Susie Michael Friedman photograph collection, 1924-1976

Overview of the Collection

Friedman, Susie M. (Susie Michael)
Susie Michael Friedman photograph collection
1924-1976 (inclusive)
122 photographic prints (1 box) ; sizes vary
Collection Number
Photographs of Jewish musical performers Susie Michael, Maurice Friedman, and film actor David Hoffman, originally from Seattle, as well as images of other Jewish performers
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

The collection is open to the public. Contact Special Collections for more information. Selections of collection are available on digital site. Use digital site to preserve original photographs.

Request at UW

English, Hebrew, Yiddish
Funding for encoding this finding aid was partially provided through a grant awarded by King County 4Culture.

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Susie Michael (1898-1990) was a music teacher and pianist in Seattle when she met Maurice Friedman who sang baritone in the Seattle Bikur Cholim choir. Maurice immigrated to Seattle from Vilna, Poland when he was six years old, and his father, Sam Friedman, was Seattle's first cantor at Bikur Cholim. Susie Michael married Maurice Friedman in 1930 and they spent many years thereafter performing together. After participating in a lecture series arranged by Rabbi Philip Langh (Herzl) in 1935 on Jewish music, they became concerned with the importance of sharing Jewish folk music with others. Together they created "The Cavalcade of Jewish Music," and other Jewish music programs infused with humor, using Hebrew, Yiddish, and English liturgical and secular music. Maurice sang and pantomimed while Susie narrated and played piano. They moved to New York in 1939 and toured their Jewish musical programs throughout the United States and Canada for nearly two decades. They returned to Seattle in the 1950s and became actively involved in the Jewish Music Festival sponsored by the Seattle Jewish Community Center. Following Maurice's death in 1962, Susie Michael Friedman started a business selling dolls to earn extra income. She died in 1990.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection consists of photographs of Susie Michael and Maurice Friedman, Jewish music performers, and Jewish actor David Hoffman. The Friedman photographs include publicity pictures and photographs of other Jewish performers. The Hoffman photographs are studio photographs of movie scenes and plays. The collection also includes color photographs of various dolls from Susie Friedman's business after the death of her husband.

Other Descriptive InformationReturn to Top

As performers, the Friedmans were known as Susie Michael and Maurice Friedman. The name Susie Michael has been used to describe photographs from their professional life; the name Susie Michael Friedman is used when describing photographs from their personal life.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Alternative Forms Available

View selection from the collection in digital format

Restrictions on Use

Restrictions might exist on reproduction, quotation, or publication. Contact the repository for details.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Custodial History

Following Susie Michael Friedman's death, the collection passed to her late husband Maurice's niece, Tibe Hoda (Stusser) Greenberg. Tibe Greenberg donated the collection to the Jewish Archives Collection in the Archives and Manuscripts Division, University of Washington Libraries in 1990.

Acquisition Information

Donor: Tibe Hoda Greenberg, received 1990.

One photograph was donated by Susie Michael Friedman in 1973.

Processing Note

Processed by Toby Harris, 2005; Ryan Hard, 2008, and Don Romero, 2013.

