Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
- Overview of the Collection
Historical Note
- Content Description
- Use of the Collection
- Administrative Information
Detailed Description of the Collection
- General Office
- Alice Gold And Silver Mining Company / Alice Department
- Anaconda Coal Company
- Anaconda Fluming Company
- Anaconda Meat Company
- Anaconda Townsite Company / Townsite Department
- Anaconda Water Company / Waterworks Department
- Anselmo Mining Corporation
- Arlington Mining Company
- Arsenic Department
- Atlantic Mines Company
- Basic Magnesium, Inc.
- Bears Den Royalties, Inc. (K.B. Frazer)
- Belt Mercantile Company / Mercantile Department (Belt)
- Big Blackfoot Milling Company / Lumber Department
- Bitter Root Development Company / Hamilton (Mont.) Departments
- Bitter Root Stock Farm
- Blackfoot Land Development Company
- Bonanza Mines Department (Colville, Washington)
- Boston and Montana Consolidated Copper and Silver Mining Company / Reduction Department (Great Falls)
- Brick Department (Great Falls)
- Butte Alex Scott Copper Company
- Butte and Boston Consolidated Mining Company
- Butte and Montana Commercial Company
- Butte and Superior Copper Company
- Butte Copper and Zinc Company
- Butte Electric Railway Company / Street Railway Department (Butte)
- Butte Exemption Copper Company
- Butte Miner Company
- Butte Mutual Labor Bureau
- Butte Sampling Mill
- Butte Water Company
- Capital Lumber Company
- Carbon Coal Company / Coal Department (Carbon) / Lumber Department (Carbon)
- Castner Coal and Coke Company / Coal Department (Belt)
- W.A. Clark
- Clark-Montana Realty Company
- Coal Department (Sand Coulee)
- Coal Sales Department (Butte)
- Cokedale Coal Company
- Colorado Smelting and Mining Company
- Columbia Amusement Company [Columbia Gardens]
- Colusa Parrot Mining and Smelting Company
- Darwin Mines Department (Darwin, Calif.)
- Davis-Daly Copper Company
- Deer Lodge Valley Farms
- Diamond Coal and Coke Company (Diamondville, Wyoming)
- Douglas Mining Company / Douglas-Pine Creek Company (Beeler and Masonia, Idaho)
- Electric Railway, Light, and Power Company / Electric Light and Railway Department
- Elliston Fluming Company
- Elm Orlu Mining Company
- Employees Club
- Fertilizer Department (Chicago, Illinois; Conda, Idaho; Anaconda, Mont.)
- Florence Hotel (Butte)
- Hope Lumber Manufacturing Company / Lumber Department (Hope, Idaho)
- Interstate Lumber Company
- J.T. Carroll Lumber Company
- Mayflower Mining Company
- Mill Creek Timber Company
- Mines Office
- Mines Timber Company
- Montana Copper Company
- Montana Free Press
- Montana Hardware Company
- Montana Hotel / Hotel Department (Anaconda)
- Montana Improvement Company, Ltd.
- Montana Lumber and Manufacturing Company
- Montana Mine Exploration Company
- Montana Sampling Works / Sampling Department
- Montana Water, Electric Power, and Mining Company
- Moulton Mining Company
- Mountain City Copper Company
- Mountain Consolidated Mine
- Mountain Trading Company (Diamondville, Wyo.)
- National Tunnel and Mines Company
- Northern Coal Company
- Northern Montana Natural Gas Company
- Northwest Coal Company / Northwest Coal and Feed Company
- Northwest Milling and Lumber Company
- Northwest Publishing Company
- Original Butte Mining Company
- Parrot Silver and Copper Company
- Patten Mining Company
- Portage Land Company
- Parrot Silver and Copper Company
- Poser Mine
- Post Publishing Company
- Purchasing Department
- Red Metal Mining Company
- Reduction Department (Anaconda)
- Refinery Department
- Rolling Mills Department (Great Falls and Chicago)
- Silver Bow Club
- Silver Bow Club Building Association
- Silver Mill
- Snowhomish and Tramway Mines (Wash.)
- Standard Fire Brick Company / Brick Department
- Standard Publishing Company
- Statistical Department
- Summit Wood Company
- Thompson Falls Land and Lumber Company
- Timber Butte Milling Company
- Timber Framing and Wood Preserving Plant (Rocker)
- Tooele Valley Railway Company (Utah)
- Trenton Mining and Development Company
- Tuttle Manufacturing and Supply Company / Hardware and Foundry Departments
- Victoria Mines (Elko, Nevada)
- Washoe Copper Company
- West Dome Oil Company
- West Mayflower Mining Company
- Unidentified Records
- Names and Subjects
Anaconda Copper Mining Company records, 1876-1974
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Anaconda Copper Mining Company
- Title
- Anaconda Copper Mining Company records
- Dates
- 1876-1974 (inclusive)18761974
- Quantity
- 800 linear feet of shelf space
- Collection Number
- MC 169 (collection)
- Summary
- This collection consists of records (1876-1974) of the Anaconda Copper Mining Company and contains correspondence, court papers, financial and production records, legal documents, organizational records, subject files, and other materials for the Anaconda Copper Mining Company and many of its predecessor and subsidiary companies and departments. Among the major subgroups are General Office; Big Blackfoot Milling Company; Bitter Root Development Company; Boston and Montana Consolidated Copper and Silver Mining Company; Colorado Smelting and Mining Company; Diamond Coal and Coke Company; Parrot Silver and Copper Company; Reduction Department (Anaconda); Silver Bow Club; Trenton Mining and Development Company; Tuttle Manufacturing and Supply Company; and Washoe Copper Company. In addition, there are more than 100 smaller subgroups.
- Repository
Montana Historical Society, Library & Archives
Montana Historical Society Research Center Archives
225 North Roberts
PO Box 201201
Helena MT
Telephone: 4064442681
Fax: 4064445297 - Access Restrictions
Collection is open for research.
- Languages
- English
- Sponsor
- Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Historical NoteReturn to Top
In 1876 Walker Brothers, a Salt Lake City, Utah, mining and banking firm, hired Marcus Daly to investigate silver mining properties in Butte, Montana. The Walkers and Daly purchased the Alice Mine and incorporated as the Alice Gold and Silver Mining Company. Daly served as general superintendent until he sold his interest in the company in 1880.
That same year he bought the Anaconda Mine, located by Michael Hickey in October 1875. Hickey, unable to keep up annual assessment work on the mine, had sold half interest in it to Charles Larabie, a banker. Larabie brought in Daly as a third partner to sink a shaft. Daly got an option from his partners to purchase the property for $30,000 and tried to interest the Walker Brothers in investing in it. When they declined, Daly went to San Francisco and secured the backing of James Haggin, George H. Hearst, and Lloyd Tevis. The four men operated the mine under a partnership arrangement as a silver property. The small quantities of copper which the mine produced were shipped to Swansea, Wales, for processing. In late 1882 a rich copper vein was struck.
As copper became the main product of the mine, Daly decided to build his own smelter instead of continuing the expensive procedure of shipping ore to Wales. He located a suitable site on Warm Springs Greek, twenty six miles west of Butte. He officially platted the new town of Anaconda on October 27, 1883, and began the construction of what became known as the Upper Works. Transportation of the Butte ores to the new smelter was provided by the narrow-gauge Montana Railway. This railroad, under the name Montana Union Railway, was later operated jointly by the Union Pacific and Northern Pacific companies. The original 500-ton capacity mill, completed in 1884, quickly became inadequate and, within two years, was expanded to 1000 tons. During the early years, only the initial stages of treatment were done at the Anaconda Reduction Works, with the concentrated ore still being shipped to Wales for refining. To eliminate this necessity, Daly built an experimental electrolytic refinery, completed in 1888. He also built a second reduction plant, known as the Lower Works, a mile east of the Upper Works. Fire destroyed this plant shortly after its completion. Daly quickly rebuilt on an even larger scale.
While Daly was developing the Anaconda Reduction Works, he was also expanding the basis of his mining operations. Until 1891 the Haggin-Hearst-Tegin-Daly syndicate had operated its Montana properties as a partnership under the name Anaconda Gold and Silver Mining Company. In January 1891 when it incorporated as the Anaconda Mining Company, the company owned four groups of mines: the Anaconda Group, the Mountain Consolidated Group, the Union Consolidated Group, and the Anglo-Saxon Group. Daly, Hearst, and Tegin owned only the minimum shares required by law. Haggin held the remainder in trust. The Anaconda Mining Company reinvested all profits in building its facilities instead of giving dividends.
From 1891 to 1895 the Anaconda Mining Company began the process of consolidating its control over its services and sources of raw materials. Angered by the Montana Union Railway's high charges and inefficient service, Daly built his own railroad, the Butte, Anaconda, and Pacific, to connect the smelter with the mines. The Big Blackfoot Milling Company and the Bitter Root Development Company were created as allied companies to provide Anaconda with needed timber. The Castner Coal and Coke Company, with Daly as a minor stockholder, provided the company with coal. The Tuttle Manufacturing and Supply Company was formed to meet the smelter's foundry and hardware needs. When a larger smelter was needed to meet increased treatment requirements at Anaconda, the Washoe Copper Company was created to build the New Reduction Works, which was then operated by Anaconda under a lease arrangement.
In 1895 the company was again reorganized, this time as the Anaconda Copper Mining Company, with a capitalization of $30,000,000. Haggin's trust-held properties were transferred to the new company and, over the next year, several of the allied companies were brought in as subsidiaries.
In 1899 H.H. Rogers and A.C. Burrage, officers of the Standard Oil Company and stockholders in the Anaconda Copper Mining Company, urged the union of all Butte mining operations under one holding company. In April 1899 the Amalgamated Copper Company was formed to acquire the stock of the Anaconda Copper Mining Company and its subsidiary companies including the Big Blackfoot Milling Company, the Bitter Root Development Company, the Diamond Coal and Coke Company, the Tuttle Manufacturing and Supply Company, and the Washoe Copper Company. In addition, the Amalgamated acquired several other previously unallied Butte mining companies including the Boston and Montana Consolidated Copper and Silver Mining Company and the Parrot Silver and Copper Company. The Amalgamated Copper Company was simply a holding company and was not involved in management of the various companies, which continued to operate independently. The most important of the companies brought under the Amalgamated umbrella was the Boston and Montana. It owned several important mining claims in Butte (including the Mountain View and East Colusa) and a smelter in Great Falls. This smelter, built in 1892, duplicated many of the facilities in Anaconda, handling all levels of ore processing from concentration to refining.
In 1910 the Anaconda Copper Mining Company took over most of the other companies in the Amalgamated Copper Company, all Amalgamated subsidiaries becoming departments within Anaconda. One of the most important results of this reorganization was that it allowed the two major reduction works at Anaconda and Great Falls to coordinate their operations. Anaconda continued to handle the early stages of concentrating and smelting, while Great Falls gradually phased out these operations and specialized in refining. All stages prior to refining were finally eliminated from Great Falls in 1919. At the same time, Great Falls increased its refining capacity by the addition of an electrolytic zinc plant. In 1915 the Amalgamated Copper Company ended its corporate existence.
During the period that Anaconda Copper Mining Company was consolidating its Montana operations, it was also expanding towards its goal of controlling copper "from mine to consumer." In 1913 the company acquired the International Smelting and Refining Company, which owned smelters at Tooele, Utah, and Miami, Arizona, as well as the Raritan Copper Works in New Jersey. In 1922 Anaconda bought the American Brass Company in Waterbury, Connecticut, one of the major producers of finished copper products. Also in the early 192Os, Anaconda invested in Chile, acquiring the Chuquicamata copper mine from the Guggenheim family, as well as the smaller, but important, Potrerillos mine. It acquired from the heirs of Georg von Giesche a large zinc treatment plant at Katowice, Poland. In 1928 W.A. Clark's heirs sold his Montana companies to Anaconda. In 1955, in recognition of the wide range of corporate operations, the company name was changed to The Anaconda Company.
The company prospered during World War II and the years following. Several ambitious projects, including the Greater Butte Project to expand underground operations and the Berkeley Pit to commence surface mining, were undertaken. In 1971, however, Chile nationalized the Chuquicamata and other American-owned mines. This, along with low copper prices brought about a financial crisis. Forced to meet financial deadlines in New York, the company sold its entire lumber operation, including thousands of square miles of Montana timber land and the Bonner mill, to Champion International. This liquidation, however, did not solve the company's financial problems, and in 1979 the company was purchased by the Atlantic-Richfield Company (ARCO). Over the next few years, ARCO shut down its entire Montana operation, including the Berkeley Pit in Butte, the Anaconda Smelter, and the Great Falls Refinery.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The Anaconda Copper Mining Company Records consist of correspondence, court papers, financial and production records, legal documents, organizational records, subject files, and other materials for the company and many of its predecessor and subsidiary companies and departments. Among the major subgroups into which the collection is arranged are the General Office, the Big Blackfoot Milling Company, the Bitter Root Development Company, the Boston and Montana Consolidated Copper and Silver Mining Company, the Butte and Boston Consolidated Mining Company, the Colorado Smelting and Mining Company, the Diamond Coal and Coke Company, the Parrot Silver and Copper Company, the Reduction Department (Anaconda), the Trenton Mining and Development Company, the Tuttle Manufacturing and Supply Company, and the Washoe Copper Company. In addition, there are more than one hundred smaller subgroups (see Table of Contents). Unconnected with the primary mining, smelting and timber operations of the Company were several affiliated companies in the hotel and related fields; oil and gas development; water and townsite companies; and newspaper publishing. Subgroups for these include the Silver Bow Club, the Florence Hotel and the Montana Hotel; the West Dome Oil Company; the Anaconda Townsite Company and the Hamilton Water Company; and the Post Publishing Company and the Montana Free Press.
Among the more significant operations documented in this collection are the General Office, both in Butte and in Anaconda; the various subsidiary operations, both before and after their absorption into Anaconda; and the two large treatment plants, the Anaconda Smelter and the Great Falls Refinery. Among the subjects documented are the technical and economic details of the two smelters; the company's large lumber operations in the Missoula area; the company's coal mines; relations with employees; and treatment and recovery of tailings, including the related issue of air and water pollution. There is less documentation for the core mining operations in Butte.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Alternative Forms Available
Some of the General Office financial ledgers have been microfilmed.
Restrictions on Use
The Montana Historical Society is the owner of the materials in the Research Library and makes available reproductions for research, publication, and other uses. Written permission must be obtained from the Research Library before any reproduction use. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all of the materials in the collections. In some cases, permission for use may require seeking additional authorization from the copyright owners.
Preferred Citation
Item description and date. Collection Title. Collection Number. Box and Folder numbers. Montana Historical Society Research Center, Archives, Helena, Montana.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Arranged by subgroup and series. Some material housed in Archives Map Case, Manuscript Volumes, and oversize boxes. See Location of Collection information above and inventory below for more information.
Location of Collection
7:7-6Location of Collection
1:8-5 (Oversize Boxes)Location of Collection
142:1-1 (Volumes)Acquisition Information
Acquisition information available upon request
Processing Note
Many item throughout the collection have been stored in oversized folders as listed below. The dates listed on the finding aid give a general date range of the items and may not specifically reflect the dates of the oversize material.
Separated Materials
Maps, printed material, photographs, and artifacts transferred to the MHS Library, Photo Archives, and Museum respectively. See inventory below for more information.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection
General Office Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Incoming Correspondence [Anaconda Mining Company]
Box/Folder | ||
1 / 1 | Anaconda Fluming Company |
1890-1895 |
1 / 2 | Anaconda Mining Company: Marcus Daly |
1889-1895 |
1 / 3 | Anaconda Mining Company: Michael Donahoe |
1889-1899 |
1 / 4 | Anaconda Mining Company: W. Flanagan |
1892-1895 |
1 / 5 | Anaconda Mining Company: J.B. Haggin |
1889-1895 |
1 / 6 | Anaconda Mining Company: J.F. Hayward |
1891-1892 |
1 / 7 | Anaconda Mining Company: H. Eck Moller |
1894-1895 |
1 / 8 | Anaconda Mining Company: H.O. O'Connor |
1893 |
1 / 9 | Anaconda Mining Company: Victor Ray |
1892-1893 |
1 / 10 | Anaconda Mining Company: F.E. Sargeant |
1890-1894 |
1 / 11 | Anaconda Mining Company: B-W |
1890-1895 |
1 / 12 | A |
1890-1895 |
1 / 13 | Baltimore Copper Smelting and Rolling Company |
1889-1895 |
1 / 14 | Bitter Root Development Company |
1891-1895 |
1 / 15 | J.R. Boarman |
1890-1892 |
1 / 16 | Butte City Sampling Works; Butte Sampling Works |
1893-1894 |
1 / 17 | B |
1890-1895 |
1 / 18 | Castner Coal and Coke Company |
1894-1895 |
1 / 19 | J.B. Church (re Golden Pressed and Fire Brick
Company) |
1890-1894 |
1 / 20 | C |
1890-1895 |
2 / 1 | M.J. Dignan |
1892-1893 |
2 / 2 | G.W. Douglass and Company |
1893-1894 |
2 / 3 | D |
1891-1895 |
2 / 4 | Electric Railway, Light and Power Company |
1890-1895 |
2 / 5 | Evens and Howard's Fire Brick, Clay Retort, and
Sewer Pipe Works |
1890-1892 |
2 / 6 | E |
1890-1895 |
2 / 7 | Fraser and Chalmers |
1890-1895 |
2 / 8-9 | F-G |
1890-1895 |
2 / 10 | William Harrison (re Baxendale granite quarry) |
1893-1895 |
2 / 11 | George H. Hull and Company |
1891-1895 |
2 / 12 | H |
1889-1895 |
2 / 13 | I-K |
1890-1895 |
2 / 14 | Lewisohn Brothers |
1894 |
2 / 15 | L |
1890-1895 |
2 / 16 | James McFarlane |
1890-1895 |
2 / 17 | Montana Union Railway Company |
1889-1894 |
2 / 18 | M |
1890-1895 |
2 / 19 | Northern Pacific Railroad Company |
1890-1894 |
2 / 20-22 | N-P |
1890-1895 |
2 / 23 | W.R. Richards and Company |
1890-1891 |
2 / 24 | Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Company |
1892-1895 |
2 / 25 | R |
1890-1895 |
3 / 1 | St. Paul and Tacoma Lumber Company |
1890-1893 |
3 / 2 | Silver Bow Sampling Works |
1890-1892 |
3 / 3 | Standard Fire Brick Company |
1890-1894 |
3 / 4 | S |
1890-1895 |
3 / 5 | Tuttle Manufacturing and Supply Company |
1891-1895 |
3 / 6 | T |
1890-1895 |
3 / 7 | Union Fire Brick Company |
1890-1892 |
3 / 8 | Union Pacific Railway Company |
1890-1894 |
3 / 9 | U-V |
1890-1895 |
3 / 10 | Wilson and Gillie, Civil Engineers |
1892-1894 |
3 / 11 | R.D. Wood and Company |
1892-1893 |
3 / 12 | W-Z |
1890-1895 |
Incoming Correspondence [Anaconda Copper Mining
Company] |
Box/Folder | ||
3 / 13 | American Express Company |
1895-1899 |
3 / 14 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: Charles Boylan |
1895-1898 |
3 / 15-16 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: Marcus Daly |
1895-1900 |
3 / 17 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: Chester B. Davis |
1898 |
3 / 18 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: J.S. Dougherty |
1896-1898 |
3 / 19-20 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: J.B. Haggin |
1895-1898 |
3 / 21 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: H.R. Ismon |
1899 |
3 / 22 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: A.H. Melin |
1898 |
4 / 1-5 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: H. Eck Moller |
1895-1899 |
4 / 6 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: F.E. Sargeant |
1896 |
4 / 7 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: E.C. Sickles |
1899-1900 |
4 / 8 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: W.T. Tyler |
1897 |
4 / 9-10 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: Coal Department |
1896-1900 |
4 / 11 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: Electric Light and
Railway Department |
1896-1900 |
4 / 12 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: Foundry Department |
1896-1899 |
4 / 13 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: General Offices |
1896-1900 |
5 / 1 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: Hardware Department |
1896-1900 |
5 / 2 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: Legal Department |
1899 |
5 / 3 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: Lumber Department
(Anaconda) |
1896-1900 |
5 / 4 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: Lumber Department
(Butte) |
1897-1900 |
5 / 5 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: Lumber Department
(Carbon, Columbia Falls) |
1897-1900 |
5 / 6 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: Lumber Department
(Hamilton) |
1896-1899 |
5 / 7 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: Mercantile
Department (Anaconda, Belt) |
1896-1899 |
5 / 8 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: Mercantile
Department (Hamilton) |
1896-1899 |
5 / 9 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: Mine Office |
1895-1900 |
5 / 10 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: Mountain
Consolidated Mine Office |
1896-1899 |
5 / 11 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: New York offices |
1895-1900 |
5 / 12 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: Purchasing
Department |
1896-1900 |
5 / 13 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: Superintendent's
Office |
1900 |
5 / 14 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company: miscellaneous
offices |
1895-1900 |
5 / 15 | Anaconda Fluming Company |
1895-1898 |
5 / 16 | Astoria and Columbia River Railroad Company; The
Astoria Company |
1898-1900 |
5 / 17 | A |
1895-1899 |
5 / 18 | Baltimore Copper Smelting and Rolling Company |
1895 |
6 / 1-3 | Baltimore Copper Smelting and Rolling Company |
1896-1900 |
6 / 4 | Belt Mercantile Company |
1895 |
6 / 5 | Big Blackfoot Lumber Company; Big Blackfoot Milling
Company |
1898-1900 |
6 / 6-7 | Bitter Root Development Company |
1895-1896 |
6 / 8 | Bitter Root Stock Farm |
1895-1898 |
6 / 9 | Boston and Montana Consolidated Copper and Silver
Mining Company |
1899-1900 |
6 / 10 | Henry Burrell |
1895-1900 |
6 / 11 | Butte, Anaconda, and Pacific Railway Company |
1895-1899 |
6 / 12 | B |
1895-1899 |
6 / 13 | Carbon Coal Company |
1898-1900 |
6 / 14 | Castner Coal and Coke Company |
1895-1896 |
6 / 15 | Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company |
1895-1898 |
7 / 1 | Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company |
1896-1899 |
7 / 2 | W. Brodrick Cloete (re investment in Explorations) |
1898 |
7 / 3 | Colorado Fuel and Iron Company |
1895-1900 |
7 / 4 | Colorado Smelting and Mining Company |
1898-1899 |
7 / 5 | C |
1895-1900 |
7 / 6 | Daly and Company |
1897 |
7 / 7 | Daly, Donahoe and Moyer, Bankers |
1899 |
7 / 8 | Margaret P. Daly; Mary Augusta Daly |
1896 |
7 / 9 | Daly Mining Company |
1895 |
7 / 10-11 | Diamond Coal and Coke Company |
1897-1900 |
7 / 12 | W.W. Dixon |
1895-1896 |
7 / 13 | D |
1895-1900 |
7 / 14 | Electric Railway, Light and Power Company |
1896 |
7 / 15 | Erie and Western Transportation Company |
1895-1897 |
7 / 16-17 | E-F |
1895-1900 |
7 / 18 | Great Northern Railway Company |
1895-1896 |
8 / 1 | Great Northern Railway Company |
1897-1900 |
8 / 2 | G |
1895-1900 |
8 / 3 | William Harrison (re Baxendale granite quarry) |
1895 |
8 / 4 | D.J. Hennessy Mercantile Company |
1896-1900 |
8 / 5 | James J. Hill (typescript copy) |
1898 |
8 / 6 | H |
1895-1900 |
8 / 7 | Illinois Steel Company |
1897 |
8 / 8 | Indiana, Illinois and Iowa Railroad |
1895-1899 |
8 / 9 | I-J |
1895-1899 |
8 / 10 | C.R. Kelsey |
1895-1898 |
8 / 11 | Kemmerer Coal Company |
1898-1900 |
8 / 12 | K |
1895-1900 |
8 / 13 | Geoffrey Lavell |
1896-1900 |
8 / 14 | Joseph A. Lewis |
1898-1900 |
8 / 15 | Lewisohn Brothers |
1899-1900 |
8 / 16 | L |
1895-1900 |
8 / 17 | E.N. Maze (re Repauno Chemical Company) |
1897-1900 |
8 / 18 | Al Moffet (re Camp Creek mining claim) |
1899-1900 |
8 / 19 | Montana Coal and Coke Company |
1895-1898 |
8 / 20 | Montana Sampling Works |
1895-1896 |
8 / 21 | Montana Union Railway Company |
1896-1898 |
8 / 22 | W.L. Moyer |
1899-1900 |
8 / 23 | M |
1895-1900 |
9 / 1-3 | Northern Pacific Railway Company |
1895-1900 |
9 / 4 | N |
1895-1900 |
9 / 5 | Oregon Short Line Railroad Company |
1897-1900 |
9 / 6 | O |
1895-1899 |
9 / 7 | William Pickhardt and Kuttroff |
1895-1897 |
9 / 8 | Pinkerton's National Detective Agency |
1896-1899 |
9 / 9 | Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Louis
Railway Company |
1895-1900 |
9 / 10 | P-Q |
1895-1900 |
9 / 11 | Rocky Fork Coal Company of Montana |
1897-1899 |
9 / 12 | Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Company |
1896-1897 |
9 / 13 | H.L. Rowe |
1896-1899 |
9 / 14 | R |
1895-1900 |
10 / 1 | St. Regis Lumber Company |
1900-1901 |
Outgoing Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
10a / 1 | Letterpress book: auditor |
1897-1898 |
Incoming Correspondence [Anaconda Copper Mining
Company] |
Box/Folder | ||
10 / 2 | Sand Coulee Coal Company |
1895-1898 |
10 / 3 | William Scallon |
1896-1900 |
10 / 4 | Sweetwater Coal Mining Company |
1895-1897 |
10 / 5 | S |
1895-1900 |
10 / 6 | Tuttle Manufacturing and Supply Company |
1895-1898 |
10 / 7 | T |
1895-1900 |
10 / 8 | Union Pacific Coal Company |
1895-1899 |
10 / 9 | Union Pacific Railroad Company |
1895-1900 |
10 / 10 | U-V |
1895-1900 |
10 / 11 | George Welcome |
1896 |
10 / 12 | W-Y |
1895-1900 |
10 / 13 | Unidentified |
1896-1900 |
Outgoing Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
10 / 14 | Letterpress book: auditor |
1895-1896 |
11 / 1-3 | Letterpress book: auditor |
1898-1900 |
12 / 1-3 | Letterpress book: cashier |
1895-1913 |
13 / 1 | Letterpress book: chief engineer |
1897-1899 |
13 / 2-4 | Letterpress book: general manager |
1895-1896 |
14 / 1-3 | Letter, letterpress book: general manager, secretary (includes information about acquisition of site for smelter, Warm Springs) |
1883, 1896-1897 |
15 / 1-2 | Letterpress book: secretary |
1899-1900 |
15a / 1 | Letterpress book: secretary |
1900 |
16 / 1-2 | Letterpress book: secretary |
1900-1901, 1904 |
16 / 3-6 | Letterpress book: traffic manager |
1889-1896 |
17 / 1-2 | Letterpress book: traffic manager |
1896-1897 |
Volume | ||
1-1a | Letterpress book: traveling auditor |
1896-1897, 1901 |
Box/Folder | ||
17 / 3-6 | Miscellaneous |
1896-1902 |
17 / 7 | Telegrams |
1895-1897 |
18 / 1-2 | Telegrams |
1897 |
General Correspondence |
Volume | ||
2 | President's correspondence index |
1900-1903 |
3-10 | Correspondence register (summarizes letters with
departments and outside correspondents) |
1900-1929 |
Box/Folder | ||
18 / 3 | Correspondence register (summarizes letters with
departments and outside correspondents) |
1920-1921 |
18 / 4 | Atwill-Makemson Coal and Coke Company |
1913-1914 |
18 / 5-6 | A-I |
1903-1905, 1911-1915 |
18 / 7 | Johnson and Higgins |
1903-1905 |
18 / 8 | J-O |
1902-1904, 1910-1914 |
19 / 1 | Pogson, Peloubet and Company (re audits) |
1903-1910 |
19 / 2-3 | P-Y |
1903-1905, 1911-1914 |
Interoffice Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
19 / 4 | Auditors |
1913 |
19 / 5 | Auditors to K.B. Frazer (re departmental audits;
includes list of subsidiaries and their officers) |
1936-1940 |
19 / 6 | Auditors to K.B. Frazer (re departmental audits) |
1944-1948 |
19 / 7 | Big Blackfoot Milling Company |
1907-1909 |
19 / 8 | Brick Department |
1907 |
19 / 9 | Chief Engineer |
1903 |
19 / 10 | Coal Department (Belt) |
1903-1910 |
19 / 11 | Diamond Coal and Coke Company |
1907-1910 |
19 / 12 | Electric Light and Railway Department (Anaconda,
Hamilton) |
1907-1910 |
19 / 13 | Foundry Department |
1907-1910 |
19 / 14 | Hardware Department (Butte) |
1907-1910 |
19 / 15 | Hope Lumber Company |
1908 |
19 / 16 | Hotel Department (Anaconda, Hamilton) |
1907-1910 |
19 / 17 | Land and Tax Department; Legal Department |
1902-1904 |
19 / 18 | Lumber Department (Anaconda, Bonner, Hamilton) |
1906-1910 |
19 / 19 | Mercantile Department (Belt, Butte) |
1907-1910 |
19 / 20 | Mercantile Department; Water Department; Electric
Department; Townsite Department (Hamilton) |
1907-1910 |
19 / 21 | Mines Office |
1903-1905 |
19 / 22 | Mountain Trading Company |
1907-1910 |
19 / 23 | Purchasing Department |
1903 |
19 / 24 | Reduction Department (Anaconda) |
1911-1914 |
19 / 25 | Treasurer's Office |
1907 |
19 / 26 | Washoe Copper Company: Coal and Coke Departments |
1904-1910 |
20 / 1-10 | Circular letters to all departments |
1896-1944 |
Court Papers |
Box/Folder | ||
21 / 1 | Bliss vs. Washoe Copper Company abstract of
testimony of lay witnesses accompanying brief for appellees, Vol. 1-2 (re smoke
case) |
1909 January |
21 / 2 | Bliss vs. Washoe Copper Company abstract of
testimony of expert witnesses accompanying brief for appellees, Vol. 3-4 (re smoke
case) |
1909 January |
21 / 3 | Bliss vs. Washoe Copper Company brief for
appellees, (re smoke case) |
1909 January |
21 / 4 | Bliss vs. Washoe Copper Company stock history and
experiments, poisoning investigations, experiments, etc. accompanying brief of
appellees, vol. 5 (re smoke case) |
1909 January |
21 / 5 | Bliss vs. Washoe Copper Company index to transcript
of record (re smoke case) |
circa 1909 |
22- 30 / | Bliss vs. Washoe Copper Company transcript,
vol.1-67 (re smoke case) |
circa 1909 |
Financial and Production Records |
Box/Folder | ||
30 / 3 | Account classification manual (includes list of
subsidiary companies) |
circa 1960 |
30 / 4 | "Advises of drafts drawn" |
1899-1901 |
30 / 5 | "Appropriations by B.B. Thayer" |
1905-1919 |
31 / 1 | Appropriations: departments |
1931-1933 |
Volume | ||
11 | Auditors' reports |
1894 |
12-13 | Auditors' reports (includes recapitulation of
Marcus Daly, superintendent account, 1881-1894) |
1895 |
14 | Auditors' reports: Anaconda Reduction Works |
1896-1899 |
15 | Auditors' reports: Electric Railway, Light, and
Power Company; Anaconda Water Company |
1896-1898 |
16 | Auditors' reports: Castner Coal and Coke Company;
Belt Mercantile Company |
1896-1898 |
17 | Auditors' reports: Standard Fire Brick Company;
Anaconda Townsite Company; Montana Sampling Works |
1896-1898 |
18 | Auditors' reports: Hamilton Water Company; Hamilton
Townsite Company; Hamilton Electric Light Company; Hamilton Hotel Company |
1895-1898 |
19 | Auditors' reports: Saw Mill Department |
1895-1898 |
20 | Auditors' reports: Bitter Root Development Company |
1895-1898 |
21 | Auditors' reports: miscellaneous departments |
1895-1898 |
Box/Folder | ||
31 / 2 | Auditors' reports summaries |
1944-1946 |
Volume | ||
22 | Balance sheets (comparative) |
1909 |
23-25 | Balance sheets: departments |
1897-1911 |
Box/Folder | ||
31 / 3 | Balance sheets: departments |
1913 |
Volume | ||
26-75 | Cash books |
1895-1955 |
Box/Folder | ||
31 / 4 | Cash book: departments |
1911-1913 |
Volume | ||
76 | Cash book: Hoge, Daly and Company, Bankers |
1895-1900 |
77 | Cash book: Hoge, Daly and Company, Bankers
(superintendent's account) |
1895-1897 |
78 | Cash book: mines |
1897-1898 |
Box/Folder | ||
31 / 5 | "Coal and lumber received" |
1907, 1911 |
Volume | ||
79-112 | Companies and individuals ledgers |
1901-1958 |
113- 114 | Companies and individuals ledgers: subsidiaries |
1948-1967 |
115- 119 | Companies and individuals trial balances |
1920-1950 |
Box/Folder | ||
31 / 5 | "Construction and additions" |
1900 |
Volume | ||
120- 121 | "Construction and appropriations" |
1957-1959 |
Box/Folder | ||
31 / 7 | "Construction report: Mountain Con Office" |
1897 |
Volume | ||
122 | Cost sheets and financial reports |
1889-1896 |
123 | Cost sheets, financial reports, and miscellaneous
statements |
1900 |
124 | Cost summaries: mining, smelting, and freight to
Baltimore |
1897-1898 |
125 | "Departmental journal" |
1895-1897 |
Box/Folder | ||
31 / 8 | Departmental trial balances |
1896 |
Volume | ||
126 | Departmental trial balances |
1924-1925 |
Box/Folder | ||
31 / 9 | Depreciation |
1916-1942 |
31 / 10 | Depreciation charges |
1909 |
Volume | ||
127 | Depreciation schedules |
1926-1930 |
128 | "Division between companies" (includes production
figures, ore shipments, division of expenses, etc.) |
1902-1905 |
129 | Expense record (distribution of expenses among
operations) |
1903-1905 |
Box/Folder | ||
31 / 11 | Employee fidelity insurance |
1890-1898 |
32 / 1 | Freight receipts |
1890-1898 |
32 / 2 | Freight shipments |
1893-1896 |
32 / 3-6 | General expenses distribution |
1918-1925 |
Volume | ||
130- 179 | General journals |
1895-1964 |
180- 203 | General ledgers |
1895-1964 |
Box/Folder | ||
32 / 7-8 | General ledger trial balance |
1889, 1898-1905 |
33 / 1 | General ledger trial balance |
1906-1910 |
Volume | ||
204- 206 | General ledger trial balance |
1911-1917, 1927-1945 |
Box/Folder | ||
33 / 2 | General office adjustments (includes explanations) |
1902-1905 |
Volume | ||
207 | Income tax schedules |
1920-1931 |
208 | Insurance record |
1906-1910 |
209 | Investment account additions and deductions:
departments |
1911-1938 |
210 | Labor distributions: departments |
1900-1901 |
Box/Folder | ||
33 / 2a | Hauling record (records materials and equipment
hauled between mines) |
1915-1929 |
33 / 3 | Ledger (re railroad work in mines) |
1918-1927 |
Volume | ||
211- 213 | Life insurance benefit book |
1936-1957 |
214- 216 | Mine and Reduction Works "call-offs" (expenses of
Anaconda, St. Lawrence, Never Sweat, Mountain Con, Bell, and High Ore mines and
Reduction Works departments) |
1902 May- 1903 December |
217 | "Miscellaneous ledger" (re investments) |
1896 |
Box/Folder | ||
33 / 4 | Oil prices |
1897 |
Volume | ||
218- 220 | Operating accounts/operating ledger |
1898-1901 |
Box/Folder | ||
33 / 5 | "Ore shipments from Brooklyn Mine" |
1914-1917 |
Volume | ||
221 | Paymaster's account |
1933-1936 |
Box/Folder | ||
33 / 6 | Payroll |
1897, undated |
33 / 7 | Payroll: office |
1903-1904 |
34 / 1-4 | Payroll: office |
1905-1908, 1910-1912 |
Volume | ||
222- 223 | Payroll: office and general |
1904-1911 |
Box/Folder | ||
34 / 5 | Payroll distribution: general officers |
1901-1905 |
Volume | ||
224 | "Preliminary custom ore shipments" |
1906-1909 |
Box/Folder | ||
34 / 6 | "Record of profit on custom ore and concentrates
purchased" |
1896 |
34 / 7 | Rental payments to company |
1902-1905 |
34 / 8 | Report for managers' meetings (Butte) |
1957-1961 |
35 / 1-3 | Report for managers' meetings (Butte) |
1962-1970 |
35 / 4-5 | Report for managers' meetings (New York) |
1957-1965 |
36 / 1-3 | Report for managers' meetings (New York, Tucson) |
1966-1974 |
Volume | ||
225 | Salary ledger: departments (includes personnel
information on age, marital status, and previous employment of salaried employees;
indexed) |
1896-1898 |
Box/Folder | ||
36 / 4 | "Superintendent's account: Marcus Daly" |
1892-1895 |
Volume | ||
226- 228 | Voucher record (includes note on expenditure and
distribution among departments; departmental vouchers, 1898-1899) |
1897-1901 |
Box/Folder | ||
36 / 5 | Vouchers for recording deeds |
1893-1895 |
Volume | ||
229 | War bonds general journal |
1942-1943 |
230- 231 | War bonds journal |
1942-1946 |
232- 234 | War bonds ledger |
1942-1948 |
234 | War savings stamps journal |
1943-1944 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
37 / 1 | Abstract of title to Bitter Root Valley lands |
1899-1901 |
37 / 2 | Abstract of title to mining claims: Little Ida and
Johnstown lodes |
1888 |
37 / 3 | Agreement: Baltimore Copper Smelting and Rolling
Company |
1896 |
37 / 4 | "Agreement with Montana Power Company for
furnishing electrical power for zinc plants at Great Falls and Anaconda, Montana" |
1940 |
37 / 5 | Contract: Joseph Frankland and James Farrell (re
granite work on office building in Anaconda) |
1896 |
37 / 6 | Contract: Charles Isaacs and N.K. Greenlee (re
Reduction Works tailings dike construction) |
1899 |
37 / 7 | Contract: G.W. Karlman and M. Jennings (re grading
foundation of converter at Anaconda) |
1899 |
37 / 8 | Contract: Andy McDowell (re horse training) |
1890 |
37 / 9 | Contracts: Northern Pacific Railway Company (re
timberlands) |
1898-1899 |
37 / 10 | Contract: Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Company (re
telephone line from Butte to Anaconda) |
1900 |
37 / 11 | Contract abstracts (re cordwood and mining timber) |
1884-1894 |
37 / 12 | Deeds: City of Anaconda |
1900-1917 |
37 / 13 | Deeds |
1889-1913 |
37 / 14 | Electric power franchise, Butte |
1899 |
37 / 15 | Employee bonds |
1899 |
37 / 16 | Leases: Pennsylvania Lode, Johnstown Lode, etc. |
1888 |
37 / 17 | Leases |
1900, 1907 |
37 / 18 | Mineral certificate: Jasper Lode |
1880 |
37 / 19 | Mineral locations |
1873-1883 |
37 / 20 | Mineral survey field notes: Betsey Dahl Lode Mine;
Rarus Lode; Pennsylvania Lode; Emma Lode |
1881-1882, 1889 |
37 / 21 | Mining claim: Wafer Lode |
1900 |
37 / 22 | Plats (unidentified) |
undated |
37 / 23 | Miscellaneous (re Washoe, Montana, coal lands) |
1901-1908 |
Maps |
Box/Folder | ||
37 / 24 | List of maps transferred to Library map collection |
undated |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
37 / 25 | Articles of incorporation (photocopy) |
1895 |
37 / 26 | Bylaws |
1895 |
37 / 27 | Minutes of trustees' meeting (photocopy) |
1895 |
37 / 28 | Stock certificates |
1967-1968 |
38 / 1 | Stockholder address changes |
1933-1935 |
38 / 2-7 | Stockholder lists |
1898-1899, 1925-1929 |
39- 45 / | Stockholder lists |
1929-1948 |
46 / 1-4 | Stockholder meetings (includes agenda, stockholder
lists, drafts of annual reports, etc.) |
1951-1967 |
47 / 1-2 | Stockholder meetings (includes agenda, stockholder
lists, drafts of annual reports, etc.) |
1968-1974 |
Photographs |
Box/Folder | ||
47 / 3 | List of photographs transferred to Photo Archives |
undated |
Printed Material |
Box/Folder | ||
47 / 4 | List of printed material transferred to Library |
undated |
Reports |
Box/Folder | ||
47 / 5 | "Basic Lined Converter Patent Report" |
1910 |
47 / 6 | Report by Chester R. Davis on Anaconda water supply
at Lake Hearst |
1898 |
47 / 7 | Report by F.A. Jones on Warm Springs Creek
watershed |
1900 |
47 / 8 | Report by Wilson and Gillie, civil engineers, on
new dam southeast of Anaconda |
1898 |
47 / 9 | "Report on the Eureka and Iron Hill Claims, Deer
Lodge County, Montana." |
1909 |
47 / 10 | Reports by Edward Johnson, L.S. Storrs, and F.W.
Whyte on Bear Creek and Carbon coal |
1897, undated |
47 / 11 | "Steam" |
undated |
47 / 12 | Study of cost reduction (includes visits to Bunker
Hill and Homestake companies, re computers) |
1959-1960 |
47 / 13 | "Thofehrn Electrolytic Treatment" (includes
agreement between Anaconda Mining Company and H. Thofehrn) |
undated |
47 / 14 | Weekly reports on mines |
1890 |
Subject Files [General Office, Anaconda] |
Box/Folder | ||
48 / 1 | #1 "Balance sheets of Anaconda Copper Mining Co.
and Subsidiary Departments" (includes list of property at time of reorganization) |
1895 |
48 / 2 | #2 North Butte Mining Company |
1917 |
48 / 3 | #3 "General operating expenses" |
1896 |
48 / 4 | #5 "Boilers purchased" |
1900 |
48 / 5 | #6 "Inventory, B.A. and P. Car 010 (re Marcus
Daly's personal car on Butte, Anaconda and Pacific Railway) |
1897 |
48 / 6 | #9 "Monthly Operating Expense Acc't. Never Sweat
Mine" |
1897 April |
48 / 7 | #10 Construction of Anaconda city water works |
1898 |
48 / 8 | #11 "Proposed sale of stock of whiskey in bond to
Frank Sterne, Houston, Tex." |
1897 |
48 / 9 | #12 "F.S. Lech and Co. Opera House a/c" |
1897 |
48 / 10 | #13 "Copy of L.D. Kent bond Lumber Dep't, Butte" |
1898 |
48 / 11 | #15 Basin and Bay State Mining Company |
1894 |
48 / 12 | #16 "Papers pertaining to account of Charles
Suiter" (re construction of state buildings) |
1896-1898 |
48 / 13 | #17 "Papers pertaining to J.W. Coghlan" (re
embezzlement) |
1896-1898 |
48 / 14 | #19 "Gov. Lind sells Diamondville land" |
1899-1900 |
48 / 15 | #20 Copper statements |
1895-1899 |
48 / 16 | #22 "Statement of Wages and Salaries" |
1895-1899 |
48 / 17 | #23 "Closing Journal Entries for Mine Offices" |
1898 |
48 / 18 | #24 "Cupreous Material on hand"; "Ore received from
all Mines" |
1890-1898 |
48 / 19 | #25 Treatment of converter bars |
1896-1900 |
48 / 20 | #28 "Refining" |
1898 |
48 / 21 | #30 "Estimated Profits of Subsidiary Dep'ts." |
1898 |
48 / 22 | #31 "Bill of H.R. Whitehill for Legal Services" |
1897-1899 |
48 / 23 | #32 "Statement of Shipments and Expenses" |
1896-1897 |
48 / 24 | #37 "Value of insurable property of Subsidiary
Dep'ts." |
undated |
48 / 25 | #41 "Mat'l and supplies...of all Mines" |
1898 |
48 / 26 | #42 "Stock Report and Description" (re horses) |
1898-1899 |
48 / 27 | #43 "Construction Reports Mines" |
1897-1899 |
48 / 28 | #46 Custom ore |
1899 |
49 / 1 | #47 "Reports Mechanical Dep't." |
1899 |
49 / 2 | #48 Net proceeds tax |
1899 |
49 / 3 | #49 "Pasture lands" |
1899 |
49 / 4 | #50 "Proposed changes in Expense Accounts of
Departments" |
1899 |
49 / 5 | #52 "Converter Lining Statement" |
1899 |
49 / 6 | #55 "Location and Description of Claims" |
1899 |
49 / 7 | #58 Company boarding house earnings |
1898-1901 |
49 / 8 | #62 Fidelity insurance |
1898-1899 |
49 / 9 | #65 "Contract with Baltimore copper smelting and
Rolling Co." |
1899 |
49 / 10 | #69 "...reduction of matte from Colorado Smelting
and Mining Co." |
1899 |
49 / 11 | #70 "Sales of all Departments" |
1899 |
49 / 12 | #71 "Statements given to Mr. F.P. Addicks" |
1899 |
49 / 13 | #73 "Balance due Parrot S. and C. Co. for ore
purchased..." |
1899 |
49 / 14 | #74 "Statement of Operations of Hotel Margaret" |
1898-1899 |
49 / 15 | #75 Colorado matte bid |
1899 |
49 / 16 | #76 "Statement of logs cut by St. Regis mills" |
1899 |
49 / 17 | #79 Colorado matte shipments |
1899 |
49 / 18 | #81 Construction: Mines and Reduction Works |
1899 |
49 / 19 | #84 "Detail of Material on hand at Reduction Works" |
1899 |
49 / 20 | #85 "Custom Ore and Custom Matte Statements" |
1900-1904 |
49 / 21 | #86 Carbon Coal Company |
1900 |
49 / 22 | #93, #537 Audits: Anaconda departments (Electric
Light, Hotel, Townsite, Water) |
1899-1911 |
49 / 23 | #93, #537 Audits: Belt departments |
1899-1911 |
49 / 24 | #93, #537 Audits: Big Blackfoot Milling
Company/Lumber Department, Anaconda |
1899-1911 |
49 / 25 | #93, #537 Audits: Big Blackfoot Milling
Company/Lumber Department, Bonner |
1900-1911 |
50 / 1 | #93, #537 Audits: Big Blackfoot Milling
Company/Lumber Department, Butte (includes alleged embezzlement, 1900) |
1898-1911 |
50 / 2 | #93, #537 Audits: Big Blackfoot Milling
Company/Lumber Department, Missoula |
1900-1911 |
50 / 3 | #93, #537 Audits: Big Blackfoot Milling
Company/Lumber Department, Columbia Falls |
1899-1911 |
50 / 4 | #93, #537 Audits: Big Blackfoot Milling
Company/Lumber Department, St. Regis / St. Regis Lumber Company |
1900-1911 |
50 / 5 | #93, #537 Audits: Brick Department, Anaconda |
1905-1910 |
50 / 6 | #93, #537 Audits: Capital Lumber Company, Carbon
Coal Company Lumber Department, Basin Lumber Department |
1899-1904 |
50 / 7 | #93, #537 Audits: Darby Mercantile Department |
1901-1906 |
50 / 8 | #93, #537 Audits: Diamond Coal and Coke Company |
1899-1909 |
50 / 9 | #93, #537 Audits: Foundry Department |
1901-1910 |
50 / 10 | #93, #537 Audits: Hamilton Lumber Department |
1900-1910 |
50 / 11 | #93, #537 Audits: Hamilton Mercantile Department |
1901-1908 |
50 / 12 | #93, #537 Audits: Hamilton departments (Hotel,
Townsite, Water, Electric) |
1899-1909 |
51 / 1 | #93, #537 Audits: Hardware departments, Anaconda,
Butte |
1899-1905 |
51 / 2 | #93, #537 Audits: Montana Lumber and Manufacturing
Company, Northern Coal Company, Northwest Coal Company, Pacific Lumber Company |
1899-1900 |
51 / 3 | #93, #537 Audits: Mountain Trading Company |
1901-1910 |
51 / 4 | #93, #537 Audits: Purchasing Department |
1899 |
51 / 5 | #93, #537 Audits: Washoe Copper Company/Coke
Department, Storrs; Coal Department, Bear Creek |
1904-1911 |
51 / 6 | #94 "Inventory of California House..." |
1900-1901 |
51 / 7 | #95 Mines payroll |
1900-1905 |
51 / 8 | #98 Net proceeds of mines tax |
1900 |
51 / 9 | #101 Census report on Reduction Works |
1899 |
51 / 10 | #102 "Lumber used at Anaconda Co. and Washoe Co.
mines" |
1900 |
51 / 11 | #105 "Settlements for custom ore and custom matte" |
1900 |
51 / 12 | #108 Casualty insurance |
1899-1904 |
51 / 13 | #113 Boarding houses at Carroll |
1897-1900 |
51 / 14 | #114 "Cost of Logs at Hamilton" |
1899-1901 |
51 / 15 | #116 F.P. Brayton report on lumber plants at
Bonner, St. Regis, and Hamilton |
1900 |
51 / 16 | #118 "Analysis of Carbon Coal" |
1900 |
51 / 17 | #119 "Statement showing amount due Washoe Copper
Company for concentrating ore received from the Pacific Lode" |
1899-1900 |
51 / 18 | #120 Columbia Falls ground lease |
1899 |
51 / 19 | #121 "Claim of M.H. McNulty for additional
recompense for ore taken from Big Modoc Mine" |
1899-1900 |
51 / 20 | #122 M.R. Perry report on Foundry Department |
1900 |
51 / 21 | #123 "Inventory of Boarding House below Carroll" |
1894-1904 |
51 / 22 | #124 "Coal Land Declaratory Statement blanks" |
1900-1901 |
51 / 23 | #126 "Stationery, Printing and Blank Books
purchased from Standard Publishing Company" |
1900-1901 |
51 / 24 | #134 "Inventory of property in General Office and
Legal Department Butte" |
1901 |
51 / 25 | #135 "Foundry Department depreciation..." |
1900 |
51 / 26 | #139 "Contract of A.J. Holmes and Co., with Copper
City Com. Co." |
1892 |
51 / 27 | #140 "Claim and Release of James S. Doyle (re
injury at Anaconda smelter) |
1897 |
51 / 28 | #141 Sales between departments |
1900 |
52 / 1 | #143 "Inventory of stock and property in Company
Stables" (re horses) |
1901 |
52 / 2 | #144 "Statement of Coal used at Mines" |
1901 |
52 / 3 | #146 "Bills against B.A. and P. Ry bill for
services of linemen" (re Butte, Anaconda and Pacific Railway) |
1901 |
52 / 4 | #148 "Bonds on issue of duplicate paychecks" |
1905 |
52 / 5 | #149 "Expenses of Sampling Works, Butte" |
1901 |
52 / 6 | #151 "Comparative analyses of Diamondville, Belt,
Red Lodge, and Rock Springs coal" |
1897-1899 |
52 / 7 | #152 Memoranda of agreements: Butte, Anaconda and
Pacific Railway and Anaconda Standard (re telegraph lines) |
1895 |
52 / 8 | #155 "Index to construction order numbers New
Reduction Works" |
1901 |
52 / 9 | #156 Margaret Theater Association (re foreclosure
sale) |
1909 |
52 / 10 | #157 "Cost of equipping Reverberatory Furnace #7
Lower Works with Boiler attachment" |
1900 |
52 / 11 | #159 "Detail of cost of Refinery Building #3" |
1900 |
52 / 12 | #160 "Bear Creek coal filings" |
1901 |
52 / 13 | #167 Royalties on Monitor ore |
1899 |
52 / 14 | #172 Contract: Butte, Anaconda, and Pacific Railway
and Western Union Telegraph Company |
1901 |
52 / 15 | #174 Income and expenditure estimates: Big
Blackfoot Milling Company, Diamond Coal and Coke Company, Mountain Trading Company,
and Washoe Copper Company |
1901 |
52 / 16 | #175 Coal used at Reduction Works |
1896-1901 |
52 / 17 | #176 Reports of operation and production: Reduction
Works |
1895-1896 |
52 / 18 | #177 "Contract with H. Thofehrn and plans for
Electrolytic Refinery at Anaconda" |
1893-1894 |
52 / 19 | #178 Wood settlement: Anaconda Fluming Company |
1896 |
52 / 20 | #180 Accounts receivable: Lumber Department, Butte |
1898-1904 |
52 / 21 | #188 "Settlement for silver slimes shipped to
Seattle Smelting & Refining Co." |
1902 |
52 / 22 | #190 "Sales, Cost, and Profit statements" |
1901 |
52 / 23 | #191 "Mining costs" |
1898-1903 |
52 / 24 | #192 "Contracts with Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone
Co." |
1902 |
52 / 25 | #193 Sales between departments |
1901 |
52 / 26 | #195 "Log account Lumber Dept., Hamilton" |
1901 |
52 / 27 | #196 "Miscellaneous papers taken from desks in Mr.
