18th Annual May Day March for Workers and Immigrant Rights Photograph and Video Collection, May 1, 2017

Overview of the Collection

University of Washington Libraries. Special Collections
18th Annual May Day March for Workers and Immigrant Rights Photograph and Video Collection
May 1, 2017 (inclusive)
245 digital photographs; 4 digital videos
Collection Number
Photographs and videos of the 18th Annual May Day March for Workers and Immigrant Rights, on May 1, 2017
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

The collection is entirely digital and can be viewed only on the Libraries Digital Collections website.

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Historical BackgroundReturn to Top

As many as ten thousand demonstrators took to the streets of Seattle on May 1, 2017 as part of the 18th Annual May Day marches, demonstrations, and rallies. Anti-war veterans, Black Lives Matter demonstrators, Anonymous & Co., Revolutionary People's Party, Seattle Antifascists, and more all held marches, demonstrations, and rallies around Seattle. The largest event was the 18th Annual May Day March for Workers and Immigrant Rights, organized by El Comité. Several thousand marchers, including numerous labor organizations such as the Service Employees International Union, the Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters, and many more, marched from Judkins Park in the Central District to Seattle Center. At 11:00 am, music and speeches were given before the march headed westbound down Lane Street. Native Northwestern Hand Drummers joined the Ce Atl Tonalli Aztec Dance group in leading the procession.

May Day (May 1st) has long been known as a day for demonstrations in cities across the United States. May 1, 1886 was the first day of a three day labor strike in Downtown Chicago; three years later, the International Socialist Conference declared the day "International Workers Day". The history of May Day demonstrations in Seattle can be understood as a continuation of the spirit of the 1999 WTO Protests ("Battle of Seattle"), where at least 40,000 protestors took over downtown Seattle to protest the meeting of the World Trade Organization. Six months after the WTO protest, an internationally coordinated protest was scheduled for May 1, 2000. For the past 18 years, Seattle has held May Day protests, demonstrations, and marches. While the vast majority of participants have engaged in peaceful demonstrations, Seattle's May Day events have gained a reputation for violence, which has generally been attributed to anarchist and anti-capitalist groups.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Photographs and videos of the 18th Annual May Day March for Workers and Immigrant Rights, on May 1, 2017.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Alternative Forms Available

View the entire collection on the Libraries Digital Collections website

Restrictions on Use

Creator's copyrights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Donor: Tony Fletcher, May 1, 2017; John Gerhard, May 1, 2017; Kristin Kinsey, May 1, 2017.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Tony Fletcher Photographs and VideosReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
electronic_file item
Online FletcherT1 May 1, 2017
Online FletcherT2 May 1, 2017
Online FletcherT3
CeAtl Tonalli dancers at 14th Ave. S., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "La persona que no está en paz consigo misma, será una persona en guerra con el mundo entero. — Mahatma Gandhi [Translated from Spanish: The person who is not at peace with himself, will be a person at war with the whole world]." Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the leader of the Indian independence movement against British rule. Employing nonviolent civil disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.
May 1, 2017
Online FletcherT4
Sign reading "The earth without art is just eh!", Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "The earth without art is just eh."
May 1, 2017
Online FletcherT5 May 1, 2017
Online FletcherT6
Sign reading "NI UNA MAS", at Jackson St. and 14th Ave. S., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "NI UNA MAS - Resist Trump [Translated from Spanish: NOT ONE MORE]."
May 1, 2017
Online FletcherT7
Sign reading "Queremos paz para los Mexicanos", 14th Ave. S., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Queremos paz para los Mexicanos [Translated from Spanish: We want peace for Mexicans]."
May 1, 2017
Online FletcherT8 May 1, 2017
Online FletcherT9 May 1, 2017
Online FletcherT10 May 1, 2017
Online FletcherT11
Sign reading "No wall, no raids, no war - Resist Trump", Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "No wall, No Raids, No War - Resist Trump"; "No ban, no wall."
May 1, 2017
Online FletcherT12 May 1, 2017
Online FletcherT13
Police in riot gear block an on-ramp to the highway, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Immigrant rights are workers' right - Resist Trump".
May 1, 2017
Online FletcherT14 May 1, 2017
Online FletcherT15 May 1, 2017
Online FletcherT16 May 1, 2017
Online FletcherT17 May 1, 2017
Online FletcherT18 May 1, 2017
Online FletcherT19 May 1, 2017

John Gerhard PhotographsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
electronic_file item
Online GerhardJ1 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ2
Protesters in purple carrying signs reading "Workers of the World UNITE!" and "100 dias de DESMADRE", Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Workers of the World UNITE! #WeAreUnited @realDonaldTrump"; "100 dias de DESMADRE [Translated from Spanish: 100 days of CHAOS]."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ3
Sign reading "Lock him up", Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Lock him up [with a traditional Russian style, onion-dome building, as well as President Trump's signature hairstyle]."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ4 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ5 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ6 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ7
Front of the march reaching the intersection of Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "End racism, sexism, poverty - Resist Trump"; "Somos Latinos - Somos Buenos"; "No Wall, No Raids, No War - Resist Trump"; "Hate is Un-American"; "Freedom, Environment, Justice"; "Keep families together."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ8
Sign reading "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ9 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ10 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ11 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ12
Sign reading "How did a nation of immigrants become a nation that hates immigrants?", Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "End racism, sexism, poverty - Resist Trump"; "How did a nation of immigrants become a nation that hates immigrants?"; "No! Drive out Trump/Pence regime"; "Keep your coins - I want change."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ13
Sign reading "Freedom, Environment, Justice", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Freedom, Environment, Justice"; "No WTO - www.SeaTurtles.org."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ14
Marchers carrying two large banners for El Comité, Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "No wall, no ban - Stop Deportations NOW!! - El Comité - www.ElComiteWA.WordPress.com | Email: info@elcomitewa.org"; "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay"; "Stop separating families"; "End racism, sexism, poverty"; "We are not in the shadows, we are in the restaurants, stores, factories, construction"; "Trump - eschucha estamos en la lucha [Translated from Spanish: Trump, Listen to us. We are in the fight]"; "My mom is my hero"; "El amor no tiene fronteras - Stop deportations! [Translated from Spanish: Love has no borders]"; "What do we want? DAPA! When do we want it? NOW!"; "God loves immigrants"; "Justice for immigrants NOW"; "Sin muro, Sin redadas, Sin guerra - Resist Trump [Translated from Spanish: No wall, no raids, no war]." Text on clothing reads: "Marcha anual del primero de Mayo para los trabajadores e immigrantes - Annual May Day March for Workers and Immigrants, May Day 2017 - Stop the Deportations! No ban, no wall! Defend our communities!." Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA), sometimes called Deferred Action for Parental Accountability, was a planned American immigration policy to grant deferred action status to certain illegal immigrants who have lived in the United States since 2010 and have children who are either American citizens or lawful permanent residents.
