Jon and Gudrun Lindal Magnusson reminiscences

Overview of the Collection

Magnusson, Gudrun Lindal
Jon and Gudrun Lindal Magnusson reminiscences
5 pages
Collection Number
3482 (Accession No. 3482-001)
Autobiographies of a husband and wife who came from different parts of Iceland to Canada and then to Seattle
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

Open to all users.

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Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Writings, 1977.

This accession, part of the Icelandic Section in the Scandinavian Archives, contains the autobiographies of a husband and wife who came from different parts of Iceland to Canada and then to Seattle. They were married in Seattle in 1922, and lived in Ballard. Mrs. Magnusson's reminiscence in particular has a great deal of colorful detail about pioneer life of emigrants.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Creator's literary rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Donated by Gudrun Magnusson, 1/1/1979.

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Personal Names

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