Daly's office" |
1893-1900 |
52 / 28 | #201 Bad debts and depreciation (all departments) |
1902 |
52 / 29 | #205 Net proceeds of mines tax |
1902 |
52 / 30 | #206 Contracts: Lumber Department, Hamilton |
1900 |
52 / 31 | #211 Wages paid and hours worked at New Reduction
Works; salaries of officers and foremen |
1902-1903 |
52 / 32 | #212 "Settlement for silver slimes shipped to
American Smelting and Refining Company, Omaha" |
1902-1903 |
52 / 33 | #213 "Statements of amounts paid on account of
personal injury claims" |
1897-1901, 1904 |
53 / 1 | #214 Henry Prentiss report re dismantling of Upper
Works |
1902 |
53 / 2 | #215 "Inventory of Office Furniture and Laboratory
Supplies and Utensils moved from Old Works to New Works" |
undated |
53 / 3 | #216 "Statement of Operating Expenses of Butte
Mines Machine Shop" |
1902 |
53 / 4 | #217 "Monthly statement of tons of ore extracted
from A.C.M. Co. mines" |
1902-1903 |
53 / 5 | #219 "Cupreous Material received and Cast Copper
produced at New Reduction Works" |
1902 |
53 / 6 | #220 "Copies of insurance riders" |
1905 |
53 / 7 | #221 Internal revenue stamps |
1901 |
53 / 8 | #222 "Expenditures on account of the construction
of the New Reduction Works" |
1902 |
53 / 9 | #223 "Machinery, material and supplies taken from
the Old Reduction Works and used in New Reduction Works construction" |
1901-1902 |
53 / 10 | #224 "Machinery, material and supplies taken from
the Old Reduction Works and used in New Reduction Works operations" |
1902 |
53 / 11 | #225 "Cost of New Reduction Works buildings and
equipment..." |
1902 |
53 / 12 | #226 "Monthly report of Construction at Butte
mines" |
1902-1903 |
53 / 13 | #227 "Monthly report of cost of special work at
Butte mines..." |
1902-1903 |
53 / 14 | #228 "Average cost of making Fire Brick" |
1902 |
53 / 15 | #229 "Lumber used at the Butte" |
1901-1904 |
53 / 16 | #230 "Coal used at Mines" |
1901-1902 |
53 / 17 | #233 "Various labor charges to New Works
Construction by Old Reduction Works" |
1901-1902 |
53 / 18 | #234 Statements of operations |
1902-1904 |
53 / 19 | #235 "List of employees at New Reduction Works" |
1902 December |
53 / 20 | #237 Reconciliation of Reduction Works and mine
operating expenses |
1902-1905 |
53 / 21 | #238 "Cupreous material on hand at New Reduction
Works" |
1903-1904 |
53 / 22 | #239 Operating costs of New Reduction Works |
1902 |
54 / 1 | #240 U.S. Census statements |
1902, 1907 |
54 / 2 | #241 "Assessment work done on mining claims in
Silver Bow County" |
1902 |
54 / 3 | #242 "Mines payrolls by days and occupations" |
1902 |
54 / 4 | #244 "Silver Slimes from Great Falls cost of
treating at Silver Mill" |
1903 |
54 / 5 | #246 "Charges to sundry mining claims" |
1900 |
54 / 6 | #250 "Relief to Smelter Power House a/c steam
supplied by Reverberatory Boilers" |
1903-1905 |
54 / 7 | #251 Statements re census figures |
1902 |
54 / 8 | #271 "Ore received from all Mines" |
1895-1898 |
54 / 9 | #272 "Report of Production, Operations, Costs, and
Shipments, Old Works" |
1895 |
54 / 10 | #279 Custom ore profits |
1896-1897 |
54 / 11 | #280 Copper and bullion shipments |
1895 |
54 / 12-13 | #282-283 Custom ore purchases |
1897 |
54 / 14 | #286 "Cost of producing copper" |
1898-1899 |
54 / 15 | #287 "Syndicate Mines reports" |
1894-1895 |
54 / 16 | #290 "Matte shipments from C.S. and M. Co." (re
Colorado Smelting and Mining Company) |
1899 |
54 / 17 | #292 Losses in smelting and concentrating |
1894-1898 |
54 / 18 | #293 "Payments made by Marcus Daly to Henry Burrell
for investigation and purchase of coal lands" |
1897 |
54 / 19 | #296 "Contract for Upper Works flume" |
1897 |
54 / 20 | #297 "Costs and Operations" |
1897 |
54 / 21 | #298 "Comparative test of Belt and Diamond coals" |
1898 |
54 / 22 | #299 "Report of operations" |
1897 |
54 / 23 | #300 "Report of John S. Dougherty to Marcus Daly
[re] Improvements & Land Purchases" |
1892-1894 |
54 / 24 | #301 Average costs of mining and smelting |
1894 |
54 / 25 | #302 Mining and reduction expenses; tons mined;
custom ore |
1894 |
54 / 26 | #309 Quarterly report: departments |
1895 September |
54 / 27 | #310 Casting reports |
1897 |
54 / 28 | #311 Cost of producing matte: Upper and Lower Works |
1896 |
54 / 29 | #312 "Detail of cupreous material on hand" |
1902-1902 |
54 / 30 | #313 "Report of Melting" |
1896 |
54 / 31 | #314 "Freight settlements" |
1892-1895 |
54 / 32 | #317 "Monthly Mine Reports operation &
production" [sampled] |
1893 |
54 / 33 | #318 Inventory of boarding house #3 |
1899 |
54 / 34 | #319 "Detail of expenses" |
1902 |
54 / 35 | #321 Butte Mines Machine Shop expenses, etc. |
1903 |
54 / 36 | #322 "Statements of Coal and Lumber Rec'd at the
Butte mines" |
1903-1904 |
55 / 1 | #323 "Mines payrolls" (summaries only) |
1903-1906 |
55 / 2 | #329 "Silver Slimes purchased" |
1903 |
55 / 3 | #330 New Works construction |
1903 |
55 / 4 | #334 Mines and Reduction Works operating costs |
1902-1903 |
55 / 5 | #337 Bad debts and depreciation (all departments) |
1903 |
55 / 6 | #338 Construction order #3: New Reduction Works |
1900-1902 |
55 / 7 | #339 Cathode copper shipments to Baltimore |
1900 |
55 / 8 | #341 Cost of analytic tests made at Laboratory |
1905 |
55 / 9 | #342 Construction order #260 (re dismantlement of
old converter building) |
1903 |
55 / 10 | #344 "Names and addresses of clerks in General
Office" |
1903 |
55 / 11 | #345 Inventory: Silver Lake Pumping Station |
1900-1903 |
55 / 12 | #346 Sales between departments |
1902 |
55 / 13 | #351 "Detail of charges to New Stack and Flues" |
1903-1904 |
55 / 14 | #352 "Book Cost of Briquetting and Brick Plants" |
1903 |
55 / 15 | #353 "Scales taken from Blast Furnace & placed
in E. Anaconda" (re construction order 221a) |
1901-1903 |
55 / 16 | #356 "Depreciation curves" |
1904 |
55 / 17 | #357 "Gregson Springs Quarry on Monument Placer" |
1903 |
55 / 18 | #358 "Basis for various settlements for matte, ore,
precipitates etc. purchased" |
undated |
55 / 19 | #359 Census Office and U.S. Geological Survey forms |
1902, 1907 |
55 / 20 | #361 "Analysis of Debits & Credits to Barn
& Teaming Expense" |
1902 |
55 / 21 | #363 Macinac Mining Company lease |
1903-1904 |
55 / 22 | #364 "Machinery & Tools on hand, Constr. of New
Works, Flues & Stacks, C.O. 500" |
1903, 1905 |
55 / 23 | #365 Butte Mines Machine Shop expenses, etc. |
1903 |
55 / 24 | #366 "Construction Order #200A. Moving 16 Boilers
from Upper Works to E.L. & Ry Upper power plant. |
1902 |
55 / 25 | #367 New Works concentrating tables |
1903-1905 |
55 / 26 | #369 "Charges to New Works Construction" |
1903 |
55 / 27 | #370 "Coal Mining Cos. in United States" |
1903 |
55 / 28 | #371 "Cost of construction of Concentrator Power
House and cost of output" |
1902-1903 |
55 / 29 | #372 "Formula for producing a black color on brass" |
undated |
55 / 30 | #373 "Basis of distribution of Rental to Plants" |
1902 |
55 / 31 | #374 "Burned Lime from Brown's Quarry" |
1904 |
55 / 32 | #377 Parrot Silver and Copper Company account (re
Bellona ore) |
1903-1905 |
55 / 33 | #378 "Company's telephones in Anaconda & Butte" |
1904 |
55 / 34 | #379 "Vincent Ranch" (re lime and silica quarry) |
1903 |
56 / 1 | #380 "Miscellaneous enclosures to New York office" |
1900-1904 |
56 / 2 | #388 Royalties |
1904-1905 |
56 / 3 | #389 "Cupreous material received to New Works and
cast copper produced" |
1904 |
56 / 4 | #391 "Cost, Depreciation and Book value Mercantile
Depts & Mountain Trading Co." |
1903 |
56 / 5 | #393 Inventory of motors at New Works |
1903 |
56 / 6 | #394 "Laboratory expense" |
1904 |
56 / 7 | #395 Deed: Butte Electric Railway Company |
1902 |
56 / 8 | #397 "Mines machinery warehouse Butte, Mont. Detail
of cost of construction" |
1904 |
56 / 9 | #398 "Distribution of plant & equipment" |
1903-1904 |
56 / 10 | #399 "Operations at Reduction Works" |
1903 |
56 / 11 | #400 "Ore extracted from Ground Squirrel Mine" |
1895-1896 |
56 / 12 | #401 "Ore from Leasers" |
1904-1905 |
56 / 13 | #403 "Lease of Anaconda Copper Mining Company's
water rights in Deer Lodge County to Washoe Copper Company" |
1902 |
56 / 14 | #404 "Agreement for operation of New Works between
the Washoe Copper Company and the Anaconda Copper Mining Company" |
1902 |
56 / 15 | #405 Net proceeds of mines tax |
1903-1904 |
56 / 16 | #409 "List of operations as shown on cost sheet" |
undated |
56 / 17 | #410 Garnishments at Mine Office |
1904 |
56 / 18 | #411 "Total charges to construction of New
Reduction Works" |
1904 |
56 / 19 | #412 "Comparative statement of office clerks...with
salaries paid" |
1904 |
56 / 20 | #413 Ground Squirrel and Camp Creek accounts |
1896-1898 |
56 / 21 | #414 "Cost of construction of High Ore Pumping
Plant" |
1901-1903 |
56 / 22 | #415 U.S. Geological Survey forms |
1903-1904 |
56 / 23 | #416 "Machinery and Material from Camp Creek Mines,
sent to Butte warehouse" |
1896 |
56 / 24 | #417 "Memorandums regarding division of Works
Expenses, method followed, etc." |
1904 |
56 / 25 | #420 New Reduction Works operating costs |
1903 |
56 / 26 | #421 Butte Mines Machine Shop expenses |
1904 |
56 / 27 | #422 "Frank Brown Placer Mining Claim" |
1899 |
56 / 28 | #430 "Distribution of royalty collected on High Ore
precipitates" |
1903 |
56 / 29 | #432 Inventory of cupreous material at New Works |
1904-1906 |
56 / 30 | #433 "Ore mined and shipped to Anaconda" |
1904-1905 |
56 / 31 | #435 New Works construction reconciliations |
1902-1909 |
56 / 32 | #436 Taxes |
1898-1902 |
56 / 33 | #437 "New Reduction Works cost and rental" |
1902-1909 |
56 / 34 | #438 Fire clay and silica bricks |
undated |
56 / 35 | #439 "Classes of labor at New Reduction Works" |
1904 |
56 / 36 | #440 Reduction Works expenses |
1904 |
56 / 37 | #441 "Smelter group, construction costs" |
1904 |
56 / 38 | #442 "Charges to New Reduction Works construction" |
1904 |
56 / 39 | #445 "Purchased and lease ores received at Anaconda
for B. & B. Con. Mng. Co." [Butte and Boston] |
1904-1905 |
56 / 40 | #446 Reduction works expenses and production |
1904 |
56 / 41 | #450 Margaret Theater receipts and expenditures |
1904 |
57 / 1 | #452 "Meeting re shop order account and New works
accounts" |
1904 |
57 / 2 | #453 Lulu Placer Mining claim |
1904 |
57 / 3 | #454 Boston and Montana Consolidated Copper and
Silver Mining Company coal account |
1901 |
57 / 4 | #455 Royalties on iron ore and lime rock from
Morrill Quarry |
1901-1904 |
57 / 5 | #457 Payments to Pogson, Peloubet and Company
(auditors) |
1905 |
57 / 6 | #458 Copper produced |
1901 |
57 / 7 | #460 Taxes |
1897 |
57 / 8 | #461 Three Forks property |
1900-1901 |
57 / 9 | #465 Mines operating expenses |
1904-1905 |
57 / 10 | #466 "List of dwelling houses in Deer Lodge County
owned by the Washoe Copper Company" |
1905 |
57 / 11 | #467 Frank Klepetko's appointment as manager |
1900 |
57 / 12 | #468 Big Blackfoot Milling Company agency accounts |
1901 |
57 / 13 | #469 "Cost of mining timbers received at Butte
Mines" |
1904 |
57 / 14 | #470 New Reduction Works operating accounts |
undated |
57 / 15 | #473 "Monthly construction statements, Electrolytic
Refinery at Anaconda" |
1895 |
57 / 16 | #474 Electrolytic Refinery at Anaconda |
1895 |
57 / 17 | #475 Lost Creek ditch costs |
1905 |
57 / 18 | #476 Division of veterinarian's salary between
departments |
1904 |
57 / 19 | #477 Inventory of mechanical equipment at New Works |
1903 |
57 / 20 | #478 Mines and Reduction Works construction |
1895 |
57 / 21 | #479 Butte Mines repair expenses |
1905 |
57 / 22 | #480 Expense of auditing company's accounts |
1904 |
57 / 23 | #482 Report on Reduction Works to Dept. of Commerce |
1904 |
57 / 24 | #483 "Basis of treating one ton of Reverberatory
slag in Blast Furnaces" |
1905 |
57 / 25 | #484 "Converter Plant: matte storage furnaces and
equipment" |
1901-1902 |
57 / 26 | #485 Cost of Electric Plant at Refinery |
1901-1902 |
57 / 27 | #486 Taylor and Brunton settlement sheets [assays] |
1903-1904 |
57 / 28 | #489 "Lease of Mountain View Park to Butte,
Anaconda, and Pacific Railway" |
1899 |
57 / 29 | #499 "Royalties credited to Washoe Copper Co." |
1904 |
57 / 30 | #503 "Construction order #14: Machine Shop
equipment" |
1900-1903 |
57 / 31 | #508 New Works Carpenter shop equipment |
1904 |
57 / 32 | #509 New Works Boiler shop equipment |
1904 |
57 / 33 | #510 New Works Pipe shop equipment |
1903 |
57 / 34 | #511 New Works construction |
1905 |
57 / 35 | #512 Local tramming costs |
1905 |
57 / 36 | #514 Construction order #500 (re construction of
New Reduction Works) |
1903-1904 |
57 / 37 | #516 Net proceeds of mines tax |
1905-1915 |
57 / 38 | #520 List of employees: departments |
1905 |
57 / 39 | #521 Marcus Daly Estate account |
1905 |
57 / 40 | #522 Numbers of employees (by job and ethnic
origin, 1881-1894) |
1894 |
57 / 41 | #523 Ore account |
1904 |
57 / 42 | #531 New Works construction |
1905-1907 |
57 / 43 | #533 Numbers of employees at Anaconda |
1901-1905 |
57 / 44 | #534 Old Works general expense |
1904-1905 |
57 / 45 | #535 Refinery and silver Mill expenses |
1902 |
57 / 46 | #539 "Cost of construction of New Precipitating
Plant at Old Works" |
1905 |
57 / 47 | #551 New Works incidental expenses |
1906 |
57 / 48 | #552 New Works construction vouchers |
1905-1906 |
57 / 49 | #553 "Valuation of Telephone System" |
1906 |
57 / 50 | #555 Net proceeds of mines tax |
1906 |
58 / 1 | #557 Soldiers Additional Homestead Right claims |
1906 |
58 / 2 | #558 Expense of auditing company's accounts |
1905 |
58 / 3 | #559 Insurance premiums |
1901-1906 |
58 / 4 | #561 Montana Water, Electric Power and Mining
Company v. Mary Schuh, et al. decree of court re water rights |
1906 |
58 / 5 | #563 Deed: Nipper lode claim |
1896 |
58 / 6 | #564 Inventories (includes buildings, machinery,
and supplies at Butte mines) |
1895-1896 |
58 / 7 | #565 "Mtn Con Office construction reports" (re
Mountain Consolidated, Green Mountain, and Bell mines) |
1895-1896 |
58 / 8 | #567 "Smelter Power House distribution of expenses" |
1905 |
58 / 9 | #568 "Copy of Montana Code provisions concerning
assessment of net proceeds of mines" |
undated |
58 / 10 | #570 Construction order #500 inventory (re New
Reduction Works construction) |
1906 |
58 / 11 | #571 St. Lawrence change house repair |
1906 |
58 / 12 | #572 "Inventory of ranch near Darby, Montana" |
1906 |
58 / 13 | #573 "Value of cupreous material on hand" |
1906 |
58 / 14 | #574 "Butte & Boston Consolidated Mining
Company ore received at Reduction Works" |
1906 |
58 / 15 | #576 Bad debts and depreciation |
1906 |
58 / 16 | #578 Taxes |
1902-1905 |
58 / 17 | #582 "Cost to treat Blast & Converter flue dust
at Reverberatory" |
1906 |
58 / 18 | #583 "Tax papers and lists" (by county and in
Butte) |
1906 |
58 / 19 | #585 Construction expenses |
1906-1908 |
58 / 20 | #586 "Expenditures on closed construction orders
compared with appropriations" |
1906 |
58 / 21 | #587 "Indian Queen ore statements" |
1905-1906 |
58 / 22 | #590 "Expenditures on placer claims at Maiden Rock"
(re limestone) |
1906 |
58 / 23 | #592 Webbs Quarry inventory |
1906 |
58 / 24 | #595 Bacteriological Laboratory inventory |
1907, 1909 |
58 / 25 | #598 Classification of labor at Reduction Works |
1906 |
58 / 26 | #599 Cupreous material inventories |
1906-1908 |
58 / 27 | #601 Montana Water, Electric Power, and Mining
Company and Flint Creek power plant costs |
1906-1909 |
58 / 28 | #602 New Works mechanical equipment inventory |
1907, 1910 |
58 / 29 | #603 Bernard Falk liability release (re New Works
flume overflow) |
1905 |
59 / 1 | #604 J.R. Gibson account (re loading Old Works
slums, etc.) |
1903-1904 |
59 / 2 | #605 Theodore Hennessy account (re team hire for
New Works flue and stack construction) |
1903 |
59 / 3 | #606 "Bellona ore mined through Moonlight shaft" |
1903 |
59 / 4 | #608 "Inquest on body of Anton Sineizy, Belt, Mont.
Coal Dept." |
1907 |
59 / 5 | #609 "List of ground & house tenants" |
1904 |
59 / 6 | #610 "Speculator Dump ore settlements" [assays] |
1901-1903 |
59 / 7 | #611 "Transcripts of testimony at Coroner's
inquests" (re New Works, Street Railway) |
1901-1902 |
59 / 8 | #612 M. Jennings contract (re loading slums at Old
Works) |
1904-1905 |
59 / 9 | #614 "Copies of agreements with the various labor
unions in Anaconda" |
1907, 1912 |
59 / 10 | #616 "Pinkerton Detective Agency account, Electric
Light and Railway Dept."; "Smoke Suits" (includes only bills) |
1907, 1910 |
59 / 11 | #618 "Final division of expenses at Reduction
Works" |
1906-1908 |
59 / 12 | #619 Net proceeds of mines tax |
1907 |
59 / 13 | #622 Agreement: Snowstorm Mining Company |
1907 |
59 / 14 | #623 Copyright on A Brief Description of Washoe
Smelter |
1907 |
59 / 15 | #625 Legal and litigation costs (by department) |
1907-1908 |
59 / 16 | #627 "Statistical various government
bureaus" |
1907-1908 |
59 / 17 | #628 Agreement: Dr. E.B. Patterson (re medical
attendance at Flint Creek) |
1907-1908 |
59 / 18 | #629 "Operating numbers Great Falls Electrolytic
Plant"; "Classification of Mining Operations" |
1906 |
59 / 19 | #630 Brown's Quarry inventory |
1907 |
59 / 20 | #632 "Agreement between Masonic Temple Association
of Anaconda and Daly Bank and Trust" |
1907 |
59 / 21 | #633 "Employees on Office Roll" |
1907 |
59 / 22 | #637 "Exchange on currency required for pay roll
purposes" |
1907 |
59 / 23 | #639 "Misc. papers re N.W. Milling & Lumber Co.
& Big Blackfoot Milling Co. formerly in Mr. Dudley's box at Daly Bank" |
1899-1908 |
59 / 24 | #640 "Appropriations covering Construction Orders,
correspondence relating to" |
1906-1909 |
59 / 25 | #643 "Quantity and end dimensions of lumber
delivered by Big Blackfoot Milling Company" |
1907 |
60 / 1 | #645 Depreciation and bad debts (departments) |
1906-1907 |
60 / 2 | #651 Indemnity agreement: Bear Creek Banking
Company |
1908 |
60 / 3 | #655 State fish hatchery expenditures |
1905-1911 |
60 / 4 | #656 Willow Glen Stock Farm |
1908-1911 |
60 / 5 | #657 "Inventory of machinery etc. on ranch
properties in Deer Lodge County" |
1909 |
60 / 6 | #658 "Charges to 'donations' Washoe Reduction Works
and Butte Mines" (re injuries and deaths) |
1905-1911 |
60 / 7 | #659 "Recapitulation of tools & utensils
charged to different departments" |
1908 |
60 / 8 | #661 "Final production at Washoe Reduction Works" |
1908 |
60 / 9 | #662 "Detail of Old Reduction Works flume
maintenance" |
1908 |
60 / 10 | #663 "Distribution of expenses and rents collected:
Old Upper Works dwellings" |
1908 |
60 / 11 | #664 Thornton Lake water right |
1908 |
60 / 12 | #665 "Value of cupreous material on hand" |
1908-1913 |
60 / 13 | #666 Copyright on "Birdseye View of Washoe Smelter" |
1909 |
60 / 14 | #667 "Statement of repairs, etc. to offices in the
Hennessy Building" |
1904-1909 |
60 / 15 | #668 "Material charged to suspended construction
orders" |
1909 |
60 / 16 | #674 Bad debts and depreciation: Anaconda
departments |
1908-1910 |
60 / 17 | #674 Bad debts and depreciation: Belt departments |
1908-1910 |
60 / 18 | #674 Bad debts and depreciation: Darby store |
1908-1909 |
60 / 19 | #674 Bad debts and depreciation: Diamond Coal and
Coke Company |
1908-1910 |
60 / 20 | #674 Bad debts and depreciation: Hamilton
departments |
1908-1910 |
61 / 1 | #674 Bad debts and depreciation: Hardware
Department, Butte |
1908-1910 |
61 / 2 | #674 Bad debts and depreciation: Mountain Trading
Company |
1908-1910 |
61 / 3 | #674 Bad debts and depreciation: Washoe Copper
Company |
1909-1910 |
61 / 4 | #675 Summary of construction orders |
1902 |
61 / 5 | #676 New Works Laboratory inventory |
1909 |
61 / 6 | #677 "List of tools in Concentrator" |
1909 |
61 / 7 | #678 "Supplies credited to Washoe Reduction
Works..." |
1909 |
61 / 8 | #679 High Ore pumping plant repair parts |
1909 |
61 / 9 | #680 Coal car discrepancies |
1909-1910 |
61 / 10 | #682 Mines depreciation charges |
1910 |
61 / 11 | #683 "Division of general expenses" (re Bonner and
Hamilton lumber mills) |
1905 |
61 / 12 | #684 Inter-company accounts |
1910 |
61 / 13 | #686 Agreements: Philip F. Peck (re Slime Treatment
Plant) |
1909-1910 |
61 / 14 | #687 Right-of-way permit (Philipsburg to Flint
Creek) |
1910 |
61 / 15 | #688 Postal Telegraph-Cable Company |
1910 |
61 / 16 | #690 Agreement: North Butte Mining Company |
1910 |
61 / 17 | #699 Deer Lodge County Fair Association and Montana
Garage Company stock certificates |
1910 |
61 / 18 | #700 Contract (re treatment of W.A. Clark ores) |
1910 |
61 / 19 | #707 U.S. Geological Survey forms |
1910 |
61 / 20 | #708 Washoe Reduction Works repair accounts |
1905-1910 |
61 / 21 | #710 "Monitor Mine, Lemhi County, Idaho" |
1911 |
61 / 22 | #714 "Surplus material at Washoe Reduction Works
turned over to Purchasing Dept." |
1909 |
61 / 23 | #718 Flint Creek power plant stipulation and permit |
1910 |
61 / 24 | #722 "List of records and material transferred from
Anaconda to Butte" |
circa 1911 |
61 / 25 | #725 Agreements (re telephones) |
1911 |
61 / 26 | #726 "Classification of supplies at Reduction
Works" |
1908 |
61 / 27 | #727 "Special use agreement for transmission and
telegraph line" (Washoe Reduction Works to Flint Creek Falls) |
1906-1912 |
61 / 28 | #732 Agreement: Boston and Corbin Copper and Silver
Mining Company |
1913 |
61 / 29 | #735 Fire Department equipment |
1912 |
61 / 30 | #736 Copper Extraction Company |
1912 |
61 / 31 | #737 "Oath of scalemen" |
1913-1917 |
61 / 32 | #738 Bond of Pat Murphy (re money due father) |
1913 |
61 / 33 | #739 "R.M. Grieg labor and supplies for grounds
maintenance" |
1908-1911 |
61 / 34 | #740 "License to use L.M. Sheridan ore sampling
device" |
1912 |
61 / 35 | #742 "Permit for transmission line from Flint Creek
power house to old Bimetallic smelter" |
1913 |
61 / 36 | #745 Agreement: Dr. H.C. Gardiner (re Farm
Department) |
1913 |
61 / 37 | #746 "Lease of Storrs land to Yellowstone Valley
Land and Irrigation Company" |
1910-1911 |
61 / 38 | #748 "Valuation of Telephone Department equipment |
1913 |
61 / 39 | #750 Clippings (re Montana Union Railroad) |
1890-1891 |
61 / 40 | #751 Agreement: Process Engineering Company (re
erection of sulphuric acid plant at Washoe Reduction Works) |
1914 |
61 / 41 | #753 Reduction Works payroll deposit book |
1901-1911 |
61 / 42 | #755 Agreement: Minerals Separation Syndicate, Ltd. |
1914 |
61 / 43 | #757 Petition for initiative on workmen's
compensation |
1914 |
61 / 44 | #758 "Inventory of cupreous material on hand" |
1914 |
61 / 45 | #760 Brown's Quarry boarding house costs and
profits |
1913 |
62 / 1 | #6.x03 General operations: shutdowns and
curtailment |
1919-1960 |
62 / 2 | #6.x1131 General operations: salaries |
1939-1946 |
62 / 3 | #6.x120 General operations: day labor |
1939-1947 |
62 / 4 | #6.x1221 General operations: day labor employees'
service reports |
1938-1946 |
62 / 5 | #6.x12216 General operations: job evaluation |
1943-1949 |
62 / 6 | #6.x1231 General operations: day labor wages,
salaries, and classifications |
1901-1936 |
62 / 7 | #6.x15 General operations: group life insurance |
1935-1937 |
62 / 8 | #6.x23 General operations: natural gas |
1915-1938 |
63 / 1 | #6.x24 General operations: power and heat |
1911-1937 |
63 / 2 | #6.x37 General operations: shutdown expenses |
1919-1928 |
63 / 3 | #6.x37041 General operations: credit advance |
1921-1922 |
63 / 4 | #6.x4012 General operations: 120-foot flue |
1903-1925 |
63 / 5 | #6.x601 General operations: monthly survey of flue
dust |
1925-1939 |
63 / 6 | #6.x6011 General operations: smoke suit, Cottrell
material |
1907-1918 |
63 / 7 | #6.x6013 General operations: main Cottrell treaters |
1914-1954 |
63 / 8 | #6.x6017 General operations: flues and bag houses |
1916-1923 |
63 / 9 | #6.x6018 General operations: flues dust removal |
1913-1932 |
63 / 10 | #6.x6110 General operations: cupreous material
mined and produced |
1929-1937 |
63 / 11 | #6.x6112 General operations: arsenical ores |
1923-1930 |
63 / 12 | #6.x6151 General operations: Utah copper
concentrates |
1942 |
63 / 13 | #6.x616 General operations: tailings dumps |
1920-1936 |
64 / 1 | #6.x621 General operations: Butte zinc ores |
1915-1936 |
64 / 2 | #6.x622 General operations: ratio of concentration
tests |
1917-1923 |
64 / 3 | #6.x6229 General operations: zinc ores |
1916-1938 |
64 / 4 | #6.x623 General operations: zinc concentrator
reports |
1916-1935 |
64 / 5 | #6.x623g General operations: "summary of mining
activities in territory tributary to Salt Lake smelters" |
1926-1928 |
64 / 6 | #6.x6239 General operations: custom zinc
concentrates |
1916-1926 |
64 / 7 | #6.x65x General operations: copper plant shutdowns
and curtailments |
1933 |
64 / 8-9 | #6.x650 General operations: copper production |
1913-1948 |
64 / 10 | #6.x650x General operations: copper plant costs |
1929-1940 |
65 / 1-2 | #6.x651 General operations: anodes |
1910-1944 |
65 / 3-5 | #6.x652 General operations: Arsenic Plant |
1913-1959 |
65 / 6 | #6.x6525 General operations: Arsenic Plant at stack |
1943 |
65 / 7 | #6.x653 General operations: Arsenic Roaster residue |
1937-1943 |
65 / 8 | #6.x6551 General operations: New Works sand
tailings treatment |
1937-1954 |
65 / 9 | #6.x6553 General operations: Old Works retreatable
tailings |
1938-1958 |
65 / 10 | #6.x6554 General operations: Valley Pond slimes |
1938-1942 |
66 / 1-3 | #6.x6554 General operations: Valley Pond slimes |
1943-1951 |
66 / 4 | #6.x6554 General operations: treatment of
miscellaneous materials |
1943 |
66 / 5 | #6.x6556 General operations: Butte slimes |
1941-1947 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | #6.x6556 General operations: Butte slimes [Archives Map Case] |
1941-1947 |
Box/Folder | ||
66 / 6 | #6.x6615 General operations: loading and shipping
of slab zinc |
1938-1949 |
66 / 7 | #6.x7223 General operations: tests on Victoria
lease at Tooele, Utah |
1945-1956 |
66 / 8 | #6.x80 General operations: accounting
classifications |
1939-1954 |
66 / 9 | #6.x81 General operations: accounting costs |
1924-1950 |
66 / 10 | #6.x811040 General operations: costs, supervision,
etc. |
1947 |
66 / 11 | #6.x811041 General operations: Arsenic Plant
comparative costs |
1938-1944 |
66 / 12 | #6.x8167 General operations: accounting |
1947-1949 |
67 / 1-2 | #6.x82111 General operations: contracts with
various companies |
1920-1949 |
67 / 3-4 | #6.x821115 General operations: contract with North
butte Mining Company |
1927-1952 |
67 / 5 | #6.x821179 General operations: arsenic contracts |
1915-1952 |
67 / 6 | #6.x8247 General operations: contract with Western
Precipitation Company |
1927-1928 |
67 / 7 | #6.y227 General processes: thermal chemical
processes, Dorrco fluosolids system |
1951-1952 |
67 / 8 | #6.y2513 General processes: kilns |
1940-1948 |
67 / 9 | #6.y252 General processes: thermal process electric
furnace |
1925 |
67 / 10 | #6.y253 General processes: furnace linings,
refractory materials |
1905, 1918 |
68 / 1 | #6.y254 General processes: furnace linings |
1915 |
68 / 2 | #6.043 Butte Copper and Zinc Company prospectus |
1915 |
68 / 3 | #6.11b Secondary Departments: Tram Department |
1907-1937 |
68 / 4 | #6.11b Secondary Departments: Tram Department
electrification |
1914-1927 |
68 / 5 | #6.12c Secondary Departments: Electric Light
Department |
1915-1935 |
68 / 6 | #6.123 Secondary Departments: Foundry Department |
1911-1936 |
68 / 7-10 | #6.124 Secondary Departments: Montana Hotel and
Marcus Daly Hotel-Motel |
1918-1974 |
68 / 11-12 | #6.129 Secondary Departments: St. Ann's Hospital |
1907-1949 |
69 / 1 | #6.129 Secondary Departments: St. Ann's Hospital |
1950-1962 |
69 / 2 | #6.133 Secondary Departments: Safety Department |
1913-1937 |
69 / 3 | #6.138 Secondary Departments: Fire Department |
1903-1919 |
69 / 4 | #6.2e15 City, county and state relations: C.F.
Kelley Fellowship at School of Mines |
1929-1936 |
69 / 5 | #6.2e25 City, county and state relations:
Agricultural Experiment Station |
1929-1937 |
69 / 6 | #6.2g City, county and state relations: welfare |
1938-1947 |
69 / 7 | #6.32e Government relations: Rationing Board |
1942-1944 |
69 / 8 | #6.32f Government relations: Bonneville Power
Administration |
1943-1952 |
69 / 9 | #6.321 Government relations: War Department |
1918 |
69 / 10 | #6.323d Government relations: awards for high
production |
1942-1949 |
69 / 11 | #6.323e Government relations: construction progress
report to War Production Board |
1942-1944 |
69 / 12 | #6.323j Government relations: job instructor
training institute |
1942-1948 |
70 / 1 | #6.323k Government relations: War Manpower
Commission |
1942-1945 |
70 / 2-4 | #6.323l Government relations: Universal Service Act |
1917, 1940-1946 |
70 / 2 | #6.3231 Government relations: Universal Service Act |
1917 |
70 / 5 | #6.3232 Government relations: industrial defense |
1940-1960 |
70 / 6-8 | #6.3233 Government relations: bond subscriptions |
1941-1960 |
70 / 9-10 | #6.3236 Government relations: preference ratings;
certificates of necessity; priorities |
1941-1947 |
71 / 1 | #6.3237 Government relations: premium payment of
over-quota production of metals |
1942-1947 |
71 / 2-6 | #6.3238 Government relations: Victory
Labor-Management Committee meetings |
1942-1944 |
72 / 1-4 | #6.3238 Government relations: Victory
Labor-Management Committee meetings |
1944-1945 |
72 / 5 | #6.32386 Government relations: labor-management
publication Copper Commando |
1942-1945 |
72 / 6-7 | #6.3239 Government relations: aliens |
1917-1960 |
72 / 8 | #6.324 Government relations: Department of Labor |
1919, 1940-1946 |
72 / 9 | #6.324 Government relations: National Labor
Relations Board election |
1954 |
73 / 1 | #6.324 Government relations: National Labor
Relations Board election [brochures] |
1954 |
73 / 2-5 | #6.3511 Government relations: monthly review of
operations |
1941-1955 |
73 / 6 | #6.3512 Government and outside relations: Butte and
Superior Copper Company |
1914-1933 |
73 / 7 | #6.3514 Government and outside relations: Bunker
Hill and Sullivan Mining and Concentrating Company |
1921-1923 |
73 / 8 | #6.3515 Government and outside relations:
Bullwhacker Mine and Butte and Duluth Mining Company |
1912-1929 |
73 / 9-10 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company |
1914-1929, 1942-1958 |
74 / 1-2 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company,
Chuquicamata Plant |
1919-1924, 1948-1950 |
74 / 3 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company,
Chuquicamata Plant acid plant |
1925-1928 |
74 / 4 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company,
Chuquicamata Plant anode investigation |
1916-1925 |
74 / 5 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company,
Chuquicamata Plant boilers |
1923-1928 |
74 / 6 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company,
Chuquicamata Plant bricks |
1924-1925 |
74 / 7 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company,
Chuquicamata Plant Cottrell treaters |
1930 |
74 / 8 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company,
Chuquicamata Plant crushing plant and unloading bridge |
1923-1929 |
74 / 9 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company,
Chuquicamata Plant denitrification |
1926-1930 |
74 / 10 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company,
Chuquicamata Plant electric power plant |
1919-1929 |
74 / 11 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company,
Chuquicamata Plant fluosolids plant |
1951 |
74 / 12 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company,
Chuquicamata Plant general operations |
1923 |
74 / 13 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company,
Chuquicamata Plant iron precipitation |
1922-1923 |
74 / 14 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company,
Chuquicamata Plant leaching |
1921-1925 |
74 / 15 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company,
Chuquicamata Plant milling |
1947-1950 |
75 / 1 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company,
Chuquicamata Plant new installations |
1924 |
75 / 2 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company,
Chuquicamata Plant retreatable tailings |
1923 |
75 / 3 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company,
Chuquicamata Plant roasting and leaching |
1914-1931 |
75 / 4 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company,
Chuquicamata Plant shovels |
1925 |
75 / 5 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company
employees |
1923-1929 |
75 / 6 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company
experimental work |
1948 |
75 / 7 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company,
Greenawalt patent |
1928 |
75 / 8-9 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company
laboratory experiments |
1923-1930 |
75 / 10 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company
laboratory methods |
1927 |
75 / 11 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company
monthly operations reports |
1936-1941 |
75 / 12 | #6.4b Subsidiaries: Chile Exploration Company water
concessions |
1923-1929 |
75 / 13-14 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company |
1914-1928, 1935-1945 |
75 / 15 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
acid-proof bricks |
1918-1927 |
75 / 16 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
arsenic |
1927 |
76 / 1 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
costs |
1927 |
76 / 2 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
determination of free acid |
1918 |
76 / 3-5 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
electric power |
1917-1929 |
76 / 6 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
electrolysis |
1916-1921 |
76 / 7 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
experimental work |
1928-1929 |
76 / 8 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
filter bags |
1926-1927 |
76 / 9 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
flotation |
1915-1930 |
76 / 10 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
fuel oil |
1920 |
76 / 11 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
furnaces |
1920-1925 |
77 / 1 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
haulage |
1924 |
77 / 2 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
housing |
1925 |
77 / 3 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
leaching |
1917-1927 |
77 / 4 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
leaching tank linings |
1920-1923 |
77 / 5 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
liquid sulphur dioxide plant |
circa 1923 |
77 / 6-7 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
mills |
1919-1928 |
77 / 8 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
mining |
1915-1922 |
77 / 9-11 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company,
Potrerillos ore testing |
1916-1921 |
78 / 1 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company,
ore testing |
1917-1930 |
78 / 2 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
purification (Clark method) |
1918-1930 |
78 / 3 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
refining |
1921-1923 |
78 / 4 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
reverberatory |
1927 |
78 / 5 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
roasters |
1927 |
78 / 6 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
staff |
1923-1928 |
78 / 7 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
steam |
1919-1925 |
78 / 8 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
sulphur mines |
1913-1919 |
78 / 9 | #6.4c Subsidiaries: Andes Copper Mining Company
water supply |
1916-1925 |
78 / 10-13 | #6.4d Subsidiaries: Giesche Spolke Akcyjna
(Katowice, Poland) |
1925-1927 |
79 / 1 | #6.4d Subsidiaries: Giesche Spolke Akcyjna
(Katowice, Poland) |
1928-1929 |
79 / 2 | #6.4d Subsidiaries: Giesche Spolke Akcyjna
(Katowice, Poland) accounting |
1926-1929 |
79 / 3 | #6.4d Subsidiaries: Giesche Spolke Akcyjna
(Katowice, Poland) cartel |
1927-1928 |
79 / 4-5 | #6.4d Subsidiaries: Giesche Spolke Akcyjna
(Katowice, Poland) construction |
1927-1929 |
79 / 6 | #6.4d Subsidiaries: Giesche Spolke Akcyjna
(Katowice, Poland) contracts |
1925-1928 |
79 / 7 | #6.4d Subsidiaries: Giesche Spolke Akcyjna
(Katowice, Poland) government relations |
1926-1928 |
79 / 8 | #6.4d Subsidiaries: Giesche Spolke Akcyjna
(Katowice, Poland) plant |
1925-1926 |
80 / 1-2 | #6.4d Subsidiaries: Giesche Spolke Akcyjna
(Katowice, Poland) plant |
1927-1928 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | #6.4d Subsidiaries: Giesche Spolke Akcyjna
(Katowice, Poland) plant [Archives Map Case] |
1927-1928 |
Box/Folder | ||
80 / 3 | #6.4d Subsidiaries: Giesche Spolke Akcyjna
(Katowice, Poland) staff housing |
1926-1928 |
80 / 4 | #6.4d08 Subsidiaries: Kupfer Import Gesellschaft
patent material |
1912, 1926 |
80 / 5-6 | #6.4e Subsidiaries: Inspiration Copper Company
(Arizona) |
1922-1928, 1942-1950 |
80 / 7 | #6.4e Subsidiaries: Inspiration Copper Company
(Arizona) operations |
1918-1929 |
80 / 8 | #6.4e Subsidiaries: Inspiration Copper Company
(Arizona) plants |
1914-1930 |
80 / 9 | #6.4f Subsidiaries: Lumber Department |
1912-1927 |
80 / 10 | #6.4g Subsidiaries: East Helena Slag Treatment
Plant |
1926-1936 |
80 / 11 | #6.4h Subsidiaries: Domestic Manganese and
Development Company |
1932-1938 |
80 / 12 | #6.4j Subsidiaries: Timber Butte Mill |
1914-1935 |
81 / 1-2 | #6.42 Subsidiaries: Raritan Copper Works |
1904-1920, 1926-1929, 1930, 1954-1976 |
81 / 3 | #6.42 Subsidiaries: Raritan Copper Works residue
shipped |
1940-1950 |
81 / 4 | #6.43 Subsidiaries: Anaconda Sales Company arsenic
sales |
1937-1954 |
81 / 5 | #6.43 Subsidiaries: Anaconda Sales Company
manganese sales |
1940-1953 |
81 / 6 | #6.434 Subsidiaries: Anaconda Lead Products
Company, East Chicago |
1926-1929 |
81 / 7 | #6.45 Subsidiaries: International Smelting and
Refining Company comparison of Tooele and Anaconda assays |
1929-1932 |
81 / 8-9 | #6.45 Subsidiaries: International Smelting and
Refining Company, East Chicago zinc oxide plant |
1916-1928 |
81 / 10 | #6.45 Subsidiaries: International Smelting and
Refining Company general tests 7-57 |
1939-1940 |
82 / 1-2 | #6.45 Subsidiaries: International Smelting and
Refining Company general tests M0-M464, M730-M734 |
1939-1941 |
82 / 3 | #6.45 Subsidiaries: International Smelting and
Refining Company, Miami, Arizona, plant |
1916-1918 |
82 / 4-5 | #6.45 Subsidiaries: International Smelting and
Refining Company, Tooele, Utah, plant |
1918-1929, 1941-1954 |
82 / 6 | #6.453 Subsidiaries: International Lead Refining
Company |
1923-1929 |
82 / 7 | #6.453 Subsidiaries: International Lead Refining
Company refining charges for Dore ore |
1925-1928 |
82 / 8 | #6.46 Subsidiaries: Walker Mining Company, Utah |
1922-1929 |
82 / 9 | #6.48 Subsidiaries: Cananea Consolidated Copper
Company, Mexico |
1915-1916 |
82 / 10 | #6.48 Subsidiaries: Cananea Consolidated Copper
Company, Mexico, experimental work |
1928 |
82 / 11 | #6.49 Subsidiaries: Anaconda Wire and Cable Company |
1939-1958 |
82 / 12 | #6.514 General ore dressing: rolls |
1900-1937 |
83 / 1 | #6.516 General ore dressing: Hardinge and other
mills |
1902-1928 |
83 / 2 | #6.562 General ore dressing: Denver Sub-A flotation
machines |
1939-1947 |
83 / 3 | #6.60 Great Falls plant: Huntington vs. Hardinge
mills |
1911 |
83 / 4 | #6.61 Great Falls plant: Electrolytic Zinc Plant |
1915-1938 |
83 / 5 | #6.63 Great Falls plant: Copper Concentrator |
1915 |
83 / 6 | #6.65 Great Falls plant: B. and M. Smelter |
1911-1929 |
83 / 7 | #621 Engineering: boiler horse power comparisons |
1929 |
83 / 8 | #621 Engineering: mechanical |
1903-1919 |
83 / 9 | #622 Mining claims: Butte and Duluth Mining Company |
1914-1915 |
83 / 10 | #622 Mining claims: Ohio Mining and Development
Company (Garnet) |
1913-1915 |
83 / 11 | #622 Mining claims: iron deposits |
1902, 1916 |
83 / 12 | #622 Mining claims: Montana |
1905-1915 |
84 / 1 | #622 Mining claims: out-of-state |
1903-1926 |
84 / 2 | #622 Mining claims: foreign |
1900, 1921 |
84 / 3-4 | #622 Mining engineering: sand fillings |
1951-1960 |
84 / 5 | #661.26 Chemicals: mercury, Sulphur Bank
Quicksilver Mine (Lake County, California) |
1926 |
84 / 6 | #661.530 Chemicals: arsenic |
1935-1959 |
84 / 7 | #661.531 Chemicals: metallic arsenic |
1939-1946 |
84 / 8 | #661.532 Chemicals: granular arsenic |
1939-1945 |
84 / 9 | #661.533 Chemicals: arsenic shipping |
1939-1956 |
84 / 9 | #661.534 Chemicals: insecticides |
1939-1944 |
85 / 1 | #661.538 Chemicals: arsenic wood preservative and
weed killer |
1926-1953 |
85 / 2 | #661.539 Chemicals: care of arsenic burns |
1939-1950 |
85 / 3 | #661.6208 Chemicals: sulphur patents |
1927-1929 |
85 / 4 | #666.8 Ceramics: cement limes and mortars |
1910-1937 |
85 / 5 | #669.3 Metallurgy: Potrerillos experimental work |
1921-1925 |
85 / 6-7 | #669.3 Metallurgy: Potrerillos Oxide Plant limerock
process |
1925-1927 |
85 / 8 | #669.3 Metallurgy: Potrerillos sulphur dioxide
process |
1926 |
85 / 9 | #669.32 Metallurgy: Chuquicamata limerock process |
1922-1924 |
85 / 10 | #669.34 Metallurgy: antimonial lead |
1924-1936 |
85 / 11 | #669.383 Metallurgy: copper recovery |
1927-1937 |
85 / 12 | #669.71 Metallurgy: manganese |
1938-1941 |
86 / 1 | #669.71 Metallurgy: manganese |
1942-1928 |
86 / 2 | #669.7114 Metallurgy: manganese (includes Cayuna
ore) |
1941-1943 |
86 / 3 | #669.7114 Metallurgy: manganese (includes Niagara
ore) |
1949-1953 |
86 / 4 | #669.7114 Metallurgy: manganese (includes Three
Kids ore) |
1938-1953 |
86 / 5 | #669.7114 Metallurgy: manganese (includes Travona
ore) |
1942-1948 |
86 / 6 | #669.7171 Metallurgy: ferrosilicon and magnesium |
1946 |
86 / 7 | #669.74 Metallurgy: tin |
1924-1939 |
86 / 8 | #669.76 Metallurgy: molybdenum |
1928-1930, 1939-1945 |
86 / 9 | #669.78 Metallurgy: cadmium |
1941-1953 |
86 / 10 | #669.8 Metallurgy: bismuth |
1934-1958 |
86 / 11 | #669.81 Metallurgy: cobalt |
1943-1951 |
86 / 12 | #669.82 Metallurgy: nickel |
1936-1953 |
86 / 13 | #669.83 Metallurgy: platinum |
1926-1932 |
87 / 1 | American Smelting and Refining Company |
1910, 1925 |
87 / 2 | American Smelting and Refining Company: Garfield,
Utah, Plant |
1925 |
87 / 3 | American Smelting and Refining Company: Tacoma,
Wash., Plant |
1925 |
87 / 4 | American Smelting and Refining Company: Hayden,
Arizona, Plant |
1925 |
87 / 5 | American Smelting and Refining Company: El Paso,
Texas, Plant |
1925 |
87 / 6 | American Smelting and Refining Company: Miller's
brief exhibits 95 and 96 (re furnace design) |
undated |
87 / 7 | American Thickening Plant |
1955 |
87 / 8 | Applications |
1903-1913 |
87 / 9 | Balaklala Consolidated Copper Company (Coram,
Calif.) |
1907, 1918 |
87 / 10 | Calumet and Arizona Mining Company: Douglas Plant |
1925 |
87 / 11 | Colusa-Parrot Mining and Smelting Company: Butte
Reduction Works |
1899-1904 |
87 / 12 | Compania Minera de Cananea (Mexico) equipment |
1962-1976 |
87 / 13-15 | Copper Concentrator: Butte |
1945, 1958-1964 |
88 / 1 | Copper refining |
1956-1968 |
88 / 2 | Cottrells |
1936-1952 |
88 / 3 | Cupreous secondaries |
1944-1947 |
88 / 4 | Dollar Bay Works (Houghton, Michigan) |
1900-1925 |
88 / 5 | Dollar Bay Works (Houghton, Michigan): Boston
office correspondence extracts |
1901-1911 |
88 / 6 | Dollar Bay Works (Houghton, Michigan):
correspondence |
1925-1926 |
88 / 7 | Dollar Bay Works (Houghton, Michigan): employees'
statements |
circa 1925 |
88 / 8 | Dollar Bay Works (Houghton, Michigan): employment
record |
1902-1919 |
88 / 9 | Dollar Bay Works (Houghton, Michigan): sand
requirements |
circa 1911 |
88 / 10 | Dollar Bay Works (Houghton, Michigan):
supplementary comments on reverberatory furnace operating data |
1926 |
88 / 11 | Electrolytic Zinc Plant: residue retreatment |
undated |
88 / 12 | Elliston Fluming Company |
1923-1924 |
88 / 13 | Greene Cananea Copper Company: Cananea, Mexico,
plant |
1909, 1925 |
88 / 14 | Headwaters State Park (Three Forks) |
1946-1961 |
Oversize Folder | ||
10 | Highland boy Copper Mining Company blueprints (Salt
Lake City, Utah) |
1898-1899 |
Box/Folder | ||
88 / 15 | International Smelting and Refining Company: Miami,
Arizona Plant |
1929-1960 |
88 / 16 | Leaching |
1903-1906, 1911-1913 |
89 / 1-2 | Leaching |
1914-1939 |
89 / 3 | E.P. Mathewson data and costs |
1903 |
89 / 4 | Mining properties |
1912-1962 |
89 / 5 | National Recovery Act: overtime, wages, etc. |
1934-1937 |
89 / 6 | Nevada Consolidated Company: Steptoe Plant |
1925 |
89 / 7 | Phelps-Dodge Corporation: Copper Queen smelter |
1906-1926 |
89 / 8 | Phelps-Dodge Corporation: Clifton, Arizona plant |
1925-1926 |
89 / 9 | Prison Advisory Committee |
1955-1962 |
90 / 1 | Quincy Smelting Works (Hancock, Michigan):
blueprints |
1910-1922 |
90 / 2 | Real estate |
1917-1976 |
90 / 3 | Redmond patent case: correspondence and notes |
1955-1968 |
90 / 4 | Redmond patent case: court papers and legal
documents |
1959-1966 |
90 / 5 | Redmond patent case: patents |
1890-1959 |
90 / 6 | Reverberatory furnace brick |
1958-1960 |
90 / 7 | Reverberatory practice at Anaconda |
1914-1935 |
90 / 8 | San Francisco Bay and vicinity |
1921-1925 |
90 / 9 | Tailings |
1957-1962 |
90 / 10 | Tailings disposal |
1909-1947 |
91 / 1-3 | Tailings disposal |
1949-1962 |
91 / 4-5 | Tailings dust control |
1926-1964 |
91 / 6 | United Verde Copper Company: Clemenceau plant |
1925-1926 |
91 / 7 | United Verde Copper Company: Clarksdale plant |
1915-1926 |
Oversize Folder | ||
11 | Utah Consolidated Mining Company (Murray, Utah):
blueprints |
1903-1906 |
Box/Folder | ||
91 / 8-9 | Webb-Knapp steel mill (proposal) |
1959-1963 |
91 / 10 | Miscellaneous: A-F |
1931-1952 |
91 / 11 | Miscellaneous: G-M |
1937-1952 |
92 / 1 | Miscellaneous: N-Z |
1932-1952 |
Subject Files [General Office, Anaconda, Accounting
Department] |
Box/Folder | ||
92 / 2-9 | #1 "Insurance" |
1917-1962 |
93 / 1 | #2 "Miscellaneous reports" (enclosure letters only) |
1955-1963 |
93 / 2 | #3 "Miscellaneous" (includes employees, outside
companies, maintenance of buildings, World War I, etc.) |
1914-1921 |
93 / 3 | #3 "Miscellaneous" (includes lists of aliens,
material on school board, old records of Anaconda Mining Company, ore settlements,
etc.) |
1922-1929 |
93 / 4 | #3 "Miscellaneous" (includes safety program and
classification of accidents, copper roofing, lists of reports sent to outside
offices, employee information, etc.) |
1930-1943 |
93 / 5 | #3 "Miscellaneous" (includes old corporate records
storage, hospitalization plan, subsidiaries lists, injury statistics, Mountain View
Transportation company finances, Mill Creek Irrigation Company corporate report,
etc.) |
1944-1958 |
93 / 6-7 | #4 "Accounting" (includes information about
individuals, businesses, and organizations having accounts with company) |
1914-1919 |
94 / 1-7 | #4 "Accounting" (includes information about
individuals, businesses, and organizations having accounts with company) |
1920-1939 |
95 / 1-7 | #4 "Accounting" (includes information about
individuals, businesses, and organizations having accounts with company) |
1940-1953 |
96 / 1-3 | #4 "Accounting" (includes information about
individuals, businesses, and organizations having accounts with company) |
1954-1963 |
96 / 4-5 | #5 "Traffic" |
1914-1935 |
96 / 6 | #5 "Vacations" |
1936-1958 |
96 / 7-8 | #6 "Freight bills, etc." |
1914-1934 |
97 / 1-2 | #6 "Ferromanganese ore" |
1945-1956 |
97 / 3-4 | #7 "Coal supplies and shipments" |
1914-1935 |
97 / 5 | #7 "Employee insurance and bonuses" |
1940-1951 |
97 / 6-7 | #8 "Payroll" (includes correspondence re payroll
changes, payroll lists, etc.) |
1905-1916 |
98 / 1-6 | #8 "Payroll" (includes correspondence re payroll
changes, payroll lists, etc.) |
1917-1927 |
99 / 1-8 | #8 "Payroll" (includes correspondence re payroll
changes, payroll lists, etc.) |
1928-1935 |
100 / 1-4 | #8 "Payroll" (includes correspondence re payroll
changes, payroll lists, etc.) |
1936-1943 |
100 / 5-7 | #8 "Payroll" (salary) |
1944-1950 |
101 / 1-5 | #8 "Payroll" (salary) |
1951-1960 |
101 / 6 | #9 "Vacations" |
1914-1935 |
101 / 7-8 | #9 "Payroll" (wages) |
1946-1951 |
102 / 1 | #9 "Payroll" (wages) |
1952-1961 |
102 / 2 | #10 "Assignments, garnishments, etc." (includes
Liberty Loan) |
1911-1954 |
102 / 3-4 | #11 "Land" |
1914-1965 |
102 / 5-7 | #12 "Taxes" |
1914-1953 |
103 / 1-2 | #12 "Taxes" |
1954-1971 |
103 / 3-4 | #13 "Power" |
1914-1946 |
103 / 5-7 | #14 "Production reports on various metals" |
1914-1927 |
104 / 1-6 | #14 "Production reports on various metals" |
1928-1951 |
105 / 1-3 | #15 "Ore shipments" (re arsenic and fertilizer) |
1914-1950 |
105 / 4 | #15 "Pensions, etc." |
1952-1958 |
105 / 5 | #16 "Farms, dwellings, etc." |
1914-1921 |
105 / 6-7 | #17 "Purchase of metalliferous materials" |
1914-1921 |
106 / 1-5 | #17 "Purchase of metalliferous materials" |
1922-1951 |
106 / 6 | #18 "Personal injury and claims" |
1914-1919, undated |
106 / 7-9 | #18 "Fertilizer orders" |
1931-1940 |
107 / 1 | #18 "Fertilizer orders" |
1941-1946 |
107 / 2-3 | #19 "Sampling" |
1916-1952 |
107 / 4-5 | #20 "Annual meetings and stock transfers" |
1914-1961 |
107 / 6-8 | #21 "Materials and supplies" |
1914-1942 |
107 / 9 | #22 "Personnel record" (includes letters re World
War I from returning veterans; and re Chile) |
1914-1921 |
107 / 10 | #23 "Ore shipments" |
1964-1971 |
107 / 11 | #24 "Telephone Department and telegraphic orders" |
1914-1937 |
107 / 12 | #25 "State and county fairs, exhibits, etc." |
1914-1919 |
107 / 13 | #25 "Overtime" |
1938-1946 |
108 / 1-2 | #26 "Cash and profit and loss estimates" |
1914-1944 |
108 / 3-6 | #27 "Cash deposits from collections" |
1914-1962 |
108 / 7 | #28 "Applications for employment" |
1915-1936 |
109 / 1 | #29 "Smoke investigations" (re air pollution) |
1913-1921 |
109 / 2 | #29 "Research Department" (re sponge iron
production) |
1949 |
109 / 3 | #29 "Research Department" (re report form survey) |
1947 |
109 / 4 | #29 "Research Department" (re Greater Butte
Project) |
1949 |
109 / 5-7 | #29 "Research Department" (physical balance sheets) |
1950-1951 |
109 / 8 | #29 "Research Department" (re mechanical acid leach
operations at Anaconda) |
1950 |
109 / 9 | #29 "Research Department" (re Cottrells) |
1950 |
109 / 10 | #29 "Research Department" |
1951 |
109 / 11 | #30 "Patents" |
1915-1919 |
109 / 12-13 | #30 "U.S. government reports" |
1937-1951 |
110 / 1-2 | #30 "U.S. government reports" |
1952-1964 |
110 / 3 | #31 "Construction and special orders" |
1914-1925 |
110 / 4 | #31 "Brick Department estimated profits" |
1932-1934 |
110 / 5-11 | #31 "Group hospitalization insurance, union dues,
etc." |
1936-1961 |
111 / 1 | #32 "Purchasing Department" (re limerock orders,
etc.) |
1919-1925 |
111 / 2-5 | #32 "Group insurance" |
1936-1957 |
111 / 6 | #33 "Andes Copper Mining Company" |
1920-1930 |
111 / 7-9 | #33 "Social Security" |
1936-1968 |
111 / 10 | #34 "Chile Exploration Company" |
1925-1930 |
111 / 11 | #36 "Zinc concentrate assays" |
1928, 1944-1945 |
111 / 12-13 | #37 "Fertilizer Department delinquent accounts" |
1937-1952 |
112 / 1 | #39 "Zinc shipments" |
1940-1958 |
112 / 2 | #40 "Office supplies and equipment" |
1925, 1936-1952 |
112 / 3-7 | #41 "U.S. War Savings Bonds" |
1942-1952 |
112 / 8-9 | #41 "U.S. Savings Bonds" |
1953-1963 |
113 / 1 | #42 "World War II" (re employee enlistments,
deferments, etc.) |
1942-1947 |
113 / 2-6 | #43 "Manganese ore" |
1942-1946 |
114 / 1-7 | #43 "Manganese ore" |
1947-1951 |
115 / 1-5 | #43 "Manganese ore" |
1951-1959 |
116 / 1-2 | #43 "Manganese ore" |
1960-1063 |
116 / 3 | #44 "Metallurgical reports, etc." |
1945-1951 |
116 / 4 | #45 "Payroll" |
1939-1955 |
Volume | ||
236-241 | Register of files #1-45 (arranged chronologically
within each department or alphabetic listing; includes name of correspondent, date,
file number, and summary of letter) |
1914-1937 |
Subject Files [General Office, Anaconda, H.C.