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ15
Sign reading "Legalización YA!", Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "El Comité - El amor no tiene fronteras - Stop Deportations! [Translated from Spanish: Love has no borders]"; "El Comité - legalización YA! [Translated from Spanish: Legalization now!]"; "El Comité - God loves immigrants"; "End sexism, Racism, Poverty - Resist Trump." A flag for El Comité is being flown.
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ16
Protester holding up a sign showing the immigrants in their family, Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "I'm the daughter of this immigrant [with an arrow pointing to an individual in a photograph]... and the great-great-great granddaughter of another. Welcome the Stranger!."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ17 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ18 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ19
Sign reading "Alt-Right, Alt-Wrong", Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Alt-right, Alt-wrong"; "End racism, sexism, poverty - Resist Trump - Socialist Alternative."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ20
Sign featuring a quote from labor organizer Harry Bridges, Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - MayDay - Socialist Alternative"; "The most important word in the language of the working-class is solidarity - Harry Bridges, immigrant, labor leader, 'subversive'"; "El Comité - Up, Up Education - Down, Down Deportation"; "Vote for immigrants rights [in both English and Spanish]." One protester is holding an El Salvadoran flag.
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ21
Demonstrators carry a large banner addressed to President Trump, Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "President Donald, give to all. Immigrants and refugees believe in freedom to all who needs the dream"; "Not one more - Ni Una Mas - Resist Trump."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ22
Banner reading "El inmigrante construye lo que Trump destruye", Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "El inmigrante construye lo que trump destruye [Translated from Spanish: The immigrant builds what Trump destroys]"; "Justice for all - Health care for all"; "Carpenters fighting for working families"; "Immigrants rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative"; "Si se puede! [Translated from Spanish: Yes we can!]"; “Makibaka! Huwag Matakot! [Translated from Filipino: Join the struggle! Don't be afraid!]."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ23
Protesters carrying signs in Spanish, English, and Filipino, Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Ayuda para que los trabajadores lastimados no terminen el las calles!!! [Trans. from Spanish: Help the injured workers not to die in the streets]"; "El Comité - Dignidad para las trabajadores - RESPETO [Trans. from Spanish: Dignity for the workers - RESPECT]"; "We are immigrants, we are refugees, we are one America"; "Vamos Adelante! - Envia ADELANTE al 698-66"; "Immigrants rights are Human Rights"; "Have your all, but my generation will tear it down"; “Makibaka! Huwag Matakot! [Translated from Filipino: Join the struggle! Don't be afraid!]."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ24
Sign reading "The people united will never be defeated", Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Si se puede! [Trans. from Spanish: Yes we can!]"; "The people united will never be defeated"; "Vamos Adelante! We rise up! Text WeRise to 698-66"; "No ban."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ25
Demonstrators holding signs reading "We rise up!", Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Vamos Adelante! We rise up! Text WeRise to 698-66"; "The people united will never be defeated"; "Makibaka! Huwag Matakot! [Translated from Filipino: Join the struggle! Don't be afraid!]"; "Have your wall, but my generation will tear it down."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ26
Large banner reading "One hemisphere, undivided - Open the borders", Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "One hemisphere, undivided - Open the borders"; "No Human Being is Illegal! [in English, Spanish, and Arabic]"; "Many colors... Many races... One voice!! NW Local 46."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ27
Banner reading "Deportation - Worker - Exploitation - Climate Crisis - SAME ROOT CAUSES", Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Deportation - Worker - Exploitation - Climate Crisis - SAME ROOT CAUSES"; "No Human Being is Illegal! [in English, Spanish, and Arabic]."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ28
Large banner reading "Deportation - Worker - Exploitation - Climate Crisis - SAME ROOT CAUSES", Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Deportation - Worker - Exploitation - Climate Crisis - SAME ROOT CAUSES"; "No human being is illegal! [In English, Spanish, and Arabic]"; "End racism, sexism, poverty - Resist Trump."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ29
Large red banner reading "Workers create all the wealth!", Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative"; "End racism, sexism, poverty - Resist Trump"; "Workers create all the wealth! The bosses need us! We don't need them! Party for Socialism and Liberation, PSLWeb.org [with an image of a school of small fish eating a single large fish]." There is also a red flag with a hammer and sickle and an image of Vladimir Lenin. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known by the alias Lenin, was a Russian communist revolutionary, politician, and political theorist.
