Montana Legislature (65th:2017) records, 2017

Overview of the Collection

Montana. Legislature
Montana Legislature (65th:2017) records
2017 (inclusive)
26 linear feet
Collection Number
LR 65
The collection consists primarily of minutes, bills, and exhibits from the 2017 Legislative session.
Montana Historical Society, Library & Archives
Montana Historical Society Research Center Archives
225 North Roberts
PO Box 201201
Helena MT
Telephone: 4064442681
Fax: 4064445297
Access Restrictions

Collection open for research. Some materials may be unavailable for viewing due to the format or media on which they were received.


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection includes the minutes of joint, conference, and free conference committees; House of Representatives and Senate standing committees; bills and resolutions; journals and status reports of the regular session. Special Session bills and resolutions from both the House and Senate are included. The collection also contains miscellany material including memorials.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

The Montana State Legislature is made up of two chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Constitution of Montana limits the size of the Senate to no fewer than 40 and no more than 50 members and the size of the House of Representatives to no fewer than 80 and no more than 100 members. Each house is responsible for choosing its officers, creating committees and establishing its own rules. The Montana Legislature meets for 90 days every odd numbered year, beginning the first Monday in January, or the following Wednesday if the first Monday is New Years Day. The first State Legislature convened on November 23, 1889, fifteen days after Montana became a state. Each following Legislature has been numbered sequentially.

The 65th Montana Legislature met from January 2nd to April 29th, 2017 and a Special Session held November 14th-15th, 2017. There were 16 standing committees in the House and 18 standing committees in the Senate, as designated by the 2017 Rules. Bob Keenan (R-President Pro Tempore), Fred Thomas (R-Majority Leader), Mark Bladsel, Ed Buttrey and Cary Smith (R-Majority Whips), Jon Sesso (D-Minority Leader) and Tom Facey and JP Pomnichowski (D-Minority Whips). The leaders of the House were Austin Knudsen (R-Speaker), Greg Hertz (R-Speaker Pro Tempore), Ron Ehli (R-Majority Leader), Seth Berglee, Alan Doane, Theresa Manzella, and Brad Tschida (R-Majority Whips), Jenny Eck (D-Minority Leader), Tom Woods (D-Minority Caucus Chair), and Nate McConnell, Shane Morigeau, and Casey Schreiner (D-Minority Whips). The transmittal dates were March 1st, 23rd and 31st, and April 7th, 19th, 21st and 25th.

Sources:Montana State Legislature Session Information ;The Constitution of the State of Montana as adopted by the Constitutional Convention March 22, 1972, and as ratified by the people, June 6, 1972, referendum no. 68, "A GUIDE TO THE MONTANA LEGISLATURE," The Montana Legislature,; “Montana Legislative Leadership 1889 – Present”.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Alternative Forms Available

Committee hearings, minutes, and exhibits are available online here. For instructions on how to find a specific committee recording please visit here.

Restrictions on Use

Researchers must use collection in accordance with the policies of the Montana Historical Society. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all materials in the collection. In some cases permission for use may require additional authorization from the copyright owners. For more information contact an archivist.

Preferred Citation

Item description and date. Collection Title. Collection Number. Box and Folder numbers. Montana Historical Society Research Center, Archives, Helena, Montana.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The collection is organized into two sub-groups: I. Regular Session and II. Special Session.

The sub-group Regular Session is organized into the following series: I. House and Senate Joint Committees, II. House of Representatives, and III. Senate.

The series House and Senate Joint Committees is organized into these sub-series: I. Joint Subommittee Minutes, arranged alphabetically by committee and then chronologically; II. Conference Committee Minutes, arranged by House or Senate and then numerically by bill number; and III. Free Conference Committee Minutes, arranged by House or Senate and then numerically by bill number.

The series House of Representatives is organized into the following subseries: I. House Standing Committee Minutes, arranged alphabetically by committee and then chronologically; II. House Bills, arranged numerically; III. House Joint Resolutions, arranged numerically; and IV. House Journals, arranged chronologically.

The series Senate is organized into the following sub-series: I. Senate Standing Committee Minutes, arranged alphabetically by committee and then chronologically; II. Senate Bills, arranged numerically; III. Senate Joint Resolutions, arranged numerically; IV. Senate Journals, arranged chronologically; and V. Senate Memorials, arranged alphabetically.

The sub-group Special Session is organized into the following series: I. House of Representatives, arranged numerically by bill and II. Senate, arranged numerically by bill.

Location of Collection


Acquisition Information

Acquisition information available upon request.