Gardiner] |
Box/Folder | ||
116 / 5 | #39 Goon vs. Anaconda Copper Mining Company (re
"smoke case"; air pollution) |
1918-1920 (bulk dates) |
116 / 6 | #40 Thank-you notes for charity to French children |
1919-1920 |
116 / 7 | #42 Arsenic treatment of wood |
1920-1921 |
116 / 8 | #54 Calumet and Arizona Mining Company smoke
investigation (re air pollution) |
1920 |
116 / 9-11 | #56 United Verde Copper Company smoke investigation
(re air pollution) |
1920 |
116 / 12 | #57 Northwest Magnesite Company |
1920 |
Subject Files [General Office, Butte] |
Box/Folder | ||
117 / 1 | #3 Coal Department property |
1915-1919 |
117 / 2-3 | #4 Employee bonding |
1912-1928 |
117 / 4 | #5 Bank signatures |
1921 |
117 / 5 | #6 Expenses |
1918, 1924 |
117 / 6 | #7 Cash summaries |
1917 |
117 / 7 | #8 Cash estimates |
1917-1928 |
117 / 8 | #9 Salaries |
1915 |
117 / 9-10 | #10 Departments (includes Panama Pacific
Exposition) |
1911-1917 |
117 / 11 | #11 Stockholders and directors |
1912-1919 |
118 / 1-3 | #11 Stockholders and directors: production reports
(includes W.A. Clark property transfer in 1928) |
1920-1928 |
118 / 4-5 | #12 Intercompany accounts (includes W.A. Clark
property transfer in 1928) |
1915-1928 |
118 / 6 | #13 Salaries |
1915-1928 |
118 / 7-8 | #14 Correspondence re reports to government |
1915-1918 |
119 / 1-2 | #14 Correspondence re reports to government |
1919-1924 |
119 / 3 | #15 Pensions |
1926 |
119 / 4 | #16 Audits |
1915-1917, 1921 |
119 / 5 | #17 Miscellaneous topics (includes distribution of
employees, officers of subsidiaries, freight, insurance, telegraphic codes) |
1918-1928 |
119 / 6 | #18 South American and Polish operations |
1917-1928 |
119 / 7 | #19 General office payroll; West Dome Oil Company |
1916, 1921 |
119 / 8 | #20 Expense accounts |
1921-1928 |
119 / 9 | #21 Hospital contracts |
1913-1921 |
119 / 10 | #22 Mining expenses |
1914-1921 |
119 / 11 | #23 Supplies |
1913-1920 |
119 / 12 | #24 Mines appropriations |
1915-1918 |
120 / 1 | #24 Mines appropriations |
1920-1921 |
120 / 2 | #25 Mines payroll (includes listing of wage rate
changes, 1906-1920) |
1913-1921 |
120 / 3 | #26 Coal deliveries; mine inventory |
1913-1921 |
120 / 4 | #27 Neihart Development Company |
1915-1917 |
120 / 5 | #28 Porphyry Dike Gold Mining Company (re Helena
Mine, Rimini) |
1915-1917 |
120 / 6 | #29 Bureau of Safety |
1913-1916 |
120 / 7 | #30 Douglas Mine, Masonia, Idaho |
1916-1918 |
120 / 8 | #31 Paydays; watchmen |
1918 |
120 / 9 | #33 Geological Department investigation expenses |
1921 |
120 / 10 | #34 Anselmo Mine |
1921 |
120 / 11 | #35-40 Southern Cross Mine |
1913-1920 |
120 / 12 | #41 Mining claims |
1911-1927 |
120 / 13 | #42 Precipitates treatment |
1911-1917 |
120 / 14 | #43 John Gillie, manager of mines |
1911-1922 |
120 / 15 | #44 Ore settlements |
1911-1923 |
120 / 16 | Ore settlements, Custom for Oro Fino Mine |
1909-1919 |
120 / 17 | #45 Output of ACM mines; pensions |
1918-1923 |
120 / 18 | #46 South Butte Development Company |
1920-1928 |
120 / 19 | #58-60 Atlantic Mines Company |
1913-1917 |
120 / 20 | #63 Mining cost sheets (re compiling of) |
1920-1928 |
120 / 21 | #64 Timekeeping Department |
1921 |
121 / 1-2 | #65 Property matters (re negotiation and filing of
deeds) |
1920-1928 |
121 / 3 | #66 Treatment and production |
1921, 1927 |
121 / 4 | #67 Metallurgical statements |
1920-1928 |
121 / 5 | #68 Metallurgical inventory |
1920-1922, 1927 |
121 / 6 | #70 Corporate filings |
1920-1928 |
121 / 7 | #71 Smokehouse Copper Mining Company |
1925-1928 |
121 / 8 | #83 Taxes |
1926-1928 |
121 / 9 | #88 Taxes |
1926-1928 |
121 / 10 | #87 Corporate license tax |
1926-1928 |
121 / 11 | #91 Rolling Mills Department |
1926-1928 |
121 / 12 | #92 Rolling Mills Department salaries, etc. |
1926-1928 |
121 / 13 | #95 Rolling Mills Department, Chicago office |
1928 |
121 / 14 | #97 Rolling Mills Department; Intermountain Power
Company |
1926-1928 |
121 / 15 | #98 Rolling Mills Department depreciation |
1926-1927 |
121 / 16 | #102 Workmen's compensation |
1925-1928 |
121 / 17 | #103 Distribution of legal expenses |
1927 |
121 / 18 | #105 Legal Department |
1927-1928 |
121 / 19 | #106 Changes in property list: Legal Department |
1925 |
122 / 1 | #121 Office supplies |
1924-1926 |
122 / 2 | #122 Old records, equipment, etc. |
1923 |
122 / 3 | #123 Obsolete material |
1925 |
122 / 4 | #124 Mill Creek Timber Company; Mines Timber
Company |
1919-1928 |
122 / 5 | #128 Purchasing Department |
1924-1928 |
122 / 6 | #141 Hardware Department salaries |
1911-1928 |
122 / 7 | #142 Hardware Department debts |
1911-1924 |
122 / 8 | #143 Hardware Department inventory, bad debts, etc. |
1914-1928 |
122 / 9 | #145 Hardware Department |
1913-1917 |
122 / 10 | #147 Hardware Department trucks |
1920-1928 |
122 / 11 | #148 Hardware Department cash requirements |
1920-1921 |
122 / 12 | #161 Utah corporate filings: Alice Department and
Diamond Coal and Coke Company |
1919-1928 |
122 / 13 | #166 Interstate Lumber Company profit and loss
accounts |
1919-1928 |
122 / 14 | #173 Interstate Lumber Company appropriations, etc. |
1919-1928 |
122 / 15 | #178 Washoe Sampler; Golden Curry Consolidated
Mining Company |
1919-1924 |
122 / 16-17 | #181 Great Falls Reduction Department and Butte
Mines appropriations |
1917, 1920-1927 |
122 / 18 | #183 Great Falls Reduction Department |
1917, 1920-1928 |
122 / 19-21 | #185-186 Great Falls Reduction Department: K.B.
Frazer |
1916-1926 |
123 / 1-2 | #187-188 Great Falls Reduction Department payroll |
1916-1928 |
123 / 3 | #189 Cupreous materials and zinc |
1916-1917, 1928 |
123 / 4 | #190 Portage Land Company |
1917, 1921-1924 |
123 / 5 | #191 Zinc; payroll |
1920-1923, 1927-1928 |
123 / 6 | #192 Great Falls Reduction Department cash
disbursements |
1920-1921 |
123 / 7 | #201 Metallurgical inventories |
1916-1920 |
123 / 8 | #202 Washoe Reduction Works fuel stocks on hand |
1916-1919 |
123 / 9-13 | #203 Washoe Reduction Works collections (includes
rents on company houses) |
1915-1925 |
124 / 1-3 | #203 Washoe Reduction Works collections (includes
rents on company houses) |
1926-1928 |
124 / 4 | #204 Washoe Reduction Works |
1914-1928 |
124 / 5 | #205 Washoe Reduction Works cash requirements |
1914-1919 |
124 / 6 | #205 Washoe Reduction Works wage and salary scales,
garnishments |
1915-1928 |
124 / 7-8 | #208 Washoe Reduction Works appropriations |
1914-1917 |
125 / 1-2 | #208 Washoe Reduction Works appropriations |
1918-1928 |
125 / 3 | #209 Deer Lodge Valley Farms |
1912-1923 |
125 / 4 | #210 Washoe Reduction Works metallurgical and cost
sheets (re compiling of) |
1916-1928 |
125 / 5 | #213 Framing Plant |
1924-1926 |
125 / 6 | #214 Arsenic sales |
1922-1928 |
125 / 7 | #215 Copper Extraction Company |
1912-1915 |
125 / 8 | #216 Washoe Reduction Works power line |
1917 |
125 / 9-11 | #217 Washoe Reduction Works (includes property
transfers, expenses, royalty payments, etc.) |
1914-1928 |
125 / 12 | #218 Miscellaneous (includes Liberty Bonds,
property holdings, telephone system, etc.) |
1918-1926 |
125 / 13 | #219 Fertilizer |
1926-1928 |
125 / 14 | #220 East Helena Slag Treatment Plant |
1927-1928 |
125 / 15 | #221 Foundry Department inventory |
1920-1925 |
125 / 16 | #223 Foundry Department payroll |
1920-1928 |
126 / 1 | #225 Foundry Department depreciation |
1923 |
126 / 2 | #226 Foundry Department appropriations |
1920-1929 |
126 / 3 | #228 Foundry Department office equipment |
1922-1926 |
126 / 4 | #228 Foundry Department deposits and disbursements |
1920-1921 |
126 / 5 | #231 Anaconda Brick Department payroll |
1920-1925 |
126 / 6 | #234 Anaconda Brick Department costs |
1920-1926 |
126 / 7 | #235 Anaconda Brick Department appropriations |
1920-1927 |
126 / 8 | #236 Great Falls Brick Department business
statements |
1920-1928 |
126 / 9 | #240 Great Falls Brick Department depreciation |
1920 |
126 / 10 | #241 Hotel Department payroll |
1927-1928 |
126 / 11 | #248 Hotel Department |
1928 |
126 / 12 | #251 Electric Light and Railway Department |
1926-1928 |
126 / 13 | #253 Electric Light and Railway Department salaries |
1926-1928 |
126 / 14 | #259 Electric Light and Railway Department annual
report to Public Service Commission |
1924, 1928 |
126 / 15 | #281 Lumber Department property |
1924-1928 |
126 / 16 | #281 Bonner Lumber Department business statements |
1911-1914 |
126 / 17 | #282 Bonner Lumber Department personnel |
1912-1914, 1924-1928 |
126 / 18 | #283 Bonner Lumber Department |
1912-1914, 1924-1928 |
126 / 19 | #286 Bonner Lumber Department appropriations |
1912-1914, 1924-1928 |
126 / 20 | #288 Bonner Lumber Department; Missoula Opera House |
1924-1928 |
126 / 21 | #304 St. Regis Lumber Department sale of equipment |
1928 |
126 / 22 | #316 Hope Lumber Manufacturing Company bonds |
1920-1927 |
126 / 23 | #317 Hope Lumber Manufacturing Company business
statements |
1920-1927 |
126 / 24 | #320 Hope Lumber Manufacturing Company payroll |
1920-1924 |
126 / 25 | #321, 324 Belt properties |
1919-1923 |
126 / 26 | #327 G.W. Merkle Coal Company, Belt, production and
royalties |
1919-1924 |
126 / 27 | #332 Belt Mercantile Company salaries |
1918 |
126 / 28 | #336 G.W. Merkle Coal Company's Mercantile
Department, Belt |
1918 |
126 / 29 | #338 Sale of Belt Mercantile Department to G.W.
Merkle Coal Company |
1918 |
126 / 30 | #386 Lumber Department audit expense |
1926 |
126 / 31 | #387 Audits |
1926 |
126 / 32 | #390 Traffic Department |
1927-1928 |
126 / 33 | #401 Deer Lodge Valley Farms Company deeds and
releases (some for smoke damage) |
1919-1928 |
126 / 34 | #402 Deer Lodge Valley Farms Company; Mill Creek
Irrigation Company stock |
1926 |
127 / 1 | #403 Deer Lodge Valley Farms Company accounts
receivable |
1919-1925 |
127 / 2 | #404 Deer Lodge Valley Farms Company checks, etc. |
1919-1923 |
127 / 3 | #404 Deer Lodge Valley Farms Company |
1919-1921 |
127 / 4 | #405 Deer Lodge Valley Farms Company horses |
1919-1928 |
127 / 5 | #411 Blackfoot Land Development Company land sales |
1919-1927 |
127 / 6 | #413 Blackfoot Land Development Company profit and
loss |
1919-1925 |
127 / 7 | #416 Blackfoot Land Development Company |
1919-1923 |
127 / 8 | #417 Blackfoot Land Development Company, Swamp
Creek Project |
1924 |
127 / 9 | #418 Blackfoot Land Development Company expenses
and deposits |
1920-1921 |
127 / 10 | #420 Thompson Falls Mercantile Company |
1924-1928 |
127 / 11 | #421 Sand Coulee Coal Department payroll, banking;
agreement with Lochray Coal Company; Miners Bank of Sand Coulee receivership |
1913-1927 |
127 / 12 | #423 Sand Coulee Coal Department business
statements (includes inventory for Lochray Coal Company) |
1914-1929 |
127 / 13 | #424 Sand Coulee Coal Department |
1914-1925 |
127 / 14 | #425 Sand Coulee Coal Department forms, office
supplies |
1914-1925 |
127 / 15 | #426 Sand Coulee Coal Department bad debts |
1920-1925 |
127 / 16 | #427 Sand Coulee Coal Department land exchanges |
1914-1927 |
127 / 17 | #428 Sand Coulee Coal Department depreciation |
1916-1923 |
127 / 18 | #429 Sand Coulee Coal Department appropriations |
1914-1920 |
127 / 19 | #430 Sand Coulee Coal Department business
statements |
1914-1922 |
127 / 20 | #431 Sand Coulee Coal Department |
1918-1924 |
127 / 21-23 | #461 Boiler insurance and inspection of Butte mines |
1915-1917 |
128 / 1-2 | #461 Boiler insurance and inspection of Butte mines |
1919-1925 |
128 / 3-4 | #461 Boiler insurance |
1926-1928 |
128 / 5 | #462 Fire insurance |
1915-1928 |
128 / 6 | #463 Purchasing Department insurance |
1919-1928 |
128 / 7 | #464 Plate glass insurance; also includes Hardware
Department |
1915-1917, 1925-1928 |
128 / 8 | #466 Insurance on Great Falls Reduction Works |
1915-1928 |
129 / 1 | #468 Insurance on Brick Plant |
1916-1924 |
129 / 2-5 | #469 Insurance on Washoe Reduction Works |
1915-1928 |
129 / 6 | #470 Insurance on Anaconda Ball Park and
miscellaneous Anaconda properties |
1925-1927 |
129 / 7 | #471 Insurance on Copper City Commercial Company;
H.C. Gardiner; Darby; et al. |
1917-1928 |
129 / 8 | #472 Insurance on Deer Lodge Valley Farms Company
and H.C. Gardiner |
1915-1928 |
129 / 9 | #473 Insurance on Foundry |
1917-1922 |
129 / 10 | #475 Insurance on Anaconda Electric Light and
Railway, Waterworks, Townsite |
1915-1927 |
129 / 11 | #476 Insurance on Hamilton Departments |
1915-1925 |
129 / 12 | #477 Insurance on Bonner Lumber Department |
1915-1928 |
129 / 13 | #478 Insurance on St. Regis Lumber Department |
1916-1928 |
129 / 14 | #479 Insurance on Interstate Lumber Department,
Missoula |
1915-1928 |
130 / 1 | #480 Insurance on Washoe Coal Department |
1915-1925 |
130 / 2 | #481 Insurance on G.W. Merkle Coal Company |
1925-1928 |
130 / 3 | #483 Insurance on Diamond Coal and Coke Company |
1920-1928 |
130 / 4 | #484 Insurance on Mountain Trading Company |
1920-1922 |
130 / 5 | #485 Insurance on Hope, St. Regis, and Hamilton
Lumber Departments |
1920-1926 |
130 / 6 | #486 Insurance |
1921-1926 |
130 / 7 | #487 Insurance on Butte buildings |
1920-1927 |
130 / 8 | #489 Insurance on automobiles |
1920-1927 |
130 / 9 | #490 Insurance on Sand Coulee Coal Department |
1920-1927 |
130 / 10 | #491 Insurance on Chicago Rolling Mills Department |
1920-1927 |
130 / 11 | #492 Insurance on Conda, Idaho, Fertilizer
Department |
1921-1928 |
130 / 12 | W.A. Clark property transfer: correspondence |
1928-1935 |
130 / 13 | W.A. Clark property transfer: securities taken over |
1928 |
130 / 14 | W.A. Clark property transfer: working papers |
1928 |
130 / 15-16 | W.A. Clark property transfer: Butte Electric
Railway Company |
1928 |
131 / 1 | W.A. Clark property transfer: Butte Miner Company |
1928 |
131 / 2 | W.A. Clark property transfer: Clark-Montana Realty
Company agreement |
1928 August |
131 / 3 | W.A. Clark property transfer: Clark-Montana Realty
Company working papers |
1928 |
131 / 4 | W.A. Clark property transfer: Elm Orlu Mining
Company |
1928 |
131 / 5 | W.A. Clark property transfer: Montana Hardware
Company |
1928 |
131 / 6 | W.A. Clark property transfer: Moulton Mining
Company |
1928 |
131 / 7 | W.A. Clark property transfer: Timber Butte Milling
Company |
1928 |
131 / 8-10 | W.A. Clark property transfer: Western Lumber
Company |
1928 |
Volume | ||
242 | W.A. Clark property transfer: summary of purchases |
1928 |
Box/Folder | ||
131 / 11-12 | Dispute with Montana Union Railway and Union
Pacific Railway |
1889-1892 |
131 / 13 | Employees missing and killed in action, World War
II: A-H |
1942-1946 |
132 / 1 | Employees missing and killed in action, World War
II: I-Z |
1942-1946 |
132 / 2 | Employees missing and killed in action, World War
II: miscellaneous |
1942-1946 |
132 / 3 | Northern Pacific timber lands |
1898-1899 |
Miscellany |
Box/Folder | ||
132 / 4 | Boiler inspectors' certificates |
1890-1891 |
132 / 5 | Descriptions of corporate records in various vaults |
circa 1960s |
132 / 6 | Employees' citizenship register |
undated |
132 / 7 | Historical talks and articles |
1903-1965 |
132 / 8 | "History of Butte," by Judge W.D. Murray |
1962 September |
132 / 9 | List of coal land declaratory statements, Belt |
1897 |
132 / 10 | List of deeds, water rights, financial records,
etc. sent by departments to General Office |
1896-1916 |
132 / 11 | "Mining history of Butte," by Ed Bonner |
1962 |
132 / 12 | "Miscellaneous Papers" (re Bitterroot Extension,
Silver Lake land, and Bonner spur) |
1899-1900 |
132 / 13 | Painting standards and paint specifications |
1937, 1952 |
132 / 14 | "Patent record for converter methods for
Bessemerizing copper matte" |
1910 |
132 / 15 | "Specifications for extension to Pulverized Coal
Plant for Raritan Copper Works" |
1927 |
132 / 16 | "Specifications for two-story brick building,
Anaconda, Montana" |
circa 1897 |
132 / 17 | Subscription list for relief of California
earthquake sufferers |
1906 |
132 / 18 | Turner Hall Association stock certificate |
1897 |
Clippings |
Box/Folder | ||
132 / 19 | Judge George M. Bourquin's decision in Poser vein
case |
1927 |
132 / 20 | Miscellaneous (includes Greater Butte Project,
future of Butte, Cornwall's influence on American mining, and talks by company
officials) |
1950-1970 |
Miscellany (Continued) |
Box/Folder | ||
132A / 1 | #32 "Original Mine 1" Butte Mining District Survey Book |
circa 1910-1919 |
132A / 2 | #79 "Mt. Con. Wild Bill - #6" Butte Mining District Survey Book |
circa 1910-1919 |
132A / 3 | #109 "Cross Section Book 376" Butte Mining District Survey Book |
circa 1910-1919 |
Alice Gold And Silver Mining Company / Alice Department Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Outgoing Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
133 / 1 | Letterpress book (includes deed transfers) |
1880 May-December |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
133 / 2 | Cash book |
1910-1916 |
Volume | ||
243 | Cost sheets (six-month reports) |
1916-1919, 1928-1931 |
244 | General ledger |
1908-1927 |
Box/Folder | ||
133 / 3 | Journal |
1908-1916 |
Volume | ||
245- 246 | Journal |
1916-1930 |
247 | Transcript of books |
1909-1911 |
Anaconda Coal Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
133 / 4 | Cash book |
1900 May-June |
Volume | ||
248 | Cash book |
1900 July- 1902 May |
249 | General ledger |
1900-1902 |
Box/Folder | ||
133 / 5 | General ledger index |
1900-1902 |
133 / 6 | Inventories |
1900, 1903 |
133 / 7 | Journal |
1900 May-June |
Volume | ||
250 | Journal |
1900 July- 1902 June |
Box/Folder | ||
134 / 1-2 | Petty ledger |
1900 May-November |
Volume | ||
251- 252 | Petty ledger |
1900 July-December |
Box/Folder | ||
134 / 3 | Petty ledger index |
1900 July-December |
134 / 4 | Profit and loss statement |
1900 |
Volume | ||
253- 255 | Sales book |
1900 |
Anaconda Fluming Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
256 | Cash book |
1887-1898 |
256a | Daybook |
1889-1896 |
257 | Journal |
1887-1901 |
258 | Ledger |
1887-1898 |
259 | Petty ledger index |
1887-1898 |
Box/Folder | ||
134 / 5 | Miscellaneous (includes accounts, disbursements) |
1889-1894 |
Anaconda Meat Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
135 / 1-2 | Cash book |
1890-1894 |
135 / 3 | Ledger |
1890-1892 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
135 / 4 | Record book (includes bylaws, minutes) |
1893-1897 |
Anaconda Townsite Company / Townsite Department Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Incoming Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
136 / 1 | Miscellaneous (re shipment of trees) |
1895-1896 |
Outgoing Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
136 / 2 | Letterpress book |
1895-1897 |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
260- 261 | Business statements |
1901-1956 |
262 | Cash book |
1897-1908 |
Box/Folder | ||
136 / 3 | Insurance policies on Anaconda Athletic Park
grandstand |
1898-1908 |
136 / 4 | Inventory of lots |
1895, 1897, 1930, 1931 |
136 / 5 | Ledger |
1895-1896 |
Volume | ||
263 | Ledger |
1895-1905 |
Box/Folder | ||
136 / 6 | Lot book |
1883-1895 |
Volume | ||
264 | Lot book |
1893-1957 |
265 | Rents |
1897-1912 |
Box/Folder | ||
136 / 7 | Transcript of books |
1897 |
137 / 1-4 | Transcript of books |
1911-1922 |
Volume | ||
266 | Trial balance book |
1895-1897 |
Box/Folder | ||
137 / 5 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
Volume | ||
267 | Voucher register |
1897-1911 |
Box/Folder | ||
137 / 6 | Miscellaneous (includes profit and loss, journal
entries) |
1896-1904 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
137 / 7 | Deeds, leases, etc. |
1893-1913 |
Anaconda Water Company / Waterworks Department Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Outgoing Correspondence |
Volume | ||
268 | Letterpress book (includes history of beginning of
company) |
1890-1898 |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
137 / 8 | Balance sheets, profit and loss |
1895-1904 |
137 / 9 | Business statements |
1892-1897 |
Volume | ||
269- 270 | Business statements |
1901-1937 |
Box/Folder | ||
138 / 1-2 | Cash book |
1888-1892 |
138 / 3 | Cost of new construction |
1898 |
138 / 4 | Daybook |
1888-1892 |
138 / 5 | Inventory |
1930-1931, undated |
138 / 6 | Ledger |
1888-1889 |
Volume | ||
271 | Ledger |
1895-1898 |
Box/Folder | ||
138 / 7 | Transcript of books |
1911 |
139 / 1-11 | Transcript of books |
1912-1922 |
139 / 12 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
Volume | ||
272 | Voucher register |
1898-1906 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
139 / 13 | Notices of water rights |
1898 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
139 / 14 | Letter re charter granted by City of Anaconda |
1913 |
139 / 15 | Stock certificate book |
1891 |
Miscellany |
Box/Folder | ||
139 / 16 | Injury reports |
1898-1930 |
139 / 17 | "Rules for operation of valves on pipeline of
reservoir system" |
undated |
139 / 18 | "Specifications for excavating and refilling of
water main" |
1895 |
Volume | ||
273 | Water rate change study (Includes listing of
residences, number of rooms, toilets, etc.) |
1935 |
Anselmo Mining Corporation Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
140 / 1 | Anaconda Copper Mining Company |
1925-1926 |
140 / 2 | Anselmo Mining Corporation, New York office |
1925-1926 |
140 / 3 | U.S. government |
1925-1926 |
140 / 4 | Wolcott and Company |
1926 |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
140 / 5 | Cash book |
1918-1926 |
140 / 6 | Copper ore settlements with Anaconda Copper Mining
Company |
1925-1926 |
Volume | ||
274 | Cost sheets |
1923-1929 |
Box/Folder | ||
140 / 7 | Journal |
1917-1927 |
Volume | ||
275 | Ledger |
1918-1925 |
Box/Folder | ||
140 / 8 | Montana assessment of net proceeds of mines tax |
1923-1925 |
140 / 9 | Montana corporate license tax |
1922-1925 |
140 / 10 | Report to Federal Trade Commission (re copper ore
lands) |
1925 |
140 / 11 | Trial balance |
1926 |
140 / 12 | U.S. capital stock tax |
1924-1926 |
140 / 13 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1922-1925 |
Volume | ||
276 | Voucher register |
1918-1926 |
Box/Folder | ||
140 / 14 | Wage reports to accident insurance providers |
1924-1926 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
140 / 15 | Hospital contract |
1925 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
140 / 16 | Annual statement of corporation |
1924-1926 |
Arlington Mining Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Interoffice Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
140 / 17 | Letterpress book: Henry Williams to George F. Crane |
1881-1886 |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
141 / 1 | Accounts and ore statements |
1885-1898 |
141 / 2 | Cash book |
1890-1902 |
141 / 3 | Expense journal |
1880-1883 |
141 / 4-5 | Journal |
1890-1895 |
142 / 1 | Ledger |
1890-1898 |
142 / 2 | Ore receipts: Star West lease |
1890-1891 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
142 / 3 | Abstract of title: Mountain Boy lode |
undated |
142 / 4 | Abstract of title: Star West lode |
undated |
Arsenic Department Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
277- 279 | Business statements |
1920-1950 |
Atlantic Mines Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
280 | Cash book |
1915-1916 |
281- 281a | Financial reports |
1913-1916 |
282 | General ledger |
1915-1916 |
283 | General ledger trial balance sheets |
1915-1916 |
284 | Journal |
1915-1916 |
285 | Payroll |
1915 |
Box/Folder | ||
142 / 5 | Voucher register |
1913-1914 |
Basic Magnesium, Inc. Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
142 / 6 | Record of existing conditions, personnel, and
operations |
1942 October |
143 / 1 | Record of contractual obligations |
1942 October |
Bears Den Royalties, Inc. (K.B. Frazer) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
286 | Frazer-MacDonald Partnership (includes balance
sheets, financial statements, and corporate histories for Bears Den, Sunburst,
Liberty Dome, and other oil properties) |
1926-1930 |
287 | Transcript of books |
1927-1932 |
Minutes |
Box/Folder | ||
143 / 2 | Minutes |
1933 |
Clipping |
Volume | ||
288 | Scrapbook (re Bears Den oil field) |
1929-1930 |
Belt Mercantile Company / Mercantile Department (Belt) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Outgoing Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
143 / 3 | Letterpress book |
1901-1910 |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
289 | Business statements |
1900-1919 |
290- 291 | Ledger |
1895-1905 |
Box/Folder | ||
143 / 4 | Ledger index |
1898-1905 |
143 / 5 | Payroll |
1916-1918 |
144 / 1-8 | Transcript of books |
1895-1916 |
145 / 1-2 | Transcript of books (department transferred to G.W.
