Fawn McKay Brodie audio-visual collection, 1946-1995

Overview of the Collection

Brodie, Fawn McKay, 1915-1981
Fawn McKay Brodie audio-visual collection
1946-1995 (inclusive)
1971-1980 (bulk)
61 audiocassette
1 reel-to-reel audiotapes
3 microcassette  :  Norelco
1 u-matic
Collection Number
The Fawn McKay Brodie audio-visual collection (1946-1995, bulk 1971-1980) consists primarily of oral history interviews with people associated with President Richard Nixon, his life, his administartion, and the controversies surrounding it. Brodie conducted these interviews as part of the research for her 1981 book, Richard Nixon: The Shaping of his Character. In addition to Brodie's own interviews, the collection also contains archived dictation and radio news reports used by Brodie in her research, as well as a television interview with Brodie and a recording of her 1978 lecture, Nixon: The Child and the Man and other material relating to Brodie's works and interests. Utah native Fawn Brodie was a history professor and biographer who published several books about historical figures, including Thomas Jefferson and Joseph Smith. Click here to request copies of digitized items from this collection.
University of Utah Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library
University of Utah
295 South 1500 East
Salt Lake City, UT

Telephone: 8015818863
Access Restrictions

Materials must be used on-site; no use of original material, access copies will be made available for viewing. Five business days advanced notice required. Access to parts of this collection may be restricted under provisions of state or federal law, condition of the material, or by donor.


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Fawn McKay Brodie (1915-1981) was born Fawn McKay in Ogden, Utah and grew up in nearby Huntsville. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature from the University of Utah in 1934 and in 1936 completed a Master of Arts degree at the University of Chicago, where she met and married Bernard Brodie. After graduation began researching the history of the Book of Mormon and, in 1945, published No Man Knows My History: The Life of Joseph Smith, which resulted in her 1946 excommunication from Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

After publishing two more biographies, Thaddeus Stevens: Scourge of the South (1959) and The Devil Drives: A Life of Sir Richard Burton (1967), Brodie began to teach history and American political biography at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). Thomas Jefferson: An Intimate History was published in 1974 and Richard Nixon: The Shaping of His Character in late 1981, nine monts after her death from lung cancer earlier that year.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The Fawn McKay Brodie audio-visual collection (1946-1995, bulk 1971-1980) consists primarily of oral history interviews with people associated with President Richard Nixon, his life, his administartion, and the controversies surrounding it. Brodie conducted these interviews as part of the research for her 1981 book, Richard Nixon: The Shaping of his Character. In addition to Brodie's own interviews, the collection also contains archived dictation and radio news reports used by Brodie in her research, as well as a television interview with Brodie and a recording of her 1978 lecture, Nixon: The Child and the Man and other material relating to Brodie's works and interests. Unless otherwise noted, all materials in this collection have been digitized and are available on compact disc or DVD.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

The library does not claim to control copyright for all materials in the collection. An individual depicted in a reproduction has privacy rights as outlined in Title 45 CFR, part 46 (Protection of Human Subjects). For further information, please review the J. Willard Marriott Library's Use Agreement and Reproduction Request forms.

Preferred Citation

Collection Name, Collection Number, Box Number, Folder Number. Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library, The University of Utah.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Materials are arranged in the order of their original donation.

Acquisition Information

Donated by Pamela Brodie and Bruce Brodie in 1982 and Steve Mayfield in 1999.

Processing Note

Processed in 1998 and 1999.

Related Materials

See also the Fawn McKay Brodie papers (MS 0360) and photograph collection (P0026).

Forms part of the Aileen H. Clyde 20th Century Women's Legacy Archives.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1 Nixon: The Child and the Man lecture
1978 October 19
2 KUTV News interview with Fawn Brodie about her work on Joseph Smith
circa 1971
3 John Dean
1977 June 22
4 Jack Anderson
1975 April 19
5 General Robert Cushman
1978 June
6 Bob Finch
1977 March
7 Helmut Sommerfeldt
1977 March 14
8 Bob Woodward
1980 April 06
9 Martin Agronsky, Henry Kissinger, Channel 28
1977 January 11
10 Richard Bergholz, Los Angeles Times
1980 April 01
11 Thomas Bewley
1976 April 15
12 Richard Bissell
1977 March 28
13 Pat Brown (Edmund G.), Beverly Hills
1976 April 15
14 Lou Cannon, Washington Post
1980 April 28
15-16 Kenneth Chotener (Murray Chotner's son), Santa Monica
1978 February 18
17 Judge James Cobey
18 Reverand Coffin, Last Whittier Quaker Church
1976 April 15
19 Roy Coln, New York City Eye and Ear Hospital
1979 April 26
20 Tom Dixon, KFAC Radio Los Angeles
1975 November 28
21 Evelyn Dorn, Nixon's Whittier secretary
1946 April 13
22 Eugene Genoresa, Los Angeles
1977 November 06
23 Bob Green, Newsday, Rokonhoma, New York
1977 March 30
24 Haldiman-Wallace
25 Leonard Wood Hall, Garden City, New York
1975 August 20
26-27 Hess
These interviews were recorded on a format not supported by our archive and are not available on compact disc at this time.
28 Stephen Hess
1978 February 01
29 Phoebe Howard (Elizabeth Evans' sister)
1976 November 21
30 Henry Kissinger and Dan Frost
1979 October 11
31 Henry Kissinger lecture dictation
1968 April 04
32-33 Herb Klein
1977 March 22
34 Anthony Lewis, New York Times, Boston
1977 March 28
35 Rose Olive and O. Marshburn (Nixon's aunt and uncle), Whittier
1977 April 30
36 Dick Mathis, Los Angeles
1977 August 19
37 Unidentified Nixon associate
38 CBS News coverage of Nixon's resignation speech; statement by Gerald Ford
1974 August 08
39 NBC News coverage of Nixon's farewell speech with commentary; Gerald Ford's inauguration
1977 August 19
40-44 Nixon interview with Frost
1977 May 04, 1977 May 12, 1977 May 19, 1977 May 25, 1977 September 05
45-46 Nixon and Dunpey
1979 November 26
47 Nixon Melhouse film
48 William Purdue, New York
1976 November 05
49 Judge J. Pasht
1976 October 03
50 Dan Rather, CBS, New York
1975 August 30
51 James Reston, Jr., University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
1977 April 21
52 Ed Rubin
53 Mrs. Foster (Georgia) Sherwood
1973 October 10
54-55 Ralph de Toledano
1975 August 30
56 Jerry Voorkis, Claremont
1978 February 22
57-58 Jessamyn West (cousin of Richard Nixon) at home of her brother, Merle West, in Hacienda Heights
1976 September 29
59 Paul Ziffren
1976 December 18
60 George Reedy at Marquette University
1977 March 25
61 Stephen Hess
These interviews were recorded on a format not supported by our archive and are not available on compact disc at this time.
62 Discussion of future of higher education in the sate of Utah
63-66 "Fawn Brodie Symposium: No Man Knows My History"
Presenters include Martha Bradley, Linda K. Newell, Newell Bringhurst, Mario dePillis, Roger Launius, William Mulder, Laivinia Fielding Anderson, Mauricio Mazon, Todd Compton. Also includes August 6, 1995, radio interview with Newell Bringhurst on KTKK radio.
1995 August