Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
- Overview of the Collection
Biographical Note
- Content Description
- Use of the Collection
- Administrative Information
Detailed Description of the Collection
- Incoming Letters
- Outgoing Letters
- General Correspondence - Alphabetical
- General Correspondence, Chronological
- General Correspondence, Transcripts
- General Correspondence of Others
- Diaries
- Speeches and Writings
- Speeches and Writings of Others
- Reports
- Subject Series
- Financial Records
- Legal Documents
- Military Documents
- Treaties
- Proclamations
- Resolutions
- Petitions
- Lists
- Diagrams
- Maps
- Realia
- Clippings
- Stevens Family
- Names and Subjects
Isaac I. Stevens papers, 1831-1892
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Stevens, Isaac Ingalls, 1818-1862
- Title
- Isaac I. Stevens papers
- Dates
- 1831-189218311892
- Quantity
- 5.98 cubic feet (9 boxes)
- Collection Number
- 0111 (Accession No. 0111-001)
- Summary
- Mexican War and Civil War soldier, Army engineer, surveyor, and first governor of Washington Territory
- Repository
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931 - Access Restrictions
Open to all users.
- Additional Reference Guides
- Languages
- English
- Sponsor
- Funding for encoding this finding aid was partially provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities
Biographical NoteReturn to Top
Isaac Ingalls Stevens (1818-62) was the first governor of the Washington Territory (1853-57) and represented the territory in Congress from 1857-61. He was an enthusiastic proponent of westward expansion and an early booster of the commercial potential of the Pacific Northwest. He served with distinction with the U.S. Corps of Engineers under General Winfield Scott in the Mexican War in 1847. As superintendent of the government survey of a northern route for a transcontinental railroad in 1853 and as the first governor of Washington, he played an important part in promoting the settlement of the Pacific Northwest. His handling of Indian affairs in the territory, particularly the Indian War of 1855, was controversial even at the time and earned him a reprimand from President Franklin Pierce. The treaties he signed resulted in the rapid removal of the Indian population to reservations. They also established Native American fishing rights and became the basis of subsequent negotiations between the state and the Native American population.
Isaac Stevens was born on March 28, 1818, in North Andover, Massachusetts. He attended Phillips Academy in Andover and graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1839, the first in his class. In 1840 he was commissioned second lieutenant in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Between 1840 and 1853, he worked on coastal defenses in Newport, Rhode Island, New Bedford, Massachusetts, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and Portland and Bucksport, Maine. He married Margaret Lyman Hazard of Newport on September 8, 1841. They had five children: Hazard, Virginia, Kate, Maude, and Susan.
Stevens spent most of 1847 with the engineer corps in General Winfield Scott’s Mexico campaign. After the siege of Vera Cruz, he was made adjutant to Major John L. Smith, commander of the engineer corps attached to Scott’s army. The nine-member engineer corps selected sites for fortifications, constructed field works, and provided information about unfamiliar terrain and enemy positions. The contributions of corps members Robert E. Lee, P.G.T. Beauregard, and George B. McClellan to the success of the Mexican campaign are well known, but Stevens’s contributions have received less attention. Stevens saw action at Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Churubusco, and Chapultepec, where he was seriously wounded on September 13. He was promoted to brevet captain for gallant and meritorious conduct at the Battles of Contreras and Churubusco and brevet major for the wound he took at Chapultepec.
After the war, Stevens returned to Bucksport, Maine, where he continued supervising construction of Fort Knox. In 1849, he moved to Washington, D.C., to become assistant in charge of the U.S. Coast Survey under survey director Alexander Bache, a fellow army engineer. As Bache’s assistant, Stevens ran the Washington office of the survey from 1849 to 1853. He reorganized the office into eight divisions, increased staff and improved efficiency, and served as the liaison between the survey and Congress and the public.
While he was living in Washington, Stevens also lobbied Congress on behalf of the army and the Army Corps of Engineers. In this capacity, he oversaw passage of the Fourteen Year Bill, which sped promotions for young officers. In 1851, he subsidized publication of 1,000 copies of a short book, Campaigns of the Rio Grande and Mexico, a defense of General Scott’s role in the war.