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ30
Large black and white banner reading "NO! Drive out Trump-Pence fascist regime", Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "NO! Drive out Trump-Pence fascist regime - RefuseFascism.org."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ31
Banner for Party for Socialism and Liberation, Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Workers create all the wealth! The bosses need us - we don't need them! Party For Socialism & Liberation - PSLWeb.org [with an image of a school of smaller fish eating a single larger fish]"; "Teamsters Local 117"; "Physicians for a National Health Program Western Washington - It's time to add your voice." One individual is wearing a red shirt with an image of Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro that reads "Viva Cuba"; "End racism, sexism, poverty - Resist Trump." One protester wears a patch that reads: "Respect gender pronouns."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ32
Sign reading "Fair trade now - Migrant justice, worker justice, climate justice", Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative"; "Fair Trade Now - Migrant justice, worker justice, climate justice [with an image of the earth]"; "'Free' Trade - Forced migration, slave wages, climate chaos [with an image of the Monopoly Man holding two bags of money]."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ33
Signs equating workers' issues with climate issues, Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative"; "Fair Trade Now - Migrant justice, worker justice, climate justice [with an image of the earth]"; "'Free' Trade - Forced migration, slave wages, climate chaos [with an image of the Monopoly Man holding two bags of money]."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ34
Banner for Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity, Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Our lives, our work, our future [with an image of the earth]"; "Not one more - Ni Una Mas"; "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative";"Fascism is capitalism in decay"; "Local Action for Global Climate Justice"; "Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity - OWLS - www. OrganizedWorkers.org"; "Immigrant rights strengthen all workers' rights - Freedom Socialist Party"; "Carpenters fighting for working families."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ35 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ36 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ37
Marchers holding a large banner reading "We are 72 families from SeaTac facing displacement", Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "We are 72 families from SeaTac facing displacement." Text on clothing reads: "From Seattle To Tacoma and Beyond. End detention and deportations." Residents of the Firs Mobile Home Park, near SeaTac Airport, faced eviction before their park was redevloped into a hotel.
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ38
Demonstrators carrying a large puppet down Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
The puppet appears to be an African American woman with her arms outstretched. In one hand, she holds flowers. In the other hand, she holds a stuffed penguin and turtle.
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ39 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ40 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ41
Individual sitting on their scooter as the march passes by, 6th Ave. at Pike St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Time to separate legitimate cheetos from illegitimate."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ42 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ43 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ44 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ45
Marchers drumming and holding signs in Tlingit, 6th Ave. at Pike St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Tteit yoo z'atangi tin kunax haa negux sitee [in the Tlingit language]. If there are no words along it, it is very much our sickness."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ46
Pacific Northwest natives holding drums at the front of the march, 6th Ave. at Pike St., Seattle, Washington
One sign is in the shape of a salmon.One individual wears a hat that reads: "Definitely Native."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ47
Members of El Comité marching behind their banner, 6th Ave. at Pike St., Seattle, Washington
"No wall, no ban - Stop Deportations NOW!! - El Comité - www.ElComiteWA.WordPress.com | Email: info@elcomitewa.org"; "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay"; "Stop separating families"; "End racism, sexism, povert"; "We are not in the shadows, we are in the restaurants, stores, factories, construction"; "Trump - eschucha estamos en la lucha [Translated from Spanish: Trump, Listen to us. We are in the fight]"; "My mom is my hero"; "El amor no tiene fronteras - Stop deportations! [Translated from Spanish: Love has no borders]"; "What do we want? DAPA! When do we want it? NOW!"; "God loves immigrants"; "Justice for immigrants NOW"; "Sin muro, Sin redadas, Sin guerra - Resist Trump [Translated from Spanish: No wall, no raids, no war]." Text on clothing reads: "Marcha anual del primero de Mayo para los trabajadores e immigrantes - Annual May Day March for Workers and Immigrants, May Day 2017 - Stop the Deportations! No ban, no wall! Defend our communities!."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ48
Sign reading "Stop separating families", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Stop separating families"; "No human is illegal! [in English, Spanish, and Arabic] - www.InternationalSocialist.org"; "Justice is what love looks like in practice."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ49
Sign reading "Immigrants create jobs", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Stop separating families"; "Immigrants create jobs"; "Coexist [with different religious symbols]."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ50
Sign reading "An injury to one is an injury to all", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs reads: "Industrial Workers of the World - An injury to one is an injury to all"; "Day of resistance - May Day."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ51
Signs demanding immigration reform now, 6th Ave. at Pike St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Immigration reform now"; "Migration is beautiful"; "End racism, sexism, poverty - Resist Trump"; "No POL-ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement]"; "Not a criminal, just hard worker."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ52
Protester holding a sign reading "This is what an undocumented immigrant looks like", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Migration is beautiful [with images of butterflies]"; "End racism, sexism, poverty - Resist Trump"; "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative"; "This is what an undocumented immigrant looks like. Do I look human enough?."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ53
Sign reading "Fight ignorance, not immigrants", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Fight ignorance, not immigrants." Attached to the sign are an American flag and a South Vietnamese flag.
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ54
Signs reading "Amazon: Support the security officers who protect your profits", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Health care for all. SEIU Healthcare. United for Quality Care"; "Amazon: Support the security officers who protect your profits! #AmazonCanDoBetter."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ55
Sign reading "An injury to Juan is an injury to Al", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "End racism, sexism, poverty - Resist Trump"; "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative"; "No human is illegal [in English, Spanish, and Arabic]"; "Capitalism Bad"; "SEIU 775; "An injury to Juan is an injury to Al - SeattleDSA.org."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ56
Sign reading "Does this ass make my country look small?" with an image of President Trump, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Does my ass [with an arrow pointing to a picture of President Trump] make my country [with an arrow pointing to a map of the United States] look small?."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ57
Banner from the Asian Counseling and Referral Service, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Paz"; "ACRS - Asian Counseling and Referral Service - Immigrant rights are human rights."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ58 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ59
Protesters carrying the Mexican flag, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "We rise up! Text WeRise to 698-66 [in English and Spanish]"; "Resistencia [Trans. from Spanish: Resistance"; "Reform #1 - Injured workers program." Text on clothing reads: "OneAmerica - With Justice For All"; "Mexico." One protester carries a Mexican flag.
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ60
Demonstrators holding signs reading "We rise up", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "We rise up! Text WeRise to 698-66 [in English and Spanish]"; "Reform #1 - Injured workers program." Text on clothing reads: "OneAmerica - With Justice For All." One protester carries a Mexican flag.
