Yves Moreau recordings: Albanian Folk Music, Undated

Overview of the Collection

Moreau, Yves
Yves Moreau recordings: Albanian Folk Music
4 items  :  87-21.1 OT - 1 reel (7 1/2 ips, 1/4 tr., left channel only; (recorded both sides), 5"); 87-21.2 EC - 1 reel (7 1/2 ips, 1/2 tr., left channel only, 7"); 2 WAV files (48 kHz, 24-bit); Duration: 00:48:39
Collection Number
Folk music recorded from Radio Tirana, records, and Radio Pristina by Yves Moreau.
University of Washington Ethnomusicology Archives
University of Washington
Ethnomusicology Archives
Box 353450
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065430974
Access Restrictions

Unrestricted: collection is open for research.


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Yves Moreau lives in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and is recognized as one of North America's foremost exponents of Bulgarian dance and folklore. He has travelled to Bulgaria almost annually between 1966 and 1986 to research dance and to record music in all regions of the country. He has also lectured and conducted workshops throughout North America as well as on numerous occasions in Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Mexico, Brazil, Israel, Japan, Slovenia, Hungary, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, New Zealand, and Australia.

For more information see: http://www.bourque-moreau.com/yves_moreau_-_short_biograp.html

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Recorded by collector; reel 2 is apparently a copy of reel 1.

More information needed to complete archiving.

Tapes digitized 6/2016 (WAV, 48 kHz, 24-bit) - 87-21.1a.wav (24:19); 8-21.1b.wav (24:20); 87-21.2a.wav (32:08); 87-21.2b.wav (16:26) (total = 1:37:13; total program = 48:39)

Documentation: Hand-written notes from tape boxes.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top