Irwin R. Hogenauer Papers, 1932-1984

Overview of the Collection

Hogenauer, Irwin R., 1912-1984
Irwin R. Hogenauer Papers
1932-1984 (inclusive)
4.84 cubic ft. plus 1 sound cassette (ca. 60 min.) and 1 oversize folder
Collection Number
Papers of Seattle pacifist and proponent of nonviolent civil disobedience and cooperative distribution.
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

Open to all users.

Request at UW

Funding for encoding this finding aid was partially provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Irwin R. Hogenauer (1912-1984), Seattle pacifist, initiated, organized, and participated in peace and non-violent civil disobedience projects throughout his lifetime. Hogenauer was raised in Bronx County, New York with his three brothers, Eugene, Edward, and Nelson. In the early 1930s he was active in Christian peace work through the Bronx Christian Endeavor Union. In 1934, Hogenauer traveled to Germany and Austria as an assistant leader with the Experiment in International Understanding. In 1935, he worked at the Putney School in Vermont, which was newly founded by Hogenauer's EIL trip leader, Carmelita Hinton. After leaving the Putney School, he worked at the West Side YMCA as a community organizer. Hogenauer also completed undergraduate work at Haverford College and Columbia University.

In October 1936, Hogenauer's brother Edward died tragically in an aviation accident at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola Florida. Another young soldier, Lee Gourley, was killed in the accident. Through written condolences with the Gourley family, Hogenauer met his future wife, Elizabeth (Betty) Hogenauer. Hogenauer and Betty, who lived in Alabama, began a passionate courtship through correspondence. They became engaged in July of 1937. Hogenauer relocated to Birmingham after securing a job with the Birmingham YMCA in September of 1937; they were married by November. The Hogenauers raised three children, Edward, Susan and Brian. They moved to the Seattle area in the late 1930s or early 1940s, where they became active members in pacifist and religious communities, including the Fellowship of Reconciliation and the University Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends.

Hogenauer was a Conscientious Objector during World War II. He attempted to enter various theological and undergraduate institutions, including Candler School of Theology at Emory University and the Chicago Theological Seminary, in hopes of gaining exemption from military service. For almost two years, Hogenauer lived and worked in Civilian Public Service camps run by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). He was assigned in August 1943 to a CPS camp in Gatlinburg, Tennessee and requested transfer in November 1944 to a camp in Germfask, Michigan. During his experiences at Germfask, Hogenauer came to believe that religious and pacifist agencies should not cooperate in conscription in any form, and decided to leave camp in protest against what he viewed as an immoral system. In early 1946, the AFSC ended its administration of CPS camps and never again cooperated in administering any programs for COs.

In June of 1945, Hogenauer left camp and acquired AWOL status. He was subsequently incarcerated for ten months at McNeil Island Penitentiary in Western Washington. While in prison, he practiced non-cooperation, including the refusal to authorize censorship of his mail which severely limited his correspondence with Betty. Hogenauer was released on parole in August of 1946 before his two year sentence was completed.

Hogenauer became a counselor to tax resisters in 1947, and served as a draft counselor for twenty-eight years. He also managed milk deliveries for the Evergreen Cooperative from 1947 to 1957 and participated in several other cooperative and consumer organizations in Washington State.

In 1963, at the age of 51, Hogenauer traveled to Washington D.C. on a personal mission of pacifist activism. He hoped to promote national defense through non-violent resistance, calling for an end to nuclear weapons testing and warfare. He lived at the Peace Action Center from March to September of 1963 as a member of the cooperative. While attempting to gain audience with the President, Hogenauer corresponded and met with government officials, including the Director of the Peace Corps, R. Sargent Shriver, and various senators and presidential aides. He kept vigil almost daily outside of the White House by handing out anti-nuclear war leaflets and carrying a sign reading "Save My Child! Eliminate War." Hogenauer was also strongly concerned about the effects of war on mental health and corresponded with the Menninger Foundation and Council for a Livable World. While pursuing his own mission, Hogenauer contributed time to the Committee for Nonviolent Action's Quebec-Washington-Guantanamo Walk for Peace, and volunteered at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

