Frederick P. Champ papers, 1896-1976

Overview of the Collection

Champ, Frederick P. (Frederick Percival), 1896-1976
Frederick P. Champ papers
1896-1976 (inclusive)
375 boxes, (182.25 linear ft.)
Collection Number
Family and business correspondence, business records, and investment reports. Much of business correspondence concerns the Utah Mortgage Loan Corp.; significant personal correspondents include the Champ family, George D. Preston and family, J. Wylie Brown, and several politicians in the western U.S. Also includes materials from Champ's many organizational memberships, including the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, Mortgage Bankers Association of America, Logan Chamber of Commerce, Logan Rotary Club, and the Cache Valley Council of the Boy Scouts of America.
Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives Division
Special Collections & Archives
Merrill-Cazier Library
Utah State University
Logan, UT
Telephone: 4357978248
Fax: 4357972880
Access Restrictions

No restrictions on use, except: not available through interlibrary loan.

Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant, 2007-2008

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Frederick Percival Champ was born June 4, 1896, in Salt Lake City, a son of George Herbert and Alla Dora Cochran Champ. He attended the New Jersey Academy, Utah State Agricultural College (now Utah State University) in Logan, St. Stephens School in Colorado Springs, and Harvard University. He was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree by Utah State University in 1954.

Mr. Champ married Frances Elizabeth Winton in Duluth, Minnesota on December 29, 1921. They had three children: George Herbert, Mary Knox, and Frederick Winton.

At the time of his death, Mr. Champ was president of the Champ Investment Company, chairman of the advisory committee of the Cache Valley Branch of the Walker Bank and Trust Company, director of St. Mark's Hospital in Salt Lake City, member of the executive committee for the Utah Foundation, and a sixty-five year scouter who was National Council Representative for the Cache Valley Boy Scout Council.

From 1917 to 1918, Mr. Champ served with the United States Food Administration as a Division Chief, then with Near East Relief from 1918 to 1919, and on the Relief Commission to the Near East, Russia, and Armenia in 1919. In 1925, he became a member of the board of trustees of Utah State Agricultural College, serving in that capacity until 1941. In addition, he served as a member of the Salt Lake District Board of the Untied State Reconstruction Finance Corporation (1933-1940), chairman of the Governor's Advisory Committee on Public Welfare and Emergency Relief (1933-1934), chairman of the Utah State Board of Public Welfare (1935-1936), and chairman of the Governor's Committee on Emergency Distribution Waters of Sear River in Utah and Idaho (1934-1935).

Mr. Champ also served as a director for Utah, National Water Conservation Conference; Area Coordinator for United States Savings Bonds Division, U.S. Treasury Department; member of the executive committee of the Utah Centennial Commission; member of the Board of Governors and Farm Loan Committee, Mortgage Bankers of America; member of the Utah Bankers Association; member and co-chairman for Utah, National Probation and Parole Association; member, Utah State Highway Patrol Civil Service Commission; member of Utah's Committee on Fulbright Scholarship; director of the Salt Lake City Branch, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco; and a member of the America Arbitration Association and the National Reclamation Association.

Mr. Champ held many positions of leadership in professional and civic organization, including those of President of the Mortgage Bankers Association of America (1941-1942); Vice President (1941), and Director (1942-1946) of the American Forestry Association; Vice President (1951-1952) and Director (1943-1951) of the United States Chamber of Commerce; President of the Executive Board of the Cache Valley Council, Boy Scouts of America (1940-1943); President of the Cache Valley Building Company, the Cache Valley Banking Company, and the Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation; chairman of the Board of Commercial Security Bank; Vice President and Director of Walker Bank & Trust Company; Director of the Title Insurance Company of Boise, Idaho; Director of Investors Central Management Corporation of New York City; and President of the Logan Rotary Club.

Honorary membership was accorded Mr. Champ by Alpha Delta Epsilon, and Scabbard and Blade. He also held membership in the Alpha Kappa Psi National Business Fraternity, the Utah State University Alumni Association, the "A" Men's Club of Utah State University, the Logan Golf Club, the Flat Rock Club of Island Park, Idaho, the Alta Club of Salt Lake City, the Weber Club of Ogden, and the Harvard Club of New York.

Mr. Champ was a member of the Episcopal Church and served both as Treasurer for St. John's Church of Logan, and on the Board of Directors for St. Mark's Hospital in Salt Lake City.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The papers of Frederick P. Champ are contained in 376 manuscript boxes housed in the Department of Special Collection and Archives at the USU Merrill Library. The papers consist of family and business correspondence, business records, and investment reports. Much of business correspondence concerns the Utah Mortgage Loan Corp.; significant personal correspondents include the Champ family, George D. Preston and family, J. Wylie Brown, and several politicians in the western U.S. Also includes materials from Champ's many organizational memberships, including the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, Mortgage Bankers Association of America, Logan Chamber of Commerce, Logan Rotary Club, and the Cache Valley Council of the Boy Scouts of America.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use


It is the responsibility of the researcher to obtain any necessary copyright clearances.

Permission to publish material from the Frederick P. Champ papers must be obtained from the Special Collections Manuscript Curator and/or the Special Collections Department Head.

Preferred Citation

Initial Citation:Frederick P. Champ Papers, MSS 50, Box #. Special Collections and Archives. Utah State University Merrill-Cazier Library. Logan, Utah.

Following Citations:COLL MSS 50, USUSC.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


As far as possible the original filing order of the papers as been retained. Adjustments have been made, however, when placement of material was such as to hinder its retrieval. Though the original filing cartons and folders have been discarded, all pertinent information from their labels has been included on the labels of the acid-free folders and boxes to which the contents were transferred. These containers have been shelved in alphabetical order and numbered sequentially for easy access.

The register for the papers also serves as the index to the collection. [Contents are listed in the register as they have been arranged within their boxes: alphabetically by name or subject heading, and subsequently in chronological order within each subject category. An (*) to the left of the a folder listing indicates that only a small amount of material on the subject has been included in the collection. "See Also" references are found throughout the text of the register.]

Acquisition Information

The papers were given to the Special Collections and Archives in 1977 by Mr. Champ's widow, Frances E. W. Champ, and his children, George H. Champ, Frederick W. Champ, and Mary Knox Champ (Nielson). Since then, various other items have been given by the family as they come across them.

Processing Note

Processed in 1978 and updated in 2004

Separated Materials

Photographs from this collection have been removed and processed as the Frederick P. Champ photograph collection P0354

