UW Ethnomusicology Archives audio recordings: Visiting Artist concert featuring the music of Korea and Java, 2011-04-26

Overview of the Collection

University of Washington Ethnomusicology Archives
UW Ethnomusicology Archives audio recordings: Visiting Artist concert featuring the music of Korea and Java
2 items  :  2 WAV files (96 kHz, 24-bit); WD - 2 compact discs (digital, stereo); Duration: 1:44:00; flyer; newspaper announcement
Collection Number
Audio recording of University of Washington Visiting Artist Concert, April 26, 2011, Meany Theater.
University of Washington Ethnomusicology Archives
University of Washington
Ethnomusicology Archives
Box 353450
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065430974
Access Restrictions

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Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Peter Joon Park is a Ph.D. Can­di­date cur­rently com­plet­ing his dis­ser­ta­tion about Korean p'ungmul gut (per­cus­sion music rit­u­als) and the inte­gra­tion of tra­di­tions with mod­ern iden­ti­ties. A second-generation Korean Cana­dian, he has per­formed and recorded Korean tra­di­tional music in Canada, USA, and South Korea since 1995. He teaches Korean per­cus­sion to music edu­ca­tors as part of the Smith­son­ian Folk­ways Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Course in World Music Ped­a­gogy, and to mid­dle and high school stu­dents in the Edmonds School District's Sum­mer Music School. He has taught Korean gayagŭm (12-string zither) and janggu (hour­glass drum) atUW and was a Teach­ing Assis­tant for Music Cul­tures of Asia. As part of a paid intern­ship at North­west Folk­life, he pro­duced a CD called Han Madang: Musi­cal Tra­di­tions of Korea, which fea­tures record­ings from the UW Eth­no­mu­si­col­ogy Archives. In his master's the­sis (for MA in Eth­no­mu­si­col­ogy from UW), he exam­ined the con­nec­tions between Korean shaman rit­ual music and court music. He also taught Indone­sian game­lan music at Seat­tle Pacific Uni­ver­sity and Pacific Lutheran Uni­ver­sity, and per­formed with Game­lan Paci­fica and Game­lan North­west for sev­eral years. He has a Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence degree in Math­e­mat­ics with a con­cen­tra­tion in Com­puter Sci­ence from UW.

- https://music.washington.edu

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Audio recording by Gary Louie: audio mix from pair of KM-184 cardioid mics and P.A. feed from house sound.

Work discs produced from edited wav files (2011-4.1_44.wav and 2011-4.2_44.wav).

Performers: Music of Korea (concert first half) - featured artist Young Sub Lee, daegeum, danso, and taepyeongso, with Peter Joon Park, janggu, and Nuri Jung, geomun-go; Music of Java (concert second half) - featured artists Heri Purwanto, Didik Nini Thowok, Gamelan Pacifica, and the UW Gamelan.

See collection 2011003 for video recording of this concert.

Documentation: Poster

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Description Dates
2011004-0001: Visiting Artist Concert: Music of Korea
1 optical media : CD - unpublished
Contents:Tr. 1 – Welcome and introduction by Patricia CampbellTr. 2 – Introduction of artists by Donna ShinTr. 3 – Cheongseong-gok and Daegeum Sanjo (Young Sub Lee, daegeum, and Peter Joon Park, janggu) Tr. 4 – Hahyeon Dodeuri, Yeombul Dodeuri, and Taryeong (Young Sub Lee, danso, and Nuri Jung, geomun-go) Tr. 5 – Taepyeongso Garak (Young Sub Lee, taepyeongso, and Peter Joon Park, janggu)
2011004-0002: Visiting Artist Concert: Music of Java
1 optical media : CD - unpublished
Contents:Tr. 1 – Introduction by Patricia CampbellTr. 2 – Introduction of artists by Laurie SearsTr. 3 – Golek Ayun-Ayun (Didik Nini Thowok, dancer; Gamelan Pacifica, featuring Heri Purwanto & Jessika Kenney) Tr. 4 – Jaran Kepang (Christina Sunard, Emma Lux & Senggo Sunardi, dancers; UW Gamelan, featuring Heri Puwanto & Jessika Kenney) Tr. 5 – Gambyong Pangkur (Didik Nini Thowok, dancer; Gamelan Pacifica, featuring Heri Purwanto & Jessika Kenney