Processing Note

Processed from 2017 to 2018. Additions were made in 2021.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Regular Session, 2016-2017,   (bulk 2017) Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
House and Senate Joint Committees
Joint Subcommittee Minutes
2016 November 1 - 2017 February 22; 2017 January 6 - 2017 February 22
Box Folder
1 1-20
Appropriations - Education
2017 January 6 - February 22
1 21
Appropriations - Education Workbook
2016 November 1
1 22-50
Appropriations - General Government
2017 January 6 - February 22
2 1-29
Appropriations - Health and Human Services
2017 January 6 - February 22
2 30-56
Appropriations - Judicial, Law and Justice
2017 January 6 - February 22
2 57-65
Appropriations - Long Range Planning
2017 January 6 - 23
3 1-11
Appropriations - Long Range Planning
2017 January 24 - February 9
3 12-35
Appropriations - Natural Resources and Transportation
2017 January 6 - February 20
Ovsz 1 1
Joint Appropriations Long-Range Planning Exhibit 7
2017 January 13
Ovsz 1 2
Joint Appropriations Long-Range Planning Exhibt 1
2017 January 18
Ovsz 1 3
Joint Appropriations Long-Range Planning Exhibit 1
2017 January 25
Conference Committee Minutes
2017 February 20 - 2017 April 26
Box Folder
3 36
HB 123
2017 April 20
3 37
HB 131
2017 March 24
3 38
HB 133
2017 April 21
3 39
HB 146
2017 February 20
3 40
HB 172
2017 March 13
3 41
HB 280
2017 April 10
3 42
HB 434
2017 April 21
3 43
HB 562
2017 April 24
3 44
SB 94
2017 April 19
3 45
SB 111
2017 April 13
3 46
SB 333
2017 April 20
3 47
SB 368
2017 April 25
3 48-49
SB 374
2017 April 25 - 26
Free Conference Committee Minutes
2017 February 15 - 2017 April 26
Box Folder
3 50
HB 18
2017 February 15
3 51
HB 145
2017 April 3
3 52
HB 369
2017 April 24
3 53-54
HB 387
2017 April 20 - 21
3 55
HB 462
2017 April 20
3 56
HB 639
2017 April 24
3 57
SB 25
2017 March 16
3 58-59
SB 59
2017 March 28 - April 5
3 60
: SB 63
2017 April 12
3 62
SB 95
2017 April 26
3 63
SB 143
2017 April 6
3 64
SB 248
2017 April 21
3 65
SB 261
2017 April 26
3 66
SB 294
2017 April 13
3 67
SB 359
2017 April 24
3 68
SB 363
2017 April 21
3 69-70
SB 366
2017 April 20-24
3 61
SB 64
2017 April 12
House of Representatives
2016 - 2017
House Standing Committee Minutes
2016 December 7 - 2017 April 26; 2017 January 4 - April 26
Box Folder
3 71-79
2017 January 3 - February 7
MM Box 1 1
Appropriations Exhibit 2
2017 January 26
4 1-14
2017 February 9 - April 20
4 15-59
2017 January 3 - March 21
5 1-28
2017 March 22 - April 26
5 29-68
Business and Labor
2017 January 4 - March 22
6 1-11
Business and Labor
2017 March 23 - April 20
6 12-37
2017 January 4 - April 10
6 38-60
Federal Relations, Energy and Telecommunications/Energy, Technology, and Federal Relations
2017 January 4 - March 15
7 1-11
Federal Relations, Energy and Telecommunications/Energy, Technology, and Federal Relations
2017 March 20 - April 24
7 12-36
Fish, Wildlife, and Parks
2017 January 3 - April 11
7 37-62
Human Services
2017 January 4 - March 15
Ovsz 1 4
Health and Human Services Exhibit 1
2017 January 4
8 1-11
Human Services
2017 March 20 - April 24
8 12-56
2017 January 4 - March 21
9 1-18
2017 March 22 - April 21
9 19-41
Legislative Administration
2017 January 10 - March 7
9 42-49
Local Government
2017 January 3 - April 11
9 50-66
Natural Resources
2017 January 4 - February 20
10 1-18
Natural Resources
2017 February 22 - April 12
10 19-22
2016 December 7 - 2017 January 26
10 23-66
State Administration
2017 January 4 - April 20
10 67-71
2017 January 4 - January 11
MM Box 1 2
Taxation Exhibit 5
2017 January 6
11 1-47
2017 January 12 - April 24
11 48-49
Taxation - HB 2 Narrative
12 1-25
2017 January 4 - April 10
House Bills
Box Folder
12 26-41
HB 1 - 76
13 1-31
