19th Century Actors Carte de Visite Photograph Collection, 1860-1885

Overview of the Collection

19th Century Actors Carte de Visite Photograph Collection
1860-1885 (inclusive)
612 photographic prints on carte de visite mounts ( 5 boxes) ; 4 x 2½ in.
Collection Number
Carte de visite photographs of nineteenth-century actors
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

Entire collection can be viewed on the Libraries’ Digital Collections website. Permission of Visual Materials Curator is required to view originals. Contact Special Collections for more information.

Request at UW

Funding for encoding this finding aid was partially provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Historical BackgroundReturn to Top

The collection consists of carte de visite studio portraits of entertainers, actors, and actresses who performed on the American stage in the mid- to late 1800s. Many of these actors and actresses were little known outside of the major theater centers of New York City, Philadelphia, and Boston. Such was the popularity of the theater, though, that even good "utility" performers could justify having these photographs made. Carte de visite photographs, which were mounted on 2 ½- by 4-inch card stock (about the size of a calling card), could be produced cheaply, and sold to collectors and fans.

A Parisian photographer, André Disdéri, developed the carte de visite format in 1854. He patented a process of taking several photographs on one glass plate negative, thus greatly reducing production costs. The carte de visite did not catch on until May 1859, when Napoleon III, on his way to Italy with his army, stopped at Disdéri's studio in Paris to have his portrait taken. From this welcome publicity Disdéri's fame began, and two years later he was said to be earning nearly £50,000 a year from one studio alone. During the 1860s the popularity of these cards became immense, with the public exchanging them and collecting them in albums. The card trade flourished as performers realized the publicity value of the collectible carte de visite. During the 1870s through the1880s when the trend reached its peak, millions were sold in the United States.

The Actors and Actresses: Well into the mid-nineteenth century, American theaters continued to be strongly influenced by London theater. Many actors and actresses of this period were born in and got their professional start in England. Play selections tended to follow the English classical tradition, with the works of Shakespeare and his contemporaries remaining popular. However, the success of American-born playwrights and actors began to have an influence, and soon contemporary plays were performed regularly as well.

Prior to the 1850s, a theater bill might include five or six hours of various entertainments, such as farces, a mainpiece, an afterpiece, musical entertainment, and ballet. Music was an important component of early American theater, and plays were often adapted to included musical numbers. In the 1850s, the number of entertainments on a theater bill began to be reduced, first to two or three, and later, to one main feature only. From the mid-nineteenth century, a more naturalistic acting style came into vogue, and actors were expected to present a more coherent expression of character. Subject matter of new plays was often drawn from contemporary social life, such as marriage and domestic issues, as well as issues of social class and social problems. Another favorite form in nineteenth-century theater was the burlesque, also called travesty, with the works of Shakespeare providing a favorite target for satire. Many actors were known primarily for their comedic and burlesque acting talents.

In the eighteenth century and early nineteenth century, the acting profession was considered sinful and actors were subject to social ostracism. However, by the mid-nineteenth century, actors could be considered quite socially respectable. The life of performers during this period was very hard, requiring great physical stamina. In addition to a grueling performance schedule, actors needed to withstand stagecoach and early riverboat travel, as well as makeshift lodgings. Actors would often rehearse as many as three plays during a day before preparing for the night's performance. By the Civil War, the season was varied and demanding, sometimes consisting of 40 to 130 plays, changing nightly. Utility actors in a company might be expected to know over a hundred parts. The famous actress Charlotte Cushman, for example, offered two hundred different lead roles. Actors were usually expected to learn a new part within two days, sometimes overnight.

Women's roles in theater were rather ambiguous, especially in the nineteenth century. The traditions of the time required women to be delicate, fragile, and dependent, while the rigors of the acting profession necessitated resiliency, independence, and a strong will. According to historian Mary M. Turner, in Forgotten Leading Ladies of the American Theatre (McFarland, 1990), females experienced the same rough treatment faced by their male peers: "Because the theatre has been remarkably free-thinking, women in the profession have always been relatively equal to their male colleagues. Bad managers have absconded with their salaries equally; audiences booed them equally; they starved equally between engagements; and their contributions to the traditions of the theatre have been equally forgotten."

The Photographers: Several photographers and photography studios achieved a certain status of their own in the theater industry. Among the most famous was Napoleon Sarony, who established a studio on Broadway in 1866 and, for the next 30 years, photographed virtually every actor and actress working on the New York stage. Other well known photographers and studios of this era were Charles D. Fredricks & Co. and Jeremiah Gurney of New York; W.L. (Washington Lafayette) Germon of Philadelphia; and Mathew Brady of the E. & H.T. Anthony Studio in New York.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The collection consists of carte de visite studio portraits of entertainers, actors, and actresses who performed on the American stage in the mid- to late 1800s. Of note are portraits of the Booth family, the most famous acting dynasty in the nineteenth-century American theater scene. The collection contains photographs by a number of important photographers, among them Napoleon Sarony, Mathew B. Brady, Charles D. Fredricks & Co., Jeremiah Gurney & Son, and W.L. (Washington Lafayette) Germon.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

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Restrictions on Use

Restrictions may exist on reproduction, quotation, or publication. Selections of collection available on digital site. Contact Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries for details.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The collection is arranged alphabetically by name, with a series of group portraits filed at the end of the sequence.

