if being used. Photocopies are available in the collection for research use.
- Languages
- English
Historical NoteReturn to Top
Mike Masaru Masaoka was born in Fresno, California, in 1915, the fourth of eight children of immigrant parents. A few years after his birth, his father moved the Masaoka family to Salt Lake City. It was there that he earned the nickname "Mike" while attending Salt Lake City schools. Later, he had his name legally changed. After graduating from West High School, he attended the University of Utah while working in his family's produce business and local restaurants. At both West and the University, he excelled in forensics. He was graduated from the University in 1937, after studying economics and political science.
Masaoka's first involvement with the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) occurred in 1938, when he attended an annual gathering of the organization. He became interested in the group's goal of organizing second-generation Japanese Americans, or Nisei, in efforts to counteract increasing discrimination. Masaoka quickly became a leader in the JACL after organizing the Intermountain District Council in Utah and Idaho. At the outbreak of the Second World War, the JACL's role as the leading representative organization for the Nisei took on new significance when coping with the government's decision to evacuate and intern all West Coast noncitizens and Americans of Japanese ancestry. As the JACL National Secretary, Masaoka was sent to Washington, D.C. in an effort to mitigate the effects of forced removal and work towards the elimination of the internment camps. Before leaving for Washington, though, Masaoka wed Etsu Mineta.
In addition to exerting influence on the United States government concerning the situation of Japanese Americans, while in Washington Masaoka also worked towards the reinstatement of military service for Japanese Americans. His efforts resulted in the formation of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Masaoka, along with his four brothers and many other Japanese American men, joined the 442nd, which served with honor in military campaigns in Italy and France.
After returning from military service, the JACL appointed Masaoka as its Washington Representative, a post at which he served full-time until 1952, and part-time until 1972. During his years as a lobbyist, Masaoka worked to reform immigration and naturalization laws, resulting in the repeal of the 1924 Japanese Exclusion Act and the abolishment of the National Origins Quota Immigration System. In addition, he lobbied for reparations for losses suffered by Japanese Americans who had been relocated to the internment camps, which assisted in passage of the Evacuation Claims Act of 1948. In the 1980s, he also played a role in the proceedings of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, which investigated the topic of further redress. Throughout his years in Washington, Masaoka also supported passage of civil rights legislation, and was active in development of smooth Japan-U.S. diplomatic and economic relations. In addition to his lobbying efforts on behalf of the JACL, in 1953 Masaoka established his own consulting firm, Mike Masaoka Associates. His clients included both American and Japanese manufacturing firms, as well as a variety of trade associations.
Masaoka was involved in a variety of Nisei veterans associations, including the "Go For Broke" National Veterans Association. He was the first Nisei elected President of the Japan-America Society, a group with which he maintained a long association. In 1970, the Mike Masaoka Distinguished Public Service Award was established by the JACL as a way to recognize individuals who had made significant contributions to the well-being of the Japanese American community. He was the JACL "Nisei of the Biennium" in 1950, and the JACL has established the Mike M. Masaoka Fellowship Fund to develop leaders in public service at the national level. In 1968, Masaoka was awarded the Third Order of the Rising Sun by the Emperor of Japan. In 1983, he was honored with the Second Class Order of the Sacred Treasure by the Emperor.
Masaoka's autobiography, They Call Me Moses Masaoka (written with Bill Hosokawa), was published by Morrow in 1987. He died in Washington, D.C., in 1991, after being plagued with heart problems during the previous decade. He was preceded in death by his two adopted children, and survived by his wife and one grandchild.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The Mike M. Masaoka papers (1931-1991) provide information about the personal and professional activities of Mike Masaoka (1915-1991) and document the wide-ranging experiences of Japanese Americans since before the Second World War. The materials are divided into twelve sections. Within each section, documents are arranged chronologically. Undated documents, along with news clippings and miscellaneous pieces, conclude each section.
Section I contains material relating to Masaoka's personal life. These reflect his activities as a youth in Salt Lake City (scrapbooks, school papers, and yearbooks); his travels to Japan during the 1950s (an itinerary, and souvenirs); and awards and recognition given to him in the later part of his life. Included is a copy of his autobiography, They Call Me Moses Masaoka. There are also materials related to the Masaoka family, several transcripts of interviews of Masaoka, and business documents.
Correspondence to and from Mike Masaoka is arranged chronologically in Section II. Included is correspondence written by or addressed to Masaoka as an official of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL). The correspondence, besides covering topics of a personal nature, is concerned with various issues important to Japanese Americans, including the topics of sections IV through XI. Correspondence found attached to another document remains with that document. Beginning in 1946, Masaoka maintained a handwritten record of daily activities, and these notebooks and note cards are located in Section III. These logs have been arranged chronologically, but are not indexed.
Section IV of the collection contains items concerned with the immigration activities and citizenship status of Japanese Americans. The materials discuss the early immigration of the Issei, battles over deportation, and renunciation of citizenship during the Second World War and later. Masaoka's jobbying activities in these areas made a significant impact on Congressional lawmaking during the 1950s, and this is reflected in documents produced by the U. S. Congress.
Items concerned with the Second World War evacuation of Japanese Americans from the west coast of the United States are gathered in Section V. Included are documents produced by the War Relocation Authority, the government agency created to handle the evacuation, and papers reflecting the activities of internees and government workers in the relocation centers. Any material, regardless of date, memorializing or discussing the War Relocation Authority, relocation center activities, and the impact of internment on Japanese Americans during the Second World War and afterwards, is located in Section V.
Section VI contains documents recording the activities of Japanese Americans in the United States armed forces, especially during the Second World War. Masaoka was one of these people, serving in Europe as part of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and was later involved in veterans groups. Included are commemorative materials and documents reflecting the activities of veterans' organizations, memorial service memorabilia, and articles discussing the involvement of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team in the Second World War.
Documents produced as a result of efforts to gain reparations for losses suffered by Japanese Americans as a result of relocation and internment during the Second World War are located in Section VII of the collection. Included are documents produced by the Japanese American Citizens League as a result of their efforts in lobbying for reparations. A significant portion of this section is devoted to documents stemming from the activities of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians.
Section VIII contains records of, and documents published by, the Japanese American Citizens League, with which Masaoka was involved most of his life. These records are of a general, administrative nature. Documents which discuss the activities of the Japanese American Citizens League in specific areas, such as redress or immigration & naturalization, are filed in other sections of the collection.
Materials in Section IX consist of documents discussing and recording the experience of Americans of Japanese descent in areas outside of those covered in other sections of this collection. Topics include discrimination, demographics, culture, ethnicity, and general history. These subjects are reflected in articles, court documents, state election guides, exhibition brochures, and historical reports. The activities of political and cultural organizations are also represented. Section IX also contains documents reflecting the experiences of other religious, national, and racial minority groups in America.
The documents in Section X are concerned with Japanese trade, government, culture, and relations with the United States. Japan's diplomatic and economic relations with the United States are discussed in the form of articles and treaties. Many of the items in this section reflect on Masaoka's lobbying business, which actively pursued Japanese clients.
Section XI contains documents relating to Hawaiian statehood, while Section XII contains miscellaneous and oversize documents. Honors won by Masaoka in forensic competition, and medals relating to his military service, are also included here.
Addenda to the collection includes correspondence, veterans organization materials, Japanese American Citizens League papers, yearbooks, and scrapbooks.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
The library does not claim to control copyright for all materials in the collection. An individual depicted in a reproduction has privacy rights as outlined in Title 45 CFR, part 46 (Protection of Human Subjects). For further information, please review the J. Willard Marriott Library's Use Agreement and Reproduction Request forms.
Preferred Citation
Collection Name, Collection Number, Box Number, Folder Number. Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library, The University of Utah.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Acquisition Information
Boxes 1-81 were donated in 1992-1993 (40 linear feet).
Boxes 82-85 were donated in 1994 (1.5 linear feet).
Addendum boxes 1-3 were found in 1998 (1.5 linear feet).
Separated Materials
See also the Mike M. Masaoka photograph collection (P0544) and audio-visual materials (A0351) in the Multimedia Division of Special Collections.
Processing Note
Processed by Mark Jensen and Karen Carver in 1993-1999.
Click here to read a statement on harmful language in library records.
Related Materials
Forms part of the Mitsugi M. Kasai Memorial Japanese American Archives.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
I: PersonalReturn to Top
The material in this series relates to Masaoka's personal life reflects his activities growing up in Salt Lake City (scrapbooks, school papers, and yearbooks); his travels to Japan during the 1950s (an itinerary and souvenirs); and awards and recognition given to him in the later part of his life. A copy of , his autobiography, is located in box 4, along with an addenda and associated papers. Also included in this series are materials stemming from familial relationships, several transcripts of interviews of Masaoka, business documents, biographical information about Masaoka, and paper memorabilia. Forensic and military service awards earned by Masaoka are stored in box 80 of this collection. Oversize memorabilia and award certificates are stored in box 81.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
1 | 1-3 | Scrapbook |
circa 1931 |
1 | 4-6 | Scrapbook |
circa 1931 |
1 | 7-11 | High School Papers |
circa 1931-1933 |
1 | 12-13 | West High School Yearbooks |
1931; 1933 |
1 | 14 | Forensic Orations |
1933 |
1 | 15-16 | "Guilty--The American Jury"
Research paper written for a University of Utah English course.
1934 |
1 | 17 |
M Men Manual and Handbook
Published by the Mutual Improvement Associations of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
1938 |
1 | 18 | Address Book |
circa 1942 |
1 | 19 | Souvenirs |
circa 1952 |
1 | 20 | Japan Souvenirs |
circa 1952 |
1 | 21 | Magazine
Japanese language publication.
circa 1952 |
2 | 1 | Japan Itinerary |
1952 |
2 | 2-11 | Hiroshima
Souvenir items.
1952 |
2 | 12-13 | Okinawa
Souvenir items.
1952 |
2 | 14 | Appointment Calendars |
circa 1955; 1988 |
2 | 15-17 | Testimonial
Event program, donor lists, and other items relating to the Mike M. Masaoka Testimonial held in Chicago.
1970 |
2 | 18 | Funeral Programs
Masaoka family services.
1970; 1984 |
2 | 19 | Ambassadorship Recommendations |
1977 |
2 | 20 | Family Crest |
1980 |
2 | 21 | Masaoka and Associates
Company brochure.
1981 |
2 | 22-26 | Mike M. Masaoka Interview
Transcript of an interview conducted by John Tateishi.
1981 |
3 | 1-13 | Mike M. Masaoka Interview
Transcript of an interview done as part of a "Go For Broke" National Veteran's Association oral history project.
1982 |
3 | 14 | "Go For Broke" National Veterans Association
Items recording Masaoka's involvement in this group.
1983 |
3 | 15-19 |
They Call Me Moses Masaoka
Contracts, press releases, correspondence, news clippings, and other items relating to the publication of Masaoka's auto-biography.
