Whitman College Vertical Files Collection, approximately 1900-2018

Overview of the Collection

Whitman College. Whitman College and Northwest Archives
Whitman College Vertical Files Collection
approximately 1900-2018 (inclusive)
26 linear feet, (16 filing cabinet drawers)
Collection Number
The Whitman College Archives vertical file collection contains files pertaining to the history of Whitman College and people associated with the college.
Whitman College and Northwest Archives
Whitman College and Northwest Archives
Penrose Library, Room 130
345 Boyer Avenue
Walla Walla, WA
Telephone: 5095275922
Fax: 5095264785
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

The Whitman College and Northwest Archives has maintained a vertical file about Whitman College since at least the 1960s. From the beginning, the purpose of the vertical file was to arrange and store small files on topics, memorabilia, and ephemeral material pertaining to Whitman College. For the most part, the vertical file contains only printed items. Manuscript material and other unique items were, generally, not placed in the vertical file. Some of the materials in the vertical file include: newspaper clippings, press releases, programs, speeches, reprints, and obituaries. Since the early 2000s, material has not been regularly added to the collection, but staff do occasionally add small additions.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The Whitman College Vertical Files collection contains subject files organized alphabetically by topic, department, or individual. Materials within include fliers, brochures, posters, publications, informational packets, reports, and biographical information on Whitman College, alumni, staff, faculty, departments, and general history.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


This collection is arranged alphabetically by folder title.

Processing Note

The finding aid for this collection is compiled from an internal inventory that was created and maintained by past archives staff. The list was migrated in 2018 to make it publically accessible. As part of the migration, the content of the list was neither modified nor verified. The folder titles have not been verified against the contents of the folders.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Description Dates
Abshire, Al
Ackley, Charles
Ackley, John W. Faculty 1934-45
ACUC: Academic Computer Users' Committee
Academic costume
Activities and Rec. Team
Acuff, M
Adams, Kirk. '81 Student
Adams, Kirk. '83
Adamson, Walter (1975)
Aden, Carlin. Alumni
Adkison, Thomas. Architect.
Adlington, Terry L.
Advertising: Whitman College
Aid to Scholarship and Instructional Development Committee
Alcohol Awareness
Alexander, Marilyn Maxey
Alexander, Rodney Wilson. AB 1941, AM 1943, Faculty 1948-
Alger, Michael
Alkins, Jeanne
Alkins, Mary
Allard, David Henry. A.B. 1951
Allen, Eli T. Obituary. (Wife: Mary Wallace Allen, see WW Union 9-17-34)
Allen, Mary Gertrude Stockbridge (Mrs Orville Reid). Painted portrait of Narcissa Whitman.
Allen, Raymond B. Dr. Honorary Sc.D. 1947
Allen, Sir Richard. Faculty 1964-65.
Allen, Thomas
Allen, William
Allender, Phoebe Jo.
Alpha Chapter of Washington at Whitman College: diplomas for "Long Suffering Spouses of a Whitman College Enthusiast"
Alsip, John F.
Alumni House
Ambrosia Hour
American Civil Liberties Union
America Reads Program
Ames, John '61
Amphitheater: Easter Sunrise Services, 1950. Buildings and Grounds.
Amundsen, Dick
Amnesty International
Arnold Professors
Anderson, Dr. Adele
Anderson, Adele W. 1910-1997
Anderson, Charles E. '50.
Anderson, Edward F. Faculty 1962-1992
Anderson, P. Geoffrey Gradebook 1887-89
Anderson, Gordon
Anderson Hall
Anderson, H. Calvert "Cal"
Anderson, Jennifer '88
Anderson, Mark
Andersen, Ross
Anderson, William and Jeanie
Anderson, Winslow Samuel President 1942-1948
Andrews, David. Visiting Econ.
Angell, H. Joseph
Angell, Jimmye
Ankeny, Nesmith C.
Antenna Raise : Construction Applications
Anthony, Paul Douglas
Applegate, Dorothy. B.S. 1924
Aravena, Rene
Ardis, April. Dance.
Arlington, David
Armes, Norval (Verna)
Armour, Richard
Armstrong, Charles J. Dr. Faculty 1944-1953
Armstrong, Dolores
Arnold, Edward F.
Arnold, Maurice
Arnold, Lawrence
Arnolds-Patron, Paul. Faculty.
Arnold Professors
Art Department
Austen, Alpha
Austin, Brian
Auton, Betty
Auton, Graeme P. Political Science.
Arnquist, Warren Nelson. B.S. 1927, Ph.D. Calif. Inst. Tech '30
Ayrault, Dan
Backstrand, Winston C. Faculty.
Back-to-Marc Festival
Backus, Manson
Bagley, Myrta. 1883
Bail, George H.
Bailey, William Horace Faculty 1946-?
Baim, Michael. Visiting Asst. Prof., Chemistry
Bainton, Roland Herbert. A.B. 1914
Baird, Harold Leonard. Overseer.
Baird, Lucius Olmsted
Baird, Spencer Fullerton. Professorship.
Baker, Crystal L. Visiting Instructor in Biology.
Baker, Dorsey Franklin. Trustee. Hon. LL.D. '43
Baker, Sarah (Mrs. W. P. Schwager)
Baker, Walla Walla William. Seminary.
Baldwin, E. D. 1906
Baldwin, Ewart. Arnold Prof. 1981.
Ball, George H., Whitman College Collection on.
Ball, Nancy C.
Ball, Robert S. '64; B. of T. 1992
Ballard, Richard
Banerjee, Dr. Purnendu Kumar. Litt.D. 1967.
Banff Film Festival
Barber, Joan.
Barela, Mike '85 and Tracy Hill Barela '83
Barken, Lenore. Asst. Prof. of Poli. Sci.
Barker, Carol
Barnett, Lindon.
Barre, Arthur DeWitt
Barrett, Newton. Alumni: 1914.
Barrett, Parker. Overseer. B.S. 1903.
Battelle Northwest
Bauer, Marion E.
Baxter, Margery
Bean, Glenn Leonard
Bean, Helen
Bean, U. Grant.
Beatty, Kathleen
Beaulaurier, Elizabeth Ann
Beaupre, D.F.
Beaven, Corace May
Beegle, David M.
Beer, James M.
Beezhold, Frank. Faculty 1938-
Beidler, Joe
Bells of Whitman College
Bemis, Samuel Flagg. Faculty 1920-1923
Bemrose, Paula. "Cookie Lady"
Benedict, Dirk (Niewoehner). Grad. 1967.
Benefits: College Insurance Benefit Plans
Benjamin, Brown H.
Bennett, Robert A. Faculty.