Acquisition Information

Items 108a, 182a, 236a, 293a, 577a, 592a donor : Ken Fricka, 2011.

Processing Note

Processed by Kathy Stice, 2003.

Items 108a, 182a, 236a, 293a, 577a, 592a accessioned as PH2001-009.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Performers: Adams-BlitzReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box item
1 1 1862
1 2
Edwin Adams as Claude Milnotti in The Lady of Lyons
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
1 3
Edwin Adams as Willmore Rover in The Rover
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
1 4
Edwin Adams as Adrian de Feligny in The Heretic
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
1 5
1 6
Edwin Adams, John Drew, and Frank Drew
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
1 7 1864
1 8
1 9
Mary Anderson [actress, 1859-1940]
José María Mora, New York (photographer)
1 10
Mary Anderson as Evadne in Evadne
José María Mora, New York (photographer)
1 11
Mary Anderson as Parthenia
José María Mora, New York (photographer)
ca. 1878
1 12
Mary Anderson
H. Rocher, Chicago (photographer)
1 13
Mary Anderson as Galatea in Philaster
José María Mora, New York (photographer)
ca. 1833
1 14
1 15
1 16 1863
1 17
George H. Andrews [actor, 1798-1866]
O.A. Roorbach, New York (photographer)
1 18
John Lewis Baker [comedian, 1783-1862]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 19
Josephine Baker
José María Mora, New York (photographer)
1 20
Thomas Baker [musician, ca. 1825-after 1870]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 21
Daniel E. Bandmann [actor, manager, 1840-1905]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 22
Daniel E. Bandmann as Shylock in Merchant of Venice
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 23
Daniel E. Bandmann as Narcisse in Britannicus
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 24
F.C. Bangs [actor, 1833-1908]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1860
1 25
F.C. Bangs as Leicester in Kenilworth
José María Mora, New York (photographer)
1 26
Joseph H. Barrett [actor, 1831-after 1870]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1865
1 27
Mrs. Viola (Crocker) Barrett [actress, before 1840-1869]
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
1 28
Joseph H. Barrett and Mrs. Viola Barrett
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
1 29-30 1872
1 31
Lawrence P. Barrett
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
1 32-33
Lawrence P. Barrett as Cassius in Julius Caesar
José María Mora, New York (photographer)
1 34
Lawrence Barrett
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
1 35
[Mary (Mayer) Barrett?] [actress, ca. 1840-1893]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1863
1 36 1864
1 37
Charles Barron [actor, 1840-1918]
Warren, Boston (photographer)
1 38
Mrs. Julia Bennett Barrow [actress, theater manager, 1824-1903]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 39
Samuel Barth
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
1 40
Kate Bateman [actress, child star, theater manager, 1842-1917]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 41
Kate Bateman
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
ca. 1862
1 42 1863
1 43 1863
1 44
Kate Bateman as Leah in Leah, the Forsaken
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 45
1 46
Kate Bateman as Mary Warner in Mary Warner
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
1 47
Harry Beckett in Forty Thieves [actor, comedian, 1839-ca. 1880]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
1 48
1 49a
Harry Beckett as Harry Duff in The Shaughraun
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
1 49b
[Harry Beckett?]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1865
1 50-51
George Becks as Didier in Fanchon, the Cricket
James L. Warner, New York (photographer)
1 52
George Becks as Oswald in Lear
James L. Warner, New York (photographer)
1 53
1 54
George Belmore
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
Two copies.
1 55
1 56
Billy Birch [minstrel, 1831-1897]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
Birch, famous for blackface performances, was co-founder of the San Francisco Minstrels troupe in California during the state's gold rush.
1 57-59
William R. Blake [actor, stage manager, playwright, 1805-1863]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1860
1 60
Mrs. Caroline (Placide) Blake [actress, 1798-1881]
J.H. Bigelow, New York (photographer)
ca. 1862
1 61
W. Humphrey Bland [actor, 1812-1869]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 63
[Signor Antonio Blitz?] [magician, 1810-1877]
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)

Performers: Booth FamilyReturn to Top

The Booth family was strongly identified with the nineteenth-century American theater scene; there was no greater name among American actors at that time. Junius Brutus Booth, Sr., immigrated to the United States from England in 1821 and established the Booth name upon the American stage. He left his legacy to be carried by sons Edwin, John Wilkes, and Junius Brutus, Jr.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box item
1 63-65
Edwin Booth [actor, theater manager, 1833-1893] as Iago in Othello
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
1 66-68
Edwin Booth as Richelieu in Richelieu
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
1 69-70
Edwin Booth
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
1 71
Edwin Booth as Hamlet in Hamlet
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
1 72
Edwin Booth as Iago in Othello
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
1 73
Edwin Booth as Iago in Othello
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
1 74-75
Edwin Booth
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 76-77
1 78 1865
1 79
Edwin Booth [drawing]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 80
Bust of Edwin Booth as Hamlet in Hamlet
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
1 81
Junius Brutus Booth, Sr. [actor, 1796-1852]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
1 82
Junius Brutus Booth, Sr.
James Earle McClees, Philadelphia (photographer)
1 83
Drawing of Junius Brutus Booth, Sr.
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
1 84
Drawing of Junius Brutus Booth, Sr., as Richard III in Richard III
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 85
Junius Brutus Booth, Jr. [actor, 1821-1883]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
1 86
Junius Brutus Booth, Jr.
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)