Frustrated with his prospects for advancement in the army during peacetime, Stevens decided to seek his future in politics and the West. He campaigned for Democratic presidential nominee Franklin Pierce in 1852, writing a series of letters to the Boston Post and a pamphlet defending Pierce’s war record. He also stumped for Pierce during the final weeks of the campaign. In return, Pierce named Stevens governor of the Washington Territory on March 17, 1853. Stevens also lobbied for the job of organizing and leading a government survey party to explore a northern route for a transcontinental railroad. Secretary of War Jefferson Davis appointed Stevens superintendent of the survey in March 1853. Stevens spent the next three months organizing the expedition, which set out from St. Paul in June. The party traveled west through the Dakotas, Montana, and Idaho and arrived at Ft. Vancouver on November 19, 1853. The survey identified the first rail route from St. Paul to the Puget Sound and gathered information about the region’s topography, geography, flora, and fauna, identifying several previously unknown species. Survey artists John Mix Stanley and Gustavus Sohon created a pictorial record of the expedition that included some of the first graphic representations of the regions explored. The survey report was published in 1859.
Stevens arrived in Olympia to begin his term as governor on November 25, 1853. As governor, he convened a territorial legislature, settled claims to the territory by the Hudson Bay Company, petitioned Congress for funds to purchase land for a university, and established a territorial library. As superintendent of Indian affairs in the territory he oversaw the implementation of U.S. government policy toward Native Americans, which resulted in their removal to small reservations. When an Indian war erupted east of the Cascades in 1855, Stevens authorized a strong military response. West of the mountains, he instigated attacks on the Hudson Bay Company settlers, who had intermarried with the native population. In April 1856, after removing settlers whom he believed to be aiding the enemy and placing them in the military's custody, Stevens declared martial law in Pierce County to ensure a military trial. A declaration for Thurston County soon followed. However, only the territorial legislature possesed the authority to declare martial law, and a bitter political and legal battle ensued. Stevens was forced to repeal the declaration and fight subsequent calls for his removal.
From 1857 to 1861, Stevens represented the Washington Territory in Congress and worked for ratification of the Indian treaties he had brokered there. He was active in the presidential campaign of 1860 and a delegate to the Democratic national conventions in Charleston in April and Baltimore in June. He supported the candidacy of John Breckinridge and was appointed chairman of the Democratic National Party Executive Committee in Baltimore.
When the Civil War began, Stevens entered the Union Army as colonel of the 79th Regiment of New York Volunteers, known as the Highlanders. His success in bringing discipline to the mutinous regiment contributed to his commission as brigadier general from Washington Territory in September 1861. Assigned to the command of General Thomas W. Sherman, Stevens spent the first year of the war in coastal South Carolina and took part in the bombardment of Port Royal, near Charleston, in November 1861. On June 16, 1862, he commanded the main assult force in the Battle of Secessionville, fought on St. James Island. In August 1862, he joined General John Pope's forces at Culpeper Courthouse, Virginia, passing through Newport News and Fredericksburg on his way. He commanded a division at the Second Battle of Bull Run and the Battle of Chantilly, where he was killed on September 1, 1862. Stevens is buried in Newport, Rhode Island.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The Isaac I. Stevens Papers document Stevens’s career from 1840 to 1853, from his appointment to the Corps of Engineers to the beginning of his term as territorial governor. There is less material on his years as governor and superintendent of Indian affairs. Stevens's Civil War letters provide an account of interactions between the union army and freed slaves in coastal South Carolina in 1861 and 1862. There is also a description of conditions in Fredericksburg, Virginia, in the summer of 1862.
The great majority of material is found in accession 111-1. This accession contains 4.42 cubic feet of correspondence, speeches and writings, diaries, and documents from the period 1831-62. It consists primarily of general and outgoing correspondence from 1831-62 and files of research notes that Stevens created in the course of writing books and articles about the Mexican War, the army, politics, and the Northern Pacific Railroad survey.
Stevens’s general correspondence is arranged into two series. The first is a series of undated letters from the period 1831-45, arranged alphabetically by correspondent. The second is dated correspondence from 1831-62, arranged chronologically. These letters provide a record of Stevens’s professional and personal life from his student days at West Point to his death in 1862. They document Stevens’s career in the Army Corps of Engineers, his service in the engineer corps in the Mexican War, his planning and administration of the Northern Pacific Railroad exploration and survey, his involvement in national Democratic party politics in the 1850s and early 1860s, and his service in the Civil War in South Carolina in 1861 and 1862. Major correspondents include Isaac Stevens, Sr., Margaret Hazard Stevens, and other Stevens family members. A complete alphabetical listing of correspondents is linked to the inventory below.