Related Materials

Champ family papers COLL MSS 130

Frederick P. Champ photograph collectionP0354

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1 "A" Misc 1939
1 2 "A" Misc 1940-1944
1 3 "A" Misc 1945-1949
1 4 "A" Misc 1950-1954
1 5 "A" Misc 1955-1956
1 6 "A" Misc 1957-1959
1 7 "A" Misc 1960-1964
1 8 "A" Misc 1965-1966
1 9 "A" Misc 1967-1969
1 10 "A" Misc 1970-1977
1 11 Abbott, Christopher J
personal notes with president of Hyannis, Nebraska based Abbott Cattle Ranches and the Bank of Hyannis
1 12 Abbott, Christopher J
see above
1 13 Abbott Laboratories
regarding stocks held in this Chicago based pharmaceuticals producer
1 14 Abbott Laboratories
see above
1 15 Abbott Laboratories
see above
1 16 Aberdeen, Idaho Chamber of Commerce
regarding Champ's speaking engagements before this group
1 17 Aberdeen, Idaho Chamber of Commerce
see above
1 18 Ada County, Idaho
regarding property taxes due from Champ Investment Company
2 1 Adams, Allan N
personal notes with president of Utah Cattleman's Association and Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Users of Cache National forest
2 2 Adams, Ancel T
personal notes with the parents of Champ's daughter-in-law, Helen Adams Champ, of Boise
2 3 Adams, Ancel T
see above
2 4 Adams, Ancel T
see above
2 5 Adams, E.M. and Company
regarding business transactions with this Portland Oregon based investment company
2 6 Adams, Orval W
personal notes with Salt Lake City based Executive Vice President of Utah State National Bank 1936-1948; Utah First National Bank 1949-1957; First President of Zion's First National Bank 1957-1960 and Chairman of the Board of Zion's First National Bank 1960
2 7 Adams, Orval W
see above
2 8 Adams, Orval W
see above
2 9 Adams, Orval W
see above
2 10 Adams, Orval W
see above
2 11 Adams, Orval W
see above
2 12 Adams, Orval W
see above
2 13 Adams, Orval W
see above
2 14 Adams, Orval W
see above
2 15 Adams, Orval W
see above
2 16 Adams, Orval W
see above
2 17 Adams, Orval W
see above
2 18 Adams, Orval W
see above
2 19 Adams, Orval W
see above
2 20 Adams, Orval W
see above
2 21 Adams, Orval W
see above
2 22 Adams, Orval W 1925-1974
3 1 Adamson, William S
personal notes with partner in Salt Lake City based advertising firm of Adamson and Buchman
3 2 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp
regarding stocks held in this Cleveland Ohio based firm
3 3 Adney, Clarence G
personal notes with the former member of the Utah State Agricultural College, USU, Board of Trustees, 1925-1947, of Corrinne Utah
3 4 Adney, Clarence G
see above
3 5 Adney, Clarence G
see above
3 6 Advance Mortgage Corp
regarding stocks held in this Detroit Michigan company
3 7 Advance Mortgage Corp 1966-1967
3 8 Advisory Council on City of Rocks, Idaho
invitation to attend the first annual exploration of the proposed City of Rocks National Monument in Oakley, Idaho on October 17th
3 9 Airplanes
response from Reyburn Aircraft corporation of fort Lauderdale, Florida to Champ's inquiry into the Umbaugh Rotary-Wing Aircraft
3 10 Akers, Richard
regarding prospective employment with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
3 11 Alaska Airlines
compliments of Champ for service during tour of Alaska Defense Command with DOC
3 12 Alaska Trip
regarding Champ's tour of Alaska Defense Command with the Defense Orientation Conference Association
3 13 Albertson's Inc.
regarding stock held in this Boise based company and it's Logan outlet
3 14 Albuquerque New Mexico Chamber of Commerce
regarding request to make this chamber part of the national chamber's western rather than southwestern division
3 15 Albuquerque New Mexico Chamber of Commerce
regarding Champ's service as President of the national Chamber
3 16 Albuquerque New Mexico Chamber of Commerce
see above
3 17 Alexander and Baldwin, Inc.
regarding stock held in this Honolulu Hawaii based development firm
3 18 Allen, A. Douglas
personal notes to this deputy internal revenue collector of Hyrum Utah
3 19 Allen, Charles M.
regarding the assumption of the Grow banking organization In Utah and Idaho by this Wichita banker
3 20 Allen, Clinton L.
personal notes with president of Aetna Insurance Group of Hartford Connecticutt regarding Harmon R. Barton
3 21 Allen, Mrs. M.D.
personal notes with this Logan resident
3 22 Allied Chemical Corp.
regarding stocks held in this New York based firm
3 23 Allied Chemical Corp.
see above
3 24 Allied Maintenance
regarding stocks held in this New York based firm
3 25 All Nations Stamp Company
regarding Herbert's philately hobby
3 26 Almond, B.M.
personal notes with Downey Idaho garage operator
3 27 Alpha Kappa Psi
regarding Champ's affiliation with this professional fraternity in business administration.
4 1 Alta Club
regarding Champ's membership in this Salt Lake City Businessmen's club.
4 2 Alta Club
see above
4 3 Alta Club
see above
4 4 Alta Club
see above
4 5 Alta Club
see above
4 6 Alta Industries
regarding stocks held in this Salt Lake City based building materials supplier
4 7 Alta Industries
see above
4 8 Aluminium, Ltd.
regarding stocks held in this Canadian counterpart to the Aluminum Company of America
4 9 Amalgamated Sugar Company
regarding stocks held in this Ogden based firm and personal notes with its executives
4 10 Amalgamated Sugar Company
see above
4 11 Amalgamated Sugar Company
see above
1952, 1958
4 12 Amax Inc.
Connecticut incorporated mining firm
4 13 American Academy of Political and Social Science
regarding Champ's membership in this society
4 14 Airlines
regarding stocks held in this Chicago based firm
4 15 American Arbitration Association
regarding Champ's membership in this panel for the adjudication of commercial, industrial and civil disputes
4 16 American Association of Retired Persons
regarding Champ's membership in the association and its insurance plan
4 17 American Association of Retired Persons
see above
4 18 American Association of Retired Persons
see above
4 19 American Bankers Association
regarding membership in and activities of this Bank and Trust Company assoc. which serves the banking industry in areas of professional education, government relations and public relations
4 20 American Bankers Association
see above
4 21 American Bankers Association - Agriculture Credit Conference
regarding Champ's attendence to this Omaha event
4 22 American Bankers Association - Convention
regarding the association's New York convention
4 23 American Bankers Association - Convention
regarding the association's Chicago convention
4 24 American Bankers Association - Meetings - Agricultural Commission 1941-1951
4 25 American Bankers Association - Meetings - Committee on agencies in competition with banks 1943
4 26 American Bankers Association - Meetings - Committee on Federal Legislation 1942
4 27 American Bankers Association - Meetings - Consumer Credit Department 1941
4 28 American Bankers Association - Meetings - Nominating Committee 1951
5 1 American Broadcasting System
regarding stocks held in this firm by Champ and Howard K. Smith's November 11, 1962 broadcast concerning the career of Richard M. Nixon
5 2 American Cancer Society
regarding contributions to the society by the Champs
5 3 American Contract Bridge league
regarding Frances Champ's membership
5 4 American Crystal Sugar Company
regarding stocks held in this Minnesota based beet sugar manufacturer
5 5 American Cyanamid Company
regarding stocks held in this New Jersey based chemical firm
5 6 Americanism Education League
requests for reprinted material published by this Knotts Berry Farm based league
5 7 American Express Company
regarding mail, frieght and travel services offered by this company
5 8 American Express Company
regarding stocks held in this company
5 9 American Express Company 1961-1975
5 10 American Falls Canal Securities Company
regarding stocks held in, and Champ's business dealings with the Salt Lake City based company financing the American falls irrigation system in southern Idaho
5 11 American Falls Canal Securities Company
see above
5 12 American Falls Canal Securities Company
see above
5 13 American Falls Canal Securities Company
see above
1944 January - 1944 March
5 14 American Falls Canal Securities Company
see above
1944 July - 1944 December
5 15 American Falls Canal Securities Company
see above
1945 January - 1945 February
5 16 American Falls Canal Securities Company
see above
1945 March
5 17 American Falls Canal Securities Company
see above
1945 June - 1945 December
5 18 American Falls Canal Securities Company
see above
5 19 American Falls Canal Securities Company
see above
1947 January - 1947 March
5 20 American Falls Canal Securities Company
see above
1947 July - 1947 December
5 21 American Falls Canal Securities Company
see above
5 22 American Falls Canal Securities Company
see above
5 23 American Falls Canal Securities Company 1920-1953
5 24 American Federation Movement
regarding world peace efforts of this Bogota, Colombia based organization
5 25 American forest Products Industries Inc.
regarding programs sponsored by this Washington D.C. association
5 26 American forestry Association
regarding Champ's membership in this organization founded to promote conservation of the nation's timber resources
5 27 American forestry Association
see above
5 28 American Fur Company
regarding care of Frances Champs furs by this Salt Lake City company
6 1 American Humanics Foundation
regarding Champ's membership in this youth leadership foundation based in Riverside, California
6 2 American Humanics Foundation
see above
6 3 American Humanics Foundation
see above
6 4 American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers
regarding George Herbert Champ's attendance at this institute
6 5 American Life Convention
regarding October 6, 1947 convention in Kansas City, Missouri
1947 October 6
6 6 American Medical Association
regarding Champ's contributions to this Chicago based association
6 7 American Medicorps Inc.
regarding stocks held in this Pennsylvania based hospital management firm
6 8 American Metal Climax Inc.
regarding stocks held in this New York based mining and metal trading firm
6 9 American National Bank - Idaho Falls, Idaho
regarding business transactions with the Cache Valley Banking Company
6 10 American National Cattleman's Association
regarding Champ's service with this Denver based organization
6 11 American National Cattleman's Association
see above
6 12 American National Cattleman's Association
see above
6 13 American National Cattleman's Association
see above
6 14 American National Cattleman's Association
see above
6 15 American National Cattleman's Association
see above
6 16 American National Cattleman's Association
see above
6 17 American National Insurance Company
regarding business transactions between this Dallas, Texas, Co. and Cache Valley Banking Co. and Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
6 18 American National Livestock Association
regarding Champ's services b interest in this Denver based organization for members of the livestock industry
6 19 American National Livestock Association
see above
6 20 American National Livestock Association
see above
1947 January - 1947 March
6 21 American National Livestock Association
see above
1947 April - 1947 December
6 22 American National Livestock Association
see above
6 23 American National Livestock Association
see above
6 24 American National Livestock Association
regarding Champ's advertising in the associations publication American Cattle Producer
6 25 American National Livestock Association 1941-1952
7 1 American Oil Company
regarding business accounts with the Salt Lake office of this company
7 2 American Oil Company
see above
7 3 American Pioneer Trails Association
regarding Champs membership in this N.Y. based historical associations S acquisition or historic maps
7 4 American Pioneer Trails Association
see above
7 *5 American Railway Association
regarding Champ's membership on banking committee of the American Railway Central Western Shippers Advisory Board
7 *6 American relief Association
regarding Champs membership in this N.Y. based organization
7 *7 American red cross
regarding the Champ's contributions to this charity
7 *8 American security Council
regarding Champ's membership on the National Advisory Board of this Washington DC based organization
7 9 American Telephone & Telegraph Company
regarding stock held in this New York based company
7 10 American Telephone & Telegraph Company
see above
7 11 American Telephone & Telegraph Company
see above
7 12 American Telephone & Telegraph Company
see above
7 13 American Telephone & Telegraph Company 1941-1971
7 14 American Telephone & Telegraph Company 1943-1946
7 15 American Telephone & Telegraph Company 1950-1955
7 16 American Telephone & Telegraph Company 1956-1959
7 17 American Telephone & Telegraph Company 1960-1975
8 *1 American Watershed Council
regarding Champ's membership in this national association for local, state and regional watershed organizations
8 *2 Americans for Constitutional Action
regarding the voting records of U.S. legislators
8 3 America's Future, Inc.
regarding Champ's contributions to this New Rochelle New York based organization
8 4 America's Future, Inc.
see above
8 5 America's Future, Inc.
see above
8 6 America's Future, Inc.
see above
8 *7 Ames, E.L.
regarding travel arrangements for the daughters of Champ and Ames, manager of the glass department of Bennett Glass and Paint Co. of Salt Lake City, attending school in California
8 *8 Anderson A.E.
personal notes with this Logan resident
8 *9 Anderson, C.C. & Company
business transactions with Champ and this clothing outlet which became part of the Bon Marche chain
8 10 Anderson, Eugene
business notes with manager of Logan's Mortgage Loan Servicing department
8 11 Anderson, George F.
regarding business transactions with Anderson of Welcome Kite and Co. Realtors of Palm Desert, California
8 12 Anderson, Oginda
personal notes with his secretary
8 *13 Anderson, Ross
personal notes with this Logan resident
8 *14 Anderson, W.W.
personal notes with the Pres. of Anderson Lumber Co. of Ogden
8 *15 Andrew, Florence
personal notes with this resident of La Porte, Indiana
8 16 Andrews, J.H.
personal notes with the Pres. of the Federal Building C Loan Assoc. of Ogden, Utah
8 17 Andrews, J.H.
see above
8 18 Anway, Harrold W.
personal notes with this agricultural consultant and manager Indian Banking Dept. So. Arizona Bank & Trust Co. and realtor with Coldwell, Banker & Co. Both of Phoenix
8 19 Applicants for Position
relating to employment with the Champ residence in Logan
8 20 Applicants for Position
relating to employment with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. and Cache Valley Banking Co.
8 21 Applicants for Position
see above
8 22 Applicants for Position
see above
8 23 Applicants for Position
see above
8 24 Applicants for Position
see above
8 25 Applicants for Position
see above
8 26 Applicants for Position
see above
8 27 Applicants for Position
see above
8 28 Applicants for Position
see above
8 29 Applicants for Position
see above
9 *1 Appraisal form for Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation 1946
9 *2 Aqua-Chem, Inc
regarding investments in this Milwaukee, Wisconsin based water purification firm
9 *3 Arbogast, A.C
personal notes with this Elkhart, Indiana resident
9 4 Arbogast & Holdorf
business transactions with this Chicago based jewelers regarding the Wikidal Gems
9 5 Archer, John D
business transactions with this Salt Lake City resident regarding mineral and fuel leases in Southeastern Idaho
9 6 Archer, John D
see above
9 7 Archibald, Don C
business transactions relating to general office matters at the Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. office in Rigby, Idaho
9 8 Archibald, Don C
see above
9 9 Archibald, Don C
see above
9 10 Archibald, Don C
see above
9 11 Archibald, Don C
see above
9 12 Archibald, Don C
see above
9 13 Archibald, Don C
see above
1955 January
9 14 Archibald, Don C
see above
1955 February
9 15 Archibald, Don C
see above
1955 March
9 16 Archibald, Don C
see above
1955 April
9 17 Archibald, Don C
see above
1955 May
9 18 Archibald, Don C
see above
1955 June
9 19 Archibald, Don C
see above
1955 July
10 1 Archibald, Don C
business transactions with this Salt Lake City resident regarding mineral and fuel leases in Southeastern Idaho
1955 August
10 2 Archibald, Don C
see above
1955 September
10 3 Archibald, Don C
see above
1955 October
10 4 Archibald, Don C
see above
1955 November
10 5 Archibald, Don C.
see above
1955 December
10 6 Archibald, Don C
see above
1956 January - 1956 March
10 7 Archibald, Don C
see above
1956 April - 1956 December
10 8 Archibald, Don C
see above
10 9 Archibald, Don C
see above
10 10 Archibald, Don C
V. Pres. of Idaho Falls Branch
10 11 Archibald, Don C
see above
10 12 Archibald, Don C
see above
10 13 Archibald, Don C
see above
10 14 Archibald, Don C
see above
10 15 Archibald, Don C
see above
10 16 Archibald, Don C
see above
10 17 Archibald, J.C
regarding stocks held in this Idaho and Montana mining firm
10 18 Archibald, J.C
see above
10 19 Argus Corporation
business transactions with this Toronto based Canadian investment firm
10 20 Argus Corporation
see above
10 21 Argus Corporation
see above
10 22 Argus Corporation
see above
11 1 Argus Corporation 1957
11 2 Argus Corporation 1958
11 3 Argus Corporation 1959
11 4 Argus Corporation 1961
11 5 Argus Corporation 1962
11 6 Argus Corporation 1963
11 7 Argus Corporation 1964-1969
11 8 Arizona Progress
regarding Valley National Bank of Phoenix
11 9 Arizona Progress
see above
11 10 Arizona Progress
see above
11 *11 Armstrong Rubber Company
regarding Champ's investment in this New Haven, Conn. manufacturer of replacement tires
11 *12 Arnold Frank R
regarding business transactions by this Braintree, Mass. resident with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
11 *13 Arnold, S.W
personal notes with this former congressman from Missouri
11 *14 Arnovitz, Irwin
personal notes with this Salt Lake City attorney
11 *15 Artistic Lighting Studio
regarding interior improvement in Champ's bank by this Salt Lake City contractor
11 *16 Asay, O.V
personal notes with this Wyoming rancher
11 *17 Asper, Frank W
personal notes with the director of McCune Symphony Orchestra of Salt Lake City
11 *18 Aspinall, Wayne N
personal notes chairman Interior and Insular Affairs Committee U.S. House of Representatives
12 1 Associated Civic Clubs of Northern Utah
regarding Champ's membership in this organization concerned with the development of northern Utah
12 2 Associated Civic Clubs of Northern Utah
see above
12 3 Associated Civic Clubs of Northern Utah
see above
12 4 Associated Civic Clubs of Northern Utah
see above
12 5 Associated Civic Clubs of Northern Utah
see above
12 6 Associated Civic Clubs of Southern Idaho
regarding Champ's service in this organization concerned with the development of southern Idaho
1941 January - 1941 February
12 7 Associated Civic Clubs of Southern Idaho
see above
1941 March
12 8 Associated Civic Clubs of Southern Idaho
see above
1941 April - 1941 December
12 9 Associated Civic Clubs of Southern Idaho
see above
12 10 Associated Civic Clubs of Southern Idaho
see above
12 11 Associated Gas & Electric Company
regarding stocks held in this New York based utility company
12 12 Associated Gas & Electric Company 1942-1944
12 13 Associated General Contractors of America 1955
12 *14 Associated Mortgage Companies, Inc
regarding Utah Mortgage Loan Corp.'s affiliation with this New York company
12 *15 Associated Mortgage and Investment Company
regarding membership of this Phoenix based firm in Mortgage Bankers of America Association
12 16 Associated Investment Company
Utah Mortgage Loan Corp.'s affiliation with this Indiana holding company
12 *17 Association of The U.S. Army
Washington based organization promoting cooperation between branches of the armed services
12 *18 A.R.A. Association
regarding Champ's membership in this New York based association of relief administration officials
12 19 Association of Governing Boards of The State Universities and Allied Institutions
regarding the annual meetings of this Washington D.C. organizations
12 20 Atlas Chemical Industries, Inc
regarding stock held in this Ontario, Canada chemical co.
12 21 Atlas Corporation
New Jersey based company
12 22 Atwood, Eugene
state chairman for Utah's A Program for Harvard College, program
12 23 Atwood, Eugene 1969-1975
12 *24 Auerbach, Herbert S
personal notes with president of Utah State Historical Society
12 25 Austin, John F. Jr
business transactions with president of the T.J. Bettes Co. of Houston Texas
13 1 Automobile Mileage
Cache Valley Banking Co.'s policy on mileage reimbursements to employees
13 2 Automobiles
regarding purchase, maintenance and sale of Champ's automobiles
13 3 Automobiles
see above
13 4 Automobiles
see above
13 5 Automobiles
see above
13 6 Automobiles
see above
13 7 Automobiles
see above
13 8 Automobiles
see above
13 9 Automobiles
see above
13 *10 Avery, Robert
business transactions with head of General Distributing of Salt Lake City
13 11 "B" Misc 1920-1923
13 12 "B" Misc 1924-1925
13 13 "B" Misc 1926
13 14 "B" Misc 1927
13 15 "B" Misc 1928-1932
13 16 "B" Misc 1933-1934
13 17 "B" Misc 1935-1936
13 18 "B" Misc 1937-1938
13 19 "B" Misc 1939-1940
13 20 "B" Misc 1941-1943
13 21 "B" Misc 1944-1945
13 22 "B" Misc 1946-1947
13 23 "B" Misc 1948-1949
13 24 "B" Misc 1950
13 25 "B" Misc 1951-1952
13 26 "B" Misc. 1953
13 27 "B" Misc 1954
13 28 "B" Misc 1955
14 1 "B" Misc 1956
14 2 "B" Misc 1957
14 3 "B" Misc 1958
14 4 "B" Misc 1959-1960
14 5 "B" Misc 1961-1962
14 6 "B" Misc 1963
14 7 "B" Misc 1964-1965
14 8 "B" Misc 1966
14 9 "B" Misc 1967-1968
14 10 "B" Misc 1969-1970
14 11 "B" Misc 1971-1974
14 12 "B" Misc 1975
14 13 Backman, Gus P
personal notes with secretary of Salt Lake City Chamber of Commerce
14 14 Backman, Gus P
see above
14 15 Backman, Gus P
see above
14 16 Backman, Gus P
see above
14 17 Backman, Gus P 1943-1964
14 *18 Bacon, E.C
personal notes with Los Angeles resident
14 *19 Bacon, E.C
personal notes with Glendale California resident
14 20 Bailey, Reed W
personal notes with the director of the Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station in Ogden
14 21 Bailey, Reed W
see above
14 22 Baird Atomic
regarding stocks held in the firm
14 23 Baird Atomic
see above
14 24 Baker Oil Tools, Inc
regarding stocks held in this Los Angeles based manufacturer of oil industry tools
14 25 Ball, Elmer D
personal notes with the director of the Agriculture Experiment Station, U.S.A.C. 1943 1944 1948-1964
14 26 Ball, Myrtle,
personal notes with the wife of Dr. Elmer D. Ball
14 27 Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
regarding Champ's travel on this railroad
14 28 Bamberger, Clarence E
personal notes Executive Vice-Chairman of Utah War Finance Committee Bamberger Investment and Exploration Co. of Salt Lake City
14 29 Bamberger, Julian M
regarding acquisition of franchise for operation of Coca-Cola distributing agency in Logan
14 30 Banellis, Edmund A
regarding Cache County Development Project
14 31 Bankamerica Corporation
regarding stocks held in this San Francisco based firm
15 1 Bank of America
regarding stocks held in this San Francisco trust and savings association
15 2 Bank of America
see above
15 3 Bank of America 1950-1954
15 4 Bank of America 1955-1957
15 5 Bank of America 1958-1960
15 6 Bank of America 1961-1969
15 7 Bank of Douglas
personal notes with G. Clarke Bean of Douglas Arizona bank regarding the disappearance of Frances Champ
15 8 Bank of Idaho
regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
15 9 Bank of Idaho
see above
15 10 Bank of Ogden, Utah
regarding creation of this bank
15 11 Bankers Club of America
regarding Champ's membership in this New York based social club
15 12 Bankers Mortgage Company of California
business transactions with this San Francisco based company
15 13 Bankers Mortgage Company of California 1965-1967
15 *14 Bankers Short Course in Agriculture
sponsored by the USAC, the agriculute committee of the Utah Bankers Association and the Cache Valley Clearing House Association
15 *15 Bankers Trust Company
regarding stocks held in this New York based trust company
15 16 Bannister L. Ward
Denver Colorado attorney regarding U.S. Chamber of Commerce policies
15 17 Bannister, L. Ward
see above
15 18 Bannister, L. Ward
see above
15 19 Barber, Langton
vice president and cashier of Lewiston State Bank Lewiston Utah, regarding U.S.Chamber of Commerce activities and Champ's personal finances
15 20 Barber, Langton
see above
15 21 Barclay, George C
personal notes with the Harvard Class of 1919 secretary regarding reunions and activities
15 22 Barclay, George C
see above
15 23 Barclay, George C
see above
15 *24 Baring, Walter
personal notes with Congressman at Large of Nevada
16 1 Barr, William K
regarding prefabricated homes market in Utah and Colorado with this Denver based home builder
16 2 Barr, William K
see above
16 3 Barr, William K
see above
16 4 Barr, William K
see above
16 5 Barr, William K
see above
16 6 Barr, William K
see above
16 7 Barr, William K
see above and also Colorado Oil & Gas Corp.
16 8 Barr, William K
see above
1956 February - 1956 March
16 9 Barr, William K
see above
1956 April
16 10 Barr, William K
see above
1956 May
16 11 Barr, William K
see above
1956 June - 1956 December
16 12 Barr, William K
see above
1957 January - 1957 May
16 13 Barr, William K
see above
1957 June - 1957 December
16 14 Barr, William K
regarding personal notes
16 15 Barr, William K
see above
16 16 Barr, William K
see above
16 17 Barr, William K
see above and also Biographical data
16 18 Barrett, Frank A
regarding U.S. C of C Public Lands, Nat. Parks, etc. with Rep. at Large from Wyoming and Gov. and Sen
16 19 Barrett, Frank A
see above
1944 January - 1944 June
16 20 Barrett, Frank A
see above
1944 July - 1944 December
16 21 Barrett, Frank A
see above
1945 January - 1945 June
16 22 Barrett, Frank A
see above
1945 July - 1945 December
16 23 Barrett, Frank A
see above
1946 January - 1946 April
16 24 Barrett, Frank A
see above
1946 May - 1946 December
16 25 Barrett, Frank A
regarding campaign for Gov
16 26 Barrett, Frank A
regarding senatorial notes
16 27 Barrett, Frank A
see above
16 28 Barrett, Frank A
regarding senatorial notes
17 *1 Barron's
regarding subscriptions and publication offered by this N.Y. based business and financial weekly
17 *2 Bartell Media Corporation
regarding investments in this N.Y. based multi-media communications co
17 *3 Barton, Clara (Chapter #16 O.E.S.)
regarding Frances Champ's affiliation with this Logan Chapter of The Order of The Eastern Star
1946-1948, 1973
17 4 Barton, Harmon B
personal notes V.P. of Commercial Security Bank of Ogden
17 5 Basart, Victor D
resident of Chevy Chase, Md regarding farm properties appraisals and the Bankhead Amendment to the Steagall Bill
17 6 Bassett, Clarke
regarding U.S. C of C matters with the V.P. of First National Bank of Minneapolis, Minn
17 7 Baston, George H
regarding official of Commodities Exchange, USDA and USDA Food Distribution Administration, N.Y. resident
17 8 Baston, George H
see above
17 9 Baston, George H
see above
17 10 Baston, George H
see above
17 11 Baston, George H
see above
17 12 Baston, George H
see above
17 13 Baston, George H
see above
17 14 Batchelder, Phillip
regarding prospective enrollment of George and Winton with director of Tuscon Tutoring School, Tuscon Arizona
17 15 Baugh, Glenn P
real estate developer of Logan regarding University Heights Apt. House, 4 North Street Development and various other properties in Logan, Wendover NV
17 16 Baugh, Glenn P
see above
17 17 Baugh, Glenn P
see above
17 18 Baugh, Glenn P
see above
17 19 Baugh Jewelery CO
business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
17 20 Baugh Motor CO
business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. and the Clyde Parker Baugh Scholarship Fund at U.S.U
17 21 Baugh Plumbing CO
business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. and service at Federal Ave. prop of Cache Valley Banking Co
17 *22 Baxter Laboratories, Inc
regarding stocks held in this Illinois based drug firm
17 23 Bayne, William
regarding investment counselling of Albuquerque N.M. to Champ Investment Co
17 24 Bayne, William
regarding investment counselling to Champ Investment Co
1975 January - 1975 July
17 25 Bayne, William
see above
1975 August - 1975 December
17 26 Bazaar Inc
regarding stock held in this Portland Oregon based clothing merchandizer
17 27 Bazaar Inc
see above
18 1 Beachy, R.S
business transactions Pres. of First Mortgage Investment CO. Kansas City MO. regarding matters of interest to members of the Mortgage Bankers Association. Personal family matters
18 2 Beachy, R.S
see above
18 3 Beachy, R.S
see above
18 4 Beachy, R.S
see above
18 *5 Beal, Evelyn
personal notes with Contralto of N.Y. regarding her concert at St. Mary-of-The-Wasatch in S.L.C. and her friendship with Mary Champ
18 *6 Beale, W.M
personal notes with this resident of Houston Texas
18 7 Beales, Reginald
director of the W.P.A. Federal Music Project concerning projects in Utah
18 *8 Bear River Committee
telegrams with members of the Bear River Water Users Committee of Lewiston, Utah regarding Champ's membership
18 9 Bear River Project
regarding development of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamations Bear River Project with rep. of Utah, Idaho, Public Utilities and The Federal Gov
18 10 Bear River Project
see above
18 11 Bear River Project
see above
18 12 Bear River Project
regarding testimony and studies on the proposed Bear River Project
18 13 Bear River Project
see above
18 14 Bear River State Bank
regarding stocks held in this Tremonton, Utah bank and financial statistics, memo, and comparative statements of its assets, etc.
18 15 Bear River State Bank
see above
18 16 Bear River State Bank
see above
18 17 Bear River State Bank
see above
18 18 Bear River State Bank
see above
18 19 Bear River State Bank
see above
18 20 Bear River State Bank
see above
18 21 Bear River Valley Chamber of Commerce
regarding organization of this Tremonton chamber
19 *1 Bearce, George D
personal notes with general manager of St. Regis Paper Co. in Blacksport, Mass
19 *2 Beaver County, Utah School District Bonds
regarding issuance of these bonds
19 3 Bechtel, Kenneth Karl
president of Industrial Indemnity CO. of San Francisco regarding scouting and banking
19 4 Bechtel Kenneth Karl
see above
19 *5 Beck, Dr. Wilford W
Salt Lake City physician
19 6 Beehive Realty Company
regarding real estate transactions with this Salt Lake City co
19 7 Beehive Realty Company
see above
19 *8 Bell, Charles H
personal notes with Wayzata Minnesota resident
19 *9 Bell & Howell Company
regarding film about the U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce to the East
19 10 Bell, John B
president of Boise, Idaho based Title Insurance CO. regarding Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. real estate
19 11 Bell, John B
see above
1956 January - 1956 August
19 12 Bell, John B
see above
1956 September - 1956 December
19 13 Bell, John B
see above
19 14 Bell, John B
see above
19 15 Bell, John B
see above
19 16 Bell, John B
see above
19 17 Bell, John B
see above
19 18 Bell, John B
see above
19 19 Bell, John B
statements of condition for the Title Insurance Co
1956, 1965
19 *20 Bell, Thomas
manager of Henry Sears and CO. New York regarding U.S. Chamber of Commerce activities
19 21 Belous, Paul
of the H.F. Whittle Investment CO. Los Angeles, regarding real estate investments
19 *22 Bendix Aviation Corporation
regarding stocks held in this Michigan based electronics firm
19 23 Beneficial Life Insurance Company
personal notes with officials of this Salt Lake City firm
19 24 Benefit Trust Life Insurance Company
regarding business transactions between this Chicago firm and Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
19 *25 Bennatts, R.S
regarding employment with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
19 26 Bennett, Vance D
Boise Loan b Realty official, regarding his advancement and business of the co
1949 March - 1949 June
19 27 Bennett, Vance D
see above
1949 July - 1949 October
19 28 Bennett, Vance D
see above
1949 November - 1949 December
19 29 Bennett, Vance D
see above
20 1 Bennett, Wallace F
U.S. Senator for Utah, regarding his political career, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce the Mortgage Bankers Association and banking in Utah
1948 - 1950 June
20 2 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1950 July - 1950 December
20 3 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1951 January - 1951 June
20 4 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1951 July - 1951 December
20 5 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
20 6 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1953 January - 1953 June
20 7 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1953 July - 1953 December
20 8 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1954 January - 1954 April
20 9 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1954 May - 1954 December
20 10 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1955 January - 1955 June
20 11 Open for subsequent material
see above
20 12 Open for subsequent material
see above
20 13 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1956 May - 1956 December
20 14 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
20 15 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1958 January - 1958 July
20 16 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1958 August - 1958 December
20 17 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1959 January - 1959 June
20 18 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1959 July - 1959 December
20 19 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1960 January - 1960 May
20 20 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1960 June - 1960 December
20 21 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
20 22 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1962 January - 1962 June
20 23 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1962 July - 1962 August
20 24 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1962 September - 1962 December
20 25 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1963 January - 1963 May
20 26 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1963 June - 1963 July
20 27 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1963 August - 1963 December
21 1 Bennett, Wallace F
U.S. Senator for Utah, regarding his political career, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce the Mortgage Bankers Associate on and banking in general
21 2 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
21 3 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1967 March - 1967 December
21 4 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1958 January - 1958 May
21 5 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
1968 June - 1968 December
21 6 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
21 7 Bennett, Wallace F
see above
21 8 Bennett, Wallace F 1970 January - 1970 April
21 9 Bennett, Wallace F 1970 May - 1970 June
21 10 Bennett, Wallace F 1970 July - 1970 December
21 11 Bennett, Wallace F 1948-1970
21 12 Bennion, Adam S
Utah Power and Light CO. official regarding speaking engagements at 1943 National Manufacturing Association U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other civic groups
21 13 Benson, Ezra Taft
regarding services as Sec. of Agriculture and the L.D.S. Church
21 14 Benson, Ezra Taft
see above
21 15 Benson, Ezra Taft
see above
21 16 Benson, Ezra Taft
see above
21 17 Benson, Ezra Taft
see above
21 18 Benson, Ezra Taft
see above
21 19 Benson, Ezra Taft
see above
21 20 Bergener, H.E
personal notes with this resident of Logan
21 21 Bergeson, E
regarding contributions by stockholders to capital of Cache Valley Banking Co
21 22 Bering, Edgar A
regarding stock purchases by Cache Valley Banking Co. with Assist. Cashier Walker Brother's Bank Salt Lake City
22 1 Berkshire, Lisle L
manager, Western Division of the Chamber of Commerce of the U.S. regarding personal matters concerning his position in the Chamber and subsequent retirement
22 2 Berkshire, Lisle L
regarding search for new position, his position with Lycoming Historical Society of Williamsport, Penn. and St. Paul's Methodist Church of Cedar Rapids, Iowa
22 3 Berkshire, Lisle L
regarding his position with the School of Theology at Claremont Ca. as Assoc. Director of Development
22 4 Berkshire, Lisle L
see above
22 5 Berkshire, Lisle L
regarding his position with the School of Theology at Claremont, CA. as Assoc. Director of Development
22 6 Berman, Gen. Morris
commanding officer, Ogden Air Service Command, Hill Field, regarding his appointment as Brigadier Gen. in the U.S. Army Air Corps
22 7 Bernbach, Doyle Dane
regarding N.Y. based advertising firm and investments by Champ Investment Co
22 8 Bernhisel, J.M
Chairman, Cache Co. Democratic Committee and Lewiston, Utah dentist and postmaster
22 9 Bernhisel, J.M
regarding stocks held in Lewiston State Bank
22 10 Berntson, Russel Ellwood
Exec. Sec. and Treasurer U.S.A.C. regarding position with the Administration
22 11 Berry, Jay
Asst. Manager, Mortgage Loan DepT. Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. regarding various loan applications
22 12 Bestwell Gypsum Co
regarding stock held in firm by Frances W. Champ
22 13 Bethlehem Steel Corporation
N.Y. based steel cO. regarding stocks held in firm by F.P. Champ and annual Reports
22 14 Bigelow, A.P
cashier, Ogden State Bank regarding stock in Utah Idaho Central Railraod CO. The Cache Valley Duck
22 15 Bigelow, ASP
regarding personal matters of Champ family and the death of A.P. Bigelow
22 16 Bigelow, Leota
Mrs. A.P. Bigelow, regarding family matters
22 17 Bigelow, Leota
see above
22 18 Bigelow, Leota
see above
22 19 Bigelow, Leota
see above
22 20 Billings, S.L
President, Union Trust Co. of S.L.C. regarding various matters concerning Commercial Banking
22 21 Bimar Corp
Boston based insurance co. regarding investments by Champ Investment Co
22 22 Biographical Encyclopedia of America
regarding F.P. Champs inclusion in this publication
22 *23 Bird, Victor J
V.P./Manager, Farmers and Merchants Branch Walker Bank and Trust Co. regarding scouting and various other personal matters
22 24 Bischoff, R.K
insurance salesman of Lovell Wyo. re proposed employment in Farm Loan Division of Utah Mortgage and Loan Co
22 25 Bjorkman, Dr. George H
Lava Hot Springs, Idaho physician regarding services for Frances W. Champ
23 *1 Black, Col. Asa C
regarding his residence in the Champ's house at 145 N. 2 E. Logan
23 *2 Black, Parnell
S.L.C. attorney of the firm Rawlings, Wallace, and Black regarding employment of certain persons at small arms plant in S.L.C
23 3 Blackfoot, Idaho Chamber of Commerce
regarding speaking engagements before the chamber by Champ and matters of mutual interest
23 4 Blair, Archie D.T
Director, Citizens National Trust and Savings Bank Los Angeles, Ca. re personal matters relating to the Champ family
23 5 Blair, Lt. Col. Ben B
professor of Military Science and Tatics at U.S.A.C. regarding residence in Champ home at 145 N. 2 E. Logan
23 6 Blair, Lt. Col. Ben B
regarding George H. Champ's Military Science
23 7 Blair, Lt. Col. Ben B
regarding St. John's Church
23 8 Blair, Lt. Col. Ben B
regarding personal family matters
23 9 Blair, Lt. Col. Ben B
regarding deaths of Ben Blair and Vada Blair
23 *10 Blair, Seth H
President, Utah Auto. Dealer's AssoC. regarding Champ's congratulation upon his election to that position
23 11 Blood, Gov. Henry H
regarding state control of liquor disT. Farm Depression, Bear River, U.S.A.C. and Relief Administration in Utah, and Cache Co. politics
23 12 Blood, Gov. Henry H
see above
23 13 Blood, Gov. Henry H
see above
1936 January - 1936 September
23 14 Blood, Gov. Henry H
see above
1936 October - 1936 December
23 15 Blood, Gov. Henry H
see above
23 16 Blood, Gov. Henry H
see above
1938 February - 1938 June
23 17 Blood, Gov. Henry H
see above
1938 July - 1938 December
23 18 Blood, Gov. Henry H
see above
1939 January - 1939 June
23 19 Blood, Gov. Henry H
see above
1939 July - 1939 December
23 20 Blood, Gov. Henry H
see above
1940 January - 1940 September
23 21 Blood, Gov. Henry H
see above
1940 October - 1940 December
23 22 Blood, Gov. Henry H
regarding his service as President of California Mission of the L.D.S. Church
23 23 Blood, Gov. Henry H 1933-1942
23 24 Blood, Dr. H. Loran
plant pathologist, division of horticultural crops and diseases, Bureau of Plant Industry regarding advisory Council emergency nursery school, U.S.A.C
23 *25 Bluebell, Inc
regarding stocks held in this firm
23 26 Bluebird Restaurant, Logan Utah
regarding Champs business associations with this establishment
23 *27 Bluebook
regarding inclusion of Champ's listing in this publication
23 *28 Blue Cross-Blue Shield
regarding Champ's policy with this organization
24 1 Boeing Corporation
regarding stocks held in this Seattle based firm
24 2 Boise F.T. and Company
regarding municipal bonds represented by this Salt Lake City firm
24 3 Boise Chamber of Commerce
regarding Champ's speaking engagements before this group and activities of the national chamber
24 4 Boise Chamber of Commerce
regarding the Alaskan land withdraw]
24 5 Boise Chamber of Commerce
regarding Champ's service as president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
24 6 Boise Chamber of Commerce
regarding the election of Bill Wright to post of Director, U.S. Chamber of Commerce his service and the general activities of the chamber
24 7 Boise Chamber of Commerce
see above
24 8 Boise Chamber of Commerce
regarding the program of the 7th annual convention and routine matters of the chamber
24 9 Boise Loan and Realty
regarding the operation of this Boise branch of Utah Mortgage Loan
24 10 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
1951 January - 1951 August
24 11 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
1951 September - 1951 December
24 12 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
1952 January - 1952 May
24 13 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
1952 June - 1952 December
24 14 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
24 15 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
1954 January - 1954 August
24 16 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
1954 September - 1954 December
24 17 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
1955 January - 1955 May
24 18 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
1955 June - 1955 December
24 19 Boise Loan and Realty
regarding the operations of the Boise branch of Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
1955 January - 1955 May
24 20 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
1956 June - 1956 December
25 1 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
1957 January - 1957 June
25 2 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
1957 July - 1957 December
25 3 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
1958 January - 1958 June
25 4 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
1958 July - 1958 September
25 5 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
1958 October - 1958 December
25 6 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
1959 January - 1959 June
25 7 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
1959 July - 1959 September
25 8 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
1959 October - 1959 December
25 9 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
1960 January - 1960 June
25 10 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
1960 July - 1960 December
25 11 Boise Loan and Realty
see above
1961 January - 1961 September
25 12 Boise Loan And Realty
see above
1961 October - 1961 December
25 13 Boise-Payette Lumber Company
regarding business transactions of Utah Mortgage Loan with this Boise based firm
25 14 Bonded Tobacco Company Inc
regarding Champ's cigar orders from this New York based distributor
25 15 Bonds and Coupons
regarding list of coupons for municipal and other tax exempt bonds ready for collection
25 16 Bonneville Club
regarding Champ's membership in this Salt Lake City businessman's club
25 17 Book Table, Inc
from this Logan business
25 18 Boothby, Ralph E
regarding Harvard Alumni
25 19 Borbridge, Henry W
regarding personal notes with PFC of Santa Barbara California concerning Herb Champ
25 20 Bosone, Reva Beck
Utah Congressional candidate regarding public lands, housing and tenure of congressmen
25 21 Boston Insurance Company
regarding stocks held in this Boston based firm
25 22 Bothwell, Roy C
regarding Champ's investments in the American Falls Canal Securities Company
25 *23 Boushall, Thomas C
president of the Bank of Virginia, Richmond, regarding Estes Park meeting of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
25 *24 Bowden, T.R
regarding personal notes with mayor of Preston Idaho
25 25 Bowen, Edith
regarding personal notes with this Utah State University educator and instructor at the Intermountain Indian School at Brigham City Utah
25 26 Bowery Savings Bank
regarding this New York banks insured mortgages in the Salt Lake - Ogden area
25 27 Bowie, G. Calvert
regarding business transactions between Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. and the H.L. Rust real estate and mortgage company of Washington D.C
25 28 Box Elder Chamber of Commerce
regarding Champ speaking engagements before this chamber and its various activities
25 29 Box Elder County Bank
regarding this Brigham City bank's business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
26 1 Boy Scouts of America - Addresses of Frederick P. Champ 1936-1975
26 2 Boy Scouts of America - Bridger Council
communications with Don C.C. Kimball, scout executive of this Rock Springs Wyoming council regarding the activities of the group
26 3 Boy Scouts of America - Bureau of Cub Scouts
regarding the Cub Scouting activities of the Cache Valley Council BSA
26 4 Boy Scouts of America - Camp Inspections
regarding annual camp inspections of Section VI, Region 12
1964 March - 1964 May
26 5 Boy Scouts of America - Camp Inspections
see above
1964 June - 1964 December
26 6 Boy Scouts of America - Camp Inspections
see above
26 7 Boy Scouts of America - Camp Inspections
see above
26 8 Boy Scouts of America - Camp Inspections
see above
26 9 Boy Scouts of America - Camp Inspections
see above
26 10 Boy Scouts of America - Camp Inspections
see above
26 11 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
regarding solicitation for contributions from various corporations
1948 January - 1948 March
26 12 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1948 June - 1948 July
26 13 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1948 August - 1948 December
26 14 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations 1948
26 15 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1949 January
26 16 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1949 February
26 17 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1949 March - 1949 April
26 18 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1949 May - 1949 June
26 19 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1949 July - 1949 August
26 20 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations 1949
26 21 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1950 April - 1950 May
26 22 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1950 June - 1950 December
27 1 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
regarding solicitation for contributions from various Corp
1951 May
27 2 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1951 January - 1951 August
27 3 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations 1951
27 4 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1952 February
27 5 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1952 March
27 6 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1952 April
27 7 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1952 June
27 8 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations 1952
27 9 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1953 January
27 10 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1953 February
27 11 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1953 March
27 12 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1953 April - 1953 October
27 13 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1954 March
27 14 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1954 April
27 15 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1954 May - 1954 June
27 16 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1954 July - 1954 November
27 17 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations 1954
27 18 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1955 Febraury - 1955 March
27 19 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1955 April - 1955 July
27 20 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1956 January - 1956 February
27 21 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1956 March - 1956 August
27 22 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1957 January - 1957 March
27 23 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1957 April - 1957 October
28 1 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
regarding solicitation for contributions from various corporations
1958 February - 1958 May
28 2 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1958 June - 1958 November
28 3 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1959 February - 1959 April
28 4 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1959 May
28 5 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1959 June - 1959 December
28 6 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1960 April
28 7 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1960 May - 1960 October
28 8 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1961 February - 1961 April
28 9 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1961 May - 1961 November
28 10 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1962 January - 1962 May
28 11 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1962 June - 1962 December
28 12 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
28 13 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
28 14 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
28 15 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
28 16 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
28 17 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
28 18 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1971 January - 1971 October
28 19 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1971 November - 1971 December
28 20 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
28 21 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1972 September
28 22 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
1972 October - 1972 December
28 23 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
28 24 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Corporations
see above
29 1 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
F.P. Champ as chairman of the finance committee regarding routine matters of business, publicity, finance and operation of the council
1936 - 1939 April
29 2 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1939 May - 1939 September
29 3 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1939 October - 1939 December
29 4 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
minutes and bulletins of the Executive Board
29 5 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
29 6 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1940 January - 1940 February
29 7 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1940 March - 1940 April
29 8 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1940 May - 1940 June
29 9 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1940 July - 1940 August
29 10 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1940 September - 1940 October
29 11 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1940 November - 1940 December
29 12 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1940 January
29 13 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1940 February - 1940 March
29 14 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1940 April - 1940 May
29 15 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1940 June - 1940 October
29 16 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1940 November - 1940 December
29 17 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
30 1 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
F.P. Champ as chairman of finance committee regarding routine matters of business, publicity, finance and operation of the council
1941 January - 1941 February
30 2 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1941 March
30 3 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1941 April - 1941 May
30 4 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1941 June
30 5 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1941 July
30 6 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1941 August - 1941 September
30 7 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1941 October - 1941 December
30 8 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
30 9 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1941 January - 1941 June
30 10 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1941 July - 1941 December
30 11 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1942 January - 1942 February
30 12 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1942 March
30 13 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1942 April - 1942 May
30 14 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1942 June - 1942 July
30 15 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1942 August - 1942 December
30 16 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
30 17 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1942 January - 1942 May
30 18 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1942 June - 1942 December
31 1 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
F. P. Champ as chairman of the finance committee regarding routine matters of business, publicity, finance and operation of the council
1943 January - 1943 February
31 2 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1943 March - 1943 June
31 3 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
F.P. Champ as chairman of the finance committee regarding routine matters of business, publicity, finance and operation of the council
1943 July - 1943 October
31 4 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1943 November - 1943 December
31 5 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
31 6 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
31 7 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
31 8 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1946 February - May 1946
31 9 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1946 June- 1946 July
31 10 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1946 August - 1946 October
31 11 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1946 November - 1946 December
31 12 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
31 13 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
31 14 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1947 January - 1947 April
31 15 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1947 March - 1947 August
31 16 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1947 September - 1947 October
31 17 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1947 November - 1947 December
31 18 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
31 19 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
31 20 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1948 January
31 21 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1948 February - 1948 March
31 22 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1948 April - 1948 June
31 23 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1948 July - 1948 December
31 24 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1948 January - 1948 April
31 25 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1948 May - 1948 December
32 1 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
F.P. Champ as chairman of finance committee regarding routine matters of business, publicity, finance and operation of the council
32 2 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
F.P. Champ as chairman of finance committee regarding routine matters of business, publicity, finance and operation of the council
32 3 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
32 4 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
32 5 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
32 6 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
32 7 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
32 8 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
32 9 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
32 10 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
32 11 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
32 12 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
32 13 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
32 14 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
32 14 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
32 15 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
32 16 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
32 17 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
32 18 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
32 19 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
32 20 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
32 21 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
33 1 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
F. P. Champ as chairman of finance committee regarding routine matters of business, publicity, finance and operation of the council
33 2 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
33 3 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
F.P. Champ as chairman of finance committee regarding routine matters of business, publicity, finance and operation of the council
33 4 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
33 5 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
33 6 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
33 7 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
33 8 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
33 9 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1972 January - 1972 September
33 10 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
1972 October - 1972 December
33 11 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
33 12 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
33 13 Boy Scouts of America - Cache Valley Council
see above
33 14 Boy Scouts of America - Great Salt Lake Council
regarding meetings and routine council matters
33 *15 Boy Scouts of America - Hull Valley Scout Reservation
regarding trusts donated by F.P. Champ for the purpose of improving the facilities at the reservation, Scout Executive Derrald L. Watkins
33 16 Boy Scouts of America - Inter-Council Finance Committee
with scout executives of various regional divisions regarding financial matters such as contributors, programs and publicity
33 17 Boy Scouts of America - Inter-Council Finance Committee
see above
33 18 Boy Scouts of America - Inter-Council Finance Committee
see above
33 19 Boy Scouts of America - Inter-Council Finance Committee
see above
33 20 Boy Scouts of America - Inter-Council Finance Committee
see above
1963 January - 1963 June
33 21 Boy Scouts of America - Inter-Council Finance Committee
see above
1963 July - December
34 1 Boy Scouts of America - Lake Bonneville Council
(formerly Ogden Area Council) regarding corporate contributions, camp inspections and routine Scout business
34 2 Boy Scouts of America - Meetings
regarding July 16-17, 1953 meeting of the National Council in L.A
34 3 Boy Scouts of America - Meetings
regarding May 1955 meeting of the NationaI Council in St. Louis
1955 May
34 4 Boy Scouts of America - Meetings
regarding meetings of the National Council in Las Vegas in March 1969 and Salt Lake City in Nov. 1969
34 5 Boy Scouts of America - Meetings
regarding Executive Committee meetings in Newport Beach in March; Star-line, Nevada in Sept; and Las Vegas in November
34 6 Boy Scouts of America - Meetings
Cache Valley Council Executive Board
34 7 Boy Scouts of America - National Council
regarding the planning of the annual meetings and the second national jamboree
34 8 Boy Scouts of America - National Council
regarding activities sponsored by them, the annual meetings, jamborees, etc.
34 9 Boy Scouts of America - National Council
see above
34 10 Boy Scouts of America - National Council
see above
34 11 Boy Scouts of America - National Council
see above
34 12 Boy Scouts of America - National Council
see above
34 13 Boy Scouts of America - National Council
see above
34 14 Boy Scouts of America - National Council
see above
34 15 Boy Scouts of America - National Council
see above
34 16 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Nominations
regarding nominations for National Council officers, Exec. Board members, National Council members at large, National Council honorary members and National Court of Honors
34 17 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Nominations
see above
34 18 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Nominations
see above
34 19 Boy Scouts of America - Committee On Nominations
see above
34 20 Boy Scouts of America - Palm Springs and Desert area Council
regarding Champs service as finance chairman California Inland Empire Council
35 1 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Building Fund
thanking Champ for contribution to the fund
35 2 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
regarding candidates or awards and the scheduling of annual regional meetings and committee meetings
1949 January
35 3 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
1949 February - 1949 August
35 4 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
1949 September - 1949 December
35 5 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
minutes of meetings, reports on annual meeting and sectional meetings
35 6 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
35 7 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
35 8 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
reports, directories and Region XII Fact Book
35 9 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
35 10 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
35 11 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
regarding 3rd National Jamboree at Irvine Ranch, California
35 12 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
1954 January - 1954 August
35 13 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
1954 September - 1954 December
35 14 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
35 15 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
35 16 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
35 17 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
36 1 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
meetings, nominations for awards, and general business matters of Region XII Council
36 2 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
1958 March - 1958 September
36 3 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
1958 October - 1958 December
36 4 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
various reports from committee meetings
36 5 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
36 6 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
36 7 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
meetings, nominations for awards, and general business matters of the Region XII Council
1960 January - 1960 June
36 8 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
1960 July - 1960 August
36 9 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
1960 September - 1960 December
36 10 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
36 11 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
regarding Nov. 12, 1960 in Sacramento
36 12 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
36 13 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
36 14 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
regarding the Las Vegas meetings on November 11, 1961 and in March of 1962
1961 November 11 - 1962 March
36 15 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
36 16 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
Salt Lake City
36 17 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
Fresno, California
36 18 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
36 19 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
36 20 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
Scottsdale, Arizona
36 21 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
36 22 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
36 23 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
see above
36 24 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee
Coronado, California
36 25 Boy Scouts of America - Regional Executive Committee 1972-1976
36 26 Boy Scouts of America - Finance Resources Committee
reports to help Region XII Councils raise funds for various programs
36 27 Boy Scouts of America - Finance Resources Committee
see above
36 28 Boy Scouts of America - Trust Fund Promotion Committee
regarding the establishment of Committee notices of meetings, and related materials
36 29 Boy Scouts of America - Trust Fund Promotion Committee
see above
36 30 Boy Scouts of America - Utah National Parks Council
regarding Floyd Loveridges's retirement from Executive Board
36 31 Boy Scouts of America - Scouts of America 1936-1975
37 1 Boy's Club of America
regarding Champ's contributions to this N.Y. based nationally represented, organization for disadvantaged boys
37 2 Boy's Republic
regarding Champ's annual order for Christmas Wreaths from this California non-profit farm-school community for boys
37 *3 Bradshaw, George
regarding yardwork he did for the Champs
37 *4 Bradford, Ralph
former V.P. of U.S. Chamber of Commerce regarding his retirement
37 *5 Bradley, John E.
Santa Ana, Calif. stockholder in Cache Valley Banking CO. regarding the status of his investment
37 6 Branch, Dr. Charles H. Hardin
SLC psychiatrist regarding care of Frances Champ
37 7 Brandon, C. Watt
publisher of the Kemmerer Gazette, Wyoming regarding public lands policy and related matters
37 *8 Brandt, Dr. Karl
Stanford University economist regarding his speeches on public land policy and post-war Germany
37 9 Brascan Ltd.
regarding Champ's investment in the Brazilian Light and Power Co
37 10 Brascan Ltd.
see above
37 11 Can Ltd.
see above
37 12 Braunschweiger, Walter J.
Exec. T. P. Bank of America L.A. regarding the U.S. C of C, personal matters
37 13 Brennan, Leonard A.
agent for the California Insurance CO. regarding Bond of U.S. Marshal Gilbert Mecham
37 *14 Bridgerland Photo
regarding remittance from Champ to this Logan photography store
37 15 Bridgerland Senior Citizens
regarding Champ's contributions to this Logan organization
37 *16 Bridges, Senator Styles H.
U.S. Senator from New Hampshire regarding economy in the Federal Government
37 *17 Briggs, Dr. C.H.
Pasadena physician regarding Champ's periodic reports on his personal health and consultations with other doctors
37 18 Brigham City Chamber of Commerce
regarding Utah Savings Bonds, Utah industrializations, Business Ed. programs etc.
37 19 Brigham Young College
Contributions to the Endowment Fund of this Logan College
37 20 Brigham Young University
regarding invitations to recitals given at B.Y.U
37 21 Brigham Young University
37 22 Brigham Young Statue Commission
regarding request for Champ's participation on an advisory committee on the unveiling of the statue
37 23 Brimley, W.C.
agent for the intermountain branch office of N.Y. Life Ins. CO. SLC regarding life insurance
37 24 Brink, Olive
Canoga Park, Ca. investor in Cache Valley Banking CO. regarding sale of stock
38 1 Bristol-Myers Company
N.Y. based Co. regarding buying and selling of stocks of this company
38 2 Bristol-Myers Co.
N.Y. based Co. regarding annual reports and financial data
38 3 Bristol, Ralph E.
director for Utah War Production Board based in SLC regarding radio tube plant installed in Cache Valley
38 4 Bristol, Ralph E.
see above
38 5 Bristol, Ralph E.
Idaho Natural Gas Corp. regarding financial reports and map
38 6 Brittingham, H.R.
Head of Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, regarding a franchise for the use of the irradiated process of vitamin D for evaporated milk for the Morning Milk Company
38 *7 Broadway Hale Stores Inc.
regarding stocks held in this company by Champ
38 *8 Broadway Motor Building Corporation
regarding default on first mortgage bond
38 9 Brock, J. Elmer
member of the Public Domain Polices Committee of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce regarding creation of Jackson Hole National Monument
38 10 Brock, J. Elmer
see above
38 11 Brock, J. Elmer
see above
38 12 Brock, J. Elmer
regarding public lands in Wyoming
38 13 Brock, J. Elmer
see above
38 14 Brock, J. Elmer
see above
38 15 Brock, J. Elmer
see above
1954 January - 1954 July
38 16 Brock, J. Elmer
see above
1954 August - 1954 December
38 17 Brock, J. Elmer 1949-1954
38 *18 Brockman, E.F.
Sec-Treasurer of the Livestock Credit Corporation at Pocatello, Idaho, regarding job applications
38 *19 Brooking, A.J.
personal notes to this Logan acquaintance
38 20 Brooks, Colonel H.E.
Chief of Staff of Utah Military District, fort Douglas, regarding honorary membership in officers mess for Mrs. Champ
38 21 Bross, Florence
regarding stock held in Cache Valley Banking Company by this woman
38 22 Brough, C.A.
personal notes with general manager of the San Francisco office, Security Insurance Co
39 *1 Brown, Mrs. Anna Welles
Regarding personal matters
39 2 Brown, Edward W.
based in Rockford, IlL. regarding personal matters
39 3 Brown Floral Co.
SLC based floral CO. regarding general requests to send flowers and plants
39 4 Brown, George H.
Boston, Mass. attorney regarding lost parcel containing fur
39 5 Brown, Col. Joseph D.
regarding personal matters
39 6 Brown, J. Wylie
Southwestern rancher with interest in New Mexico, California regarding personal matters with information about ranch in Wyoming
39 7 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding National Cattleman's AssoC. New Mexico Cattle Growers Assoc. and various other associations
39 8 Brown, J. Wylie
based at Boirre, Loir-et-cher, France regarding business deals with a ranch in Idaho, a bank in Brigham City, and other matters
39 9 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding buying a new ranch in New Mexico and other matters
39 10 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding visits from families
39 11 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding Herbert Champ attending New Mexico military int. and vacation trips
1940 January - 1940 June
39 12 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding personal matters
1940 July - 1940 December
39 13 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding grazing service in connection with the forest Service in the Western States
1941 January - 1941 May
39 14 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding public lands and personal matters
1941 June - 1941 December
39 15 Brown, J. Wylie
personal matters
39 16 Brown, J. Wylie
Champ running for National C of C President, personal matters
39 17 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding engagement for Champ
39 18 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding buying of a salt and pepper collection
39 19 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding personal matters
40 1 Brown, J. Wylie
Southwestern rancher with interests in New Mexico, Arizona, Texas and Calif. regarding family matters and ranching business in New Mexico
1947 January - 1947 April
40 2 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding prospects for ranch buying in Arizona and recreation home in Ariz. or Calif
1947 May - 1947 July
40 3 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding purchase of pleasure boat, ranching business, and family matters
1947 August - 1947 September
40 4 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding Albuquerque housing development, ranch property , and the William Wyatt ranch in Deal, Montana
1947 October - 1947 December
40 5 Brown, J. Wylie
Regarding Albuquerque housing developments, a medical arts building, and personal matters
40 6 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding Albuguerque housing developments, the John Peterson ranch in New Mexico, and family matters
40 7 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding personal matters
1950 January - 1950 June
40 8 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding Wikidal summer home and Champ's housing projects in Ogden and Idaho Falls
1950 July - 1950 December
40 9 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding personal matters
1951 January - 1951 June
40 10 Brown, J. Wylie
see above
1951 July - 1951 December
40 11 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding the Wikidal diamonds and family matters
1952 January - 1952 June
40 12 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding the Presidential campaign and family matters
1952 July - 1952 December
40 13 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding a ranch in Tennes
40 14 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding family matters
40 15 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding Brown's marriage to Proxy and family matters
40 16 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding family matters
40 17 Brown, J. Wylie
see above
1957 January - 1957 June
40 18 Brown, J. Wylie
see above
1957 July - 1957 December
40 19 Brown, J. Wylie
see above
1958 January - 1958 April
40 20 Brown, J. Wylie
see above
1958 May - 1958 December
41 1 Brown, J. Wylie
Southwestern rancher with interests in New Mexico, Arizona, Texas and Calif. re family matters and Brown's stay at Glenwood Springs, Colo
1959 January - 1959 July
41 2 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding family matters, Brown's travels and the Champ's winter plans in Palm Springs
1959 August - 1959 December
41 3 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding family matters and Brown's stay at San Jacinto, Ca
1960 January - 1960 May
41 4 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding family matters and Brown's stay in Honolulu Hawaii, and the 1960 National Political campaign
1960 June - 1960 December
41 5 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding family matters, mutual investments and Brown's stay in Honolulu
1961 January - 1961 March
41 6 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding family matters Champs panned round-the-world trip, stay in Honolulu
1961 April - 1961 June
41 7 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding family matters and Brown's stay in Florida
1961 July - 1961 December
41 8 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding family matters and Brown in El Paso
1962 January - 1962 April
41 9 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding family matters and stock market, and Brown's stay in Honolulu
1962 May - 1962 July
41 10 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding family matters and public lands and National politics
1962 August - 1962 December
41 11 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding family matters and savings and loan industry and Brown's stay in Honolulu
1963 January - 1963 May
41 12 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding family matters, National Politics, and Brown's trip to Japan
1963 June - 1963 December
41 13 Brown, J. Wylie
see above
1964 January - 1964 June
41 14 Brown, J. Wylie
see above
1964 July - 1964 December
41 15 Brown, J. Wylie
see above
1965 January - 1965 June
41 16 Brown, J. Wylie
see above
1965 July - 1965 September
41 17 Brown, J. Wylie
see above
1965 October - 1965 December
42 1 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding family matters and the Vietnam War
42 2 Brown, J. Wylie
personal notes with Champ
42 3 Brown, J. Wylie
personal notes with Champ
42 4 Brown, J. Wylie
see above
42 5 Brown, J. Wylie
see above
42 6 Brown, J. Wylie
see above
42 7 Brown, J. Wylie
see above
42 8 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding the death of Mr. Brown
42 9 Brown, J. Wylie
regarding Champ's contributions to Carson-Newman College of Jefferson City, Tennes, in memory of Brown
42 10 Brown, Robert Wylie
J. Wylie's son, thanking the Champs for their contribution to Carson-Newman
42 11 Brown School for Girls
Glendora, California girl's school regarding attendance of Mary Champ
1940 August - 1940 December
42 12 Brown School for Girls
see above
1941 January - 1941 April
42 13 Brown School for Girls
see above
1941 May - 1941 December
42 14 Brown School for Girls
see above
1942 January - 1942 August
42 15 Brown School for Girls
see above
1942 September - 1942 December
42 16 Brown School for Girls
see above
1943 January - 1943 June
42 17 Brown School for Girls
see above
1943 July - 1943 December
42 18 Brown School for Girls
see above
42 19 Brown School for Girls
regarding remmittance of a bill
42 20 Brown School for Girls 1941-1944
42 21 Brown School for Girls 1941-1944
42 22 Brown, W. D.
Western Gateway Storage Co. official regarding Weber County, Utah, politics
42 23 Browning, Harold W.
regarding prospective employment with Cache Valley Banking Co
42 24 Browning, Barbara
personal notes with Mrs. M. B. Browning of the Bar B Ranch in Chinook, Montana
42 25 Bruderer, Wilford L.
office Manager for Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. re interoffice communications
42 26 Bruderer, Wilford L.
see above
1952 January - 1952 April
42 27 Bruderer, Wilford L.
see above
1952 May - 1952 September
42 28 Bruderer, Wilford L.
see above
1952 October - 1952 December
42 29 Bruderer, Wilford L.
see above
43 *1 Brunson, Max
owner of Brunson Studio and Camera, Logan, regarding Champ's account there
43 2 Brunswick Corporation
regarding stocks held in this Chicago based manufacturer of sports equipment
43 3 Brunswick Corporation 1959-1962
43 4 Bryan, Sally
personal notes with Mrs. Champ's niece of Cambridge Mass
43 5 Bryan, Sally
see above
43 6 Bryan, Sally
see above
43 7 Bryan, Sally
see above
43 *8 Bryant, Hugh
U.S. Grazing Service official regarding personal notes
43 *9 Lane Bryant Inc.
regarding stocks held in the Chicago based retailer
43 10 Bryant, Robert F.
Logan orthopedic surgeon regarding services to Mr. Champ
43 11 Buckenroth, Honorable Felix
state senator for Teton County Wyoming, regarding Jackson Hole National Monument
43 12 Buckenroth, Honorable Felix
regarding the sale of Morgan Ranch on Snake River near Jackson Hole and the Kearns Ranch at Hobback Junction
43 13 Buchman, Lois
General Manager, Utah Copper Division, Kennecott Copper Corp. regarding accounts with Commercial Security Bank of Ogden
43 14 Budge Clinic
personal notes to member of this Logan medical clinic and the Budge family
43 15 Budge, Hamer H.
Idaho congressman regarding forest permits
43 16 Budge, Thomas A.
Studebaker dealer, regarding the sale of his business frontage on north main street
43 17 Budge, William
regarding Champ's investments in the hospital
43 18 Buell, Frank A.
Alhambra, Calif. physician regarding Frances W. Champ's health
43 *19 Buffett, Howard
Nebraska congressman regarding fiscal matters in Federal Government
43 20 Building Account
regarding construction of the Gamble-Skogmo Inc. Building at corner of Main Street and Federal Avenue in Logan
43 21 Building Account
regarding agreements with the builders of building
43 *22 Bullen, Asa
Logan attorney regarding personal matters
43 23 Bullen, Herschel
General manager First Federal Savings and Loan Assoc. and Pres. of Utah Savings and Loan League regarding personal matters, Logan events, family
43 24 Bullen, Reed
Owner and Gen. manager of KVNU Radio in Logan, trustee of Utah State College and State Senator regarding Utah politics, public service and matters pertaining to the Board of Trustees
43 25 Bulletts, Warren C.
member of the U.S. C of C of York PA, regarding national politics, Bullett's travels family matters, and meetings of the chamber
43 26 Bulletts, Warren C.
see above
44 1 Bullis, Harry A.
chairman of the board General Mills, Inc. of Minneapolis, Minnesota regarding the business of the U.S. C of C, the Stassen for Pres. campaign, national politics and personal matters
44 2 Bullis, Harry A.
see above
44 3 Bullis, Harry A. 1947-1953
44 4 Bullock, J. Jay
SLC attorney regarding matters affecting Champ Investment Co. and Fed. and Utah income taxes
44 5 Bullock, J. Jay
regarding consultation costs or Champ
44 6 Bullock, J. Jay
see above
44 7 Bullock, J. Jay
Accounts and legal briefs pertaining to Champ investment Co. vs the U.S.A
44 *8 Buna Independent School District
mineral interest taxes paid by Frances W. Champ to this Texas School Dist
44 *9 Bundy, Ora
regarding Utah Gubentorial campaign by Ora Bundy
44 10 Bunting, G.C
U.S. Army Major stationed in California regarding his service at the USAC, the field house addition and related matters
44 *11 Burgess, Dr. J. Paul
regarding social activities of the Champs with this Hyrum physician and his wife
44 12 Burke, John J
Pres. of Metals Bank and Trust Co. in Butte, Montana regarding North Butte Mining CO. Pacific Northwest Power CO. and Idaho Dams
44 13 Burns, Myra C
N.Y. owner of alunite mine near Marysvale, UT, regarding sale of the property for development
44 14 Burpee-Wood Funeral Home
Rockford, Ill. funeral home regarding interment of Elizabeth S. Champ
44 15 Burr, Eleanor Cleveland
Freeport, Ill. investor in Cache Valley Banking Co. regarding the sale or trade of her stocks
44 16 Burr, Irene Cleveland
see above
44 17 Burrelle's Press Clipping Bureau Inc
N.Y. based Co. regarding the purchase of scrapbooks by Champ
44 *18 Burrows, J. Alma
V.P. of Edward L. Burton & Company of SLC regarding currency trends, investments, and banking
44 19 Burrows, J. Alma
see above
44 20 Burrows, J. Alma
see above
1951-1955, 1964
44 *21 Burton, George O
fellow scouting enthusiast of Oakland, California
45 1 Burton, Laurence J
Republican U.S. congressman from Utah regarding his campaign
45 2 Burton, Laurence J
regarding the Fed. Gov. fiscal program, Gov. competition with private business and farm legislation
1963 January - 1963 June
45 3 Burton, Laurence J
regarding the U.S. post office, the Internal Revenue code, public lands and other legislative matters
1963 July - 1963 August
45 4 Burton, Laurence J
regarding political appointments, the Cuban missile crisis, wilderness preservation, and other legislative matters
1963 September - 1963 December
45 5 Burton, Laurence J
regarding wilderness leG. civil aeronautics, Barry Goldwater, etc.
45 6 Burton, Laurence J
regarding community development, rural electrification, and Burton's re-election campaign
45 7 Burton, Laurence J
regarding Gov. finances, oriegn aid, arm legislation
45 8 Burton, Laurence J
regarding re-election campaign S the campaign of Bob Wolthuis
45 9 Burton, G. Richard
Lafayette, California banker and old friend of the Champ family regarding Burtons career
45 10 Burton, G. Richard
see above
45 11 Burton, G. Richard
regarding a move back to Logan and career there
45 12 Burton, G. Richard
regarding the Burton's Logan business, Allen's Ladies Store
45 13 Burton, G. Richard
see above
45 14 Burton, G. Richard
regarding Burton's move to California
45 15 Burton, G. Richard
regarding sale of Logan home b family matters
45 16 Burton, G. Richard
see above
45 17 Burton, G. Richard
see above
45 18 Bushnell General Hospital
regarding Jackson Hole National monument, Lava Hot Springs, West Point appointment, and local matters with Colonel Robert M. Hardway of Brigham City hospital
45 19 Bushnell General Hospital
regarding prospective V.A. Hospital in Logan, the Tony Grove camp, Federal public housing in Brigham City, Herbert Champ's military activities
45 20 Bushnell General Hospital
regarding the future status of the hospital
45 21 Bushnell Homes, Inc
regarding construction of a convertible apartment house project adjoining Bushnell hospital in Brigham City, financing and backing
45 22 Bushnell Homes Inc
progress of project
45 23 Bushnell Homes Inc
regarding investments in the project and subsequent financial returns
45 24 Bushnell Homes Inc
profit and loss statements for the project
45 25 Bushnell Homes Inc
Agreements, articles of incorporation, blueprints, and etc
45 26 Business Executives of America
biographical encyclopedia of officers and directors of American and Canadian companies
46 1 Business Men's Assurance Company - F.H. Blake
Asst. Treasurer of this Kansas City Montana. based insurance Co. specializing in Life, Health, and Group Insurance, pension plans, hospitalization, major medical expenses, and reinsurance of business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
46 2 Business Men's Assurance Company - F.H. Blake
see above
46 3 Business Men's Assurance Company - F.H. Blake
see above
1955 January - 1955 May
46 4 Business Men's Assurance Company - F.H. Blake
see above
1955 June - 1955 December
46 5 Business Men's Assurance Company - George H. Champ
Asst. Manager of Boise Loan and Realty regarding business trans. between this branch of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. and BMA Co.
46 6 Business Men's Assurance Company - Ira B. Crawford
Asst. Supervisor, arm loans division of BMA Co. regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp.
46 7 Business Men's Assurance Company - E.A. Ferguson
auditor with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp.
46 8 Business Men's Assurance Company - Betty Jo Foreman
investment dept. BMA Co
46 9 Business Men's Assurance Company - L.B. Foreman
supervisor of Farm Loans Division of BMA Co
46 10 Business Men's Assurance Company - W.D, Grant
President o BMA Co
46 11 Business Men's Assurance Company - W. T. Grant
chairman of BMA Co
46 12 Business Men's Assurance Company - Investment Dept
see above
46 13 Business Men's Assurance Company - Walter M. Jones
SLC branch manager of BMA Co.
46 14 Business Men's Assurance Company - Walter M. Jones
SLC branch manager of BMA Co
46 15 Business Men's Assurance Company - Walter M. Jones
see above
46 16 Business Men's Assurance Company - Walter M. Jones
see above
46 17 Business Men's Assurance Company - Walter M. Jones
see above
46 18 Business Men's Assurance Company - Walter M. Jones
see above
46 19 Business Men's Assurance Company - Travis C. Morgan
2nd V.P. of BMA Co
46 20 Business Men's Assurance Company - Ervin M. Peterson
SLC Branch Manager BMA Co
46 21 Business Men's Assurance Company - Ervin M. Peterson
see above
46 22 Business Men's Assurance Company - Ervin M. Peterson
see above
46 23 Business Men's Assurance Company - Franklin D. Richards
V.P. and Sec. of Utah Morgage Loan Corp. with Geo. H. Champ, Asst. Manager of Boise Loan and Realty
47 1 Business Men's Assurance Company - Grant Torrance
V.P. investments regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage and Loan Co.
47 2 Business Men's Assurance Company - Grant Torrance
see above
47 3 Business Men's Assurance Company - Grant Torrance
see above
47 4 Business Men's Assurance Company - Grant Torrance
see above
47 5 Business Men's Assurance Company - Grant Torrance
see above
47 6 Business Men's Assurance Company - Grant Torrance
see above
47 7 Business Men's Assurance Company - Grant Torrance
see above
47 8 Business Men's Assurance Company - Grant Torrance
see above
47 9 Business Men's Assurance Company - Grant Torrance
see above
47 10 Business Men's Assurance Company - Grant Torrance
see above
47 11 Business Men's Assurance Company - Grant Torrance
see above
1956 January - 1958 August
47 12 Business Men's Assurance Company - Grant Torrance
see above
1956 September - 1956 December
47 13 Business Men's Assurance Company - Grant Torrance
see above
47 14 Business Men's Assurance Company - Grant Torrance
see above
47 15 Business Men's Assurance Company - Grant Torrance
Vice President investment regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp.
47 16 Business Men's Assurance Company - Grant Torrance to George A. Judah
business communications with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. assistant secretary
47 17 Business Men's Assurance Company - Grant Torrance to R.H. Kalkwarf
business communications with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. Logan office manager
47 18 Business Men's Assurance Company - Grant Torrance to Franklin D. Richards
business communication with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. Secretary and Vice President.
47 19 Business Men's Assurance Company - Grant Torrance to Franklin D. Richards
see above
1955 January - 1955 June
47 20 Business Men's Assurance Company - Grant Torrance to Franklin D. Richards
see above
1955 July - 1955 December
48 1 Business Men's Assurance Company - Misc 1947-1967
48 2 Business Men's Assurance Company - Mortgage Loan forms
Mortgatge Loan forms
48 *3 Butcher, Dr. John E
USU professor from the Department of Animal Science regarding public lands policies
48 4 Buttars, Golden
chairman of the roads committee of Cache Chamber of Commerce regarding Republican Party politics
48 5 Buttars, Golden
personal notes to Logan resident regarding family matters
48 6 Buttars, Golden 1952-1974
48 *7 Buttars, Royal K
U.S. Marshall of Utah regarding his rise to that position
48 8 Byrd, Harry F
Senator and chairman of the Committee on Finance regarding taxation, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Federal spending
49 1 "C" Misc 1919-1923
49 2 "C" Misc 1924-1925
49 3 "C" Misc 1926
49 4 "C" Misc 1927
49 5 "C" Misc 1933
49 6 "C" Misc 1935-1936
49 7 "C" Misc 1937-1938
49 8 "C" Misc 1939
49 9 "C" Misc 1940-1941
49 10 "C" Misc 1942
49 11 "C" Misc 1943-1944
49 12 "C" Misc 1945-1946
49 13 "C" Misc 1947
49 14 "C" Misc 1948
49 15 "C" Misc 1949
49 16 "C" Misc 1950-1951
49 17 "C" Misc 1952
49 18 "C" Misc 1953
49 19 "C" Misc 1954
49 20 "C" Misc 1955
49 21 "C" Misc 1956
49 22 "C" Misc 1957
49 23 "C" Misc 1958
49 24 "C" Misc 1959
49 25 "C" Misc 1960-1961
49 26 "C" Misc 1962
49 27 "C" Misc 1963
49 28 "C" Misc 1964-1965
49 29 "C" Misc 1966
49 30 "C" Misc 1967
49 31 "C" Misc 1968
49 32 "C" Misc 1969
49 33 "C" Misc 1970
49 34 "C" Misc. 1971-1972
49 35 "C" Misc 1973-1974
49 36 "C" Misc. 1975-1976
50 *1 Cache American
regarding articles about Champ's enterprises in this Logan newspaper
50 *2 Cache Auto Company
regarding car care services or Champ by this Logan Co.
50 *3 Cache County
regarding voting registration
1949, 1967
50 4 Cache County Bond Commission
regarding passage of road construction bonds
1921 June 4 - 1921 June 20
50 5 Cache County Bond Commission
see above
1921 June 21 - 1921 June 29
50 6 Cache County Bond Commission
see above
1921 July 1 - 1921 July 19
50 7 Cache County Bond Commission
see above
1921 July 20 - 1921 July 30
50 8 Cache County Consumer Council
regarding monitoring of food prices in Logan for FERA program
1934 May - 1935 June
50 *9 Cache County Defense Board
regarding Champ's services to the board
1942 January - 1943 June
50 *10 Cache County Democratic Primary
regarding candidates for county offices
50 11 Cache County Republican Primary
regarding candidates for county offices on the Republican ticket
50 12 Cache County War Price and Rationing Board
regarding renewal of ration and mileage books
50 13 Cache County Welfare Board
regarding citizens who qualify for WPA projects, social security or other financial aid
50 *14 Cache Knitting Works
E.J. Wilson, Manager Cache Knitting Mills regarding putting bids on winter underwear for the army
50 15 Cache Motor Service, Inc.
Deverl Hess manager regarding the sale of Frances W. Champ's Studebaker
50 *16 Cache National Forest
A.G. Nord, supervisor regarding taking a trip to the Willard Watershed
50 *17 Cache Opportunity Center Board
regarding a donation to help build and operate center for youth
50 18 Cache Valley Advertising Company
R.L. Bird manager regarding rental payments on property space at Main Federal Ave. used for advertising
50 19 Cache Valley Banking Company 1922-1955
50 20 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding investigation of three employees for embezzlement
50 21 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding figures on different bonds and standings of bonds already owned
51 1 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding stocks, bonds, and notes related to banking transactions
51 2 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding end of year earnings and end of half year earnings, stocks and bonds
51 3 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
51 4 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
51 5 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
51 6 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding reports of progress and information to stockholder related transactions
51 7 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding selling of shares of the Estate of Thomas Oldham related transactions
51 8 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding information to stockholers, memorandum on report of earning for six months
51 9 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding buying of stock in this bank and the Lewiston State Bank
51 10 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding 40 year press release and related transactions
51 11 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding information to stockholder related transactions
51 12 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
51 13 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding bids for buying stocks, bonds, and related transactions
1945 October - 1945 December
51 14 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1946 January - 1946 September
51 15 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1946 October - 1946 December
51 16 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
51 17 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
51 18 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
51 19 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
51 20 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
51 21 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
51 22 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
51 23 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1954 January - 1954 June
51 24 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1954 July - 1954 December
51 25 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
51 26 Cache Valley Banking Company - Committee on 50th Anniversary
regarding preparations for the celebrations of the banks anniversary
1952 November - 1953 April
51 27 Cache Valley Banking Company - Committee on 50th Anniversary
see above
1953 May - 1953 October
51 28 Cache Valley Banking Company - Committee on Trusts
inventories of trusts, minutes of meetings, and related matters regarding the function of this committee