Performers: Boucicault-CushmanReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box item
1 87
Dion Boucicault [playwright, actor, 1820-1890] in The Shaugraun
José María Mora, New York (photographer)
Boucicault was instrumental in the passage of the Copyright Law of 1856.
1 88
Dion Boucicault
Copy of a daguerreotype taken prior to 1860.
1 89
George Vining Bowers [comedian, 1835-1878]
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
1 90
Mrs. Elizabeth (Crocker) Bowers [actress, theater manager, 1830-1895]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 91
Mrs. Elizabeth Bowers as Lady Audley in Lady Audley's Secret
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 92
[John Bradley?] [actor, 1829-after 1870]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 93
[John Vipon Bridgeman?] [musician, dramatist, writer, 1820-1889]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 94
Signor Pasqualino Brignoli [tenor, 1824-1884]
Mathew Brady, New York (photographer)
1 95
1 96-97
John Brougham [actor, playwright, theater manager, 1810-1880]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
1 98
Fanny Brown [actress, 1837-after 1870]
James Earle McClees, Philadelphia (photographer)
ca. 1865
1 99
Fanny Brown
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 100
Fanny Brown in costume, with American flag
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 101
Frank Brower
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
Francis Marion Brower (1823-1874) was a blackface performer in minstrel shows and in the Tom shows based on Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
1 102
Mrs. Sedley Brown [actress, d. after 1870]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 103
Mrs. Sedley Brown in Child of the Regiment
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
1 104
Mrs. Sedley Brown
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
1 105
1 106
Dan Bryant as Roy O'More [minstrel, actor, 1833-1875]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
ca. 1865
1 107-108a
Dan Bryant as Handy Andy in Handy Andy
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
circa 1864-1866
1 109
1 110
Dan Bryant
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
Collage of seven photos, three in blackface.
1 111
McKean Buchanan [actor, 1823-1872]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 112
1 113
James H. Budworth in blackface [minstrel, 1831-after 1870]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 114
Ione Burke [actress, d. after 1875]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
1 115
Ione Burke in The Shaughraun
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
1 116-117a
Ione Burke
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
1 117b
[Ione Burke?]
Black & Case, Boston (photographer)
1 118
James G. Burnett [comedian, 1819-1870]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 119
1 120
John F. Burroughs [actor, 1809-1878]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
1 121
William F. Burroughs as Francois in Richelieu [actor, ca. 1840-1898]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
1 122
William E. Burton [actor, theater manager, 1804-1860]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
2 123
2 124
James Carden [actor, 1837-after 1870]
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
2 125
James F. Cathcart [actor, 1828-1902]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
2 126
2 127
Henrietta (Baker) Chanfrau [aka Jeanette Davis] [actress, 1837-1909]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 128-129
Henrietta (Baker) Chanfrau as Kathleen Mavou[illeg.]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 130
Henrietta (Baker) Chanfrau
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
ca. 1870
2 131
Henrietta (Baker) Chanfrau
Howell, New York (photographer)
2 132
Henrietta (Baker) Chanfrau
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 133
Henrietta (Baker) Chanfrau as Ophelia in Hamlet
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
2 134
Henrietta (Baker) Chanfrau
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 135
George Chaplin [actor, b. 1837]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
2 136
Annie M. Clarke [actress, 1845-1902]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
2 137
Annie M. Clarke
Warren, Boston (photographer)
2 138
2 139
John S. Clarke [comic actor, 1833-1899]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
2 140
John S. Clarke as De Boot [illeg.]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 141
John S. Clarke as Toodle in The Toodles
D. Appleton & Co, New York (photographer)
2 142
Johanna M. Claussen [actress, 1842-after 1870]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
2 143
Kate (Cone) Claxton [actress, ca. 1848-1924]
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
2 144
Kate (Cone) Claxton in costume
José María Mora, New York (photographer)
2 145
2 146
Ada Clifton
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
2 147
Charles F. Coghlan [actor, ca. 1845-1899]
José María Mora, New York (photographer)
2 148
Rose Coghlan [actress, 1851-1932]
José María Mora, New York (photographer)
ca. 1880
2 149
Rose Coghlan in Diplomacy
Photograph with paint overlay.
ca. 1877
2 150
James W. Collier [pantomime artist, actor, 1836-ca. 1870]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
2 151
James W. Collier as Landry Bar[illeg.]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 152 1864
2 153
John R. Collins
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
ca. 1864
2 154
John R. Collins
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 155-156
Edmon S. Connor [actor, 1809-1891]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1862
2 157-158
Frederick Conway [actor, 1819-1874]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1863
2 159
Mrs. Sarah (Crocker) Conway [actress, theater manager, 1834-1875]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1861
2 160
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Conway
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 161
2 162
Jane Coombs [actress, 1842-after 1873]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1864
2 163
Jane Coombs as Lady Teazle in School for Scandal
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
2 164
Jane Coombs as Lady Gay Spanker in London Assurance
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 165
2 166 1864
2 167
2 168
2 169
Mrs. Anna (Cruise) Cowell [singer, actress, 1824-after 1870]
James Earle McClees, Philadelphia (photographer)
2 170
Robert H. Craig [actor, 1842-ca. 1899]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 171
Robert H. Craig
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
2 172
Isabella Cubas [dancer, actress, 1831-1864] as the French spy in French Spy
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
2 173
Isabella Cubas
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
ca. 1863
2 174
Isabella Cubas
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 175
Charlotte Cushman [actress, 1816-1876] as Romeo in Romeo and Juliet
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
Cushman was famous for breeches roles.
ca. 1858
2 176
Charlotte Cushman
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 177
Charlotte Cushman
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
2 178
Charlotte Cushman
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
2 179