Bennington, Virgil
Benson, Germaine
Benson, Michael
Benzel, Mary
Berelson, Bernard Reuben. A.B. 1934
Berg, Charles H.
Berge, Guttorm. 1954
Berger, Sheila
Bergvall, Dennis
Bergevin, Erma Jo
Berner, Ann Davis
Berney, Charles. A.B. 1953
Berney, Donald
Berney, William E.
Betournay, Judy
Bettison-Varag, Lori
Beus, Stephen
Billings Hall
Binkley, Joanne Gunn, Executive Secretary in Financial Development
Birch, Anthony
Birch, Tony, Controller 1980
Birds in the Maxey Museum
Bishop, Gayla
Blakeslee, John. Visiting Ass't Prof. of Math
Blankenship, Nancy; now Nancy Pryor. Alumni.
Blankenship, Russell. Faculty 1923-1932
Blankenship, Warren
Blattler, Sarah R.
Blanco, Pedro
Bleakney, Walter. B.S. 1924
Bleakney, William Hudson
Bledsoe, Frances. Staff: __-1985
Blomme, Gayle Barnes
Blomquist, Arthur
Blomquist, Roberta B. 1897-1988
Blue Ridge Tutoring
Blue Sky Program
Blum - Music Association Pres.
History of Whitman College boards developed for Edwards by Larry Dodd
Boas, Ralph Phillip. Faculty 1912-1916
Bodenberg, Emmett T. - Bio Prof.
Bodvarsson, Orn
Bohm, Fred
Bonds, Christopher, Ph.D. 1975, Asst Prof of Music
Bond, Grant S. 1904
Borgensen, Mildred Shepherd
Borleske Stadium
Boals, Gordon Porter. A.B. 1926.
Borseth, Jan
Boule, Margie 1973
Bowker, Lee H. Faculty 1967-
Bowman, Mrs. Ruth. Asst. in Music
Bown, Max Duane. Faculty 1941-1947
Braden, Clarence. Overseer
Bradford, Amanda - Student
Bragg, Mrs. R.B. (Helen). News Service 1951-61
Brittain, Margaret Elmina Teall
Brann, Eva. Arnold Visiting Professor 1978-79
Bratt, Gary - Dept of Music
Bratton, Robert W.
Bratton Tennis Center
Bratton, Walter Andrew. Pres 1936-42, LLD 1942
Bride, Howard
Bridge Club
Bridger, Clyde A. - A.B. 1931
Brode, Robert
Brollier, Gordon 1988-91
Broman, Cecily
Broman, Walter - Prof. of English
Brooking, Walter Jesse - A.B. 1934
Brooks, Raymond Cummings - D.D. 1913
Broughton, Ina Margaret - A.B. 1953
Brown, Benjamin Harris - Faculty 1895-1935
Brown, Carolyn Henning
Brown, Dave
Brown, Eli
Brown, Geoffrey Wallace
Brown, Greg
Brown, Lisa
Brown, Richard - Biology
Brown, Roy Curtiss - Visiting Asst Professor of Biology - H. '76
Brown, Sharon
Brown, Zelma Williams
Brubaker, Howard W. - Faculty 1904-1911
Brunswig, Kirk
Bryson, Blauke - '32
Buck, Gayalene Norris, Food Service Director. H. 1977
Buchanan, Martin
Buckley, Chester W. - Faculty 1961-
Budget - 40 years of Balanced Budgets
Buehler, Elizabeth Wilson - 1942
Buffo, Lauren
Bunnell, Jodi L.
Bunnell, John C.
Bunnell, Rod and Sally
Bunt, Floyd Walter - staff
Burge, David - Faculty 1957-
Burgess, Dana - Prof of Foreign Lang. and Lit - Classics
Burgess, Dr. M. Elaine
Burgess, Esther - German
Burgess, Robert - Faculty
Burke, Kevin - visiting math prof
Burk, Richard - Visiting Prof. of Drama 1983-84
Burke, Thomas - L.L.D. 1898
Burman, Tom - Speech at Founder's Day at Whitman College, February, 1985
Burman, Thomas
Burns, Margaret
Buroker, Usona
Burr, Helen L
Burton, Patricia - visiting prof. of philosophy
Busch, Neal - Chemistry
Business Office
Busch, Robert - Visiting Lecturer in Biology
Buss, Paul A. Jr
Bussard, Lawrence Harold - Faculty 1943-1951
Butler, Preston
Butterworth, Rev. F.E. - Hon. Degree
Byers, Deborah - class of 1986
Cabin (Soda Fountain) 1943
College Cabin Mill Creek
Cain, Leslie
Cain, Llewellyn B.
Cain, William
Camp Whitman
Cameron, Basil: Honorary Degree: Doctor of Music, 2-14-35
Campbell, Allison: Lecturer in Chemistry
Campbell, Carl: Faculty 1960-
Campbell, David Beasley: Former Instr. In Piano
Campbell, Gay: Director of News Services
Campbell, Mary Thorne: 1933
Campbell, Tim
Campus Art
Campus Conference on Religion 1949-60
Cannon, Garnett E.: Overseer
Campus Day Program
Campus sculpture walking tour 2018
Carloye, Lisa
Carnegie Report
Carson, Bob
Carcamo, Roberto
Carlsen, Douglas
Carlstrom, Connie Jill 1993
Carpenter, Sandra Witt
Carloye, Lisa
Carnegie Report
Carson, Robert J.
Castile File
Castile, George: Faculty 1972-
Cassens, Dorothy 1931
Catering Services
Celebrations (Graduation, Alumni Reunions)
Cell Group Program
Celt House
Chamberlaw, Dave
Cassinelli, Charles W., Faculty 1953-1960
Cathcart, Kevin
Center for Community Service
Chamberlain, Mark
Chamberlain, P.B.
Chamberlin, Marilyn
Chan, Roger: Vis. Instr. Of History
Chastain, W. J.
Chapel - Faculty-student joint committee report 1929
Chapman, Raymond L.
Cheatham, James
Chen, C. Lon: Asst. Prof. of Economics
Chesney, Margaret
Chiarelott, Donna (News Services)- 2 Folders
Chiarelott, Leigh
Chief Information Technology Officer: New Position 1993
Chinese Exhibit - 1984
Chinese House
Chinese Students
Churchill, Joan: Assoc. Prof. of Theatre
Chronicle of Higher Education
Circle K, (Service Club)
Cinema Arts Series
Clark, Curtis
Class Representatives Handbook
Classic Film Series
Claytor, Elma L.: RN Health Center, 1962
Clayton, Dr. E.
Clem, Richard H.