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ61
Protester wearing a Mexican wrestler mask gives the V hand sign, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Stand up, Resist hate"; "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ62
Protester holding a sign reading "Right to work = No rights at work", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Science doesn't lie - Do the right thing or our Planet could die"; "Right to work = No rights at work"; "Dump Trump"; "Open the borders"; "Public Service Matters - Respect, Recruit, Retain"; "Transit Riders Union - www.TransitRiders.org"; "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ63
Signs reading "Many colors... Many races... One voice!!" and "Organize! Organize! Organize!', 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Many colors... Many races... One voice!! IBEW Local 46"; "No human being is illegal [In English, Spanish, and Arabic]"; "Organize! Organize! Organize!"; "Not 1 + deportation - Mexicanos en Seattle." One protester wears a Guy Fawkes mask.
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ64
Two protesters in costumes, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
One individual is wearing a Mexican wrestling mask.
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ65
Protesters carrying signs in Spanish and English, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Ayuda para que los trabajadores lastimados no terminen el las calles! [Trans. from Spanish: Help the workers not to die in the streets!]"; "Justice for all"; "We are immigrants, we are refugees, we are America."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ66
Signs reading "Justice for all" and "We are immigrants, we are refugees, we are One America", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Justice for all"; "We are immigrants, we are refugees, we are One America"; "Justice for all - Health care for all"; "Seattle ne la Lucha [Trans. from Spanish: Seattle in the fight]."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ67
Signs reading "The workers struggle has no borders" and "Immigrant rights are human rights", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Justice for all"; "We are immigrants, we are refugees, we are One America"; "Mamas marching for justice"; "Seattle en la lucha [Trans. from Spanish: Seattle in the fight]"; "The workers struggle has no borders"; "Makibaka! Huwag Matakot! [Translated from Filipino: Join the struggle! Don't be afraid!]"; "Immigrant rights are human rights"; "We rise up! [in English and Spanish] Text WeRise to 698-66"; "Have your wall, but my generation will tear it down." Text on clothing reads: "One America - With justice for all"].
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ68
Sign reading "Yes we can! La lucha sigue!", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Yes we can! La lucha sigue! [Trans. from Spanish: The fight goes on!]."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ69
Sign reading "Alto a la descriminacion", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Alto a la descriminacion [Trans. from Spanish: Stop the discrimination]."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ70
Sign reading "Nuestro labor mantiene la economia del mundo", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Ban ignorance not immigrants"; "Nuestro labor mantienne le economia del mundo [Trans. from spanish: Our labor sustains the world economy]."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ71
Musician beating a drum, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on hat reads: "Hate [with the e crossed out by a red x]."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ72 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ73
Sign reading "Undocumented - Queer - Unapologetic - Unafraid", 6th Ave. near Olive Way, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Undocumented - Queer - Unapologetic - Unafraid."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ74
Demonstrators carrying hand painted signs and a megaphone, 6th Ave. near Olive Way, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "No wall - No raids - No War - Resist Trump - Socialist Alternative."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ75
Demonstrators dressed in black costumes and pointed hats, 6th Ave. near Olive Way, Seattle, Washington
Demonstrators wear pointy black hats, solid black face veils, black capes, black pants and shirts, and black gloves. They hold signs reading "No ban, no wall" and "Manifest workers rights."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ76
Signs reading "No human being is illegal!" and "Community seeking justice & peace", 6th Ave. at Virginia St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "No human being being is illegal! [In English, Spanish, and Arabic]"; "Sisters & Associates of St. Joseph of Peace - Community Seeking Justice & Peace - www.csjp.org"; "SEIU"; "End Racism, Sexism, Poverty - Resist Trump"; "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ77
Signs reading "Smash the oligarchy" and "Workers of the World Unite", 6th Ave. at Virginia St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Not a criminal, just a hard worker"; "No more poverty wages!"; "Smash the oligarchy"; "Workers of the world unite"; "Day of resistance - May Day - ACLU"; "$15/hr for all"; "Resist, Protect, Organize"; "Join the resistance [with the symbol of the Rebel Alliance from the Star Wars franchise]." One sticker shows a Guy Fawkes mask.
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ78
Protesters filling 6th Ave. near Westlake St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "End racism, sexism, poverty - Resist Trump - Socialist Alternative."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ79
Signs from Socialist Alternative and AFL-CIO, 6th Ave. near Lenora St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "No human being is illegal! [In English, Spanish, and Arabic]"; "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative"; "Martin Luther King Jr. County Labor Council - AFL CIO"; "No human is illegal."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ80
Sign reading "From north to south, from east to west - We will win this fight, whatever the cost!" in Spanish, 6th Ave. near Lenora St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "El Comité - Pro-reforma Migratoria y Justicia Social - De Norte a Sure, De Este a Oestre, Ganaremos esta luche cueste lo cueste! [Trans. from Spanish: El Comité - For Immigration Reform and Social Justice - From north to south, from east to west - we will win this fight, whatever the cost!]"; "No human is illegal."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ81
Large robot puppet with the Amazon logo and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos painted on it, 6th Ave. near Lenora St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Stand up and resist! [in five different languages]." There is a very large puppet that looks like a green robot with a floating tank that appears to be controlled by the floating head of Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon. The Amazon logo appears under Bezos' head.
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ82
Large robot puppet of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, 6th Ave. near Lenora St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Martin Luther King Jr. County Labor Council - Seattle - AFL-CIO." One protester is waving a Mexican flah.There is a very large puppet that looks like a green robot with a floating tank that appears to be controlled by the floating head of Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon. The Amazon logo appears under Bezos' head. In one hand, the robot holds a sign reading "Secutiry Industry Specialists - SIS."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ83
Demonstrator holding large robot puppet featuring Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, 6th Ave. near Lenora St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Workers' rights are immigrant rights - #WeAreUnited - @RealDonaldTrump"; "Workers of the world UNITE!." One protester wears a shirt with the SEIU logo.There is a very large puppet that looks like a green robot with a floating tank that appears to be controlled by the floating head of Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon. The Amazon logo appears under Bezos' head.
