Nez Perce County Historical Society Oral History Project, 1982-1985

Overview of the Collection

Nez Perce County Historical Society
Nez Perce County Historical Society Oral History Project
1982-1985 (inclusive)
0.5 cubic feet
Collection Number
MG 159
Twenty-three interviews conducted by Diane Pettit, detailing the lives of early white settlers in the Nez Perce County region. Each interview speaks on their personal history, family history, and their lives.
University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2350
Moscow, ID
Telephone: 2088850845
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Oral history project

Historical NoteReturn to Top

The Nez Perce County Historical Society was founded as a non-profit educational corporation in January 1961. In March 1963, it opened the Heritage House and its offices and Museum moved next door in 1974.

Twenty-three oral history interviews conducted by Diane Pettit documenting early white settlement along the lower Clearwater River; also indexes to the tapes, release forms, and narrator data sheets.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

FOR DOCUMENTS Author, Description or "Title" of item, date. Collection name, collection number, box, folder. University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives, Moscow, ID.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Materials were donated by Diane Pettit in March 1985.


Nez Perce County Historical Society and Museum website.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series 1:Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box object
1 1
Ernest Steigers 1(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Ernest Steigers interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
15 September 1982
1 2
1: Ernest Steigers 1(2)
1 item : Audio recording of the Ernest Steigers interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
15 September 1982
1 3
Ernest Steigers 1(3)
1 item : Audio recording of the Ernest Steigers interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
15 September 1982
1 4
James Kayler 2(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the James Kayler interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
14 October 1982
1 5
James Kayler 2(2)
1 item : Audio recording of the James Kayler interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
14 October 1982
1 6
James Kayler 2(3)
1 item : Audio recording of the James Kayler interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
14 October 1982
1 7
Nellie Steigers 3(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Nellie Steigers interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
20 October 1982
1 8
Nellie Steigers 3(2)
1 item : Audio recording of the Nellie Steigers interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
20 October 1982
1 9
Montie Stephens 4(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Montie Stephens interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
02 November 1982
1 10
Montie Stephens 4(2)
1 item : Audio recording of the Montie Stephens interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
02 November 1982
1 11
Magadelena Zumhofe 5(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Magadlena Zumhofe interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
23 November 1982
1 12
Kenneth Summers 6(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Kenneth Summers interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
02 December 1982
1 13
Kenneth Summers 6(2)
1 item : Audio recording of the Kenneth Summers interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
02 December 1982
1 14
Kenneth and Cecil Summers 6-7(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Kenneth and Cecil Summers interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
07 December 1982
1 15
Erma West 8(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Erma West interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
23 January 1983
1 16
Bill and Marie Pease 9-10(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Bill and Marie Pease interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
13 January 1983
1 17
Bill and Marie Pease 9-10(2)
1 item : Audio recording of the Bill and Marie Pease interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
13 January 1983
1 18
Bill and Marie Pease 9-10(3)
1 item : Audio recording of the Bill and Marie Pease interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
13 January 1983
1 19
Bill and Marie Pease 9-10(4)
1 item : Audio recording of the Bill and Marie Pease interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
13 January 1983
1 20
Nannie Dryden 11(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Nannie Dryden interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
07 February 1983
1 21
Eugene Taylor 12(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Eugene Taylor interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
08 February 1983
1 22
Eugene Taylor 12(2)
1 item : Audio recording of the Eugene Taylor interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
08 February 1983
1 23
Glen Stevens 13(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Glen Stevens interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
23 February 1983
1 24
Glen Stevens 13(2)
1 item : Audio recording of the Glen Stevens interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
23 February 1983
1 25
Ruth Maynard 14(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Ruth Maynard interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
01 March 1983
1 26
Edgar Rogers 15(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Edgar Rogers interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
09 March 1983
1 27
Edgar Rogers 15(2)
1 item : Audio recording of the Edgar Rogers interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
23 March 1983
1 28
Fred Warren 16(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Fred Warren interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
15 March 1983
1 29
Fred Warren 16(2)
1 item : Audio recording of the Fred Warren interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
15 March 1983
1 30
Effie Powell and Lucile Hoffman 17-18(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Effie Powell and Lucile Hoffman interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
29 March 1983
1 31
Madge Anderson 19(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Madge Anderson interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
12 April 1983
1 32
Alice Maguire 20(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Alice Maguire interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
24 April 1983
1 33
Susan Duty 21(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Susan Duty interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
25 April 1983
1 34
Amy Taylor, Beulah Lange, Hattie White 22-24(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Amy Taylor, Beulah Lange, and Hattie White interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
26 April 1983
1 35
Clinton Forsman 26(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Clinton Forsman interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
27 June 1983
1 36
John and Margaret Summers 27-28(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the John and Margaret Summers interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
29 June 1983
1 37
John and Margaret Summers 27-28(2)
1 item : Audio recording of the John and Margaret Summers interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
29 June 1983
1 38
Art Johnston 29(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Art Johnston interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
20 July 1983
1 39
Orvil Chase 32(1)
1 item : Audio recording of the Orvil Chase interview, conducted by Diane Pettit.
25 April 1984
1 1
Folder 1
2 items : One newspaper and a project statement for the Oral History Project.
1 2
Ernest Steigers
6 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Ernest Steigers interview.
15 September 1982
1 3
James H. Kayler
7 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the James Kayler interview.
14 October 1982
1 4
Nellie Steigers
4 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Nellie Steigers interview.
20 October 1982
1 5
Montie Stephens
5 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Montie Stephens interview.
02 November 1982
1 6
Magdalena Zumhofe
4 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Magdalena Zumhofe interview.
23 November 1982
1 7
Ken and Cecil Summers
8 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Ken and Cecil Summers interview.
1 8
Erma West
6 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Erma West interview.
23 January 1983
1 9
Bill and Marie Pease
10 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Bill and Marie Pease interview.
13 January 1983
1 10
Nannie Dryden
6 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Nannie Dryden interview.
07 February 1983
1 11
Eugene Taylor
6 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Eugene Taylor interview.
08 February 1983
1 12
Glen Stevens
6 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Glen Stevens interview.
23 February 1983
1 13
Ruth Maynard
5 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Ruth Maynard interview.
01 March 1983
1 14
Edgar Rogers
7 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Edgar Rogers interview.
1 15
Fred Warren
7 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Fred Warren interview.
15 March 1983
1 16
Leland Interview
7 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Effie Powell and Lucile Hoffman interview.
29 March 1983
1 17
Madge Anderson
6 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Madge Anderson interview.
12 April 1983
1 18
2: Alice Maguire
5 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Alice Maguire interview.
24 April 1983
1 19
Susan Duty
4 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Susan Duty interview.
25 April 1983
1 20
2: Agatha Interviews
10 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Amy taylor, Beaulah Lange, and Hattie White interview.
26 April 1983
1 21
Clinton Forsman
5 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Clinton Forsman interview.
27 June 1983
1 22
John and Margaret Summers
9 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the John and Margaret Summers interview.
29 June 1983
1 23
Art Johnston
5 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Art Johnston interview.
20 July 1983
1 24
Orvil Chase
4 items : Forms, release of information, and summary for the Orvil Chase interview.
25 April 1984

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.)

Geographical Names

  • Nez Perce County (Idaho)