Hogenauer was a member of the National Committee for Nonviolent Action and an anti-war commentator on radio station KRAB FM in the late 1960s. He ran for Senator in 1968 as a member of the New Party, a party dedicated to ending the Vietnam War and reducing military control of the government. Hogenauer also volunteered as a trainer in nonviolence for the Fellowship of Reconciliation -- an interfaith peace organization -- and the Northwest Nonviolent Training and Action Center, until it disbanded in July 1972. The Seattle Peace Education Committee of American Friends Service Committee (Northwest Region) took over training tasks done by NWNVTAC until September 1972, when SPEC itself disbanded as a result of Hogenauer's and several other members' leaving the Committee.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Accession 3697-3 documents Hogenauer's work in two major fields: pacifism/war resistance and cooperative organizations.

The Personal Papers include correspondence that contains many letters Hogenauer wrote to local and national politicians. The Subject Series contains most of the material relating to Hogenauer's tax resistance work. The Speeches and Writings include transcripts of his KRAB commentaries.

The later parts of the papers represent Hogenauer's involvement and interest in various anti-war and cooperative organizations. The organizations relate to pacifism, war resistance, and non-violent action, and date from 1932 to 1984. They include the Bronx County (New York) Christian Endeavor Union; the Committee for Nonviolent Action; the Fellowship of Reconciliation, Seattle Chapter; the Hiroshima Day Fund Committee; the Northwest Nonviolent Training and Action Center; the People's Blockade Coalition; A Quaker Action Group; the Seattle Civil Action Committee; the War Resisters League; and the World Citizens' Cooperative.

Hogenauer's involvement in cooperatives dates from 1943-1981 and includes the Consumer's Merchandising Association, the Co-Op Agency, the Cooperating Community, and the Evergreen Cooperative, Inc.

Accession 3697-4 documents four important periods in Irwin Hogenauer's life: his courtship with Betty Hogenauer (1936-1937), the period of time he spent at civilian public service camps (1943-1945), his imprisonment at McNeil Penitentiary (1945-1946), and his six month visit to Washington, D.C. on a personal mission to meet President Kennedy and engage in pacifist protest (1963). Correspondence to and from Hogenauer during these periods is highly informative.

The correspondence of Betty Hogenauer covers primarily the period of Hogenauer's imprisonment, when Hogenauer had limited ability to engage in correspondence himself. Betty wrote to McNeil Island staff about her husband's status, as well as keeping in close contact with anti-war organizations, such as the Fellowship of Reconciliation and the War Resistors League, who could help Hogenauer gain early release.

The Experiment in International Living (EIL), founded in 1932 by Donald Watt, was one of the first organizations to engage individuals in intercultural living and learning through international homestay visits. Hogenauer's EIL experience sparked long-term correspondence with Donald Watt and with families and individuals he met in Germany. After World War II, Hogenauer sent care packages to his German friends in need.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Creator's literary rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Organized into 3 accessions.

  • Accession No. 3697-003, Irwin R. Hogenauer papers, 1932-1984
  • Accession No. 3697-004, Irwin R. Hogenauer papers, 1933-1983
  • Accession No. 3697-005, Irwin R. Hogenauer tape recording, 1983

Acquisition Information

Accession no. 3697 was donated by Betty Hogenauer (via Carolyn Stevens) in 1985. Accession no. 3697-2 donated by Chester Kingsbury in 1989. Accession no. 3697-4 was donated by Carolyn Stevens in 2003.

Processing Note

Accession nos. 3697 and 3697-2 were merged and processed to form no. 3697-3 in 2001. Accession no. 3697-4 was processed in 2003.

Separated Materials

19 photographs of Hogenauer, his family, and his wife's family were transferred to the division's Irwin R. Hogenauer Photograph Collection, PH Coll 1108, in 2003.