Photographs were relocated from the Susie M. Friedman Papers, Manuscripts Accession Nos. 2115-001 and 2115-002 in the repository, on May 10, 1990.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Susie Michael Friedman and Maurice FriedmanReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
1/1 1
Maurice Friedman
S. Walters, Walters Studio, Seattle (photographer)
circa 1930s-1950s
1/1 2
Maurice Friedman
Walters Studio, Seattle (photographer)
circa 1930s-1950s
1/1 3
Maurice Friedman
circa 1930s-1950s
1/1 4
Maurice Friedman next to piano
James Abresch, New York City (photographer)
circa 1930s-1950s
1/2 5 circa 1930s-1950s
1/2 6
Susie Michael
S. Walters, Walters Studio, Seattle (photographer)
circa 1930s-1950s
1/2 7
Susie Michael
Suttell (photographer)
circa 1930s-1950s
1/2 8-9
Susie Michael
James Abresch, New York City (photographer)
circa 1930s-1950s
1/2 10
Susie Michael
M. Berman, New York (photographer)
circa 1930s-1950s
1/2 11
Susie Michael
Voss (photographer)
circa 1930s-1950s
1/2 12
Susie Michael
Bushnell (Photographer)
circa 1930s-1950s
1/3 13
Susie Michael and Maurice Friedman
S. Walters, Walters Studio, Seattle (photographer)
circa 1930s-1950s
1/3 14-15
Susie Michael and Maurice Friedman
James Abresch, New York City (photographer)
circa 1930s-1950s
1/3 16 circa 1930s-1950s
1/3 17
Susie Michael and Maurice Friedman
Moss Photo, New York (photographer)
Photographic postcard: "Susie Michael and Maurice Friedman, Creators of 'Cavalcade of Jewish Music' & 'Jewish Humor Through Jewish Song'."
circa 1930s-1950s
1/3 18-19
Susie Michael and Maurice Friedman performing
Voss (photographer)
circa 1930s-1950s
1/3 20
Susie Michael and Maurice Friedman
Voss (photographer)
circa 1930s-1950s
Friends and celebrities
Box/Folder item
1/4 21
Sigismund Stojowski, composer
Hartsook Photo (photographer)
Signed with note to Susie.
1/4 22
Sigismund Stojowski in center of a group or class, with Susie Michael to his left
circa 1925
1/4 23
Sigismund Stojowski in front of a building, with Susie Michael just behind him, seated with group or class
circa 1925
1/4 24
Sigismund Stojowski, surrounded by group or class (Susie Michael on right), Seattle
Linkletter Studio (photographer)
Signed with note to Susie.
August 1928
1/4 25
Sigismund Stojowski, Seattle
Signed with note to Susie Michael and Maurice Friedman.
July 1936
1/4 25a
Sigismund Stojowski with Susie Michael and another woman near Seattle Art Museum (now the Seattle Asian Art Museum)
1/4 25b
Sigismund Stojowski with Susie Michael
1/4 26
Lazar Weiner, New York
Ossip Garber, New York (photographer)
Lazar Weiner, born in 1897, was a composer of Yiddish art-songs.Signed to the Friedmans.
January 1940
1/4 27
Leo Lowe, New York
Leo Lowe was a choirmaster.Signed to the Friedmans.
June 24, 1948
1/4 27a
Maurice Friedman, Susie Michael, Mrs. Lowe and Leo Lowe in a park
1/4 27b
Leo Lowe and man in a park
1/4 27c
Leo Lowe near bushes
1/4 27d
Mrs. Lowe and Leo Lowe near bushes
1/4 27e
Maurice Friedman, Mrs. Lowe, Leo Lowe and other woman under trees
1/4 27f
Susie Michael, Leo Lowe, Mrs. Lowe and other woman
1/4 28
Dorothy Gordon in costume
Maurice Goldberg (photographer)
Signed with note to Mr. and Mrs. Friedman.
July 24, 1924
1/4 29
Mort Sahl
Autographed in Hebrew or Yiddish.
circa 1940
1/4 30
Gertrude and Manny Okkuu
Signed to the Friedmans.
circa 1940
1/4 30a
Gertrude and Manny Okkuu sitting on steps outside a house
1/4 30b
Gertrude and Manny Okkuu outside a house
1/4 30c
Gertrude and Manny Okkuu near a statue of a camel outside the Seattle Art Museum (now the Seattle Asian Art Museum)
1/4 30d
Manny and Gertrude Okkuu with Susie Michael near a statue of a camel outside the Seattle Art Museum (now the Seattle Asian Art Museum
1/4 31
Portrait of a man
circa 1940
1/4 31a
Man sitting in chair
1/4 31b
Man and woman in a chair
1/4 31c
Leo Lowe and two men near a piano
1/4 31d
Two women sitting in front of piano
1/4 31e
Leo Lowe and woman sitting in front of piano
1/4 31f
Group of people; Susie Michael and Maurice Friedman in front row, Leo and Mrs. Lowe in upper left hand corner
1/4 31g
Susie Michael, Leo Lowe, Mrs. Lowe and Maurice Friedman
1/4 31h
Maurice Friedman, Susie Michael and others sitting at dinner table
1/4 31i
Man standing near a microphone in front of a group of people
Performances and activities of Susie Michael and Maurice Friedman
Box/Folder item
1/5 32-33
Children at a performance in Nebraska
Jordan, Omaha, Nebraska (Photographer)
circa 1940
1/5 33a
Susie Michael and Maurice Friedman with soldiers around a piano in Orlando, Florida
December 2, 1944
1/5 33b
Susie Michael and Maurice Friedman with men at USO club
1/5 34-35
Maurice Friedman performing at Camp Parks, California
1/5 36 August 8, 1948
1/5 37 1948
1/5 38-39
Susie Michael, Maurice Friedman, and others at meal during Memories of Jewish Music Festival, Poughkeepsie, New York
February 1950
1/5 40
Melvin A. Block Award plaque
Peter A. Juley & Son, New York City (Photographer)
Melvin A. Block Award is given for Professional Distinction from the Associated Young Men's/Young Women's Hebrew Association (YM-YWHA) of Greater New York.
1/6 41
Susie Michael performing in music festival at Jewish Community Center, Seattle
1/6 42
Lucille and Bill Rosenberg, folk singers, performing at the Second Annual Jewish Music Festival, Seattle
Heib (Photographer)
March 10, 1957
1/6 43
Susie Michael and Maurice Friedman shaking hands with Norman Davis, at Cultural Series sponsored by the Jewish Community Center
Heib (Photographer)
October 20, 1957
1/6 44
Susie Michael performing "Cavalcade of Jewish Music," Seattle
Heib (Photographer)
1/6 45 1965
1/6 46-47
Audience watching Susie Michael performing "Cavalcade of Jewish Music," Seattle
Heib (Photographer)
1/6 48
Reception tables at "Cavalcade of Jewish Music," Seattle
Heib (Photographer)
1/6 49
Mrs. Stan Fleischmann, Elsa Levinson, and Minnie Bergman with record albums of The Best of Maurice Friedman
These women are the Planning Committee for "Cavalcade of Jewish Music," Seattle.
1/6 50 1965