Clemens, Fred W. 1911
Clemen, Rudolf Alexander
Clendaniel, Ed
Clercx, Byron: Visiting Prof. of Studio Art
Click, Sally - Asst. Dean of Students
Click, William
Climbing Wall: Sherwood Center
Cline, Alvin: Faculty
Clippings - WC, General
Clodius, Robert L.
Clow, Maurine
Coates, Cushing Eells
Cochrane, Kevin D.: Class of 1979
Co-Educational Living
Cockrum, Virginia
Coddington, Barbara
Coffee House
Cohee, Brian: Class of 1986
Cohen, Mark
Cohen, Ronald D.
Cole, Bill: 1972 Humanities Chair
Cole, Donald C.
Cole, Douglas Lowell
Cole, William
Coleman, Norman Frank: Faculty
Colors, Whitman
College House
Collegiate Political Organizations
Coffeehouse Posters
Colligan, Karen: Instructor in Foreign Languages
Collins, Joan
Columbine Players, WC collection on, summer stock theatre program
Committee - Internship
Conner, Liz: Sub Snack Bar Manager
Community Free School
Community Food Cooperative (co-op)
Computer: IBM
Computer Service
Computer Use Policy
Conferences, Conventions, Meetings: 2 Folders
Coon, Roberta
Conklin, Loni
Connell, Carl
Conrad, Vernon
Conry, Catherine
Cook, Jonathan and Elizabeth
Copeland, Frances Virginia
Copeland, Henry J.: Overseer
Copeland, Paul W.
Copeland, Laura
Copeland, Mary Penrose
Copeland, Paul W.
Conferences: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1960
Conferences: Governing Board, 1960
Conference, Greater Whitman: 1960
Conferences: Model Conferences, Conventions
Conferences: Pioneer Trails, 1953
Conservation Committee
Cordiner, Glen
Cordiner, Lee
Cordiner, Ralph
Corey, Douglas
Corkille Briggs, Dorothy
Corley, Peggy
Cornelison, Mary Jane
Cornish, Rory
Cormier, Lee D.: Conservatory
Corrigan, Marilyn J.
Cosby, Judith
Cosgrove, Anthony
Costas, P.S.: Faculty
Cottie, Charles Sidney
Cottrell, Ted
Cottrell, Walter and Christine
Councils and Committees
Counseling Center
Cousins, Mrs. Lawrence
Cowling, H. Miller
Cox, Cody
Cox, Manning William
Cox, Robert West
Coyne, Barry
Crawford, Harold
Crayne, Mrs. W.H.
Creegan, Robert F.
Crisp, Wendy Reid
Crocker, Ryan
Crocker, Sewall King
Cross, Rt. Rev. Edward
Crowe, William Frank
Cruchon, Janine
Crumbaker, Calvino
Cummins, L.W. "Scotty"
Cundiff, Jerry Sr.
Cunningham,Jonathan Ray
Curcio, Louis
Curley, David W.
Currie, Peggy
Curtis, Jerry
Cycling Team
Dagle, Gerald
Dale, Harrison Clifford
Dana, Marshall Newport
Dambacher, George
Dance Studio
Danelski, David J.
Daniel, Inez
Dappan, Andy
Darlington, Wayne
Davenport, H.T. (Margaret Paddock)
Davidman, Leonard
Davis, Edith B.M.
Davis, Julia
Davis, Frederic
Davis, Kenneth Culp
Davis, Merrell R.
Davis, W.R.
Davis, Mrs. W.R.
Davis, Wallace Martin
Daycare at Whitman (proposals)
Dean & Burgett (Ray & Grace) photograph album (photocopy) circa 1920
Dean of Faculty
Dean of Students
Dean, Mary Evelyn
Deeringhoff, Lori
DeLaney, John E.
Delay, Ron
Delta Delta Delta
Demaris, Steve
Demaris, Tom
Dennis, Johnnie
Dennis, Kevin
DeRemer, Russell J.
Deshler, William
Deval, Anne-Marie
Dewey, Michele
Deye, Ruth
Dick, Wesley Arden
Dignitary Dinner
Diller, Karen
Dimond, Thomas M.
Dingee, Eugene
Diven, Clarence
Dixon, Edward
Dixon, Jerry
Dobson, Heidi
Dodson, Craig
Doebler, Dawn Elisa
Doherty, Barbara B.
Donahie, Dan
Donaldson, Timothy
Dormitory Regulations
Dorr, Angelika
Douglas, Bob
Dory, Jenise
Douglas, Arthur Freeborn
Douglas, Mildred Riddle
Douglas, Martha
Douglas, Leigh C.
Dovell, William Thomas
Downing, Elaine
Downs, C. R
Dox, Virginia
Drabek, Charles
Drake, Barbara
Drake, Robert
Draper, Gordon
Driscoll, James P.
Drug Awareness Committee
Drury, Clifford Merrill
Dubost, Francoise
Duck Fest, Annual
Duckham, W. Henry
Duffin, Mark
Dunphy, Sabina
Dunphy, W.T.
Dunphy, Winifred
Dunning, John Ray
Durand, Paul A.
Ealy, Laura
Easton, Stanly Alexander
Eaton, Rev. James Francis
Education Programs
Edwards, Bert
Edwards, Stephanie
Edwards, Jack
Edwards, Glenn Thomas
Edwards, Jonathan Whitman
Edwards, Rosine M.
Edwards, Stephanie
Edwards, Todd
Egau, James
Egolf-Sham Rao, Cindy
Ehni, Walter
Elbert, Chris M.
Ellertson, Jessica
Ellertson, Chris
Ellis, Harold
Ellis, Whitney
Elmore, Richard F.
Elshin, Jacob
Ely, Carol
Emerson, William
Engdahl, Frank Edmiston
Esary, Craig
Esary, J.D.
Esary, Janet Richardson
Estassi, Shukri
Evans, Dan
Even, Jeff
Whitman Express
Extern Program
Extracurricular Activities, Student Life
Facilities Resourse Management Co.
Faculty Email
New Faculty
Faculty, New and Visiting
Faculty Development Office
Faculty Forum
Faculty Fun Committee
Faculty 1995-96
New Faculty 1990-91
Faculty 1996-97
Faculty Professorships
Faculty 1994-95
Faculty 1993-94
General Faculty 1992-94
Faculty Misc.
Faculty, General 1992-93
Faculty, General
General Faculty 1990-91
General Faculty 1989-90
General Faculty 1988-89
General Faculty 1987-88
General Faculty 1986-87
General Faculty 1985-86
Geneal Faculty 1984-85
General Faculty 1983-84
General Faculty 1982-83
General Faculty Before 1982
Faculty: Sabbaticals
Faculty: Speakers Bureau
Faculty Tenure
Fahey, M.