Merkle Coal Company, June 1918) |
1917-1918 |
145 / 3 | Transcript of trial balance sheets (G.W. Merkle
Coal Company investment) |
1919 |
145 / 4 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1919 |
Big Blackfoot Milling Company / Lumber Department Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
145 / 5 | Manhattan Fuel and Lumber Company |
1900 |
145 / 6 | Montana Pulp and Paper Company |
1900 |
Financial and Production Records |
Box/Folder | ||
145 / 7 | Balance sheet and profit and loss |
1901 |
145 / 8-9 | "Mining timbers and planks shipped to Anaconda
Copper Mining Company, Butte and Boston Consolidated Mining Company, Parrot Silver
and Copper Company, and Washoe Copper Company" |
1900-1902 |
145 / 10 | Miscellaneous (includes statement of standing
timber purchased, profit and loss) |
1899-1903 |
145 / 11 | Anaconda Agency balance sheets |
1896-1901 |
Volume | ||
292 | Anaconda Agency business statements |
1901-1911 |
293 | Anaconda Agency cash books |
1898-1902 |
294 | Anaconda Agency general ledger |
1898-1902 |
Box/Folder | ||
146 / 1 | Anaconda Agency general ledger index |
1898-1902 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | Anaconda Agency general ledger index [Archives Map Case] |
1898-1902 |
Volume | ||
295 | Anaconda Agency journal |
1898-1902 |
296- 297 | Anaconda Agency ledger |
1897-1902 |
298 | Anaconda Agency petty ledger |
1899-1900 |
Box/Folder | ||
146 / 2 | Anaconda Agency petty ledger index |
1899-1900 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | Anaconda Agency petty ledger index [Archives Map Case] |
1899-1900 |
Volume | ||
299 | Anaconda Agency purchase abstract |
1898 November-1899 December |
300 | Anaconda Agency sales book |
1898 December-1899 February |
301 | Anaconda, Butte, and Columbia Falls agencies
transcripts |
1897-1898 |
302 | Bonita Agency customers' ledger |
1896-1898 |
303 | Bonita Agency journal |
1898-1899 |
Box/Folder | ||
146 / 3 | Bonner Agency balance sheets |
1899-1901 |
Volume | ||
304- 308 | Bonner Agency business statements |
1901-1933 |
Box/Folder | ||
146 / 4 | Bonner Agency daybook of timber shipped (includes
Kendall Agency) |
1898-1900 |
146 / 5-6 | Bonner Agency inventory |
1930-1931 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | Bonner Agency daybook of timber shipped [Archives Map Case] |
1930-1931 |
Box/Folder | ||
147 / 1 | Bonner Agency ledger |
1897-1898 |
Volume | ||
309- 310 | Bonner Agency ledger |
1898-1901 |
Box/Folder | ||
147 / 2 | Bonner Agency ledger index |
1898-1900 |
147 / 3 | Bonner Agency legal expenses |
1904 |
147 / 4 | Bonner Agency petty ledger |
1898 |
147 / 5 | Bonner Agency property |
1903 |
147 / 6-7 | Bonner Agency transcript of books |
1911-1916 |
148 / 1-3 | Bonner Agency transcript of books |
1917-1922 |
148 / 4 | Bonner Agency U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
148 / 5 | Bonner Agency miscellaneous |
1901-1904 |
148 / 6 | Butte Agency balance sheets |
1896-1901 |
Volume | ||
311 | Butte Agency business statements |
1900-1911 |
Box/Folder | ||
148 / 7 | Butte Agency journal entries (items prepared for
entry in journal) |
1901 |
Volume | ||
312- 313 | Butte Agency ledger |
1897-1900 |
Box/Folder | ||
148 / 8 | Butte Agency ledger index |
1897 |
148 / 9 | Columbia Falls Agency balance sheets |
1898-1900 |
Volume | ||
314- 315 | Columbia Falls Agency cash book |
1896-1901 |
316- 317 | Columbia Falls Agency journal |
1897-1901 |
318- 321 | Columbia Falls Agency ledger |
1897-1900 |
Box/Folder | ||
148 / 10 | Columbia Falls Agency ledger index |
1899-1900 |
149 / 1 | Columbia Falls Agency ledger index |
1899-1900 |
Volume | ||
322 | Columbia Falls Agency sales book |
1897-1899 |
Box/Folder | ||
149 / 2 | Columbia Falls lumberyard sale to Big Blackfoot
Milling Company by Anaconda Copper Mining Company |
1899 April |
149 / 3-4 | Florence Agency cash book |
1899 |
149 / 5 | Florence Agency journal |
1898-1899 |
150 / 1 | Florence Agency journal |
1898-1899 |
150 / 2 | Florence Agency ledger |
1898-1899 |
150 / 3 | Jennings Spur cash book |
1898-1899 |
151 / 1 | Jennings Spur journal |
1898-1899 |
151 / 2 | Jennings Spur ledger |
1898-1899 |
152 / 1 | Jennings Spur ledger |
1899 |
152 / 2 | Missoula Agency balance sheets |
1899-1900 |
Volume | ||
323 | Missoula Agency business statements |
1901-1911 |
Box/Folder | ||
152 / 3 | Missoula Agency detail of investment and schedule
of operations |
1901 |
152 / 4 | Missoula Agency inventory |
1900 |
Volume | ||
324 | Missoula Agency ledger |
1898-1900 |
Box/Folder | ||
152 / 5 | Missoula Agency ledger index |
1898-1900 |
152 / 6 | St. Regis Agency balance sheets, etc. |
1899-1900 |
152 / 7 | St. Regis Agency boarding house, store, and stable
inventories |
1901 |
Volume | ||
325- 326 | St. Regis Agency business statements |
1901-1928 |
327 | St. Regis Agency ledger |
1898-1900 |
Box/Folder | ||
152 / 8 | St. Regis Agency ledger index |
1898-1900 |
152 / 9 | St. Regis Agency operating reports |
1900-1901 |
152 / 10 | St. Regis Agency payroll |
1901 |
153 / 1-4 | St. Regis Agency transcript of books |
1911-1922 |
Volume | ||
328 | St. Regis Agency transcript of books |
1922-1928 |
Box/Folder | ||
153 / 5 | St. Regis Agency U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
153 / 6 | Turah Spur journal |
1899 |
154 / 1 | Turah Spur ledger |
1899 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
154 / 2 | Lumber contracts |
1898 |
154 / 3 | Permit to cut timber |
1899 |
154 / 4 | Selection of lieu lands |
1900 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | ||
154 / 5 | "Remarks concerning the bookkeeping of the Big
Blackfoot Milling Co." by Robert V. McBain, traveling auditor |
1901 |
Bitter Root Development Company / Hamilton (Mont.) Departments Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Incoming Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
154 / 6 | Cobban and Hopkins; R.A. Day; Standard Fire Brick
Company |
1894 |
154 / 7 | "Assets transferred from Anaconda Mining Company to
Anaconda Copper Mining Company" |
1895 |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
154 / 8 | Balance sheets (all departments) |
1895-1905 |
Volume | ||
329 | Business statements (all departments) |
1901-1914 |
Box/Folder | ||
154 / 9-11 | Transcript of books (all departments) |
1911-1913 |
155 / 1-4 | Transcript of books (all departments) |
1914-1921 |
Volume | ||
330 | Anaconda Agency journal |
1895-1896 |
Box/Folder | ||
155 / 5 | Anaconda Agency statements |
1895, 1901 |
155 / 6-8 | Basin Agency cash book |
1894-1898 |
155 / 9 | Basin Agency journal |
1894-1898 |
156 / 1 | Basin Agency journal |
1896-1898 |
156 / 2-4 | Basin Agency ledger |
1894-1895 |
Volume | ||
331 | Basin Agency ledger |
1896-1898 |
332 | Basin Agency sales book |
1894-1897 |
Box/Folder | ||
156 / 5 | Basin Agency trial balance |
1895-1897 |
156 / 6 | Basin Agency miscellaneous |
1894-1896 |
Volume | ||
333 | Breman's Mill cash and order book |
1890-1892 |
Box/Folder | ||
157 / 1 | Breman's Mill journal |
1892-1893 |
157 / 2 | Breman's Mill ledger |
1892 |
157 / 3 | Darby Mercantile Department balance sheets |
1896-1909 |
157 / 4 | Electric Light Department balance sheets |
1896-1909 |
157 / 5 | Electric Light Department electric light usage |
1902-1904 |
157 / 6 | Electric Light Department fire loss |
1899 |
Volume | ||
334 | Electric Light Department ledger |
1896-1905 |
Box/Folder | ||
157 / 7 | Hotel Department balance sheets (includes Ravalli
Hotel) |
1896-1909 |
157 / 8 | Hotel Department cash transcripts and trial
balances (includes Ravalli Hotel) |
1896 |
Volume | ||
335 | Hotel Department ledger (includes Ravalli Hotel) |
1896-1905 |
Box/Folder | ||
157 / 9 | Lumber Department balance sheets |
1898-1901 |
158 / 1 | Lumber Department business statements |
1896-1901 |
Volume | ||
336- 338 | Lumber Department business statements |
1901-1921 |
Box/Folder | ||
158 / 2 | Lumber Department cash book |
1892 |
Volume | ||
339- 340 | Lumber Department cash book |
1893, 1895 |
Box/Folder | ||
158 / 3 | Lumber Department cash deposit ledger |
1894-1895 |
Volume | ||
341 | Lumber Department daybook |
1890-1891 |
Box/Folder | ||
158 / 4 | Lumber Department earnings account |
1896-1897 |
158 / 5 | Lumber Department inventories |
1895-1904 |
Volume | ||
342- 344 | Lumber Department journal |
1892-1895 |
345- 348 | Lumber Department ledger |
1893, 1895, 1898-1905 |
Box/Folder | ||
158 / 6-8 | Lumber Department ledger index |
1898-1901, undated |
158 / 9 | Lumber Department legal expenses |
1904-1906 |
158 / 10 | Lumber Department logs purchased |
1892-1893 |
Volume | ||
349 | Lumber Department petty journal |
1895 July-December |
Box/Folder | ||
159 / 1 | Lumber Department production and business
statements |
1901-1902 |
159 / 2 | Lumber Department tax assessment |
1897 |
159 / 3 | Lumber Department U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
159 / 4 | Lumber Department miscellaneous |
1897-1904 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | Lumber Department miscellaneous [Archives Map Case] |
1897-1904 |
Box/Folder | ||
159 / 5-6 | Mercantile Department balance sheets (includes
Bitter Root Development Company) |
1894-1909 |
Volume | ||
350 | Mercantile Department business statements |
1901-1911 |
Box/Folder | ||
159 / 7 | Mercantile Department general ledger index |
1893 |
Volume | ||
351- 354 | Mercantile Department ledger |
1895-1905 |
Box/Folder | ||
159 / 8 | Mercantile Department insurance record |
1908 |
159 / 9 | Mercantile Department sales, cost, and profit |
1899-1903 |
159 / 10 | Mercantile Department tax assessments |
1898 |
159 / 11 | Ravalli County Bank statements of condition |
1899-1901 |
Volume | ||
355 | Saw Mill Department cash book |
1895 |
356 | Saw Mill Department general journal |
1895 |
357 | Saw Mill Department journal |
1895 |
Box/Folder | ||
159 / 12 | Saw Mill Department journal: saw mill #2 |
1892 |
160 / 1 | Saw Mill Department ledger: saw mill #2 |
1892 |
Volume | ||
358 | Saw Mill Department ledger: saw mill #3 |
1890-1891 |
359- 363 | Saw Mill Department ledger |
1892-1898 |
Box/Folder | ||
160 / 2-3 | Saw Mill Department ledger index |
1894-1895 |
160 / 4 | Saw Mill Department reports |
1894-1895 |
Volume | ||
364- 365 | Saw Mill Department sales book |
1894-1895 |
Box/Folder | ||
160 / 5 | Townsite Department balance sheets |
1895-1909 |
160 / 6 | Townsite Department inventories of town lots |
1895, 1902 |
Volume | ||
366 | Townsite Department ledger |
1896-1905 |
Box/Folder | ||
160 / 7 | Waterworks Department balance sheets |
1895-1909 |
160 / 8 | Waterworks Department construction costs (re
Hamilton Water Company) |
1895 |
Volume | ||
367 | Waterworks Department ledger |
1895-1905 |
368 | Record book (includes articles of incorporation,
bylaws, minutes) |
1890-1894 |
Box/Folder | ||
160 / 9 | Stock certificate book |
1890-1894 |
OvFd / | "Profile of location of logging spur, A.C.M. Lumber
Department, Hamilton, Mont." blueprint |
1903 June |
Bitter Root Stock Farm Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Miscellany |
Box/Folder | ||
160 / 10 | "Plan of 3' x 5' flume" blueprint |
1898 August |
Blackfoot Land Development Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
160 / 11 | Inventories |
1930-1931 |
160 / 12-13 | Transcript of books |
1914-1918 |
161 / 1-2 | Transcript of books |
1919-1922 |
Volume | ||
369 | Transcript of books |
1922-1942 |
Box/Folder | ||
161 / 3 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
Bonanza Mines Department (Colville, Washington) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
370 | Cost sheets |
1951-1953 |
Boston and Montana Consolidated Copper and Silver Mining Company / Reduction Department (Great Falls) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Outgoing Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
161 / 4-5 | Letterpress book: Frank Klepetko to foremen |
1897-1902 |
161 / 6 | Letterpress book: Frank Klepetko to Eastern Office |
1897-1902 |
162 / 1 | Letterpress book: Frank Klepetko |
1897-1902 |
162 / 2 | Letterpress book: Frank Klepetko (re insurance) |
1898 |
162 / 3 | Letterpress book: Frank Klepetko to G.M. Hyams |
1902 |
162 / 4 | Letterpress book: James O'Grady |
1901-1905 |
162 / 5 | Letterpress book: C.W. Goodale |
1901-1903 |
163 / 1-3 | Letterpress book: C.W. Goodale |
1903-1908 |
Court Papers |
Box/Folder | ||
163 / 4 | Inquest of death of Harry W. Smith, killed in
accident in Pennsylvania Mine |
1902 July |
163 / 5 | Miscellaneous |
1897-1906 |
Financial and Production Records |
Volume | ||
371 | Accident claims and funeral expenses paid |
1909-1911 |
372 | Appraisal of reduction works |
1915 January |
373 | Cash book: Mining Department |
1896-1900 |
374- 375 | Cash book: Smelting Department |
1887-1903 |
376- 377 | Cash book |
1906-1911 |
378- 381 | "Combination account book" (includes distribution
of vouchers; shaft expenses at mines; and construction, boiler room, electricity and
teaming expenses) |
1892-1905 |
Box/Folder | ||
164 / 1-2 | Construction and special orders |
1915-1917 |
Volume | ||
382 | Construction cost sheets |
1912-1913 |
383 | Copper shipments |
1930-1945 |
Box/Folder | ||
164 / 3-7 | Cost sheets: mines |
1897-1899 |
Volume | ||
384- 389 | Cost sheets: mines |
1900-1911 |
Box/Folder | ||
164 / 8-9 | Cost sheets and shop orders: reduction works |
1900 January-May |
165 / 1-5 | Cost sheets and shop orders: reduction works |
1900 June- 1901 September |
166 / 1-6 | Cost sheets and shop orders: reduction works |
1901 October- 1903 March |
167 / 1-7 | Cost sheets and shop orders: reduction works |
1903 April- 1904 December |
Volume | ||
390 | Cost sheets and metallurgical reports: reduction
works (6-month reports) |
1905 June |
391- 393 | Cost sheets: reduction works (6-month reports) |
1905-1918 July |
Box/Folder | ||
167 / 8 | Cost summaries (excluding construction) |
1897 |
Volume | ||
394 | Cupreous material (includes money spent, cost to
refine, material on hand, etc.) |
1918-1919 |
Box/Folder | ||
167 / 9 | Employers' liability insurance policies |
1898-1903 |
Volume | ||
395 | Financial statements |
1914-1920 |
Box/Folder | ||
168 / 1 | Fire insurance policy on company property |
1901 |
168 / 2 | Fire insurance proofs of loss |
1902 |
168 / 3 | Inventory |
1930-1931 |
Volume | ||
396- 398 | Journal |
1887-1906 |
399- 402 | Ledger |
1887-1910 |
Box/Folder | ||
168 / 4-5 | Ledger index |
1887-1892, 1906-1910 |
Volume | ||
403 | Machinery repair account book |
1899-1908 |
404 | Matte shipments |
1898 |
Box/Folder | ||
168 / 6-8 | Metallurgical reports |
1905-1907 |
Oversize Folder | ||
12 | Metallurgical sheets |
1913-1915 |
Volume | ||
405- 407 | "Ore hoisted, shipped and in bins" |
1902-1908 |
408 | Ore received from Butte and Boston Consolidated
Mining Company mines |
1907-1908 |
409 | Ore received from Butte mines |
1900 |
410 | Ore received from company's mines |
1902-1908 |
Box/Folder | ||
168 / 9 | Ore received from company's mines |
1908-1909 |
Volume | ||
411- 412 | Ore settlements |
1896-1898, 1905-1909 |
Box/Folder | ||
168 / 10 | Payroll |
1905-1906 |
Volume | ||
413 | Pig copper shipments |
1899-1900 |
Box/Folder | ||
168 / 11 | Production reports (6-month reports) |
1918-1919 |
Volume | ||
414- 419 | Shop orders #1-550, no number (includes charges for
labor and supplies for construction jobs) |
1898-1910 |
Box/Folder | ||
169 / 1 | "Statements of crude ore treated" |
1898-1899 |
169 / 2 | Operating expense |
1896 |
Volume | ||
420 | "Treatment, production, loss, etc.: Electrolytic
Zinc Plant" |
1919 |
421- 422 | Treatment record |
1897-1902 |
423 | Voucher register (includes distribution of
expenses) |
1906-1909 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
169 / 3 | Abstract of title to mining claim: Lucky Jim Mine |
1894 |
169 / 4-7 | Affidavits of improvement |
1892-1911 |
169 / 8 | Agreements: Fred and Louisa Anderson (re Anderson
and Smelter lode claims) |
1893, 1897 |
169 / 9 | Agreements: William A. Clark (re Liquidator,
Clark's Colusa, and Modoc Extension lode claims, and Montana Central Railway
Company) |
1886-1899 |
169 / 10 | Agreements: Warrington W. Swetland (re Augustus
Heinze's suit) |
1903 |
169 / 11 | Bonds for lost checks |
1892-1904 |
169 / 12 | Contracts: Big Blackfoot Milling Company |
1898 |
169 / 13 | Contracts: Butte and Boston Consolidated Mining
Company |
1896 |
169 / 14 | Contracts: Great Falls Water Power, and Townsite
Company |
1889-1892 |
169 / 15 | Contracts: Montana Central Railway Company |
1896-1907 |
169 / 16 | Contracts: railroads |
1889-1907 |
169 / 17 | Contracts: Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Company |
1895-1904 |
170 / 1 | Contracts: timber, planks, wood, lumber |
1897-1903 |
170 / 2 | Contracts |
1893-1905 |
170 / 3 | Deeds: Fausett Addition (Butte) |
1895-1897 |
170 / 4 | Deeds: Montana Copper Company |
1887 |
170 / 5-8 | Deeds |
1880-1899 |
171 / 1 | Deeds |
1900-1907 |
171 / 2 | Leases |
1890-1891 |
171 / 3 | Location notices and declaratory statements |
1879-1902 |
171 / 4 | Mortgages |
1891-1896 |
171 / 5 | Releases from liability in death or injury of
employees |
1904-1908 |
171 / 6 | "Transfer of Atlantic claim from Atlantic Line Fast
Freight and Shipping Company" |
1888 |
171 / 7 | Miscellaneous: Johnstown, Little Ida, Sullivan, and
Pennsylvania lodes |
1877-1898 |
171 / 8 | Miscellaneous: Minnie Healy Lode |
1901 |
171 / 9 | Miscellaneous: Silver Queen Lode |
1895-1902 |
171 / 10 | Miscellaneous (includes receivers' receipts, surety
bonds, certificate of redemption, right of way, etc.) |
1891-1903 |
Maps |
Box/Folder | ||
171 / 11 | List of maps separated to Library map collection |
undated |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
171 / 12 | Bylaws |
1896-1902 |
171 / 13 | Record book (includes articles of incorporation,
minutes, deeds, mortgages) |
1887-1890 |
Volume | ||
424 | Record book (includes minutes, deeds, mortgages) |
1890-1898 |
425- 430 | Stockholder lists, A-Z |
1899-1910 |
Photographs |
Box/Folder | ||
171 / 14 | List of photographs transferred to Photo Archives |
undated |
Printed Material |
Box/Folder | ||
171 / 15 | List of printed material transferred to Library |
undated |
Subject File |
Box/Folder | ||
172 / 1 | #4 "Ordering, spotting, & switching of railroad
cars" |
1903-1908 |
172 / 2 | #6 "Monthly requirements for currency" |
1896-1907 |
172 / 3 | #7 "Methods of sampling and assaying converter
copper" |
1894-1919 |
172 / 4 | #8 "Cleanup of B & B Co. matte with B & B
receivers" |
1896-1902 |
172 / 5-6 | #10 Copper production |
1893-1967 |
172 / 7 | #13 "Settlement with Colorado Co. for custom matte" |
1902 |
172 / 8-9 | #15 "Settlement with Colusa-Parrot Co. for custom
matte" |
1901-1905 |
173 / 1 | #17 "Material in Great Falls railroad yards" |
1900-1921 |
173 / 2 | #20 "Moulds for casting pig copper" |
1898-1920 |
173 / 3 | #21 "Comparative weight & moisture
determinations of Colusa-Parrot matte" |
1901-1902 |
173 / 4 | #22 "Assays and samples of B & M pig copper
shipments" (sampled) |
1900 |
173 / 5 | #23 "Assays and samples of B & M slab and anode
cake" (sampled) |
1902-1909 |
173 / 6 | #25 "Losses in converter smoke" |
1894-1898 |
173 / 7 | #26 "B & M Co. carriage shed" |
1898-1911 |
173 / 8 | #27 "Weekly reports to treasurer re G.F. plant
operation, production & shipments" (sampled) |
1903-1912 |
173 / 9 | #28 Instructions re departmental reports |
1901-1914 |
173 / 10 | #29 Company houses: construction, maintenance,
repairs |
1929-1967 |
173 / 11 | #31 "Magnets for chutes on bins" |
1902 |
173 / 12 | #32 "Outside Report" (re employee hospitalization
due to accidents) |
1896-1898 |
174 / 1 | #33 "Hospital Report" (re employee hospitalization
due to accidents) |
1896-1899 |
174 / 2 | #34 "Silver slimes" |
1895-1902 |
174 / 3 | #40 Requests for souvenirs and specimens |
1939-1941 |
174 / 4 | #41 Right of way: F. Heinze vs. Boston and Montana
Consolidated Copper and Silver Mining Company |
1884-1903 |
174 / 5 | #42 "Equipments at Little Chicago & Little
Milwaukee, not co. property" |
1894-1909 |
174 / 6 | #43 "Installation of concentrator motors" |
1897-1913 |
174 / 7 | #44 Concentration tests and methods |
1897-1900 |
174 / 8 | #45 "Office hours: account holidays" |
1929-1954 |
174 / 9-11 | #46 "A.C.M. Club" |
1945-1956 |
175 / 1-2 | #46 "A.C.M. Club" |
1957-1963 |
175 / 3 | #46 "Black Eagle Hose Club: subscriptions to
periodicals" |
1918-1919 |
175 / 4-6 | #47 "Fire protection, inspection of works, and fire
losses not covered by insurance" |
1897-1959 |
175 / 7 | #48 "Converter Department |
1905-1937 |
175 / 8 | #51 "Agglomerating or sintering furnaces" |
1901-1909 |
175 / 9 | #52 "Superintendent's comments on monthly cost
sheet to general manager" |
1901-1903 |
176 / 1-4 | #52 "Superintendent's comments on monthly cost
sheet to general manager" |
1937-1960 |
176 / 5-6 | #54 "Watchmen & deputy sheriffs at B & M
Works" (includes World War II plant protection) |
1900-1957 |
177 / 1 | #54 "Watchmen & deputy sheriffs at B & M
Works" |
1958-1965 |
177 / 2 | #55 "Concentrating tables and vanners" |
1899-1927 |
177 / 3 | #55-3 "Concentrating tables and vanners: Evans
tables" |
1897-1910 |
177 / 4 | #55-4 "Concentrating tables and vanners: Wilfley
tables" |
1898-1918 |
177 / 5 | #55-5 "Concentrating tables and vanners: Overstrom
tables" |
1901-1912 |
177 / 6 | #55-10 "Concentrating tables and vanners: Frue
vanners" |
1901-1910 |
177 / 7 | #55-11 "Concentrating tables and vanners: James
concentrator" |
1906-1914 |
177 / 8 | #55-19 "Concentrating tables and vanners: Isbell
vanners" |
1909-1912 |
177 / 9 | #55-26 "Concentrating tables and vanners: Crowfoot
table" |
1913 |
177 / 10 | #56 Company boarding house |
1895-1902 |
177 / 11 | #57 "Insurance adjustment of fire losses" |
1896-1959 |
178 / 1 | #59 Exhibits at fairs, etc. |
1898-1959 |
178 / 2 | #60 "Applications for employment: clerical" |
1926-1929 |
178 / 3 | #66-1 "Construction of smelter buildings, additions
and bins" (re new blast furnace building) |
1895-1898 |
178 / 4 | #66-2 "Construction of smelter buildings, additions
and bins" (re reconstruction of converter buildings and stalls) |
1899-1900 |
178 / 5 | #66-3 "Construction of smelter buildings, additions
and bins" (re additions to blast furnace buildings and converter shed) |
1900-1902 |
178 / 6 | #66 "Construction of smelter buildings, additions
and bins" (numerous small files) |
1902-1927 |
178 / 7 | #70 Water wheels |
1905-1906 |
178 / 8 | #72 "General instructions re employee vacations" |
1908-1957 |
178 / 9 | #74 "Comparative analyses of various products w/ B
& B and ACM Cos." |
1902-1904 |
178 / 10 | #77 "Chemical analyses and physical tests on coal
used in furnaces" |
1892-1909 |
178 / 11 | #80 "Chemical methods employed in assaying slags" |
1902-1911 |
178 / 12 | #81 "Patenting of McLeod concentrating table" |
1903-1908 |
178 / 13 | #82 "Slime ponds at Little Milwaukee" |
1902-1903 |
178 / 14 | #84 "Employees' evening school in drawing" |
1901-1905 |
179 / 1 | #85 "Employees' evening school in chemistry" |
1902-1907 |
179 / 2-3 | #86 "Chemical analyses & physical tests of
Electr. & Furn. Refy. copper products" |
1901-1909, 1932-1970 |
179 / 4 | #94 "Investigation and measures to prevent
stealing" (includes scrap copper thefts) |
1892-1965 |
179 / 5 | #96 "Bowling alleys & sundries" |
1902-1927 |
179 / 6 | #102 "Converter slag" |
1897-1919 |
179 / 7 | #104 "Reverberatory slag" |
1899-1916 |
179 / 8 | #105 "General averages of samples analyzed" |
1905-1928 |
180 / 1 | #106 "Supply and Purchasing Department" |
1938-1948 |
180 / 2 | #108 "Meetings of miscellaneous congresses" |
1902-1959 |
180 / 3 | #109 Reverberatory Department |
1923 |
180 / 4 | #110 Reverberatory smelting |
1898-1914 |
180 / 5 | #111-1 Reverberatory furnaces: construction and
installation |
1897-1927 |
180 / 6-7 | #111-8 Reverberatory furnaces: Carson patent
dispute |
1925-1930 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | #111-8 Reverberatory furnaces: Carson patent
dispute [Archives Map Case] |
1925-1930 |
Box/Folder | ||
180 / 8 | #115 Treating copper matte: Thofern and St. Seine
"Reactor" process |
1902 |
180 / 9 | #119 "Master mechanic's log on power houses and
machinery" |
1900-1909 |
180 / 10 | #121 "Automatic time clocks or daters" |
1907 |
180 / 11 | #122 "Salaries paid monthly men" |
1897-1926 |
181 / 1-6 | #122 "Salaries paid monthly men" |
1927-1961 |
182 / 1 | #123 "Comparative analyses on converter copper
shipped east" |
1902-1904 |
182 / 2 | #124 Labor relations reports |
1955-1961 |
182 / 3 | #127 Fire insurance policies |
1901-1918 |
182 / 4 | #128 "Claying converter contracts" |
1896-1905 |
182 / 5 | #132 "Slag casting machine and storage bins" |
1898-1912 |
182 / 6 | #133 "Temporary shutdowns of works on holidays and
for general repairs..." |
1898-1959 |
182 / 7 | #134 "Political: working hours for employees voting
at elections" |
1901-1959 |
182 / 8 | #142 "Acid linings for Converters" |
1897-1911 |
182 / 9 | #143 "Class I converters and stalls" |
1900-1910 |
182 / 10 | #145 "Converters Lining Department" (includes Clay
Mill Department) |
1896-1911 |
183 / 1-2 | #149 "Complaints regarding quality of copper" |
1898-1964 |
183 / 3 | #149-30 "Complaints regarding quality of copper:
Rolling Mills Department" |
1918-1958 |
183 / 4-5 | #150 "Local foundry" |
1900-1965 |
183 / 6-8 | #153 Accident insurance policies |
1898-1914 |
183 / 9 | #153 Accident insurance policies: recreation
facilities |
1935-1950 |
184 / 1 | #155-4 "Chimneys, flues and dust chambers:
cave-ins...and cost of repairs" |
1899-1963 |
184 / 2 | #155-17 "Chimneys, flues and dust chambers:
treatment of flue dust and...costs" |
1904-1968 |
184 / 3 | #155-24 "Chimneys, flues and dust chambers: flue
dust recovery and losses" |
1902-1970 |
184 / 4 | #157 "Vouchers" (re policy, etc.) |
1899-1905 |
184 / 5 | #158 "Treatment records: ore received and
production reports" |
1904-1914 |
184 / 6 | #159 Timekeepers' Department |
1902-1970 |
184 / 7-8 | #160 "Monthly statements of freight paid" |
1931-1939 |
184 / 9-10 | #161 "Evans-Klepetko automatic gas producers" |
1897-1902 |
184 / 11 | #162 "Loomis-Pettibone gas producers" |
1900-1901 |
184 / 12 | #163 "Hot blast stoves for blast furnaces" |
1901-1903 |
184 / 13 | #164 Water tanks and pipe lines (re sewers) |
1906-1967 |
185 / 1 | #167 McDougall and Brueckner Departments |
1894-1924 |
185 / 2 | #168 Gas Producer Brueckner Department |
1901-1907 |
185 / 3 | #169 Frank Klepetko |
1898-1909 |
185 / 4 | #170 "Weekly reports to William Scallon and J.D.
Ryan re Great Falls operations" |
1902-1906 |
185 / 5 | #174 Steam superheater |
1893-1907 |
185 / 6 | #179-1 Blast Furnace Department (re construction
and installation) |
1898-1921 |
185 / 7 | #179-3 Blast Furnace Department: "The Development
of Blast Furnace Construction at the Boston & Montana Smelter", by J.A. Church |
1913 |
185 / 8 | #179 Blast Furnace Department |
1897-1934 |
185 / 9-10 | #180 Furnace Refinery Department |
1899-1959 |
185 / 11 | #180-40 Furnace Refinery Department: labor
conferences |
1942-1966 |
186 / 1 | #180-41 Furnace Refinery Department: electric
loading truck |
1944-1959 |
186 / 2-4 | #180-42 Furnace Refinery Department: production of
copper billets |
1948-1958 |
186 / 5-6 | #181 Electrolytic Refinery Department |
1940-1967 |
186 / 7 | #181-31 Electrolytic Refinery Department: tellurium
purification |
1964-1969 |
187 / 1-2 | #182 Electrolytic solutions: impurities |
1897-1943 |
187 / 3 | #184 "Treatment of electrolytic anode scrap" |
1915-1959 |
187 / 4 | #193 "Contracts for unloading ore, coal, limestone,
etc." |
1896-1906 |
187 / 5 | #195 "Screening and sorting of crude ore for
smelting" |
1898-1922 |
187 / 6 | #195 "Screening and sorting of crude ore for
smelting: Great Falls" |
1910-1914 |
187 / 7 | #196 "Regulating of B & M ore shipments" |
1896-1903 |
187 / 8 | #197-1 "Sampling and assaying of regular B & M
ore shipments at Great Falls" |
1901-1912 |
187 / 9 | #197-2 "Sampling and assaying of regular B & M
ore shipments at Great Falls: comparative determine...moisture loss" |
1906-1908 |
187 / 10 | #197-3 "Sampling and assaying of regular B & M
ore shipments at Great Falls: data sample ore cars" |
1907 |
188 / 1 | #203 Concentrator Department |
1891-1929 |
188 / 2 | #205 "Concentrator overflow slime treatment" |
1905-1914 |
188 / 3 | #212 "Prizes given employees for work performed" |
1902-1959 |
188 / 4 | #213 Shops Department |
1913, 1950-1958 |
188 / 5-7 | #216 "Inquiries from various outsiders re B & M
works" |
1900-1970 |
188 / 8 | #216-2 "Inquiries from various outsiders re B &
M works: printed forms" |
1901-1944 |
188 / 9 | #216-3 "Inquiries from various outsiders re B &
M works: information...for advertising" |
1906-1941 |
188 / 10 | #218-1 Clubs and organizations: golf and tennis |
1898-1950 |
188 / 11 | #218-2 Clubs and organizations: Rotary Club |
1923-1939 |
188 / 12 | #218-4 Clubs and organizations: Chamber of Commerce |
1927-1941 |
189 / 1-2 | #218-4 Clubs and organizations: Chamber of Commerce |
1942-1970 |
189 / 3 | #218-5 Clubs and organizations: Engineering Club |
1928-1959 |
189 / 4 | #218-6 Clubs and organizations: miscellaneous |
1931-1964 |
189 / 5 | #218-7 Clubs and organizations: Junior Chamber of
Commerce |
1938-1959 |
189 / 6 | #219 "Banking" |
1902-1955 |
189 / 7 | #221 "Smelter building ventilation" |
1898-1955 |
189 / 8 | #223 "Scale house, track scales, and weighers" |
1900-1962 |
189 / 10 | #225 Surface Department: Dempster Dumpster |
1945-1947 |
189 / 11 | #227-1 Laboratory Department: general laboratory |
1901-1957 |
189 / 12 | #227-4 Laboratory Department: "comparative values
of laboratory determinations" |
1906-1948 |
189 / 13 | #227-5 Laboratory Department: umpire assays |
1909-1959 |
189 / 14 | #227 Laboratory Department: Sunday work, fire loss,
new building, seniority |
1903-1965 |
190 / 1-3 | #227-13 Laboratory Department: check assaying |
1922-1968 |
190 / 4 | #227-14 Laboratory Department: check assaying,
comparison of laboratory methods |
1923-1968 |
190 / 5 | #229 "Carbon in refined copper" |
1899-1900 |
190 / 6 | #230 "Smoke damage" (re air pollution) |
1903-1960 |
190 / 7-8 | #230 "Air pollution" |
1964-1968 |
191 / 1 | #230-2 "Smoke damage: soil & vegetation
samples" |
1902-1910 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | #230-2 "Smoke damage: soil & vegetation
samples" [Archives Map Case] |
1902-1910 |
Box/Folder | ||
191 / 2 | #231 "Slag & tailings disposition" |
1900-1954 |
191 / 3 | #233 "Rental of B & M coal lands" |
1897-1918 |
191 / 4 | #234 "Tests on recovery of material by McDougall
roasting" |
1903-1910 |
191 / 5 | #235 "Salaries, expenses, and disbursements of
Legal Department" |
1901-1967 |
191 / 6-8 | #237 Payroll deductions (includes lists of Western
Federation of Miners union members) |
1895-1943 |
191 / 9-10 | #237-6 Payroll deductions: Mill and Smelterman's
Union |
1898-1961 |
191 / 11 | #237-9 Payroll deductions: other unions |
1908-1910 |
191 / 12 | #237-11 Payroll deductions: Albright employees |
1911-1916 |
192 / 1-3 | #238 Subscriptions: charities |
1900-1957 |
192 / 4 | #238-2 Subscriptions: organizations |
1908-1934 |
192 / 5 | #238-3 Subscriptions: bronze markers |
1924-1940 |
192 / 6 | #239 "Use of pulverized coal in reverberatory
smelting" |
1901-1917 |
192 / 7 | #239-2 "Use of pulverized coal in reverberatory
smelting: construction and installation of #1-2 reverberatory furnace..." |
1913-1917 |
192 / 8-9 | #240 "Weather observations and instruments
(includes daily reports, 1908-1914) |
1903-1940, 1952 |
193 / 1 | #241 "Special data for Treasurer Addicks" |
1903-1904 |
193 / 2 | #242 "Callow slime tanks or pulp thickeners" |
1904 |
193 / 3 | #244 "Preservation of timber" |
1904-1964 |
193 / 4-7 | #245 "Damages due to dumping slag and tailings in
river: Ft. Benton water supply" (re water pollution) |
1908-1916 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | #245 "Damages due to dumping slag and tailings in
river: Ft. Benton water supply" (re water pollutions) [Archives Map Case] |
1908-1916 |
Box/Folder | ||
193 / 8-9 | #245-5 "Damages due to dumping slag and tailings in
river: William Witt ranch" (re water pollution) |
1907-1914 |
193 / 10 | #245-6 "Damages due to dumping slag and tailings in
river: Carl Schilling ranch" (re water pollution) |
1908-1913 |
193 / 11 | #245-10 "Damages due to dumping slag and tailings
in river: analysis of...water" (re water pollution) |
1908-1917 |
193 / 12 | #245-11 "Damages due to dumping slag and tailings
in river: Ft. Benton water supply, daily reports" [sampled] (re water pollution) |
1913 |
193 / 13 | #245-12 "Damages due to dumping slag and tailings
in river: construction of reservoir at Ft. Benton" (re water pollution) |
1912-1913 |
194 / 1-8 | #246 "Superintendent's weekly review of operations" |
1905-1913 |
195 / 1-8 | #246 "Superintendent's weekly review of operations" |
1914-1922 |
196 / 1-7 | #246 "Superintendent's weekly review of operations" |
1923-1929 |
197 / 1-2 | #246 "Superintendent's weekly review of operations" |
1939-1969 |
197 / 3 | #247 "Treatment of copper precipitate" |
1899-1957 |
197 / 4 | #249 "Hot & cold solutions at Electrolytic
Plant" |
1903-1960 |
197 / 5 | #252 "Arsenic and antimony in anodes" |
1913-1965 |
197 / 6-7 | #253 "Electrolytic Department costs" (comparison of
Great Falls and Raritan) |
1943-1966 |
197 / 8 | #255 "Making of starting sheets: aluminum cathodes
for Electrolytic Zinc Plant" |
1919-1959 |
197 / 9 | #257 "Blast furnace slag: treatment, losses,
analyses, etc." |
1949-1961 |
197 / 10 | #257-7 "Electric furnaces: electric smelting of
lead blast furnace slag & reverberatory zinc slag for recovery of zinc &
iron" |
1926 |
197 / 11 | #257-8 "East Helena Slag Treatment Plant" |
1926-1927 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | #257-8 "East Helena Slag Treatment Plant" [Archives Map Case] |
1926-1927 |
Box/Folder | ||
198 / 1-3 | #257-8 "East Helena Slag Treatment Plant" |
1927-1949 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | #257-8 "East Helena Slag Treatment Plant" [Archives Map Case] |
1927-1949 |
Box/Folder | ||
198 / 4-5 | #257-11 "Blast furnace slag: settlements with
A.S.A.R. Co." |
1927-1945, 1951-1964 |
198 / 6 | #257-12 "Blast furnace slag: shipment of East
Helena fume" |
1930-1937 |
198 / 7-8 | #258 "Blast furnace smelting" |
1893-1944 |
198 / 9 | #258-2 "Blast furnace smelting: air for blast
furnaces" |
1898-1913 |
198 / 10 | #258-3 "Blast furnace smelting: water and heat
consumption of blast furnace jackets" |
1910-1913 |
198 / 11 | #258-4 "Blast furnace smelting: methods" |
1893-1913 |
199 / 1 | #259 "Blast furnace charge calculations &
analyses of charges" |
1904-1914 |
199 / 2 | #260 "Reverberatory charge calculations &
analyses of charges" |
1903-1914 |
199 / 3 | #261 "Class II converters and stalls" |
1906-1911 |
199 / 4-8 | #262 "Inspection trips by B & M officials to
outside mills & smelters" |
1930-1957 |
200 / 1-5 | #262 "Inspection trips by B & M officials to
outside mills & smelters" |
1958-1966 |
200 / 6 | #266 "Richards' pulsator classifiers" |
1905-1908 |
201 / 1-2 | #266 "Richards' pulsator classifiers" |
1909-1917 |
201 / 3 | #266 "Richards' pulsator classifiers: wear in
pulsator valves" |
1908-1909 |
201 / 4 | #270 "Manufacture and disposition of bluestone" |
1943-1949 |
201 / 5 | #271 "Method of sampling and preparation of
samples: electrolytic and furnace refinery" |
1937-1947 |
201 / 6-7 | #271-25 "Method of sampling and preparation of
samples: Zinc Plant" |
1917-1963 |
201 / 8 | #272 "Weighing of Blast Furnace charges" |
1905-1916 |
201 / 9 | #284 "Treatment concentrator slimes" |
1903-1914 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | #284 "Treatment concentrator slimes [Archives Map Case] |
1903-1914 |
Box/Folder | ||
201 / 10 | #288 "Repairs to company house #2" |
1898-1942 |
201 / 11 | #289 "Repairs to company house #3" |
1898-1941 |
201 / 12 | #300 "Repairs to company house #14" |
1919-1961 |
201 / 13 | #301 "Repairs to company house #15" |
1929-1957 |
202 / 1 | #319 "Silver slime treatment" |
1906-1968 |
202 / 2 | #322 "Concentrator production and loss" |
1898-1929 |
202 / 3 | #324 "Tests on concentrator rolls" |
1904-1911 |
202 / 4 | #326 "McDougall roasting" |
1900-1965 |
202 / 5 | #327 "Minimum and maximum loading" |
1893-1967 |
202 / 6 | #333 "Strikes at Great Falls Works by B & M
employees" |
1906-1967 |
202 / 7 | #339 "Methods of drying converter linings" |
1906-1911 |
202 / 8 | #343 "Huntington mills" |
1900-1914 |
202 / 9 | #344 "McLeod revolving screen" |
1906-1907 |
202 / 10 | #345 "Mathewson blast furnace" |
1905-1921 |
203 / 1 | #347 "Converter practice" |
1880-1926 |
203 / 2 | #348 "Reverberatory costs" |
1896-1913 |
203 / 3-4 | #357 "Losses in overflow slimes and settling of
slimes" (includes reports) |
1899-1914 |
203 / 5-6 | #358 "Treatment of Huntington mill product by
various systems" |
1909-1910 |
203 / 7 | #359 "Production of concentrator slimes" |
1905-1911 |
203 / 8 | #360 "Flow of material in launders and on dump" |
1906-1919 |
204 / 1 | #363 "Evans jigs" |
1903-1910 |
204 / 2 | #364 "Nissen stamp mill" |
1906 |
204 / 3 | #367 "Deister concentrating table" |
1906-1918 |
204 / 4 | #368 "Woodbury bull or dewooding jig" |
1906-1911 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | #368 "Woodbury bull or dewooding jig" [Archives Map Case] |
1906-1911 |
Box/Folder | ||
204 / 5 | #369 "Laboratory equipment for making physical
tests on copper" |
1906-1960 |
204 / 6 | #373 "Repairs and replacing of buildings and
equipment at Electrolytic Plant" |
1897-1960 |
204 / 7 | #374 "Repairs and replacing of buildings and
equipment at Furnace Refinery" |
1907-1959 |
204 / 8 | #376 "Specification requirements for refined
copper" |
1898-1959 |
204 / 9 | #376-2 "Specification requirements for refined
copper: instructions..." |
1902-1961 |
204 / 10 | #376-3 "Specification requirements for refined
copper: ...American Society for Testing Materials" |
1910-1969 |
204 / 11 | #376-6 "Specification requirements for refined
copper: Western Electric Company" |
1923-1959 |
205 / 1 | #379 Deister concentrating tables |
1907-1908 |
205 / 2 | #381 Humphrey rolls |
1905-1907 |
205 / 3 | #386 Converter air |
1913 |
205 / 4 | #390 "Silver and gold in converter anodes" |
1946-1968 |
205 / 5 | #397 Accident insurance claims |
1896-1909 |
205 / 6 | #429 Ore sampling at Washoe Sampler |
1906-1917 |
205 / 7 | #430 "Centrifugal concentrators" |
1907-1930 |
205 / 8 | #436 "Hot blast stoves for reverberatory furnaces" |
1913-1938 |
205 / 9 | #437 "Information furnished by B & M Company to
outsiders re Richards pulsator classifier and jigs" |
1907-1911 |
205 / 10 | #440 Classifiers |
1903-1941 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | #440 Classifiers
[Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1903-1941 |
Box/Folder | ||
205 / 11 | #441 King screen |
1907 |
205 / 12 | #447 "Purchase of lands for right-of-way at Black
Eagle" |
1908-1916 |
205 / 13 | #450 "Automatic feeding machines" |
1902-1914 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | #450 "Automatic feeding machines"
[Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1902-1914 |
Box/Folder | ||
205 / 14 | #451 "Anaconda men employed at Great Falls" |
1959-1963 |
205 / 15 | #453 "Coates' concentrating tube" |
1907 |
205 / 16 | #455 "Class III converters & stalls (Big 7)" |
1910-1912 |
205 / 17 | #457 Cranes |
1895-1925 |
205 / 18 | #458 Crushers |
1905-1913 |
206 / 1-11 | #459 "Erection of chimney by Alphons Custodis
Construction Company" (re "Stack") [misc. sub-files #459-1 to 459-20] |
1905-1955 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | #459-3 "Erection of chimney by Alphons Custodis
Construction Company"
[Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1905-1955 |
1 | #459-16 "Erection of chimney by Alphons Custodis
Construction Company" [Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1905-1955 |
Box/Folder | ||
206 / 12 | #461 Richards' sorting tubes |
1908 |
206 / 13 | #466 "Condensing, settling, and collection of fumes
and flue dust" |
1966-1968 |
206 / 14 | #470 blast furnace costs |
1901-1911 |
206 / 15 | #471 Converter tonnages |
1913-1918 |
206 / 16 | #474 Slime treatment costs |
1902-1961 |
206 / 17 | #478 "McDougall production and losses" |
1906-1908 |
206 / 18 | #479 "McDougall calcining costs" |
1900-1911 |
206 / 19 | #487 "Cost of operating concentrating machinery" |
1899-1912 |
207 / 1 | #488 "Speeds of machinery in concentrator" |
1900-1912 |
207 / 2 | #489 "Magnetic concentrating" |
1901-1919 |
207 / 3 | #492 "Electrolytic protection of jig screens from
corrosion" |
1905 |
207 / 4 | #493 "Jig and tank plugs" |
1904-1909 |
207 / 5 | #494 "McLeod's trommel spiders" |
1903-1907 |
207 / 6 | #495 "McLeod's bull jig" |
1904 |
207 / 7 | #496 "McLeod's band clutch" |
1907-1908 |
207 / 8 | #499 "Harz jigs" |
1903-1912 |
207 / 9 | #500 "Trommels" |
1906-1909 |
207 / 10 | #502 "General fine concentrates" |
1941-1964 |
207 / 11 | #512 "Scrap lead and lead dross shipments" |
1938-1959 |
207 / 12 | #524 "Information furnished re concentrating" |
1906-1926 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | #524 "Information furnished re concentrating"
[Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1906-1926 |
Box/Folder | ||
207 / 13 | #528 "Ownership of property adjacent to B & M
Works" (re Riverside Addition, Kittinger property) |
1905-1936 |
207 / 14 | #529 "Reverberatory production and loss" |
1896-1905 |
207 / 15 | #534 Brick Department: clay and shale lands |
1913-1961 |
207 / 16 | #535 "Sonstadt solution" |
1908 |
207 / 17 | #540 "Slippage of blast furnace blowers" |
1903-1907 |
207 / 18-19 | #541 "Taxes on B & M property" |
1909-1940 |
208 / 1-2 | #541 "Taxes on B & M property" |
1941-1968 |
208 / 3 | #544 "Railroad equipment lists" |
1944-1962 |
208 / 4 | #564 Electrical Shop |
1907-1959 |
208 / 5 | #566 Refining tanks: lining |
1906-1961 |
Oversize Folder | ||
1 | #566 Refining tanks: lining
[Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1906-1961 |
Box/Folder | ||
208 / 6 | #568 "Gas producer tests" |
1910-1911 |
208 / 7 | #576 Patents: converter furnaces |
1902-1915 |
208 / 8 | #577 "Methods of assaying copper precipitate" |
1908 |
208 / 9 | #583 "Employees" |
1936-1944 |
208 / 10 | #583-7 "Employees: sickness or injury away from
work" |
1942-1946 |
208 / 11 | #585 "Contracts with hospitals and doctors"
(includes reports) |
1891-1915 |
209 / 1-6 | #585 "Contracts with hospitals and doctors"
(includes reports) |
1931-1955 |
210 / 1 | #585 "Contracts with hospitals and doctors"
(miscellaneous files) |
1898-1959 |
210 / 2 | #586 Telephone system |
1900-1922 |
210 / 3 | #587 "Methods of lining converters" |
1905-1924 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | #587 "Methods of lining converters"
[Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1905-1924 |
Box/Folder | ||
210 / 4 | #592 "Anode shipments from Washoe Reduction Works" |
1915-1929 |
210 / 5 | #593 "Letters of inquiry and recommendation" |
1932-1942 |
210 / 6 | #600 "Scale of wages paid by B & M and other
companies" (re different unions) |
1915-1917 |
210 / 7 | #600-10 "Scale of wages paid by B & M and other
companies: instructions re changes in classification and rates of labor" |
1912-1923 |
210 / 8-11 | #600-20 "Scale of wages paid by B & M and other
companies" (classification and rates) |
1918-1944 |
211 / 1-2 | #600-34 "Scale of wages paid by B & M and other
companies" (classification and rates) |
1944-1964 |
211 / 3 | #601-1 "Handling of accidents to employees: B &
M Reduction Works" |
1908-1964 |
211 / 4 | #601-2 "Handling of accidents to employees:
Albright Quarries" |
1911-1912 |
211 / 5 | #601-4 "Handling of accidents to employees:
Employers' Liability & Workmen's Compensation Law..." |
1915-1959 |
211 / 6 | #601-5 "Handling of accidents to employees:
Employers' Liability & Workmen's Compensation bills (proposed)" |
1910-1961 |
211 / 7 | #601-6 "Handling of accidents to employees:
Armington Clay Mine" |
1922-1935 |
211 / 8-9 | #601-7 "Handling of accidents to employees" (re
compensation reserve) |
1925-1964 |
212 / 1 | #602 "Treatment costs on copper precipitate" |
1906-1909 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | #602 "Treatment costs on copper precipitate"
[Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1906-1909 |
Box/Folder | ||
212 / 2 | #606 "Converter anodes" |
1908-1960 |
212 / 3 | #608 "United States Land Office reports" (includes
lists of homestead entries) |
1895-1896 |
212 / 4 | #609 "Precipitate slime" |
1908-1909 |
212 / 5 | #611 Carpenter Shop |
1900-1959 |
212 / 6 | #612-1 Machine Shop |
1908-1953 |
212 / 7 | #612-2 Machine Shop (re labor problems) |
1910-1964 |
212 / 8 | #614 "Construction, maintenance, and repairs to
company residences" (company houses) |
1900-1953 |
212 / 9 | #616 "Methods of firing McDougall furnaces" |
1908-1919 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | #616 "Methods of firing McDougall furnaces"
[Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1908-1919 |
Box/Folder | ||
212 / 10 | #617 "Methods or processes proposed for treatment
of ores" |
1902-1957 |
212 / 11 | #618 "Special tests on cathode copper" |
1908-1940 |
212 / 12 | #621 "Telegraph and telephone for Albright
quarries" |
1901-1948 |
212 / 13 | #622 "Standardization of copper wires" |
1908-1934 |
213 / 1 | #623 "Ammeters" |
1895-1958 |
213 / 2 | #625 "Damages to railroad equipment" |
1903-1969 |
213 / 3 | #626 Public schools |
1897-1967 |
213 / 4 | #630 "Sulphuric acid inventory and balance sheet:
Electrolytic Plant" |
1901-1913, 1964 |
213 / 5 | #632 "Handling of office work" |
1902-1940 |
213 / 6 | #634 "Railroad passenger tickets and passes" |
1897-1963 |
213 / 7 | #635 "Special sampling and assaying of West Colusa
ore extracted from Comanche Lode" |
1900-1901 |
213 / 8 | #637 "Charges for sampling and assaying of Rarus Montana Ore Purchasing Company" |
1902-1903 |
213 / 9 | #637 "Special sampling and assaying of Rarus Montana Ore Purchasing Company" |
1900-1903 |
213 / 10 | #640 "Laboratory methods" |
1902-1962 |
213 / 11 | #641 "B & M laboratory methods" |
1899-1959 |
214 / 1-3 | #641 "B & M laboratory methods" (small subfiles
on alumina, arsenic, antimony, calcines, copper, oil, coal, coke, silver, sodium,
peroxide, sulphur, zinc, cadmium) |
1894-1969 |
214 / 4-7 | #641 "B & M laboratory methods" (small subfiles
on iron, ores, concentrates, matte, tailings, electrolytes, chorine, refined copper,
sulphuric acid, oxygen, gold, silica, selenium, terrurium, bismuth, cement) |
1894-1970 |
214 / 8-11 | #641 "B & M laboratory methods" (small subfiles
on soil and vegetation samples, lead, platinum, gas producer gases, wire drawing,
diameters of test wires, tin, separation of bases, spectorgraphy, zinc, lead and
copper, zinc dross) |
1902-1962 |
215 / 1 | #641 "B & M laboratory methods" (small subfiles
on cadmium, antimony in lead bullion, lead dross and scrap, germanium, silicon,
silica) |
1917-1968 |
215 / 2 | #642 "Wilfley tables treating Richards' pulsator
classifiers" |
1908-1909 |
215 / 3 | #643 "Matte & slag skulls and chips" |
1907-1912 |
215 / 4 | #646 "Smelting of concentrates in converters" |
1907-1913 |
215 / 5 | #647 "Slime in converters" |
1909 |
215 / 6 | #648-2 "Electrical power: B & M substation for
receipt of Rainbow Dam power" |
1908-1927 |
215 / 7 | #648-3 "Electrical power: Rainbow Dam" |
1907-1958 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | #648-3 "Electrical power: Rainbow Dam"
[Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1897-1930 |
Box/Folder | ||
215 / 8 | #648-6 "Electrical power:
operation of switches" |
1911-1948 |
215 / 9 | #648-16 "Electrical power: independent power line
connecting Volta with Zinc Plant" |
1922 |
215 / 10 | #650 Woodbury machinery |
1909-1912 |
215 / 11 | #651 "Air" |
1909-1915 |
215 / 12 | #652 "Blast furnace slag production" |
1906-1947 |
215 / 13 | #654 "Laboratory equipment for chemical
determinations" |
1904-1965 |
215 / 14 | #659 "Maps and prints of Great Falls works"
(correspondence re) |
1899-1958 |
216 / 1 | #660 President McKinley's visit to Great Falls |
1901 |
216 / 2 | #661 "Concentrating test on third class ore" |
1902 |
216 / 3 | #663 "Analysis of cathodes shipped to Raritan
Copper Works" |
1909-1917 |
216 / 4 | #664 "Loading: overloading and underloading of
cars" |
1898-1929 |
216 / 5 | #665 "Telegraph and telegrams" |
1902-1942 |
216 / 6 | #665-2 "Telegraph and telegrams: Christmas
greetings" (sampled) |
1926-1941 |
216 / 7 | #666 "Patents and trademarks" |
1900-1914 |
216 / 8 | #666-5 "Patents and trademarks: electrolytic zinc" |
1926-1952 |
216 / 9 | #666-12 "Patents and trademarks: bonded
silica-magnesite furnace roof" |
1933-1937 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | #666-12 "Patents and trademarks: bonded
silica-magnesite furnace roof" [Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1933-1937 |
Box/Folder | ||
216 / 10 | #666-13 "Patents and trademarks: roaster hearth" |
1933-1935 |
216 / 11 | #666-14 "Patents and trademarks: metal handling
interlocking zinc slabs" |
1936-1955 |
