Ratna Roy Papers, 1988-2009

Overview of the Collection

Roy, Ratna
Ratna Roy Papers
1988-2009 (inclusive)
1.0 cubic feet, (3 letter sized document cases)
Collection Number
US-WaOE.pp.1976-12 .R669
This collection encompases the faculty evaluations, program syllabi, and self and peer evaluations of Ratna Roy from 1988 to 2009.
The Evergreen State College, Malcolm Stilson Archives and Special Collections
Archives and Special Collections
Daniel J. Evans Library
The Evergreen State College
2700 Evergreen Parkway NW
Olympia, WA
Telephone: 3608676126
Fax: 3608676790

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection consists of Ratna Roy's academic portfolio from 1988 to 2009. It includes faculty evaluations of Roy written by students, the syllabi, covenants, and descriptions of programs that Roy taught, and her self evaluations, as well as the evaluations of her by other faculty, and her evaluations of them. It also includes personal papers that relate to her position at TESC and the programs that she taught.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

Ratna Roy got her B.A. in English from Ranchi University in 1962. She then recieved her M.A. in English from Calcutta University in 1964, and her Ph.D. in English from the Univeristy of Oregon in 1972. She has been teaching at Evergreen since the 1980s, and her programs usually involve South Asian, or African cultural studies, South Asian performing arts, and literature.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

In all cases, publication or display of our materials must carry the credit line: "From The Evergreen State College Archives". Citations of specific materials should include the accession number, provenance and series title, file folder heading (if any) followed by the specific item's identification (title or description).

Restrictions on Use

Duplication of archival materials in no way transfers either copyright or property right, nor does it constitute permission to publish in excess of "fair use" or to display the materials.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The arrangement of these files is chronological within the boxes.

Location of Collection

6F1.1, 6F1.2, 6F1.3 Three letter size storage boxes.

Separated Materials

Roy, Ratna Box 1 1988 Interactions in Perf Arts Student Evals, Syllabus Copies Found with Faculty Evaluations, syllabus copies with syllabus Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 1 1989-90 Ourselves Among… Student Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 1 1990 Afro-American Student Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 1 1989-90 Indiv Contracts Contract Copies, Student Evals Found with Individual Contracts Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 1 1990 Goddess Worship Student Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna, Box 1 1990-91 East and West Student Evals, Faculty Eval Copies Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 1 1990-91Indiv Contracts Student Evals, Contract Copies Found with Individual Contracts Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 1 1991 Goddess Student Evals, Faculty Eval Copies, Syllabus Copies Found with Faculty Evaluations. Syllabus copies found with syllabus. Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 1 1991-92 Orissi Dance Student Evals, Faculty Eval Copies Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 1 1991-92 Indiv Contracts Student Evals, Contract Copies Found with Individual Contracts Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 1 1991-92 Roots and Visions Student Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 1 1992 Orissi Dance Student Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 1 1992 In Search of Goddess Student Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 1 1992-93 British Imperialism Student Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 1 1993 Orissi Dance Student Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 1 1993 Mask Theater Student Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 1 1993 Street Theater Student Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 1 1992-93 Indiv Contracts Student Evals, Contract Copies Found with Individual Contracts Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 2 1993-94 Intro to Perf Arts Student Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 2 1994 Dance and Culture Student Evals, Faculty Eval Copies Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna, Box 2 1994 Orissi Dance Student Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 2 1993-94 Indiv Contracts Student Evals, Contract Copies Found with Individual Contracts Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 2 1994 Orissi Dance & Eastern Student Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 2 1995-96 Mythic Reality Student Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 2 1996-97 Asian Perf Arts Student Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 2 1997-98 Tacoma Bridge Program Grades Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna, Box 2 1998-99 Imagining Movement Student Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 2 1997-98 Indiv Contracts Student Evals, Contract Copies Found with Individual Contracts Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 2 1996-97 Indiv Contracts Student Evals Found with Individual Contracts Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 1999 Interrogations Student Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2000 Dance and Culture Student Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 1999-00 Indiv Contracts Student Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Individual Contracts Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2001 Orissi Dance Student Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2001-04 Orissi Summer Institute Student Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2001-02 MIT Year 1 Student Evals, Student Self Evals, Faculty Eval Copies Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2002-03 MIT Year 2 Student Evals, Student Self Evals, Faculty Eval Copies Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2003 Street Theater Student Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2001 Spiritual/Metaphysical Student Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2000-01 Indiv Contracts Student Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Individual Contracts Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2001-02 Indiv Contracts Student Evals, Student Self Evals, Contract Copies Found with Individual Contracts Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2002-03 Indiv Contracts Student Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Individual Contracts Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2003-04 Indiv Contracts Student Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Individual Contracts Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2001 SOS Performing Arts Student Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2003-04 Dance, Creativity Student Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2004-05 Interrogating Stufent Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2005 Orissi Dance Student Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2006 Orissi Dance Student Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2004-05 Indiv Contracts Student Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Individual Contracts Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2005-06 Indiv Contracts Student Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Individual Contracts Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2006-07 Indiv Contracts Student Evals Found with Individual Contracts Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2007-08 Indiv Contracts Student Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Individual Contracts Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2008-09 Indiv Contracts Student Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Individual Contracts Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2005-06 Asian Culture & Art Student Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2006-07 India Politics/Dance Student Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2007-08 Perf Arts Lab Student Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2008 India & China Student Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Roy, Ratna Box 3 2008-09 India Tradition Student Evals, Student Self Evals Found with Faculty Evaluations Shred