The accession also contains two bound volumes of outgoing letters. The first is a letterpress copybook containing copies of Stevens’s letters from the period 1849 to 1851. They document his efforts to lobby Congress for more funds for the U.S. Army and the development of his ideas about reorganizing the army and improving professional opportunities for young officers. The volume includes a circular memo Stevens addressed to the breveted officers of the Corps of Engineers and letters he wrote circulating his book, which he called “my little work on the Mexican War,” to fellow army officers. Major correspondents include Brigadier General Joseph Totten, Captain G.A. Smith, Major Barnard, and Major Hunt. A second bound volume of letters within the Pacific Railroad Survey subject series documents Stevens’s activities as he organized and planned the Northern Pacific Railroad survey expedition in the spring of 1853. It includes a draft of a memo addressed to Secretary of War Jefferson Davis in which Stevens outlines his plan for the survey. There are also letters hiring members of the expedition party and letters to the quartermaster general’s office ordering supplies and providing for re-provisioning of the party out west.
Stevens’ diaries date from March 28 to May 5, 1847, and constitute a daily account of his experiences in the early months of the Mexican War. They contain descriptions of the Mexican people, architecture, and terrain, the progress of the war, and commentary on the military capabilities of fellow corps member Robert E. Lee. Stevens’s letters to his wife from this period, filed in the chronological General Correspondence, contain an account of the siege of Vera Cruz.
A large series described as Speeches and Writings consists of materials created by Stevens in the course of writing his book, Campaigns of the Rio Grande and Mexico , newspaper articles, and speeches, and in lobbying Congress to improve the status of the army. Research materials include military data and records, notes, officers’ accounts of the Mexican campaign, and data on the number and strength of army troops on the western frontier. Speeches and articles Stevens wrote on the Mexican War, for the presidential campaign of Franklin Pierce, and promoting a northern route for the transcontinental railroad are also described as Speeches and Writings. The content of each folder is listed on the inventory.
Aside from correspondence, the collection contains relatively little material that pertains to Stevens’s term as governor and superintendent of Indian affairs or superintendent of the Northern Pacific Railroad survey. Among the subject series is a folder of information about the Blackfoot language that was gathered at Fort Benton and Piegan Camp in September 1853. The North Pacific Railroad Survey subject files pertain mostly to the lengthy efforts of Stevens and his heirs to win reimbursement for expenditures for the survey work. A folder on military service in Texas in the Speeches and Writings of Others series contains a description of Indian settlements there in the 1850s. Among the main Speeches and Writings series is an obituary Stevens wrote for his nephew and aide, George W. Stevens. The accession also contains four photostat copies of Governor Stevens's declarations of martial law in Thurston and Pierce counties in 1856.
The accession contains one subgroup, Stevens Family Correspondence. It consists of six folders of General Correspondence between members of the Stevens family during the period 1839-62. These letters include descriptions of Olympia during Stevens’s term as governor. The bulk of this subgroup consists of the incoming letters of Isaac Stevens, Sr., and Margaret Stevens.
Accession 111-2 consists of positive microfilm copies of the two series of Stevens's General Correspondence and other selected material from Accession 111-1. The copies are contained on four reels of positive microfilm. The accession includes two sets of microfilm, one set of which is available for interlibrary loan. The arrangement of the materials on the microfilm follows that of the originals prior to their reprocessing. An index to the correspondents can be found in the inventory of Accession 111-1. The originals of the materials known on the microfilm as Supplements to Isaac Stevens's Papers are found in the Incoming Letters, Outgoing Letters, and General Correspondence of Others in Accession 111-1. Similarly, the microfilmed Speeches and Writing includes materials from the Subject Series and Report series of Accession 111-1. Only the period from April 5 to December 12, 1847, of Stevens's Mexican War Diary has been filmed.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Alternative Forms Available
Portions of the Isaac I. Stevens Papers have been microfilmed (as indicated in the inventory below) and are available on Microfilm A13147 in the Government Publications, Maps, Microforms & Newspapers Collections in Suzzallo/Allen Libraries and through Interlibrary Loan.
View selections from this collection in digital format
Restrictions on Use
The creator's literary rights are in the public domain.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Acquisition Information
The materials in Mss. Acc. No. 0111-001 of the Isaac I. Stevens Papers were acquired by the University of Washington Libraries in 1934 from Kate Stevens Bates and in1960 from Albert Culverwell.
The photostat copies of Stevens's declarations of martial law were acquired from the Pacific Northwest Quarterly in April 1975.
Processing Note
Mss. Acc. No. 0111-001 is a merger of materials received in 1934 and 1960. The accession was reprocessed in 2002, at which time Mss. Acc. No. 0111-003, the photostat copies of Stevens's declarations of martial law, was merged.
The microfilm that comprises Mss. Acc. No. 0111-002 was filmed from the original papers in 1965 at the University of Washington under a grant from the National Historical Publications Commission.