216 / 12 | #666-15 "Patents and trademarks: roof construction
furnace refinery" |
1939-1941 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | #666-15 "Patents and trademarks: roof construction
furnace refinery" [Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1939-1941 |
Box/Folder | ||
216 / 13 | #666-18 "Patents and trademarks: method of
controlling output of grid controlled rectifier" |
1941-1956 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | #666-18 "Patents and trademarks: method of
controlling output of grid controlled rectifier" [Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1941-1956 |
Box/Folder | ||
216 / 14 | #666-20 "Patents and trademarks: automatic spray
painting device" |
1948-1950 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | #666-221 "Patents and trademarks: automatic spray
painting device" [Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1948-1950 |
Box/Folder | ||
216 / 15 | #666-21 "Patents and trademarks: apparatus for
handling heavy slabs..." |
1948-1951 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | #666-21 "Patents and trademarks: apparatus for
handling heavy slabs" [Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1948-1951 |
Box/Folder | ||
216 / 16 | #666-23 "Patents and trademarks: cadmium casting
equipment" |
1950-1958 |
216 / 17 | #667 "Files and filing" (re records) |
1900-1956 |
216 / 18 | #668 "Rules governing employee expense accounts" |
1910-1954 |
217 / 1 | #669 "Late arrivals" (re tardy employees) |
1905-1956 |
217 / 2 | #670 "Blowing engines" |
1901-1927 |
217 / 3 | #671 Firemen's uniforms |
1901-1909 |
217 / 4 | #672 Tezuitlan Copper Company, Mexico: casting
anodes |
1901 |
217 / 5 | #673 Cananea Consolidated Copper Company, Mexico |
1911-1959 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | #673 Cananea Consolidated Copper Company, Mexico
[Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1911-1959 |
Box/Folder | ||
217 / 6 | #674 "Laboratory methods: ... moisture
determination & ... assaying electrolytic silver slimes" |
1900-1953 |
217 / 7 | #676 "Tempering: copper" |
1909-1944 |
217 / 8 | #678 "Est. of refining costs at prop'd electrolytic
refinery at Parkersburg, N.Y., Buffalo, N.Y. and Rainbow Falls" |
1900-1901 |
217 / 9 | #679 Steptoe Valley Smelting and Mining Company,
Nevada |
1908-1913 |
217 / 10-11 | #680 "Blowers" |
1899-1936 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | #680 "Blowers"
[Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1899-1936 |
Box/Folder | ||
217 / 12 | #681 "Land owned by B & M Reduction
Black Eagle and Albright" |
1914-1915 |
217 / 13 | #682 "Screens" |
1913-1939 |
217 / 14 | #683 "Ore bedding system" |
1908-1910 |
217 / 15 | #684 Sandstone: contracts |
1901-1966 |
217 / 16-17 | #685 "Shutdowns: general shutdown of works: |
1901-1902, 1917-1953 |
218 / 1-6 | #685-7 "Shutdowns: Zinc Plant" |
1919-1952 |
218 / 7 | #685-9 "Shutdowns and curtailments" |
1920-1931 |
219 / 1-2 | #685-9 "Shutdowns and curtailments" |
1932-1961 |
219 / 3-7 | #685-10 "Shutdowns: copper plants" |
1930-1963 |
220 / 1-2 | #685-11 "Shutdowns: Mill and Smeltermen strikes"
(re union) |
1951-1960 |
220 / 3 | #686 "Trimming and sweeping of converter copper" |
1898-1909 |
220 / 4 | #689 "Wireless telegraphy" (re radio) |
1909 |
220 / 5 | #690 "Notices posted around works" |
1907-1964 |
220 / 6 | #691 Little Chicago: grading of Colorado Avenue |
1909, 1929 |
220 / 7-8 | #692 Superintendent's tri-monthly & monthly
reports |
1901-1903 |
221 / 1-2 | #692 Superintendent's tri-monthly & monthly
reports |
1905-1906 |
221 / 3-4 | #701 "Class IV converters and stalls (Big 10)" |
1911-1924 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | #701 "Class IV converters and stalls (Big 10)"
[Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1911-1924 |
Box/Folder | ||
221 / 5 | #705 Albright, Montana, post office |
1909-1916 |
221 / 6 | #706 Company library |
1904-1958 |
221 / 7 | #707 Claymill costs |
1897-1911 |
221 / 8 | #709 Photography Department |
1907-1938 |
221 / 9-10 | #710 "Treatment of concentrator slime on slow speed
tables" |
1911-1913 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | #710 "Treatment of concentrator slime on slow speed
tables" {Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1911-1913 |
Box/Folder | ||
221 / 11 | #713 "Data for weekly letters: instructions" |
1912-1946 |
222 / 1-4 | #714 Meteorological charts (re weather) |
1908-1958 |
222 / 5 | #715 Cement manufacture |
1903-1938 |
222 / 6 | #716 "Quantitative sampling of all concentrator
products" |
1909 |
223 / 1 | #717 "Dust removed from cleanouts of 175 foot dust
chamber & system" (re stack) |
1909-1916 |
223 / 2 | #724 Applications: consulting engineers |
1908-1962 |
223 / 3 | #725 "Preparation of cost sheets..." |
1905-1957 |
223 / 4 | #727 "Telephone in Great Northern offices at Black
Eagle & Helena" |
1903-1906 |
223 / 5 | #731 "Treatment charges & credits: Furnace
Refinery Dept." |
1919 |
223 / 6 | #732 "Treatment charges & credits: Electrolytic
purification products and refuse" |
1910-1913 |
223 / 7 | #733 "Copper precipitate slag" |
1905-1911 |
223 / 8 | #737 "Office rules: smoking" |
1902-1917 |
223 / 9 | #738 "Handling of deeds & contracts" |
1904-1945 |
223 / 10 | #739 "Disposition of waste paper" |
1902-1944 |
223 / 11 | #740 "Rules re visitors" |
1908-1959 |
223 / 12 | #748 "Rules governing checking in & out" (re
time clocks) |
1898-1964 |
223 / 13 | #750-1 "First aid to injured: ambulance" |
1908-1963 |
223 / 14 | #750-2 "First aid to injured: dispensary ambulance
equipment" |
1901-1970 |
223 / 15 | #750-3 "First aid to injured: dispensary, including
emergency physician" |
1931-1961 |
223 / 16-17 | #750-4 "First aid to injured: Public Health Nurse
(monthly reports)" |
1940-1958 |
223 / 18 | #751 Payroll summaries (sampled) |
1901-1958 |
224 / 1 | #751 Payroll summaries (sampled) |
1959-1969 |
224 / 2 | #752 Payroll general sheets |
1935-1969 |
224 / 3 | #756-1 "Employees: rules re employment, layoffs,
and reinstatement" |
1898-1937 |
224 / 4 | #756-3 "Employees: classification, seniority, and
promotion" |
1956-1966 |
224 / 5 | #756-6 "Employees: personal record of employees in
the Accounting Dept." |
1926-1939 |
224 / 6 | #757-1 "Overtime: trades unions or crafts" |
1907-1955 |
224 / 7 | #757-2 Overtime on holidays for all smelter
employees, other than monthly men" |
1904-1954 |
224 / 8 | #757-7 Overtime: rules..." |
1917-1949 |
224 / 9 | #758 "Leaves of absence" |
1908-1966 |
224 / 10 | #759 "Handling of requisitions" |
1901-1923 |
224 / 11 | #760 "Wear of roll shells...elevator belts" |
1901-1933 |
224 / 12 | #765 Coal supply (sampled) |
1901-1962 |
225 / 1 | #765 Coal supply: various operations |
1901-1962 |
225 / 2 | #765-6 "Coal supply: BTU value as factor in price" |
1905-1914 |
225 / 3 | #766 Limestone supply |
1904-1930 |
225 / 4 | #767 Scrap (re recycling) |
1901-1968 |
225 / 5 | #774 Contracts for refining |
1898-1914 |
225 / 6 | #776-795 "Handling of charges" (re various
departments) |
1897-1967 |
225 / 7 | #796 "Handling of charges" (re tailings, slag, and
smoke damage) |
1907-1928 |
225 / 8 | #798 "Handling of charges" (re depreciation) |
1905-1966 |
225 / 9 | #832, 834 "Handling of charges" (miscellaneous) |
1907-1966 |
225 / 10 | #835 "Treatment records: stocks of copper, silver
& gold on hand in cupreous material" |
1913-1914 |
225 / 11 | #836 "Treatment records: summary of recovery in
converter copper..." |
1906-1924 |
226 / 1 | #838 "Sidewalks & footbridges" |
1907-1949 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | #838 "Sidewalks & footbridges"
[Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1907-1949 |
Box/Folder | ||
226 / 2 | #839 "Ore in converters" |
1909-1914 |
226 / 3 | #840 Blacksmith Shop |
1903-1970 |
226 / 4 | #843 "Water supply for Little Chicago Addition" |
1902-1948 |
226 / 5-9 | #850 "Chemical analyses & physical tests on
Electrolytic & Furnace Refinery copper produced: wire bar" |
1898-1969 |
226 / 10 | #850 "Chemical analyses & physical tests on
Electrolytic & Furnace Refinery copper produced" |
1961-1962 |
227 / 1 | #851 "Methods of sampling refined copper test bars" |
1899-1935 |
227 / 2 | #852 "Silver in Furnace Refinery products" |
1899-1910 |
227 / 3 | #853 "Matthiessen's Standard and International
Standard" |
1923 |
227 / 4 | #854 "Impurities in refined copper & effect on
conductivity" |
1903-1959 |
227 / 5 | #854-2 "Impurities in refined copper & effect
on conductivity: arsenic and antimony" |
1900-1961 |
227 / 6 | #854-3 "Impurities in refined copper & effect
on conductivity: sulphur" |
1909-1963 |
227 / 7 | #854-5 "Impurities in refined copper & effect
on conductivity: oxygen" |
1902-1955 |
227 / 8 | #854-7 "Impurities in refined copper & effect
on conductivity: selenium and tellurium" |
1894-1962 |
227 / 9 | #855 "Complete analyses of blast furnace and
reverberatory mattes" |
1908 |
227 / 10 | #856 "Complete analyses of anode copper" |
1906-1955 |
227 / 11 | #857 "Complete analyses of electrolytes" |
1902-1962 |
227 / 12 | #858 "Complete analyses of electrolytic slime" |
1901-1970 |
227 / 13 | #859 "Complete analyses of copper precipitate" |
1906, 1955 |
227 / 14 | #860 "Complete analyses of wirebar copper" |
1907-1968 |
227 / 15 | #861 "Complete analyses of cathode copper" |
1907-1933 |
227 / 16 | #862 "Cleaning-up railroad tracks at Black Eagle" |
1898-1967 |
227 / 17 | #863 "Tests on refined copper furnished purchasers" |
1910-1960 |
227 / 18 | #864 "Methods of supporting anodes in tanks" |
1897-1930 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | #864 "Methods of supporting anodes in tanks"
[Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1897-1930 |
Box/Folder | ||
227 / 19 | #867 "Information furnished re chimney flues and
dust chambers" (re stack) |
1908-1955 |
227 / 20 | #867 "Information furnished re chimney flues and
dust chambers: data for publication..." (re stack) |
1908-1909 |
228 / 1 | #867 "Information furnished re chimney flues and
dust chambers: Anaconda" (re stack) |
1909-1917 |
228 / 2 | #867 "Information furnished re chimney flues and
dust chambers: Goodale-Klepinger article" (re stack) |
1913 |
228 / 3 | #868 "Smelting of fine concentrates" |
1909-1930 |
228 / 4 | #871 Evans jig costs |
1909 |
228 / 5 | #872 "Infringements" (re patents) |
1897-1914 |
228 / 6-9 | #873 Net proceeds tax working papers |
1929-1936 |
229 / 1-2 | #873 Net proceeds tax working papers |
1937-1959 |
229 / 3 | #873-4 Net proceeds tax: Portage Land Company |
1916-1922 |
229 / 4-5 | #873-5 "Excise or income tax: employees" |
1914-1942 |
229 / 6 | #875 Furnace Refinery slag |
1900-1959 |
229 / 7 | #880 "U.S. Government reports and statistics" |
1900-1938 |
229 / 8-9 | #881 "U.S. Government reports and statistics:
employees" |
1903-1954 |
229 / 10 | #881 "U.S. Government reports and statistics:
employees" (re Equal Employment Opportunity) |
1964-1968 |
229 / 11 | #881-2 "U.S. Government reports and statistics:
employees" (re accidents) |
1914-1957 |
229 / 12 | #882 "U.S. Government reports and statistics: gold
and silver production data" |
1939-1946 |
229 / 13 | #883 Electric Tramming Department |
1951-1966 |
230 / 1 | #885 Scrap copper (re recycling) |
1915-1942 |
230 / 2 | #886 Fire Protection Department |
1903-1968 |
230 / 3 | #887 "Mineral wool" (made from slag) |
1908-1955 |
230 / 4 | #889 "Inventories of machinery" |
1901-1953 |
230 / 5 | #890 "Rules governing employment of apprentices and
boys" |
1908-1968 |
230 / 6 | #891 "Fusion tests" |
1899-1910 |
230 / 7 | #892 "Construction & extension of tracks &
spurs: low line" |
1898-1924 |
230 / 8 | #893 "Construction & extension of tracks &
spurs: high line" |
1916-1917 |
230 / 9 | #894 "Construction & extension of tracks &
spurs: sky line" |
1899-1943 |
230 / 10 | #899 Reverberatory furnace repairs |
1899-1943 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | #899 Reverberatory furnace repairs
[Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1912-1913 |
Box/Folder | ||
230 / 11 | #904 "Raw material requirements for Great Falls to
meet production" |
1913-1917 |
230 / 12 | #905 "August and Ruby Gulch mills in Little Rocky
Mountains Mining District" |
1914 |
230 / 13 | #909 "Shortages and overages in weights" |
1904-1924 |
230 / 14 | #910 "Weighing of ore and precipitate" (includes
railroad accidents) |
1898-1917 |
230 / 15-17 | #911 "Methods of loading copper" |
1898-1964 |
231 / 1 | #912 "Checking: instructions to weighers" |
1900-1919 |
231 / 2 | #913 "Sealing of cars" |
1903-1920 |
231 / 3 | #919 "Billing: instructions to weighers" |
1906-1918 |
231 / 4 | #929 "Demurrage: instructions to weighers" |
1907-1909 |
231 / 5 | #930 Expense bills |
1940-1961 |
231 / 6 | #933 "Marking of copper" |
1902-1957 |
231 / 7-12 | #934 "Moulds for casting refined copper" |
1895-1958 |
232 / 1 | #934-31 "Moulds for casting refined copper:
American Brass Company" |
1922-1969 |
232 / 2-4 | #934-33 "Moulds for casting refined copper:
end-poured wedge cakes for American Brass Company" |
1922-1969 |
232 / 5 | #934-38 "Moulds for casting refined copper: copper
cores for furnace refinery moulds" |
1924-1959 |
232 / 6 | #934-42 "Moulds for casting refined copper: copper
balls" |
1934-1947 |
232 / 7 | #934-43 "Moulds for casting refined copper:
deoxidized and oxygen-free copper cake" |
1936-1958 |
233 / 1-3 | #941 "Operating conditions class V basic
converters" |
1912-1913 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | #941 "Operating conditions class V basic
converters" [Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1912-1913 |
Box/Folder | ||
233 / 4 | #942-947 "Routing instructions" |
1897-1968 |
233 / 5 | #948 "Tags on cars" |
1897-1923 |
233 / 6 | #949 Scale ticket instructions |
1901-1918 |
233 / 7 | #950 "Shipments from works" (except copper) |
1901-1948 |
233 / 8 | #952 "Refund claims a/c overcharge for switching" |
1925-1954 |
233 / 9 | #954 "Switching charges at Butte" |
1906-1948 |
233 / 10 | #957 "Assays of B & M Nichols slab" (sampled) |
1907-1909 |
233 / 11 | #960 "Slabs shipped to Raritan Copper Works: weight
reports from Dr. Keller" (sampled) |
1905-1909 |
233 / 12 | #961 "Nichols slabs shipped to United Metals
Selling Co." |
1918-1922 |
233 / 13-14 | #962 "Converter copper shipped East: weigh reports"
(sampled) |
1903-1926 |
233 / 15 | #964 "Shortages and overages in weights" |
1902-1917 |
234 / 1 | #966 "Sampling and assaying of electrolytic silver
slimes" |
1897-1948 |
234 / 2 | #966-2 "Sampling and assaying of electrolytic
silver slimes: rules...percentage moisture..." |
1900-1961 |
234 / 3 | #966-3 "Sampling and assaying of electrolytic
silver slimes: Omaha" |
1899-1907 |
234 / 4 | #966-4 "Sampling and assaying of electrolytic
silver slimes: Seattle" |
1899-1907 |
234 / 5 | #966-5 "Sampling and assaying of electrolytic
silver slimes: Raritan" |
1907-1938 |
234 / 6 | #967 "Tonnage statements" (sampled) |
1932-1944 |
234 / 7 | #968 Unloading Department |
1909-1970 |
234 / 8 | #969-972 Report forms (blank) |
1909-1916 |
234 / 9 | #973 "Anode shipments from Washoe Reduction Works:
light weight and defective anodes" |
1916-1963 |
234 / 10 | #975-1 Freight rates |
1921-1958 |
234 / 11 | #975-23 Freight rates: wire (sampled) |
1922-1950 |
234 / 12 | #975-30 Freight rates: zinc concentrates |
1918-1963 |
235 / 1 | #975-30 Freight rates: zinc lead matte, baghouse
fume, reverberatory ash, zinc concentrates |
1931-1939 |
235 / 2 | #975-32,35 Freight rates: zinc, lead concentrates |
1920-1967 |
235 / 3 | #977 Freight rates: copper |
1902-1958 |
235 / 4 | #978 Freight rates: ore |
1897-1933 |
235 / 5 | #980 Freight rates: silver slimes |
1902-1955 |
235 / 6 | #982 Manufacture of billets |
1909-1960 |
235 / 7 | #985 Coal Department: lease of land to Randall and
Gallagher |
1919-1921 |
235 / 8 | #997 "Ordering and switching of cars" |
1915-1965 |
235 / 9 | #998 "Switching orders" |
1903-1918 |
235 / 10-12 | #999 Traffic Department |
1904-1935 |
236 / 1-6 | #999 Traffic Department |
1936-1969 |
236 / 7 | #999-2 Traffic Department: Interstate Commerce
Commission hearings (includes historical articles) |
1903-1932 |
236 / 8 | #1000 "Complete analyses of calcines" |
1900-1936 |
237 / 1 | #1002-1 "Flue dust" |
1911-1920 |
237 / 2 | #1002-2 "Flue dust: protection of employees" |
1910-1921 |
237 / 3 | #1003-1 "Employment agencies" |
1907-1957 |
237 / 4 | #1003-2 "Employment agencies: ACM Employment
Department" |
1921-1967 |
237 / 5 | #1004 "Copper orders" |
1893-1969 |
237 / 6 | #1007 Metallurgical Department |
1910-1967 |
237 / 7 | #1008 "Net value/ton of copper ores of different
grades at varying prices of copper" |
1902 |
237 / 8 | #1009 "Stationery [and filing]" |
1908-1969 |
237 / 9 | #1012 "Sampling Department employees' time summary
and distribution" (sampled) |
1909-1914 |
237 / 10 | #1013 Butte Reduction Works: concentrator |
1910-1911, 1964-1970 |
237 / 11 | #1014 "Elevators: construction and installation of
concentrator elevators" |
1910-1920 |
237 / 12 | #1015 "Power requirements for Electrolytic
Department" |
1917-1931 |
237 / 13 | #1016 "Converter linings: basic linings |
1901-1911 |
237 / 14 | #1017 "Mammoth Milling and Mining Company:
concentrator machinery for sale" |
1910 |
237 / 15 | #1018 "Production: instructions from United Metals
Selling Company..." |
1908-1948 |
237 / 16 | #1019 "Weighing of converter charges" |
1910-1914 |
237 / 17 | #1020-1024 "Stationery (samples) |
1907-1914 |
237 / 18 | #1025 "Fluxing values and cost of limestone" |
1904-1927 |
237 / 19 | #1025-2 "Fluxing values and cost of limestone:
shipments of limestone to Holly Sugar Company" |
1925-1935 |
237 / 20 | #1025-3 "Fluxing values and cost of limestone:
shipments of limestone to Utah-Idaho Company" |
1939-1942 |
238 / 1 | #1027 "Marine insurance" |
1908-1924 |
238 / 2 | #1028 "Welding" |
1913-1953 |
238 / 3 | #1029 "Fine crushing" |
1910-1950 |
238 / 4 | #1030 "Jones and Laughlin contract for erection of
steel work...on dust chamber & flues" (re stack) |
1908-1909 |
238 / 5 | #1030-5 "Jones and Laughlin contract ...reports"
(re stack) |
1908-1909 |
238 / 6 | #1031 "John L. Mullan contracts...on dust chambers
& flues" (re stack) |
1908-1909 |
238 / 7 | #1032 "Brickwork in flues and dust chambers" (re
stack) |
1908-1909 |
238 / 8 | #1032-3,4,5 "Brickwork in flues and dust chambers:
Alphons Custodis" (re stack) |
1908-1909 |
238 / 9 | #1033 "Custodis brick plant" (re stack) |
1907-1908 |
238 / 10 | #1034-1 "B & M brick plant: leasing" |
1909-1910 |
238 / 11-13 | #1034-2 "B & M brick plant: lease to Coombs and
King" (includes tests on disintegration of brick in Rainbow Hotel) |
1909-1910 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | #1034 [ Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1909-1910 |
Box/Folder | ||
238 / 14 | #1034-7,8 "B & M brick plant: price, shipment" |
1910 |
239 / 1 | #1036 "Brick Department costs" |
1910-1932 |
239 / 2 | #1037 "Manufacture of building bricks" |
1909-1927 |
239 / 3 | #1038 "Manufacture of reverberatory bricks" |
1911-1935 |
239 / 4 | #1039 "Manufacture of brick for miscellaneous
purposes" |
1905-1935 |
239 / 5 | #1040 "B & M Brick Plant" (re clay and shale
supply) |
1916-1925 |
239 / 6 | #1041 "B & M Brick Plant" (re improvements,
consolidation with Anaconda Brick Plant) |
1910-1911 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | #1041 "B & M Brick Plant" (re improvements,
consolidation with Anaconda Brick Plant) [Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1910-1911 |
Box/Folder | ||
239 / 7 | #1042 "Brick Plant production" |
1910-1939 |
239 / 8 | #1043 "Power rates" |
1909-1950 |
239 / 9 | #1043 "Power installations" (includes Niagara Falls
Power Company and Ontario Power Company brochures) |
1908 |
239 / 10 | #1044 "Computation of power consumption: Black
Eagle and Rainbow dams" |
1899-1920 |
239 / 11-14 | #1045-1048 "Increase and remodelling of Great Falls
plant": estimates #1-5 |
1906-1911 |
Oversize Folder | ||
2 | # 1047, 1048 "Increase and remodelling of Great Falls
plant": estimates #1-5 [ Blueprint: Archives Map Case] |
1906-1911 |
Box/Folder | ||
240 / 1-2 | #1049 "Increase and remodelling of Great Falls
plant": estimate #6 |
1910-1916 |
240 / 3 | #1050 "Furnace bottoms" |
1898-1959 |
240 / 4 | #1051 "Slime ponds" |
1910-1952 |
240 / 5 | #1052 "Weighing machines and calculators" |
1910-1911 |
240 / 6 | #1053 "Mine water: precipitation of copper" |
1904-1936 |
240 / 7 | #1054 "Rules governing the giving out of
information" |
1901-1966 |
240 / 8 | #1055 "Roasting furnaces" |
1921-1955 |
240 / 9 | #1056 "Average assays on concentrator product" |
1911-1914 |
240 / 10 | #1060 "Roads and road building" |
1910-1964 |
240 / 11 | #1061 "Roasting furnaces" (includes patents) |
1902-1964 |
240 / 12 | #1062 "McDougall furnaces" |
1900-1951 |
241 / 1 | #1063 "McDougall flue dust and dust prevention" |
1902-1912 |
241 / 2 | #1064 "Construction, installation and repairs of
McDougall furnaces" |
1902-1963 |
241 / 3 | #1065-1 "Chimney flues and dust chambers:
temperatures..." [re stack] |
1910-1951 |
241 / 4 | #1065-2 "Chimney flues and dust chambers: gases in
reverberatory flue and main dust chamber" [re stack] |
1910-1934 |
241 / 5 | #1065-3,5 "Chimney flues and dust chambers" (re
leakage, zinc plant dryer stack) |
1914, 1948 |
241 / 6-7 | #1065-4 "Chimney flues and dust chambers" (re
stack) |
1917-1957 |
242 / 1-2 | #1066 "Richards' pulsator classifiers: official
test results" |
1907-1913 |
242 / 3 | #1067 "Richards' single pocket classifiers" |
1910-1928 |
242 / 4 | #1068 Metallurgical tables |
1911-1914 |
242 / 5-6 | #1069 Reverberatory furnaces |
1901-1948 |
242 / 7 | #1070 "Disposition of flue dust: treatment of
arsenical flue dust in Reverberatory furnaces" |
1910-1917 |
243 / 1-3 | #1071 Hancock jigs |
1910-1912 |
243 / 4 | #1072 Wilfley tables |
1910-1912 |
243 / 5 | #1073 Vanners |
1910-1914 |
243 / 6 | #1074 Deslimers |
1910-1911 |
243 / 7 | #1079 "Construction and installation of smelter
buildings, additions, & bins" |
1909-1910 |
243 / 8 | #1080 "Class V converters & stalls" |
1911-1942 |
243 / 9 | #1081 Mining costs |
1911-1961 |
243 / 10-11 | #1085 Safety First Department |
1940-1953 |
244 / 1-7 | #1085 Safety First Department |
1954-1965 |
245 / 1-2 | #1085 Safety First Department |
1965-1967 |
245 / 3 | #1085 Safety First Department (miscellaneous
sub-files) |
1916-1970 |
245 / 4 | #1085-8 Safety First Department: safety committees
and meetings |
1914-1964 |
245 / 5 | #1085 Safety First Department (miscellaneous
sub-files) |
1922-1957 |
245 / 6 | #1085-11 Safety First Department: U.S. Bureau of
Mines rescue car and first aid training |
1916-1960 |
245 / 7 | #1085-14 Safety First Department: health and safety
in Great Falls Department |
1956 |
246 / 1-6 | #1085-14 Safety First Department: industrial
hygiene |
1944-1951 |
247 / 1-6 | #1085-14 Safety First Department: industrial
hygiene |
1951-1956 |
248 / 1-4 | #1085-14 Safety First Department: industrial
hygiene |
1957-1960 |
248 / 5 | #1085-15 Safety First Department: safety awards |
1939-1959 |
248 / 6 | #1085 Safety First Department: reports |
1942-1944 |
249 / 1 | #1085 Safety First Department: reports |
1945-1948 |
249 / 2 | #1086 Laboratory Department: metallurgical lab |
1908-1958 |
249 / 3 | #1087 Testing Department |
1911-1935 |
249 / 4 | #1088 Arizona Copper Company: Hancock jigs, etc. |
1911-1913 |
249 / 5 | #1089 Detroit Copper Mining Company (Morenci,
Arizona) |
1909-1911 |
249 / 6 | #1090 Miami Copper Company (Arizona) |
1907-1911, 1948 |
249 / 7 | #1091 Moctezuma Copper Company (Nacozari, Mexico) |
1911 |
249 / 8 | #1092 Utah Copper Company (Garfield, Utah) |
1910-1930 |
249 / 9 | #1093 International Smelting and Refining Company
(Tooele, Utah) |
1911-1965 |
249 / 10 | #1093 International Smelting and Refining Company
(Tooele, Utah): proposed slag treatment plant |
1937-1944 |
250 / 1-2 | #1093 International Smelting and Refining Company
(Tooele, Utah): proposed slag treatment plant |
1945-1969 |
250 / 3 | #1094 American Smelting and Refining Company
[ASARCO] (Garfield, Utah) |
1910-1952 |
250 / 4 | #1094 American Smelting and Refining Company
[ASARCO] (Tacoma, Wash.) |
1913-1970 |
250 / 5-6 | #1094 American Smelting and Refining Company
[ASARCO] (East Helena, Mont.) (re labor relations) |
1938-1970 |
250 / 7 | #1094 American Smelting and Refining Company
1941-1965 |
250 / 8 | #1095 Balaklala Consolidated Copper Company (Coram,
Calif.) |
1910 |
250 / 9 | #1097 "Rental of A.C.M. Co.'s limestone lands:
Montana City" |
1911-1935 |
250 / 10 | #1097-2 "Rental of A.C.M. Co.'s limestone lands:
Goodman" |
1911-1946 |
250 / 11 | #1097-3 "Rental of A.C.M. Co.'s limestone lands:
Doyle" |
1915-1919 |
250 / 12 | #1098 "Williams limestone properties at Albright,
Montana" |
1910-1912 |
250 / 13 | #1099 "Albright quarries" (re construction and
repair) |
1910-1940 |
251 / 1 | #1100 "General Office adjustments" |
1910-1914 |
251 / 2 | #1103 Engineering Department |
1912-1968 |
251 / 3 | #1103-3 Engineering Department: engineering
development |
1954-1969 |
251 / 4 | #1103-5 Engineering Department: instrument
department |
1965-1970 |
251 / 5 | #1103-6 Engineering Department: maintenance |
1966-1970 |
251 / 6 | #1104 "Hardinge Conical Pebble Mill" |
1910-1939 |
Oversize Folder | ||
4 | #1104 "Hardinge Conical Pebble Mill" [Archives Map Case] |
1910-1939 |
Box/Folder | ||
251 / 7 | #1105 "Hardinge Conical Ball Mill" |
1910-1927 |
251 / 8 | #1106 Lochray Coal Company |
1912-1945 |
251 / 9 | #1107 Unloading Department costs |
1907-1945 |
251 / 10 | #1109 "Scrap wood" |
1909-1962 |
251 / 11 | #1110 "Construction and installation at Albright
quarries: compressors" |
1912-1914 |
252 / 1 | #1110 "Construction and installation at Albright
quarries: additional buildings" |
1912-1914 |
Oversize Folder | ||
4 | #1110 Construction and installation at Albright
quarries: additional buildings" [Archives Map Case] |
1906-1911 |
Box/Folder | ||
252 / 2 | #1111 "Soundings in blast furnace dust chamber" |
1911-1953 |
252 / 3 | #1112 "Measurement of flue gases" |
1912 |
Oversize Folder | ||
4 | #1112 "Measurement of flue gases" [Archives Map Case] |
1912 |
Box/Folder | ||
252 / 4 | #1113 "Proposed new concentrator: estimate #1" |
1907 |
252 / 5 | #1114 "Proposed new concentrator: estimate #2" |
1907-1909 |
Oversize Folder | ||
4 | #1114 "Proposed new concentrator: estimate #2" [Archives Map Case] |
1907-1909 |
Box/Folder | ||
252 / 6 | #1115 "Proposed new concentrator: estimate #3" |
1907-1910 |
Oversize Folder | ||
4 | #1115 "Proposed new concentrator: estimate #3" [Archives Map Case] |
1907-1910 |
Box/Folder | ||
252 / 7 | #1116 "Proposed new concentrator: estimate #4" |
1907-1910 |
252 / 8 | #1118 Canadian Copper Company (Ontario) |
1911-1961 |
252 / 9-11 | #1120 Construction Department |
1907-1968 |
252 / 12 | #1121 "Plaster manufacture: gypsum plaster" |
1910, 1958 |
252 / 13 | #1122 Cerro de Pasco Mining Company (Peru) |
1911-1956 |
253 / 1 | #1123 "Slags: Wanjukoff investigation on loss of
copper in slag in matte smelting" |
1912 |
253 / 2 | #1124 American Zinc Company |
1919-1970 |
253 / 3 | #1125 Inspiration Copper Company |
1912-1970 |
253 / 4 | #1126 "Collection of flue dust" |
1909-1915 |
253 / 5 | #1130 "Number of minutes required to finish a ton
of copper" (sampled) |
1914 |
253 / 6 | #1131 "U.S. Government reports and statistics" (re
production of limestone, accidents at Albright quarries) |
1912-1945 |
253 / 7 | #1133 "U.S. Government reports and statistics" (re
brick, tile, and clay production) |
1908-1939 |
253 / 8 | #1134 Brick Department: annual report |
1912 |
253 / 9 | #1135 Boiler Shop (includes material on fires of
January 1926 and April 1949) |
1913-1949 |
253 / 10 | #1135 Boiler Shop: labor troubles |
1918-1959 |
253 / 11 | #1136-1 "A.C.M. Co.: Great Falls Reduction
Department" (re requests for information) |
1954-1968 |
253 / 12 | #1136-3 "A.C.M. Co.: manufacture of phosphate at
Anaconda" |
1920-1961 |
253 / 13 | #1136-5 "A.C.M. Co.: family day" |
1956-1959 |
254 / 1-7 | #1136-6 "A.C.M. Co.: managers meetings" |
1957-1963 |
255 / 1-4 | #1136-6 "A.C.M. Co.: managers meetings" |
1964-1968 |
255 / 5 | #1137 Brick Department: construction and
installation |
1912-1922 |
255 / 6 | #1139 Arsenic Plant |
1912-1916 |
255 / 7 | #1140-3 "Dwight-Lloyd sintering furnace: tests of
G.F. products at East Helena" |
1909-1924 |
255 / 8 | #1140-4 "Dwight-Lloyd sintering furnace: proposed
installation at Great Falls" |
1909-1924 |
Oversize Folder | ||
4 | #1140 "Dwight-Lloyd sintering furnace: proposed
installation at Great Falls" [Archives Map Case] |
1909-1924 |
Box/Folder | ||
255 / 9 | #1140-5 "Dwight-Lloyd sintering furnace: sintering
test on rhodochrosite ore" |
1920-1923 |
256 / 1 | #1141 "Sintering test at Great Falls" |
1910-1913 |
256 / 2 | #1142 "Treatment of flue dust" (re processes for
extraction of arsenic and bismuth) |
1903-1915 |
256 / 3 | #1145 "Special investigations re quality of copper" |
1909-1964 |
256 / 4 | #1145-7 "Special investigations re quality of
copper: annealing temperatures and effect...on conductivity, torsion, tensile
strength, and elongation" |
1907-1920 |
256 / 5 | #1145-8 "Special investigations re quality of
copper: effect of casting methods and casting temperature on conductivity" |
1910-1928 |
256 / 6 | #1145-9 "Special investigations re quality of
copper: structure and properties of copper" |
1918-1932 |
256 / 7 | #1145-10 "Special investigations re quality of
copper: products of Ansonia and Great Falls mills" |
1923-1963 |
256 / 8 | #1149 Builders' Exchange |
1913, 1930 |
256 / 9 | #1150 "Hospitals and doctors" (re leaves,
complaints) |
1897-1953 |
256 / 10 | #1152 "Wheeler-Krejci patent on process of forming
magnetite coating for furnace linings" |
1912-1915 |
Oversize Folder | ||
4 | #1152 "Wheeler-Krejci patent on process of forming
magnetite coating for furnace linings" [Archives Map Case] |
1912-1915 |
Box/Folder | ||
256 / 11 | #1156 Mt. Lyell Mining and Railway Company, Ltd.
(Tasmania) |
1913-1930 |
256 / 12-14 | #1157 American Institute of Mining Engineers
(includes papers re Great Falls Reduction Dept.) |
1913-1959 |
257 / 1 | #1157 American Institute of Mining Engineers
(includes papers re Great Falls Reduction Department) |
1960-1970 |
257 / 2 | #1157-4 American Institute of Mining Engineers:
James Douglas Medal |
1923-1945 |
257 / 3 | #1160 Brick Department: test series 145 |
1913 |
Oversize Folder | ||
4 | #1160 "Brick Department: test series 145" [Archives Map Case] |
1913 |
Box/Folder | ||
257 / 4 | #1161 "Oil and gas resources of Montana and
Alberta: natural gas well at Havre" |
1913-1949 |
257 / 5-8 | #1161 "Oil and gas resources of Montana and
Alberta: use of natural gas at Great Falls plant" |
1925-1959 |
257 / 9 | #1162 "Taxes on Albright quarries property" |
1906-1966 |
257 / 10 | #1165 Crushing Plant (re cost of crushing limestone
at Great Falls and Albright; construction and installation) |
1913-1928 |
258 / 1 | #1166 "Diamond drilling" |
1913-1914 |
258 / 2 | #1168 "Shipment of employees' household goods" |
1920-1929 |
258 / 3 | #1169 Electric Tramming Department |
1913-1970 |
258 / 4 | #1177 "Tests: various coals in furnace refining
Diamondville coal dust vs. Lochray coal dust" |
1923-1932 |
258 / 5 | #1186 Arsenic Plant |
1913-1918 |
258 / 6 | #1186-2 Arsenic Plant: damage from arsenical poison |
1916-1950 |
258 / 7 | #1186-3 Arsenic Plant: test series 246 |
1913-1938 |
Oversize Folder | ||
4 | #1186-3 Arsenic Plant: test series 246 [Archives Map Case] |
1913-1938 |
Box/Folder | ||
258 / 8-10 | #1187 Metallurgical plants: Raritan Copper Works |
1932-1969 |
258 / 11 | #1187 Metallurgical plants: Raritan Copper Works
(re baghouse fume treatment) |
1934-1944 |
258 / 12 | #1187 Metallurgical plants |
1917-1957 |
258 / 13-14 | #1187-9 Metallurgical plants: zinc |
1919-1959 |
259 / 1 | #1187-9 Metallurgical plants: zinc |
1960-1970 |
259 / 2 | #1187 Metallurgical plants |
1925-1946 |
Oversize Folder | ||
4 | #1187-9 Metallurgical plants [Archives Map Case] |
1925-1946 |
Box/Folder | ||
259 / 3 | #1187-14 Metallurgical plants: Consolidated Mining
and Smelting Company (Trail, B.C.) |
1917-1967 |
259 / 4 | #1187-15 Metallurgical plants: Bunker Hill and
Sullivan Mining and Concentrating Company |
1921-1973 |
259 / 5 | #1187-17 Metallurgical plants: American Zinc Oxide
Company |
1926 |
Oversize Folder | ||
4 | #1187-17 Metallurgical plants: American Zinc Oxide
Company [Archives Map Case] |
1926 |
Box/Folder | ||
259 / 6 | #1187-23 Metallurgical plants: Cobre de Mexico
Copper Refinery |
1948-1966 |
259 / 7 | #1189 "Store rooms: records room for storage of
files and records" |
1914-1927 |
259 / 8 | #1194 "Flotation" |
1912-1921 |
Oversize Folder | ||
4 | #1194 "Flotation" [Archives Map Case] |
1912-1921 |
Box/Folder | ||
260 / 1-5 | #1195 Safety First Department: monthly accident
reports |
1941-1968 |
260 / 6 | #1196 "Treatment of Butte ores: cost & recovery
reports" |
1912-1924 |
Oversize Folder | ||
4 | #1196 "Treatment of Butte ores: cost & recovery
reports" [Archives Map Case] |
1912-1924 |
Box/Folder | ||
260 / 7 | #1201 "Treatment of stockpile slime" |
1914 |
260 / 8 | #1202 "Laist leaching process" |
1913 |
260 / 9 | #1203 "Libby-Krejci leaching process" |
1913-1914 |
Oversize Folder | ||
4 | #1203 "Libby-Krejci leaching process" [Archives Map Case] |
1913-14 |
Box/Folder | ||
260 / 10 | #1206 Slime Flotation Plant |
1915-1925 |
260 / 11 | #1208 "Klepinger-Krejci-Kuzell process of smelting
fine concentrates" |
1914-1931 |
261 / 1 | #1209 "Coal dust firing for refining furnaces" |
1915-1930 |
Oversize Folder | ||
5 | #1209 "Coal dust firing for refining furnaces" [Archives Map Case] |
1915-1930 |
Box/Folder | ||
261 / 2 | #1210 "Investigations of Smoke Commission re
elimination of sulphur & arsenic from flue gases & flue dust" (re air
pollution) |
1911-1970 |
261 / 3 | #1210-2 "Investigations of Smoke Commission re
elimination of sulphur & arsenic from flue gases & flue dust: sampling flue
gases under...Dr. Cottrell" (re air pollution) |
1911-1919 |
261 / 4 | #1210-3 "Investigations of Smoke Commission re
elimination of sulphur & arsenic from flue gases & flue dust: Kelley,
Thiogen and Reed processes" (re air pollution) |
1909-1912 |
261 / 5 | #1210-4 "Investigations of Smoke Commission re
elimination of sulphur & arsenic from flue gases & flue dust: H. Hass'
process for sulphur recovery" (re air pollution) |
1914 |
261 / 6 | #1210-5 "Investigations of Smoke Commission re
elimination of sulphur & arsenic from flue gases & flue dust:
recommendations for improved Arsenic Plant operation at Washoe" (re air pollution) |
1913 |
261 / 7-9 | #1211-1212 "Volume, solid content, draft, velocity,
& temperatures of gases in connecting flue of new flue system: test #105" [and
test 130] |
1911-1915 |
Oversize Folder | ||
5 | #1212 "Volume, solid content, draft, velocity,
& temperatures of gases in connecting flue of new flue system: test #105"
[Archives Map Case] |
1911-1915 |
Box/Folder | ||
262 / 1 | #1212 "Volume, solid content, draft, velocity,
& temperatures of gases in connecting flue of new flue system: test #130" |
1912 |
262 / 2 | #1213 "Thawing shed: damage to railroad cars" |
1914-1915 |
262 / 3 | #1214 "Great Falls water supply: investigation
re...Giant Springs as possible supply" |
1912-1941 |
262 / 4 | #1214 "Great Falls water supply: proposal to extend
city ... water to smelter" |
1913-1920 |
262 / 5 | #1214 "Great Falls water supply: distribution to
departments" |
1932-1959 |
262 / 6 | #1215 "Check assays on Anaconda anodes shipped to
Rariton" |
1915-1916 |
262 / 7 | #1216 "Corrosion of iron & steel" |
1912 |
262 / 8 | #1217 "Tracy billet mould" |
1914-1917 |
262 / 9 | #1219 "Anode shipments from Washoe Reduction Works" |
1915-1959 |
262 / 10 | #1219-2 "Anode shipments from Washoe Reduction
Works: analyses of anodes" |
1918-1958 |
262 / 11 | #1221 "Refining of high arsenic anodes..." |
1911-1952 |
262 / 12 | #1221 "Refining of high arsenic anodes...:
preparation of impure anodes" |
1911-1948 |
262 / 13 | #1222 "Arsenic and antimony in Anaconda refined
anodes" |
1915-1963 |
262 / 14-15 | #1223 Rolling Mills Department |
1908-1955 |
263 / 1 | #1223 Rolling Mills Department |
1956-1963 |
263 / 2 | #1223-3 "Rolling Mills Department: construction and
installation of rod and wire mill" |
1917-1957 |
263 / 3 | #1223-4 "Rolling Mills Department: power contract
with Montana Power Company" |
1919-1960 |
263 / 4 | #1223-5 "Rolling Mills Department: construction of
office and change house" |
1918-1965 |
263 / 5 | #1223-8 "Rolling Mills Department: wire drawing
machines" |
1918-1956 |
263 / 6 | #1223 Rolling Mills Department [miscellaneous
files] |
1918-1922 |
263 / 7 | #1223-20 "Rolling Mills Department: proposed rod
& wire increase capacity" |
1919-1921 |
263 / 8 | #1223 Rolling Mills Department [miscellaneous
files] |
1919-1950 |
263 / 9 | #1223-34 "Rolling Mills Department: seniority &
promotion of employees" |
1920-1965 |
263 / 10 | #1223 Rolling Mills Department [miscellaneous
files] |
1920-1961 |
264 / 1 | #1223-46 "Rolling Mills Department: dies" |
1913-1948 |
264 / 2 | #1223 Rolling Mills Department [miscellaneous
files] |
1920-1924 |
264 / 3 | #1223-92 "Rolling Mills Department: savings" |
1929-1958 |
264 / 4 | #1223-96 "Rolling Mills Department: Great Falls
business statements" |
1933-1946 |
264 / 5 | #1223 Rolling Mills Department [miscellaneous
files] |
1936-1965 |
264 / 6-7 | #1223-102 "Rolling Mills Department: changes &
improvements at Great Falls" |
1939-1960 |
Oversize Folder | ||
5 | #1223-102 "Rolling Mills Department: changes &
improvements at Great Falls" [Archives Map Case] |
1939-1960 |
Box/Folder | ||
264 / 8 | #1223-103 "Rolling Mills Department: conferences
between shop stewards & management" |
1943-1959 |
265 / 1 | #1223-104 "Rolling Mills Department: inspection
methods and procedures" |
1944-1966 |
265 / 2-4 | #1223-107 "Rolling Mills Department: aluminum rod
and wire mill" |
1952-1956 |
265 / 5-6 | #1223-107 "Rolling Mills Department: aluminum rod
and wire mill: weekly reports" |
1953-1957 |
265 / 7 | #1224 "Arsenic Plant production and shipments" |
1913-1933 |
265 / 8 | #1225-1 "New Electrolytic Refinery: estimates of
construction & operating costs" |
1913-1959 |
265 / 9 | #1225-2 "New Electrolytic Refinery: construction
& installation details" |
1914-1916 |
266 / 1 | #1225 "New Electrolytic Refinery" [miscellaneous
files] |
1917-1957 |
Oversize Folder | ||
5 | #1225 "New Electrolytic Refinery" [miscellaneous
files] [Archives Map Case] |
1917-1957 |
Box/Folder | ||
266 / 2 | #1225-16 "New Electrolytic Refinery: extension" |
1955-1959 |
Oversize Folder | ||
5 | #1225-16 "New Electrolytic Refinery: extension"
[Archives Map Case] |
1955-1959 |
Box/Folder | ||
266 / 3 | #1226-1 "New Furnace Refinery: estimates of
construction and operating costs" |
1913-1959 |
Oversize Folder | ||
5 | #1226-1 "New Furnace Refinery: estimates of
construction and operating costs" [Archives Map Case] |
1913-1959 |
Box/Folder | ||
266 / 4 | #1226-6 "New Furnace Refinery: installation of
billet casting machine" |
1918-1936 |
266 / 5 | #1226-9 "New Furnace Refinery: enlargement of #2
refining furnace" |
1920-1931 |
Oversize Folder | ||
5 | #1226-9 "New Furnace Refinery: enlargement of #2"
refining furnace" [Archives Map Case] |
1920-1931 |
Box/Folder | ||
266 / 6 | #1226-10 "New Furnace Refinery: mould press or
mould casting machine" |
1923-1936 |
266 / 7 | #1226-13 "New Furnace Refinery: enlargement of #1
refining furnace" |
1924 |
266 / 8 | #1226-14 "New Furnace Refinery: extension to copper
refineries" |
1925-1926 |
Oversize Folder | ||
5 | #1226-14 "New Furnace Refinery: extension to copper
refineries" [Archives Map Case] |
1925-1926 |
Box/Folder | ||
266 / 9 | #1226-16 "New Furnace Refinery: building and
equipment for scalping wire bars" |
1936-1939 |
266 / 10 | #1226-17 "New Furnace Refinery: alterations to
equipment for production of gilding metal" |
1942-1945 |
Oversize Folder | ||
5 | #1226-17 "New Furnace Refinery: alterations to
equipment for production of gilding metal" [Archives Map Case] |
1942-1945 |
Box/Folder | ||
266 / 11 | #1226-18 "New Furnace Refinery: conversion of #1
furnace to anode casting furnace" |
1947-1964 |
266 / 12 | #1228 "Arsenic Plant costs" |
1912-1919 |
266 / 13 | #1230 "Association of rarer metals of Butte ores" |
1913-1916 |
266 / 14 | #1231 "Formation of artificial minerals in process
of copper smelting at Anaconda" |
1915 |
266 / 15 | #1232 Coal Pulverization Plant |
1916-1936 |
266 / 16 | #1235 "Great Falls Sewer Pipe & Fireproofing
Co.: manufacture of refractory & building brick" |
1914-1915 |
267 / 1-5 | #1237 Zinc Plant |
1915-1969 |
267 / 6 | #1237-2 "Zinc Plant power contract with Montana
Power Company" |
1916-1939 |
268 / 1 | #1237-2 "Zinc Plant: power contract with Montana
Power Company" |
1940-1968 |
268 / 2 | #1237-3 "Zinc Plant: blast furnace smelting of zinc
residue" |
1916-1925 |
268 / 3-4 | #1237-4 "Zinc Plant: brands of zinc" |
1916-1970 |
268 / 5-7 | #1237-7 "Zinc Plant: production and shipments of
zinc dross" |
1937-1970 |
268 / 8 | #1237-12 "Zinc Plant: water distribution and
consumption" |
1917-1967 |
269 / 1 | #1237-13 "Zinc Plant: allowances made employees in
cellroom for...cost of clothing" |
1918-1970 |
269 / 2 | #1237-15 "Zinc Plant: production of zinc dust from
prime western spelter" |
1918-1970 |
269 / 3 | #1237-18 "Zinc Plant: Elton extraction formula" |
1918 |
269 / 4 | #1237-19 "Zinc Plant: air supply" |
1918-1961 |
269 / 5-7 | #1237-20 "Zinc Plant: total production of cadmium
and disposition orders for same" |
1943-1969 |
269 / 8 | #1237-21 "Zinc Plant: rotary converters" |
1917-1964 |
270 / 1-3 | #1237-22 "Zinc Plant: roasting in wedge furnaces" |
1916-1970 |
270 / 4-5 | #1237-23 "Zinc Plant: methods of loading, etc." |
1920-1957 |
270 / 6 | #1237-24 "Zinc Plant: shipments of cadmium cake
(should be called zinc plant copper residue)" |
1919-1959 |
270 / 7 | #1237-26 "Zinc Plant: lead for anodes" |
1918-1959 |
271 / 1-2 | #1237 Zinc Plant [miscellaneous files] |
1918-1964 |
271 / 3 | #1237-66 "Zinc Plant: shipments of purification
residue from Anaconda" [sampled] |
1928-1969 |
271 / 4 | #1237-68 "Zinc Plant: exchange of zinc dross for
zinc concentrate" |
1928 |
271 / 5 | #1237-70 "Zinc Plant: production of low-lead zinc
by distillation" |
1939-1945 |
Oversize Folder | ||
5 | #1237-70 "Zinc Plant: production of low-lead zinc
by distillation" [Archives Map Case] |
1939-1945 |
Box/Folder | ||
271 / 6-8 | #1237-72 "Zinc Plant: production of low-lead zinc" |
1949-1969 |
272 / 1 | #1237-73 "Zinc Plant: zinc alloys" |
1951-1970 |
272 / 2 | #1237-74 "Zinc Plant: inventory" |
1966-1970 |
272 / 3 | #1238 "Spraying trees and spraying solutions" |
1915-1916 |
272 / 4 | #1241 "Instructions re operation of reduction
works" |
1916 |
272 / 5-6 | #1243 "Operation of reduction works" |
1914-1970 |
272 / 7 | #1243 "Operation of reduction works: labor
requirements & shortage" |
1918-1950 |
272 / 8 | #1244 "Metal losses in flue gases from copper
furnaces at Raritan Copper Works" |
1916, 1965 |
272 / 9 | #1248 "Total production of zinc and disposition
orders for same" |
1927-19285 |
272 / 10 | #1249 "Complaints re quality of copper" |
1918-1924, 1961 |
272 / 11-12 | #1257 "U.S. Government reports & statistics:
materials used & production of zinc" |
1937-1951 |
273 / 1-3 | #1260 "Specification requirements for zinc" |
1914-1970 |
273 / 4 | #1260-3 "Specification requirements for zinc: Ball
Brothers Glass manufacturing Co." |
1918-1968 |
273 / 5 | #1260-8 "Specification requirements for zinc:
American Brass Company" |
1922-1969 |
273 / 6 | #1260 "Specification requirements for zinc"
[miscellaneous companies] |
1920-1940 |
273 / 7 | #1262 "Zinc: analyses..." |
1921-1970 |
273 / 8 | #1263 "Zinc Plant: treatment of zinc dross by
Grasselli Chemical Company" |
1917-1967 |
273 / 9 | #1263-4 "Zinc Plant: treatment of zinc dross" |
1919-1970 |
274 / 1-3 | #1263-6 "Zinc Plant: leaching of bag house fume and
reverberatory ash" |
1919-1969 |
274 / 4 | #1263 Zinc Plant [miscellaneous files] |
1919-1947 |
274 / 5 | #1263-11 "Zinc Plant: treatment of zinc bearing
slag in furnace using coal dust blown into charge through tuyeres" |
1926-1927 |
274 / 6 | #1263-12 "Zinc Plant: deleading of fume" |
1929-1970 |
Oversize Folder | ||
5 | #1263-12 "Zinc Plant: deleading of fume" [Archives Map Case] |
1929-1970 |
Box/Folder | ||
275 / 1 | #1263-13 "Zinc Plant: leaching of East Helena fume" |
1948-1966 |
275 / 2 | #1263-14 "Zinc Plant: treatment of fluo-solids,
calcine" |
1951-1970 |
275 / 3 | #1263-15 "Zinc Plant: treatment of zinc dross for
production of blue powder" |
1952 |
275 / 4 | #1264 "Concentrate shipments" |
1917-1920 |
275 / 5-10 | #1264-2 "Concentrate shipments: zinc concentrate
for roaster division" |
1920-1929 |
276 / 1-6 | #1264-2 "Concentrate shipments: zinc concentrate
for roaster division" |
1930-1943 |
Oversize Folder | ||
5 | #1264-2 "Concentrate shipments: zinc concentrate
for roaster division" [Archives Map Case] |
1930-1943 |
Box/Folder | ||
277 / 1-3 | #1264-2 "Concentrate shipments: zinc concentrate
for roaster division" |
1944-1970 |
Oversize Folder | ||
5 | #1234-19 "Concentrate shipments: zinc concentrate
for roaster division" [Archives Map Case] |
1944-1970 |
Box/Folder | ||
277 / 4-5 | #1266 "Bonds and bonded warehouses for shipments of
custom zinc concentrate" |
1924-1948 |
277 / 6-7 | #1266 "Zinc receipts and shipments to and from
bonded warehouses" |
1941-1959 |
278 / 1 | #1266 "Zinc receipts and shipments to and from
bonded warehouses" |
1960-1969 |
278 / 2 | #1267 "Chuquicamata plant of Chile Exploration
Company: check assaying" |
1924-1963 |
278 / 3 | #1268 "Specimens: general distribution of zinc
specimens free of charge" |
1917-1970 |
278 / 4 | #1269 "Moulds for casting zinc" |
1917-1969 |
278 / 5 | #1269 "Moulds for casting zinc" (re zinc balls,
rods and anodes) |
1935-1967 |
278 / 6 | #1269-19 "Moulds for casting zinc: interlocking
zinc slabs" |
1936-1961 |
Oversize Folder | ||
5 | #1269-19 "Mould for casting zinc: interlocking
zinc slabs" [Archives Map Case] |
1936-1961 |
Box/Folder | ||
278 / 7-8 | #1270 "Zinc Plant solutions: miscellaneous
impurities and purification of same" |
1917-1969 |
279 / 1 | #1270-3 "Zinc Plant solutions: zinc dust for
purifying solutions" |
1918-1966 |
279 / 2 | #1270-4,5 "Zinc Plant solutions: Caples-Frick &
Laist-Elton methods of purifying zinc sulphate solutions" |
1918-1920 |
279 / 3-4 | #1270-7 "Zinc Plant solutions: iron ore &
tailings & manganese ore for purification" |
1920-1969 |
279 / 5 | #1271-3 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: filters & filter covers" |
1919-1955 |
279 / 6 | #1271-5 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: Zinc Residue Drying Department" |
1917-1963 |
279 / 7 | #1271-7 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: Zinc Roasting Department" |
1916-1968 |
279 / 8 | #1271-10 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: Baily electric zinc melting furnace" |
1917-1947 |
Oversize Folder | ||
5 | #1271-10 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: Baily electric zinc melting furnace" [Archives Map Case] |
1917-1947 |
Box/Folder | ||
279 / 9 | #1271-12 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: Dorr tanks in Leaching Division" |
1917-1960 |
Oversize Folder | ||
5 | #1271-12 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: Dorr tanks in Leaching Division" [Archives Map Case] |
1917-1960 |
Box/Folder | ||
279 / 10 | #1271-15 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: weekly progress reports on construction" |
1918-1949 |
279 / 11 | #1271-16 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: Zinc Plant substation" |
1918-1969 |
280 / 1 | #1271-17 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: changes in equipment for extension of Zinc Leaching Division" |
1918-1953 |
Oversize Folder | ||
5 | #1271-17 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: changes in equipment for extension of Zinc Leaching Division" [Archives Map Case] |
1918-1953 |
Box/Folder | ||
280 / 2 | #1271 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant" [miscellaneous files] |
1923-1963 |
280 / 3 | #1271-54 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: Zinc Plant change house" |
1925-1966 |
Oversize Folder | ||
5 | #1271-54 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: Zinc Plant change house" [Archives Map Case] |
1925-1966 |
Box/Folder | ||
280 / 4 | #1271-55 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: pumps from tank room" |
1925-1947 |
280 / 5 | #1271-57 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: extension in 1925" |
1925-1927 |
280 / 6 | #1271-58 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: moving Purification Division & installation of second purification plant" |
1925-1962 |
280 / 7 | #1271-61 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: extension of boiler houses to increase steam capacity" |
1926-1944 |
280 / 8 | #1271-64 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: proposed 6-furnace casting plant, zinc dust plant & dross treatment