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Classes, 1988-2009Return to Top

Container(s): Box 3, Folder 99

2.5 cubic feet, (three boxes.)
Container(s) Description Dates
Interaction in the Performing Arts
2.0 folders
"Interaction in the Performing Arts was an entry-level program for students interested in the practical and theoretical aspects of the performing arts. Students were given a survey of the history of the performing arts in different cultures to examine the roots of contemporary arts. Through readings, analysis, and critiquing of live performance, video audio recordings and films, the students developed critical and analytical skills. Workshops were offered in acting, choreography, dance discipline, and music, with hands-on work." - From the class syllabus (1988)
Ourselves Among Others
3.0 folders
Ourselves Among Others was a two quarter long core class, from fall of 1989 to winter of 1990, that focused on culture persepective through various forms of art. In fall, students were shown the dynamics of cultural differences through films, lectures, visiting artists, and live performances. In winter, each student was required to complete a project on family history and identity.
Afro-American Experience through Literature and the Arts
3.0 folders
"This program examined the African American experience through the study of literature, the arts (primarily Motown music), and lectures and films. It began with an examination of the pre-Civil War slavery experience as viewed through slave narratives and continued on through the reconstruction period, through the "tragic mulatto" theme, Harlem Renaissance, the "Black is Beautiful" phase, and culminated with readings from female black writers which explored the reality of being black and female. This program also examined the African-American experience holistically, with no special reference to a historical perspective." - Class syllabus (1990)
Goddess Worship: East & West: Myth & Reality
2.0 folders
"The program explored critically the myths, archeological data, historical essays, creative writing, and dances on the theme of the 'Goddess' in Europe, Africa, and South Asia. Students were required to keep a critical journal along with on of self-exploration on the... required readings: Monica Sjoo and the Barbara Mor, The Great CCosmic Mother; Erich Neumann, The Great Mother; Ivan van Sertima (ed.), Black Women in Antiquity, and Ajit Mookerjed, Kali the Feminine Force. Students were also required to write a critical book report on one of the following books: Merline Stone, When God Was a Woman; Riane Eisler, The Chalice and the Blade; and Janine Canan (ed.), She Rises Like the Sun." - Program Description (1990)
East and West: The Twain Do Meet
2.0 folders
East and West: The Twain Do Meet was a two quarter long core class, from fall of 1990 to winter of 1991, that focused on areas of study where eastern and western thought connected. Specifically, the focus was on nuclear physics and eastern philosophies, literature, politics, theatre, and dance. In fall, students were expected to write weekly response papers on the required readings, as well as participate in dance workships. In winter, the focus changed to eastern peoples in the U.S., with guest lecturers, and musical theatre workshops.
Orissi Dance Modules
10.0 folders
"Monday classes will be devoted to the rudiments of Orissi dance while the Wednesday classess will focus on 'Vasanta Pallavi', a pure dance number, and a 'Mangalacharana', an invocation dance, in that order. Throughout the two quarters, we will constantly study tala, rhythm. In the winter quarter, we will be accompanied by a drummer." - Class syllabus (1990) This was a recurring class for several years, from 1990 to 2005. Modules include Beginning, Intermidiate, and Performance Orissi, takes as 4-credit side classes, usually on top of a regular 16 credit core class.
Goddess in Myth and Literature (Tacoma)
2.0 folders
"The program explored critically the myths, archeological data, historical essays, creative writing, and dances on the theme of the 'Goddess' in Europe, Africa, and South Asia. Students were required to keep a critical journal along with on of self-exploration on the class discussions and the required readings: Ivan van Sertima (ed.), Black Women in Antiquity, Ajit Mookerjee, Kali the Feminine Force;and excerpts from Edward C. Whitmont's Return of the Goddess. As a class students watched some folms and videos, such as the Joseph Campbell interviews, Satyajit Ray's Devi, and The Warrior Queen. They also participated in a movement medidation workshop, based on the age-old classical dance traditions of India." - Program Description (1991)
Program Proposal: Four Year Orissi Curriculum
2.0 folders