1985-1987 |
Volume | |||
3 | 1 |
They Call Me Moses Masaoka
By Mike Masaoka and Bill Hosokawa.
1987 |
Folder | |||
3 | 20 |
They Call Me Moses Masaoka
Addendum to Masaoka's autobiography.
1990 |
3 | 21 | Family Register |
1987 |
3 | 22 | Kai Rasmussen Memorial Booklet |
1988 |
3 | 23 | Wilson v. Amano
Court documents for a bankruptcy case involving Mike and Etsu Masaoka.
1989 |
3 | 24-25 | Interview
A transcript of an interview done by Deborah Lim as part of a Japanese American Citizens League project.
1990 |
3 | 26 | Mike M. Masaoka Distinguished Public Service Award |
1990 |
4 | 1 | Family Member Correspondence
Correspondence involving Masaoka family members. For correspondence to and from Mike Masaoka, see boxes 5-10.
1946-1954; 1983; 1991 |
4 | 2 | Biographical Data |
4 | 3 | Honors |
4 | 4 | Invitations
Received by Mike Masaoka for various events.
4 | 5 | Guest Lists
For events occurring while traveling in Japan.
4 | 6 | Mailing Lists |
4 | 7-13 | Notes |
4 | 14-20 | News Clippings |
1936-1991 |
4 | 21 | Miscellaneous |
4A |
They Call Me Moses Masaoka Preliminary Drafts |
circa 1986 | |
4B |
They Call Me Moses Masaoka Preliminary Drafts |
circa 1986 | |
4C | Oral History Interview Transcripts
The audio cassette recordings of these interviews are located in Audio/Visual Collection A0351, items 10-16.
II: Correspondence, 1947-1991Return to Top
Correspondence to and from Mike Masaoka is arranged chronologically in this series. Included is correspondence written by or addressed to Masaoka as an official of the Japanese American Citizens League. The correspondence, besides covering any topics of a personal nature, are concerned with the various issues important to Japanese Americans. These include the topics of sections IV through IX: immigration and naturalization; evacuation and internment; military service; redress; the JACL; Japanese culture; Japan-U.S. relations; and Hawaiian statehood.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
5 | Correspondence
Two original letters have been removed and placed in Reserve. Photocopied versions are available in the collection for access purposes. Access to the originals must be given by the Manuscripts Curator and by appointment. An archivist must remain with the items if being used.
1947-July 1952 |
6 | Correspondence |
July 1952-February 1957 |
7 | Correspondence
A photograph attached to correspondence from Misoji Sakamoto in folder 20 has been removed to P0544. Two original letters have been removed and placed in Reserve. Photocopied versions are available in the collection for access purposes. Access to the originals must be given by the Manuscripts Curator and by appointment. An archivist must remain with the items if being used.
March 1957-August 1978 |
8 | Correspondence
Photographs attached to correspondence from Lee Hawkins in folder 3, and from Alice Kasai in folder 19, have been removed to P0544.
October 1978-January 1984 |
9 | Correspondence
A photograph attached to correspondence from Reiko Ono in folder 12 has been removed to P0544.
January 1984-May 1988 |
10 | Correspondence |
May 1988-February 1991 |
III: Activity Log, 1946-1990Return to Top
Beginning in 1946, Masaoka maintained a handwritten record of daily activities, including correspondence, phone calls, and engagements. The entries he made are concerned with both business and personal matters. Initially, commercially produced index cards were used in this activity, but he latter switched to pocket-sized notebooks. These logs have been arranged chronologically, and are not indexed.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
11 | Activity Logs
1 Notebook, Approx. 700 loose cards
December 1946-November 1949 |
12 | Activity Logs
Approx. 800 loose cards
December 1949-September 1953 |
13 | Activity Logs
18 Notebooks, Approx. 400 loose cards
October 1953-December 1956 |
14 | Activity Logs
36 Notebooks
January 1957-July 1959 |
15 | Activity Logs
35 Notebooks
July 1959-August 1961 |
16 | Activity Logs
37 Notebooks
August 1961-June 1963 |
17 | Activity Logs
37 Notebooks
June 1963-February 1965 |
18 | Activity Logs
39 Notebooks
February 1965-February 1967 |
19 | Activity Logs
41 Notebooks
February 1967-December 1968 |
20 | Activity Logs
42 Notebooks
January 1969-July 1970 |
21 | Activity Logs
32 Notebooks
July 1970-November 1971 |
22 | Activity Logs
36 Notebooks
November 1971-May 1973 |
23 | Activity Logs
38 Notebooks
May 1973-December 1974 |
24 | Activity Logs
43 Notebooks
January 1975-April 1976 |
25 | Activity Logs
38 Notebooks
April 1976-August 1977 |
26 | Activity Logs
47 Notebooks
August 1977-May 1979 |
27 | Activity Logs
34 Notebooks
May 1979-May 1981 |
28 | Activity Logs
33 Notebooks
May 1981-May 1983 |
29 | Activity Logs
34 Notebooks
May 1983-May 1985 |
30 | Activity Logs
37 Notebooks
May 1985-July 1987 |
31 | Activity Logs
30 Notebooks
August 1987-December 1988 |
32 | Activity Logs
28 Notebooks
January 1989-November 1990 |
IV: Immigration and CitizenshipReturn to Top
The items in this series are concerned with the immigration activities and citizenship status of Japanese Americans. The materials discuss the early immigration of the Issei (first-generation Japanese Americans), as well as battles over deportation and renunciation of citizenship during the Second World War and later, including the case of "Tokyo Rose." Masaoka's lobbying activities in these areas made a significant impact on Congressional law-making during the 1950s, including repeal of the 1924 Japanese Exclusion Act and the abolishment of the National Origins Quota Immigration System. Documents produced by the U. S. Congress and a variety of court documents record battles over citizenship issues, while magazine articles discuss the issues surrounding inequalities in immigration.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
33 | 1-7 | Japanese American Citizens League
Correspondence and other items produced by the Japanese American Citizens League, especially its Anti-Discrimination Committee, concerning immigration and citizenship issues.
1949-1952 |
33 | 8 | Dual Citizenship
Japanese American Citizens League and War Relocation Authority correspondence on this topicirca
1943 |
33 | 9 | Legislation, 78th Congress |
1943 |
33 | 10 | In the Matter of Certain Japanese Aliens Facing Deportation
Court documents.
circa 1946 |
33 | 11 | Commonwealth Club of California
Recommendations on U. S. immigration policy, issued for members of this organization.
1946 |
33 | 12 | Inouye v. Clark
Court documents.
1947 |
33 | 13 | Hearings Report
Regulating Powers of Attorney General to Suspend Deportation of Aliens; before the Subcommittee on Immigration and Naturalization of the House Committee on the Judiciary, 80th Congress.
1947 |
33 | 14 | Delgadillo v. Carmichael |
1947 |
33 | 15 | Deportation Cases
Correspondence and other items produced by the Japanese American Citizens league and U. S. government agencies.
1947 |
33 | 16 | Articles
"Inequality in Naturalization: Root of Prejudice," by Robert M. Cullum; and "End of Oriental Exclusion," by Robert M. Cullum.
1947-1948 |
33 | 17 | Committee Reports
Amending the Act to Expedite the Admission to the United States of Alien Spouses and Alien Minor Children of Citizen Members of the United States Armed Forces; from the House Committee on the Judiciary, 80th Congress.
1947-1948 |
33 | 18-19 | Legislation, 80th Congress |
1947-1948 |
33 | 20 |
Congressional Record
1947-1948 |
33 | 21 | Hearings Report
Providing For Equality Under Naturalization and Immigration Laws; before the Subcommittee on Immigration and Naturalization of the House Committee on the Judiciary, 80th Congress.
1948 |
33 | 22 | H.R. 199
Public responses and other items concerning immigration quotas.
1948 |
33 | 23 | Abo v. Clark
Court documents.
1948 |
33 | 24-26 | Japanese Language Schools
Reports, court documents (Stainback v. Mo Hock Ke Lok Po), and news clippings concerning Japanese Language Schools in Hawaii.
1948-1949 |
33 | 27 | Tule Lake Defense Committee
Items stemming from the activities of this organization.
1948-1952 |
33 | 28 | Japan Peace Treaty Analyses |
1949 |
34 | 1 | "Naturalization of Asian and Pacific Peoples"
Excerpt from a U. S. Congress Committee meeting.
1949 |
34 | 2 | "Annual Report of the Nisei Problem"
By Frank A. Kasama of the Nisei Consultation Bureau.
1949 |
34 | 3 |
Congressional Record
1949 |
34 | 4 | Committee Report
Investigation of Immigration and Naturalization; Progress Report to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary.
1949 |
34 | 5 | Acheson v. Murakami
Court documents.
1949 |
34 | 6 | Article
"Recovery of Japanese Nationality as Cause for Expatriation in American Law," by Thomas L. Blakemore, Jr.
1949 |
34 | 7-8 | Testimony
"A Discussion of the Degree of Assimilation Among Persons of Japanese Ancestry in the United States," by Elmer R. Smith.
1949 |
34 | 9-13 | Hearing Minutes
Before a subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
1949 |
34 | 14 | Legal Case Summations |
1949-1950 |
34 | 15 | Legislative Reports
81st Congress.
1949-1950 |
34 | 16-17 | Legislation, 81st Congress |
1949-1950 |
34 | 18 | "So You Married a Japanese Girl?"
Brochure for United States military personnel serving in Japan.
circa 1950 |
Volume | |||
35 | 1 | Committee Report
The Immigration and Naturalization Systems of the United States; Report of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 81st Congress.
1950 |
Folder | |||
35 | 1 |
Congressional Record
1950 |
35 | 2 | Voting and Citizenship
Legislation, correspondence, and other items concerning the citizenship status of Americans voting in foreign elections.
1950-1951 |
35 | 3 | Uyeno v. Acheson
Court documents.
1951 |
35 | 4-5 | Japanese American Citizens league Statement
On the Revision of Immigration, Naturalization, and Nationality Laws; for the Joint Committee of the Senate and House Judiciary Subcommittees on Immigration and Naturalization.
1951 |
35 | 6-7 | "Report on Naturalization and Immigration of Japanese in the United States"
Prepared by Masaoka Associates.
1951 |
35 | 8 | Barber v. Abo
Court documents.
1951 |
35 | 9 | Aoki v. Barber
Court documents.
1951 |
35 | 10 | McGrath v. Abo
Court documents.
1951 |
35 | 11 | "Annual Report of the Nisei Problem"
By Frank A. Kasama of the Nisei Consultation Bureau.
1951 |
35 | 12 | Legislation, 82nd Congress |
1951 |
35 | 13 | Immigration and Nationality Act, 82nd Congress |
1951 |
35 | 14 | Kuwahara v. Acheson
Court documents.