51 29 Cache Valley Banking Company - Committee on Trusts
see above
51 30 Cache Valley Banking Company - Committee on Trusts
see above
51 31 Cache Valley Banking Company - Committee on Trusts
see above
51 32 Cache Valley Banking Company - Committee on Trusts
see above
1954 January - 1954 August
51 33 Cache Valley Banking Company - Committee on Trusts
see above
1954 September - 1954 December
52 1 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding appraisals of loan applications
1954 January - 1954 March
52 2 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1954 April - 1954 June
52 3 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1954 July - 1954 September
52 4 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1954 October - 1954 December
52 5 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1955 January
52 6 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1955 February - 1955 March
52 7 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding appraisals of loan applications
1955 April
52 8 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1955 May
52 9 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1955 June
52 10 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1955 July - 1955 August
52 11 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1955 September - 1955 October
52 12 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1955 November
52 13 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1955 December
52 14 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding minutes of regular meetings of the Loan Committee
52 15 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1951 June - 1951 September
52 16 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1951 October - 1951 December
52 17 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1952 January - 1952 May
52 18 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1952 June - 1952 December
52 19 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1953 January - 1953 May
52 20 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1953 June - 1953 December
52 21 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1954 January - 1954 May
52 22 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1954 June - 1954 December
52 23 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding minutes of special meetings of discount committee and of the Board of Directors
52 24 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
52 25 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
52 26 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
52 27 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
52 28 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
52 29 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
53 1 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding comparative statements, earnings and disbursements, U.S. Government Securities, etc
53 2 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
53 3 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
53 4 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding comparative statements, earnings and disbursements, U.S. Government Securities, etc
53 5 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
53 6 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
53 7 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1942 January - 1942 July
53 8 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1942 August - 1942 December
53 9 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1943 January - 1943 May
53 10 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1943 June - 1943 December
53 11 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
53 12 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
53 13 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
53 14 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
53 15 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1948 January - 1948 August
53 16 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1948 September - 1948 December
53 17 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1949 January - 1949 May
53 18 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1949 June - 1949 September
53 19 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1949 October - 1949 December
54 1 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding comparitive statements, earnings and disbursements, U.S. Government Securities, etc
1950 January - 1950 May
54 2 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1950 June - 1950 September
54 3 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1950 October - 1950 December
54 4 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1951 January - 1951 May
54 5 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1951 June - 1951 September
54 6 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1951 October - 1951 December
54 7 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1952 January - 1952 April
54 8 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding comparative statements, earning and disbursements, U.S. Government Securities, etc
1952 May - 1952 August
54 9 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1952 September - 1952 December
54 10 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1953 January - 1953 February
54 11 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1953 March - 1953 May
54 12 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1953 June - 1953 July
54 13 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1953 August - 1953 October
54 14 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1953 November - 1953 December
54 15 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1954 January - 1954 May
54 16 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1954 June - 1954 September
54 17 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
1954 October - 1954 December
54 18 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
54 19 Cache Valley Banking Company
see above
54 20 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding lists that show names, addresses, and number of shares
54 21 Cache Valley Banking Company
regarding general memos of stockholders meetings and monthly directors meetings
1936, 1941
55 1 Cache Valley Branch, Walker Bank
previously Cache Valley Banking Company absorbed by Transamerica Corp. which was affiliated with Walker Bank and Trust Co. Champ served as a V.P. and Director regarding investments, interest coupons and stock transactions for Champ, the Episcopal Church in Utah and Champ Investment Co
55 2 Cache Valley Branch, Walker Bank
see above
55 3 Cache Valley Branch, Walker Bank
see above
55 4 Cache Valley Branch, Walker Bank
see above
55 5 Cache Valley Branch, Walker Bank
regarding investments, interest coupons and stock transactions for Champ, the Episcopal Church in Utah, and Champ Investment Co
55 6 Cache Valley Branch, Walker Bank
see above
55 7 Cache Valley Branch, Walker Bank
see above
55 8 Cache Valley Branch, Walker Bank
regarding Champ's personal and travel expense accounts
55 9 Cache Valley Branch, Walker Bank
see above
55 10 Cache Valley Branch, Walker Bank
see above
55 11 Cache Valley Broadcasting Company
inauguration of broadcasting for KVNU radio in Logan and the formation of the Cache Valley Broadcasting Company
55 12 Cache Valley Building Company
regarding operating costs and _financial statements of this company holding ownership of the Cache Valley Banking Building in Logan
55 13 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
55 14 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
55 15 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
55 16 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
55 17 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
55 18 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
1945 January - 1945 July
55 19 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
1945 August - 1945 December
55 20 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
55 21 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
1947 January - 1947 October
55 22 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
1947 November - 1947 December
56 1 Cache Valley Building Company
regarding upkeep of property, construction and renovation, leases, and other related matters
1948 January - 1948 August
56 2 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
1948 September - 1948 December
56 3 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
1949 January - 1949 July
56 4 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
1949 August - 1949 December
56 5 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
56 6 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
56 7 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
56 8 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
56 9 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
56 10 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
56 11 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
56 12 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
56 13 Cache Valley Building Company
see above
1964 January - 1964 August
56 14 Cache Valley Building Company
regarding resolution to dissolve the company
1964 September - 1964 December
56 15 Cache Valley Building Company
regarding the former company's leasable space
56 16 Cache Valley Building Company 1950
56 17 Cache Valley Building Company 1951
56 18 Cache Valley Building Company 1952
56 19 Cache Valley Building Company 1953
56 20 Cache Valley Building Company 1954
56 21 Cache Valley Building Company 1955
56 22 Cache Valley Building Company 1956-1959
56 23 Cache Valley Building Company 1963-1964
56 24 Cache Valley Building Company 1933-1968
57 1 Cache Valley Cattlemen's Association
regarding activities of this organization
57 2 Cache Valley Chapter - Utah Historical Society
notices of meetings and notes regarding speakers and activities
57 3 Cache Valley Clearinghouse Association
Banking association regarding programs fostering development of local communities
57 4 Cache Valley Dairy Association
regarding milk marketing, price supports, and an address by Champ to the group
57 5 Cache Valley Dairy Association
regarding financing of Dairy Fresh, Inc. and United Dairies, Inc. of Denver
57 6 Cache Valley Dairy Association
regarding gift packages produced by the association and purchased by Champ
57 7 Cache Valley Dairy Association
see above
57 8 Cache Valley Development Company
irrigation development financing company organized to aide the Hyrum Project regarding stock sales, water rights transfers, etc
57 9 Cache Valley Development Company
see above
57 10 Cache Valley Development Company
see above
57 11 Cache Valley Development Company 1940-1963
57 *12 Cache Valley Duck Club
regarding meetings of this Logan sportsman club
57 *13 Cache Valley Electric Company
regarding Champ's account with this Logan supply company
57 14 Cache Valley Flying Service
regarding contracts with the Civil Aeronautic Administration for civilian pilot training, organization of nonscheduled airline service for Cache Valley and hiring of a manager for this Logan based firm
1941 August - 1941 September
57 15 Cache Valley Flying Service
see above
1941 October - 1941 December
57 16 Cache Valley Flying Service
regarding leases with Logan airport and student pilot services
1942 January - 1942 August
57 17 Cache Valley Flying Service
regarding finances of the service and routine business matters
1942 September - 1942 December
57 18 Cache Valley Flying Service
see above
1943 January - 1943 September
57 19 Cache Valley Flying Service
see above
1943 October - 1943 December
57 20 Cache Valley Flying Service
see above
57 21 Cache Valley Flying Service 1943
57 22 Cache Valley Flying Service 1941-1946
58 1 Cache Valley General Hospital
regarding amendments to the hospital's articles of inCorporation expenses and the construction of a new building
58 2 Cache Valley General Hospital
regarding negotiations with the LDS Church to purchase and operate the hospital
58 *3 Cache Valley Humane Society
regarding Champ's contributions to the society
58 4 Cache Valley Industries Inc.
borrowing and construction company created by the merger of Cache Valley Improvement Co. and the Anderson Coach Co. regarding the construction of a building for the latter, a Michigan based mobile home manufacturer
58 *5 Cache Valley Life Underwriters Association
soliciting support from Champ for this organization
58 *6 Cache Valley Mutual Benefit Insurance Association
regarding Champ's hospital coverage
58 *7 Cache Valley Newspaper Company
regarding insurance for this Co
58 *8 Cache Veterinary Hospital
regarding care for Champ family pets
58 9 Cady, W.M.
regarding insurance business trends in the Gooding Idaho area
58 *10 Cahoon, Newell
regarding insurance coverage for Logan based City Grocery company
58 11 Caine, John T. III
personal notes with the General Superintendent of the International Livestock Show, Chicago, and the Western Stock Show of Denver
58 *12 Calder, David H.
regarding the Utah State University Alumni Association
58 *13 Caldwell Chamber of Commerce
regarding speaking engagement by Champ before this Idaho group
58 14 Caldwell, Max
general agent for the Salt Lake City office of Connecticut Mutual Insurance Company regarding insurance for Richard K. Hemingway
58 15 Caldwell, Max
regarding insurance purchased by Champ Investment CO. and profit sharing with Utah Mortgage Loan
58 16 California Riviera (A Trust)
regarding stock held in this subdivision trust holding property in Santa Montica
58 17 California State Chamber of Commerce
regarding Champ's services with the National Chamber
58 18 Calumet Skyway Toll Bridge
revenue bonds held by Champ in this investment
58 19 Camp, W.B.
regarding the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
58 20 Campbell, Boyd
regarding the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
58 21 Campbell, Claude A.
regarding the activities of the Mortgage Bankers Association
58 *22 Campbell Soup Company
regarding stocks held in this company
58 *23 Campus Studies Institute
regarding support of this collegate organization
58 24 Can-Anglo Mining Company Ltd.
regarding stocks held in this Canadian mining firm
58 25 Canadian Husky Oil Ltd.
regarding stocks held in this Canadian oil and refining company
58 26 Canadian Pacific Ltd.
regarding stocks held in this cO. formerly the Canadian Pacific Railway Co
58 27 Canyon County, Idaho
regarding taxes on property in this area
58 28 Capital Gains Research Bureau
New York based investment advisers to which Champ subscribed
58 29 Capital Gains Research Bureau
see above
58 30 Capital Supervisors
Chicago based investment advisers to which Champ subscribed
58 31 Capson Investment Company
Salt Lake based investment Co. regarding transactions with Champ Investment Company
59 *1 Carbon-Emery Bank
regarding U.S. Chamber of Commerce
59 *2 Cardon Jewelry Company
regarding sales to Champ by this Logan merchant
59 3 Cardon, A.F.
regarding termination of loan business in the intermountain west by this officer of the Ohio based Union Central Life Insurance and Mortgage Co
59 4 Cardon, Guy N.
Chairman of Logan's Planning and Zoning Committee regarding Chamber of Commerce and city activities
59 5 Cardon, Joseph E.
personal notes with Champ and business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
59 6 Cardon, Leah Ivins
regarding publication of Piano Pieces for Beginners, written by Mrs. Champ
59 7 Cardon, Myrtle
regarding Frances Champ's health
59 8 Cardon, Myrtle
see above
1953 January - 1953 March
59 9 Cardon, Myrtle
see above
1953 April - 1953 May
59 10 Cardon, Myrtle
see above
1953 June - 1953 November
59 11 Cardon, Myrtle
see above
1954 March - 1954 June
59 12 Cardon, Myrtle
see above
1954 July - 1954 December
59 13 Cardon, Myrtle
see above
1955 January - 1955 April
59 14 Cardon, Myrtle
see above
1955 May - 1955 December
59 15 Cardon, Myrtle
see above
59 16 Cardon, Myrtle
see above
59 17 Cardon, Myrtle
see above
59 18 Cardon, Myrtle
see above
59 19 Cardon, Myrtle
see above
59 20 Cardon, Myrtle
see above
59 21 Cardon, Myrtle
see above
59 22 Cardon, Myrtle
see above
59 23 Cardon, Myrtle
see above
59 24 Cardon, Myrtle
see above
59 25 Cardon, Myrtle
regarding Purchases for Frances Champ from Mrs. Cardon's Alhambra California shop
59 26 Cardon, O. Guy
owner of Logan's Bluebird Restuarant regarding personal notes
59 27 Cardon, O. Guy
see above
59 28 Cardon, P.V.
personal notes with former Logan resident
59 29 Cardon, P.V.
see above
59 30 Cards of Wood
regarding purchases from this greeting card manufacturer
59 *31 Carey, Robert D.
U.S. Senator from Wyoming regarding Federal mortgage banks
59 32 Carey, W. Gebson Jr.
President of Yale and Towne Manufacturing CO. of N.Y. regarding personal notes
59 33 Carey, W. Gebson Jr. 1944-1947
60 1 J.C. Carlile Corporation
regarding phosphate mining in Soda Springs Idaho
60 *2 Carlisle, John C.
personal notes with former Superintendent of Logan City Schools
60 3 Carlisle Wallace J.
General Manager of the Washington Hotel in San Francisco regarding hotel reservations for the Champ's and personal notes regarding the family
60 4 Carlisle Wallace J.
see above
60 5 Carlisle Wallace J.
see above
60 6 Carlisle Wallace J.
see above
60 7 Carlisle Wallace J.
see above
60 8 Carlisle Wallace J.
regarding his life in Palm Springs and activities of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
60 9 Carlisle Wallace J.
see above
60 10 Carlisle Wallace J.
regarding his life in Santa Cruz and personal notes on family activities
60 11 Carlsen, Dennis W.
Manager of the Bernina Sewing Machine Agency in Logan regarding lease of building owned by Champ
60 12 Carlsen, Dennis W.
see above
60 13 Carlsen, C.J.
personal notes with California Boy Scouts leader
60 14 Carr, Eleanor
personal notes with wife of the Governor of Colorado ( also
60 15 Carr, Ralph L.
Attorney and Governor of Colorado regarding his career, U.S. Chamber of Commerce activities, and the Jackson Hole National Monument issue
1941-1943 June
60 16 Carr, Ralph L.
see above
1943 July - 1943 December
60 17 Carr, Ralph L.
regarding public lands in the West, Chamber activities, and speaking engagements
1944 January - 1944 March
60 18 Carr, Ralph L.
see above
1944 April - 1944 August
60 19 Carr, Ralph L.
see above
1944 September - 1944 December
60 20 Carr, Ralph L.
see above
1945 January - 1945 February
60 21 Carr, Ralph L.
see above
1945 March - 1945 August
60 22 Carr, Ralph L.
see above
1945 September - December
60 23 Carr, Ralph L.
see above
1946 January - August
60 24 Carr, Ralph L.
see above
1946 September - December
60 25 Carr, Ralph L.
see above
1947 January - 1947 April
60 26 Carr, Ralph L.
see above
1947 May - September
60 27 Carr, Ralph L.
see above
1947 October - December
61 1 Carr, Ralph L.
regarding activities of the National Chamber of Commerce public lands issues, and personal notes on family matters
1948 January - April
61 2 Carr, Ralph L.
see above
1948 May - August
61 3 Carr, Ralph L.
see above
1948 September - December
61 4 Carr, Ralph L.
see above
61 5 Carr, Ralph L.
see above
1950 January - July
61 6 Carr, Ralph L.
regarding activities of the National Chamber of Commerce public land issues and family matters
1950 January - July
61 7 Carr, Ralph L. 1943-1950
61 8 Carr, Mrs. Ralph L. (Ellie)
personal notes with the wife of Colorado Governor
61 *9 Carr, Robert S.
personal notes with son of Ralph L. Carr
61 *10 Carrier Corporation
regarding stocks held in this New York based refrigeration company
61 *11 Carson, Dorothy Myers
California attorney regarding family matters
61 12 Carter-Wallace Company
regarding stocks held in this New York based pharmesuticals company
61 13 Cascades Plywood Corporation
regarding stock held in this Portland Oregon lumber company
61 14 Cascades Plywood Corporation
see above
61 15 Cascades Plywood Corporation
see above
61 16 Casella, Joseph N.
Salt Lake City accountant and tax consultant regarding Champ's tax statements
61 17 Casella, Joseph N.
see above
61 18 Casella, Joseph N.
see above
61 19 Casella, Joseph N.
see above
61 20 Casper Chamber of Commerce
regarding the activities of this Wyoming chamber, public lands and the U.S. Chamber
61 21 Cates, William C.
personal notes with this Milford Utah resident
61 22 Catholic Church In Utah
verification of Frederick P. Champ's birthdate and place
61 23 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc.
see above
61 24 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc.
see above
61 25 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc.
see above
61 26 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc.
see above
61 27 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc.
see above
61 28 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc.
see above
62 1 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc.
Rockford Illinois investment firm regarding loan and mortgage business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
1963 January - 1963 July
62 2 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc.
see above
1963 August - 1963 December
62 3 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc.
see above
1964 January - 1964 May
62 4 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc.
see above
1964 June - 1964 December
62 5 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc.
see above
62 6 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc. 1933-1942
62 7 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc. 1955 March
62 8 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc. 1955 April
62 9 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc. 1955 May
62 10 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc. 1955 June
62 11 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc. 1955 July
62 12 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc. 1955 August
62 13 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc. 1955 September
62 14 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc. 1955 October
62 15 Catlin, Mulford, & Smith Inc. 1955 November
62 16 Cedar City Chamber of Commerce
regarding opposition to wool support proposals by U.S. Congress, Business of the U.S. C of C and U.S. savings bond program
62 17 Celanese Corporation
regarding stock held in this N.Y. based petroleum products mft
62 18 Celery
mailing lists for Utah celery sent as gifts by Mr. and Mrs. Champ
62 19 Celotex Corporation
Chicago based building materials manufacturer, stock certificates, Correspondence
62 20 Celotex Corporation
see above
62 21 Celotex Corporation
see above
63 1 Cenco Instruments
regarding stock holdings in this Chicago based scientific instruments manufacturer
63 2 Central Auto Parts And Tire Company
Logan auto parts company regarding account with Mr. Champ
63 3 Central Farmers Fertilizer Company
regarding loans from Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. for this Georgetown Idaho based company
63 4 Central Garage
regarding Logan garage's accounts with Mr. Champ
63 5 Central Telephone Company
formerly southern Nevada telephone cO. regarding Champ's investment in this co
63 6 Central Trust Company
SLC trust CO. regarding investments made in behalf of Mr. Champ's interest
63 7 Central Western Shippers Advisory Board
Denver based railraod freight advisory board regarding meetings, legislation affecting railroad regulation and investments
63 8 Certain-Teed Products Corporation
regarding stock holdings in this Valley forge Pennsylvania based building material manufacturer
63 9 Challice, Charles
Rochester, N.Y. acquaintance regarding personal and family matters
63 10 Challice, Charles
see above
63 11 Challice, Charles
see above
63 12 Challice, Charles
see above
63 13 Challice, Charles
see above
63 14 Chalmers, Kenneth W.
Colorado State conservationist with U.S. Soil Conservation service regarding the U.S. C of C and Federal Lands Policy
63 *15 Chambers, A.W.
Cache County commissioner regarding agricultural interests, politics, and church service
63 *16 Chamber, E.S.
agricultural expert regarding various positions with Fed. Farm Aid program
63 17 Chamberlain, Edmund G.
chief of inquiry section, home owner's loan Corp. Washington, D.C. and review committee member of the Fed. Home Loan Bank Board, regarding mortgage banking, the investors syndicate, and Floyd D. Hansen
63 *18 Chamberlain, H.M.
V.P. of Walker Bank and Trust CO. SLC, regarding social engagements and personal matters
63 *19 Champ, Clarence E.
of Butte, Montana regarding a luncheon and tour of the town
63 20 Champ, Frances
regarding accounts with Cache Valley Banking Company and stock purshases
63 21 Champ, Frances
see above
63 22 Champ, Frances
regarding accounts pertaining to the maintenance of the Champ household
63 23 Champ, Frances
regarding Mrs. Champ's income from investments and income taxes
63 24 Champ, Frances
see above
63 25 Champ, Frances
see above
63 26 Champ, Frances
see above
63 27 Champ, Frances
see above
63 28 Champ, Frances
see above
63 29 Champ, Frances
see above
63 30 Champ, Frances
see above
63 31 Champ, Frances
see above
63 32 Champ, Frances
see above
63 33 Champ, Frances - Northern Trust Company
regarding trust set up by Mary Winton Kimball and Zerlina Knox Winton
63 34 Champ, Frances - Northern Trust Company
see above
63 35 Champ, Frances
Regarding the establishment of a trust
64 1 Champ, Frances - Trust #79
Regarding administration of this trust set up in the name of Frances Champ
64 2 Champ, Frances - Trust #79
see above
64 3 Champ, Frances - Trust #79
see above
64 4 Champ, Frances - Trust #79
see above
64 5 Champ, Frances - Trust #79
see above
64 6 Champ, Frances - Trust #79
see above
64 7 Champ, Frances - Trust #79
see above
1966 January - 1966 May
64 8 Champ, Frances - Trust #79
see above
1966 June - 1966 December
64 9 Champ, Frances - Trust #79
regarding administration of this trust set up in the name of Frances Champ
1967 Januray - 1967 April
64 10 Champ, Frances - Trust #79
see above
1967 May - 1967 December
64 11 Champ, Frances - Trust #79
regarding oil leases, acquired through this trust
64 12 Champ, Frances - Trust #79
see above
64 13 Champ, Frances - Trust #79
see above
64 14 Champ, Frances - Trust #79
see above
64 15 Champ, Frances - Trust #79
see above
64 16 Champ, Frances - Trust #79
statement of properties held in this trust
65 1 Champ, Frederick P. 1929
65 2 Champ, Frederick P. 1930
65 3 Champ, Frederick P. 1931
65 4 Champ, Frederick P. 1932
65 5 Champ, Frederick P. 1934
65 6 Champ, Frederick P. 1935
65 7 Champ, Frederick P. 1937
65 8 Champ, Frederick P. 1940
65 9 Champ, Frederick P. 1941
65 10 Champ, Frederick P. 1942
65 11 Champ, Frederick P. 1943
65 12 Champ, Frederick P. 1944
65 13 Champ, Frederick P. 1945
65 14 Champ, Frederick P. 1946
65 15 Champ, Frederick P. 1947
65 16 Champ, Frederick P. 1948
65 17 Champ, Frederick P. 1949
65 18 Champ, Frederick P. 1950
65 19 Champ, Frederick P. 1951
65 20 Champ, Frederick P. 1952
65 21 Champ, Frederick P. 1953
65 22 Champ, Frederick P. 1954
66 1 Champ, Frederick P. 1940-1941
66 2 Champ, Frederick P. 1942-1943
66 3 Champ, Frederick P. 1943-1944
66 4 Champ, Frederick P. 1945-1946
66 5 Champ, Frederick P. 1947-1948
66 6 Champ, Frederick P. 1949-1950
66 7 Champ, Frederick P. 1951-1952
66 8 Champ, Frederick P. 1942-1952
66 9 Champ, Frederick P. 1950-1952
67 1 Champ, Frederick P. - Canyon Party
at girl's camp in Logan Canyon
67 2 Champ, Frederick P. - Champ Canyon Home
in Logan Canyon regarding the buying of the Elmer G. Peterson canyon home and special use permits
67 3 Champ, Frederick P. - Champ Canyon Home
see above
67 4 Champ, Frederick P. - Champ Canyon Home
see above
67 5 Champ, Frederick P. - Champ Canyon Home
see above
67 6 Champ, Frederick P. - Champ Canyon Home
regarding permits, receipts, and bill of sale
67 7 Champ, Frederick P. - Champ Investment Company
regarding bids on school district property and the accepting of the bid by the school board
1964 May - 1964 June
67 8 Champ, Frederick P. - Champ Investment Company
regarding extensions on buying of school property and possibilities of only buying part of the property
1964 August - 1964 December
67 9 Champ, Frederick P. - Champ Investment Company 1964
67 10 Champ Frederick P. - Daybooks 1947-1948
67 11 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
regarding tax returns, lists of dividends received, and lists of total earnings
67 12 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
see above
67 13 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
see above
67 14 Champ, Frederick P.
see above
67 15 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
see above
67 16 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
see above
67 17 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
see above
67 18 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
see above
67 19 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
see above
68 1 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
regarding personal income and the I.R.S
68 2 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
income tax returns and related papers
68 3 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
see above
68 4 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
see above
68 5 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
see above
68 6 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
see above
68 7 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
see above
68 8 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
see above
68 9 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
see above
68 10 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
see above
68 11 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
see above
68 12 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
see above
68 13 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
see above
68 14 Champ, Frederick P. - Income
see above
68 15 Champ, Frederick P. - Income 1921-1925
68 16 Champ, Frederick P. - Income 1926-1930
68 17 Champ, Frederick P. - Income 1931-1935
68 18 Champ, Frederick P. - Income 1936-1939
69 1 Champ, Frederick W.
regarding yard work done for his father
69 2 Champ, Frederick W.
regarding merit badges and possible attendance at Middlesex prep school
69 3 Champ, Frederick W.
regarding attendance at New Mexico Military Academy at Rosewell
69 4 Champ, Frederick W.
see above
1947 January - 1947 May
69 5 Champ, Frederick W.
see above
1947 June - 1947 December
69 6 Champ, Frederick W.
see above
1948 January - 1948 April
69 7 Champ, Frederick W.
see above
1948 May - 1948 December
69 8 Champ, Frederick W.
regarding attendance at Stanford University
1949 January - 1949 May
69 9 Champ, Frederick W.
see above
1949 June - 1949 December
69 10 Champ, Frederick W.
see above
1950 January - 1950 April
69 11 Champ, Frederick W.
see above
1950 May - 1950 August
69 12 Champ, Frederick W.
see above
1950 September - 1950 December
69 13 Champ, Frederick W.
see above
1951 January - 1951 March
69 14 Champ, Frederick W.
see above
1951 April - 1951 August
69 15 Champ, Frederick W.
see above
1951 September - 1951 December
70 1 Champ, Frederick W.
regarding his studies at Stanford University
1952 January - 1952 March
70 2 Champ, Frederick W.
regarding his acceptance into Harvard Business College
1952 April - 1952 June
70 3 Champ, Frederick W.
see above
1952 July - 1952 September
70 4 Champ, Frederick W.
see above
October-December 1952
70 5 Champ, Frederick W.
see above
1953 January - 1953 March
70 6 Champ, Frederick W.
see above
1953 April - 1953 August
70 7 Champ, Frederick W.
see above
1953 September - 1953 October
70 8 Champ, Frederick W.
see above
1953 November - 1953 December
70 9 Champ, Frederick W.
income tax Statements
70 10 Champ, Frederick W.
see above
70 11 Champ, Frederick W.
see above
70 12 Champ, Frederick W.
see above
70 13 Champ, George H.
regarding the boy scout jamboree
70 14 Champ, George H.
regarding attendance at New Mexico Military Institute, Rosewell
70 15 Champ, George H.
see above
70 16 Champ, George H.
regarding his military service
1944 January - 1944 February
70 17 Champ, George H.
see above
1944 March - 1944 May
70 18 Champ, George H.
see above
1944 June - 1944 August
70 19 Champ, George H.
see above
1944 September - 1944 December
71 1 Champ, George H.
regarding his military service
1945 January - 1945 March
71 2 Champ, George H.
see above
1945 April - 1945 May
71 3 Champ, George H.
see above
1945 June - 1945 July
71 4 Champ, George H.
see above
1945 August - 1945 October
71 5 Champ, George H.
see above
1945 November - 1945 December
71 6 Champ, George H.
see above
1946 January - 1946 February
71 7 Champ, George H.
regarding his return to civilian life and visits with relatives
1946 March - 1946 December
71 8 Champ, George H.
regarding college attendance
71 9 Champ, George H.
regarding his position with the Boise branch of Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
71 10 Champ, George H.
regarding his position with the Boise branch of the Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
1949 January - 1949 June
71 11 Champ, George H.
see above
1949 July - 1949 October
71 12 Champ, George H.
see above
1949 November - 1949 December
72 1 Champ, George H.
regarding his position with the Boise branch of Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
1950 January - 1950 February
72 2 Champ, George H.
see above
1950 March - 1950 May
72 3 Champ, George H.
see above
1950 June - 1950 July
72 4 Champ, George H.
see above
1950 August - 1950 September
72 5 Champ, George H.
see above
1950 October
72 6 Champ, George H.
see above
1950 November - 1950 December
72 7 Champ, George H.
see above
1951 January - 1951 February
72 8 Champ, George H.
see above
1951 March - 1951 April
72 9 Champ, George H.
see above
1951 May - 1951 July
72 10 Champ, George H.
see above
1951 August
72 11 Champ, George H.
see above
1951 September - 1951 October
72 12 Champ, George H.
see above
1951 November - 1951 December
72 13 Champ, George H.
see above
1952 January - 1952 February
72 14 Champ, George H.
see above
1952 March - 1952 April
72 15 Champ, George H.
see above
1952 May
72 16 Champ, George H.
see above
1952 June - 1952 July
72 17 Champ, George H.
see above
1952 August - 1952 September
72 18 Champ, George H.
see above
1952 October - 1952 November
72 19 Champ, George H.
see above
1952 December
73 1 Champ, George H.
regarding his position at Boise office of Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
1953 January - 1953 March
73 2 Champ, George H.
see above
1953 April - 1953 May
73 3 Champ, George H.
see above
1953 June
73 4 Champ, George H.
see above
1953 July
73 5 Champ, George H.
see above
1953 August - 1953 September
73 6 Champ, George H.
regarding his position with the Boise branch of the Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
1953 October
73 7 Champ, George H.
see above
1953 November - 1953 December
73 8 Champ, George H. 1936-1953
73 9 Champ, Helen A.
regarding preparation for wedding to Herb Champ
73 10 Champ, Helen A.
regarding family matters
73 11 Champ, Helen A.
see above
73 12 Champ, Mary Knox
regarding her graduation from Glendora California Brown School for Girls, plans for college and family matters
1944 January - 1944 March
73 13 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1944 April - 1944 May
73 14 Champ, Mary Knox
regarding attendance at U. of So. California
1944 June - 1944 December
73 15 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1945 January - 1945 May
73 16 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1945 June - 1945 December
74 1 Champ, Mary Knox
regarding U. of So. Cal
1946 January - 1946 May
74 2 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1946 June - 1946 December
74 3 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1947 January - 1947 May
74 4 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1947 June - 1947 December
74 5 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1948 January - 1948 May
74 6 Champ, Mary Knox
regarding family matters
1948 June - 1948 December
74 7 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1949 January - 1949 April
74 8 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1949 May - 1949 December
74 9 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1950 January - 1950 May
74 10 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1950 June - 1950 December
74 11 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1951 January - 1951 March
74 12 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1951 April - 1951 October
74 13 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1952 January - 1952 May
74 14 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1952 June - 1952 December
74 15 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
75 1 Champ, Mary Knox
regarding career pursuits in New York and family matters
1954 January - 1954 June
75 2 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1954 July - 1954 October
75 3 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1954 November
75 4 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1954 December
75 5 Champ, Mary Knox
regarding career pursuits in New York and family matters
1955 January - 1955 February
75 6 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1955 March - 1955 April
75 7 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1955 May - 1955 June
75 8 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1955 July - 1955 September
75 9 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1955 October - 1955 November
75 10 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1955 December
75 11 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1956 January - 1956 February
75 12 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
March 1956
75 13 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1956 April - 1956 July
75 14 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1956 August - 1956 September
75 15 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
1956 October - 1956 December
75 16 Champ, Mary Knox
Income tax returns and related papers
75 17 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
75 18 Champ, Mary Knox
see above
75 19 Champ, Mary Knox - Trust #161
regarding information on a trust with Champ Investment Company
75 20 Champ, Mary Knox - Trust #161
see above
75 21 Champ, Mary Knox - Trust #161
see above
75 22 Champ, Mary Knox - Trust #161
see above
1969 January - 1969 February
75 23 Champ, Mary Knox - Trust #161
see above
1969 March - 1969 May
75 24 Champ, Mary Knox - Trust #161
see above
1969 June - 1969 July
75 25 Champ, Mary Knox - Trust #161
see above
1969 August - 1969 September
75 26 Champ, Mary Knox - Trust #161
see above
1969 October
75 27 Champ, Mary Knox - Trust #161
see above
1969 November - 1969 December
76 1 Champion International Corporation
building material manufactures based in Conn. regarding buying and selling of stocks
76 2 Chaney, Mr. and Mrs. B.J.
V.P. The Third National Bank Rockford, Ill. regarding stocks in Lewiston State Bank and personal Correspondence
76 3 Chaney, Mr. and Mrs. B.J.
see above
1923 March - 1926 February
76 4 Chaney, Mr. and Mrs. B.J.
living in St. Petersbury, Florida regarding stock dividends from Lewiston State Bank personal family Correspondence
1936 June - 1939 October
76 5 Chaney, Mrs. B.J.
regarding the illness and passing of B.J. Chaney and dealing of business
76 6 Chaney, Mrs. B.J.
regarding selling of stock in Lewiston State Bank business and personal matters
76 7 Chapman, H.H.
professor of forest Management at Yale University, regarding forest lands policy and concerning speeches given by both men
76 8 Chapp, Mrs. Marjeane V.
resident of Santa Monica, California regarding granddaughter attending Utah State
76 9 Chappell, Aldous D.
regarding prospective employment with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation in the insurance department
1954 June - 1954 July
76 10 Chappell, Aldous D.
Asst. manager, Ins. Dept. regarding salary and increases and transfer to Boise
1954 November - 1959 December
76 11 Chappell, Aldous D.
regarding transfer to Logan ans Manager of Ins. Dept. and business matters
76 12 Chappell, Aldous D.
see above
76 13 Chappell, Aldous D.
see above
76 14 Chappell, Aldous D.
see above
76 15 Chase, A.B.
real estate 6 insurance exchange, Pocatello, Idaho regarding setting up insurance policies in Idaho along with Utah Paramount Co
76 16 Chase, Daryl
director of branch agricultural college of Utah, Cedar City, Ut. regarding being made president of U.S.U. and various functions
76 17 Chase Manhattan Bank
based in N.Y. Asst. V.P. Anthony I. Eyring regarding personal family corres and visits, selling of Cache Valley Banking CO. business transactions
76 *18 Chase Studios Ltd.
based is Chase Bldg. Washington D.C. regarding photographs taken in Washington D.C
76 *19 Chatelain, T.B.
SLC resident regarding business matters with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
76 20 Chelan Public Utility District
Washington based regarding puchase of bonds and standing of those bonds
76 21 Chelan Public Utility District
see above
76 22 Chelan Public Utility District
see above
76 *23 Cheasapeake & Ohio Railway Company
based in Cleveland, Ohio regarding policy and black market in tickets
76 24 Chez, Joseph
Attorney General State of Utah regarding residency of students of U.S.U. and other business
77 *1 Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company
based in Chicago regarding standing of bonds in the company
77 *2 Chicago Symphony Orchestra
regarding cancelling of a bound volume of the Orchestra programs for the 57th season
77 3 Chicago Transit Authority
regarding opinions about investment in bonds, statements of application of revenue
77 4 Chicago Transit Authority
regarding purchasing and selling of bonds, information concerning bonds
77 5 Chicago Transit Authority
see above
77 6 Childrens Service Society of Utah
SLC based regarding appointment to board of directors and land purchases
77 7 Childrens Service Society of Utah 1935-1938
77 8 Childrens Service Society of Utah 1951-1953
77 9 Ching, Hung Wo
president Aloha Airlines, Inc. Honolulu, Hawaii regarding selection by U.S.U. for the award of an Honorary Doctorate
77 *10 Christen, Harvey
regional chairman of Boy Scouts of America regarding personal family matters
77 11 Christensen, Inc.
regarding purchasing of stocks and the loss of them, merging of Christensen, Inc. with Norton Camp
77 *12 Christian Science Practioners
Bertha S. Holloway, C.S. in SLC regarding Mrs. Champ's mental illness and her stays in sanitariums
77 *13 Christiansen, Elray L.
President Logan L.D.S. temple regarding appointment of Mr. Champ to C of C of U.S. V.P. and Mr. Christiansen's appointment as Assitant to the Council of Twelve of the L.D.S. church
77 *14 Christiansen, Jack R.
resident of SLC regarding starting investment and Champ's advise
77 15 Christiansen, N.W.
professor of music U.S.A.C. regarding band concerts and personal matters
77 16 Christiansen, N.W.
regarding Mary Champ entering Traphagen School of Fashion and personal matters
77 17 Chrysler Corporation
based in Detroit regarding stocks held in corporation
77 18 Chrysler Corporation
see above
77 19 Chrysler Corporation
see above
77 20 Chrysler Corporation
see above
77 21 Chrysler Corporation
see above
1952-1954, 1957-1958
77 22 Church, Frank
Senator from Idaho, committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, regarding Wilderness Bill and Grazing Appeals Bill and other bills going through the Senate
77 23 Church Life Insurance Corporation
John Carey Asst. V.P. based in N.Y.- regarding life insurance policy for members of Champ family
77 24 Church Life Insurance Corporation
see above
77 25 Church Pension Fund
St. John's Church based in N.Y. regarding salaries and pensions for Reverend's at Logan St. John's Church
78 1 Citizens Anti-Pollution Society
Palm Springs Ca. organization to which Champ belonged
78 2 Citizens Committee for Reorganization of the Executive Branch of the Government
regarding a program to bring about adoption of recommendations of Hoover commission to reduce size and cost of gov
78 3 Citizens Committee for Reorganization of the Executive Branch of the Government
see above
78 4 Citizens Committee for Reorganization of the Executive Branch of the Government
program to bring about adoption of recommendations of Hoover commission to reduce size and cost of government
78 5 Citizens foreign Aid Committee
Anti-foriegn aid group based in Washington D.C
78 6 Citizens foreign Aid Committee
see above
78 7 Citizens foreign Aid Committee
see above
78 8 City Drug Company
regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage and Loan Corp and Logan based drug store
78 9 City Drug Company
see above
78 10 City News Publishing Company
regarding Champ's subscription to Vital speeches of our Day published by this N.Y. Co
78 11 Civil Aeronautics Administration
regarding Cache Valley Flying Service
78 12 Civil Aeronautics Administration
regarding civilian pilot training program
1944 January - 1944 March
78 13 Civil Aeronautics Administration
see above
1944 April
78 14 Civil Aeronautics Administration
see above
1944 May - 1944 August
78 15 Civil Aeronautics Administration
see above
78 16 Civil Aeronautics Administration
see above
78 17 Civil Air Patrol
regarding personnel for the proposed local squadron of the civilian air patrol in Logan
78 18 Civil Works Administration
Memos and correspodence regarding the Federal Emergency Relief Administration
1933 October
78 19 Civil Works Administration
regarding Cache County works administration projects
1933 November - 1933 December
78 20 Civil Works Administration
see above
1934 January - 1934 February
78 21 Civil Works Administration
regarding Champs service on the State C.W.A. Committee and projects submitted for approval by the state
1934 March - 1934 May
78 22 Civilian Conservation Corporation
regarding appointment o educational director in Utah's CCC camp
78 23 Clavey, Dr. Frank
New Mexico physician regarding personal matters
78 24 Clark, Dunlap C.
Colonel, G.S.C. Washington D.C. and director of finance dept. U.S. C of C regarding chamber business and personal matters
78 25 Clark, Dunlap C.
regarding chamber business, Clark's reelection to the board
78 26 Clark, Dunlap C.
see above
78 27 Clark, Dunlap C.
see above
78 28 Clark, Dunlap C.
see above
78 29 Clark, Dunlap C.
see above
79 1 Clark, A.W.
manager of Teton Abstract CO. Driggs Idaho regarding radium bearing ore in Teton Mountain Range
79 *2 Clark, Alma Lou Bickmore
Loan closing dept. of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. remarriage of daughter
79 *3 Clark, D. Worth
Idaho Senator regarding public lands legislation
79 *4 Clark, Ira
First V.P. Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco regarding Mrs. Champ's rapio concert
79 5 Clark J. Reuben
First Counselor Church of Jesus Christ of LDS office of the First Presidency regarding scheduling on KSL radio
79 6 Clark, J. Reuben
regarding addresses to Utah's cattle and sheep interests
79 7 Clark, John H.
SLC Anesthesiologist regarding Frances W. Champ's health
79 *8 Clarke, D.R.
Newton; Utah resident regarding road construction
79 *9 Clarke, Walter F.
SLC residents regarding the marriage of their son
79 10 Clay, Hancey, and Jones
Logan public accountants regarding tax advice for Champ Investment Co
79 11 Clay, John E.
Ceq ified Public Accountant regarding tax council
79 12 Clay, John E.
see above
79 13 Clay, John E.
see above
1957 January - 1957 September
79 14 Clay, John E.
see above
1957 October - 1957 December
79 15 Clay, John E.
see above
79 16 Clay, John E.
see above
79 17 Clay, John E.
see above
79 18 Clay, John E.
see above
79 19 Clay, John E.
see above
79 20 Clay, John E.
see above
79 21 Clay, John E.
see above
79 22 Clay, John E.
see above
79 23 Clay, John E.
see above
79 *24 Clement, Paul
Sec. and General Manager Minnesota Commercial Men's Assoc. regarding speaking engagements
79 25 Clifford And Company Inc.
Contractors for Champ Building (Gamble Store) at Logan's Fed. Ave. and Main Street
79 *26 Cline, A.R.
director of Houston Texas Mort. and Transit CO. business and personal matters
79 *27 Clinton, Paul
Lakeview, California rancher regarding personal matters
80 1 Clyde, George D.
Dean of School of Engineering, USAC, regarding pilot training program, expansion of Logan Airport, the college and personal matters
80 2 Clyde, George D.
U.S.D.A. Division of Irrigation Chief regarding address before mortgage bankers conference in SLC 1948 and Clyde's attempt to gain appointment as commissioner of reclamation and appointment as director of interstate streams, Utah Water and Power Board
80 3 Clyde, George D.
regarding Logan's attempt to become site of the Proposed Air force Academy, The Echo Park Reservoir Project, Smithifield Irrigation Co
80 4 Clyde, George D.
regarding Colorado River Project
80 5 Clyde, George D.
regarding campaign as Republican candidate for Gov. of Utah
80 6 Clyde, George D.
Gov. Clyde regarding re-election and personal matters
80 7 Clyde, George D.
regarding undeveloped natural resources in S.E. Utah and National Parks, and state legislation
80 8 Clyde, George D. 1938-1960
80 *9 Cockburn, J.D.
member of Crowell Weedon & CO. stock brokerage of LA regarding personal matters
80 *10 Cody Club
regarding the C of C of Cody Wyoming
80 11 Cody, Hiram S.
manager of Winston-Salem North Carolina mortgage company regarding Mortgage Bankers of America interests
80 *12 Coffin, T.C.
Idaho Congressman regarding legislation pertinent to Idaho
80 *13 Coggins, J.D.
personal notes to Albuqurque New Mexico resident
80 14 Cohn, Max D.
Arimo, Idaho farmer regarding development of his Bannock County Idaho property into small farming units and purchase of the Riverside Inn at Lava Hot Springs Idaho
80 15 Cohn, Max D.
Chairman of the Board. Lava Hot Springs Foundation, regarding business at the resort
80 16 Colburn Travel Service
regarding travel arrangements made for the Champs
80 17 Colburn Travel Service
see above
80 18 Colburn Travel Service
see above
80 19 Colburn Travel Service 1960-1967
80 *20 Cole, Barbara Ann
regarding this Denny California resident's investments with Champ Investment Co
80 21 Cole, Howard H.
personal notes to Albuquerque New Mexico resident
81 1 Colean, Miles L.
regarding investigation of the Federal Land Banks and Farmers Home Administration concerning lending policy, supervised by the Chairman ofInvestors Central Management Corporation of Washington D.C
81 2 Collector of Internal Revenues
based in SLC regarding income tax due and payments of tax records
81 3 Collector of Internal Revenues
regarding estate of Thomas Oldham, deceased
81 4 Collector of Internal Revenues
regarding delinquent taxes and payment of taxes and tax records
81 5 Collector of Internal Revenues
see above
81 6 Collector of Internal Revenues
see above
81 7 College of Idaho
Richard D. Skyrm, Chairman Convocation based in Caldwell, Idaho regarding speaking appointment
81 *8 Collegiate Singers
based in Lafayette, Ind. at Purdue University, regarding ordering of records at the Varsity Glee Club of Purdue
81 *9 Collens, L.W.
based in Baton Rouge, La. regarding Christmas greetings and meetings both we regarding to attend
81 10 Collins, James W.
president, Mortgage Bankers Assoc. of America president Tracy Loan and Trust Company regarding Mr. Champ's election as a member of Board of Governors, U.S.A.C
81 11 Collins, James W.
regarding membership in Flat Rock Club at Macks Inn and trips to club convention of M.B.A.A
81 12 Collins, James W.
see above
81 13 Collins, James W.
see above
81 14 Collins, James W.
see above
81 15 Collins, James W.
see above
81 16 Collins, James W.
regarding transfer of Major George D. Preston, business matters
81 17 Collins, James W.
see above
81 18 Collins, James W.
regarding the passing of Mr. Tracy of the Tracy-Collins Trust Corp
81 19 Collins, James W.
see above
81 20 Collins, James W.
see above
81 21 Collins, James W.
regarding emergency hospital at Logan, illness of Margaret Collins
81 22 Collins, James W.
regarding business matters
81 23 Collins, James W.
regarding personal matters
81 24 Collins, James W.
regarding personal matters
82 1 Colorado Gas & Oil Company
regarding investments in this Colorado Springs based firm
82 2 Colorado Military School
Denver based, regarding Winton Champ's possible enrollment
82 3 Colorado River Committee
fact-finding committee of Utah regarding the Upper Colorado River reclamation project and Colorado River pact
82 4 Colorado River Committee 1927-1928
82 *5 Colorado State Chamber of Commerce
regarding activities of this chamber and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
82 6 Colorado Stockgrowers & Feeders Association
regarding the 80th annual convention of this Denver based organization
82 7 Colorado Wool Growers Association
regarding grazing policies and public lands use, annual conventions and activities of the Denver based association
82 8 Colorado Wool Growers Association 1958-1960
82 9 Columbia Broadcasting System
regarding news bias in this New York based communications corporation
82 10 Columbia River Paper Company
regarding stocks held in this Portland Oregon based company
82 11 Columbia River Paper Company
see above
82 12 Columbia River Paper Company 1957-1970
82 13 Columbia Savings And Loan Association
regarding Champ's account with this Denver based banking company
82 14 Combustion Engineering, Inc.
regarding stocks held in this Connecticut firm
82 15 Commericial National Bank
business transactions between this Smithfield Utah bank and the Cache Valley Banking Company
82 16 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
business communications with the Vice President of this Ogden bank regarding loan transactions mortgages and related matters
82 17 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1950 January - 1950 February
82 18 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1950 March - 1950 April
82 19 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1950 May - 1950 June
82 20 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1950 July - 1950 August
82 21 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1950 September - 1950 October
82 22 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1950 November - 1950 December
83 1 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
business communications with the Vice President of this Ogden bank regarding loan transactions, mortgages and related matters
1951 January - 1951 March
83 2 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1951 April - 1951 May
83 3 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1951 June - 1951 August
83 4 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1951 September - 1951 December
83 5 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1952 January - 1952 March
83 6 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
business communications with Vice President of this Ogden bank regarding loan transactions, mortgages and related matters
1952 April - 1952 August
83 7 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1952 September - 1952 December
83 8 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1953 January - 1953 April
83 9 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1953 May - 1953 September
83 10 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1953 October - 1953 December
83 11 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1954 January - 1954 March
83 12 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1954 April - 1954 August
83 13 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1954 September - 1954 December
83 14 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1955 January - 1955 February
83 15 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1955 March - 1955 May
83 16 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1955 June - 1955 December
83 17 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1956 January - 1956 April
83 18 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1956 May - 1956 December
83 19 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1957 January - 1957 April
83 20 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1957 May - 1957 December
83 21 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1958 January - 1958 April
83 22 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
1958 May - 1958 August
83 23 Commercial Security Bank - Barton Harmon B
see above
83 24 Commercial Security Bank
Memorandums to the Chairman ofthe Board and Misc. papers
83 25 Commercial Security Bank
see above
83 26 Commercial Security Bank - Correspondent Banks
regarding business assoc. and possible client leads with banks throughout the country
1952 January - 1952 May
83 27 Commercial Security Bank - Correspondent Banks
see above
1952 June - 1952 December
83 28 Commercial Security Bank - Correspondent Banks
see above
83 29 Commercial Security Bank - Correspondent Banks
see above
83 30 Commercial Security Bank - Correspondent Banks
see above
84 1 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
regarding customer services and prospective business transactions
1950 January - 1950 February
84 2 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
1950 March - 1950 May
84 3 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
1950 June - 1950 July
84 4 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
1950 August - 1950 September
84 5 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
1950 October
84 6 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
1950 November
84 7 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
1950 December
84 8 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
1951 January
84 9 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
1951 February
84 10 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
1951 March
84 11 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
1951 April
84 12 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
1951 May - 1951 June
84 13 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
July 1951
84 14 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
1951 August - 1951 September
84 15 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
1951 October - 1951 December
84 16 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
1952 January
84 17 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
1952 February
84 18 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
1952 March - May
84 19 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
1952 June
84 20 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
July 1952
84 21 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
1952 August - 1952 September
84 22 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
1952 October - 1952 December
84 23 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
84 24 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
84 25 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
84 26 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
see above
1956 January - 1956 February
84 27 Commercial Security Bank - Customers
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco regarding the examination of bank and and reports of examination
85 1 Commercial Security Bank - Francis, Frank Jr
cashier and V. P. regarding discussions of bank business with Chairman of the Board Champ
1950 January - 1950 April
85 2 Commercial Security Bank - Francis, Frank Jr
see above
1950 May - 1950 October
85 3 Commercial Security Bank - Francis, Frank Jr
see above
1950 November - 1950 December
85 4 Commercial Security Bank - Francis, Frank Jr
see above
1951 January - 1951 April
85 5 Commercial Security Bank - Francis, Frank Jr
see above
1951 May - 1951 December
85 6 Commercial Security Bank - Francis, Frank Jr
see above
1952 January - 1952 June
85 7 Commercial Security Bank - Francis, Frank Jr
see above
1952 July - 1952 December
85 8 Commercial Security Bank - Francis, Frank Jr
see above
1953 January - 1953 June
85 9 Commercial Security Bank - Francis, Frank Jr
see above
1953 July - 1953 December
85 10 Commercial Security Bank - Francis, Frank Jr
see above
85 11 Commercial Security Bank - Francis, Frank Jr
see above
85 12 Commercial Security Bank - Francis, Frank Jr
see above
85 13 Commercial Security Bank - General
routine banking matters associates and clients
85 14 Commercial Security Bank - General
see above
85 15 Commercial Security Bank - General
see above
85 16 Commercial Security Bank - General
see above
85 17 Commercial Security Bank - General
see above
85 18 Commercial Security Bank - General
see above
85 19 Commercial Security Bank - General
see above
85 20 Commercial Security Bank - General
see above
85 21 Commercial Security Bank - General
see above
85 22 Commercial Security Bank - General
see above
85 23 Commercial Security Bank - General
see above
85 24 Commercial Security Bank - General
see above
85 25 Commercial Security Bank - General
see above
85 26 Commercial Security Bank - General
see above
85 27 Commercial Security Bank - General
see above
85 28 Commercial Security Bank - General
see above
85 29 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Richard K
President regarding discussions of bank business
85 30 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Richard K
see above
85 31 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Richard K
see above
85 32 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Richard K
see above
85 33 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Richard K
Asst. Vice President
85 34 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Richard K
see above
86 1 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Richard K
V.P. regarding bank business with Chairman of the Board Champ
86 2 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Richard K
see above
86 3 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Richard K
see above
86 4 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Richard K
see above
86 5 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Richard K
see above
86 6 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Richard K
see above
86 7 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Richard K
see above
86 8 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Richard K
see above
86 9 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Richard K
Exec.V. P. regarding congratulations pertaining to promotion
1961, 1965
86 10 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Richard K
regarding personal matters
86 11 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Richard K
President regarding illness of Frances Champ, business matters
86 12 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Richard K
President regarding bank business with Champ, operation
86 13 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Robert G
President regarding bank business with Champ
86 14 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Robert G
regarding bank business with Champ
86 15 Commercial Security Bank - Hemingway, Robert G
see above
86 16 Commercial Security Bank - Hinley, H.W.
Trust officer, regarding bank business with Champ
86 17 Commercial Security Bank - Hinley, H.W.
see above
1951 January - 1951 June
86 18 Commercial Security Bank - Hinley, H.W.
see above
1951 July - 1951 December
86 19 Commercial Security Bank - Hinley, H.W.
V.P. and Trust officer regarding bank business with Champ
1952 January - 1952 June
86 20 Commercial Security Bank - Hinley, H.W.
see above
1952 July - 1952 December
86 21 Commercial Security Bank - Hinley, H.W.
see above
86 22 Commercial Security Bank - Hinley, H.W.
see above
86 23 Commercial Security Bank - Hinley, H.W.
see above
86 24 Commercial Security Bank - Other Banks
congratulations to Champ and other bank transactions
1951 January - 1951 March
86 25 Commercial Security Bank - Other Banks
regarding ad in Wall Street Journal regarding a bank in the Intermountain Area with an opening for experienced banker
1950 March
86 26 Commercial Security Bank - Other Banks
regarding appointment in the Ogden bank by Don Shannon
1950 April
86 27 Commercial Security Bank - Other Banks
regarding various bank business
1950 May - 1950 September
86 28 Commercial Security Bank - Other Banks
see above
1950 October - 1950 December
86 29 Commercial Security Bank - Other Banks
see above
1951 January - 1951 March
86 30 Commercial Security Bank - Other Banks
see above
1951 April - 1951 July
86 31 Commercial Security Bank - Other Banks
see above
1951 August - 1951 December
86 32 Commercial Security Bank - Pringle-Hurd and Co. Inc.
N.Y. based Mortgage Loan firm, regarding sale of FHA loans secured by properties in Washington Terrace by CSB
86 33 Commercial Security Bank - Shannon, D.C.
Exec. V.P. Costa Mesa Bank regarding letters of recommendation inquiries concerning employment
1950 January - 1950 March
86 34 Commercial Security Bank - Shannon, D.C.
regarding employment in Ogden by CSB and moving of family
1950 April - 1950 July
86 35 Commercial Security Bank - Shannon, D.C.
V.P. CSB regarding bank business with Champ
1950 August - 1950 October
86 36 Commercial Security Bank - Shannon, D.C.
see above
1950 November - 1950 December
86 37 Commercial Security Bank - Shannon, D.C.
see above
1951 January - 1951 February
86 38 Commercial Security Bank - Shannon, D.C.
see above
1951 March - 1951 August
86 39 Commercial Security Bank - Shannon, D.C.
see above
1951 September - 1951 December
86 40 Commercial Security Bank - Shannon, D.C.
see above
1952 January - 1952 June
86 41 Commercial Security Bank - Shannon, D.C.
see above
1952 July - 1952 December
86 42 Commercial Security Bank - Shannon, D.C.
Executive Vice President of Mother Lode Bank in Placerville, California regarding transfer to this bank and its progress
87 1 Commercial Security Bank - Shurtleff, M.H.
Assistant Vice President regarding the credit files of the bank
87 2 Commercial Security Bank - Starley, Rulon F
Vice President regarding bank transactions as discussed with Chairman of the Board
87 3 Commercial Security Bank - Starley, Rulon F
see above
87 4 Commercial Security Bank - Starley, Rulon F
see above
87 5 Commercial Security Bank - Starley, Rulon F
see above
87 6 Commercial Security Bank - Starley, Rulon F
see above
87 7 Commercial Security Bank - Starley, Rulon F
see above
87 8 Commercial Security Bank 1961-1967
87 9 Commercial Security Bank
notes on meetings
87 10 Commercial Security Bank
notations of expenses incidental to bank business
87 11 Commercial Security Bank 1950-1953
87 12 Commercial Security Bank
accounts of loans, new accounts, statements of condition, etc
87 13 Commercial Security Bank 1950-1953
87 14 Commercial Security Bank 1950-1953
87 15 Commercial Security Bank 1947-1950
87 16 Commercial Security Bank 1946-1967
87 17 Commercial Security Bank 1946-1967
88 1 Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
regarding Champ's service on subcommittee to study federal aid to highways
1954 January - 1954 February
88 2 Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
regarding Champ's service on a subcommittee to study Federal aid to highways
March 1954
88 3 Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
see above
1954 April - 1954 October
88 4 Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
see above
1954 November - 1954 December
88 5 Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
see above
88 6 Commission on Intergovernmental Relations 1954
88 7 Commission on Intergovernmental Relations 1954
88 8 Commission on Intergovernmental Relations 1954
88 9 Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
remarks on the committee concerning the study
89 1 Committee for Celebration of the President's Birthday
regarding plans for the celebration of the birthday of Franklin D. Roosevelt to raise funds for the campaign against infantile paralysis
89 2 Committee for Constitutional Government
regarding Champ's membership in this group
89 3 Committee for Economic Development
regarding Champ's membership in this N.Y. based association aimed at the protection of freedom and safegaurding prosperity through better economic understanding
89 4 Committee for Economic Development
see above
89 5 Committee for Economic Development 1952-1954
89 *6 Committee for Survival of a Free Congress
solicitation by Idaho Senator James McClure for Champ's membership in this political monitoring group
89 *7 Committee On Pan American Policy
regarding Champ's membership in this political group which monitored U.S.- Latin America policy
89 *8 Committee On Aid To Allies
Champ's service as coordinator for Logan area of this committee organizing aid to Great Britian as a line of defense for U.S
89 9 Commonwealth, Inc.
regarding stock held in this Portland, Oregon real estate and mortgage banking company
89 10 Commonwealth, Inc.
see above
89 11 Commonwealth, Inc. 1965-1966
89 *12 Communications Satellite Corporation
regarding stock held in this Washington D.C. based firm
89 *13 Community Chest
regarding contributions by Champ
89 14 Community Leaders and Noteworthy Americans
regarding biographical information on Champ requested by this Raliegh, North Carolina company
89 15 Computing And Software Inc.
regarding the takeover of the Title Insurance Company by this corporation
89 16 Computing And Software Inc.
see above
89 17 Computing And Software Inc. 1957-1970
89 *18 Condie, Marion A.
regarding personal notes to this Carey, Idaho resident
89 19 Conference of American Small Business Organizations
regarding Champ's membership in this Chicago based political monitoring group
89 20 Conklin, Fred L.
President of Provident Life Insurance Co. in Bismark, North Dakota, regarding the Bismark terminal of Consolidated Freightways, Inc
89 21 Conlin, T.J.
Loan officer for the Boise branch of Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation regarding office matters
1948 January - 1948 July
89 22 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1948 August - 1948 December
89 23 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1949 January - 1949 February
89 24 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1949 March - 1949 April
89 25 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1949 May - 1949 June
89 26 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1949 July - 1949 September
89 27 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1949 October
89 28 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1949 November - 1949 December
90 1 Conlin, T.J.
Manager of Mortgage Loan Department at Boise branch Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation routine office matters
1950 January
90 2 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1950 February - 1950 April
90 3 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1950 May - 1950 June
90 4 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1950 July - 1950 August
90 5 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1950 September - 1950 October
90 6 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1950 November - 1950 December
90 7 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1951 January - 1951 February
90 8 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1951 March - 1951 April
90 9 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1951 May - 1951 June
90 10 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1951 July - 1951 August
90 11 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1951 September - 1951 October
90 12 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1951 November - 1951 December
90 13 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1952 January - 1952 March
90 14 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1952 April - 1952 May
90 15 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1952 June - 1952 August
90 16 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1952 September - 1952 October
90 17 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1952 November - 1952 December
90 18 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1953 January - 1953 February
90 19 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1953 March - 1953 May
90 20 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1953 June - 1953 August
90 21 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1953 September - 1953 October
90 22 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1953 November - 1953 December
91 1 Conlin, T.J.
Manager of Mortgage Loan Department at Boise branch of Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation regarding routine office matters
1954 January - 1954 March
91 2 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1954 April - 1954 May
91 3 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1954 June - 1954 July
91 4 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1954 August - 1954 September
91 5 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1954 October - 1954 December
91 6 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1955 January - 1955 July
91 7 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1955 August - 1955 December
91 8 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1956 January - 1956 April
91 9 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1956 May - 1956 October
91 10 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1956 November - 1956 December
91 11 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1957 January - 1957 February
91 12 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1957 March - 1957 April
91 13 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1957 May
91 14 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1957 June - 1957 July
91 15 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1957 August - 1957 October
91 16 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1957 November - 1957 December
91 17 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1958 January - 1958 March
91 18 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1958 April - 1958 May
91 19 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1958 June - 1958 August
91 20 Conlin, T.J.
see above
1958 September - 1958 December
92 1 Conlin, T.J.
Manager and Assistant Vice President of Boise branch, Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation regarding routine office matters
1959 - 1960
92 2 Conlin, T.J.
see above
92 3 Conlin, T.J.
regarding Conlin's retirement and move to Nevada
92 4 Conlin, T.J.
personal notes regarding family matters
92 5 Conlin, T.J.
see above
92 6 Conlin, T.J.
see above
92 7 Conlin, T.J.
see above
92 8 Conlin, T.J.
see above
92 9 Conlin, T.J.
see above
92 10 Conlin, T.J.
see above
92 11 Conlin, T.J.
see above
92 12 Connecticut General Life Insurance Company
regarding Champ's application for coverage by this Hartford based insurance company
92 13 Connecticut General Life Insurance Company
regarding stocks held in this company
93 1 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
regarding agricultural loans financed by this company through Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
93 2 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
93 3 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
93 4 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
93 5 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
1955 January - 1955 July
93 6 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
1955 August - 1955 December
93 7 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
1956 January - 1956 March
93 8 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
1956 April - 1956 June
93 9 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
1956 July - 1956 December
93 10 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
93 11 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
93 12 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
1959 January - 1959 June
93 13 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
1959 July - 1959 December
93 14 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
93 15 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
93 16 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
93 17 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
1963 January - 1963 July
93 18 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
1963 August - 1963 December
93 19 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
1964 January - 1964 March
93 20 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
1964 April - 1964 May
93 21 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
1964 June - 1964 July
93 22 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
1964 August - 1964 December
93 23 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
93 24 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
93 25 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
93 26 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
regarding agricultural loans financed by this company through Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
93 27 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
see above
93 28 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company 1962
94 1 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company - Annual Farm and Ranch Loans Meeting
regarding Champ's attendance
94 2 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company - Annual Farm and Ranch Loans Meeting
regarding Champ's attendance
94 3 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company - Annual Farm and Ranch Loans Meeting
regarding address delivered by Champ before the group
94 4 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company - Caldwell, Max S
General Agent for this company in Salt Lake City regarding pension plans for Utah Mortgage Loan and the Cache Valley Banking Company
1949 May - 1949 July
94 5 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company - Caldwell, Max S
see above
1949 August - 1949 December
94 6 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company - Caldwell, Max S
see above
94 7 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company - Caldwell, Max S
see above
94 8 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company - Caldwell, Max S
regarding life insurance premiums for George H. Champ
94 9 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company - Caldwell, Max S
regarding meetings in Logan with staff of Utah Mortgage Loan and Cache Valley Banking Company and insurance premiums
1956 - 1965
94 10 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company - Pinnock Hugh
General Agent for this company in Salt Lake City regarding single premium retirement annuity for Champ
94 11 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company - Tenney H. Martin
Second Vice President of the CO. regarding ranch and farm loans, conferences and related matters
94 12 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company - Tenney H. Martin
see above
94 *13 Conner, Bruce P.
Rosewell New Mexico denist regarding dental care for Herbert Champ
94 14 Conning and Company
Hartford Conn. investment firm regarding purchase of stocks in Security Insurance CO. of New Haven
94 15 Conning and Company
see above
94 16 Conservative Book Club
regarding Champ's membership in this New Rochelle, N.Y. club
94 17 Consolidated Cigar Corporation
regarding stocks held in this New York firm
94 18 Consolidated Freightways, Inc.
regarding purchase of land and construction of a terminal in Boise for this Portland, Oregon based firm
94 19 Consolidated Freightways, Inc.
regarding the Kalispell, Montana terminal
94 20 Consolidated Freightways, Inc.
see above
94 21 Consolidated Freightways, Inc.
see above
95 1 Consolidated Freightways, Inc.
regarding the terminal in Kalispell, Montana
1957 January - 1957 July
95 2 Consolidated Freightways, Inc.
see above
1957 August - 1957 December
95 3 Consolidated Freightways, Inc.
see above
1958 - 1959
95 4 Consolidated Freightways, Inc.
see above
1960 January - 1960 August
95 5 Consolidated Freightways, Inc.
see above
1960 September - 1960 December
95 6 Consolidated Freightways, Inc.
see above
95 7 Consolidated Freightways, Inc.
see above
95 8 Consolidated Freightways, Inc.
see above
95 9 Consolidated Freightways, Inc.
see above
1968 - 1969
95 10 Consolidated Freightways, Inc.
see above
95 11 Consolidated Freightways, Inc.
see above
95 12 Consolidated Freightways, Inc. 1950 - 1973
95 13 Consolidated Investment Trust
regarding investments in this trust
95 14 Consolidated Investment Trust
see above
95 15 Consolidated Investment Trust
see above
95 16 Consolidated Investment Trust
see above
95 17 Consolidated Investment Trust 1945-1970
95 18 Consolidated Natural Gas
regarding stock held in this company
95 *19 Construction Finance Company
regarding purchase of services
95 20 Consumers Power Company
regarding stocks held in this company
1966 - 1967
95 *21 Continental Airlines Inc.
regarding ticket refund from this Denver based air carrier
95 22 Continental Banking Company
regarding union business at Ogden bakery
95 23 Continental Oil Company
regarding stocks held in this oil company
1967 - 1969
95 *24 Continental State Bank
regarding business transactions with this Boise bank
95 25 Continental Telephone Company
regarding stock held in this company
96 *1 Cook, Dean
Idaho Falls real estate broker regarding taxes due on property in this area owned by Champ
96 *2 Cook, Ward H.
person notes with president of Portland, Oregon based Ward Cook, Inc
96 3 Coolrite Iceless Manufacturing Company
regarding marketing of the products of this Salt Lake based firm
96 *4 Coolidge, Mary S.
personal notes
1952 - 1972
96 *5 Cooper, Fred M.
personal notes with this Idaho state senator from Grace
96 6 Copley Newspapers
regarding the speaking engagements of the director of this LaJolla, California based firm
96 *7 Corbett, Hamilton F.
discussion of activities of U.S. Chamber of Commerce with this Portland businessman
1949 - 1950
96 8 Cordura Corporation
regarding stocks held in this firm, formerly called Computing and Software Inc
1970 - 1975
96 *9 Corley, John S.
regarding prospective employment with Boise office of Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
96 10 Corn Products
regarding stocks held in this co
96 11 Cornett Stores
Pasadena, California variety store chain considering opening a store in Logan
96 12 Corporation of the Episcopal Church in Utah
regarding trust accounts handled by Champ who served as Treasurer of St. John's in Logan
1963 - 1964
96 13 Corporation of the Episcopal Church in Utah
see above
1965 - 1967
96 14 Cosgriff, Stewart
Vice President of Denver National Bank regarding phosphate leases in Idaho
1953 - 1961
96 15 Cosmos Club
regarding Champ's membership in this Washington D.C. businessman's club
96 *16 Costello, Tom
discussion of U.S. Chamber of Commerce matters with Sioux Falls, S.D. businessman
96 *17 Cotter, Lt. Col. Harold F.
Military instructor at Utah State University (USAC) regarding residence in a house owned by Champ
96 *18 Country Life Insurance Company
regarding plans for Mortgage Bankers Convention
96 *19 Country Wide Publications, Inc.
purchases of materials for Champ from this New York firm
96 *20 Courtney, Eugene
manager of the First National Bank of Portland in the Dalles region of Oregon regarding agricultural publications
96 *21 Cowan, W.L.
owner of Salt Lake City sporting goods store regarding purchase of a fishing rod
96 *22 Cox, Lafe
owners of V-O Dude Ranch in Yellow Pine, Idaho regarding loans
96 23 Cox, W.T.
Loan Correspondent for Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company regarding loan financing with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
96 *24 Cramer, T.P.
manager of Grants Pass branch of the National Bank of Portland regarding personal notes
96 *25 Critchlow, C.C.
personal notes with Hyrum, Utah resident
96 26 Crommelin, Jacques B.
owner of the Smoke Tree Ranch in Palm Springs California regarding investment advice, the Boy Scouts, and personal notes
96 27 Crommelin, Jacques B.
see above
96 28 Crommelin, Jacques B.
see above
96 29 Crommelin, Jacques B.
see above
96 30 Crommelin, Jacques B.
see above
96 31 Crommelin, Jacques B.
see above
96 *32 Cross, Matthew A.
Military instructor at Utah State University (USAC) regarding residence in a home owned by Champ
96 *33 Crowell, Henry Coleman
personal notes with this Winnetka, Illinois resident
96 *34 Culligan Water Service
regarding expansion of Logan service
96 35 Cunningham, William J.
Professor in Harvard Graduate School of Business regarding Terentenary Celebration
96 36 Curtis Noll Corporation Convertible Bonds
regarding investments in these bonds
1967 - 1968
96 37 Curtis, Ruth Hayball
Logan resident regarding Trust #124 and Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
1947 - 1949
96 38 Curtis, Truman S.
Utah State purchasing Agent regarding Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation bid for state insurance business
1949 - 1953
96 39 Cutler, T.H.
Millville resident regarding Cache County political convention
97 1 "D" Misc. 1922 - 1938
97 2 "D" Misc. 1940 - 1945
97 3 "D" Misc. 1946 - 1949
97 4 "D" Misc. 1950 - 1955
97 5 "D" Misc. 1956 - 1960
97 6 "D" Misc. 1961-1965
97 7 "D" Misc. 1966-1975
97 8 Daines, Dr. Merrill C.
regarding proposed financing of a clinic for this Logan doctor by Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. medical care for Frances W. Champ, and other personal matters
97 9 Daines, Dr. Merrill C.
for health care costs
97 10 Daines, Mildred
housekeeper for the Champs regarding the re-employment of Mrs. Daines
97 11 Daines, Dwyth Merrill
North Logan resident persona matters
97 12 Dalmar, A.M.
Evanston Ill. resident, regarding Her assumption of control of H. Dalmar Co. in Chicago
97 13 Dalrymple, Dr. R.M.
SLC physician regarding service to amp
97 14 Daly And CO.
Boise Idaho Stock brokers regarding Champ's investments
97 15 Dance, Harold W.
manager of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. Insurance DepT. regarding his rise to that office
97 16 Dance, Harold W.
see above
1951 January - 1951 September
97 17 Dance, Harold W.
regarding business matters with the insurance department
1951 October - 1951 December
97 18 Dance, Harold W.
see above
1952 - 1955
97 19 Dance, Harold W.
see above
1956 January - 1956 March
97 20 Dance, Harold W.
see above
1956 April - 1956 September
97 21 Dance, Harold W.
see above
1956 October - 1956 December
97 22 Dance, Harold W.
see above
1957 January - 1957 February
97 23 Dance, Harold W.
see above
1957 March - 1957 May
97 24 Dance, Harold W.
see above
1957 June - 1957 December
97 25 Dance, Harold W.
see above
1958 January
97 26 Dance, Harold W.
see above
1958 February - 1958 March
97 27 Dance, Harold W.
see above
1958 April - 1958 July
97 28 Dance, Harold W.
see above
1958 August - 1958 December
97 29 Dance, Harold W.
see above
1959 January - 1959 April
97 30 Dance, Harold W.
see above
1959 May - 1959 July
97 31 Dance, Harold W.
see above
1959 August - 1959 December
97 32 Dance, Harold W.
see above
97 33 Dance, Harold W.
see above
98 1 Darke, Roy A.
Doctor of Psychiatry in , regarding the illness and care of Frances W. Champ and illness of George H. Champ
1952 - 1966
98 2 Darke, Roy A.
Salt Lake City psychiatrist regarding the care of Frances Champ
1967 - 1969
98 3 Darke, Roy A.
see above
1970 - 1975
98 *4 Darley, Evan O.
purchase of shares of Cache Valley Banking Company stock from this Wellsville resident
1946 - 1950
98 5 Dart Industries
regarding stocks held in this Los Angeles drug and chemical firm
1968 - 1972
98 6 Davenport, Jarvis D.
personal notes with this Rapid City, South Dakota businessman
1954 - 1959
98 *7 Davidson, Gerard
regarding mortgage loan application
98 8 Davis, Champion Mcdowell
discussions of U.S. Chamber of Commerce activities with the President of Atlantic Coast Railroad Company
1950 - 1956
98 9 Davis, Harrison
Insurance salesman for Mortgage Loan Corp. regarding commissions
1938 - 1939
98 10 Davis, Harrison
see above
1940 - 1941
98 11 Davis, Harrison
see above
98 *12 Davison, Rolland
Tuscon Arizona physician regarding health care for G.H. Champ
98 13 Dawson, William A.
Utah Congressman regarding appointment to public Lands Committee and legislative issues
98 14 Dawson, William A.
see above
98 15 Dawson, William A.
personal notes to Champ and disscussions of legislative issues
98 16 Dawson, William A.
see above
98 17 Dawson, William A.
see above
98 *18 Day, Arthur
personal notes
98 19 Day Minerals, Inc.
regarding stocks held in this Louisiana corporation
1958 - 1959
98 20 Dayton, Newell B.
President of Tracy-Collins Trust Company in Salt Lake City regarding transactions with Champ
1953 - 1957
98 *21 Deere And Company
regarding stocks held in this farm an industrial machinery manufacturer
98 22 Defense Orientation Conference Association
regarding meetings and activities of the group.
1957 - 1959
98 23 Defense Orientation Conference Association
see above
1960 - 1963
98 24 Defense Orientation Conference Association
see above
1964 - 1968
98 25 Defense Orientation Conference Association
see above
1969 - 1970
98 26 Defense Orientation Conference Association
see above
98 27 Defense Orientation Conference Association
see above
98 28 Defense Orientation Conference Association
see above
99 1 Delaney, James M.
Chicago attorney Fox Kimbal Co. and the Kimball Estate regarding management of the estate
99 2 Denning, R.O. Jr.
Pres. of Deming Investment Co. of Oswego, Kansas regarding business transactions with the Utah Mortgage Loan and FHA and the eligibility of farm mortgage insurance under its program
99 3 Denning, R.O. Jr.
regarding farm mortgage program
99 4 Denning, R.O. Jr.
see above
99 5 Denning, R.O. Jr.
see above
1941 January - 1941 March
99 6 Denning, R.O. Jr.
see above
1941 April - 1941 May
99 7 Denning, R.O. Jr.
see above
1941 June - 1941 July
99 8 Denning, R.O. Jr.
see above
1941 August - 1941 December
99 9 Denning, R.O. Jr.
see above
99 10 Denning, R.O. Jr.
see above
1943 - 1947
99 11 Denning, R.O. Jr.
see above
99 12 Democratic Committee Cache County
member of Executive Council of this Logan based committee regarding campaign funding and party activities
1933 - 1934
99 13 Democratic Committee Cache County
see above
1935 - 1936
99 14 Democratic Committee National
regarding finances and fund raising in Utah for the National Committee
1934 - 1935
99 15 Democratic Committee National
see above
1936 January - 1936 March
99 16 Democratic Committee National
see above
1936 April - 1939 September
99 17 Democratic Committee National
see above
1936 October - 1936 December
99 18 Democratic Committee National
see above
99 19 Democratic Committee State
regarding funding and platform building for state campaign
99 20 Democratic Committee State
see above
99 21 Democratic Committee State
see above
1937 - 1939
99 22 Democratic Committee State
see above
99 23 Democratic Committee State
see above
99 24 Democratic Committee General
regarding various matters relating to Democratic Party finances
1922 - 1926
99 25 Democratic Committee General
see above
99 26 Democratic Committee General
see above
1928 January - 1928 June
99 27 Democratic Committee General
see above
1928 July - 1928 November
99 28 Democratic Committee General
see above
1928 December
99 29 Democratic Committee 1922-1940
100 1 Denison Mines, Ltd.
Uranium mines, oil, and gas, based in Toronto, Canada regarding buying of stocks for Champ
100 2 Denison Mines, Ltd.
Uranium mines, oil, and gas, based in Toronto, Canada regarding buying of stocks for various members of the Champ family, and their standing
100 3 Denison Mines, Ltd. 1963-1965
100 4 Denison Mines, Ltd. 1966-1970
100 5 Denver and Rio Grande Western
railroad company in Ogden, Utah regarding tickets and various business of the railroad
100 6 Denver and Rio Grande Western
see above
100 7 Denver and Rio Grande Western
see above
100 8 Denver and Rio Grande Western
see above
100 9 Dern, George H.
Secretary of War regarding personal family matters, visits and trips, selling of Oxford Ranch, and business matters
100 10 Dern, George H.
see above
100 11 Dern, George H.
regarding standings of various people in Democratic Party and the passing of George H. Dern
100 12 Dern, George H. 1933-1935
100 13 Dern Investment Company
Salt Lake Investment firm, George H. Dern, president regarding sell of Oxford Idaho ranch of Mr. Dern
100 14 Dern Investment Company
see above
100 15 Deseret News
Salt Lake newspapers regarding summaries of speeches given by Mr. Champ
100 *16 Deseret Sales Company
real estate agent in Palm Desert, California regarding lease of Millikin House on the Sun Lodge tract
100 17 Devine J.H.
president American Packing and Provision CO. Ogden, Utah regarding illness and passing of Mr. Devine and hot springs at Lava Hot Springs
100 18 Dewitt, Ruth C.
Rockford, Ill. resident regarding her stock in Cache Valley Banking Co
100 *19 Diamond Barr Inn
regarding Champ's stay at this Jackson Montana Ranch
100 20 Diamond Fruit Growers, Inc.
Hood River Oregon Fruit Company regarding purchase of fruit gift packs by Champ
100 *21 Dixon, Frederick
Ogden music instruction for Frances Champ
100 22 Dixon, Henry Aldous
President Weber State College and U.S.A.C. and his political aspirations
100 23 Dixon, Henry Aldous
Utah congressman regarding public lands, conservation fed. control and other matters
100 24 Dixon, Henry Aldous
see above
1957 January - 1957 July
100 25 Dixon, Henry Aldous
see above
1957 August - 1957 December
100 26 Dixon, Henry Aldous
see above
100 27 Dixon, Henry Aldous
see above
100 28 Dixon, Henry Aldous
see above
100 *29 Dobbs, Stuart P.
Ogden attorney regarding political aspirants in Utah
100 30 Dogs
regarding the Champ family dogs
100 31 Dogs
see above
1966 - 1973
100 32 Dogs 1922 - 1973
101 1 Dokes, William G.
branch manager SEC office of Standard Insurance Co. regarding insurance purchased by Champ from this company
101 2 Dominick & Dominick
N.Y. based investment agency regarding stocks and securities counseling for Champ Investment Co
101 3 Dominick & Dominick
see above
101 4 Dominick & Dominick
see above
101 5 Dominick & Dominick
Regarding account Champ Investment Co.
101 6 Dominick, Peter H.
U.S. Senator from Colorado regarding Fed funding for REA
101 *7 Dorado-Casa Desert
Palm desert real estate development in which Champ invested
101 8 Dovenmuehle, Inc.
Chicago based mortgage company regarding loan business
101 9 Dow Chemical Company
regarding stocks held in this company
101 *10 Draper, Delbert M.
SLC attorney regarding state political campaigns and his 1940 bid for U.S. Senate seat
101 *11 Driggs, Frank M.
superintendent of Utah State School for the Deaf and Blind, Ogden regarding his 50 years of service
101 *12 Drips, John
Twin Falls Idaho resident king a position with that city's branch of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
101 *13 Droke, Maxwell
Indianapolis publisher regarding Champ's subscribtion to Quote magazine
101 *14 Dryden, Robert J.
LA resident regarding personal matters
101 *15 Dryer, H.A.
Portland, Oregon businessman regarding personal matters
101 *16 Dudley, Ernest G.
Exeter,California conservationist regarding public lands policy
101 17 Dudley, Ernest G.
see above
101 18 Dudley, Ernest G.
see above
1942 - 1943
101 19 Dudley, Ernest G.
see above
1944 - 1946
101 20 Dudley, Ernest G.
see above
101 21 Dudley, Ernest G.
regarding Winton Champ's entrance to Stanford U. and personal matters
1948 - 1949
101 22 Dudley, Ernest G.
see above
101 23 Dudley, Ernest G.
see above
101 24 Dudley, Ernest G.
regarding conservation issues and personal matters
1953 - 1955