plant" |
1926-1966 |
280 / 9-10 | #1271-67 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: spectrographic outfit" |
1928-1966 |
280 / 11 | #1271-68 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: experimental zinc plant" |
1929 |
280 / 12-13 | #1271-71 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: proposed installation of Cottrell treater" |
1936-1967 |
281 / 1 | #1271-72 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: Hardinge mill" |
1938-1970 |
281 / 2 | #1271-73 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: baghouse for recovery of fume in zinc casting division" |
1939-1957 |
281 / 3 | #1271-75 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: ventilation system" |
1943-1970 |
Oversize Folder | ||
6 | #1271-75 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: ventilation system" [Archives Map Case] |
1943-1970 |
Box/Folder | ||
281 / 4 | #1271-81 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: extension to Zinc Plant" |
1949-1957 |
281 / 5 | #1271-83 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: leaching East Helena fume" |
1949-1965 |
281 / 6 | #1271-91 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: flue dust, concentrate & calcine handling systems" |
1952-1970 |
281 / 7 | #1271-92 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant" |
1952-1966 |
281 / 8 | #1272 "LaMotte excess sulphuric acid method for
treatment of zinc concentrate" |
1917-1918 |
281 / 9 | #1273 "Zinc Plant shipments of lead residue" |
1917 |
281 / 10 | #1274 "Zinc Plant shipments of lead matte" |
1920-1924 |
281 / 11 | #1275 "Zinc orders" |
1917-1942 |
281 / 12-14 | #1278 "U.S. Military Service: registration,
enlistment and exemption" (includes World War I and World War II) |
1917-1945 |
282 / 1-2 | #1278 "U.S. Military Service: registration,
enlistment and exemption" |
1946-1959 |
282 / 3-4 | #1278-6 "U.S. Military Service: deferments"
(includes World War II) |
1941-1968 |
282 / 5-6 | #1280 "Red Cross subscriptions" |
1917-1970 |
Oversize Folder | ||
6 | #1280 "Red Cross subscriptions" [Archives Map Case] |
1917-1970 |
Box/Folder | ||
282 / 7 | #1282 "Rolling Mills Department: weekly progress
reports on construction" [sampled] |
1917-1958 |
282 / 8 | #1283 "Accidents to employees of other companies on
B & M premises" |
1917-1968 |
282 / 9 | #1285 "U.S. Government reports & statistics:
coal & coke" |
1917-1943 |
282 / 10 | #1287 "Zinc Plant: temperatures, drafts,
velocities, & volume of gases in bag house" |
1917-1934 |
Oversize Folder | ||
6 | #1287 "Zinc Plant: temperatures, drafts,
velocities, & volume of gases in bag house" [Archives Map Case] |
1917-1934 |
Box/Folder | ||
283 / 1-4 | #1288 "War savings & thrift stamps" (includes
World War I and World War II) |
1917-1969 |
283 / 5-7 | #1290 "Zinc Plant costs" |
1932-1956 |
284 / 1 | #1290 "Zinc Plant costs" |
1956-1970 |
284 / 2-7 | #1290-3 "Zinc Plant costs: cost of producing zinc
from A.C.M. zinc concentrates" |
1918-1969 |
285 / 1 | #1290 "Zinc Plant costs" [miscellaneous files] |
1917-1969 |
285 / 2 | #1291 "Zinc Plant shipments: bag house fume,
reverberatory ash, balloon and cooler flue dust, cleanings" |
1920-1925 |
285 / 3 | #1291-3 "Zinc Plant shipments: Zinc Casting Plant
bag house fume" |
1940-1961 |
285 / 4 | #1292 "Sherardizing or plating zinc dust" |
1917-1926 |
285 / 5 | #1294 "Zinc Plant products for paint & rubber
manufacture" [miscellaneous files] |
1919-1968 |
285 / 6-7 | #1294-7 "Zinc Plant products for paint & rubber
manufacture: fume" |
1945-1968 |
285 / 8 | #1294-8 "Zinc Plant products for paint & rubber
manufacture: zinc dross" |
1961-1968 |
285 / 9-10 | #1295 "Dust recovered from cleanouts of zinc dust
chamber & system" |
1919-1964 |
Oversize Folder | ||
6 | #1295 "Dust recovered from cleanouts of zinc dust
chambers & system" [Archives Map Case] |
1919-1964 |
Box/Folder | ||
285 / 11 | #1298 "Reverberatory smelting of zinc plant residue
& converting of resultant zinc-lead matte" |
1917-1957 |
285 / 12 | #1301 Ferro-manganese Plant |
1918-1925 |
286 / 1 | #1302 "Zinc Plant shipments: residue to
International Smelting Company, Tooele" |
1920-1962 |
286 / 2 | #1306 "Additions & improvements at bag house" |
1917-1942 |
Oversize Folder | ||
6 | #1306 "Additions & improvements at bag house" [Archives Map Case] |
1917-1942 |
Box/Folder | ||
286 / 3 | #1307 "Installation & alterations on
reverberatory furnaces" |
1918 |
286 / 4 | #1308-2 "Rolling Mills Department: costs" |
1918-1965 |
286 / 5 | #1308-3 "Rolling Mills Department: comparison of
costs between various Anaconda Wire & Cable Company plants" |
1930-1949 |
286 / 6 | #1309 "Ferro-manganese Plant" [miscellaneous files] |
1918-1952 |
286 / 7-8 | #1309-7 "Ferro-manganese Plant: operation of
electric furnace" |
1918-1943 |
Oversize Folder | ||
6 | #1309-7 "Ferro-manganse Plant: operation of
electric furnace" [Archives Map Case] |
1918-1943 |
Box/Folder | ||
287 / 1-6 | #1309-7 "Ferro-manganese Plant: operation of
electric furnace" |
1944-1961 |
Oversize Folder | ||
6 | #1309-7 "Ferro-manganese Plant: operation of
electric furnace" [Archives Map Case] |
1944-1961 |
6 | #1309-14 "Ferro-manganese Plant: operation of
electric furnace" [Archives Map Case] |
1944-1961 |
Box/Folder | ||
288 / 1-2 | #1309-7 "Ferro-manganese Plant: operation of
electric furnace" ("E.S. Bardwell file and reports") |
1928-1943 |
288 / 3 | #1309-13 "Ferro-manganese Plant: quality of
electrodes" |
1920-1925 |
288 / 4-5 | #1309-14 "Ferro-manganese Plant: Soderberg
self-baking electrode" |
1920-1953 |
288 / 6 | #1311 Safety First Department: weekly accident
reports (sampled: enclosure letters only) |
1918-1919 |
288 / 7 | #1317 "Treatment of zinc dross: National Zinc
Company" reports (sampled: enclosure letters only) |
1918-1937 |
288 / 8 | #1320 "Copper shipments to Rolling Mills
Department" |
1938-1970 |
288 / 9 | #1324 "U.S. Government reports and statistics:
monthly labor status reports" |
1917-1964 |
288 / 10 | #1325 "U.S. Department of Labor: Employment
Service" |
1918-1969 |
288 / 11 | #1328 "Monthly analysis of electra-substation
costs" [sampled] |
1931-1967 |
289 / 1 | #1330 "Treatment charges & credits: Rolling
Mills Dept." |
1918-1929 |
289 / 2 | #1333 "Bank & safe burglary insurance on pay
roll funds" |
1917-1965 |
289 / 3 | #1337 "Melting & casting cathodes for
Consolidated Mining & Smelting Company" |
1917-1928 |
289 / 4-9 | #1340 "Production & losses at Zinc Plant" |
1918-1970 |
289 / 10 | #1340-2 "Production & losses at Zinc Plant:
Roasting Plant" |
1918-1967 |
290 / 1 | #1340-3 "Production & losses at Zinc Plant:
Electrolyzing Division" |
1918-1967 |
290 / 2 | #1340-4 "Production & losses at Zinc Plant:
Anaconda Electrolyzing Plant" |
1928-1969 |
290 / 3-4 | #1342 "Total production of ferro-manganese &
disposition orders for same" (includes regulation of plant) |
1918-1949 |
290 / 5 | #1343 "Ore requirements for Ferro-manganese Plant" |
1918-1925 |
290 / 6-7 | #1344 "Repairs & replacing of buildings &
equipment at Zinc Plant" |
1918-1967 |
290 / 8 | #1346 "Ferro-manganese Plant: costs" |
1918-1944 |
290 / 9 | #1347 "Handling of charges & credits on cost
sheets: Rolling Mills Department depreciation" |
1920-1933 |
290 / 10 | #1348 "Impurities in zinc: lead" |
1918-1968 |
290 / 11 | #1348-2 "Impurities in zinc: cadmium" |
1920-1963 |
290 / 12 | #1348-3 "Impurities in zinc: copper" |
1927-1968 |
290 / 13 | #1348-5 "Impurities in zinc: low-lead cadmium" |
1922-1969 |
290 / 14 | #1348-6 "Impurities in zinc: iron" |
1925-1963 |
291 / 1 | #1351 "Rolling Mills Department: production of rods
and wire, etc." |
1918-1967 |
291 / 2 | #1354 "Manufacture of brass in Baily electric
furnace" |
1918-1939 |
291 / 3 | #1355 "Cadmium Plant: installation of additional
tanks and equipment" |
1918-1969 |
291 / 4-5 | #1355-5 "Cadmium Plant: treatment of purification
residue or cadmium cake" |
1918-1964 |
291 / 6-7 | #1355-7 "Cadmium Plant: specification requirements
for cadmium" |
1923-1969 |
291 / 8-9 | #1355-8 "Cadmium Plant: casting cadmium" |
1923-1970 |
292 / 1 | #1355-10 "Cadmium Plant: Anaconda Electric brand of
cadmium" |
1923-1967 |
292 / 2 | #1355 "Cadmium Plant: cadmium/sponge"
[miscellaneous files] |
1922-1960 |
292 / 3 | #1355-14 "Cadmium Plant: analyses of metallic
cadmium" |
1926-1970 |
292 / 4 | #1355-16 "Cadmium Plant: extension" |
1926-1965 |
Oversize Folder | ||
7 | #1355-16 "Cadmium Plant: extension" [Archives Map Case] |
1926-1965 |
Box/Folder | ||
292 / 5 | #1355-17 "Cadmium Plant: packing of shipments" |
1929-1951 |
292 / 6 | #1355-21 "Cadmium Plant: treatment of cadmium
sponge on a toll basis" |
1948-1969 |
292 / 7 | #1356 "War Fund campaign" [World War II] |
1943-1945 |
292 / 8 | #1364 "Melting and refining of copper at Great
Falls in Baily electric furnace" |
1918-1937 |
292 / 9-10 | #1366 "Shipments of products from Rolling Mills
Department" |
1938-1941, 1959-1961 |
292 / 11 | #1367 Montana Employers' Association |
1918-1919 |
292 / 12-14 | #1369 "Roll of honor and departments where no
accidents happened" |
1924-1970 |
293 / 1 | #1371 "Smoke damage: Zinc Plant flue dust" |
1918-1923 |
293 / 2-3 | #1372 "Application of transit credits" |
1915-1947 |
293 / 4 | #1372-5 "Application of transit credits: zinc" |
1935-1941 |
293 / 5 | #1373 "Zinc Plant shipments: lead bullion" |
1918-1925 |
293 / 6-7 | #1375 Zinc Plant Electrolyzing Division |
1919-1949 |
294 / 1-5 | #1375 Zinc Plant Electrolyzing Division |
1950-1970 |
295 / 1 | #1375-2 "Zinc Plant Electrolyzing Division: cathode
strips and material for same" |
1919-1969 |
295 / 2-3 | #1375-4 "Zinc Plant Electrolyzing Division:
prodorite tanks" |
1937-1952 |
Oversize Folder | ||
7 | #1375-4 "Zinc Plant Electrolyzing Division:
prodorite tanks" [Archives Map Case] |
1937-1952 |
Box/Folder | ||
295 / 4 | #1375-5 "Zinc Plant Electrolyzing Division: alloy
anodes" |
1939-1942 |
295 / 5 | #1375-6 "Zinc Plant Electrolyzing Division:
membrane covering for anodes" |
1940-1948 |
295 / 6-8 | #1376 "Proposed pension list of superannuated,
decrepit, & injured employees" |
1917-1940 |
296 / 1-4 | #1376 "Proposed pension list of superannuated,
decrepit, & injured employees" |
1941-1948 |
296 / 5-7 | #1376 "Allowance roll" (re pension list) |
1949-1968 |
297 / 1 | #1377 "Zinc Plant monthly metallurgical report" |
1931-1932 |
297 / 2 | #1378 "Power requirements for Zinc Plant" |
1918-1920 |
297 / 3 | #1380 "Safety First Department: annual accident
reports" |
1965-1968 |
297 / 4-7 | #1381 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate" |
1918-1966 |
297 / 8 | #1381-2 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Butte & Superior Copper Co." |
1918-1940 |
297 / 9 | #1381-3 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Anselmo Mining Corp." |
1923-1958 |
297 / 10 | #1381-4 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Timber Butte Milling Co." |
1918-1939 |
298 / 1-3 | #1381-5 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Federal Mining and Smelting Co." |
1923-1946 |
298 / 4 | #1381-6 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Granite-BiMetallic Consolidated Mining Co." |
1919-1936 |
298 / 5 | #1381-7 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Highland-Surprise" |
1923-1950 |
298 / 6 | #1381-8 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Callahan Zinc-Lead Co." |
1918-1948 |
298 / 7 | #1381-9 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Main Range ore" |
1919-1920 |
298 / 8 | #1381-10 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Midvale Mineral Co." |
1919-1935 |
298 / 9 | #1381-11 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Moulton ore" |
1919-1920 |
298 / 10 | #1381-12 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Philipsburg ore" |
1922-1933 |
298 / 11 | #1381-13 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Snowstorm ore" |
1918-1929 |
298 / 12 | #1381-14 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Success Mining Co." |
1921-1928 |
298 / 13 | #1381-15 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Sidney Leasing Co." |
1923-1948 |
298 / 14-15 | #1381-17 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Emma ore" |
1915-1939 |
299 / 1 | #1381-17 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Emma ore" |
1940-1959 |
299 / 2 | #1381-18 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Hibernia ore" |
1921 |
299 / 3 | #1381-19 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Elkhorn ore" |
1918-1920 |
299 / 4-5 | #1381-20 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Constitution Mining & Milling Co." |
1923-1941 |
299 / 6 | #1381-21 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Nabob ore" |
1923-1925 |
299 / 7-8 | #1381-22 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Trail concentrates" |
1923-1969 |
299 / 9 | #1381-23 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Silver King Coalition Mines Co." |
1923-1945 |
299 / 10 | #1381-24 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Judge Mining and Smelting Co. (Park Utah Consol. Mines Co.)" |
1924-1950 |
299 / 11 | #1381-25 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: U.S. Smelting, Refining, and Mining Co." |
1923-1931 |
300 / 1 | #1381-25 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: U.S. Smelting, Refining, and Mining Co." |
1923-1931 |
300 / 2-3 | #1381-26 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Combined Metals Reduction Co." |
1924-1967 |
300 / 4 | #1381-27 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: McBarron ore" |
1924-1927 |
300 / 5 | #1381-28 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Hecla Mining Co. (Star Mine)" |
1924-1942 |
300 / 6 | #1381-28 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Hecla Mining Co. (Red Cloud Mines, Inc.) |
1943-1966 |
300 / 7 | #1381-29 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Paul V. Dovek ore" |
1924-1926 |
300 / 8 | #1381-30 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: John Makynen and Co." |
1924-1926 |
300 / 9 | #1381-32 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: diversion of excess concentrates" |
1924-1937 |
300 / 10 | #1381-33 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Blue Ridge Mining Co." |
1924-1926 |
301 / 1 | #1381-34 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Rex Mine" |
1924-1926 |
301 / 2 | #1381-35 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Utah-Apex Mining Co." |
1924-1931 |
301 / 3 | #1381-36 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Chief Consolidated Mining Co." |
1924-1960 |
301 / 4 | #1381-38 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: East Butte Copper Mining Co." |
1926 |
301 / 5 | #1381-39 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Rising Star ore" |
1926 |
301 / 6 | #1381-40 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Pend Oreille Lead and Zinc Co." |
1927-1950 |
301 / 7-8 | #1381-41 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Hercules Mining Co." (re Tamarack, Custer, and Day mines, etc.) |
1923-1963 |
301 / 9 | #1381-42 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Rico ore" |
1927-1929 |
301 / 10 | #1381-43 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Canyon Creek Milling Co." |
1928 |
301 / 11 | #1381-44 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Whitehurst and Madzgalla" |
1926-1928 |
301 / 12 | #1381-45 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Golconda Lead Mines Co." |
1928-1947 |
301 / 13 | #1381-46 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: St. Joseph Lead Co." (re Hughesville) |
1928-1946 |
301 / 14 | #1381-47 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Johnson-Sallee lease" |
1940-1941 |
301 / 15 | #1381-49 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Sunset Mine" |
1940-1962 |
301 / 16 | #1381-51 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Irma Mines, Inc. (Cooke City) |
1940-1952 |
301 / 17 | #1381-52 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Metals Reserve Co. / Domestic Manganese and Development Co." |
1944-1961 |
301 / 18 | #1381-53 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Clayton Silver Mines" |
1941-1972 |
302 / 1 | #1381-54 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Lexington Mining Co." (Neihart) |
1942-1956 |
302 / 2 | #1381-55 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Victoria Mines, Inc." (Sheridan) |
1939-1962 |
302 / 3 | #1381-56 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Bennett Mining Co." (Neihart) |
1943-1955 |
302 / 4 | #1381-57 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Mountain Copper Co." (Mattie ore) |
1944-1965 |
302 / 5 | #1381-58 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Eagle Shawmut Mine" |
1945-1947 |
302 / 6 | #1381-59 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: American Zinc, Lead, and Smelting Co." |
1939-1970 |
302 / 7 | #1381-60 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Star Mine and Mill" (Neihart) |
1947-1962 |
302 / 8 | #1381-61 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Big Four Mining Co." |
1946-1951 |
302 / 9 | #1381-62 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Deer Lodge Mining Co." |
1947-1952 |
302 / 10 | #1381-63 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Sullivan Mining Co." |
1948-1950 |
302 / 11 | #1381-64 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Darwin Mines" |
1948-1972 |
302 / 12 | #1381-65 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Saranac Mining Co." (Maxville) |
1948-1958 |
302 / 13 | #1381-66 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Victor Development Co." |
1948-1949 |
302 / 14 | #1381-68 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Coronado Copper & Zinc Co." |
1948-1952 |
302 / 15 | #1381-71 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Denver Development Co." |
1948-1949 |
302 / 16 | #1381-74 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Kings Hill Mining Co." (Neihart) |
1948-1949 |
302 / 17 | #1381-75 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Sherman mine" (Neihart) |
1949-1951 |
302 / 18 | #1381-76 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Kuhlman Die Casting Co." |
1950-1951 |
302 / 19 | #1381-77 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Glenn Zorn ore" (Butte) |
1950-1951 |
302 / 20 | #1381-78 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Wayne Miller ore" (Radersburg) |
1951-1952 |
302 / 21 | #1381-79 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: U.S. Mining Co." (Neihart) |
1951-1952 |
302 / 22 | #1381-80 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Metal Producers, Inc." |
1951-1952 |
302 / 23 | #1381-81 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Sun Valley Lead-Silver Mines, Inc." |
1951-1952 |
302 / 24 | #1381-82 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: American Metal Climax" |
1952-1972 |
302 / 25 | #1381-83 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Metals Milling Co." (Basin) |
1952 |
302 / 26 | #1381-84 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Taylor-Knapp Co." (Philipsburg) |
1953-1960 |
303 / 1 | #1381-85 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Joe T. Farrell concentrates" (Neihart) |
1953-1954 |
303 / 2 | #1381-85 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Mitchell Mining Co." (Butte) |
1952-1962 |
303 / 3-4 | #1381-85 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Philipp Brothers" |
1955-1970 |
303 / 5-6 | #1381-85 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Samincorp" |
1950-1969 |
303 / 5-6 | #1381-88 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Samincorp" |
1950-1969 |
303 / 7 | #1381-89 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: C. Tennant, Sons & Co.) |
1963-1966 |
303 / 8 | #1381-91 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: U.S. Steel Corp.) |
1964 |
303 / 9 | #1381-92 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Canadian Exploration Co." |
1965-1969 |
303 / 10 | #1381-93 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: Federal Resources Corp." |
1965-1972 |
303 / 11 | #1381-94 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: West Hill Exploration" |
1967 |
303 / 12 | #1381-98 "Contracts for purchase of zinc ore and
concentrate: New Jersey Zinc Co." |
1970 |
303 / 13-14 | #1382 "Zinc Plant shipments: Zinc Plant residue to
American Smelting and Refining Co., East Helena" |
1934-1970 |
304 / 1 | #1383-1 "Zinc Plant residue" |
1919-1970 |
304 / 2 | #1383-2 "Zinc Plant residue: storage or smelting at
Great Falls v. shipment to East Helena and Tooele" |
1918-1955 |
304 / 3 | #1383-3 "Zinc Plant residue: cost of repulping
& leaching zinc residue" |
1919 |
304 / 4 | #1383-4 "Zinc Plant residue: flotation or residue
& classifier sand" (re tailings) |
1918-1941 |
304 / 5 | #1383-5 "Zinc Plant residue: salt leaching for
recovery of lead & silver" |
1916-1935 |
304 / 6 | #1383-7 "Zinc Plant residue: sulphuric acid
leaching & fuming" |
1918-1937 |
304 / 7 | #1383-8 "Zinc Plant residue: repulping &
filtering zinc residue to improve recovery" |
1920-1953 |
304 / 8 | #1383-9 "Zinc Plant residue: experimental electric
smelting in Westly type furnace" |
1922-1924 |
304 / 9 | #1383-10 "Zinc Plant residue: strong acid leaching
of residue & installation of process equipment" |
1924-1968 |
Oversize Folder | ||
7 | #1383-10 "Zinc Plant residue: strong acid leaching
of residue & installation of process equipment" [Archives Map Case] |
1924-1968 |
Box/Folder | ||
305 / 1 | #1383-11 "Zinc Plant residue: leaching of roasting
purification cake and installation of process equipment" |
1924-1959 |
305 / 2 | #1383-12 "Zinc Plant residue: electric smelting in
50-ton furnace" |
1924-1928 |
Oversize Folder | ||
7 | #1383-12 "Zinc Plant residue: electirc smelting in
50-ton furnace" [Archives Map Case] |
1924-1928 |
Box/Folder | ||
305 / 3 | #1383-13 "Zinc Plant residue: Mayer-Lamotte
sulphuric acid treatment of zinc slag and zinc residue" |
1926-1927 |
305 / 4 | #1383-14 "Zinc Plant residue: treatment at Anaconda
v. shipment to East Helena" |
1927-1930 |
305 / 5 | #1384 "Tainton-Pring electrolytic zinc process,
including magnetic concentration" |
1919-1950 |
305 / 6 | #1385 "Using electric furnaces for manufacture of
ferro-chrome" |
1918-1941 |
305 / 7 | #1386 "Using electric furnaces for manufacture of
ferro-silicon" |
1918-1942 |
305 / 8 | #1387 "Supplies for carbide manufacture" |
1918-1930 |
305 / 9-10 | #1388 "Melting of zinc cathodes" |
1919-1960 |
Oversize Folder | ||
7 | #1388 "Melting of zinc cathodes" [Archives Map Case] |
1919-1960 |
Box/Folder | ||
306 / 1-2 | #1388 "Melting of zinc cathodes" |
1961-1970 |
306 / 3 | #1388 "Melting of zinc cathodes" (misc. files) |
1921-1952 |
Oversize Folder | ||
7 | #1388 "Melting of zinc cathodes" (miscellanous files)
[Archives Map Case] |
1921-1952 |
Box/Folder | ||
306 / 4 | #1388-8 "Melting of zinc cathodes: Ajax furnace for
production of alloy zinc" |
1952-1960 |
Oversize Folder | ||
7 | #1388-8 "Melting of zinc cathodes: Ajax furnace for
production of alloy zinc" [Archives Map Case] |
1952-1960 |
Box/Folder | ||
306 / 5-8 | #1389 "Zinc Plant leaching plant" |
1919-1960 |
Oversize Folder | ||
7 | #1389 "Zinc Plant leachinig plant"
[Archives Map Case] |
1919-1960 |
Box/Folder | ||
307 / 1-3 | #1389 "Zinc Plant leaching plant" |
1961-1970 |
Oversize Folder | ||
7 | #1389 "Zinc Plant leachinig plant"
[Archives Map Case] |
1961-1970 |
Box/Folder | ||
307 / 4 | #1389 "Zinc Plant leaching plant: union" |
1956-1970 |
307 / 5 | #1389-3 "Zinc Plant leaching plant: slimes in
neutral Dorr overflow" |
1952-1954 |
307 / 6 | #1389-4 "Zinc Plant leaching plant: direct leaching
of green purification residue" |
1958-1968 |
Oversize Folder | ||
7 | #1389-4 "Zinc Plant leachinig plant: direct leaching
of green purification residue" [Archives Map Case] |
1958-1968 |
Box/Folder | ||
307 / 7-8 | #1391 "Welfare Department" |
1918-1937 |
308 / 1 | #1391-2 "Welfare Department: welfare work of
outside companies" |
1919-1959 |
308 / 2 | #1391-3 "Welfare Department: medical examination
and classification of employees" |
1919-1965 |
308 / 3 | #1391-5 "Welfare Department: foremanship
conferences under auspices of Federal Board for Vocational Education" |
1922-1935 |
308 / 4 | #1391-6 "Welfare Department: Citizens' Relief
Committee" |
1932-1933 |
308 / 5-6 | #1391-7 "Welfare Department: group insurance" |
1936-1969 |
308 / 7-8 | #1391-8 "Welfare Department: Community Chest" |
1932-1968 |
309 / 1 | #1391-9 "Welfare Department: hospital, surgical and
medical insurance" |
1960-1965 |
309 / 2 | #1391-10 "Welfare Department: United Way" |
1969-1971 |
309 / 3 | #1392 "Wire" |
1918-1935 |
309 / 4 | #1393 "Subscriptions: War Chest Fund, Deer Lodge
County" |
1918 |
309 / 5 | #1393-2 "Subscriptions: Salvation Army" |
1919-1967 |
309 / 6 | #1393-3 "Subscriptions: Montana Livestock Pavilion
Company" |
1919-1938 |
309 / 7 | #1394 "Supplies for zinc oxide manufacture" |
1919-1920 |
309 / 8 | #1397 "Hanley methods for production of zinc and
cadmium" |
1917-1933 |
309 / 9 | #1399-2 "Laist-Elton electrolytic zinc process:
description for Mechanical Engineering Handbook" |
1923-1945 |
309 / 10 | #1399-3 "Laist-Elton electrolytic zinc process:
description for American Electrochemical Society" |
1923-1924 |
309 / 11 | #1400 "Elton-Caples process for production of
cadmium" |
1919-1930 |
309 / 12 | #1401 "Zinc Plant: price of zinc sales" |
1918-1968 |
Oversize Folder | ||
7 | #1401 "Zinc Plant: price of zinc sales"
[Archives Map Case] |
1918-1968 |
Box/Folder | ||
309 / 13 | #1403 "Zinc Plant: zinc production reported to
American Zinc Institute" |
1920-1952 |
309 / 14 | #1406-1 "Rolling Mills Department: scrap and scale" |
1919-1944 |
309 / 15 | #1406-2 "Rolling Mills Department: scrap and scale
shipments to furnace refinery" |
1920-1959 |
310 / 1 | #1414 "Calcine shipments from Anaconda" |
1920-1949 |
310 / 2 | #1416 "Fire insurance policies for Rolling Mills
Department" |
1918-1961 |
310 / 3 | #1426 "Production, stock in hand & regulation
of Rolling Mills to meet disposition orders" |
1957-1967 |
310 / 4 | #1427 "Defective wirebar" |
1960-1965 |
310 / 5 | #1428-2 "Brick Plant: sales of brick by county" |
1913-1919 |
310 / 6 | #1428-3 "Brick Plant: daily record of operation,
production, and stock in hand" |
1917-1918 |
310 / 7 | #1430-1 "Zinc Plant solutions" |
1921-1927 |
310 / 8 | #1430-2 "Zinc Plant solutions: evaporation of cell
solution" |
1919-1954 |
310 / 9-11 | #1431 "American smelting & Refining Co.:
shipment of zinc residue to East Helena & lead bullion to East Chicago" |
1918-1957 |
311 / 1 | #1431 "American smelting & Refining Co.:
shipment of zinc residue to East Helena & lead bullion to East Chicago" |
1958-1970 |
311 / 2 | #1435 "Safety First Committee meetings: Zinc Plant" |
1932-1961 |
311 / 3-4 | #1436 "Cost of producing zinc from custom zinc
concentrates" (misc. files) |
1918-1938 |
311 / 5 | #1437-1 "Metal Roofing Department: copper &
zinc shingles" |
1913-1959 |
311 / 6 | #1437-2 "Metal Roofing Department: copper &
bronze nails" |
1921-1964 |
311 / 7 | #1437-4 "Metal Roofing Department: electrolytic
deposition of shingle copper" |
1921-1940 |
311 / 8 | #1438 "Manufacture of phosphoric acid" |
1921-1923 |
311 / 9 | #1443 "Laist-Elton electrolytic zinc process:
alleged infringement on Betts patent" |
1922 |
311 / 10 | #1444 "Copper cathodes shipped to American Brass
Company" |
1922-1960 |
311 / 11 | #1445 "Electrolytic process v. retort process for
zinc extraction" |
1921-1952 |
312 / 1 | #1446 "Treatment of Magnus zinc oxide by
Laist-Elton electrolytic zinc process" |
1921-1922 |
312 / 2 | #1448 "Shipments of lead bullion from American
Smelting and Refining Co. to International Lead Refining Co." |
1939-1945 |
312 / 3 | #1450 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant" (misc. files) |
1919-1923 |
312 / 3 | #1450-5 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: proposed extensions" |
1919-1923 |
312 / 4 | #1450-6 "Construction & installation at Zinc
Plant: Tooele, Anaconda, Great Falls" |
1926-1963 |
312 / 5-9 | #1451 "Complaints regarding quality of copper" |
1923-1932 |
313 / 1-2 | #1451 "Complaints regarding quality of copper" |
1933-1958 |
313 / 3 | #1452 "Rolling Mills Department: bonus
increase production" |
1922-1969 |
313 / 4-5 | #1452 "Rolling Mills Department: bonus
increase production: aluminum wire" |
1950-1964 |
313 / 6 | #1452-7 "Rolling Mills Department: bonus increase production: recapitulation of payroll" |
1946-1970 |
313 / 7 | #1453 "Wire & cable manufactured by Rolling
Mills Dept." (re Rural Electrification Administration projects) |
1932-1953 |
314 / 1 | #1453-3 "Wire & cable manufactured by Rolling
Mills Dept.: transmission cable for Ft. Peck Dam" |
1934 |
314 / 2 | #1453-4 "Wire & cable manufactured by Rolling
Mills Dept.: aluminum" |
1950-1959 |
314 / 3 | #1454 "Proposed zinc plant in Coeur d'Alene or
Spokane district" |
1922-1948 |
314 / 4 | #1458 "Zinc dross shipments to National Zinc Co." |
1929-1930 |
314 / 5-9 | #1460 "Safety First Dept.: first aid contests" |
1923-1968 |
314 / 10 | #1461 "Moroney Natatorium at Great Falls" (re
swimming pool) |
1917-1923 |
Oversize Folder | ||
7 | #1461 "Moroney Natatorium at Great Falls"
(re swimming pool) [Archives Map Case] |
1919-1960 |
Box/Folder | ||
315 / 1 | #1463 "Zinc Oxide Plant: tonnage requirements of
zinc & zinc dross" |
1921-1924 |
315 / 2 | #1468 "Cost of producing zinc from Anselmo ore" |
1923-1924 |
315 / 3 | #1473 "Purchase & sale of silver under Pittman
Act" |
1922-1940 |
315 / 4 | #1481 "Retail food prices" |
1937-1943 |
315 / 5 | #1482 "Fuel oil supply for Great Falls plant" |
1923-1965 |
315 / 6 | #1482-2 "Fuel oil supply for Great Falls plant:
Sunburst Refining Co." |
1923-1932 |
Oversize Folder | ||
7 | #1482-2 "Fuel oil supply for Great Falls plant:
Sunburst Refining Co."
[Archives Map Case] |
1923-1932 |
Box/Folder | ||
315 / 7 | #1482-3 "Fuel oil supply for Great Falls plant:
Julian Petroleum Co." |
1926-1930 |
315 / 8 | #1486 "Complaints regarding quality of cadmium" |
1923-1938 |
315 / 9 | #1488 "Treatment costs of lead bullion at
International Lead Refining Co." |
1924-1946 |
315 / 10 | #1489 "Cost of refining & casting Tooele copper
bullion into anodes at Anaconda...." |
1923-1947 |
315 / 11 | #1490 "Concentrate shipments: lead concentrate to
Tooele & East Helena" |
1923-1958 |
315 / 12 | #1492 "Handball courts for employees" |
1925-1926 |
315 / 13 | #1493 Penarroya Zinc Plant |
1918-1925 |
316 / 1 | #1493 Penarroya Zinc Plant |
1926 |
316 / 2 | #1495 "A.G. French zinc process patent" |
1909-1952 |
316 / 3-6 | #1496 "Compaignie royale Asturienne des Mines (Det
Norske Zinkkomani)" (re Norwegian plant) |
1926-1928 |
Oversize Folder | ||
7 | #1496 "Compaignie royale Asturienne des Mines (Det
Norske Zinkkomani)" (re Norwegian plant)
[Archives Map Case] |
1926-1928 |
Box/Folder | ||
317 / 1-2 | #1496 "Compaignie royale Asturienne des Mines (Det
Norske Zinkkomani)" (re Norwegian plant) |
1928-1964 |
317 / 3 | #1497 "Proposed 70-ton electrolytic zinc plant at
Spencer, Idaho" |
1926 |
317 / 4 | #1498 "Purchase of von Giesche property in Poland
(Geische Spolka Akcyjma)" |
1925-1947 |
317 / 5 | #1499 "Great Falls Brick & Tile Co. takeover by
W.H. Gunniss" |
1927-1944 |
317 / 6 | #1500 "Electrolytic zinc process as applied to
Joplin-Miami zinc concentrate" (includes proposed plant) |
1925-1944 |
317 / 7-8 | #1504 "Experimental work done & results
obtained at Great Falls & Raritan" |
1928-1942 |
318 / 1-6 | #1504 "Experimental work done & results
obtained at Great Falls & Raritan" |
1943-1962 |
319 / 1 | #1504 "Experimental work done & results
obtained at Great Falls & Raritan" |
1963-1965 |
319 / 2 | #1506 "Presentation of gold medal to Cornelius
Kelley for distinguished service in the stabilization of the mining industry" |
1929 |
319 / 3 | #1508 "Papers & talks prepared by R.B. Caples
& others" |
1929-1970 |
319 / 4 | #1509 "Elm Orlu & Poser ore" (includes material
on purchase of W.A. Clark properties) |
1926-1940 |
319 / 5 | #1510 "Articles prepared for Engineering and Mining
Journal" |
1929-1947 |
319 / 6-7 | #1513 "Addresses, papers, bulletins, leaflets,
paper clippings and inquiries..." |
1940-1961 |
319 / 8 | #1514 "Raritan Copper Works: report by Mr.
Skowronski on liberation of copper by series system" |
1929 |
319 / 9 | #1518 "Montana Power line from Black Eagle station
to Great Northern shops..." |
1929-1957 |
319 / 10 | #1520 American Zinc Institute |
1931-1949 |
319 / 11-12 | #1521 "Idmium: investigation & recovery" |
1931-1945 |
Oversize Folder | ||
8 | #1521 "Idium: investigation & recovery"
[Archives Map Case] |
1931-1945 |
Box/Folder | ||
320 / 1-5 | #1521 "Idmium: investigation & recovery" |
1946-1970 |
Oversize Folder | ||
8 | #1521 "Idium: investigation & recovery"
[Archives Map Case] |
1946-1970 |
Box/Folder | ||
320 / 6 | #1522 "Storage of surplus of refined copper at
Great Falls" |
1932-1940 |
320 / 7 | #1524 "National Recovery Administration: lead
industry" |
1934 |
320 / 8 | #1524-2 "National Recovery Administration: zinc
operations" |
1933-1935 |
320 / 9 | #1524-3 "National Recovery Administration: copper
operations" |
1933-1936 |
320 / 10 | #1524-4 "National Recovery Administration: Rolling
Mills Department" |
1933-1935 |
321 / 1-2 | #1525 "Payment for gold (includes lists of gold
shippers) |
1933-1950 |
321 / 3 | #1526 "Agreements between Anaconda Copper Mining
Co. & Anaconda Sales Co." |
1946 |
321 / 4-5 | #1527 "Payment for silver" |
1933-1968 |
321 / 6 | #1529 "Proposed zinc plant at Pioche, Nevada" |
1934-1948 |
321 / 7 | #1530 "Purchase & treatment of lead blast
furnace slag: U.S. Smelting, Refining and Mining Co." (Midvale, Utah) |
1935-1936 |
321 / 8 | #1531 "Transfer of property [within company]" |
1937-1970 |
321 / 9 | #1533 "Federal Social Security Act" |
1935-1970 |
321 / 10 | #1533 "Federal Social Security Act: unemployment
insurance" |
1937-1968 |
322 / 1-7 | #1536-1 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: U.S. Smelting, Refining and Mining Co., Midvale, Utah" |
1938-1954 |
323 / 1-3 | #1536-1 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: U.S. Smelting, Refining and Mining Co., Midvale, Utah" |
1955-1972 |
323 / 4-5 | #1536-2 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: W.R. Grace and Co." |
1940-1963 |
323 / 6 | #1536-3 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: American Smelting and Refining Co., Silver King" |
1940-1953 |
323 / 7 | #1536-4 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: C. Tennant Sons and Co." |
1945-1969 |
323 / 8-9 | #1536-5 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: Combined Metals Reduction Co." |
1941-1943 |
324 / 1-6 | #1536-5 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: Combined Metals Reduction Co." |
1944-1968 |
325 / 1-6 | #1536-6 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: Metals Reserve Co." |
1941-1947 |
Oversize Folder | ||
8 | #1536-6 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: Metals Reserve Co." [Archives Map Case] |
1931-1945 |
Box/Folder | ||
326 / 1 | #1536-8 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: International Minerals and Metals Co." |
1946-1953 |
326 / 2-3 | #1536-9 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: American Metal Co., Ltd." |
1946-1973 |
326 / 4-7 | #1536-10 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: Federal Mining and Smelting Co." |
1946-1956 |
327 / 1-2 | #1536-10 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: Federal Mining and Smelting Co." |
1957-1971 |
327 / 3 | #1536-10 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: Federal Mining and Smelting Co. (Van Stone concentrates)" |
1951-1964 |
327 / 4 | #1536-11 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: American Zinc Co." |
1938-1949 |
327 / 5-6 | #1536-11 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: American Zinc, Lead and Smelting Co." |
1950-1952 |
328 / 1-4 | #1536-11 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: American Zinc, Lead and Smelting Co." |
1953-1970 |
328 / 5-7 | #1536-12 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: Philipp Brothers" |
1948-1959 |
329 / 1-5 | #1536-12 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: Philipp Brothers" |
1960-1968 |
330 / 1 | #1536-12 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: Philipp Brothers" |
1969-1970 |
330 / 2 | #1536-12 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: Philipp Brothers" (contracts) |
1949-1973 |
330 / 3 | #1536-13 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: Eagle-Picher Mining and Smelting Co." |
1950-1956 |
330 / 4-7 | #1536-14 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: National Zinc Co." |
1950-1958 |
331 / 1-4 | #1536-14 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: National Zinc Co." |
1959-1970 |
331 / 5 | #1536-14 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: National Zinc Co." (contracts) |
1950-1970 |
331 / 6-7 | #1536-15 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: South American Minerals and Merchandise Co. (Samincorp)" |
1957-1970 |
332 / 1 | #1536-17 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: T.L. Diamond and Co., Inc." |
1965-1968 |
Oversize Folder | ||
8 | #1536 [Archives Map Case] |
1965-1968 |
Box/Folder | ||
332 / 2 | #1536-18 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: New Jersey Zinc Co." |
1964-1970 |
332 / 3 | #1536-20 "Treatment of zinc concentrate on toll
basis: Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co." |
1965-1968 |
332 / 4-5 | #1537 "Fair Labor Standards Act" |
1944-1969 |
332 / 6 | #1538 "Treatment of zinc dross: Ball Brothers Co." |
1936-1944 |
Oversize Folder | ||
8 | #1538 "Treatment of zinc dross: Ball Brothers Co."
[Archives Map Case] |
1936-1944 |
Box/Folder | ||
332 / 7-8 | #1539 "U.S. customs duty on metal: zinc" |
1939-1952 |
332 / 9 | #1539-2 "U.S. customs duty on metal: lead" |
1950 |
332 / 10 | #1541 "Conventions and meetings" |
1940-1967 |
332 / 11 | #1544 "Premium payments for copper, lead, and zinc" |
1945-1946 |
333 / 1 | #1546 "Government rules and regulations" |
1953 |
333 / 2 | #1546-2 "Government rules and regulations: wartime
construction" (re World War II) |
1942-1953 |
333 / 3 | #1547 "Change-over from five to six-day week" (re
World War II) |
1942-1969 |
333 / 4 | #1548 "Training classes: War Manpower Commission
instructor training" (re World War II) |
1942-1945 |
333 / 5-6 | #1548-2 "Training classes: supervisor training
program" |
1959-1968 |
333 / 7-8 | #1549 "Basic Magnesium, Inc." |
1942-1948 |
333 / 9 | #1550 "Housing Authority" |
1942-1960 |
333 / 10 | #1551 "Army-Navy Production Award" (re World War
II) |
1943-1949 |
334 / 1-3 | #1552 "Gallium" |
1940-1966 |
Oversize Folder | ||
8 | #1552 "Gallium" [Archives Map Case] |
1940-1966 |
Box/Folder | ||
334 / 4 | #1553 "Absenteeism" |
1943-1969 |
334 / 5 | #1554 "Contracts for purchase of ore and
concentrates" |
1936-1964 |
334 / 6 | #1555 "Western Zinc Mining Industry Advisory
Committee" |
1943 |
334 / 7 | #1556 "Postwar planning" |
1943-1945 |
334 / 8 | #1558 "Job evaluation" |
1943-1968 |
334 / 9 | #1559 "Claim against Montana Power Co. for power
curtailment" |
1936-1937 |
335 / 1 | #1559 "Claim against Montana Power Co. for power
curtailment" |
1938-1947 |
335 / 2 | #1562 "Ore production in Butte district: Greater
Butte Project" (includes chart of dates of acquisition of ACM's Butte mines and
their production, 1875-1944) |
1944-1953 |
335 / 3 | #1563 "American Pioneer Trails Association" |
1945 |
335 / 4 | #1566 "Treatment of blister copper" |
1947-1971 |
335 / 5-7 | #1570 "Germanium" |
1929-1968 |
Oversize Folder | ||
8 | #1570 "Germanium" [Archives Map Case] |
1929-1968 |
Box/Folder | ||
336 / 1 | #1571 Bureau of Federal Supply" |
1948-1952 |
336 / 2 | #1572 Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) |
1949-1953 |
336 / 3 | #1573 "Treatment of copper on toll basis: Kennecott
Copper Co." |
1949-1958 |
Oversize Folder | ||
8 | #1573 "Treatment of copper on toll basis: Kennecott
Copper Co." [Archives Map Case] |
1949-1958 |
Box/Folder | ||
336 / 4-7 | #1573-4 "Treatment of copper on toll basis: scrap
copper" |
1964-1966 |
337 / 1 | #1573-4 "Treatment of copper on toll basis: scrap
copper" |
1967-1970 |
337 / 2-4 | #1574 "Economy program" |
1949-1967 |
337 / 5-6 | #1574-4 "Economy program: savings at Great Falls
plant" |
1957-1958 |
338 / 1-5 | #1574-4 "Economy program: savings at Great Falls
plant" |
1958-1961 |
339 / 1-2 | #1574-4 "Economy program: savings at Great Falls
plant" |
1961-1964 |
339 / 3 | #1579 "Pension plan: day pay employees" |
1955-1959 |
339 / 4 | #1588 Anaconda Company Management Newsletter
(Anaconda) |
1956-1958 |
339 / 5-6 | #1588 Anaconda Company Supervisor's News Bulletin
(Butte) |
1956-1958 |
340 / 1 | #1588 Butte, Anaconda, and Pacific Railway Company
Supervisor's News Bulletin |
1956-1958 |
340 / 2-4 | #1588 Anaconda Company newsletters |
1956-1960 |
Oversize Folder | ||
8 | #1588 Anaconda Company newsletters [Archives Map Case] |
1956-1960 |
Box/Folder | ||
340 / 5-6 | #1592 "Suggestion program" |
1957-1964 |
341 / 1 | #1592 "Suggestion program" |
1965-1968 |
341 / 2-3 | #1592 "Suggestion program: brochures, etc." |
1957-1959 |
341 / 4-6 | #1596 "Industrial engineering workshop" (includes
productivity audit of Butte operations) |
1960-1961 |
342 / 1 | #1600 "Cost improvement program" |
1968-1969 |
342 / 2-3 | #A8-3 "East Helena Slag Treatment Plant: testing of
Montana v. Utah coals" [for 1928-1929 material see Oscar Baarson Papers MC 238, box
2] |
1929-1970 |
342 / 4-5 | #A8-4 "East Helena Slag Treatment Plant: estimates
on improvements, etc." |
1930-1970 |
Oversize Folder | ||
8 | #A8-4 "East Helena Slag Treatment Plant: estimates on
improvements, etc." [Archives Map Case] |
1930-1970 |
Box/Folder | ||
342 / 6 | #A8-5 "East Helena Slag Treatment Plant: proposed
installation of reverberatory melting furnace" |
1932-1940 |
Oversize Folder | ||
8 | #A6-5 " [Archives Map Case] |
1932-1940 |
Box/Folder | ||
342 / 7 | #A8-7 "East Helena Slag Treatment Plant: employees" |
1945-1959 |
342 / 8 | #A8-8 "East Helena Slag Treatment Plant: labor" (re
International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers #72) |
1943 |
343 / 1-8 | #A8-8 "East Helena Slag Treatment Plant: labor" (re
International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers #72) |
1944-1954 |
344 / 1-4 | #A8-8 "East Helena Slag Treatment Plant: labor" (re
International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers #72) |
1955-1970 |
344 / 5 | #A8-9 "East Helena Slag Treatment Plant: accident
reports & compensation rates" |
1933-1959 |
344 / 6 | #A8-10 "East Helena Slag Treatment Plant: proposed
extension to plant by Defense Plant Corporation" (re World War II) |
1943 |
Oversize Folder | ||
8 | #A8-10 "East Helena Slag Treatment Plant: proposed
extension to plant by Defense Plant Corporations" (re World War II) [Archives Map Case] |
1943 |
Box/Folder | ||
344 / 7 | #A8-11 "East Helena Slag Treatment Plant: safety
meetings" |
1944-1953 |
345 / 1-4 | #A8-11 "East Helena Slag Treatment Plant: safety
meetings" |
1945-1970 |
345 / 5 | #A8-12 "East Helena Slag Treatment Plant: deleading
fume" |
1952-1960 |
345 / 6-7 | #A11 "Anaconda Reduction Department: employees" |
1929-1936 |
346 / 1-2 | #A14 "Natural gas: Butte and Anaconda Reduction
Departments" |
1928-1968 |
346 / 3 | #A14-2 "Natural gas: East Helena Slag Treatment
Plant" |
1931-1952 |
346 / 4 | #A15 "Purchase of ore" |
1929-1952 |
346 / 5 | #A15-3 "Purchase of ore: North Butte Mining Co." |
1930-1952 |
346 / 6-7 | #A15-4 "Purchase of ore: Trout Mining Co." |
1933-1958 |
346 / 8 | #A25 "Phosphate Plant: recovery of vanadium" |
1936-1937 |
347 / 1 | #A25 "Phosphate Plant: recovery of vanadium" |
1938-1942 |
347 / 2 | #A29 "Economics of treatment of low grade copper
ore from Butte mines" |
1932-1940 |
Oversize Folder | ||
9 | #A29 "Economics of treatment of low grade copper
ore from Butte mines" [Archives Map Case] |
1932-1940 |
Box/Folder | ||
347 / 3 | #A30 "Treatment charges on ore and concentrates:
Dixon Mining and Milling Co." |
1932-1933 |
347 / 4 | #A31 "Electric power: monthly reports" |
1932-1935 |
347 / 5 | #A31-2 "Electric power: shortage of power and power
requirements at Anaconda Reduction Works" |
1937-1940 |
347 / 6 | #A35 "Anaconda Reduction Department: costs" |
1929-1941 |
347 / 7-8 | #A35 "Anaconda Reduction Department: classification
and rates of pay" |
1929-1947 |
347 / 9-11 | #A44 "Custom ore: various mines" |
1931-1957 |
348 / 1 | #A44 "Custom ore: Basin Tunnel Co." |
1934-1941 |
348 / 2-5 | #A45 "Anaconda Reduction Dept.: Flathead ore" |
1928-1942 |
348 / 6 | #A49 "Anaconda Reduction Dept.: first aid" |
1930-1941 |
348 / 7-8 | #A51 "Anaconda Reduction Dept. Arsenic Plant:
proposed recovery of bismuth from Arsenic Plant residue" |
1930-1945 |
349 / 1 | #A53 "East Helena Slag Treatment Plant: contract
with hospitals and doctors" |
1927-1967 |
349 / 2 | #A60 "Patents" |
1930-1951 |
349 / 3 | #A60-2 "Patents: flotation concentration of ores
containing rhodochrosite" |
1929-1940 |
349 / 4 | #A60-3 "Patents: tuyeres for slag blowing furnaces" |
1930-1949 |
349 / 5 | #A60-4 "Patents: reagent liquid feeder" |
1930-1934 |
349 / 6 | #A60-7 "Patents: flotation practice at Anaconda" |
1931-1935 |
Oversize Folder | ||
9 | #A60-7 "Patents: flotation practice at Anaconda"
[Archives Map Case] |
1931-1935 |
Box/Folder | ||
349 / 7 | #A60-8 "Patents: ore classifiers" |
1935-1938 |
349 / 8-9 | #A61 "Anaconda Reduction Dept.: silicious ore" |
1930-1953 |
349 / 10 | #A65-2 "Insurance: inspection reports" |
1929-1963 |
349 / 11 | #A65-3 "Insurance: use and occupancy" (re shutdowns
and curtailments" |
1930-1942 |
349 / 12 | #A65-4 "Insurance" |
1932-1949 |
349 / 13 | #A68 "Zinc Plant" |
1933-1954 |
350 / 1 | #A68-2 "Zinc Plant: Concentrator Division" |
1930-1942 |
350 / 2 | #A68-2a "Zinc Plant: Concentrator Division recovery
of iron, silver, and gold from concentrator tailings" |
1934-1954 |
350 / 3 | #A68-3 "Zinc Plant: Roasting Division" |
1930-1932 |
Oversize Folder | ||
9 | #A68-3 "Zinc Plant: Roasting Division"
[Archives Map Case] |
1930-1932 |
Box/Folder | ||
350 / 4 | #A68-4 "Zinc Plant: Leaching Division" |
1930-1951 |
350 / 5 | #A68-5 "Zinc Plant: Zinc Residue Fuming Plant" |
1930-1941 |
350 / 6 | #A68-6 "Zinc Plant: Electrolyzing Division" |
1928-1951 |
350 / 7 | #A68-7 "Zinc Plant: Casting Division" |
1929-1955 |
350 / 8 | #A68-8 "Zinc Plant: employees" |
1930-1936 |
350 / 9 | #A68-9 "Zinc Plant: estimates" |
1929-1940 |
Oversize Folder | ||
9 | #A68-3 "Zinc Plant: estimates"
[Archives Map Case] |
1929-1940 |
Box/Folder | ||
350 / 10 | #A68-10 "Zinc Plant: monthly metallurgical report" |
1929-1931, 1941 |
350 / 11 | #A68-11 "Zinc Plant: report of zinc ore mined and
produced" |
1929-1941 |
350 / 12 | #A68-12 "Zinc Plant: power" |
1931-1941 |
350 / 13 | #A68-14 "Zinc Plant: costs" |
1931-1951 |
350 / 14 | #A81 "Working hours at Anaconda Reduction Works" |
1938-1941 |
350 / 15 | Profits on ores and concentrates |
1935 |
Oversize Folder | ||
13 | Boston & Montana Consolidated Copper &
Silver Mining Co. Blueprints [Archives Map Case] |
1900-1908 |
Box/Folder | ||
350 / 16 | List of artifacts transferred to Museum |
undated |
Brick Department (Great Falls) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
431 | Business statements |
1911-1933 |
Box/Folder | ||
351 / 1 | Inventory |
1911 |
351 / 2-13 | Transcript of books |
1911-1922 |
Volume | ||
433 | Transcript of books |
1922-1936 |
Box/Folder | ||
351 / 14 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
Butte Alex Scott Copper Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
352 / 1 | Miscellaneous |
1909-1915 |
352 / 2 | Telegrams |
1910-1911 |
Assay Reports |
Box/Folder | ||
352 / 3-4 | Assay reports |
1906-1916 |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
352 / 5 | Checkstubs |
1914-1915 |
Oversize Folder | ||
9 | Development accounts [Archives Map Case] |
1912-1915 |
Box/Folder | ||
352 / 6 | Fire insurance policy |
1913 |
352 / 7 | Tax assessments |
1911-1912 |
352 / 8 | Time books |
1906-1915 |
352 / 9 | Miscellaneous |
1915 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
352 / 10 | Lease agreement with George E. Johnson for Little
Annie Quartz Lode |
1914 |
Miscellany |
Box/Folder | ||
352 / 11 | Injury report |
1913 |
Butte and Boston Consolidated Mining Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Incoming Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
352 / 12 | Edward P. Allis Company |
1890-1893 |
352 / 13 | A |
1890-1893 |
352 / 14 | Boston and Montana Consolidated Copper and Silver
Mining Company: G.M. Hyams |
1893-1894 |
352 / 15 | Boston and Montana Consolidated Copper and Silver
Mining Company: Frank Klepetko |
1891-1894 |
352 / 16 | Boston and Montana Consolidated Copper and Silver
Mining Company: J. O'Grady |
1893-1894 |
352 / 17 | Boston and Montana Consolidated Copper and Silver
Mining Company |
1893-1894 |
352 / 18 | Butte and Boston Consolidated Mining Company: A.S.