1951 |
35 | 15 |
Congressional Record
1951-1952 |
35 | 16 | Pat McCarran
An address by this Senator on a Presidential veto of the "omnibus immigration and naturalization bill."
circa 1952 |
35 | 17 | Japanese Dual Nationality
Documents concerned with Japanese citizenship statutes.
circa 1952 |
36 | 1 | Okimura v. Acheson
Court documents.
1952 |
36 | 2 | Mandoli v. Acheson
Court documents.
1952 |
36 | 3-12 | Walter-McCarran Act
Documents concerning this legislation.
1952 |
36 | 13 | Legislation, 82nd Congress |
1952 |
36 | 14 | Committee Report
Revising the Laws Relating to Immigration, Naturalization, and Nationality; from the House Committee on the Judiciary, 82nd Congress.
1952 |
36 | 15 | Conference Report
Immigration and Nationality Act, 82nd Congress.
1952 |
36 | 16 | Committee Report
Revision of Immigration and Nationality Laws; from the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 82nd Congress.
1952 |
36 | 17 | Legislation, 82nd Congress
A comparison of old and new texts of immigration laws.
1952 |
36 | 18 | Articles
"Opposing Views of Omnibus Immigration Bills are Discussed at Clearing House Meeting;" and "Should We Revise Our Immigration Laws?"
1952, 1955 |
36 | 19-20 | Judd Act
Documents concerning this legislation.
1953 |
Volume | |||
36 | 1 |
Whom We Shall Welcome
A Report of the President's Commission on Immigration and Naturalization.
1953 |
Folder | |||
37 | 1-3 | In the Matter of Harry Ginjiro Matoba
Court documents.
1953 |
37 | 4 | Hearings Report
Emergency Immigration Program; before Subcommittee No. 1 of the House Committee on the Judiciary, 83rd Congress.
1953 |
37 | 5 |
Congressional Record
1953 |
37 | 6-8 | Legislation, 83rd Congress |
1953-1954 |
37 | 9 | Pamphlet
"The Stranger at Our Gate: America's Immigration Policy," by Hubert H. Humphrey, Jr.
1954 |
37 | 10 | Fukumoto v. Dulles
Court documents.
1954 |
37 | 11 | Immigration and Nationality Act
Amendments to this legislation, 84th Congress.
1955 |
37 | 12 | Tokyo Rose
News clippings and an article concerning the deportation of Iva D'Aquino.
1956 |
37 | 13 |
Congressional Record
1956 |
37 | 14-15 | Perez v. Brownell
Court documents.
1957 |
37 | 16 | Committee Reports
85th Congress.
1957-1958 |
37 | 17-20 | Immigration and Nationality Act
1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th editions of this Act.
1958 |
37 | 21 | Vesting Orders
U. S. Office of Alien Property.
1958 |
37 | 22 | Nishikawa v. Dulles
Court documents.
1958 |
38 | 1-3 | Hearings Report
Immigration; before Subcommittee No. 1 of the House Committee on the Judiciary, 88th Congress.
1964 |
38 | 4-5 | Masaoka Statement
For Liberalized Immigration Policies; before the Subcommittee on Immigration and Naturalization, House Committee on the Judiciary, 88th Congress.
1964 |
38 | 6-8 | "Congressional Comments On Immigration, Second Session, 88th Congress" |
1964 |
38 | 9-13 | "To Eliminate Racial Discrimination In Immigration"
Submission of the Japanese American Citizens League concerning pending legislation.
1965 |
38 | 14 | Hearings Report
Immigration; before the Subcommittee on Immigration and Naturalization of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 89th Congress.
1965 |
38 | 15-16 | Immigration Reform Bill
A statement by Senator Hiram L. Fong.
1965 |
39 | 1-5 | Congressional Debate On HR 2580 To Amend Immigration & Nationality Act, First Session, 89th Congress, Part I" |
1965 |
39 | 6-10 | Congressional Debate On HR 2580 To Amend Immigration & Nationality Act, First Session, 89th Congress, Part II" |
1965 |
39 | 11-12 | Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments, 89th Congress |
1965 |
39 | 13-17 |
Congressional Record
1965 |
39 | 18 | Legislation, 91st Congress
Internal Security Act of 1950, As Amended, and Communist Control Act of 1954.
1969 |
39 | 19-24 | "Planted in a Good Soil: The Japanese Immigrants in U.S. Agriculture"
By Masakazu Iwata.
circa 1971 |
39A | 1 | Articles
"Are Racial and National Origins Discriminations Completely Eliminated From Our Present Immigration Law?" by Jack Wasserman; and "The New Immigrants," by David North and William Weissert.
1970, 1973 |
39A | 2 | Article
"The Next American Frontier," by Robert B. Reich.
1983 |
39A | 3-8 | News Clippings |
1946-1990 |
39A | 9-10 | Miscellaneous |
V: Evacuation and InternmentReturn to Top
Items concerned with the Second World War evacuation of Japanese Americans from the West Coast are gathered in this series of the collection. Masaoka, as an officer of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), participated in discussions with government agencies on the proposed relocation, and later, as the JACL's Washington Representative, worked to mitigate the effects of relocation on the camp internees. Included here are documents produced by the War Relocation Authority, the government agency created to handle the evacuation. Box 42 contains the correspondence and scrapbook of Janet Embree, an educator at the Poston, Arizona, Relocation Center. Court documents record the legal challenges to laws discriminating against Japanese Americans during wartime. Articles, pamphlets, newsletters, and other documents reflect the activities of internees in the relocation centers and of individuals and organizations working to eliminate the centers. Any material, regardless of date, memorializing or discussing the War Relocation Authority, relocation center activities, and the impact of internment on Japanese Americans during the Second World War and afterwards, is included here.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
40 | 1 | War Relocation Authority
Quarterly report for March-June.
1942 |
40 | 2-3 | War Relocation Authority
Quarterly report for July-September.
1942 |
40 | 4 | War Relocation Authority
Semi-Annual Report, January 1 to June 30.
1943 |
40 | 5-6 | War Relocation Authority
Semi-Annual Report, July-December.
1943 |
40 | 7-8 | War Relocation Authority
Semi-annual report, January-June.
1944 |
40 | 9-10 | War Relocation Authority
Semi-annual report, January-June.
1945 |
40 | 11 | War Relocation Authority
Semi-annual report, July-December.
1945 |
40 | 12 | War Relocation Authority
Semi-annual report, January-June.
1946 |
40 | 13 | War Relocation Authority
Pamphlets and news releases issued by the WRA.
1942-46, 1953 |
40 | 14-15 | "Japanese Evacuation: Interim Report"
By Carey McWilliams, Commissioner of Immigration and Housing, State of California.
1942 |
40 | 16 | "Relocation Communities for Wartime Evacuees"
A War Relocation Authority publication.
1942 |
40 | 17 | National Council for the Prevention of War
Leaflets concerning Japanese American relocation.
1942 |
40 | 18 | Gordon Hirabayashi
News clippings and correspondence concerning Hirabayashi's court case.
1942, 1956 |
40 | 19 | George Yamada
News clippings and correspondence concerning Yamada's court case.
1942 |
40 | 20 | Statements
Statements of Masaoka and Minori Yasui, concerning Yasui's test case.
1942 |
40 | 21 | Anti-Relocation Organizations
Pamphlets and mailings by organizations opposed to relocation and preventive detention policies.
1942, 1944, 1969 |
40 | 22 | War Relocation Authority
1943 |
40 | 23 | War Relocation Authority
Bibliography of published items concerning the WRA, Japanese, and Japanese Americans during the period October 1943-July 1943.
1943 |
41 | 1 | Curriculum Papers
Used in the educational program at Poston Relocation Center, Arizona.
circa 1942 |
41 | 2-5 | Curriculum Guide, Grades 1 and 2
Used in the educational program at Poston Relocation Center, Arizona.
circa 1942 |
41 | 6-10 | Curriculum Guide, Grades 3 and 4
Used in the educational program at Poston Relocation Center, Arizona.
circa 1942 |
41 | 11-14 | Curriculum Guide, Grades 5 and 6
Used in the educational program at Poston Relocation Center, Arizona.
circa 1942 |
41 | 15-19 | Curriculum Guide
Used in the educational program at Poston Relocation Center, Arizona.
1943 |
41 | 20-21 |
Community magazine published at the Central Utah (Topaz) Relocation Center, February and June issues.
1943 |
42 | 1-9 | Embree Letters
Correspondence from Janet Embree, an educator at Poston Relocation Center, to legislators, friends, and relatives.
circa 1942-1944 |
42 | 10-14 | Embree Scrapbook
News clippings and correspondence collected by Janet Embree.
circa 1943 |
43 | 1 | Articles
"Outcast Americans," by William Robinson; "Sedition's General Staff," by Bernard DeVoto; "What About Hugh Kiino?" by S. Burton Hearth; and "Empty the Relocation Centers!" by Kirby Page.
1942; 1943 |
43 | 2 | "Outcasts! The Story of America's Treatment of Her Japanese-American Minority"
Published by the Fellowship of Reconciliation.
1943 |
43 | 3 | Tule Lake
Notes and correspondence concerning Japanese Americans at the Tule Lake Relocation Center, California.
1943-1948 |
43 | 4 | Committee Hearings
War Relocation Centers; before a Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Military Affairs, 78th Congress. Parts I and II.
1943 |
43 | 5 | Presidential Message
Delivered to the 78th Congress.
1943 |
43 | 6 | Pamphlet
"70,000 American Refugees, Made in U.S.A.," by Truman B. Douglas. Published by the Citizens Committee for Resettlement.
circa 1943 |
43 | 7 | Pamphlet
"The Japanese In Our Midst, 1943." Published by the Colorado Council of Churches.
1943 |
43 | 8 | Investigation Report
Investigation of Un-American Propaganda Activities in the United States. Subcommittee of the House Special Committee on Un-American Actives, 78th Congress.
1944 |
43 | 9 | Pamphlet
"Issei, Nisei, Kibei: Fortune Magazine Reviews the Program of the War Relocation Authority and the Problems Created by the Evacuation from the West Coast of 110,000 People of Japanese Descent."
1944 |
43 | 10 |
All Aboard
Community magazine from the Central Utah (Topaz) Relocation Center.
Spring, 1944 |
43 | 11-25 | Endo v. Eisenhower
Court documents.
1944 |
43 | 26 | Pamphlet
"What About Our Japanese-Americans?" by Carey McWilliams. Published by the American Council, Institute of Pacific Relations.
1944 |
43 | 27 | Newsletters
Published by anti-relocation organizations.
1944, 1946 |
43 | 28 |
They Work For Victory: The Story of the Japanese Americans and the War Effort
Published by the Japanese American Citizens League.
1945 |
Volume | |||
44 | 1-3 | Yearbooks
Secondary school yearbooks from Poston (Arizona) Relocation Center.