Separated Materials
The Hazard Stevens Papers, 1863-1899 (Mss. Acc. No. 4909-001), were previously part of the Isaac I. Stevens Papers. This collection contains correspondence, legal documents, reminiscences, writings, and documents from Hazard Stevens’s service with the 1st Regiment of Loyal Virginians (1863-65), family and business correspondence, a diary, and biographical notes Hazard Stevens gathered about his father, Isaac I. Stevens.
Two portrait photographs of Stevens were transferred to the division's photography collections in 2002.
Buerge, David M., "Big Little Man: Isaac Stevens (1818-1862)." In Washingtonians: A Biographical Portrait of the State, edited by David Brewster and David M. Buerge. Seattle: Sasquatch Books, 1988, pp. 73-95.
Doty, James, The Journal of Operations of Governor Isaac Ingalls Stevens of Washington Territory in 1855, edited by Edward J. Kowrach. Fairfield, Wash.: Ye Galleon Press, 1978.
Hazard, Joseph Taylor, Companion of Adventure: a Biography of Isaac Ingalls Stevens, First Governor of Washington Territory. Portland, Or.: Binfords and Mort, 1952.
Richards, Kent, Isaac I. Stevens: Young Man in a Hurry. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 1979.
Stevens, Hazard, The Life of General Isaac Ingalls Stevens. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1901.
Related Materials
The records of Washington's territorial governors, including those from the Stevens administration, can be found at the Washington State Archives. The Archives also have a small amount of Stevens Family materials.
Additional papers of Isaac Ingalls Stevens can be found at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
The Washington State Historical Society holds additional papers of Isaac Ingalls Stevens and Hazard Stevens.
University of Oregon Libraries holds the Kate Stevens Bates Papers and the Hazard Stevens Papers.
A typescript copy of the journal of operations of Governor Stevens maintained by his secretary, James Doty, is held by the Oregon Historical Society Library.
Tulalip Agency Papers at Washington State University includes correspondence of Stevens and others chiefly regarding the Tulalip, Lummi, Snohomish, and Puyallup Indians.
Eastern Washington State Historical Society at the The Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture (formerly the Cheney Cowles Museum) in Spokane has a collection of Stevens Family papers.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Incoming LettersReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
1/1 | Crosbie, Henry R. |
1856 |
1/2 | Douglas, James
Also available on Microfilm A13147, reel 4, part 2 in Government
Publications, Maps, Microforms & Newspapers Collections in Suzzallo/Allen
1855 |
1/3 | Gosnell, Wesley B., Special Indian Agent, Report to
Also available on Microfilm A13147, reel 4, part 3 in Government
Publications, Maps, Microforms & Newspapers Collections in Suzzallo/Allen
1856 |
Outgoing LettersReturn to Top
Also available on Microfilm A13147, reel 4 in Government Publications, Maps, Microforms & Newspapers Collections in Suzzallo/Allen Libraries.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
1/4 | Stevens to Edmund Sylvester
Also available on Microfilm A13147, reel 4, part 5 in Government
Publications, Maps, Microforms & Newspapers Collections in Suzzallo/Allen
1853 |
1/5 | Letterpress Copybook |
1849-1851 |
General Correspondence - Alphabetical, 1831-1845Return to Top
Also available on Microfilm A13147, reel 1 in Government Publications, Maps, Microforms & Newspapers Collections in Suzzallo/Allen Libraries.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
1/6 | Bache, A. D. |
1/6 | Bache, E. |
1/7 | Benham, H. W. |
1/7 | Canby, [E.] |
1/7 | Gilmer, J. F. |
1/8 | Green, Charles G. |
1/8 | [Hazard, M. W.] |
1/8 | Hardcastle, E. L. F |
1/8 | Harrison, M. |
1/9 | Kurtz, J. D. |
1/9 | Lee, I. F. |
1/10 | Lee, Robert E. |
1/10 | Lyman, E. B. |
1/10 | Mason, J. L. |
1/10 | McClellan, George B. |
1/11 | Palmer, W. R. |
1/12 | Reno, J. S. |
1/12 | Ringgold, T. L. |
1/12 | Scarritt, J. M. |
1/13 | Sherman, Thomas W. |
1/13 | Smith, H. L. |
1/14 | Stevens, G. W. |
1/14 | Stevens, H. B. |
1/14 | Stevens, Hazard |
1/15-18 | Stevens, Isaac I. |
1/19 | Stevens, Isaac |
1/19 | Stevens, Margaret |
1/20 | Stevens, Margaret L. |
1/20 | Stevens, Mary |
1/20 | Stevens, Morel |
1/21 | Stevens, Oliver |
1/22 | Stevens, Susan |
1/23 | Stevens, ? |
1/23 | Tower, Zealous B. |
1/23 | U.S. Patent Office |
1/23 | Wallace, C. I. |
1/24 | Woodbury, D. P. |
1/24 | Wright, H. G. |
General Correspondence, ChronologicalReturn to Top
Also available on Microfilm A13147, reels 1-4 in Government Publications, Maps, Microforms & Newspapers Collections in Suzzallo/Allen Libraries.
