UW Ethnomusicology Archives audio recordings: Stephen Addiss recordings (Music of Vietnam), Undated

Overview of the Collection

Addiss, Stephen, 1935-
UW Ethnomusicology Archives audio recordings: Stephen Addiss recordings (Music of Vietnam)
5 items  :  EC-5 reels (7 1/2 ips, 1/2 tr. mono, 7"); D-1 reel (76-5.5D) (7 1/2 ips, 1/2 tr. mono, 7"); WT-9 reels (7 1/2 ips, 1/2 tr. stereo, 10"); Duration: 4:22:23
Collection Number
Music of Vietnam - some recorded live, some from Radio Saigon.
University of Washington Ethnomusicology Archives
University of Washington
Ethnomusicology Archives
Box 353450
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065430974
Access Restrictions

Unrestricted: collection is open for research.


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Stephen Addiss (1935-) is a musician, composer, author, painter, and teacher from New York City. He earned his BA in Music Composition from Harvard in 1957 and his MA and PhD in East Asian Art History and Musicology from the University of Michigan in 1971. During the 1960s, he toured the world with his friend Bill Crofut and performed original musical compositions as well as traditional music from Africa and Vietnam. In addition to his music, Addiss is also known for his calligraphy and his books on Japanese and Chinese art.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top


76-5.1 - Side 1 - Music of North, Central and South Vietnam; Side 2 - continuation.

76-5.2 - Side 1 - continuation; Side 2 - Radio Saigon program with interview in Vietnamese; Hne music, August 24, General Sang's home with famous musicians and singers (includes conversations in Vietnamese)

76-5.3 - Side 1 - continuation; Vong - 4 versions historically and folk song; Side 2 - Vong, continued from side 1 (includes comments in English); Tudai Oan - 2 versions, old and new; Interview, Radio Saigon, CA HUE, Saigon; musicians on side 2 - Nam Xuar, Nam Ai, Van Thieu, Tuong, Tuong Tu Ngu, Tranh.

76-5.4 - Side 1 - continuation (same musicians as on previous tape); Side 2 - Concert recording, "Vietnamese Ca Hue Chamber Music" (Vietnamese-American Association, 55 Mac Dinh Chi, Saigon); English commentary by Steve Addiss; contents - A. Nam Binh, Ha Giang Nam (old and new), one part; B. Nam Ai, Ai Giang Nam (old and new), one part, composed by Lord Nguyen Phuc Nguyen; C. Tu Dai Canh, two parts (old and new); musicians on side 2 - Miss Bich Lien / vocals: Vinh Tran, Buu Loc, Bao Quyen, Vinh Phan / instruments.

76-5.5 - Side 1 - Ly con Sao; Dragon and The Tiger; Luu Thuy (shorter version); Ly Con Sao; Luu Thuy (longer version); Tu Dai-Dan; Monochord solo; musicians on side 1 - Hoa Van Phu/ dan bau, followed by Hoa Van Phu/ dan tranh.

Documentation: Typed notes.

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