1944-1945 |
Folder | |||
44 | 1 | Yearbook
Secondary school yearbook from Poston (Arizona) Relocation Center.
1945 |
44 | 2 | "The Nation's Press Views: West Coast Incidents"
A War Relocation Authority publication.
1945 |
44 | 3-5 | War Relocation Authority
Report on program of studies.
1945 |
44 | 6 | "The Light of Learning"
A publication of the Adult & Vocational Training Education Department, Poston Relocation Center, Arizona.
1945 |
44 | 7 | "Poston I Elementary School" |
circa 1945 |
44 | 8 |
WRA: A Story of Human Conservation
Published by the War Relocation Authority.
1946 |
45 | 1-4 | "The Manzanar War Relocation Center"
A thesis by Richard B. Rice.
1947 |
45 | 5 | Articles
"California Japanese-The Long Road Back;" "The Nisei Discover America," by Bradford Smith; and "The Nisei Come Home," by Victor Boesen.
1947-1948 |
45 | 6-7 | "Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the War Relocation Authority"
A listing of holdings in the National Archives.
1955 |
45 | 8 | "Civil Liberties and the Japanese American Cases: A Study in the Uses of Stare Decisis "
By Walter F. Murphy.
1958 |
45 | 9 | "The Decision to Evacuate the Japanese From the Pacific Coast"
By Stetson Conn, from
1960 |
45 | 10 | "The Price of Prejudice: The Japanese-American Relocation Center in Utah During World War II"
From a lecture delivered at Utah State University by Leonard J. Arrington.
1962 |
45 | 11 | "The Bill of Rights and the Military"
By Earl Warren.
1962 |
45 | 12 | "The Nisei: The Pride and the Shame"
Transcription of the narration for a Columbia Broadcasting System news program.
1965 |
45 | 13 |
Concentration Camps U.S.A.
By Charles R. Allen, Jr.
1966 |
45 | 14 | "In Retrospect: The Constitutional Validity of the Evacuation Program Effected Against Persons of Japanese Ancestry During World War II"
A law school paper by Martin Nakahara.
1967 |
45 | 15 | "An Investigation of the Supreme Court's Decision to Uphold the Constitutionality of the Evacuation of the Japanese in World War II"
A Political Science class paper by James Lare.
1967 |
45 | 16-19 | Bick v. Mitchell
Court documents.
1968-1969 |
45 | 20 | Legislation, 91st and 92nd Congresses |
1969, 1971 |
45 | 21 | "The Constitutionality of the Evacuation"
By Harry T. Carp.
circa 1970 |
45 | 22 |
Relocation: Readings
1970 |
45 | 23 | Hearings Report
Hearings Relating to Various Bills To Repeal the Emergency Detention Act of 1950; before the House Committee on Internal Security, 91st Congress.
1970 |
45 | 24 | "Campaign to Repeal the Emergency Detention Act"
By Ramond Okamura, Robert Takasugi, Hiroshi Kanno, and Edison Uno.
circa 1971 |
45 | 25 | Committee Reports
Emergency Detention Act of 1950 Amendments; from the House Committee on Internal Security, 92nd Congress.
1971 |
45 | 26 | Hearings Report
Prohibiting Detention Camps; before a Subcommittee of the House Committee on the Judiciary, 92nd Congress.
1971 |
46 | 1 | Committee Report
Prohibiting Detention Camps; from the House Committee on the Judiciary, 92nd Congress.
1971 |
46 | 2 | Legislation, 92nd Congress
Correspondence and information sheets concerning repeal of the Emergency Detention Act of 1950.
1971 |
46 | 3-4 |
Congressional Record
1971 |
46 | 5 |
The Lost Years: 1942-46
Published by the Manzanar Project Committee.
1972 |
46 | 6 |
Wartime Hysteria: The Role of the Press
Published by the Japanese American Curriculum Project.
1973 |
46 | 7 | Presentation Mailing
Promotional material for an historical presentation by Amy Uno Ishii.
1974 |
46 | 8 | "The Evacuation Decision, As I Remember It"
Written for Bud Fukei by Mike Masaoka.
1974 |
46 | 9 | Committee Report
National Emergencies; from the House Committee on the Judiciary, 94th Congress.
1975 |
46 | 10 |
Newspaper and Gazette Report
A Library of Congress Publication.
1977 |
46 | 11 | Earl Warren Memoirs
Excerpt dealing with relocation decisions.
1977 |
46 | 12 |
Valiant Odyssey: Herbert Nicholson In and Out of America's Concentration Camps
Edited by Michi Weglyn and Betty E. Mitson.
1978 |
46 | 13 | Articles
"Haunting Echoes of the Last Round-Up: '9066' Revisited," by James G. Trager; and "The Japanese-American Internment," by Alec Dubro.
1980, 1983 |
46 | 14 | "Incarcerated Memories: Japanese-Americans Remember"
A transcript of a Cable News Network program.
1981 |
46 | 15-28 | Korematsu v. U.S.A.
Court documents.
1983 |
47 | 1 | Yasui v. U.S.A.
Court documents.
1983 |
47 | 2 | "Unfinished Business"
A description of a project produced for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
1983 |
47 | 3 | "The Orange Race: George S. Patton, Jr.'s Japanese-American Hostage Plan"
By Michael Slackman.
1984 |
47 | 4-6 | Yasui Packet
Information collected by Minori Yasui concerning Mike Masaoka's involvement in evacuation and relocation.
1985 |
47 | 7 | National Japanese American Historical Society
Commemorative calendar illustrated with photos of "Children of Detention Camps."
1992 |
47 | 8-22 | News Clippings |
1938-1990 |
47 | 23-24 | Miscellaneous |
VI: Japanese American Military ServiceReturn to Top
Section VI contains documents relating to the activities of Japanese Americans in the United States armed forces, especially during the Second World War. Masaoka and three of his brothers were part of this group. Included are commemorative materials and documents reflecting the activities of veteran's organizations, some of which Masaoka was a member; memorabilia from memorial services in which Masaoka played a role; and articles discussing the involvement of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, of which Masaoka was a member, as well as other Japanese American servicemen, in the Second World War.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
48 | 1 |
Nisei In Uniform
Published by the War Relocation Authority.
1943 |
48 | 2 |
Five Years, Five Countries, Five Campaigns...with the 141st Infantry Regiment
1945 |
48 | 3 | War Department News Releases
News releases publicizing activities of Japanese Americans in the United States military.
1945-1946 |
48 | 4 | "Japanese Americans Play Vital Role In United States Intelligence Service in World War Two"
By John Weckerling.
1946 |
48 | 5 | Articles
"The Nisei Come Back to Hood River," by Richard L. Neuberger; "Prove You Are An American--They Did!" by Frank Ochs; "Miracle for Mike...," by Kate Holliday; "Best-Kept Secret of World War II," by Bruce Lee; "Our Own Japanese in the Pacific War," by Bill Hosokawa; "1703 Purple Hearts For Mark Clark's 100th Battalion Hell-Fighters," by Emile C. Schurmacher; and "Go For Broke: The 442d Combat Team Story," by Matt Glasgow.
1946-1978 |
48 | 6-7 | Eizo Suzuki
Military discharge documents.
1947-1949 |
48 | 8-13 | Court Martial
Correspondence concerning proceedings against a group of soldiers charged with disobedience.
1949 |
48 | 14-16 | Committee Meeting Minutes
The President's Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services.
1949 |
48 | 17-18 |
Go For Broke!
Press brochure and preview program for this motion picture.
1951 |
48 | 19 | Congressional Memorials
Transcripts of statements, and legislation, concerning recognition of Japanese American military service.
1963, 1983, 1988 |
48 | 20-21 | "Services in the Grove"
Miscellaneous documents concerning commemorative services for Japanese American military personnel at Arlington National Cemetery.
1963 |
Volume | |||
48 | 1 | Directory
A listing of names and address of veterans of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team.
1967 |
Folder | |||
48 | 22 | Reunion Program
Nisei Veterans of Foreign Wars.
1972 |
48 | 23 | Commemorative Booklet
Concerned with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team's commemorative trip to France.
1974 |
49 | 1 | Nisei Veterans Reunion Program |
1976 |
49 | 2 | John J. McCloy
Remarks made at the Go For Broke National Veterans Association reunion.
1976 |
49 | 3 | "Yankee Samurai"
By Joseph D. Harrington.
1979 |
49 | 4 | Spark Matsunaga
Transcript of "What Price Glory?" a speech made in honor of members of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team.
1981 |
49 | 5 | Exhibit Brochures
Descriptive brochures for an exhibit honoring the 442nd Regimental Combat Team.
1981 |
49 | 6 | German Field Position Maps
Reproductions of maps illustrating the activities of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team.
1981 |
49 | 7-8 | Calendars
Commemorating the activities of Japanese language specialists in World War II.
1982, 1983 |
49 | 9 |
Nisei Soldier
Information packet concerning the release of this documentary film.
1984 |
49 | 10 | Arlington National Cemetery
General descriptive information.
1984 |
49 | 11 | Memorials
Miscellaneous documents concerning recognition of Japanese American military service.
1985-1989 |
49 | 12 | Go For Broke National Veterans Association
Miscellaneous documents recording the formation and activities of this veterans group.
1985-1991 |
49 | 13 | National Nisei Veterans Association
Miscellaneous documents recording the activities of this veterans group.
1987-1989 |
49 | 14-15 | AJA Veterans Reunion
Correspondence concerning and programs for this event.
1988 |
49 | 16 |
Nisei Veterans Newsletter
Three issues.
1988-1989 |
49 | 17-21 | Go For Broke National Veterans Association
Meeting minutes, mailing lists, and conference materials.
1988-1990 |
49 | 22 | Veterans Associations
Correspondence and newsletters produced by veterans groups.
1989-1990 |
49 | 23 | Notes
Written by Masaoka concerning the "Military History of Japanese Americans."
49 | 24-25 | News Clippings |
1946-1991 |
49 | 26 | Miscellaneous |
VII: RedressReturn to Top
Documents concerned with the pursuit of reparations for losses suffered by Japanese Americans as a result of relocation and internment during the Second World War are located in this series. Included are documents produced by the Japanese American Citizens League during lobbying efforts towards reparations. A significant portion of this series is devoted to documents stemming from the activities of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC), which convened in the early 1980s to hear all sides of the redress issue and make recommendations to Congress. These include correspondence, information brochures, and hearing minutes. Legislative items in this series are concerned with efforts to address the claims of bank depositors who lost money as a result of U. S. government actions, the formation of the CWRIC, and redress efforts in the 1950s and 1980s. Masaoka, representative for both the JACL and veterans groups, made statements before Congressional committees and the CWRIC on the subject of redress.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
50 | 1-8 | Japanese American Citizens League
Redress correspondence.
1949-1953, 1980-1984 |
50 | 9-11 | Curtis Munson
A collection of documents concerning relocation decisions.