Performers: Daly-FoxReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box item
2 180
Henry F. Daly [actor, b. 1828]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 181-182
Adolphus "Dolly" (Hoyt) Davenport [actor, 1828-1873]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
ca. 1860
2 182a
Adolphus "Dolly" (Hoyt) Davenport [actor, 1828-1873]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1864
2 183
Edward L. Davenport [actor, 1815-1877]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1862
2 184
Edward L. Davenport as Hamlet in Hamlet
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
Oct. 1863
2 185
Edward L. Davenport
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
ca. 1865
2 186
Edward L. Davenport
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
2 187
Edward L. Davenport
Mathew Brady, Washington, D.C. (photographer)
2 188
Edward L. Davenport
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
Jan. 1876
2 189-191
Edward L. Davenport as Brutus in Julius Caesar
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
2 192
Edward L. Davenport
W.L. Bradley, Boston (photographer)
2 193
Edward L. Davenport
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
2 194-195 ca. 1874
2 196
Fanny Davenport as Ruth Tredgett in Charity
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
2 197
William Davidge [comic actor, 1814-1888]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1864
2 198
William Davidge
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
2 199
2 200
William Davidge as Pistol in King Henry V
Meade Brothers, New York (photographer)
2 201
William Davidge as Touchstone in As You Like It
Meade Brothers, New York (photographer)
2 202 1866
2 203
Kate Denin [comic actress, 1837-1907]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 204 1885
2 205
Frank Drew [actor, 1831-1903] as Widow Twankey in Aladdin
James Earle McClees, Philadelphia (photographer)
2 206
Frank Drew as Rip Van Winkle in Rip Van Winkle
James Earle McClees, Philadelphia (photographer)
2 207
Frank Drew
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
2 208
Frank Drew
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 209
John Drew [actor, 1827-1862]
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
2 210
Mrs. Louisa (Lane) Drew [actress, theater manager, 1820-1897]
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
2 211
Malhalie Dumas
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
2 212
Ada Dyas [actress, 1843-1908] in Love's Labours Lost
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
2 213
Ada Dyas
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
2 214
2 215
John Dyott [actor, 1812-1876]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 216
John Dyott in The Veteran
Meade Brothers, New York (photographer)
2 217
Lillie Eldridge [actress, 1852-after 1870]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
2 218
2 219
Rose Eytinge
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 220
Rose Eytinge
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
2 221
Drawing of William Farren [actor, 1786-1861]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 222
Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth (Diddeas) Farren [actress, 1789-1857]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 223 ca. 1865
2 224
Charles Fechter
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
ca. 1870
2 225-227
Charles Fechter as Obenreizer in No Thoroughfare
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
ca. 1870
2 228
Charles Fechter in Hamlet
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
ca. 1870
2 229
Charles Fechter
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 230
Charles Fisher [actor, manager, musician, 1795-1869]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1862
2 231
Charles Fisher
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
ca. 1865
2 232 1862
2 233
William J. Florence as Bob Brierly in The Ticket-of-Leave Man
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 234
William J. Florence as Obenreizer in No Thoroughfare
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
ca. 1870
2 235 1875
2 236
William J. Florence
J.H. Bigelow, New York (photographer)
2 236a
William J. Florence as Brierly in The Ticket-of-Leave Man
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 237
Mrs. Malvina (Pray) Florence [actress, dancer, theater manager, ca. 1831-1906]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
Wife of William J. Florence.
ca. 1863
2 238
Mrs. Malvina (Pray) Florence
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
2 239
Mrs. Malvina (Pray) Florence
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
Written on duplicate of this photo: 1864.
2 240
William R. Floyd [actor, theater manager, 1832-1880]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1860
2 241
William R. Floyd
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
Dec. 1864
2 242
Edwin Forrest [actor, 1806-1872]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1860
2 243
Edwin Forrest
Mathew Brady (photographer)
2 244
Edwin Forrest
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 245
2 246
Edwin Forrest
Mathew Brady, New York (photographer)
2 247
Edwin Forrest
T.R. Burnham, Boston (photographer)
2 248
Edwin Forrest
M.P. Simons, Philadelphia (photographer)
2 249 1861
2 250
2 251
Drawing of Edwin Forrest in Spartacus
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
2 252
2 253
George L. Fox [comic actor, 1825-1877] as Hamlet in Hamlet (burlesque)
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
2 254
George L. Fox
Warren, Boston (photographer)
2 255
George L. Fox
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)