Fair Labor Standards Act
Fairbank, Bill and Jane
Family Weekend
Fargo, Lucille Foster
Farmer, Sam J.
Farnsworth, E.L.
Farris, Michael
Farrington, Keith (2 folders)
Fawcett, Sherwood L.
Fee, James Alger
Fenik, Bernard C. Visiting Johnston Professor of Classics
Ferguson, Baker
Ferris, Joel Edward
Ferris, Joel E.
Ferguson, Frances P.
Ferguson, Jesse
Fatters, Marvin
Field Naturalists Club
Fifield, Wendell
Fifield, Wendell
Filla, Darlene
Finkas, Ralph C.
Fischer, Edward
Flemming, Arthur Sherwood
Fletcher, Eugene
Fly Fishing Club
Fogarty, Joseph Jerry
Fogle, James L.
Fogarty, Jerry
Foley, Thomas Stephen
Fontera, Richard M.
Ford, Paul M.
Forsyth, John Bailey
Foster, Dorothy
Foster, Edward
Forester, Aarom
Founder's Day
Fowler, William Archibald
Francis, Mark
Frazier, Neta Lohnes
Frease, Dean E.
French House
French, Dr. C. Clement
Freshman Life Committee
Frey, Mrs. Sophia
Fringe Benefit Committee
Frisbee, Donald C.
Frisbee Golf
Fun Runs
Fusser's Guide
Gainer, Mildred
Gaiser Reunion
Gaiser, Dr. David Wesley
Gaiser, Mary Cooper Jewett
Gaiser Family
Gallagher, Marion Gould
Galbraith, Nettie M.
Gamon, Margaret
Garfield, Harry Augustus
Garland, "B"
Garrecht, Francis A.
Garrett, Gerald Robert
Garrett, Paul Willard (see scholarship)
Garrettson, Albert Henry
Garrison, Phyllis L.
Lindy Hardy, Idaho High Schools
General Information, Whitman College
George, Ralph E.
Geppert, Heinz Wolfgang
Gerfen, Maya
German House (2 files)
Gibbons, Ada
Gilliam, Jackson
Gilliland, Lisa Kim
Gilmour, John J.
Givins, Ellen
Glenny, Alta I.
Gleam, Elfreda
Glenny, Alta
Glick, Dr. Paul C. (faculty)
Global Problem Committee
Goertz, Jason
Good, Trafford Ross
Goodman, Linda
Goodman, David M.
Goodwin, Robert Clifford
Gordon, Hattie
Gordon, Ron
Gose, Judge Mack F.
Gose, John Gordon
Gowen, Herbert Henry
Graduation Pledge of Environmental and Social Responsibility 1999
Graff, Anne Colver
Graham, Harold
Graham, Margaret Bill
Graham, Robert Weston
Graham, David Crockett
Grant, Bill
Gray, Newton M.
Green, Reginald
Green, Reginald Herbold
Green, Reginald James
Greene, Neva '1912
Greenfield, Peter
Greenslade, William Gaius
Gregg, Emma Stine
Gregg, Gennie
Gregg, Mrs. H.C.
Gregoire, Cindy
Griffen, Larry
Griffen, Marisa
Gose, Margaret
Gray, Dan
Grigsby, Marcy
Grove, Mrs. Edna
Guernsey, William
Whitman Guild
Gulick, Dr. Luther H.
Gunson, Karen
Gunn, Pearl
Hadley, Herschell
Hahn, Rev. Clement
Haigh, Frank Loyal
Haigh, John W.
Hailston, Oakley
Haines, Charles Grove
Haines, Jim
Hale, David F.
Hale, Mrs. Oron J.
Hall, Ada R.
Haller, Charles D.
Hampson, Thomas
Hansberger, R.V.
Whitman Graduates- Election 1996
Hansell, Stafford
Hanson, Eugene
Hanson, Franklin "Pete"
Hara, Keiko
Harbach, Otto
Harber, Patricia
Harbold, William
Hardy, Linda
Harmon, Lloydina
Harris, Elizabeth
Hartley, Jamie
Hartung Beverly Jean
Hartz, Carolyn
Harvey, Paul
Hauerback, Otto A.
Hawman, Arthur
Heath, Jennifer
Heilman, Robert B.
Helm, Hilary
Hemsing, Peter
Henderson, Shannon
Hendrick, A.W.
Henkles, John B.
Hennger, Mike
Henry, Geraldine Howard
Herbert, Margaretta
Herring, Bruce
Hetzel, Howard R.
Hiefield, Matthew J
Highberg, Ann
Highber, Ivan Edmund
Hill, Howard William
Hill, James Scott
Hill, Traci Lyn
Hill, Dr. Rolla Bennett
Hillel-Shalom, Jewish Student Group
Hillis, Jerry
Himmelright, Robert S.
Hine, Steven
Hinkley, Edith Smaw
Hitchman, J.H.
Hockett, Dorothy
Hodel, David
Hodgson, H. Joan
Hoerlein, Diana L.
Hofer, George P.
Hofius, Philip 2012
Holland, Helen Britton
Holiday Program
Holmes, Lulu
Holmes, Lulu Haskell
Holmstrand, James
Holmes, Otil Hal
Holmstrand, James
Holt, Wayne (2 Folders)
Homecoming: 1968
Homecoming: 1966
Homecoming: 1991
Homecoming: 1995
Homecoming: 1997
Homecoming and Parents Weekend
Hong, Laraine K.N.
Hongate, Lola
Honorary Degrees
Hooa, Kinby Grant
Hoornbeck, Paul
Hoover, Roy W.
Hopkinson, Deborah
Horvath, Janos
Hosokawa, Robert R.
Howard, Charles Wilber
Howard, Ella
Howe, Ruel Lanphier
Howell, Christopher
Howells, Ada
Hower, Kelly (Mark)
Howland, L.P.
Hoyt, Edwin Palmer
Hsuan-Chun, Lin
Hughes, R.H.
Hull, Joe
Humphrys Edward
Humphrey, Leo Chandler
Humphrey, Louise
Hunt, Bradley Jay
Huntington, Jack
Huntley, Wade
Hussey, Larry
Hutchings, Dr. Phyllis (2 Folders)
Hutchings, Dr. William L.
Hutson-Fish, Idalee
I Have A Dream Program hosted at Whitman
Imhoff, Guy
Immer, Stephen C.
Ingraham, G.F.
Instructional Media
Intercollege Mock Political Convention
Irwin, Hugh
Irwin, Marion
Iverson, Iver
Admin files of Lary Beaulaurier (?), Alumni Fundraising and Annual Fund Records
Jackson, Greg
Jackson, Senator Henry M.
Jackson, Henry M.
Jackson, Paul J.
