Arthur Churchill Warner photographs, approximately 1880-1940

Overview of the Collection

Warner, Arthur Churchill, 1864-1943
Arthur Churchill Warner photographs
approximately 1880-1940 (inclusive)
1,324 photographic prints (10 boxes)
989 glass negatives (12 boxes)
1,266 lantern slides (17 boxes)
232 nitrate negatives (5 boxes)
Collection Number
Photographs of Seattle, the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition (AYPE), and Washington, Canada and Alaska locales
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

Selected images can be viewed on the Libraries' Digital Collections website. Permission required to view originals. Contact Special Collections for more information.

Request at UW


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

A.C. Warner was a staff photographer for the Northern Pacific Railway when he first came to Washington Territory. Born in Massachusetts in 1864, his youth had been spent in Minnesota where he studied photography and found the job that took him to the Far West in 1886. In Seattle, Warner soon formed a short-lived partnership with one Davis, working jointly to make and sell some fairly conventional views of Seattle, the ships on Elliott Bay, and the mills along the waterfront. In 1888, he was engaged by John Muir to join a Mount Rainier climbing expedition. His personal account of the first historic use of the camera on the upper slopes and at the summit of the mountain was published in The Mountaineer(1956).

After Warner married Edith Randolph, the daughter of the well-to-do Captain Simon Peter Randolph, he formed a business partnership with his father-in-law. S.P. Randolph may have furnished the necessary capital and Warner the essential camera and legwork for an adventure in Gold Rush photography in Alaska. In the summers of 1898, 1899 and 1900, Warner went to Alaska as a prospector, a packer and a photographer. The cartouche on the reverse of his Alaskan cabinet mounts provides a Seattle address and gives an indication that the Alaskan specialty of Warner was in views of Skagway, Dyea and the Chilkoot Pass.

After 1900, Warner remained in Seattle to pursue several lines of work - as a photographer for the publisher Lowman and Hanford, as a confectioner with a shop in the Seattle Hotel on Second Ave., and as a sales agent for the landscape paintings and photographs of Albert Henry Barnes of Tacoma who died in 1920. After Barnes death, Warner became more active in his own photographic enterprises, continuing until his death in 1943. In 1925 he commenced the Warner Projection Company and found a ready market for art deco projection slides to be used with cartoons and the lyrics of popular songs which might be projected on the theater screen. In addition, together with his wife, Warner presented illustrated lectures on the wild flowers of western Washington.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Images of Seattle, the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Washington localities including A.C. Warner's August 1888 Mt Rainier summit climb, the Klondike and Nome Gold Rushes, Native Alaskans, ships, the Warner family and the partnerships of Warner and Davis and Warner and Randolph.

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Arranged in 2 series.

The images in the collection are arranged in two parts: photographs that have been determined most likely to have been made by A.C. Warner; and photographs acquired by A.C. Warner from other collectors and sources. These photographs are either by known photographers, or, if the creator is unidentified, not likely attributed to A.C. Warner.

Processing Note

Title of some images revised to align with harmful language guidelines, 2022.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Series 1:  Photographs taken by A. C. WarnerReturn to Top

The following items are photographs that have been determined most likely to have been made by A.C. Warner.