This was to be a four year Orissi Dance Curriculum. The first year would be the Core year, giving students an option of taking Beginning Orissi I, II, and III as 4-credit additional classes, along with a core program, or instead taking a 16-credit core program on South Asia that included the dance requirements. Year two required the student to take Intermediate Orissi I, II, and III. Year three required the student to take Performance Orissi I, II, and III. Year four gave the student four options: A. The student could take two quarters of the 4-credit additional classes, followed by an ILC. B. The student could take one quater of ILC and study Modern India, before leaving for India for 1-2 quarters to study with Guru Ramani Ranjan Jena in New Dehli. C. The student could tutor the beginning Orissi class for a year. Or D. The student could do a Senior Thesis on Orissi Dance.
In 1993 another multi year program was proposed. The first three years were virtually the same, with the exception of the general topics of the intermediate class. The Performance Orissi classes were changed to Advanced Orissi classes as well. This also included an optional fourth year, which is identical to the fourth year proposal for the last one.
Roots and Visions: Humanistic Explorations in the Culture, Social Psycology, and Political Economy of Reason
2.0 folders
Roots and Visions was a three quarter core program offered from fall of 1991 to spring of 1992. In fall, students focused on "free fall", described in the syllabus as "the rootlessness, alienation, confusion, distrust of all authority save the individual's, cynicism about values and principles, etc.". In winter, students had to write seminar papers, as well as an Autobiomythography, or a major reserarch paper in which students "map" the development of their "selves". In spring, students were to work on another major individual research project, as well as a group project.
Orissi Dance Meditation
2.0 folders
This was a recurring class, both during the summer, and the rest of the school year, that focused on Indian culture through Orissi dance. It involved lectures, seminars, and dance workshops, as well as a small correction of written materials.
In Search of the Goddess
2.0 folders
"The goddess in each one of us will be explored through myth, symbol, ecology (eco-feminism), literature and dance. The program will deal with women's narratives and seek for the female perspective in man's tales. It will require creative writing and creative expressions in order to reclaim our own myths (wherever each one of us comes from). Illustrations will be drawn from Asian, African, African American, [and] Native American writers. But, ultimately, it will have to be myths, takes, legends, and beliefs we ourselves hold." - Class syllabus (1992)
British Imperialism in South Africa and South Asia
2.0 folders
"The concept of colonization and the psycological, cultural, and historical consequences of British imperialism and colonization in South Africa and South Asia were explored during the fall quarter, with parallels drawn from the African-American experience in the United States.... In the winter, students were required to be present at the auditions [for Amandla Awethu, a student-created performance that some class members would be participating in during spring quarter], production meetings, all-program academic lectures, and seminars." - Class syllabus (1992)
Mask Theater
2.0 folders
This was a one quarter program that focused on masks, specifically in Indian and Chinese cultures. It featured required readings, lectures, and semi-regular workshops on face painting and mask creation. The two professors, Ratna Roy and Rose Jang, both have a strong history in theatre, with Roy's specialty in Orissi, and Jang's specialty in Beijing Opera.
Street Theater
2.0 folders
Street Theater was a summer program that met for 8 hours, two days a week, for either 8, 12 or 16 credits. It involved lectures, seminars, theater projects, and some reading, with a focus on street theater. Students were required to keep a journal of thoughts, ideas, interviews, etc., as well as create a play within a week. The program was repeated in the summer of 2003
Individual Learning Contracts
20.0 folders
Individual Learning Contracts are a contract between a student and a professor (who acts as the sponsor for the student), and they can be any number of credits below 20. They are on a topic of the students choice. Usually, the student picks a faculty sponsor that is within the main category of their contract (for example, a contract that focuses on Japan would probably be sponsored by a professor of Asian Studies, etc.). Ratna Roy sponsored a lot of contracts.
1998-1990 Individual Contracts
1.0 folder
1990-1991 Individual Contracts
1.0 folder
1991-1992 Individual Contracts
1.0 folder
1992-1993 Individual Contracts
1.0 folder
1993-1994 Individual Contracts
1.0 folder
1994 (summer) Individual Contracts - Orissi Dance and Eastern Philosophy
1.0 folder
These contracts were different from the rest in the 1993-94 folder (seperated when in the original folders). They were kept seperate because they all involve taking am Orissi Dance summer class, with added individual work on top of that.