Related Materials

Also available in the repository are the Seattle Draft Counseling Center Records , Accession no. 3925-3, which include personal papers of Irwin R. Hogenauer.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Accession No. 3697-003: Irwin R. Hogenauer papers, 1932-1984Return to Top

2.21 cu. ft.

Scope and Content: Correspondence, newsletters, ephemera, minutes, speeches and writings, and clippings; 1932-1984. The papers document Hogenauer's activities as a pacifist and trainer in nonviolence for the Northwest Nonviolent Training and Action Center, the American Friends Service Committee, and Fellowship of Reconciliation. Also documented is his participation in Seattle cooperative organizations, especially the Evergreen Cooperative.

Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Mrs. Irwin Hogenauer

Container(s) Description Dates
Personal Papers
Box/Folder Accession
1/1 3697-003
Biographical Features
1961-1973, 1981, n.d.
General Correspondence
Box/Folder Accession
1/2 3697-003
Bayh, Birch
1/3 3697-003
Chisholm, Shirley
1/4 3697-003
Gorton, Slade
1/5 3697-003
Jackson, Henry M.
1958-1966, 1971-1980
1/6 3697-003
Magnuson, Warren G.
1955-1966, 1971-1980
1/7 3697-003
Morse, Wayne
1953, 1959
1/8 3697-003
Muskie, Edmund S.
1/9 3697-003
Pelly, Thomas M.
1966, 1968, 1971
1/10 3697-003
Pritchard, Joel
1973, 1975, 1978-1981
1/11 3697-003
U.S. President
1956-1960, 1972-1976
1/12 3697-003
Westlund, Jack
1/13 3697-003
Box/Folder Accession
1/14 3697-003
Directors of Seattle Co-Ops
Subject Series
Box/Folder Accession
1/15 3697-003
Capital Punishment - Don White
1964, n.d.
1/16 3697-003
Coast-to-Coast Peace Walk
1/17 3697-003
Conversion Consultants
1/18 3697-003
Co-Op Community
1947, 1960-1977, n.d.
1/19 3697-003
Cuban Crisis
1/20-21 3697-003
1948-1969, 1977, n.d.
1/22 3697-003
Police Training
1969-1971, 1974, n.d.
1/23 3697-003
Public Witness
1/24 3697-003
Public Witness - Boeing 11/11-12/64 and 3/15/65
1/25 3697-003
1957-1965, n.d.
1/26 3697-003
Tax Refusal - Hogenauer
1948-1976, 1983, n.d.
1/27 3697-003
Tax Refusal Travel (Proposed) 1953
1953, 1958
1/28 3697-003
Telephone Tax Refusal
1969-1975, n.d.
1/29 3697-003
1974-1979, n.d.
1/30 3697-003
1964-1965, n.d.
War Tax Resistance
Box/Folder Accession
1/31 3697-003
General Correspondence
1947-1983, n.d.
1/32 3697-003
1948-1949, 1973-1974
Speeches and Writings
Box/Folder Accession
1/33 3697-003
Hogenauer, Irwin
1950-1967, 1973, n.d.
1/34 3697-003
Individual Statements
1953-1982, n.d.
1/35 3697-003
Of Friends
1939-1952, 1961, n.d.
1/36 3697-003
1/37 3697-003
1948-1982, n.d.
Box/Folder Accession
1/38 3697-003
1956, n.d.
1/39 3697-003
1949-1983, n.d.
1/40 3697-003
News Releases
1958, 1966-1967
Case Files
Box/Folder Accession
1/41 3697-003
Tax Refusal
1948-1981, n.d.
Box/Folder Accession
1/42 3697-003
1/43 3697-003
1954-1980, n.d.
1/44 3697-003
1966, 1971-1978, n.d.
1/45 3697-003
1947-1982, n.d.
1/46 3697-003
1950-1983, n.d.
1/47 3697-003
1965-1980, n.d.
Box/Folder Accession
1/48 3697-003
World Citizen
1975, 1980-1983, n.d.
Speeches and Writings
Box/Folder Accession
1/49-50 3697-003
Commentaries for KRAB FM
1965-1967, 1975
1/51 3697-003
Function of a War Tax Resistance Counselor
Box/Folder Accession
1/52 - 2/3 3697-003