1942 |
50 | 12 | Legislation and Committee Reports
Creating an Evacuation Claims Commission; from the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. 79th Congress.
1946 |
50 | 13 | "Evacuation Claims--Justice Delayed"
By Japanese American Citizens League Anti-Discrimination Committee.
circa 1947 |
50 | 14 |
Financial and Economic Relations
A treaty between the United States and Italy.
1947 |
50 | 15 | Legislation, 80th Congress |
1947-1948 |
50 | 16-19 | Statements
Before a Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
1948 |
50 | 20-23 | Evacuation Claims Act
Documents concerning this legislation.
1948-1950 |
50 | 24 |
Congressional Record
1948, 1953 |
50 | 25-26 | Trading With the Enemy Act
Documents concerning this legislation.
1948-1955 |
51 | 1 | Legislation, 81st Congress |
1949-1950 |
51 | 2 |
Draft Treat of Peace With Japan
A U.S. Department of State Publication.
1951 |
51 | 3 | Evacuation Claims Compromise Amendment Program
Japanese American Citizens League correspondence on this subject.
1951 |
51 | 4 | Legislation, 82nd Congress |
1951 |
51 | 5 | Japanese American Citizens League Evacuation Claims Staff
Monthly reports.
1951-1952 |
51 | 6 | Guessefeldt v. McGrath
Court documents.
1952 |
51 | 7 | Japanese American Citizens League Statement
Prepared for the Dirksen Subcommittee on the Trading With the Enemy Act, Senate Judiciary Committee.
1953 |
51 | 8 | Memorandum
Masaoka writing on the "Return of Vested Japanese Property."
1953 |
51 | 9 | Memorandum
Frank Chuman, Japanese American Citizens League legal counsel, writing on the Trading With the Enemy Act.
1953 |
51 | 10 | Masaoka Statement
Before the Dirksen Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
1954 |
51 | 11 | Committee Report
Japanese-American Evacuation Claims; from a Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee, 83rd Congress.
1954 |
51 | 12 | Hearings Report
Return of Confiscated Property; before a Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee, 83rd Congress.
1954 |
51 | 13 | Committee Report
Trading With the Enemy Act; final Report of the Subcommittee to Examine and Review the Administration of the Trading With the Enemy Act of the Senate Judiciary Committee, 82nd Congress.
1954 |
51 | 14 | Committee Report
Trading With the Enemy Act; from the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 83rd Congress
1954 |
51 | 15 | Masaoka Statement
Before the Subcommittee on the Trading With the Enemy Act, Senate Judiciary Committee.
1955 |
51 | 16 | Masaoka Statement
Before a Subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee relating to resolution on U.S. relations with West Germany and Japan.
1955 |
51 | 17 | Hearings Report
Japanese-American Evacuation Claims; before a Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee, 84th Congress.
1955 |
51 | 18-21 | Legislation, 84th Congress
84th Congress.
1955-1956 |
51 | 22 | Statement
Supplementary statement of the Japanese American Citizens League relating to the Return of Wartime Sequestrated Property, before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Trading With the Enemy Act.
1956 |
51 | 23 | Statement
Japanese American Citizens League statement for the Cooper Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
circa 1956 |
51 | 24 | Memorandum
Masaoka memorandum to Senate Judiciary Subcommittee concerning "Provision in the Treaty of Peace With Japan Regarding Compensation and/or Return of Property Held by an Allied Power and Its Nationals."
1956 |
51 | 25 | Committee Reports
Trading With the Enemy Act and Evacuation Claims Act.
1956 |
52 | 1 | Nishikawa v. Brownell
Court documents.
circa 1957 |
52 | 2 | Presidential Communications
85th Congress.
1957 |
52 | 3-9 | Yokohama Specie Bank
Court documents and other items relating to this case.
1957 |
52 | 10-18 | Koda v. U.S.A.
Court documents.
1957 |
52 | 19 | Smallpage v. Ishida
Court documents.
1957 |
52 | 20 | Sonada v. U.S.A.
Court documents.
1958 |
52 | 21 | Sumitomo Bank
Court documents.
1958 |
52 | 22 | U.S. Department of Justice
Documents concerning citizenship.
1959 |
52 | 23 | Legislation
Concerned with taxation of evacuation claims.
1962 |
52 | 24 | Revenue Act of 1962
Legislative documents.
52 | 25-28 | Memoranda
Four Japanese American Citizens League memoranda concerned with taxation of evacuation claims.
1962 |
53 | 1-2 | Aratani v. Kennedy
Court documents.
1963 |
53 | 3-5 | Honda v. Clark
Court documents.
1964-1967 |
53 | 6-9 | Honda v. Katzenbach
Court documents.
1965 |
53 | 10 | Legislation, 92nd Congress |
1971-1972 |
53 | 11 | Committee Reports
Claims of Yokohama Specie Bank Depositors; from the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, 92nd Congress.
1972 |
53 | 12-14 | Statements
Made before Congressional Committees concerning redress for Japanese Americans.
1972 |
53 | 15-17 | Reparations Plan
Prepared by the Japanese American Citizens League.
1976 |
53 | 18 | Legislation, 94th Congress
Establishment of the Hawaiian Native Claims Settlement Study Commission.
1976 |
53 | 19 | Reparations Questionnaire |
1977 |
53 | 20 |
The Japanese American Incarceration: A Case For Redress
Three editions of a booklet prepared by the Japanese American Citizens League National Committee for Redress.
1978-1981 |
53 | 21 | Guideline Recommendations
Prepared by the Japanese American Citizens League National Committee for Redress.
1980, 1982 |
53 | 22-32 | Statements
Made before Congressional Committees concerning the establishment of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians.
1980 |
53 | 33 | Committee Reports
Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians Act, from the House Committee on the Judiciary, 96th Congress.
1980 |
53 | 34 | Congressional Miscellaneous |
1980-1983 |
54 | 1-3 | Japanese American Citizens League Redress Committee
Reproduction of minutes for a 1942 Japanese American Citizens League meeting.
1981 |
54 | 4 | Japanese American Citizens League Redress Proposal |
1981 |
54 | 5-6 | "Memorandum In Support of the Adoption of the Recommendations of the Commission on the Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians"
Prepared by John Nakahata for the Japanese American Citizens League.
circa 1981 |
54 | 7-8 | Japanese American Citizens League Redress Committee
Information packet. Attached photographs have been removed to P0544.
1981 |
54 | 9 | Japanese American Citizens League Redress Statements |
circa 1981 |
54 | 10 | Japanese American Citizens League Redress Miscellaneous |
circa 1981 |
54 | 11-19 | Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians
Correspondence, information packets, press releases, and other items stemming from the activities of this Commission.
1981-1984 |
54 | 20-32 | Statements
Made before the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians.
1981 |
55 | 1-24 | Statements
Made before the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians.
1981 |
55 | 25-29 | Japanese American Citizens League Testimony |
1981 |
56 | 1 | Media Response Packet
Japanese American Citizens League.
1981 |
56 | 2 | Question Lists |
circa 1981 |
56 | 3 | Legislation, 97th Congress |
1981 |
56 | 4-5 | "Moving People Around"
An excerpt from an unpublished manuscript by Laurence T. Hewes.
circa 1981 |
56 | 6 | Notes |
1981 |
56 | 7-22 | Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians
Hearing minutes, July-August.
1981 |
57 | 1-22 | Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians
Hearing minutes, August.
1981 |
58 | Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians hearing minutes |
1981 August-1981 September | |
Folder | |||
59 | 1-25 | Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians
Hearing minutes, September.
1981 |
60 | 1-24 | Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians
Hearing minutes, September-November.
1981 |
61 | 1-17 | Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians
Hearing minutes, November-December.
1981 |
61 | 18 | Hubert K. Arnold
Correspondence to President Ronald Reagan and California Governor George Deukmejian concerning redress issues.
1982, 1985 |
61 | 19 | Grassley Statement
Before the Senate Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure.
1983 |
61 | 20 | "Six Billion Dollars to Finance a Japanese Relocation Guilt Trip"
By Alan Stang.
1983 |
61 | 21-25 | "Economic Losses of Ethnic Japanese As a Result of Exclusion and Detention, 1942-1946"
Prepared for the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians by Frank S. Arnold, Michael C. Barth, and Gilah Langner.
1983 |
61 | 26 | Legislation, 98th Congress |
1983 |
61 | 27 |
Congressional Record
1983 |
61 | 28 |
Personal Justice Denied
Summary and Recommendations of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians.
1983 |
62 | 1 | John J. McCloy Remarks
Before a Japanese-American Relocation Commission Hearing.
1984 |
62 | 2 | Daniel E. Lungren Testimony
For the Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations of the House Judiciary Committee.
1984 |
62 | 3-5 | Masaoka Statement
Made before the Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations of the House Committee on the Judiciary.
1984 |
62 | 6-7 | Japanese American Citizens League Redress Legislative Handbook |
1984 |
62 | 8-14 | Hohri v. U.S.A.
Court documents.
1984 |
62 | 15 | Congressional Miscellaneous |
1984-1985 |
62 | 16 | Legislation, 99th Congress |
1985 |
62 | 17-18 | Hirabayashi v. U.S.A.
Court documents.
1985 |
62 | 19-20 | Masaoka Statement
Made before the Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations of the House Committee on the Judiciary.
1986 |
62 | 21-23 | Masaoka Statement
Made before the Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations of the House Committee on the Judiciary.
1986 |
62 | 24-28 | Lillian Baker
Documents produced by, and describing the activities of, this individual, who opposed redress for Japanese Americans.
1986 |
63 | 1 | Committee Reports |
1987 |
63 | 2 | Legislation, 100th Congress |
1987 |
63 | 3-4 | Masaoka Statement
Made before the Subcommittee on Federal Services, Post Office and Civil Service of the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs.
1987 |
63 | 5-7 | Masaoka Statement
Made before the Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations of the House Committee on the Judiciary.
1987 |
63 | 8 | Masaoka Statement
Made before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary of the House Committee on the Judiciary.
1988 |
63 | 9 | "Crossfire"
Transcript of a Cable News Network program, featuring a debate between Masaoka and Lillian Baker.
1988 |
63 | 10-11 | James Purcell
Documents stemming from the activities of this attorney, who was active in relocation court challenges and redress.
circa 1988 |
63 | 12-13 | Congressional Miscellaneous |
1988 |
63 | 14 | Hearings Report
Authorization Request of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice for Fiscal Year 1990; before the Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights of the House Judiciary Committee, 101st Congress.
1989 |
63 | 15 | Congressional Miscellaneous |
1989 |
63 | 16 |
The Redress Monitor
The newsletter of the Japanese American Citizens League, Legislative Education Committee; three issues.
1989-1990 |
63 | 17 | Redress Administration |
1989 |
63 | 18 | U. S. Department of Justice
Program for an event commemorating redress payments.