101 *25 Duhring, Frederick S.
partner in Berkeley based real estate firm regarding family matters
1946 - 1951
101 26 Duluth City, Minnesota
request to recorder of vital statistics for Frances Elizabeth Winton Champ's birth certificate
1954 - 1958
101 *27 Dumke, Dr. E.R.
Ogden physician regarding care for Champ family and personal matters
1934 - 1961
101 *28 Dunn and Bradstreet, Inc.
investment counselors from N.Y. regarding services to Champ
1954 - 1966
101 29 Dunn, Charles C.
regarding his loan with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
101 30 Dunn, Charles C.
see above
1935 - 1936
102 1 Dunn, C.O.
Assit. Sec. of Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation regarding supervisors of loan payments and tax lists
1933 - 1936
102 2 Dunn, C.O.
see above
102 3 Dunn, C.O.
see above
102 4 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1939 January - 1939 May
102 5 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1939 June - 1939 December
102 6 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1940 January - 1940 July
102 7 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1940 August - 1940 December
102 8 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1941 January - 1941 March
102 9 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1941 April - 1941 August
102 10 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1941 September
102 11 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1941 October
102 12 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1941 November
102 13 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1941 December 1 - 1941 December 15
102 14 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1941 December 16 - 1941 December 31
102 15 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 January 1 - 1942 January 16
102 16 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 January 17 - 1942 January 31
102 17 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 February 1 - 1942 February 9
102 18 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 February 10 - 1942 February 16
102 19 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 February 17 - 1942 February 28
102 20 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 March 1 - 1942 March 15
102 21 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 March 16 - 1942 March 31
103 1 Dunn, C.O.
Assit. Sec. of Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation regarding supervisor of loan payments and tax lists
1942 April 1 - 1942 April 15
103 2 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 April 16 - 1942 April 24
103 3 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 April 25 - 1942 April 30
103 4 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 May 1 - 1942 May 10
103 5 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 May 11 - 1942 May 24
103 6 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 May 25 - 1942 31
103 7 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 June 1 - 1942 June 10
103 8 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 June 11 - 1942 June 30
103 9 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 July 1 - 1942 July 14
103 10 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 July 15 - 1942 July 20
103 11 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 July 21 - 1942 July 31
103 12 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 August 1 - 1942 August 9
103 13 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 August 10 - 1942 August 20
103 14 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 August 21 - 1942 August 31
103 15 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 September 1 - 1942 September 10
103 16 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 September 11 - 1942 September 20
103 17 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 September 21 - 1942 September 30
104 1 Dunn, C.O.
Assistant Secretary of Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation regarding supervision of loan payments, tax lists, and related matters
1942 October 1 - 1942 October 15
104 2 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 October 16 - 1942 October 25
104 3 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 October 26 - 1942 October 31
104 4 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 November 1 - 1942 November 15
104 5 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 November 16 - 1942 November 24
104 6 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 November 25 - 1942 November 30
104 7 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 December 1 - 1942 December 6
104 8 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 December 7 - 1942 December 20
104 9 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1942 December 21 - 1942 December 31
104 10 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 January 1 - 1943 January 6
104 11 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 January 7 - 1943 January 10
104 12 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 January 11 - 1943 January 28
104 13 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 February 1 - 1943 February 18
104 14 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 February 19 - 1943 February 28
104 15 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 March 1 - 1943 March 10
104 16 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 March 11 - 1943 March 19
104 17 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 March 20 - 1943 March 31
104 18 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 April 1 - 1943 April 15
104 19 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 April 16 - 1943 April 30
104 20 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 May 1 - 1943 May 9
104 21 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 May 10 - 1943 May 19
104 22 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 May 20 - 1943 May 31
105 1 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 June 1 - 1943 June 9
105 2 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 June 10 - 1943 June 30
105 3 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 July 2 - 1943 July 11
105 4 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 July 12 - 1943 July 31
105 5 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 August 1 - 1943 August 15
105 6 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 August 16 - 1943 August 31
105 7 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 September
105 8 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 October 1 - 1943 October 19
105 9 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 October 20 - 1943 27
105 10 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 October 28 - 1943 31
105 11 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 November 1 - 1943 November 5
105 12 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 November 6 - 1943 November 14
105 13 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 November 15 - 1943 November 30
105 14 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 December 1 - 1943 December 13
105 15 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1943 December 14 - 1943 December 31
105 16 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1944 January
105 17 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1944 February 1 - 1944 February 15
105 18 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1944 February 16 - 1944 February 28
105 19 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1944 March 1 - 1944 March 15
105 20 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1944 March 16 - 1944 March 31
105 21 Dunn, C.O.
Assistant Secretary of Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation regarding supervision of loan payments, tax lists, and related matters
1944 April 1 - 1944 April 14
105 22 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1944 April 15 - 1944 April 30
105 23 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1944 May
105 24 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1944 June
105 25 Dunn, C.O.
see above
1944 July
105 26 Dunn, C.O.
regarding Dunn's retirement and the opening of his own business, the C.O. Dunn Agency in Boise, Idaho
1946 - 1972
106 1 Dunn C.W.
Logan attorney regarding legal services for Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
1939 - 1946
106 2 Dunn, C.W.
see above
1947 - 1949
106 *3 Dunn, Paul M.
personal notes to Dean of School of forestry Oregon State University and technical director of forestry for St. Regis Paper Company of New York
1940 - 1959
106 4 Dunn, Paul M.
see above
1960 - 1975
106 5 Dunn, Paul Y.
Centenila, California Boy Scout executive regarding scouting activities in California and Utah
1943 - 1947
106 *6 Dunwoody, Charles G.
manager of California State Chamber of Commerce regarding public lands policy
106 7 Dunwoody, Charles G.
see above
106 8 Dunwoody, Charles G.
secretary manager Santa Rosa California Chamber of Commerce regarding chamber activities
1942 - 1957
106 9 Dunwoody, Charles G.
regarding political standards and personal matters
1960 - 1963
106 10 Dupont de Nemours
regarding stocks held in this chemical firm
1968 - 1972
106 *11 Durham, G. Homer
Utah State University USAC political science professor regarding Champ's public service
1940 - 1941
106 *12 Duvall, R.C.
President of Ogden First Federal Savings and Loan regarding national politics and personal matters
1949 - 1960
106 13 DWG Cigar Corporation
regarding stocks held in this N.Y. based tobacco distributor
1959 - 1964
106 14 Dworshak, Honorable Henry C.
U.S. Senator from Idaho regarding Indo-China, public lands and conservation
1954 - 1962
106 15 Dwyer, Richard F.
President of Dwyer- Curlett real estate company regarding business dealings for Utah Mortgage Loan in California
1954 - 1966
107 1 "E" Misc. 1923 - 1924
107 2 "E" Misc. 1950 - 1959
107 3 "E" Misc. 1960 - 1974
107 4 Eagleson, Don H.
Director of Eagleson Company Ltd. Boise, regarding loans and contracting for LDS Church
1954 - 1962
107 *5 Eastern Airlines
regarding stocks held in this airline company
1973 - 1974
107 6 Eccles, George S.
President of First Security Bank of Utah, N.A. in Ogden regarding bonds of the Utah-Idaho Central Railroad
1936 - 1949
107 7 Eccles, George S.
personal notes
1950 - 1957
107 8 Eccles, George S.
see above
1967 - 1971
107 9 Eccles, Marriner S.
Chairman of Board Federal Reserve System, Washington D.C. regarding addresses given, recommendations for directorate of Fed. Land Bank and personal notes
1933 - 1939
107 10 Eccles, Marriner S.
termination of position as Chairman of the Board of Federal Reserve System and reappointment to Chairman of the Board First Security Corp
1940 - 1967
107 11 Eccles, Marriner S. 1933 - 1967
107 12 Eccles, Willard L.
Executive Vice President of First Security Bank of Utah, N.A. Ogden regarding Saturday closures of banks and personal notes
1945 - 1950
107 13 Echo Park Reservoir Project
promotion of the project
1954 January - 1954 May
107 14 Echo Park Reservoir Project
see above
1954 June - 1954 December
107 15 Echo Park Reservoir Project
see above
107 16 Echo Park Reservoir Project 1954 - 1955
107 *17 Economic Development, Committee for
requesting financial support from Champ
1955 - 1957
107 18 Economists National Committee
regarding national legislation affecting monetary system and financial assist
107 19 Edwards Florists
regarding business orders with this Winnetka, Illinois florist
107 *20 Edgerton, E.R.
official of the Spokane Washington Chamber of Commerce regarding activities of this and the national chamber
107 *21 Egan, Elsie
housekeeper for the Champ's regarding her resignation
107 *22 Eggan, Maurice A.
Rockford Illinois florist regarding expenses for flowers for funeral of Elizabeth Champ
1945 - 1946
107 23 El Paso Natural Gas Products Company
regarding business transactions with this Odessa, Texas firm
107 24 Elkins, George W.
Chairman of Paramount Life Insurance CO. Advisory Committee regarding expansion of the companies mortgage operations
107 25 Elko Chamber of Commerce
regarding election of Bill Wright to Board of Directors of the National Chamber
107 26 Elliot, E.W.
owner of Logan clothing store regarding rental of St. John's Church for use by Catholic Church
107 27 Ellis, Oliver G.
job. application at UMLC
107 *28 Ellison, Harris A.
regional supervisor of mortgages in the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York regarding personal notes
107 29 Ellison, L.E.
Vice President and Cashier, First National Bank in Layton Utah regarding personal notes
1950 - 1960
108 *1 Emery Industries
regarding stocks held in this in this Cincinnati based chemical firm
108 *2 Emmett, Roland
personal notes
1947 - 1965
108 3 English Oil Company
regarding stocks held in this company
1958 - 1962
108 *4 Engvall, Albert
Pasadena California regarding Elizabeth Champ and Genevieve Cachrane Grisby
108 5 Engvall, Albert
see above
108 6 Engvall, Albert
see above
108 7 Engvall, Albert
see above
108 8 Engvall, Albert
see above
108 9 Engvall, Albert
see above
108 10 Enterprise Fund, Inc.
regarding investments in this Boston State Street Bank and Trust Company fund
1968 - 1971
108 11 Enterprise Fund, Inc.
see above
1972 - 1977
109 1 Episcopal Church - Clark, Reverend Stephen Cutler
Bishop of Utah regarding visits to Logan, church donations, maintenance of church buildings and church financial status
1946 - 1948
109 2 Episcopal Church - Clark, Reverend Stephen Cutler 1949
109 3 Episcopal Church - Clark, Reverend Stephen Cutler 1950
109 *4 Episcopal Church - Foundation
regarding request for financial support for this New York based foundation
109 5 Episcopal Church - General 1951-1954
109 6 Episcopal Church - General 1955-1960
109 7 Episcopal Church - General 1961-1964
109 8 Episcopal Church - General 1965-1975
109 9 Episcopal Church - Macginnis, Reverend J.E.
of The Church of the Good Shepherd in Ogden regarding personal notes
109 10 Episcopal Church - Macginnis, Reverend J.E. 1956-1970
109 11 Episcopal Church - Oldham Trust Fund
regarding administration of Trust #201 established from the estate of Thomas Oldham for the Corporation of the Episcopal Church in Utah
109 12 Episcopal Church - Oldham Trust Fund
regarding administration of Trust #201 established from the estate of Thomas Oldham for the Corporation of the Episcopal Church in Utah
109 13 Episcopal Church - Oldham Trust Fund
see above
109 14 Episcopal Church - Oldham Trust Fund
see above
109 15 Episcopal Church - Oldham Trust Fund
see above
109 16 Episcopal Church - Pension Fund
regarding assessments on St. John's Church in Logan due this fund
109 17 Episcopal Church - Reconstruction Fund
request for contributions to this fund
109 18 Episcopal Church-St. Christopher's Mission to the Navajo Bluff, Utah
charitable organization requesting contributions
110 1 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
communications from the office of Church treasurer regarding Church finances and statements of accounts
1949 January - 1949 February
110 2 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1946 March - 1946 June
110 3 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1946 July - 1946 October
110 4 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1946 November - 1946 December
110 5 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1947 January - 1947 April
110 6 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1947 May - 1947 September
110 7 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1947 October - 1947 December
110 8 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1948 January - 1948 April
110 9 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1948 May - 1948 August
110 10 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1948 September - 1948 December
110 11 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1949 January - 1949 April
110 12 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1949 May - 1949 September
110 13 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1949 October - 1949 December
110 14 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1950 January - 1950 June
110 15 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1950 July - 1950 September
110 16 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1950 October - 1950 December
111 1 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
communications from the office of Church treasurer regarding Church finances and statements of account
1951 January - 1951 May
111 2 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1951 June - 1951 December
111 3 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1952 January - 1952 April
111 4 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1952 May - 1952 December
111 5 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
111 6 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1954 January - 1954 July
111 7 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1954 August - 1954 December
111 8 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1955 January - 1955 July
111 9 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1955 August - 1955 December
111 10 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1956 January - 1956 July
111 11 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1956 August - 1956 December
111 12 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1957 January - 1957 June
111 13 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1957 July - 1957 December
111 14 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
111 15 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1959 January - 1959 July
111 16 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1959 August - 1959 December
111 17 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
111 18 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
112 1 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1962 January - 1962 May
112 2 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1962 June - 1962 December
112 3 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1963 January - 1963 June
112 4 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1963 July - 1963 December
112 5 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
Communications from the office of Church treasurer regarding Church finances and statements of account
1964 January - 1964 May
112 6 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1964 June - 1964 December
112 7 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1965 January - 1965 May
112 8 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1965 June - 1965 December
112 9 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1968 January - 1968 May
112 10 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1968 June - 1968 December
112 11 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1969 January - 1969 June
112 12 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
1969 July - 1969 December
112 13 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
112 14 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
112 15 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 1 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
annual financial reports incomplete), statements of account for the Oldham Trust Fund (Trust #201), and operating Statements
113 2 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 3 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 4 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 5 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 6 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 7 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 8 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 9 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 10 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 11 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 12 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 13 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 14 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 15 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 16 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 17 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 18 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 19 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 20 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 21 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 22 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
113 23 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church
see above
114 1 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1951-1957
114 2 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1960-1964
114 3 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1965-1969
114 4 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1952
114 5 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1953-1954
114 6 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1955-1956
114 7 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1957-1958
114 8 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1959
114 9 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1954-1955
114 10 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1956
114 11 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1957-1958
114 12 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1959-1960
114 13 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1961
114 14 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1962-1963
114 15 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1964-1965
114 16 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1966-1969
115 1 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1954
115 2 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1955
115 3 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1956
115 4 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1959
115 5 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1960-1961
115 6 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1962-1963
115 7 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1964-1965
115 8 Episcopal Church - St. John's Church 1963
115 9 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital - Building Fund 1953-1976
115 10 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital - Building Fund
regarding solicitations for support of the Salt Lake hospital's building fund
115 11 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital - Building Fund
see above
115 12 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital - Building Fund 1953-1976
115 13 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
regarding meetings of the Board of Directors, proposals for psychiatric ward, and progress on Thomas Oldham Memorial addition to the hospital
1953 January - 1953 July
115 14 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
1953 August - 1953 December
115 15 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
regarding Malcolm H. Keyser Memorial Fund, Thomas Oldham building dedication, and meetings of the Board of Directors
115 16 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
regarding meetings of the Board of Directors
115 17 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
115 18 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
regarding the constuction of a rehabilitation center and Board of Directors
115 19 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
regarding meetings of the Board of Director's and the Thomas Oldham Fund
115 20 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 1 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
regarding meetings of the Board of Directors, routine business matters, and various financial concerns
116 2 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 3 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 4 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
regarding meetings of the Board of Directors, routine business matters and various financial concerns
116 5 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 6 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 7 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 8 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 9 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 10 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 11 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 12 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
Minutes of Board of Director's Meetings
116 13 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 14 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 15 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 16 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 17 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 18 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 19 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 20 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 21 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 22 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 23 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
116 24 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
see above
117 1 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital 1953
117 2 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital 1954
117 3 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital 1955
117 4 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital 1956
117 5 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital 1957
117 6 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital 1958
117 7 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital 1959
117 8 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital 1960
117 9 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital 1961
117 10 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital 1962-1963
117 11 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital 1965
117 12 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital
medical staff roster
117 13 Episcopal Church - St. Mark's Hospital 1953-1955
117 14 Episcopal Church - Watson, Rev. R.S.
communitcations from the Bishop of Utah regarding church matters in Logan
117 15 Equity Oil Company
regarding stocks held in this Salt Lake City oil exploration firm
117 *16 Erickson, Dale E.
regarding prospective employment with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
117 *17 Erickson, Patty
personal acquaintance of Winton Champ
117 *18 Evans, Colonel Joseph W.
regarding political discussions with this Houston, Texas businessman
117 *19 Evanston Hospital Association
regarding solicitations for contributions
117 20 Ewing, C.L.
personal notes with secretary of Cedar City Chamber of Commerce
117 21 Ewing, C.L.
see above
117 22 Ex-Cell-O
regarding stocks held in this New Haven, Connecticutt chemical firm
117 23 Ezekiel, Mordecai
Economic advisor to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture regarding the American Farm Situation
118 1 "F" Misc. 1940-1943
118 2 "F" Misc. 1944-1946
118 3 "F" Misc. 1948-1949
118 4 "F" Misc. 1950-1953
118 5 "F" Misc. 1954-1955
118 6 "F" Misc. 1956-1957
118 7 "F" Misc. 1958-1959
118 8 "F" Misc. 1960-1962
118 9 "F" Misc. 1963-1964
118 10 "F" Misc. 1965-1966
118 11 "F" Misc. 1968-1973
118 *12 Fabrege, Inc.
regarding stock held in this New York cosmetics firm
118 13 Fairbanks, Avard
professor of fine arts at University of Michigan regarding plaque to be installed at entrance to Utah State University (USAC)
118 14 Fairbanks, Avard
see above
118 15 Fairbanks, Avard
see above
118 16 Fairchild, Sherman M.
Chairman of the Board of Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corp. of N.Y. regarding Logan agency
118 17 Fairway Realty And Mortgage Company
Palm Desert California realty agency regarding possible land sales to Champ
118 18 Falk, Leo J.
President of Falk Realty in Boise regarding properties in Twin Falls Idaho
118 19 Fansteel Metallurgical Corporation
regarding stocks held in this company
118 20 Farm Credit Administration
regarding passage of the Frazier-Lemke Bill
118 21 Farm Debt Adjustment Department
regarding speech delivered by Champ before the Washington D.C. group
118 22 Farm Security Administration
regarding Utah Rural Rehabilitation Corporation
118 23 Farmer John J.
personal notes to Summerville South Carolina businessman
118 24 Farmers And Merchants Bank
Provo based bank regarding account for Gamble-Skogmo, Inc
118 *25 Farmers And Merchants office - Walker Bank and Trust
regarding appointment of Henry Hurren to Board of Trustees of Utah State University (USAC)
118 26 Farr, M.A.
Cashier for Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation regarding routine buisness matters and inter-office communications
118 27 Farr, M.A.
see above
118 28 Farr, M.A.
see above
1941 January - 1941 August
118 29 Farr, M.A.
see above
1941 September - 1941 December
118 30 Farr, M.A.
see above
118 31 Farr, M.A.
see above
1943 January - 1943 May
118 32 Farr, M.A.
see above
1943 June - 1943 December
118 33 Farr, M.A.
see above
119 1 Farr, M.A to Casella, Joseph N.
Salt Lake City certified public accountant regarding Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. annual audits
119 2 Farr, M.A to Casella, Joseph N.
to Salt Lake City certified public accountant regarding Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. annual audits
119 3 Farr, M.A to Casella, Joseph N.
see above
119 4 Farr, M.A to Casella, Joseph N.
see above
119 5 Farr, M.A. to Champ, Frederick P.
inter-office communications with the President of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
119 6 Farr, M.A. to Champ, Frederick P.
see above
119 7 Farr, M.A. to Champ, Frederick P.
see above
119 8 Farr, M.A. to Champ, Frederick P.
see above
1941 January - 1941 July
119 9 Farr, M.A. to Champ, Frederick P.
see above
1941 August - 1941 December
119 10 Farr, M.A. to Champ, Frederick P.
see above
1942 January - 1942 May
119 11 Farr, M.A. to Champ, Frederick P.
see above
1942 June - 1942 December
119 12 Farr, M.A. to Champ, Frederick P.
see above
119 13 Farr, M.A. to Champ, Frederick P.
see above
119 14 Farr, M.A. to Dunn, C.O.
to Assist. Secretary of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. regarding inter-office communications
119 15 Farr, M.A. to Garff, O.A.
to manager of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp regarding inter-office communications
119 16 Farr, M.A. to McQuarrie, R.S.
to Loan appraiser of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. regarding inter-office communications
119 17 Farr, M.A. to Paulsen, Willard
to Sec. Treasurer of Utah Mortgage Loan regarding inter-office communications
119 18 Farr, M.A. to Paulsen, Willard
see above
1939 January - 1939 June
119 19 Farr, M.A. to Paulsen, Willard
see above
1939 July - 1939 December
119 20 Farr, M.A. to Paulsen, Willard
see above
119 21 Farr, M.A. to Paulsen, Willard
see above
119 22 Farr, M.A. to Paulsen, Willard
see above
119 23 Farr, M.A. to Paulsen, Willard
see above
1943 January - 1943 June
119 24 Farr, M.A. to Paulsen, Willard
see above
1943 July - 1943 December
119 25 Farr, M.A. to Paulsen, Willard
see above
119 26 Farr, M.A. to Richards, Franklin D.
to cashier of Utah Mortgage Loan regarding inter-office communications
119 27 Farr, M.A.
statistics on mortgages and balances from Farr's office
119 28 Farr, M.A.
see above
120 *1 Farr, T.B.
Commercial National Bank Smithfield, Utah, Cashier regarding routine banking transactions
120 2 Farrar, Elmer W.
regarding his candidacy for the position of superintendent Utah State School for the Deaf
120 3 Farrell, F.D.
President of Kansas State College regarding Kansas Farm Train, Agricultural Commission and a speaking engagement before Utah Bankers Association
120 4 Farrell, F.D.
regarding Herbert's interest in attending KSC, politics and personal matters
120 5 Fawcett, Betty
Mrs. Phil N. Fawcett, niece of Frances W. Champ, regarding family matters
120 6 Fawcett, Betty
see above
120 7 Federal Avenue Property
regarding development of this Champ owned Logan property
120 8 Federal Avenue Property
see above
120 9 Federal Avenue Property
see above
120 10 Federal Avenue Property
see above
120 11 Federal Avenue Property
see above
120 12 Federal Avenue Property
see above
120 13 Federal Avenue Property
see above
120 14 Federal Avenue Property
see above
120 15 Federal Avenue Property
see above
120 16 Federal Avenue Property
see above
120 17 Federal Avenue Property
see above
120 18 Federal Avenue Property
see above
120 19 Federal Avenue Property
see above
120 20 Federal Avenue Property
see above
120 21 Federal Avenue Property
see above
120 22 Federal Avenue Property
see above
120 23 Federal Avenue Property
see above
120 24 Federal Avenue Property
see above
120 25 Federal Avenue Property 1922-1968
121 1 Federal Avenue Property
Specifications and Blueprints of Federal Avenue Store and Office Building
121 *2 Federal Building And Loan Association
Jack H. Andrews, president, Ogden Utah regarding various banking business with President Champ
121 3 Federal Housing Administration - Boise, Idaho
regarding applications, conditional comittment and case numbers for housing loans with FHA through Utah Mortgage and Loan Corp
1954 January - 1954 March
121 4 Federal Housing Administration - Boise, Idaho
see above
1954 April - 1954 June
121 5 Federal Housing Administration - Boise, Idaho
see above
1954 July - 1954 August
121 6 Federal Housing Administration - Boise, Idaho
regarding applications, conditional committments, and case numbers for housing loans with FHA through Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
1954 September - 1954 October
121 7 Federal Housing Administration - Boise, Idaho
see above
1954 November - 1954 December
121 8 Federal Housing Administration - Boise, Idaho
regarding mortgage loan case lists
122 1 Federal Housing Administration - Boise, Idaho
regarding applications, conditional committments, and case numbers for housing loans with FHA through Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
1955 January - 1955 March
122 2 Federal Housing Administration - Boise, Idaho
see above
1955 April - 1955 May
122 3 Federal Housing Administration - Boise, Idaho
see above
1955 June
122 4 Federal Housing Administration - Washington D.C.
regarding endorsement of A.R. Hovey and Joseph E. Cardon for positions with the FHA
122 5 Federal Housing Administration - Washington D.C.
regarding visits from officials of this office
122 6 Federal Housing Administration - Washington D.C.
regarding business transactions with Champ and various appointments to positions within this office
122 7 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - Cache County Programs
regarding the operation of relief programs
122 8 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - Cattle Processing Project
regarding the operation of this program in Cache County
122 9 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - C.W.A Projects
regarding programs transfered to the E.R.A. work division
122 10 Federal Emergency Relief Administration
regarding cost of operation of programs in Utah
122 11 Federal Emergency Relief Administration
statements for state and local programs
122 12 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - Hay Purchase Program
regarding the operation of this project in Cache County
122 13 Federal Emergency Relief Administration 1934-1935
122 14 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - State Advisory Committee
regarding meetings and activities of the Committee
122 15 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - State Advisory Committee
see above
1934 January - 1934 September
122 16 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - State Advisory Committee
see above
1934 October - 1934 December
122 17 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - State Advisory Committee
see above
122 18 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - State Advisory Committee 1934 September - 1934 October
122 19 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - State Advisory Committee 1934 November - 1934 December
122 20 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - State Advisory Committee 1935 January - 1935 March
122 21 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - State Advisory Committee 1935 April - 1935 May
123 1 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - State Advisory Committee
regarding proposed projects for the work division of E.R.A
1934 May - 1934 July
123 2 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - State Advisory Committee
see above
1934 August - 1934 September
123 3 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - State Advisory Committee
see above
1934 October - 1934 November
123 4 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - State Advisory Committee
see above
1934 December
123 5 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - State Advisory Committee
see above
1935 January - 1935 February
123 6 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - State Advisory Committee
see above
1935 March - 1935 April
123 7 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - State Advisory Committee 1934-1935
123 8 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - State Advisory Committee
regarding ports of the various state work projects
123 9 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - State Advisory Committee
see above
123 10 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - State Advisory Committee
figures on expenditures for program projects
123 11 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - State Advisory Committee
see above
123 12 Federal Emergency Relief Administration - State Advisory Committee
see above
123 13 Federal Land Bank
communication with Chief of Federal Farm Loan Bureau regarding appraisal methods of Land Bank agents in Idaho
123 14 Federal Reserve Bank - Army
regarding purchases and sales by military units through this San Francisco bank
123 15 Federal Reserve Bank
bulletins from the bank's division of research
1938 May - 1938 August
123 *16 Federal Reserve Bank
see above
1938 September - 1938 December
123 17 Federal Reserve Bank
see above
1939 January - 1939 May
123 18 Federal Reserve Bank
see above
1939 June - 1939 December
123 19 Federal Reserve Bank
regarding preliminary retail sales reports of the 12th federal reserve district
123 20 Federal Reserve Bank
see above
124 1 Federal Reserve Bank
based in San Francisco regarding appointment as a director of the SLC branch of bank and speech by Mr. Eccles
124 2 Federal Reserve Bank
branch office in SLC regarding meetings of board of directors and business matters
124 3 Federal Reserve Bank
see above
124 4 Federal Reserve Bank
see above
124 5 Federal Reserve Bank
see above
124 6 Federal Reserve Bank
see above
124 7 Federal Reserve Bank
see above
124 8 Federal Reserve Bank
see above
124 9 Federal Reserve Bank
see above
124 10 Federal Uranium Company
regarding buying of stock in this company
124 11 Federated Petroleums, Ltd.
regarding stocks held in this company
124 12 Feldman, Edmund
acting chief engineer examiner of Federal Emergency Admin. of Public Works in SLC regarding funds for new project in the PWA in the Logan area
124 13 Fentress, Dr. Thomas L.
Chicago M.D. regarding mental health of France W. Champ
124 14 Fentress, Dr. Thomas L.
see above
124 15 Fentress, Dr. Thomas L.
see above
124 16 Fentress, Dr. Thomas L.
see above
124 17 Fentress, Dr. Thomas L.
see above
124 18 Fentress, Dr. Thomas L.
see above
124 19 Fentress, Dr. Thomas L.
see above
124 20 Fentress, Dr. Thomas L.
see above
125 1 Fenwick, Ina H.
New Jersey resident regarding the will of Thomas Oldham and the employment of herself and her sister Florence at USAC
125 2 Fergusen, E.A.
regarding employment on fulltime basis as accountant/auditor for Utah Mortgage Loan corporation
125 3 Fergusen, E.A.
regarding routine inter-office communications
125 4 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
125 5 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
1953 January - 1953 May
125 6 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
1953 June - 1953 December
125 7 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
125 8 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
1955 January - 1955 May
125 9 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
1955 June - 1955 December
125 10 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
1956 January - 1956 May
125 11 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
1956 June - 1956 December
125 12 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
1957 January - 1957 May
125 13 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
1957 June - 1957 December
125 14 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
125 15 Fergusen, E.A.
as V.P. and controller
125 16 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
125 17 Fergusen, E.A.
as V.P. and Secretary
125 18 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
125 19 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
125 20 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
126 1 Fergusen, E.A.
regarding routine office matters with V.P. and Secretary
126 2 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
126 3 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
126 4 Fergusen, E.A.
regarding office memorandums
126 5 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
126 6 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
126 7 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
126 8 Fergusen, E.A.
see above
126 9 Feruson, William G.
Sec. of Helena, Montana based Pacific Northwest Travel Assoc. regarding personal matters
126 10 Fidelity National Bank
Twin Falls, Idaho bank regarding routine banking transactions
126 11 Fidelity Trend Fund
regarding Champ Investment Co.'s shares in this Boston Trust corporation
126 12 Field Economic Mobilization Course
regarding course offered by Industrial Coll. of the Armed forces, SLC
126 13 Finance Company
regarding organization of a insurance company by Champ, and discussions with Leo J. Rocca of N.Y
126 14 Financial General Corporation
regarding Champ's investments in this Washington D.C. bank holding co
126 15 Financial Statistics, Cache County and Utah
figures used by Champ in talks on the economies of Utah and Cache Co
126 16 Fingerhut Corporation
regarding orders for car seat covers
126 17 Finnish Relief Fund
solicitations for N.Y. based corporation by Champ as coordinator for Northern Utah reg
1939 December
126 18 Finnish Relief Fund
see above
1940 January 1 - 1940 January 9
126 19 Finnish Relief Fund
see above
1940 January 10 - 1940 January 31
126 20 Finnish Relief Fund
see above
1940 February
126 21 Finnish Relief Fund
see above
1940 March - 1940 October
126 22 Finnish Relief Fund 1939-1940
127 1 Fire and Casualty Insurance Company
Connecticut based company regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
127 2 Fire and Casualty Insurance Company
see above
127 3 Fire Prevention Company
regarding Champ's service as State Rep. and the President's conference on fire prevention
127 4 Fire Prevention Company
see above
127 5 First America Corporation
regarding Champ's investments in this San Francisco based bank holding company
127 6 First America Corporation
see above
127 7 First America Corporation
see above
127 8 First America Corporation 1958-1960
127 9 First California Company
San Francisco based investment Co. regarding Paramount Fire Ins. Co. stocks
127 10 First Church of Christ Scientist
regarding Frances W. Champ's membership
127 11 First Federal Savings and Trust Company - Loan
SLC bank regarding transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
127 12 First National Bank - Logan
regarding court case with Walker Bank & Trust Company
127 13 First National Bank - Logan 1964-1966
127 14 First National Bank and Trust Company - Rockford Illinois
regarding stocks held in this company
127 15 First National Bank and Trust Company - Rockford Illinois
see above
127 16 First National Bank and Trust Company - Rockford Illinois
see above
127 17 First National Bank and Trust Company - Rockford Illinois
statements of condition
127 18 First National Bank and Trust Company - Rockford Illinois
sent to stockholders
127 19 First National Bank and Trust Company - Rockford Illinois
see above
127 20 First National Bank and Trust Company - Rockford Illinois
see above
127 21 First National Bank and Trust Company - Rockford Illinois
sent to stockholders
127 22 First National Bank and Trust Company - Rockford Illinois 1958-1976
127 23 First National Bank of Chicago
regarding banking transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
127 24 First National Bank of Chicago
see above
127 25 First National Bank of Chicago
see above
127 26 First National Bank of Chicago
see above
127 27 First National Bank of Chicago
given at conference of bank correspondents, November 28-29, 1955
127 28 First National Bank of Nevada
regarding purchase of John Matisse ranch near Elko, Nevada by a loan customer
127 29 First National City Bank of New York
regarding request or copy of address given by Chairman Walter B. Riston
128 1 First Security Bank of Idaho
Boise based bank regarding banking transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
128 2 First Security Bank of Utah - Logan
see above
128 3 First Security Bank of Utah - Ogden
see above
128 4 First Security Bank of Utah - Salt Lake City
see above
128 5 First Security Company
regarding Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation association with this holding company
128 6 First Security Corporation
SLC based bank holding company having business transactions with Walker Bank and Trust CO. Cache Valley Branch and Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
128 7 First Security Corporation
see above
1965 April - 1965 September
128 8 First Security Corporation
see above
1965 October - 1965 December
128 9 First Security Corporation
see above
1967 January - 1967 April
128 10 First Security Corporation
see above
1967 May
128 11 First Security Corporation
see above
1967 June
128 12 First Security Corporation
see above
1967 July - 1967 September
128 13 First Security Corporation
see above
1967 October - 1967 December
128 14 First Security Corporation
see above
128 15 First Security Corporation 1957-1970
128 16 First Security Corporation 1969-1970
128 17 First Security Investment Corporation 1965-1975
128 18 First Security State Bank
SLC bank headed by F.W. Champ regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
128 19 First Security State Bank 1966-1969
128 20 First Security State Bank
statements of condition
128 21 First Security State Bank
see above
1969 March - 1969 June
128 22 First Security State Bank
see above
1969 August - 1968 October
128 23 First Security State Bank
see above
1969 November - 1968 December
129 1 First Security Trust Company
to L.P. Van Voorhist, V.P. of this SLC Trust Company regarding Frances W. Champ's piano recital
129 2 First Security Trust Company
to L.P. Van Voorhist, regarding business transactions with Champ, personal matters
129 3 First Trust & Savings Bank
Pasadena, Calif. bank regarding loan to Mrs. Elizabeth S. Champ and Pasadena property
129 4 First Trust & Savings Bank
see above
129 5 First Trust & Savings Bank
see above
129 6 First Trust & Savings Bank
see above
129 7 First Trust & Savings Bank 1940-1941
129 8 Fischer, Carl
music publisher regarding Frances W. Champ's music book
129 9 Fischer, Chester O.
V.P. Mass. Mutual Life Insurance Company regarding personal matters
129 10 Fischer, Chester O.
see above
129 11 Fisher Motor Company
Brigham City, Utah motor company regarding service to Champ cars
129 12 Fisher Motor Company 1950-1953
129 13 Fisher, Dr. George M.
Ogden, Utah physician regarding Mr. Champ's health
129 14 Fitzpatrick, John F.
publisher of Salt Lake Tribune regarding personal matters and recognition of Champ's contributions to society
129 15 Fitzpatrick, John F.
see above
129 16 Fitzpatrick, John F. 1937-1949
129 17 Flack, Helen
regarding stock holdings in Cache Valley Banking Company
129 18 Flack, Helen
see above
129 19 Flaherty, Joe R.
Boise resident regarding request or employment with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
129 20 Flamm, Bryce C.
Ogden resident regarding request for employment with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
129 21 Flat Rock Club
announcements to members, reports of club conditions and minutes of club meetings
129 22 Flat Rock Club
see above
129 23 Flat Rock Club
see above
129 24 Flat Rock Club
see above
129 25 Flat Rock Club
announcements to members, reports of club conditions, and minutes of club meetings
129 26 Flat Rock Club
see above
129 27 Flat Rock Club 1937-1974
129 28 Flat Rock Club
regarding the activities and memberships of the Champ's in this club
129 29 Flat Rock Club
see above
129 30 Flat Rock Club
see above
129 31 Flat Rock Club
see above
129 32 Flat Rock Club
see above
129 33 Flat Rock Club
see above
129 34 Flat Rock Club
see above
129 35 Flat Rock Club
see above
129 36 Flat Rock Club
see above
130 1 Flat Rock Club
based in Macks Inn, Fremont County, Idaho regarding the Champ's activities and membership in club
1951 May - 1951 August
130 2 Flat Rock Club
see above
1951 September
130 3 Flat Rock Club
see above
1951 October - 1951 November
130 4 Flat Rock Club
see above
130 5 Flat Rock Club
see above
1953 April - 1953 July
130 6 Flat Rock Club
see above
1953 August - 1953 November
130 7 Flat Rock Club
see above
130 8 Flat Rock Club
see above
130 9 Flat Rock Club
see above
130 10 Flat Rock Club
see above
130 11 Flat Rock Club
see above
130 12 Flat Rock Club
see above
130 13 Flat Rock Club
see above
130 14 Flat Rock Club
see above
130 15 Flat Rock Club
see above
130 16 Flat Rock Club
regarding statement of income and comparative Statements
130 17 Flat Rock Club
see above
130 18 Flat Rock Club
see above
130 19 Flat Rock Club
see above
130 20 Flat Rock Club
see above
130 21 Flat Rock Club
see above
130 22 Flat Rock Club 1937-1974
130 23 Flat Rock Club 1937-1974
130 24 Flat Rock Club
regarding expenses incurred by the Champs
130 25 Flat Rock Club 1937-1974
130 *26 Fleming, Mrs. W.H.
coordinator of Centennial of St. John's Church regarding information for Centennial Report
130 27 Flintkote Company
producer of construction materials based in White Plains, N.Y. regarding buying and selling of stocks with the company
130 28 Florida Telephone Company
based in Ocala, Florida regarding stocks held in this company
130 29 Florida Telephone Company 1969-1972
130 30 Flowers By Connie
floral shop in Rockford, Illinois regarding floral arrangements left at the grave of George H. Champ, Sr. in Cedar Bluff Cemetery
130 31 Flynn, Fred L.
president of Flynn Investment Company Harlingen Texas regarding trips to Mexico with Paramount group
130 32 Flynn, Fred L.
regarding political situation in nation, speakers for convention
130 33 Flynn, Fred L.
regarding trip of Champ's to Harlingen, Texas, trip to Mexico, chain letter
130 34 Flynn, Fred L.
see above
131 *1 Folken, Herbert G.
U,S. Navy Lieutenant based in Pennsylvania regarding job application with Utah Mortgage Loan
131 *2 Fonnesbeck, Frank O.
regarding remodeling of Logan buildings by this Provo contractor
131 3 Food Machinery and Chemical Corporation
regarding stocks held in this Chicago based agricultural chemicals firm
131 4 Foress, W.A.
Rockford Illinois businessman regarding persona notes and investment counseling
131 5 Ford Motor Company
regarding stocks held in this Dearborn Michigan automobile manufacturer
131 6 Ford Motor Company
see above
131 7 Foreclosures Frazier-Lemke Act
reports and correspondence regarding questionaires sent out by Executive Committee of Mortgage Bankers Association of America sent out to study operation of this legislation
1934 September 17 - 1934 September 20
131 8 Foreclosures Frazier-Lemke Act
see above
1934 September 21
131 9 Foreclosures Frazier-Lemke Act
see above
1934 September 22 - 1934 September 24
131 10 Foreclosures Frazzer-Lemke Act
see above
1934 September 25 - 1934 October 2
131 11 Forest Service, United States
notes with officials of the regional branch office in Ogden regarding public lands policy and the Jackson Hole National Monument controversy
131 12 Forest Service, United States
regarding School of forestry at Utah State University (USAC)
131 13 Forest Service, United States
regarding post-war reforestation
131 14 Forest Service, United States
regarding policy changes within the service
131 15 Forest Service, United States
regarding celebration of the 50th anniversary of the service
131 16 Forest Service, United States
regarding personal notes to officials of the Ogden office and general matters
131 17 Forest Service, United States
regarding addresses on the activities and policies of the service and publications distributed by the service
131 18 Forest Service, United States 1943-1970
131 19 Forest Service, Jackson Hole
regarding the controversy over the creation of Jackson Hole National Park
1943 April - 1943 August
131 20 Forest Service, Jackson Hole
see above
1943 September - 1943 December
131 21 Forest Service, Jackson Hole
see above
1944 January - 1944 July
131 22 Forest Service, Jackson Hole
relating to the controversy over expansion of the park's holdings
131 23 Forest Service, Jackson Hole 1943-1944
132 *1 Fornoff, Harold L.
Logan music store owner regarding sale of a piano to Champs
132 2 Fornoff, David G.
regarding purchase of stock in Cache Valley Banking CO. from this Chicago resident
132 *3 Fort Douglas officer's Mess
regarding commemorative observances held at this base to which the Champs were invited
132 4 Fort Worth Texas Housing Authority Bonds
regarding purchase of these bonds for Trust #79
132 5 Fortune Magazine
regarding Champ's subscription
132 6 Fortune Magazine
see above
132 *7 Fossum, Brent
regarding personal notes with acquaintance of Winton Champ
132 8 Foster Products Inc.
regarding sales to Champ of tobacco from this Cleveland distributor
132 9 Foster, Dr. Paul D.
Los Angeles dermatologist regarding treatment for Mary K. Champ
132 10 Foster, Dr. William Trufant
noted economist regarding discourses with Champ on economic and political matters, visits with the Champ's and personal notes
132 11 Foster, Dr. William Trufant
see above
1934 January - 1934 July
132 12 Foster, Dr. William Trufant
see above
1934 August - 1934 December
132 13 Foster, Dr. William Trufant
see above
1935 January - 1935 April
132 14 Foster, Dr. William Trufant
see above
1935 May - 1935 September
132 15 Foster, Dr. William Trufant
noted economicst regarding discourses with Champ on economic and political issues, visits with the Champs and personal matters
1935 October - 1935 December
132 16 Foster, Dr. William Trufant
see above
1936 January - 1936 March
132 17 Foster, Dr. William Trufant
see above
1936 April - 1936 December
132 18 Foster, Dr. William Trufant
see above
132 19 Foster, Dr. William Trufant
see above
132 20 Foster, Dr. William Trufant
see above
133 1 Foster, Dr. William Trufant
noted economist regarding discourses with Champ on economic and political issues, visits with Champ and personal matters
133 2 Foster, Dr. William Trufant
see above
133 3 Foster, Dr. William Trufant
see above
133 4 Foster, Dr. William Trufant
see above
1943 January - 1943 June
133 5 Foster, Dr. William Trufant
see above
1943 July - 1943 December
133 6 Fowles, J. Francis
President of Wasatch Investment and Insurance Company of Ogden, regarding accounts with Paramount Fire Insurance Company and regional politics
133 *7 Foy, Leslie T.
Editor of Cache Valley Daily Herald regarding his pursuit of position as Postmaster for Monticello Utah
133 8 Fram Corporation
regarding possibility of opening a plant in Logan
133 9 Francis, David L.
President of Princess Elkhorn Coal CO. Huntington W. Virginia regarding federal and state coal legislation
133 10 Francis, David L.
see above
133 11 Francis, James D.
President of Island Creek Coal CO. Huntington W. Virginia, regarding federal and state coal legislation
133 12 Francis, James D.
see above
133 13 Frank, Colonel Karl G.
regarding Fullbright Scholarship application
133 *14 Franklin County Sugar Company
regarding purchase of dried beet pulp
133 *15 Fraser, A.D.
personal notes with Cleveland Ohio businessman
133 18 Freightways Terminal Inc.
regarding property leased from Champ for terminal in Kalispell, Montana
133 19 Friedrichs, Fritz
personal notes with Salem Oregon resident
133 20 Friends of The Land
nonprofit, nonpartisan conservation society in Columbus Ohio regarding Champ's membership
133 21 Fullbright Scholars Program
regarding the Utah State's Committees interview with candidates for this award
133 22 Fullbright Scholars Program
see above
133 23 Fullbright Scholars Program
see above
134 1 "G" Misc. 1921-1927
134 2 "G" Misc. 1933-1937
134 3 "G" Misc. 1938-1940
134 4 "G" Misc. 1941-1944
134 5 "G" Misc. 1945-1949
134 6 "G" Misc. 1950-1952
134 7 "G" Misc. 1953-1955
134 8 "G" Misc. 1956-1957
134 9 "G" Misc. 1958-1960
134 10 "G" Misc. 1961-1962
134 11 "G" Misc. 1963-1964
134 12 "G" Misc. 1965-1966
134 13 "G" Misc. 1967-1972
134 *14 GabriaL, W.F.
regarding tired employee of Wells Fargo Bank and Union Trust CO. regarding personal notes
134 *15 Gaddie, S.W.
regarding stock held in Associated Gas and Electric Company
134 16 Gage, Camilla
Twin Bridge Montana realtor regarding personal notes and Barry Goldwaters campaign
134 17 Gage, Camilla
regarding Boy Scouting in Montana
134 18 Gage, Camilla
personal notes regarding family matters
134 *19 Galbreath, G.H.
personal notes with Tulsa Oklahoma businessman
134 20 Gamble-Skogmo, Inc.
regarding lease and remodeling of Logan store
134 21 Gamble-Skogmo, Inc.
regarding merger of Western Auto Supply and Gambles stores
134 22 Gamble-Skogmo, Inc.
regarding business at Logan store and upkeep of building
134 23 Gamble-Skogmo, Inc.
negotiations with Mountain Fuel Supply CO. for Solar Corporation's Ogden plant
134 24 Gamble-Skogmo Inc. 1943-1948
134 *25 Gamble Hinged Music Company
Chicago music publisher regarding piano composition written by Frances W. Champ
134 *26 Game, Ross P.
personal notes with California newspaperman
134 *27 Gamma Phi Beta
regarding Mary K. Champ's pledge into this sorority and contributions from Mrs. Champ
134 28 Garden of The Gods Club
regarding money taken from Mrs. Champ's purse during a stay at this Colorado resort
134 29 Gardner, Rulon S.
General Manager of Idaho Falls Idaho branch of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. regarding routine office matters
134 30 Gardner, Rulon S.
see above
1958 January - 1958 March
134 31 Gardner Rulon S.
see above
1958 April - 1958 July
134 32 Gardner, Rulon S.
see above
1958 August - 1958 September
134 33 Gardner, Rulon S.
see above
1958 October - 1958 December
134 34 Gardner, Rulon S.
see above
134 35 Gardner, Rulon S.
regarding his move to Mesa Arizona, personal family matters and his death
135 1 Garff, O.A.
Logan gardener working for the Champs
135 2 Garff, O.A.
see above
135 *3 Garff, Dr. Royal L.
personal notes with University of Utah speech professor
135 4 Garrett Corporation
regarding stocks held in this Los Angelos based aicraft manufacturer
135 5 Garrett Freight Lines, Inc.
regarding negotiations to free Kalispell Montana terminal for use by this Pocatello based company
135 6 Garrett, Jay
Chairman of the New Industries Committee of Cache Chamber of Commerce regarding the Wurlitzer Organ Co
135 *7 Garrison, Lloyd K.
Washington D.C. attorney regarding Harvard associates
135 *8 Garrison, Robert H.
petroleum engineer regarding Harvard associates
135 *9 Gates, L. Keith
Logan physician regarding Champs health care
135 *10 Gaynard, Clifford C.
personal notes with Arizona businessman
135 *11 Gehr, Wilford G.
personal notes with New Orleans mortgage banker
135 12 General Development Corporation
regarding stocks held in this Miami Florida community development company
135 13 General Dynamics Corporation
regarding stocks held in this St. Louis electronics firm
135 14 General Dynamics Corporation
see above
135 15 General Dynamics Corporation
see above
135 16 General Foods Corporation
regarding stocks held in this N.Y. based food producer
135 17 General Instrument Corporation
regarding stocks held in this N.Y. based electrical equipment manufacturer
135 18 General Insurance Securities, Ltd.
regarding stock held in the Los Angeles firm
135 19 General Motors Corporation
regarding stocks held in this automobile manufacturer
135 20 General Public Service Corporation
regarding stocks held in this firm
135 21 General Roofing, Inc.
Salt Lake City firm in charge of reroofing the Champ's home
135 22 General Telephone And Electronics Corporation
regarding stocks held in this Connecticutt based firm
135 23 General Telephone And Electronics Corporation
see above
135 24 General Tiregarding And Rubber Company
regarding stocks held in this Akron, Ohio firm
135 25 Georgia-Pacific Corporation
regarding stocks held in this Portland, Oregon based lumber company
135 *26 Georgia State Chamber of Commerce
regarding Champ's request for post cards
135 *27 Gerrity, Joe W.
personal notes with Massachusettes resident
135 28 Gessel, Vincent L.
personal notes with California acquaintances
135 29 Gessel, Vincent L.
see above
135 30 Gessel, Vincent L.
see above
135 31 Gibraltor Firegarding and marine Insurance Company
regarding stock held in this company
135 *32 Gibson, William H.
regarding U.S. savings bonds
135 33 Gillette Company
regarding stocks held in this Massachusettes company
135 *34 Gillian, Rear Admiral C.H.
United States Navy Commanding officer in Odgen, regarding invitations to various commemorative events
135 35 Gladding Corporation
regarding stocks held in this Massachusettes based company
135 36 Glade, Harold W.
regarding the suspension of the General Manager of the Public Housing Administation in Utah
1952 February - 1952 May
135 37 Glade, Harold W.
see above
1952 June - 1952 December
135 38 Glascock, H.R.
Executive Secretary of Society American foresters regarding office of Sec. of the Interior
135 *39 Glassylvania Company
regarding purchase of tumblers by Champ from this pennsylvania dealer
135 40 Gobble, J.R.
official of the Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce regarding activities of the group
135 41 Goldwater, Barry
U.S. Senator Arizona regarding federal legislation and political views
135 42 Goldwater, Barry
see above
135 43 Goodell, Joseph
President of Citizen Finance CO. El Paso Texas, regarding proposed business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. and personal notes
135 44 Goodell, Joseph
see above
135 45 Goodell, Joseph
see above
135 46 Gooding Idaho Chamber of Commerce
regarding activities of this and the national chambers
136 1 Goodrich, W.R.
close friend of the Champ family regarding visits to Logan, family matters and personal notes
136 2 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
136 3 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
136 4 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
136 5 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
136 6 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
136 7 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
136 8 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
136 9 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1960 January - 1960 August
136 10 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1960 September - 1960 December
136 11 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1961 January - 1961 June
136 12 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1961 July - 1961 December
136 13 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1962 January - 1962 June
136 14 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1962 July - 1962 December
136 15 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1963 January - 1963 June
136 16 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1963 July - 1963 December
136 17 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1964 January - 1964 April
136 18 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1964 May - 1964 September
136 19 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1964 October - 1964 December
136 20 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1965 March - 1965 September
136 21 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1965 October - 1965 December
137 1 Goodrich, W.R.
close friend of the Champ family regarding family matters, visits and personal notes
1966 January - 1966 May
137 2 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1966 June - 1966 December
137 3 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1967 January - 1967 June
137 4 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1967 July - 1967 December
137 5 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1968 January - 1968 June
137 6 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1968 July - 1968 December
137 7 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1969 January - 1969 July
137 8 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1969 August - 1969 December
137 9 Goodrich, W.R.
regarding personal notes and business transactions with Champ Investment Company
1970 January - 1970 June
137 10 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1970 July - 1970 December
137 11 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1971 January - 1971 June
137 12 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
1971 July - 1971 December
137 13 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
137 14 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
137 15 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
137 16 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
137 17 Goodrich, W.R.
see above
137 18 Goodwin Company
San Diego insurance firm regarding arm and ranch loan transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan
137 19 Goodwin Company
see above
137 20 Goodwin Company
see above
137 21 Gordon, Charles H.
personal notes with Seattle businessman
137 22 Goulkasian, Virginia
Dorchester, Massachusettes artist regarding commission for portrait of Harold E. Hemingway, Commercial Security Bank executive
138 1 Grace, W.R. and Company
regarding stocks held in this company
138 2 Graff, Orson A.
manager of Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation Insurance Department regarding gardening
138 3 Grand Junction Colorado Chamber of Commerce
regarding the Colorado River Storage Project
138 4 Granger, Walter K.
Congressman from Utah's First District regarding election campaign and funding for Logan air field
138 5 Granger, Walter K.
regarding Lava Hot Springs Idaho, Utah State Agricultural Commission and Newton Dam
138 6 Granger, Walter K.
regarding various matters of legislation
138 7 Granger, Walter K.
regarding the sugar industry in Cache County and taxes
138 8 Granger, Walter K.
regarding civilian pilot training program at Logan and reelection
138 9 Granger, Walter K.
regarding the Newton Project's High Line Canal and the Veterans Administration
1945 January - 1945 August
138 10 Granger, Walter K.
regarding the federal employment service and the Veterans Administration
1945 September - 1945 December
138 11 Granger, Walter K.
regarding his reelection, inflation, and taxes
138 12 Grant County Washington
regarding bonds held in this county's public utilities District #2
138 13 Grant, Heber J.
President of LDS Church regarding birthday salutaions, Champ's speech at a commemorative banquet and discussion of general topics of interest
138 14 Grant, Heber J. - Banquet
regarding dinner honoring this LDS Church president on November 23, 1938 at the Hotel Utah
1938 November 23
138 15 Grant, W.T.
regarding the opening of the W.T. Grant storegarding in Logan
138 16 Gray, Marion R.
President of Grayco End-Lock Ties and Cravats Manufacturing CO. in Los Angeles regarding personal notes and family matters
138 17 Gray, Marion R.
see above
138 18 Gray, Marion R.
see above
138 19 Gray, Marion R.
see above
138 20 Gray, Marion R.
see above
138 21 Gray, Marion R.
see above
138 22 Gray, Marion R.
see above
138 23 Gray, Marion R.
see above
138 24 Gray, Marion R.
see above
138 25 Gray, Marion R.
see above
138 26 Gray, Marion R.
see above
138 27 Gray, Marion R.
see above
138 28 Gray, Marion R.
see above
1961 January - 1961 June
138 29 Gray, Marion R.
see above
1961 July - 1961 December
138 30 Gray, Marion R.
see above
138 31 Gray, Marion R.
see above
139 *1 Greater South Dakota Association
regarding Chamber of Commerce matters, reclamation and natural resources issues
139 *2 Greek War Relief Association
requests for contributions to aid this group
139 3 Green, Green And Cheney
Jackson, Mississippi attorneys regarding stocks held in Mississippi oil interests
139 4 Green, H.L.
Rockford Illinois prefabricated housing manufacturer regarding Chamber of Commerce matters
139 5 Green, H.L.
regarding Chamber of Commerce matters, investment counseling and personal notes
139 6 Green, H.L.
see above
139 7 Green, H.L.
see above
139 8 Green, H.L.
see above
139 9 Green, H.L.
see above
139 10 Green, H.L.
see above
139 11 Green, H.L.
see above
139 12 Green, H.L.
see above
139 13 Green, H.L.
see above
1959 March - 1959 July
139 14 Green, H.L.
see above
1959 August - 1959 December
139 15 Green, H.L.
see above
139 16 Green, H.L.
see above
139 17 Green, H.L.
see above
139 18 Green, H.L.
see above
139 19 Green, H.L.
see above
139 20 Green, Thomas
tax consultant for Champ's businesses and family investments
139 21 Green, Thomas
see above
139 22 Green, Thomas
see above
139 23 Green, Thomas
see above
139 24 Green, Thomas
see above
139 25 Green, Thomas
see above
139 26 Green, Thomas
see above
139 27 Green, Thomas
see above
139 28 Green, Thomas
see above
1967 January - 1967 August
139 29 Green, Thomas
see above
1967 September - 1967 December
139 30 Green, Thomas
see above
1968 January - 1968 April
139 31 Green, Thomas
see above
1968 May - 1968 December
139 32 Greene, Dr. Mark
Salt Lake City surgeon regarding Mrs. Frances W. Champ's health care
140 1 Greenwell, Darrell J.
Utah State Department of Public Welfare Director regarding public works projects
140 2 Greenwell, Darrell J.
see above
140 3 Greenwood, Maxine
Logan secretary regarding part-time service to Champ
140 4 Greenwood, Maxine
see above
140 *5 Gregerson, Welch F.
personal notes with Salt Lake City resident
140 6 Gretter, A.C.
Fargo North Dakota realtor and loan agent regarding possible employment with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
140 7 Greyhound Corporation
regarding stocks held in this company
140 8 Grice, Colonel L.O.
Ogden Quartermaster of the General Supply Depot regarding personal matters
140 9 Grice, Colonel L.O.
regarding commands at various posts and personal matters
140 10 Grice, Colonel L.O.
regarding commands at various posts and personal matters
140 11 Grice, Colonel L.O.
regarding his retirement
140 12 Grice, Colonel L.O.
regarding his retirement in Atlanta, Goergia and family matters
140 13 Grice, Colonel L.O.
see above
140 14 Grice, Colonel L.O.
see above
140 15 Griffin, Herman R.
L.A. Farmers and Merchants National Bank regarding his consideration for a position at Commercial Security Bank in Ogden
140 16 Griffin, Herman R.
see above
140 17 Groebli, John J.
California residents regarding photographs of St. John's Epsicopal church (Logan) Boy Scout groups 1907-1910
140 18 Groner, Powell C.
Kansas City businessman regarding U.S. C of C business
140 19 Groner, Powell C.
see above
140 20 Groner, Powell C.
see above
140 21 Groner, Powell C.
see above
140 22 Gross And Company Inc.
L.A. investment company regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
140 *23 Groutage, J.W.
SLC resident regarding personal matters
140 24 Grover, Roscoe
regarding propective employment of the SLC banker
140 25 Grow, D. Spencer
Provo Utah realtor regarding purchase of land in Provo by Champ Investment Company
140 *26 Guaranty Trust Company of New York
regarding stocks held in this company by Champ
140 *27 Guideposts
regarding subscriptions
140 28 Gulf Coast Leasehold, Inc.
regarding stocks held in this company by Champ
140 29 Gulf Oil Corporation
regarding stocks held in this company by Champ
140 30 Gunnar Mines, Ltd.
regarding stocks held in this Canadian company
140 31 Gunnell, Franklin W.
Utah House Minority Leader regarding campaigns
140 32 Guy, D.J.
former manager Natural Resources DepT. U.S. C of C regarding gas and oil production
141 1 "H" Misc. 1942-1945
141 2 "H" Misc. 1946-1948
141 3 "H" Misc. 1949-1950
141 4 "H" Misc. 1951-1952
141 5 "H" Misc. 1953-1954
141 6 "H" Misc. 1955-1956
141 7 "H" Misc. 1957-1958
141 8 "H" Misc. 1959-1960
141 9 "H" Misc. 1961-1963
141 10 "H" Misc. 1964-1965
141 11 "H" Misc. 1966-1967
141 12 "H" Misc. 1968-1969
141 13 "H" Misc. 1970-1972
141 14 "H" Misc. 1973-1976
141 15 Hackney, Joe G.
request for employment with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
1954 March - 1954 June
141 16 Hackney, Joe G.
Branch Manager of Twin Falls Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. regarding routine office matters
1954 July - 1954 December
141 17 Hackney, Joe G.
see above
141 18 Haglund, R.F.
U.S. Naval officer regarding his interests in starting a business in Logan
141 19 Haizlip, Raymond Barry
San Francisco attorney regarding search for the birth certificate of his Logan born wife
141 20 Hall, Henry C.
President of Hall and Hall Mortgage CO. of Denver regarding farm loan transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
141 21 Hall, Henry C.
see above
141 22 Hall, James S.
request for employment in Boise office of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
141 23 Hall, James S.
regarding employment in Twin Falls branch of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
141 24 Hall, James S.
see above
141 25 Hall, Warren F.
President of Billings, Montana branch of Hall and Hall Mortgage Co. regarding farm loan transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
142 1 Halle, Arthur A.
Holly Farm Kitchen's representative requesting aid from Champ in marketing products through ZCMI and personal notes
142 2 Halle, Arthur A.
see above
142 *3 Halle & Stieglitz, Inc.
regarding stocks held in this N.Y. based firm
142 4 John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company
regarding farm loan transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
142 5 Handley, G. Kenneth
Salt Lake City businessman regarding possibility of merger between Nation Mortgage Co. and Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
142 6 Handley, G. Kenneth
see above
142 7 Hanley, William A.
Indianapolis Indiana businessman regarding U.S. Chamber of Commerce activities
142 8 Hanley, William A.
see above
142 9 Hansen, Clifford P.
Wyoming Senator regarding political campaigns
142 10 Hansen, Floyd D.
Flight examiner for Cache Valley Flying Service, formerly Hansen Flying Service, regarding flying lessons through Utah State University (USAC), negotiations with C.A.A. for mail route and related matters
142 11 Hansen, George V.
Idaho Congressman regarding Bonneville Power proposal, investment tax legislation and accelerated depreciation bill
142 12 Hansen Motor Sales
Logan automobile dealer regarding sales and services to Champ
142 13 Hansen Motor Sales
see above
142 14 Hansen Motor Sales
see above
142 15 Hanson, E.B.
regarding possible employment with Cache Valley Banking Company
142 16 Hansen, Dr. E. L.
Logan physician regarding family matters
142 17 Hansen, Russell S.
personal notes with Executive Vice President of, First National Bank of Logan
142 18 Hardinge, Franklin Jr.
Executive Vice President of Southland Federal Savings and Loan of Beverly Hills California regarding U.S. Chamber of Commerce matters
142 *19 Hardy, Leon D.
friend of Frances Champ's regarding personal notes
142 20 Hardy, Vernon S.
San Francisco businessman regarding land purchases in Montana and personal matters
142 *21 Harmony Lodge #21
regarding the construction of a new Masonic Lodge in Logan
142 22 Harn, H.R.
Manager of Loan Dept. Idaho Mortgage and Loan Corp. of Idaho Falls, regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
142 *23 Harnischfeger, Walter
Milwaukee Wisconsin businessman regarding U.S. Chamber of Commerce activities
142 24 Harrington W. Eugene
personal notes with Atlanta Georgia businessman
142 25 Harris-Intertype Corporation
regarding stock held in this Cleveland Ohio communications firm
142 26 Harris, Dr. F.S.
President of Utah State University and Brigham Young University regardingpersonal matters
142 27 Harris, M.C.
attorney in Logan regarding personal notes and family matters
142 28 Harris, M.C.
see above
142 29 Harrison, Don R.
Special Representative of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce regarding membership drive
142 *30 Harrison, Harvey T.
Little Rock Arkansas attorney regarding his lecture tour
143 1 Hart, John R.
SLC attorney-at-law regarding his employment as legal counsel for Utah Mortgage and Loan Abstract Dept
143 2 Hart, John R.
regarding examinations of titles and abstracts for loans submitted to Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. trusts approvals and deed examinations
143 3 Hart, John R.
see above
1951 January - 1951 April
143 4 Hart, John R.
see above
1951 May - 1951 December
143 5 Hart, John R.
see above
1952 January - 1952 May
143 6 Hart, John R.
see above
1952 June - 1952 December
143 7 Hart, John R.
see above
1953 January - 1953 May
143 8 Hart, John R.
see above
1953 June - 1953 December
143 9 Hart, John R.
see above
1954 January - 1954 June
143 10 Hart, John R.
see above
1954 July - 1954 December
143 11 Hart, John R.
see above
1955 January - 1955 June
143 12 Hart, John R.
see above
1955 July - 1955 December
143 13 Hart, John R.
see above
1956 January - 1956 June
143 14 Hart, John R.
see above
1956 July - 1956 December
143 15 Hart, John R.
see above
1957 January - 1957 April
143 16 Hart, John R.
see above
1957 May - 1957 December
143 17 Hart, John R.
see above
1958 January - 1958 June
143 18 Hart, John R.
see above
1958 July - 1958 December
143 19 Hart, John R.
see above
144 1 Hart, John B.
regarding examinations of titles and abstracts for loans submitted to Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. trusts approvals and deed examinations
144 2 Hart, John B.
see above
144 3 Hart, John B.
see above
144 4 Hart, John B.
see above
144 5 Hart, John B.
see above
144 6 Hart, Douglas B.
Logan physician regarding Champ's health care
144 7 Harvard Alumni Association
regarding events sponsored by this association
144 8 Harvard Associated Clubs
regarding solicitations for support to and reunions for Champ's alma mater
144 9 Harvard Associated Clubs
see above
1957 January - 1957 July
144 10 Harvard Associated Clubs
see above
1957 August - 1957 December
144 11 Harvard Associated Clubs
see above
1958 January - 1958 July
144 12 Harvard Associated Clubs
see above
1958 August - 1958 September
144 13 Harvard Associated Clubs
see above
1959 January - 1959 June
144 14 Harvard Associated Clubs
see above
1959 July - 1959 December
144 15 Harvard Business Club of Utah
regarding Frederick P. Champ's membership and alumni activities
144 16 Harvard Business School
regarding Frederick P. Champ's attendance
144 17 Harvard Class of 1919
regarding meetings and events sponsored by or supported by the class of 1919, of which Champ was a member
144 18 Harvard Class of 1919
see above
144 19 Harvard Class of 1919
see above
144 20 Harvard Class of 1919
see above
145 1 Harvard Club of Nevada
regarding the establishment of a Harvard Club for Nevada alumni
145 2 Harvard Club of New York City
regarding Champ's membership and attendance at functions by this club
145 3 Harvard Club of New York City
see above
145 4 Harvard Club of New York City
see above
145 5 Harvard Club of New York City
see above
145 6 Harvard Club of Utah
regarding subscriptions from Logan alumni for the scholarship fund, annual meetings and special events sponsored by Harvard alumni
145 7 Harvard Club of Utah
see above
145 8 Harvard Club of Utah
see above
145 9 Harvard Club of Utah
see above
145 10 Harvard College Fund
regarding contributions by Champ to this fund
145 11 Harvard Crimson
regarding anniversary celebrations by Champ to this fund
145 12 Harvard University
regarding contributions to various foundations, the attendance of Utahans and activities of Champ as representative for Harvard
145 13 Harvard University
see above
145 14 Harvard University - A Program…
regarding Harvard fund raising campaign
145 15 Harvard Veritas Committee
committee set up to serve the cause of truth, regarding the selections of Dr. J.R. Oppenheimer for special speaker at Harvard
145 16 Harvard Veritas Committee
regarding opposition to left wing activities
146 1 Harwood, Dr. Marjorie E.
Palm Deseret Calif. physician, regarding Champ's health care
146 2 Haskins, Clark E.
Logan acquaintance and dentist
146 3 Hatch, Gerry
private in U.S. army and personal acquaintance regarding war service, career at architect in SLC
146 4 Hatch Insurance Agency
Logan agency having the ins. business of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
1966 January - 1966 February
146 5 Hatch Insurance Agency
see above
1966 March - 1966 December
146 6 Hatch Insurance Agency
see above
146 7 Hatch Insurance Agency
see above
1968 January - 1968 July
146 8 Hatch Insurance Agency
see above
1968 August - 1968 December
146 9 Hatch Insurance Agency
see above
146 10 Hatch J. Eastman
SLC acquaintance regarding death of his wife and personal matters
146 11 Hatch L. Boyd
Executive V.P. Atlas Corp. N.Y. regarding personal and family matters
146 12 Hatch, L. Boyd
annual reports from Atlas Corp
146 13 Hatch, Lapreal
Logan acquaintance regarding the death of her husband and personal matters
146 14 Hattox, James W.
Jackson Mississippi attorney regarding oil lease in Frances Champ's name
146 15 Haverhill's
San Francisco department tore, regarding returned merchandise
146 16 Hawaiian Telephone Company
regarding stock held in this company
146 17 Hawks, Albert W.
Co-chairman committee to explore political realignment regarding political compaign and support for Eisenhower
146 18 Hawks, Albert W.
regarding personal, political, and family matters
146 19 Hawks, Albert W.
see above
146 20 Hawks, Albert W.
see above
146 21 Hawks, Albert W.
see above
146 *22 Hawkes, Rollin C.
Seattle acquaintance regarding personal and family matters
147 1 Head, Clarence E.
Ithaca, N.Y. tailor regarding merchandise purchased by Champ
147 2 Hebbard, Sterling
Phoenix, Arizona realtor and loan correspondent for Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance CO. regarding property transactions for Champ, personal and family matters
147 3 Hebbard, Sterling
see above
147 4 Hebertson, Wayne M.
SLC neurologist regarding Champ's health care
147 5 Hedgemaster
regarding purchase of hedge trimmer from Kaugman Meg. Co. of Wisconsin
147 6 Hedquist, Alex
President of Provo Utah s Farmers and Merchants Bank and Utah Bankers Association regarding banking and personal matters
147 7 Heersema, Dr. Philip H.
Palo Alto physician regarding health caregarding of Frances W. Champ
147 8 Heitz, A.P.
Holland Furnace CO. Preston, ID. regarding his occupancy of St. John's house and quest for employment
147 9 Heitz, William S.
regarding this San Francisco resident's application for position with army Corp
147 10 Hellbusch, Cecil E.
farm and livestock consultant for Safeway Stores, Inc. Denver CO. regarding profit contributions of this stores various departments
147 11 Hemingway, Robert G.
V.P. of Idaho Bank and Trust CO. Pocatello regarding loan transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
147 12 Hemingway, Robert G.
see above
1950 January - 1950 June
147 13 Hemingway Robert G.
see above
1950 July - 1950 December
147 14 Hemingway, Robert G.
see above
1951 January - 1951 June
147 15 Hemingway, Robert G.
see above
1951 July - 1951 December
147 16 Hemingway, Robert G.
see above
1952 January - 1952 June
147 17 Hemingway, Robert G.
see above
1952 July - 1952 December
147 18 Hemingway, Robert G.
see above
147 19 Hemingway, Robert G.
see above
147 20 Hemingway, Robert G.
see above
147 *21 Henderson, George L.
civil engineer in California regarding personal and family matters
147 *22 Hendricks, George G.
Utah State Representative regarding credit legislation
147 *23 Hendrie and Bolthoff
Denver manufacturing and supply Company regarding purchases made by Champ
147 24 Heninger, Preston
Logan repairman regarding services to the Champ's
147 25 Heninger, Preston
see above
147 26 Heninger, Preston
see above
147 27 Heniot, Hans
regarding performances of the Utah Symphony Orchestra
147 28 Herald Journal
regarding coverage of Champ's addresse and accomplishments in this Logan newspaper, and advertisements of Champ's various businesses
147 29 Herald Journal
see above
147 30 Herald Journal
see above
147 31 Herald Journal
see above
148 1 Herald Journal
regarding coverage of Champ's addresses an activities, ads for his Logan businesses
148 2 Herald Journal
see above
148 3 Herald Journal
see above
148 4 Herald Journal
see above
148 5 Herald Journal
see above
148 6 Herald Journal
see above
148 7 Herald Journal
see above
148 8 Herald Journal
see above
148 9 Herald Journal
see above
148 10 Hercules Powder Company
regarding stocks held in this armaments manufacturer
148 11 Hercules Life Insurance Company
Chicago based having policy for life insurance with Champ
148 12 Hertz Rent-A-Car Corporation
regarding Champs business transactions with this Chicago based firm
148 13 Hibbard, A.T.
Helena, Montana acquaintance regarding personal and family matters
148 14 Hickman Abstract Company
Logan company regarding Business with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
148 15 Higdon, J.C.
Honorary chairman Business Men's Assurance Company of America regarding activities
148 16 Hill, Dean R.
President of Buffalo New York real estate Corp. regarding associates in M.B.A
148 17 Hillman, Mabel Kasiska
Lava Hot Springs Idaho resident regarding the Wikidal Jewelry bill of sale
148 18 Hilton Hotel Corporation
regarding stocks held in this corporation and the scheduling of conventions
148 19 Hinckley, Robert H.
Sperry Corp. of N.Y. director regarding business matters of the U.S. C of C
148 20 Hinckley, Robert H.
director of office of contract settlement, and V.P. of American Broadcasting Company Inc. regarding personal and family matters
148 21 Hinckley, Robert H.
see above
148 22 Hines, Charles M.
President of Edward Hines Lumber CO. Chicago regarding the Goldwater Campaign for President
148 23 Hoag Security Company - Hanson
Minneapolis, Minn based regarding former loan of Daniel P.J. Hanson
148 24 Hoag Security Company - Hanson
see above
148 25 Hoag Security Company - Hanson
see above
148 26 Hoag Security Company - Olsen
regarding the loan of Elmer N. Olsen
148 27 Hoag Security Company - Olsen
see above
148 28 Hoag Security Company - Olsen
see above
149 1 Hoag Security Company - Reed
Minneapolis, Minn. based regarding mortgage of Albert A. Reed
149 2 Hoag Security Company - Reed
see above
149 3 Hoag Security Company - Reed
see above
149 4 Hoag Security Company - Storseth
regarding the mortgage of Andrew J. Storseth
149 5 Hoag Security Company - Storseth
see above
149 6 Hoag Security Company - Storseth
see above
149 7 Hodge, Orville
auditor for state of Illinois regarding his campaign for election and personal matters
149 8 Hodges, Whettmore
President of Hodges Research and Development CO. of Rewood City Ca, regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. and family matters
149 9 Hodges, Whettmore
see above
149 10 Hodges, Fred B.
Ogden architect regarding pursuit of business contracts from USAC for the firm of McDermott, Hodgson, and Jones
149 11 Hogan, G.A.
Mayor of Lewiston, Utah regarding personal matters
149 12 Hogan, Walter
Soda Springs, Idaho resident regarding sales of various southeast Id ranches, politics
149 13 Hogle, James E.
President of J.A. Hogle and Co. of SLC, brokerage regarding financial counsel, personal matters
149 14 Hogle, James E.
see above
149 15 Hogue, Denny R.
owner of Long Valley Farms CO. Twin Falls Id, vegetable and d growers regarding farm and ranch loans, and uranium exploration project
149 16 Holbrook, Ward C.
commissioner, public service commission of Utah, and Pres. of Utah State Farm Bureau regarding farm problems and related matters
149 17 Hollyday, Guy T.O.
Pres. of MBA, and V.P. of Randall H. Hagner and Co. Baltimore, MD regarding business of the association and personal matters
149 18 Hollyday, Guy T.O.
see above
149 19 Hollyday, Guy T.O.
President of the Title Guarantee Co. of Baltimoregarding and commissioner of Federal Housing Administration regarding MBA, Fed. subsidized projects, personal matters
149 20 Hulman, T.L.
Income tax law counselor, SLC regarding tax counsel to Champ
149 21 Holmgren, Lyle E.
Logan merchant and Pres. of Cache C of C regarding chamber matters and local politics
149 22 Holt, Reed E.
SLC acquaintance regarding personal and family matters
150 1 Home Insurance Company
property, casualty-surety ins. based in N.Y. regarding stocks held in this company
150 2 Home Owners Loan Corporation
based in N.Y. reconsideration of purchasing or refinancing loan of HOL Corp. in Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming,
150 3 Home, John M.
Pres. of the Idaho Real Estate Brokers Board regarding business and personal matters
150 *4 Homestake Mining Company
miners of gold, uranium based in San Francisco regarding stocks held in this company
150 *5 Hooker Electrochemical Sales
based in Niagara Falls, regarding stocks held in this company
150 6 Hoover, Herbert
former President of the U.S. regarding invitation to his birthday party, political ideas
150 *7 Hope School
school for blind multiple handicapped children in Springfield, Ill regarding greeting cards sold by the school
150 *8 Horan, Donald G.
member of staff of Boise Loan and Realty branch office of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. regarding the work done by Mr. Horan and termination of work
150 9 Horman, Sid
owner of Horman Furniture Co. and Horman Construction CO. SLC regarding buying of leases and other business regarding Kearns Shopping Centre
1957 January - 1957 April
150 10 Horman, Sid
see above
1957 May - 1957 December
150 11 Horman, Sid
see above
150 12 Horsley, J. Wesley
Brigham City, UT mayor and attorney-at-law regarding personal family matters
150 13 Horsley, J. Wesley
see above
150 14 Hosmer, William J.
California acquaintance regarding personal family matters, visits from both families
150 15 Hosmer, William J.
see above
150 16 Hotel
regarding reservations at various hotels
150 17 House (Champ's)
regarding maintenance of Logan residence
150 18 House (Champ's)
see above
150 19 House (Champ's) 1937-1961
150 20 House (Champ's) Remodeling 1938
150 21 House of Riley
Palm Desert Resort of the Michael Techer's regarding visits of the Champ's, personal matters
150 22 House of Riley
see above
150 23 House of Riley
see above
150 24 House of Riley
see above
150 25 House of Riley
see above
150 26 House of Riley
see above
150 27 House of Riley
see above
150 28 House of Riley
see above
151 1 House of Riley
Palm Desert resort of Michael Techer's regarding visits by the Champs
151 2 House of Riley
see above
151 3 House of Riley
see above
151 4 House of Riley
see above
151 5 House of Riley
see above
151 6 Hovey, L.W.
trust officer and cashier, Cache Valley Banking Company regarding routine business transactions and office memorandums
151 7 Hovey, L.W.
see above
151 8 Hovey, L.W.
see above
151 9 Hovey, L.W.
see above
151 10 Hovey, L.W.
see above
151 11 Hovey, L.W.
see above
151 12 Hovey, L.W.
see above
151 13 Hovey, L.W.
see above
151 14 Hovey, L.W.
see above
151 15 Hovey, M.R.
regarding the loan of a pamphlet entitled Logan in 1911 to Champ
151 16 Howard, E.O.
President of Walker Brothers Bankers, Inc. of Salt Lake City, regarding banking transactions
151 17 Howard, Robert S.
publisher of Pocatello's Idaho State Journal and Kalispell, Montana's The Daily Interlake regarding politics, social engagements and family matters
151 18 Howard, Robert S.
see above
151 19 Howard, Robert S.
see above
151 20 Howard, Robert S.
Publisher of the Chester Times, PA
151 21 Howard Robert S.
see above
151 22 Howard, Robert S.
manager of Salt Lake and Ogden offices of Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
151 23 Howard, Robert S.
regarding his retirement
152 1 Howell, Julia N.
Logan acquaintance regarding personal and family matters
152 2 Howell, Julia N.
see above
152 3 Hubbard, Colonel William C.
Harvard alumnus regarding reunion for Class of 1919
152 4 Fred Huber Company
Salt Lake City Mfg. agent of women's apparell regarding investment in Ogden outlet
152 5 Hulcy, D.A.
President of the Lone Star Gas Company of Dallas Texas, regarding U.S. Chamber of Commerce
152 6 Hulcy, D.A.
regarding the 40th anniversary of the Lone Star Gas Company
152 7 Human Events
regarding champ's subsrciption to this Washington D.C. weekly
152 8 Humphrey, Hubert H.
Minnesota Senator regarding the Echo Park Darn Issue
152 *9 Humphrey, L.R.
Professor of Education at Utah State University (USAC) regarding his election to the post of President of National Agricultural Vocational Assoc
152 10 Humphrey T.H.
Utah State Engineer and Brigham City druggist regarding Newton Dam project
152 *11 Hunsaker, H.B.
Head of Physical Education DepT. Utah State University, (USAC) regarding personal notes
152 12 Hunsaker, T. Earl
Logan Mayor regarding Veterans Administration policy, city business and personal notes
152 13 Hunsaker Thomas Earl
regarding his musteringout pay claim to Veterans Administration
152 *14 Hurren, O.G.
personal notes with Nampa Idaho resident
152 15 Hurren, H.R.
Cache Valley Banking Company cashier regarding routine office matters
152 16 Hurren H.R.
see above
152 17 Hurren, H.R.
see above
152 18 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1948 January - 1948 March
152 19 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1948 April - 1948 August
152 20 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1948 September - 1948 October
152 21 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1948 November - 1948 December
152 22 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1949 January - 1949 April
152 23 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1949 May - 1949 June
152 24 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1949 July - 1949 August
152 25 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1949 September - 1949 December
153 1 Hurren, H.R.
Cache Valley Banking cashier regarding routine office matters
1950 January - 1950 April
153 2 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1950 May - 1950 June
153 3 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1950 July - 1950 September
153 4 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1950 October - 1950 December
153 5 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1951 January - 1951 April
153 6 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1951 May - 1951 July
153 7 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1951 August - 1951 September
153 8 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1951 October - 1951 December
153 9 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1952 January - 1952 February
153 10 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1952 March - 1952 April
153 11 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1952 May - 1952 June