Container(s) Description Dates
Panoramas and bird's-eye views
Box/Folder item
1/1 1 between 1903 and 1906?
1/1 2 between 1890 and 1901?
1/1 3
Looking north from 9th Ave. and Madison St. toward Lake Union showing Capitol Hill, Queen Anne neighborhood and Wallingford in the distance
Written on front right lower corner of item 3a: LH322.A. C. Warner worked for the Lowman and Hanford Stationery and Printing Company from about 1903 to 1910.
between 1903 and 1910?
1/1 4 between 1904 and 1910?
1/1 5a-b
Looking south from Denny Hill showing the Armory, King County Courthouse and Territorial University
Item 5b is an altered version of item 5a with Mount Rainier drawn in on the horizon.
between 1890 and 1910?
1/1 6 between 1886 and 1888?
1/1 7
Looking north from 6th Ave. and James St. showing the Sixth Street School (right)
Shows the First Methodist-Episcopal Church being built on the southeast corner of the 3rd Ave. and Marion St.
1/1 8a-b between 1904 and 1906?
Downtown and Central Business District
Box/Folder item
1/2 9
Looking north on 1st Ave. from vicinity of James St. showing newly constructed Pioneer Building at right (Warner 500)
1/2 10 between 1909 and 1910?
1/2 11
1st Ave. looking north from Cherry St.
Written in lower left corner: LH309.A. C. Warner worked for the Lowman and Hanford Stationery and Printing Company from about 1903 to 1910.
between 1903 and 1910?
1/3 12 between 1890 and 1892?
1/3 13 between 1906 and 1908?
1/3 14
2nd Ave. looking south from Pike St. showing the Wallin and Nordstrom shoe store (left) and the Bon Marche store (right)
C. F. Wallin together with J. W. Nordstrom, established a shoe business, Wallin & Nordstrom, on 2nd Ave. in 1901. In 1930 the grand opening of the remodeled Second Avenue store marked the change of name to Nordstrom's.
between 1901 and 1910?
1/3 15
2nd Ave. looking south from Columbia St. showing the Boston Block and the New York Block (left) and the Hinckley Block (right)
Written in lower right corner: LH247A. C. Warner worked for the Lowman and Hanford Stationery and Printing Company from about 1903 to 1910.
between 1903 and 1910?
1/3 16 1904?
1/3 17 1908?
1/3 18 between 1905 and 1910?
1/3 19
Businesses at northeast corner 2nd Ave. and Yesler Way
Image taken before the construction of the L.C. Smith Building that began in 1911 and was finished in 1914. Sign in window reads: " Enormous Jewelry Stock at a Fraction of the Original Cost. Going Down, excavation for the 42 story Smith Building starts Oct. 1st."
1/3 20 November 11, 1905
1/3 21 April 1906
1/3 22 between 1905 and 1906?
1/4 23
3rd Ave. looking northwest from James St. showing street construction
Shows the Scurrey Building and the First Methodist Episcopal Church at 3rd Ave. and Marion St. on the right.
between 1904 and 1906?
1/4 24 between 1904 and 1910?
1/4 25 between 1904 and 1910?
1/4 26 October 1905
1/5 27 between 1900 and 1910?
1/5 28
Looking east on Cherry St. from 1st Ave. showing the Alaska Building
Written in lower left corner: LH 271.A. C. Warner worked for the Lowman and Hanford Stationery and Printing Company from about 1903 to 1910. The Alaska Building on the corner of Cherry St. and 2nd Ave. was constructed in 1904.
between 1904 and 1910?
1/5 29 between 1902 and 1910
1/5 30
Madison St. looking northeast from 2nd Ave. showing the Third Avenue Theatre, the Lincoln Hotel and the Madison Street cable car line
Written in lower left corner. A.C. Warner. LH266.A. C. Warner worked for the Lowman and Hanford Stationery and Printing Company from about 1903 to 1910. The Third Avenue Theater was demolished during the regrade on 3rd Ave.
between 1903 and 1908?
1/5 31 between 1908 and 1909?
1/5 32 between 1901 and 1904?
1/5 33 between 1904 and 1906?
1/5 34 1889
1/5 35 between 1903 and 1906?
1/5 36 1888
1/6 37 between 1906 and 1907?
1/6 38
Hotel York, located at the northwest corner of 1st Ave. and Pike St.
The Corner Market Building at Pike Place Market was erected in 1911-1912 when the hotel was razed in 1910.
between 1900 and 1909
1/6 39
Toklas and Singerman Building, southwest corner of 1st Ave. and Columbia St.
This building was destroyed in the fire of June 6, 1889.
between 1887 and 1889?
1/6 40 between 1891 and 1900?
1/6 41 1906
1/6 42 between 1931 and 1936?
1/6 43 between 1931 and 1936?
1/6 44 between 1891 and 1912?
1/6 45 between 1891 and 1912?
1/6 46 1890?
1/6 47 between 1888 and 1890?
Pioneer Square
Box/Folder item
1/7 48 June 1889
1/7 49a-b
Looking east from vicinity of Mill St. and Front St. showing the Yesler-Leary Building and James St. to the left and the Occidental Hotel (center)
Mill Street was later renamed Yesler Way and Front Street was later renamed 1st Avenue.Item 49b is a cropped version of item 49a.
between 1886 and 1887?
1/7 50a-b between 1886 and 1887?
1/7 51 between 1900 and 1903?
1/7 52 between 1900 and 1903?
1/7 53 between 1900 and 1904?
1/8 54 between 1900 and 1908?
1/8 55 between 1900 and 1909?
1/8 56 between 1900 and 1908?
1/8 57
Pioneer Place totem pole looking south toward the Olympic Block housing the ticket office for the Northern Pacific Railway (Warner 204)
between 1900 and 1908?
1/8 58 between 1903 and 1910?
1/8 59 between 1906 and 1908?
1/8 60
View over Elliott Bay to West Seattle from vicinity of 5th Ave. and Terrace St. showing the Alaska Building
Written in lower left corner: LH292.A. C. Warner worked for the Lowman and Hanford Stationery and Printing Company from about 1903 to 1910.
between 1904 and 1907?
1/8 61 between 1906 and 1910?
1/9 62 1891?
1/9 63a-b between 1903 and 1905?
1/9 64 between 1906 and 1910?
1/9 65 between 1906 and 1910?
1/9 66 between 1896 and 1900?
1/9 67
Firehouse No. 10 at 3rd Ave. S. and S. Main St. showing horse drawn fire wagons and equipment
A third story was added in 1912 for a new Fire Alarm Office. The horses were replaced by motorized vehicles from 1911 to 1916.
between 1903 and 1911?
1/9 68
King Street Station railroad depot at 3rd Ave. and Jackson St.
The King Street Station was completed for the Great Northern Railroad in 1906.
between 1906 and 1910?
Capitol Hill
Box/Folder item
1/10 69 between 1900 and 1910?
1/10 70a-b between 1900 and 1910?
1/10 71
Columbia School, E. Mercer St. between Federal Ave. E. and 11th Ave. E., Capitol Hill neighborhood
Built in 1890-91 as the Pontius School, it was renamed the Columbia School and then again in 1910 to the Lowell School. In 1904 an addition to the north side of the building increased the number of classrooms to 16.
between 1904 and 1906?
1/10 72 between 1906 and 1909?
1/10 73 between 1906 and 1910?
1/10 74 between 1906 and 1910?
1/10 75 between 1904 and 1907?
1/10 76 probably between 1908 and 1912?
First Hill
Box/Folder item
1/11 77 between 1895 and 1900?
1/11 78
Looking northeast from 4th Ave. and Jackson St. toward First Hill and the King County Courthouse
Shows the Seattle Gas and Electric Co.'s gas works at 5th Ave. and Jackson St, (lower right) which was razed for the construction of the Union Pacific Train Station in 1910.
between 1900 and 1910?
1/11 79 between 1904 and 1909?
1/11 80 April 6, 1906
1/11 81
King County Courthouse viewed from the north
The King County Courthouse (completed in 1890) was located between 7th Ave. and 8th Ave., Terrace St. and Alder St.
between 1900 and 1910?
1/11 82 between 1904 and 1907?
1/11 83
Looking northeast from Madison St. between 9th Ave. and Boren showing the Otto Ranke residence in foreground
Handwritten on verso: Dr. Eagleson's house, Thompson House (Ranke's), 9th and Madison, Capt. Pearson's house.
between 1902 and 1910?
1/11 83a
William D. Hofius residence
Handwritten on verso: First Hill, built 1902. Spaulding and Umbrecht, archts.
between 1902 and 1910?
1/11 84a-b between 1892 and 1906?
1/12 85a-b
St. James Cathedral seen from the north
The Cathedral was dedicated in 1907. On February 2, 1916, the 60-foot dome that crowned the cathedral collapsed under the weight of heavy snow accumulation. The dome was never rebuilt and cathedral reopened on March 18, 1917.Items 85a and 85b are different cropped versions of the same photograph.
between 1907 and 1915?
1/12 86 between 1907 and 1915?
1/12 87 between 1907 and 1910?
1/12 88 between 1907 and 1910?
Queen Anne
Box/Folder item
1/12 89
Mercer School, side and back view, with a man and cow in foreground (Warner 547)
The Mercer School opened in 1890 and was located at the northwest corner of Fourth Ave. N. and Valley St. A four-room addition was opened in 1892.
between 1890 and 1892?
1/12 90
Looking north from the Queen Anne water towers at 110 Lee St.
The two water tanks on Queen Anne at 110 Lee St. were built in 1900-1901.
April 1906
1/12 91 1906
1/12 92
Looking west toward Queen Anne Hill, Lake Union and Elliott Bay from a residential area in the Capitol Hill neighborhood
Two water tanks on Queen Anne Hill (background upper right) at 110 Lee St. were built in 1900-1901.
between 1901 and 1910?
Other neighborhoods
Box/Folder item
1/13 93 between 1900 and 1910?
1/13 94
Undeveloped residential area, possibly Green Lake neighborhood
between 1888 and 1895?
1/13 95
Green Lake Electric Railway tracks over a stone and wooden trestle bridge
The Green Lake Electric Railway was organized by Dr. Edward C. Kilbourne, one of the founders of Fremont, and entrepreneur William D. Wood in 1891.
between 1891 and 1900?
1/13 96
Washington Pioneer Hall, 1642 43rd Ave. E., Madison Park neighborhood
Built in 1910, this building was the home of the Pioneer Association of the State of Washington.
between 1911 and 1915?
1/13 97
West Point Lighthouse at the base of Magnolia Bluff
Construction of this station commenced on July 6, 1881 with funds appropriated from Congress for a fog signal and lighthouse on West Point, a sandy point that extends into Puget Sound from the base of Magnolia Bluff.
between 1885 and 1900?
Box/Folder item
1/14 98
Ships moored at the Columbia and Puget Sound Railroad Co.'s Ocean Dock (Warner 561)
In 1881 the Oregon Improvement Company built its Ocean Dock between Main and Jackson Streets. It was destroyed in the Great Seattle Fire of 1889.
between 1886 and 1888?
1/14 99
Ships loading coal for shipment to California at the Pacific Coast Co. coal bunker at King St. (Warner 509)
Handwritten on verso: Loading coal for Frisco at Seattle. Pacific Coast Coal Co. Dock.
between 1886 and 1889?
1/14 100 1890
1/14 101 between 1900 and 1906?
1/14 102
Waterfront vicinity of Marion St. to Main St.
Shows the Lilly-Bogardus Dock at Pier C (left) and the Pacific Coast Co. at Pier A and B (center right).
between 1905 and 1911?
1/14 103a-b between 1903 and 1906?
1/14 104 between 1903 and 1906?
1/14 105 between 1903 and 1906?
1/15 106a
Panoramic view of Seattle waterfront with steamer Topeka in Elliott Bay
between 1903 and 1906?
1/15 106b between 1903 and 1906?
1/15 107 between 1908 and 1911?
1/15 108
Closeup view of steamboat George E. Starr and steamer Mexican at the Oriental dock at the foot of Lenora St. with a view southeast
between 1908 and 1911?
1/15 109 between 1914 and 1916?
1/15 110 between 1914 and 1916?
1/15 111 between 1895 and 1897?
1/15 112 between 1890 and 1895?
1/15 113
Pier 6 at the foot of University St. seen from Elliott Bay
Shows the steamboat La Conner of Seattle and four masted sailing vessel John C. Meyer of San Francisco at the dock
between 1902 and 1909?
1/15 114
Steamer H.B. Kennedy at the Colman Dock, foot of Columbia St.
In 1908 a clock was added and a domed waiting room was installed at the Colman Dock. On the evening of April 25, 1912, the steamship Alameda slammed into the dock and the tower sheared off, fell onto the Alameda, and then into Puget Sound.
between 1908 and 1912?
1/15 115
Steamer Athlon moored next to the Colman Dock at the foot of Columbia St.
The Athlon (built 1900) sunk on August 1, 1921 when she struck the rocks at the entrance to Port Ludlow harbor during heavy fog.
between 1908 and 1920?
1/15 116 between 1887 and 1889?
1/16 117
Boat Duwamish docked at wharf with sailing ships in background
Written in lower left corner: LH302A. C. Warner worked for the Lowman and Hanford Stationery and Printing Company from about 1903 to 1910.
between 1904 and 1910?
1/16 118
Freight being lifted off of boat docked at wharf with sailing ships in background
Written in lower left corner: LH301A. C. Warner worked for the Lowman and Hanford Stationery and Printing Company from about 1903 to 1910.
between 1904 and 1910?
1/16 119
Steamer San Juan moored at dock with sailing ships in background
Possibly the commercial steamship San Juan built in 1904 by J.F. Duthie of Seattle.
between 1904 and 1910?
1/16 120 between 1904 and 1910?
1/16 121 between 1890 and 1910?
1/16 122
Steamers Minnesota and Dakota at the Great Northern Railway docks, Smith Cove
Handwritten beneath image: Minnesota with Baron Komura on board. Dakota.On July 20, 1905 Baron Komura (Marquess Komura JutarĹŤ), a Japanese diplomat, arrived in Seattle on the steamer Minnesota from Yokohama.Written in lower right corner: LH298A. C. Warner worked for the Lowman and Hanford Stationery and Printing Company from about 1903 to 1910.
July 1905
1/16 123 between 1905 and 1909?
1/16 124 between 1905 and 1910?
1/16 125 between 1900 and 1920?
Box/Folder item
1/17 126 between 1890 and 1906?
1/17 127 between 1900 and 1906?
1/17 128 between 1900 and 1906?
1/17 129 between 1885 and 1890?
1/17 130 1905?
1/17 131
Looking northwest from Capitol Hill over Lake Union toward North Queen Anne and Wallingford
between 1900 and 1905?
1/17 132
Looking across Lake Union after a snowfall
between 1900 and 1910?
1/17 133 between 1890 and 1910?
1/17 134 between 1890 and 1910?
1/17 135
Lake Washington seen through silhouetted trees
between 1900 and 1930?
Kinnear Park
Box/Folder item
1/18 136
Pergola and bench on a footpath
Written on photo: Photo by Lowman & Hanford.A. C. Warner worked for the Lowman and Hanford Stationery and Printing Company from about 1903 to 1910.
between 1903 and 1910?
1/18 137 between 1900 and 1910?
1/18 138
Bench on pathway with pergola in background (Warner 202)
between 1900 and 1910?
1/18 139
Man sitting on wooden bench next to pathway (Warner 207)
between 1900 and 1910?
Madison Park
Box/Folder item
1/18 140 between 1900 and 1910?
1/18 141
Boardwalk with people seated on benches
Established in 1890, Madison Park featured a large pavilion, a boathouse, piers, a promenade, and two floating bandstands with shoreline seating.
between 1900 and 1910?
1/18 142
Madison Park Pavilion main entrance showing boardwalk and benches (Warner 334)
Also known as Beede's Madison Street Pavilion, this structure was constructed in 1890 and burned in 1914. George K. Beede was an entrepreneur who developed the Madison Park recreation center, a combined bathing spot, canoe rental business, and performance venue. Beede staged a variety of shows here, from band concerts under the complex's two gazebos to dramatic performances in the theatre.
between 1900 and 1910?
1/18 143 between 1900 and 1910?
Madrona Park
Box/Folder item
1/19 144 between 1900 and 1910?
1/19 145 between 1900 and 1910?
1/19 146
Rustic lookout and shelter near pathway
between 1900 and 1910?
Ravenna Park
Box/Folder item
1/19 147 between 1888 and 1900?
1/19 148 between 1888 and 1900?
1/19 149
Bench near spring with sign "Fountain of Youth," possibly Ravenna Park
between 1888 and 1900?
Woodland Park
Box/Folder item
1/20 150 between 1900 and 1905?
1/20 151 between 1900 and 1905?
1/20 152a-b
Family group standing on forest path in front of wooden footbridge
Item 152b is a cropped version of item 152a.
between 1900 and 1910?
1/20 153 between 1900 and 1910?
1/20 154 between 1900 and 1910?
1/20 155 between 1900 and 1910?
1/20 156 between 1900 and 1910?
1/20 157
Path through stand of fir trees
Written on photo: Photo by Lowman and Hanford. 329A. C. Warner worked for the Lowman and Hanford Stationery and Printing Company from about 1903 to 1910.