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ84 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ85
Sign reading "Repeal and replace the Republicans in 2018", 6th Ave. near Bell St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "SEIU 775"; "End racism, sexism, poverty - Resist Trump"; "Repeal and replace the Republicans in 2018"; "Happy? [with an elephant's foot stepping on the American flag. An elephant is the symbol of the Republican party]."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ86
Protester holding a sign reading "Resist! Rise up!" in five languages, 6th Ave. near Bell St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Resist! Rise up! [in English, Filipino, Arabic, Polish, and Korean] - American Action - SEIU."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ87
Demonstrators behind a large banner addressing President Trump, 6th Ave. near Blanchard St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "President Donald Trump - Give to all equity - Immigrants and refugees believe in the American dream - Freedom to all who needs the American dream."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ88 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ89
Large banner protesting the killing of Jacqueline Salyers by Tacoma police, Denny Way near Taylor Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Workers of the world UNITE! #WeAreUnited @RealDonaldTrump"; "Why did you kill me? And my baby? Tacoma Police (Scott Campbell) Did this to me!! We want justice for Jackie and her baby [with an image of Jacqueline Salyers]"; "No LNG - RedLineTacoma.org." Jacqueline Salyers was a Tacoma resident who was killed by Tacoma police officer Scott Campbell on January 28, 2016.
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ90
El Comité waving above a crowd of protesters, Denny Way near 5th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "El Comité"; "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative"; "Workers of the world UNITE!"; "100 days of FAIL"; "Students are more than a score"; "My mom is my hero"; "What do we want? DAPA! When do we want it? NOW!"; "End racism, sexism, poverty - Resist Trump - Socialist Alternative." Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA), sometimes called Deferred Action for Parental Accountability, was a planned American immigration policy to grant deferred action status to certain illegal immigrants who have lived in the United States since 2010 and have children who are either American citizens or lawful permanent residents.
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ91
El Comité signs in English and Spanish, Denny Way near 5th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "El Comité - Pro-Reforma Migratoria y Justicia Social - My mom is my hero"; "El Comité - Pro-Reforma Migratoria y Justicia Social What do we want? DAPA! When do we want it? NOW!"; "El Comité - Pro-Reforma Migratoria y Justicia Social No human is illegal! No Una Mas [Trans. from Spanish: Not one more]"; "El Comité - Pro-Reforma Migratoria y Justicia Social Legalizacion ya! [Trans. from Spanish: Legalization now!]"; "El Comité - Pro-Reforma Migratoria y Justicia Social Legalization para todos [Trans. from Spanish: Legalization for all]."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ92 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ93 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ93 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ94 May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ95
Sign reading "Immigrant rights are workers' rights" next to the Chief Seattle statue at Tilikum Place, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative"; "Unidos! Si Se Puede! [Trans. from Spanish: United, Yes We Can!]."
May 1, 2017
Online GerhardJ96 May 1, 2017

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Online KinseyK1
Three demonstrators holding signs reading "Rise up!" ;"United we stand" and "Coal costs us our money, health, lands, future", Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Rise up - Resist! [with drawing of marchers and a raised fist]"; "United We Stand [with an American flag with a frowning star]"; "Coal costs us: Our money, health, lands, future - Social and Environmental Justice - Be the change - We are the earth! - Beyond Coal - Sierra Club."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK2 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK3
Demonstrator holding a sign with a drawing of an Elephant's leg stomping on an American flag, Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Happy? [with a drawing of an Elephant's leg stomping on an American flag]." Elephants are the symbol of the Republican party.
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK4
Three SEIU representatives holding large purple and yellow banners, Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "We care for each other." Text on clothing reads: "We care for each other - SEIU 775."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK5 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK6
Two SEIU demonstrators holding signs reading "Workers of the world UNITE!" and "Resist! Rise up!", Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Workers of the world Unite! #WeAreUnited @RealDonaldTrump"; "Resist! Rise up! [in English, Filipino, Arabic, Polish, and Korean] - American Action - SEIU."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK7
Sign reading "Resist! Rise up!" in English, Filipino, Arabic, Polish, and Korean, Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Workers of the world Unite! #WeAreUnited @RealDonaldTrump"; "Resist! Rise up! [in English, Filipino, Arabic, Polish, and Korean] - American Action - SEIU."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK8
SEIU 775 sign, Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "SEIU 775"; "Trabajadores del mundo UNIDOS! [Trans. from Spanish: Workers of the world UNITE!] #WeAreUnited @RealDonaldTrump."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK9 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK10
SEIU demonstrators with a drum and megaphones, Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Workers of the world UNITE! #WeAreUnited @RealDonaldTrump."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK11
SEIU protesters with a drum and megaphone, Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Workers of the world UNITE! #WeAreUnited @RealDonaldTrump"; "100 dias de DESMADRE [Trans. from Spanish: 100 days of CHAOS]."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK12 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK13 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK14 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK15 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK16 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK17 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK18 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK19 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK20 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK21 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK22 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK23 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK24 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK25
Protesters carrying hundreds of signs down Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Time to separate legitimate cheetos from illegitimate"; "How did a nation of immigrants become a nation that hates immigrants?"; "Hate is Un-American [with an image of a woman wearing an American flag hijab]."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK26 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK27 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK28 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK29 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK30 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK31 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK32
Sign reading "I'm the daughter of this immigrant" with an arrow pointing to a family photograph, Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "I'm the daughter of this immigrant [with an arrow pointing to an individual in a photograph]... and the great-great-great granddaughter of another. Welcome the Stranger!."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK33
Signs from the Industrial Workers of the World and Socialist Alternative, Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Industrial workers of the world - An injury to one is an injury to all"; "Not one more - NI UNA MAS - Resist Trump - Socialist Alternative."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK34