1963, 1971-1983, n.d.
Box/Folder Accession
2/4 3697-003
Mass Media
1949-1984, n.d.
2/5 3697-003
American Friends Service Committee. Pacific Northwest Regional Office. Seattle Peace Education Committee
General Correspondence
Box/Folder Accession
2/6 3697-003
American Friends Service Committee
2/7 3697-003
1947-1978, n.d.
Box/Folder Accession
2/8 3697-003
Easter Witness Subcommittee
2/9 3697-003
Executive Committee
2/10 3697-003
Public Witness Subcommittee
2/11 3697-003
SPEC Meetings
1959-1967, 1970-1971
Subject Series
Box/Folder Accession
2/12 3697-003
1972 Defectors from AFSC & 1977 Recurrence
1972, 1977
2/13 3697-003
H-Bomb Demonstration - Peace Walk Seattle, 5/17/58, and Geneva Support Campaign, 4/4-5/59
2/14 3697-003
Indochina Summer Project 1972 (AFSC Outreach)
1972, n.d.
2/15 3697-003
Nonviolence Campaign - Military Industrial Complex Corporate Project (MIC Project)
1971-1972, n.d.
2/16 3697-003
Nuclear Weapons Testing
1957-1959, n.d.
2/17 3697-003
Pacific Northwest New Mobilization Peace March & Rally to End the War in Vietnam
Conference and Convention Files
Box/Folder Accession
2/18 3697-003
Washington State Institute of International Relations
Speeches and Writings
Box/Folder Accession
2/19 3697-003
Hogenauer, Irwin R.
1964, 1966, 1969
2/20 3697-003
1961-1972, n.d.
Box/Folder Accession
2/21 3697-003
Speeches and Writings of Others
2/22 3697-003
1960, 1972, n.d.
2/23 3697-003
News Releases
2/24 3697-003
2/25 3697-003
2/26 3697-003
1960-1961, n.d.
2/27 3697-003
1982, n.d.
2/28 3697-003
1960-1968, 1971-1972
2/29 3697-003
1961-1968, 1972, n.d.
Box/Folder Accession
2/30 3697-003
Bronx County New York Christian Endeavor Union
Committee for Nonviolent Action
Box/Folder Accession
2/31 3697-003
General Correspondence
Subject Series
Box/Folder Accession
2/32 3697-003
Polaris Missile Demonstration, Bangor, WA, Polaris Action Pacific Northwest
Box/Folder Accession
2/33 3697-003
Consumers Merchandising Association
2/34 3697-003
Co-op Agency
2/35 3697-003
The Cooperating Community
1973, n.d.
2/36 3697-003
Evergreen Cooperative Inc.
1947-1960, 1981, n.d.
Fellowship of Reconciliation. Seattle Chapter
Box/Folder Accession
2/37-39 3697-003
General Correspondence
1953-1983, n.d.
Subject Series
Box/Folder Accession
2/40 3697-003
Police Chief Selection / Police Brutality
Box/Folder Accession
2/41 3697-003
Hiroshima Day Fund Committee
Northwest Nonviolent Training and Action Center
Box/Folder Accession
2/42 3697-003
General Correspondence
1971-1974, n.d.
Subject Series
Box/Folder Accession
2/43-3/1 3697-003
1970-1974, 1977, n.d.
Box/Folder Accession
3/2 3697-003
Peoples Blockade Coalition
3/3 3697-003
A Quaker Action Group
Seattle Civil Action Committee
Subject Series
Box/Folder Accession
3/4 3697-003
Selective Service Sit-In 10/17/67
1967-1970, n.d.
Box/Folder Accession
3/5 3697-003
War Resisters League
1974-1976, 1984, n.d.
3/6 3697-003
World Citizens Cooperative

Accession No. 3697-004: Irwin R. Hogenauer papers, 1933-1983Return to Top

2.63 cu. ft. (4 boxes)

Scope and Content: Correspondence, journals, newsletters, publications, resumes, speeches and writings, minutes, clippings, awards, pamphlets, 1933-1983. Includes papers of his wife, Elizabeth (Betty), 1939-1963.

Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Carolyn Stevens

Container(s) Description Dates
Personal Papers
Box/Folder Accession
1/1 3697-004
Biographical Features
General Correspondence
Box/Folder Accession
1/2 3697-004
American Friends Service Committee
1940-1945, 1963-1964
1/3 3697-004
Chicago Theological Seminary
1/4 3697-004
Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR)
1942-1949, 1962-1963
1/5 3697-004
FOR - Northwest Area. Annual Conference (Seabeck, WA)
1/6 3697-004
Foote, Caleb
1/7 3697-004
Gourley, Addie
1/8-22 3697-004
Hogenauer, Elizabeth (Betty)
1936-1982, n.d.
1/23 3697-004
Hogenauer, Eugene
1943-1946, 1963
1/24 3697-004
Hogenauer, George and Alice
1/25 3697-004
Hogenauer Children (Edward, Susan, and Brian)
1/26 3697-004
Re: Lyttle, Bradford. "National Defense thru Nonviolent Resistance"
1/27 3697-004
Methodist Church. Commission on World Peace
1/28 3697-004
Muste, Abraham John (FOR)
1942-1947, 1963
1/29 3697-004
National Service Board for Religious Objectors
1/30 3697-004
Peace Action Center (Washington, D.C.)
1/31 3697-004
Rumbough, Constance (FOR)
1/32 3697-004
Re: Seattle City Jail Investigation
1/33 3697-004
Re: Theological and Undergraduate Schools, A-Z
1/34 3697-004
U.S. President
1/35 3697-004
U.S. Selective Service. Local Draft Board No. 9 (Birmingham, AL)
1/36 3697-004
War Resisters League (U.S.)
1/37 3697-004
YMCA. Englewood Department (Chicago, IL)
1/38 3697-004
YMCA. Southern Area Council (Atlanta, GA)
1/39 3697-004
1/40-44, 2/1-2 3697-004
1940-1964, 1969-1980, n.d.
Box/Folder Accession
2/3 3697-004
Minutes of Fellowship of Reconciliation - Seattle Board
Subject Series
Box/Folder Accession
2/4 3697-004
American Friends Service Committee. Civilian Public Service and Conscription - Propaganda and History
1943-1945, n.d.
2/5-6 3697-004
American Friends Service Committee. Civilian Public Service Camp
1943-1945, n.d.
2/7 3697-004
Bellevue Community College. Ad-Hoc Vietnam Committee
2/8 3697-004
Campaigns of Rev. Robert Shaw and Irwin Hogenauer
1966, 1968, n.d.
5 3697-004
Chart: Civilian Public Services Across the Nation
Conscientious Objectors
Box/Folder Accession
2/9 3697-004
American Friends Service Committee
1940-1943, n.d.
2/10 3697-004
Methodist Church
2/11-13 3697-004
1933-1946, n.d.
Box/Folder Accession
2/14-15 3697-004
Conscription and Human Rights Amnesty
1944-1953, n.d.
2/16 3697-004
Fellowship of Reconciliation - Conscription
1946-1948, n.d.
2/17-18 3697-004
Germfask (MI) C.P.S. Camp -Public Relations
2/19 3697-004
Jobs - Resumés (and Haverford College)
1964-1969, 1983, n.d.
2/20 3697-004
King County - Jail - Sheriffs
2/21 3697-004
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
2/22 3697-004
Ministry - Entering
1942-1945, n.d.
2/23-25 3697-004
1931-1980, n.d.
2/26-28 3697-004
Prison Literature
1960-1972, n.d.
2/29 3697-004
"Program for Positive, Constructive Direct Action in Civilian Public Service," by Irwin Hogenauer
2/30 3697-004
Washington. Firland Correctional Facility
Speeches and Writings
Box/Folder Accession
2/31 3697-004
Autobiographical Writings
1937, 1941
2/32 3697-004
1943-1970, n.d.
2/33-35 3697-004
1932-1963, n.d.
Box/Folder Accession
2/36, 3/1-2 3697-004
1959, 1963-1967
Box/Folder Accession
3/3 3697-004
Calumet - Newsletter of Civilian Public Service Camps in North Carolina and Tennessee
1943, n.d.
3/4 3697-004
Conference and Convention Files
Box/Folder Accession
3/5 3697-004
Exploratory Conference on the Basis of a Just and Enduring Peace (Methodist Church. Commission on World Peace)
Box/Folder Accession
3/6 3697-004
3/7 3697-004
1934-1946, 1963
3/8 3697-004
1933, 1943
3/9-10 3697-004
1943-1968, n.d.
3/11 3697-004
1943-1946, 1963, n.d.
Box/Folder Accession
3/12 3697-004
Committee for Nonviolent Action
Experiment in International Living
General Correspondence
Box/Folder Accession
3/13 3697-004
Bosler Family
3/14 3697-004
Schreiber, Dr. W.
3/15 3697-004
Schweiger, Will
1946-1950, n.d.
3/16 3697-004
Sedlacek, Dr. Alexander (Xandl) and Erika
3/17 3697-004
Re: U.S. Peace Corps
3/18 3697-004
Re: Vanderhyde, Ann
3/19 3697-004
Watt, Donald
3/20-21 3697-004
1933-1983, n.d.
Subject Series
Box/Folder Accession
4/1 3697-004
Care Packages
Box/Folder Accession
4/2 3697-004
1936-1959, n.d.
Hogenauer, Elizabeth
General Correspondence
Box/Folder Accession
4/3 3697-004
Fellowship of Reconciliation
4/4 3697-004
Gourley, Addie
4/5 3697-004
Hogenauer, Alice
1939, 1945-1946
4/6 3697-004
McNeil Island Penitentiary
4/7 3697-004
Methodist Church. Commission on World Peace
4/8 3697-004
War Resisters League
4/9-10 3697-004
1945-1946, 1963
Box/Folder Accession
4/11 3697-004
Diary for Irwin