between 1903 and 1910?
1/21 158
Groomed lawn and flowering bushes with view of Green Lake in background
between 1901 and 1910?
1/21 159 between 1901 and 1910?
1/21 160
Path with utility pole in distance (Warner 317)
Sign at lower left reads: Photo by Lowman and Hanford.A. C. Warner worked for the Lowman and Hanford Stationery and Printing Company from about 1903 to 1910.
between 1903 and 1910?
1/21 161 between 1901 and 1910?
1/21 162
Windy path through trees and vegetation
between 1900 and 1910?
1/21 163
Path or dirt road through trees
between 1900 and 1910?
1/21 164a-b
Footpath showing a group of children next to a large fir tree
Item 164b is a cropped version of item 164a.Written on verso of item 164b: Mrs. Harmon.
between 1900 and 1910?
1/21 165
Woodland Park Zoo showing children at bear exhibit
In 1903 the Lake Washington Cable Railway Co. donated its Leschi Park menagerie to the city, which relocated the animals to Woodland Park. The expanded collection included elk, bear, deer, eagles, a pair of ostriches, and a coatimundi.
between 1904 and 1915?
Box/Folder item
1/22 166 1904?
1/22 167 1904?
1/22 168
2nd Ave. looking southeast from Pine St. during the Denny Hill Regrade
Shows the Eitel Building at the corner of 2nd and Pike under construction.
1/22 169
Looking south toward the intersection of 2nd Ave. and Pine St. showing regrading of 2nd Ave.
Shows the Eitel Building at the corner of 2nd and Pike under construction.
1/22 170 1906?
1/22 171 between 1906 and 1907?
1/22 172
3rd Ave. regrade looking north from Marion St. showing pedestrian crossing the regraded street on a temporary viaduct
Shows the Madison Street Cable Railway company car on wooden trestle in front of the partially demolished 3rd Ave. Theatre.
1/22 173 1906?
1/22 174 October 1906
1/23 175 1906?
1/23 176 1906?
1/23 177 1906?
1/23 178 1906?
1/23 179 1907?
1/23 180 1907?
1/23 181 1906?
1/23 182 1906?
1/24 183 between 1904 and 1911?
1/24 184 between 1904 and 1911?
1/24 185 between 1904 and 1911?
1/24 186 between 1907 and 1911?
1/24 187 between 1907 and 1911?
1/24 188 between 1907 and 1911?
1/24 189 between 1907 and 1911?
1/24 190
Debris accumulated during Denny Hill Regrade
St. James Cathedral, dedicated in 1907, can be seen at far left.
between 1907 and 1911?
1/24 191 between 1907 and 1911?
1/24 192
3rd Ave. regrade looking south from vicinity of the site of the Old Washington Hotel at about Stewart St.
Shows the First Methodist Protestant Church at the southeast corner of 3rd Ave. and Pine St. and St. James Cathedral on the horizon.
between 1907 and 1911?
1/24 193 between 1907 and 1911?
1/24 194 between 1907 and 1911?
Theodore Roosevelt visit (1903)
During April and May of 1903 President Theodore Roosevelt participated in a eight-week, 25-state tour of the American West that was partially a campaign tour, but also used to advocate for the conservation of natural resources. In Washington state, he visited, among other places, the capitol city of Olympia, Tacoma, and Seattle. Traveling north from the Columbia River, he gave “whistle stop” speeches at Kalama, Chehalis and Centralia. After boarding the steamer Spokane in Tacoma, he attended an event at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard at Bremerton and then steamed across Puget Sound to Seattle arriving on May 23rd. As part of his Seattle agenda the president paraded up and down 1st, 2nd and 3rd Avenues via horse drawn carriage, later giving a speech at what was called the “old University Grounds” – site of the original University of Washington from 1861 to 1895.
Box/Folder item
1/25 195
Bird's-eye view of 1st Ave. at about Cherry St. showing festivities and parade
May 23, 1903
1/25 196 May 23, 1903
1/25 197 May 23, 1903
1/25 198 May 23, 1903
1/25 199 May 23, 1903
1/25 200 May 23, 1903
Alki Monument dedication (1905)
On November 13, 1905, in celebration of its’ 54th birthday, the city of Seattle dedicated a monument on Alki Point in West Seattle, marking the site of the Denny Party landing in 1851. After the unveiling of the granite monument referred to as the Founder's Pylon, Professor Edmond Meany addressed the crowd that was partially composed of some of the members of the original landing party and their relatives. In his speech, Meany retold the story of the landing and ended his speech with a special tribute to the pioneer wives.
Box/Folder item
1/26 201 November 13, 1905
1/26 202
Seattle pioneers standing next to the unveiled granite pylon
People in photo left to right: Carson D. Boren, Mary A. Denny, Rolland H. Denny, Mary Low Sinclair.
November 13, 1905
1/26 203
Seattle pioneers standing next to the unveiled granite pylon
Inscribed on monument: Erected by the Washington University State Historical Society, 13 November, 1905. Presented by Lenora Denny.
November 13, 1905
1/26 204
Crowd gathered for the dedication of the Founder's Pylon with two men seated on bench in foreground
November 13, 1905
1/26 205
Close-up of crowd gathered for the dedication of the Founder's Pylon with two men seated on bench in foreground
November 13, 1905
1/26 206
Founder's Pylon showing crowd leaning up against a fence to the right
November 13, 1905
Great White Fleet (1908)
The Great White Fleet arrived in Seattle on May 23,1908. The visit was part of a 14-month cruise around the world by the 16 battleships and 14,000 sailors of the U.S. Navy's Atlantic Fleet. The fleet left Norfolk, Virginia, on December 16, 1907, arriving in Seattle in May of the following year by way of South America and San Francisco. The cruise was a exhibition of U.S. fighting abilities, particularly to the Empire of Japan, which had recently defeated Russia in a sea battle. Festivities in Seattle included parades up 2nd Avenue to the cheers of 300,000 people and the presentation of the key to the city (made from Klondike gold) to Rear Admiral C.S. Sperry, commander of the fleet, by Seattle Mayor John F. Miller. The fleet departed Seattle on May 27th.
Box/Folder item
1/27 207 May 23-27, 1908
1/27 208
United States Navy battleships, probably of the Great White Fleet, in Elliott Bay
May 23-27, 1908
1/27 209 May 23-27, 1908
1/27 210
Ships in Elliott Bay including possibly the City of Everett and a United States Navy battleship, probably of the Great White Fleet
May 23-27, 1908
1/27 211
Side view of the United States Navy battleship USS Connecticut, flagship of the Great White Fleet, in Elliott Bay
May 23-27, 1908
1/27 212
Bow view of the United States Navy battleship USS Connecticut, flagship of the Great White Fleet, in Elliott Bay
May 23-27, 1908
1/27 213 May 23-27, 1908
1/27 214 May 23-27, 1908
1/27 215
United States Navy battleship USS Kansas of the Great White Fleet, in Elliott Bay
May 23-27, 1908
1/27 216
Close-up of United States Navy battleship USS Kansas of the Great White Fleet, in Elliott Bay
May 23-27, 1908
1/27 217
United States battleship USS Wisconsin of the Great white fleet, possibly in Elliott Bay
May 23-27, 1908
1/27 218
Close-up of United States battleship USS Wisconsin of the Great white fleet, possibly in Elliott Bay
May 23-27, 1908
1/27 219
United States Navy battleship, probably of the Great White Fleet, in Elliott Bay
May 23-27, 1908
1/28 220 May 26, 1908
1/28 221
Bird's-eye view looking north on 2nd Ave. from Spring St. showing the Baillargeon Building and a parade celebrating the arrival of the Great White Fleet
May 26, 1908
1/28 222
Bird's-eye view looking north on 2nd Ave. from Spring St. showing a parade celebrating the arrival of the Great White Fleet and building construction in foreground
May 26, 1908
1/28 223 May 26, 1908
1/28 224
Looking northeast from the Starr Boyd Building at festivities and parade on 1st Ave. celebrating the arrival of the Great White Fleet
May 26, 1908
1/28 225
Parade on 1st Ave. showing men marching in formation celebrating the arrival of the Great White Fleet
May 26, 1908
1/28 226
Crowds lining 1st Ave. cheering sailors marching in parade to celebrate the arrival of the Great White Fleet
May 26, 1908
1/28 227 May 26, 1908
1/28 228
Bear cubs and their handlers in parade, probably on 2nd Ave.
Twelve bear cubs, brought from the city of Aberdeen to be presented as mascots to the battleships, were paraded through the streets of Seattle during the welcome festivities for the Great White Fleet. Each was led by a prominent citizen of Aberdeen and the antics of the cubs caused much laughter. Before the reviewing stand was reached the little fellows looked too tired to walk and the men had to carry them.
May 26, 1908
1/28 229
Close-up of bear cubs in parade, probably on 2nd Ave.
May 26, 1908
1/28 230
Looking down probably 2nd Ave. showing bear cubs in parade with crowd in background
May 26, 1908
Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition (1909)
The 1909 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition (AYPE) held in Seattle, Washington, was the spectacular result of nearly 10 million dollars and four years of effort. The Klondike Gold Rush made Seattle the dominant city in the Pacific Northwest, as the major supplier to Alaska. The goal of the 1909 AYPE was to show off the growth and development of the Pacific Northwest, specifically Seattle, and to display the value of commercial trade with the Pacific Rim. When Japan agreed to participate, the AYPE became a truly international, multi-cultural event, which planners of the AYPE hoped would demonstrate cooperation between people from around the world. On a less philosophical level, city officials also hoped that the exposition would encourage people to relocate to the growing metropolis of Seattle.
Box/Folder item
1/29 231
Exposition building, probably the Manufactures Building, under construction
1/29 232
Interior view of the Manufactures Building under construction showing framework
1/29 233
Interior view of exposition building, probably either the Manufactures or Agriculture Building, under construction
1/29 234
Central Courtyard and adjacent buildings under construction with glimpse of Lake Washington in background
1/29 235
Central Courtyard showing the Alaska Monument encased in scaffolding in the background and the Sunken Gardens in the foreground
1/29 236
Central Courtyard with Geyser Basin showing the Alaska Monument encased in scaffolding in background
1/29 237
Exposition building, probably the Manufactures Building, with the Alaska Monument encased in scaffolding in background
1/29 238
Looking across Geyser Basin showing the Agriculture, Oriental, and Auditorium Buildings
Also depicts an exposition building under construction, possibly the Alaska Building.
1/29 239
Upside Down House under construction in the Pay Streak
1/29 240
Team of horses at construction site showing the framework of buildings in background
1/29 241
Installation of block using a Hercules Sandstone Company steam shovel
1/29 242
Two men watching installation of block using a Hercules Sandstone Company steam shovel
1/30 243
Log columns being installed during construction of the Forestry Building
1/30 244
Group of men observing log columns being installed during construction of the Forestry Building
1/30 245
Partial view of columns and framework during construction of the Forestry Building
1/30 246
Forestry Building construction showing the side of the building
1/30 247
Forestry Building construction nearing completion
1/30 248
Exposition building with partially constructed Forestry Building in background
1/30 249
Group of men touring Nome Circle showing construction of the Forestry Building and Band Stand
1/30 250
Nome Circle showing framework construction of the Forestry Building and Band Stand
1/30 251
Nome Circle showing Band Stand, California Building and construction of the Forestry Building in the background
1/30 252
Nome Circle and newly constructed Band Stand with glimpse of Forestry Building in background
Box/Folder item
2/1 253
Agriculture Building, view of east side
2/1 254
Agriculture Building, south entrance
2/1 255
Agriculture Building, south entrance
2/1 256
Agriculture Building from the south
2/1 257
Agriculture Building, architectural details of south entrance
2/1 258
Agriculture Building, south entrance showing landscaping details and Geyser Basin drawn in
2/1 259
Agriculture Building, east façade with Geyser Basin drawn in
2/1 260
Agriculture Building showing northeast façade of building with Geyser Basin at right
2/1 261
Agriculture Building showing walkway around the Arctic Circle
2/1 262
Agriculture and Manufactures Buildings with the Mines Building in background
2/2 263
Arctic Brotherhood Building with flagpole and long benches in front
2/2 264
Administration Building showing incomplete landscaping
2/2 265
California Building facing Pacific Avenue
2/2 266
Canada Building
2/2 267
European Building seen through the columns of probably the Manufacturers Building
2/2 268
European Building façade showing one of the stairways
2/2 269
European Building showing entrance with ascending stairways
2/2 270
European Building and Agriculture Building at right
2/2 271
European Building decorated with flags
2/2 272
European Building with part of the Cascade Court in foreground
2/2 273
European Building with possibly snow in the foreground
2/3 274
Forestry Building seen from the southwest
2/3 275
Forestry Building seen from the northwest
2/3 276
Hawaii Building with the Alaska Monument on the left
2/3 277
Hoo Hoo House, front view
2/3 278
Japan Building entrance on Pacific Avenue
2/3 279
King County Building, front view
2/3 280
Machinery Building shortly after construction
2/3 281
Machinery Building from the Court of Honor
2/3 282
Machinery Building with glimpse of probably the Manufacturers Building
2/3 283
Machinery Building with visitors promenading in front on Pacific Avenue
2/4 284
Manufactures Building entrance
2/4 285
Looking across the Cascades at the north entrance to the Manufactures Building
2/4 286
Manufactures Building seen from across Geyser Basin
2/4 287
Manufactures Building looking across Geyser Basin
2/4 288
Manufactures Building from the European Building also known as the Fisheries Building
2/4 289
Manufactures Building seen through the columns of an adjacent building
2/4 290
Manufactures Building viewed from columns of nearby building
2/4 291
Manufactures Building seen from the Agriculture Building across Geyser Basin with Machinery Building in background
2/4 292
Manufactures Building with Machinery Building in background seen through columns
2/4 293
Manufactures Building with the Agriculture and European Buildings in background and "Keep off this area" sign in foreground
2/5 294
South entrance to Manufactures Building, Machinery Building and Music Pavilion
2/5 295
South entrance to Manufactures Building and Machinery Building
2/5 296
South entrance to Manufactures Building with Machinery Building in background
2/5 297
Manufactures Building, Machinery Building and Music Pavilion
2/5 298
Manufactures and Machinery Buildings with edge of Geyser Basin in foreground
2/5 299
Manufactures and Machinery Buildings with edge of landscaping in progress for Geyser Basin in foreground
2/5 300
Mines and Manufactures Buildings with Geyser Basin in foreground
2/5 301
Mines Building and north entrance to Manufactures Building
2/5 302
Manufactures and Oriental Buildings with the Agriculture and European Buildings in background
2/5 303
Music Pavilion seen from across Geyser Basin
2/5 304
Oregon State Building front façade
2/6 305
Oriental Building with part of the Cascade Court drawn in with watercolor in the foreground
2/6 306
Oriental Building with Manufactures Building to the right and the Power House smokestack in the background left
2/6 307
Oriental Building with smoke from the Power House smokestack in background
2/6 308
Oriental Building facade