153 12 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1952 July - 1952 August
153 13 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1952 September - 1952 October
153 14 Hurren, H.R.
Cache Valley Banking cashier regarding routine office matters
1952 November - 1952 December
153 15 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1953 January - 1953 March
153 16 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1953 April - 1953 June
153 17 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1953 July - 1953 August
153 18 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1953 September - 1953 December
153 19 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1954 January - 1954 March
153 20 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1954 April - 1954 June
153 21 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1954 July - 1954 September
153 22 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1954 October - 1954 December
154 1 Hurren, H.R.
Cache Valley Banking cashier regarding routine office matters
1955 January - 1955 March
154 2 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1955 April - 1955 June
154 3 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1955 July - 1955 August
154 4 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1955 September - 1955 December
154 5 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1956 January - 1956 May
154 6 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1956 June - 1956 August
154 7 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1956 September - 1956 October
154 8 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1956 November - 1956 December
154 9 Hurren, H.R.
V.P. and manager of Cache Valley branch of Walker Bank regarding routine matters
1957 January - 1957 April
154 10 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1957 May - 1957 July
154 11 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1957 August - 1957 December
154 12 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1957 January - 1957 April
154 13 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1958 May - 1958 August
154 14 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1958 September - 1958 December
154 15 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1959 January - 1959 June
154 16 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1959 July - 1959 December
154 17 Hurren, H.R.
see above
154 18 Hurren, H.R.
see above
154 19 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1962 January - 1962 March
154 20 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1962 April - 1962 December
154 21 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1963 January - 1963 June
154 22 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1963 July - 1963 December
154 23 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1964 January - 1964 May
154 24 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1964 June - 1964 December
155 1 Hurren, H.R.
V.P. and manager of Cache Valley branch of Walker Bank regarding routine matters
1965 January - 1965 April
155 2 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1965 May - 1965 December
155 3 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1966 January - 1966 June
155 4 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1966 July - 1966 December
155 5 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1968 January - 1968 May
155 6 Hurren, H.R.
see above
1968 June - 1968 December
155 7 Hurren, H.R.
V.P, and manager of Cache Valley branch of Walker Bank regarding routine office matters
155 8 Hurren, H R.
regarding his retirement
155 9 Husky Oil Corporation
regarding Champ's stocks in this Canadian-Wyoming corporation
155 10 Husky Oil Corporation
see above
155 11 Husky Oil Corporation
see above
155 12 Husky Oil Corporation
see above
155 13 Husky Oil Corporation
see above
155 *14 Hyatt, Sam
Wyoming acquaintance regarding politics and the U.S. C of C
155 15 Hyrum Ladies Literary Society
regarding speaking engagement beforegarding this society
156 1 "I" Misc. 1922-1928
156 2 "I" Misc. 1934-1939
156 3 "I" Misc. 1941-1947
156 4 "I" Misc. 1950-1959
156 5 "I" Misc. 1961-1972
156 6 Idaho Bank and Trust Company
regarding loans purchased by Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation from this Pocatello bank and associated business transactions
1950 January - 1950 August
156 7 Idaho Bank and Trust Company 1950 September - 1950 December
156 8 Idaho Bank and Trust Company
see above
156 9 Idaho Bank and Trust Company
see above
156 10 Idaho Bank and Trust Company
see above
156 11 Idaho Bank and Trust Company
see above
156 12 Idaho Bank and Trust Company
see above
156 13 Idaho Bank and Trust Company
see above
156 14 Idaho Bank and Trust Company
personal notes with Idaho Bank and Trust Co. President, J. Grant Bickmore
156 15 Idaho Cattlemen's Association
federal grazing policies
156 *16 Idaho Development Association
Boise association regarding Champ's real estate and business interests in Idaho
156 17 Idaho Falls, Idaho Chamber of Commerce
regarding Champ's speaking engagements beforegarding this chamber, activities of the U.S. Chamber and related matters
156 18 Idaho Falls, Idaho Chamber of Commerce
see above
1944 January - 1944 March
156 19 Idaho Falls, Idaho Chamber of Commerce
see above
1944 April - 1944 December
156 20 Idaho Falls, Idaho Chamber of Commerce
see above
156 21 Idaho Falls Idaho, Chamber of Commerce
regarding Champ's speaking engagements before this group, activities of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and related matters
156 22 Idaho Falls Idaho Chamber of Commerce
see above
156 23 Idaho Falls Idaho Chamber of Commerce 1946-1948
156 24 Idaho First National Bank
Boise based bank regarding Construction Finance, Corp. Idaho Bankers AssoC. and loan transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
156 25 Idaho Fish and Game Commission
regarding fishing and fish propogation activities on the Upper Snake River
156 26 Idaho Land and Map Service
inquiry into the ratio of acreage deeded and public lands in connection with ranch mortgage loans from this Boise firm
156 27 Idaho Land Title Association
non-profit service organization of title companies regarding mortgage assessments of personal property
156 28 Idaho Power Company
regarding stocks held in this Boise based utilities company and discussions with executives regarding reclamation, irrigation projects, and water resources
156 29 Idaho Power Company
see above
156 30 Idaho Power Company
see above
156 31 Idaho Power Company
see above
156 32 Idaho Power Company
see above
156 33 Idaho Power Company
see above
156 34 Idaho Power Company.
see above
157 1 Idaho Real Estate Association
Boise based organization regarding speaking convention of Champ at annual convention in Pocatello
157 2 Idaho Real Estate Brokers Board
regarding applications for realtor licenses through this Boise agency
157 3 Idaho State Chamber of Commerce
regarding speaking engagements of Champ before this chamber, U.S. Chamber of Commerce activities and related matters
157 4 Idaho State Chamber of Commerce
see above
157 5 Idaho State Chamber of Commerce
see above
157 6 Idaho Title Company
Boise based firm regarding mortgage information for Ada County Idaho
157 7 Idaho Woolgrowers Association
Boise based association regarding Champs speaking engagements
157 8 Idaho Woolgrowers Association
regarding public lands policy and reclamation
157 9 Iddings, D.G.
Insurance and mortgage loan appraiser from Kansas City king employment with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
157 10 Illinois Commercial Men's Association
regarding Champ's coverage by this chicago based insurance association
157 11 Illinois Commercial Men's Association
see above
157 12 Illinois National Bank And Trust Company
regarding business and real estate transactions between this Chicago bank and Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
157 13 Imperial Oil Company
regarding stocks held in this Canadian oil company
157 14 Independent Gas & Oil Company
regarding stocks held in this Utah oil company
157 15 Industrial Relations Council
Utah council on which Champ served as director regarding labor relations in the state
157 16 Ingalls & Associates, Inc.
formerly Bee Hive Realty cO. of SLC regarding commercial and industrial investment properties
157 17 Ingebretsen, James C.
L.A. attorney and former director ofdept. of Governmental Affairs of U.S. C of C regarding personal matters and his resignation
157 18 Ingersoll, R.C.
Pres. of the steel and disc. division of Chicago based Borg-Warner Corp. regarding M.B.A. activities, personal and family matters
157 19 Ingersoll, R.C.
see above
157 20 Ingersoll, R.C.
see above
157 *21 The Inn, Rancho Santa Fe
regarding a coat left at this California resort
157 *22 Institute for Research In Biography, Inc.
regarding inclusion of Champ in this publication
157 *23 Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production
Washington D.C. council regarding activities of the U.S. C of C, Champ's ocean cruise, and mist
157 24 Intercollegiate Society of Individuals
Philadephia society regarding conservative political thought
157 *25 Intermountain Association of Civic Clubs
Ogden based association regarding Northern Utah activities
157 26 Intermountain Gas Company
regarding loans to finance Hatt Butte Irrigation District by this Boise Company
157 27 Intermountain Investment Company
regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. and Boise Idaho's Owyhee View subdivision
157 28 Intermountain Title Guaranty Company
SLC office regarding executive committee meetings, meetings of stockholders and stocks held in the company by Champ
157 29 Intermountain Title Guaranty Company
financial balance sheet
157 30 Intermountain Title Guaranty Company 1930
157 31 Intermountain Radar Sentry Alarms
regarding business transactions with this Logan firm
158 1 Internal Revenue Service
regarding Champ's federal income taxes
158 2 Internal Revenue Service
see above
158 3 Internal Revenue Service
see above
158 4 Internal Revenue Service
see above
158 5 Internal Revenue Service
see above
158 6 International Business Machines Corporation
regarding Champ's investments in this N.Y. Corp
158 7 International Business Machines Corporation
see above
158 8 International Chemical And Nuclear Corporation
regarding Champ's investments in this energy firm
158 9 International Controls Units
regarding Champ's investments in this Conn. based firm
158 10 International Harvester Company
regarding Champ's investments in this Chicago based firm
158 11 International Minerals and Chemicals Corporation
regarding Idaho phosphate exploration and mining
158 12 International Minerals And Chemicals Corporation
see above
158 13 International Minerals and Chemicals Corporation
see above
158 14 International Minerals and Chemicals Corporation
see above
158 15 International Minerals and Chemicals Corporation
regarding sales of stock in this Illinois based firm
158 16 International Statistical Bureau
N.Y. bureau regarding economic projections for various fed. reserve member banks
158 17 International Telephone And Telegraph Company
regarding Champ's investments in these N.Y. based firms
158 18 International Telephone And Telegraph Company
see above
158 19 Interstate Association of Public Lands
Association of Utah, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming interests regarding public lands policy, U.S. C of C support and Champ's Addresses
158 20 Interwest Corporation
SLC Corp. formerly Oceanada Corp. regarding Champ's investment in this company
158 21 Investors Central Management Corporation
regarding stocks held in this N.Y. based investment Corp. and services offered stockholders
158 22 Investors Central Management Corporation
see above
158 23 Investors Central Management Corporation
regarding stocks held in this N.Y. based investment Corp. and services offered stockholders
1958 January - 1958 June
158 24 Investors Central Management Corporation
see above
1958 July - 1958 December
158 25 Investors Central Management Corporation
see above
158 26 Investors Central Management Corporation
see above
158 27 Investors Central Management Corporation
see above
158 28 Investors.Central Management Corporation
see above
158 29 Investors Central Management Corporation
see above
159 1 Investors Diversified Services, Inc.
financial services based in Minneapolis, Minnesota regarding stocks held in this company
159 *2 Investors Group
holding company based in Winnipeg, Canada regarding stocks held in this company
159 3 Iredale Storage & Moving Company
business transactions with this Winnetaka, Ill. company
1955 January - 1955 June
159 4 Iredale Storage & Moving Company
see above
1955 July - 1955 December
159 5 Iredale Storage & Moving Company
see above
159 6 Itek, Inc.
optical systems and electronic components company in Lexington, Massachusetts regarding stocks held in this company
159 7 Itinerary - F.P. Champ 1947-1954
159 8 Itinerary - F.P. Champ 1955-1957
159 9 Itinerary - F.P. Champ 1958-1960
159 10 Ivey, T.E. Jr.
V.P. California Bank in L.A. regarding business and personal matters
159 11 Ivey, T.E. Jr.
see above
159 12 Ivey, T.E. Jr.
see above
160 1 "J" Misc. 1920-1929
160 2 "J" Misc. 1930-1939
160 3 "J" Misc. 1940-1949
160 4 "J" Misc. 1950-1959
160 5 "J" Misc. 1960-1969
160 6 "J" Misc. 1970-1976
160 7 Jackson Democratic League of Cache County
regarding politics of the Democratic party in Cache CO. Utah
160 8 Jackson Hole Lodge
regarding Champ's stay at this Wyoming resort
160 9 Jacobs, Reverend Allen
Florida acquaintance regarding personal and family matters
160 10 Jacobs, Carl N.
Pres. of Wisconsin based Hardware Dealers Mutual Fire and Causualty Insurance CO. regarding U.S. C of C and family matters
160 11 Jacobs, Carl N.
see above
160 12 Jacobs, Carl N.
see above
160 13 Jacobs, Irvin
owner of Chicago Mortgage CO. regarding ABA, MBA and personal notes
160 14 Jacobs, Irvin
see above
160 15 James, Stewart D.
Hollywood Ca. developer regarding property in the SLC-Kearns area
160 16 Janecek, Milo R.
Boise based title insurance cO. V.P. regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
160 17 Jantzen Knitting Mills, Inc.
financial statements for this Portland based textiles mill
160 18 Jarvis, Ben
Logan handyman regarding service to Champ
160 19 Jarvis, Floyd A.
co-owner of Logan's Culligan soft water service regarding personal and family matters
160 20 Jarvis, Floyd A.
see above
160 21 Jarvis, James A. Jr.
Logan handy man regarding service to Champ
160 22 Jason's Clothing Store
Billings Montana retailer regarding purchases by Champ
160 23 Jasper County, Texas
regarding taxes on property in this county
160 24 Jefferson, A.C.
regarding Elizabeth Champ's death
160 25 Jefferson Lake Sulphur Company
New Orleans firm regarding fertilizer program and development of phosphate in Idaho
160 *26 Jefferson Mint, Inc.
SLC firm, manufacturers of David O. McKay memorial medallion
160 *27 Jeffersonian Democrats of California
regarding Democrats opposed to FDR
160 28 Jenkins, Harriett A.
Sugar City Idaho resident regarding shares held in Cache Valley Banking Company
160 *29 Jenson, Iola
member Utah State University (USAC) Board of Trustees, regarding personal notes
160 30 Jerman, I.D.
Idaho Falls resident regarding title to land in Swan Valley Idaho
160 31 Jessup, Edgar B.
President of Marchant Business Machines of Oakland California regarding personal notes
160 32 Jestes, U.A.
Logan Chevrolet dealer regarding sales and services for Champ
160 33 Jewett, George F.
Manager of Northwest Division Weyehauser Lumber CO. regarding public lands policy, reclamation, American forestry Association and personal notes
160 34 Jewett, George F.
see above
161 1 Johnson, Ben B.
Preston, Idaho, attorney regarding divorce laws in Idaho and how they could effect tourism
161 2 Johnson, Ben B.
regarding Lava Hot Springs development and Johnson's bid for a Senator seat
161 3 Johnson, Ben B.
see above
161 4 Johnson, Ben B.
see above
161 5 Johnson, H.F.
invitation to opening of S.C. Johnson and Sons, Inc. research and development building in Racine, Wisconsin
161 *6 Johnson, Lawrence B.
State Representative from Laketown regarding public lands
161 7 Johnson, Le Grand
President of Le Grand Johnson Construction Co. of Logan regarding Cache County Chamber of Commerce Utah politics and personal notes
161 *8 Johnson, Lloyd
San Mateo, California resident king employment with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
161 *9 Johnson, Max
regarding the estate settlement of this Logan resident
161 *10 Johnson, Max J.
regarding Champ's phosphate leases in southeastern Idaho
161 11 Johns-Manville Sales Corporation
Salt Lake City building material supplier regarding roof work for Champ's home
161 12 Johnston, Clement D.
President of Roanoake public warehouse and President of U.S. Chamber of Commerce regarding activities of the chamber
161 13 Johnston, Eric
President of the Motion Picture Association of America regarding U.S. Chamber of Commerce activities
161 14 Joint Livestock Committee On Public Lands
Committee of the American National Livestock Association and National Wool Growers Association regarding public lands policy
161 15 Jonas, Frank H.
University of Utah professor regarding Utah politics and politicians
161 16 Jones, Carl W.
Minnesota businessman regarding personal notes
161 *17 Jones, Cecil C.
Twin Falls agent for Paramount Fire Insurance CO. regarding the Spalding Mission near Lewiston, Idaho and its preservation
161 *18 Jones, Judge Lewis
personal notes with Brigham City Utah justice
161 19 Jones, Joseph S.
Salt Lake City attorney regarding legal counsel to Champ
161 20 Jones, Joseph S.
see above
161 21 Jones, June S.
Portland ,Oregon investment securities firm regarding transactions with Champ
161 22 Jones, June S.
see above
161 23 Jones, June S.
see above
161 24 Jones, June S.
see above
161 *25 Jones, William H.
technical representative of Vultee Aircraft, Inc. of Nashville, Tennes regarding prospective investments by Champ
161 26 Jonson, R.L.
agent for Prudential Insurance Company of Buffalo, New York regarding personal and family matters
161 27 Jonson, R.L.
see above
161 28 Jordon, L.B.
U.S. senator from Idaho regarding phosphate development, public lands, grazing etc
161 29 Jorgensen, Vincent
regarding employment as appraiser for Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. and routine business matters of Idaho Falls office
161 30 Jorgensen, Vincent
see above
161 31 Josephine County
regarding U.S. Dist. general obligation bonds for this Oregon county
162 1 Judah, George A.
appraiser Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. regarding business matters with Champ
162 2 Judah, George A.
assistant secretary
162 3 Judah, George A.
see above
162 4 Judah, George A.
see above
1954 January - 1954 February
162 5 Judah, George A.
see above
1954 March - 1954 April
162 6 Judah, George A.
see above
1954 May - 1954 June
162 7 Judah, George A.
see above
1954 July - 1954 August
162 8 Judah, George A.
see above
1954 September - 1954 October
162 9 Judah, George A.
see above
1954 November - 1954 December
162 10 Judah, George A.
see above
1955 January - 1955 February
162 11 Judah, George A.
see above
1955 March - 1955 April
162 12 Judah, George A.
see above
1955 May - 1955 June
162 13 Judah, George A.
see above
1955 July - 1955 August
162 14 Judah, George A.
assistant secretary with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp regarding business matters with Champ
1955 September - 1955 October
162 15 Judah, George A.
asst. Vice President regarding business matters with Champ
1955 November - 1955 December
162 16 Judah, George A.
see above
1956 January - 1956 February
162 17 Judah, George A.
see above
1956 March - 1956 April
162 18 Judah, George A.
see above
1956 May - 1956 June
162 19 Judah, George A.
see above
1956 July - 1956 August
162 20 Judah, George A.
see above
1956 September - 1956 October
162 21 Judah, George A.
see above
1956 November - 1956 December
163 1 Judah, George A.
assit. V.P. with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. regarding business matters with Champ
1957 January - 1957 February
163 2 Judah, George A.
see above
1957 March - 1957 May
163 3 Judah, George A.
see above
1957 June - 1957 September
163 4 Judah, George A.
see above
1957 October - 1957 December
163 5 Judah, George A.
see above
1958 January - 1958 February
163 6 Judah, George A.
see above
1958 March - 1958 April
163 7 Judah, George A.
see above
1958 May - 1958 June
163 8 Judah, George A.
see above
1958 July - 1958 September
163 9 Judah, George A.
see above
1958 October - 1958 December
163 10 Judah, George A.
see above
1959 January - 1959 April
163 11 Judah, George A.
see above
1959 May - 1959 June
163 12 Judah, George A.
Vice President regarding business matters with Champ
1959 July - 1959 December
163 13 Judah, George A.
see above
1960 January - 1960 July
163 14 Judah, George A.
see above
1960 August - 1960 December
163 15 Judah, George A.
see above
163 16 Judah, George A.
see above
163 17 Judah, George A.
see above
1963 January - 1963 April
163 18 Judah, George A.
V.P. and manager regarding business matte rs with Champ
1963 May - 1963 July
163 19 Judah, George A.
see above
1963 August - 1963 September
163 20 Judah, George A.
see above
1963 October - 1963 December
163 21 Judah, George A.
see above
1964 January - 1964 May
163 22 Judah, George A.
V.P. and manager of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp regarding business matters
1964 June - 1964 December
163 23 Judah, George A.
see above
1965 January - 1965 June
163 24 Judah, George A.
see above
1965 July - 1965 December
163 25 Judah, George A.
see above
163 26 Judah, George A.
see above
163 27 Judah, George A.
see above
163 28 Judah, George A.
personal family matters and death of Mr. Judah
163 29 Judd, R.L.
attorney-at-law in SLC regarding U.S.A.C. Alumni Association
163 *30 Jugler, Frank A.
regarding sident of Ogden, Utah regarding campaigns in Utah
164 1 "K" Misc. 1927-1939
164 2 "K" Misc. 1940-1944
164 3 "K" Misc. 1945-1949
164 4 "K" Misc. 1950-1955
164 5 "K" Misc. 1956-1959
164 6 "K" Misc. 1960-1964
164 7 "K" Misc. 1965-1976
164 8 Kaiser, Arnold
regarding buying of property through Minn-Montana Realty co. for Zerlena K. Winton
164 9 Kaiser, Arnold
see above
164 *10 Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Company
producer of aluminum products based in Oakland, California regarding selling of stocks of Frances W. Champ
164 *11 Kaiser Steel Corporation
producer of steel mill products in Oakland, Ca
164 *12 Kalamazoo Chamber of Commerce
based in Kalamazoo, Michigan regarding re-election of Dunlap C. Clark to board of National C of C
164 13 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
office manager of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. regarding employment and routine business matters
1953 April - 1953 August
164 14 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
1953 September - 1953 December
164 15 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
1954 January - 1954 June
164 16 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
1954 July - 1954 December
164 17 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
1955 January - 1955 March
164 18 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
1955 April - 1955 May
164 19 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
1955 June - 1955 October
164 20 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
office manager of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp regarding routine business
1955 September - 1955 December
164 21 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
1956 January - 1956 March
164 22 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
1956 April - 1956 June
164 23 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
1956 July - 1956 October
164 24 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
assistant secretary regarding routine business matters
1956 November - 1956 December
164 25 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
1957 January - 1957 April
164 26 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
1957 May - 1957 August
164 27 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
1957 September - 1957 December
165 1 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
asst. secretary of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. regarding routine business matters
1958 January - 1958 February
165 2 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
1958 March - 1958 May
165 3 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
1958 June - 1958 September
165 4 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
1958 October - 1958 December
165 5 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
1959 January - 1959 June
165 6 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
1959 July - 1959 August
165 7 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
1959 September - 1959 December
165 8 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
165 9 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
165 10 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
165 11 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
1963 February - 1963 August
165 12 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
1963 September - 1963 December
165 13 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
165 14 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
165 15 Kalkwarf, Robert H.
see above
165 16 Kanaley, Byron V.
Pres. of Cooper Kanaley and CO. based in Chicago, regarding business matters - MBA
165 17 Kanaley, Byron V.
Pres of MBA regarding business matters relating to MBA
165 18 Kane County Utah - School Buildings
bonds of board of education of Kane County School District
165 19 Kansas City Power and Light Company
regarding buying of stocks of Frances W. Champ
165 *20 Karren Oil Company
Phillips Petroleum Products bulk-plant in Logan, UT regarding fuel oil deliveries to Champ home
165 *21 Kastli, Joseph F.
pharmacist of City Drug in Logan, Utah regarding personal family matters, illness, and the death of Mr. Kastli
165 *22 Kaufman, K.C.
president of Kaufman Mortgage Company in Portland, regarding personal matters
165 23 Kearns Center, Inc.
regarding development of shopping center in Kearns, Utah
1957 January - 1957 April
165 24 Kearns Center, Inc.
see above
May 1957
165 25 Kearns Center, Inc.
see above
June 1957
165 26 Kearns Center Inc.
see above
1957 July - 1957 August
165 27 Kearns Center, Inc. 1957
165 28 Kearns Center, Inc. 1957
165 29 Kearns Center, Inc. 1957
166 1 Kearns, Henry
pres. of San Gabriel Valley Motors in Alhambra, CA. regarding U.S. C of C
166 2 Kearns, Henry
see above
166 *3 Kelly, Arthur F.
V.P. sales, Western Air Lines, LA regarding personal matters
166 *4 Kelly, J.J.
SLC acquaintance regarding personal matters
166 5 Kelly, Lincoln G.
C.P.A. from SLC regarding tax counseling for Champ Investment Co
166 *6 Kelvinator Corporation
regarding investments in this refridgerator manufacturer
166 7 Kemper, James S.
Pres. of Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty CO. Chicago regarding U.S. C of C
166 8 Kemper, James S.
regarding politics, the U.S. C of C, and personal matters
166 9 Kemper, James S.
see above
166 10 Kemper, James S.
see above
166 11 Kemper, James S.
see above
166 12 Kemper, James S.
see above
166 13 Kemper, James S.
see above
166 14 Kendall, Harry T.
Chairman of the Board, Weyerhaeuser sales company regarding politics and personal notes
166 15 Kenilworth Sanitarium
Kenilworth, Illinois institution regarding Frances W. Champ's health care
166 *16 Kennecott Copper Corporation
regarding the 50th anniversary, strikes and management of this Utah co. and personal matters
166 17 Kennedy, Archie A.
Pres. of Kennedy and CO. Paramount Fire Insurance Agency for Blackfoot regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. politics and personal matters
166 18 Kennedy Archie A.
Pres. of Kennedy s CO. Paramount Fire Insurance Agency for Blackfoot regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. politics, and personal matters
166 19 Kennedy, Archie A.
see above
166 20 Kennedy, Archie A.
see above
166 21 Kennedy, Archie A.
see above
166 22 Kennedy, Archie A.
see above
166 23 Kennedy, Archie A.
see above
166 24 Kennedy, Archie A.
see above
166 25 Kennedy, Archie A.
see above
166 26 Kennedy, Archie A.
see above
166 27 Kennedy, Archie A.
see above
166 28 Kennedy, Archie A.
see above
166 29 Kennedy, Archie A.
see above
167 1 Kenner, Cecil B.
regarding Kenners employment as asst. secretary for Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. inter-office memos, routine business matters, and personal notes
167 2 Kenner Cecil B.
see above
167 3 Kenner, Cecil B.
see above
167 4 Kenner, Cecil B.
see above
167 5 Kenner, Cecil B.
see above
167 6 Kenner, Cecil B.
see above
167 7 Kenner, Cecil B.
see above
167 8 Kenner, Cecil B.
see above
1962 January - 1962 June
167 9 Kenner, Cecil B.
see above
1962 July - 1962 December
167 10 Kenner, Cecil B.
see above
1963 January - 1963 May
167 11 Kenner, Cecil B.
see above
1963 June - 1963 December
167 12 Kenner, Cecil B.
see above
167 13 Kern County Land Company
San Francisco co. regarding phosphate leases in Idaho
167 14 Kerr-Mcgee Oil Industries, Inc.
Oklahoma Corp. regarding phosphate leases in Idaho
167 15 Ketchum, M.D.
Professor of economics at USAC and director of U. of Chicago's School of Business regarding personal matters and C of C matters
167 *16 Keyser, Malcolm A.
SLC businessman regarding personal notes
167 17 Keyser, Paul
Pres. of Keyser Realty CO. SLC regarding property sales with Champ
167 18 Keystone Funds
Deleware based investment councelor with funds in trust agreement purchased by Champ
167 19 Kiesel, Fred J.
regarding custodial matters of the Kiesel estate
167 20 Kimball, C.N.
Chicago piano mfgt. regarding personal notes
167 21 Kimball, D.W.
Chicago piano mfgt. and Frances Champ's brother-in-law regarding family matters, stocks and investments in W.W. Kimball CO. and personal notes
167 22 Kimball, D.W.
see above
167 23 Kimball, D.W.
see above
167 24 Kimball, D.W.
see above
167 25 Kimball, D.W.
see above
1948 January - 1948 April
167 26 Kimball, D.W.
see above
1948 May - 1948 July
167 27 Kimball, D.W.
see above
1948 August - 1948 September
167 28 Kimball, D.W.
see above
1948 October - 1948 December
167 29 Kimball, D.W.
see above
1949 January - 1949 May
167 30 Kimball, D.W.
see above
1949 June - 1949 December
168 1 Kimball, D.W.
see above
1950 January - 1950 September
168 2 Kimball, D.W.
see above
1950 October - 1950 December
168 3 Kimball, D.W.
see above
1951 January - 1951 August
168 4 Kimball, D.W.
see above
1951 September - 1951 December
168 5 Kimball, D.W.
see above
1952 January - 1952 June
168 6 Kimball, D.W.
see above
1952 July - 1952 December
168 7 Kimball, D.W.
regarding David W. Kimball's death
168 8 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
Mary Winton Kimball, Frances W. Champ's sister regarding personal and family matters
168 9 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
168 10 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
168 11 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
168 12 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
168 13 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
168 14 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
168 15 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
168 16 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
1962 January - 1962 May
168 17 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
1962 June - 1962 December
168 18 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
168 19 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
1964 January - 1964 June
168 20 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
1964 July - 1964 December
168 21 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
1965 January - 1965 June
168 22 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
1965 July - 1965 December
169 1 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
Mary Winton Kimball, Frances W. Champ's sister regarding personal matters
1966 January - 1966 June
169 2 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
1966 July - 1966 December
169 3 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
169 4 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
169 5 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
169 6 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
169 7 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
169 8 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
169 9 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
169 10 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
169 11 Kimball, Mrs. D.W.
see above
169 12 Kimball, David, Jr.
Frances W. Champ's nephew regarding family matters and personal notes
169 13 Kimball, David, Jr.
see above
169 14 Kimball, David, Jr.
see above
169 15 Kimball, David, Jr.
see above
169 16 Kimball, David, Jr.
see above
169 17 Kimball Elevator Company
SLC elevator service regarding maintanence and repairs on elevator in the Cache Valley Banking building
169 18 Kimball, John T.
V.P. of Central Arizona Light and Power CO. regarding U.S. C of C
169 19 Kimball, John T.
see above
169 20 Kimball, John T.
V.P. and General Manager of Idaho Power CO. regarding reclamation policies, U.S C of C activities, and Hells Canyon issue
169 21 Kimball, John T.
see above
169 22 Kimball, John T.
see above
169 23 Kimball, John T.
Summary of Hells Canyon issue by Idaho Power Co
169 24 Miles Kimball Company
mail order gift house of Oshkosh, Wisconsin
169 25 Miles Kimball Company
see above
169 26 Miles Kimball Company
see above
169 27 Miles Kimball Company
see above
169 28 Miles Kimball Company
see above
170 *1 Kimball, Wallace W.
V.P. and General Manager of W.W. Kimball Piano CO. regarding the death of D.W. Kimball
170 2 Kimball, William R.
Ogden acquaintance regarding family matters and personal notes
170 3 Kimball, William R.
see above
170 4 Kimball, William R.
see above
170 5 Kimball, William R.
see above
170 6 Kimball, William R.
see above
170 7 Kimball, William R.
see above
170 8 Kimball, William R„
see above
170 9 Kimball, William R.
see above
170 10 Kimball, William R.
see above
170 11 Kimball, William R. Jr.
Pres. of Kimball Mft. Corp. California Plastics mft. and son of William R. Kimball, regarding family matters and personal notes
170 12 Kimball, William R. Jr.
see above
170 13 Kimball, William R. Jr.
see above
170 14 Kimball, William R. Jr.
see above
170 15 Kimball, William R. Jr.
see above
170 16 Kimball, William R. Jr.
see above
170 17 Kimball, William R. Jr.
see above
170 18 Kimball, William R. Jr.
see above
170 19 Kimball, William R. Jr.
see above
170 20 Kimball, William R. Jr.
see above
170 21 King, David S.
Utah congressman regarding labor legislation, public lands policy, and reclamation
170 22 King, David S.
see above
170 *23 King, Gerald I.
Montpelier, Idaho acquaintance regarding personal matters
170 *24 King, George I.
Kuna, Idaho acquaintance regarding personal matters
170 *25 King, June
daughter of George I. King and wife of Frederick W. Champ regarding personal notes
171 1 M.H. King Company Inc.
Herman King president, based in Burley, Idaho regarding possibilities of starting store in Logan
171 2 King Oil, Inc.
based in Deleware, regarding stocks held in this company
171 3 King Resources
based in Denver, regarding stocks held in this company
171 *4 King, Wesley E.
geoligist in SLC regarding research on Wyoming oil and gas leased lands
171 *5 King, William H.
U.S. senator regarding bill before Senate on mortgages
171 *6 King, W.L
president of Boss and Phelps Mortgage Co. regarding personal matters
171 7 Kingsford, Irving B.
chairman of American European Associates, Inc. regarding stocks held in this company
171 8 The Kiplinger Washington Letter
based in Washington D.C. regarding subscription and renewal to letter
171 9 Kirk, Dora S.
living in Winnetka, Illinois regarding loan investments and account, personal matters
171 10 The Kissel Company
mortgage banking firm in Springfiel, Ohio regarding raising of stock level of company and business matters
171 11 The Kissel Company Financial 1963-1964
171 12 Kiwanis Club
in Ogden and Logan, Utah. regarding request for speechs to the clubs by Champ
171 13 Kiwanis Club 1948-1957
171 14 Kiwanis Club
in Provo, Utah regarding request for speeches to the clubs by Champ
171 *15 Kiwanis Club
in SLC regarding invitation to attend dedication of the new Kiwanis-Felt Boy's Club in SLC
171 16 Kloepfer, Fred J.
president of Kloepfer Construction CO. Inc. in Logan regarding business dealings
171 17 Knickerbocker Toy Company
based in Middlesex N.J. regarding stocks held in this company
171 *18 Knott, Don H.
senior V.P, in charge of real estate and mortgages, Banker's Life Insurance Company of Nebraska in Lincoln regarding retirement of Mr. Knott's
171 19 Knox, Frank
secretary of the Navy regarding meeting of the directors of U.S. C of C with Sec of War, Navy and chairman of maritime committee
171 *20 S.H. Kress & Company
Real estate division in NY regarding lease of Federal Avenue property
171 21 Kreutzer, S. Knox
regarding personal and family matters
1922, 1943-1949
171 22 Kreutzer, S. Knox
see above
171 23 Kreutzer, S. Knox
see above
171 24 Kreutzer, S. Knox
see above
171 25 Kreutzer, S. Knox
see above
171 26 Kreutzer, S. Knox Jr.
see above
171 *27 Kroch's Bookstore, Inc.
located in Chicago reordering of books
171 *28 Kroger Company
based in Cincinnati regarding information on stocks
171 *29 K.S.L.
radio station in SLC regarding programs with Frances W. Champ on piano
1939, 1953
171 *30 Kuhn, Randolph T.
owner of advertising agency in Portland, regarding book by Mr. Kuhn on advertising for banks
171 31 Kyle, Charolotte
neighbor to the Champs in Logan regarding personal matters
172 1 "L" Misc. 1923-1929
172 2 "L" Misc. 1933-1939
172 3 "L" Misc. 1940-1949
172 4 "L" Misc. 1950-1954
172 5 "L" Misc. 1955-1959
172 6 "L" Misc. 1960-1964
172 7 "L" Misc. 1965-1969
172 8 "L" Misc. 1970-1975
172 9 Laberge Inc.
Bernard R. Laberge, Inc. concert manager regarding prospective contract with his company
172 *10 Laboratory of Anthropology
New Mexico Corp. regarding membership solicitation of Champ
172 11 Lady Bristol Sanitorium
regarding Mrs. Elizabeth Champ's health care at this Saratoga, California sanitorium
172 12 Lady Bristol Sanitorium
see above
172 13 Lady Bristol Sanitorium
see above
172 14 Lady Bristol Sanitorium
see above
172 15 Laird, Margaret L.
Christian Science practioner regarding Frances Champ's health
172 *16 Lamb, George P.
SLC and Logan cafe owner regarding personal notes
172 *17 Lane, Richard K.
president of Tulsa, Oklahoma public service co. regarding southwest power administration
172 18 Lape, Herbert N.
chairman of board, The Julian, and Kokenage Co. of Columbus Ohio regarding personal notes
172 *19 Lapin, Raymond H.
president of Federal National Mortgage Assoc. and the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development regarding personal notes
172 20 Larkin, Roosevelt and Larkin, Ltd.
publishers of Who's Who in the Northwest
172 21 Larsen, Marlene S.
Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. secretary regarding inter-office memos
172 22 Larsen, Paul B.
Preston, Id realtor regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
172 23 Larsen, Paul B.
manager of Boise Realty and Loan
1946 January - 1946 March
172 24 Larsen, Paul B.
see above
1946 April - 1946 September
172 25 Larsen, Paul B.
see above
1946 October - 1946 December
173 1 Larsen, Paul B.
manager of Boise Realty and Loan regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
1947 January - 1947 April
173 2 Larsen, Paul B.
see above
1947 May - 1947 July
173 3 Larsen, Paul B.
see above
1947 August - 1947 September
173 4 Larsen, Paul B.
see above
1947 October - 1947 December
173 5 Larsen, Paul B.
see above
1948 January - 1948 August
173 6 Larsen, Paul B.
see above
1948 September - 1948 October
173 7 Larsen, Paul B.
manager of Boise Realty and Loan regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
1948 November - 1948 December
173 8 Larsen, Paul B.
see above
1949 January - 1949 February
173 9 Larsen, Paul B.
severence of association with Boise Realty and Loan to start own business
1949 March - 1949 April
173 10 Larsen, Paul B.
regarding the Paul B. Larsen real estate firm and business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
1949 May - 1949 August
173 11 Larsen, Paul B.
see above
1949 September - 1949 December
173 12 Larsen, Paul B.
see above
1950 January - 1950 June
173 13 Larsen, Paul B.
see above
1950 July - 1950 December
173 14 Larsen, Paul B.
see above
173 *15 Larsen, Vera Stewart
regarding purchase of stock in Cache Valley Banking Company held by this La Mesa, California resident
173 *16 Larsen, Ladell M.
personal notes to Twin Falls acquaantance
173 *17 Laub, Emma
personal notes with Logan acquaintance
173 *18 Laub, H.F.
personal notes with Logan businessman
173 19 Laub, J.H.
president of Cache Valley Electric CO. regarding business transactions and personal notes
173 20 Lava Hot Springs
regarding the Idaho, Lava Hot Springs Foundation and development of the resort as an infantile paralysis treatment center
173 21 Lava Hot Springs
see above
173 22 Lawyers 1896/1976
174 1 Leatham, Dorothy
Frances Champ's Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation secretary regarding office management and memos
174 *2 Leatham, H.P.
director of State of Utah driver's license division regarding traffic citation received by Champ
174 3 Lee, Floyd W.
President of Fernandez Cattle and Sheep Company of Albuequerue regarding public lands policies
174 4 Lee, Floyd W.
see above
174 5 Lee, J. Bracken
Utah Governor regarding his election campaign
174 6 Lee, J. Bracken
regarding reclamation projects in Utah, state education programs and legislation, public lands policies and related legislative matters
174 7 Lee, J. Bracken
see above
174 8 Lee J. Bracken
regarding reclamation, state education, public lands and various matters of state
174 9 Lee J. Bracken
see above
174 10 Lee, J. Bracken
see above
174 11 Lee, J. Bracken
see above
174 12 Lee J. Bracken
see above
174 13 Lee, Laurence F.
president of Occidental Life Insurance CO. Raleigh N.C. and Peninsular Life Insurance Co. of Jacksonville, Florida regarding U.S. C of C and personal notes
174 14 Lee, Laurence F.
see above
174 15 Lee, Laurence F.
see above
174 16 Lee, Laurence F.
see above
1952 January - 1952 May
174 17 Lee, Laurence F.
see above
1952 June - 1952 December
174 18 Lee, Laurence F.
see above
174 19 Lee, Laurence F.
see above
174 20 Lehn and Fink Products
regarding stocks held in this N.Y. based manufacturer
174 21 Lenhart Brothers
regarding remodeling and rental of Champ's Federal Ave. property
174 22 Lenon, P.H.
Kalispell, Montana terminal structure. businessman king Corp. real estate dept. in Whittier California and architects regarding Consolidated Freightways, Inc
174 23 Leven, J.S.
SLC new space agreements with Utah Mortgage Loan
174 24 Lewis, Edwin T.
regarding verend regarding family matters and personal notes
174 25 Lewis Historical Publishing Company
N.Y. publishers regarding publication of Utah-A Centennial History
174 26 Lewis, Ora J.
Logan resident regarding Cache Valley politics
175 1 Lewiston State Bank
Lewiston, Utah regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp, statements of condition and related matters
175 2 Lewiston State Bank
see above
1954 January - 1954 July
175 3 Lewiston State Bank
see above
1954 August - 1954 December
175 4 Lewiston State Bank
see above
175 5 Lewiston State Bank
see above
175 6 Lewiston State Bank
see above
175 7 Lewiston State Bank
see above
175 8 Liberty Corporation
Liberty Life Insurance CO. S.C. regarding stocks held by Champ
175 9 Liberty Gem Silver Mines
Idaho mining company in which Champ held stock
175 10 Liberty Lobby
conservative political lobby regarding Champ's contributions
175 11 Life Insurance Policyholders Protective Association
a non-profit, N.Y. based organization of policy holders regarding Champ's membership
175 12 Lincoln National Corporation
regarding Champ's investments in this insurance company of Indiana
175 13 Lindblad, Victor
Boy Scout exec. Mt. Diablo area, Ca. regarding activities of the BSA
175 14 Lindern, Dr. Martin C.
SLC physician regarding Champ's health care
175 15 Lindern, Dr. Martin C.
see above
175 16 Lindern, Dr. Martin C.
see above
175 17 Lindley, H.B.
Warren P. Smiths brother-in-law regarding property purchase for site of Kalispell for Consolidated Freightways terminal
175 18 Lindquist, Alice L.
nurse attending Frances W. Champ at St. Mark's hospital
175 19 Lindquist and Sons
Logan mortuary regarding floral arrangements purchased by Champ
175 20 Lindquist, Rella
Logan resident regarding personal notes
175 21 Lion's Club
Logan Lion's Club regarding speaking engagements of Champ
175 22 Lion's Club Grace Idaho
regarding Champ's speaking engagement
175 23 Lion's Club Garland Utah
see above
175 24 List of Society
N.Y. based publication requesting Champ's inclusion
175 25 Little Rock, Arkansas
regarding hotel solicitations for Champ's visit to Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas
175 26 Litton Industries
regarding shares held by Champ
175 27 Lloyd, Norman R.
president Allied Mortgages, Inc. Cleveland regarding personal notes and business of the U.S. C of C
175 28 Lloyd, Mcallister R.
V.P. of Bank of New York and chairman of TIAA and CREF regarding personal notes, insurance transactions and related matters
175 29 Lloyd, Mcallister R.
see above
175 30 Lloyd, Mcallister R.
see above
175 31 Lloyd, Mcallister R.
see above
175 32 Lloyd, Mcallister R.
see above
175 33 Lloyd, Mcallister R.
see above
175 34 Lloyd, Mcallister R.
see above
175 35 Lloyd, Mcallister R.
see above
175 36 Lloyd, Sherman P.
Utah congressman regarding elections, reclamation and public lands
175 37 Lockhart Company
regarding Champ's property transactions with this SLC company
175 38 Logan Academy
Presbyterian church school regarding it's 50th anniversary
175 39 Logan-Cache Knitting Mills
manufacturer of knitted clothes regarding government work for the mills
176 1 Logan Chamber of Commerce
regarding activities an programs, minutes of meetings and association with the national chamber
176 2 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
176 3 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1944 January - 1944 July
176 4 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1944 September - 1944 December
176 5 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1945 January - 1945 June
176 6 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1945 July - 1945 December
176 7 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1946 January - 1946 June
176 8 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1946 July - 1946 December
176 9 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
176 10 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
176 11 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1949 January
176 12 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1949 February
176 13 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1949 March - 1949 July
176 14 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1949 August - 1949 December
176 15 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1950 January - 1950 March
176 16 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
April-June 1950
176 17 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1950 July - 1950 August
176 18 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1950 September - 1950 December
176 19 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1951 January - 1951 February
176 20 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1951 March - 1951 May
176 21 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1951 June - 1951 September
176 22 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1951 October - 1951 December
176 23 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1952 January - 1952 March
176 24 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1952 April - 1952 May
176 25 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1952 June - 1952 July
176 26 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1952 August - 1952 October
176 27 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1952 November - 1952 December
176 28 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1953 January - 1953 May
176 29 Logan Chamber of Commerce
regarding activities, programs, minutes of meetings, national chamber
1953 June - 1953 December
177 1 Logan Chamber of Commerce
regarding activities and programs, minutes of meetings and association with the national chamber
1954 January - 1954 February
177 2 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1954 March - 1954 April
177 3 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1954 May - 1954 June
177 4 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1954 July - 1954 October
177 5 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1954 November - 1954 December
177 6 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
177 7 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1956 January - 1956 February
177 8 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1956 March - 1956 April
177 9 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1956 May - 1956 October
177 10 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1956 November - 1956 December
177 11 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
177 12 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1958 January - 1958 March
177 13 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
1958 April - 1958 September
177 14 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
177 15 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
177 16 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
177 17 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
177 18 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
177 19 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
177 20 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
177 21 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
177 22 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
177 23 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
177 24 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Agriculture Committee
regarding Champ's chairmanship of this committee
177 25 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Agriculture Committee
see above
177 26 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Agriculture Committee
outline for agricultural survey of Cache County
177 27 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Agriculture Committee 1925
177 28 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Committee on Airport Dedication
dedication of Logan-Cache airport
177 29 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Industries Committee
regarding Champ's service on this committee
177 30 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Industries Committee
regarding the development of Logan's business community
178 1 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Irrigation Committee
regarding Champ's chairmanship of this Committee project proposals, meetings
178 2 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Irrigation Committee
see above
1940 January - 1940 February
178 3 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Irrigation Committee
see above
1940 March - 1940 May
178 4 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Irrigation Committee
see above
1940 June - 1940 July
178 5 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Irrigation Committee
see above
1940 August
178 6 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Irrigation Committee
see above
1940 September
178 7 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Irrigation Committee
see above
1940 October - 1940 December
178 8 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Irrigation Committee
see above
178 9 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Irrigation - Newton Dam Committee
reports regarding the construction of the dam in Utah
178 10 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Irrigation - Newton Dam Committee
regarding federal support for Newton irrigation process
178 11 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Irrigation - Newton Dam
History and project reports
178 12 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Labor Resources Committee 1942-1944
178 13 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Legislative Committee 1940-1941
178 14 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Military Affairs Committee 1943 January
178 15 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Military Affairs Committee
see above
1943 February
178 16 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Military Affairs Committee
see above
1943 March - 1943 April
178 17 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Military Affairs Committee
see above
May 1943
178 18 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Military Affairs Committee
see above
1943 June
178 19 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Military Affairs Committee
see above
1943 July - 1943 August
178 20 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Military Affairs Committee
see above
1943 September - 1943 December
178 21 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Military Affairs Committee
see above
1944 January - 1944 September
178 22 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Military Affairs Committee 1945
178 23 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Military Affairs Committee 1896-1976
178 24 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Military Affairs Committee
regarding Nibley as possible site for proposed military hospital
178 25 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Military Affairs Committee
regarding Logan for industrial development
178 26 Logan Chamber of Commerce - Military Affairs Committee 1896-1976
179 1 Logan Chamber of Commerce - National Directors Election 1949
179 2 Logan Chamber of Commerce
the Beaverpelt
179 3 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
179 4 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
179 5 Logan Chamber of Commerce
see above
179 6 Logan Chamber of Commerce
monthly activity Reports
179 7 Logan Chamber of Commerce
business survey of Logan s Cache County
179 8 Logan Chamber of Commerce 1896-1976
180 1 Logan City Board of Education
regarding Champ investment company's school dist. property
180 2 Logan City Corporation
regarding personal notes to the commissioners, traffic, bonds, city utilities, and industrial development
180 3 Logan City Corporation
see above
180 4 Logan City Corporation
see above
180 5 Logan City Corporation
see above
180 6 Logan City Corporation
regarding traffic citations, pedistrian and automobile safety practice
180 7 Logan City Corporation
see above
180 8 Logan City Corporation
see above
180 9 Logan City Corporation 1924-1970
180 10 Logan City Corporation
regarding trust to establish Logan hospital in conjunction with St. Marks of SLC
180 11 Logan Garment Company
regarding controversy with Cache Knitting Works, over the latters charter
180 12 Logan Golf & Country Club
regarding Champ's membership and the club's activities
180 13 Logan Golf & Country Club
see above
180 *14 Logan Hardware Company
regarding insurance coverage with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
180 *15 Logan Improvement Company
regarding development of Logans business district
180 16 Logan Junior Chamber of Commerce
an association of Logan's young businessmen regarding C of C activities
180 17 Logan L.D.S. Fourth Ward
regarding Champ's contributions to the improvement fund
180 18 Logan Rotary Club
regarding economic and social activities of the club
180 19 Logan Rotary Club
Addresses given before the club by Champ
180 *20 Logan Savings and Loan Association
regarding personal notes
180 21 Lomas & Nettleton Company
Hartford ConN. based real estate financing, land development and mortgage banking firm regarding transaction with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
180 22 Lomas & Nettleton Company
see above
1966 January - 1966 September
180 23 Lomas & Nettleton Company
see above
1966 October - 1966 December
180 24 Lomas & Nettleton Company
see above
181 1 Long's Drug
regarding Champ's investments in this drugstore chain
181 2 Loring, E.L.
Mass. acquaintance regarding personal notes and family matters
181 3 Loring, William E.
see above
181 4 Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce
regarding activities, programs and proposals of this chamber and association with the U.S. C of C
181 5 Los Angeles County
regarding taxes on Los Angeles county property
181 6 Love, John A..
Pres. of Clayton, Missouri income investment company regarding the Flat Rock Club of Idaho
181 7 Lowe, George H..
attorney from Ogden regarding the political campaign of Senator Bennett
181 8 Luck. Dr. J. Vernon
director of the Los Angeles based orthopedic hospital regarding Champ's health care
181 9 Lucy Stores. Inc.
regarding Champ's investments in this store
181 10 Ludwig Agency
Kalispell Montana real estate agency regarding the Consolidated Freight Depot
181 11 Lumbermans Mutual Casualty-Company
Chicago insurance company regarding Champ's investments
181 12 Lundgren, Roy C.
regarding sale of Walker Bank and Trust stock to Champ
181 *13 Lurie, Louis R.
regarding circular for heart patients from San Francisco acquaintance
181 14 Lynn, A.L.
Vice President of Island Creek Coal Company regarding U.S. Chamber of Commerce activities
181 *15 Lyon Van & Storage Company
regarding storage of bear skin rugs
182 1 "M" Misc. 1941-1944
182 2 "M" Misc. 1945-1949
182 3 "M" Misc. 1950-1951
182 4 "M" Misc. 1952-1954
182 5 "M" Misc.. 1955-1956
182 6 "M" Misc. 1957-1959
182 7 "M" Misc. 1960-1964
182 8 "M" Misc. 1965-1969
182 9 "M" Misc. 1970-1976
182 *10 Mabey, Charles R.
President of Bountiful State Bank regarding personal matters
182 11 "Mc" Misc. 1949-1974
182 12 McCarran, Pat
U.S. Senator from Nevada regarding public lands legislation
182 13 McCarthy, Joseph R.
U.S. Senator from Wisconsin regarding book authored by the senator
182 14 McCarthy, Wilson
President of Denver and Rio Grande Railroad regarding application of John Malia for position with Reconstruction Finance Corporation
182 15 McCaslin, F.E.
President of Oregon based Portland Cement Company regarding U.S. Chamber of Commerce activities
182 16 McCaslin, F.E.
see above
182 17 McCaslin, R.J.
President of McCaslin Lumber Company regarding personal matters
182 *18 McCausland, A.M.
Los Angeles physician regarding membership in Flat Rock Club in Idaho
182 19 McClain, James
Reverend for St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Alton, Illinois regarding organ for St. John's in Logan
182 *20 McClellan, John L.
U.S. Senator from Arkansas regarding federal protection for union, pension, and welfare funds
182 21 McClellan, Joseph L.
President of the McClellan Agency of Billings, Montana regarding farm and ranch mortgage loans and joining MBA and personal matters
182 22 McClellan, Joseph L.
see above
182 23 McClellan, Joseph L.
see above
182 24 McClellan Joseph L.
see above
182 *25 McCormick, Charles P.
President of McCormick and Company Baltimore Maryland firm regarding personal notes
182 26 McCormick, Charles P.
personal notes with President of Baltimore, Maryland based McCormick and Company
182 27 McCormick, Charles P.
see above
183 1 McDonald, Milton T.
President of T.B. O'Toole, Inc. and Vice President of the Trust Company of New Jersey regarding the sale of properties by Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
183 2 McFadden, William C.
personal notes with Chief of Staff, Utah Military District, fort Douglas, Utah
183 3 McFadden, William C.
see above
183 4 McFadden, William C.
personal notes with Salt Lake City attorney and trust officer for Tracy Collins Trust Co
183 *5 McFarland, A.J.
regarding this Ogden residents employment with Champ
183 6 McFarlane, M.J.
Biography of Dr. Menzies J. McFarlane of Salt Lake City
183 7 McGee, J.C.
President of Reid-McGee and Company of Jackson Mississippi regarding MBA and U.S. Chamber of Commerce activities
183 8 McKay, David O.
President of the LDS Church regarding birthday acknowledgements and personal notes
183 9 McKay, David O.
see above
183 10 McKay, David O.
see above
183 11 Mckay David O. - Testimonial Dinner
regarding preperations or this 22990 event
183 12 McKay-Dee Foundation
regarding Champ's contributions to this health care, medical education and research foundation
183 13 McKell, W.E.
personal notes with the President of New York Casualty and Life Co
183 14 McKinac Bridge Authority
regarding bonds held by Champ from this association
183 15 McKusick, Arthur L.
regarding the rental of Champ's property at 145 North 200 East in Logan
183 16 McLain, James A.
personal notes with the President of Guardian Life Insurance Company
183 17 McLaughlin, W.W.
Chief of Division of Irrigation at Utah State University (USAC) and Chief of Soil Conservation Service in Cache County regarding irrigation, public lands and personal matters
183 18 McLean , L.A.
President of Southern Trust Co. of Louisville Kentucky regarding the 1944 Kentucky Derby and personal notes
183 19 McManus, Lief
Salt Lake City masseur regarding treatments for Winton Champ
183 20 McMillin, , James C.
personal notes with Buhl Idaho acquaintance
183 21 McMillin W.J.
personal notes and discussions of state politics with District Farm Mortgage Manager of Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York's Boise office
183 22 McMillin, W.J.
see above
183 23 McMillin, W.J.
see above
183 24 McMillin, W.J.
see above
183 25 McMullen, Hugh
Nevada business associate regarding the move of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp into Nevada
183 26 McMullen, Hugh
see above
183 27 McMurrin, James A.
Cache County Senator regarding various matters of state legislation
183 28 McMurrin, James A.
see above
184 1 McQuarrie, R.A.
Assistant Secretary of Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation regarding interoffice communications and routine business matters
184 2 McQuarrie, R.A.
see above
184 3 McQuarrie, R.A.
see above
1954 January - 1954 July
184 4 McQuarrie, R.A.
see above
1954 August - 1954 December
184 5 McQuarrie, R.A.
see above
1955 January - 1955 May
184 6 McQuarrie, R.A.
see above
1955 June - 1955 December
184 7 McQuarrie, R.A.
see above
1956 January - 1956 June
184 8 McQuarrie, R.A.
see above
1956 July - 1956 December
184 9 McQuarrie, R.A.
Assistant Vice President of Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation regarding inter-office communications and routine business matters
184 10 McQuarrie, R.A.
see above
184 11 McQuarrie, R.A.
Assistant Vice President and Appraiser, Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation regarding interoffice communications and routine business matters
184 12 McQueen, Effie Jensen
regarding purchase of stock in Cache Valley Banking Company from this Reno, Nevada resident
184 13 McRoberts, E.W.
President of E.W. McRoberts and Company regarding signing of uranium exploration agreement
184 *14 Mac's Alaska Charter Service
regarding information on services from this Seattle firm
184 15 McVitty, A.H.
uncle of Frederick P. Champ living in Salem, Virginia regarding family matters
184 16 McVitty, Edward W.
cousin of Frederick P. Champ living in Salem Virginia regarding family matters
184 17 Mahan, L.E.
President of Mortgage Bankers Association of America regarding business matters of the Association
184 18 Mahan, L.E.
see above
184 19 Main, Edward S.
Insurance agent for Chicago firm regarding policies on Mrs. Champ
184 *20 Main Street Ownership Plat
interoffice communications regarding Champ's Main Street property
184 21 Malad City
regarding special improvement bonds of Sewage District No. 5, owned by Champ Investment Company
184 22 Malad Real Estate and Insurance Agency
Malad Idaho firm, regarding properties mortgaged through Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation and loan financing
184 23 Malad Real Estate and Insurance Agency
see above
1953 January - 1953 June
184 24 Malad Real Estate and Insurance Agency
see above
1953 July - 1953 September
184 25 Malad Real Estate and Insurance Agency
see above
1953 October - 1953 December
184 26 Malad Real Estate and Insurance Agency
see above
1954 January - 1954 March
184 27 Malad Real Estate and Insurance Agency
see above
1954 April - 1954 May
184 28 Malad Real Estate and Insurance Agency
see above
1954 June - 1954 August
184 29 Malad Real Estate and Insurance Agency
see above
1954 September - 1954 December
185 1 Malad Real Estate and Insurance Agency
Malad, Idaho firm regarding properties mortgaged through Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation and loan financing
1955 January - 1955 April
185 2 Malad Real Estate and Insurance Agency
see above
1955 May - 1955 July
185 3 Malouf, T.G.
personal notes with the manager of Logan's Mode O'Day
185 4 Manion, Clarence
South Bend Indiana attorney regarding the for America campaign
185 5 Manion, Clarence
regarding his public addresses
185 6 Mann, Walter G.
personal notes with Brigham City, Utah attorney
185 7 Manning, J.E.
Ogden Livestock Auction Company Representative regarding U.S. Chamber of Commerce activities
185 8 Mills, Mansfield
representative of California security management firm regarding accounts with Champ
185 9 Manufacturers- Hanover Trust Company
regarding stocks held in this New York firm
185 *10 Manugian Studios
regarding slide reproduction of photos from Champ's Mediterranean cruise by this Connecticut company
185 *11 Manwaring, Leonard
personal notes with the Idaho Falls manager of the Snake River Valley Dairy Association
185 12 Marathon Oil Company
regarding stocks held in this Ohio company
185 *13 Marcusen, Carl R.
personal notes with President of Pacific National Life Insurance Co
185 14 Marine Midland Corporation
regarding stocks held in this company
185 *15 Marion-Kay Company Inc.
regarding purchase of numismatic coin clock from this Brownstown Indiana gift house
185 16 Marlennan Corporation
regarding stocks held in this company
185 17 Marquis, A.N.
publisher of Who's Who in America regarding Champ's inclusion in the text
185 18 Marquis, A.N.
see above
185 19 Marquis, A.N.
see above
185 20 Marr, G.R.
Salt Lake City attorney regarding tax counseling
185 21 Marriott Corporation
regarding stocks held in this company
185 22 Marshall Cavendish Corporation
regarding the International Wildlife Encyclopedia published by this New York firm
185 23 Marshall Field & Company
regarding Mrs. Champ's account with this Chicago firm
185 *24 Marshall, Houston
personal notes with this Washington attorney
185 *25 Marshall, James N.
Idaho Falls, Idaho resident king employment with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
185 26 Martineau, Bryant S.
personal notes regarding family matters with this Boise Idaho acquaintance
185 27 Martineau, Bryant S.
see above
185 28 Martineau, Bryant S.
see above
185 29 Martineau, Bryant S.
see above
185 30 Martineau, Bryant S.
see above
185 31 Martineau, Bryant S.
see above
185 32 Martineau, Bryant S.
see above
185 33 Martineau, Bryant S.
see above
185 34 Martineau, Bryant S.
see above
185 35 Martineau, Bryant S.
see above
185 36 Martineau, Bryant S.
see above
185 37 Martineau, Bryant S.
see above
185 38 Martineau, Bryant S.
see above
185 39 Martineau, Bryant S.
see above
186 *1 Marveon, Inc.
regarding the purchase of a sign from this Ogden sign manufacturer for the Cache Valley Council of the Boy Scouts of America
186 *2 Masenich, Libby
personal notes with Winnetka Illinois relative
186 3 Mason-McDuffie Company
regarding farm loan mortgages with Berkeley California and Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
186 4 Mason-McDuffie Company
see above
186 5 Mason-McDuffie Company
see above
186 *6 Mason, Rodney J.
N.Y. dentist regarding health care for Mary Champ
186 *7 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company
regarding dog calendars distributed by this company
186 8 Massachusetts Turnpike Authority
regarding investments made by Champ in bonds authorized by this authority
186 9 Matsushita Electric Company
regarding Champ's investments in this Tokyo firm
186 10 Mattei, Albert C.
Pres. of Honolulu Oil Corp. regarding U.S. C of C and public land policy
186 11 Mattei, Albert C.
see above
186 12 Matthews, Frances P.
Omaho, Neb. attorney regarding politics and personal matters
186 13 Matthews, S.E.
Soda Springs, Idaho financial counselor regarding phosphate leases and insurance
186 14 Maw, Herbert B.
Gov. of Utah regarding development of Natural Resources, reorganization of state government, public welfare, and personal notes
186 15 Maw, Herbert B.
regarding war defense projects, WPA labor, Cache Valley flying service, related matters
186 16 May, Ella
Midvale, Utah Christian Science practioner regarding care and treatment of Elizabeth Champ
186 17 Mayes, Vale
Pres. of Vale Mayers and CO. Texas vegetable and fruit dealers regarding purchases by Champ
186 18 Mayflower Hotel
regarding reservations and services of this L.A. hotel
186 19 Mead Corporation
regarding Champ's investments in this Dayton, Ohio paper manufacturer
186 20 Mead, C.W.
Pres. of Nebraska Bond and Mortgage Company Omaha, regarding MBA meetings, personal notes, etc
186 21 Mead, D.R.
Pres. of D.R. Mead and Co. Miami Beach insurance and mortgage agency regarding U.S. C of C, MBA
186 22 Mead, David R.
Assist. manager, Twin Falls branch Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. regarding routine business matters and inter-office memos
1959 January - 1959 May
186 23 Mead, David R.
see above
1959 June - 1959 August
186 24 Mead, David R.
see above
1959 September - 1959 December
186 25 Mead, David R.
see above
1960 January - 1960 May
186 26 Mead, David R.
regarding routine business matters and inter-office memos
1969 June - 1969 December
186 27 Mead, David R.
see above
186 28 Mead, David R.
see above
186 29 Mead, David R.
see above
1963 January - 1963 July
186 30 Mead, David R.
see above
1963 August - 1963 December
186 31 Mead, David R.
acting manager - see above
186 32 Mead, David R.
assit. secretary
186 33 Mead, David R.
assit. V.P, and manager, Farm Management depT. Fidelity Nat. Bank Twin Falls, regarding personal notes and business transactions with Champ
186 34 Mead, David R.
loan officer for Idaho First National Bank of Twin Falls regarding business transactions with Champ and personal matters
187 1 Mecham, Allan
SLC attorney and manager of Assoc. General Contractors of America intermountain branch, regarding labor relations and personal notes
187 2 Mecham, Gilbert A.
U.S. Marshal for district of Utah regarding bond on which Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. and Mr. Brennan of SLC were cooperating
187 3 Mecham, Luana
secretary to Mr. Champ regarding Utah Mortgage Loan Corp business while he vacationed in the Caribbean
187 4 Medical Reports - Frances Champ
various receipts for health care services
187 5 Medical Reports - Frances Champ
see above
187 6 Medical Reports - Frances Champ
see above
187 7 Medicare
regarding health care expenses of Champs
187 8 Meeks, Heber
census supervisor for Utah regarding Cache County enumerators
187 9 Mehan, McCormick
manager of Logan Knitting Mills and Garment CO. regarding financial reports of the co
187 10 Mehr, Otto
Manager of the Logan Knitting Mills and Garment Co. regarding financial reports of the firm
187 11 Melich, Mitchell
Moab Utah attorney and Utah State Senator regarding Upper Colorado River projects
187 12 Memphis Tennes Electric Revenue Bonds
regarding investments in these bonds
187 13 Men's Club of Logan
regarding the meetings and activities of this club
187 14 Merck & Company Inc.
regarding stocks held in this company
187 *15 Merriam, J.E.
personal notes with the President of the Central National Bank of Topeka, Kansas
187 16 Merrill, A.L.
personal notes with Pocatello Idaho attorney
187 17 Merrill, Glacus G.
regarding this radio station manager's businesses in Utah, Southern Idaho and Virginia
187 18 Merrill, Laura R.
personal notes with Logan acquaintance
187 19 Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fewr and Beane
regarding financial services to Champ
187 20 Merrill, Milton R.
regarding Champ's service on Board of Trustees for Utah State University (USAC) and personal notes
187 21 Merrill Petroleum
regarding stocks held in this Canadian oil company
187 *22 Merrill, R.D.
Pocatello attorney regarding financial support for Idaho universities
187 23 Merrill, W.W.
Logan dentist regarding dental care for Champ family
187 24 Merriman Enterprises
Kansas City Missouri firm regarding project in Salt Lake City funded by Walker Bank
187 25 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
regarding loan and mortgage insurance agreements with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
187 26 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
187 27 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
188 1 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
regarding mortgage insurance with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
1955 January - 1955 July
188 2 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 August - 1955 December
188 3 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1956 January - 1956 May
188 4 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1956 June - 1956 December
188 5 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
188 6 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
188 7 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
188 8 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
188 9 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
188 10 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
188 11 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
regarding loan closures
1955 March 1 - 1955 March 9
188 12 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 March 10 - 1955 March 20
188 13 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 March 21 - 1955 March 31
188 14 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 April 1 - 1955 April 10
188 15 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 April 1 - 1955 April 19
188 16 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 April 20 - 1955 April 30
188 17 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 May 1 - 1955 May 9
188 18 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 May 10 - 1955 May 19
188 19 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 May 20 - 1955 May 31
188 20 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 June 1 - 1955 June 19
188 21 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 June 20 - 1955 June 30
189 1 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
regarding loan closures
1955 July 1 - 1955 14
189 2 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 July 15 - 1955 July 31
189 3 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 August 1 - 1955 August 9
189 4 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 August 10 - 1955 August 19
189 5 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 August 20 - 1955 August 31
189 6 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 September 1 - 1955 September 9
189 7 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 September 10 - 1955 September 19
189 8 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 September 20 - 1955 September 30
189 9 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 October 1 - 1955 October 17
189 10 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 October 18 - 1955 October 30
189 11 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 November 1 - 1955 November 14
189 12 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
1955 November 15 - 1955 30
189 13 Metropolitan Life Insurance Corporation
see above
189 14 Fred Meyer Inc.
regarding stocks held in this Portland based retail store
189 *15 Michaelis, Art
regarding bad loans made by Mr. Michaelis of Garland, Utah through Bear River State Bank
189 *16 Michigan Seamless Tube Company
regarding information on stocks in this South Lyon, Michigan company
189 17 Michigan Sugar Company
regarding stocks held in this Soginaw, Michigan based company
189 18 Middlesex School
based in Concord, Massachusetts regarding this boy's school Middlesex National Scholorship examinations to be taken by F. Winton Champ
189 19 Midwestern Financial Corporation
regarding stocks held in this Denver mortgage bank
189 20 Milford State Bank
regarding loan business in the Milford, Utah area
189 21 Millard, John B.
regarding repairs on the Federal Ave. building and house owned by France W. Champ by this Logan contractor
189 22 Miller and Viele
regarding possible merger with this SLC mortgage loan bank and Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
189 23 Miller Chevrolet Company
based in Logan regarding servicing of cars, purchasing, and various accounts
189 24 Miller, Ernest J.
V.P. of E.A. Miller and Sons Packing CO. Inc. in Hyrum, Utah regarding hospitalization of Miller
189 25 Miller, J. Marvin
student of U.S.A.C. regarding petition to accept all of credits earned, reference on employment
189 26 Miller, Jasmine
housekeeper and nurse regarding employment at Champ house
189 27 Miller, J.L.
regarding having Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. find a good piece of income property for this Logan rancher
189 28 Miller, Joseph Marvin
regarding accountant job openings around Ogden area
189 29 Miller, Joseph M.
Pres. of Miller Mortgage CO. Inc. of New Orleans regarding trip to Utah
189 30 Miller, J. Wesley
bonded real estate broker in Gooding, Idaho regarding business matters relating to C of C
189 31 Miller, Leslie A.
Gov. of Wyoming regarding reclamation and Colorado River storage project
189 32 Miller, Mrs. Minnie W.
owner of Miller and Viele Mortgage CO. member of board of trustess of U.S.A.C. regarding matters dealing with U.S.A.C. and mortgage matters
189 *33 Miller, Weldon
regarding personal notes
190 1 Millikin, Eugene
U.S. senator from Colorado regarding personal matters
190 2 Milwaukee Sanitarium
regarding the health care of Frances Champ
190 3 Milwaukee Sanitarium
see above
1949 January - 1949 February
190 4 Milwaukee Sanitarium
regarding the health care of Prances Champ
1949 March - 1949 April
190 5 Milwaukee Sanitarium
see above
1949 May - 1949 August
190 6 Milwaukee Sanitarium
see above
190 7 Minnesota-Montana Realty Company
regarding investments in this Minneapolis based realty co. which handled properties for the Champ and Winton families
190 8 Minnesota-Montana Realty Company
see above
190 9 Minnesota-Montana Realty Company
see above
1945 January - 1945 October
190 10 Minnesota-Montana Realty Company
see above
1945 November - 1945 December
190 11 Minnesota-Montana Realty Company
see above
190 12 Minnesota-Montana Realty Company
see above
190 13 Minnesota-Montana Realty Company - Hoag
regarding mortgages secured by the Hoag Securities Co. and offer through the MandM Realty Co
190 14 Minnesota-Montana Realty Company - Hoag
see above
190 15 Minnesota-Montana Realty Company - Hoag
see above
190 16 Minnesota-Montana Realty Company - Hoag
see above
1937 January - 1937 March
190 17 Minnesota-Montana Realty Company - Hoag
a ove
1937 April - 1937 December
190 18 Minnesota-Montana Realty Company - Hoag
see above
190 19 Minnesota-Montana Realty Company - Hoag
see above
190 20 Minnesota-Montana Realty Company - Hoag
see above
190 21 Minnesota-Montana Realty Company - Hoag
see above
1941 January - 1941 April
190 22 Minnesota-Montana Realty Company - Hoag
see above
1942 May - 1942 June
190 23 Minnesota-Montana Realty Company - Hoag
see above
1942 August - 1942 December
190 24 Minnesota-Montana Realty Company 1946
190 25 Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company
regarding prospective business with this St. Paul Company
191 *1 Misener, Veda
regarding the acquisition and development of property on Logan's second north street owned by Mrs. Misener
191 *2 Mission Chamber of Commerce
personal notes and discussions of U.S. C of C with this mission TX
191 3 Missouri Pacific Railroad Company
regarding investments in Missouri-Pacific RR bonds
191 4 Mitchell Produce Company
regarding gift purchases from this Harlingen, Texas produce company
191 5 Mitchell, W.H.
SLC tailor regarding services to Champ
191 6 Mobil Oil Corporation
regarding Champ's investments in this Washington D.C. based firm
191 7 Mock, Byron
SLC attorney, regarding professional services concerning phospahte properties in Idaho
191 8 Mohawk Business Machines Corporation
regarding investments in this N.Y. company
191 *9 Moir, Stuart
Oregon forest counsel regarding public lands, forestry and related topics
191 10 Moir, Wallace
Pres. of Belmont Company Mortgage and Loan, L.A. regarding personal notes, MBA activities, and discussions of loan businesses
191 11 Moir, Wallace
see above
191 12 Molin, Karl Teo
personal notes with the former Margaret King Crofton
191 *13 Money,R.B.
Director of Utah County cattleman's Association regarding public lands
191 14 Monsanto Company
regarding this chemical plants operations in the Idaho phosphate fields
191 15 Monsanto Company
see above
191 16 Monsanto Company
see above
191 17 Monson, E.E.
Utah Secretary of State regarding his election campaigns
191 18 Montana Chamber of Commerce
regarding Champ's re-election to a national post within the U.S. Chamber
191 19 Montana Power Company
personal notes with Vice President of this utility, C.J. Burns
191 20 Montgomery, J.E.
representative of Oregon Mutual Life Insurance Company regarding mortgage banking and farm loans with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
191 21 Montgomery, J.E.
see above
191 22 Montgomery, J.E.
see above
191 23 Montgomery, J.E.
see above
191 24 Montpelier Real Estate Exchange
regarding farm loan mortgages with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
1954 February - 1954 March
191 25 Montpelier Real Estate Exchange
see above
1954 April - 1954 May
191 26 Montpelier Real Estate Exchange
see above
1954 June - 1954 July
191 27 Montpelier Real Estate Exchange
regarding farm loan mortgages with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
1954 August - 1954 September
191 28 Montpelier Real Estate Exchange
see above
1954 October - 1954 November
191 29 Montpelier Real Estate Exchange
see above
1954 December
192 1 Montpelier Real Estate Exchange
regarding farm loan mortgages with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
1955 January - 1955 March
192 2 Montpelier Real Estate Exchange
see above
1955 April - 1955 June
192 3 Moors Business forms, Inc.
Emeryville California based firm locating a branch office in Logan
192 4 Moore, Charles C.
member of Natural Resources Committee of U.S. Chamber of Commerce regarding activities of the committee
192 5 Moran, Leona
Champ housekeeper regarding continuation of her services
192 6 Moreton, Fred A.
President of Fred A. Moreton and CO. Salt Lake City regarding bonding and insurance business
192 *7 Morf, Howard
personal notes with Santa Barbara California acquaintance
192 8 Morgan, N.G. Jr.
regarding renewal of Dick Romney's coaching contract at University of Utah
192 9 Morning Milk Company
Salt Lake City based dairy regarding Champ's service on the Board of Directors and the firms operations in Cache Valley
192 10 Morning Milk Company
see above
192 11 Morning Milk Company
see above
192 12 Morning Milk Company
see above
192 13 Morning Milk Company
see above
192 14 Morning Milk Company
see above
1941 January - 1941 July
192 15 Morning Milk Company
see above
1941 August - 1941 December
192 16 Morning Milk Company
see above
1942 January - 1942 June
192 17 Morning Milk Company
see above
1942 July - 1942 December
192 18 Morning Milk Company
see above
1943 January - 1943 June
192 19 Morning Milk Company
see above
1943 July - 1943 December
192 20 Morning Milk Company 1931-1943
192 21 Morning Milk Company 1931-1943
192 22 Morris, Edgar
President of Edgar Morris Sales Company of Washington D.C. regarding personal notes
192 *23 Morrison-Knudson Company
Boise based engineering firm regarding operation of phosphate mines in southeast Idaho
192 *24 Mortensen, Dean
Logan house painter regarding work at Champ house
192 25 Mortensen, W.G.
Logan roofer regarding work at the Champ home
193 1 Mortgage Bankers Association - Advisory Committee
regarding meeting in New York
193 2 Mortgage Bankers Association - Advisory Committee
regarding notification of meetings, special reports, etc
193 3 Mortgage Bankers Association - Advisory Committee
see above
193 4 Mortgage Bankers Association - Appraisal Committee
regarding Champ's service on this committee and reports of meetings
193 5 Mortgage Bankers Association - Board of Governors
regarding meetings of the Board, nominations for committees, and financial statements
193 6 Mortgage Bankers Association - Board of Governors
see above
193 7 Mortgage Bankers Association - Board of Governors
see above
193 8 Mortgage Bankers Association - Board of Governors
see above
193 9 Mortgage Bankers Association - Board of Governors
see above
193 10 Mortgage Bankers Association - Board of Governors 1896-1976
193 11 Mortgage Bankers Association - Committee Information
regarding memberships and activities of the various committees
193 12 Mortgage Bankers Association - Educational Committee
regarding the association's education programs
193 13 Mortgage Bankers Association - Federal Legislative Committee
regarding federal legislation of interest to mortgage bankers
193 14 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
regarding the policies of the FHA and possible changes in its authority and practices
1940 September - 1940 November
193 15 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
1940 December
193 16 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
1941 January
193 17 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
1941 February
193 18 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
regarding the meetings and policies of this committee for which Champ served as chairman and as a general member
1941 March - 1941 April
193 19 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
1941 May - 1941 June
193 20 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
1944 June - 1944 November
193 21 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
193 22 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
1946 April - 1946 October
193 23 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
194 1 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
regarding the meetings and policies of this committee for which Champ served as chairman and as a general member
1948 January - 1948 February
194 2 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
March 1948
194 3 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
April 1948
194 4 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
1948 May - 1948 June
194 5 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
1948 July - 1948 August
194 6 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
1948 September
194 7 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
1948 October - 1948 December
194 8 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
194 9 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
194 10 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
194 11 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
1954 January - 1954 June
194 12 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
1954 July - 1954 October
194 13 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
1954 November - 1954 December
194 14 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
1955 January - 1955 February
194 15 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
1955 March - 1955 August
194 16 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
regarding meetings and policies of this committee for which Champ served as chairman and as a general member
1956 January - 1956 August
194 17 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
1956 September - 1956 December
194 18 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
194 19 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
194 20 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
194 21 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
194 22 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
1962 January - 1962 July
194 23 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
1962 August - 1962 September
194 24 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
1962 October - 1962 December
195 1 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
regarding meetings an polices of this committee for which Champ served as chairman and as a general member
1963 January - 1963 July
195 2 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
1963 August - 1963 December
195 3 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
195 4 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
195 5 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
195 6 Mortgage Bankers Association - Farm Loan and Mortgage Committee
see above
195 7 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
regarding activities and policies of the Association and the meetings of its Executive Council
195 8 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1948 January - 1948 April
195 9 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1948 May - 1948 December
195 10 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1949 January - 1949 June
195 11 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1949 July - 1949 August
195 12 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
regarding activities and policies of the Association and the meetings of its Executive Council
1949 September - 1949 October
195 13 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1949 December
195 14 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1950 January - 1950 May
195 15 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1950 June - 1950 December
195 16 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1951 January - 1951 April
195 17 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1951 May - 1951 September
195 18 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1951 October - 1951 December
196 1 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
regarding activities and policies of the Association and the meetings of its Executive Council
1952 January - 1952 May
196 2 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1952 June - 1952 December
196 3 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1953 January - 1953 April
196 4 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1953 May - 1953 October
196 5 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1953 November - 1953 December
196 6 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1954 January - 1954 May
196 7 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1954 June - 1954 December
196 8 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1955 January - 1955 February
196 9 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1955 March - 1955 May
196 10 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1955 June - 1955 December
196 11 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1956 January - 1956 April
196 12 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1956 May - 1956 July
196 13 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1956 August - 1956 December
197 1 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
regarding activities and policies of the Association and the meetings of its Executive Council
1957 January - 1957 March
197 2 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1957 April - 1957 August
197 3 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1957 September - 1957 December
197 4 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1958 January - 1958 April
197 5 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1958 May - 1958 August
197 6 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1958 September - 1958 October
197 7 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1958 November - 1958 December
197 8 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1959 January - 1959 July
197 9 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1959 August - 1959 September
197 10 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1959 October - 1959 December
197 11 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1960 January - 1960 April
197 12 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1960 May - 1960 July
197 13 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1960 August - 1960 November
197 14 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1960 December
197 15 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1961 January - 1961 July
197 16 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1961 August - 1961 October
197 17 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1961 November - 1961 December
198 1 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1962 January - 1962 May
198 2 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1962 June - 1962 September
198 3 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1962 October - 1962 November
198 4 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
regarding activities of the Association and meetings of Executive Council
1962 December
198 5 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1963 January - 1963 April
198 6 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1963 May - 1963 August
198 7 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1963 September - 1963 October
198 8 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1963 November
198 9 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1963 December
198 10 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1964 January - 1964 February
198 11 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1964 March - 1964 May
198 12 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1964 June - 1964 August
198 13 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
1964 September - 1964 December
198 14 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
198 15 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
198 16 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
198 17 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
198 18 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
198 19 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
198 20 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
198 21 Mortgage Bankers Association - General Business
see above
199 1 Mortgage Bankers Association - Knott, George H.
communications with the Associate Director of Publicity
199 2 Mortgage Bankers Association - Knott, George H.
see above
199 3 Mortgage Bankers Association - Knott, George H.
see above
199 4 Mortgage Bankers Association - Legislative Committee
reports on the meetings of this Committee policies and interests in legislative issues
199 5 Mortgage Bankers Association - Local Chapter News 1944-1946
199 6 Mortgage Bankers Association