Performers: Gannon-HoughReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box item
3 256 1862
3 257-258
Mary Gannon
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 259
3 260 1878
3 261
Effie Germon [actress, ca. 1845-1914]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1863
3 262
Effie Germon
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 263
Effie Germon
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
ca. 1873
3 264
John Gilbert [actor, 1810-1889]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 265
John Gilbert in The Shaughraun
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
3 266
3 267
John Gilbert
Mathew Brady, New York (photographer)
3 268 1863
3 269
Mrs. Anne (Hartley) Gilbert [actress, 1821-1904]
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
3 270
3 271a
Mrs. Mary Gladstane
James Earle McClees, Philadelphia (photographer)
3 271b
Thomas H. Glenny [actor, 1831-1891] as Shaun in Arrah Na Pogue
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1865
3 272
3 273
Maude (Fallen) Granger [actress, ca. 1851-1928]
José María Mora, New York (photographer)
3 274
Maude (Fallen) Granger
Howell, New York (photographer)
3 275a
Mrs. Henry P. (McPhain) Grattan [actress, 1810-1876]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1863
3 275b
George H. Griffith [actor, 1822-1888]
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
ca. 1865
3 276
Walter Grisdale [actor, ca. 1824-1883]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 277
3 278
James F. Hagan
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
3 279
Thomas S. Hamblin [actor, theater manager, 1800-1853]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 280
Miss A. Harris
Warren, Cambridgeport, Mass. (photographer)
3 280a
Miss Amelia Harris
Warren, Boston, Mass. (photographer)
3 281
Sam Hemple [comic actor, 1833-after 1870]
Turner, Philadelphia (photographer)
3 282
Ettie (Lewis) Henderson [actress, dramatist, before 1840-after 1870]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 283
Madeline Henriques [actress, 1841-1929] as Lady Amaranth in Wild Oats
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
ca. 1863
3 284
Madeline Henriques
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 285
Madeline Henriques
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 286
Madeline Henriques in costume
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1864
3 287
Madeline Henriques
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1864
3 288
Madeline Henriques
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
Sept. 1864
3 289
Madeline Henriques
Mathew Brady (photographer)
3 290
Madeline Henriques
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
ca. 1868
3 291
3 292
Madeline Henriques
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
3 293
Madeline Henriques
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
Photograph of collection of photographs.
3 293a
Madeline Henriques
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 294
Madame Hermann
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
3 295
Fanny Herring [actress, 1832-1906]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
Fanny Herring specialized in breeches roles.
3 296
C. Barton Hill [actor, 1828-after 1870]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 297 ca. 1861
3 298
Isabella Hinckley
Mathew Brady (photographer)
ca. 1861
3 299
Mrs. Adeline (Grassan) Knight Hind [actress, 1813-after 1870]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 300 1862
3 301
Josephine Hoey
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
Oct. 1863
3 302
George Holland [comic actor, 1791-1871]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 303
George Holland as Bunburry Kobb in Rosedale
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
3 304
George Holland
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
ca. 1870
3 305
3 306
Possibly Julia (Lattimer) Holman [actress, before 1800-1859]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 307-309
William Holston in Milky White
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 310
William Holston
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
ca. 1865
3 311
William Holston as Mrs. Wigsby
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
ca. 1869
3 312
William Holston
Mathew Brady (photographer)
3 313
William Holston
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
3 314
William Holston
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 315
Mrs. Lottie Hough [actress, singer, before 1850-after 1870]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)

Performers: Irving-KnowlesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box item
3 316
Henrietta Irving [actress, before 1850-after 1870]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 317
George Jamieson [actor, 1812-1868] as Lofty Hargraves in Aurora Floyd
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
Jamieson was famous for black-face roles.
ca. 1862
3 318
George Jamieson
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 319
Fanny Janauschek [actress, 1830-1904]
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
ca. 1868
3 320
Fanny Janauschek
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
ca. 1883
3 321
Joseph Jefferson III [comic actor, 1829-1905] in Tycoon
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
ca. 1860
3 322-326
Joseph Jefferson III as Rip Van Winkle in Rip Van Winkle
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
3 327
Joseph Jefferson III
Warren, Boston (photographer)
3 328
Joseph Jefferson III as Rip Van Winkle in Rip Van Winkle
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
Nov. 1874
3 329
Avonia Jones [actress, 1839-1867]
Mathew Brady (photographer)
ca. 1863
3 330
Avonia Jones as Medea in Medea
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
3 331
Avonia Jones as Judith
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 332
Mrs. Annie (Walters) Jordan [dancer, actress, before 1840-after 1870]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
3 333
Mrs. Annie Jordan in gypsy costume
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 334
Charles Kean [actor, 1811-1868]
Southwell Brothers, London (photographer)
3 335
Charles Kean
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 336
3 337
Mrs. Ellen (Tree) Kean [actress, 1805-1880]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 338
Mrs. Ellen (Tree) Kean
Southwell Brothers, London (photographer)
3 339
3 340
Laura Keene [actress, theater manager, ca. 1826-1873]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1863
3 341
Laura Keene
Howell, New York (photographer)
ca. 1873
3 342
3 343
Clara Louise Kellogg [soprano, operatic impresario, 1842-1916]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
3 344
Fannie Kellogg [actress, d. 1889]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 345
Drawing of Fanny Kemble [actress, 1809-1893]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
3 346
3 347
3 348
3 349
3 350
3 351
C. Kingsland [actor, d. ca. 1917]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 352