2/6 309
Oriental, Mines and Agriculture Buildings
2/6 310
Spokane County Building with base of flagpole in foreground
2/6 311
Spokane Building with Dome Circle and Sons of the American Revolution Flagpole in foreground
2/6 312
Torii gate at the South entrance
2/6 313
U.S. Government Building and Alaska Monument at the north end of Cascade Court
2/6 314
Base of the Alaska Monument in front of the U.S. Government Building
2/6 315
Washington Women's Building with roof of the European Building visible in background
Box/Folder item
2/7 316
Central Courtyard, also known as the Arctic Circle, showing the Geyser Basin and the Oriental Building in background
2/7 317
Central Courtyard showing the Agriculture, European and Alaska Buildings
2/7 318
Looking across the Central Courtyard showing Geyser Basin and Lake Washington in the distance
2/7 319
Central Courtyard showing Geyser Basin with exposition buildings in background
2/7 320
Geyser Basin with south entrance to Manufactures and Machinery Buildings in background
2/7 321
Ornamental urn decorating the Central Courtyard
2/7 322
Ornamental urn and animal sculpture surrounding the Geyser Basin in the Central Courtyard
2/7 323
Pedestrian walking by fountain in Geyser Basin, Central Courtyard
2/7 324
Central Courtyard showing fountain in the Geyser Basin, Agriculture and European Buildings
2/8 325
Ornamental balustrade, Central Courtyard
2/8 326
Ornamental balustrade, Central Courtyard
2/8 327
Ornamental balustrade in front of the Oriental and Manufacturers Buildings, Central Courtyard
2/8 328
Reflections in the water in Geyser Basin with the Agriculture and European Building in background
2/8 329
Steamroller making its way around Geyser Basin with Manufacturers Building in background
2/8 330
Mines Building (later Oriental Building) and Manufacturers Building from Geyser Basin
2/8 331
Looking across Geyser Basin toward the Manufactures Building in the Central Courtyard
2/8 332
Looking across Cascade Court at the Oriental Building and the north entrance to the Manufactures Building
2/8 333
Hawaiian Building seen across the Cascade Court
2/8 334
Looking cross the Cascade Court toward the Oriental Building and the Manufactures Building
2/8 335
Central Courtyard with view of the Cascades and surrounding buildings
2/9 336
Nome Circle showing Band Stand with Forestry Building to right
2/9 337
Nome Circle showing Band Stand with Oregon State Building to right
2/9 338
Sunken Gardens (now Rainier Vista) with the Central Courtyard showing the U.S. Government Building in background
2/9 339
Looking across the Sunken Gardens to the Central Courtyard and fountain in Geyser Basin
2/9 340
Side view of the Alaska Monument with the Alaska Building in background
2/9 341
Base of the Alaska Monument with the U.S. Government Building in background
2/9 342
Architectural columns on exposition building
2/9 343
Animal statue, probably of a Mountain Lion, and ornamental urn surrounding Geyser Basin
2/9 344
Bear statue and ornamental urn surrounding Geyser Basin
2/9 345
Bear statue and ornamental urn surrounding Geyser Basin with U.S. Government Building in background
2/9 346
Wolf statue and ornamental urns surrounding Geyser Basin
2/10 347
Detail of decoration on ornamental urn
2/10 348
Detail of decoration on drinking fountain
2/10 349
James J. Hill statue in front of the Swedish Building
2/10 350
Marcus Whitman statue
2/10 351
William Henry Seward statue, front view, vicinity of the New York State Building
2/10 352
William Henry Seward statue, front view
2/10 353
William Henry Seward statue, front view
2/10 354
William Henry Seward statue, front view, with two pedestrians in background
2/10 355
Bronze statue of George Washington commissioned by the Daughters of the American Revolution
2/11 356
Fair goers walking near the Alaska Monument
2/11 357
Pedestrians on walkway near the Alaska Monument
2/11 358
Pedestrians strolling near the south end of the Manufactures Building
2/11 359
Looking east down probably Yukon Avenue from the Swedish Building showing glimpses of various other exposition buildings
2/11 360
Looking toward the Manufactures Building from the entrance to the Oriental Building showing Fair goers on Yukon Avenue
2/11 361
Crowd at the base of the Alaska Monument
2/11 362
Fair goers near Nome Circle
2/11 363
Manufactures Building illuminated at night
2/11 364
European Building illuminated at night
2/11 365
Central Courtyard with U.S. Government Building at right illuminated at night
Entertainment, ceremonies and events
Box/Folder item
2/12 366
North end of Pay Streak showing Eskimo Village at right
2/12 367
L.A. Thompson Scenic Railway at the south end of the Pay Streak
2/12 368
Amusements on the Pay Streak south of the Igorotte Village showing Dixieland
2/12 369
Looking south on the Pay Streak showing the Igorotte Exhibit on left
2/12 370
Looking north on the Pay Streak showing Streets of Cairo exhibit
2/12 371
Two men watching woman performing at the Pay Streak
2/12 372
Man with camel, probably in front of the Streets of Cairo exhibit, Pay Streak
2/13 373
Pay Streak looking south with Igorotte Village on left
2/13 374
Pay Streak looking north with Igorotte Village on right
2/13 375
Igorotte Village with sign " Igorotte Village 8 highest awards, grand prizes"
2/13 376
Igorotte men sitting outside of hut, Igorotte Village
2/13 377
Igorotte men throwing spears, Igorotte Village
2/13 378
Igorotte men meeting in the Igorotte Village
2/13 379
Igorotte men performing a war dance in the Igorotte Village
2/13 380
Igorotte natives constructing dwellings in the Igorotte Village
2/13 381
Igorotte natives in western dress posing with tools in the Igorotte Village
2/13 382
Igorotte women weaving cloth in the Igorotte Village
2/14 383
Crowded walkways near the Auditorium Building showing band playing
2/14 384
Crowds around men in Highland Dress with the Alaska Monument in background
2/14 385
Man giving speech on a podium with dignitaries and crowd of people attending
2/14 386
Bird's-eye view of crowd possibly attending a ceremony
2/14 387
Bird's-eye view of crowd attending a ceremony in amphitheater
2/14 388
Man, possibly sculptor Richard E. Brooks, in crowd of people
Richard Edwin Brooks (1865–1919) sculpted the statue of William Henry Seward by for the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition.
2/14 389
Balloon rising above a crowd on the exposition grounds
2/14 390
Balloon in flight above the exposition grounds
2/14 391
Balloon silhouetted against the sky
2/14 392
Dirigible balloon in flight
Volunteer Park visit to view Seward statue
The Statue of William Henry Seward by Richard Edwin Brooks (1865–1919) was created in 1909 for the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition and moved to Volunteer Park in 1910. William Henry Seward was United States Secretary of State from 1861 to 1869, and earlier served as governor of New York and as a United States Senator. He also negotiated the Alaska Purchase in 1867.
Box/Folder item
2/15 393
Group of men visiting the William Henry Seward monument including sculptor Richard E. Brooks (center) and Seattle businessman Gerhard Benninghausen (right)
between 1910 and 1912?
2/15 394
Group of people probably visiting the William Henry Seward monument including sculptor Richard E. Brooks and Judge Thomas Burke
between 1910 and 1912?
2/15 395
Group of people probably visiting the William Henry Seward monument including sculptor Richard E. Brooks
between 1910 and 1912?
2/15 396
William Henry Seward monument with crowd in background
between 1910 and 1912?
2/15 397 between 1910 and 1912?
2/15 398
William Henry Seward monument, side view
between 1910 and 1912?
2/15 399
William Henry Seward monument, rear view
between 1910 and 1912?
2/15 400
William Henry Seward monument with small child standing at the base
between 1910 and 1912?
Commission for Training Camp Activities (CTCA) parade
The U.S. War Department established the Commission on Training Camp Activities (C.T.C.A.), in 1917 to develop a recreational morale program for the American military camps and training centers during WWI. The C.T.C.A. was disbanded in 1919.
Box/Folder item
2/15 401
Woman in costume on horseback during a parade on 4th Ave.
between 1916 and 1922?
2/15 402
Parade of sailors on 4th Ave. being led by a woman in costume on horseback
between 1916 and 1922?
Washington State
Localities (D-L)
Box/Folder item
2/16 403
Historical marker at Deception Pass, east side of Pass Island
The marker was erected by the Ann Washington Chapter (Mount Vernon) of the Daughters of the American Revolution with the assistance from UW Professor Edmond Meany.
2/16 404
Stream, possibly in the Green River Gorge near Franklin in King County, showing native plants clinging to rocky outcrop
between 1886 and 1889?
2/16 405 between 1887 and 1892?
2/16 406-408
Outing by a man and his dog on snowed over Lake Constance in May, Olympic Peninsula
between 1890 and 1910?
Orcas Island, San Juan County
Box/Folder item
2/16 409
Two visitors at the Moran Mansion porch
Located on Cascade Bay the Rosario Resort was originally built as a private estate by Seattle ship-builder Robert Moran between 1906 and 1918.
between 1913 and 1920?
2/16 410
Moran Mansion grounds showing outdoor light fixtures during winter
between 1913 and 1920?
2/16 411
Woman standing next to possibly a Cypress tree, Moran Mansion grounds
between 1913 and 1920?
2/16 412
Moran Mansion showing the Music Room with seating area, piano and a two story 1913 Aeolian pipe organ
between 1913 and 1920?
2/16 413
Moran Mansion showing the Music Room with a two story 1913 Aeolian pipe organ
between 1913 and 1920?
San Juan Island, San Juan County
Box/Folder item
2/17 414
Bazalgette monument erected on English Camp’s Officers’ Hill by the University of Washington State Historical Society
On Friday, October 21, 1904, a dedication ceremony took place for this monument at English Camp, arranged by Professor Edmond Meany of the University of Washington. The monument marks the site of the British commander’s residence, which was at one time occupied by Captain George Bazalgette. On the monument are the following inscriptions: " Erected 21 Oct. 1904, By the Washington University State Historical Society. As arbitrator William I of Germany decided the San Juan Case 21 Oct. 1872. First officer in charge Capt. George Bazalgette. First officer in charge Capt. George Bazalgette."
October 21, 1904
2/17 415
Visitors and members of the Puget Sound Artillery band attending the dedication, English Camp
October 21, 1904
2/17 416
Visitors including possibly Edmond Meany attending the dedication, English Camp
October 21, 1904
2/17 417
Distant view of visitors attending the dedication, English Camp
October 21, 1904
2/17 418
Naval contingent attending the dedication, English Camp
October 21, 1904
2/17 419
Log cabin at English Camp
October 21, 1904
Snoqualmie Falls
Box/Folder item
2/17 420 1906?
2/17 421
Snoqualmie Falls seen from opposite embankment
between 1900 and 1909?
2/17 422 between 1900 and 1909?
2/17 423a-b between 1900 and 1909?
2/18 424
Snoqualmie Falls viewed from the base of the falls
between 1900 and 1909?
2/18 425a-c
Snoqualmie Falls viewed through trees showing hydroelectric plant facilities
Items 425b and 425c are cropped versions of item 425a.
between 1900 and 1909?
2/18 426a-b
Snoqualmie Falls viewed through forest of trees
Item 426b is a cropped version of item 426a.
between 1900 and 1909?
2/18 427
Snoqualmie River looking up at Snoqualmie Falls
between 1900 and 1910?
2/18 428
Snoqualmie Falls (Warner 301)
In 1897 businessman William T. Baker formed the Snoqualmie Falls Power Company and bought Snoqualmie Falls and the surrounding land with the intent of building a power plant. Construction of the plant began in 1898. The first operational generator was online and began to transmit power to Seattle on July 31, 1899. A large rock in the center of the brink, known as Seattle Rock, was dynamited in 1900, after causing too many logjams near the top.
between 1890 and 1898?
2/18 429a
Snoqualmie Falls viewed through trees showing hydroelectric plant facilities
between 1900 and 1910?
2/18 429b
Snoqualmie Falls viewed through trees showing hydroelectric plant facilities
Item 429b is a cropped version of item 429a.
between 1900 and 1910?
Localities (T-W)
Box/Folder item
2/18 430
Tatoosh Range seen from across a valley
between 1890 and 1910?
2/18 431
Not used
Mount Rainier National Park
General views
Box/Folder item
2/19 432
Mt. Rainier with cloud cover
between 1890 and 1930?
2/19 433
Meadow with glimpse of Mt. Rainier in distance
between 1890 and 1930?
2/19 434
Mt. Rainier summit viewed through a rock formation
between 1890 and 1930?
2/19 435 between 1890 and 1930?
2/19 436 between 1900 and 1930?
2/19 437
Mirror Lake with Mount Rainier in background
between 1900 and 1930?
2/20 438-449
Mountain and glacier scenery including man posing next to snow formation and dirt road, probably in vicinity of Mount Rainier
between 1900 and 1920?
Mount Rainier, northwest slope
Box/Folder item
2/21 450-454
View from the northwest showing snow fields and glaciers
between 1900 and 1930?
Mount Rainier, west slope
Box/Folder item
2/22 455-462 between 1900 and 1930?
Mount Rainier, southwest slope
Box/Folder item
2/23 463 between 1910 and 1930?
2/23 464
Tahoma Glacier with meadows in foreground
between 1910 and 1930?
2/23 465
Tahoma Glacier viewed through trees
between 1900 and 1930?
2/23 466
South Tahoma Glacier viewed from meadows
between 1900 and 1930?
Mount Rainier, south slope
Box/Folder item
2/23 467
View from the vicinity of Paradise Valley
between 1900 and 1930?
2/23 468 between 1890 and 1900?
2/23 469 between 1900 and 1930?
2/23 470
View with trees in foreground
between 1900 and 1930?
2/24 471-474
View from the vicinity of the Nisqually River
between 1900 and 1904?
2/24 475
Woman with alpenstock standing on ledge overlooking probably the Nisqually River
between 1900 and 1904?
2/24 476 between 1900 and 1904?
2/24 477
View of mountain with clouds at the base
between 1900 and 1904?
2/24 478
Cushman Crest with south slope of Mt. Rainier viewed from Ricksetter Point
between 1900 and 1930?
2/24 479 between 1900 and 1930?
2/24 480
View probably from the south with riverbed in foreground
between 1900 and 1930?
Mount Rainier, east slope
Box/Folder item
2/25 481-488 1934
Mount Rainier summit climb, August 1888
In 1888, photographer Arthur Churchill Warner was engaged by John Muir to join a Mt. Rainier climbing expedition as a working member of a small party that would also include Major Edward S. Ingraham, the Californian artist William Keith, a young scientist named Charles V. Piper, Henry Loomis, Norman O. Booth, Daniel Waldo Bass, young Joe Stampfler and John Hays who tended the horses, the guides Indian Henry and Philemon Beecher Van Trump. This would be the first historic use of a camera at the summit of the mountain. His personal account of this ascent was published in 1956 in "The Mountaineer", the journal of the Mountaineers, an alpine club serving the state of Washington.
Box/Folder item
2/26 489
Mount Rainier seen from the foothills
August 1888
2/26 490
Members of Kernahan family and climbing party outside the Kernahan home at Succotash Valley
From accompanying material: At Kernahan's cabin John Muir sat apart from his crippled host and other guests. L. to r.: The Kernahan boy, Joseph Stampfler, the artist William Keith, John Muir, Mr. and Mrs. James B. Kernahan, Henry Loomis, and the Kernahan's daughter.
August 11, 1888
2/26 491a-b
Henry Loomis with Mr. and Mrs. Longmire and others at Longmire Springs with Mount Rainier in the background
Two conflicting accompanying notes state that this photo may have been either taken on the ascent or descent from Mt. Rainier.