1995-1996 Individual Contracts
1.0 folder
1996-1997 Individual Contracts
1.0 folder
1997-1998 Individual Contracts
1.0 folder
1998-1999 Individual Contracts
1.0 folder
1999-2000 Individual Contracts
1.0 folder
2000-2001 Individual Contracts
1.0 folder
2001-2002 Individual Contracts
1.0 folder
2002-2003 Individual contracts
1.0 folder
2003-2004 Individual Contracts
1.0 folder
2004-2005 Individual Contracts
1.0 folder
2005-2006 Individual Contracts
1.0 folder
2006-2007 Individual Contracts
1.0 folder
2007-2008 Individual Contracts
1.0 folder
2008-2009 Individual Contracts
1.0 folder
Introduction to the Performing Arts
2.0 folders
"This program is designed to build basic skills in music, theater, and dance and to explore the interacting of these art forms in performance. We will look at the art forms of several different cultures, including South Asia, Eastern Europe, and Nortjh America. While students will choose a 'specialty' among the three art forms, everyone will be expected to learn something of all of them. We will concentrate [winter] quarter on postmodern, hybnrid works drawing on multiple cultures for their style and form, including American, Asian, and European artworks." - Winter syllabus (1993)
Dance and Culture
2.0 folders
"This program is designed to introduce students to the humanities of dance. Dance language is culture specific and yet it is also inter-cultural with global connections. This ingerent contradiction is at the root of understanding other cultures as 'and/but' rather than 'either/or'. We will study some of the Asian cultures, African cultures, and North American cultures as all-program activities, with options to study Latin America, Europe (East and/or West), and Australia for indicidual projects." - Class description (1994) This was a group contract style class, specifically for those who had taken Introduction to the Performing Arts.
Mythic Reality: Imagining the Goddess
3.0 folders
Mythic Reality was a two quarter class, from fall of 1995 to winter of 1996 that focused on goddess myths. Fall quarter focused on the goddess myths of Europe, South Asia, and Egypt, as well as women's movements, eco-feminism, colonialism, and Third World feminism, using dance, mask-making, puppetry, and other forms of performance art. Winter quarter involved script writing, and performance analysis as well.
American Life Through American Drama
2.0 folders
Asian Performing Arts and Culture
3.0 folders
"This year-long entry-level program was designed as an introduction to the cultural history and performing arts of Asia, focusing on four countries in particular: China, Japan, India, and Indonesia. Our readins this year were arranged to progress from a strong focus on historical and cultural background in fall, to the performing arts in winter, to fictional literature in spring." - Program description (1996)
Tacoma Bridge Program
3.0 folders
The Bridge Program was a three quarter program, conducted in Tacoma. In the fall, students studied theater from a broad historical perspective, and learned the basics of beginning movement, acting, and dance, within the context of the "Theatre of the Oppressed". In winter, the focus switched to literature by indigenous peoples, and script writing. In spring, the students studied antropology and ethnomusicology. They also kept a journal, and wrote a research paper.
Imagining Movement: Art in a Social Context
3.0 folders
"The concept of colonization and the psycological, cultural, and historical consequences of colonization in the Americas, South Asia, and parts of Africa, were explored during the fall quarter....Besides, students attended one of three workshops: in art installation and weaving, animation, and Orissi dance. Concepts of mevement as an element in the creation of visual and media/performing arts, with particular attention to the way in which time interacts with design in dance, film, and installation mixed media work were studied." - Program description (1998)
Summer Orissi Institute
5.0 folders
The Orissi Institute, was less an institute and more a collection of summer courses that focused on different areas of Orissi dance, as well as indian culture.
1995-1999 Orissi Institute
2.0 folders
2001-2004 Orissi Institute
2.0 folders
2006 Orissi Institute
1.0 folder
Interrogations: Whiteness, Maleness, & the Morality of Wealth
2.0 folders
"This program will examine a body of Third World theory and First World thought that interrogate Western concepts and social relations of Capitalism. It will use the lens of the dominated to describe society and social relations, exploring globalization of the economy and the reinvestment in the patriarchy; internationalization of American paradigns about radel the growing struggles between nationalisms and ethnic renewal; and international sex trade as a problem of migration, human rights, and the struggle for meaningful work, and other themes." - Program syllabus (1999)
Dance and Culture
3.0 folders