Correspondents include: Abbott, James H. ; Abemathy, Alexander J. ; Abert, James W. ; Adair, John ; Aiken, F. A. ; Alden, James ; Aldrich, Cyrus ; Allen, Edward J. ; Alvord, Benjamin ; Anderson, B. P. ; Anderson, John ; Andrew, John ; Andrews, Horace ; Arnold, L. G. ; Bache, A. D. ; Bache, E. ; Bailey, J. W. ; Bauregard, G. T. ; Benham, H. W. ; Berteau, F. G. ; Bishop, David H. ; Bishop, Susan S. ; Blake, Samuel ; Blunt, Charles E. ; Bowen, Fred ; Boynton, Edward C. ; Breckinridge, John C. ; Brooks, C. T. ; Buchanan, E. B. ; Cain, John ; Campbell, L. M. ; Canby, E. ; Carpenter, S. D. ; Cass, Lewis Chase, W. H. ; Clark, Frank ; Cranston, W. M. H. ; Cullum, George W. ; Cummings, Asa ; Currier, B. H. ; Cushing, T. ; Davis, Jefferson ; Doe, J. M. ; Dorwin, C. ; Dunnell, Jacob ; Dundas, William H. ; Eaton, William ; Edwards, L. A. ; Ely, Sumner S. ; Evans, Elwood ; Evans, John ; Fessenden, W. P. ; Field, H. ; Fitzhugh, E. C. ; Folsom, I. L. ; Foster, J. G. ; Fowler, W. M. ; French, John (C.) ; Frost, John ; Frye, William ; Fuller, W. J. A. ; Gardner, C. K, ; Gay, D. W. ; Gibson, A. A. ; Gilmore, Q. A. ; Gllman, Henry ; Gllmer, J. F. ; Goldsborough, H. A. ; Gove, Warren ; Green, Charles G. ; Green, W. B. ; Gunn, Thomas ; [G, W. H.] ; Halnes, Augustine ; Hale, John P. ; Hall, Frye ; Halleck, H. W. ; Hardcastle, E. L. F. ; Hardee, W. J. ; Hardin, L. B. ; Harding, B. F. ; Harrison, M. ; Hayes, John L. ; Hazard, E. H. ; Hazard, E. L. ; Hazard, M. W. ; Hazard, N. W. ; Hazard, T. G. ; Henry, Joseph ; Herbert, Henry W. ; Hllgard, J. E. ; Hill, John ; Hills, Joel ; Hinckley and Egery ; Holden, Oliver ; Holinan, J. D. ; Hooker, J. (Joseph?) ; Hoven, N. W. ; Humphreys, A. A. ; Hunt, E. B. ; Hunt, H. I. ; Hunt, Montgomery ; Jackson, John H. ; Jenklns, Thurston.H. ; Johnston, B. W. W. ; Judson, William H. ; Kautz, August V. ; Kelly S. S. ; Kennedy, Joseph C. G. ; King, Horatio ; Kinney, Samuel ; Kurtz, J. D. ; Lane, Joseph ; Lansdale, Richard Hyatt ; Latham, Milton S. ; Lawton, A. R. ; Lawton, R. B. ; Leadbetter, D. ; Lee, I. F. ; Lee, J. F. ; Lee, John J. ; Lee, Ned ; Lee, Robert E. ; Lincoln, A. B. ; Lyman, E. B. ; McBean, William ; McClellan, George B. ; McFarland, Susan ; McMullan, Fayette ; Mahan, D. H. ; Mansfield, Joseph K. F. ; Manypenny, George W. ; Mason, Charles H. ; Medill, W. ; Meigs, M. C. ; Merlson, Alex ; Miles, Henry ; Millard, M. B. ; Miller, William Winlock ; Mix, Charles E. ; Mordecal, A. ; Morris, J. N. ; Morrow, William M. ; Morion, Francis ; Mosely, H. C. ; Mowry, S. ; Mullen, John ; Munro, P. L. ; Murden, E. 0. ; Nesmith, James W. ; Nones, J. B. ; Ogden, Peter Skene ; Olmstead, David ; Oliver, Samuel ; Osgood, Gayton P. ; Ord, Edward 0. C. ; Owen, D. D. ; Paige, G. A. ; Palmer, A. T. ; Palmer, W. R. ; Parke, Jno. G. ; Peabody, A. P. ; Peck, John I. ; Perry, M. ; Peters, John A. ; Peters, N. ; Phillips, Sam ; Porter, B. F. ; Band, Sam F. ; Beeves, I. S. K. ; Reno, J. S. ; Rice, Henry M. ; Richard, Rev. P. ; Ringgold, T. L. ; Ripley, R. S. ; Roberts, B. L. ; Roble, A. H. ; Rolle, Albert ; Rosencrans, W. S. ; Rundlett, G. H. ; Sanders, John ; Sauerwine, George ; Saunders, Daniel ; Sawyer, Levl ; Sayward, W. G. ; Scarritt, J. M. ; Shannon, Milton ; Shepard, George ; Shennan, Thomas West ; Sinclair, William J. ; Sitgreaves, L. ; Smith, Edward W. ; Smith, Fred A. ; Smith, Gus W. ; Smith, Henry L. ; Smith. J. E. ; Sparhawk, George ; Sprague, William ; Stanberry, Howard ; Stewart, Seaforth ; Stringham, S. H. ; Talt, James A. ; Talcott, Andrew ; Taylor, Francis ; Terlman, G. ; Thomas, J. A. ; Thorn, George ; Tilden, Bryant ; Tinkham, A. W. ; Tolmie, William Frazer ; Totten, Joseph G. ; Todd, James M. ; Tower, George B. N. ; Tower, Zealous B. ; Townsend, D. L. ; Treadwell, Thomas J. ; Trowbridge, W. P. ; Van Bokkelen, J. H. H. ; Wall, William ; Wallace, E. I. ; Watson, George ; Webster, Sidney ; Webster, William ; Weeks, Thaddeus ; Welcker, George A. ; Weston, N. B. ; Wheeler, Jno. ; Whipple, A. W. ; Whitney, James S. ; Wickman, A. ; Wight, R. A. ; Williams, Hez ; Williams, W. ; Wilson, J. S. ; Wilson, John ; Woodbury, D. P. ; Woodby, D. P. ; Woodman, Theodore C. ; Wright, H. George ; Wright, Joseph ; Yantis, Benjamin F. ; Zantzinger, William C.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
1/25-62 | 1831 - October 14, 1840 |
1831-1840 |
2/1-64 | October 15, 1840 - September 14, 1849 |
1840-1849 |
3/1-86 | September 14, 1849 - June 1, 1854 |
1849-1854 |
4/1-55 | June 3, 1854 - August 28, 1861 |
1854-1861 |
5/1-35 | September 1, 1861 - November 1, 1862 |
1861-1862 |
General Correspondence, TranscriptsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
5/36 | Typed copies of the Indian War
Correspondence |
1855-1857 |
General Correspondence of OthersReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
5/37 | Lane, Joseph, to Captain Hunt re: Stevens
Also available on Microfilm A13147, reel 4, part 4 in Government
Publications, Maps, Microforms & Newspapers Collections in Suzzallo/Allen
1857 |
DiariesReturn to Top
Selections available (Mexian War, April 5-December 12, 1847) on Microfilm A13147, reel 4 in Government Publications, Maps, Microforms & Newspapers Collections in Suzzallo/Allen Libraries.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
5/38 | Journal, March 28 - April 19, 1847 |
1847 |
5/39 | Mexican War Diary, April 12 - May 5, 1847 |
1847 |
5/40 | Mexican War Diary, May 7 - September 11; November 1 -
December 12, 1847 |
1847 |
Speeches and WritingsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
5/41 | Armistice, Notes on: September 6 - October 24,
1847 |
1847 |
5/42 | Buena Vista, Battle of: Notes and Plan of Battle of
Buena Visa, February 22-23, 1847 |
1847 |
5/43 | Cerro Gordo: "Observations in relation to an immediate
movement upon the capitol after the Cerro Gordo," No. 4 and No. 5 No. 4: 10 p.
No. 5: 17 p.
1847 |
5/44 | "Chalo Route" |
undated |
5/45 | Chapultepec: "No. 1" |
undated |
5/46 | "Mexico - Part 7" |
undated |
5/47 | Monterey: Observations in relation to the delay of
General Taylor in advancing on Monterey |
ca. 1847 |
5/48 | Monterey: Attack on Monterey |
ca. 1847 |
5/49 | Monterey: Operations after capture of
Monterey |
ca. 1847 |
5/50 | Palo Alto, Resaca, and Monterey |
ca. 1847 |
6/1 | Quetarro: "Department of Quetarro" |
undated |
6/2 | San Luis: Advance upon San Luis |
ca. 1847 |
6/3 | Scott's Campaign and other notes on the Mexican
War 42 p.
undated |
6/4 | Scott's Campaign 162 p.