From accompanying material: The first photograph of Longmire Springs, probably made during the photographer's descent from the mountain on August 18, 1888. The figures l. to r. are: an unidentified man, Henry Loomis, an unidentified woman, Mrs. James B. Longmire, two children seated in foreground, and (in the chair) a Mrs. Johnson who was a guest of the Longmires.

Note affixed to verso of item 491b: Longmire Springs, August 12th, 1888. Henry Loomis, near the bath house. Mrs. James Longmire second to the right. Picture by A.C. Warner.

Item 491b is a cropped version of item 491a.

August 12, 1888
2/27 492 August 12, 1888
2/27 493
William Keith seated beside his tent with Pinnacle Peak in the background
From accompanying material: Warner's technique seldom allowed a close-up or individual portrait. In this view, nearly indistinguishable beside his small tent, is the artist William Keith, who accompanied Muir to the Northwest. Pinnacle Peak formed a background for Keith's trailside sketch.
August 12, 1888
2/27 494
Meadow and wildflowers with south slope of Mount Rainier in distance
From accompanying material: The southern slope of Mount Rainier as photographed across an alpine meadow with a profusion of trees and wildflowers. Warner was deeply impressed by such scenes and attempted to record them with his camera and describe them in his letter to his father.
August 12, 1888
2/27 495a-b
Panorama of the Cascade Mountains and Paradise Valley, vicinity of Mount Rainier
2-part panorama.From accompanying material: One of this pair has been captioned by Warner as "Spur of the Cascades and Paradise Valley." These slightly overlapping views appear to represent the photographer's only attempt to create panoramic views of the then popular type.
August 12, 1888
2/27 496 August 12, 1888
2/28 497
Mowich Lake with Mount Rainier in distance (Warner 505)
Written on photo: Mt. Rainier from Crater Lake.In 1883, Crater Lake was named by geologist Bailey Willis with the belief that it was located in a volcanic crater. When Willis discovered his mistake many years later, the name was changed.
August 12, 1888?
2/28 498 August 12, 1888?
2/28 499
Mount Rainier viewed from 4000 feet (Warner 508)
August 12-13, 1888?
2/28 500
Mount Rainier showing Gibralter Rock
August 12-13, 1888?
2/28 501
Mount Rainier and Gilbralter Rock with climbing party resting in the foreground (Warner 533)
From accompanying material: Mount Rainier and Gilbralter Rock (right) with most members of Muir's party resting in the flowers and grass, lower left. Indian Henry is barely discernable (extreme left) where he sat apart from the rest of the group. From l. to r. are John Muir, Henry Loomis, P. B. Van Trump, Edward S. Ingraham, William Keith, and Norman Booth.
August 12-13, 1888?
3/1 502
Mount Rainier with trees in foreground
From accompanying material: One of Warner's last studies of the mountain before the final ascent.
August 13, 1888?
3/1 503
Nisqually Glacier and Gibraltar Rock
From accompanying material: At Nisqually Glacier and Gibralter Rock. As photographer, Warner appears to have been doubly burdened and yet inadequately dressed or equipped. He was obliged to carry a fifty pound load of photographic equipment as well as his own share of the party's food and other supplies.
August 13, 1888?
3/1 504
Expedition member Norman Booth resting on Little Tahoma (Warner 517)
From accompanying material: Norman Booth, warmly dressed, resting on Little Tahoma. Warner, apparently climbing in ordinary town clothing, cut off his trouser legs at the knees so he could "get on better". On the summit he nearly froze his unprotected arms, according to Haines, because he had removed his coat to use it as a focusing cloth.
August 14, 1888
3/1 505
Looking across the ice from Camp Muir toward Columbia Crest and Little Tahoma (Warner 518)
From accompanying material: The final barrier to the summit as photographed by Warner from Camp Muir, looking across the ice toward Columbia Crest and Little Tahoma.Printed backwards.
August 14, 1888
3/1 506
Two members of the party seen from across the small crater near the summit (Warner 516)
From accompanying material: Two members of the party across the small crater near the summit of Mount Rainier. Aubrey Haines states that Warner made six views on or near the summit of the mountain but only three are known today.
August 14, 1888
3/1 507a-b
John Muir and climbing party at the summit (Warner 519)
Written on verso: The summit of Mt. Rainier, 1888. Left to right: D. W. Bass, P. B. Van Trump, John Muir, N. O. [Norman] Booth, E. S. Ingraham. Item 507b is a modern print.
August 14, 1888
3/2 508 August 15, 1888?
3/2 509
Possibly in the vicinity of Lake of the Clouds (Warner 544)
August 15, 1888?
3/2 510 August 15, 1888?
3/2 511 August 15, 1888?
3/3 512
Longmire Springs with possibly members of the Longmire family in a field
Probably one of the photographs taken during the 1888 Mt. Rainier climbing expedition.
August 1888?
3/3 513
Tatoosh Range as seen from Paradise Valley
Probably one of the photographs taken during the 1888 Mt. Rainier climbing expedition.
August 1888?
3/3 514
Waterfall cascading down over rocks
Probably one of the photographs taken during the 1888 Mt. Rainier climbing expedition.
August 1888?
3/3 515
Waterfall with Mount Rainier in background (Warner 552)
Probably one of the photographs taken during the 1888 Mt. Rainier climbing expedition.
August 1888?
Box/Folder item
3/3 516
Postcard of Elcane Longmire holding walking stick with Mount Rainier in background
Elcane Longmire was the oldest son of James Longmire. Elcane was born in Indiana ca. 1843, and he died in 1915 in Washington.
between 1907 and 1914?
3/3 517
Postcard of Philemon B. Van Trump holding walking stick, probably Mt. Rainier National Park
Written on postcard: P.B. Van Trump, who made the first assent of Mt. Rainier, returning to his old camping groundsPhilemon B. Van Trump was born ca. 1839 in Ohio. On August 17, 1870, Hazard Stevens and P. B. Van Trump made the first successful ascent of Mount Rainier via the Gibraltar route. Van Trump died in 1916.
between 1907 and 1914?
Alaska, Canada and Oregon
Alaska towns and geographic locations
Localities (B-P)
Box/Folder item
3/4 518
Bear Glacier, west end of Resurrection Ba
between 1898 and 1900?
3/4 519
Chugach Mountains and the Valdez Glacier surrounding Valdez
between 1898 and 1900?
3/4 520
Fairweather Range showing Mt. Fairweather
between 1898 and 1900?
3/4 521
Mount Saint Elias in the Saint Elias Mountains range
between 1898 and 1900?
3/4 522-523
Mountain near Mount Saint Elias
between 1898 and 1900?
3/4 524
Mountains east of Prince William Sound
between 1898 and 1900?
Box/Folder item
3/5 525 1900
3/5 526 1900?
3/5 527-528 1900?
3/5 529 1900?
3/5 530a-b 1900?
3/5 531
Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Ascension front entrance
between 1899 and 1900?
3/5 532 1900?
3/6 533 1900?
3/6 534a-b 1899?
3/6 535a-b 1899?
Unidentified locations
Box/Folder item
3/6 536
Distant view of unidentified village on shore (Warner 121)
between 1898 and 1900?
3/6 537
Mountain range seen from the water
between 1898 and 1900?
3/6 538
Snow covered mountains and glaciers seen from the water
between 1898 and 1900?
3/6 539 between 1898 and 1900?
Klondike and Nome Gold Rushes
Over 100,000 "stampeders" set out for the gold fields of the Yukon River and its tributaries in Canada and Alaska between 1897 and 1898, seeing them as a promising opportunity in what had been a bleak decade (Panic of 1893). The most popular routes to the Klondike gold fields were through Dyea, Alaska and over the Chilkoot Pass or through Skagway and over the White Pass. Both trails were arduous and sometimes impassable, fraught with extremely difficult conditions. In September 1898, the "Three Lucky Swedes" discovered gold on Anvil Creek and founded the Nome mining district. By the winter of 1899, gold was found in the beach sands for dozens of miles along the coast at Nome. By 1900 thousands of prospectors had poured into Nome, many of whom had arrived from the Klondike gold rush area. Beginning probably in 1897, A. C. Warner periodically went to Alaska as a prospector, a packer and a photographer. His father-in-law, Captain Simon Peter Randolph, may have furnished the necessary capital for an adventure in Gold Rush photography in Alaska. A.C. Warner himself mined on the Seward Peninsula, in and around Nome, and specifically northeast of Nome in the vicinity of Sparkle Gulch near the Nome River.
Klondike Gold Rush, Chilkoot Trail
Box/Folder item
3/7 540 1898?
3/7 541 1898?
3/7 542
Group of men surrounding Stone House
Stone House was named for a large rock with an overhang that could provide temporary shelter.
3/7 543 1898?
3/7 544 1898?
3/7 545 1898?
Klondike Gold Rush, White Pass Trail
Box/Folder item
3/8 546
3/8 547 August 7, 1897
3/8 548 1897
3/8 549
People including Frank Reid lined up outside the post office in Dr. Runnel's store in Skagway waiting to pick up mail (Warner 37)
In the Fall of 1897, a post office, the first church, and a newspaper, the Skaguay News, were established in Skagway.
3/8 550 1897?
3/8 551 1897?
3/8 552 1897?
3/8 553 1897?
3/8 554 1897?
3/8 555
Group including a woman in front of Clondyke Trading Company (Warner 22)
Small sign in front reads: Located by F.H. Reid. Frank Reid was a bartender at the Klondike Saloon and later was appointed town surveyor on August 18, 1897 and helped map the town of Skagway.
3/8 556
Men outside of Rice's Place saloon and The Nugget (Warner 101)
Jake Rice, proprietor, opened Rice's Place in Skagway in 1897. It was located on the corner of White Pass Trail and Holly St.
3/8 557 1897?
Nome Gold Rush
Box/Folder item
3/9 558 1900?
3/9 559 1900?
3/9 560 1900?
3/9 561 1900?
3/9 562 1900?
3/9 563 1900?
3/9 564
Boats tied up on the beach during high tide (Warner 50)
3/9 565
Beach showing buildings at high tide (Warner 51)
3/10 566
Man carrying supplies down the beach (Warner 19)
3/10 567 1900?
3/10 568 1900?
3/10 569
Bird's-eye view of the beach showing wooden buildings and tents including the Pacific Steam Whaling Company office in the foreground (Warner 28)
3/10 570 1900?
3/10 571 1900?
3/10 572 1900?
3/10 573 1900?
3/10 574 1900?
3/10 575 1900?
3/11 576 1900?
3/11 577 1900?
3/11 578 1900?
3/11 579 1900?
3/11 580 1900?
3/11 581
Tents, houses and boats along the Snake River (Warner 6)
3/11 582 1900?
3/11 583
Bridge over the Snake River (Warner 54)
In May 1900 the Cape Nome Transportation, Bridge, and Development Company was authorized by Congress to construct a general traffic bridge over the Snake River.
3/11 584
Wreck of two masted sailing vessel in the surf, probably Nome
3/11 585
Wreck of two masted sailing vessel in the surf, probably Nome, distant view
3/12 586 1900?
3/12 587 1900?
3/12 588
Mining operation showing miner with rocker at work on the beach (Warner 21)
A. C. Warner mining operations
Warner prospected in Nome with his partner George A. Virtue and also on the Seward Peninsula, northeast of Nome in the vicinity of Sparkle Gulch near the Nome River.
Box/Folder item
3/12 589 1900?
3/12 590 1900?
3/12 591 1900?
3/13 592
Plants, probably fireweed growing next to creek, Seward Peninsula
3/13 593
Mining operation with two men and sluice, Seward Peninsula
3/13 594
Miners tents on the Nome River
3/13 595
Mining operation probably the on Nome River showing boat and three men and sluice
3/13 596
Two men working mining sluice in a small creek, probably near the Nome River
3/13 597
Two masted sailing vessel followed by string of four dories, vicinity of Nome
3/13 598
Three men with two canoes loaded with supplies next to riverbank, Seward Peninsula
3/13 599
Miners tents near Sparkle Gulchon the Nome River
3/13 600
Mining operation on small waterfall, Seward Peninsula
3/13 601
View of Nome River, Seward Peninsula
3/13 602
Three men standing in river examining contents of gold mining pan, Seward Peninsula
3/13 603
Patch of fireweed with probably Nome River in distance
3/14 604
Sparkle Gulch camp showing small tent belonging to A.C. Warner, Seward Peninsula
3/14 605
Six men hiking from their camp to Sparkle Gulch along river bank, Seward Peninsula
3/14 606
Four men, probably Warner party, on ship's deck with dog
3/14 607
View of Nome River, Seward Peninsula
3/14 608
Six men with mining supplies approaching bank of river, Seward Peninsula
3/14 609
Group of buildings, possibly a cannery, on bank of river, Seward Peninsula
3/14 610
Two men standing in front of building, Seward Peninsula
3/14 611
Mining operation at Sparkle Gulch showing sluice
3/14 612
Six men examining findings at mining sluice, Sparkle Gulch
3/14 613
Two men in front of sod house near Nome
3/14 614
Canoe on bank of Nome River
3/15 615
Four men washing up at the side of a river, probably the Nome River
3/15 616
Sailing vessel, possibly on the Nome River
3/15 617
Six men standing around table in front of tent at Sparkle Gulch
3/15 618
Man washing clothes in creek or river, Seward Peninsula
3/15 619
Man washing a piece of clothing with soap in creek or river, Seward Peninsula
3/15 620
Man with beard and oilskin coat, probably A.C. Warner at Sparkle Gulch
3/15 621
Three men at Sparkle Gulch with mining sluice in background
3/15 622
Man standing in front of tent, Sparkle Gulch
3/15 623
Six men, one with ax, standing in front of tent at Sparkle Gulch
3/15 624
Two canoes with men and supplies unloaded on shore of creek or river, Seward Peninsula
Mining, general
Box/Folder item
3/15 625 between 1897 and 1900?
3/15 626 between 1897 and 1900?
Alaska Natives
Even though many of these photographs are probably taken by A.C. Warner, the correct photographic attribution can not be verified.
Iñupiat and other Alaska Native people
Box/Folder item
3/16 627 between 1898 and 1900?
3/16 628 between 1898 and 1900?
3/16 629 between 1898 and 1900?
3/16 630 between 1898 and 1900?
3/16 631 between 1898 and 1900?
3/16 632 between 1898 and 1900?
3/16 633
Iñupiat woman named Nowadluk Nora Ootenna in fur parka with patchwork and fur trim
Nowadluk Nora Ootenna (1883/85-1918) [Norwadluk; Nowadlook; Nawadlook; Nawadluk; Noadkuk; Noadoadlok; Newarluk] was born in Kingegan about 1883-1885 to Eungnuk (1841-1918) (Eungknook, Enuquenuh) and Weakaseuk (1834-1918) (Weokrseok). Her known siblings were Ongualuk (Stella Adlooat Kaingnizinia) (1888-1941) and James Keok (1879/1880-1918). Nowadluk “Nora” and her cousin Nowadluk “Alice” attended school and worked for the educators Ellen and W. T. Lopp. Ellen Lopp gave the cousins the names Nora and Alice, because they shared the same Inupiaq name. In August 1900, in a double wedding with her cousin, Nowadluk married George Ootenna (1878-1971) a successful reindeer herder. They did not have children, however, sometime after 1910 they adopted a daughter Isabel. Nowadluk was an active member of the church, taught Sunday school, and was the subject of several Christian missionary articles about her exemplary home. Nowadluk was also a popular subject of the Nome commercial photographers, marketing her as an “Eskimo Belle” wearing her atigi (fancy fur parka). Nowadluk died in the 1918 pandemic in Kingegan, along with her parents, her brother James Keok, four of his children, her brother-in-law Adlooat and his baby. References: Smith, Kathleen Lopp and Smith, Verbeck, Ice Window, Letters from a Bering Strait Village: 1892-1902, Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 2001.; The American Missionary, vol. 68, 1914, An Arctic Journey to Dedicate Thornton Memorial Church, by Rev. Philip E. Bauer, of Nome, Alaska, p. 477.; Nagozruk's Report of Deaths and Living, U.S. Public School, Wales, Alaska, November 1918, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1908-1934, Record Group 75, M2150, pages 1220-1229, National Archives, Identifier number 231817243. Submitted by Deborah Tear Haynes, 3/2022.
between 1898 and 1900?
3/16 634 between 1898 and 1900?
3/16 635 between 1898 and 1900?
3/17 636 between 1898 and 1900?
3/17 637 between 1898 and 1900?
3/17 638 between 1898 and 1900?
3/17 639 between 1898 and 1900?
3/17 640 between 1898 and 1900?
3/17 641 between 1898 and 1900?
3/17 642 between 1898 and 1900?
3/17 643 between 1898 and 1900?
Dwellings and transportation
Box/Folder item
3/18 644 between 1898 and 1900?
3/18 645a-b
Group of Alaska Native people seated under upturned boat, Cape Nome
Item 645b is a cropped version of item 645a.
between 1898 and 1900?
3/18 646 between 1898 and 1900?
3/18 647
Reindeer hitched to sleds with Iñupiat guides
between 1898 and 1900?
3/18 648 between 1898 and 1900?
3/18 649-650 1900
3/18 651 between 1898 and 1900?
Hunting and fishing
Box/Folder item
3/19 652 between 1898 and 1900?
3/19 653 between 1898 and 1900?
3/19 654 between 1898 and 1900?
3/19 655 between 1898 and 1900?
3/19 656 between 1898 and 1900?
3/19 657 between 1898 and 1900?
3/19 658 between 1898 and 1900?
3/19 659 between 1898 and 1900?
3/19 660
Alaska Native seated next to display of animal skulls
between 1898 and 1900?
3/19 661
Alaska Native and white man standing in front of rack with possibly fish drying showing sled and house in background
between 1898 and 1900?
Ukivok, King Island
Box/Folder item
3/20 662 between 1898 and 1900?
3/20 663 between 1898 and 1900?
3/20 664 between 1898 and 1900?
3/20 665
Iñupiat cliff dwellings showing piled stone shelter, probably in the stilt village of Ukivok on King Island
between 1898 and 1900?
3/20 666 between 1898 and 1900?
3/20 667 between 1898 and 1900?
Aleuts and Siberian Natives
Box/Folder item
3/20 668 between 1898 and 1900?
3/20 669 between 1898 and 1900?
3/20 670 between 1899 and 1900?
Box/Folder item
3/21 671 between 1900 and 1910?
3/21 672 between 1898 and 1900?
3/21 673 between 1898 and 1900?
3/21 674 between 1898 and 1900?
3/21 675 between 1898 and 1900?
3/21 676 between 1898 and 1900?
Box/Folder item
3/21 677 between 1904 and 1910?
3/21 678
Craigdarroch Castle, Victoria, British Columbia
Craigdarroch Castle, a historic Victorian-era mansion, was built in the 1890s by coal baron Robert Dunsmuir, the richest man in nineteenth century British Columbia. Rising 87 stairs up through the 4 -1/2 stories, the Castle was designed by Portland architect Warren H. Williams, who died only four months after construction began on the Castle. Built in the Romanesque/Chateauesque style popular among the very rich as an architectural style suitable to one's fortune, it was successfully completed by his associate, Arthur L. Smith in 1890.
between 1895 and 1900?
3/21 679
Empress Hotel and Inner Harbor, Victoria, British Columbia
The Châteauesque-styled hotel was built by Francis Mawson Rattenbury for the Canadian Pacific Railway company and opened on January 20, 1908.
Box/Folder item
3/21 679a
Three Sisters mountains viewed from Lava Lake
between 1885 and 1900?
3/21 679b
Lace Falls
between 1885 and 1900?
3/21 679c
Mountain peaks seen from forested area (Warner 505)
between 1885 and 1900?
3/21 679d
Two men on Diamond Peak Glacier in the Cascade Range
Published by Catterlin & Lussier.
August 26, 1889
3/21 679e
Shoreline of Waldo Lake, Lane County
Possibly made by A.C. Warner. Published by Catterlin & Lussier.
Expositions - Chicago and St. Louis
World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, Illinois, 1893
The World's Columbian Exposition, also known as the Chicago World's Fair, was a world's fair held in Chicago in 1893 to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus' arrival in the New World in 1492. It was located on 686 acres along the city’s south lakefront area. Part of this location is now Jackson Park in Chicago. The chief planner was the Chicago architect Daniel H. Burnham with Charles B. Atwood as designer in chief and Frederick Law Olmsted entrusted with landscaping. Opening on May 1, 1893, more than 150,000 people passed through the grounds each day during its six-month run, making it larger than all of the U.S. world’s fairs that preceded it.
Box/Folder item
3/22 680
Agricultural Building
3/22 681
Fisheries Building
3/22 682
German Building
3/22 683
Great Britain Pavilion
3/22 684
Horticultural Building
3/22 685
Machinery Hall
3/22 686-687
Manufacturers Building
Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Saint Louis, Missouri, 1904
The Louisiana Purchase Exposition, also known as the St. Louis World's Fair, was held from April 30 to December 1, 1904 to celebrate the centennial of the 1803 Louisiana Purchase. It was the last great international exposition before World War I and unveiled displays of every important technological advance. The site was designed by city planner and landscape architect George Kessler and was located at the present-day grounds of Forest Park and on the campus of Washington University. More than 60 countries and 43 of the then-45 American states maintained exhibition spaces at the fair.
Box/Folder item
3/23 688
German State Pavilion
3/23 689
Entrance to the Palace of Manufactures
3/23 690
Entrance to the Palace of Mines and Metallurgy flanked by two Egyptian obelisks
3/23 691
Looking southeast toward the Sunken Gardens and the main entrance to the Government Building
3/23 692
View down the Sunken Gardens with Palace of Mines and Metallurgy on the left
3/23 693
Washington State Building
Box/Folder item
3/24 694 between 1900 and 1911?
3/24 695
Man standing in boat named Bern
between 1900 and 1920?
3/24 696 between 1890 and 1892?
3/24 697
Steamer City of Seattle showing passengers seated and standing on the lower deck and upper deck near the pilothouse
Built by Capt. Anderson in Philadelphia, the City of Seattle was brought to the Pacific Northwest in 1890 for the Puget Sound and Alaska Steamship Co.
between 1890 and 1900?
3/24 698
Steamer City of Topeka sunk next to the Pacific Coast Co. Pier A, foot of Washington St., side view
The steamer City of Topeka sunk along side her dock on September 11, 1906.
3/24 699 1906
3/24 700 1899?
3/24 701
Steamboat, probably the Edith R. at Lyndon, tied up on the Nooksack River
Owned by Capt. Simon P. Randolph.
May 17, 1888
3/24 702
Side wheel steamboat Eliza Anderson wrecked at Dutch Harbor, Unalaska Island, Alaska
3/24 703
Steamer Hyak under way with passengers at railing
Wooden-hulled steamship that operated on Puget Sound from 1909 to 1941.
between 1909 and 1915?
3/25 704
Side wheel steamboat Kirkland on Lake Washington
Kirkland was a Side wheel steamboat that ran on Lake Washington from 1888 to 1898.
between 1888 to 1898
3/25 705 between 1901 and 1904?
3/25 706
Steamer Minnesota in Elliott Bay surrounded by small craft, Seattle
Built for the Great Northern Railway Company, the Minnesota was launched in 1903 and carried passengers and freight between Seattle and various Asian ports. It's maiden voyage was on January 23, 1905, from Smith Cove, Elliott Bay. It was scrapped in 1923.
between 1905 and 1923?
3/25 707
Steamer Minnesota in Elliott Bay, Seattle
between 1905 and 1923?
3/25 708
USS New York docked at Seattle waterfront
Launched 1912, she was decommissioned 1946.
between 1912 and 1914?
3/25 709 December 25, 1890
3/25 710
Canadian Pacific Railway's passenger steamer Princess Victoria
