UW Ethnomusicology Archives: Carol Solomon recordings: Baul Music: Folk Songs of West Bengal & Bangladesh, Undated

Overview of the Collection

Solomon, Carol
UW Ethnomusicology Archives: Carol Solomon recordings: Baul Music: Folk Songs of West Bengal & Bangladesh
78 items  :  OT - 63 audio cassettes; 15 DATs; WD - 15 CDs (wav, 44.1 kHz, 16-bit) (1-12 are copies of cassettes; 13-15 are copies of DATs); 2 articles by & biog. info about C. Salomon
Collection Number
Recordings of Baul songs and other Bengali folk music made during field research conducted 1980 to 2008 (approximately).
University of Washington Ethnomusicology Archives
University of Washington
Ethnomusicology Archives
Box 353450
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065430974
Access Restrictions

Access is restricted.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

Carol Goldberg Salomon (1948-2009) was an Asian Languages and Literature senior lecturer at the University of Washington (UW). Born in New York City, Salomon graduated with a B.A. from City College of New York in 1970 before earning a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in Bengali. In 1983, Salomon began teaching at the UW. Fluent in Bengali, Salomon especially loved and translated the musical poems of Lalan Fakir, a mystic born in the Bengal region in the 1700s whose songs helped popularize the Baul tradition.

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Photo-copies of 2 articles by Dr. Salomon are included in her documentation file: "The Cosmogonic Riddles of Lalan Fakir," in Gender, Genre, and Power in South Asian Expressive Traditions, ed. by Appadurai, Korom, and Mills (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1991), pp. 267-304; "The Bauls," in Religions in India in Practice, ed. by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. (Princeton University Press, 1995), pp. 187-208.

Documentation: List of WAV files on CD copies

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