"The program will study the anthropology of dance as an academic brance of learning and the value of approaching the study of culture through one of humankinds basic activities: dance.... In the winter, we will examine how one looks at and defines dance in ways that respect its place in its own culture; we will also study specific forms from several different cultures. In addition to theoretical readings, there will be workshops by guest artists in different forms of dance." - Program syllabus (2000)
Spiritual and Metaphorical Journey through India, Nepal, and Tibet
1.0 folder
SOS: Performing Arts
1.0 folder
Masters in Teaching: Teaching for Social Justice
5.0 folder
Year 1 - MIT: Teaching for Social Justice
3.0 folders
This was the first of two years for the Masters in Teaching program, "Teaching for Social Justice". Fall quarter was structired around inquiries about schooling and social justice, using readings, lectures, media, workships, theater, and other methods. Winter quarter focused on practical themes, such as reading process, assessment strategies, and classroom management. During spring quarter, students further developed their Master's thesis projects.
Year 2 - MIT: Teaching for Social Justice
2.0 folders
This is the second year of the MIT: Teaching for Social Justice program. In fall quarter, students became student teachers for the first time. Winter was spent reflecting on that experience, as well as preparing for the second attempt. Students were expected to have their portfolio complete by the end of winter quarter.
Dance, Creativity, & Culture
2.0 folders
Dance, Creativity, & Culture was a three quarter class, from fall of 2003 to spring of 2004, that focused on culture through dance. In fall, the basics of dance and expressive arts were explored. In winter, those ideas were expanded upon, by delving into anthropolgy, literature, and world dance. Students were to choose a track: Dance and Tech Theatre, or Psychology and Expressive Arts Therapy. Spring involved an in-depth individual research project.
Interrogating American Culture Through the Arts
2.0 folders
Interrogating American Culture Through the Arts was a three quarter class, from fall 2004 to spring 2005 that focused on looking at American culture through the arts, specifically in relation to minorities. The perspectives of Asian-Americans and Native-Americans, along with those of LGBT+ Americans were used to explore this topic.
Asian Culture and Arts
2.0 folders
Asian Culture and Art was a three quarter program, from fall 2005 to spring 2006, that focused on the art, dance, language, and culture of several Asian countries. It is similar, in part, to the Asian Performing Arts and Culture class that was previously taught. It involved a study abroad section, where the students spent a few weeks in India.
India: Dance of Politics, Politics of Dance
2.0 folders
"This is a two-quarter interdisciplinary program with travel to India as the focal point of the second quarter. There will not be a separate on-campus component in the winter. Much of the fall will be devoted to gaining an understanding of contemporary (post-Independence) India, its history and political economy, as well as its rapid and contested social change. In particular, we will study the 'liberalization process' beginning in 1991 as well as the protests against it and the attempts to envision a different Indian future." - Program syllabus (2006)
Performing Arts Laboratory: Orissi Dance Theatre
2.0 folders
The Performing Arts Laboratory: Orissi Dance Theatre Track was an indepth, Orissi focused portion of the Performing Arts Laboratory. It involved four class days a week, with workshops in Orissi, Sanskrit, and Yoga.
Performing Arts of China and India
2.0 folders
"This program will study the rich history of performing arts in two of the world's most ancient civilizations, China and India. These countries, located in South and East Asia, birthed the ancient philosophies of Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism, and Buddhism, as well as the practices of tai-chi and yoa. They also are the home of composite art forms, such as Chinese Opera and Sanskrit dance theatre. China nurtures an extensive repertoire of oral and performing arts built on and blending together many cultural forms of music, dance, theatre, martial arts, and story-telling. India has a rich social and political history and is the resposity of the Indus Calley Civilization as well as the Sanskritic legacy of art, architecture, dance, music and theatre. In this program we will study these philosophies as well as the practices of tai-chi, yoga, Chinese Opera, and Odissi dance theatre. - Program syllabus, (2005)
India Tradition and Beyond
2.0 folders
India: Tradition and Beyond was a three quarter program, from fall of 2008 to spring of 2009 that focused on the culture, religion, and traditions of india. It examined these topics through Bollywood films, Orissi dance, seminar discussions, and related readings.