reports of advisory councils, committees, and annual assemblies
199 7 Mortgage Bankers Association
see above
199 8 Mortgage Bankers Association
see above
199 9 Mortgage Bankers Association
see above
199 10 Mortgage Bankers Association
regarding Midwestern
199 11 Mortgage Bankers Association
reports of advisory councils, committees, and annual assemblies
199 12 Mortgage Bankers Association
see above
199 13 Mortgage Bankers Association
see above
199 14 Mortgage Bankers Association
see above
199 15 Mortgage Bankers Association
see above
199 16 Mortgage Bankers Association
see above
199 17 Mortgage Bankers Association
see above
1964 January - 1964 February
199 18 Mortgage Bankers Association
see above
1964 July - 1964 October
199 19 Mortgage Bankers Association
see above
200 1 Mortgage Bankers Association - Membership Committee
regarding membership drives and related activities of the committee
200 2 Mortgage Bankers Association - Membership Committee
see above
200 3 Mortgage Bankers Association - Mills, Frank J.
personal notes with chairman of the Finance Committee
200 4 Mortgage Bankers Association - Morpac
regarding Champ's service to this voluntary group (Mortgage Bankers Political Action Committee)
200 5 Mortgage Bankers Association - Mortgage Bankers Legion
regarding the annual meetings of this association of past and present Board of Govenors members
200 6 Mortgage Bankers Association - Mortgage Bankers Legion
see above
200 7 Mortgage Bankers Association - Mortgage Bankers Legion
see above
200 8 Mortgage Bankers Association - Mortgage Bankers Legion
see above
200 9 Mortgage Bankers Association - Mortgage Bankers Legion
see above
200 10 Mortgage Bankers Association - Mortgage Bankers Legion
see above
200 11 Mortgage Bankers Association - Mortgage Bankers Legion
see above
200 12 Mortgage Bankers Association - Mortgage Banking Textbook
regarding the compilation and revisions of this text by members of the Association
1962 June - 1962 August
200 13 Mortgage Bankers Association - Mortgage Banking Textbook
see above
1962 September - 1962 December
200 14 Mortgage Bankers Association - Neel, Samuel E.
Washington counsel regarding legislation pertinent to the interests. of mortgage bankers
200 15 Mortgage Bankers Association - Neel, Samuel E.
see above
200 16 Mortgage Bankers Association - Neel, Samuel E.
see above
200 17 Mortgage Bankers Association - Nominating Committee
regarding election of officials to MBA posts
200 18 Mortgage Bankers Association - Nominating Committee
see above
200 19 Mortgage Bankers Association - Nominating Committee
see above
200 20 Mortgage Bankers Association - Nominating Committee
see above
200 21 Mortgage Bankers Association - Patterson, George A.
Secretary-Treasurer of the Association regarding programs and activities
200 22 Mortgage Bankers Association - Patterson, George A.
see above
1947 September - 1947 December
200 23 Mortgage Bankers Association - Patterson, George A.
see above
1948 January - 1948 May
200 24 Mortgage Bankers Association - Patterson, George A.
see above
1948 June - 1948 December
200 25 Mortgage Bankers Association - Patterson, George A.
see above
201 1 Mortgage Bankers Association - Patterson, George A.
Secretary-Treasurer of the Association regarding programs and activities
1950 January - 1950 March
201 2 Mortgage Bankers Association - Patterson George A.
see above
1950 April - 1950 December
201 3 Mortgage Bankers Association - Patterson, George A.
see above
1951 January - 1951 April
201 4 Mortgage Bankers Association - Patterson, George A.
see above
1951 May - 1951 December
201 5 Mortgage Bankers Association - Patterson, George A.
see above
201 6 Mortgage Bankers Association - Patterson, George A.
see above
201 7 Mortgage Bankers Association - Post-War Planning Committee
plans for expansion of mortgage banking business after the war
201 8 Mortgage Bankers Association - Real Estate Investment Sub-Committee
regarding meetings and programs of this committee
201 9 Mortgage Bankers Association - Research and Education Trust Fund
regarding grants to students of mortgage banking
201 10 Mortgage Bankers Association - Research and Education Trust Fund
see above
201 11 Mortgage Bankers Association - Research and Education Trust Fund
see above
201 12 Mortgage Bankers Association - Washington Committee
Association concerns with national programs and legislation effecting mortgage banking
1968 January - 1968 February
201 13 Mortgage Bankers Association - Washington Committee
see above
1968 March - 1968 April
201 14 Mortgage Bankers Association - Washington Committee
see above
1968 May - 1968 August
201 15 Mortgage Bankers Association - Washington Committee
see above
1968 September - 1968 October
201 16 Mortgage Bankers Association - Washington Committee
see above
1968 November - 1968 December
201 17 Mortgage Bankers Association - Washington Committee
see above
1969 January - 1969 April
201 18 Mortgage Bankers Association - Washington Committee
see above
1969 May - 1969 July
201 19 Mortgage Bankers Association - Washington Committee
see above
1969 August - 1969 December
201 20 Mortgage Bankers Association - Washington Committee
see above
1970 January - 1970 September
201 21 Mortgage Bankers Association - Washington Committee
see above
1970 October - 1970 December
202 *1 Mortgage Investment Corporation
regarding George W. Preston being based at Lackland Air force Base in Texas
202 *2 Mortimer, Dean
regarding yard work done for the Champ's
202 3 Morton-Norwich Products Inc.
regarding stocks held in this pharmaceutical company
202 *4 Moser, John H.
Logan contractor regarding his illness and subsequent death
202 5 Moss, Frank E.
U.S. Senator from Utah regarding public lands, reclamation and other legislative matters of interest to Champ
202 6 Moss, Frank E.
U.S. Senator from Utah regarding public lands, reclamation, and other legislative matters of interest to Champ
202 7 Moss, Frank E.
see above
202 8 Moss, Frank E.
see above
202 9 Motley, Arthur H.
President of Parade Publications, Inc. of New York regarding Bill Wright's appointment as Vice President of Western Division of U.S. Chamber of Commerce. and other matters relating to the Chamber
202 10 Motorola, Inc.
regarding stocks held in this Illinois based electronics firm
203 1 Moulton, A.W.
personal notes regarding matters pertaining to St. John's Church in Logan with the Episcopal Bishop of Utah, Right Reverend Arthur W. Moulton
203 2 Moulton, Earl L.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce member regarding economic and industrial development of his home state of New Mexico and other Rocky Mountain States
203 3 Moulton, Earl L.
see above
203 4 Moulton, Earl L.
see above
203 5 Moulton, Earl L.
see above
203 6 Moulton, Earl L.
see above
203 7 Mountain Fuel Supply Company
regarding stocks held in this Salt Lake based company
203 8 Mountain Fuel Supply Company
see above
203 9 Mountain Fuel Supply Company
see above
203 10 Mountain Fuel Supply Company
see above
203 11 Mountain Fuel Supply Company
see above
203 12 Mountain Fuel Supply Company
see above
203 13 Mountain Fuel Supply Company
see above
203 14 Mountain States Association
regarding organization and development of association of eight western state chamber of commerce's working for the development of the Rocky Mountain region
203 15 Mountain States Telephone Company
regarding services to Champ
203 16 Mountain States Telephone Company
see above
203 17 Mountain States Telephone Company
see above
203 18 Moyle for Governor Committee 1940
203 19 Moyle for Governor Committee 1940
203 20 Moyle, Henry D.
regarding his political career and personal notes to Champ
203 *21 Muirhead, R. Monatt
Salt Lake City physician regarding health care for the Champ family
203 22 Mulcathy P.H.
General Manager of the Utah-Idaho Central Railroad Company regarding the budget of the Utah State Agricultural College (USU)
203 23 Mullenix, C.A.
personal notes with president of Mortgage Bankers Association of America
203 *24 Munk, Newell E.
personal notes with Logan acquaintance
204 1 Murch, John A.
Utah legislator and Logan Jaycee regarding his work with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
204 2 Murch, John A.
see above
204 3 Murdock, Abe
U.S. Senator from Utah regarding civilian pilot training program at Utah State University (USAC) and various legislative matters
204 *4 Murphy-Favre Inc.
Spokane Washington based investment firm regarding counsel to Champ
204 5 Murray, Ennis E.
President of the First Mortgage Company of Nashville regarding business transactions with Champ
204 *6 Murray Investment Company
personal notes with Dallas, Texas acquaintance
204 7 Murray, Owen M.
Chairman of the Board of Paramount Fire Insurance CO. regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation and personal notes with Champ
204 8 Murray, Owen M.
see above
204 9 Murray, Owen M.
see above
204 10 Murray, Owen M.
see above
204 11 Murray, Owen M.
see above
204 12 Murray, Owen J.
regarding his partnership in the Dallas based Murray Investment CO. and his counsel to Champ
204 13 Murray, Owen J.
see above
204 14 Murray, Owen J.
see above
204 15 Murray, Owen J.
see above
204 16 Murray, Owen J.
see above
204 17 Murray, Owen J.
see above
204 18 Murray, Owen J.
see above
204 19 Murray, Owen J.
see above
204 20 Murray, Owen J.
regarding Murray's retirement, his death and personal notes with Mrs. Murray from the Champ family
205 *1 Murray, Reese T.
regarding his employment with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
205 2 Music Publishers Holding Corporation
regarding publication of two piano pieces, Hopi Dance and Wedding in Venice, composed by Frances Champ
205 3 Mutual Benefit Health & Accident Company
regarding policies with this Omaha company held by Champ
205 4 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York
regarding mortgages brokeraged through Utah mortgage and Loan Corporation and related business transactions
205 5 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York
see above
205 6 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York
see above
205 7 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - Anway, H.W. of New York
Manager of Farm Mortgages Division regarding Farm Loan negotiations
205 8 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - Anway, H.W.
see above
205 9 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - Anway, H.W.
see above
205 10 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - Anway, H.W.
see above
205 11 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - Anway, H.W.
see above
205 12 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - Anway, H.W.
see above
205 13 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - Anway, H.W.
see above
205 14 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - Bechtel, Carson E.
Manager of Salt Lake City office regarding routine business matters
205 15 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
District Manager of Farm Loan Division Denver Colorado, regarding farm loan negotiations
205 16 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1950 January - 1950 May
205 17 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1950 June - 1950 September
205 18 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1950 October - 1950 December
205 19 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
205 20 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
206 1 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
District Manager, Farm Loan Division, Denver Colorado regarding farm loan negotiations
1953 January - 1953 June
206 2 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1953 July - 1953 September
206 3 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1953 October - 1953 December
206 4 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1954 January - 1954 May
206 5 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1954 June - 1954 September
206 6 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1954 October - 1954 December
206 7 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1955 January - 1955 March
206 8 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1955 April - 1955 June
206 9 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1955 July - 1955 December
206 10 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1956 January - 1956 March
206 11 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1956 April - 1956 August
206 12 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1956 September - 1956 December
206 13 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1957 January - 1957 February
206 14 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1957 March - 1957 May
206 15 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1957 June - 1957 August
206 16 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1957 September - 1957 December
206 17 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1958 January - 1958 April
206 18 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1958 May - 1958 July
206 19 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1958 August - 1958 September
206 20 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1958 October - 1958 December
206 21 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1959 January - 1959 June
206 22 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1959 July - 1959 August
206 23 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1959 September - 1959 October
206 24 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1959 November - 1959 December
207 1 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
regarding farm loan negotiations
1960 January - 1960 May
207 2 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1960 June - 1960 September
207 3 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1960 October - 1960 December
207 4 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1961 January - 1961 April
207 5 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1961 May - 1961 July
207 6 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1961 August - 1961 October
207 7 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1961 November - 1961 December
207 8 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1962 January - 1962 March
207 9 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1962 April - 1962 July
207 10 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1962 August - 1962 October
207 11 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1962 November - 1962 December
207 12 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1963 January - 1963 April
207 13 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1963 May - 1963 June
207 14 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1963 July - 1963 December
207 15 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1964 January - 1964 June
207 16 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1964 July - 1964 September
207 17 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
1964 October - 1964 December
207 18 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - McMillin, Wilmer J.
see above
208 1 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - Peterson, Willis S.
Manager of the SL agency regarding profit sharing trust or retirement plan for Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. employees and Cache Valley Banking Co
208 2 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - Peterson, Willis S.
see above
1955 January - 1955 July
208 3 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - Peterson, Willis S.
regarding profit sharing trust or retirement plan for Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. employees and Cache Valley Banking Co
1955 August - 1955 December
208 4 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - Peterson, Willis S.
see above
1956 January - 1956 March
208 5 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - Peterson, Willis S.
see above
1959 April - 1959 December
208 6 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - Peterson, Willis S.
see above
208 7 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - Peterson, Willis S.
see above
208 8 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - Peterson, Willis S.
see above
208 9 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - Peterson, Willis S.
see above
208 10 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - Shaw Ralph W.
Assit. to second V.P. for farm mortgages regarding farm loan accounts
208 11 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York - Stewart C.A.
Manager of farm mortgages, N.Y. office regarding farm loan accounts,
208 12 Mutual of Omaha
regarding Champ family insurance policies
208 13 Myers, Chester J.
U.S.A.C. professor of speech regarding personal notes
209 1 "N" Misc. 1942-1949
209 2 "N" Misc. 1950-1959
209 3 "N" Misc. 1960-1968
209 4 Nampa Chamber of Commerce
regarding activities of Nampa Chamber and speaking engagements
209 *5 Nash, Paul V.
officer for Pocatello and Nampa C of C regarding personal notes
209 6 National Acme, Inc.
manufacturers of machines tools based in Cleveland regarding stocks held in this company
209 7 National Aeronautic Association
based in Washington regarding formation of chapter in Logan
209 8 National Airlines
regarding stocks held in this Miami based company
209 *9 National Association of Broadcasters
personal notes to Justin Miller
209 10 National Association of Cost Accountants
SLC chapter regarding speaking engagements
209 *11 National Association of Manufacturers
based in N.Y. regarding trying to get Champ's membership
209 12 National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies
based in Indianapolis, regarding speech given in SLC
209 *13 National Broadcasting Company Inc.
based in N.Y. regarding book sent to Champ concerning NBC
209 *14 National Can Corporation
regarding stocks held in this company
209 15 National Cash Register Company
regarding stocks held in this Dayton, Ohio company
209 *16 National Cyclopedia of American Biography
based in N.Y. regarding biographic sketchs of Champ and father
209 17 National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis
based in N.Y. regarding developing the existing facilities of the Lava Hot Springs for treatment of victims
209 18 National Grange
based in Washington, regarding testimonies given the U.S. senate by the Grange committee
209 19 National Lumber Manufactures Association
regarding bills going through legislature, speeches given
209 20 National Municipal League
regarding request for publications from this N.Y.. league
209 *21 National Planning Association
regarding invitation to membership on the new National Council in Washington D.C
209 22 National Park Service
regarding public lands and national parks administration in Washington D.C
209 *23 National Policy Committee
regarding yearly contributions to this Washington D.C. committee
209 24 National Probation and Parole Association
regarding Champ's service and contributions to this San Francisco assoc
209 25 National Public Lands Coordinating Committee
regarding conservation, public lands policy and national park services
209 26 National Reclamation Association
Assoc. for which Champ served as Pres. regarding reclamation projects in the west
210 *1 National Research Bureau, Inc.
Chicago based co. regarding purchase of NRB public speaking manual by Champ
210 *2 National Review
regarding Champ's subscription to this publication
210 *3 National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation Inc.
Washington D.C. based firm regarding solicitations for contributions from Champ
210 4 National Rivers & Harbors Congress
regarding waterways and flood control and Champ's appointment to the advisory committee of same
210 5 National Security Seminar
regarding the hosting of the seminar in Logan
210 6 National Tax Equality Association
Chicago based assoc. regarding taxation of businessmen and Champ's subscription to it's newsletter
210 7 National Tax Equality Association
regarding taxation of businessmen and Champ's subscription to it's newsletters
1950 March - 1950 August
210 8 National Tax Equality Association
see above
1950 September - 1950 October
210 9 National Tax Equality Association
see above
210 10 National Tax Equality Association
see above
210 11 National Water Conservation Conference
Washington, D.C. conference regarding Champ's service as acting director for the state of Utah
1948 January - 1948 June
210 12 National Water Conservation Conference
see above
1948 July - 1948 December
210 13 National Water Conservation Conference
see above
1949 January - 1949 June
210 14 National Water Conservation Conference
see above
1949 July - 1949 December
210 15 National Water Conservation Conference
see above
210 16 National Wildlife Federation
Washington D.C. federation regarding Champ's purchase of National Wildlife Conservation stamps
210 17 National Wool Growers Association
SLC assoc. regarding Champ's addressess before the assoC. legislation pertinent to sheepmen and related items of interest
210 18 National Wool Growers Association
see above
210 19 National Wool Growers Association
see above
210 20 National Wool Growers Association
see above
210 21 National Wool Growers Association
see above
210 22 National Wool Growers Association
see above
210 23 National Wool Growers Association
see above
211 1 Nationwide Real Estate Investors
investment advisor to Galbreath First Mortgage Investments in which Champ held investments
211 *2 Naughton, E.M.
SLC acquaintance regarding personal notes
211 3 Neal, William H.
public relations consultant in Winston-Salem N.C. regarding speaking engagements
211 4 Needham, S.E.
Logan jeweler regarding business with the Champs
211 *5 Neilson, Alfred John
regarding his application for employment with reconstruction finance corporation
211 *6 Neiswanger, David
regarding personal notes with this Topeka, Kansas businessman
211 *7 Neitzel, J.M.
Boise, Idaho acquaintance regarding personal notes
211 8 Nelson, Carl E.
Logan construction co director regarding gravel pit near Twin Falls, Idaho the Robert A. Taft memorial foundation and personal notes
211 9 Nelson, Norman H.
V.P. and treasurer of the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Co. regarding business insurance and personal notes
211 10 Nelson, Olof
owner of Logan construction co. regarding personal notes and insurance coverage with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
211 11 Nelson, Perry A.
realtor with Western Real Estate and Insurance Company of Pocatello, Idaho regarding sales of property in that area
211 12 Nelson, W.J.
Pres. of Olof Nelson Construction CO. Logan regarding managment of that business, personal notes
211 *13 Neslen, C. Clarence
Utah commissioner of insurance and state chairman, Committee for the Celebration of the President's Birthday
211 *14 Neuberger, J.J.
Logan tailor regarding purchases made by Champ
211 *15 Neuses, Cyrus H.
Winnetka, Illinois acquaintance regarding personal notes
211 16 Nevada Bank of Commerce
regarding Champs business transactions through Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
211 17 Nevada Ranch Service
Elko ranch sales firm regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
211 18 Nevada State
Nevada State Gaming Comm. regarding legalized gambling
211 19 Nevada State Cattle Association
regarding speaking engagements before this group by Champ
211 20 Nevada State Cattle Association
regarding invitations to attend annual conventions
211 *21 Neves, Eldon
regarding yard work at Champ residence
211 *22 Neves, Richard
USU student and chairman of students committee for conservative education regarding personal notes
211 23 New Amsterdam Casualty Company
regarding stocks held in this insurance company
211 24 J.J. Newberry Company
regarding location of retail outlet in Logan
211 25 Newbold, Joseph
regarding payment of financial note by Champ
211 26 Newcomen Society
regarding Champ's membership in this non-profit Corp. for the study of business, industrial and institutional history
211 27 New England Conservatory of Music
regarding Frances W. Champ's summer school attendance
211 28 New England Gas and Electric Association
regarding bonds purchased in this association by Champ
211 29 New fortune Mines, Ltd.
regarding 'stock held in this co. by Champ
211 30 New Mexico Cattle Growers Association
regarding speaking engagement by Champ at this association convention
211 31 New Mexico Cattle Growers Association
see above
211 32 New Mexico Cattle Growers Association
regarding Champ's addresses, invitations to conventions, and personal notes
212 1 New Mexico Military Institute
Rosewell, N.M. school attended by Herbert and Winton Champ regarding their activities, grades etc
1942 August - 1943 June
212 2 New Mexico Military Institute
see above
1943 July - 1943 December
212 3 New Mexico Military Institute
see above
212 4 New Mexico Military Institute
see above
1946 January - 1946 September
212 5 New Mexico Military Institute
see above
1946 October - 1946 December
212 6 New Mexico Military Institute
see above
1947 January - 1947 May
212 7 New Mexico Military Institute
see above
1947 June - 1947 December
212 8 New Mexico Military Institute
see above
212 9 New Mexico Wool Growers, Inc.
regarding attendance at annual meetings
212 10 Newmont Mining Corporation
regarding stocks held in this company
212 12 New York Life Insurance Company
regarding coverage of Champ
212 13 Nielsen, Aksel
Pres. of the Title Guaranty Company Denver regarding activities of MBA
212 14 Nielsen, Aksel
regarding personal notes, national politics, and the U.S. C of C
212 15 Nielsen, Aksel
see above
212 16 Nielsen, Cantrill
realtor with Marshal Bros. Agency of Pocatello regarding sale of bank stock, personal notes and business transactions
212 17 Nielsen, Erik
husband of Mary K. Champ regarding personal notes and family matters
212 18 Nielsen, Erik
see above
212 19 Nielsen, Erik
see above
212 20 Nielsen, Erik
see above
212 21 Nielsen, Erik
see above
212 22 Nielsen, Erik
see above
212 23 Nielsen, Erik
see above
213 *1 Nielsen, Jay L.
cashier for Evans and Co. Bank of Albion Idaho regardingpersonal notes
213 2 Nielsen, Leo C.
Manager, real estate department Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. regarding rental properties
213 3 Nielsen, Violet
Secretary to Champ regarding routine office business and interoffice memos
213 4 Nielsen, Violet
see above
213 5 Nielsen, Violet
see above
213 6 Nielsen, Violet
see above
213 7 Nielsen, Violet
see above
213 8 Nielsen, Violet
see above
213 9 Nielsen, Violet
see above
213 10 Nielsen, Violet
see above
213 11 Nielsen, Violet
see above
1960 January - 1960 March
213 12 Nielsen, Violet
see above
1960 April - 1960 December
213 13 Nielsen, Violet
see above
213 14 Nielsen, Violet
see above
1962 January
213 15 Nielsen, Violet
see above
1962 February
213 16 Nielsen, Violet
see above
1962 March
213 17 Nielsen, Violet
see above
1962 April - 1962 December
213 18 Nielsen, Violet
see above
213 19 Nielsen, Violet
see above
214 1 Nixon for President Committee
Champs contributions in support of Nixon candidacy
214 2 Nord, A.G.
Assist. regional forestor, Ogden regarding personal notes and Federal forest Lands Policy in Utah
214 3 Nord, A.G.
see above
214 4 Nord, A.G.
see above
214 5 Nordberg Manufacturing Company
Milwaukee diesel and steam engine manufacturer regarding installation of diesel unit at Logan Power Plant
214 6 North American Aviation Company
regarding stocks held in this company
214 7 North Butte Mining Company
regarding stock held in this Montana mining company
214 8 North Davis County Sewer District
regarding bonds held in this organization
214 9 North fork Club
Utah based organization concerned with rehabilitation of fishing stock on North fork of Snake River
214 10 North Shoe Country Day School
Winnetka, Ill. day school regarding Frances W. Champ's book on piano instruction
214 11 Northern California Chapter, MBA
Mortgage clinics on west coast and other activities of MBA
214 12 Northern Indiana Brass Company
regarding the establishment of a branch of this Elkhart Indiana based company in Logan
1945 January - 1945 June
214 13 Northern Indiana Brass Company
see above
1945 July - 1945 August
214 14 Northern Indiana Brass Company
see above
1945 September - 1945 October
214 15 Northern Indiana Brass Company
see above
1945 November - 1945 December
214 16 Northern Indiana Brass Company
see above
214 17 Northern Indiana Brass Company
see above
214 18 Northern Indiana Brass Company
see above
214 19 Northern Indiana Brass Company
see above
214 20 Northern Indiana Brass Company
see above
214 21 Northern Indiana Brass Company
see above
214 22 Northern Trust Company
Chicago investment company regarding trusts and investments established by estate of Zerlina Knox Winton
1955 January - 1955 May
214 23 Northern Trust Company
see above
1955 June - 1955 December
214 24 Northern Trust Company
see above
214 25 Northern Trust Company
see above
214 26 Northern Trust Company
see above
214 27 Northern Trust Company
see above
214 28 Northern Trust Company
see above
214 29 Northern Trust Company
see above
215 1 Northwest Bancorporation
regarding stock held in this Minneapolis Corp
215 2 Northwest Natural Gas Company
regarding stock held in this Portland based company
215 3 Northwestern National Life Insurance Company
regarding property loan income transactions
215 *4 Northup, Graham T.
assist. to minority staff director banking and currency committee U.S. House of Representatives regarding campaign of Lawrence J. Burton for congress
215 5 Norton Simon, Inc.
regarding stocks held in this N.Y. based manufacturer
215 6 Norwegian-America Inc.
regarding Champ's Mediterranean cruise
215 7 Nutter Mortgage Services
Camden N.J. real estate, mortgage, insurance, property management regarding MBA meetings and transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
215 8 Nutter Mortgage Services
see above
215 9 Nutter Mortgage Services
see above
215 10 Nutter Mortgage Services
see above
215 11 Nyaradi, Nicholas
director of School of International Studies, Bradley University, Peroria Ill. regarding speaking engagements at USU and personal notes
215 12 Nye, Fred M.
proprietor of Fred M. Nye Clothing Company Ogden Utah regarding USAC, state politics and personal notes
215 13 Nye, Fred M.
regardingpurchases by Champ and personal notes
216 1 "O" Misc. 1923-1949
216 2 "O" Misc. 1950-1959
216 3 "O" Misc. 1960-1976
216 4 Occidental Life Insurance Company of California
regarding Champ's policy with this company
216 5 Occidental Life Insurance Company of California
see above
216 6 Occidental Life Insurance Company of California
see above
216 7 Occidental Life Insurance Company of California
regarding gains at exchange for taxable income
216 8 Occidental Life Insurance Company of North Carolina
regarding farm and ranch loans negotiated with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
216 9 Occidental Life Insurance Company of North Carolina
see above
216 10 Occidental Petroleum Corporation
regarding stocks held in this firm
216 11 O'Connor, W.J.
Chairman of University of Utah Board of Regents and President and General Manager of Independent Coal and Coke Company of Salt Lake City regarding state politics
216 12 O'Donnell, Philip J.
personal notes with Palo Alto, California resident
216 13 Office of Price Administration
regarding services from Dallas, Texas office
216 14 Office of Production Management Division of Priorities
regarding services of Salt Lake City branch of this office
216 15 Ogden Chamber of Commerce
regarding Champ's speaking engagements before this Chamber, its activities and programs
216 16 Ogden Chamber of Commerce
see above
216 17 Ogden Chamber of Commerce
see above
216 18 Ogden Chamber of Commerce
see above
216 19 Ogden Chamber of Commerce
see above
216 20 Ogden Chamber of Commerce
see above
216 21 Ogden Transit Company
regarding stocks held in this company
216 22 O'Gorman, W.D.
Ogden physician regarding Mrs. Champ's health care
216 23 Ohio Chamber of Commerce
regarding activities of this chamber
216 24 Ohio Oil Company
regarding stocks held in this company
216 25 Oil and Gas Leases
regarding leases held for Champ by Halloran-Judge Trust CO. of Salt Lake City
217 1 Oldham, Thomas
co-founder and first President of Cache Valley Banking Company regarding dividend credits on bank stock, and personal notes regarding Cache Valley, USAC, and family
217 2 Oldham, Thomas
see above
217 3 Oldham, Thomas
regarding his death
217 4 Oldham, Thomas
tributes to Oldham, trusts for St. Mark's hospital in Salt Lake, the Oldham Memorial and related matters
217 5 Oldham, Thomas, Will. 1937
217 6 Oldham, Thomas, Estate
regarding powers of attorney and executor responsibilities as appointed to Cache Valley Banking Co
1938 January - 1938 June
217 7 Oldham, Thomas, Estate
see above
1938 July - 1938 December
217 8 Oldham, Thomas, Estate
see above
1939 January - 1939 July
217 9 Oldham, Thomas, Estate
see above
1939 August - 1939 December
217 10 Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation
regarding stocks held in this N.Y. based Corp
217 *11 Oloeson, A.G.
sales manager for Utah Oil Refining Co. of SLC regarding MBA, U.S. C of C activities
217 12 Olsen, C.J.
Chester John Olsen, director of Utah Parks and Recreation Commission regarding grazing, public lands
217 13 Olsen, C.J.
see above
217 14 Olsen, C.J.
regarding grazing and public lands policy
217 15 Olsen, C.J.
regarding Ogden C. of C
217 16 Olsen, C.J.
see above
217 17 Olsen, C.J.
see above
217 18 Olsen, C.J.
see above
218 1 Olson, Charles P.
Logan attorney regarding management of the Logan Canyon Cattle Assoc. and grazing permits
218 2 Olson, Charles P.
see above
218 *3 Olson, Dean M.
mortgage investment banker from Chicago regarding personal notes
218 4 Olson, Ione
regarding services as secretary to Mr. Champ
218 5 Olson, Ione
see above
218 6 Olson, Ione
see above
218 7 Olson, Ione
see above
218 8 Olson, Ray L.
Utah campaign director for prohibition repeal and special rep. of Home Owner's Loan Corp
218 9 Olson, Ray L.
advertising and public relations agent in Denver regarding personal notes
218 10 Olyanova, Nadya
N.Y. handwriting analyst regarding analyses of applicants for positions with Champ's businesses
218 11 Olyanova, Nadya
see above
218 12 Olyanova, Nadya
see above
218 13 Olyanova, Nadya
see above
218 14 Olyanova, Nadya
see above
218 15 Olyanova, Nadya
see above
218 16 Olyanova, Nadya
see above
218 17 Omega Securities, Inc.
Portland Oregon securities investment Corp. regarding stocks purchased by Champ in Occidental Petroleum Corp
218 18 Oregon Mutual Life Insurance Company
regarding loans on life insurance policies
218 19 Oregon-Portland Cement Company
regarding stocks held in this Portland based company
218 20 Oregon Trail Memorial Association Inc.
regarding Champs attendance at the annual meeting of this N.Y. based association
219 *1 Orell, Bernard L.
V.P. of Weyerhauser Timber CO. Washington regarding activities of the Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission
219 2 Orem City, Utah
regarding buying and selling of city bonds
219 *3 F.J. Orfila Company Inc.
regarding possible cruise to the Caribbean with this general passenger and tourist agents in New Orleans
219 4 Ormond, Hazel
maid of Champ's regarding personal family notes and business around Champ home
219 5 Ormond, Hazel
see above
219 *6 Osterberg, Eric G.
mortgage loan department of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. Boise regarding personal notes
219 7 Otis, Dan H.
Director of Agricultural Commission of American Bankers Assoc. regarding personal notes
219 8 Otis Elevator
regarding stocks held in this company
219 9 Outdoor Life
sportsman's magazine based in N.Y. regarding requesting and giving information about hunting and fishing areas in inter-mountain area
219 *10 Outdoor Traders, Inc.
store dealing in outdoor equipment in Greenwich, Conn. re purchasing of items for skis and other outdoor equipment
219 11 Owens, Sabra
housekeeper for Champ's regarding quitting her job with the Champ's
219 12 Owens, Thomas
living in Front Royal, Virginia regarding personal family notes
220 1 "P" Misc. 1923-1927
220 2 "P" Misc. 1933-1939
220 3 "P" Misc. 1940-1949
220 4 "P" Misc. 1950-1954
220 5 "P" Misc. 1955-1959
220 6 "P" Misc. 1960-1965
220 7 "P" Misc. 1966-1970
220 8 "P" Misc. 1971-1974
220 9 Pacific Coast Garment Manufacturer
regarding prospect firms to employ Mary K. Champ
220 10 Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company
regarding personal notes to Walter H. Rolapp, manager of property invest
220 11 Pacific National Life Insurance Company
regarding establishment of company and business transactions with Utah ortgage Loan Corp
220 12 Pacific National Life Insurance Company
regarding Riverside Inn property in Idaho and loans of life ins
220 13 Pacific National Life Insurance Company
see above
220 14 Pacific National Life Insurance Company
see above
220 15 Pacific National Life Insurance Company
see above
220 16 Pacific National Life Insurance Company
regarding Riverside Inn property in Idaho and loans on life ins. policies
220 17 Pacific Standard Life Company
regarding stock held in this California company formerly Intercoast Life Ins. Co
220 18 Packer, Thane
chairman Dept. of Youth Leadership at BYU regarding Boy Scouts of America program at Provo
220 19 Palm Desert Community Presbyterian Church
regarding contributions to the church by Champ and activities with the church
220 20 Palm Desert Community Presbyterian Church
see above
220 21 Palm Desert Post
personal notes to Eugene L. Conrotto, publisher of this newspaper
220 22 Palm Desert Woman's Club
regarding Frances W. Champ's membership
220 23 Palm Springs Spa
regarding health services for the Champ's
220 24 Palmer, A.H.
regarding services to Champ residence by this Logan maintenence man
220 25 Palmer, Alta
regarding personal notes to this Logan acquaintance
221 1 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
regarding analysis of Paramount's volume, losses, costs, board of directors meetings and general business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
221 2 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1946 January - 1946 March
221 3 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1946 April - 1946 July
221 4 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1946 August - 1946 December
221 5 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
221 6 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1948 January - 1948 April
221 7 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1948 May - 1948 December
221 8 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1949 January - 1949 June
221 9 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1949 July - 1949 December
221 10 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
221 11 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
221 12 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
221 13 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
221 14 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1954 January - 1954 March
221 15 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1954 April - 1954 May
221 16 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1954 June - 1954 July
221 17 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1954 August- 1954 September
221 18 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1954 October - 1954 December
221 19 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1955 January - 1955 June
221 20 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1955 July - 1955 December
221 21 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1956 January - 1956 March
221 22 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1956 April - 1956 September
221 23 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1957 January - 1957 April
221 24 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1957 May - 1957 June
221 25 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1957 July - 1957 December
221 26 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
221 27 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
222 1 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
regarding stock ownership in this co. by Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. and commissioned agents securing fire insurance through Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. for Paramount
1941 August - 1945 July
222 2 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1945 August - 1945 December
222 3 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1946 January - 1946 March
222 4 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1946 April - 1946 August
222 5 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1946 September - 1946 December
222 6 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
222 7 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1948 January - 1948 May
222 8 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1948 June - 1948 December
222 9 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1949 January - 1949 September
222 10 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1949 October - 1949 December
222 11 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1950 January - 1950 May
222 12 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1950 June - 1950 December
222 13 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1951 January - 1951 July
222 14 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1951 August - 1951 December
222 15 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1952 January - 1952 March
222 16 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1952 April - 1952 May
222 17 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1952 June - 1952 August
222 18 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1952 September - 1952 December
222 19 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1953 January - 1953 March
222 20 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1953 April - 1953 June
222 21 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1953 July - 1953 December
222 22 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1954 January - 1954 May
222 23 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1954 June - 1954 September
222 24 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1954 October - 1954 December
223 1 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
regarding business volume brought in by Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. agents for Paramount and related transactions
1955 January - 1955 March
223 2 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1955 April - 1955 May
223 3 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1955 June - 1955 August
223 4 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1955 September - 1955 December
223 5 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1956 January - 1956 February
223 6 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1956 March - 1956 May
223 7 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1956 June - 1956 August
223 8 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1956 September - 1956 December
223 9 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1957 January - 1957 March
223 10 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1957 April - 1957 May
223 11 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1957 June - 1957 July
223 12 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1957 August - 1957 October
223 13 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1958 January - 1958 April
223 14 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1958 May - 1958 December
223 15 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1959 January - 1959 March
223 16 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1959 April - 1959 December
224 1 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
V. P. and director of operations for intermountain region regarding business volume with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
224 2 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1947 January - 1947 April
224 3 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1947 May - 1947 June
224 4 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1947 July - 1947 August
224 5 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1947 September
224 6 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1947 October - 1947 December
224 7 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1948 January - 1948 February
224 8 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1948 March - 1948 August
224 9 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1948 September - 1948 October
224 10 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1948 November - 1948 December
224 11 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1949 January - 1949 May
224 12 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1949 June - 1949 December
224 13 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1950 January - 1950 May
224 14 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1950 June - 1950 December
224 15 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1951 January
224 16 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1951 February - 1951 July
224 17 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1951 August - 1951 December
224 18 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
regarding his new position as exec. V.P. of Youngberg-Carlson CO. insurance agency of Chicago and personal notes and business transactions with Champ
1952 January - 1952 June
224 19 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1952 July - 1952 December
224 20 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1953 January - 1953 June
224 21 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1953 July - 1953 December
224 22 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
224 23 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1955 January - 1955 June
224 24 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1955 July - 1955 December
225 1 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
regarding Smith's position at Youngberg-Carlson Co. personal notes with Champ and discussions concerning the insurance business
1956 January - 1956 May
225 2 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
termination of position with Youngberg-Carlson Co. and acceptance of position with Herbert V. Jones and CO. Kansas City realtors
1956 June - 1956 December
225 3 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1957 January - 1957 April
225 4 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1957 May - 1957 July
225 5 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
regarding an agreement to make Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. supervising agency for the transaction of business by the Fire and Casualty Insurance Co. of Conn for which Smith served as President in Utah and Idaho
1957 August - 1957 December
225 6 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
regarding business transactions between Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. and FCI Co. of Conn
1958 January - 1958 May
225 7 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
regarding business transactions between Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. and FCI Co. of Conn
1958 June - 1958 August
225 8 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1958 September - 1958 December
225 9 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1959 January - 1959 April
225 10 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1959 May - 1959 August
225 11 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1959 September - 1959 December
225 12 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1960 January - 1960 June
225 13 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1960 August - 1960 December
225 14 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1961 January - 1961 May
225 15 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1961 June - 1961 December
225 16 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1962 January - 1962 May
225 17 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1962 June - 1962 December
225 18 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
regarding Smith's position as President of Ohio Title of Cleveland
1963 January - 1963 July
225 19 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1963 August - 1963 October
225 20 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1963 November - 1963 December
225 21 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1964 January - 1964 May
225 22 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1964 June - 1964 July
225 23 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1964 August - 1964 September
225 24 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1964 October - 1964 December
226 1 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
regarding Smith's position with Ohio Title Corporation and business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
1965 January - 1965 March
226 2 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1965 April - 1965 June
226 3 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith,Warren P.
see above
1965 July - 1965 August
226 4 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
regarding his position with Ohio Title Corporation and business transactionswith Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
1965 September - 1965 December
226 5 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1966 January - 1966 April
226 6 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1966 May - 1966 December
226 7 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1967 January - 1967 June
226 8 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1967 July - 1967 December
227 1 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
Vice President and Director of Operations for Intermountain region regarding business volume with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
227 2 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1947 January - 1947 June
227 3 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1947 July - 1947 September
227 4 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1947 October - 1947 December
227 5 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1948 January - 1948 March
227 6 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1948 April - 1948 June
227 7 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1948 July - 1948 November
227 8 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1948 December
227 9 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1949 January - 1949 March
227 10 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1949 April - 1949 September
227 11 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1949 October - 1949 December
227 12 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1950 January - 1950 May
227 13 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1950 June - 1950 December
227 14 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1951 January - 1951 April
227 15 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1951 May - 1951 July
227 16 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1951 August - 1951 October
227 17 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
Vice President and Director of Operations for intermountain region regarding business volume with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
1951 November - 1951 December
227 18 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith,Warren P.
regarding his new position with Youngberg-Carlson CO. Chicago ins. agency as Executive V.P
1952 January - 1952 March
227 19 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1952 April - 1952 May
227 20 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1952 June - 1952 August
227 21 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1952 September - 1952 December
227 22 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1953 January - 1953 June
227 23 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1953 July - 1953 December
227 24 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1954 January - 1954 July
227 25 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1954 August - 1954 December
227 26 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1955 January - 1955 June
227 27 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1955 July - 1955 December
227 28 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1956 January - 1956 March
227 29 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
regarding termination of position with Youngberg-Carlson Co; and acceptance of position with Herbert V. Jones and CO. of Kansas City, Mo. realtors
1956 April - 1956 December
227 30 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1957 January - 1957 March
227 31 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1957 April - 1957 July
227 32 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
regarding agreement to make Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. supervising agency for the transaction of business by the Fire and Casualty Insurance Co. of ConN. in Utah and Idaho
1957 August - 1957 December
227 33 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1958 January - 1958 May
227 34 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1958 June - 1958 August
227 35 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1958 September - 1958 December
227 36 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1959 January - 1959 May
227 37 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1959 June - 1959 August
227 38 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1959 September - 1959 December
228 1 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
regarding agreement to make Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. supervising agency for the transaction of business by the Fire and Casualty Insurance Co. of ConN. in Utah and Idaho
1960 January - 1960 June
228 2 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1960 July - 1960 December
228 3 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1961 January - 1961 June
228 4 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1961 July - 1961 December
228 5 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1962 January - 1962 February
228 6 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1962 March - 1962 July
228 7 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1962 August - 1962 December
228 8 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
regarding Smith's position as President of Ohio Title Co. of Cleveland
1963 January - 1963 June
228 9 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1963 July - 1963 August
228 10 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1963 September - 1963 December
228 11 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1964 January - 1964 May
228 12 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1964 June - 1964 July
228 13 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1964 August - 1964 September
228 14 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith,Warren P.
see above
1964 October - 1964 December
228 15 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1965 January - 1965 April
228 16 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1965 May - 1965 July
228 17 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1965 August - 1965 September
228 18 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1965 October - 1965 December
228 19 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1966 January - 1966 March
228 20 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1966 April - 1966 July
228 21 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1966 August - 1966 December
228 22 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1967 January - 1967 June
228 23 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P.
see above
1967 July - 1967 December
228 24 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Smith, Warren P. 1946-1967
229 1 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Advisory Committee
regarding the Paramount Family Newsletter which contains press releases pertaining to management and administrative policies of the company
229 2 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Advisory Committee
see above
229 3 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Advisory Committee
see above
229 4 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Advisory Committee
see above
229 5 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Advisory Committee
see above
229 6 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Advisory Committee
see above
229 7 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Advisory Committee
see above
229 8 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Advisory Committee
see above
229 9 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Advisory Committee
see above
229 10 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Advisory Committee 1951
229 11 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Advisory Committee 1953
229 12 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Advisory Committee 1956
229 13 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - Advisory Committee 1947-1956
229 14 Paramount Fire Insurance Company 1955
229 15 Paramount Fire Insurance Company 1957
229 16 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
re expenses incurred by Champ while serving on the board of directors
229 17 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
letters sent to insurance agents under Champ's supervision
1948 February 21
229 18 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1948 March 8
229 19 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1948 April 5
229 20 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1948 May 28
229 21 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1948 June 29
229 22 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1948 September 20
229 23 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1949 March 19
229 24 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
regarding letters sent to insurance agents under Champ's supervision
1949 May 30
229 25 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1949 November 30
229 26 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1950 February 17
229 27 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1950 June 1
229 28 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1950 June 28
229 29 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1950 December 5
229 30 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
see above
1950 December 10
230 1 Paramount Fire Insurance Company - McCombs, Charles S
Vice President and General Counsel for the co. regarding personal notes and actions of the board of directors
230 2 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
re merger with Pacific National Fire Insurance Co
230 3 Paramount Fire Insurance Company 1946-1957
230 4 Paramount Fire Insurance Company 1941-1947
230 5 Paramount Fire Insurance Company 1948
230 6 Paramount Fire Insurance Company 1949-1952
230 7 Paramount Fire Insurance Company 1953
230 8 Paramount Fire Insurance Company 1954
230 9 Paramount Fire Insurance Company 1955
230 10 Paramount Fire Insurance Company 1956
230 11 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
and 1952
230 12 Paramount Fire Insurance Company
various annual reports, financial statements and 1953 report on Transamerica Corp
230 13 Paramount Fire Insurance Company 1954
230 14 Paramount Fire Insurance Company 1955
230 15 Paramount Fire Insurance Company 1957
230 16 Paramount Fire Insurance Company 1958
230 17 Paramount Fire Insurance Company 1954-1958
231 *1 Parker, A.H.
President of A.H. Parker Awning CO. Logan, regarding awning on bldg on Champ's Fed. Ave. property
231 *2 Parkinson, Douglas R.
owner of Parkinson insurance Agency, Blackfoot Idaho regarding U.S. C of C business and personal notes
231 *3 Parkinson, F.B.
Cedar City Utah optometrist regarding personal notes
231 *4 Parson, E.A.
President of Utah State Fair Board regarding state fairs and personal notes
231 5 Parson, Jack B.
construction developer of Logan regarding re-election campaign of Douglas R. Stringfellow
231 6 Partner, W.L.
managing director SLC branch of Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco regarding personal notes and notices of meetings of board
231 7 Parties
regarding the Champ's August garden party
231 8 Pasadena Humane Society
regarding Champ's membership in this society
231 9 Pasadena Humane Society
see above
231 10 Paul, Dewitt J.
Liaison Director of Beneficial Management Corp. of Newark regarding personal notes
231 11 Paull-Pioneer Music Corporation - Publishers
regarding publication of Frances W. Champ's music book for children, Little People On The Grass
231 12 Paulsen, Willard
President of Logan C o C, Pres. of Logan Real Estate Board, regarding C of C activities, Boy Scouts of America programs, and real estate activities of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
1942 January - 1942 May
231 13 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1942 June - 1942 December
231 14 Paulsen, Willard
Head of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. Real Estate Dept. regarding interoffice comm
1943 January - 1943 April
231 15 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1943 May - 1943 July
231 16 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1943 August
231 17 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1943 September
231 18 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1943 October 1 - 1943 October 19
231 19 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1943 October 20 - 1943 October 31
231 20 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1943 November 1 - 1943 November 9
231 21 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1943 November 10 - 1943 November 19
231 22 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1943 November 20 - 1943 November 30
231 23 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1943 December 1 - 1943 December 14
231 24 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1943 December 15 - 1943 December 20
231 25 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1943 December 21 - 1943 31
232 1 Paulsen, Willard
President of Logan Real Estate Board, and head of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. Real Estate Dept. re interoffice communications and activities
1944 January 1 - 1944 January 15
232 2 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 January 16 - 1944 January 29
232 3 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 February 1 - 1944 February 9
232 4 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 February 10 - 1944 February 14
232 5 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 February 15 - 1944 February 20
232 6 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 February 21 - 1944 February 29
232 7 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 March 1 - 1944 March 5
232 8 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 March 6 - 1944 March 14
232 9 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 March 15 - 1944 March 20
232 10 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 March 21 - 1944 March 31
232 11 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 April 1 - 1944 April 9
232 12 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 April 10 - 1944 April 14
232 13 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 April 15 - 1944 20
232 14 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 April 21 - 1944 30
232 15 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 May 2 - 1944 May 15
232 16 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 May 16 - 1944 31
232 17 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 June 1 - 1944 June 11
232 18 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 June 12 - 1944 June 19
232 19 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 June 20 - 1944 June 30
233 1 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 July 3 - 1944 July 9
233 2 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 July 10 - 1944 July 16
233 3 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 July 17 - 1944 July 20
233 4 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 July 21 - 1944 31
233 5 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 August 1 - 1944 August 6
233 6 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 August 7 - 1944 August 10
233 7 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 August 11 - 1944 15
233 8 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 August 16 - 1944 August 24
233 9 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 August 25 - 1944 August 31
233 10 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 September 1 - 1944 September 6
233 11 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 September 7 - 1944 September 9
233 12 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 September 10 - 1944 September 15
233 13 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 September 16 - 1944 September 20
233 14 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 September 21 - 1944 September 30
233 15 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 October 1 - 1944 October 5
233 16 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 October 6 - 1944 October 10
233 17 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 October 11 - 1944 October 14
233 18 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 October 15 - 1944 October 25
233 19 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 October 26 - 1944 October 31
233 20 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 November 1 - 1944 November 6
233 21 Paulsen, Willard
see above
1944 November 7 - 1944 November 13
234 1 Paulsen, Willard
Secretary-Treasurer of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. regarding interoffice communications and routine business transactions
234 2 Paulsen, Willard
see above
234 3 Paulsen, Willard
V.P. of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
234 4 Paulsen, Willard
see above
234 5 Paulsen, Willard
see above
234 6 Paulsen, Willard
see above
234 7 Paulsen, Willard
see above
234 8 Paulsen, Willard
see above
234 9 Paulsen, Willard
see above
234 10 Paulsen, Willard
see above
234 11 Paulsen, Willard
see above
234 12 Paulsen, Willard
see above
234 13 Paulsen, Willard
see above
234 14 Paulsen, Willard
see above
234 15 Paulsen, Willard
see above
234 16 Paulsen, Willard
see above
235 1 Payless Drug Stores
California based regarding stocks held in this chain.
235 2 Pay'N Save
Seattle based regarding stocks held in this pharmaceutical chain
235 *3 Peacock, Gomer P.
living in Price, regarding Dr. N.E. Munk for candidate for State Board of Education
235 4 Peaden, Gene A.
member of Tax Collection Dept. of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. re tax delinquencies
235 5 Pearsall, Clifford J.
SLC doctor regarding personal and family notes
235 6 Peakenpaugh, D.E.
Exec. Vice President of Bear River State Bank regarding option agreements on stocks in Cache Valley Banking CO. business possibilities in Cal
235 *7 Pedersen, N.A.
Dean of English and Speech Dept. at U.S.A.C. regarding baccalaureate service for 1940
235 8 Pehrson Floral and Nursery
based in Logan regarding dealing with ins. and Champ's bills
235 *9 Peiker, Harry C.
regarding personal notes with this N.Y. realtor
235 10 J.C. Penny Company Inc.
N.Y. based regarding possibility of leasing Federal Ave. property, Champ's help in getting building in Logan
235 11 Pennzoil offshore Gas Operations
regarding stocks held in this Houston Petroleum Co
235 12 People's Bank and Trust Company
Rockford, Illinois bank regarding American Falls Canal Co. bonds held by Champ
235 13 People's Finance & Thrift Company
Ogden Loan Co. re request for champ to address the industrial loan co.'s of Utah at their Ogden meeting
235 14 Pepsi-Cola Company
regarding stock held in this N.Y. based co
235 15 Performance Associates, Inc.
Denver based investment counselors regarding business association with Champ
235 16 Performance Associates, Inc.
see above
1969 June - 1969 October
235 17 Performance Associates Inc.
see above
1969 November - 1969 December
235 18 Performance Associates Inc.
see above
1970 January - 1970 May
235 19 Performance Associates Inc.
see above
1970 June - 1970 December
235 20 Performance Associates Inc.
see above
235 21 Perkins, Dr. Arthur
Oakland Ca. physician regarding personal notes
235 22 Perks, A.J.
Secretary of Illinois National Bank and Trust Company regarding property settlements
235 23 Pershing, Henry A.
Champ's uncle and President of Pershing and Co. office supplies of South Bend Indiana regarding personal notes
236 1 Personal Notes
notes to family members and friends regarding family matters, and messages to various organizations and institutions
1931 January - 1931 July
236 2 Personal Notes
see above
1931 August
236 3 Personae Notes
see above
1931 September
236 4 Personal Notes
see above
1931 October
236 5 Personal Notes
see above
1931 November
236 6 Personal Notes
see above
1931 December
236 7 Personal Notes
see above
1932 January
236 8 Personal Notes.
see above
1932 February - 1932 May
236 *9 Petersen, C.W.
President of Carbon County School District Board of Education regarding his appointment to the Board of Trustees at the Utah State Agricultural College (USU)
236 10 Petersen, David C.
General Agent for Beneficial Life Insurance Company of Salt Lake City regarding the Democrats for Wallace F. Bennett campaign
236 *11 Petersen, Francis M.
Vice President of the U.S. National Bank of Denver regarding personal notes
236 12 Peterson, Chase N.
son of the USAC President E.G. Peterson regarding personal matters
236 *13 Peterson, Conrad R.
regarding the purchase of Cache Valley Banking Company stock from this Reno, Nevada resident
236 14 Peterson, Elmer G
President of the Utah State Agricultural College (USU) regarding administration of the College and personal matters
236 15 Peterson, Elmer G
see above
236 16 Peterson, Elmer G.
see above
236 17 Peterson, Elmer G.
see above
236 18 Peterson, Elmer G.
see above
236 19 Peterson, Elmer G.
regarding the termination of his presidency and personal matters
236 20 Peterson, Elmer G.
see above
236 21 Peterson, Elmer G.
regarding personal matters and his death
237 *1 Peterson, Frederick Grant
son of William Peterson University of Utah music professor regarding his missionary work
237 *2 Peterson, Jared H.
personal notes with the son of University of Utah music professor, William Peterson
237 *3 Peterson, Jerome B.
personal notes with Logan acquaintance
237 *4 Peterson, Jerome B.
regarding purchase of Cache Valley Banking Company stock from this Mendon, Utah resident
237 5 Peterson, M. Blaine
Utah Congressman regarding reclamation and public lands
237 *6 Peterson, W. Clayne
son of University of Utah music professor William Peterson regarding personal notes
237 7 Peterson, W. Don
Salt Lake City engineer regarding his appointment as the Assistant State Engineer
237 8 Peterson, William
Director of Utah Extension Service, Utah State Agricultural College (USU) regarding the programs and policies of the service
237 9 Peterson, William
see above
237 10 Peterson, William
see above
237 11 Peterson, William
University of Utah music professor regarding investments in Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. by Elsa Petersen and personal notes regarding family matters
237 12 Peterson, William
see above
237 *13 Pettengill, Samuel B.
personal notes with this Vermont Justice
237 *14 Petterborg, Denzil
Assistant Manager in charge of Real Estate Laws, First Security Trust Company in the Nampa, Idaho branch, regarding personal matters
237 15 Peyton, Harlan I.
President of Spokane Washington investment company regarding U.S. Chamber of Commerce mortgage banking, insurance companies and lending practices
237 16 Peyton, Harlan I.
see above
237 *17 Phelps, H.F.
personal notes with Denver attorney
237 *18 Phi Delta Epsilon
regarding Champ's honorary membership in this fraternity
237 19 Phoenix Securities Corporation
regarding stocks held in this firm
237 20 Phoenix Securities Corporation
regarding the financial condition of the corporation
237 *21 Pillsbury, Reverend Harris
Presbyterian minister residing in southern California regarding personal-.notes and activities of the church
237 22 Pike, Fred E.
Executive Vice President of Walker Bank & Trust Company of Salt Lake City regarding personal notes
237 23 Pinchot, Gifford
Govenor of Pennsylvania and forester regarding proposed transfer of forest Service from the Department of Agriculture to Department of Interior administration
1940 January - 1940 March
237 24 Pinchot, Gifford
see above
1940 April - 1940 December
237 25 Pinchot, Gifford
see above
237 26 Pioneer Novelty Sprinkler Company
regarding offer of dealership to Winton Champ from this Oakland, California firm
237 27 Pioneer Title Insurance Company
Salt Lake City company regarding title insurance purchased by Champ for his Salt Lake City properties
238 *1 Pittman, Vail M.
personal notes with publisher of Ely, Nevada newspaper
238 2 Pitzer, John H.
personal notes to president of the Idaho Anti-Syphilis Society
238 3 Pitzer, John H.
regarding his military career
238 *4 Plant, Ross H.
personal notes with mayor of Richmond, Utah
238 5 Plough, Inc.
regarding stocks held in this Memphis Tennes pharmaceuticals company
238 6 Pocatello Chamber of Commerce
regarding speaking engagements before this chamber, its activities and programs
238 7 Poeckes, John B.
regarding payments of interest on contract assigned to Serlena K. Winton
238 8 Poeckes, John B.
see above
238 *9 Polar Manufacturing Company
regarding purchase of calendar cards from this Philadelphia firm
238 10 Polaroid Corporation
regarding stocks held in this firm
238 11 Policyholders Protective Association
a nonprofit, nonpartisan, association for life insurance subscribers
238 *12 Pond H. Ray
Utah State Representative regarding various aspects of State legislation
238 *13 Pond, Preston W.
personal notes with executive of Boy Scouts of America in Ogden and Cache Valley
238 *14 Pony Express Midcentury Memorial Commission of Utah
regarding Champ's participation as local organizer
238 15 Pope, James P.
Idaho Senator regarding national forestry policy
238 16 Portland Chamber of Commerce
regarding activities of the chamber
238 *17 Portland Electric Power Company
regarding purchase of bonds in this utility company
238 *18 Portland Gas and Coke Company
regarding stocks held in this company
238 19 Portland General Electric Company
regarding purchase of bonds in this utility company
238 20 Post, Howard A.
Assistant to forest and Natural Resources Department of U.S. Chamber of Commerce regarding public lands policies, reclamation and related matters
238 21 Post, Howard A.
see above
238 22 Post, Howard A.
see above
238 23 Post, Howard A.
see above
238 24 Post, Howard A.
see above
239 1 Potash Company of America
Carlsbad, New Mexico based company regarding development of Champ's property near Soda Springs, Idaho
239 2 Powell-Clinch
regarding revenue bonds held by Champ in this Tennes utility district
239 3 Powell-Clinch
see above
239 *4 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
regarding stock held in this firm
239 5 Presbyterian Church
personal notes with the Reverend Miner E. Bruner, Logan
239 *6 Prescott, Mel
personal notes with Massachusetts resident
239 7 Press Releases
regarding the activities of Champ, his family and his various business enterprises
239 8 Press Releases
see above
239 9 Press Releases
see above
239 10 Press Releases
see above
239 11 Press Releases
see above
239 12 Press Releases
see above
239 13 Press Releases
see above
239 14 Press Releases
see above
239 15 Press Releases
regarding the activities his various business enterprises of Champ, his family and his various business enterprises
239 16 Press Releases
see above
239 17 Press Releases
see above
239 18 Press Releases
see above
239 19 Press Releases
see above
240 1 Press Releases
regarding the activities of Champ, his family and his various business enterprises
240 2 Press Releases
see above
240 3 Press Releases
see above
240 4 Press Releases
see above
240 5 Press Releases
see above
240 6 Press Releases
see above
240 7 Press Releases
see above
240 8 Press Releases
see above
240 9 Press Releases
see above
240 10 Press Releases
see above
240 11 Press Releases
see above
240 12 Press Releases
see above
240 13 Preston, A.P.
Denver based dentist and family friend regarding financial advisement
240 14 Preston, A.P.
see above
240 15 Preston, A.P.
see above
240 16 Preston, A.P.
see above
240 17 Preston, A.P.
see above
240 18 Preston, A.P.
see above
240 19 Preston, A.P.
see above
240 20 Preston. A.P.
see above
240 21 Preston and Harris
regarding tax counseling for Champ from these Logan attorneys
240 22 Preston Chamber of Commerce
regarding speaking engagements of Champ before this chamber and its programs
240 23 Preston Chamber of Commerce
see above
241 1 Preston, George D.
Logan attorney and Justice regarding personal notes
241 2 Preston, George D.
regarding the New Deal program, the Frazier-Lemke Amendment and other political topics
241 3 Preston, George D.
see above
241 4 Preston, George D.
regarding personal notes and discussions about the New Deal, Frazier-Lemke Amendment and other political topics, Cache Co. attorney
241 5 Preston, George D.
regarding district attorney
241 6 Preston, George D.
regarding personal notes and legal counsel to Champ
241 7 Preston, George D.
regarding joint board of control for U of U and U.S.A. C. legal counsel and personal notes, and his post as D.A. First Judicial Dist
241 8 Preston, George D.
see above
241 9 Preston, George D.
personal notes and legal counsel and Preston's military service
1941 January - 1941 May
241 10 Preston, George D.
see above
1941 June - 1941 December
241 11 Preston, George D.
see above
1942 January - 1942 May
241 12 Preston, George D.
see above
1942 June - 1942 December
241 13 Preston, George D.
see above
1943 January - 1943 July
241 14 Preston, George D.
see above
1943 August - 1943 December
241 15 Preston, George D.
see above
1944 January - 1944 June
241 16 Preston, George D.
see above
1944 July - 1944 December
241 17 Preston, George D.
regarding the reelection campaigns of Preston for D.A
242 1 Preston, George D.
regarding Preston's military service, legal counsel, and personal notes
1945 January - 1945 May
242 2 Preston, George D.
see above
1945 June - 1945 December
242 3 Preston, George D.
see above
242 4 Preston, George D.
regarding the reorganization and incorporation of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
1947 January - 1947 April
242 5 Preston, George D.
regarding Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. profit sharing plan
1947 May - 1947 July
242 6 Preston, George D.
regarding personal notes and legal counsel
1947 August - 1947 December
242 7 Preston, George D.
see above
1948 January - 1948 June
242 8 Preston, George D.
regarding Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. side agreements
1948 July - 1948 December
242 9 Preston, George D.
see above
1949 January - 1949 July
242 10 Preston, George D.
see above
1949 August - 1949 December
242 11 Preston, George D.
see above
1950 January - 1950 June
242 12 Preston, George D.
see above
1950 July - 1950 December
242 13 Preston, George D.
see above
1951 January - 1951 July
242 14 Preston, George D.
regarding personal notes and legal counsel
1951 August - 1951 December
242 15 Preston, George D.
regarding U.S.A.C. building bonds
1952 January - 1952 April
242 16 Preston, George D.
regarding Utah Mortgage Loan Corp profit sharing plans
1952 May - 1952 December
242 17 Preston, George D.
see above
242 18 Preston, George D.
see above
1954 January - 1954 April
242 19 Preston, George D.
see above
1954 May - 1954 June
242 20 Preston, George D.
see above
1954 July - 1954 October
242 21 Preston, George D.
see above
1954 November - 1954 December
243 1 Preston, George D.
regarding personal notes and legal counsel
1955 January - 1955 March
243 2 Preston, George D.
regarding Governor J. Bracken Lee and Frances W. Champ
1955 April - 1955 June
243 3 Preston, George D.
regarding Consolidated Freight way
1955 July - 1955 September
243 4 Preston, George D.
regarding personal notes and legal counsel
1955 October - 1955 December
243 5 Preston, George D.
see above
1956 January - 1956 February
243 6 Preston, George D.
see above
1956 March - 1956 August
243 7 Preston, George D.
see above
1956 September - 1956 December
243 8 Preston, George D.
see above
1957 January - 1957 March
243 9 Preston, George D.
see above
1957 April - 1957 July
243 10 Preston, George D.
see above
1957 August - 1957 December
243 11 Preston, George D.
see above
1958 January - 1958 April
243 12 Preston, George D.
see above
1958 May - 1958 December
243 13 Preston, George D.
see above
243 14 Preston, George D.
see above
243 15 Preston, George D.
see above
243 16 Preston, George D.
see above
243 17 Preston, George D.
see above
243 18 Preston, George D.
see above
1964 January - 1964 May
243 19 Preston, George D.
see above
1964 June - 1964 December
243 20 Preston, George D.
regarding Preston's death
244 1 Preston, George W.
sons of D. Preston regarding personal notes on military service
244 2 Preston, George W.
regarding his with Preston and Harris, Logan attorneys
244 3 Preston, George W.
regarding personal notes and legal counsel
244 4 Preston, George W.
see above
244 5 Preston, George W.
see above
244 6 Preston, Meriam C.
regarding accrued interest on debenture held in Champ Investment Company by this SLC resident
244 *7 Preston, Patrick H.
regarding dividends from stock in the Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
244 8 Preston, Richard
Santa Ana, California ophthalmologist regarding personal notes
244 9 Preston, Robert
regarding his medical internship in Omaha
244 10 Preston, Robert
SLC physician regarding personal notes
244 11 Preston Rotary Club
regarding speaking engagement of Champ
244 12 Preston, William B.
Logan physician and medical supervisor for U.S.A.C. regarding personal notes
244 13 Preston, William B.
see above
244 14 Preston, William B.
regarding the death of Preston and personal notes to his wife, Mabel Preston
244 15 Preston, William B.
regarding personal notes and financial counsel to Mabel Preston
244 16 Preston, William B.
see above
244 17 Preston, William B. IV
family friend regarding personal notes
244 18 Preston, William B. IV
see above
244 19 Preston, William B. IV
insurance agent for Occidental Life Insurance Co. SLC office regarding personal notes
244 20 Preston, William D.
personal notes to this San Luis Obispo, California resident
244 21 Price Chamber of Commerce
regarding activities of this chamber
244 *22 Prideaux, T.S.
V. Pres, U.S. National Bank of Portland Oregon regarding personal notes
244 *23 Primary Children's Hospital
regarding contributions by Champ
244 24 Profit Sharing Trust Plans
regarding institution of this program by Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
245 1 Providence Washington Insurance Company
regarding stocks held in this Rhode Island based company
245 2 Provident Life Insurance Company
regarding brokerage of mortgage loans by Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
245 3 Provo Chamber of Commerce
regarding activities of the chamber, Champ's speaking engagements
245 4 Provo Chamber of Commerce
see above
245 5 Prudential Federal Savings and Loan
regarding business transactions on Lava Hot Springs property
245 6 Prudential Federal Savings and Loan
see above
245 7 Prudential Federal Savings and Loan
see above
245 8 Prudential Federal Savings and Loan
see above
245 9 Prudential Insurance Company of America
regarding brokerage of loans by Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
245 10 Public Affairs Committee
New York based distributor of pamphlets regarding public fiscal policy
245 *11 Public Officials Educational Committee
Salt Lake City based organization regarding proposed constitutional amendment for homestead exemption
245 12 Public Service Magazine
St. Paul Minnesota publication regarding Champ's subscription
245 13 Public Works Administration
regarding dormitory project at Utah State Agricultural College (USU) and other Cache County projects
245 14 Puget Sound Power and Light Company
regarding stock held in this Washington based firm
245 15 Pulley, Boyd H.
regarding construction of Utah State Agricultural College (USU) entrance structure
245 16 Purex Corporation Ltd.
regarding stocks held in this corporation
245 17 Pyper, W.T.
personal notes to this Salt Lake City resident
246 1 "Q" Misc. 1936-1955
246 2 Queen Wilhelmina Fund, Inc.
regarding Champ's contributions to this Netherlands Relief Fund
246 *3 Quigley, William C.
Salt Lake City attorney regarding prospective employment with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
246 *4 Quinney, Joseph
President of Logan temple regarding personal notes
246 5 Quote
regarding Champ's subscription to this Indianapolis publication
246 6 "R'' Misc. 1920-1929
246 7 "R" Misc. 1933-1941
246 8 "R" Misc. 1953-1959
246 9 "R" Misc. 1960-1964
246 10 "R" Misc. 1965-1969
246 11 "R" Misc. 1970-1976
246 12 Radio Corporation of America
regarding stocks held in this company
246 13 Radio Station KVNU
regarding radio talks given by Champ over this Logan station
246 14 Radio Station KVNU
see above
246 15 Radorock Resources, Inc.
regarding stock held in this firm
246 16 Railway Express Agency
regarding shipments of goods by Champ through this agency
246 17 Ralston, John C. Jr.
President of Ralston Securities CO. of Rockford, Illinois regarding brokerage of loans for Champ's business
246 *18 Rampton, Calvin L.
personal notes with this former Utah governor
246 19 Ranches
regarding loans for development of the Rio King and Pueblo ranch properties
246 20 Randall, C.C.
Logan physician regarding Champ family health care and personal notes
246 21 Randall, C.C.
see above
246 22 Randall, C.C.
see above
246 23 Randall, C.C.
see above
246 24 Randall, C.C.
see above
246 25 Randall, C.C.
re his death
247 1 Randall, Irene C.
regarding Trust #296
247 2 Rapp, C.W.
Logan City fire chief regarding recommendations for Lloyd M. Jacobsen for State Highway patrolman
247 3 Rasmuson, N. Gunnar
Editor-Manager of the Herald Journal in Logan regarding advertising and news articles regarding Champ and his businesses
247 *4 Rathjen, John T.
Manager of Salmon Idaho branch of American National Bank regarding personal notes
247 *5 Rayon Chamber of Commerce
regarding activities and programs of this New Mexico chamber
247 6 Rauscher Pierce Securities Corporation
Denver based investment company regarding business with Champ
247 7 Rauscher Pierce Securities Corporation
see above
247 8 Rauscher Pierce Securities Corporation
see above
247 *9 Rawlings, Calvin W.
Salt Lake City attorney regarding personal notes
247 *10 Ray, Paul H.
Salt Lake City attorney regarding the Democrats for Eisenhower and Lee campaigns
247 11 Ray, William W.
Salt Lake City attorney regarding personal notes and politics
247 *12 Raymond, A. George
personal notes with President of Logan LDS temple
247 13 Raymond, Ace S.
general contractor in Logan regarding personal notes
247 14 Raymond, Ace S.
see above
247 15 Raymond, Annie L.
personal notes with Berkley California acquaintance
247 16 Read, J.O.
manager of Read Brothers Company in Ogden regarding politics, banking and personal notes
247 17 Reader's Digest
regarding subscriptions
247 *18 Ream, J. Norman
regarding the retirement fund of Mr. Ream
247 19 Reconstruction Finance Corporation
regarding advisory committee meeting in Salt Lake City and Utah programs
247 20 Red Feather Oil Company
Salt Lake City firm regarding replacement of oil burner in Champ home and deliveries of heating oil
247 *21 Redo Chevrolet Company
regarding purchase of car or Boise office from this Logan dealership
247 22 Redd, Charles
owner of La Sal Livestock Company in southern Utah regarding public land issues and personal notes
247 23 Reed, John A.
President of the First National Bank of Kemmerer Wyoming, regarding farm ranch loans
247 *24 Reed, Ralph W.
personal notes to St. Paul Minnesota acquaintance
247 *25 Reed-Scott Company
farm and ranch loan correspondent in South Dakota
247 26 Reemsnyder, Helen
nurse for Mrs. Champ regarding her care and treatment
247 27 Rees, Doyle
requests for letters of recommendation from Champ for position in Washington D.C
247 28 Reese, Moses M.
Logan chiropodist regarding medical services to Champ
247 29 Republican National Committee
regarding contributions to the party by Champ
247 30 Republican State Committee
regarding Champ's contributions to the state party fund
247 31 Republican State Committee
see above
247 32 Research Institute Recommendations
New York based tax counseling firm
247 33 Resettlement Administration
regarding Champ's service as member of the Board of Directors of this agency and the Utah Rural Rehabilitation Corporation
248 *1 Resources for the Future Inc.
invitation to Champ to attend Washington conference of this organization
248 2 Retirement Plan
regarding plan sponsored by Businessmen's Assurance Company of America
248 3 Revlon, Inc.
regarding stock held in this New York based cosmetics company
248 4 Reynolds, Adelaide Flack
regarding stock held in the Cache Valley Banking Company by this Boise resident
248 *5 Reynolds, Earl
Manager of Boise Chamber of Commerce and administrative assistant to Idaho Senator Henry Dworshak regarding personal matters and C of C activities
248 6 Reynolds, Frederick Williams
Director of University of Utah extension division regarding personal matters
248 7 Rheingold Corporation
regarding stocks held in this firm
248 *8 Rich, Gus
personal notes with proprietor of Lakeshore Resort in Bear Lake Utah
248 *9 Rich, R.C.
personal notes with this Burley, Idaho acquaintance
248 10 Richards, D.F.
regarding the ranch contracts in Ennis and Virginia City Montana of George Davis, Art Director of 20th Century Fox Studios
248 11 Richards, Franklin D.
Cashier, Secretary and Vice President for Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation regarding inter-office communications and routine matters of business
248 12 Richards, Franklin D.
Cashier Secretary and Vice President at Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation regarding interoffice communications and routine business matters
1947 March - 1947 April
248 13 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1947 May - 1947 November
248 14 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1948 January - 1948 March
248 15 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1948 April - 1948 December
248 16 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1949 January - 1948 May
248 17 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1949 June - 1949 December
248 18 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
248 19 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1951 January - 1951 July
248 20 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1951 August - 1951 December
248 21 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1952 January - 1952 June
248 22 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1952 July - 1952 December
248 23 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1953 January - 1953 June
248 24 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1953 July - 1953 August
248 25 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1953 September - 1953 October
248 26 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1953 November - 1953 December
249 1 Richards, Franklin D.
Cashier, Secretary and Vice President at Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation regarding interoffice communications and routine business matters
1954 January - 1954 March
249 2 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1954 April - 1954 May
249 3 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1954 June - 1954 July
249 4 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1954 August - 1954 September
249 5 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1954 October - 1954 November
249 6 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1954 December
249 7 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1956 September - 1956 October
249 8 Richards, Franklin D.
Cashier, Secretary and Vice President at Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation regarding interoffice communications and routine business matters
1956 November
249 9 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1956 December
249 10 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1957 January - 1957 February
249 11 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1957 March
249 12 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1957 April
249 13 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1957 May
249 14 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1957 June
249 15 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1957 July - 1957 August
249 16 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1957 September - 1957 October
249 17 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1957 November - 1957 December
250 1 Richards, Franklin D.
Cashier Secretary and Vice President at Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation regarding interoffice communications and routine business matters
1958 January
250 2 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1958 February
250 3 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1958 March - 1958 April
250 4 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1958 May - 1958 June
250 5 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1958 July - 1958 August
250 6 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1958 September
250 7 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1958 October - 1958 December
250 8 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1959 January - 1959 May
250 9 Richards, Franklin D.
see above
1959 June - 1959 December
250 10 Richards, Franklin D.
regarding his resignation and formation of Delger Corp. investors of Salt Lake
250 11 Richards, Franklin D.
regarding Delger Corp
250 12 Richards, Franklin D. and Associates
Maryland based mortgage and real estate firm headed by Richards regarding property loans and formation of Richards-Woodbury Mortgage Company and Richards, Alstrup and Redman Inc. of Salt Lake City
251 1 Richards, Lee Greene
regarding portraits commissioned by Champ from this Salt Lake City artist
251 *2 Richards, L.M.
President of Boyle Furniture Company of Ogden regarding activities of the Chamber of Commerce
251 *3 Richards, Richard
Deputy Chairman of the Republican National Committee regarding party politics
251 4 Richards-Woodbury Mortgage Corporation
regarding business transactions between Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation and this Salt Lake City firm
251 *5 Richardson, Chester L.
regarding prospective employment with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
251 6 Richmond City
regarding application of this Utah city for public works funds