1990 |
63 | 19-27 | News Clippings |
1948-1991 |
63 | 28-29 | Miscellaneous |
VIII: Japanese American Citizens LeagueReturn to Top
Section VII contains records of, and documents produced by, the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), with which Masaoka was involved as National Secretary or Washington Representative most of his life. These records are of a general, administrative nature, and include correspondence, convention programs, financial reports, governing documents, reports from the organization's Washington Representative, and documents stemming from activities of individual JACL chapters. Documents which discuss the activities of the Japanese American Citizens League in specific areas, such as redress or citizenship, are stored in other sections of this collection.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
64 | 1-6 | General Correspondence |
1944-1989 |
64 | 7-14 | Anti-Discrimination Committee
Correspondence, progress reports, financial reports, and miscellaneous documents produced by this committee of the Japanese American Citizens League.
1946-1949 |
64 | 15 | Biennial Convention Program |
1930 |
64 | 16 | Council Meeting Minutes
1940 |
64 | 17 |
Congressional Record
1941-1972 |
64 | 18 | Financial Reports |
1942-1943 |
64 | 19 | "JACL In Wartime"
By Saburo Kido.
1944 |
64 | 20-26 | "Final Report"
Masaoka's report to Japanese American Citizens League officers on his activities as the organization's representative.
1944 |
65 | 1 | Financial Summary |
1945 |
65 | 2 | Reports |
1947 |
65 | 3 | Board Meeting Minutes |
November 1947 |
65 | 4 | Membership and Fund Appeal Brochure |
1948 |
65 | 5 | Biennial Conference Event Programs |
1950 |
65 | 6 | Chicago Chapter Newsletter |
1950 |
65 | 7 | Historical Brochure |
1951 |
65 | 8 | Committee to Reunite Japanese American Families |
1954 |
65 | 9 | Chapter Documents |
1954-1955 |
65 | 10 | Address
Transcript of an address made by William J. Sebald before a meeting of the Japanese American Citizens League.
1955 |
65 | 11 | Japanese American Citizens League Statement
Made before the Daniel Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
1955 |
65 | 12-13 | "A Definitive History of the Japanese in America"
A proposal for this study.
1860-1960 |
65 | 14-15 | "A Definitive History of the Japanese in America"
A proposal for this study.
1860-1960 |
65 | 16-17 | "A Definitive History of the Japanese in America"
A proposal for this study.
1860-1960 |
65 | 18-22 | Washington Representative Report |
1962, 1964, 1966, 1970 |
65 | 23 | Intermountain District History |
1940-1965; 1965 |
65 | 24 | Biennial Program |
1966 |
65 | 25 | Information Brochure |
circa 1967 |
65 | 26 | Yoneo Arai
Information concerning this individual, purported to be the oldest living mainland Nisei.
1969-1970 |
65 | 27 | Biennial Convention Program |
1970 |
65 | 28-31 | Masaoka Trust Fund
Documents concerned with the establishment and disbursement of this Japanese American Citizens League fund.
1970 |
66 | 1 | U.S.-Japan Trade Study |
circa 1972 |
66 | 2 | Masao W. Satow Testimonial Program |
1972 |
66 | 3 |
lva Toguri: Victim of Legend
1975-1976 |
66 | 4 | Event Program
Eastern District Council presentation of the Thomas T. Hayashi Law Scholarship Award, and testimonial to William M. Marutani.
1976 |
66 | 5 | Council Meeting Minutes |
1978 |
66 | 6 | Heritage Week Brochure |
1979 |
66 | 7 | Investment Portfolio Summary |
1980 |
66 | 8 | Constitution and By-Laws |
1980 |
66 | 9-10 | Michi Weglyn
Correspondence concerned with Japanese American Citizens League use of Weglyn's writings as part of a statement before Congressional Committees.
1980 |
66 | 11 | Gerald Yamada
Documents discussing Japanese American Citizens League activities.
1981 |
66 | 12-13 | Endowment Fund
Meeting materials and financial information.
1982, 1989 |
66 | 14 | Financial Report |
1982-1983 |
66 | 15 | "The Nisei Assume Power: The Japanese Citizens League"
By Paul R. Spickard.
1941-1942 |
66 | 16 | Masaoka Fellowship Fund |
1983-1988 |
66 | 17 | Public Service Award Programs |
1986 |
66 | 18 | Fund Raising |
1988 |
66 | 19 | Golden Gate Chapter
Resolution concerning apologies for the decisions of Japanese American Citizens League leaders concerning relocation.
1988 |
66 | 20-22 | Educational Conference |
1988 |
66 | 23 | Convention Programs |
1989-1990 |
66 | 24 | Shig Wakamatsu
Speeches prepared for this individual as introductions for Masaoka and Thomas Crouch at a JACL event.
circa 1990 |
66 | 25 | Legacy Fund |
1990 |
66 | 26 | Washington, D.C. Chapter Newsletter |
1990 |
66 | 27 | Miscellaneous Brochures and Flyers |
66 | 28 | Member Directories |
66 | 29 | Papanese American Citizens League Decals |
66 | 30 | News Clippings |
1940-1988 |
66 | 31 | Miscellaneous |
IX: Minority IssuesReturn to Top
Materials in this series consist of documents discussing and recording the experience of Americans of Japanese descent in areas outside of those covered in other series of this collection. Topics include discrimination, demographics, culture, ethnicity, and general history. These areas are reflected in articles, court documents, state election guides, exhibition brochures, and historical reports. The activities of political and cultural organizations are also represented here. Section VIII contains documents reflecting the experiences of other religious, national, and racial minority groups in America.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
67 | 1 | Articles
"Hawaii: Racial Problem and Naval Base," by George H. Blakeslee; and "California's Proposition 15," by Grace Cable Keroher.
1925; 1947 |
67 | 2 |
Democracy and Japanese Americans
By Norman Thomas.
1942 |
67 | 3-10 | Takahashi v. Fish and Game Commission
Court documents.
1945-1947 |
67 | 11 | "Facts About Japanese-Americans"
Published by the American Council On Race Relations.
1946 |
67 | 12 | Anderson v. Auseth
Court documents.
1946 |
67 | 13-15 | Oyama v. California
Court documents.
1946 |
67 | 16 | Palermo v. Stockton Theatres
Court documents.
1946 |
67 | 17 | Shelley v. Kraemer
Court documents.
1947 |
67 | 18 | "The California Alien Land Law and the Fourteenth Amendment"
By Edwin E. Ferguson.
1947 |
67 | 19-20 | "The Anti-Japanese Land Laws of California and Ten Other States
By Dudley O. McGovney.
1947 |
67 | 21 |
To Secure These Rights
The Report of the President's Committee On Civil Rights.
1947 |
68 | 1 | Stainback v. Mo Hock Ke Lok Po
Court documents.
1948 |
68 | 2 | Legislation |
1948-1986 |
68 | 3 | McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents
Court documents.
1949 |
68 | 4 | "Some Social Aspects of Japanese-American Demography"
By Dorothy Swaine Thomas.
1950 |
68 | 5 | Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee v. McGrath
Court documents.
1950 |
68 | 6 | Masaoka v. California
Court documents.
1950 |
68 | 7-10 | "Report on the Alien Land Laws in the United States"
Prepared by Masaoka Associates.
1951 |
68 | 11 | Thompson Co. v. District of Columbia
Court documents.
1951 |
68 | 12 | Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
Court documents.
1952 |
68 | 13 | "Civil Rights Legislation and the Fight for Equality" |
1862-1952; 1953 |
68 | 14 | Consolidated Flower Shipments v. Civil Aeronautics Board
Court documents.
1954 |
68 | 15 | Nairn v. Naim
Court documents.
1955 |
68 | 16-18 | Romero v. Weakley
Court documents.
1955 |
68 | 19 | California Legislature
Legislation concerning the access of resident aliens to state social services.
1955 |
68 | 20 | Committee Report
Exemption of Agricultural Commodities (Amendment to Civil Aeronautics Act); before the Subcommittee on Aviation of the Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, 84th Congress.
1955 |
68 | 21-22 | California Voter's Guide and Election Results
Repeal of alien land laws.
1956 |
68 | 23-25 | National Association for the Advancement of Colored People v. Alabama
Court documents.
1957 |
69 | 1 | Exhibition Brochure
Photographic Exhibition on the First Japanese Embassy and the Voyage of the Kanrin-Maru in 1860.
1960 |
69 | 2-3 | O'Meara v. Washington State Board Against Discrimination
Court documents.
circa 1961 |
69 | 4-6 | "Early New York Issei Founders of Japanese American Trade"
By T. Scott Miyakawa.
circa 1965 |
69 | 7 | "Issei In New England" |
circa 1965 |
69 | 8 | "The Study of the United States-Japan Trade and of the East Coast Japanese Americans"
Prepared by the Japanese American Citizens League East Coast Japanese History Project.
circa 1965 |
69 | 9-10 | Presidential Addresses
Commemorative editions of civil rights speeches made by Lyndon B. Johnson.
1965 |
69 | 11 | Washington Voters Pamphlet
Citizenship proposition to electorate.
1966 |
69 | 12 | Report of Japanese American Research Project |
1966 |
69 | 13 | America-Japan Society
50th anniversary brochure.
1967 |
69 | 14 | "Class or Ethnic Solidarity: The Japanese American Company Union"
By John Modell.
1968 |
69 | 15 | Wakamatsu Colony Centennial
Commemorative brochure.
1969 |
69 | 16 | "Japanese Americans: Origins' Past & Present"
By Joe Grant Masaoka.
1969 |
69 | 17-28 | Cabinet Committee for Asian Affairs
Legislation to create this committee.
1971 |
70 | 1 | "Socioeconomic Mobility Among Three Generations of Japanese Americans"
By Gene N. Levine and Darrel M. Montero.
1972 |
70 | 2 |
My Dream and Reality "
By Tadafumi Mikuriya. Includes attached correspondence.
1972 |
70 | 3 | "Japanese American Migration to the East Coast"
Presented by the Eastern District Youth Council, Japanese American Youth, as their Project of the Biennium.
1974 |
70 | 4-25 | "The Economic Basis of Ethnic Solidarity: A Study of Japanese Americans"
By Edna Bonacich and John Modell.
circa 1973 |
71 | 1 | "The Japanese American Community: Transformation Over Three Generations"
By Grace N. Levine and Darrel Montero.
1974 |
71 | 2 | "Difficulties in Cross-Cultural Communication"
By Sukchiro Hirakawa.
1974 |
71 | 3 | "Reviewer's Comments: Bonacich and Modell, the Economic Basis of Ethnic Solidarity" |
1975 |
71 | 4-5 |
Acculturation and the Retention of an Ethnic Identity in Three Generations of Japanese Americans
By John W. Connor.
1977 |
71 | 6 |
Sachie, A Daughter of Hawaii
By Patsy Sumie Saiki.
1977 |
71 | 7 | University of California v. Bakke
Court documents.
