Trump-Pence Must Go, Stand Up To Trump, Fight White Supremacy March photograph collection, November 4, 2017

Overview of the Collection

Trump-Pence Must Go, Stand Up To Trump, Fight White Supremacy March photograph collection
November 4, 2017 (inclusive)
113 digital photographs
Collection Number
Photographs from the Trump-Pence Must Go, Stand Up To Trump, Fight White Supremacy March on November 2, 2017.
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
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The collection is entirely digital and can be viewed only on the Libraries Digital Collections website.

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Historical BackgroundReturn to Top

On Saturday November 4, 2017 two rallies where held in Downtown Seattle. This Nightmare Must End: Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! Started at 12:00pm at Seattle City Hall and was hosted by North Seattle Progressives, Refuse Fascism, and Refuse Fascism-Seattle. This event took place over a two week period to raise awareness. This extended timeframe, they believed, would help their message grow in size and determination (Facebook). With about two hundred participants in attendance this rally sought to bring an end to what they termed “our national nightmare” i.e. the Donald Trump and Mike Pence regime, a regime that Refuse Fascism organization believes disregards basic democratic rights, and suppresses dissent and resistance. The other rally held at Seattle City Hall on November 4, 2017 from 12:00-4:00pm was Stand up to Trump, Fight White Supremacy. This event was hosted by Puget Sound Anarchists and Insurrectionary Youth Action (IYA). The goal was to “put an immediate halt to the functioning of the Trump regime. According to their website, members… are attempting to stage an event… modeled after the Occupy movements of 2011” ( Both of these rallies were held in the same location and started at approximately the same time.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Photographs from the Trump-Pence Must Go, Stand Up To Trump, Fight White Supremacy March on November 4, 2017.

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View the collection on the Libraries Digital Collections website

Restrictions on Use

Photographer's rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.