Performers: Lamb-MacreadyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box item
3 353
Edward Lamb [actor, 1829-1887]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 354-355
Jean (Davenport) Lander [actress, child star, 1829-1903] in costume
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1864
3 356
Jean (Davenport) Lander
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1864
3 357
Jean (Davenport) Lander as Mary Stuart
R.F. Adams, St. Louis (photographer)
ca. 1870
3 358
Jean (Davenport) Lander as Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
3 359
J.W. Lanergan [actor, 1828-1886]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 360
Charles LeClercq [actor, 1823-1895]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
3 361
Carlotta LeClercq [actress] as Ophelia in Hamlet
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
3 362
Carlotta LeClercq in Duke's Motto
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
3 363
J.F. Leffingwell
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
ca. 1865
3 364
William J. LeMoyne [actor, 1831-1905]
Warren, Boston (photographer)
3 365
Walter S Lennox [comic actor, before 1850-after 1870]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 366
Milnes Levick [actor, ca. 1825-1897]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 367 1881
3 368 ca. 1873
3 369
James Lewis in costume
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
3 370 ca. 1882
3 371
Olive Logan [playwright, actress, 1839-1909]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 372
John McCullough [actor, 1832-1885]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 373
John McCullough
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
3 374
3 375
3 376
John McCullough as Iago in Othello
James L. Warner (photographer)
3 377
John McCullough as Iago in Othello
Mathew Brady (photographer)
3 378
John Edwin McDonough [actor, 1825-after 1870]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
3 379
3 380
F.F. Mackay [actor, 1832-1923] in The Two Orphans
Mackay was the head of the National Dramatic Conservatory.
3 381
3 382
3 383
3 384
3 385
3 386

Performers: Marlowe-ProvostReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box item
4 387
Owen Marlowe [actor, 1830-1876]
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
4 388
4 389
Possibly James Martin [actor, b. 1825]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 390
Stephen Massett [singer, performer, d. 1898]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
4 391
Drawing of Charles James Mathews [actor, 1803-1878]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 392
4 393-394
Maggie Mitchell [actress, ca. 1832-1918] as Fanchon in Fanchon, the Cricket
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 395
Maggie Mitchell
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
Collage of 16 photos.
ca. 1865
4 396
Maggie Mitchell
Warren's, Boston (photographer)
4 397-398
Helena (Opid) Modjeska [actress, 1840-1909] as Camille in Camille
José María Mora, New York (photographer)
4 399 1884
4 400
4 401
C. Mollenhauer
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 402
Henry James Montague [aka Henry James Mann, actor, 1844-1878]
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
4 403
Fanny Morant [actress, 1821-1900]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1863
4 404
Fanny Morant
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 405
Frank Mordaunt [actor, 1841-after 1870] as Carlos in The Sea of Ice
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
ca. 1865
4 406
4 407
Clara Morris [actress, ca. 1848-1925]
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
4 408
Clara Morris in costume
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
4 409
F.E. Morris [actor?]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 410
John K. Mortimer [actor, 1830-1878]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 411
4 412
4 413
Louisa Meyers [actress, singer, before 1850-after 1870]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
4 414
John Andrew Jackson Neafie [actor, 1815-1892]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 415
Adelaide Neilson in costume [actress, 1848-1880]
José María Mora, New York (photographer)
4 416-417
Adelaide Neilson as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
4 418
Adelaide Neilson
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
Oct. 1874
4 419 1874
4 420
Adelaide Neilson as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
4 421
Eliza Newton [actress, ca. 1837-1882]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 422
Eliza Newton in costume
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
4 423
John Nickinson [theater manager, actor, 1801-1864]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 424
William Henry Norton [actor, ca. 1815-after 1870]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 425
John E. Owens [comic actor, 1823-1886]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 426
John E. Owens as Paul Pry in Paul Pry
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 427
John E. Owens as Solon Shingle in The People's Lawyer
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
4 428 1864
4 429
Minnie Palmer [actress, singer, 1857-1936]
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
4 430
Signor F. Palmo [opera house manager, ca. 1784-1869]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 431
4 432
John Parselle in costume
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
4 433
Charles Thomas Parsloe, Jr. [actor, 1836-1898]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 434
Charles Thomas Parsloe, Jr. in Ill Treated Ill Travatore
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 435
Tony Pastor [singer, theater manager, 1837-1908]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
Tony Pastor was instrumental in "cleaning up" vaudeville.
4 436
Howard Paul [actor, writer, 1835-after 1870]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 437
Harry Pearson [actor, 1824-after 1870]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 438
Agnes (DeBar) Perry [actress, 1810-after 1870]
James Earle McClees, Philadelphia (photographer)
4 439
Agnes Perry
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1865
4 440
Charles Peters [actor, b. England, April 15, 1825, died after 1870]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 441
Alice Placide [actress]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
ca. 1865
4 442
4 443
Henry Placide
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 444
Thomas Placide [actor, 1808-1877]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 445 1863
4 446
Madame Ponisi
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 447
Madame Ponisi as Pompadour in Narcisse
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
Dec. 1863
4 448
Madame Ponisi in costume
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
4 449
Josh Porter [actor, ca. 1820-ca. 1880]
James Earle McClees, Philadelphia (photographer)
ca. 1865
4 450
4 451
4 452
Fanny Prestige [actress, 1846-after 1870]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 453
Lizzie Price [actress, 1842-after 1870]
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
4 454
Mary Provost [actress, 1835-1914]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)