1977 |
71 | 8 | "The National Asian American Roster"
Compiled by Don T. Nakanishi for the Asian American Studies Center at the University of California, Los Angeles.
1980 |
71 | 9 | Testimonial Program
For "An American Testimonial To Members of Congress of Japanese Ancestry; To the Japanese American Experience; To the Challenges Ahead in Human and Civil Rights;" a fund raiser for the Japanese American Citizens League.
1980 |
71 | 10 | Japanese American Curriculum Project Catalogue |
1980-1981 |
71 | 11 | Japan-America Society of Washington
Membership directory and miscellaneous.
1982, 1987 |
71 | 12-14 |
Sanga Moyu
Various documents concerned with the broadcasting of a Japanese television program.
1984 |
71 | 15 | Articles
"The Invisible Success Story," by Stuart Rothenberg;" and "Pass Go, Collect $1.4 Mil," by Andrew Alexander.
1984, 1989 |
71 | 16-19 | Japanese Canadians
Articles, government documents, news clippings, and other items relating to issues important to Japanese Canadians, especially their relocation to internment camps during the Second World War.
1984-1990 |
71 | 20-23 | "Remember Pearl Harbor: The Japanese American Quest for a Place in the Sun"
By Naoko Shibusawa.
1986 |
71 | 24-26 | Mermelstein v. Institute For Historical Review
Documents produced by the Auschwitz Study Foundation in relation to this case.
1986-1988 |
71 | 27 |
Books-In-Print, Japanese in the Americas "
Book catalogue for the Japanese American Library.
1986 |
71 | 28 | Wabuka Club Directory |
1987 |
72 | 1-5 | Jamake Highwater
Documents concerned with the authenticity of the writings and ethnicity of this author.
1987 |
72 | 6 | "A More Perfect Union: Japanese Americans and the United States Constitution"
Documents produced for commemorative activities for the bicentennial of the U. S. Constitution.
1987 |
72 | 7 | Japanese American History
Various documents produced by museums, historical societies, and others.
1987-1990 |
72 | 8 | Amerasia Bookstore Catalogue |
circa 1988 |
72 | 9 |
A Proposal for the Malheur County Japanese American Cultural Center
1988 |
72 | 10 | Asian and Pacific Islander Advisory Committee, Final Report
California State Attorney General's Office.
1988 |
72 | 11-20 | Congressional Black Caucus
Documents concerned with the impact on and role of Black Americans in regard to Japan-U.S. relations.
1988 |
72 | 21-22 | "Knowledge and Access: A Study of Asian and Pacific American Communities in the Washington, D. C. Metropolitan Area"
By Juanita Tamayo Lott.
1989 |
72 | 23 | Asian Pacific American Achievement Awards
Event program.
1989 |
72 | 24-25 | Jin Kinoshita
Information packet on this scientist and educator.
1989 |
72 | 26 |
Japan-America Society of Washington Bulletin
Three issues.
1989-1990 |
72 | 27 |
National Japanese American Historical Society Focus
Three issues.
1989-1990 |
72 | 28 | Book Catalogue
Asian American titles; JACP, Incirca
1990 |
72 | 29 | "Japanese Americans"
Unidentified book excerpt.
73 | 1 | Norman Mineta
Documents recording the activities of this Congressman.
73 | 2-4 | Spark Matsunaga
Documents recording the activities of this Congressman.
73 | 5-7 | Document Excerpt
The subject is the Japanese American community.
73 | 8 | Document Excerpt
The subject is the Japanese American influence on American culture.
73 | 9 | "The Issei and the Quest for Citizenship" |
73 | 10 | "Concentration Camps--American Style" |
73 | 11-21 | "The Economics and Politics of Racial Accommodation: The Japanese of Los Angeles" |
1900-1942 |
73 | 22-24 | Japanese American Demographics
Data, maps, news clippings, and other items recording population statistics.
73 | 25-29 | News Clippings |
1939-1991 |
73 | 30 | Miscellaneous |
X: JapanReturn to Top
Included in this section are documents concerned with Japanese trade, government, culture, and relations with the United States. Represented are Japanese industry, government and business leaders, and Japanese artists. Japan's diplomatic and economic relations with the United States are discussed in the form of articles and treaties. Many of the items in this section reflect Masaoka's lobbying firm, Mike Masaoka Associates, which actively pursued Japanese industry and trade associations as clients.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
74 | 1 | Sister Cities International |
74 | 2 | "The Story of Timmore--The Japanese Fisherman"
By John M. Brooke.
74 | 3 |
A Course on Japan
By John Irwin. Published by the Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada.
1934 |
74 | 4 | Legislation |
1937-1975 |
74 | 5 | "Friendship, Commerce and Navigation"
Treaty and Protocol between the United States and Japan.
1953 |
74 | 6 |
The Massacre of the Innocents: People and Land in Japan
By George P. Carlin.
1955 |
74 | 7 | "Interchange of Patent Rights and Technical Information for Defense Purposes"
Agreement and Protocol between the United States and Japan.
1956 |
74 | 8 | "Protection of Industrial Property"
Convention between the United States and other governments.
1958 |
74 | 9 | Committee Report
Problems of the Domestic Textile Industry; before a Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, 85th Congress.
1958 |
74 | 10 | American Committee on Japan
Correspondence concerning ratification of treaties with Japan.
1960 |
74 | 11 | "Facts About Japan"
Brochure prepared by the Japan Information Service, Consulate General of Japan.
1964 |
74 | 12 | "Developments in the Law and Institutions of International Economic Relations: The Kennedy Round of Trade Negotiations"
By John B. Rehm.
1968 |
74 | 13 | "Green, Political Integration by Jurisprudence "
A book review by John B. Rehm.
1970 |
74 | 14 | "Coexistence and Commerce--Guidelines for Transactions Between East and West"
A book review by John B. Rehm.
1971 |
74 | 15 |
Our Two Countries
By Philip H. Trezise.
1972 |
74 | 16 |
U.S./Japan Outlook: A Digest of American Views of Japan
Published by Japan Trade Centers.
1974 |
74 | 17 |
The Emperor of Japan: A Profile on the Occasion of the Visit by the Emperor and Empress to the United States
By Edwin O. Reischauer.
1975 |
74 | 18-19 | Commemorative Booklets
A recounting of a trip to the United States and Europe by the Emperor and Empress of Japan.
1975 |
74 | 20 | "The United States in the World Economy"
Book excerpt by Edward R. Fried and Philip H. Trezise.
1976 |
74 | 21 | Takashima Hokkai
Documents providing information about this Japanese artist.
1976 |
74 | 22-23 | International Trade Option Paper
Produced by the White House Conference on Small Business.
1979 |
74 | 24 | "U.S.-Japanese Relations: What Should the Future Hold?"
Transcription of a forum held by the American Enterprise Institute.
1981 |
74 | 25 | "The American View of Japan and the Japanese: A Sharp Decline in Racism but Memories of WW II Still Linger" |
1982 |
74 | 26 |
Aspects of Japanese Culture, Tradition and Behavior
1982 |
74 | 27 | Bank of Tokyo
Annual report. A photograph attached to this document has been removed to P0544.
1982 |
74 | 28-30 | Toyota Brochures |
1982, 1986 |
74 | 31 | Speech Transcripts
Addresses given by Japanese government officials.
1982; 1990 |
75 | 1 |
A History of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan
1983 |
75 | 2 | Asian Studies Center Backgrounder
Five issues.
1983, 1989 |
75 | 3 | Heine Watercolors
Correspondence about, an exhibition brochure concerning, and reproductions of these paintings, which depict early United States-Japan contact.
1983 |
75 | 4 | Briefing Book
Prepared by the Asian Studies Center of the Heritage Foundation for President Ronald Reagan's trip to Asia.
1983 |
75 | 5 | "Industrial Policy in Japan, A Question-and-Answer Overview"
Prepared by the Japan Trade Center and the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry.
circa 1984 |
75 | 6 |
Japan's Industrial Policies
Published by the Japan Economic Institute of America.
1984 |
75 | 7 |
Competing for the Future: A Democratic Strategy for Trade
Published by the National-House Democratic Caucus.
1984 |
75 | 8 | Keizai Koho Center
"Trading With Japan," and "Japan's 'Strong Yen' Crisis."
1985 |
75 | 9 | Articles
"The Force of the Future," by Saburo Okita; "No News Is Not Good News," by Urban C. Lehner; "U.S. and Japan Relations--A New Realism," by William Watts; "Partnership for Prosperity: U.S.-Japan Relations and the World Economy," by Kiichi Miyazawa; and The Japanese and the Jews: Two Societies That Surprised the World," by Ben-Ami Shillony.
1985 |
75 | 10 | Articles
"Two Looks at the Problem of America's Perception of Japan," by William Schneider; "Japan-Bashing is Pointless," by Hajime Karatsu; "Japan in the 21st Century: A Psychologist Looks Toward the Future," by Joseph A. Precker; and "A Return to International Society: Japan's Entry into the United Nations," by Naotake Sato.
1985 |
75 | 11 | Michi Kobi
Two articles sent by this individual to Mike Masaoka.
1985 |
75 | 12-13 | Study Proposals
Prepared for investigations on economics and trade, by William Schneider and Grant Ujifusa.
1985 |
75 | 14 | Articles
"Costly Defects: The U.S. Semiconductor Industry from a Japanese Perspective," by Hajime Karatsu; "Networking in the Pacific: Private Actions with a Public Purpose," by Richard M. Fairbanks III; "How Japan Can Contribute to a Healthy World Economy: Six Proposals to Bolster the Free Trade System;" "Industrial Policy's Generation Gap," by Ryutaro Komiya; "Charting a New Policy Course," by Kazuhiko Otsuka; "Public Relations at the American Grass Roots," by Soshichi Miyachi; "Japan's Place in the Evolving World Order," by Yasusuke Murakami and Kuniko Inoguchi; and "The Enigma of the Eighties: World Trade and Protectionism," by Malcolm T. Stamper.
1986 |
75 | 15 | Articles
"Beyond the Trade Statistics: Considering the Total U.S.-Japan Economic Relationship," by Allen Wallis; "Back to Basics: A Dutch Uncle Talk on U.S. Competitiveness," by Murray L. Weidenbaum; "Coexistence and Mutual Respect: Toward a New Global Ethic," by Yasuhiro Nakasone; "Multilateral Diplomacy: A Role for the Middle Powers in the Troubled International System," by Soedjatmoko; "Responsibilities to Fulfill: Realizing the Promise of the Pacific Basin," by Mike Mansfield; "Interdependence and Accommodation: Strengthening U.S.-Japan Economic Ties," by Yoshio Okawara; and "A History of Assimilation: Japan's Technology Trade," by Leslie S. Hiraoka.
1986 |
75 | 16 | U.S.-Japan Trade Study Group Progress Report |
1986 |
75 | 17 | Ryoichi Sasakawa
An article and brochures about this Japanese businessman and philanthropist.