Jackson, Manion
Jackson, Nagle
Jacobs, Hayes B.
Jacobs, Melvin Clay
Jacobson, Donald J.
Janson, Leonard Francis (3 Folders)
Jamieson, Dean
Japanese Garden
Jarboe, Pam
Jaynes, Gordon Leslie
Jennings, Shirley Anderson
Jernigon, Ann
Jervis, Thomas
Jeske, Timothy D.
Jesseph, H.E. "Jerry"
Jeucks, Bradford
Jewett, George Frederick
Johns, James Shanard
Johnson, Edson
Johnson, Jean, Photograph Executive Secretary 1980
Johnson, Jean
Johnson, Holly
Johnson, Lloyd P.
Johnson, Mrs. Lowden
Johnson, Marion
Johnson, Max G.
Johnson, Sarah
Johnston, Denis
Johnston, Eric A.
Johnston, Stuart and Joyce
Johnston, Suzanne
Johstone, Malcolm
Jones, Evan
Jones, Dwelly Sr.
Jones, Gerwyn
Jones, Howard M.
Jones, Joan
Jones, Kathryn
Jones, Marianna
Jones, Mary
Jones, Nettie
Jonish, Arley
Jordan, Beatrice Cockram (2 folders)
Jorgenson, Bud
Jorre, Ronald M.
Joseph III, Gabe
Joy, Annie L.
Judd, Mary Diver
Jue, Brian J.
Kafoury, Deborah
Kajita, Mark H.
Kafoury, Gretchen Miller
Kaminsky, Eric
Kanakey, Jill
Kaplan, Richard
Kasza, Gregory
Katthain, Angelina
Kautz, Betty Jean
Kees, Marion
Keiser, Victor H.
Kelly, John Grant
Kelley, Eugene A.
Kelley, Win
Kelling, Lucille
Kelsey, Sigrid Thompson
Kennedy, Betty Lou
Kenner, Carolyn
Kennewick Man
Kerns, James Alexander
Kerns, Thomas D.
Kicker, Leroy
Kight, Grace M.
Kilkenny, John
Kimball, Ruth
Kincaid, Charles
Kids Place
1977 and End of Football
King, Roger
Kingman, Shareen
Kinsinger, Helen
Kinsinger, Vern
Kirkman, Fanny A.
Kirkman, John Shaw
Kenworthy, Eldon
Kirkman, Robert H.
Kirsher, Himer Benjamin
Klein, Joanne
County Law and Justice Committee
Klicker, David
Knight of the Living Eggplant
Knostman, Paul Journal
Knott, Howard James
Knox, Warren B.
Kodros, Archie
Koenig, Dixie
Koenninger, Robin
Kohler, Martin L. Jr.
Kopf, Martin
Korgan, Michelle. Student opens Pangea coffee shop
Kovac, Kim Peter
Krieg, Al
Kristianson, Andrew Evans
Kroesch, Samuel
Kuhl, Sarah J.
Kutsky, Diana
KWCW: Desert isle show by Dana Leighton (invites: Dayna Erickson and Tom Cronin)
Kvam, Robert
Kyoto Program
Laidlaw, Dr. Melvern E.
Lager, Patrick
Laing, Ellen
Lake (College Creek and Lakum Duckum)
Lakey, Othal H.
Lalovic, Ivan and Miso Mitkovski
Lamb, Frank G.
Lamb, Lois
Lambe, Dean R.
Lambert, Jon R.
"The Lament of a Whitman Spouse"
Lancefield, Hilda Marguerite
Lane, Scott and Lalitha
Lane, Stephen
Lang, William L.
Lange, Ned
Larsen, Russell
Larisch, Sharon
Larson, Cleve
Larson, Debra
Laslett, Herbert R.
Lazarson, Grace
Lechner, Cynthia (2 Folders)
Legal Action: Whitman College
Lee, Arthur
Lee, Daisy A.
Lee, Hauton
Lee, Mabel
Lee, Robert
Lee, Walter C.
Lofia, Marc
Legge, Theodore W.
Lehman, Greg Whitman Photographer, pictures, letters (2 folders)
Lehmann, Donald L.
Lehrer, Harry
Leibnitz, Gretal
Leibnitz, Loretalyn
Leier, John
Leitch, Gordon Jr.
Leming, Reis L.
Leon, Maria Elena Morales
Leonard, William Ezekial
Leonard, William Ramsdell
Le Roux, Frank
Lesley, Craig
Lester, Peter
Lester, Peter F.
Levin, Lyolia
Levinson, Katherine
Lewin, Michael
Lewis, Scottye
Lerenbach, David
Ley, Robert
Lillequist, Alice
Lindenburger, Jason
Linder, Jon
Lindman, Erick Leroy
Lindsay, Steven
Little, Agnus
Linquist, Tristram
Little, Agnes
Little, William T.
Lilly, Shauna
Liu, Qiwu
Livengood, Charles Alfred
Lloyd, Fiona
Lockhart, James S.
Lohnes, Neta
Loiland, Harry L.
Lomanitz, Dr. Ross
Lomen, Lucille
Loomer, Kevin
Loomis, Miriam Lincoln
Long, Beulah W. (Mrs. Lewis)
Lopez, Manuel L. (2 Folders)
Lopez-Adams, Norma
Lorenz, Carmen
Loring, Harold A.
Lovett, David
Lowe, Leonia
Lucas, Patricia Latourette
Luce, Charles
Ludwig, Clarence Columbus
Luginbuhl, Martha L.
Luhn, Mary
Lund, Philo W.
Lundquist, Tristrum S.
Luong, John Trung Kien
Lutcher, Lewis
Lyman, John Cushman
Lyman, James Kerr
Lynch, Leila "Lee"
Lynch, Michael
Rededication of Lyman House
Lyman House (2 Folders)
Ma, Glen Y.S.
MacDowell, Mrs. Edward
MaCdonald, Virginia Baker
MacDougall, Sue Ellen
Mackenzie, Dr. Norman
Macgowan, Mike
MacLeod, Alex
MacMorran, Richard
Maeno, J. Rey
Magnuson, H.R. (Ray)
Main, Jackson Turner
Mair, Dennis
Make a Difference Day
Malde, Robert
Manley, Donald L.
Mann, Denise
Manning, Rob
Manning, Howard
Manser, Percy
Mapson, Frank
Maps, Campus
Marcus Whitman Statue for the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition
Margenau, Henry
Markoff, John
Mariner, William
Marquis, George
March, Tim
Marshall, Albert H.
Marchshall, Bruce
Marshall, James
Marshall, Lew
Martin, Alvin R. (2 Folders)
Martin, Douglas E.
Martin, Helen
Martin, Howard
Martin, Ruby E.