Performers: Quick-RinggoldReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box item
4 455
4 456
Drawing of Rachel [aka Elisa Felix, actress, 1820-1858]
Duebochois & Klauser (photographer)
4 457
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 458
Antoine Ravel
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
Antoine Ravel was a member of a French family troupe of actors, dancers, acrobats, and pantomime artists that toured Europe and America in the early 19th century.
ca. 1865
4 459-460
Gabriel Ravel
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
Gabriel Ravel was a member of a French family troupe of actors, dancers, acrobats, and pantomime artists that toured Europe and America in the early 19th century.
4 461
Kate Reignolds [actress, 1836-1911]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
Nine views.
ca. 1863
4 462
4 463 1863
4 464
Caroline (Reynolds) Richings
J.H. Bigelow, New York (photographer)
4 465
Peter Richings [aka Peter Puget, actor, opera company owner, d. 1871]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1862
4 466
George Rignold [actor, producer, ca. 1838-1917]
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
ca. 1875
4 467
George Rignold as King Henry V in Henry V
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
4 468
Benjamin T. Ringgold [actor, b. 1835]
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
4 469
Benjamin T. Ringgold as Manuel in The Rose of Castile
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 470 Oct. 1874

Performers: Adelaide RistoriReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box item
4 471
Adelaide Ristori [actress, 1822-1906]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 472-473
Adelaide Ristori as Queen Elizabeth in Elizabeth, Queen of England
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
4 474-476
Adelaide Ristori as Mary Stuart in Mary Stuart
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
4 477
Adelaide Ristori as Mary Stuart in Mary Stuart
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 478-483
Adelaide Ristori as Marie Antoinette in Marie Antoinette
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
4 484
4 485
Adelaide Ristori
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)

Performers: Roberts-SusiniReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box item
4 486
James Booth Roberts [actor, b. 1818]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 487
Agnes Robertson [actress, 1833-after 1870]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
ca. 1864
4 488
4 489
Fred Robinson [actor, 1832-1912]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 490
Stuart Robson [aka Henry Robson Stuart, comic actor, producer, 1836-1903]
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
4 491
Stuart Robson as Jim Bags
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
4 492
Stuart Robson
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
4 493
Stuart Robson as Paul Pry in Paul Pry
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
4 494
Stuart Robson
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
4 495
Georgio Ronconi [opera singer, d. ca. 1875]
Mathew Brady (photographer)
4 496
4 497
George Fawcett Rowe [playwright, actor, 1834-1889]
José María Mora, New York (photographer)
4 498
Cecile Rush [actress, 1833-1897]
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
4 499
Lucy Rushton [actress, theater manager, 1844-after 1870]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
5 500
Tommaso Salvini [actor, 1829-1916]
José María Mora, New York (photographer)
5 501
5 502
Madame Methua Scheller as Ophelia in Hamlet
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 503-504
Marie Seebach as Marguerite [actress, 1830-1897]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
5 505-506
John Sefton [actor, 1805-1868]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 507
5 508a
John Selwyn [aka John Josephs, actor, stage manager, 1836-1873]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
5 508b 1863
5 509
Mary Shaw [actress, 1854-1929]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 510 1863
5 511-513
Mary F. Scott Siddons [actress, 1844-1896] as Rosalind in As You Like It
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
5 514
Mary F. Scott Siddons in costume
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
5 515
Mary F. Scott Siddons in costume
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
5 516
Mary F. Scott Siddons
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
5 517
Mary F. Scott Siddons in costume
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
5 518
Drawing of Mrs. Sarah (Kemble) Siddons [actress, 1755-1831]
James Earle McClees, Philadelphia (photographer)
5 519
5 520
Mark Smith [actor, 1829-1874]
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
5 521
Mark Smith
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 522
Sol Smith, Jr. [comic actor, 1801-1869]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 523 ca. 1860
5 524
Edward Askew Sothern as David Garrick in David Garrick
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
ca. 1865
5 525
Edward Askew Sothern as Lord Dundreary in Our American Cousin
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
5 526
Edward Askew Sothern as David Garrick in Garrick
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
5 527
Edward Askew Sothern as Lord Dundreary in Our American Cousin
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
5 528
Sarah Stevens [actress, before 1840-1904]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 529
James H. Stoddart [actor, 1827-1907]
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
5 530
James H. Stoddart
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 531
5 532
James H. Stoddart
Mathew Brady (photographer)
5 533
Signor Susini [opera singer, ca. 1825-1883]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)

