Dillis B. Ward photograph collection, circa 1864-circa 1909

Overview of the Collection

Ward, Dillis B
Dillis B. Ward photograph collection
circa 1864-circa 1909
45 photographic prints (1 box and 1 folder); sizes vary
Collection Number
Collection contains photographs, mainly portraits, of the Dillis B. Ward and Dickey families of Seattle, Washington
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

The collection is open to the public. Selections of collection are available on digital site. Use digital site to preserve original photographs.

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Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Dillis Burgess Ward, an early Pacific Northwest pioneer, was born in Hartford, Kentucky in 1838. He crossed the plains to Salem, Oregon in 1853 where he worked on his father's farm until he was twenty-one. Ward moved to Seattle in 1859, and started working in the Yesler sawmill. He later drove the team that hauled the lime and stone for the first University of Washington building. He attended the UW as a student and eventually became an instructor there.

Ward made and lost fortunes twice in the real estate business; then, with his two brothers, he started theSeattle Chronicleand theSeattle Post, both among the ancestors of the present-daySeattle Post-IntelligencerFor seven years, he was in charge of the Industrial School at the Skokomish Indian Reservation. He also served as a member of the Washington State Territorial Legislature in 1879, and was active in Seattle's early church, educational, and cultural life.

In 1863, Ward was married to Sarah Isabella Byles, who as a child had crossed the plains with the first train to come through Naches Pass in 1853. Their daughter, Lizzie, later married Edmond S. Meany, and their daughter Maud married William A. Dickey.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The collection contains mainly portraits of approximately four generations of the Dillis B. Ward and the Dickey families.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Alternative Forms Available

View selections from the collection in digital format

Restrictions on Use

Restrictions may exist on reproduction, quotation, or publication. Contact Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries for details.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Source:The Shorey Bookstore, January 1964.

Processing Note

Processed by Rachel Woodbrook, 2010.

Photographs of the Dickey family which had been removed from the collection and put in the portrait file were transferred back to the collection in 2010.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Ward FamilyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
1/1 1
Carte de visite portrait of Jesse Ward
Jesse Ward was born in February 25, 1796 and died December 27, 1871 in Oak Hills, Oregon. Written on verso: Father of Dillis B. Ward. Was born in Maryland in 1797. Died (I think) 1873. I was born June 30th 1838, in Hartford, Ohio County-Dillis B. Ward.
circa 1860s-1870s
1/2 2
Children: Greg (Gary?), Claire, Earnest, and Kirk Ward
Judkins, Seattle, W.T (photographer)
Before 1889
1/2 3
Kirk Ward
McClaire & Quirk, Seattle, W.T (photographer)
Before 1889
1/2 4
Mrs. Kirk Ward
George Moore, Seattle, W.T (photographer)
Written on verso: Her brother was Chief Justice Dunbar, Olympia.
Before 1889
1/3 5
Possibly Basil Ward's wife
Buchtel & Stolte, Portland, OR (photographer)
Before 1879
1/3 6
William E. Ward
Written on verso: Compliments of William E. Ward. Hartford, Ohio Co. Ky. To his cousin. D.B. Ward Seattle, Wa.
1/4 7
Carte de visite portrait of Dillis B. Ward
1/4 8
Dillis B. Ward
Moore, Seattle, W.T (photographer)
circa 1878
1/4 9
Dillis B. Ward
Moore, Seattle, W.T (photographer)
circa 1880
1/4 10
Dillis B. Ward
Eggan Brothers, Seattle, WA (photographer)
circa 1891-1895
1/4 11
Dillis B. Ward
Curtis, Seattle, WA (photographer)
circa 1898-1906
1/4 12
Dillis B. Ward
Eggan & Ericson, Seattle, WA (photographer)
circa 1903-1906
1/4 13 Before 1889
1/5 14
Sarah Isabelle Byles Ward (Mrs. D.B. Ward)
Moore, Seattle, W.T (photographer)
Before 1889
1/5 15
Sarah Isabelle Byles Ward (Mrs. D.B. Ward)
Lothrop, Seattle, WA (photographer)
circa 1911-1925
1/6 16
Dillis B. Ward family
Written on verso: Standing (L-R): Clarence, Maude. Sitting on bench: "Aunt Lizzie," Mrs. D.B. Ward, D.B. Ward, Kate. On floor: Agnes, Mabel (youngest)
circa 1870s-1880s
1/6 17
Mrs. D.B. Ward & five daughters
1/6 18
Mrs. D.B. Ward & five daughters
(L-R) Kate Bushnell, Maude Dickey, Lizzie Meany, Mrs. D.B. Ward, Mabel Pennington, Agnes Lively.
1/6 19
D.B. Ward and daughters Mabel (L) & Agnes standing in front of ship
Written on verso: Sailing of theAustraliafor Skagway. This would be during the time of the Klondike Gold Rush.
February 26, 1898
1/7 20
Sarah Elizabeth ("Lizzie") Ward (Meany)
Written on verso: S.E. Ward in her graduating dress.
1/7 21
Elizabeth Meany and her son, Mercer Meany
McClaire, Seattle (photographer)
circa 1894-1895
1/8 22
Kate Ward (Knapp/Bushnell)
Vail Brothers, Poughkeepsie, NY (photographer)
Written on verso: "Kate Ward Dickey." Kate Ward, however, did not marry into the Dickey family.
1/9 23
Maud Ward (Dickey)
M.S. McClaire, Seattle, W.T (photographer)
circa 1884-1885
1/9 24
Maud Dickey
The Rainier Studios, Seattle (photographer)
circa 1891
1/9 25
Maud Dickey and three friends
La Roche & Co., Seattle (photographer)
circa 1889-1890
1/10 26
Agnes Ward
Boyd, Seattle (photographer)
(married Karl V. Lively)
circa 1889-1905
1/11 27
Mable Ward
Boyd, Seattle (photographer)
(married Brigadier General Carlos Alden Pennington)
circa 1889-1905
1/12 28
Clarence Ward
Moore, Seattle, W.T (photographer)
circa 1884-1885
1/12 29
Clarence Ward
McClaire, Seattle, W.T (photographer)
circa 1887-1889
1/12 30
Clarence Ward
McClaire, Seattle, W.T (Photographer)
circa 1887-1889
1/12 31
Clarence Ward
1/12 32
Clarence Ward
OS3 33
Charles Clarence Ward
McBride & Anderson (Photographer)
After 1932
1/13 34a
D.B. Ward's house, 1225 6th Ave. West, Seattle,WA.
F. G. Rueter, Photo-Viewing Company (Photographer)
1/13 34b
D.B. Ward's residence, William Dickey possibly in front
circa 1888