Martin, Suzanne - Lecturer in History and Classics
Martindell, Jackson
Mascot information Whitman College: debate, images, clippings
Mason, Edward
Mason, Harry M.
Mastin, David
Matson, Kathleen
Matthews, Virginia
Mattson, Rebecca
Maxey Hall
Maxey, Elnora Campbell
Maxon, Eric
May, Catherine
May, David
May Fetes, Student Life
May Fete: Knights Whitman Honorary
May, Lisa
May, Mae
May, Michael M.
McCall, Roy C.
McBirney, Ruth C.
McCarthy, James
McClane, Douglas Valentine
McClure, Jay
McClusky, David '94
McCrunk, Lawrence J.
McCoy, George T.
McDonald, Jack
MacDowell, Edward
McFail, Mrs. Charles B.
McFarlaud, Betty
McGills, John W.
McGrath, Robert J.
McCaw Buildings
McCulloch, Tara Emerald
McGraw, JohnHarte
McGregor, John
Mcguire, Thomas R.
McInTyre, Lucile
McKay, John, Prof.
McKay, lJoyce
McKay, Richard
Mckee, J.A.
Mckee, Paul Boole
McKellar, Harold and Helen
Mckenzie, Robert Arthur
Mckinney, David
Mckinnon, Craig
McLaughlin, Cheryl
MxLaughlin, The Very Rev. John D.
McLeod, Alex
McLeod, James Norman
McMenemy, Richard A.
McMillan, Edward
McMurtrey, Lee
McNamara, Molly
McPherson, Mary Pearl (Kelso)
McVay, Al
Mechley, Braden
Meinig, D.W.
The Meaning
Meister, Nancy
Melchen, John
Mementos of Student Political Activity
Men's forum
Mendenhall, Hallam Evans
Mendenhall, J. Wesley
Menard, Scott
Menefee, Aemiliam F.
Merz, Sarah
Messer, Peter
Messner, Joseph
Metastasio, Arthur P.
Metcalf, Harry
Meyer, Claudia
Meyer, Herbert L.
Meyer, Merle Eugene
Midsummer Musical Retreat
Miller, Arjay - honorary degree 1965
Miller, Russell
Mian, Mary
Miller, Winlock William
Mills, Abbott Lowe, Jr.
Mills, Lester
Mills, Thelma
Michaelis, Harley
Miller, Ernest Gale
Milne, William Edmund
Minier-Birk, Sigyn
Mitchell, Art
Mitchell, Claire
Mitchell, Donald V.
Mitchell, James B.
Mitchell, Sally Taylor
Mize, Herm
Mitchell, Sherma nBaley
Minnick, Walter Lawrence
Molohon, Barney
Molohun, Bernad
Monahan, Russell D.
Monson, Judith Louise
Montgomery, Ann
Montgomerie-Neilson, Beaumont
Montgomery, Thomas
Moody, David R.
Moore, Edith
Moore, Sharon
Monales, Michell
Morey, Ann Janine
Morgan, Arthur
Morgan, Edward Paddock
Morgan, Esther Cornelison
Morgan, Gwendolyn J.
Morris, Lorraine
Moley, Raymond
Morris, Pat
Morrison, Ilabelle S.
Morton, Karen
Moskov, Angelo
Mount, Joe
Mozer, Paul
Mr. Whitman Pageant
Honorary Degrees
Munns, Frank
Munson, Sarah
Murar, Christine
Murphy, Lawrence Parker
Murray, Janet
Myers, Iris Little
Myers, Robert C.
Nagle, Betsy
Nakagawa, Keiichiro
Nakamura, Rie
Netting, Nancy Silverman
Napier, Lori
Neal, Trevor
Neher, Richard
Neher, Edna Sanders
Neiland, J.D.
Nelson, Clark
Nelson, Marjorie M.
Nelson, Sandra
Nessel, Margaret "Peggy"
New Student Book and Community Read Program
Newcomer, Lloyd R.
Nielson, Eloise
Niemi, Fred G.
Nightingale, Richard Edwin
Nilssen, Sigurd
Niven, Lewis hamilton
Nixon, O.W.
Noben, Mona
Noonan, W.E. (2 Folders)
Nord, David Award
Nordstrom Family-Friends of Whitman College
Norling, Ernest
Norris, Silbert
Northam, Jeff
Northrup, Doyle L.
Northwest Renewable Energy Festival
Clothing and Dress
Norsworthy, Claire
Novikoff, Ivan
Novakovich, Skip
NW Assn. Private Colleges and Universities
Nyman, Steve
Nyrop, Kris
O'Reilly, Brian Paul
O'Reilly, Pat
Organic Garden
Organizations and Honoraries
Owen, Frances
Owen, Henry
O'Conner, Mark- Concert at Cordiner Hall
Odell, Morgan S.
Odonnell, Ashton J.
Ojaide, Tanure
Olin Building
Oliver, Allan
Oliver, Patrick
Opperman, Ilse W.
Order of Waiilatpu
O'Reilly, Pat
Osborn, Sharon Kaufman
Oswald, Worth
Pacific Northwest College Congress 1948
Padfield, Harland
Pailet, Lenny
Page, Harold
Page, Patrick
Palfin, Richard
Palmer, Stephanie
Panzl, Barbara
Parents Council
Parents Core Class
Parents' Clubs
Parent Loan Program
Parents Orientation
Parents' Programs
Parents of Students
Parents Weekend
Parker, Alan Dale
Parkinson, Stephen
Parkinson, Steve
Patton, Edith Pope
Paske, Gerald H.
Patnode, J. Scott
Paulson, Allan
Payne, Ancil H. (former trustee)
Payne, William H.
Paynter, Carrol L.
Peach, Bernard, Writings
Peach, Bernard
Pearsons, Daniel Kimball
Pearson, Daniel
Peck, Katherine
Peer, Jose Mario
Penk, Anna
Pengra, Marjorie L.
Prep Band
Pepoon, Helen Abby
Perier, Richard
Peringer Family
Perlsweig, Judith
Perrine, John
Perry, Bill
Perry, Loyal Iliff
Perry, Louis
Peters, Thomas
Peterson, Alice
Peterson, Carl
Peterson, Larry Wayne
Peterson, Laura
Peterson, Paul D.
Peterson, Robin
Pfuhl, Erdwin H.
Phelps, Nick
Phelps, Ruth
Phillips, Mrs. Andrew J.
Phillips, Hollibert
Philip, Myriam
Phillips (Mills), Pauline (Polly)
Phelps, Ruth Simpson
Phillips, Scott
Phillips, Scott
Philosophy and Literature Journal
Physical Plant
Picha, Patty
Pickering, Donald Everett
Pickett, Susan (2 folders)
Piger, Gil
Pitman, Dr. Paul Marsh
Pirie, Ellen
Planned Giving
Platt, Steve Anderson
Plucker, Charles
Plummer, Lisa A.