Accession No. 3697-005: Irwin R. Hogenauer tape recording, 1983Return to Top

1 sound cassette (ca. 60 min.)

Scope and Content: Tape recording of Hogenauer, July 8th, 1983; contents unknown.

Restrictions on Access: Access restricted. Contact Special Collections for more details.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Chester Kingsbury Estate via Jan Snyder

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Conscientious objectors--Washington (State)--Seattle
  • Consumer cooperatives--Washington (State)--Seattle
  • Cooperative societies--Washington (State)--Seattle
  • Dairying, Cooperative--Washington (State)--Seattle
  • Pacifism--United States
  • Pacifists--Washington (State)--Seattle
  • Passive resistance--Washington (State)--Seattle
  • Peace--Societies, etc
  • War tax resistance--Washington (State)--Seattle
  • World War, 1939-1945--Conscientious objectors--United States

Personal Names

  • Hogenauer, Elizabeth
  • Hogenauer, Irwin R., 1912-1984--Archives
  • Muste, Abraham John, 1885-1967
  • Rumbough, Constance

Corporate Names

  • American Friends Service Committee
  • American Friends Service Committee. Civilian Public Service
  • American Friends Service Committee. Pacific Northwest Regional Office. Seattle Peace Education Committee
  • Committee for Nonviolent Action
  • Evergreen Co-operative
  • Experiment in International Living
  • Fellowship of Reconciliation (U.S.)
  • Fellowship of Reconciliation (U.S.). Greater Seattle Chapter
  • McNeil Island Penitentiary
  • Methodist Church (U.S.). Commission on World Peace
  • National Service Board for Religious Objectors
  • Northwest Nonviolent Training and Action Center
  • Peace Action Center (Washington, D.C.)
  • War Resisters League

Geographical Names

  • Seattle (Wash.)--Politics and government
  • Washington (State)--Politics and government

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Personal Papers/Corporate Records (University of Washington)