Bigelow |
1890 |
353 / 1-4 | Butte and Boston Consolidated Mining Company: A.S.
Bigelow |
1891-1894 |
353 / 5 | Butte and Boston Consolidated Mining Company: J.A.
Coram |
1892 |
353 / 6 | Butte and Boston Consolidated Mining Company |
1891-1899 |
353 / 7 | Butte and Montana Commercial Company |
1891-1893 |
353 / 8 | B |
1891-1894 |
353 / 9 | Chicago Iron Works |
1890-1893 |
353 / 10 | W.A. Clark |
1890-1891 |
353 / 11 | J.B. Clow and Sons |
1890-1893 |
353 / 12 | C-D |
1890-1894 |
353 / 13 | Fraser and Chalmers |
1892-1894 |
353 / 14 | F |
1890-1893 |
353 / 15 | Gillette-Herzog Manufacturing Company |
1892-1893 |
353 / 16 | Great Falls Iron Works |
1890-1891 |
353 / 17 | Great Northern Railway Company |
1890-1893 |
353 / 18-19 | H-K |
1890-1894 |
353 / 20 | Lehigh Coal and Iron Company |
1892 |
353 / 21-23 | Lewisohn Brothers |
1890-1893 |
354 / 1 | L |
1892-1893 |
354 / 2 | Montana Union Railway Company |
1890-1892 |
354 / 3 | M-O |
1890-1894 |
354 / 4 | Park City Coal and Coke Company |
1890 |
354 / 5 | P-S |
1890-1894 |
354 / 6 | Sweetwater Coal Mining Company |
1891-1892 |
354 / 7 | L.C. Trent and Company |
1890-1893 |
354 / 8 | U-W |
1890-1894 |
Outgoing Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
354 / 9-11 | Letterpress books: C.H. Palmer |
1888-1891 |
355 / 1-3 | Letterpress books: C.H. Palmer |
1891-1894 |
356 / 1-4 | Letterpress books: C.H. Palmer |
1894-1895 |
356 / 5 | Letterpress books: Frank Klepetko |
1895-1896 |
357 / 1 | Letterpress books: Frank Klepetko |
1897-1898 |
357 / 2-3 | Letterpress books: J.A. Coram (includes Butte and
Montana Commercial Company letters) |
1890-1894 |
357 / 4-5 | Letterpress books: J.H. Vivian |
1894-1895 |
358 / 1 | Letterpress books: J.H. Vivian |
1895-1896 |
358 / 2 | Letterpress books: J.H. Vivian; C.H. Redpath |
1899-1900 |
358 / 3-4 | Letterpress books: J.H. Vivian; J. Conzens; J.
Gillie; C. Roudebush |
1900-1901 |
359 / 1-4 | Letterpress books: J. Conzens; C. Roudebush |
1901-1902 |
360 / 1-4 | Letterpress books: C. Roudebush; D. Rodgers |
1902-1904 |
361 / 1-2 | Letterpress books: C. Roudebush; D. Rodgers |
1904-1906 |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
361 / 3 | Miscellaneous |
1898-1910 |
Court Papers |
Box/Folder | ||
361 / 4 | J.A. Coram testimony (re Montana Central Railway
right of way) |
1897 |
361 / 5 | Frank Klepetko testimony (re smelting costs) |
circa 1898 |
361 / 6 | Orders and attachments |
1900 |
361 / 7 | Testimony at inquest on death of John W. Walker in
Butte and Boston smelter |
1903 January |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
361 / 8 | Bills |
1906-1911 |
Volume | ||
434- 440 | Cash books |
1888-1910 |
Box/Folder | ||
362 / 1 | Concentration tests |
1900-1901 |
362 / 2-8 | Cost sheets (monthly) |
1888-1893 |
363 / 1-8 | Cost sheets (monthly) |
1894-1898 |
364 / 1-2 | Cost sheets (monthly) |
1899 |
364 / 3 | Cost sheets: departments |
1901 |
364 / 4 | Cost sheets: smelting |
1900 |
Volume | ||
441- 443 | Cost sheets (annual) |
1902-1904 |
444 | Cost sheets (six-month) |
1905-1910 |
445 | Cost sheets: Blue Jay Mine |
1901-1902 |
446 | Cost sheets: Mining Department |
1900-1901 |
Box/Folder | ||
364 / 5 | East Gray Rock ore |
1896-1899 |
Volume | ||
447 | Expense ledger |
1896-1900 |
448 | Freight received (fuel, etc.) |
1897-1901 |
449 | Freight received (lumber) |
1897-1901 |
450 | Freight received: Smelting Department |
1902-1905 |
451- 457 | Journals |
1888-1906 |
458- 464 | Ledgers |
1888-1911 |
458- 465 | "Matte record" |
1901-1903 |
Box/Folder | ||
364 / 6 | Montana Ore Purchasing Company claim (re
overcharges) |
1894-1896 |
364 / 7-8 | Ore statements (re company ore) |
1898-1909 |
Volume | ||
466- 467 | Ore statements (re custom and lease ore) |
1892-1904 |
468 | Pig copper shipments |
1900-1905 |
Box/Folder | ||
364 / 9 | Purchase of water from Woodville ditch |
1895-1896 |
364 / 10 | Receivership claims |
1896 |
Volume | ||
469 | Trial balances |
1896-1900 |
470 | Voucher distribution |
1897-1900 |
471- 473 | Voucher summaries |
1900-1906 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
364 / 11 | Agreements; bill of sale; certificate of redemption |
1890-1900 |
364 / 12 | Deed: Boston and Montana Consolidated Copper and
Silver Mining Company (re water rights) |
1905 |
364 / 13 | Rights of way; easements; etc. |
1894-1899 |
Subject Files |
Box/Folder | ||
365 / 1 | Index to numbered files |
1894-1911 |
365 / 2 | #1 Order for checks; #2 Gear for hoist engine; #3
Pipe; #4 Weigh pipe; #5 Ore shipments from Gray Rock to Berkeley; #7 Reorganization
Committee reports; #9 Coal, fuel, wood; #10 Boiler inspection reports |
1894-1899 |
365 / 3 | #11 Excavation at Berkeley; #12 Releasing liens;
#13 Culverts; #14 Water meters; #15 Attachments; #16 Wire rope; #17 Boilers damaged;
#18 Montana Ore Purchasing Company; #19 Electrical supplies; #20 Water at
Walkerville |
1894-1899 |
365 / 4 | #21 Cost sheets; #22 Claims not paid; #23 Repairs
to rented property; #24 Weigh boiler tubes; #26 Repairs to steel tapes; #28
Incidental expenses |
1894-1899 |
365 / 5-6 | #30 Accounts |
1897-1901 |
365 / 7 | #31 Office supplies; #32 Iron ore; #33 Oils; #34
Electric lights; #36 Transfer supplies; #37 Insurance; #38 School of Mines
subscriptions; #39 Accident insurance; #40 Steel tapes |
1894-1897 |
365 / 8 | #42 "Miscellaneous letters" |
1897 |
366 / 1 | #43 Hospital matters; #44 Bronze lag screws; #45
Chains and links; #46 Concentrator supplies; #47 Timekeeper; #49 Claims: Rice Glass
and Company |
1894-1899 |
366 / 2 | #51 Check to B. Hanlon; #54 Bill against
Hollinshead; #55 House and ground rent; #58 Unpaid bills |
1894-1899 |
366 / 3 | #60 Supplies |
1894-1899 |
366 / 4 | #61 Freight switching; #62 Teaming; #64 Expense
bills; #65 Removal of waste pile at Silver Bow; #66 Taxes; #68 General office
orders; #70 Employees |
1894-1899 |
366 / 5 | #73 Mine machinery; #75 Pump plungers |
1894-1899 |
366 / 6 | #83 Packing; #85 Shafting |
1897-1898 |
366 / 7 | #1 "Pig copper" |
1903-1904 |
366 / 8 | #2 "Assays and samples" |
1904-1906 |
366 / 9-10 | #3 "Leasers and custom ore" |
1900-1911 |
366 / 11 | #3a "Transportation: Gray Rock and Wild Bill" |
1900-1902 |
366 / 12 | #4 "Timber and lumber" |
1905-1910 |
367 / 1 | #5 "Fuel" |
1900-1907 |
367 / 2 | #5a "Coal" |
1900-1910 |
367 / 3 | #5b "Wood" |
1900-1904 |
367 / 4 | #7 "Reports" |
1900-1903 |
367 / 5 | #8 "Assays and samples" |
1900-1901 |
367 / 6 | #9 "Fire insurance" |
1902-1910 |
367 / 7 | #10 "Boiler inspectors' reports" |
1900-1911 |
367 / 8 | #11 "Real estate" |
1900-1910 |
367 / 9 | #11a "Real estate taxes" |
1900-1910 |
367 / 10 | #11b "House and ground rent" |
1899-1911 |
367 / 11 | #11c "Repairs to rental property" |
1900-1910 |
368 / 1 | #12 "Freighting and switching disputes" |
1899-1911 |
368 / 2 | #14 "Boston and Montana orders" |
1900-1905 |
368 / 3 | #15 "Electrical supplies" |
1900-1904 |
368 / 4 | #16 "Employees" |
1900-1910 |
368 / 5 | #18 "Colusa-Parrot matte" |
1901-1903 |
368 / 6 | #21 "Catalogues" |
1900-1907 |
368 / 7 | #22 "Scrap iron" |
1900-1909 |
368 / 8 | #23 "Concentrator supplies, elevator buckets" |
1900-1901 |
368 / 9 | #24 "General supplies" |
1900-1910 |
368 / 10 | #24a "General supplies" (re powder and fuses) |
1900-1901 |
368 / 11 | #24b "General supplies" (re limerock and silica) |
1900-1905 |
368 / 12 | #24c-d "General supplies" (re fire clay and brick,
pipe and coverings) |
1900-1904 |
368 / 13 | #24e-f "General supplies" (re assay supplies, mine
machinery) |
1900-1911 |
368 / 14 | #24g-p "General supplies" (re belting, packing,
screens, candles, iron and steel, mine machinery, oil and oil barrels, iron ore for
flux) |
1900-1907 |
368 / 15 | #25 "Miscellaneous" (re magazine subscriptions,
C.A.H. Lauden's fossil collection, sale of horse, etc.) |
1902-1907 |
368 / 16 | #28 "Contracts" (includes union contracts) |
1899-1909 |
368 / 17 | #41 "Custom ore" |
1901 |
369 / 1 | #41a "Washoe, Parrot, and Anaconda ores" |
1896-1901 |
369 / 2 | #72 "Lumber and timber" |
1898-1901 |
369 / 3 | #93 "Matte received from Bingham Copper and Gold
Mining Company" |
1901-1903 |
Butte and Montana Commercial Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
369 / 4 | Minute book |
1890-1891 |
Butte and Superior Copper Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
369 / 5 | Agreement with Murray Hospital |
1915 |
Butte Copper and Zinc Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
474 | Cost sheets |
1956-1959 |
Butte Electric Railway Company / Street Railway Department (Butte) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
475 | Business statements |
1928-1942 |
476 | Cash book |
1936-1940 |
Box/Folder | ||
369 / 6 | Columbia Gardens greenhouse accounts receivable |
1933-1938 |
369 / 7 | Inventory |
1930-1931 |
Volume | ||
477 | Journal |
1936-1942 |
478 | Ledger |
1936-1942 |
Box/Folder | ||
369 / 8 | Property list |
1935 |
Volume | ||
479 | Record of checks certified (includes payroll,
employees' hospital association, union, and Silver Bow County Emergency Relief Fund) |
1933-1935 |
480 | Supplementary ledger |
1936-1940 |
Organizational Records |
Volume | ||
480A | Minutes of Directors and Stockholders Meetings |
1899-1930 |
Box/Folder | ||
369 / 9 | Stock book |
1899-1928 |
369 / 10 | Stock ledger |
1899-1928 |
370 / 1 | Stock transfer book |
1901-1928 |
Butte Exemption Copper Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
370 / 2 | Minutes and records |
1906-1931 |
Butte Miner Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
481 | Balance sheets |
1928-1934 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
370 / 3 | Annual statement of corporation |
1918 |
Butte Mutual Labor Bureau Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
482 | Cash book |
1920-1932 |
483- 484 | Journals |
1920-1933 |
485 | Ledger |
1920-1933 |
Butte Sampling Mill Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
486 | General office ledger |
1895-1898 |
Butte Water Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Miscellany |
Volume | ||
487 | Water rate change study (includes lists of
residences, number of rooms, toilets, etc.) |
1935 |
Capital Lumber Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
370 / 4 | Balance sheets |
1899-1900 |
Volume | ||
488 | Business statements |
1901-1911 |
Box/Folder | ||
370 / 5 | Cash book abstract |
1899 |
370 / 6 | "Detail of investment and schedule of operations" |
1901 |
Volume | ||
489 | General office ledger |
1898-1900 |
Box/Folder | ||
370 / 7 | General office ledger index |
1898-1900 |
Carbon Coal Company / Coal Department (Carbon) / Lumber Department (Carbon) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Incoming Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
370 / 8 | Miscellaneous |
1899-1900 |
Outgoing Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
370 / 9 | Letterpress book: auditor |
1898-1899 |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
490 | Cash book |
1897-1904 |
491- 492 | Departmental journals |
1897-1904 |
493 | General office ledger |
1899 |
Box/Folder | ||
370 / 10 | General office ledger index |
1899 |
370 / 11 | Inventories |
1899-1901 |
Volume | ||
494 | Ledger |
1897-1899 |
Box/Folder | ||
371 / 1 | Lumber Department cash book |
1898-1899 |
Volume | ||
495 | Lumber Department cash book |
1899-1901 |
496- 497 | Lumber Department journals |
1899-1902 |
498- 501 | Lumber Department ledgers (includes 1899 index) |
1898-1899 |
Box/Folder | ||
371 / 2 | Lumber Department ledger index |
1899 |
Volume | ||
502- 503 | Lumber Department sales books |
1898-1899 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
371 / 3 | "Coal declaratory statements and assignment to
Henry Burrell" |
1897-1898 |
Maps |
Box/Folder | ||
371 / 4 | List of maps transferred to Library map collection |
undated |
Castner Coal and Coke Company / Coal Department (Belt) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Incoming Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
371 / 5 | Miscellaneous |
1894-1895 |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
371 / 6-7 | Balance sheets |
1893-1901 |
Volume | ||
504 | Business statements |
1901-1919 |
Box/Folder | ||
371 / 8 | Cash sheets |
1895 |
371 / 9 | Cash transcripts and trial balances |
1894-1897 |
371 / 10 | Construction report |
1896 |
Volume | ||
505 | Cost and operation reports: coke and slack washing
plants |
1896-1901 |
506 | Cost and production reports: mines and coke ovens |
1895-1901 |
Box/Folder | ||
371 / 11 | Cost of Washing Plant destroyed by fire |
1898 |
Volume | ||
507- 509 | General office ledgers |
1895-1905 |
Box/Folder | ||
371 / 12 | General office ledger index |
1898-1904 |
372 / 1 | Inventories |
1895 |
372 / 2 | Journal entries (items prepared for entry in
journal) |
1904 |
372 / 3 | Production reports |
1895, 1901 |
372 / 4-6 | Transcript of books |
1911-1919 |
372 / 7 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
372 / 8 | Wage rates for coal miners |
1899 |
372 / 9 | Miscellaneous (includes boarding house accounts,
expenses, amounts due on contracts, etc.) |
1893-1895 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
372 / 10 | Deeds to surface rights |
1907 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
372 / 11 | Record book (includes articles of incorporation,
minutes) |
1888-1896 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | ||
372 / 12 | Report to State Coal Mine Inspector |
1906 |
372 / 13 | "Second Quarterly Report of Chemist for Castner
Coal and Coke Company" |
1896 |
372 / 14 | "Special Report, by W.S. Thomas, on Coke from
Rewashed Coal, and the Semet-Solvay System of Coking Coal" |
1896 |
W.A. Clark Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Court Papers |
Box/Folder | ||
372 / 15 | W.A. Clark Estate letters testamentary |
1925 |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
372 / 16 | Journal of unidentified company owned by W.A. Clark |
1912-1914 |
Legal Documents |
Volume | ||
510 | Property record |
1880-1910 |
Box/Folder | ||
372 / 17 | Property record index |
1880-1910 |
Clark-Montana Realty Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
373 / 1 | "Statement showing book value as compared with
actual value at March 2, 1925 of assets of Clark-Montana Realty Company together
with description of property and basis used in determining actual value" |
1925 |
373 / 2 | Travona Mine inventory |
1928 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
373 / 3 | Annual reports and statements |
1916-1919 |
373 / 4-8 | Minutes (includes meetings, 1910, authorizing sale
of property to Anaconda Copper Mining Company) |
1904-1915 |
373 / 9-10 | Minutes (includes copies of deeds) |
1916-1919 |
374 / 1-2 | Minutes (includes copies of deeds) |
1920-1928 |
374 / 3 | Stockholder list |
1928 |
Coal Department (Sand Coulee) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial and Production Records |
Volume | ||
511- 512 | Business statements |
1914-1933 |
513- 514 | Cash books |
1914-1924 |
515- 517 | Coal shipments |
1914-1924 |
518 | Distribution of expenses |
1919-1924 |
Box/Folder | ||
375 / | Employee cards (includes name, position, and wages) |
1919-1921 |
376 / 1 | General expenses |
1925 |
376 / 2 | Inventories |
1924-1925 |
Volume | ||
519- 521 | Journals |
1914-1942 |
522- 524 | Ledgers |
1914-1924 |
Box/Folder | ||
376 / 3-5 | Ledger indexes |
1914-1924 |
Volume | ||
525 | Material received |
1919-1924 |
526 | Material record |
1924 |
527 | Property accounts |
1915-1933 |
Box/Folder | ||
376 / 6 | Property list (includes taxable and real valuation) |
1925 |
376 / 7 | Record of lot sales |
1914-1917 |
Volume | ||
528 | Rent record |
1920-1925 |
Box/Folder | ||
376 / 8 | Rental collections |
1924 |
376 / 9-12 | Transcript of books |
1914-1917 |
377 / 1-5 | Transcript of books |
1918-1922 |
Volume | ||
529 | Transcript of books |
1922-1942 |
Box/Folder | ||
377 / 6 | Trial balances |
1924-1926 |
377 / 7-8 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1925 |
Coal Sales Department (Butte) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
378 / 1 | Cash books |
1926-1927 |
Volume | ||
530- 531 | Cash books |
1928-1932 |
Box/Folder | ||
378 / 2-3 | Cash books |
1933-1939 |
Volume | ||
532 | Coal orders |
1935-1939 |
Box/Folder | ||
378 / 4 | Coal sales ledger |
1924-1925 |
379 / 1 | Coal sales ledger |
1925-1926 |
Volume | ||
533- 535 | Coal sales ledger: companies and individuals |
1921-1939 |
536- 537 | Coal shipments |
1925-1936 |
Box/Folder | ||
379 / 2 | General ledger |
1924-1933 |
379 / 3 | Journal |
1924-1939 |
379 / 4 | Trial balances |
1924-1926 |
Cokedale Coal Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
538 | Ledger |
1904 |
Box/Folder | ||
379 / 5 | Statement of account |
1910 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
379 / 6 | Leases |
1910-1911 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
379 / 7 | Annual report |
1907 |
Colorado Smelting and Mining Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Incoming Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
380 / 1a | A-Z |
1879-1880, undated |
Outgoing Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
380 / 1 | Letterpress book: Henry Williams (includes Boston
and Colorado Smelting Company and Arlington Mining Company) |
1876-1881 |
380 / 2 | Letterpress book: Henry Williams |
1879-1885 |
380 / 3 | Letterpress book: Henry Williams; C.W. Goodale |
1888-1891 |
380 / 4-5 | Letterpress book: Henry Williams; David Goodale |
1891-1893 |
381 / 1-4 | Letterpress book: Henry Williams; David Goodale |
1893-1898 |
382 / 1 | Letterpress book: Henry Williams; R.F. Pearce |
1898-1899 |
382 / 2-3 | Letterpress book: R.F. Pearce |
1899-1902 |
382 / 4 | Letterpress book: James B. Gallagher |
1902-1905 |
383 / 1-4 | Letterpress book: C.W. Goodale |
1885-1889 |
384 / 1-3 | Letterpress book: C.W. Goodale |
1889-1891 |
385 / 1 | Letterpress book: C.W. Goodale |
1891-1893 |
385 / 2 | Letterpress book: C.W. Goodale; P. Wiseman |
1893-1894 |
386 / 1-2 | Letterpress book: C.W. Goodale; P. Wiseman |
1894-1896 |
387 / 1-2 | Letterpress book: C.W. Goodale; P. Wiseman |
1896-1897 |
388 / 1 | Letterpress book: C.W. Goodale; P. Wiseman |
1897-1898 |
388 / 2 | Letterpress book: P. Wiseman |
1898-1899 |
388 / 3 | Letterpress book: P. Wiseman (includes lists of
employees paying dues to hospital fund) |
1899-1902 |
Financial and Production Records |
Volume | ||
539- 547 | Assay books |
1878-1904 |
548- 549 | Bullion books |
1898-1904 |
550- 554 | Cash books |
1891-1910 |
Box/Folder | ||
389 / 1-3 | Cost sheets: concentrating |
1900-1902 |
Volume | ||
555 | Cost sheets: concentrating, reverberatory,
reduction |
1902-1904 |
Box/Folder | ||
389 / 4-6 | Cost sheets: smelting |
1899-1902 |
390 / 1 | Expense journal |
1876-1883 |
Volume | ||
556 | Expense journal |
1883-1894 |
557- 560 | Journals |
1890-1907 |
561- 564 | Ledgers |
1890-1909 |
Box/Folder | ||
390 / 2 | Ledger index |
1899-1902 |
390 / 3 | Ledger (also includes ore journal, 1896-1898) |
1897-1898 |
390 / 4 | Ledger (monthly totals of categories of
expenditures) |
1899 |
Volume | ||
565 | Ledger (monthly totals of categories of
expenditures) |
1900-1901 |
566 | Matte shipments |
1897-1904 |
567 | Mining expenses |
1902-1904 |
Box/Folder | ||
391 / 1 | Ore journal |
1899 |
391 / 2-3 | Ore receipts (includes some correspondence) |
1895-1896 |
392 / 1-4 | Ore receipts (includes some correspondence) |
1896-1898 |
oversizebox-folder | ||
393 / 1-4 | Ore receipts (includes some correspondence) |
1899-1906 |
Volume | ||
568- 572 | "Ore received at new concentrator" |
1892-1903 |
573 | Payroll |
1893-1899 |
oversizebox-folder | ||
393 / 4a | Payroll: miscellaneous payrolls of mines |
1884-1885 |
393 / 5 | Production statements |
1899-1902 |
Box/Folder | ||
394 / 1 | "Profits on custom ore & concentrates
purchased" |
1897 |
Volume | ||
574 | "Record of delivery of concentrates" |
1903 |
575 | "Record of operating and construction expenses" |
1892-1909 |
Box/Folder | ||
394 / 2 | "Record of operating expenses" |
1910-1912 |
394 / 3 | "Record of ores worked" |
1900-1903 |
Volume | ||
576 | Reduction works expenses |
1902-1904 |
577 | Sampling mill and calcining costs |
1902-1904 |
Box/Folder | ||
394 / 4 | Smelting reports |
1891-1899 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | ||
394 / 5 | Annual and semi-annual reports |
1892-1900 |
395 / 1 | Reports to Denver office |
1898-1900 |
Columbia Amusement Company [Columbia Gardens]Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
578 | Balance sheets and profit and loss |
1929-1940 |
579- 582 | Cash books |
1929-1959 |
583- 585 | Journals |
1929-1963 |
586- 588 | Ledgers |
1929-1958 |
Colusa Parrot Mining and Smelting Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
589 | Voucher register |
1917-1923 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
395 / 2 | Annual statement |
1918 |
395 / 3 | Minutes |
March 1917 |
Darwin Mines Department (Darwin, Calif.) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
395 / 4 | Miscellaneous |
1966-1971 |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
590 | Cash book and voucher register |
1957-1958 |
591 | Cost sheets (six-month reports) |
1945-1957 |
Box/Folder | ||
395 / 5 | Equipment transferred from Darwin and Shoshone
mines to Mt. Wheeler Mines, Ely, Nevada |
1961-1963 |
Volume | ||
592- 593 | Journals |
1945-1957 |
594 | Property records: Darwin Mines (includes appraised
value of buildings and equipment, construction record, etc.) |
1945-1962 |
595 | Property records: Shoshone Mines (includes general
ledger, expenses, plant and equipment record, construction record, etc.) |
1947-1958 |
596- 597 | Trial balances |
1945-1972 |
Davis-Daly Copper Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
395 / 6 | Contract and rent ledger |
1910-1920 |
395 / 7 | Distribution of accounts |
1920-1922 |
395 / 8 | Expenses |
1922-1923 |
Volume | ||
598- 602 | General ledgers |
1908-1924 |
Box/Folder | ||
395 / 9 | Insurance book (lists coverage of property with
different companies) |
1916-1921 |
395 / 10 | Insurance on Hibernia Mine |
undated |
395 / 11 | Journal |
1920-1924 |
396 / 1 | Ledger |
1913-1924 |
396 / 2 | Ore shipments |
1909-1921 |
396 / 3 | "Record of freight received" |
1908-1923 |
Volume | ||
603- 606 | Voucher register |
1908-1924 |
Deer Lodge Valley Farms Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
607 | Balance sheets, profit and loss |
1914-1936 |
608 | Description of lands in Deer Lodge Valley
(alphabetical by owner, evaluates quality of land) |
1905 |
Box/Folder | ||
396 / 4 | Inventory |
1930-1931 |
396 / 5-8 | Transcript of books |
1914-1917 |
397 / 1-5 | Transcript of books |
1918-1922 |
Volume | ||
609 | Transcript of books |
1923-1952 |
Box/Folder | ||
397 / 6 | Transcript of books: Mill Creek Irrigation Company |
1914-1922 |
397 / 7 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
Diamond Coal and Coke Company (Diamondville, Wyoming) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
397 / 8 | Miscellaneous (re Anaconda Copper Mining Company
acquisition of Diamond Coal and Coke Company) |
1898 |
Outgoing Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
397 / 9 | Letterpress book: Seward H. Fields; Samuel F.
Walker |
1894-1895 |
398 / 1-2 | Letterpress books: Seward H. Fields; W.H. Donnell |
1895-1896 |
398 / 3 | Letterpress book: H.M. Moran |
1900 |
398 / 4 | W.H. Dudley |
1900 |
Court Papers |
Box/Folder | ||
398 / 5 | Eviction proceedings from company houses |
1900 |
398 / 6 | Lien statement |
1903 |
398 / 7 | "Rodda case" (list of books taken to Ogden re case) |
1905 |
Financial and Production Records |
Box/Folder | ||
398 / 8 | Analysis of Kemmerer Coal Company coal |
1897 |
398 / 9 | Business statements |
1898 |
Volume | ||
610- 617 | Business statements |
1901-1943 |
Box/Folder | ||
398 / 10 | Cash book |
1924-1926 |
Volume | ||
618 | Coal Department cash book |
1941-1943 |
Box/Folder | ||
398 / 11 | Coal Department general balance and profit and loss |
1899-1901 |
Volume | ||
619 | Coal receipt book |
1899 |
Box/Folder | ||
398 / 12 | Coal shipments |
1899 |
399 / 1-2 | Coal shipments |
1924-1939 |
Volume | ||
620 | Coal shipments |
1931-1942 |
Box/Folder | ||
399 / 3 | Depreciation of mine equipment |
1904-1909 |
399 / 4 | Employee accounts |
1940-1942 |
Volume | ||
621 | General ledger |
1938-1943 |
Box/Folder | ||
399 / 5-6 | Inventories |
1901, 1930-1931 |
Volume | ||
622- 623 | Journals |
1894-1898, 1937-1943 |
Box/Folder | ||
400 / 1 | Ledger |
1894-1895 |
Volume | ||
624- 626 | Ledgers |
1894-1904 |
628 | Ledger |
1905 |
Box/Folder | ||
400 / 2-4 | Ledger indexes |
1898-1901, 1905,undated |
Volume | ||
627 | Ledger index |
1901-1904 |
Box/Folder | ||
400 / 5 | Legal expenses |
1904-1905 |
Volume | ||
629 | Lumber and Townsite Departments business statements |
1900-1906 |
Box/Folder | ||
400 / 6 | Lumber Department general balance and profit and
loss |
1899-1902 |
Volume | ||
630 | Lumber Department ledger |
1898-1905 |
Box/Folder | ||
400 / 7 | Lumber Department ledger index |
1898-1905 |
400 / 8 | Mercantile Department general balance and profit
and loss |
1899-1902 |
Volume | ||
631 | Mercantile Department ledger |
1898-1899 |
Box/Folder | ||
400 / 9 | Mercantile Department ledger index |
1898-1899 |
Volume | ||
632 | Mercantile Department property accounts and sales
book |
1928-1942 |
Box/Folder | ||
400 / 10 | Pinkerton's National Detective Agency bill |
1904 |
400 / 11 | "Production, cost, and profit" |
1901-1902 |
Volume | ||
633 | Property accounts |
1936-1942 |
634 | Rent record (re payroll deduction for company
houses) |
1941-1942 |
Box/Folder | ||
401 / 1 | Salt Lake City Agency general ledger |
1898-1899 |
Volume | ||
635 | Salt Lake City Agency sales journal |
1898-1900 |
636 | Salt Lake City Agency sales ledger |
1898-1899 |
Box/Folder | ||
401 / 2 | Townsite Department general balance and profit and
loss |
1899-1902 |
Volume | ||
637 | Townsite Department ledger |
1898-1904 |
Box/Folder | ||
401 / 3 | Townsite Department ledger index |
1898-1904 |
oversizebox-folder | ||
402 / 1-4 | Transcript of books |
1911-1914 |
403 / 1-4 | Transcript of books |
1915-1918 |
404 / 1-4 | Transcript of books |
1919-1922 |
Box/Folder | ||
405 / 1 | Trial balances |
1898 |
405 / 2 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
Volume | ||
638 | Voucher journal |
1926-1942 |
Box/Folder | ||
405 / 3 | Miscellaneous (re Henry Burrell) |
1898 |
405 / 4 | Miscellaneous (re Thomas Sneddon) |
1898 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
405 / 5 | Abstract of title |
circa 1908 |
405 / 6 | Agreement: stockholders and Marcus Daly |
1898 |
405 / 7 | Agreements: The California Company |
1934-1938 |
405 / 8 | Agreements: Oregon Short Line Railroad Company |
1897, 1920-1932 |
405 / 9 | Agreement: Union Pacific Railroad Company |
1898 |
405 / 10 | Agreements (re gravel) |
1934-1937 |
405 / 11 | Contract: Simon Sterne (includes royalty reports) |
1900-1923 |
405 / 12-13 | Deeds |
1906, 1912-1928, 1933-1942 |
405 / 14 | Deeds and related papers (re property acquisition
from Hams Fork coal Mining Company, et al.) |
1894-1902 |
405 / 15 | Leases (re grazing) |
1908-1934 |
405 / 16 | Leases |
1893-1911 |
405 / 17 | "Mountain Trading Company" [company store] |
1901 |
405 / 18 | "Papers re land filings" |
1897-1899 |
405 / 19 | Rent agreements: miners' houses and tents |
1899 |
405 / 20 | Union Pacific Railroad land transfer |
1899 |
405 / 21 | Miscellaneous (includes telephone pole leases,
billboard advertising permit and lease, and lease of Mountain Trading Company
building for wool warehouse) |
1936-1939 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
406 / 1 | Articles of incorporation |
1894 |
406 / 2 | "Papers re shares held by Utah Commercial and
Savings Bank" |
1897-1898 |
406 / 3 | Proxies; resignations; etc. |
1898 |
406 / 4 | Stockholder list |
1898 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | ||
406 / 5 | Report to U.S. Geological Survey (re coal
production) |
1905 |
406 / 6 | William H. Schmidt report (re audit) |
1900 |
406 / 7 | F.W. Whyte report (re Diamondville coal) |
1897 |
Douglas Mining Company / Douglas-Pine Creek Company (Beeler and Masonia, Idaho) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Incoming Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
406 / 8 | Miscellaneous |
1917 |
Financial and Production Records |
Box/Folder | ||
406 / 9 | Insurance policies |
1916-1918 |
406 / 10 | Labor distributions, etc. |
1916-1918 |
406 / 11 | Supplies on hand (includes Neihart Development
Company, 1916) |
1916-1918 |
406 / 12 | Tunnel assays and tunnel work (includes Neihart
Development Company, 1916) |
circa 1916-1918 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
406 / 13 | Agreement: Oregon-Washington Railroad and
Navigation Company and Hypotheek Mining and Milling Company (re right-of-way at
Douglas Mine) |
1917 |
406 / 14 | Explosives license |
1917 |
Electric Railway, Light, and Power Company / Electric Light and Railway Department Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Incoming Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
406 / 15 | Miscellaneous |
1895-1896 |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
406 / 16 | Balance sheets |
1898-1901 |
Volume | ||
639- 643 | Business statements |
1890-1952 |
Box/Folder | ||
406 / 17 | Collections |
1889-1891 |
406 / 18 | Construction costs |
1900-1901 |
Volume | ||
644- 645 | General office ledgers |
1895-1900 |
Box/Folder | ||
406 / 19 | General office ledger index |
1898-1900 |
406 / 20 | Inventory |
1930-1931 |
406 / 21 | Journal entries (items prepared for entry in
journal) |
1904 |
406 / 22 | Notice to conductors on fares |
1901 |
Volume | ||
646- 647 | Record of goods received |
1901-1911 |
648 | Supply ledger |
1900-1904 |
Box/Folder | ||
406 / 23 | Time book (re payroll) |
1892-1896 |
407 / 1-7 | Transcript of books |
1897, 1911-1916 |
408 / 1-6 | Transcript of books |
1917-1922 |
408 / 7 | Trial balances |
1898 |
Oversize Folder | ||
9 | Trial balances [Archives Map Case] |
1898 |
Box/Folder | ||
408 / 8 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
408 / 9 | Contracts |
1894-1895 |
408 / 10 | Ordinance for street railway (rough draft) |
1888-1889 |
Miscellany |
Box/Folder | ||
408 / 11-12 | Injury reports |
1897-1915 |
Oversize Folder | ||
9 | Oversize Material [Archives Map Case] |
undated |
Box/Folder | ||
409 / 1-3 | Injury reports |
1916-1935 |
Elliston Fluming Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
409 / 4 | Trial balances |
1889-1891 |
Elm Orlu Mining Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
409 / 4a | Anaconda Copper Mining Company (re development
work) |
1925-1926 |
Financial and Production Records |
Box/Folder | ||
409 / 5 | Accounts payable |
1909 |
Volume | ||
649 | Accounts receivable |
1927-1928 |
650- 656 | Audited vouchers (see voucher registers for earlier
dates) |
1914-1928 |
657- 664 | Cash books |
1909-1928 |
665 | "Comparative weights and assays, etc." |
1914-1919 |
666 | Copper-iron concentrates shipments and returns |
1914-1920 |
667- 668 | Copper ore shipments and returns |
1907-1927 |
669 | Elm Orlu Mine accounts |
1920-1928 |
670 | Freight received |
1906-1910 |
671- 678 | Journals |
1906-1928 |
679- 683 | Ledgers |
1906-1928 |
684- 687 | Ore shipments |
1909-1927 |
688 | Silver and copper shipments |
1908-1909 |
Box/Folder | ||
409 / 6 | Statements of flotation royalty |
1916-1922 |
Volume | ||
689 | Travona Mine: cash book |
1919-1921 |
690 | Travona Mine: journal |
1919-1921 |
691 | Travona Mine: ledger |
1919-1921 |
692 | Travona Mine: voucher record |
1919-1921 |
Box/Folder | ||
409 / 7 | Trial balance |
April, November 1904 |
Volume | ||
693- 694 | Voucher register (see audited vouchers for later
dates) |
1906-1913 |
695- 699 | Zinc concentrate shipments and returns |
1909-1927 |
700 | "Zinc residue" |
1909-1911 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
409 / 8 | Players' agreements for Clark Ball Club |
1923 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
409 / 9 | Annual statement |
1918 |
Employees Club Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
701 | Journal |
1953-1963 |
702 | Ledger |
1947-1958 |
Fertilizer Department (Chicago, Illinois; Conda, Idaho; Anaconda, Mont.) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
703 | Business statements |
1920-1933 |
Box/Folder | ||
409 / 10 | Inventory |
1930-1931 |
Volume | ||
704 | Journal |
1929-1932 |
Box/Folder | ||
409 / 11-13 | Transcript of books |
1920-1922 |
Florence Hotel (Butte) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
705 | Account ledger |
1919-1920 |
706 | Cash book |
1919-1920 |
Box/Folder | ||
409 / 14 | Ledger |
1919-1920 |
410 / 1 | Room rent book |
1919-1920 |
410 / 2 | Miscellaneous |
1919-1920 |
Miscellany |
Volume | ||
707 | Hotel register |
1915-1917 |
Box/Folder | ||
410 / 3-4 | Hotel register |
1917-1920 |
Hope Lumber Manufacturing Company / Lumber Department (Hope, Idaho) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
410 / 5 | Audit |
1913 |
Volume | ||
708- 709 | Business statements |
1908-1929 |
Box/Folder | ||
410 / 6-9 | Transcript of books |
1908-1914 |
411 / 1-4 | Transcript of books |
1915-1922 |
Volume | ||
710 | Transcript of books |
1922-1925 |
Box/Folder | ||
411 / 5 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
Interstate Lumber Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
711 | Business statements |
1911-1941 |
Box/Folder | ||
411 / 6 | Inventories: Anaconda yard |
1930-1931 |
411 / 7 | Inventories: Butte yard |
1930-1931 |
412 / 1 | Inventories: Deer Lodge yard |
1930-1931 |
412 / 2 | Inventories: Hamilton yard |
1930-1931 |
412 / 3 | Inventories: Helena yard |
1930-1931 |
412 / 4 | Inventories: Missoula yard |
1930-1931 |
412 / 5 | Inventories: Stevensville yard |
1930-1931 |
412 / 6 | Inventories: Twin Bridges yard |
1930-1931 |
412 / 7 | Inventories: Whitehall yard |
1930-1931 |
412 / 8 | Transcript of books |
1911-1912 |
413 / 1-7 | Transcript of books |
1913-1919 |
414 / 1-3 | Transcript of books |
1920-1922 |
Volume | ||
712 | Transcript of books |
1922-1928 |
Box/Folder | ||
414 / 4 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
J.T. Carroll Lumber Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
414 / 5 | Audit |
1910 |
Volume | ||
713 | Balance sheets, profit and loss |
1914-1924 |
Box/Folder | ||
414 / 6 | Inventories of fir lumber for flume at Anaconda |
1892 |
Mayflower Mining Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
414 / 7 | Journal |
1896-1927 |
414 / 8-9 | Ledger |
1896-1959 |
Mill Creek Timber Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
714 | Balance sheets, profit and loss (includes Mill
Creek Irrigation Company and Mines Timber Company) |
1914-1938 |
715 | Cash book |
1923-1927 |
716 | General ledger |
1923-1927 |
717 | Journal |
1919-1931 |
Box/Folder | ||
415 / 1-3 | Transcript of books |
1913-1922 |
415 / 4 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
Mines Office Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial and Production Records |
Volume | ||
718 | Average rate of compensation (re wages) |
1928-1944 |
Box/Folder | ||
415 / 5 | Cash book (primarily royalty payments) |
1896-1897 |
Volume | ||
719- 741 | Cost sheets (six-month reports) |
1905-1957 |
742 | Cost sheets (yearly report) |
1964 |
743- 744 | Disbursement sheets |
1895-1900 |
Box/Folder | ||
415 / 6-7 | Inventory |
1930-1931 |
415 / 8 | Inventory: Leonard Mine |
1935 |
Volume | ||
745- 747 | Ledgers |
1895-1898, 1917-1926 |
748 | Machine Shop order book |
1896 |
749 | Mine tonnages: copper, zinc, manganese |
1926-1951 |
Box/Folder | ||
415 / 9 | "Move orders" (re transfer of equipment, etc.,
between mines) |
1915-1921 |
Volume | ||
750- 751 | Ore shipments (daily) |
1904 |
752 | Payroll journal (lists payroll total for each mine,
September 1917-March 1918) |
1917-1925 |
Box/Folder | ||
416 / 1 | Payroll journal |
1925-1927 |
Oversize Folder | ||
14 | Stope cost record [Archives Map Case] |
1920 |
Box/Folder | ||
416 / 2 | Unemployment compensation eligibility |
1939-1941 |
Volume | ||
753 | Voucher record |
1900-1902 |
Minutes |
Box/Folder | ||
416 / 2a | Notes of foremen's meetings (re Zinc Group of Mines
and efficiency) |
1917-1919 |
Mines Timber Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
416 / 3 | Cash book |
1924-1927 |
Volume | ||
754 | Journal |
1917-1931 |
755 | Ledger |
1918-1927 |
Box/Folder | ||
416 / 4-7 | Transcript of books |
1911-1922 |
416 / 8 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
Montana Copper Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
417 / 1 | Articles of incorporation |
1879 |
Montana Free Press Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Incoming Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
417 / 2 | Miscellaneous |
1933-1934 |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
756 | Cash book |
1928-1930 |
757 | Voucher register |
1928-1930 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
417 / 3 | Bylaws |
1928 |
Volume | ||
758 | Minute book (includes articles of incorporation) |
1928-1933 |
Montana Hardware Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
759 | Balance sheets, profit and loss |
1928-1949 |
Montana Hotel / Hotel Department (Anaconda) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
417 / 4 | Balance sheets, profit and loss |
1896-1904 |
Volume | ||
760- 762 | Business statements (Vol. 762 includes Western
Hotel Company, operated under lease, 1933-1940) |
1901-1949 |
Box/Folder | ||
417 / 5 | Cost of remodelling |
1903 |
417 / 6 | Inventory |
1930-1931 |
Volume | ||
763 | Inventory |
1947 |
764- 765 | Ledgers |
1895-1905 |
oversizebox-folder | ||
418 / 1-3 | Transcript of books |
1914-1915 |
419 / 1-3 | Transcript of books |
1915-1916 |
420 / 1-3 | Transcript of books |
1917-1918 |
421 / 1-3 | Transcript of books |
1918-1920 |
422 / 1-3 | Transcript of books |
1921-1923 |
Box/Folder | ||
423 / 1-6 | Transcript of books |
1924-1929 |
423 / 7 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
Organizational Records |
Volume | ||
766 | Stock book: Montana Hotel Association |
1889 |
Miscellany |
Box/Folder | ||
423 / 8 | Cold storage house specifications |
undated |
Montana Improvement Company, Ltd. Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
423 / 9 | Articles of incorporation (typescript copy) |
1882 |
Montana Lumber and Manufacturing Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
769 | Ledger |
1889-1900 |
Box/Folder | ||
423 / 10 | Ledger index |
1889-1900 |
Montana Mine Exploration Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
424 / 1 | Miscellaneous |
1906-1909 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
424 / 2 | Agreements; leases; etc. |
1906-1911 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
424 / 3 | Certificate of incorporation; minutes; stockholder
notices; etc. |
1906-1909 |
Montana Sampling Works / Sampling Department Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Outgoing Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
424 / 4 | Letterpress copies |
1902 |
Financial and Production Records |
Volume | ||
768- 769 | Cash books |
1895-1896 |
770 | "Cupreous material on hand and metallurgical
reports" |
1903-1905 |
771 | "Custom ore and concentrates sampled and purchased"
(includes name of customer, name of mine, weight, assay value, and charges) |
1896-1903 |
772 | Journal |
1895-1898 |
773 | Ledger |
1895-1898 |
774- 775 | "Mill record" |
1904-1907 |
776 | "Ore record" |
1905-1907 |
Box/Folder | ||
424 / 5 | Ore statement |
1895 |
424 / 6 | "Tonnage of first and second class ore" |
1905 |
Volume | ||
777 | Voucher abstract |
1898-1901 |
Montana Water, Electric Power, and Mining Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
424 / 7 | Miscellaneous (re power station, machinery,
pipeline, flume, etc.) |
1890-1902 |
424 / 8 | Miscellaneous (re water rights on Flint Creek) |
1890-1901 |
Court Papers |
Box/Folder | ||
424 / 9 | Michael Norris vs. Montana Water, Electric Power,
and Mining Company court decree and related papers |
1900 |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
424 / 10 | Account: Bi-Metallic Mining Company and
Granite-BiMetallic Consolidated Mining Company |
1894-1905 |
424 / 11 | Assessments, taxes, protests |
1896-1905 |
424 / 12 | Audit reports |
1907-1909 |
424 / 13 | Checkstubs |
1904-1905 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
424 / 14 | Contract: Granite-BiMetallic Consolidated Mining
Company (includes samples of other companies' contracts) |
1901 |
424 / 15 | Mining and water rights claims |
1901 |
424 / 16 | Petition to Daly [Deer Lodge] County Commissioners
(re road) |
1901 |
424 / 17 | Pole line right of way |
1901 |
424 / 18 | Trust deed |
1902 |
424 / 19 | Water rights (transcript of Deer Lodge and Granite
county records, mining code, etc.) |
1890-1902, undated |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
424 / 20 | Annual report |
1906 |
424 / 21 | Articles of incorporation; minutes; etc. |
1891-1903 |
Clippings |
Box/Folder | ||
424 / 22 | Re fish ladders |
undated |
Moulton Mining Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
425 / 1 | Stockholders |
1927-1928 |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
425 / 2 | Auditor's reports |
1923-1928 |
Volume | ||
779- 780 | General ledgers |
1884-1930 |
Box/Folder | ||
425 / 3 | General ledger |
1884-1930 |
425 / 4 | General ledger index |
1912-1930 |
Volume | ||
781- 784 | Journals |
1884-1930 |
Box/Folder | ||
425 / 5 | Journal |
1910 December-1912 January |
Volume | ||
785- 786 | Petty ledgers |
1885-1899 |
787- 788 | Voucher registers |
1917-1928 |
Box/Folder | ||
425 / 6 | Miscellaneous |
1928 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
425 / 7 | Deeds (typed transcripts from county records) |
1886, 1906-1907 |
Maps |
Box/Folder | ||
425 / 7a | Moulton Mine workings |
1925 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
425 / 8 | Annual statement |
1918 |
425 / 9 | Articles of incorporation (Utah and Montana
territories) |
1880, 1884 |
425 / 10 | Dividends; exchange of stock; etc. |
1905, 1922 |
425 / 11 | Record book (includes articles of incorporation,
bylaws, minutes, etc.) |
1884-1908 |
Volume | ||
789 | Stock ledger |
1881-1929 |
Box/Folder | ||
426 / 1 | Stock transfer journal |
1905-1930 |
426 / 2 | Stockholder lists |
1913-1923 |
Mountain City Copper Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
790- 794 | Cost sheets |
1945-1950 |
Mountain Consolidated Mine Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
426 / 3 | Expense estimates (re Anaconda and Mountain Con
mines) |
1892-1893 |
Volume | ||
795 | General office ledger |
1895-1898 |
796 | Ledger |
1897 |
797 | Operations journal |
1896-1897 |
Mountain Trading Company (Diamondville, Wyo.) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
426 / 4 | Balance sheets |
1901-1910 |
Volume | ||
798- 799 | General ledger and index |
1901-1905 |
Box/Folder | ||
426 / 5-6 | Inventories |
1930 |
427 / 1 | Inventory |
1931 |
Volume | ||
800- 801 | Ledger and index: store #2 |
1901-1905 |
802- 803 | Ledger and index: store #4 |
1901-1905 |
Box/Folder | ||
427 / 2-4 | Payrolls |
1912-1921 |
Volume | ||
804 | Transcript of books |
1900-1935 |
Box/Folder | ||
427 / 5-6 | Transcript of books: store #1 |
1911-1912 |
428 / 1-7 | Transcript of books: store #1 |
1913-1919 |
429 / 1-3 | Transcript of books: store #1 |
1920-1922 |
429 / 4-9 | Transcript of books: store #2 [Oakley, Wyoming] |
1911-1922 |
430 / 1-5 | Transcript of books: store #4 [Glencoe, Wyoming] |
1911-1922 |
430 / 6 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
National Tunnel and Mines Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
805- 808 | Cost sheets |
1945-1947 |
Northern Coal Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
430 / 7 | Cash book |
1900-1901 |
430 / 8 | Daybook |
1900-1901 |
431 / 1 | Ledger |
1900 |
Northern Montana Natural Gas Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
431 / 2 | Butte office: A-E |
1918-1919 |
431 / 3 | Butte office: George M. Fowler |
1918-1919 |
431 / 4 | Butte office: F-J |
1918-1919 |
431 / 5 | Butte office: C.J. Kelley |
1916-1918 |
431 / 6 | Butte office: K-L |
1917-1919 |
431 / 7 | Butte office: Montana Canadian Oil Company / T.C.