Socialist Alternative sign reading "End racism, sexism, poverty", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "End racism, sexism, poverty - Resist Trump - Socialist Alternative."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK35
Socialist Alternative sign reading "Immigrant rights are workers' rights", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK36
Sign reading "Oppression can only survive through silence", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Oppression can only survive through silence"; "Capitalism failed the 99%."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK37
Socialist Alternative sign reading "Sin muro, sin redadas, sin guerra", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Sin muro, Sin redadas, sin guerra [Trans. from Spanish: No wall, no raids, no war - Resist Trump - Socialist Alternative."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK38
Protester carrying a Socialist Alternative sign, Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Sin muro, Sin redadas, sin guerra [Trans. from Spanish: No wall, no raids, no war - Resist Trump - Socialist Alternative." .Text on clothing reads: "Marcha anual del primero de Mayo para los trabajadores e immigrantes - Annual May Day March for Workers and Immigrants, May Day 2017 - Stop the Deportations! No ban, no wall! Defend our communities!."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK39
Sign reading "Stop violence against women, people of color, native people, the earth", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Stop violence against women, people of color, native people, the earth"; "The ACLU stands with immigrants"; "SEIU 775."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK40
Sign reading "Empathy and compassion are not dirty words", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Empathy and compassion are not dirty words"; SEIU 775."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK41
Demonstrator wearing a shirt reading "Day of resistance - May Day", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "International Workers Day - Day of Resistance - May Day."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK42
Sign supporting Deferred Actin for Parents of Americans (DAPA), Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "El Comité - Pro-Reforma Migratoria y Justicia Social - What do we want? DAPA! When? NOW"; "Protect our children - protejamos a nuestros niños!." Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA), sometimes called Deferred Action for Parental Accountability, was a planned American immigration policy to grant deferred action status to certain illegal immigrants who have lived in the United States since 2010 and have children who are either American citizens or lawful permanent residents.
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK43
SEIU banner reading "Active Retirees - SEIU Local 6", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Active Retirees - Stronger Together - SEIU Local 6." Text on clothing reads: "SEIU 6, Property Services NW - Active Retiree."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK44
Sign from El Comité supporting DAPA (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans), Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "El Comité - Pro-Reforma Migratoria y Justicia Social - What do we want? DAPA! When? NOW"; "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative." Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA), sometimes called Deferred Action for Parental Accountability, was a planned American immigration policy to grant deferred action status to certain illegal immigrants who have lived in the United States since 2010 and have children who are either American citizens or lawful permanent residents.
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK45
Signs from Socialist Alternative supporting immigrants, Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative"; "Not one more - NI UNA MAS - Resist Trump - Socialist Alternative."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK46
Hand painted banner reading "El inmigrante construye lo que trump destruye", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "El inmigrante construye lo que trump destruye [Translated from Spanish: The immigrant builds what Trump destroys]."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK47
Protester marching in front of a banner reading "El immigrante construye lo que Trump destruye", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "El inmigrante construye lo que trump destruye [Translated from Spanish: The immigrant builds what Trump destroys]."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK48 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK49
Banner for Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters, Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters - Northwest Carpenters - Protecting working families."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK50
Sign reading "Dignidad para las trabajadoras - RESPETO", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "El Comité - Pro-Reforma Migratoria y Justicia Social - Dignidad para las trabajadoras - RESPETO [Trans. from Spanish: Dignity for the workers - RESPECT]."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK51 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK52
Signs reading "Justice for all" and "The people united will never be defeated", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Justice for all"; "The people united will never be defeated."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK53
Sign in Filipino reading "Join the struggle! Don't be afraid!", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Makibaka! Huwag Matakot! [Translated from Filipino: Join the struggle! Don't be afraid! - with an image of a raised fist]."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK54
Sign reading "Emergency care [does not equal] healthcare!", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers - Stand Against Oppression - IBEW Local 46"; "Emergency care [does not equal] health care!"; "Every moment is an organizing opportunity, every person is a potential activist, every minute a chance to change the world. - Dolores Huerta"; "STOP ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] RAIDS, DON'T break up immigrant families"; "SEIU Healthcare." Dolores Clara Fernández Huerta is an American labor leader and civil rights activist who was the co-founder of the National Farmworkers Association, which later became the United Farm Workers (UFW).
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK55
Banner from United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "No human being is illegal! [in English, Arabic, and Spanish] - www.InternationalSocialist.org"; "UFCW - A voice for working America."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK56
Signs reading "Seattle Peace Chorus" and "No human being is illegal!", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "No human being is illegal! [in English, Arabic, and Spanish] - www.InternationalSocialist.org"; "Seattle Peace Chorus."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK57 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK58
Large red banner reading "Workers create all the wealth! The bosses need us - we don't need them!", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Workers create all the wealth! The bosses need us - We don't need them! Party for Socialism and Liberation, PSLWeb.org [with an image of a school of small fish eating a single large fish]."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK59
Protesters with their faces covered holding sign reading "Nothing is too good for the working class", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Industrial Workers of the World"; "Seattle Solidarity Network"; "Nothing is too good for the working class."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK60 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK61 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK62
Two demonstrators with red crosses taped on to their shoulders, Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
These red crosses probably indicate that these protesters are street medics. Street medics, or action medics, are volunteers with varying degrees of medical training who help provide medical care, such as first aid, in situations frequently neglected by traditional institutions, such as protests.