Narrative of the campaign.
undated |
6/5 | Scott, General; Captain Lee, etc. |
undated |
6/6 | Taylor Line |
ca. 1847 |
6/7 | Valley of Mexico: Abstract of engineer operations in the
Valley of Mexico, August and September 1847
Original and two typed copies.
1847 |
6/8 | Valley of Mexico |
undated |
6/9 | Vera Cruz: Notes in regard to investment and siege of
Vera Cruz taken in the field, March 1847 |
1847 |
6/10 | Vera Cruz: Abstraction of operations at Vera Cruz as
regards working parties of Lieutenant Stevens, Engineer, March 1847
Typscript copy.
1847 |
6/11 | Hunt's army organization, September 4, 1851 |
1851 |
6/12 | Fellow Citizens of the County of Thurston, December 19,
Also available on Microfilm A13147, reel 4 in Government
Publications, Maps, Microforms & Newspapers Collections in Suzzallo/Allen
1853 |
6/13 | Vindication of General Pierce, published in the
Boston Post, June 1852
2 articles.
1852 |
6/14 | Navigability of the Columbia River, June 30,
Also available on Microfilm A13147, reel 4 in Government
Publications, Maps, Microforms & Newspapers Collections in Suzzallo/Allen
1854 |
6/15 | Fellow Citizens of the County of Thurston Legislative
Assembly of the Territory, December 1, 1856 |
1856 |
6/16 | "Gold Fields in New Caledonia", an address to the
Secretary of State on the rights of American citizens in British
Printed in the Washington Union
July 27, 1858.
1858 |
6/17-19 | To President of the Railroad Convention, April 3,
Also available on Microfilm A13147, reel 4 in Government
Publications, Maps, Microforms & Newspapers Collections in Suzzallo/Allen
1860 |
6/20 | Fellow soldiers of the Highland Guard, April
Also available on Microfilm A13147, reel 4 in Government
Publications, Maps, Microforms & Newspapers Collections in Suzzallo/Allen
1862 |
6/21 | Administration of Aragon |
undated |
6/22 | Army: Observations in relation to increase of Army,
Pacific Railroad (increase and reorganization of the army) |
undated |
6/23 | Artillery |
undated |
6/24 | Fortifications: Rough notes on
fortifications |
undated |
6/25 | Franklin: Speech on Benjamin Franklin |
undated |
6/26 | Washington Territory, Description of |
undated |
6/27 | Addresses to Public Schools |
undated |
6/28-31 | Class notes and papers |
undated |
6/32 | Memorial to G.W. Stevens
undated |
Speeches and Writings of OthersReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
7/1 | "Address before the Dialectic Society of the Corps of
Cadets" by Lt. Benjamin Alvord |
1839 |
7/2 | Contreras and Churubusco, August 1847
Account submitted by Henry Wacque (?).
1847 |
7/3 | Drafts of "The War with Mexico" by R.S.
Ripley |
undated |
7/4 | re: Lieutenant Generalcy (in the Senate) |
1852 |
7/5 | re: Military service in Texas |
undated |
ReportsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
7/6 | "Field notes of the Survey of the N.E. 1/4 of Section
Five and the N.W. 1/4 of Section Four in Township No. 17 North of Range No. 2,
Wash." |
1892 |
7/7 | Report on Snoqualmie Pass Road
Also available on Microfilm A13147, reel 4 in Government
Publications, Maps, Microforms & Newspapers Collections in Suzzallo/Allen
undated |
7/8 | Phrenological analysis of Stevens |
undated |
Subject SeriesReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
14 Years Bill |
Box/Folder | ||
7/9 | Reports |
Statement showing the number and disposition of the
troops in the Frontier Dept. |
n..d. | |
Article in regard to bill for securing services of
competent officers in staff departments of the Army (S. 413) |
undated | |
Statement showing the several duties of the officers
of the Corps of Topological Engineers |
undated | |
box-folder:oversize | ||
9/1 | Statement of Lieutenants of the Corps of Engineers
who graduated prior to 1845 |
undated |
7/9 | Drafts of bill |
undated |
7/9 | Correspondence |
1852 |
7/10-11 | Indian Vocabularies |
"Materials on the vocabulary of the Blackfoot
language and comparative vocabulary of the languages of the Indian tribes of
the United States, Fort Benton and Piegan Camp, September 9, 1853" |
1853 | |
Pacific Railroad Survey |
Box/Folder | ||
7/12 | Bound volume of correspondence Stevens drafted as
Superintendent of the Pacific Railroad Survey, March-June 1853
Major correspondents include Jefferson Davis.