Performers: Taylor-VestvaliReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box item
5 534
Mr. Taylor
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
5 535
5 536
Edward N. Thayer [actor, 1798-1870]
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
5 537 ca. 1865
5 538
Charlotte Thompson [actress, 1843-1898]
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
5 539
Charlotte Thompson as Fanchon in Fanchon, the Cricket
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
5 540
Charlotte Thompson as Evadne in Evadne
Washington Lafayette Germon, Philadelphia (photographer)
5 541
Emily Thorne as Goddess of Liberty [actress, before 1845-1892]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1863
5 542
Emily Thorne in costume
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
ca. 1865
5 543
Emily Thorne in costume
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1865
5 544 1876
5 545
5 546 1874
5 547
John Laurence Toole in Uncle Dick's Darling
José María Mora, New York (photographer)
5 548
John Laurence Toole
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
Aug. 1874
5 549
Drawing of Ellen Tree as Rose Redla[illeg.]
A. Winch, Philadelphia (photographer)
5 550
George Vandenhoff [actor, 1820-1884]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 551
5 552
Nina Varian [actress, b. 1880]
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
5 553 1863
5 554
Felicata Vestvali [opera singer, 1839-after 1870]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)

Performers: Wallack-YoungReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box item
5 555 ca. 1860
5 556
James W. Wallack
J.H. Bigelow, New York (photographer)
5 557
James W. Wallack
Mathew Brady (photographer)
5 558
Thomas Nast drawing of James W. Wallack
Mathew Brady (photographer)
5 559
James William Wallack, Jr. [actor, 1818-1873]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 560
James William Wallack, Jr.
J.H. Bigelow, New York (photographer)
5 561
Lester Wallack [actor, 1819-1888]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
5 562 1873
5 563
Drawing of Lester Wallack
Mathew Brady (photographer)
5 564
Lester Wallack as Don Felix in The Wonder
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
5 565
Lester Wallack
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
5 566
Emma Waller [actress, 1820-1899]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
5 567
Genevieve Ward [aka Guerrabella, actress, 1833-after 1870]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 568
Genevieve Ward in Child of the Regiment
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 569
William Warren [comic actor, 1812-1888]
Warren, Boston (photographer)
5 570
William Warren
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 571
5 572
Mary Wells [actress, 1829-1878]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 573
Lucile Western [actress, 1843-1877]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 574
Lucile Western as Leah in Leah, the Forsaken
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 575
Charles Wheatleigh [actor, 1823-1895]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 576
William Wheatley [actor, theater manager, 1816-1876] in The Corsican Brothers
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
ca. 1864
5 577
William Wheatley and wife
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 577a
William Wheatley
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 578
Joseph E. Whiting [actor, before 1840-after 1870]
Mathew Brady, New York (photographer)
5 579
Mrs. María (Pray) Williams [dancer, actress, 1828-after 1870]
José María Mora, New York (photographer)
5 580
5 581
Barney Williams and William J. Florence
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 582
5 583
Mrs. Charlotte M. Wood [actress, theater manager, 1836-after 1873]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 584 ca. 1862
5 585
Mrs. Charlotte M. Wood
Bogardu, New York (photographer)
5 586
Mrs. Charlotte M. Wood
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
5 587
Mrs. Charlotte M. Wood in costume
Napoleon Sarony, New York (photographer)
5 588
5 589
5 590
J.S. Wright [actor?]
Mathew Brady (photographer)
5 591
Alfred W. Young [actor, d. 1876]
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
5 592
Miss Young [actress, b. ca. 1830]
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
5 592a
Portrait of a man, possibly an actor
Charles D. Fredricks & Co, New York (photographer)
This image came with other carte de visite of actors by C.D. Fredricks & Co. and is presumed to be an actor.

Performers: Composite PortraitsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box item
5 593
"J. Gurney & Son: Theatrical Portrait Gallery No. 1"
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
ca. 1865
5 594
"Popular Actors No. 1"
Ashford Brothers & Co, London (photographer)
5 595
"Popular Actresses, No. 1"
Ashford Brothers & Co, London (photographer)
5 596
"Celebrated Actresses of the American Stage No.[illeg.]"
E. & H.T. Anthony, New York (photographer)
5 597
"No. 1 Theatrical"
E. Fay, New York (photographer)
ca. 1873
5 598
5 599
"Olympic Theatre Company"
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
5 600
5 601
"Musical & Vocal Celebrities (No. 1)"
Ashford Brothers & Co, London (photographer)
5 602
"Operatic Prima Donnas (No. 1)"
Ashford Brothers & Co, London (photographer)
5 603
"Operatic Souvenir"
Jeremiah Gurney & Son, New York (photographer)
5 604
"Popular Operatic Composers of the Day"
Ashford Brothers & Co, London (photographer)
5 605

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Actors--United States--Photographs
  • Comedians--United States--Photographs
  • Costume--United States--Photographs
  • Costumes--United States--Photographs
  • Dramatists--19th century--Photographs
  • Theater--United States--History--19th century
  • Theatrical managers--United States--Photographs
  • Visual Materials Collections (University of Washington)
  • Women in the theater--United States

Personal Names

  • Booth, Edwin, 1833-1893--Photographs
  • Booth, Junius Brutus, 1796-1852--Photographs

Family Names

  • Booth family

Other Creators

  • Personal Names
    • Brady, Mathew B., 1823 (ca.)-1896 (photographer)
    • Germon, W. L (photographer)
    • Mora, José María, b. 1849 (photographer)
    • Sarony, Napoleon, 1821-1896 (photographer)
    Corporate Names
    • Charles D. Fredricks & Co (photographer)
    • Jeremiah Gurney & Son (photographer)