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK63
Signs reading "No wall, no Ban" and "Migrant Justice - Worker Justice - Climate Justice", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "No wall - No Ban - ACLU"; "Fair Trade Now - Migrant justice, worker justice, climate justice [with an image of the earth]"; "Free' Trade - Forced migration, slave wages, climate chaos [with an image of the Monopoly Man holding two bags of money]."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK64
Banner reading "Inseparable struggles, inseparable solutions, Climate Justice Now!", Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Inseparable struggles, inseparable solutions, Climate Justice Now!"; "Carpenters fighting for working families - Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK65
Sign referencing the motto of the French revolution, Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Les coulers signfient liberté égalité fraternité dans toutes les langues #7Mai [Trans. from French: These colors signify freedom, equality, and fraternity in all languages, #May7 - with drawings of the American and French flags]"; "100% renewables [with a painting of a community scene featuring solar panels, wind turbines, and public transportation]"; "Our lives, our work, our future [with an image of the earth"; "But they work every day against the rights of their own faculty - Text SEATTLEU to 38470."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK66
Signs demanding climate justice, Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters"; "Local action for global climate justice." One sign depicts one hand holding three people and some flowers up in the air, with another hand pushing an oil drill back into the ground. The accompanying text reads "It's in our hands, Keep it in the ground."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK67
Protesters wheeling a large puppet, possibly representing Mother Earth, down Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
The puppet appears to be an African American woman with her arms outstretched. In one hand, she holds flowers. In the other hand, she holds a stuffed penguin and turtle .
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK68
Demonstrators wheeling a large puppet, possibly representing Mother Earth, down Madison St. at 7th Ave., Seattle, Washington
The puppet appears to be an African American woman with her arms outstretched. In one hand, she holds flowers. In the other hand, she holds a stuffed penguin and turtle .
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK69
Two marchers wearing labor union patches, Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "Lathing Acoustical Drywall Systems Local 1144"; "Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK70
Representatives of the Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters stand behind a banner, Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative"; "The ACLU stands with immigrants"; "Wall St. is the Enemy." Text on clothing reads: "Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK71
Puppet possibly representing Mother Earth, Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
The puppet appears to be an African American woman wearing a scarf on her head that is printed with moons and stars.
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK72
Banner reading "We are 72 families from SeaTac facing displacement", Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "We are 72 families from SeaTac facing displacement." Residents of the Firs Mobile Home Park, near SeaTac Airport, faced eviction before their park was redevloped into a hotel.
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK73
Sign with a scale weighing corporate greed over climate issues, Madison St. at 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington
Sign depicts a scale. On one side of the scale are corporate logos, including Monsanto, McDonalds, Fox, Chase Bank, and Walmart. There is also a bag of money. Words on this side of the scale include: "Mass extinction, Climate Talks Failing, Glaciers melting, Famine, Extreme Weather, Pollution, Dying Oceans." On the other side of the scale, there is a family with children. Words surrounding this side of the scale read: "Community solutions, clean water, 100% Renewables, Clean Air, Healthy food, public transport, housing near work."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK74 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK75 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK76
Sign reading "For justice - Grandson of an immigrant", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "End sexism, racism, poverty - Resist Trump"; "For justice - Grandson of an immigrant [with an arrow pointing down to the sign holder]." Another sign depicts a hand painted Salmon.
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK77
Protester holding two signs, one reading "For justice - Grandson of an immigrant", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Time to separate legitimate cheetos from illegitimate"; "For justice - Grandson of an immigrant [with an arrow pointing down to the sign holder]."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK78 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK79
Sign reading "Somos Latinos... Somos BUENOS!!", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Somos Latinos... Somos BUENOS!! [Trans. from Spanish: We are latinos... We are good!!]."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK80 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK81 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK82
Large El Comité banner reading "No Wall, No Ban, Stop Deportations now!!", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "No wall, no ban - Stop Deportations NOW!! - El Comité - www.ElComiteWA.WordPress.com Email: info@elcomitewa.org."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK83
Protester holding up hand drawn sign addressing immigration issues, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Fuck a wall! America should build a big mirror to look at itself! Land of the free [with a drawing of people standing behind a fence and a wall] Fight ignorance, not immigrants"; ""Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK84
El Comité sign reading "Keep Families Together", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "El Comité - Pro-Reforma Migratoria y Justicia Social - Keep families together."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK85
Sign reading "We the people are greater than fear" with an image of a woman wearing Día de Muertos makeup, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "We the people are greater than fear [with an image of a woman wearing a serape who has her face painted like a skeleton in the Día de Muertos style]."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK86 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK87 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK88
Protester carrying a sign for Socialist Alternative supporting immigrant and worker's rights, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK89
Protesters with arms linked, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "No walls, no raids, no war - Resist Trump - Socialist Alternative."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK90
Protester holding a sign with a collage reading "Wall free World", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Sign features images of John Lennon, from the band The Beatles and an anti-war advocate.
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK91
Sign quoting Mahatma Gandhi in Spanish, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "La persona que no está en paz consigo misma, será una persona en guerra con el mundo entero. — Mahatma Gandhi [Translated from Spanish: The person who is not at peace with himself, will be a person at war with the whole world]"; "CODE PINK - The inauguration of resistance - #NotNormal RESIST." Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the leader of the Indian independence movement against British rule. Employing nonviolent civil disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK92
Sign from the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Immigrant rights are Human rights - Northwest Immigrant Rights Project - www.NWIRP.org."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK93
Sign reading "People need to stop confusing xenephobia with patriotism!!!", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "OPEIU - Local 8 - Office and Professional Employees International Union"; "People need to stop confusing xenophobia with patriotism!!!"; "There is no humane way to detain families"; "Office and Professional Employees International Union - #Resist - OPEIU Local 8"; "Stop separating families"; "Keep your coins - I want change."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK94
Signs reading "There is no humane way to detain families" and "Keep your coins - I want change", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "There is no humane way to detain families"; "Keep your coins - I want change."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK95
Sign reading "Migration is beautiful" with an image of a butterfly with human faces in the wings, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Migration is beautiful [with an image of the butterfly with human faces in the wings]."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK96
Sign reading "Papeles y derechos para todos", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Papeles y derechos para todos [Trans. from Spanish: Papers and rights for all]."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK97 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK98
Demonstrators march holding a banner for Entre Hermanos, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Entre Hermanos - Advocacy, Health Promotion, Community Building - Tu organizacion latina LGBTQ."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK99
Demonstrator with a quilted sign reading "Fight Back", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Northwest Carpenters supporting working families - Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters"; "Fight back."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK100
Sign reading "CARPENTERS fighting for working families", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "CARPENTERS fighting for working families. Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK101 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK102
Banner for One America, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Reform L & I injured worker program"; "Advancing immigrant, civil, & human rights - OneAmerica - With justice for all - WeAreOneAmerica.org - Facebook and Twitter: WeAreOneAmerica."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK103
Signs reading "The worker's struggle has no borders" and "We rise up!", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "The workers struggle has no borders"; "We rise up! [in English and Spanish] - Text WeRise to 698-66"; "Makibaka! Huwag Matakot! [Translated from Filipino: Join the struggle! Don't be afraid! - with an image of a raised fist]."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK104
Purple and white sign reading "Justice for all, Health care for all", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Justice for all - Health care for all - SEIU Healthcare - 1199NW - United for Quality Care"; "Teresa Mosqueda - for Seattle City council Pos. 8"; "AFL-CIO." Teresa Mosqueda is legislative and policy director for the Washington State Labor Council (the Washington branch of the AFL-CIO), the Chair of the Healthy Washington Coalition, and a member of the board of Washington’s health exchange.