251 7 Ritter, Judge Willis W.
personal notes with U.S. District Justice in Salt Lake City
251 8 Riverside County Council - Boy Scouts of America
regarding Champ's contributions to this council
251 9 Riverside Inn
regarding Champ's interest in purchase and development of this resort at Lava Hot Springs, Idaho
251 10 Riverside Inn
see above
1940 January - 1940 May
251 11 Riverside Inn
see above
1940 June - 1940 August
251 12 Riverside Inn
see above
1940 September - 1940 December
251 13 Riverside Inn
regarding development of the property by Champ and consideration of Lava Hot Springs as the site for the Idaho State Tuberculosis Hospital
1941 January - 1941 May
251 14 Riverside Inn
redevelopment of Lava Hot Springs as a site for the treatment of polio victims
1941 June - 1941 December
251 15 Riverside Inn
regarding management of the property and routine maintenance
251 16 Riverside Inn
see above
251 17 Riverside Inn
see above
251 18 Riverside Inn
regarding Champ's search for a caretaker for the resort
1945 January - 1945 May
251 19 Riverside Inn
regarding leasing of the resort to Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Carey of Boise
1945 June - 1945 August
251 20 Riverside Inn
see above
1945 September - 1945 December
251 21 Riverside Inn
see above
252 1 Riverside Inn
regarding sale of the resort to Orval M. Feldtman and Paul A. Boeck
252 2 Riverside Inn
regarding management of the resort by Feldtman
252 3 Riverside Inn
bills of sale, leases, indentures and agreements
252 4 Riverside Inn
abstracts, mortgage notes, and tax Statements
252 5 Riverside Inn 1954-1959
252 6 Riverside Inn 1954-1959
252 7 Riverside Inn 1954-1959
252 8 R.M.T Agency
regarding advertising service for Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation from this Salt Lake City firm
252 *9 Roberts, C.A.
regarding the estate of Charles A. Roberts, administered by Utah Mortgage Loan
252 *10 Robertson, James C.
personal notes with Washington attorney
252 11 Robertson, B.H.
President and General Manager of Ogden Cab and Transfer Company regarding business loans
252 *12 Robinson, O. Earle
President of the Federal Advertising Agency, Inc. of New York regarding personal notes
252 13 Robinson, Honorable J.W.
U.S. Congressman from Utah regarding public lands and reclamation legislation
252 14 Robinson, Honorable J.W.
see above
252 15 Robinson, Kinsey M.
President of Washington Water Power Company of Spokane regarding the Federal Power Commission and U.S. Chamber of Commerce activities
252 *16 Robinson, Leland Rex
personal notes with Bronxville, New York acquaintance
252 17 Rocca, Leo J.
personal notes with this Washington D.C. Dodge-Plymouth automobile dealer
252 18 Rocca, Leo J.
see above
252 19 Rocca, Leo J.
see above
252 20 Rocca, Leo J.
see above
252 21 Rocca, Leo J.
see above
252 22 Rocca, Leo J.
see above
252 23 Rocca, Leo J.
see above
252 24 Roccio, Wilbur E.
personal notes with Denver attorney
253 1 Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation
regarding stock held in this company
253 *2 Rocky Mountain Institute
regarding annual meetings in Missoula Montana
253 3 Rocky Mountain Roofing Company
regarding repairs at Riverside Inn by this Pocatello Company
253 *4 Rogers, Ida H.
regarding financial counsel to this Lewiston Utah resident by Champ Investment Co. and Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
253 5 Rogers, Ludean
regarding bank stock in Cache Valley Banking Co. held by Miss Rogers
253 *6 Rogers S.R.
V.P. Lewiston Bank regarding personal notes
253 7 Rohr Industries Inc.
regarding stock held in this company
253 8 Romney, E.L.
Director of U.S.A.C. Athletic Dept. regarding athletic equipment and stadium construction
253 9 Romney, E.L.
regarding his support of BSA, and discontent with U.S.A.C. athletics
253 10 Romney, E.L.
regarding personal notes and his appointment as Commissioner of Mountain States Athletic Conference
253 11 Romney, E.L.
regarding his activities as Commissioner Mountain States Athletic Conference
253 12 Romney, E.L.
regarding USU quest for membership in Western Athletic Conference
253 *13 Roning, John O.
head football coach University of Denver and former U. S. A. C. coach regarding football teams and college athletics
253 *14 Roosevelt, Franklin D.
regarding services by Champ to the FDR Birthday Memorial Committee
253 15 Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Library
regarding the establishment of the F.A.R. Library and Champ's contributions to it
253 *16 Roosevelt Hotel
regarding Champ's reservations for this N.Y. hotel during MBA convention
253 17 Roger Amchem, Inc.
regarding stock held in this company
253 18 Rosencrans, W.S.
Director of U.S. C of C and So. California businessman regarding Chamber activities and personal notes
253 19 Rosencrans, W.S.
see above
253 20 Rosencrans, W.S.
regarding his speeches
253 *21 Ross, Milton H.
SLC engrosser regarding service to Champ
253 22 Rotary Club - Logan
regarding activities of this club in which Champ had membership
253 23 Rotary Club - Logan
see above
253 24 Rotary Club - Ogden
regarding speaking engagement by Champ before this club
254 *1 Round Valley Development Association
regarding Rich County Utah club in which Champ was a member
254 *2 Round Valley Improvement Association
regarding Champ's renewal of his membership in this club
254 3 Rouse, James W.
President of James W. Rouse & Co., Inc. Baltimore, mortgage bankers regarding finance business and politics
254 4 Rowland Hall - St. Marks School
regarding Champ's contributions to this SLC school
254 5 Royal Crown Cola
regarding stocks held in this beverage company
254 6 Royal Dutch Petroleum Company
regarding stocks- held in this petroleum company
254 7 Royal Rosarians
regarding Champ's Knighting for his rose contribution to this Portland rose club
254 *8 Roylance J.M.
personal notes to this Smithfield resident
254 9 Ryberg, Eric
SLC contractor regarding personal notes and construction of Nielsen fieldhouse at U.S.A.C
254 10 Ryberg, William E.
see above
254 11 Ruckenbrod, R.G.
SLC representative for L.A. based Thurston Laboratories regarding personal notes
254 *12 Russian Relief Committee
regarding Champs services in this WWII relief effort
254 13 Rutledge, E.E.
manager of real estate department, Boise Loan and Realty regarding interoffice communications and business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
1951 January - 1951 April
254 14 Rutledge, E.E.
see above
1951 May - 1951 December
255 1 "S" Misc. 1920-1928
255 2 "S" Misc. 1933-1935
255 3 "S" Misc. 1936-1939
255 4 "S" Misc. 1940-1941
255 5 "S" Misc. 1956-1959
255 6 "S" Misc. 1960-1962
255 7 "S" Misc. 1963-1964
255 8 "S" Misc. 1965-1969
255 9 "S" Misc. 1970-1971
255 10 Safeco Title Insurance Company
regarding stock held in this company of Seattle
255 11 Safeway Stores
regarding stocks held in this grocery chain
255 12 Sage, Milton R.
President of Sage's Markets of San Bernardino, California regarding contracts with the Cache Valley Dairy Association
255 13 Salary Stabilization Board
regarding salary increases made for officers of the Cache Valley Banking Company
255 14 Salary Stabilization Unit
regarding salary increases made for officers of the Cache Valley Banking Company
255 15 Salisbury, N.D.
manager of Logan branch First Security Bank of Utah regarding the use of title insurance, defaults and personal notes
255 16 Salmon Chamber of Commerce
regarding the results of the national chamber elections for director
255 17 Salt Lake City Advertising Club
regarding a speaking engagement by Champ before this group
255 18 Salt Lake City Chamber of Commerce
regarding activities of the chamber, the U.S. C of C and Champ's speaking engagements
255 19 Salt Lake City Chamber of Commerce
see above
255 20 Salt Lake City Chamber of Commerce
see above
255 21 Salt Lake City Chamber of Commerce
see above
255 22 Salt Lake City Chamber of Commerce
see above
255 23 Salt Lake City Chamber of Commerce
see above
255 24 Salt Lake City Corporation
regarding traffic violations acquired by Champ
255 25 Salt Lake City Junior Chamber of Commerce
regarding invitations to luncheons and speaking engagements by Champ
255 26 Salt Lake County Cottonwood Sanitary District 1957
256 1 Salt Lake Tribune
regarding articles appearing in paper and complaints to paper
256 2 Salt Lake Tribune
regarding press statements about speeches given and activities of Champ
256 3 Salt Lake Tribune
see above
256 4 Salt Lake Tribune
see above
256 5 Salt Lake Tribune
see above
256 6 Salt Lake Tribune
see above
256 7 Sanders, Carl W.
Rep. of the Utah Leg. regarding bills going through the house and Champ's views on the bills
256 *8 San Francisco Chamber of Commerce
G.L. Fox general manager regarding personal notes
256 9 San Francisco Chemical Company
miners of phosphate rock in Montpelier, Idaho regarding tour of mine, articles
256 10 Sante Fe Federal Savings and Loan Association
regarding personal notes to L.P. Patterson, Pres. about Merle Smith
256 11 Sargent Welch Scientific Company
producer of textile machines regarding stocks held in this company
256 *12 Saturday Closing
regarding banks remaining open on Saturday in Cache Valley
256 13 Savon Drugs, Inc.
regarding stocks held in this N.J. based subsidiary of The Kroeger Company
256 14 Sawyer, Frank D.
regarding meetings of the leaders of B.S.A. with this chairman of Section 6 Region 12
256 *15 Schaub and Haycock
regarding sketches done by these Logan architects for the proposed new building of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
256 16 Schenk, John H.
President of Utah State Farm Bureau regarding farm programs, bills passed by Utah legislature
256 17 Schenley Industries
regarding stocks held in this N.Y. based company
256 18 Schick, Inc.
regarding stocks held in this Westport, Conn. based company
256 19 Schluter, Fred
Pres. of Thermoid Co. in Trenton N.J. regarding political campaign of Wallace Bennett
256 20 Schluter, Fred
see above
256 21 Schmitt, Hall, and Mccreary Company
educational publishers based in Chicago regarding contract and suggestions for Frances W. Champ's piano book and selling of book
256 22 Schmitt, Hall, and Mccreary Company
see above
256 23 Schoonover, John A.
President of the Idaho First National Bank in Boise, Id regarding business matters between him and Champ
256 24 Schouweiler, Leroy
President of The Wendell National Bank in Wendell, Idaho regarding possible employment with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp in Boise
256 25 Schramm, Clem S.
state director U.S. saving Bond Division of U.S. Treasury Dept. in SLC regarding personal notes
256 26 Schramm, Clem S.
regarding Secretary of Intermountain Livestock Assoc. in SLC
257 1 Schwabacher and Company
San Francisco investment securities co. regarding financial counsel for Champ
257 2 Schumacher, E.D.
Pres. of United Service and Research Inc. Memphis regarding farm loan legislation, mortgage banking, and real estate
257 3 Schumacher, E.D.
see above
257 *4 Schuppel, W.C.
Exec. V.P. of Oregon Mutual Life Insurance CO. of Portland regarding personal notes and U.S. C of C activities
257 *5 SCM Corporation
regarding stocks held in this N.Y. based manufacturing company
257 6 Scott and Fetzer Company
regarding stocks held in this Ohio floor care producer
257 *7 Scott, O.M.
lawn care products manufacturer regarding purchased by Champ
257 *8 Scott, Richard N.
personal notes to California acquaintance
257 9 Scripps, E.W.
Seattle newspaper executive and publisher regarding outings with Champ, personal notes
257 10 Scripps, E.W.
see above
257 11 Scripps, E.W.
regarding his interest in acquiring the Cache Valley Broadcasting CO. Cache Valley Newspaper
257 12 Scripps, E.W.
see above
257 13 Scripps, E.W.
regarding purchase of Pocatello newspapers
257 14 Scripps, E.W.
regarding expansion into Twin Falls Id area
257 15 Scripps, E.W.
see above
257 16 Scripps, J.G.
Seattle newspaper exec. regarding Utah Mortgage Loan Corp loan on Idaho Free Press building in Nampa
257 17 Seattle Chamber of Commerce
regarding activities of this chamber, the U.S. C of C and Champ's speaking engagements
257 18 Second National Bank of New Haven
regarding stocks held in The Security Insurance Co. of New Haven Conn
257 19 Securities and Exchange Commission
regarding alleged contributions by Utah Power C Light Co. to state campaign funds
257 20 Security Connecticut Insurance Group
regarding stocks held in this security insurance co. of New Haven Conn
257 21 Security Corporation
see above
257 22 Security Trust and Savings Banks
personal notes to R.M. Waters, First V.P. of the Billings Montana bank
257 23 Sedco Inc.
regarding stocks held in this Dallas energy corporation
257 *24 Segall, M. Harvey
personal notes to San Francisco Ca. advertising agency
257 25 Selected Industries
N.J. regarding investment counsel for Champ
257 *26 Severn, Richard E.
regarding prospective employment with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
257 27 Seversky, Alexander de
regarding speaking engagements in Utah, and personal notes to Champ
258 *1 Seward, L.K.
personal notes to this Jackson Michigan acquaintance
258 2 Shadow Mountain Golf Club
regarding Champ's membership in this Palm Desert club
258 3 Shadow Mountain Golf Club 1967-1976
258 *4 Sheets, Harold
Director of Santa Barbara Channel City Club regarding personal notes
258 *5 Sheffield's Food Stores
regarding purchases of gift packs of celery from this Logan stores
258 6 Shell Transport and Trading Company Ltd.
regarding stocks held in this company
258 *7 Shepard, Joseph E.
regarding application for position as general clerk with PWA SLC office
1935, 1967
258 *8 Sheraton Corporation of America
regarding Champ's accomodations with this hotel chain
258 *9 Sherratt, A.H.
personal notes to this Illinois acquaintance
258 10 Sherman-Williams Company
regarding stocks geld in the company
258 11 Sheilds, Dan B.
SLC attorney regarding the reelection campaign of Utah Gov. Blood
258 *12 Sheverick, M.D.
personal notes to Boise acquaintance
258 *13 Shoemaker, H.C.
Utah Tax Commissioner and Pres. off` the Utah Foundation regarding personal notes
258 14 Shott, Allen
SLC realtor regarding mortgage and lease on Boise Cascade warehouse on Cudahy Lane In SLC
258 15 Shreve, Earl O.
National Director, U.S. Savings Bond program, regarding state activities of the Utah Committee for which Champ served as chairman
258 *16 Shultz, Walter D.
personal notes to Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati president
258 17 Shultz, Byron T.
Kansas City realtor and Pres. of MBA regarding activities of MBA and personal notes
258 18 Shultz, Byron T.
Exec. V.P. of Herbert V. Jones C CO. Kansas City realtors regarding MBA activities, real estate financing, and personal notes
258 19 Shultz, Byron T.
see above
258 20 Shultz, Byron T.
see above
258 21 Shultz, Byron T.
see above
258 22 Shultz, Byron T.
see above
258 23 Shultz, Byron T.
see above
258 24 Shultz, Byron T.
see above
258 25 Sigma Xi Club
regarding petition to create a chapter of this society at the U.S.A.C
258 *26 Sigmund, Ada
regarding prospective employment as Champ's housekeeper
259 *1 Sill, Charles H.
personal notes to Exec. V.P. of Detroit Michigan based Drennan and Sill, Inc
259 *2 Simmons, Roy W.
Assit. Cashier, Layton Utah Frist National Bank regarding real estate transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
259 3 Simplicity Pattern Company Inc.
regarding stocks held In this company
259 *4 Simpson, C.C.
L.A. architect regarding personal matters
259 *5 Simpson, May P.
regarding appointment to the staff of the Utah Child Welfare Program
259 6 Simpson, Milward L.
Cody Wyoming attorney regarding Jackson Hole National Monument
259 7 Simpson, Milward L.
see above
259 8 Simpson, Milward L.
regarding the Assoc. of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions
259 9 Simpson, Milward L.
see above
259 10 Simpson, Milward L.
regarding politics
259 11 Simpson, Milward L.
regarding U.S. C of C politics, personal matters
259 12 Simpson, Milward L.
see above
259 13 Simpson, Milward L.
regarding Simpsons term as Governor of Wyoming, U.S. C of C and personal notes
259 14 Simpson, Milward L.
regarding Simpsons campaign for the U.S. Senate, interior and insular affairs
259 15 Simpson, Milward L.
regarding Simpsons term as U.S. Senator, public lands, politics, personal notes
259 16 Simpson, Milward L.
regarding the campaign of John Wold for U.S. Senate for which Simpson served as Hon. Chairman, personal notes
259 *17 Simpson, Robert P.
regarding this Logan resident's college career and law practice
259 18 Sinclair Oil and Gas Company
regarding investments in and exploration on Champ owned land by this Houston company
259 19 Sinclair Oil and Gas Company
see above
259 20 Singer Company
regarding stocks held in this N.Y. based company
259 21 Siple, Virgil A.
regarding his employment iwth Boise office of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
259 22 Skaggs Payless Drug Store
regarding stocks held in this Oakland, California based company
259 *23 Skidmore, George W.
personal notes to this SLC resident
260 1 Sloan, Donald C.
Investment banker with Sloan and Wilcox of Portland, Oregon regarding investment counseling
260 2 Sloan, Donald C.
Investment banker with Sloan and Wilcox of Portland, Oregon regarding investment counseling and bond sales
260 3 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
260 4 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
260 5 Sloan, Donald C.
President of Donald Sloan and Company investment counselors of Portland, Oregon regarding counseling and bond sales
260 6 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
260 7 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
260 8 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
260 9 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
260 10 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
260 11 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
260 12 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
260 13 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
260 14 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
260 15 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
260 16 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
260 17 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
1968 January - 1968 May
260 18 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
1968 June - 1968 December
260 19 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
1969 January - 1969 August
260 20 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
1969 September - 1969 December
261 1 Sloan, Donald C.
President of Donald C. Sloan and Company in Portland, Oregon Investment Securities regarding investment counseling and personal notes
1970 January - 1970 July
261 2 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
1970 August - 1970 December
261 3 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
1971 January - 1971 May
261 4 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
1971 June - 1971 December
261 5 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
261 6 Sloan, Donald C.
see above
261 7 Sloan, Mrs. Donald C.
personal notes with Clarice Sloan
261 *8 Sloan, W.R.
personal notes with partner in Donald C. Sloan and Company of Portland
261 *9 Small Loan Companies
regarding state legislative controls for these companies
261 10 SMC Investment Corporation
regarding stocks held in this company
261 11 Smith, A.C.
personal notes with retired Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation employee
261 *12 Smith, Bertram W.
regarding the estate of Margaret Wilkinson and its supervision by Cache Valley Banking Company
261 13 Smith Brothers Lumber Company
regarding purchase of materials to reshingle the Champs home
261 *14 Smith, Charles L.
personal notes with President of First National Bank of Salt Lake City
261 15 Smith, Chase M.
General Counsel of Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty Company and the Kemper Insurance Company of Chicago regarding US C of C activities and personal notes
261 16 Smith, Chase M.
see above
261 *17 Smith, David A.
personal notes with Utah Commissioner of Agriculture
261 18 Smith, Genevieve
sister of Elizabeth Champ, Frederick's stepmother, regarding the physical and fiscal conditions of Mrs. Champ
261 19 Smith, Genevieve
see above
1942 January - 1942 September
261 20 Smith, Genevieve
see above
1942 October - 1942 December
261 21 Smith, Genevieve
see above
1943 January - 1943 April
261 22 Smith, Genevieve
see above
May 1943
261 23 Smith, Genevieve
see above
1943 June - 1943 December
261 24 Smith, Genevieve
see above
261 *25 Smith George Albert
personal notes with President of the LDS (Mormon) Church
261 *26 Smith, George Albert, Jr.
professor of Business Administration at Harvard University regarding Winton Champ's attendance at the University
262 1 Smith, H. Merle
Secretary of Missouri Savings and Loan League and Director of exhibits for Mortgage Bankers Association of America regarding meetings of MBA and personal notes with Champ
262 2 Smith, H. Merle
see above
262 3 Smith, H. Merle
see above
262 4 Smith, H. Merle
see above
262 5 Smith, H. Merle
see above
262 6 Smith, H. Merle
see above
262 7 Smith, H. Merle
see above
262 8 Smith, H. Merle
see above
262 9 Smith, H. Merle
see above
262 10 Smith, H. Merle
see above
262 11 Smith, H. Merle
see above
262 12 Smith, H. Merle
see above
262 13 Smith, H. Merle
see above
262 14 Smith, H. Merle
see above
262 15 Smith, H. Merle
see above
262 16 Smith, H. Merle
see above
262 17 Smith, H. Merle
see above
262 18 Smith, H. Merle
see above
262 19 Smith, H. Merle
see above
262 20 Smith, H. Merle
see above
262 21 Smith, H. Merle
see above
263 1 Smith, H. Merle
Secretary of Missouri Savings and Loan League and Director of exhibits for Mortgage Bankers Association of America regarding meetings of MBA and personal notes with Champ
263 2 Smith, H. Merle
see above
263 3 Smith, H. Merle
see above
263 4 Smith, H. Merle
see above
263 5 Smith, H. Merle
see above
263 6 Smith, H. Merle
see above
263 7 Smith, H. Merle
see above
263 8 Smith, H. Merle
see above
263 9 Smith, H. Merle
see above
263 10 Smith, H. Merle
263 11 Smith, H. Merle
see above
263 12 Smith, H. Merle
see above
263 13 Smith, H. Merle
see above
263 14 Smith, H. Merle
see above
263 15 Smith, H. Merle
see above
263 16 Smith, H. Merle
see above
263 17 Smith, H. Merle
see above
263 18 Smith, H. Merle
see above
263 19 Smith, H. Merle
see above
263 20 Smith, H. Merle
see above
263 21 Smith, H. Merle
see above
263 22 Smith, H. Merle 1941-1962
263 23 Smith, H. Merle - Personnel Pointers: American Savings and Loan Newsletter 1941-1962
263 24 Smith, H. Merle 1941-1962
264 *1 Smith, Harold V.
President of Home Insurance Company of New York regarding Lava Hot Springs development
264 *2 Smith International, Inc.
regarding stocks held in this drilling equipment manufacturer of California
264 *3 Smith, J.P.
Logan printer regarding service to Champ
264 *4 Smith, Jesse R.
Washington counsel of the Armstrong Cork Company regarding personal notes
264 *5 Smith-Judah Land
regarding lease of 80 acre tract near Trenton, Utah
264 *6 Smith, Lucy Christiansen
personal notes with this Logan resident
264 *7 Smith, Mabel D.
personal notes with Toulon, Illinois resident
264 *8 Smith, Raymond, F
personal notes with Glencoe, Illinois resident
264 9 Smith, Richard H.
personal notes with nephew of the Champ family
264 10 Smith, Richard H.
see above
264 11 Smith, Richard H.
see above
264 12 Smith, Richard H.
see above
264 13 Smith, Richard H.
see above
264 *14 Smith, Richard W.
see above
264 15 Smith, Robert Denton
personal notes with Commanding officer of Bushnell General Hospital
264 16 Smith, Wallace W.
Secretary of Catlin, Mulford, and Smith National Bank of Rockford, Illinois regarding the Lemke-Frazier Bill, mortgage banking and personal notes
264 17 Smith, Wallace W.
see above
264 18 Smith, Wallace W.
see above
264 19 Smith, Wallace W.
see above
264 20 Smith, Wallace W.
see above
264 21 Smith, Wallace W.
see above
264 22 Smith, Wallace W.
see above
264 23 Smith, Wallace W.
see above
264 24 Smith, Wallace W.
see above
265 1 Smith, Wallace W.
Secretary of Catlin, Mulford, and Smith National Bank of Rockford, Illinois regarding mortgage banking and personal notes
265 2 Smith, Wallace W.
see above
265 3 Smith, Wallace W.
see above
265 4 Smith, Wallace W.
see above
265 5 Smith, Wallace W.
see above
265 6 Smith, Wallace W.
see above
265 7 Smith, Wallace W.
see above
265 8 Smith, Wallace W.
see above
265 9 Smith, Wallace W.
see above
265 10 Smith, Wallace W.
see above
265 11 Smith, Wallace W.
see above
265 12 Smith, Wallace W.
see above
265 13 Smith, Wallace W.
see above
265 14 Smith, William E.
brother of Elizabeth Champ regarding her physical and fiscal condition
265 15 Smith, William E.
see above
265 *16 Smoot, A.V.
personal notes with Corrine Utah dairy farmer
265 *17 Smoot, I.A.
personal notes with U.S. Post Master in Salt Lake City
265 *18 Smoot
regarding Champ's interest in this publication
265 *19 Smylie, Honorable Robert E.
personal notes with Idaho Governor
265 20 Smyth Hat Factory
regarding services provided Champ by this Salt Lake City firm
266 1 Snake River Trout Company Inc.
regarding purchases of trout from this Buhl, Idaho company
266 2 Snorf, L.D.
Evanston Illinois physician regarding Mrs. Frederick Champ's health care
266 *3 Snow, Byron
personal notes with Logan resident
266 *4 Sobota Hot Springs Hotel
regarding Champ's interest in acquiring cottage at this San Jacinto California resort for the winter
266 5 Social Security Administration
regarding reports of earnings for household employees at Champ home
266 6 Social Security Administration
regarding social security checks to the Champs
266 7 Social Security Board
regarding W.R. Kimball's civil service application for appointment to administrative position
266 *8 Society of American foresters
regarding their Salt Lake City meeting
266 9 Soda Springs
regarding Mr. Champ's investments in this area of Idaho
266 10 Soda Springs
regarding application for permit to turn liquid C02 in dry ice
266 *11 Soda Springs Kiwanis Club
regarding the sales tax in Utah
266 12 Soderberg, Louis A.
personal notes Pasadena, California resident
266 *13 Sonne, Alma
personal notes with President of First National Bank of Logan
266 14 Sons of Utah Pioneers Scout Selection Committee
regarding selection of scouts to participate in the Centennial Trek
266 15 Sorensen, Grant
personal notes with Vice President and Assistant Manager of Walker Bank and Trust Co. of Logan
266 16 Soroptimist Club of Logan
regarding invitations to speak before this group
266 17 South Cheatham Utility Company
regarding purchase and sale o bonds in this utility
266 18 South Cheatham Utility Company
see above
266 *19 South Shore Oil and Development Company
regarding stocks held in this company
266 *20 Southern California Edison Company
regarding payment of Elizabeth Champ's utility bills to this company
266 *21 Southern Holding and Securities Corporation
regarding stacks held in this company
266 22 Southern Nevada Telephone Company
regarding stocks held in this company
266 *23 Southern Pacific Company
regarding Champ's travel on this railroad
266 *24 Southern Surety Company of New York
regarding stocks held in this company
266 *25 Southern Union Gas Company
regarding stocks held in this company
266 *26 Southwest forest Industries Inc.
regarding stocks held in this Phoenix based company
266 27 Spafford, George C.
regarding purchase of bank stock in Cache Valley Banking Company from this Rockford Illinois banker
266 *28 Spalding And Brothers, Inc.
regarding stocks held in this company
266 *29 Spangler, J.W.
personal notes with Vice President of U.S. Chamber of Commerce
266 *30 Special Fabrics Inc.
regarding cotton fabric that can be used as stationery
267 1 Speeches of Frederick P. Champ
regarding academic pursuits
267 2 Speeches of Frederick P. Champ
regarding banking
267 3 Speeches of Frederick P. Champ
regarding the Boy Scouts of America
267 4 Speeches of Frederick P. Champ
regarding Chamber of Commerce activities
267 5 Speeches of Frederick P. Champ
regarding economics
267 6 Speeches of Frederick P. Champ
regarding federal spending
267 7 Speeches of Frederick P. Champ
regarding Four-H Clubs
267 8 Speeches of Frederick P. Champ
regarding funeral eulogies
267 9 Speeches of Frederick P. Champ
regarding grazing and livestock
267 10 Speeches of Frederick P. Champ
regarding mortgage banking
267 11 Speeches of Frederick P. Champ
regarding political themes
267 12 Speeches of Frederick P. Champ
regarding public lands
267 13 Speeches of Frederick P. Champ
regarding U.S. Savings Bonds
267 14 Speeches of Frederick P. Champ
regarding Utah manufacturing and development
267 15 Speeches of Frederick P. Champ
regarding the war effort (WWII)
267 16 Speeches of Frederick P. Champ - Misc. 1896-1976
268 *1 Spencer, Charles
regarding his pursuit of position as Second Vice President of American Bankers Association
268 *2 Spencer, George Q.
member of the Utah State Agricultural College (USU) Board of Trustees regarding business matters of the college
268 3 Spencer, J. Roy
Los Angeles real estate salesman regarding Champ's interests in commercial property in California
268 4 Spencer, J. Roy
see above
268 5 Spencer, Keith
business manager of Logan's Budge clinic regarding property owned by Mr. Spencer
268 6 Spokane Chamber of Commerce
regarding visits to this chamber and its activities
268 7 Springer, J.V.
regarding Champ's interest in purchasing a golden retriever dog from this Portland physician
268 8 Springfield Can Company
regarding the possibility of this company locating a plant in Logan
268 *9 Springville Chamber of Commerce
regarding speaking engagements before this Utah chamber
268 *10 Sprouse-Reitz Company Inc.
regarding account with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation of the Logan branch of this firm
268 11 Sprowl, Norman E.
personal notes with Kentucky based Lt. Colonel
268 12 Sprowl, Norman E.
see above
268 13 Sprowl, Norman E.
see above
268 14 Sprowl, Norman E.
see above
268 15 Sprowl, Norman E.
regarding his retirement and personal notes
268 16 Sprowl, Norman E.
regarding personal notes
268 17 Sprowl, Norman E.
see above
268 18 Sprowl, Norman E.
see above
268 19 Sprowl, Norman E.
see above
268 20 Sprowl, Norman E.
see above
268 21 Sprowl, Norman E.
see above
269 1 Squires, Jesse M.
personal notes with this Salt Lake City resident
269 2 Staats, William R.
San Francisco investment firm regarding counseling for improvement bonds purchases
269 3 Stalker, Nellie R.
regarding purchase of Cache Valley Banking Company stock from this St. Anthony, Idaho resident
269 *4 Stamps
regarding the philately interests of George Champ
269 5 Standard and Poors Corporation
regarding Champs subscription to this New York firms investments counseling services
269 6 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1959 January - 1959 July
269 7 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1959 August - 1959 December
269 8 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
269 9 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
269 10 Standard and Poors Corporation
correspondence and reports regarding information on Champ's stock portfolio
1959 July - 1959 September
269 11 Standard and Poors Corporation
correspondence and reports regarding information on Champ's stock portfolio
1960 January - 1960 June
269 12 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1960 July - 1960 December
269 13 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
269 14 Standard and Poors Corporation
regarding Champ's subscription to this New York firm's investment counseling services
1962 January - 1962 May
269 15 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1962 June - 1962 December
270 1 Standard and Poors Corporation
regarding Champ's subscription to the this New York firm's investment counseling services
1963 January - 1963 May
270 2 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1963 June - 1963 July
270 3 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1963 August - 1963 September
270 4 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1963 October - 1963 December
270 5 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1964 January - 1964 February
270 6 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1964 March - 1964 May
270 7 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1964 June - 1964 August
270 8 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1964 September - 1964 December
270 9 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1967 January - 1967 May
270 10 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1967 June - 1967 September
270 11 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1967 October - 1967 December
270 12 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1968 January - 1968 March
270 13 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1968 April - 1968 May
270 14 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1968 June - 1968 July
270 15 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1968 August - 1968 October
270 16 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1968 November - 1968 December
271 1 Standard and Poors Corporation
regarding Champ's subscription to this New York firm's investment counseling services
1969 January - 1969 May
271 2 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1969 June - 1969 September
271 3 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1969 October - 1969 December
271 4 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1970 January - 1970 June
271 5 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1970 July - 1970 December
271 6 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1971 January - 1971 May
271 7 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
1971 June - 1971 December
271 8 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
271 9 Standard and Poors Corporation
see above
271 10 Standard and Poors Corporation 1960
271 11 Standard and Poors Corporation 1961
271 12 Standard and Poors Corporation 1962
271 13 Standard and Poors Corporation 1963
271 14 Standard and Poors Corporation 1964
271 15 Standard and Poors Corporation 1965
272 1 Standard and Poors Corporation 1966
272 2 Standard and Poors Corporation 1967
272 3 Standard and Poors Corporation 1968
272 4 Standard and Poors Corporation 1969
272 5 Standard and Poors Corporation 1970
272 6 Standard and Poors Corporation 1971-1972
272 7 Standard Furniture Company
Pocatello, Idaho store regarding installation of flooring at Riverside Inn in Lava Hot Springs
272 8 Standard Insurance Company
regarding loan brokerage business by Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation for this Portland, Oregon based firm
272 9 Standard Insurance Company
see above
272 10 Standard Insurance Company
see above
272 11 Standard Insurance Company
see above
272 12 Standard Insurance Company
see above
272 13 Standard Insurance Company
see above
272 14 Standard Insurance Company
see above
272 15 Standard Insurance Company
see above
272 16 Standard Insurance Company
see above
272 17 Standard Insurance Company
regarding loan brokerage business by Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation for this Portland, Oregon based firm
272 18 Standard Insurance Company
see above
272 19 Standard Insurance Company
see above
273 1 Standard Insurance Company
regarding loan brokerage business by Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation for this Portland, Oregon based firm
273 2 Standard Insurance Company
see above
273 3 Standard Insurance Company
see above
273 4 Standard Insurance Company
see above
273 5 Standard Insurance Company
see above
1954 January - 1954 February
273 6 Standard Insurance Company
see above
1954 April - 1954 May
273 7 Standard Insurance Company
see above
1954 June - 1954 July
273 8 Standard Insurance Company
see above
1954 August - 1954 September
273 9 Standard Insurance Company
see above
1954 October - 1954 November
273 10 Standard Insurance Company
see above
1954 December
273 11 Standard Insurance Company
see above
1955 January
273 12 Standard Insurance Company
see above
1955 February
273 13 Standard Insurance Company
see above
1955 March
273 14 Standard Insurance Company
see above
1955 April
273 15 Standard Insurance Company - Mack, Grant
branch manager of Salt Lake City office regarding transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
273 16 Standard Insurance Company
information regarding operational and loaning policies of the company
273 *17 Standard Life and Accident
regarding offer of membership plan to Champ
273 18 Standard Oil of California
regarding stocks held in this firm
273 19 Standard Oil of Indiana
regarding stocks held in this firm
274 1 Standard Oil of New Jersey
regarding stock held in this oil producing company
274 2 Standard Oil of New Jersey
see above
274 3 Standard Packing Corporation
regarding stock held in this New York base firm
274 *4 Stan-Craft Boat Company
regarding Champ's interest in purchasing a boat from this Montana company
274 *5 Stanford University
regarding F. Winton Champ's attendance at this university
274 *6 Stapley, Delbert L.
personal notes with member of the Quorum of the Twelve of the LDS (Mormon) Church
274 7 State Board of Public Welfare
reports pertaining to various relief programs administered by this board on which Champ served as a member
274 8 Stationery Samples 1896-1976
274 *9 Steele, Carl
owner of World Wide Travel service of Denver Colorado regarding services to Champ
274 *10 Steele, Stanford H.
regarding interest in position with Boise Realty and Loan Company
274 *11 Steiner, J.J.E.
President of Realty Mortgage Company of Birmingham, Alabama regarding personal notes
274 12 Steinkraus, Herman W.
personal notes with President and General Manager of Bridgeport Connecticut brass company
274 *13 Stephens, F.W.
regarding letter of introduction for James W. Lowrie
274 14 Stephens, Frank B.
personal notes with Salt Lake City attorney regarding the estate of Thomas Oldham
274 *15 Stephens, Harold M.
personal notes with assistant to the Attorney General of the U.S. Department of Justice
274 16 Sterling, Wallace B.
Portland, Oregon investment counselor regarding Consolidated Freightways Inc. Kalispell Montana terminal and Boise properties
274 17 Sterling, Wallace B.
see above
274 18 Sterling, Wallace B.
see above
274 19 Sterling, Wallace B.
see above
274 20 Stevens, J.P.
regarding stocks held in this textiles company
274 21 Stewart, Herald A.
Oakland, California photographer regarding services to Champ
274 *22 Stewart, James O.
personal notes with Cache National forest Supervisor
274 23 Stewart, Elizabeth
regarding purchase of Cache Banking Company stocks from this California resident
274 24 Stewart, Ralph T.
Salt-Lake City attorney regarding the application of his sister, Mary, for position with Utah State Agricultural College P.E. Department
275 1 St. Benedicts Hospital
regarding Mrs. Frederick Champ's hospitalization at this Ogden hospital
275 2 St. Mark's Hospital
regarding Champ's services to this Salt Lake City hospital as a member of its Board of Directors, activities of the Board and some financial data
275 3 St. Mark's Hospital
see above
275 4 St. Mark's Hospital
see above
1949 January - 1949 June
275 5 St. Mark's Hospital
see above
1949 July - 1949 December
275 6 St. Mark's Hospital
see above
1950 January - 1950 May
275 7 St. Mark's Hospital
see above
1950 June - 1950 December
275 8 St. Mark's Hospital
see above
1951 January - 1951 June
275 9 St. Mark's Hospital
see above
1951 July - 1951 December
275 10 St. Mark's Hospital
see above
1952 January - 1952 July
275 11 St. Mark's Hospital
see above
1952 August - 1952 December
275 *12 Stock, S.R.
personal notes with this Hayward California resident
275 *13 Stockton, Nellie
personal notes with Logan resident
275 *14 Stockton, Mary
regarding Christmas visits of Thomas Oldham
275 15 Stoddard, Russel
Supervisor of Income Property Loan Division, Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation regarding inter-office communications and routine business matters
275 16 Stopler, Gustav
Austrian born economist and member of U.S. Chamber of Commerce regarding addresses before the Chamber, WWII and personal notes
275 17 Stopler, Gustav
see above
275 18 Stopler, Gustav
see above
275 19 Stopler, Gustav
see above
275 20 Stopler, Gustav
regarding the death of Stopler and personal notes from the Champ's to Mrs. Stopler
275 21 Stone, Royal B.
regarding scouting activities in Utah
275 *22 Stout, C.O.
Salt Lake City resident regarding the sale of his Logan home
275 23 Stout, Carlyle F.
regarding purchase of Southern Utah ranching properties for this California businessman
275 24 Stowell, D.W.
Rexburg, Idaho real estate dealer regarding property loan applications with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation and related business transactions
276 *1 Stranquist, Ruth
personal notes with this Ogden resident
276 2 Strauss, Lewis L.
Chairman of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, consultant and financial advisor to the Rockefeller Brothers of New York, and Executive Assistant to President Eisenhower regarding his career and personal notes
276 3 Strauss, Lewis L.
see above
276 *4 Street, William S.
President of Frederick and Nelson of Seattle Washington regarding U.S. Chamber of Commerce activities
276 5 Strickler, Thomas J.
personal notes with President of Kansas City Gas Company
276 6 Stringfellow, Douglas R.
Utah Congressman regarding federal legislation pertaining to banking, taxes and public lands
276 7 Stringfellow, Douglas R.
see above
276 *8 Stubblefield, Blaine
Hells Canyon Idaho-Oregon river runner regarding services to Champ
276 9 Stucki, Leon
owner of Logan based building specialties company regarding services to Champ
276 10 Styer, C.W.
regarding support for his grandson's appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy
276 11 Styer, W.D.
brother of Rear Admiral C.W. Styer and Chief of Staff of Army Service forces, Washington D.C. regarding personal notes and Herb Champ's military career
276 12 Styer, W.D.
see above
276 13 Styer, W.D.
see above
276 14 Suhm, C.L.
manager of real estate depT. Boise Loan and Realty Company regarding interoffice communications
276 *15 Sullivan, Alexander C.
personal notes with Los Angeles businessman
276 16 Sunbeam Corporation
regarding stocks held in this Chicago based firm
276 17 Sunset House
regarding purchases of items from this California catalog house
276 *18 Sunshine Mining Company
regarding stocks held in this mining firm
1940, 1953
276 *19 Sun Valley, Idaho
regarding Mary K. Champ's visits to the resort
276 20 Sunshine Terrace Foundation, Inc.
regarding use of the Thomas Oldham Fund for this Logan organization for the aged
276 21 Sunshine Terrace Foundation, Inc.
regarding Champ's contributions to this foundation
276 22 Suburban Propane Gas Corporation
regarding stocks held in this New Jersey firm
276 23 Surveyor Fund Inc.
regarding investments in this New York foundation
276 *24 Sutro and Company Inc.
Beverly Hills, California investment firm regarding services for Champ
276 25 Swanther, G.R.
President of Swanther Investment Company of Corpus Christi, Texas regarding business counsel
276 *26 Swart, W.R.
personal notes with New Hampshire resident
276 *27 Swett, Paul P.
personal notes with the President of the Maryland Life Insurance Company
276 28 Swift and Company
regarding stocks held in this Chicago based firm
276 *29 Swift, Philip E.
personal notes with Napa California resident
276 *30 Swindlehurst, Joseph E.
Vice Presidentand Secretary of Empire Building and Loan Association regarding U.S. Chamber of Commerce activities and personal notes
277 1 "T" Misc. 1947-1959
277 2 "T" Misc. 1960-1974
277 3 Taft, Robert A. Memorial Foundation
regarding Champ's contributions to this Madison Wisconsin based fund
277 *4 Tanis Counsel Service
corporation and marketing research firm in Alberta Canada regarding Champ's interest in Canadian stocks
277 5 Tappan, Vivian
pediatrician at the Desert Sanitarium in Tucson, Arizona regarding Herbert Champ's illness
277 *6 Tax Equality League of Utah
regarding invitation to Mrs. Champ to become a member
277 7 Taylor, C.W.
Palo Alto California publisher regarding biographical information on Champ for inclusion in publication
277 8 Taylor, Leslie David
personal notes with Rancho Santa Fe California resident
277 *9 Teachers College - Columbia University
regarding articles on Democracy sent to Champ from this Institution
277 *10 Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association
regarding Mr. Champ's interests in this New York based firm
277 11 Testut and Company Inc.
Los Angeles based investment company regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
277 12 Textron, Inc.
regarding stocks held in this Providence Rhode Island company
277 13 Tharpe, Robert
personal notes with president of Tharpe and Brooks, Inc. of Atlanta, Georgia
277 14 Thatcher, A.S.
personal notes with Jackson Heights, New York resident
277 *15 Thatcher, G.W.
personal notes with Logan resident
277 *16 Thatcher, Paul
lawyer in Ogden regarding discussions of the federal budget
277 *17 Thatcher, Roy D.
Ogden attorney regarding the relic hall in Logan
277 *18 Thermoid Company
regarding stocks held in this New Jersey corporation
277 19 Theurer, Alma
personal notes with Tremonton, Utah resident
277 20 Theurer, Lloyd M.
personal notes with the Cache County School District superintendent
277 21 Theurer, T. Ray
Providence, Utah farmer regarding discussions on public lands policies
277 22 Thiokol Chemical Corporation
regarding stocks held in this firm
277 23 Third National Bank of Rockford, Illinois
regarding stock held in this bank
277 24 Third National Bank of Rockford, Illinois
see above
277 25 Third National Bank of Rockford, Illinois
see above
277 26 Third National Bank of Rockford, Illinois
see above
277 27 Third National Bank of Rockford, Illinois
see above
277 28 Third National Bank of Rockford, Illinois
see above
277 29 Third Securities Corporation
regarding stocks held in this company
277 30 This Is The Place Monument Commission
regarding contributions to help in building this monument
278 *1 Thomas, A.L.
regarding payment of note to this Salt Lake City resident
278 *2 Thomas, Charles S.
personal notes with Secretary of the Navy
278 *3 Thomas, Christy
Washington mortgage banker regarding services to Champ
278 4 Thomas, Elbert D.
Utah Senator regarding Frazier-Lemke Amendment, public works, public lands and reclamation
278 5 Thomas, Elbert D.
regarding grazing laws, the forest service and the Federal Reserve Board
278 6 Thomas, Elbert D.
regarding labor, education and natural resources
278 7 Thomas, Elbert D.
see above
278 8 Thomas, Elbert D.
regarding the war effort
278 9 Thomas, Elbert D.
regarding public welfare, education, and natural resources
278 10 Thomas, Elbert D.
see above
278 11 Thomas Travel Service
personal notes with owner of this Salt Lake City business
278 12 Thomas, John
Idaho Senator regarding forest service programs, banking, and Misc. issues
278 13 Thomas, William B.
personal notes with Indio, California resident
278 14 Thomas, William B.
see above
278 15 Thomas, W.P.
personal notes with head of Agricultural Economics Department at Utah State Agricultural College
278 16 Thompson, A.H.
regarding Champs investment counsel to this Logan resident
278 17 Thompson, Albert H.
owner of Cache Auto Company regarding meeting for Board of Directors of Morning Milk Co
278 18 Thompson, Alvin H.
President of Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation and Vice President of Cache Valley Banking Company regarding business transactions of the companies
278 19 Thompson, Fred H.
Assistant Cashier and Trust officer of Cache Valley Banking Company regarding inter-office communications and routine office matters
278 20 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
278 21 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
278 22 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
278 23 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1953 January - July
278 24 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1953 August - 1953 December
279 1 Thompson, Fred H.
Assistant Cashier and Trust officer of Cache Valley Banking Company regarding inter-office communications and routine business matters
1954 January - 1954 May
279 2 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1954 June - 1954 December
279 3 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1956 March - 1956 May
279 4 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1956 June - 1956 September
279 5 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1956 October - 1956 December
279 6 Thompson, Fred H.
Assistant Cashier and Trust officer of Cache Valley Banking Company regarding inter-office communications and routine business matters
1957 January - 1957 March
279 7 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1957 April - 1957 August
279 8 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1957 September - 1957 December
279 9 Thompson, Fred H.
regarding his employment at Cache Valley Branch Walker Bank and Trust Company
1958 January - 1958 May
279 10 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1958 June - 1958 September
279 11 Thompson, Fred H.
regarding his position as Assistant Manager with Cache Valley Branch Walker Bank and Trust Company
1958 October - 1958 December
279 12 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1959 January - 1959 February
279 13 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1959 March - 1959 May
279 14 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1959 June - 1959 September
279 15 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1959 October - 1959 December
279 16 Thompson, Fred H.
regarding his position as Assistant V. Pres. with Cache Valley Branch Walker Bank and Trust Company
1960 January - 1960 April
279 17 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1960 May - 1960 August
279 18 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1960 September - 1960 December
280 1 Thompson, Fred H.
regarding his position as Assistant Vice President and Manager of the Cache Valley Branch Walker Bank & Trust Company
1961 January - 1961 April
280 2 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1961 May - 1961 September
280 3 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1961 October - 1961 December
280 4 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1962 January - 1962 March
280 5 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1962 April - 1962 September
280 6 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1962 October - 1962 December
280 7 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1963 January - 1963 April
280 8 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1963 May - 1963 September
280 9 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1963 October - 1963 December
280 10 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1964 January - 1964 March
280 11 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1964 April - 1964 July
280 12 Thompson, Fred H.
Assistant Vice President and Manager of Cache Valley Branch Walker Bank and Trust Company regarding interoffice communications and routine business matters
1964 August - 1964 December
280 13 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1965 January - 1965 April
280 14 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1965 May - 1965 December
280 15 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1966 January - 1966 May
280 16 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1966 June - 1966 December
280 17 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1967 January - 1967 March
280 18 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1967 April - 1967 August
280 19 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1967 September - 1967 December
280 20 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1968 January - 1968 March
280 21 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1968 April - 1968 July
280 22 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1968 August - 1968 December
281 1 Thompson, Fred H.
Assistant Vice President and Manager of Cache Valley Branch Walker Bank Trust Company regarding interoffice communications and routine business matters
1970 January - 1970 May
281 2 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1970 June - 1970 December
281 3 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1971 January - 1971 May
281 4 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1971 June - 1971 December
281 5 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1972 January - 1972 May
281 6 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1972 June - 1972 December
281 7 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1973 January - 1973 May
281 8 Thompson, Fred H.
see above
1973 June - 1973 December
281 9 Thompson, Fred H. Jr.
personal notes with the son of Fred H. Thompson
281 10 Thompson, John C.
President of the New Jersey Realty Company regarding mortgage banking business
281 *11 Thompson, Joseph T.
Land appraiser for Texas Land Commissioner's office regarding interest in employment with Boise Realty and Loan
281 12 Thompson-Starrett Company
regarding stocks held in this New York company
281 13 Thorne, Chambers and Wilson, Inc.
Logan investment counselors regarding services to Champ
281 *14 Thornton, Dan
personal notes with Governor of Colorado
281 *15 Thorp, Russell
personal notes with Cheyenne, Wyoming stockman
281 16 Thorpe, Everett
illustrator regarding work to be done on a piano book by Frances Champ
281 *17 Thorpe, Merle
personal notes with Director o Business Development Cities Service Company Washington
281 *18 Three Cross Ranch, Inc.
solicitation or support of this Kentucky based boy's academy
281 19 Three States Natural Gas Company
regarding stocks-held in this company
281 20 Timberlake, E.W.
ROTC Commandant regarding status of the program at Utah State Agricultural College
281 21 Tinnin, Robert T.
General Agent Occidental Life Insurance Company of Albuquerque, New Mexico regarding activities of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
281 22 Tintic Standard Mining Company
regarding stock held in this company
281 23 Tippetts, Twain
Director of Cultural Activities at Utah State University and Chairman of the USU Town and Gown, regarding activities of this dinner group end addresses at USU
282 1 Title Insurance Company 1952-1955
282 2 Title Insurance Company 1956
282 3 Title Insurance Company 1957 January
282 4 Title Insurance Company 1957 February
282 5 Title Insurance Company 1957 March
282 6 Title Insurance Company 1957 April
282 7 Title Insurance Company 1957 May
282 8 Title Insurance Company 1957 June
282 9 Title Insurance Company 1957 July
282 10 Title Insurance Company 1957 August
282 11 Title Insurance Company 1957 September
282 12 Title Insurance Company 1957 October
282 13 Title Insurance Company 1957 November
282 14 Title Insurance Company 1957 December
282 15 Title Insurance Company 1958 January
282 16 Title Insurance Company 1958 February
282 17 Title Insurance Company 1958 March
282 18 Title Insurance Company 1958 April
282 19 Title Insurance Company 1958 May
282 20 Title Insurance Company 1958 June
282 21 Title Insurance Company 1958 July
282 22 Title Insurance Company 1958 August
282 23 Title Insurance Company 1958 September
283 1 Title Insurance Company 1958 October
283 2 Title Insurance Company 1958 November
283 3 Title Insurance Company 1958 December
283 4 Title Insurance Company 1960
283 5 Title Insurance Company 1961
283 6 Title Insurance Company 1962
283 7 Title Insurance Company 1963
283 8 Title Insurance Company 1968
283 9 Title Insurance Company 1969-1970
283 10 Title Insurance Company 1962, 1973
283 11 Title Insurance Company 1952-1975
283 12 Title Insurance Company
Proceeding of the 1956 Convention
283 13 Title Insurance Company 1952-1975
283 14 Title Insurance Company 1952-1975
284 1 Title Insurance Company
business transactions of the company and Champ's service as a member of its Board of Director's
284 2 Title Insurance Company
see above
284 3 Title Insurance Company
see above
284 4 Title Insurance Company
see above
284 5 Title Insurance Company
see above
284 6 Title Insurance Company
see above
284 7 Title Insurance Company
see above
284 8 Title Insurance Company
see above
284 9 Title Insurance Company
see above
284 10 Title Insurance Company
see above
284 11 Title Insurance Company
see above
284 12 Title Insurance Company
see above
284 13 Title Insurance Company
regarding rental of office space
284 14 Title Insurance Company
regarding the business transactions of the company and Champ's services as a member of the Board of Director's
1957 January - 1957 May
284 15 Title Insurance Company
see above
1957 June - 1957 December
284 16 Title Insurance Company
see above
1958 January - 1958 June
284 17 Title Insurance Company
see above
1958 July - 1958 December
284 18 Title Insurance Company
see above
284 19 Title Insurance Company
see above
284 20 Title Insurance Company
see above
284 21 Title Insurance Company
see above
284 22 Title Insurance Company
see above
1963 January - 1963 May
284 23 Title Insurance Company
see above
1963 June - 1963 December
284 24 Title Insurance Company
see above
284 25 Title Insurance Company
see above
284 26 Title Insurance Company
see above
284 27 Title Insurance Company
see above
284 28 Title Insurance Company
see above
284 29 Title Insurance Company
see above
285 1 Title Insurance Company - John Bell
President of the Company regarding routine business transactions and dealings with Champ as a member of the Board of Directors
285 2 Title Insurance Company - John Bell
see above
285 3 Title Insurance Company - John Bell
see above
285 4 Title Insurance Company - John Bell
reports of premium income
285 5 Title Insurance Company - John Bell
see above
285 6 Title Insurance Company - John Bell
see above
285 *7 Tooele Army Depot
regarding invitation to luncheon at the depot
285 *8 Tooele County Chamber of Commerce
regarding Champ's speaking engagements before this chamber and its activities
285 *9 Torgeson, G.A.
personal notes with this Logan resident
285 10 Tower Oil Corporation
regarding stock held in this Helena Montana based oil firm
285 11 Townsend Investment Corporation
regarding stocks held in this company
285 12 Tracy-Collins Trust Company
regarding purchase by Champ Investment Company of Salt Lake City property occupied by Skaggs Drug Center
285 13 Tracy-Collins Trust Company
see above
285 14 Tracy-Collins Trust Company
see above
285 15 Tracy-Collins Trust Company
see above
285 16 Tracy-Collins Trust Company
see above
285 17 Tracy-Collins Trust Company
regarding Redwood Road property acquisition
285 18 Tracy-Collins Trust Company
see above
285 *19 Tracy, John L.
personal notes with this Coiorpdo Banker
285 20 Tracy Loan and Trust Company
regarding insurance of farm loans written by Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
286 1 Trans-America Corporation
regarding stocks held in Cache Valley Banking Company by this San Francisco firm
1956 January - 1956 April
286 2 Trans-America Corporation
see above
1956 May - 1956 June
286 3 Trans-America Corporation
see above
1956 July - 1956 August
286 4 Trans-America Corporation
see above
1956 September - 1956 October
286 5 Trans-America Corporation
see above
1956 November - 1956 December
286 6 Trans-America Corporation
see above
286 7 Trans-America Corporation
see above
286 8 Trans-America Corporation
regarding stocks held in the San Francisco company by Champ
286 9 Transway International Corporation
regarding stocks held in this company
286 10 Transworld Airlines
regarding recovery of Champ's wallet lost on a flight of this line
286 11 Traphagen School of Fashion
regarding Mary K. Champ's attendance at this New York school
286 12 Trester, Leonard W.
personal notes with Vice President and Director of Public Policy of General Outdoor Advertising Company of Maryland
286 13 Trezevant, Stanley H.
personal notes with regional Vice President of Mortgage Bankers of America
286 14 Triangle Industries, Inc.
regarding stocks held in this New Jersey manufacturer
286 *15 Trigg, Robert and Sons
regarding grave marker for Elizabeth S. Champ
286 *16 Trimble, Martha S.
regarding exchange of stock in Cache Valley Banking Company for stock in Lewiston State Bank
286 17 Twin Falls, Idaho - Chamber of Commerce
regarding activities of the chamber
286 18 TXL Oil
regarding stocks held in this company
287 1 "U" Misc. 1953-1970
287 *2 Uintah State Bank
regarding US C of C activities
287 3 UIP
regarding stocks held in United Improvement and Investment Corp. of Milwaukee
287 4 UIP
see above
287 5 Unilever N.V.
regarding stocks in this N.Y. firm
287 6 Union Knitting Mills, Company
regarding attempts to gain defense production for this Logan business
287 7 Union Oil of California
regarding stocks held in this L.A. based firm
287 8 Union Pacific Railroad
regarding promotional activities by this company for the territory it serves, the Black Market in sleeper reservations and the US C of C
287 9 Union Pacific Railroad
regarding promotional activities of the railroad and accommodations for Champ
287 10 Union Pacific Railroad
see above
287 11 Union Pacific Railroad
see above
287 *12 Union Planters National Bank
Memphis bank regarding certificate of deposit held by Champ
287 13 United Air Lines
regarding post war air service by this Chicago based airline and patronage by Champ
287 14 United Air Lines
regarding patronage by Champ and his membership in the 100000 mile club
287 15 United Bank of Denver
regarding securities for Champ Investment Co. held in this bank
287 *16 United Cigar-Whelan Stores Corporation
regarding stocks held in this company
287 17 United Merchants and Manufacturers Inc.
regarding stocks held in this company
287 *18 United Services Automobile Association
San Antonio, Texas auto insurance company regarding Champ's policy
287 *19 United States Army
regarding activities at fort Douglas Utah and Misc. notes
288 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
regarding correspondence, financial reports, and speeches
288 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
see above
288 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
see above
288 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
regarding Correspondence
288 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
regarding speeches
288 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
see above
288 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
see above
288 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
see above
288 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
see above
288 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
regarding Correspondence
288 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
regarding election material
288 12 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
regarding financial Reports
288 13 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
regarding financial Reports
289 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
correspondence, financial reports and speeches
289 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
see above
289 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
see above
289 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
see above
289 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
see above
289 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
see above
289 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
see above
289 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings 1952
289 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings 1952
289 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings 1953
289 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings 1953
289 12 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
see above
289 13 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
see above
289 14 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings 1954
289 15 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
see above
289 16 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
see above
289 17 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
see above
289 18 United States Chamber of Commerce - Annual Meetings
see above
290 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
regarding Scheduling of these meetings
290 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
President's report, minutes, directors proposals
290 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes, federal fiscal, United Kingdom, atomic bomb, national defense, post-war problems, federal labor legislation, financial Statements
1946 February
290 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes, U.S. industrial relations, transportation, inland waterway costs, international transport
1946 March
290 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes, budget for 1946-1947, membership, committees, social security
1946 June
290 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
state responsibility-the fourth R in education, American competitive enterprise system, communist and socialist infiltration in the U. S
1946 September
290 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings 1947
290 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes, federal grants-in-aid, financial reports, inflation
1948 January
290 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes, transportation, insurance regulation, by-laws amendments
April 1948
290 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes, and international trade organization
1948 May
291 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes, program proposals, hemispheric insurance conference, depression tactics for business, urbanism, budget for 1948-1949
June 1948
291 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
economics of the money supply
1948 August
291 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
program for community communist action minutes, pricing problems, marine insurance, reports, education, urban problems
1948 September
291 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes, human rights, hemispheric insurance conference, financial reports labor relations, Olympic National Park-Alaska
1948 November
291 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
regarding personal notes with members of the board
291 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes, labor relations, Taft-Hartley Act, financial Reports
1949 January
291 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
1949 March
291 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes, membership, forestry, Far East
1949 May
291 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes, financial reports, agriculture, Columbia Valley Authority
1949 June
291 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes, American Opportunity program, physically handicapped, finances
1949 September
291 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes membership, socialism in U.S
1949 November
291 12 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
labor relations, mortgage bankin-9, National Capital Sesquicentennial, financial reports, United Nations
1949 December
292 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
regarding personal notes with board members
292 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes, federal expenditures, civil defense, excise taxes, consumer credit, senior citizens, housing education, selective service, Hawaii, Alaska, United Nations, transportation, labor relations, financial Reports
1950 January
292 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes, proposed policies; Belgian, French and Portuguese Africa; Taft-Hartley act
March 1950
292 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes, labor, trade agreements of U.S. international relations, education, national defense
1950 September
292 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
regarding personal notes with board members
292 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes, federal finance, defense housing, ag. subsidies, labor relations, civil defense, financial Report
1951 January
292 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
national defense, St. Lawrence waterway, federal expenditures, finances, Reconstruction Finance Corp. chamber policy, foreign aid
1951 March
293 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes, Hoover Commission, economics, financial Reports
1951 June
293 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes, labor, education, national defense, federal spending
1951 September
293 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes, economics, federal finance, field activities, financial Statements
1951 November
293 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
regarding personal notes with members of the board
293 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
minutes, economics, field activities, budget
1952 January
293 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors Meetings
defense, St. Lawrence Seaway, field activities, economic outlook, financial Report
1952 March
294 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Board Programs Committee 1944
294 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - By-LawsAmendment Committee 1946-1951
294 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Economic Policy Committee 1943-1945
294 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Economic Policy Committee 1946
294 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Government Expenditure Committee 1951
294 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Government Expenditure Committee 1961
294 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Insurance Committee 1949
294 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Committee 1957-1960
294 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Committee 1961
294 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Committee 1961
294 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Committee 1962
294 12 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Committee 1962
294 13 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Committee 1963
294 14 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Committee 1963
294 15 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Committee 1964
295 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Committee 1965
295 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Committee 1965
295 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Committee 1966-1968
295 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Committee 1966
295 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Committee 1967
295 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Committee 1968
295 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Committee 1969
295 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Committee 1970-1975
295 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - National Affairs Committee 1944-1948
295 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - National Crime Prevention Committee 1951
295 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - National Defence Committee 1949
295 12 United States Chamber of Commerce - Nominating Committee 1950
295 13 United States Chamber of Commerce - Nominating Committee 1951
295 14 United States Chamber of Commerce - Policy Committee 1948
295 15 United States Chamber of Commerce - Sales Advisory Committee 1952
295 16 United States Chamber of Commerce - Western Division Advisory Committee 1951
295 17 United States Chamber of Commerce - Western Division Advisory Committee 1952
295 18 United States Chamber of Commerce - Western Division Advisory Committee 1951-1952
296 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Commercial Organization Department 1943-1945
296 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Commercial Organization Department 1951
296 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Commercial Organization Department 1962
296 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Community and Regional Development Department 1971
296 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Civil Development Department 1945
296 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Civil Development Department 1946
296 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Civil Development Department 1946
296 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Civil Development Department 1947
296 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Civil Development Department 1947
296 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Civil Development Department 1948
296 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Civil Development Department 1949
296 12 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Civil Development Department 1949
297 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Civil Development Department 1950
297 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Civil Development Department 1950
297 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Civil Development Department 1951
297 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Civil Development Department 1954
297 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Civil Development Department 1954
297 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Civil Development Department 1955
297 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Civil Development Department 1955
297 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Civil Development Department 1956
297 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Community Development Department 1963
297 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Community Development Department 1963
297 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Community Development Department 1965
297 12 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Community Development Department 1965
297 13 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Industry Department 1966
297 14 United States Chamber of Commerce - Construction and Industry Department 1967
298 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Domestic Distribution Department 1945-1948
298 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Domestic Distribution Department 1945-1949
298 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Domestic Distribution Department 1950
298 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Economic Research Department 1946-1948
298 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Economic Research Department 1946-1948
298 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Economic Research Department 1949-1950
298 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Economic Research Department 1949-1950
298 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Economic Research Department 1952-1961
298 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Education Department 1945-1952
298 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Education Department 1954-1955
298 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Education Department 1949-1952
298 12 United States Chamber of Commerce - Field Work Department 1949-1953
298 13 United States Chamber of Commerce - Finance Department 1945-1947
298 14 United States Chamber of Commerce - Finance Department 1948
298 15 United States Chamber of Commerce - Finance Department 1949
298 16 United States Chamber of Commerce - Finance Department 1957-1964
298 17 United States Chamber of Commerce - Foreign Commerce Department 1946-1954
298 18 United States Chamber of Commerce - Foreign Commerce Department 1946-1954
299 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Government Affairs Department 1945
299 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Government Affairs Department 1945
299 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Government Affairs Department 1946-1947
299 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Government Affairs Department 1948
299 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Government Affairs Department 1946-1948
299 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Government Affairs Department 1949
299 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Government Affairs Department 1950
299 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Government Affairs Department 1950
299 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Government Affairs Department 1951-1952
299 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Insurance Department 1949
299 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Insurance Department 1949
299 12 United States Chamber of Commerce - Insurance Department 1950
299 13 United States Chamber of Commerce - Insurance Department 1950
299 14 United States Chamber of Commerce - Labor Relations Department 1945-1946
299 15 United States Chamber of Commerce - Labor Relations Department 1953-1963
299 16 United States Chamber of Commerce - Manufacturing Department 1949
300 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1946
300 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1947
300 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1948
300 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1949
300 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1950
300 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1951 January - 1951 July
300 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1951 August - 1951 December
300 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1952 January - 1952 July
300 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1952 August - 1952 December
301 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1953 January - 1953 June
301 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1953 July - 1953 September
301 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1953 October - 1953 December
301 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1954 January - 1954 July
301 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1954 August - 1954 December
301 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1955 January - 1955 July
301 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1955 August - 1955 December
301 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1956 January - 1956 July
301 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1956 August - 1956 December
302 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1957 January - 1957 June
302 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1957 July - 1957 December
302 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1958 January - 1958 May
302 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1958 June - 1958 August
302 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1958 September - 1958 December
302 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1959 January - 1959 June
302 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1959 July - 1959 December
302 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1960 January - 1960 Ju1y
302 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1960 August - 1960 December
302 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1961 January - 1961 June
302 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1961 July - 1961 December
303 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1962 January - 1962 June
303 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1962 July - 1962 December
303 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1963
303 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1965-1966
303 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1968
303 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1969
303 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department 1970
303 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Post-War Planning 1943-1944
303 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Service Program 1948
303 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Trade Association 1948
304 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Barton, William B.
Secretary of the Labor Relations Committee regarding activities of the committee
304 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Berkshire, Lisle L.
Manager of the western division, regarding chamber activities and programs, national politics and personal notes
304 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Berkshire, Lisle L.
see above
1953 January - 1953 July
304 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Berkshire, Lisle L.
see above
1953 August - 1953 December
304 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Berkshire, Lisle L.
see above
1953 January - 1953 August
304 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Berkshire, Lisle L.
see above
1954 September - 1954 December
304 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Blount, Winton M.
President of the chamber regarding directors meetings and chamber activities
304 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Bowditch, Richard L.
see above
304 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Bowditch Richard L.
see above
304 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Booth, Arch N.
General Manager of the chamber regarding meetings, Eric Johnson and personal notes
304 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Booth, Arch N.
regarding meetings and personal notes
1948 January - 1948 April
304 12 United States Chamber of Commerce - Booth, Arch N.
see above
1948 May - 1948 December
304 13 United States Chamber of Commerce - Booth, Arch N.
see above
304 14 United States Chamber of Commerce - Booth, Arch N.
see above
304 15 United States Chamber of Commerce - Booth, Arch N.
Executive V.P. regarding meetings and personal
1951 January - 1951 July
304 16 United States Chamber of Commerce - Booth, Arch N.
see above
1951 August - 1951 December
304 17 United States Chamber of Commerce - Booth, Arch N.
see above
304 18 United States Chamber of Commerce - Booth, Arch N.
see above
304 19 United States Chamber of Commerce - Booth, Arch N.
see above
304 20 United States Chamber of Commerce - Booth, Arch N.
see above
304 21 United States Chamber of Commerce - Booth, Arch N.
see above
305 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Booth, Arch N.
Executive V.P. regarding meetings, politics, conferences and personal notes
305 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Booth, Arch N.
see above
305 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Booth, Arch N.
see above
305 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Booth, Arch N.
see above
305 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Booth, Arch N.
see above
305 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Booth, Arch N.
see above
305 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Bradford, Ralph
General Manager regarding meetings, Fed. legislation, personal notes, proposals, and activities
1946 January - 1946 June
305 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Bradford, Ralph
see above
1946 July - 1946 December
305 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Bradford, Ralph
General Manager regarding meetings, personal notes, proposals and activities
305 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Bradford, Ralph
Executive V.P
305 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Bradford, Ralph
see above
305 12 United States Chamber of Commerce - Bradford, Ralph
see above
305 13 United States Chamber of Commerce - Bradford, Ralph
International Vice President regarding his book Heritage
305 14 United States Chamber of Commerce - Bradford, Ralph
305 15 United States Chamber of Commerce - Brooke, Irvin A.
Manager field dept. regarding recruitment of new members
306 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Canham, Erwin D.
President regarding meetings and activities of the U.S. C of C
306 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Carey, Walter F.
see above
306 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Coleman, John S.
see above
306 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Dollinger, H.J.
SLC based district manager, intermountain district western division regarding meetings
306 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Fowler, Henry P.
General counsel of the chamber regarding anti-trust Laws, the Green River ordinance, and personal notes
306 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Goddard, Kenneth H.
Assit. to V.P. regarding western divisional meeting in Washington
306 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Hammond, William E.
Manager,western division regarding meetings
306 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Hammond, William E.
see above
306 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Hammond, William E.
regarding farm subsidies
306 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Hammond, William E.
regarding advisory committee
306 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Hammond, William E.
see above
306 12 United States Chamber of Commerce - Havens, Dwight
Manager of the service dept. regarding recognition of Merlin Hoveys long time service
306 13 United States Chamber of Commerce - Havens, Dwight
regarding personal notes and meetings
306 14 United States Chamber of Commerce - Jackson, William K.
President of the chamber regarding meetings and activities of the chamber
306 15 United States Chamber of Commerce - Jackson, William K.
see above
306 16 United States Chamber of Commerce - Johnson, Eric A.
see above
306 17 United States Chamber of Commerce - Johnson, Eric A.
see above
306 18 United States Chamber of Commerce - Johnson, Eric A.
see above
306 19 United States Chamber of Commerce - Johnson, Eric A.
see above
306 20 United States Chamber of Commerce - Johnson, Eric A.
addresses, meetings, conferences, and personal notes
307 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Kirk, J. Eads.
Manager of dept. of taxation F, finance regarding federal finances meetings and personal notes
307 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Kramer, Maurice A.
Personal notes with this assistant to the Executive V. P
307 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Kramer, Maurice A.
regarding meetings, travel reimbursements and personal notes
307 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Kramer, Maurice A.
see above
307 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Kramer, Maurice A.
see above
307 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Kramer, Maurice A.
see above
307 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Kruz, Harry J.
personal notes with this manager of the internal affairs dept
307 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Macdonnell, William A.
President of the chamber regarding meetings and activities
307 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Marcellus, Donald
Director of field activities regarding memberships of the Utah-Idaho Central R.R. S Ogden Transit Company
307 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Miscellaneous 1940-1949
307 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Miscellaneous 1950-1959
307 12 United States Chamber of Commerce - Miscellaneous 1960-1969
307 13 United States Chamber of Commerce - Miscellaneous 1970-1975
307 14 United States Chamber of Commerce - Motley, Arthur H.
President of the chamber regarding meetings and activities
307 15 United States Chamber of Commerce - Neilan, Edwin
see above
307 16 United States Chamber of Commerce - Pratt, Jerry R.
Manager of the chamber's northwestern division regarding meetings
307 17 United States Chamber of Commerce - Ramsdell, H.H.
Secretary to the Board of Directors regarding meetings and activities
307 18 United States Chamber of Commerce - Ramsdell, H.H.
see above
1947 January - 1947 June
307 19 United States Chamber of Commerce - Ramsdell, H.H.
see above
1947 July - 1947 December
307 20 United States Chamber of Commerce - Ramsdell, H.H.
see above
1948 January - 1948 May
307 21 United States Chamber of Commerce - Ramsdell, H.H.
see above
1948 June - 1948 December
307 22 United States Chamber of Commerce - Ramsdell, H.H.
see above
307 23 United States Chamber of Commerce - Ramsdell, H.H.
see above
1950 January - 1950 May
307 24 United States Chamber of Commerce - Ramsdell, H.H.
see above
1950 June - 1950 December
308 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Reynolds, Earl C.
Manager of western division regarding meetings and conferences
308 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Reynolds, Earl C.
Assit. Manager regarding meetings and conferences of the western division
308 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Seyferth, O.A.
President of the chamber regarding meetings and activities
308 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Seyferth, O.A.
see above
308 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Shreve, Earl O.
see above
308 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Shreve, Earl O.
see above
308 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Shreve, Earl O.
see above
308 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Shreve, Earl O.
308 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Shumway, F. Ritter.
see above
308 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Smith, George Cline
Director of government economy program regarding member solicitations for committee
308 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Steiner, James F.
Western division program advisor regarding chamber activities
308 12 United States Chamber of Commerce - Steinkraus, Herman W.
President of the chamber regarding activities and meetings and personal notes
308 13 United States Chamber of Commerce - Steinkraus, Herman W.
see above
308 14 United States Chamber of Commerce - Steinkraus, Herman W.
308 15 United States Chamber of Commerce - Talbott, Philip M.
President of the chamber regarding meetings and activities of the chamber
308 16 United States Chamber of Commerce - Thornton, W A.
Field manager membership sales dept. regarding sales meetings
308 17 United States Chamber of Commerce - Wagner, Richard.
President of the chamber regarding meetings and activities
308 18 United States Chamber of Commerce - Western Division.
General communications regarding information and meetings
308 19 United States Chamber of Commerce - Western Division.
see above
308 20 United States Chamber of Commerce - Wright, M.A.
President of the chamber regarding activities and meetings
309 1-15 United States Chamber of Commerce - Directories
310 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - General Election of 1945
regarding Champ's candidacy for reelections asst. director
310 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - General Election of 1949
see above
310 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - General Election of 1950
forms and materials pertaining to the election
310 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - General Election of 1952
see above
310 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - General Expenses
Regarding expenses incurred by Champ in service to U.S. C of C
310 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - General Expenses
see above
310 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - General Expenses
see above
310 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - General Expenses
see above
310 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - General Expenses
see above
310 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - General Expenses - Misc. 1940-1975
310 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Mailing Lists 1940-1975
310 12 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Vote Lists 1946 January - 1946 February
310 13 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Vote Lists 1946 March - 1946 April
310 14 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Vote Lists 1946 May - 1946 June
310 15 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Vote Lists 1946 December
310 16 United States Chamber of Commerce - Membership Vote Lists 1947
310 17 United States Chamber of Commerce - Miscellaneous 1940-1975
311 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
regarding annual meeting of this dept. and it's subcommittees
1945 January
311 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
regarding 54th meeting of the department
1948 March
311 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
regarding meetings of the departments committees
1948 October - 1948 December
311 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1949 January - 1949 March
311 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1949 May - 1949 November
311 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1950 July, 1950 September
311 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1950 October - 1950 November
311 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1951 February - 1951 August
311 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1951 September - 1951 November
311 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1952 March
311 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1952 July
311 12 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1952 October - 1952 November
312 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
regarding meetings of the department and it's committees
1953 February
312 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1953 March
312 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department Meetings
see above
1953 April
312 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1953 October
312 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1954 January
312 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1954 May, 1954 August
312 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
regarding Denver departmental meeting
1954 September
312 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1954 September
312 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1954 September
312 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1954 September
312 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1954 September
312 12 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
regarding meetings of the department and its committees
1955 January
312 13 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1955 April - 1955 June
313 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
meetings of the department and its committees
1956 January
313 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1956 January
313 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1956 September 27-28
313 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1956 September 17-19
313 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
313 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
313 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
313 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1961 February
313 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1961 September
313 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1961 September
313 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1961 September