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John Gerhard photographsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
electronic_file item
Online GerhardJ2
Table holding buttons, pins, and shirts provided by, Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "No! Stop Trump/Pence #NoFascistUSA"Text on clothing reads: "Trump/Pence regime must go! #Nov4ItBegins,"Text on pins read, from left to right: "Dump Trump"; "No!"Image on button depicts: The name Trump falling into a dumpster.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ3 November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ4
Tae Phoenix performing in front of signs for the protest at Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from front to back: "No! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a Fascist America."; "No! Trump/Pence regime must go! Nov 4"Tae Phoenix is a Seattle activist and performer.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ5 November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ6 November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ7 November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ8
Demonstrator holding a sign underneath a flag from the former Soviet Union, Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "16 aῆos gastados en Afghanistan [Translated from Spanish to English: 16 years spent in Afghanistan]" Flag of the former Soviet Union adorned with a hammer and sickle. This flag was used in Russia until the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ9 November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ1
Signs provided by ready for the protest, Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "No! In the name of humanity, We refuse to accept a fascist America."; "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!"
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK22
Demonstrator in black carrying sign reading "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!", 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!"<Br>
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ10
Margo Heights speaking to a crowd of demonstrators at Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "No! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a Fascist America."
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ11 November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ12
Smith Tower in the distance behind a group of demonstrators near Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: from left to right: "No! In the name of humanity, We refuse to accept a fascist America."; "No racists, sexists, fascists, Trump."
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ13
Group of demonstrators holding their signs, Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "No! In the name of humanity, We refuse to accept a fascist America."; "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!"
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ14
Margo Heights among a group of demonstrators holding signs provided by, Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!"; "No racists, sexists, fascists, Trump."Text on clothing reads, from left to right: "Trump/Pence regime must go! #Nov4Itbegins"; "No! November 4 It begins."
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ15
Organizer Margo Heights speaking into a megaphone in front of a sign reading "No! In the name of humanity, We refuse to accept a fascist America." on 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "No! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America."Text on clothing reads: "Trump/Pence regime must go! #Nov4ItBegins
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ16
Demonstrators marching down the street led by Margo Heights, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: from left to right: "No in the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America."; "No! Trump/Pence regime must go! Nov 4"Text on clothing reads, from left to right: "No! November 4 It begins."; "Trump/Pence regime must go! #Nov4ItBegins
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ17
Demonstrators holding a banner reading "Become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion. Insurrectionary Youth Action" on 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on banner reads: "Become so free that your very existance in an act of rebellion Insurrectionary Youth Action" Logo on sign depicts: The letter 'A' enclosed in a circle with the name Insurrectionary Youth Action.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ18
Flag waving behind a demonstrator reading "Want to make America great? Impeach Trump" on 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on flag reads: "Want to make America great? Impeach Trump" [Image on flag depicts: The outline of Donald Trump underneath a circle with a line through it.]
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ19
Protesters marching down 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "No! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America."; "No! Trump/Pence regime must go! Nov 4"; "Hate"; "Resist fascism"; "Why do Nazis like our 'President'?" Text on clothing reads: "Trump/Pence regime must go! #Nov4ItBegins"Image on sign depicts: The face of Donald Trump.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ20
Demonstrators wearing black masks holding a sign reading "Become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion. Insurrectionary Youth Action" in Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Become so absolutely free that your very existance [sic]is an act of rebellion., Insurrectionary Youth Action"Image on sign depicts: Two figures wearing black facemask's. Logo on sign depicts: The letter 'A' enclosed in a circle with the name Insurrectionary Youth Action.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ21
Margo Heights with bullhorn marching with other protesters, Pike St. near 5th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Trump & Pence must go now. Nov 4, is the day we begin, protest everywhere"; "The nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go! Nov 4 - It begins.";"Become so absolutely free that your very existance is an act of rebellion., Insurrectionary Youth Action"; "Hate"
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ22 November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ23 November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ24
Demonstrator holding a sign reading "Make earth great again, sucka free" on 8th Ave. near Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Make earth great again, sucka free.[Image on sign depicts: Donald Trump and Michael Pence on a rocket in space]"
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ25 November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ26 November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ27 November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ28