David HoffmanReturn to Top

David Hoffman was a Jewish performer born in Seattle in 1904. He was the son of Louis Hoffman, who owned a grocery and delicatessen in Seattle's Jewish neighborhood. David sang in the Bikur Cholim choir as a youth and went on to radio in 1924 as an announcer and storyteller at KOMO. Hoffman moved to California in 1930 and later traveled back and forth from Hollywood to New York. He appeared on Broadway, other shows and plays, radio, motion pictures and television, as a character actor.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
1/7 51
Hoffman in movie scene with two other men
Probably from Warner Brothers movie: The Mask of Dimitrios
1/7 52
Hoffman in movie scene behind bars
Jack Weiner Agency, Hollywood, California (creator)
Probably from Warner Brothers movie: The Conspirators
1/7 53
Hoffman in movie scene from Warner Brothers movie: Mission to Moscow
M. Marigold, Warner Bros. (photographer)
1/7 54-57
Scenes from Warner Brothers movie: The Beast with Five Fingers
Actor Peter Lorre also appears in the photographs.
1/7 58
Scene in Warner Brothers movie: The Beast with Five Fingers
Earl Kramer Agency, Beverly Hills, California (creator)
Hoffman at left and Peter Lorre in center.
1/7 59
Hoffman in movie scene
circa 1940s

Susie Michael Friedman's doll businessReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
1/8 60
Susie Michael Friedman selling M.& S. Shillman doll clothing
Amy S. Goldstein; Portland, Oregon (photographer)
1/8 61
Kehagias dolls from Greece
circa 1965
1/8 62
Bride doll
circa 1965
1/8 63-66
Dolls in different costumes
circa 1965

Personal Photos of Susie Michael and Maurice FriedmanReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Susie Michael and Maurice Friedman
Box/Folder item
1/9 67
Susie Michael Friedman and Maurice with group of people next to building
1/9 68
Susie Michael Friedman and Maurice sitting outdoors
Photo also has double exposure of three men.
1/9 69
Susie Michael Friedman and Maurice with another couple
1/9 70 undated
1/9 71
Susie Michael Friedman and Maurice with another couple next to wagon wheel
1/9 72
Susie Michael Friedman and Maurice sitting at table with the Rosenbergs
Susie Michael Friedman in different locations
Box/Folder item
1/10 73 1922
1/10 74
Susie Michael Friedman next to NBC Studio
1/10 75
Group of women sitting outdoors
Written on verso: Left to right: Vera Ginnette-Bellingham, WA; Myself; Gwen Harper-Victoria B.C.; Mrs. Armstrong-Moosejaw, Sask, Canada; Rhoda Armstrong-her little girl; Miss Terrill-Billings, Montana; Queenie-Morris's [?] dog. Notice Puget Sound in the background. Building to the right is the gym.
1/10 76 undated
1/10 77
Susie Michael Friedman standing outdoors with group of women
1/10 78
Susie Michael Friedman and three other women with water in background
1/10 79 undated
1/10 80
Susie Michael Friedman and two other women on lawn
1/10 81
Susie Michael Friedman standing in front of building
1/10 82
Susie Michael Friedman
1/10 83
Susie Michael Friedman next to motel or apartment building
1/10 84 1969
1/10 85
Susie Michael Friedman with man and woman in front of house
Maurice Friedman in different locations
Box/Folder item
1/11 86 undated
1/11 87
Maurice Friedman next to car
1/11 88
Maurice Friedman in front of 1400 Hubbell Place, Seattle
1/11 89
Maurice Friedman with two other men and a woman
1/11 90
Maurice Friedman sitting with two other men
Friends and possible family members
Box/Folder item
1/12 91
Man and two women outdoors
Written on verso: A good excuse for not writing.
1/12 92
Family standing on porch of house
1/12 93
Man and three women sitting on bench
Photo is attached to part of album page; verso has photo that has been cut in half with image of boy on steps.
1/12 94
Man standing next to building
1/12 95 undated
1/12 96
Man next to house holding a cat
1/12 97
Group photo of costumed children in theater
1/12 98 circa 1950s
1/12 99
Woman standing outdoors in Century City, California
1/12 100
Woman standing in apartment courtyard
1/12 101
Florence sitting on couch
1/12 102 1976

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Dolls|zWashington (State)--Seattle--Photographs
  • Folk music festivals--Washington (State)--Seattle vPhotographs
  • Jewish actors zUnited States--Photographs
  • Jewish composers--United States--Photographs
  • Jewish musicians--United States--Photographs
  • Jewish musicians--Washington (State)--Seattle--Photographs
  • Visual Materials Collections (University of Washington)

Personal Names

  • Friedman, Maurice,  -1962--Photographs
  • Friedman, Susie M. (Susie Michael)--Photographs
  • Hoffman, David, 1904-1961--Photographs
  • Michael, Susie--Photographs

Titles within the Collection

  • Beast with five fingers (Motion picture)

Other Creators

  • Corporate Names
    • Jewish Community Center of Greater Seattle