314 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
regarding meetings of the department and its committees
1962 February
314 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
1962 September
314 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings 1962 September
314 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
314 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Meetings
see above
315 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Reports
regarding public lands
315 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Reports
see above
315 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Reports
see above
315 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Reports
see above
315 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Reports
regarding Hell's Canyon dam in Idaho
315 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Reports
regarding public lands
1961 January - 1961 June
315 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Reports
regarding wilderness area legislation
1961 July - 1961 September
315 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Reports
see above
1961 October - 1961 December
315 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Reports
regarding public lands
315 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Reports
anti-trust suit against oil companies
1969 May
315 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Reports
regarding solid wastes management
1969 September
315 12 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Reports
regarding air and water quality
315 13 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Reports - Misc. 1940-1975
316 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Agriculture 1943-1946
316 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Agriculture 1947-1958
316 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Federal Lands 1953 May - 1953 July
316 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Federal Lands 1953 August
316 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Federal Lands 1953 September
316 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Federal Lands 1953 October
316 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Federal Lands - San Francisco Meeting 1953
316 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Federal Lands - San Francisco Meeting 1953
316 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Federal Lands 1954
316 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Federal Lands 1940-1975
316 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on forest Lands - Chicago Meeting 1959
316 12 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on forest Lands - Chicago Meeting 1959
316 13 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Government Expenditures 1957
316 14 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Government Expenditures 1957
316 15 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Government Expenditures 1962
317 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Public Lands 1941
317 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Public Lands 1945
317 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Public Lands 1945 May
317 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Public Lands 1945 June
317 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Public Lands 1945 September
317 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Public Lands 1946
317 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Public Lands 1948
317 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Public Lands 1950 September - 1950 October
317 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Public Lands 1950 November - 1950 December
317 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Public Lands - Salt Lake Meeting 1950
317 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Subcommittee on Public Lands - Salt Lake Meeting 1951
318 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - TVA. Miscellaneous 1940-1975
318 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources Department - Water Reservoir 1940-1975
319 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - General Chamber
319 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Natural Resources
320 1 United States Chamber of Commerce - Supplemental Programs
American Opportunity Program
320 2 United States Chamber of Commerce - Supplemental Programs
Better Public Presentations Service
320 3 United States Chamber of Commerce - Supplemental Programs
Circle X Dinner Club
320 4 United States Chamber of Commerce - Supplemental Programs
Circle X Dinner Club
320 5 United States Chamber of Commerce - Supplemental Programs
Circle X Dinner Club
320 6 United States Chamber of Commerce - Supplemental Programs
Explaining Your Business Conference
320 7 United States Chamber of Commerce - Supplemental Programs
Explaining Your Business Conference
320 8 United States Chamber of Commerce - Supplemental Programs
Fourth Businessmen's Conference on Urban Problems
320 9 United States Chamber of Commerce - Supplemental Programs
Gearhart Better Business Relations Conference. 1952-1953
320 10 United States Chamber of Commerce - Supplemental Programs
Post-War Business Planning Program
320 11 United States Chamber of Commerce - Supplemental Programs
Radio Programs
320 12 United States Chamber of Commerce - Supplemental Programs
Socialism in America
320 13 United States Chamber of Commerce - Supplemental Programs
Telephone Contract System
320 14 United States Chamber of Commerce - Supplemental Programs
Voice of Business Program
320 15 United States Chamber of Commerce - Supplemental Programs
Washington Report, Correspondence
320 16 United States Chamber of Commerce - Supplemental Programs
Work Program, Miscellaneous
321 1-12 Untied States Chamber of Commerce - "Who's Who in the Chamber"
12 Books containing lists and short biographies of members of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
322 1 United States Congress
regarding bills going before congress and Champ's views
322 2 United States Department of Agriculture
regarding information about agricultural programs
322 3 United States Department of Agriculture - Forest Service
based in Logan regarding forest service permits in Logan Canyon
322 *4 United States Department of Commerce
regarding views toward government actions and programs
322 5 United States Department of the Interior - Bureau of Land Management
regional office in SLC regarding speech and correspondence on public lands
322 6 United States Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation
based in Logan regarding work for Newton Dam
322 7 United States Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation
regarding public land and water issues
322 8 United States Department of the Interior - Grazing Service
based in SLC regarding non-race discrimination clause in grazing permits
322 9 United States Department of the Interior - Office of the Secretary
regarding national park system and phosphate leases held in Southern Idaho
322 10 United States Department of the Interior - Repayment Commission
regarding non-federal irrigation projects in Utah and Idaho
322 11 United States Department of the Interior - H. Byron Mack
Regional Administrator in SLC regarding public land policy of U.S. C of C
322 12 United States Department of the Navy
regarding orientation cruise to be held in Pensacola, Florida
322 13 United States Department of States Committee Refugees
regarding meeting of ship based in Washington D.C
322 *14 United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company
based in Baltimore regarding employee's of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp attending Insurance School at this company
322 *15 United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company
see above
322 16 United States Industries, Inc.
industrial and agricultural business building materials in N.Y. regarding stocks held
322 *17 United States Junior Chamber of Commerce
regarding personal notes with Mearns T. Gates, President
322 18 United States Plywood Corporation
ase in N.Y. regarding stocks in this corporation
322 19 United States Postal Service
regarding postal proceedure affecting Cache Valley Banking and Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
322 20 United States Savings Bonds Division - Addresses of F.P. Champ 1896-1976
322 21 United States Savings Bonds Division - County Bond Sales
Bond Sales. 1942-1946 Area coordinator
322 22 United States Savings Bonds Division - County Bond Sales
see above
322 23 United States Savings Bonds Division - County Bond Sales
see above
322 24 United States Savings Bonds Division - County Bond Sales
see above
322 25 United States Savings Bonds Division - County Bond Sales
see above
322 26 United States Savings Bonds Division - County Bond Sales
see above
322 27 United States Savings Bonds Division - County Bond Sales
Regional chairman
322 28 United States Savings Bonds Division - County Bond Sales
State chairman
322 29 United States Savings Bonds Division - County Bond Sales
see above
322 30 United States Savings Bonds Division - County Bond Sales
see above
322 31 United States Savings Bonds Division - County Bond Sales
see above
322 32 United States Savings Bonds Division - County Bond Sales
see above
323 1 United States Savings Bonds Division - County Bond Sales 1960
323 2 United States Savings Bonds Division - County Bond Sales 1961
323 3 United States Savings Bonds Division - County Bond Sales 1962
323 4 United States Savings Bonds Division - County Bond Sales 1965
323 5 United States Savings Bonds Division
Area coordinator regarding bonds sales and promotion in Utah
1946 February - 1946 July
323 6 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1946 October - 1946 November
323 7 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1946 December
323 8 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1947 January - 1947 June
323 9 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1947 July - 1947 September
323 10 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1947 October - 1947 December
323 11 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1948 January - 1948 February
323 12 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1948 March - 1948 April
323 13 United States Savings Bonds Division
Area coordinator regarding bond sales and promotion in Utah
1948 May - 1948 June
323 14 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1948 July - 1948 August
323 15 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1948 September - 1948 October
323 16 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1948 November - 1948 December
323 17 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1949 January - 1949 April
323 18 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1949 May
323 19 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1949 June - 1949 August
323 20 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1949 September - 1949 October
323 21 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1949 November - 1949 December
323 22 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1950 February - 1950 April
323 23 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1950 May - 1950 June
323 24 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1950 July - 1950 August
323 25 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1950 September - 1950 December
323 26 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1951 February - 1951 May
323 27 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1951 August
323 28 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1951 September - 1951 October
323 29 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1951 November - 1951 December
323 30 United States Savings Bonds Division
Regional chairman
1954 January - 1954 March
323 31 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1954 April - 1954 May
323 32 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1954 June - 1954 August
323 33 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1954 September
323 34 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1954 October - 1954 December
324 1 United States Savings Bonds Division
Regional chairman regarding promotion and selling of bonds
1955 January - 1955 February
324 2 United States Savings Bonds Division
regarding promotion and selling of bonds, regional chairman
1955 March - 1955 April
324 3 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1955 May 3 - 1955 May 18
324 4 United States Savings Bonds Division
State chairman
1955 May 21 - 1955 May 31
324 5 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1955 June 1 - 1955 June 17
324 6 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1955 June 18 - 1955 June 28
324 7 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1955 July 1 - 1955 July 16
324 8 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1955 July 18 - 1955 July 30
324 9 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1955 August 1 - 1955 August 18
324 10 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1955 August 19 - 1955 August 30
324 11 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1955 September 1 - 1955 September 19
324 12 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1955 September 20 - 1955 September 30
324 13 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1955 October
324 14 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1955 November
324 15 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1955 December
324 16 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1956 January - 1956 February
324 17 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1956 March
324 18 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1956 April - 1956 May
324 19 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1956 June
324 20 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1956 July
324 21 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1956 August - 1956 September
324 22 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1956 October - 1956 November
324 23 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1956 December
324 24 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1957 January
324 25 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1957 February
324 26 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1957 March
324 27 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1957 April
324 28 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1957 May
324 29 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1957 June
325 1 United States Savings Bonds Division
State chairman regarding promotion. and sales of bonds
1957 July
325 2 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1957 August
325 3 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1957 September
325 4 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1957 October
325 5 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1957 November
325 6 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1957 December
325 7 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1958 January
325 8 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1958 February
325 9 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1958 March
325 10 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1958 April
325 11 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1958 May
325 12 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1958 June - 1958 July
325 13 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1958 August - 1958 September
325 14 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1958 October - 1958 December
325 15 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1959 January
325 16 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1959 February
325 17 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1959 March - 1959 April
325 18 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1959 May - 1959 June
325 19 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1959 July
325 20 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1959 August
325 21 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1959 September
325 22 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1959 October - 1959 November
325 23 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1959 December
326 1 United States Savings Bonds Division
State chairman regarding promotion and sale of bonds
1960 January
326 2 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1960 February
326 3 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1960 March
326 4 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1960 April
326 5 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1960 May
326 6 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1960 June - 1960 July
326 7 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1960 August - 1960 September
326 8 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1960 October
326 9 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1960 November
326 10 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1960 December
326 11 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1961 January
326 12 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1961 February
326 13 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1961 March
326 14 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1961 April
326 15 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1961 May
326 16 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1961 June - 1961 July
326 17 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1961 August
326 18 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1961 September
326 19 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1961 October
326 20 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1961 November
326 21 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1961 December
326 22 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1962 January - 1962 March
326 23 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1962 April - 1962 May
326 24 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1962 June - 1962 July
326 25 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1962 August - 1962 September
326 26 United States Savings Bonds Division
State chairman regarding promotion and sale of bonds
1962 October - 1962 November
326 27 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1962 December
327 1 United States Savings Bonds Division
communications with U.S. Treasury Dept, Bonds Div. motion and sale of bonds in Utah
327 2 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
327 3 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
327 4 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
327 5 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
327 6 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
327 7 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
327 8 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
327 9 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
327 10 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1965 January - 1965 February
327 11 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1965 March
327 12 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1965 April
327 13 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1965 May - 1965 June
327 14 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1965 July - 1965 September
327 15 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1965 October - 1965 December
327 16 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
1966 January - 1966 September
327 17 United States Savings Bonds Division
see above
327 18 United States Savings Bonds Division - Lists of Washington Committee members 1955-1958
327 19 United States Savings Bonds Division - Miscellaneous 1896-1976
327 20 United States Savings Bonds Division - Miscellaneous 1896-1976
327 21 United States Savings Bonds Division - Resignation
regarding correspondence of Champ's resignation as state chairman
1966 November
327 22 United States Savings Bonds Division - Resignation
regarding correspondence of Champ's resignation as state chairman
1966 December
327 23 United States Savings Bonds Division - Resignation
see above
328 1 United States Savings Bonds Division - Sales and Redemption Comparisons 1966
328 2 United States Savings Bonds Division - Sales Comparisons by State 1938-1955
328 3 United States Savings Bonds Division - Sales Comparisons by State 1959-1960
328 4 United States Savings Bonds Division - Sales Comparisons by State 1960-1961
328 5 United States Savings Bonds Division - Sales Comparisons by State 1961-1963
328 6 United States Savings Bonds Division - Utah State Sales Program 1955
328 7 United States Savings Bonds Division - Utah State Sales Program 1956
328 8 United States Savings Bonds Division - Utah War Finance Committee
Committee Report 1945
329 1 United States Secretary of Defense - Joint Civilian Orientation Conference
regarding invitations to this conference in Washington, D.C
329 2 United States Smelting Refining and Mining Company
regarding stocks held in this Boston based company
329 3 United States Steel Corporation
regarding stocks held in this Provo, Utah based Corp
329 4 United States Treasury Department
regarding personal business notes
329 5 United States Treasury Department - Government Securities
regarding dealings with U.S. Treasury Bonds
329 6 United States Treasury Department - U.S. Savings Bonds Division
regarding sales of bonds in Utah
1953 January - 1953 June
329 7 United States Treasury Department - U.S. Savings Bonds Division 1953 July - 1953 December
329 8 United States Treasury Department - U.S. Savings Bonds Division
regarding talks given at conferences
329 9 United States Treasury Department - Under Secretary of The Treasury
regarding feelings on improving tax structure
329 10 United States Veterans Administration
regarding Champ's regrets as to not attending meeting in Washington D.C
329 11 United States War Department - Quarter Master Corps
regarding appointments and programs relating to U.S.A.C
329 12 Universal Oil Products
regarding stocks held in this Delaware based company
329 13 University of California
regarding visits to Berkley and personal notes with President Sproul
329 14 University of Colorado
regarding application of Winton's acceptance
329 15 University Heights Apartments
in SLC regarding Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. selling of these apts. for Mr. Plewe's
329 16 University of Utah
regarding meeting invitations given to Champ and speeches made
329 *17 University of Utah - Dr. Jewell J. Rasmussen
regarding study on Utah Public Lands by dept. of Economics
329 18 University of Utah - Board of Regents
regarding U.S.A.C. trying to get U.S. Bureau of Fishery transferred from U of U
329 19 University of Wyoming
based in Laramie regarding personal business notes. ( Wyoming, University of)
329 20 Upper Colorado River Storage Project
Speeches and correspondence relating to project
329 21 Urban Improvement Fund, Inc.
regarding investments in this Atlanta partnership
329 22 Utah Anti-Inflation Committee
regarding business of this SLC committee on inflation matters
329 *23 Utah Association of Garden Clubs
regarding development of a Landscape Department at Utah. State Agricultural College
329 24 Utah Association for The United Nations
regarding meetings and displays of this SLC organization
329 25 Utah Association of Small Loan Company
regarding annual meeting and banquet of this SLC company
330 1 Utah Bankers Association
regarding the annual Past President's Informal Breakfast of the association
330 2 Utah Bankers Association- Agriculture Committee
regarding conference on operations an regarding ations with farmers
330 3 Utah Bankers Association - Legislative Committee
regarding meetings of this Committee Utah legislation on banks and banking and personal notes with committee members
330 4 Utah Bankers Association - Legislative Committee
see above
330 5 Utah Bankers Association - Legislative Committee
regarding meetings of this Committee Utah legislation on banks and banking and personal notes with committee members
330 6 Utah Bankers Association - Legislative Committee
see above
330 7 Utah Boys Ranch
regarding Champ's contributions to this charitable organization
330 8 Utah Cattle and Horse Growers Association
regarding meetings of this organization, addresses by Champ and legislature pertaining to grazing
330 9 Utah Cattlemen's Association
regarding Champ's activities for reasonable public lands use, personal notes with officers of this organization and the Utah Cow Belles Association
330 10 Utah Cattlemen's Association
see above
331 1 Utah Centennial Commission
regarding of the commission, Champ's service on the commission, the foundation of committees, and related matters
331 2 Utah Centennial Commission
regarding meetings and promotion of the commissions programs
1940 January - 1940 March
331 3 Utah Centennial Commission
see above
1940 April - 1940 June
331 4 Utah Centennial Commission
see above
331 5 Utah Centennial Commission
regarding Cache Valley's plans for the centennial, meetings, and promotions
1945 January - 1945 June
331 6 Utah Centennial Commission
see above
1945 July - 1945 December
331 7 Utah Centennial Commission
see above
1946 January - 1946 June
331 8 Utah Centennial Commission
see above
1946 July - 1946 September
331 9 Utah Centennial Commission
see above
1946 October - 1946 December
331 10 Utah Centennial Commission
regarding activities of the centennial
1947 January - 1947 March
331 11 Utah Centennial Commission
regarding financial progress report to May 1947
1947 April - 1947 May
331 12 Utah Centennial Commission
see above
1947 June
331 13 Utah Centennial Commission
see above
1947 July
331 14 Utah Centennial Commission
see above
1947 August
331 15 Utah Centennial Commission
see above
1947 September - 1947 December
331 16 Utah Centennial Commission
regarding the dissolution of the commission
331 17 Utah Centennial Commission 1939-1944
331 18 Utah Centennial Commission 1945
331 19 Utah Centennial Commission 1946 March - 1946 August
331 20 Utah Centennial Commission 1946 October - 1946 December
332 1 Utah Centennial Commission 1947 January - 1947 May
332 2 Utah Centennial Commission 1947 June - 1947 December
332 3 Utah Centennial Commission 1946
332 4 Utah Centennial Commission 1947
332 5 Utah Centennial Commission 1939-1951
332 6 Utah Centennial Commission 1939-1951
332 7 Utah Centennial Commission 1939-1951
332 8 Utah Centennial Commission
reports of the publicity, budget and program committees
1946 January - 1946 August
332 9 Utah Centennial Commission
see above
1946 October - 1946 December
332 10 Utah Centennial Commission
see above
332 11 Utah Centennial Commission 1939-1951
333 1 Utah Chamber of Commerce
regarding the activities of the U C of C executives association
333 *2 Utah Citizens Committee on Intergovernmental Relations
regarding Federal grant-in-aid programs
333 *3 Utah Coal Operators Association
regarding opposition to the St. Lawrence Seaway project
333 *4 Utah Committee for The Hoover Report
committe to reduce unessential government spending on which Champ served as V. Chairman, Northern Division
333 *5 Utah Committee on Industrial and Employment Planning
regarding promotion of employment through industrial development in Utah
333 *6 Utah Conference of Higher Education
regarding Champ's chirmanship of panel for discussion of specific education progress which higher education can bring to the people of Utah
333 7 Utah Concrete Pipe Company
regarding stock held in this company and loan financing
333 8 Utah Construction Company
regarding phosphate deposits in Southern Idaho
333 *9 Utah Council for The Preservation of the Constitution
regarding support for a strict interpretation o the U.S. Constitution
333 *10 Utah Counties and School Districts
assessed valuations
333 11 Utah Defense Bond Committee
regarding U.S. Savings Bond program in Utah
333 *12 Utah Defense Council
council on which Champ served as Vice Chairman
333 *13 Utah Department of Public Instruction
personal notes with state superintendent Charles H. Skidmore
333 *14 Utah Education Association
regarding personal notes with officials of the association
334 1 Utah Foundation
A non-profit organization to study taxation and the relations of State and Local governments costs to Utah's economy regarding addresses given before the foundations meetings
334 2 Utah Foundation
Committee reports regarding executive committee reports 1957,1962; treasurers report 1960,1968; and report to board of trustees 19611962
334 3 Utah Foundation
regarding Champs membership application and early activities with the Foundation
334 4 Utah Foundation
regarding Utah's tax revenues, foundation meetings and Champ's appointment to the Board of Trustees of the foundation
334 5 Utah Foundation
regarding Champ's services, personal notes and executive meeting notices
334 6 Utah Foundation
see above
334 7 Utah Foundation
see above
334 8 Utah Foundation
see above
1957 January - 1957 April
334 9 Utah Foundation
see above
1957 October - 1957 December
334 10 Utah Foundation
see above
1958 January - 1958 May
334 11 Utah Foundation
see above
1958 June - 1958 December
334 12 Utah Foundation
see above
1959 January - 1959 March
334 13 Utah Foundation
see above
1959 April - 1959 December
334 14 Utah Foundation
see above
1960 January - 1960 April
334 15 Utah Foundation
see above
1960 May - 1960 December
334 16 Utah Foundation
see above
1961 January - 1961 April
334 17 Utah Foundation
see above
1961 May - 1961 December
334 18 Utah Foundation
see above
1962 January - 1962 May
334 19 Utah Foundation
see above
1962 June - 1962 December
334 20 Utah Foundation
see above
334 21 Utah Foundation
see above
334 22 Utah Foundation
see above
334 23 Utah Foundation
see above
334 24 Utah Foundation
see above
334 25 Utah Foundation
regarding school enrollments, teachers, school housing, and financial reports
334 26 Utah Foundation
335 1 Utah Foundation
regarding taxes and public finances
335 2 Utah Foundation
335 3 Utah Foundation 1961
335 4 Utah Foundation 1962 January - 1962 May
335 5 Utah Foundation 1962 June - 1962 December
335 6 Utah Foundation 1969 January - 1969 April
335 7 Utah Foundation 1969 May - 1969 August
335 8 Utah Foundation 1969 September - 1969 December
335 9 Utah Foundation 1970-1975
336 1 Utah Highway Patrol
circulars of the Highway Patrol Civil Service Commission on which Champ served as a member
336 2 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
336 3 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
336 4 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
336 5 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
336 6 Utah Highway Patrol
regarding personnel policies of the commission and notification of meetings
1951 January - 1951 June
336 7 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
1951 August - 1951 December
336 8 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
1952 January - 1952 May
336 9 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
1952 June - 1952 December
336 10 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
1953 January - 1953 June
336 11 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
1953 July - 1953 December
336 12 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
1954 January - 1954 June
336 13 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
1954 July - 1954 December
336 14 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
1955 January - 1955 May
336 15 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
1955 June - 1955 December
336 16 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
336 17 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
1957 January - 1957 July
336 18 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
1957 August - 1957 December
336 19 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
1958 January - 1958 June
336 20 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
1958 July - 1958 December
336 21 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
336 22 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
336 23 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
336 24 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
336 25 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
336 26 Utah Highway Patrol
regarding Champ's resignation from the commission
337 1 Utah Highway Patrol
General information and instructions regarding the Patrol's Civil Service Commission
337 2 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
337 3 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
337 4 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
337 5 Utah Highway Patrol
minutes of the Highway Patrol Civil Service Commission
337 6 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
337 7 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
337 8 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
337 9 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
337 10 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
337 11 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
337 12 Utah Highway Patrol
see above
337 13 Utah Highway Patrol 1952
337 14 Utah Highway Patrol 1947-1951
337 15 Utah Highway Patrol 1952-1954
337 16 Utah Highway Patrol 1955-1962
338 *1 Utah-Idaho Advertising Association
regarding addresses by Champ delivered before this Ogden Association
338 2 Utah-Idaho Central Railroad Company
regarding bonds held in this company by Champ
338 *3 Utah-Idaho Hospital
regarding notifications for stockholders meetings
338 *4 Utah-Idaho Sugar Company
regarding stocks held in this Salt Lake City based company
338 *5 Utah International Inc.
regarding stocks held in this Salt Lake City based company
338 6 Utah Junior Chamber of Commerce
regarding Champ's contributions to the State's distinguished service awards program
338 7 Utah Legislative Conference
regarding meetings of this conference held to discuss matters pertaining to programs pursued by the Utah Legislative Council
338 8 Utah Legislative Conference
see above
338 9 Utah Legislative Conference
see above
338 10 Utah Manufacturing Association
regarding reports, meeting notifications, membership and programs of this Salt Lake City association
338 11 Utah Manufacturing Association
see above
338 12 Utah Manufacturing Association
see above
338 13 Utah Manufacturing Association
see above
338 14 Utah Manufacturing Association
see above
338 15 Utah Manufacturing Association
see above
338 16 Utah Mining Association
regarding opposition to the St. Lawrence Seaway Project
339 1 Utah Mortgage Bankers Association
regarding meetings, programs, and personal notes with members of this association
339 2 Utah Mortgage Bankers Association
see above
339 3 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation Abstract Department
Interoffice communications regarding loan volume, comparative statements and routine departmental operations
339 4 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation Abstract Department
see above
339 5 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation Abstract Department
inter-office communications regarding loan volume, comparative reports and routine department operation
339 6 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation Abstract Department
see above
339 7 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation Abstract Department
see above
339 8 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation Abstract Department
see above
339 9 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation Abstract Department
see above
339 10 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation Abstract Department
see above
1954 January - 1954 June
339 11 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation Abstract Department
see above
1954 July - 1954 December
339 12 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation Abstract Department
see above
339 13 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation Abstract Department
see above
339 14 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation Abstract Department
see above
339 15 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation Abstract Department
see above
339 *16 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Appraisal Service
list of appraisals made during September and October
339 *17 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Committee on Budget
regarding meetings and discussions of the Branch offices of Utah Mortgage Loan
339 18 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Committee on Costs
regarding discounts or refunds to employees far services of the office, and general business costs policies
339 19 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Committee on Costs
see above
339 20 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Committee on Costs
see above
339 *21 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Credit Department
inter-office communications with the manager of this department regarding routine operations
339 22 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Expense Accounts
regarding expenses incurred by Champ as a matter of business
340 1 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Finance Committee
inter-office communications regarding meetings and policies of this committee created to over the corporation's finances
340 2 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Finance Committee
see above
340 3 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Finance Committee
inter-office communications regarding meetings and policies of this committee created to over the corporation's finances
1957 January - 1957 August
340 4 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Finance Committee
see above
1957 September - 1957 December
340 5 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Finance Committee
see above
1958 January - 1958 July
340 6 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Finance Committee
see above
August-December 1958
340 7 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Finance Committee
see above
1959 January - 1959 August
340 8 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Finance Committee
see above
1959 September - 1959 December
340 9 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Finance Committee
see above
1960 January - 1960 June
340 10 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Finance Committee
see above
1960 July - 1960 December
340 11 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Finance Committee
see above
1961 January - 1961 March
340 12 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Finance Committee
see above
1961 April- 1961 June
340 13 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Finance Committee
see above
1961 July - 1961 December
340 14 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Finance Committee
see above
1962 January - 1962 June
340 15 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Finance Committee
see above
1962 July - 1962 December
340 16 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Finance Committee
see above
1963 January - 1963 June
340 17 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Finance Committee
see above
1963 July - 1963 December
340 18 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - General
Inter-office communications regarding routine operations of the corporations
340 19 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - General
see above
340 20 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - General
see above
341 1 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Hulme, Melvin
regarding personal notes to Hulme concerning his contributions as an employee of the Corp
341 2 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Idaho Falls office
Memoranda and inter-office communications regarding routine business operations of this branch office
341 3 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Idaho Falls office
memoranda and inter-office communications regarding routine business operations of this branch office
341 4 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Idaho Falls office
see above
341 5 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Installment Loan Department
profit and loss statements on FHA program, application lists and inter-office communications regarding routine operations
1955 March - 1955 May
341 6 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Installment Loan Department
see above
1955 June - 1955 July
341 7 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Installment Loan Department
see above
1955 August - 1955 December
341 8 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Installment Loan Department
see above
1956 January - 1956 March
341 9 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Installment Loan Department
see above
1956 April - 1956 July
341 10 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Installment Loan Department
see above
1956 August - 1956 October
341 11 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Installment Loan Department
see above
1956 November - 1956 December
341 12 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Installment Loan Department
see above
1957 January - 1957 March
341 13 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Installment Loan Department
see above
1957 April - 1957 June
341 14 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Installment Loan Department
see above
1957 July - 1957 December
342 1 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
regarding accounts with Intermountain Lloyds, insurance expirations, monthly statistics, and interoffice communications
342 2 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
342 3 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
342 4 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
monthly statistics, comparative statements and interoffice communications regarding routine operations
342 5 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
342 6 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
342 7 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1947 January - 1947 August
342 8 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1947 September - 1947 December
342 9 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
monthly statements, comparative statements, and interoffice communications regarding routine operations
342 10 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1949 January - 1949 August
342 11 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1949 September - 1949 December
342 12 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1950 January - 1950 May
342 13 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1950 June - 1950 December
343 1 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
regarding monthly statistics, comparative statements and interoffice communications concerning routine operations
1951 January - 1951 April
343 2 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1951 May - 1951 August
343 3 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1951 September - 1951 December
343 4 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1952 January - 1952 March
343 5 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1952 April - 1952 June
343 6 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1952 July - 1952 September
343 7 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1952 October - 1952 December
343 8 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1953 January - 1953 March
343 9 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1953 April - 1953 June
343 10 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1953 July - 1953 September
343 11 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1953 October - 1953 December
343 12 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1954 January - 1954 April
343 13 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1954 May - 1954 August
343 14 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1954 September - 1954 December
344 1 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
regarding monthly statistics, comparative statements and interoffice communications concerning routine operations
1955 January - 1955 March
344 2 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1955 April - 1955 June
344 3 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1955 July - 1955 December
344 4 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1956 March - 1956 July
344 5 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1956 August - 1956 December
344 6 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1957 January - 1957 May
344 7 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1957 June - 1957 September
344 8 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1957 October - 1957 December
344 9 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1958 January - 1958 June
344 10 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
1958 July - 1958 December
344 11 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
344 12 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
344 13 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
344 14 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Insurance Department
see above
345 1 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
regarding annual form letter of business summaries to local representatives of the corporation
345 2 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Loan Closing Department
interoffice communications regarding routine operations
345 3 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Loan Submissions
Lists of applicants for loans
345 4 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
regarding loans closed
345 5 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Real Estate Department
regarding sales reports and interoffice communications concerning the operations of the department
345 6 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Real Estate Department
regarding sales reports and Interoffice communications concerning the operations of the department
345 7 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Real Estate Department
see above
345 8 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Real Estate Department
see above
345 9 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Real Estate Department
see above
345 10 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
financial statistics of the Corp
345 11 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Tolman, E.A
regarding interoffice communications with this corporation auditor
345 12 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Training Program
regarding training of new personnel
345 13 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Twin Falls office
regarding the managment andoperations of this Idaho branch office
345 14 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Twin Falls office
see above
345 15 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Twin Falls office
see above
345 16 Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation - Twin Falls office
see above
345 17 Utah Motor Transport Association Inc.
regarding U.S. C of C policy statements regarding overland transportation
345 18 Utah Oil Refining Company
regarding Champ's Utoco credit card
345 19 Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Association
regarding Champ's membership and service with this organization
346 1 Utah Power and Light Company
346 2 Utah Power and Light Company 1951-1954
346 3 Utah Power and Light Company
346 4 Utah Power and Light Company
and 1975
346 5 Utah Power and Light Company
regarding stock held in the company by Champ and a proposed municipal electric light plant at Garland
346 6 Utah Power and Light Company
regarding stock held in the Company personal correspondence with company President G.M. Gadsby, and operations of the company
346 7 Utah Power and Light Company
see above
346 8 Utah Power and Light Company
see above
346 9 Utah Power and Light Company
see above
346 10 Utah Power and Light Company
see above
346 11 Utah Power and Light Company
see above
346 12 Utah Power and Light Company
see above
346 13 Utah Power and Light Company
see above
346 14 Utah Power and Light Company
see above
346 15 Utah Power and Light Company
with Ed Naughton, President and General Manager
346 16 Utah Power and Light Company
see above
346 17 Utah Power and Light Company
regarding the Colorado River Storage project
346 18 Utah Power and Light Company
see above
346 19 Utah Power and Light Company
regarding the Bear River project
346 20 Utah Power and Light Company
see above
346 21 Utah Power and Light Company
see above
346 22 Utah Power and Light Company
regarding Bonneville Power Administration expansion into South Idaho
346 23 Utah Power and Light Company
regarding stock held in the Company personal notes, operations
346 24 Utah Power and Light Company
see above
346 25 Utah Power and Light Company
see above
346 26 Utah Power and Light Company 1947-1949
346 27 Utah Power and Light Company 1950-1952
346 28 Utah Power and Light Company 1953-1955
346 29 Utah Power and Light Company 1956-1958
346 30 Utah Power and Light Company 1959-1960
346 31 Utah Power and Light Company 1961-1964
347 1 Utah Power and Light Company 1958-1963
347 2 Utah Power and Light Company 1964-1967
347 3 Utah Power and Light Company 1933-1975
347 4 Utah Power and Light Company 1947-1949
347 5 Utah Power and Light Company 1950-1953
347 6 Utah Power and Light Company 1954-1956
347 7 Utah Power and Light Company 1957-1959
347 8 Utah Power and Light Company 1960-1963
347 9 Utah Power and Light Company 1964-1967
347 10 Utah Power and Light Company 1949-1955
347 11 Utah Power and Light Company 1972-1976
347 12 Utah Power and Light Company 1933-1975
347 13 Utah Power and Light Company 1958-1963
347 14 Utah Power and Light Company 1964-1967
347 15 Utah Power and Light Company 1965-1966
347 16 Utah Power and Light Company
347 17 Utah Power and Light Company
statements of Utah Bankers Assoc, regarding congressional hearings on the Upper Colorado River project
347 18 Utah Power and Light Company
see above
347 19 Utah Power and Light Company 1933-1975
347 20 Utah Power and Light Company 1933-1975
348 1 Utah Retail Groceries Association
regarding request for address by Champ at this organizations annual convention in Salt Lake City
348 2 Utah State Attorney General
348 3 Utah State Board of Agriculture
regarding grazing and public lands.
348 4 Utah State Board of Health
regarding Champ's interest, as a member of the state board of public welfare, in the community sanitation program, public health-law and policies controlling public health nurses
348 5 Utah State Board of Public Welfare
regarding Champ's service on the state advisory committee on public welfare and emergency relief and coordination of national, state, and local projects
348 6 Utah State Board of Public Welfare
see above
1936 January - 1936 March
348 7 Utah State Board of Public Welfare
see above
1936 April - 1936 May
348 8 Utah State Board of Public Welfare
see above
1936 June - 1936 July
348 9 Utah State Board of Public Welfare
see above
1936 August - 1936 September
348 10 Utah State Board of Public Welfare
see above
1936 October - 1936 December
348 11 Utah State Board of Public Welfare
see above
348 12 Utah State Board of Public Welfare
rules and regulations for the guidance and management of the state, county and district departments of public welfare in Utah
349 1 Utah State Board of Public Welfare 1935 May - 1935 June
349 2 Utah State Board of Public Welfare 1935 July - 1935 August
349 3 Utah State Board of Public Welfare 1935 September - 1935 December
349 4 Utah State Board of Public Welfare 1936 January - 1936 May
349 5 Utah State Board of Public Welfare 1936 June - 1936 December
349 6 Utah State Board of Public Welfare 1935-1937
349 7 Utah State Board of Public Welfare
monthly reports, auditors reports, work projects funds dispersements
1935 March - 1935 August
349 8 Utah State Board of Public Welfare
see above
1935 September - 1935 December
349 9 Utah State Board of Public Welfare
see above
1936 January - 1936 March
349 10 Utah State Board of Public Welfare
monthly reports, auditors reports, work project fund dispersements
1936 April - 1936 May
349 11 Utah State Board of Public Welfare
see above
1936 June - 1936 July
349 12 Utah State Board of Public Welfare
see above
1936 August - 1936 September
349 13 Utah State Board of Public Welfare
see above
1936 October - 1936 December
349 14 Utah State Board of Public Welfare
regarding meetings of the Utah Board delegates in Washington
350 1 Utah State Building Commission
regarding Champ's communications with this commission during his term as President of USAC Board of Trustees and building projects at the campus
350 2 Utah State Committee for Economic Freedom
regarding Champ's contributions to this organizations support of the Liberty Amendment
350 3 Utah State Committee on Investment of State Funds
regarding state investments in first mortgage loans
350 4 Utah State Department of Health, District #1 - Logan Branch
regarding sanitation programs in Cache County
350 5 Utah State Institute of Fine Arts
regarding Frances W. Champ's service to this organization
350 6 Utah State Land Board
1962-1963 regarding appointments to the board and Champ's radio address on Federal Public Land policy
350 *7 Utah State Liquor Commission
regarding employment of former employee of the commission at Cache Valley Banking Co
350 8 Utah State Road Commission
regarding personal notes to commissioners and road work in Cache County
1933-1941, 1952-1959
350 9 Utah State School Employees Retirement System
regarding Champ's refusal of appointment to Board of Directors and FHA mortgage bonds purchases by the system
350 10 Utah State Tax Commission
regarding Champ's state income tax returns,
350 11 Utah State Tax Commission
see above
350 12 Utah State Tax Commission
see above
350 13 Utah State University - A Men's Club
regarding Champ's membership in this voluntary athletic assoc
350 14 Utah State University - Alumni Association
regarding Champ's contributions to this association
350 15 Utah State University - Big Blue Club
regarding Champ's contributions to this association
350 16 Utah State University - Branch College
regarding communications between Champ as President of the Board of Trustees for U.S.A.C. and its branch college officials
350 17 Utah State University - Christian Fellowship
regarding Champ's contributions to this organization
350 18 Utah State University - Career Conference
regarding address by Champ at college of commerce
350 *19 Utah State University - College of Business and Social Sciences
regarding tribute to Dr. Paul W. McCracken
350 20 Utah State University - Commencement
regarding invitations to commencements exercises
350 *21 Utah State University - Department of Animal Husbandry
regarding personal notes with dept. faculty
350 22 Utah State University - Department of Athletics
regarding Champ's contributions to athletics at college
350 *23 Utah State University - Department of Dairy Science
regarding personal notes with dept. faculty
350 *24 Utah State University - Department of Intramural Sports
regarding F.P. Champ's Intramural Sports Trophy award
350 25 Utah State University - Department of Military Science
regarding annual Cache Valley Banking Co. cash award to a worthy student
350 26 Utah State University - Development Fund
regarding Champ's contributions to the fund
350 27 Utah State University - Extension Service
regarding Champs participation in programs sponsored by the service
350 28 Utah State University - Faculty Association
regarding the association's contributions to the Boy Scout fund and activities of the association
351 1 Utah State University - General
personal notes with the faculty and administrators regarding activities and programs at the university
351 2 Utah State University - General
see above
351 3 Utah State University - General
see above
351 4 Utah State University - General
see above
351 5 Utah State University - General
see above
351 6 Utah State University - Historical
a brief history of the U.S.A.C. copies of enabling act Ir the legislation effecting the operation of the college
351 7 Utah State University - Management Institute
regarding Champ's participation in this institute
351 8 Utah State University - Presidents
personal notes with university presidents regarding programs and activities of the college
351 9 Utah State University - Presidents
see above
351 10 Utah State University - Presidents
see above
351 11 Utah State University - Presidents
see above
351 12 Utah State University - Presidents
see above
351 13 Utah State University - Presidents
see above
351 14 Utah State University - Presidents
see above
351 15 Utah State University - School of Agriculture
regarding Champ's communications with faculty members of this college and programs to which he contributed
351 16 Utah State University - School of Education
regarding Champ's communications with faculty members of this college and programs to which he contributed
351 17 Utah State University - School of Business and Social Sciences
regarding Champ's communications with faculty members of this college and programs to which he contributed
351 18 Utah State University - School of Engineering
regarding Champ's communications with faculty members of this college and programs to which he contributed
351 19 Utah State University - School of Forestry
regarding Champ's communications with faculty members of this college and programs to which he contributed
351 20 Utah State University - School of Forestry
regarding Champ's communications with faculty members of this college and programs to which he contributed
351 21 Utah State University - Secretary
communications with Russell E. Bernstom, Exec. Sec. of the USAC regarding personal notes and complimentary tickets to college events
351 22 Utah State University - Senior Class Gift Committee
regarding class gifts to the construction of entrance to the U.S.A.C. campus
351 *23 Utah State University - Student Life
regarding news leads for the U.S.A.C. paper
351 24 Utah State University - Student Union
regarding Champ's contributions for an air conditioning unit in bldg
351 25 Utah State University - Summer Session
regarding programs sponsored by the college during the summer
351 26 Utah State University - Symposium Industrial Development
regarding organization of this college of business symposium
351 27 Utah State University - Utah Foresters
regarding invitations to events sponsored by this campus club
351 28 Utah State University - Women's Club
regarding Frances W. Champ's membership to this college club and addresses by Champ before the group
352 1 Utah Symphony
regarding Frances W. Champ's contributions as a member of the art institute board of the Utah State Institute of Fine Arts, activities of the symphony and personal notes
352 2 Utah Symphony
regarding the Champ's contributions to the Utah Symphony Guild
352 3 Utah Tailoring Mills
regarding business dealings with Champ and personal notes with J. Clyde Buehler, President of the company
352 4 Utah Taxpayers Association
regarding membership of Champ in the assoC. and its publications
352 5 Utah Water Users Association
regarding meetings of the Exec. committee of the assoc. and Champ's contributions to its activities
352 6 Utah Wool Growers
regarding addresses by Champ to this group, programs and activities of the organization and personal notes with its officials
352 7 Utah Wool Growers
see above
352 8 Utah Wool Growers
see above
352 9 UTIDA Rod and Gun Club
regarding Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. interest in acquiring this Fremont Co. Idaho club
353 1 "V" Misc. 1954-1970
353 *2 Valle, Thomas, A.
personal notes with this SLC engineer
353 3 Value Line Securities, Inc.
regarding stocks held in this N.Y. based fund by Champ
353 4 Value Line Securities, Inc.
see above
353 5 Value Line Securities, Inc.
see above
353 6 Vanvoorhis, L.P.
V.P. of First Security Trust Co. of SLC regarding personal notes, mutual business matters
353 7 Vaughan, C.N.
U.S. Army Major regarding Herbert Champ's military service
353 8 Vest, Dr. H. Grant
Superintendent of Logan City School District regarding his selection as commissioner of education of the state of Colorado
353 9 Vestaur Corporation
Denver based investment advisors formerly performance association regarding financial counseling
353 10 Vestaur Corporation
see above
353 11 Vestaur Corporation
see above
353 12 Vestaur Corporation Portfolio 1969-1974
353 13 Victor Chemical Works
Nashville Tennese based company regarding Soda Springs phosphate deposits
353 14 Virginia Electric and Power Company
regarding investment interest by Champ in this Richmond based company
353 15 Vision Inc.
personal notes.with the publisher of this newsletter focusing on Latin American news and business Reports
353 16 Vision Inc.
regarding Champ's investment in the N.Y. publishing firm
353 17 Vision Inc.
see above
353 *18 Vollmar, Paul J.
V.P. Mortgage Loan DepT. Western and Southern Life Insurance Co. of Cincinnati regarding personal notes
354 1 Voluntary Credit Restraint Committee
regarding monthly meetings of the committee
354 2 Voluntary Credit Restraint Committee
regarding policy changes and meeting recommendations
354 3 Voluntary Credit Restraint Committee
see above
354 4 Voluntary Credit Restraint Committee 1951-1952
354 5 Voluntary Credit Restraint Committee 1951-1952
354 6 Voluntary Credit Restraint Committee 1951
354 7 Voluntary Credit Restraint Committee 1952
354 8 Voluntary Credit Restraint Committee
Veterans Administration direct loan applications
1955 March - 1955 May
354 9 Voluntary Credit Restraint Committee
see above
1955 June - 1955 September
354 10 Volunteers for Bennett
regarding Senator Wallace F. Bennett's reelection campaign
354 11 Voorhees, Donald A.
regarding his employment in the service department of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
354 12 VSI Corporation
regarding investments in this Pasadena Calif. based manufacturing corporation
355 1 "W" Misc. 1952-1953
355 2 "W" Misc. 1954
355 3 "W" Misc. 1955
355 4 "W" Misc. 1956
355 5 "W" Misc. 1957-1958
355 6 "W" Misc. 1959-1960
355 7 "W" Misc. 1961-1962
355 8 "W" Misc. 1963
355 9 "W" Misc. 1964-1965
355 10 "W" Misc. 1966-1967
355 11 "W" Misc. 1968-1969
355 12 "W" Misc. 1970-1971
355 *13 Wade, James W.
regarding Mrs. Champ's piano concert given in Salt Lake City
355 14 Walker Bank & Trust Company
regarding stock purchases arranged through this Salt Lake City Bank related business transactions and personal notes with bank executives
355 15 Walker Bank & Trust Company
regarding accounts with Gamble-Skogmo Inc. development of Champs Federal Avenue property in Logan and personal notes
355 16 Walker Bank & Trust Company
regarding routine business transactions with Champ and personal notes with bank executives
355 17 Walker Bank & Trust Company
see above
355 18 Walker Bank & Trust Company
see above
355 19 Walker Bank & Trust Company
see above
355 20 Walker Bank & Trust Company
see above
355 21 Walker Bank & Trust Company
see above
355 22 Walker Bank & Trust Company
see above
356 1 Walker Bank & Trust Company
regarding routine business transactions with Champ and personal notes with bank executives
356 2 Walker Bank & Trust Company
see above
356 3 Walker Bank & Trust Company
see above
356 4 Walker Bank & Trust Company
see above
356 5 Walker Bank & Trust Company
see above
356 6 Walker Bank & Trust Company - Auditing Committee
regarding meetings and reports of this committee
356 7 Walker Bank & Trust Company - Borthick, M.D
personal notes with the bank president
356 *8 Walker Bank Building
regarding weather damage
356 9 Walker, R.H.
personal notes with Dean and Director of Utah State Agricultural College(USU) Experiment Station
356 10 Wallace, John M.
personal notes withWalker Bank & Trust Company executive
356 11 Wallace, John M.
see above
356 12 Wallace, John M.
see above
356 13 Wallace, John M.
see above
356 14 Wallace, John M.
see above
356 15 Wallace, John M.
see above
356 16 Wallace, John M.
see above
356 17 Wallace, John M.
see above
356 18 Wallace, L.T.
personal notes with manager of Logan's J.C. Penney's outlet
356 19 Wallace, M. Walker
Vice President of Salt Lake City based National Planning and Research, Inc. regarding personal notes
356 20 Wallace, William R.
personal notes regarding commemorative awards for Utah's Mr. Reclamation
357 1 Wall Street Journal
regarding Champ's subscription to this publication
357 2 Walters, J.C.
associate of George Champ SR. regarding personal notes and business briefs on Cache Valley Banking Company
357 3 Walters, J.C.
see above
357 4 Walters, J.C.
see above
357 5 Walters, J.C.
see above
357 6 Walton League of America Inc.
regarding the land restoration and price support for farmers programs proposed by this Chicago based organization
357 7 Wanders, H.W.
personal notes and business briefs with this W.W. Kimball Company executive
357 8 Wanders, H.W.
see above
357 9 Wanders, H.W.
see above
1954 January - 1954 August
357 10 Wanders, H.W.
see above
1954 September - 1954 December
357 11 Wanders, H.W.
see above
357 12 Wanders, H.W.
see above
357 13 Wanders, H.W.
see above
357 14 Wanders, H.W.
see above
357 15 Wanders, H.W.
see above
357 16 Wanders, H.W.
see above
357 17 Wanders, H.W.
see above
357 18 Wanlass, W.L.
personal notes with professor of business at Utah State Agricultural College. (USU)
357 *19 Wansgaard, Dee
regarding the Robert A. Taft memorial foundation
357 20 Waples, F.C.
President of the Midland Mortgage Company of Cedar Rapids Iowa regarding U.S. Chamber of Commerce activities
357 *21 Ward, Lt. Colonel E.H. Ward
personal notes with officer at Ogden's Utah Army Service forces Depot
357 *22 War Department
regarding Champ's proposed attendance at the Staff School at fort Leavenworth for civilians
357 23 War Finance Committee
regarding expenses incurred by Champ as co-ordinator for Cache County committee
357 *24 War Manpower Commission
regarding promotion of apprentice training for trades in the U.S
357 25 War Production Board
regarding expansion of vital industries in U.S. during war
358 *1 Washington National Insurance Company
regarding policy held by Champ
358 2 Washington Resources Federation
regarding the National Parks extension program in Washington
358 3 Washington Toll Bridge Revenue Bonds
regarding bonds held by Champ
358 *4 Washington Water Power Company
regarding stocks held in this company
358 *5 Wasserman, Irving
regarding Champ's assistance in gaining extensions for transit visas for this man and his family
358 6 Watkins, Senator Arthur V.
personal notes with Utah legislator regarding public lands, federal spendings and the Democratic party, etc
358 7 Watkins, Senator Arthur V.
see above
358 8 Watkins, Senator Arthur V.
see above
358 9 Watkins, Senator Arthur V.
see above
358 10 Watkins, Senator Arthur V.
regarding the Upper Colorado River Storage Project and related matters
358 11 Watkins, Senator Arthur V.
see above
358 12 Watkins, Senator Arthur V.
see above
358 *13 Watkins, Derrald L.
personal notes with Logan acquaintance
358 *14 Watkins George W.
personal notes with Idaho Falls Idaho businessman
358 *15 Watts, J.A.
regarding the Republican party in Cache County
358 *16 Waugh, Jim
regarding sale of farm property to this Boise resident
358 17 Weaver, C.I.
Springfield Ohio acquaintance regarding the Republican party and politics in general
358 18 Weaver, H. Sanford
Chairman of the Board of Inglis Mortgage Company of Mission kansas regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
358 19 Weber Club
regarding Champ's membership in this Ogden Utah club
358 20 Weber State College
regarding college entrance requirements
358 21 Weber, Sterling L.
regarding his employment with the Real Estate Department of Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
358 *22 Welling, Tracy L.
personal notes with Salt Lake City resident
358 23 Wells Fargo Bank and Union Trust Company
regarding personal notes and business advice from executives of this SanFrancisco bank
358 24 Wells Fargo Bank and Union Trust Company 1952-1959
358 *25 Welti, Walter
personal notes with Salt Lake City acquaintance
358 26 Wennergren, E. Boyd
regarding his employment with the insurance department of Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
359 *1 West, Allan M.
regarding application for employment with Cache Valley Banking Company
359 2 West, George W.
President of First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Atlanta regarding U.S. Chamber of Commerce activities
359 3 West, George W.
regarding Republican party
359 4 West, George W.
regarding his service on the Construction and Civic Development committee of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
359 5 West Coast Air Lines
regarding service by this Seattle based carrier
359 6 West Coast Telephone Company
regarding stocks held in this company
359 7 West Virginia Turnpike Bonds
regarding bonds held by Champ
359 8 Western Air Lines
regarding Champ's patronage of this Los Angeles based carrier and notes with company executives
359 9 Western Air Lines
see above
359 10 Western Air Lines
see above
359 11 Western Auto
regarding lease of Champ's Federal Avenue Property by this company for a store
359 12 Western Auto
see above
359 13 Western Auto
see above
359 14 Western Auto
see above
359 15 Western Auto
see above
359 16 Western Auto
see above
359 17 Western Auto
see above
359 18 Western Farm Life
regarding request for Champ to write guest column for this Denver based magazine
359 19 Western forestry and Conservation Association
regarding Champ's membership in this Portland, Oregon based organization
359 20 Western Industry
regarding requests for Champ to prepare an article for this San Francisco Publication
359 21 Western Life Insurance Company
regarding Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation's business transactions with this Helena, Montana based company
359 22 Western Life Insurance Company
see above
359 23 Western Mortgage Loan Corporation
regarding business transactions between this Ogden company and Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
360 1 Western Senatorial Campaign Committee
regarding the campaigns of Senators Frank Barrett (Wyoming), Barry Goldwater (Arizona), and Arthur V. Watkins (Utah)
360 2 Western States Council
regarding Champ's service as Chairman of the Public Lands Committee of this Council minutes of meetings and personal notes with council members
360 3 Western States Land Commissioners Association
regarding minutes of meetings, membership, and personal notes with association officials
360 4 Western Union
regarding Champ's inquiries into the services of this company
360 5 Western Union
regarding stock held in this company
360 6 Western Union
copies of telegrams sent and received by Champ
360 7 Western Union
see above
360 8 Western Union
see above
360 9 Western Union
see above
360 10 Western Union
see above
360 11 Western Union
see above
360 12 Western Union
see above
360 13 Western Union
see above
360 14 Western Union
see above
360 15 Western Union
see above
360 16 Western Union
see above
360 17 Western Union
see above
360 18 Western Union
see above
360 19 Western Union
see above
360 20 Westminster College
regarding Champ's contributions to this Salt Lake City College
360 21 Weyerhauser Company
regarding stocks held in this timber company
360 22 Whaley-Eaton Service
regarding Champ's subscription to this Washington D.C. newsletter
360 *23 Whatley, Brown L.
President of Stockton, Whatley, Davin and Company Jacksonville Florida Investment Company regarding the Silver Sand Dollar Tournament
360 *24 Wheeler Kelly and Hagny Investment Company
personal notes with the President of this Wichita Kansas firm
361 *1 Wherry, Kenneth S.
personal notes with this U.S. Senator from Nebraska
361 *2 Whitcomb, Arthur B.
personal notes with this New York acquiantance
361 *3 White, Clark
personal notes with this Paradise Utah trout farmer
361 4 White, Henry K.
Vice President of the First National Bank of Boston regarding Winton Champ's attendance at Harvard Business School
361 5 White, Joseph B.
President and Manager of Paradise Land and Livestock Company regarding personal notes
361 *6 White, W.R.
personal notes with President of White Concrete Pipe Company of Ogden
361 *7 Whiteman, Harry
personal notes with President of Whiteman Fuel Company of Wenatchee, Washington
361 *8 Whitesides, Joseph E.
personal notes with Colonel in Utah National Guard
361 9 Whitman, F.B.
personal notes with President of Western Pacific Railroad Company
361 10 Whittle, Alexander
personal notes with Executive Vice President of H.F. Whittle Investment Company of Los Angeles
361 11 Whittle, H.F.
personal notes with President of H.F. Whittle Investment Company of Los Angeles regarding travels, social activities and business enterprises
361 12 Whittle, H.F.
see above
361 13 Whittle, H.F.
see above
361 14 Whittle, H.F.
see above
361 15 Whittle, H.F.
see above
361 16 Whittle, H.F.
see above
361 17 Whittle, H.F.
see above
361 18 Whittle, H.F.
see above
361 19 Whittle, H.F.
see above
361 20 Whittle, H.F.
see above
361 21 Whittle, H.F.
see above
361 22 Whittle, H.F.
see above
361 23 Whittle, H.F.
personal notes with President of H.F. Whittle Investment Company of Los Angeles regarding travels, social activities and business enterprises
361 24 Whittle, H.F.
see above
361 25 Whittle, H.F.
see above
361 26 Whittle, H.F.
see above
362 1 Whittle, H.F.
personal notes with President of H.F. Whittle Investment Company of Los Angeles regarding travels, social activities and business enterprises
362 2 Whittle, H.F.
see above
362 3 Whittle, H.F.
see above
362 4 Whittle, H.F.
see above
362 5 Whittle, H.F.
see above
362 6 Whittle, H.F.
see above
362 7 Whittle, H.F.
see above
362 8 Whittle, H.F.
see above
362 9 Whittle, H.F.
see above
362 10 Whittle, H.F.
see above
362 11 Whittle, H.F.
see above
362 12 Whittle, Hal G.
Executive Vice President of H.F. Whittle Investment Company regarding stock purchases in insurance companies
362 13 Who's Who in America
regarding Champ's biographical data for this-publication
362 14 Who's Who in Commerce and Industry
regarding Champ's biographical data for this publication
362 15 Who's Who in the West
regarding Champ's biographical data for this publication
362 16 Who's Who in the Western Hemisphere
regarding Champ's biographical data for this publication
362 17 Wickel, S.R.
regarding mortgage held by Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation on Logan and Kalispell Montana property owned by Wickel
362 18 Wickel, S.R.
regarding management of this property by Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
362 19 Wickel, S.R.
see above
362 20 Wickel, S.R.
see above
362 21 Wickel, S.R.
see above
363 1 Wickes, Gordon F.
personal notes
363 2 Wickes, Gordon F.
personal notes with Executive Vice President of Wickes Engineering and Construction Company
363 3 Wicks, Bartlett
President of E.B. Wicks Company regarding personal notes
363 4 Wicks, Company
real estate, mortgage loan, insurance and property management company in Salt Lake City regarding business transactions with Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation
363 5 Widtsoe, John A.
member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the LDS (Mormon) Church regarding personal notes
363 6 Wikidal, J.F.
personal notes with Dillon, Montana acquaintance
1943 January - 1943 May
363 7 Wikidal, J.F.
see above
1943 June - 1943 September
363 8 Wikidal, J.F.
see above
1943 October
363 9 Wikidal, J.F.
regarding the estate of Mr. Wikidal and financial counseling to Mrs. Wikidal
1943 November
363 10 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1943 December
363 11 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
personal notes with Mrs. Wikidal and investment counseling
1944 January - 1944 March
363 12 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1944 April - 1944 October
363 13 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1944 September - 1944 December
363 14 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1945 January - 1945 March
363 15 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1945 April - 1945 August
363 16 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1945 September - 1945 December
363 17 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1946 January - 1946 June
363 18 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1946 July - 1946 December
363 19 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1947 January - 1947 August
363 20 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1947 September - 1947 December
363 21 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1948 January - 1948 May
363 22 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1948 June - 1948 October
363 23 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1948 November - 1948 December
364 1 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
regarding personal notes and investment counseling for Mrs. Wikidal
1949 January - 1949 May
364 2 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1949 June - 1949 December
364 3 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1950 January - 1950 June
364 4 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
regarding personal notes and investment counseling to Mrs. Wikidal
1950 July- 1950 December
364 5 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1951 January - 1951 March
364 6 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1951 April - 1951 December
364 7 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1952 January - 1952 April
364 8 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1952 May - 1952 July
364 9 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1952 August - 1952 December
364 10 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
364 11 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1954 January - 1954 August
364 12 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1954 September - 1954 December
364 13 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1955 January - 1955 April
364 14 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
see above
1955 May
364 15 Wikidal, Mrs. J.F.
regarding the death of Mrs. Wikidal and the handling of her trust by Mortgage Loan Corporation
1955 June - 1955 September
365 1 Wilkinson, Ernest L.
President of B.Y.U. at Provo, Utah regarding politics and economic matters and comments on speeches given by both men
365 2 Wilkinson, Ernest L.
see above
365 3 Wilkinson, Ernest L.
regarding campaign for Wilkinson to the U.S. senate
365 4 Wilkinson, Ernest L.
see above
365 5 Wilkinson, Ernest L.
see above
365 *6 Wilkinson, George M.
owner of Wilkinson and Sons, Logan regarding personal notes
365 *7 Williams, Lenore Leuris
regarding an appointment at the Utah Army Service forces Depot
365 8 Williams, H.F.
V.P. of White Investment CO. Inc. in Minneapolis Minnesota regarding business matters with MBA
365 9 Williams, J. Stewart
Professor at U.S.A.C. regarding phosphate leases in Southeastern Idaho
365 10 Williams, J. Stewart
see above
365 11 Williams, J. Stewart
see above
365 12 Williams, J. Stewart
see above
365 13 Williams, J. Stewart
see above
365 14 Williams, J. Stewart
see above
365 15 Williams, J. Stewart
see above
365 16 Williams, J. Stewart
regarding uranium exploration
365 17 Williams, J. Stewart
see above
366 1 Williams, Dr. Vernon P.
regarding the health care of Frances Champ under this Boston psychiatrist
366 2 Williams, W. Walter
President of Seattle based Continental, Inc. property management institution regarding personal notes and mortgage banking matters
366 3 Williams, W. Walter
see above
366 4 Williams, W. Walter
regarding his campaigan for U.S. Senate
1950 January - 1950 June
366 5 Williams, W. Walter
see above
1950 July - 1950 December
366 6 Williams, W. Walter
regarding his service as chairman, Citizens National Committee for Eisenhower and Williams subsequent appointment to post of Under Secretary of Commerce
366 7 Williams, W. Walter
regarding Williams service as Under Secretary of Commerce service as Assistant Campaign chairman for Nixon presidential campaign of 1960, personal notes
366 *8 Williams, Whiting
Cleveland Ohio lawyer regarding lecture given in Logan and personal notes
366 9 Williamson, Bill
regarding mortgage loans for Bitteroot Valley Montana development and personal notes with Dillon Mt. resident
366 10 Williamson, Bill
see above
366 11 Williamson, Bill
see above
366 12 Williamson, Bill
see above
366 13 Williamson, Bill
regarding personal notes
366 14 Williamson, Bill
see above
366 15 Willmore, H. Ross
regarding remodeling of Champ residence by this Logan contractor
366 *16 A.D. Wilson and Company
regarding personal notes to the manager of this Denver company
366 17 Wilson, Charles M.
regarding article by Champ in the Country Gentleman
366 *18 Wilson, D.J.
Manager of State Loan Co. of Logan regarding loans with Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
366 19 Wilson, John C.
Los Angeles physician regarding Hervert Champ's health care
366 20 Wilson, John C.
see above
366 21 Wilson, John C.
see above
366 22 Wilson, Raymond C.
SLC businessman regarding Upper Snake River Bankers Association of Idaho
366 *23 Wilson, Ruth
personal notes with this Wausau Wisconsin resident
367 1 Winter Park Telephone Company
regarding Champ's investments in this company
367 2 Winton, C.J. Jr.
Charles J. Winton, President of Tower Oil Corp. and Winton Lumber Co. of Minneapolis Minn. regarding family matters and investment in these companies
367 3 Winton, D.J.
David J. Winton, regarding family matters and management of the Minnesota-Montana Realty Company
367 4 Winton, D.J.
regarding family matters and business enterprises
367 5 Winton, D.J.
see above
367 6 Winton, D.K.
Secretary of Day Bros. Gilham, and Winton, Inc. real estate dealers regarding business transactions and family matters
367 7 Winton, Mrs. D.K.
personal notes with Bea Winton regarding family matters
367 8 Winton, Mrs. D.K.
see above
367 9 Winton, Mrs. D.K.
see above
367 10 Winton, D.N.
Winton Lumber Co. executive, David N. Winton, regarding defaulted mortgages negotiated through the Hoag Security Company
367 *11 Winton, J.N.
personal notes with John N. Winton regarding family matters
367 12 Winton, R.C.
Winton Lumber Co. executive, Robert C. Winton regarding federal excise tax on lumber and personal notes regarding family matters
367 13 Winton, Mrs. William C.
personal notes with Zerlena Knox Winton, Mother Winton regarding Frances W. Champ's health care, financial welfare, and other family matters and business transactions with Winton family
1943 January - 1943 March
367 14 Winton, Mrs. William C.
see above
1943 April - 1943 December
367 15 Winton, Mrs. William C.
see above
1944 January - 1944 May
367 16 Winton, Mrs. William C.
see above
1944 June - 1944 December
367 17 Winton, Mrs. William C.
see above
1945 January - 1945 June
367 18 Winton, Mrs. William C.
see above
1945 July - 1945 December
367 19 Winton, Mrs. William C.
see above
1946 January - 1946 March
367 20 Winton, Mrs. William C.
see above
1946 April - 1946 December
367 21 Winton, Mrs. William C.
see above
1947 January - 1947 June
367 22 Winton, Mrs. William C.
see above
1947 July - 1947 December
367 23 Winton, Mrs. William C.
see above
1948 January - 1948 May
367 24 Winton, Mrs. William C.
see above
1948 June - 1948 December
368 1 Winton, Mrs. William C.
Zerlena Knox Winton, Mother Winton, regarding the health care, financial welfare and family of Frances W. Champ, business of transactions Winton family and related matters
1949 January - 1949 June
368 2 Winton, Mrs. William C.
see above
1949 July - 1949 December
368 3 Winton, Mrs. William C.
see above
1950 January - 1950 June
368 4 Winton, Mrs. William C.
see above
1950 July - 1950 December
368 5 Winton, Mrs. William C.
see above
1951 January - 1951 May
368 6 Winton, Mrs. William C.
see above
1951 June - 1951 December
368 7 Winton, Mrs. William C.
see above
1952 January - 1952 June
368 8 Winton, Mrs. William C.
see above
1952 July - 1952 December
368 *9 Wood, Charles G.
regarding activities of the Agriculture Dept. of U.S. C of C
368 *10 Woodhead, Harry
President of Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp. of San Diego, California regarding U.S. C of C activities
368 *11 Woodhead, Sam
Sec. of SLC based independent coal and coke company regarding U.S. C of C activities
368 *12 Woodruff, Harold G.
Pres. of Mortgage Bankers Assoc. of America regarding activities, personal notes
368 *13 Woods, C.N.
regarding responses to articles on public lands management by this Ogden resident
368 14 Woodside, Fred
regarding personal notes with owner of Montana Auto Supply CO. Inc. of Dillon, Montana and caretakers of the Levene L. Wikidal estate
368 15 Woodside, Fred
see above
368 16 Woodside, Fred
see above
368 17 Woodside, Fred
see above
368 18 Woodside, Fred
see above
368 19 Woodside, Fred
see above
368 20 Woodside, Fred
see above
368 21 F.W. Woolworth Company
regarding investments in this company
368 22 Works Progress Administration of Utah
report on research and statistical projects handled by this office
369 *1 Wright, Mr. And Mrs. Morris H.
living in New York regarding personal family matters
369 2 Wright, Ralph B.
President of Union Bank and Trust Company in SLC regarding business notes
369 3 Wright, Roland R.
regarding possible employment when finished with school
369 4 Wright, Roland R.
regarding attending insurance school for 6 weeks
1948 January - 1948 August
369 5 Wright, Roland R.
Manager of Insurance Dept. of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. regarding insurance school and interoffice communications
1948 September - 1948 December
369 6 Wright, Roland R.
see above
369 7 Wright, Mrs. S.
regarding selling of stock in Cache Valley Banking by this Nampa, Idaho resident,
369 8 Wright, Thomas T.
Assit. Manager of City Mortgages of Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. Boise office regarding interoffice communications, personal notes
369 9 Wright, W.A.
living in SLC regarding job possibilities for Wright
369 10 Wright, William B.
regarding activities of U.S. C of C and negotiations on ranch land for Utah Mortgage and Loan Corp with this Nevada cattle rancher
369 11 Wright, William B.
see above
369 12 Wright, William B.
regarding services on Board of Directors of U.S. C of C
1951 January - 1951 July
369 13 Wright, William B.
see above
1951 August - 1951 December
369 14 Wright, William B.
see above
1952 January - 1952 May
369 15 Wright, William B.
see above
1952 June - 1952 December
369 16 Wright, William B.
see above
1953 January - 1953 June
369 17 Wright, William B.
see above
1953 July - 1953 September
369 18 Wright, William B.
see above
1953 October - 1953 December
369 19 Wright, William B.
see above
1954 January - 1954 May
369 20 Wright, William B.
see above
1954 June - 1954 October
369 21 Wright, William B.
see above
1954 November - 1954 December
370 1 Wright, William B.
regarding activities of U.S. C of C and negotiations on ranch land for Utah Mortgage Loan Corp by this Nevada cattle rancher
1955 January - 1955 March
370 2 Wright, William B.
regarding activities of U.S. C of and negotiations on ranch land for Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. by this Nevada cattle rancher
1955 April - 1955 June
370 3 Wright, William B.
see above
1955 July - 1955 December
370 4 Wright, William B.
regarding campaign for reelection to the Board of Directors of U.S. C of C
1955 March - 1955 May
370 5 Wright, William B.
see above
1956 January - 1956 June
370 6 Wright, William B.
see above
1956 July - 1956 December
370 7 Wright, William B.
see above
1957 January - 1957 June
370 8 Wright, William B.
see above
1957 July - 1957 October
370 9 Wright, William B.
regarding purchase and administration of Wright's properties by BLM and Taylor Crazing Acts Amendments
1957 November - 1957 December
370 10 Wright, William B.
see above
1958 January - 1958 May
370 11 Wright, William B.
see above
1958 June - 1958 August
370 12 Wright, William B.
regarding public land issues and dealing for Utah Mortgage Loan Corp
1958 September - 1958 December
370 13 Wright, William B.
regarding politics and public lands, personal notes
370 14 Wright, William B.
see above
370 15 Wright, William B.
see above
1961 January - 1961 May
370 16 Wright, William B.
see above
1961 June - 1961 December
370 17 Wright, William B.
campaign for Wright for U.S. Senator
371 1 Wright, William B.
republic lands management, Republican party politics, mortgage loans to ranch properties and personal notes
1963 January - 1963 July
371 2 Wright, William B.
see above
1963 August - 1963 December
371 3 Wright, William B.
see above
1964 January - 1964 June
371 4 Wright, William B.
see above
1964 July - 1964 December
371 5 Wright, William B.
see above
1965 January - 1965 June
371 6 Wright, William B.
see above
1965 July - 1965 December
371 7 Wright, William B.
personal notes to the widow of Mr. Wright
371 *8 Writers War Board
regarding operation of this treasury dept. board organized to govern war projects
371 *9 Wuthrich Brothers Nursery
regarding work done by this Logan nursery at the Champ's home
371 *10 Wuthrich, Ernest
regarding arrangements for Winton Champ's pack trip into Yellowstone country
371 *11 Wyckoff, Bob
employee of Boise Loan and Realty regarding personal notes
371 *12 Wyoming Natural Resources Board
regarding notes to the chief of this board regarding federal public lands policy
371 13 Wyoming Stockgrowers Association
personal notes with executives of this assoc. regarding federal land C of C public lands policy
371 14 Wyoming Stockgrowers Association
see above
371 15 Wyoming Stockgrowers Association
see above
371 16 Wyoming Stockgrowers Association
see above
371 17 Wyoming Stockgrowers Association
see above
371 18 Wyoming Woolgrowers Association
see above
371 19 Wyoming Woolgrowers Association
see above
371 20 Wyoming, University of
regarding inviations to Champ to participate in the forum of Labor, Agriculture, and Industry by the University, C of C activities, and personal notes with University officials ( also Box #329 Fd 19 University of Wyoming)
371 21 Wyoming, University of
see above
372 1 "X,Y,Z" Miscellaneous 1896-1976
372 2 Year End
samples of routine greeting sent by Champ at year's end to friends and associates
372 3 Year End
see above
372 4 Year End
see above
372 5 Year End
see above
372 6 Year End
see above
372 7 Year End
see above
372 8 Year End
Christmas gift lists
372 9 Yost, C.L.
personal notes to this Seattle Washington resident
372 10 Young, H. Layne
Exec. manager Citizens and Southern National Bank of Atlanta Georgia regarding C of C activities
372 11 Young, Louise
housekeeper for the Champ's regarding personal notes and household accounts
372 12 Young, T.C.
Moore Idaho guide regarding Champ's pack trip into the Selway-Bitterroot mountains
372 13 Younker, D. I.
regarding Christian Science treatments of Elizabeth Champ
372 14 Zion's Cooperative Mercantile Institution (Z.C.M.I)
regarding employment of Mary K. Champ, notes with mail order department regarding gift shipments and Utah produce
372 15 Zion's Cooperative Mercantile Institution (Z.C.M.I)
see above
372 16 Zion's Cooperative Mercantile Institution (Z.C.M.I)
see above
372 17 Zion's First National Bank
regarding agricultural statistics indicating Utah's savings trends and personal notes with executives of this Salt Lake City bank. ( also Box #2, Fds 20-21)
372 18 Zonolite Company
regarding investments in this Sacramento, California based vermiculite (insulation fill) producer
373 1 BSA Trail Blazer Award 1974, 1975
373 2 Cache Valley Council BSA President Plaque 1940-1942
373 3 BSA Silver Beaver and Silver Antelope Award 1896-1976
373 4-5 Name Placards 1896-1976
373 6 Region XII B.P. Award 1971
373 7 Sponsor Member Plaque - Cache Valley BSA Council 1976
373 8 BSA Service Recognition Award 1896-1976
373 9 United Airlines 100,000 Miles Club 1964
373 10 Personal Branding Iron 1896-1976
373 11 55 Year Veteran of BSA pin 1965
373 12 60 Year Veteran of BSA Plaque and pin 1970
373 13 Reproduced wanted poster for George Q. Cannon and John Taylor 1896-1976
373 14 Community Leaders and Noteworthy Americans Award 1976
373 15 Gerald R. Ford Inauguration Commemorative Coin
signed by Gerald R. Ford
373 16-17 Richard Nixon Inauguration Commemorative Coins 1896-1976
373 18 Jimmy Carter Inauguration Commemorative Coin 1896-1976
373 19 Award of Merit for Volunteer Leadership in U.S. Savings Bonds Program 1966
374 1 U.S. Treasury Department Award of Merit 1966
374 2 The Agricola - Branch Agricultural College in Cedar City, Utah 1941
374 3 Appointment to the Harvard Illustrated 1896-1976
374 4 Thank You from the U.S. Treasury Department 1944
374 5 Order of the Alaska Walrus 1896/1976
374 6 Mortgage Bankers Legion Membership Certificate 1941
374 7 Marriage Announcement of Frederick P. Champ to Frances Winton 1896-1976
374 8 Appointment as Regional Chairman for Utah Savings Bonds Committee 1954
374 9-11 Appointment as Harvard Delegate to USU Presidential Inauguration 1896-1976
374 12 Certificate of Appreciation from the BSA 1958
374 13 Appointment to the Board of Directors of the American Forestry Association 1942
374 14 Utah Mortgage Bankers Association Certificate of Appreciation 1971
374 15 Appointment to be the Vice President of the American Forestry Association 1941
374 16 Appointment to the Utah Highway Patrol Civil Service Commission 1955
374 17 Membership Certificate for Scabbard and Blade 1934
374 18 Appointment to Utah Centennial Commission 1939
374 19 Bachelor of Science in Education Degree for Francis Champ, with a Phi Kappa Phi ribbon and Commence program 1896-1976
374 20 Appointment as News Editor of the Harvard Crimson 1917
374 21 Silver Beaver Certificate 1943
374 22 Honorary Doctorate 1954
374 23 Appointment to the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States 1954
374 24 Certificate for Distinguished Services as the President of Mortgage Bankers Association of America 1942
374 25 Appointment as Honarary Colonel in the 96th infantry Division of the U.S. Army 1961
374 26 Certificate for National Register of Prominent Americans 1896-1976
374 27 Certificate of Appreciation from Defense Orientation Conference Association 1958
374 28 Diploma from Saint Stephen's Academy 1915
374 29 Certificate of Membership into the Eternal Order of the Arctic Empire 1969
374 30 "In Memoriam" by the Cache Valley Banking Society 1976
374 31 Certificate of Membership - Pi Delta Epsilon 1896-1976
374 32 Silver Antelope Award 1947
374 33 Appointment to Speaker's Club 1916
374 34 Certificate of Appreciation from USU Athletics 1896-1976
374 35 Appointment fromt the Utah Board of Public Welfare 1935
374 36 Appointment to the Utah Agricultural College Board of Trustees 1929, 1937
374 37 Membership in the Royal Rosarians 1964
375 1 Alpha Lamda Phi Plaque 1896-1976
375 2 Acorn Award - Cache Valley Council of the BSA 1940
375 3 USU Appointment Book
includes pictures of Frederick P. Champ
375 4 Award from the Pentagon - "JCOC 25 Red Flight, October 3-12, 1957" 1957 October 3 - 1957 October 12
375 5 Certificate of Appreciation, Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company 1896-1976