Witherspoon |
1916-1918 |
431 / 8 | Butte office: Montana Industrial Accident Board |
1918-1919 |
431 / 9-10 | Butte office: M-R |
1917-1919 |
431 / 11 | Butte office: D.G. Stivers |
1919 |
431 / 12 | Butte office: S-W |
1918-1919 |
431 / 13 | Gold Butte and Sweetgrass offices: A-Z |
1917-1919 |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
431 / 14 | Bank statements: Daly Bank and Trust Company |
1917-1919 |
431 / 15 | Bank statements: First International Bank,
Sweetgrass |
1918-1919 |
431 / 16 | Bills, invoices, etc. (document local businesses) |
1917-1919 |
431 / 17 | Bills of sale, receipts, etc. |
1917-1918 |
431 / 18 | Boiler inspections |
1918 |
Volume | ||
809 | Cash book |
1918-1919 |
Box/Folder | ||
431 / 19 | Checkbooks |
1917-1919 |
432 / 1 | Compensation to employees (re wages) |
1918-1919 |
432 / 2 | George M. Fowler statements of receipts and
expenditures |
1918-1919 |
432 / 3 | Insurance policies |
1918 |
432 / 4 | Inventories |
1917-1920 |
432 / 5 | C.H. Jennings account (re Montana Canadian Oil
Company) |
1917 |
Volume | ||
810 | Journal |
1918-1919 |
Box/Folder | ||
432 / 6 | C.F. Kelley statements of expenditures |
1917-1918 |
Volume | ||
811 | Ledger |
1918-1919 |
Box/Folder | ||
432 / 7 | John McCalman account |
1917 |
432 / 8 | Payroll |
1917-1919 |
432 / 9 | Taxes |
1918-1919 |
432 / 10 | Trial balances |
1918-1919 |
432 / 11 | Miscellaneous |
1918-1919 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
432 / 12 | Agreements: Mt. Stephens Oil Company; C.P. Kelley;
B.L. Chamberlain |
1917-1919 |
432 / 13 | Lists of leases (includes acreage, location,
rental) |
1914-1917 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
432 / 14 | Stock book |
1918-1919 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | ||
432 / 15 | John M. Gillie report to C.F. Kelley on drilling
operations in Sweet Grass Hills |
1918 October |
Northwest Coal Company / Northwest Coal and Feed Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Outgoing Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
433 / 1 | Letterpress book |
1900 January-April |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
433 / 2 | Balance sheets |
1900 |
433 / 3-5 | Cash book: Northwest Coal Company |
1898-1900 |
433 / 6-7 | Cash book: Northwest Coal and Feed Company |
1899-1900 |
434 / 1-3 | Cash book: Northwest Coal and Feed Company |
1900 |
Volume | ||
812 | Cash book: Northwest Coal and Feed Company |
1900-1902 |
813- 814 | General ledger |
1898-1902 |
818 | Petty ledger |
1900 |
Box/Folder | ||
434 / 4 | General ledger index |
1900-1902 |
434 / 5 | Inventory |
1900 |
Volume | ||
815 | Journal |
1900-1902 |
816- 817 | Ledgers: Northwest Coal and Feed Company |
1898-1900 |
Box/Folder | ||
435 / 1 | Petty ledger |
1899-1900 |
Volume | ||
819- 822 | Sales books |
1898-1900 |
Box/Folder | ||
435 / 2 | Trial balance |
1900 May-June |
Northwest Milling and Lumber Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
435 / 3 | Miscellaneous |
1902 |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
823 | Cash book |
1899-1901 |
824 | Ledger (includes amounts paid out re "elections",
and re various operations at saw mill) |
1899-1901 |
Box/Folder | ||
435 / 4 | Miscellaneous (includes appraised value of stock,
timber lands owned, goods sold to company by Anaconda lumber and mercantile
departments, and statements of account) |
1899-1911 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
435 / 5 | Contracts (re operation of saw mill by William J.
Kendall) |
1898-1900 |
Northwest Publishing Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
435 / 6 | Miscellaneous |
1933-1934 |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
825 | Cash book |
1928-1929 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
435 / 7 | Articles of incorporation; minutes; notice of
dissolution |
1928-1933 |
435 / 8 | Bylaws |
1928 |
Original Butte Mining Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Court Papers |
Box/Folder | ||
435 / 9 | Colorado Smelting and Mining Company vs. Original
Butte Mining Company complaint, summons, notice of attachment |
1896 |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
435 / 10 | Cash book and journal |
1881-1886 |
435 / 11 | Ledger |
1882-1885 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
436 / 1 | Annual reports to Secretary of State |
1887-1897 |
436 / 2 | Articles of incorporation |
1881 |
436 / 3 | Bylaws; minutes |
1882-1897 |
436 / 4 | Stock journal |
1881-1893 |
436 / 5 | Stock ledger |
1881-1893 |
436 / 6 | Stockholder lists |
1885-1893 |
436 / 7 | Miscellaneous |
1881-1897 |
Parrot Silver and Copper Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Outgoing Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
436 / 8 | Letterpress book (includes ore statements) |
1892 |
437 / 1 | Letterpress book (includes ore statements) |
1905-1911 |
Financial and Production Records |
Volume | ||
826- 834 | Cash books |
1881-1911 |
835 | Cost sheets (six-month reports) |
1905-1909 |
836 | Distribution book |
1902-1905 |
837- 842 | General ledgers |
1882-1911 |
Box/Folder | ||
437 / 2 | General ledger index |
1882-1884 |
437 / 3-4 | General ledger indexes |
1882-1884, 1902-1911 |
Volume | ||
840 | General ledger index |
1897-1902 |
843- 846 | Journals |
1882-1911 |
847- 848 | Ore books |
1900-1910 |
Box/Folder | ||
437 / 5 | Ore statements |
1899, 1907-1909 |
437 / 6 | Production statements |
1900-1901 |
437 / 7 | Report of operations (summarizes amounts spent on,
and production of, each department) |
1899 |
Volume | ||
849 | Time book: Little Mine Mine |
December1910 |
850- 852 | Time books: Mountain View Mine |
1915-1920 |
853 | Time books: Parrot and Stewart mines |
1910 December |
854 | Time books: Parrot Smelter |
1907-1910 |
855 | Time books: Precipitating Plant |
1911 January |
856- 858 | Trial balances |
1883-1911 |
859- 860 | Voucher record |
1902-1911 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
437 / 8 | Agreements (re right-of-way, telephone service at
Gaylord, Montana) |
1897-1899 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
437 / 8a | Stock certificates |
1907, 1910 |
437 / 9-10 | Stock ledger and index |
1880-1897 |
437 / 11 | Stock transfer authorizations |
1884-1895 |
437 / 12 | Stock transfer book |
1881-1897 |
438 / 1 | Stock transfer book |
1897 |
438 / 2 | Stockholder list |
1911 |
438 / 3 | Miscellaneous |
1912-1913 |
Patten Mining Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
438 / 4-5 | Cash books |
1935-1962 |
438 / 6 | Ledger |
1935-1958 |
Portage Land Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
867 | Balance sheets, profit and loss |
1914-1934 |
Box/Folder | ||
438 / 7 | Transcript of books |
1914-1921 |
438 / 8 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
Parrot Silver and Copper Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Organizational Records |
Volume | ||
861- 865 | Stock ledgers and indexes |
1897-1912 |
Poser Mine Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
438 / 9 | Journal |
1908-1912 |
Post Publishing Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
868 | Balance sheets, profit and loss |
1930-1949 |
869 | Transcript of books |
1936-1943 |
Purchasing Department Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
438 / 10 | Balance sheets |
1896-1899 |
439 / 1 | Business statements |
1905 |
Volume | ||
870- 880 | General ledgers |
1907-1960 |
881- 882 | Insurance record: departments |
1907-1921 |
883- 884 | Ledgers |
1896-1899 |
Box/Folder | ||
439 / 2 | Ledger index |
1898-1899 |
Volume | ||
885 | Purchases |
1905-1906 |
886 | Time book (re payroll) |
1897-1900 |
Box/Folder | ||
439 / 3-8 | Trial balances |
1911-1916 |
440 / 1-8 | Trial balances |
1917-1925 |
441 / 1 | Trial balances |
1926 |
441 / 2 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
441 / 3-5 | Release of liability re smoke damage: A-Z |
1903 |
Maps |
Box/Folder | ||
441 / 6 | List of maps transferred to Library map collection |
undated |
Reports |
Box/Folder | ||
441 / 7 | Survey of operations (re Purchasing Department
internal survey for effecting possible economies) |
1947 |
Subject File |
Box/Folder | ||
441 / 8 | #118 Water rights on Warm Springs Creek |
1907-1913 |
441 / 9 | #200 Lease of land to E. Campano and E. Salvigni,
Deer Lodge Valley |
1912 |
441 / 10 | #201 "Ranch lands and tailing settlement" |
1911-1912 |
441 / 11 | #201 "Ranch lands and tailing settlement": report
on life of tailings slum field by E.P. Mathewson |
1912 February |
441 / 12 | #201 "Ranch lands and tailing settlement": ranch
lands purchased in Deer Lodge and Mill Creek valleys |
1909-1912 |
Red Metal Mining Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
887 | Bill record |
1906-1910 |
888- 889 | Cash books |
1906-1910 |
890 | Cost sheets (six-month reports) |
1906-1910 |
891- 892 | Journals |
1906-1910 |
893- 894 | Ledgers |
1906-1910 |
895 | Record of cancelled unclaimed labor checks (re
payroll) |
1906-1907 |
896 | Trial balances |
1906-1910 |
897- 898 | Voucher record and index |
1906-1910 |
Reduction Department (Anaconda) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
442 / 1 | Miscellaneous |
1918 |
Outgoing Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
442 / 2-3 | Letterpress books: H.H. Nell |
1896-1902 |
442 / 4 | Letterpress book: Frank Klepetko |
1900 |
443 / 1 | Letterpress book: Frank Klepetko |
1902-1903 |
443 / 2 | Letterpress book: E.P. Mathewson; H.H. Nell |
1903 |
443 / 3-4 | Letterpress books: E.P. Mathewson |
1903-1904 |
444 / 1-4 | Letterpress books: E.P. Mathewson |
1904-1906 |
445 / 1 | Letterpress books: E.P. Mathewson |
1906 |
445 / 2 | Letterpress books: C.H. Redpath |
1901-1908 |
445 / 3 | Letterpress copies (removed from books by ACM) |
1896-1906 |
445 / 4 | Letterpress copies (re Bliss vs. Washoe case and
other smoke matters, removed from books by ACM) |
1902-1906 |
Financial and Production Records |
Box/Folder | ||
445 / 5 | Account classification system |
1924-1927 |
445 / 6 | Allowance roll: A-Z (re pensions) |
1931-1948 |
Volume | ||
899- 901 | Assay record |
1899-1902, 1923-1924 |
Box/Folder | ||
446 / 1 | Blast concentrator furnace operations |
1902-1903 |
446 / 2 | Bullion shipped, etc. |
1897-1899 |
Volume | ||
902- 904 | Construction orders and details |
1901-1912, 1955 |
Box/Folder | ||
446 / 3 | Construction orders opened |
1911-1915 |
446 / 4 | Consumption of coal and wood |
1891 |
446 / 5 | Cost and operating expenses |
1883-1886 |
Volume | ||
905 | Cost and operations reports |
1895-1902 |
906- 936 | Cost sheets and metallurgical reports (six-month
reports, except April-June 1947 which is monthly) |
1905-1957 |
937 | Cost sheets and treating Andes Copper Mining
Company ore |
1919-1927 |
Box/Folder | ||
446 / 6 | Cost statements: departments |
1896-1912 |
Volume | ||
938- 942 | Cost tabulations: "Acid Plant" to "Zinc Plant" |
1913-1938 |
943 | Custom ore received from Montana Sampling Works |
1895-1897 |
944 | "Departmental journal" (lists work and supplies
provided by other departments, and distributes among operations) |
1897-1898 |
Box/Folder | ||
446 / 7-9 | Distribution of cost of construction: New Works |
1900-1901 |
447 / 1 | Distribution of cost of construction: New Works |
1902 |
447 / 2-4 | Distribution of supplies |
1900-1902 |
Volume | ||
945 | Distribution of supplies and expenses |
1903 |
946 | Division of expenses and production |
1904-1905 |
947- 951 | Division of expenses (by operation and category) |
1943, 1946, 1949, 1952, 1954 |
Box/Folder | ||
447 / 5 | Electric power distribution |
1927 |
Oversize Folder | ||
9 | Electric power distribution [Archives Map Case] |
1927 |
Box/Folder | ||
447 / 6 | "Electric power output of the electrical substation
and concentrator power house" |
1927 |
Volume | ||
952- 953 | Emma Mine manganese ore settlements |
1925-1948 |
954 | Emma Mine zinc ore settlements |
1925-1944 |
955 | "Expense book" (compares costs between Anaconda,
Boston and Montana, Colorado, and Butte and Boston reduction works) |
1902-1903 |
956- 957 | "Expense record" (includes cost per ton and
statistics for several operations) |
1902-1903, 1906-1908 |
958 | General expense (six-month summaries) |
1915-1948 |
959 | General expense ("Detail of amount charged to
General Office expenses for welfare work") |
1917-1930 |
960- 961 | General expense ("Detail of charges to general
expense") |
1945-1950 |
Box/Folder | ||
447 / 7 | General foremen's log book |
1905-1906 |
Volume | ||
962 | General Office ledger |
1895-1898 |
963- 964 | General Office reports |
1901-1903 |
965 | Holiday pay |
1952 |
Box/Folder | ||
447 / 8 | Inventory certificates of Pogson, Peloubet and
Company, auditors |
1934-1937 |
448 / 1-2 | Inventory certificates of Pogson, Peloubet and
Company, auditors |
1938-1942 |
/ | Journals (see "Transcript of books") |
1911-1912 |
Volume | ||
967- 996 | Journals (index cards in ACM Records A8:3-6) |
1913-1955 |
997- 1000 | Metallurgical tabulations: "Acid Plant" to "Zinc
Plant" |
1915-1937 |
Box/Folder | ||
448 / 3 | Metallurgy test results |
1955 |
448 / 4-9 | Net proceeds of mines tax work sheets |
1923-1924, 1949-1951 |
Volume | ||
1001 | Operating expenses: Old Works and New Works |
1901-1905 |
1002 | Operating ledger: Old Works and New Works |
1903 |
1003- 1007 | Operating record (summarizes expenses of each
operation) |
1943-1955 |
1008 | Operations report (includes classification and
wages of labor employed at each operation, plus coal usage) |
1901 |
1009 | Operations report: Old Works (general summary of
production, costs, etc.) |
1901-1902 |
Box/Folder | ||
448 / 10 | Ore statements |
1896-1898 |
Volume | ||
1010 | Payroll: office |
1912-1920 |
Box/Folder | ||
449 / 1 | Payroll and payroll distribution |
1927 March |
Volume | ||
1011- 1012 | Payroll (includes East Helena Slag Treatment Plant,
1927) |
1927, 1960 |
1013 | Payroll taxes |
1948-1958 |
Box/Folder | ||
449 / 2 | Production reports |
1964-1971 |
Volume | ||
1014 | Production sheets |
1880-1906 |
1015 | "Record book": converters (details production) |
1910-1916 |
1016- 1019 | "Record book": departments (details production) |
1902-1924 |
1020 | "Record of Belt and Sand Coulee coal received" |
1894-1895 |
1021 | "Record of coal consumption" |
undated |
1022 | "Record of custom ore received" |
1896-1897 |
1023- 1024 | "Record of matte" |
1895-1902 |
1025- 1027 | "Record of matte and copper shipments" |
1893-1902 |
1028- 1029 | "Record of copper, silver, and gold shipments" |
1902-1906 |
Box/Folder | ||
449 / 3-5 | "Record of copper shipments" |
1905-1929 |
Volume | ||
1030 | Record of stock of ore, coal, black powder,
limerock, etc. (by department) |
1925-1927 |
1031 | Rentals ledger (re farms, campsites, etc.) |
1912-1934 |
Box/Folder | ||
449 / 6 | Rentals ledger (re farms, campsites, etc.) |
1934-1943 |
449 / 7 | Rentals material (removed from rentals ledgers) |
1919-1936 |
Volume | ||
1932 | "Smelting ore and concentrates received at
converter" |
1899-1901 |
Box/Folder | ||
450 / 1 | "Special orders opened" |
1912-1915 |
Volume | ||
1033 | "Statement of treatment, production, and loss" |
1946 |
1034 | Statistics: Old Works (includes wide range of
information) |
1895-1900 |
1035 | Supplies and labor reports (summaries by
department) |
1942-1943 |
1036 | Supplies consumed by departments |
1903 |
1037- 1943 | Transcript of books; treatment and production
statements |
1901, 1903-1911 |
Box/Folder | ||
450 / 2 | Trial balance |
1895 |
Volume | ||
1044 | Voucher abstract: Lower Works |
1898-1901 |
Box/Folder | ||
450 / 3 | Vouchers, etc.: Upper Works and Lower Works |
1890 |
450 / 4 | Wage rates at smelter (includes list of foremen)
[re payroll] |
undated |
450 / 5 | Miscellaneous (includes labor costs, construction
materials, rock received, notes, etc.) |
1889-1907 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
450 / 6 | Agreement: Syndicate Mines (re purchasing ore) |
1888 |
Maps |
Box/Folder | ||
450 / 7 | List of maps transferred to Library map collection |
undated |
Minutes |
Box/Folder | ||
450 / 8 | Minutes of staff meetings |
1960-1967 |
Printed Material |
Box/Folder | ||
450 / 9 | List of printed material transferred to Library |
undated |
Reports |
Box/Folder | ||
450 / 10 | "Alice Zinc Development and Sampling" |
1949 |
450 / 11 | "Anaconda's Contribution to the War Effort in
Montana Years 1940 to 1945 inclusive," by F.A. Linforth |
1948 |
450 / 12 | "Badger Zinc Development, Black Rock and Elm Orlu
Areas" |
1949 |
450 / 13 | Chemical Statistics Office reports |
1918 |
450 / 14 | "Chemistry of the reduction process in use at
Anaconda, Montana" by Edward P. Mathewson |
circa 1910 |
450 / 15 | "Concentration and smelting of ores, Anaconda
Reduction Works, Anaconda, Montana" by C.A. Lemmon |
1939 |
450 / 16-17 | Departmental methods, etc. |
circa 1915 |
451 / 1 | "Expected Recovery from Butte Mines Ores as Ore
Grade Varies," by Bayard S. Morrow |
1933 |
451 / 2 | "Financial report on effect of Chilean takeover" |
1971 |
451 / 3 | "Geology of the Butte District", by Edward P. Shea |
1962 |
451 / 4 | "Granite Cut Stone Work Required for the Erection
of the Anaconda Copper Mining Company's Office Building in Anaconda" |
1896 |
451 / 5 | "Memorandum Notes on Cottrell Inspection", E.A.
Barnard and L.E. Larson |
1929 |
451 / 6 | "Metallurgical History of the Anaconda Copper
Mining Company", Frederick Laist |
1944 |
451 / 7-9 | Monthly corporate and division reports |
1972 April- 1973 June |
452 / 1-5 | Monthly corporate and division reports |
1973 July-1975 |
453 / 1-2 | Monthly corporate and division reports |
1976 |
453 / 3 | "Preliminary Study of Value of Low Grade Rock,"
Reno H. Sales |
1932 |
453 / 4 | Primary Materials Division operating plan |
1973 |
453 / 5 | "Reduction of Insoluble in Zinc Concentrates from
Success Mining Company," Robert W. Handley |
1918 |
453 / 6 | "Report of the Health Department", (City of Great
Falls and County of Cascade) |
1928-1929 |
453 / 7 | "Report of Investigation and Correction of Tank
Failure - Thickener Tank", Dames and Moore |
1960 |
453 / 8 | "Report on the Cottrell Dust Precipitating Plant
for the Year 1917" |
1918 |
453 / 9 | "Report on Operations at the Reduction Works at
Anaconda and Great Falls" |
1918-1927 |
453 / 10 | "Review of Copper Smelter Operations" |
1944 |
453 / 11 | "Summary Report on Copper as an Alloy Addition to
Cast Iron and Steel," C.H. Lorig, V.H. Schnee, and K.E. Rose |
1937-1946 |
454 / 1 | "Survey Report on Manganese to Anaconda Copper
Mining Company," John D. Sullivan, Elizabeth Thompson, Battelle Memorial Institute |
1945-1946 |
454 / 1a | "Western Operations Communications Conference" by
Chester H. Steele |
1957 |
454 / 2 | C.R. Wraith report on visits to American Smelting
and Refining Company (Hayden, Arizona), United Verde Extension Mining Company
(Clemeneau, Arizona), United Verde Copper Company (Clarkdale, Arizona),
International Smelting Company (Miami, Arizona), Phelps-Dodge Corporation (Clifton
and Douglas, Arizona), and Calumet and Arizona Mining Company (Douglas, Arizona) |
1925-1926 |
Miscellany |
Box/Folder | ||
454 / 3 | "Description of machinery and concentrating at
Washoe Smelter" |
1911 |
454 / 4 | "Description of process of concentration at Washoe
Smelter" |
1911 |
454 / 5 | Employee transfers between departments |
1924-1928 |
454 / 6 | Fire inspection reports |
1957-1963 |
454 / 7 | Historical articles (includes excerpts from Butte
Miner re Anaconda smelter site acquisition) |
1901, undated |
454 / 8 | History talks by F.A. Linforth, Cornelius F.
Kelley, and Roy F. Glover |
1952, 1957, 1962 |
454 / 9 | "Improvements at the Reduction Works at the
Anaconda Copper Mining Company" |
1915 |
454 / 10 | Information for guides at Anaconda (includes
description of works, history, statistics, answers to likely questions, etc.) |
undated |
454 / 11 | Inventory of records stored |
circa 1920-1939 |
454 / 12 | "Kick book" (re payroll complaints, etc.) |
1918-1927 |
454 / 13 | Local Tramming and Weighing Department job
descriptions and evaluations |
1945-1946 |
454 / 14 | Papers read at Washoe Assay Society (includes "The
determination of copper by the color and cyanide methods" by Arthur Austin; "The
determination of copper by the electrolytic method" by L. Christie; "The ore job" by
F.F. Frick; and "Fire assaying for silver and gold ores" by S. Hunter |
1909 |
454 / 15 | Personal injury record |
1912 |
Volume | ||
1045 | Personal injury record |
1918-1936 |
Box/Folder | ||
454 / 16 | Service awards (includes lists of awardees) |
1956 |
Refinery Department Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Outgoing Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
455 / 1 | Letterpress book (includes financial records) |
1895 July-1900 February |
455 / 2 | Letterpress book (includes silver shipments) |
A 1895ugust- 1899 July |
Financial and Production Records |
Box/Folder | ||
455 / 3 | Assays |
1903-1904 |
Volume | ||
1046 | "Bills Collectible" |
1898-1899 |
1047- 1048 | Bullion shipments |
1895-1903 |
1049 | Cash book |
1895-1898 |
1050- 1951 | Cast copper shipments |
1895-1905 |
1052 | "Cathode record" |
1900-1903 |
1053 | Converter and cast copper shipments |
1895-1897 |
1054 | Converter copper assay record |
1897-1903 |
1055 | "Copper shipments to Baltimore" |
1897-1902 |
Box/Folder | ||
455 / 4 | "Copper shipments to Foundry" |
1894-1906 |
Volume | ||
1056- 1057 | "Departmental journal" |
1895-1898 |
1058 | General office ledger |
1895-1898 |
1059 | Labor distribution |
1899-1900 |
1060 | Ledger |
1895-1898 |
1061 | "Ore received and copper shipments" |
1899-1903 |
1062 | Payroll ("Vouchers, trial balance") |
1895-1896 |
1063- 1066 | Record of freight received ("Vouchers") |
1895-1898, 1901 |
1067- 1068 | Refined copper shipments |
1895-1903 |
1069 | Scrap anodes recast |
1897-1903 |
1070 | Voucher abstract |
1898-1901 |
Rolling Mills Department (Great Falls and Chicago) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
1071 | Cost sheets and business statements (six-month
reports) |
1918-1928 |
Box/Folder | ||
455 / 5 | Deliveries and settlements |
1919-1920 |
455 / 6-8 | Transcript of books (Great Falls) |
1918-1920 |
456 / 1-2 | Transcript of books (Great Falls) |
1921-1922 |
Volume | ||
1072- 1973 | Transcript of books (Great Falls) |
1922-1929 |
Box/Folder | ||
456 / 3-5 | Transcript of books (Chicago) |
1920-1922 |
Volume | ||
1074 | Transcript of books (Chicago) |
1922-1923 |
Box/Folder | ||
456 / 6 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
Silver Bow Club Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
457 / 1 | Miscellaneous |
1904-1936 |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
457 / 2 | Accounts payable |
1904-1908 |
Volume | ||
1075- 1077 | Audited vouchers |
1914-1925 |
Box/Folder | ||
457 / 3 | Balance sheets, profit and loss, accounts
receivable |
1931-1935 |
457 / 4 | Balance sheets, profit and loss: consolidated
Silver Bow Club and Silver Bow Club Building Association |
1931-1932 |
457 / 5 | Bar tab register |
1909 |
457 / 6 | Boarders and transients' meals |
1910-1912 |
458 / 1 | Bond register |
1891-1904 |
458 / 2 | Buffet expenditure and income ledger |
1914-1931 |
458 / 3-4 | Café journals |
1911-1917 |
459 / 1 | Café journal |
1924-1931 |
Volume | ||
1078- 1085 | Cash books |
1890-1924 |
Box/Folder | ||
459 / 2 | Cash sale tally sheets: café and buffet |
1930-1931 |
459 / 3-4 | Cash: buffet |
1928-1931 |
459 / 5 | Cash: café |
1930-1931 |
459 / 6-9 | Cigar and liquor inventory |
1904, 1909-1912 |
460 / 1-6 | Cigar and liquor inventory |
1912-1919 |
460 / 7 | Cigar and beverage inventory |
1919-1920 |
460 / 8-9 | Counter sales journals |
1924-1931 |
460 / 10 | Financial secretary's annual report |
1891-1892 |
Volume | ||
1086- 1089 | General ledgers |
1904-1908, 1911-1919, 1928-1932 |
1090- 1092 | General ledger trial balances |
1906-1928 |
Box/Folder | ||
460 / 11 | Inventories |
1932-1935 |
461 / 1-2 | Journals |
1904-1910 |
Volume | ||
1093- 1095 | Journals |
1911-1921, 1928-1935 |
Box/Folder | ||
461 / 3-6 | Ledgers [first 2 labeled "Balance book"] |
1891-1895 |
462 / 1-8 | Ledgers |
1896-1903 |
463 / 1-6 | Members accounts: A-R |
1929 |
464 / 1 | Members accounts: S-Z |
1929 |
464 / 2-5 | Members accounts: A-P |
1930 |
465 / 1-2 | Members accounts: R-Z |
1930 |
465 / 3-6 | Members accounts: A-P |
1931 |
466 / 1 | Members accounts: R-W |
1931 |
Volume | ||
1096- 1101 | Members ledgers |
1904-1912 |
1102- 1106 | Members ledger trial balances |
1904-1912 |
1107- 1109 | Members' sideboard accounts receivable ledgers |
1904-1909 |
Box/Folder | ||
466 / 2 | Order book |
1909-1910 |
466 / 3 | Profit and loss statements |
1925-1932 |
Volume | ||
1110 | Recapitulation of daily sales |
1905-1919 |
1111- 1113 | Roll of members |
1910-1932 |
Box/Folder | ||
466 / 4-5 | Sideboard accounts (folder 5 includes café accounts
June-September 1893) |
1891-1903 |
467 / 1 | Special parties expenses |
1921-1926 |
467 / 2 | Suspended accounts |
1911-1931 |
467 / 3 | Taxes |
1931-1935 |
467 / 4-7 | Visitors accounts: Arranged alphabetically within
year |
1929-1931 |
468 / 1 | Visitors accounts: M-Z |
1931 |
Volume | ||
1114 | Visitors ledger |
1910-1912 |
1114a-c | Voucher registers |
1908-1913 |
Box/Folder | ||
468 / 2 | Miscellaneous (includes receipts, insurance
inspections, collections, etc.) |
1927-1933 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
468 / 3 | Agreements; indentures; bills of sale; etc. |
1929-1935 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
468 / 4 | Constitution and By-Laws |
1886 |
468 / 5 - 468A / 1 | Minutes |
1890-1935 |
468A / 2 | Minute book (annual elections) |
1929-1932 |
468B / 1 | Miscellaneous (includes certificate of
incorporation, list of directors, etc.) |
1891, 1931, 1934 |
Miscellany |
Box/Folder | ||
468B / 2 | Roll of Members |
1882-1903 |
468B / 3 | Roll of Members |
1904-1905 |
468B / 4 | Membership list |
1931 |
Silver Bow Club Building Association Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
469 / 1 | Balance sheets, profit and loss |
1931-1932 |
469 / 2-3 | Cash books |
1906-1927 |
469 / 4 | Insurance |
1909-1933 |
469 / 5 | Journal |
1920-1933 |
469 / 6 | Ledger |
1922-1933 |
470 / 1 | Taxes |
1931 |
470 / 2 | Trial balances |
1917-1928 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
470 / 3 | Lease to Murray Hospital |
1924 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
470 / 4 | Annual report of corporation |
1933 |
470 / 5 | Minute book |
1905-1931 |
470 / 6 | Stock certificates |
1908-1915 |
470 / 7 | Stockholders journal |
1908-1928 |
470 / 8 | Stockholders ledger |
1908 |
470 / 9 | Stockholder lists |
undated |
Silver Mill Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial and Production Records |
Volume | ||
1115 | Cost sheets |
1902 |
1116 | Mill record |
undated |
Snowhomish and Tramway Mines (Wash.)Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Outgoing Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
471 / 1 | Letterpress book: J.S. Harris, receiver (includes
correspondence re Heinze litigation) |
1899-1906 |
Standard Fire Brick Company / Brick Department Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial and Production Records |
Box/Folder | ||
471 / 2-4 | Balance sheets |
1894-1899 |
Volume | ||
1117- 1118 | Business statements |
1901-1918, 1925-1933 |
1119 | Cash book |
1895-1903 |
1120- 1122 | Cost sheets and business statements (annual) |
1923-1956 |
1123 | "Departmental journal" |
1895-1899 |
Box/Folder | ||
471 / 5-6 | Inventories |
1895-1897, 1903, 1930-1931 |
Volume | ||
1124 | Journal |
July-October 1895 |
1125- 1127 | Ledgers |
1895-1898, 1905, 1916-1919 |
1128 | "Payrolls and trial balances" |
1897-1907 |
Box/Folder | ||
471 / 7-10 | "Reports of operations and cost" |
1895-1898 |
472 / 1-6 | "Reports of operations and cost" |
1899-1904 |
473 / 1 | "Reports on distribution, etc." |
1890 |
473 / 2-11 | Transcript of books |
1911-1920 |
474 / 1 | Transcript of books |
1921-1922 |
474 / 2 | U.S. corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
474 / 3 | Quit claim deed: City of Anaconda |
1891 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
474 / 4 | Record book (includes stock subscription, minutes,
bylaws) |
1890-1891 |
474 / 5 | Stock book |
1891 |
474 / 6 | "Stockholders' admission of service" |
1891 |
Standard Publishing Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
474 / 7 | Balance sheets (re old account) |
1894-1895 |
474 / 8 | Balance sheets (re new account) |
1895-1896 |
Volume | ||
1129- 1130 | Business statements |
1928-1949 |
1131 | Transcript of books |
1936-1943 |
Statistical Department Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Clippings |
Volume | ||
1132 | Scrapbook of clippings on ACM and its employees |
1947-1959 |
Summit Wood Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
474 / 9 | Journal |
1895-1900 |
Thompson Falls Land and Lumber Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
474 / 10 | Basin Agency journal |
1895-1896 |
Volume | ||
1133 | Cash book |
1894-1898 |
1134 | Journal |
1894-1898 |
1135- 1136 | Ledger and index |
1895-1898 |
1137 | Sales book |
1894-1896 |
Box/Folder | ||
474 / 11 | Miscellaneous (includes material on predecessor
company Lavell Brothers) |
1892-1896 |
Timber Butte Milling Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial and Production Records |
Volume | ||
1138 | Accounts receivable |
1926-1928 |
Box/Folder | ||
475 / 1a | Assay reports |
1928 |
Volume | ||
1139- 1144 | Cash books |
1914-1928 |
1145 | Concentrate shipments and returns |
1922-1927 |
1146- 1148 | General ledgers |
1914-1928 |
1149- 1153 | Journals |
1914-1928 |
Box/Folder | ||
475 / 1 | Ledger |
1912-1927 |
475 / 2 | Ore settlements: Crystal Copper Company |
1925-1930 |
475 / 3 | Ore settlements: Elm Orlu, Alice, Otisco, Evaline,
Poser, Queen, Galt, Silver Prince mines |
1927 |
Volume | ||
1154 | Payroll |
1919-1921, 1926-1928 |
Box/Folder | ||
475 / 4 | Voucher register |
1912-1914 |
Timber Framing and Wood Preserving Plant (Rocker) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial and Production Records |
Volume | ||
1155 | Cost sheets |
1948-1951 |
Box/Folder | ||
475 / 5 | Operating reports (six-month reports) |
1910-1915 |
475 / 6 | Time books (re payroll) |
January-February 1920 |
476 / 1-5 | Time books (re payroll) |
1920 March- 1921 October |
477 / 1-6 | Time books (re payroll) |
1921 November- 1923 July |
478 / 1-3 | Time books (re payroll) |
1923 August- 1924 April |
478 / 4 | Miscellaneous (includes reports of material
manufactured and horsepower used) |
1903-1904 |
Miscellany |
Box/Folder | ||
478 / 5 | "Sketch showing requirements ACM Co. Timber Framing
Plant to be located near Silver Bow or Rocker" (blueprint) |
1902 |
Tooele Valley Railway Company (Utah)Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
1156 | Cost sheets |
1909 |
Trenton Mining and Development Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Outgoing Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
478 / 6 | Letterpress book: Alex Husband |
1906-1910 |
Financial and Production Records |
Volume | ||
1157 | Cash book |
1910 |
1158 | Cost sheets (six-month reports) |
1905-1909 |
Box/Folder | ||
479 / 1 | Freight bills |
1905-1910 |
Volume | ||
1159 | Gagnon Mine payroll |
June 1910 |
1160 | General journal |
1907-1910 |
Box/Folder | ||
479 / 2 | Lists of assignment of wages |
1906-1907 |
479 / 3 | "Material and supplies, stock on hand, old Trenton
smelter" |
1895-1908 |
Tuttle Manufacturing and Supply Company / Hardware and Foundry Departments Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Incoming Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
479 / 4 | Marcus Daly |
1894 |
479 / 5 | Miscellaneous |
1899-1900 |
Outgoing Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
479 / 6 | Letterpress copies |
1890-1895 |
Court Papers |
Box/Folder | ||
479 / 7 | Miscellaneous (includes garnishments and letters of
administration) |
1942-1950 |
Financial and Production Records |
Box/Folder | ||
479 / 8 | Bank book and checks (re purchase of Tuttle
Manufacturing and Supply Company by D.F. Hallahan) |
1891 |
479 / 9 | Business statements: all departments |
1890-1895 |
479 / 10 | Anaconda hardware Department balance sheets |
1896-1901 |
Volume | ||
1161- 1163 | Anaconda hardware Department cash books |
1895-1900 |
1161- 1163 | Anaconda Hardware Department cash books |
1895-1900 |
1164 | Anaconda Hardware Department customer ledger
(includes Tuttle Manufacturing and Supply Company) |
1895-1896 |
Box/Folder | ||
479 / 11 | Anaconda Hardware Department day book |
1897-1899 |
Volume | ||
1165 | Anaconda Hardware Department general ledger
(includes Tuttle Manufacturing and Supply Company) |
1895-1898 |
Box/Folder | ||
480 / 1 | Anaconda Hardware Department general ledger index |
1898-1900 |
Volume | ||
1167- 1169 | Anaconda Hardware Department journal (includes
Tuttle Manufacturing and Supply Company) |
1895-1901 |
Box/Folder | ||
480 / 2 | Anaconda Hardware Department outstanding account |
November 1900 |
Volume | ||
1170- 1172 | Anaconda Hardware Department petty ledgers and
index |
1897-1900 |
Box/Folder | ||
480 / 3 | Anaconda Hardware Department trial balances |
1898-1900 |
480 / 4 | Blacksmith Shop statements |
1890-1891 |
480 / 5 | Boiler Shop statements |
1890-1892 |
480 / 6 | Butte Hardware Department balance sheets |
1896-1900 |
480 / 7 | Butte Hardware Department business statements (re
Tuttle Manufacturing and Supply Company) |
1890-1895 |
Volume | ||
1173 | Butte Hardware Department business statements |
1900-1937 |
Box/Folder | ||
480 / 8 | Butte Hardware Department corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
480 / 9 | Butte Hardware Department inventory |
1930-1931 |
480 / 10 | Butte Hardware Department ledger (re Tuttle
Manufacturing and Supply Company) |
1890-1894 |
Volume | ||
1174- 1175 | Butte Hardware Department ledgers (includes Tuttle
Manufacturing and Supply Company) |
1895-1905 |
Box/Folder | ||
480 / 11-13 | Butte Hardware Department transcript of books |
1911-1916 |
481 / 1-3 | Butte Hardware Department transcript of books |
1917-1922 |
481 / 4 | Foundry Department account classification |
1943 |
481 / 5 | Foundry Department balance sheets, etc. |
1896-1902 |
481 / 6 | Foundry Department bank books, cancelled checks (re
Tuttle Manufacturing and Supply Company) |
1890-1895 |
481 / 7-8 | Foundry Department business statements (includes
Tuttle Manufacturing and Supply Company) |
1890-1900 |
Volume | ||
1176- 1178 | Foundry Department business statements |
1901-1937 |
Box/Folder | ||
481 / 9 | Foundry Department corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
481 / 10 | Foundry Department county tax receipts |
1897-1902, 1914 |
Volume | ||
1179 | Foundry Department customer ledger (includes Tuttle
Manufacturing and Supply Company) |
1896-1900 |
Box/Folder | ||
481 / 11 | Foundry Department customer ledger index |
1896-1900 |
482 / 1 | Foundry Department fire insurance |
1900-1901 |
482 / 2 | Foundry Department health insurance plan |
1943-1959 |
482 / 3 | Foundry Department injury case (Oscar Strom) |
1897-1899 |
482 / 4 | Foundry Department inventory |
1930-1931 |
482 / 5 | Foundry Department ledger (re Tuttle Manufacturing
and Supply Company) |
1891-1895 |
Volume | ||
1180- 1184 | Foundry Department ledger (includes Tuttle
Manufacturing and Supply Company) |
1895-1905, 1940-1958 |
Box/Folder | ||
482 / 6 | Foundry Department Liberty Loan receipts |
1917-1919 |
482 / 7 | Foundry Department Machinists Union subscriptions |
1944 |
482 / 8 | Foundry Department personal record cards employee
cards) |
1920s-1940s |
482 / 9 | Foundry Department statements (re brass) |
1891-1892 |
482 / 10 | Foundry Department statements (re iron) |
1891-1892 |
482 / 11 | Foundry Department supplementary detail: cost of
goods sold |
1941-1946 |
482 / 12 | Foundry Department supplementary detail: gross
sales and earnings |
1941-1946 |
482 / 13-15 | Foundry Department transcript of books |
1911-1916 |
483 / 1-3 | Foundry Department transcript of books |
1917-1922 |
483 / 4 | Foundry Department miscellaneous |
1941-1944 |
483 / 5 | Machine Shop statements |
1890-1892 |
483 / 6 | Missoula House statements |
1890 |
483 / 7 | Retail Department ledger |
1891-1895 |
483 / 8 | Retail Department statements |
1890-1895 |
483 / 9 | Wholesale Department journal |
1891-1895 |
483 / 10 | Wholesale Department ledger |
1891-1895 |
483 / 11 | Wholesale Department statements |
1890-1895 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
484 / 1 | Deeds |
1890 |
484 / 2 | Deeds: Moose Lake quartz mill |
1899-1903 |
484 / 3 | Lease: Northern Pacific Railroad Company (re
warehouse property in Missoula) |
1890-1894 |
484 / 4 | License agreements to manufacture |
1926-1960 |
484 / 5 | Surety bond: Fred A. Baxter |
1910 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
484 / 6 | Bylaws, increase in capital stock, etc. |
1891-1894 |
484 / 7 | Minute book |
1890-1896 |
484 / 8 | Stock certificate book |
1891-1896 |
Victoria Mines (Elko, Nevada) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
1185 | Cost sheets |
1945-1947 |
Washoe Copper Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial and Production Records |
Box/Folder | ||
484 / 9 | Abstract of accounts |
1898-1905 |
Volume | ||
1186 | Bill book |
1898-1904 |
1187- 1190 | Cash books |
1894-1910 |
1191 | Companies and individuals ledger |
1907-1910 |
Box/Folder | ||
484 / 10 | "Custom ore and matte purchased" |
1907-1910 |
Volume | ||
1192- 1196 | Journals |
1894-1910 |
Box/Folder | ||
484 / 11 | Land and property accounts |
1902-1904 |
Volume | ||
1197- 1201 | Ledgers |
1894-1910 |
Box/Folder | ||
484 / 12 | Ore purchase advances |
1905 |
484 / 13 | Ore settlements |
1905-1909 |
484 / 14 | Royalties |
1904 |
Oversize Folder | ||
9 | "Statement of properties owned" [Archives Map Case] |
1898 |
Box/Folder | ||
485 / 1 | Taxes |
1903 |
Volume | ||
1202- 1203 | Voucher record books |
1898-1904 |
Box/Folder | ||
485 / 2 | Carbonado inventories |
1902, 1904 |
Volume | ||
1204 | Coal Department business statements |
1907-1918 |
1205 | Coal Department cash book |
1922-1938 |
Box/Folder | ||
485 / 3 | Coal Department corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
485 / 4-5 | Coal Department inventories |
1907-1909, 1930-1931 |
Volume | ||
1206 | Coal Department journal |
1931-1942 |
1207 | Coal Department ledger |
1930-1942 |
Box/Folder | ||
485 / 6 | Coal Department ledger index |
1930-1942 |
485 / 7 | Coal Department shipments |
1924-1925 |
Volume | ||
1208 | Coal Department shipments ("journal") |
1928-1932 |
Box/Folder | ||
485 / 8-11 | Coal Department transcript of books |
1911-1918 |
486 / 1-2 | Coal Department transcript of books |
1919-1922 |
Volume | ||
1209 | Coal Department voucher register |
1927-1936 |
1210 | Coke Department business statements |
1903-1919 |
Box/Folder | ||
486 / 3 | Coke Department cash book |
1902-1905 |
486 / 4 | Coke Department corporate income tax |
1918-1919 |
486 / 5 | Coke Department general ledger balance |
1904-1905 |
486 / 6-7 | Coke Department journals |
1902-1906 |
Volume | ||
1211- 1212 | Coke Department ledger and index |
1902-1905 |
Box/Folder | ||
486 / 8 | Coke Department petty ledger balance |
1902-1905 |
487 / 1 | Coke Department: "Statement of machinery, supplies,
and material transferred from Carbon Coal Co., Carbonado, Montana..." |
undated |
487 / 2 | Coke Department transcript of books |
1911-1912 |
487 / 3 | Coke Department trial balances |
1902-1905 |
487 / 4 | Coke Department voucher record/journal |
1902-1905 |
Volume | ||
1213 | Mines Department cost sheets |
1905-1910 |
Box/Folder | ||
487 / 4a | Moonlight Mine time book |
1914 November |
487 / 5 | Sampling Works cost sheets, etc. |
1904-1906 |
Volume | ||
1214- 1217 | Sampling Works cost sheets |
1906-1930 |
Box/Folder | ||
487 / 6 | Sampling Works fire loss |
July 1910 |
/ | [Additional Washoe Sampling Works financial records
in Ac95-2] |
1905-1964 |
Volume | ||
1218 | Silver Lake and Cable Flats reservoirs payroll |
1898-1899 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
487 / 7 | Affidavit: Snowstorm Mining Company (re sale) |
1907 |
487 / 8 | Agreement: U.S. Department of Agriculture (re Flint
Creek Power Line) |
1906 |
487 / 9 | Contracts: North Butte Mining Company, Red Metal
Mining Company |
1905-1907 |
487 / 10 | Contracts: Helena Power Transmission Company |
1905, 1908 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | ||
487 / 11 | Report of Coke Department to State Coal Mine
Inspector |
1906 |
Subject File |
Box/Folder | ||
487 / 12 | "Duval case" (re death of J.H. Duval in Mountain
Con Mine; includes accident form, correspondence) |
1897 August |
West Dome Oil Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
487 / 13 | Miscellaneous |
1927-1938 |
Financial and Production Records |
Box/Folder | ||
487 / 14 | Assets included in sale to Midwest Refining Company |
1921 December |
487 / 15 | Average daily production |
1921 February-August |
487 / 16 | Cash book |
1920-1936 |
Volume | ||
1219 | Cost sheets and business statements |
1921 |
Box/Folder | ||
487 / 17 | Depreciation |
1921-1924 |
Volume | ||
1220 | Expense distribution |
1920-1921 |
Box/Folder | ||
487 / 18 | Inventory book |
1920 |
488 / 1 | Journal |
1920-1936 |
488 / 2 | Ledger |
1920-1936 |
488 / 3 | Montana corporate license tax |
1921-1936 |
488 / 4 | Montana crude petroleum production and license tax |
1934-1935 |
488 / 5 | Montana information report on income |
1933-1936 |
488 / 6 | Montana net proceeds of mines tax |
1921-1936 |
488 / 7 | Monthly reports to Montana Oil Conservation Board |
1934-1935 |
488 / 8 | Oil production and sales |
1921-1935 |
488 / 9 | Transcript of books |
1920-1930 |
Volume | ||
1221 | Trial balance |
1920-1926 |
Box/Folder | ||
489 / 1 | U.S. annual information return |
1921-1936 |
489 / 2 | U.S. capital stock tax |
1922-1937 |
489 / 3-4 | U.S. corporate income and profits tax |
1920-1936 |
489 / 5 | U.S. Geological Survey royalty statements |
1934-1935 |
489 / 6 | U.S. Geological Survey /U.S. Bureau of Mines:
petroleum reports |
1922-1935 |
489 / 7 | U.S. oil and gas depletion schedules |
1926 |
489 / 8 | U.S. producers' tax on crude petroleum |
1934 |
Volume | ||
1222- 1223 | Voucher register (includes distribution of
expenses) |
1921-1936 |
Box/Folder | ||
489 / 9 | Miscellaneous (includes accounts payable; expenses;
George M. fowler, trustee, accounts; trial balances; assets charged to surplus;
development account; and royalties paid) |
1920-1931 |
Legal Documents |
Box/Folder | ||
489 / 10 | Agreements |
1920 |
Organizational Records |
Box/Folder | ||
489 / 11 | Annual report of corporation |
1921-1938 |
489 / 12 | Oil production license |
1930 |
489 / 13 | Record of stock issues and transfers |
1920-1922 |
West Mayflower Mining Company Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Volume | ||
1224 | Cash book |
1936 December- 1952 August |
Box/Folder | ||
489 / 14 | Journal |
1934 December- 1938 December |
Volume | ||
1225 | Journal |
1939 January- 1954 September |
Box/Folder | ||
489 / 15 | Ledger ("Cedar Hollow Mining District") |
1934 December- 1938 December |
Volume | ||
1226 | Ledger |
1939 January- 1958 December |
Unidentified Records Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Financial Records |
Box/Folder | ||
490 / 1 | Ledger |
1906-1910 |
490 / 2-5 | Ledger indexes |
undated |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Air--Pollution--Montana
- Arsenic
- Assaying
- Blacksmiths--Montana
- Boardinghouses--Montana
- Bowling--Montana
- Brickmaking--Montana
- Charities--Montana
- Clay mines and mining--Montana
- Clubs --Montana--Butte
- Clubs --Montana--Great Falls
- Coal mines and mining
- Coal trade--Montana
- Coke industry--Montana
- Company stores--Montana
- Copper mines and mining--Montana--Butte
- Dams --Montana
- Electric power--Montana
- Electric utilities--Montana
- Fertilizer
- Fire prevention--Montana
- Flumes--Montana
- Foundries--Montana--Anaconda
- Gold mines and mining--Montana
- Grazing leases--Montana
- Hardware stores--Montana
- Hospitals--Montana
- Hotels--Montana
- Industrial safety--Montana
- Insurance
- Iron mines and mining--Montana
- Labor disputes--Montana
- Labor unions--Machinists--Montana
- Labor unions--Miners--Montana
- Labor unions--Montana
- Labor unions--Smelter workers--Montana
- Laboratories--Montana
- Land companies--Montana
- Lead mines and mining--Montana
- Lime industry--Montana
- Lumber trade--Idaho
- Lumber trade--Montana
- Manganese mines and mining--Montana
- Meat industry and trade--Montana
- Metallurgy
- Meteorology--Montana--Great Falls
- Mine safety--Montana
- Mineralogy
- Mines and mineral resources--Arizona
- Mines and mineral resources--California
- Mines and mineral resources--Chile
- Mines and mineral resources--Idaho
- Mines and mineral resources--Mexico
- Mines and mineral resources--Michigan
- Mines and mineral resources--Montana--Carbon County
- Mines and mineral resources--Montana--Cascade County
- Mines and mineral resources--Montana--Silver Bow County
- Mines and mineral resources--Utah
- Mines and mineral resources--Wyoming
- Mining engineering--Montana
- Municipal water supply--Montana
- Natural gas--Montana
- Newspapers--Montana
- Ore-dressing--Montana
- Ores--Sampling and estimation
- Ores--Transportation
- Paint industry and trade--Montana
- Patents
- Pensions--Montana
- Petroleum industry and trade--Montana
- Phosphate mines and mining--Montana
- Physicians--Montana
- Pollution--Montana
- Quarries and quarrying--Montana
- Railroads--Montana
- Real estate business--Montana
- Recreation--Montana
- Reduction works--Montana--Anaconda
- Reduction works--Montana--Great Falls
- Retail trade--Montana
- Scrap metals--Montana
- Silver mines and mining--Montana
- Smelting--Montana--Anaconda
- Smelting--Montana--East Helena
- Smelting--Montana--Great Falls
- Strikes and lockouts--Copper mining--Montana
- Sugar beet industry--Montana
- Tailings (Metallurgy)--Montana
- Taxation--Montana
- Telephone--Montana
- Townsites--Montana
- Tramps--Montana
- Vocational education--Montana
- Wages --Montana
- Water--Pollution--Montana
- Water-power--Montana--Great Falls
- Water-supply--Montana
- Welfare work in industry--Montana
- Workers' compensation--Montana--Law and legislation
- World War, 1914-1918
- World War, 1914-1918--War work--Montana
- World War, 1939-1945--Civil defense--Montana
- Zinc mines and mining--Montana
Corporate Names
Geographical Names
- Albright (Mont.)
- Anaconda (Mont.)
- Arizona
- Armington (Mont.)
- Basin (Mont.)
- Bearcreek (Mont.)
- Belt (Mont.)
- Black Eagle (Mont.)
- Black Eagle Dam (Mont.)
- Bonanza Mines (Darwin, Calif.)
- Bonita (Mont.)
- Bonner (Mont.)
- Butte (Mont.)
- Carbon (Mont.)
- Carbonado (Mont.)
- Carroll (Deer Lodge County, Mont.)
- Cascade County (Mont.)
- Cascade County (Mont.). Health Dept.
- Chile
- Chuquicamata Mine (Chile)
- Cokedale (Mont.)
- Columbia Falls (Mont.)
- Darby (Mont.)
- Darwin Mines (Darwin, Calif.)
- East Helena (Mont.)
- Elliston (Mont.)
- Fort Benton (Mont.)
- Fort Peck Dam (Mont.)
- Giant Springs (Mont.)
- Gold Butte (Mont.)
- Great Falls (Mont.)
- Hamilton (Mont.)
- Hope (Idaho)
- Houghton (Mich.)
- Idaho
- Mexico
- Michigan
- Missoula (Mont.)
- Missouri Headwaters State Park (Mont.)
- Missouri River--Barrages
- Missouri River--Power utilization
- Neihart (Mont.)
- Norway.
- Poland.
- Rainbow Dam (Mont.)
- Rocker (Mont.)
- Snohomish Mine (Wash.)
- St. Regis (Mont.)
- Storrs (Mont.)
- Thompson Falls (Mont.)
- Utah
- Victoria Mines (Elko, Nev.)
- Washington (State)
- Wyoming