UW Ethnomusicology Archives video recordings: Ankica Petrović recordings: Films: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Undated

Overview of the Collection

Petrović, Ankica
UW Ethnomusicology Archives video recordings: Ankica Petrović recordings: Films: Bosnia and Herzegovina
1 videotapes  :  EC - 1 vct (VHS, sp, stereo, color); Duration: 1:53:21
Collection Number
Ethnographic films produced by Ankica Petrovic; video copy of Petrovic's own video copy deposited in the Ethnomusicolgy Archives by her during her appointment as visiting professor, winter 1995.
University of Washington Ethnomusicology Archives
University of Washington
Ethnomusicology Archives
Box 353450
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065430974
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Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Ankica Petrović (1943-) is a musicologist from Sarajevo, Bosnia. She earned a BA in music theory (1968) and a BA in musicology and ethnomusicology (1974) at the University of Sarajevo before earning her PhD at Queen's University, Belfast (1977) with a dissertation on ganga, a form of Bosnian traditional rural singing. She was a music producer at Radio Sarajevo (1967–79) and assistant professor (1979–86) and associate professor (1986–92) at the Sarajevo Academy of Music. Her research is focussed on Eastern-European traditional music, the aesthetics of rural Bosnian and Balkan music, Sephardi music traditions in Bosnia and the Balkans, and various styles of religious chant. She is the author and producer of numerous radio broadcasts on traditional music for the BBC, Kol Israel Jerusalem and Radio Brussels, and has been involved with the recordings Traditional Music on the Soil of Bosnia and Hercegovina (Diskoton, 1986) and Bosnia: Echoes from an Endangered World (Smithsonian Folkways, SF 40407, 1993).

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Ethnographic fillms from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Contents: 4 short narrated films identified by Dr. Petrovic as follows: 1) Nijemo Kolo ("Silent Dance"); 2) Putevi Stocara ("Shepherd's Dance"); 3) Cicak Janja Narodni Pjevac Sa Kupresa ("Cicak Janja - a Folk Singer from Kupres"); 4) Zena U Tradicionalnoj Pjesmi ("Woman in Traditional Song").

Title (?) "Predanja" precedes 2nd film; credits (present after 2nd film only) include Vlatko Petrovic/urednik; Bozana Brkic/producent; Maja Baralic /saradnik; Zoravko Knezovic/interpretacija teksta; Namik Jalovcic/rasveta; Dr. Ankica Petrovic/scenario.

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