Steamship Princess Victoria was a luxury passenger ship built in 1902 and operated by the Canadian Pacific Railway. Subsequently converted into a bulk oil carrier under the name Tahsis No. 3, the ship struck a rock and sank on March 10, 1953.
between 1902 and 1940?
3/25 711
Canadian Pacific Railway's passenger steamer Princess Victoria, side view
Written on photo: LH251A. C. Warner worked for the Lowman and Hanford Stationery and Printing Company from about 1903 to 1910.
between 1903 and 1910
3/25 712
Steamer, possibly the Queen, carrying troops back from the Philippines
3/25 713
Lightship USS Relief
The Relief was built in 1904 as a light vessel for the United States Lighthouse Service. She was decommissioned in 1960.
between 1904 and 1910?
3/25 714
Side-wheel steamer Sehome docked next to a sinking ship, probably at Seattle
Side-wheel steamer Sehome was rebuilt from the Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company's river steamboat Mountain Queen in 1897 at The Dalles, Oregon. She replaced the Bay City on the Tacoma-Whatcom route in 1900 after she was laid up in Tacoma for several years. She was eventually transferred to California in 1908.
between 1900 and 1908?
3/26 715
Steamboat Urania, possibly on Lake Washington, Seattle
Urania was built at the Lake Washington Mill Company shipyard, south of Leschi Park on Lake Washington. She was launched on May 11, 1907 and operated both on Lake Washington and Puget Sound. In 1913, Urania was reconstructed to allow four automobiles to be carried sideways across her foredeck.
between 1907 and 1913
3/26 716
Passenger steamer Venus, possibly ready to dock at Seattle
Built 1907 at Friday Harbor, she ran on various Puget Sound routes including Seattle-Olympia. She was renamed the Chinook and destroyed by fire in 1915.
between 1907 and 1915
3/26 717
SS Victoria sailing along unidentified coastline
between 1900 and 1940?
3/26 718
On deck of the steamer, possibly the Washington (Armored Cruiser No. 11)
between 1903 and 1916
3/26 719
Visitors and probably U.S. Navy sailors aboard upper deck of ship
between 1895 and 1905?
3/26 720 between 1890 and 1910?
Box/Folder item
3/26 721
Museum interior with mineral exhibit
between 1920 and 1940?
3/26 722
Workshop interior with tools
August 24, 1942
Warner and Davis
In circa 1888 A. C. Warner formed a short-lived partnership with photographer Walter Davis working jointly to make and sell some fairly conventional views of Seattle. Davis maintained a studio in Seattle on the southeast corner of Second Ave. and Blanchard St.
Box/Folder item
4/1 723
Side wheel steamer Olympian and steamer Emma Hayward at the Oregon Improvement Co.'s City Dock with ocean steamer Mexico in the background
The wharf shown is probably the Oregon Improvement Company's City Dock, between Washington and Main streets, which was constructed in 1881. In 1889, the City and Ocean docks were destroyed in the Great Fire.
4/1 724
Side wheel steamer Ancon in Elliott Bay (Warner and Davis 550)
Ancon, owned by the Pacific Coast Steamship Company (1875–1889), was an ocean-going wooden Side wheel steamship built in San Francisco in 1867. She was wrecked near the Loring Cannery at Loring, Alaska, August 28, 1889.
4/1 725
Side wheel steamer Alaskan at the Columbia and Puget Sound Railroad Co. City Dock, between Washington and Main streets
The steamship Alaskan operated from 1884 to 1889 on the Columbia River and Puget Sound. She was ordered built by Henry Villard who owned the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company for service on the Columbia River. She was later transferred to Puget Sound where she ran from Tacoma, Seattle, and Port Townsend to Victoria and back. She served on this route until 1889 when she foundered May 12th off of Cape Blanco, Oregon.
4/1 726 1888?
4/1 727 1888?
4/1 728 1888?
4/1 729 1888?
4/1 730 1888?
Warner and Randolph
After Warner married Edith Randolph in 1890, the daughter of the well-to-do Captain Simon Peter Randolph, he formed a business partnership with his father-in-law. Simon Peter Randolph (1835 – 1909) arrived in Seattle in 1868 and was active in boating on the Duwamish, Skagit, Snohomish, Black Rivers and Lake Washington. He was responsible for dredging much of the lower White River and cleared the Black River between its outlet and the Duwamish River. He was also engaged in transporting coal for the Lake Washington Coal Company on barges from Lake Washington by way of Black River. He retired from active business in 1889. The partnership of Warner and Randolph published views of Seattle and also scenes from around Puget Sound. Seattle city directories show Warner and Randolph owning a photography studio at the 71 Hinckley Block between 1891 and 1892. Randolph may also have provided the capital which allowed A. C. Warner to photograph in Alaska from about 1897 to 1900.
Box/Folder item
4/2 731
Tent and log structure near Scott Lake, Oregon (Warner and Randolph 108)
between 1891 and 1892?
4/2 731a between 1891 and 1892?
4/2 732 between 1891 and 1892?
4/2 733 between 1891 and 1892?
4/2 734 between 1891 and 1892?
4/2 734a-734b August 3, 1889
4/3 734c
Odell Lake, Klamath County, Oregon (Warner and Randolph 124)
between 1889 and 1892?
4/3 734d 1889?
4/3 735
Cypress tree, Wasp Island, San Juan County (Warner and Randolph 128)
between 1891 and 1892?
4/3 735a between 1891 and 1892?
4/3 736 1890
4/3 737 1887
4/3 738 1890
4/3 739 1890
4/4 740 between 1890 and 1892?
4/4 741 1890?
4/4 742 between 1891 and 1892?
4/4 743 between 1890 and 1892?
4/4 744 between 1891 and 1892?
4/4 745 between 1890 and 1892?
4/5 746 between 1890 and 1892?
4/5 747
Looking south on 3rd Ave. from Madison St. showing the Third Avenue Theatre, First Presbyterian Church and the First Methodist Church (Warner and Randolph 526)
4/5 748 1890?
4/5 749 between 1890 and 1892?
4/5 750 1891?
4/6 751 between 1890 and 1892?
4/6 752 between 1890 and 1892?
4/6 753 1891?
4/6 754 between 1891 and 1892?
4/6 755 between 1890 and 1892?
4/7 756 between 1891 and 1892?
4/7 757 February 1891?
4/7 758 between 1890 and 1892?
4/7 759 between 1890 and 1892?
4/7 760 between 1891 and 1892?
4/8 761 between 1891 and 1892?
4/8 762 between 1890 and 1892?
4/8 763 between 1890 and 1892?
4/8 764 between 1890 and 1892?
4/8 765 between 1890 and 1892?
4/9 766
Looking east across Lake Union at the Western Mill Company (Warner and Randolph 550)
between 1890 and 1892?
4/9 767 between 1891 and 1892?
4/9 768 between 1890 and 1892?
4/9 769 between 1890 and 1892?
4/9 770 between 1891 and 1892?
4/10 771 between 1891 and 1892?
4/10 772 between 1890 and 1892?
4/10 773 between 1890 and 1892?
4/10 774 between 1890 and 1892?
4/10 775 between 1890 and 1892?
4/11 776 between 1890 and 1892?
4/11 777 between 1890 and 1892?
4/11 778
Snoqualmie Fall seen from the base of the falls (Warner and Randolph 601)
between 1890 and 1892?
4/11 779 between 1890 and 1892?
4/11 780a December 1, 1891
4/11 780b
Woodland Park shelters after a snowfall, Phinney Ridge neighborhood (Warner and Randolph 617)
Item 780b is a larger version of item 780a.
December 1, 1891
4/11 781 between 1890 and 1892?
4/12 782 between 1890 and 1892?
4/12 783
Room interior showing bookshelf with clock, books and cat on upper shelf
between 1890 and 1892?
4/12 784 between 1890 and 1892?
4/12 784a-b
Camp Edith, Waldo Lake, Oregon
between 1890 and 1892?
4/12 784c
Odell Lake, Klamath County, Oregon
between 1890 and 1892?
Warner family
Arthur Churchill Warner (1864–1943)
Box/Folder item
4/13 785
Arthur Churchill Warner seated studio portrait
4/13 786 between 1890 and 1905?
4/13 787
Arthur Churchill Warner studio portrait, side view
between 1890 and 1905?
4/13 788 1890
4/13 789 May 1890
4/13 790
Man, possibly A.C. Warner, with his son's, William, push cart
between 1905 and 1907?
4/13 791
Arthur Churchill Warner portrait in old age
December 12, 1936
Edith Randolph Warner (1871–1951)
Box/Folder item
4/14 792 between 1878 and 1881?
4/14 793
Edith Randolph Warner studio portrait with pearl necklace and corsage
4/14 794
Edith Randolph Warner posed leaning up against a tree
4/14 795 1890
4/15 796
Edith Randolph Warner and her sister-in-law Grace looking at a photograph album inside the Warner home in Seattle at 18th Ave. and Yesler Way
May 23, 1893
4/15 797
Edith Randolph Warner and Francis Gage having tea inside the Warner home in Seattle at 18th Ave. and Yesler Way
4/15 798
Woman, probably Edith Randolph Warner, seated on couch playing a guitar
4/15 799
Edith Randolph Warner studio portrait
October 23,1897
4/15 800
Edith Randolph Warner and her daughters Alice and Edith Ruth posed against a large rock in a landscape setting
April 1904
4/15 801
Edith Randolph Warner and her children Alice, Ruth and William standing near the trunk of a large tree
Alice Warner (1895-1990)
Box/Folder item
5/1 802
Alice Warner with daisies, studio portrait
June 1897
5/1 803
Alice Warner inside seated in chair with her dolls
5/1 804
Alice Warner at age 2 in slight profile in lace frock, studio portrait
March 28, 1898
5/1 805
Alice Warner in lace frock at age 2 smiling looking at camera, studio portrait
March 28, 1898
5/1 806
Postcard featuring Alice sitting with other girl and two women
5/1 807
Alice Warner with bow in hair, studio portrait
5/1 808
Alice and Ruth studio portrait with daisies and dolls
between 1901 and 1903?
5/2 809
Alice seated on front steps with her dolls
between 1901 and 1903?
5/2 810
Alice and other girl in white dresses posed in front of house
between 1901 and 1903?
5/2 811
Alice wearing hat in front of house, with steps and railing visible in background
between 1904 and 1909?
5/2 812a-b
Studio photograph of Alice Warner standing next to Gladys Gay holding props
Item 812b is hand tinted.
between 1904 and 1909?
5/3 813
Oval-shaped portrait of Alice, wearing bow on top of her head
between 1904 and 1909?
5/2 814
Portrait of Alice with leaves and side of building in background
between 1904 and 1909?
5/2 815
Closeup of Alice with friend,
between 1904 and 1909?
5/2 816
Alice standing on rock in the water
between 1904 and 1909?
5/2 817
Alice sitting on steps of building, with Warner family dog behind her
between 1904 and 1909?
5/2 818
Alice sitting on grass, facing away from camera
between 1904 and 1909?
5/2 819
Alice standing in yard facing away from tree, with house across the street visible in background
between 1904 and 1909?
Edith Ruth Warner (1898-1925)
Box/Folder item
5/3 820
Ruth Warner seated in a wagon
between 1898 and 1899?
5/3 821
Ruth Warner with Walter Robinson's red dress on, Green Lake
5/3 822
Ruth Warner, studio portrait, with white bow
between 1902 and 1905?
5/3 823
Ruth Warner with white bow, oval studio portrait
between 1902 and 1905?
5/3 824
Ruth Warner standing up against the side of a house holding her doll
between 1903 and 1905?
5/3 825
Ruth Warner standing with clasped hands up against the side of the family residence at 1031 Belmont Place
between 1903 and 1905?
5/3 826-828 between 1903 and 1906?
5/4 829
Ruth Warner sitting outside on the grass, surrounded by other children in chairs
between 1903 and 1905?
5/4 830
Ruth Warner seated with other children probably at a beach
between 1903 and 1905?
5/4 831
Ruth seated outside in chair holding her doll
between 1906 and 1908?
5/4 832
Ruth seated in rocking chair outside holding her doll
between 1906 and 1908?
5/4 833
Ruth outside petting the Warner family dog
between 1906 and 1908?
5/4 834
Ruth seated with a book outside against a house with her dog resting at her feet
between 1906 and 1908?
5/4 835a-b
Ruth in dress seated with a book outside against a house with her dog resting at her feet
Item 835b is a tinted version of item 835a.
between 1906 and 1908?
5/4 836
Ruth Warner with Elizabeth Brothers and Edna Hicks standing behind some rose bushes near the Warner residence at Belmont Place
between 1906 and 1911?
5/4 837
Closeup of Ruth seated in a chair near the side of a house
between 1906 and 1911?
William Randolph Warner (1904-1959)
Box/Folder item
5/5 838
William as a baby with the family dog on his lap
5/5 839
Edith and William in front of house
between 1906 and 1907?
5/5 840
William sitting in chair holding stuffed animal
between 1906 and 1907?
5/5 841
William in boots smiling at camera
between 1906 and 1907?
5/5 842
William in boots looking away from camera
between 1906 and 1907?
5/5 843
William in white outfit bending down towards the family dog
between 1906 and 1907?
5/5 844
William in white outfit and hat smiling at camera
between 1906 and 1907?
5/5 845
William standing next to bush with utility pole in background
between 1906 and 1907?
5/5 846
William standing in water at the edge of a lake
between 1906 and 1907?
5/6 847
William seated in chair outdoors, with Warner family dog on his right at the Warner residence, 1031 Belmont Place
between 1907 and 1908?
5/6 848
William seated on stone wall at the Warner residence, 1031 Belmont Place
between 1907 and 1908?
5/6 849
William in wide-brimmed hat and large coat
between 1907 and 1908?
5/6 850
William sitting with two other children outside at the Warner residence, 1031 Belmont Place
between 1907 and 1908?
5/6 851
William standing behind two children sitting outside at the Warner residence, 1031 Belmont Place
between 1907 and 1908?
5/6 852
William standing at rear of push cart with two other children
between 1907 and 1908?
5/6 853
William sitting at rear of push cart with two other children
between 1907 and 1908?
5/6 854
William at rear of push cart with girl sitting at front
between 1907 and 1908?
5/6 855
William and girl sitting on push cart
between 1907 and 1908?
5/6 856
William sitting on push cart with girl looking away from camera
between 1907 and 1908?
5/6 857
William seated on push cart with other boy behind
between 1907 and 1908?
5/6 858
William seated on push cart with other child
5/7 859
William with wheel barrow
between 1907 and 1908?
5/7 860
William seated in chair outdoors, with Warner family dog on his left at the Warner residence, 1031 Belmont Place
between 1907 and 1908?
5/7 861
William standing next to dog on push cart
between 1907 and 1908?
5/7 862
William wearing hat, seated on push cart at the Warner residence, 1031 Belmont Place
between 1907 and 1908?
5/7 863
William in black hat and long coat on snow covered road, looking towards camera
between 1909 and 1911?
5/7 864
William in black hat and long coat on snow covered road, looking away from camera
between 1909 and 1911?
5/7 865
William in wide-brimmed hat and shorts in formal garden
between 1909 and 1911?
5/7 866
William wearing hat and bow tie
between 1910 and 1912?
5/7 867
Boy, possibly William Warner, seated on rocky overlook with views toward the water, possibly vicinity of Victoria, British Columbia
between 1910 and 1912?
5/7 868
Boy, possibly William Warner, with fish catch beside him on dock, fishing, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
between 1910 and 1912?
Warner children
Box/Folder item
5/8 869-870
Warner daughters sitting with another girl in tall grass
between 1901 and 1902?
5/8 871-872
Warner daughters with umbrella standing in tall grass with another girl holding bucket
between 1901 and 1902?
5/8 873
Alice, Ruth and Shirley Gutbridge at Leschi Park
5/8 874
Warner daughters walking on path at Madrona Park, rear view
5/8 875
Warner daughter on hillside overlooking lake, rear view
5/8 876
Ruth and Alice, with William seated in carriage at the Warner residence, 1031 Belmont Place
5/9 877a-b
Warner daughters on porch steps with William in stroller at the Warner residence, 1031 Belmont Place
Item 877b is a cropped version of item 877a.
5/9 878
Warner children seated for a meal outside around table
5/9 879
Warner children walking away from camera on rocky path or beach
between 1905 and 1906?
5/9 880
William on rocking horse and Ruth with other girl
between 1906 and 1907?
5/9 881
Warner children playing in the yard with their dog
between 1906 and 1907?
5/9 882
Warner children with family dog seated against a stone wall at the Warner residence, 1031 Belmont Place
between 1906 and 1907?
5/9 883
Ruth and William seated on a stone wall at the Warner residence, 1031 Belmont Place
between 1906 and 1907?
5/9 884
Warner children seated on the porch of their house with famiy dog at 1031 Belmont Place
between 1906 and 1907?
5/10 885-888
Warner children and friend playing outside with dolls
between 1907 and 1908
5/10 889
Postcard of Warner children surrounding cannon
between 1907 and 1908?
5/10 890-893
Warner children playing on raft at the edge of Lake Washingon
between 1907 and 1908?
5/11 894-895
Warner children playing at the edge of probably Lake Washington
between 1907 and 1908?
5/11 896
Alice walking barefoot by edge of water
between 1907 and 1908?
5/11 897
William and one of the Warner daughters playing at the shore of probably Lake Washington
between 1907 and 1908?
5/11 898
Alice, William and Ruth seated around large tree on the shore of probably Lake Washington
between 1907 and 1908?
5/11 899-900
Warner children seated and standing near lake shore
between 1907 and 1909?
5/11 901-902
Warner children playing possibly in the mineral springs at Longmire
between 1906 and 1911?
5/12 903
Alice playing in mineral springs, Longmire Springs
between 1906 and 1911?
5/12 904
Ruth playing in mineral spring, Longmire Springs,
between 1906 and 1911?
5/12 905
Ruth and William holding snowballs on patch of snow, possibly near Mt. Rainier
between 1906 and 1911?
5/12 906
Alice, Ruth, William and the family dog posed outside of the Warner residence, 1031 Belmont Place
between 1907 and 1910?
5/12 907
Alice and Ruth with book posed outside at the Warner residence, 1031 Belmont Place
between 1907 and 1910?
5/12 908
Alice, Ruth, William and the family dog portrait in front of house at the Warner residence, 1031 Belmont Place
between 1909 and 1911?
5/12 909
William standing and probaby Ruth sitting at a wooden table outside
between 1910 and 1912?
5/12 910
Alice, Ruth and William lined up by height outside of the Warner residence, 1031 Belmont Place
between 1909 and 1911?
5/12 911-912
Warner children with coats and luggage
Warner family visit to the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition
Box/Folder item
5/13 913
William standing next to spherical mirror “(a gazing ball) placed in the gardens in Rainier Vista
5/13 914
Edith standing with William seated on stone wall next to a floral decorative urn
5/13 915
William riding on top of a sculpture of a lion
5/13 916
Ruth standing next to sculpture of a lion
5/13 917
Ruth standing next to decorative urn with the Oriental Building in background
5/13 918
Crowds at the Court of Honor with Ruth Warner in foreground
Warner and Randolph family residences and businesses
Warner residence on 18th Ave. near Yesler Way
Box/Folder item
5/14 919 1900
5/14 920
Interior of residence showing parlor with fireplace
5/14 921
Interior parlor showing Edith's guitar
February 15, 1893
5/14 922 between 1905 and 1910?
Warner residence at Kirkwood Ave. and Kenilworth Ave., Green Lake neighborhood
Box/Folder item
5/15 923
Residence showing dirt road running next to property
between 1900 and 1902?
5/15 924-925 between 1900 and 1902?
5/15 926
Residence with child, probably one of the Warner daughters sitting in the grass
between 1900 and 1902?
5/15 927 between 1900 and 1902?
5/15 928 between 1900 and 1902?
5/15 929 between 1900 and 1902?
5/15 930 between 1900 and 1902?
Warner residence, 1031 Belmont Place, Capitol Hill neighborhood
Box/Folder item
5/16 931 between 1904 and 1907?
5/16 932 between 1904 and 1907?
5/16 933 between 1904 and 1907?
5/16 934
Warner residence, with Ruth and Alice standing on wooden sidewalk in front
between 1902 and 1904?
5/16 935 between 1902 and 1904?
5/16 936 between 1902 and 1904?
5/16 937
Warner residence interior with piano
between 1902 and 1906?
5/16 938
Warner residence interior showing front parlor with fox skin on floor
between 1902 and 1906?
Warner business and Randolph residences
Box/Folder item
5/17 939-940
Soda fountain and confectionary interior, possibly owned by Arthur Churchill Warner
In 1910 A.C. Warner opened Warner's Confectionary on 2nd Ave. at the entrance to the Seattle Hotel. He closed it in 1915.
between 1910 and 1915
5/17 941
A.C. Warner's father-in-law's, Capt. Simon Peter Randolph, family house, 4th Ave. and Cherry St.
Simon Peter Randolph lived here until the early 1880s when he moved to 1016 Columbia St. Also shows the First Baptist Church on the right. The wooden church was built on the east side of Fourth Ave. in about 1872 and used until the late 1890s.
between 1890 and 1900?
5/17 942
Capt. Simon Peter Randolph's family house at 1016 Columbia St.
Simon Peter Randolph lived at 1016 Columbia St. at least from 1882 to 1908.
between 1900 and 1908?
5/17 943
Capt. Simon Peter Randolph's property at Columbia St. and Boren Ave.
5/17 944 between 1900 and 1910?
5/17 945
Lucien Warner, father of A.C. Warner, house interior showing piano and stove, 21 Aurora Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota
between 1885 and 1900?
Warner family Christmas
Box/Folder item
5/18 946
Christmas tree in corner of Warner family parlor with doll, books and small chair
5/18 947
Dolls and toy baby strollers, books and parasol beneath decorated Christmas tree
5/18 948-949 1904?
5/18 950 1906?
5/18 951-952
Parlor decorated for Christmas with presents including dolls, books, musical instrument and toy ship under tree
One of the books under the tree is titled Buster Brown on Uncle Jack's farm : and other stories and was published around 1907.
5/18 953 1909?
5/18 954 1910?
Warner relatives, friends and pets
Box/Folder item
5/19 955a-b
Captain Simon P. Randolph on Lake Union in the steamboat Maud
Item 955b is annotated with an attached paper note: The steamer "Maud" owned by Mr. P.B. Randolph. Used for dredging in 1895 by Randolph and T. Kinkaid. Originally used by father S.P.B. Randolph as a cargo boat on the Skagit River.
between 1890 and 1908?
5/19 956
William with his grandfather Lucien Warner seated in chair at the Warner residence, 1031 Belmont Place
between 1905 and 1906?
5/19 957-958
Walter Robinson, probably a relative of the Warners, on pony at Minnehaha Park near Spokane
between 1895 and 1905?
5/19 959-960
Two girls, possibly friends of the Warner family, weaving on a small tabletop loom in classroom
between 1905 and 1910?
5/19 961
A.C. Warner's pony named "Billy"
between 1890 and 1900?
5/19 962-965
Warner family dog
between 1902 and 1910?
Warner automobiles
Box/Folder item
5/20 966
Man, probably A. C. Warner standing in front of his automobile
between 1925 and 1930?
5/20 967
Woman, probably Edith Warner, standing next to the Warner's automobile at a beach
between 1925 and 1930?
5/20 968
A. C. Warner's automobile parked next to statue
between 1925 and 1930?
5/20 969
Automobile, possible A.C. Warners, parked on residential street
between 1930 and 1935?
5/20 970
Automobile, possible A. C. Warners, parked on residential street in the snow
between 1930 and 1935?
5/20 971-974
Back, front and side views of automobile, probably belonging to A. C. Warner
between 1935 and 1940?