1986 |
75 | 18 |
White Paper on the International Trade
By the Japan Ministry of International Trade and Industry.
1986 |
75 | 19 |
Handy Facts on U.S.-Japan Economic Relations
Published by the Japan External Trade Organization.
1986 |
75 | 20 | Articles
"Japan and the Categorical Imperative," by James Fallows; "A Surplus of Bickering: Sharing the Blame for U.S.-Japan Trade Friction," by Dennis C. McCornac; "Pax Consortis: Coordination and Solidarity in Managing the World Economy," by Shinji Fukukawa; and "Vision, Consensus, and Competition: Industrial Policy in Japan," by Shoichi Saba.
1987 |
75 | 21 |
The World of Suntory
1987 |
75 | 22-23 | The U.S. and Asia: Statistical Handbook
Published by the Asian Studies Center.
1987 |
75 | 24 | Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Profiles of government leaders. Attached photographs have been removed to P0544.
75 | 25 |
The JAMA Forum
Published by the Japan Automobile Manufacturer's Association.
1987 |
76 | 1 | "The History of Japanese Trade"
Museum exhibit brochure.
circa 1988 |
76 | 2 | TBS-Britannica, Co.
Product brochures.
1988 |
76 | 3 | Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii
Brochure to promote development of the Center.
1988 |
76 | 4 | "A Model Japanese Code of Conduct"
A proposal by U. S. Representative Mervyn M. Dymally.
1988 |
76 | 5 | "The Internalization of Japan: A Perspective on Higher Education and Philanthropy"
By Barbara K. Bundy.
1988 |
76 | 6 | "Trade Fictions--A View From a Foxhole"
An address by Cedrick Shimo, Vice President of Honda International Trading Corp. Also includes correspondence.
1988 |
76 | 7 | Masaoka Commentary on U.S.-Japan Economic Relations |
1989 |
76 | 8 | Takata Corporation Brochure |
1989 |
76 | 9 | Glen F. Fukushima Recommendation |
1989 |
76 | 10 | "The U.S. Role in an Asia-Pacific Economic Forum"
By Roger A. Brooks.
1989 |
76 | 11 | "To Avoid the 'Mistake of the Century'--Misgivings Over Shintaro Ishihara"
By Terumasa Nakanishi.
1989 |
76 | 12 |
Congressional Record
1989 |
76 | 13 |
Liberal Star
A publication of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan. Two issues.
1989 |
76 | 14 |
The JAMA Forum
Published by the Japan Automobile Manufacturer's Association.
1989 |
76 | 15 |
Tokyo Financial Review
Published by the Bank of Tokyo.
1989 |
76 | 16 | Japan-United States Friendship Commission, Biennial Report |
1989-1990 |
76 | 17 |
News From Japan
Four issues.
1989-1990 |
76 | 18 | Heritage Foundation |
1989-1990 |
76 | 19 |
Japan Information Resources in the United States
Published by the Keizai Koho Center of the Japan Institute for Social and Economic Affairs.
1990 |
76 | 20-22 | "Rhapsody In August"
A script for a film by Akira Kurosawa.
1990 |
76 | 23-27 | Structural Impediments Initiative |
1990 |
76 | 28 | "Foreign Diplomacy over Ochazuke Bowl"
A description of early post-World War II Japan-U.S. relations, by Mike M. Masaoka.
1990 |
77 | 1-2 | Periodicals
, and
77 | 3 | Client List |
77 | 4-21 | News Clippings |
circa 1965-1991 |
77 | 22 | Miscellaneous |
XI: Hawaiian StatehoodReturn to Top
Box 78 contains legislative documents relating to the acceptance of statehood for Hawaii. As a large percentage of the population of Hawaii is of Japanese ancestry, this issue was of importance to all Japanese Americans, who continued to battle the discrimination brought into focus by the question of Hawaiian statehood.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Volume | ||
78 | 1 | Committee Report
Statehood for Hawaii; before a Subcommittee of the House Committee on the Territories, 79th Congress.
1946 |
78 | 2 | Committee Report
Hawaii Statehood; before the Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, 81st Congress.
1950 |
Folder | |||
78 | 1 | Committee Report
Statehood for Hawaii; before the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, 86th Congress.
1959 |
78 | 2 | Legislation, 86th Congress |
1959 |
78 | 3 | Miscellaneous |
XII: MiscellaneousReturn to Top
Documents stored in box 79 are those found in the collection that are not closely related to activities of Mike Masaoka, nor to Japanese American concerns. Box 80 contains a variety of awards and honors earned by Masaoka for excellence in forensic competition, as well as honors earned during his years in the U. S. Army. Box 81 contains oversize awards certificates and memorabilia.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
79 | 1 | Lobby Index |
1950 |
79 | 2-6 |
Go For Broke
Script for the motion picture production.
1950 |
79 | 7-11 |
Mr. Congressman
Script for the motion picture production.
1951 |
79 | 12 | Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Awards event program. An attached photograph has been removed to P0544.
1951 |
79 | 13-18 | Ralph Nader Congress Project Reports
Reports on Mike Mansfield, Hiram L. Fong, Patsy T. Mink, Alan Cranston, Spark M. Matsunaga, and Daniel K. Inouye.
1972 |
79 | 19 | A.L. Wirin
Memorial supplement to
1978 |
79 | 20 | Roger Baldwin
Memorial service program.
1981 |
79 | 21 | Speech
Made before the Spokane JACL, possibly by Grant Ujifusa.
1981 |
79 | 22 | Democratic Congressional Dinner Program |
1988 |
79 | 23 | California First Bank Community Service Action Plan |
1988-1990 |
79 | 24 | Jay and Jin Kinoshita
Responses to invitations to an event honoring this couple.
1989 |
79 | 25 | Smithsonian Institution
Documents concerning events organized by this museum.
1990 |
79 | 26 | Gerald Yamada
A nomination to make Yamada the JACL "Japanese American of the Biennium."
1990 |
79 | 27 | James Purcell
Documents memorializing Purcell after his death.
1991 |
79 | 28 | Infotouch Computers
Product overview.
79 | 29 | United States Constitution |
79 | 30 | News Clippings |
1981-1991 |
79 | 31 | Miscellaneous |
80 | Forensic and Military Honors
This box contains pins and medals won by Masaoka in forensic competitions during high school and while attending the University of Utah, as well as medals relating to his military service as part of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team during the Second World War.
81 | Oversize
At the time of the preparation of this register, the items destined for this box are still being stored in their original frames, in anticipation of an exhibit using this material. They include art, awards, souvenirs, and other memorabilia.
General and They Call Me `Moses' Masaoka Correspondence |
Box | Folder | ||
82 | 1-20 | General Correspondence |
1982-1991 |
82 | 21-26 |
They Call Me `Moses' Masaoka , Correspondence |
1988-1989 |
Veterans Organizations and Redress |
Box | Folder | ||
83 | 1-5 | Go For Broke National Veterans Association, Correspondence |
1985-1989 |
83 | 6-9 | Go For Broke National Veterans Association
Documents concerned with the preparation of an exhibit at the National Museum of American History on Japanese American participation in World War Two.
1986 |
83 | 10 | Go For Broke National Veterans Association, Miscellaneous |
1984-1986 |
83 | 11-13 | Nisei Veterans Association, Correspondence |
1988-1990 |
83 | 14-15 | Nisei Veterans Association, Organizational Materials |
1988 |
83 | 16-22 | Redress Statements
Statements by Michael Zacharof and Mike Masaoka.
1980 |
Japanese American Citizens League and Miscellaneous |
Box | Folder | ||
84 | 1-6 | Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), Correspondence |
1986-1990 |
84 | 7 | JACL, Redress Program, Correspondence |
1986-1987 |
84 | 8-9 | JACL, Thomas T. Hayashi Memorial Law Scholarship, Correspondence |
1986 |
84 | 10-14 | JACL, Civil Rights Fund, Correspondence and Miscellaneous |
1963-1966 |
84 | 15 | JACL, Miscellaneous |
1986-1987 |
84 | 16-20 | Gerald J. Grott
Correspondence and attached documents concerned with business transactions involving Western America Ore Co. and Sumitomo Corp. of America.
1982-1986 |
84 | 21 | Japanese Home for the Aged
Descriptive brochures.
84 | 22 | "U. S. Carpet and Rug Industry Outlook" |
1972 |
84 | 23-26 | Van Bourg, Hakamura, Katsura, Karney, Incirca
Promotional booklet.
84 | 27 | Address Lists |
84 | 28 | Miscellaneous |
Yearbooks and Geneology |
Box | Volume | ||
85 | 1 | University of Utah Utonian
1937 |
85 | 2 | University of Utah Utonian
1938 |
85 | 3 | West High School Panther
1941 |
85 | 4 |
Masaokas Across America
Genealogical information privately prepared and published by Mary Whitney, Incirca
1988 |
Scrapbooks |
Box | Volume | ||
86 | 1 | Amending the Nationality Act of 1940 |
86 | 2 | Revision of Immigration, Naturalization, and Nationality Laws |
86 | 3 | Japanese American Citizens League |
87 | 4 | Japanese American Evacuation Claims |
87 | 5 | Racial Discrimination in Immigration |
87 | 6 | Assimilation of Japanese Americans |
88 | 7 | "Go For Broke" |
1950 |
88 | 8 | Amending the Immigration and Nationality Act |
88 | 9 | Racial Discrimination in Immigration |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Citizenship--United States--Sources
- Civic leaders--Utah--Salt Lake City--Archives
- Japanese American authors--Utah--Salt Lake City--Archives
- Japanese American veterans--Utah--Salt Lake City--Archives
- Japanese Americans
- Japanese Americans--Forced removal and internment, 1942-1945
- Japanese Americans--Forced removal and internment, 1942-1945--Sources
- Japanese Americans--Reparations--Sources
- Japanese Americans--Social conditions--Sources
- Japanese Americans--Utah--Salt Lake City--Archives
- Lobbyists--Utah--Archives
- United States--Emigration and immigration--Political aspects--Sources
- World War, 1939-1945--Reparations
Personal Names
- Masaoka, Mike, 1915-1991--Archives
- Masaoka, Mike, 1915-1991--Correspondence
- Masaoka, Mike, 1915-1991--Interviews
Corporate Names
- Central Utah Relocation Center--Sources
- Go for Broke National Veterans Association Foundation--Records and correspondence
- Japanese American Citizens' League
- Japanese American Citizens' League--Records and correspondence
- Poston Relocation Center (Ariz.)--Sources
- United States. Army. Regimental Combat Team, 442nd--Sources
- United States. War Relocation Authority--Sources
Geographical Names
- Hawaii--Politics and government--Sources
- Japan--Emigration and immigration--Political aspects--Sources
- Japan--Foreign relations--Sources
- United States--Foreign economic relations--Japan--Sources