Personal Papers, 1990-2009Return to Top

Container(s): Folders 6

6.0 folders
Container(s) Description Dates
Committee Work
1.0 folder
Lectures, Performances, Photo Exhibit
1.0 folder
Kalapataru at Folklife
1.0 folder
Amandla Aiwethu Performance
1.0 folder
Letters to Ratna
1.0 folder
Kobe Exchange Speeches
1.0 folder

Self and Peer Evaluations, 1991-2009Return to Top

Container(s): Folders 14

14.0 folders
Container(s) Description Dates
1991-1994 Evaluations by Dean
1.0 folder
2001 Sabbatical Report
1.0 folder
1991-1994 Self Evaluations
1.0 folder
1995-2000 Self Evaluations
1.0 folder
2000-2005 Self Evaluations
1.0 folder
2006-2009 Self Evaluations
1.0 folder
1991-1994 Evaluations of Peers
1.0 folder
1995-2000 Evaluations of Peers
1.0 folder
2000-2005 Evaluations of Peers
1.0 folder
2006-2009 Evaluations of Peers
1.0 folder
1991-1994 Evaluations by Peers
1.0 folder
1995-2000 Evaluations by Peers
1.0 folder
2000-2005 Evaluations by Peers
1.0 folder
2006-2009 Evaluations by Peers
1.0 folder