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK105
Four demonstrators carrying a banner reading "Strengthening local economies everywhere", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Strengthening local economies everywhere - Community Alliance for Global Justice."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK106
Banner reading "Sindicatos sin fronteras!", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Sindicatos sin fronteras! [Trans. from Spanish: Unions without borders!] Workers unite! No Walls! PSARA - Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action - Uniting Generations for a secure future." Text on clothing reads: "AFGE - American Federation of Government Employees."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK107
Sign reading "May 1 - Organize & Defend our communities", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "May 1 - Organize & defend our communities."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK108
Union members carrying banners, signs, and flags, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Sister in the Brotherhood - Standing Strong for Working Families - Northwest Carpenters Union"; "An injury to one is an injury to all - Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters"; "Carpenters fighting for working families"; "Inlandboatmen's Union - Marine Division - ILWU - An injury to one is an injury to all."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK109
Two members of the Carpenter's Union wearing neon work jackets and work hats, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Carpenters fighting for working families" - Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK110
Union representative wearing a white work hat, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Carpenters fighting for working families" - Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK111
Protesters with socialist and communist clothing and flags, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative"; "End racism, sexism, poverty - Resist Trump"; "Workers create all the wealth! The bosses need us! We don't need them! Party for Socialism and Liberation, PSLWeb.org [with an image of a school of small fish eating a single large fish]." There is also a red flag with a hammer and sickle and an image of Vladimir Lenin. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known by the alias Lenin, was a Russian communist revolutionary, politician, and political theorist.One protester wears a shirt with a robot on it and the text "Combat liberalism."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK112 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK113
Banner for the Party for Socialism & Liberation, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Immigrant rights are workers' rights - Resist Trump - #MayDay - Socialist Alternative"; "End racism, sexism, poverty - Resist Trump"; "Workers create all the wealth! The bosses need us! We don't need them! Party for Socialism and Liberation, PSLWeb.org [with an image of a school of small fish eating a single large fish]."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK114
Sign reading "Nothing is too good for the working class", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Nothing is too good for the working class." Text on clothing reads: "IBEW."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK115 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK116
Teamsters Local 117 banner, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Teamsters Local 117 -International Brotherhood of Teamsters - www.Teamsters117.org."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK117 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK118 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK119
Protester holding a small sign reading "Overthrow white supremacist patriarchy", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Overthrow white supremacist patriarchy." Protester in the background has a scarf covering their face.
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK120
Representatives of Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity carrying their banner, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "SolutionaryRail.org"; "Union Jobs & Civil Rights"; "Yes! Affirmative Action - OWLS Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity"; "Social Justice Fund"; "Stand up - Resist hate"; "OWLS - Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity - www.OrganizedWorkers.org"; "Carpenters fighting for working families - Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters"; "Defend public workers, support state services - Organized workers for labor solidarity"; "Justice for all, health care for all."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK121
Black and white sign reading "Carpenters fighting for working families", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Carpenters fighting for working families - Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters"; "Defend public workers."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK122
Signs reading "It's in our hands" and "Freedom is for everyone", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Freedom is for everyone - ACLU." One sign depicts one hand holding three people and some flowers up in the air, with another hand pushing an oil drill back into the ground. The accompanying text reads "It's in our hands, Keep it in the ground."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK123 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK124
Sign reading "Defend public workers - support state services", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "Carpenters fighting for working families - Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters"; "Defend public workers, support state services - Organized workers for labor solidarity."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK125
Sign featuring the Monopoly Man holding bags of money, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Free' Trade - Forced migration, slave wages, climate chaos [with an image of the Monopoly Man holding two bags of money]."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK126 May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK127
Signs reading "Freedom is for everyone" and "No wall - no ban", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "No wall - no ban - ACLU"; "Freedom is for everyone - ACLU."
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK128
Banner of the Seattle Democratic Socialists of America, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "DSA - Seattle Democratic Socialists of America [with an outline of two hands shaking in front of a rose]." Following World War Two, the rose became widely adopted as a symbol of the European Socialist and Social Democratic parties.
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK129
Sign with a drawing of President Trump as a ghost, 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Sign depicts a ghost wearing President Donald Trump's signature hairstyle, in the style of the logo from the film Ghostbusters.
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK130
Sign reading "Socialism or Barbarism", 6th Ave. at Pine St., Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Socialism or Barbarism [with a drawing of a rose]." Following World War Two, the rose became widely adopted as a symbol of the European Socialist and Social Democratic parties.
May 1, 2017
Online KinseyK131 May 1, 2017

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  • Visual Materials Collections (University of Washington)

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  • Personal Names
    • Fletcher, Anthony (photographer)
    • Gerhard, John (photographer)
    • Kinsey, Kristin (photographer)