Three flags waving while protesters are marching down Pine St. near 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
The black flag with the letter 'A' enclosed in a circle is commonly associated with anarchism. This symbol has been used by anarchist groups since the 1880's.The flag of the former Soviet Union adorned with a hammer and sickle.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ29
Protesters holding their signs in the air while marching down Pine St. near 5th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!"; "Trump & Pence must go now. Nov 4, is the day we begin, protest everywhere."; "The nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go! Nov 4 - It begins."; "Why do Nazis like our 'president'?"The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ30
Protesters standing together on Pine St. near 5th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!"; " No racists, sexists, fascists, Trump."The flag adorned with a hammer and sickle is from the former Soviet Union.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ31
Two protesters wearing Guy Fawkes masks standing in front of a flag with a pirate logo, Pine St. near 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ32
Demonstrators marching down the street behind a flag from the former Soviet Union, Pine St. near 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Trump & Pence must go now. Nov 4, is the day we begin, protest everywhere."; "The nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go! Nov 4 - It begins."
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ33 November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ34
Demonstrator holding a sign reading "Make earth great again, sucka free" on Pine St. near 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Make earth great again. Sucka Free [Image on sign depicts: Donald Trump and Michael Pence on a rocket in space]"The flag adorned with a hammer and sickle is from the former Soviet Union.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ35
Counter-protester Kyle Broussard speaking into a bullhorn on Pine St. near 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "No! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America."
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ36 November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ37
Flag of the former Soviet Union raised high above a group of marching demonstrators on 1st Ave. and Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Trump & Pence must go now. Nov 4"Image on sign depicts: The face of Donald Trump inside a bomb explosion cloud.The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ38
Demonstrator holding a flag from the former Soviet Union, 1st Ave. and Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Flag of the former Soviet Union adorned with a hammer and sickle. This flag was used in Russia until the dissolution of the Soviet Union.The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ39
Demonstrator wearing a sad face mask holding a sign in the air, 1st Ave. and Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "#668babies #setthemfree 'In Turkey' 'Can anyone hear our cries?' 'While student, my mother stayed in a university dorm. They closed the dorm and jailed us.' 'My mother was a journalist so we are in prison.' 'I want to live my childhood freely!' 'I was born in prison I don't know what it looks like outside!' '668 children in.'"Image depicts children enclosed in a jail. The children are depicted through dolls.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ40
Pink smoke filling the air around demonstrators participating in the march, 1st Ave. and Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!"; "No! Drive out Trump/Pence fascist regime!"The flag adorned with a hammer and sickle is from the former Soviet Union.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ41
Demonstrators holding a banner with two masked figures, 1st Ave. and Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "No! Drive out Trump/Pence fascist regime!"Image on sign depicts: Two figures wearing black facemasks.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ42
Demonstrator wearing a Guy Fawkes mask shaking the hand of another demonstrator, 1st Ave. and Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!"The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ43
Two demonstrators donning Guy Fawkes masks talking to another protester, 1st Ave. and Pine St., Seattle, Washington
The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ44
Demonstrator wearing a Guy Fawkes mask shaking the hand of another demonstrator, 1st Ave. and Pine St., Seattle, Washington
The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ45 November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ46
Protest organizer Margo Heights with megaphone, 1st Ave. near Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Free Leonard Peltier", "No! In the name of Humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America."Text on clothing reads: "Trump/Pence regime must go! #nov4itbegins"Leonard Peltier is a Native American activist and member of the American Indian Movement (AIM). In 1977, he was convicted of first degree murder in the shooting of two Federal Bureau of Investigation agents and was sentenced to two consecutive life terms in prison. Peltier’s sentence has been the subject of much controversy with Amnesty International stepping in and placing his case under the “Unfair Trails” category. In 1993 Peltier became eligible for parole. In January of 2017 it was announced that President Barrack Obama had denied his application for clemency.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ47
Demonstrators marching down the street carrying a sign reading "No! Drive out Trump/Pence fascist regime." in Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "No! Drive out Trump/Pence fascist regime!"; "No! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America."Text on clothing reads: "No! November 4 it begins..."
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ48
Demonstrators standing in front of police presence during the march, Cherry St. between 2nd and 4th Aves., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!"; "No! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America."Flag of the former Soviet Union adorned with a hammer and sickle. This flag was used in Russia until the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ49 November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ50 November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ51 November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ52
Legal observer next to a demonstrator holding a sign reading "Climate change is real" on 4th Ave. near Cherry St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Climate change is real." Text on clothing reads: "Legal Observer, National Lawyers Guild."
November 4, 2017
Online GerhardJ53 November 4, 2017