1853 |
7/13-14 | General Correspondence and notes regarding the
Settlement of Accounts from the Pacific Railroad Survey and other
Includes survey notes.
1857-1865 |
7/15 | Reports: Stevens's Pacific Railroad Survey, compiled
by Joseph Henry and A.D. Bache, envisoned as a route to East rivers
Also available on Microfilm A13147, reel 4 in Government
Publications, Maps, Microforms & Newspapers Collections in Suzzallo/Allen
undated |
7/16 | Newspaper articles by Isaac Stevens re: Pacific
Railroad |
1853-1858 |
box-folder:oversize | ||
9/1 | Washington State Capitol Building |
Diagrams |
undated | |
Donation claim |
1958 | |
Brief of title |
1859 |
Financial RecordsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
7/17 | Check Stubs and Promissory Notes |
1846, 1848, 1856 |
Legal DocumentsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box-folder 7/18
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Certificate of Marriage, September 8, 1841 |
1841 | |
Last Will and Testament of Isaac Stevens, June 10,
1853 |
1853 | |
Document granting Isaac Stevens power of attorney for G.
Willard |
1859 |
Military DocumentsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
7/19 | Notes on strength of infantry in the Pacific
undated |
7/19 | Civil War soldier rolls from Beaufort, S.C., January and
February 1862 |
1862 |
7/19 | Morning report - 46th Regiment, Culpeper, August 16,
1862 |
1862 |
7/19 | Blank forms for provisions |
ca. 1860 |
box-folder:oversize | ||
9/2 | Muster roll, North Carolina, 1863 |
1863 |
9/2 | Statement of forage for public animals |
undated |
TreatiesReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
7/20 | Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Treaties made at Walla
Walla Valley
1855 |
ProclamationsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
7/21 | Document appointing Charles H. Mason Secretary of
Washington Territory, May 15, 1855 |
1855 |
7/21 | Martial law in Thurston County |
1856 |
7/21 | First proclamation as governor |
1853 |
7/21 | Order staying execution of judgment |
undated |
box-folder:oversize | ||
9/3 | Martial law in Thurston County |
1856 |
9/3 | Martial law in Pierce County
1856 |
ResolutionsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
7/22 | Resolutions of the Council regarding martial
laws |
undated |
PetitionsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
7/23 | re: G.W. Smith, promotion to Major |
undated |
7/24 | Petitions to Stevens seeking employment |
1854, 1857 |
ListsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
7/25 | Distribution lists from various sources for arcticle on
Mexican campaign |
undated |
7/26 | "Index to the Executive Documents," 31st Congress, 1st
Session |
1849 |
7/27 | Indian War documents, 1856-61, in possession of the
military, Dept. of Washington |
undated |
7/28 | Inventory to the Isaac Stevens Letters
Arranged by year in this collection.
undated |
7/29 | "Invoice of Goods Delivered" |
undated |
DiagramsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
box-folder:oversize | ||
9/4 | Diagrams of furnaces for heating shot |
undated |
9/4 | Military uniform, U.S. Corps of Engineers |
undated |
MapsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
box-folder:oversize | ||
9/5 | Plan of the Battle of Buena Vista
undated |
RealiaReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
8/1 | Confederate money
13 bills.
undated |
ClippingsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
8/2-3 | Nwespaper arcticles on the Battle of James Island, June
28, 1862 |
1862 |
8/4 | Newspaper article by Isaac Stevens re: National
Defense |
1852 |
8/4 |
Boston Post
article |
1851 |
8/5 | Newspaper articles by James G. Swan written for the
Boston Transcript
With other clippings about the Pacific Coast.
1857-1858 |
8/6 | Isaac Stevens obituaries |
1862 |
Stevens FamilyReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
8/7 | Susan Stevens to Elizabeth Stevens |
1839 |
8/8 | Letters to Isaac Stevens, Sr.
8 letters.
1831-1847 |
8/9 | Letters to Margaret Hazard Stevens from her
14 letters.
1844-1854 |
8/10-11 | Letters to Margaret Stevens from other
12 letters, including letters on the death of Isaac I.
1847-1862 |
8/12 | Joint letter to Susan Stevens from family |
1856 |
8/13 | Condolences on the death of Isaac I.
Stevens |
1862 |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Governors--Washington (State)--Archives
- Indians of North America--Washington (State)--Treaties
- Mexican War, 1846-1848--Personal narratives
- Pacific Coast Indians, Wars with, 1847-1865
- Pacific railroads--Explorations and surveys
- Personal Papers/Corporate Records (University of Washington)
- Soldiers--United States--Social conditions--19th century
Personal Names
Corporate Names
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company
- United States. Army--Officers
- United States. Army. Corps of Engineers