Political Union 1960
Pope, Edith
Pope letters (Philip H. Pope)
Post, Homer Avery
Post, Tom
Potter, Jonathan
Potter, Ralph K.
Powell, Patty
Praaken, Donald Wilson
Pratt, Howard E.
Pratt, Norma W.
Pre-Health Services
President's Home
Press Club / School of Journalism
Prentiss Hall
The President's Association of Whitman College
President's Gift Society
Pringle, Bob
Proctor, William Martin
Production Services
Pryor, Nancy
Pu, Burton
Pugh, Paul
Pulfer, Phylis
Purcell, Gerald
Quartarone, Rina
Quast, Werner Carl
Quinn, Alberta
Radin, Max
Rainwater, Pat
Rambaldi, Marlene
Ramstedt, John
Randlett, Mary
Raschke, Curt
Rasmussen, Genevieve
Ravasse, Yvonne
Ravasse, Paule
Ravasse, Mille. Paule
Raykoff, Ivan
Raymond, Fred M.
Real Mail
Reavis, Virginia L.
Redmau, Thomas O.
Reed, James
Reed, Katie
Reed, Jeffrey Alan
Reed, Mary E.
Rees, Denton
Reeves, John Drummond
Reid: Photograph
Reid, Robert, Treasurer 1980
Reid, Emily Smyder
Reid, Ross
Reid, Violet Bowers
Reister, Lydia
Rekdal, Thomas Harold
Remington, Rt. Rev. Wm. P.
Religion at WC--religious control, church support, Rev. Raymond Brooks
Renaissance Consort
Rennewanz, Muriel
Republican Club
Reynolds, Carrie
Reynolds Hall (2 Folders)
Reynolds, Ruth portrait
Rhodes, Charles E.
Rhodes, (William) Gale
Rice, Austin
Rice, James
Rich, Sid
Rich, Theodore R.
Richards, Amy Belle
Richards, Bob
Richards, Bob
Richards, John
Richardson, Janet (Mrs. Craig Esary)
Richarson, Mrs. George F. (Rosella Woodward)
Richardson, Paul
Richarson, Phebe
Riehl, Jack
Riely (Kraght), Shauna
Riess, Gordon S.
Riggs, Susan Marie
Riley, Walter L.
Ringhoffer, Herbert
Ringhold, John R.
Ritts, Karen
Ritz, Richard
Rizzuti, Vincent
Roberts, Carlisle B.
Roberts, Kathryn
Robinson, Annie Rue
Robinson, Frank Crawford
Robinson, Dorothy
Robinson, Scott S.
Robinson, Scott
Robinson, William Dunlop
Rochester, Junius
Rogers, Mary Fowler
Rojansky, Vladimir
Roe, Maurice
Roehm, Klaus
Rogers, Samuel G.
Rolfe, Jan and Phil
Roosevelt Organ
Rose Garden, Mother's Rose Gardens, Dedicated 1939
Roser, Helen Severance
Ross, Allen
Ross, Nancy Wilson
Roth, Neil C.
Roth, Steven
Round Table
Royce, William Stephen
Roys, Dr. Ralph Loveland
Ruble, Shirley
Rublee, Parke A.
Ruby Edward
Rudolph, Mikael
Rupp, Otto Burton
Rupp, Werner Andrew
Rubenser, Katie
Rubey, E.E.
Rush 1991
Russo, Jim
Ruzicka, John Albert
Ryan, Heber Hinds
Ryker, George
Sabbatical Leave
Sakimoto, Susan
Sakimoto, Phillip J.
Sample, Laetitia Lillie
Sampson, Kristin
Samsoe, Marjorie
Santler, Sophie
Sargent, Noel Gharrett
Sasser, John
Sato, Tomoko
Savage, Susan
Savoie, Denise
Sax, Kelly
Saxe, Laura
Sayre, Jennifer (2 Folders)
Scarborough, Margaret
Schwerin, Donald S.
Scheffler, Thomas J.
Scheffler, Tom
Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Schmidt, Ted
Schmitt, Carl J.
Schoessler, David
Schneider, Lowell E.
Schneider, Deborah P.
Schnitz, David F.
Schoenberg, S. K.
U-B Progress Edition
Scholarly Activity Release Time
Scott, Robert
Schuette, Jane
Schweppe, Alfred John
Schwartz, Orlando
Schwartz, Karl
Science: Contributions by Whitman Alumni
Science Building
Science Initiative 1999
Scott, John McCoy
Scribner, Kevin
Scuri, Vicki (2 Folders)
Seal of Whitman College
Security, Campus
Semester in the West
Senior Class
Senior Class Gift
Senior Colloquium
Senior Fund
Senior Priviledge 1959
Service Projects
Seawell, Oscar
Setze, Paul J.
Severance, Mr. H.L.
Shafer, Diane
Shaffer, Jack
Shaffer, Flora Morgan
Shallbetter, Tami
Shalom (Hillel Jewish Student Group)
Sham Rao-Cindy Egolf
Shannon, Eva
Shaw, Michael
Shawe, Victor
Sheehan Gallery
Sheldon, James Gail
Shelmerdine, Cynthia Wright
Shelton, Holly
Shepherd, Floyd
Shepherd, Harold and Helen
Shepherd, Roxanne
Sherman, Mike
Sherman, Stanford
Sherrod, Shelby
Sherwood, Marion
Sherwood Library Display
Shields, George T.
Shields, Frederick Sr.
Shohl, Peter
Shorey, Denise M.
Shroer, Norman
Shoub, Ralph
Shuman, Mark Samuel
Sickels, Eleanor Maria
Signs Senior Gift
Sill, David
Silverstein, Todd
Simcock, Bob
Simon, Dick Jr.
Simpson, Milton S.
Sims, Harold L.
Skiles, Robbie
Skillman, Susan M.
Skipworth, George F.
Skotheim, Nadine
Slover, Clark Harris
Small, Margery Jean
Small, Mrs. H. H.
Smith, B. Loyal
Smith, Edith
Smith, George
Smith, Gladys
Smith, Harold
Smith, Helen Brebbe
Smith, Jason
Smith, Mason
Smith, Pat
Smith Philip Mason
Smith, Philip R.
Smith, Shannon
Smith, Verbeck
Social Circus
Snapp, Gerry and Dodie
Snavely, Guy Everett
Snyder, William Earl
Soden, James
Solbach, Vern
Soper, Dorothy Fox
Soper, Lee
Southwick, Kathryn
Songs, Whitman
Speakers 1970-
Speakers 1966-69
Speakers pre-1965
Spencer, Omar Corwin
Sporleader, Marvin
Stacy-Davis, Thomas A.