HB 77 - 283
14 1-29
HB 284 - 542
15 1-11
HB 543 - 664
House Joint Resolutions
Box Folder
15 12-13
HJ 1-43
House Journals
Box Folder
15 14-20
Days 1-87
Senate Standing Committees
2016 November 15 - 2017 April 24
Box Folder
16 1-20
2017 January 3 - April 20
16 21-75
Business and Labor
2017 January 4 - April 5
17 1-3
Business and Labor
2017 April 7 - 12
17 4-11
Committee on Committees
2016 November 15 - 2017 April 24
17 12-40
Education and Cultural Resources
2017 January 4 - April 10
17 41-65
Energy and Telecommunications
2017 January 3 - April 20
17 66-77
Finance and Claims
2017 January 4 - February 14
18 1-26
Finance and Claims
2017 February 16 - April 24
18 27-49
Fish and Game
2017 January 3 - April 4
Ovsz 1 5
Fish and Game Exhibit 4
2017 January 3
19 1-5
Fish and Game
2017 April 6 - 18
19 6-30
Highways and Transportation
2017 January 3 - April 11
Ovsz 1 6
Highways and Transportation Exhibit 1
2017 January 3
Ovsz 1 7
Highways and Transportation Exhibit 4
2017 February 16
19 31-59
2017 January 4 - February 20
MM Box 1 3
Judiciary Exhibit 1
2017 January 20
20 1-25
2017 February 21 - April 20
20 26-28
Legislative Administration
2017 January 31 - April 6
20 29-46
Local Government
2017 January 4 - April 21
20 47-66
Natural Resources
2017 January 4 - March 20
21 1-8
Natural Resources
2017 March 22 - April 12
21 9-39
Public Health and Welfare
2017 January 4 - April 21
21 40-43
2016 December 7 - 2017 January 9
21 44-65
State Administration
2017 January 4 - March 17
Ovsz 1 8
State Administration Exhibit 3
2017 January 16
22 1-9
State Administration
2017 March 20 - April 20
22 10-50
2017 January 4 - April 21
Senate Bills
Box Folder
23 1-24
SB 1-221
24 1-18
SB 222-377
Senate Resolutions
Box Folder
24 19-20
SR 1-69
Senate Joint Resolutions
Box Folder
24 21-22
SJR 1-32
Senate Journals
Box Folder
24 23-24
Days 1-38
25 1-4
Days 39-80
Senate Memorials
2017 April 9
Box Folder
25 5
Legislative Memorial Service
2017 April 9
25 6
Bertelsen, Verner Laurtis
2017 April 9
25 7
Carl, Fred G.
2017 April 9
25 8
Davis, Ervin
2017 April 9
25 9
Devlin, Michael Gerald "Gerry"
2017 April 9
25 10
Greely, Michael Truman "Mike"
2017 April 9
25 11
Hagener, Antoinette "Toni"
2017 April 9
25 12
Hale, Alan
2017 April 9
25 13
Hammond, Joseph Raymond "Joe"
2017 April 9
25 14
Harrington, Daniel W. "Dan"
2017 April 9
25 15
Hoffman, Robert "Rob"
2017 April 9
25 16
Holliday, Janet "Gay"
2017 April 9
25 17
Keyser, Kerry
2017 April 9
25 18
Lien, Edward "Ed"
2017 April 9
25 19
Lucas, Donald G.
2017 April 9
25 20
Madison, James M. "Jim"
2017 April 9
25 21
Malcom, Robert "Bruce"
2017 April 9
25 22
Martinez, Yvonne "Bonnie"
2017 April 9
25 23
McCarthy, Beatrice "Bea"
2017 April 9
25 24
Measure, Bruce A.
2017 April 9
25 25
Nisbet, Gerald D. "jerry"
2017 April 9
25 26
Pipinich, Robert "Bob"
2017 April 9
25 27
Poulsen, Harold
2017 April 9
25 28
Quilici, Joe
2017 April 9
25 29
Ream, Bob
2017 April 9
25 30
Sheehy, John C. "Skeff"
2017 April 9
25 31
Smith, Edward B. "Ed"
2017 April 9
25 32
Sprague, James "Mike"
2017 April 9
25 33
Squires, Carolyn
2017 April 9
25 34
Stickney, Jessica "Jess"
2017 April 9
25 35
Turnage, Jean Allen
2017 April 9
25 36
Williams, Bob
2017 April 9
25 37
Wiseman, William R. "Bill"
2017 April 9
2017 March
Box Folder
25 43
Legislative Healthcare Work Group
2017 March 9

Special Session, 2017 NovemberReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
House of Representatives
2017 November
Box Folder
25 38
HB 1-8
2017 November
25 39
HR 1
2017 November
2017 November
Box Folder
25 40
SB 1-12
2017 November
25 41
SR 1-2
2017 November
25 42
2017 November

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Legislative bodies--Montana

Geographical Names

  • Montana--Politics and government.