Series 2:  Photographs collected by A. C. WarnerReturn to Top

The following items are photographs that were collected or copied by A. C. Warner.

Container(s) Description Dates
Known Photographers
Box/Folder item
5/21 A1
Downtown Tacoma with Mount Rainier in background
Marvin D. Boland, Tacoma, Wa (photographer)
between 1915 and 1940?
5/21 A2
Lake Cushman with the Olympic Mountains in background
George H. Braas, Seattle, Wa (photographer)
between 1897 and 1906?
5/21 A3
Sara and Henry Yesler’s home in Pioneer Square
E. A. Clarke, Seattle, Wa (photographer)
5/21 A4 1916
5/21 A5
Iñupiat woman named Nowadluk Nora Ootenna wearing full length fur parka with pieced checkerwork hem, Nome
B. B. Dobbs, Nome, Alaska (photographer)
Nowadluk Nora Ootenna (1883/85-1918) [Norwadluk; Nowadlook; Nawadlook; Nawadluk; Noadkuk; Noadoadlok; Newarluk] was born in Kingegan about 1883-1885 to Eungnuk (1841-1918) (Eungknook, Enuquenuh) and Weakaseuk (1834-1918) (Weokrseok). Her known siblings were Ongualuk (Stella Adlooat Kaingnizinia) (1888-1941) and James Keok (1879/1880-1918). Nowadluk “Nora” and her cousin Nowadluk “Alice” attended school and worked for the educators Ellen and W. T. Lopp. Ellen Lopp gave the cousins the names Nora and Alice, because they shared the same Inupiaq name. In August 1900, in a double wedding with her cousin, Nowadluk married George Ootenna (1878-1971) a successful reindeer herder. They did not have children, however, sometime after 1910 they adopted a daughter Isabel. Nowadluk was an active member of the church, taught Sunday school, and was the subject of several Christian missionary articles about her exemplary home. Nowadluk was also a popular subject of the Nome commercial photographers, marketing her as an “Eskimo Belle” wearing her atigi (fancy fur parka). Nowadluk died in the 1918 pandemic in Kingegan, along with her parents, her brother James Keok, four of his children, her brother-in-law Adlooat and his baby. References: Smith, Kathleen Lopp and Smith, Verbeck, Ice Window, Letters from a Bering Strait Village: 1892-1902, Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 2001.; The American Missionary, vol. 68, 1914, An Arctic Journey to Dedicate Thornton Memorial Church, by Rev. Philip E. Bauer, of Nome, Alaska, p. 477.; Nagozruk's Report of Deaths and Living, U.S. Public School, Wales, Alaska, November 1918, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1908-1934, Record Group 75, M2150, pages 1220-1229, National Archives, Identifier number 231817243. Submitted by Deborah Tear Haynes, 3/2022.
between 1903 and 1908?
5/21 A6
Street scene in Victoria, B.C. showing electric streetcars
Frederick G. Goodenough, Victoria, B.C (photographer)
between 1917 and 1926?
5/21 A7
Chinese bell and cannons, Beacon Hill Park, Victoria B.C.
Frederick G. Goodenough, Victoria, B.C (photographer)
between 1917 and 1926?
5/21 A8
Automobile on road near Victoria, B.C.
Frederick G. Goodenough, Victoria, B.C (photographer)
between 1917 and 1926?
5/21 A9
Haida bear totem, Klinkwan, Alaska
Benjamin Alfred Haldane, Metlakatla, B.C (photographer)
Benjamin Alfred Haldane was born on June 15, 1874 in the village of Metlakatla, British Columbia. He was a Tsimshian professional photographer who set up a portrait studio in 1899. He actively documented the people of his community from the 1890s to approximately 1910.
between 1899 and 1910?
5/21 A10
Children in front of Haida eagle sculpture, Howkan, Alaska
Benjamin Alfred Haldane, Metlakatla, B.C (photographer)
Benjamin Alfred Haldane was born on June 15, 1874 in the village of Metlakatla, British Columbia. He was a Tsimshian professional photographer who set up a portrait studio in 1899. He actively documented the people of his community from the 1890s to approximately 1910.
between 1899 and 1910?
5/21 A11
Bird's-eye view of Cordova with waterfront and rail line in foreground, Alaska
Eric A. Hegg, Seattle, Wa (photographer)
August 1910
5/22 A12
Haida totem poles and buildings, Kasaan Village, Alaska
Frank La Roche, Seattle, Wa (photographer)
5/22 A13 1890
5/22 A14
Hops farm at Snoqualmie, with Mount Si in the distance
Frank La Roche, Seattle, Wa.? (photographer)
5/22 A15 between 1890 and 1892?
5/22 A16
Women's crew in shell, University of Washington
Frank La Roche, Seattle, Wa.? (photographer)
5/23 A17
Sailing ship Springburn
H. H. Morrison, Vancouver, B.C (photographer)
between 1892 and 1917
5/23 A17a
Plymouth Congregational Church interior
Nowell and Rognon, Seattle, Wa (photographer)
February 12, 1912
5/23 A18 between 1889 and 1890?
5/23 A19
Mount Adams with Sunnyside Canal near Zillah in foreground
Arthur M. Prentiss, Portland, Ore (photographer)
between 1892 and 1910
5/23 A20
Mount St. Helens with Spirit Lake in foregro
Arthur M. Prentiss, Portland, Ore (photographer)
between 1920 and 1932
5/23 A21
Mount Shasta, California
Putnam and Valentine, Los Angeles, Ca (photographer)
between 1898 and 1912?
5/23 A21a between 1901 and 1906?
5/23 A21b
Benjamin S. Downing's dogsled teams preparing to leave Circle City to deliver U.S. mail to Fort Gibbon, Alaska
Lorenzo E. Robertson, Alaska (photographer)
In 1897 Benjamin S. Downing had contracted with the U.S. government to deliver mail in the winter from Dawson 600 miles down the frozen Yukon to the mouth of the Tanana River. He also operated the B.S. Downing Eagle & Dawson Stage Line. He died in 1906.
between 1901 and 1906?
5/23 A22
Seattle bird's-eye view looking southeast toward Mount Rainier
William P. Romans, Seattle, Wa (photographer)
5/23 A23 1891?
5/23 A24
Group of tourists on the rocks at base of Snoqualmie Falls
Webster and Stevens, Seattle, Wa (photographer)
between 1903 and 1910?
5/23 A25
Side wheel steamer George E. Starr
Webster and Stevens, Seattle, Wa (photographer)
between 1890 and 1920?
Unknown Photographers
Early documents and illustrations
Box/Folder item
5/24 A26 1900?
5/24 A27
Map showing early 1850s land claims in Seattle
Photograph of a drawing of land claims superimposed on a map of Seattle.
5/24 A28 1856
5/24 A29
Drawing of Mercer girls with insets titled "The Evening Hymn. The Departure. The Main Saloon. Embarking. On Deck"
Photograph of illustration from Harper's Weekly, January 6, 1866, pp. 8-9.In 1864 and again in 1866, Asa Mercer, Seattle pioneer and first president of the University of Washington, led groups of young women known as the Mercer Girls on journeys from the East Coast to Seattle. In 1864, Mercer recruited and brought 11 women to Seattle and in 1866 he recruited 34 more women for a second trip. These women were asked to come to Seattle to increase the numbers of marriageable women in the young city. They were also needed to fill jobs, mostly as teachers. Most, but not all, of the Mercer Girls did end up marrying and settling in the Puget Sound area.
5/24 A30
Inset close-up of Mercer Girls illustration titled "The Departure"
Photograph of illustration from Harper's Weekly, January 6, 1866, pp. 8-9.In 1864 and again in 1866, Asa Mercer, Seattle pioneer and first president of the University of Washington, led groups of young women known as the Mercer Girls on journeys from the East Coast to Seattle. In 1864, Mercer recruited and brought 11 women to Seattle and in 1866 he recruited 34 more women for a second trip. These women were asked to come to Seattle to increase the numbers of marriageable women in the young city. They were also needed to fill jobs, mostly as teachers. Most, but not all, of the Mercer Girls did end up marrying and settling in the Puget Sound area.
5/24 A31
Inset close-up of Mercer Girls illustration titled "On Deck"
Photograph of illustration from Harper's Weekly, January 6, 1866, pp. 8-9.In 1864 and again in 1866, Asa Mercer, Seattle pioneer and first president of the University of Washington, led groups of young women known as the Mercer Girls on journeys from the East Coast to Seattle. In 1864, Mercer recruited and brought 11 women to Seattle and in 1866 he recruited 34 more women for a second trip. These women were asked to come to Seattle to increase the numbers of marriageable women in the young city. They were also needed to fill jobs, mostly as teachers. Most, but not all, of the Mercer Girls did end up marrying and settling in the Puget Sound area.
Aerials and panoramas
Box/Folder item
5/24 A32 between 1883 and 1888
5/24 A33 between 1911 and 1920?
5/24 A34 between 1920 and 1930?
Box/Folder item
5/25 A35 1875?
5/25 A36 between 1885 and 1890?
5/25 A37 1885?
5/25 A38
Employees posing outside Lowman & Hanford Co. building on 1st Ave. and Cherry St.
5/25 A39
Lowman & Hanford Stationary and Printing Co. storefront after the 1889 Seattle Fire
5/25 A40 between 1888 and 1909
5/25 A41
Looking down James St. from 2nd Ave. after the fire of 1889 showing the James St. streetcar and tents in the distance
5/26 A42 between 1890 and 1908?
5/26 A43
Rainier Hotel at 5th Ave. between Columbia and Marion streets with King County Court House in background
between 1891 and 1910?
5/26 A44 April 9, 1893
5/26 A45 between 1900 and 1910?
5/26 A46
Decorated carriage for event on 1st Ave.
between 1902 and 1903?
5/26 A47
Counterbalance streetcar between 3rd and 5th Avenues to the Washington Hotel
between 1903 and 1906?
5/26 A48
New Washington Hotel
Photograph of architectural rendering.
5/26 A49
Central Building, 3rd Ave. between Columbia St. and Marion St.
Photograph of architectural rendering by architect Charles Ronald Aldrich.
5/26 A50
Postcard of the Vancouver, B.C. welcome arch for the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition spanning Marion St.
5/26 A51
Looking south on 4th Ave. from University St. showing the Metropolitan Theatre
between 1914 and 1916?
Schools and churches
Box/Folder item
5/27 A52
T.T. Minor School exterior, Central District
5/27 A53
Four room, wood Latona School, 4th Ave. N.E. between N.E. 40th and N.E. 41st St.
5/27 A54 between 1897 and 1909?
5/27 A55 1900?
5/27 A56 between 1912 and 1920?
5/27 A57 1889
5/27 A58 1910
5/27 A59 between 1920 and 1940?
5/27 A60
Not used
5/27 A61 between 1931 and 1940?
5/27 A62-A63 probably between 1892 and 1910
Box/Folder item
5/28 A64 between 1885 and 1890?
5/28 A65 between 1890 and 1895?
5/28 A66 between 1889 and 1891?
5/28 A67
Boats drawn up on shore at east side of Duwamish Head, West Seattle
between 1890 and 1910?
5/28 A68 between 1910 and 1930?
5/28 A69 between 1920 and 1940?
5/28 A70 between 1920 and 1940?
5/28 A71 between 1925 and 1935?
5/28 A72 between 1935 and 1940?
University of Washington
Box/Folder item
5/29 A73
Celebration at the Territorial University commemorating the completion of the Northern Pacific Railroad
5/29 A74 1885?
5/29 A75
Territorial University main building showing the west and south sides with a horse drawn wagon in the foreground
between 1880 and 1890?
5/29 A76 July 23, 1892
5/29 A77 1894
5/29 A78 between 1896 and 1904?
5/29 A79
Theodore Roosevelt with University of Washington president Kane and other dignitaries probably preparing to give a speech on the University of Washington campus during his visit to Seattle
April 6, 1911
6/1 A80 1903
6/1 A81 1904
6/2 A82 1906
6/2 A83 June 1, 1907
6/2 A84
Architecture Hall built as the Fine Arts Building for the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition
Built in 1908 as the Fine Arts Building for the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition, the building was used as a chemistry building after the fair and renamed Bagley Hall. It was remodeled in 1937 and was renamed the Physiology Hall. Around 1950 the name was changed again to the Architecture Hall.
6/2 A85
Main entrance to the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition illuminated at night
The exposition was held on the University of Washington campus.
6/2 A86
Students greeting Professor and Mrs. Meany after ceremony celebrating the naming of Meany Hall
On May 1, 1914, Auditorium Hall originally built for the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition was officially renamed at a ceremony held to mark Edmond Meany and his wife's 25th wedding anniversary.
May 1, 1914
6/3 A87
Model of the University of the Washington showing library with tower and the quads
between 1926 and 1935?
6/3 A88 between 1930 and 1943?
6/3 A89 1932?
6/3 A90 between 1935 and 1945?
6/3 A91 1940?
6/3 A92 1940?
6/3 A93 1940?
Box/Folder item
6/4 A94 1885?
6/4 A95 1890?
6/4 A96 between 1890 and 1900?
6/4 A97 1898?
6/4 A98 between 1905 and 1913?
6/4 A99 between 1930 and 1939?
6/4 A100 between 1930 and 1940?
6/4 A101 March 4, 1939
6/4 A102 between 1940 and 1943?
6/4 A103 between 1940 and 1943?
6/4 A104 between 1940 and 1943?
Localities (B-L)
Box/Folder item
6/5 A105
Old Fort Bellingham built 1855-56
between 1890 and 1910?
6/5 A106
Aerial view of the Bonneville Dam
between 1938 and 1943?
6/5 A107-A108
Aerial view of the Grand Coulee Dam under construction
between 1940 and 1942?
6/5 A109
Shed and various small buildings next to the Great Northern Railway tracks, Index
between 1893 and 1920?
6/5 A110
Ferry Elfin at the dock in Kirkland
Shows the Ferry Elfin (built in 1891) that ran on Lake Washington between Madison, Kirkland, Houghton and Yarrow.
6/5 A111
Lake Cresent seen through trees
between 1921 and 1930?
Localities (M-O)
Box/Folder item
6/6 A112
South side of Mount Rainier with cabins in foreground
between 1900 and 1920?
6/6 A113
South slope of Mount Rainier with windswept pine in foreground
between 1921 and 1930?
6/6 A114
South side of Mount Rainier seen through trees
between 1921 and 1930?
6/6 A115 between 1921 and 1930?
6/6 A116 between 1900 and 1930?
6/6 A117
Waterfall, possibly Narada Falls, vicinity of Mount Rainier
between 1900 and 1930?
6/6 A118
Mount Rainier viewed from unidentified lake
between 1900 and 1930?
6/6 A119
Roadway with automobiles, vicinity of Mount Rainier
between 1910 and 1920?
6/6 A120
Hiking party, possibly at Mount Rainier National Park
between 1900 and 1915?
6/7 A121
New Year's card from the Klenze Co. featuring Seattle's playground, south side of Mount Rainier
between 1910 and 1930?
6/7 A122
Card from William to his sister, Ruth Warner featuring Mirror Lake and Mount Rainier
6/7 A123
Card from William to his sister, Ruth Warner featuring weathered trees and Mount Rainier
6/7 A124
View of water with Mount Rainier colored in in the background
between 1910 and 1930?
6/7 A125
Oregon Alpine Club's mountaineering party on the summit of Mount St. Helens
L to R: Martin W. Gorman, Daniel Waldo Bass, Bertram C. Towne, Louis Knighton Louie, William Gladston Steel, Lincoln, Thomas A. Marquam, Dewart.
July 26, 1889
6/7 A126
Territorial capitol building, Olympia
between 1856 and 1890?
6/7 A127
Thurston County Courthouse, later the Washington State Capitol Building, Olympia
between 1901 and 1928?
6/7 A128
Legislative Building, Washington State Capitol group, Olympia
between 1928 and 1950?
6/7 A129
State Capitol Building, Olympia
between 1928 and 1950?
Localities (P-V)
Box/Folder item
6/8 A130
Hall Brothers Shipyard and Port Blakely lumber mill, Bainbridge Island
between 1880 and 1903?
6/8 A131
Aerial view of the Washington State University, Pullman
between 1920 and 1940?
6/8 A132a-b
Bird's-eye view of the Denny-Renton Clay & Coal Company plant at Renton
2-part panorama.
between 1909 and 1920?
6/8 A133-A134
Bird's-eye view of Renton with Lake Washington in background
between 1905 and 1915?
6/8 A135
Bird's-eye view of Renton
between 1905 and 1915?
6/9 A136
Snoqualmie Falls showing the "Seattle Rock" at the crest of the falls before it was removed
between 1890 and 1900?
6/9 A137-139
Snoqualmie Falls showing hydroelectric power plant facilities
between 1900 and 1910?
6/9 A140 between 1890 and 1900?
6/9 A141
Church of the Immaculate Conception, Steilacoom
6/9 A142
Monument to the First Protestant Church north of Columbia River, Steilacoom
between 1908 and 1920?
6/9 A143
St. Peter's Episcopal Church on Starr St. between 29th and 30th Streets, Tacoma
between 1890 and 1910
6/9 A144
Tacoma Hotel, Tacoma
between 1890 and 1935
6/9 A145
Downtown Tacoma with Mount Rainier in background
between 1910 and 1930?
6/9 A146
Main St. showing Mace’s Vashon Garage, Vashon
between 1925 and 1935?
6/9 A147
Snow covered mountains