Stacey, Kathlean A.
Staff (Whitman College)
Staff at Whitman 1886-1990
Staff Reduction
Stafford, Charles F.
Staines, Russell Burton
Standlee, Lloyd S.
Stanton, John
Starkovich, Stefanie
Steedman, William S.
Steele, Cecile (2 Folders)
Stein, Helen
Stein, Ida Maria
Steinback, Curtis
Steiner, Richard M., The Rev.
Stenberg, Kathryn
Stenger, Brad
Sterling, Odessa Dixie
Stevens, Robert "Spud"
Stevens, Nell
Stewart, Irwin D.
Stewart, Janet
Stickles, Mary
Stimmell, Zenna McLnroe
Stine, Emma (Mrs. Herbert Gregg)
Stirling, W.L.
Stonecipher, Ida Rose
Stone, Virginia/ Beu, G.
Stephen Ministry
Storytelling Festival
Stotsky, Dana J.
Stradling, John Walter
Stratton, Dave
Strong, Curtis Clark
Stubblefield, Ida
Stuart, Evelyn Clark
Stutsman, Harold
Stuart Wing Dedication
Student Employment Programs
Student Evaluation
Student Exchange, Whitman-High School
Student Grade Reform Committee
Student Health: WISH
Student Life Committee
Student Life Enhancement Program (in MS office)
Student Life: Misc. (2 Folders)
Students Office
Student Record Book (Unofficial) 1928 - Cornelison Purdy
The Study Tower
Summer Programs
Summer Research Projects
Student W.E.A.
Summer Teacher's Program at W.C.
Summer Institute
Sundial, Vollmer Court
SUB Coffee House
Sullivan, Jerome
Sumeri, Karin
Sutherland, Louis C.
Swain, Mrs. Paul E.
Symonds, Adam
Taekwon Do
Takasawa, Manabu
Take Back the Night March
Talent Show
Tanaka, Helen Kaye
Task Force on Major
Tate, Edward Mowbray
Tatum, Edward L.
Taylor, Huntington
Tenure Discussion, 1995
Tevis, Minnie May
Tewinkle, Joseph
The 3/2 Course Load discussion 1988
Theater Productions- Visiting
Thomas, May K.
Thomas, Tim
Thompson, Amy Brown
Thomason, Calvin Cornelius
Thomason, Caroline W.
Thomsen, Robert R. (2 Folders)
Thompson, Mrs. Tommie-Lou
Thompson, Dr. W.H.
Titus, Charles H.
Tobin, Gordon R.
Todd, Laura
Todd, Otis Johnson
Todd, Tiger and Mary Wagner (2 Folders)
Toews, Jim and Debi
Tompkins, Paul
Townsend, Talbot
Towske, Sharon
Toy, Eckart
Traut, Herbert Frederick
Trenholme, Stu
Trexler, Harrison
Tucker, Bert H.
Tugman, Robert
Tuition Exchange Program
Turley, William S.
Turner, Wilma Morton
Twining, Nathan F.
Board of Tutors/Tutorig
Uhlenhopp, Elliott
Ullman, Al
Umbaugh, Lillian Merrel
Unitarian Universalists
University Exchange
Urban, Ron
Usher, Nathaniel
Utter, John
Uzzi, Jeannine Asst. Prof of Classics and General Studies
Valdez, David Michael
Vandiver, Elizabeth Asst. Prof. of Classics
Van Patten, William
Van Sinderen, Steve
Varsity Ball Queen
Vernazza, Marcelle Wynn (2 large folders)
Veterans at Whitman
Video Conferencing
Video Editing Facility
Viebbigs, Joseph Jr.
Visiting Educators
Visiting Scholar
Virgin, Robert
Visitors Day Materials
Voice Mail
Vo, Hong
Vollendorff, William Sr.
Vollmer, Mr. J. P. and Mrs. John M. Bonner
Wade, Jay
Wade, LeRoy G.
Wade, Skip
Wainwright, Jonathan Mayhew
Waite, Anne
Wakefield, Kathleen
Wakefield, Walter F.
Waldo, Jim
Walker, Fisk Martin
Walker, Mrs. Gertrude
Walker, John Turnley
Walker, Nick
Walker, Randy
Walker, Robert
Wallace, Robert K.
Wang, Shali
Warren, Bertram Butler
Warren, Cliff
Warren, William C.
Washburn, Steve
Watson, Clarice
Watts, Sonya
Weaver, Judge Frank B.
Wedemeyer, Otto
Weidig, Marcia D.
Weiler, C. Susan
Weir, M. Topology Notes 1966
Weiser, Eric B.
Weller, Celia
Wells, Robert and Maybelle
Well, Robert H.
Wells, William Woodraw
Welty, Isabelle
Werner, Tim
West, Adam (notes from speech given here in 1995)
Western Cluster Pew Science Program
Westinghouse, Evelyn
Westwood, Mary
Wheeler, Adalou
White, Dori
White, Mrs, R.B. (Mary Mersereau)
White, William
Whitman, Art
Whitman Direct Action (WDA)
Whitman Farms
Whitman Guild
Whitman in the News and Rankings
Whitman Overseas Concern in Action
Whitman Plate
Whitman to Whitman Run
Whitman World Hunger
Widner, Cynthia
Wilce, Donald
Wilcox, Mike
Wilcox, Mike
Wiley, Martha
Willcuts, Peggy
Wilkinson, Vernon Lee
Williams, Hill
Williams, Jan
Williams, Jeanne
Williams, Luther N.
Williams, Marvin, M.D.
Willis, Dr. Park Weed
Willoughby, Colleen
Wilson, Irene
Winchester, Mary Catherine Severance
Winkler, Andrea Leslie
Winter Solstice Celebration
W.I.S.E. (wise)
Wissenback, Dottie
Wolter, Diemut
Wolverton, James
Wong, Trevor K.
Wood, Allan
Woody, Ken
Woolbert, Richard
Woods, Mrs. W. Kelly (Lydia)
Woody, Ken
Wooten, Richard "Boots"
Workman, E.J.
Work Study Programs
Wright, Arthur F.
Wright, Carolyne (2 Folders)
Wright, Jack
Writing Center
Wylder, Erma
Yancy, George R.
Yeend, Margaret (Peggy)
Yenney, Mary Emma
Young, Helen
Young Democrates and Young Republicans
Young, Merkin Sherman
Zakariason, Kristine
Zancker, Mrs. Huberta
Zaring, Alice
Zimmerman, Carroll Louis
Science Outreach
Women's Association for Self-Government