Dickey FamilyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
1/14 35
Mable Dickey (W.A. Dickey's sister)
Richardson, San Francisco, CA (Photographer)
1/14 36
Mable Dickey
Horton Bros., Providence, R.I (Photographer)
Written on photo: George E. Audrens [?]
1/15 37
William A. Dickey
The Curtis Studio, Seattle (Photographer)
1/16 38
Frank Dickey
1/16 39
Dorothy Dickey
Meriwether (Photographer)
1/16 40
Dorothy and Hester Dickey
James & Bushnell, Seattle (Photographer)
circa 1904-1906
1/17 41
Dickey-Whalley children and mothers
Written on verso: Whalley's backyard, 202 First Ave W. between Thomas & Harrison.
1/17 42
H. Dickey wearing Knight Templar regalia
S. Piper, Manchester, N.H (Photographer)
1/17 43
Hannah Andrews Dickey
S. Piper, Manchester, N.H (Photographer)

Ward & Dickey family portraitReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
box-folder:oversize item
OS3 44
Ward & Dickey family group
Accompanying material lists those in photograph: L-R. 1. Mrs. Clarence Ward 2. Frank Dickey (knickerbockers) 3. Clarence Ward holding Betty 4. Mrs. W.A. Dickey, Duncan in front 5. Aunt Lizzie (Mrs. E.S. Meany) 6. Mercer Meany 7. Hester Dickey 8. Behind Hester-Sherman Bushnell 9. Sarah Proctor (Byles) 10. Aunt Kate-Kate Bushnell 11. Jim Bushnell 12. E.S. Meany 13. Ned Meany in front 14. Grandma Meany (?) 15. Aunt Agnes- Agnes Liveley (?) 16. Phil Liveley & Betty Liveley 17. Grandma Ward (Mrs. D.B. Ward) 18. Grandpa (D.B. Ward) 19. Dick Ward (in front) 20. Margaret Meany 21. Jimmie Liveley (in front) 22. Mabel Pennington 23. Front of [?] Priscilla and Alden Pennington 24. Dorothy Dickey 25. Dillas Knapp.

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Personal Names

Form or Genre Terms