between 1910 and 1930?
Alaska and Canada
Box/Folder item
6/10 A148
Dead whale on the dock at Akutan
between 1920 and 1930?
6/10 A149
Anvil Rock, north of Nome
between 1890 and 1920?
6/10 A150
Bird's-eye view of Cordova with mountain range in background
between 1910 and 1920?
6/10 A151
Carlisle Packing Company's salmon cannery, Cordova
between 1916 and 1927
6/10 A152 1898?
6/10 A153 between 1903 and 1913?
6/10 A154 between 1890 and 1914
6/10 A155 between 1905 and 1924?
6/10 A156
Small boat at the base of waterfall, Lynn Canal
between 1898 and 1910?
6/10 A157 between 1898 and 1910?
6/11 A158 between 1898 and 1900?
6/11 A159
Reverend William Duncan at Metlakatla
between 1898 and 1900?
6/11 A160 1899?
6/11 A161 between 1898 and 1900?
6/11 A162
Saint Michael's Russian Orthodox Cathedral on Lincoln Street, Sitka
between 1900 and 1910?
6/11 A163
Sitka looking northeast toward Mt. Verstova showing steamship at left
between 1900 and 1915?
6/11 A164 between 1900 and 1910?
6/12 A165
Unalaska on Iliuliuk Bay looking toward Dutch Harbor showing the Methodist Mission Buildings
In 1890 the Women’s Home Missionary Society furnished money to build and operate a children’s home in Unalaska, named for Jesse Lee, one of the early itinerant Methodist preachers on the New England and east coast. This Methodist mission was established in Unalaska in 1890 and provided a home to hundreds of children.
between 1898 and 1900?
6/12 A166
Looking southwest from Mount Ballyhoo toward Dutch Harbor on Iliuliuk Bay and Unalaska
between 1900 and 1910?
6/12 A167
Two steamers tied up at the North American Commercial Company dock at Dutch Harbor, Iliuliuk Bay
The North American Commercial Co. was first incorporated in 1889. The company had a coaling station at Dutch Harbor.
between 1900 and 1910?
6/12 A168
North American Commercial Company dock at Dutch Harbor with Mount Ballyhoo in background
between 1900 and 1910?
6/12 A169
Hydraulic mining, possibly near Unalaska
between 1900 and 1910?
6/12 A170
Aleutian Islands possibly showing Unimak Pass
between 1900 and 1910?
6/12 A171
B.S. Downing Eagle and Dawson Stage Line horse drawn sled crossing the U.S. and Canada border on the Yukon River
In 1900, Benjamin S. Downing was living on the Yukon River north of Eagle and was working as a U.S. mail contractor. He also operated the B.S. Downing Eagle & Dawson Stage Line.
February 12, 1904
6/12 A172
Lighthouse taken from the deck of a ship
between 1890 and 1910?
6/12 A173
Small iceberg from glacier
between 1890 and 1910?
6/12 A174
1899 grave marker
between 1900 and 1910?
6/12 A175
Food cache
between 1890 and 1910?
Alaska Natives
Box/Folder item
6/13 A176 between 1898 and 1910?
6/13 A177 between 1898 and 1910?
6/13 A178
Not used
6/13 A179 between 1898 and 1910?
6/13 A180 between 1898 and 1910?
6/13 A181 between 1898 and 1900?
6/13 A182 between 1898 and 1915?
6/13 A183
Alaska Native dwelling with whale bones and group standing round animal carcass
between 1898 and 1900?
6/13 A184 between 1898 and 1910?
6/13 A185 between 1899 and 1900?
6/13 A186
Group of Alaska Native women and men with harpoons on deck of boat
between 1920 and 1940?
6/14 A187
Native dwelling built with animal skins, possible seal or walrus, possibly Siberia
between 1900 and 1910?
6/14 A188 between 1900 and 1910?
6/14 A189 between 1900 and 1910?
6/14 A190 between 1900 and 1910?
6/15 A191
Chief Saanaheit totem pole and house posts from Kaigani Haida village of Kasaan, Sitka Park
In 1903 Alaska's Governor, John Green Brady collected some 20 poles from Prince of Wales Island, acquiring specimens from the Tlingit villages of Tuxekan and Klawock, and the Haida villages of Howkan, Klinkwan, Sukkwan, Old Kasaan, and Koinglas. Some recarving, patching, and repainting was done under Brady's direction, after which the poles were sent to St. Louis for the 1904 Lousiana Purchase Exposition. After the exposition some of the totems were in such poor condition that they were sold; the remaining poles were sent to the Lewis and Clark Exposition in Portland. They were later shipped to Sitka, repaired and repainted, and mounted in the park around 1906.Designs on these house posts are said to be from a legend in which Raven obtains the sun, moon and stars for the people of the earth. The totem pole has several figures such as the traditional Village Watchman, a bear, and Raven.
between 1906 and 1910?
6/15 A192 between 1906 and 1910?
6/15 A193 between 1906 and 1910?
6/15 A194 1910?
6/15 A195 between 1901 and 1910?
6/15 A196 between 1890 and 1902?
6/15 A197
Man and boy on wooden sidewalk with totem pole
between 1900 and 1920?
6/15 A198
Man standing next to bird sculpture in village
between 1895 and 1910?
Dogsleds, animals and birds
Box/Folder item
6/16 A199-A200 between 1898 and 1910?
6/16 A201 between 1898 and 1910?
6/16 A202
Number not used
In 1897 Benjamin S. Downing had contracted with the U.S. government to deliver mail in the winter from Dawson 600 miles down the frozen Yukon to the mouth of the Tanana River. He also operated the B.S. Downing Eagle & Dawson Stage Line. He died in 1906.
6/16 A203 between 1898 and 1905?
6/16 A204
Number not used
6/16 A205 between 1898 and 1920?
6/16 A206
Herd of reindeer
between 1898 and 1920?
6/16 A207-A208 between 1898 and 1920?
6/16 A209 between 1898 and 1920?
6/16 A210
Bald eagle perched by the shore
between 1898 and 1920?
Bogoslof Islands expedition, Bering Sea
In 1906 the U. S. Revenue Cutter Commodore Perry visited the Bogoslof Island group on one of its routine missions in the Bering Sea. Bogoslof Island is the summit of a submarine stratovolcano at the south edge of the Bering Sea, 35 miles (56 km) northwest of Unalaska Island of the Aleutian Island chain. Sighting smoke emerging from the island group, crew members were sent to explore and photograph the islands including the newly formed Perry Island (earlier named Metcalf Dome).
Box/Folder item
6/17 A211
Castle Rock, Perry Island, and Fire Island, Bering Sea
6/17 A212 1906?
6/17 A213
Ship's crew on shore with Perry Island in background
6/17 A214
Rocky formation, Perry Island
Photographs possibly documenting an expedition to the Aleutian Islands
Box/Folder item
6/18 A215
Two uniformed men seated next to flagpole and unidentified marker or monument
between 1900 and 1910?
6/18 A216
Two men, one possibly Siberian Yupik, and one in a Russian military uniform, on deck of ship
between 1900 and 1910?
6/18 A217 between 1900 and 1910?
6/18 A218a-b between 1900 and 1910?
6/18 A219
Group, possibly shore landing party, with herd of reindeer at right and small boat anchored offshore
between 1900 and 1910?
6/18 A220 between 1900 and 1910?
6/18 A221 between 1900 and 1910?
6/18 A222-A223
Unidentified Russian church with fenced churchyard, possibly northeastern Siberia
between 1900 and 1910?
6/19 A224 between 1900 and 1910?
6/19 A225 between 1900 and 1910?
6/19 A226
Group of Alaska Native kayakers paddling in open water
between 1900 and 1910?
6/19 A227 between 1900 and 1910?
6/19 A228 between 1900 and 1910?
6/19 A229
Sailing vessel probably viewed from another ship
between 1900 and 1910?
6/19 A230
Crew members on deck of sailing vessel looking aft
between 1900 and 1910?
6/19 A231 between 1900 and 1910?
6/19 A232 between 1900 and 1910?
6/20 A233 between 1900 and 1910?
6/20 A234 between 1900 and 1910?
6/20 A235
Grave marker surrounded by decorative fence in churchyard
between 1900 and 1910?
6/20 A236 between 1900 and 1910?
6/20 A237 between 1900 and 1910?
6/20 A238
Panoramic view of town situated on a bay
between 1900 and 1910?
6/20 A239
Clipper ship Glory of the Seas clipper, view of bow
between 1900 and 1910?
6/20 A240 between 1900 and 1910?
6/20 A241 between 1900 and 1910?
6/21 A242
Buildings at Point Barrow, Arctic coast of Alaska
between 1900 and 1910?
6/21 A243
Shoreline taken from deck of ship
between 1900 and 1910?
6/21 A244 between 1900 and 1910?
6/21 A245 between 1900 and 1910?
6/21 A246
Two masted sailing vessel anchored in harbor
between 1900 and 1910?
6/21 A247 between 1900 and 1910?
6/21 A248 between 1900 and 1910?
6/21 A249 between 1900 and 1910?
6/21 A250 between 1900 and 1910?
6/21 A251 between 1900 and 1910?
Box/Folder item
6/22 A252
Steamships and boats in the harbor at Victoria, British Columbia
between 1915 and 1925
6/22 A253
Empress Hotel and grounds, Victoria, British Columbia
between 1908 and 1940?
6/22 A254
Bronze statue of Queen Victoria outside of the British Columbia Parliament Buildings, Victoria, British Columbia
between 1914 and 1940?
6/22 A255
British Columbia Legislature Cenotaph, also known as the Victoria Cenotaph, Victoria
between 1925 and 1940?
6/22 A256
Bird's-eye view of residential area near coastline, possibly vicinity of Victoria, British Columbia
between 1910 and 1940?
6/22 A257
Hatley Castle, now part of Royal Roads University, Colwood, British Columbia
between 1910 and 1940?
6/22 A258
Nanaimo Bastion, blockhouse built by the Hudson's Bay Company, Nanaimo, British Columbia
between 1905 and 1920?
6/22 A259 between 1910 and 1930?
6/22 A260 between 1910 and 1930?
6/23 A261
Two men navigating rapids on river in small boat, possibly vicinity of Victoria, British Columbia
between 1910 and 1940?
6/23 A262
People fishing from bank of river near falls, possibly vicinity of Victoria, British Columbia
between 1910 and 1940
6/23 A263
Three people fishing in unidentified river with bridge in background, possibly vicinity of Victoria, British Columbia
between 1910 and 1940?
6/23 A264
Man standing on rock in the middle of river, fishing, possibly vicinity of Victoria, British Columbia
between 1910 and 1940?
6/23 A265
First Nation petrogylphs, Sproat Lake Provincial Park, Port Albani, Vancouver Island
between 1910 and 1940?
United States and unidentified locations
Box/Folder item
6/24 A266
Minnesota State Capitol building showing construction of dome, St. Paul
6/24 A267
Minnesota State Capitol building nearing completion, St. Paul
between 1904 and 1905?
6/24 A268
Not used
6/24 A269
Statue of Sacajawea from the Lewis and Clark Exposition (1905) in Washington Park, Portland, Oregon
On April 6th, 1906, the statue of Sacajawea was relocated to its current location in Washington Park.
between 1906 and 1940?
6/24 A270
Rocky coastal scene
between 1900 and 1930?
6/24 A271
Lake surrounded by mountains with rowboat in foreground
between 1900 and 1930?
6/24 A272
Ruins of cabin and shed
between 1900 and 1930?
6/24 A273
Man and woman standing in picnic area with automobile
between 1915 and 1925?
6/24 A274
Monument featuring mother and her children
between 1900 and 1930?
Transportation - Ships
Box/Folder item
6/25 A275
Steam whaling bark, probably the Alexander
Built in 1855 as the Astoria and wrecked in Alaska waters in 1906.
between 1890 and 1906
6/25 A276
Sidewheel steamer Ancon wrecked at Loring, Alaska
Wrecked on August 28, 1889.
6/25 A277
Cargo ship SS Bellata
Built 1918 and scuttled in 1922.
between 1918 and 1922
6/25 A278
Steam ferry City of Everett, probably in front of the Galbraith, Bacon & Co. dock, Seattle
Built in Everett in 1900, she operated between Seattle and Everett. Renamed the Liberty during World War I.
between 1900 and 1914?
6/25 A279 1899?
6/25 A280 1933?
6/25 A281
SS Dolphin in Elliott Bay
Built in 1892, she was purchased by the Alaska Steamship Company in 1900 and operated it until 1917.
between 1900 and 1917?
6/25 A282
Steamer Iroquois carrying passengers, Puget Sound
Built in 1907, she was refitted as a freighter in 1947.
between 1907 and 1914?
6/25 A283
Steam whaling tender Jeanie docked probably at Seattle
Owned by the Pacific Whaling Company (1900) for service to Alaska, she ws stranded on rocks during a freight run in 1913 in Southeast Alaska.
between 1900 and 1913?
6/25 A284
Alaska Commercial Company sternwheel steamboat Louise unloading freight, probably on the Yukon River
Built 1898, she was originally owned by Alaska Commercial Co., then transferred to Northern Navigation Co. in 1901. Last used in 1920 after being acquired by WP&YR in 1914. She was abandoned at St. Michael, Alaska in 1943.
between 1898 and 1901?
6/25 A285
Steamer Majestic at dock
Built at Everett by E. Heath for the Thompson Steamboat Co. in 1901, and renamed the Whatcom in 1904.
between 1901 and 1904
6/26 A286 between 1903 and 1923
6/26 A287
Battleship Nebraska being launched at the Moran Brothers shipyard, Seattle
October 7, 1904
6/26 A288
Sidewheel steamer North Pacific
Launched in 1871 and sunk in 1903.
between 1880 and 1903?
6/26 A289
Not used
6/26 A290
Steamship Portland in the ice
Entered service in 1885. In 1890, the ship was sold and sailed around Cape Horn with the seemingly legitimate intent to service Alaska canneries. However, the steamer proved too large for those duties and laid dormant for almost two years, then began hauling freight and passengers along the West Coast, including regular stops at San Francisco, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, and Vancouver.. The SS Portland was wrecked at Katalla, in Alaska, on November 12, 1910
6/26 A291 between 1921 and 1938
6/26 A292
Canadian Pacific Steamships SS Princess Kathleen
Launched 1924, she ran aground and sank at Lena Point in Lynn Canal, Alaska on September 7, 1952.
between 1924 and 1940?
6/26 A293
SS Princess Victoria
between 1892 and 1940?
6/26 A294 between 1903 and 1940?
6/26 A295
Steamers Queen and City of Topeka, probably on tourist excursions, beside Muir Glacier
The Queen of the Pacific (1882-1935), a 336-foot, iron-hulled, commercial passenger cargo steamer/brig was built in Philadelphia for the Pacific Coast Steamship Company. Her name was shortened to Queen in 1890. She was in service from 1882 until 1935 when she was scrapped in Japan.
6/26 A296 1899?
6/26 A297
Alaska Commercial Co's sternwheel steamboat Sarah on the Yukon River
6/27 A298
Sternwheel steamboat State of Washington
Built 1889, State of Washington was a sternwheel steamboat of the Puget Sound Mosquito fleet, later transferred to service on the Columbia River. In 1921, the vessel was destroyed by a boiler explosion.
between 1889 an 1921
6/27 A299
SS Victoria on excursion in front of a glacier, probably Alaska
Sold in 1892 to the Northern Pacific Steamship Company and renamed Victoria (from original name Parthia). In 1900, Victoria sailed from the Puget Sound to Nome carrying hundreds of prospectors as part of the Klondike Gold Rush. In 1901, she was re-sold to the Northern Pacific Steamship Company, only to be resold three years later to the Northwestern Steamship Company. Under this new ownership, she permanently entered Alaskan service. Remained a coastal passenger liner until 1940.
between 1900 and 1940?
6/27 A300-A301 May 1908
6/27 A302
Steamship under way
between 1890 and 1930?
6/27 A303
Steam whaler in Alaskan waters
between 1890 and 1910?
6/27 A304
Ship in Alaskan waters
between 1890 and 1910?
6/27 A305 between 1890 and 1910?
Transportation - Other
Box/Folder item
6/27 A306
Lima Locomotive and Machine Co. engine hauling railroad cars loaded with logs
between 1902 and 1910?
6/27 A307 between 1885 and 1900?
Box/Folder item
6/28 A308
Miss Sarah J. Gallagher, one of the "Mercer Girls"
In 1864, Asa Mercer recruited and brought 11 women to Seattle from the East Coast, to balance the male/female population, serve as teachers, etc. In 1866 he recruited 34 more women for a second trip. Sarah Gallagher was one of the first 11 women.
between 1865 and 1875?
6/28 A309-A310
Multi-generational family group seated on grass for a portrait in a park
between 1880 and 1890?
6/28 A311
Portrait of unidentified man
Farming and agriculture
Box/Folder item
6/29 A312-A317
Cows grazing next to dairy pond
between 1900 and 1920?
6/29 A318
Cows grazing in field with house in background
between 1910 and 1940?
6/29 A319
Sheep grazing in field
between 1910 and 1940?
6/29 A320
Farmers plowing land with two oxen
between 1900 and 1940?
Logging and fishing
Box/Folder item
6/30 A321
Two loggers guiding log down log chute
between 1900 and 1930?
6/30 A322 between 1890 and 1900?
6/30 A323
Man with ax standing on road in forest
between 1910 and 1940?
6/30 A324 between 1900 and 1920?
6/3 A325
Load of fish in scow
between 1900 and 1920?