Kris Kinsey photographsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
electronic_file item
Online KinseyK1
Demonstrator with fist in air, Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!"
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK2
Signs demanding that the Trump/Pence regime must go, Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!"; "No! The Trump and Pence regime must go! November 4 it begins... #TrumpPenceMustGo"
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK3
Sign of a pig made to look like President Donald J. Trump, Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Trump is a hate mongering, draft dodging, ignorant, climat change denying, tax evading, racist, pussy grabbing, misogynist, Putin-loving, insecure, sociopathic [with image of pig diagram and pork chart]".
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK4
Signs reading "In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America," Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "No! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America!"; "No racists, sexists, fascists, Trump".
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK5
Sign decrying fascism written in Bengali, Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign likely reads: "No! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America!".
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK6
Sign reading "No! Trump/Pence regime must go!", Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "No! Trump/Pence regime must go! [Images depicts President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence]".
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK7
Pile of political buttons from Refuse Fascism, Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on buttons read: "Rise up! Refuse fascism!"; "Drive out Trump-Pence fascist regime! No!".
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK8 November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK9 November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK10 November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK11 November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK12
Demonstrator waving a Communist Party flag, Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Flag of the former Soviet Union adorned with a hammer and sickle.
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK13
Demonstrator in a gold Guy Fawkes mask, Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world .<Br>
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK14
Demonstrator wearing a gold Guy Fawkes mask and wearing a MAGA hat, Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Partly obscured text on hat reads" Make America Great Again."The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world .
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK15
Ten signs reading "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!", Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!"; "No racists, sexists, fascists, Trump".
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK16
Sign decrying the Trump/Pence regime written in Bengali, Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign likely reads: "No! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America!"
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK17
Banner reading "No! Trump/Pence regime must go! NOV 4", Seattle City Hall, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!"; "No! Trump/Pence regime must go! - NOV 4"<Br><Br>
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK18 November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK19 November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK20
Protestors carry Refuse Fascism signs down 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "No racists, sexists, fascists, Trump"; "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!"
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK21
Signs reading "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!", 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!"
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK23
Small sign reading "We can't wait", 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "We can't wait - Trump/Pence [crossed out]"
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK24 November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK25
Two demonstrators wearing Guy Fawkes masks and waving an anarchist flag, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world .
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK26 November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK27
Four demonstrators wearing Guy Fawkes masks, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK28
Four protestors marching in Guy Fawkes masks, 4th Ave., Seattle, Washington
The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK29 November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK30
Protester wearing quilted anti-war coat, Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "NO WAR". The jacket also has writing in arabic and hebrew, as well as flags of Pakistan, Yemen, Jordan, Afghanistan, Syria, Kuridstan, and Israel.
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK31
Demonstrator in Guy Fawkes mask holding sign reading "Time to Stop Trump", Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Time to Stop Trump"<Br><Br>The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK32
Demonstrator wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, Seattle, Washington
The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK33
Demonstrator holding a sign reading "Repeal and Replace" in Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Repeal & replace."[Image depicts President Donald J. Trump]
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK34
Peace sign among a sea of signs provided by, Pike St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!"Image on sign depicts a peace sign.
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK35
Demonstrator with sign in backpack reading "Antifa soup of soldier, Soup of Antifa" on Pike St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Antifa soup or soldiers, soup or antifa, soup not e-bombs, soup anti-Nazi." Sign is made to look like a Campbell soup can label.
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK36 November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK37 November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK38
Counter-protester Kyle Broussard in front of a group of demonstrators marching down Pike St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "No! In the name of humanity. We refuse to accept a fascist America."; "No! Trump/Pence regime must go! Nov 4"; "Why do Nazis like our 'President'?"
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK39
Protesters amidst a sea of signs provided by, Pike St. and 8th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "No! This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence Regime must go!"; "No! In the name of humanity, we Refuse to Accept a Fascist America."
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK40 November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK41
Demonstrator with Guy Fawkes mask marching among other protesters, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Resist Trump"; "Make earth great again, sucka free"; "No! In the name of humanity, We Refuse to accept a Fascist America."The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK42
Demonstrator wearing a Guy Fawkes mask and holding a flag with a pirate logo, often associated with the group Anonymous, Seattle, Washington
The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK43
Group of demonstrators marching down the street holding a sign reading "NO! Drive out Trump/Pence fascist regime." in Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read, from left to right: "Trump & Pence must go now. Nov 4, is the day we begin, protest everywhere."; "The nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go! Nov 4 - It begins."; "Why do Nazis like our 'President'?"; "No! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America."; No! Drive out Trump/Pence Fascist Regime!"
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK44
Demonstrator holding a sign with multiple anti-Trump signs on it, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Trump & Pence must go now. Nov 4, is the day we begin, protest everywhere."; "The nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go! Nov 4 - It begins."
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK45
Protester holding his sign covered with multiple copies of the leaflets for the protest, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Trump & Pence must go now. Nov 4, is the day we begin, protest everywhere."; "The nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go! Nov 4 - It begins."
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK46
Two demonstrators wearing Guy Fawkes masks, Seattle, Washington
Text on mask reads: "#OPChanology"The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.Project Chanology (also called Operation Chanology)[1] was a protest movement against the practices of the Church of Scientology by members of Anonymous. [Wikipedia]
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK47
Demonstrator wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on mask reads: "#OPChanology"The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.Project Chanology (also called Operation Chanology)[1] was a protest movement against the practices of the Church of Scientology by members of Anonymous. [Wikipedia]
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK48 November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK49
Two demonstrators wearing Guy Fawkes masks, Pine St., Seattle, Washington
The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK50 November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK51
Sign reading "No! Trump/Pence regime must go!" on Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "No! Trump/Pence regime must go!"
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK52
Protester speaking into a megaphone, Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "No! November 4 it begins."
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK53
Demonstrator wearing a pink pussy hat among other protesters, Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "No! In the name of humanity, we Refuse to accept a facsist America."
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK54
Demonstrator wearing a Guy Fawkes mask in front of a sign reading "No! Drive out Trump/Pence fascist regime" at 1st Ave. and Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "No! Drive out Trump/Pence fascist regime!" The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK55
Protester wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, 1st Ave. and Pine St., Seattle, Washington
The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK56
Demonstrator holding a sign reading "Make earth great again" on 1st Ave. and Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Make earth great again, sucka free. [Image on sign depicts: Donald Trump and Michael Pence on a rocket in space.]"
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK57
Group of demonstrators holding a banner reading "Become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion" on 1st Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Become so absolutely free that your very existance [sic] is an act of rebellion., Insurrectionary Youth Action"Image on sign depicts: Two figures wearing black facemasks. Logo on sign depicts: The letter 'A' enclosed in a circle with the name Insurrectionary Youth Action.
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK58
Protester holding a sign under an umbrella reading "Hate" on 1st Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Hate [Image on sign depicts face of Donald Trump]"
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK59
Protesters carrying a banner on 1st Ave. reading "Become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion", Seattle, Washington
Text on banner reads: "Become so absolutely free that your very existance [sic] is an act of rebellion., Insurrectionary Youth Action" Logo on sign depicts: The letter 'A' enclosed in a circle with the name Insurrectionary Youth Action.
November 4, 2017
Online KinseyK60
Demonstrators wearing Guy Fawkes masks and holding an anarchist flag on 1st Ave., Seattle, Washington
The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot. The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The mask has become a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, the Occupy movement, and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.
November 4, 2017

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  • Visual Materials Collections (University of Washington)

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  • Personal Names
    • Gerhard, John (photographer)
    • Kinsey, Kristin (photographer)