Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Illustrations, 1925-1941

Overview of the Collection

Oregon State College. Agricultural Experiment Station.
Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Illustrations
1925-1941 (inclusive)
1.9 cubic feet, including 1084 photographs, (8 boxes, including 1 oversize box)
Collection Number
P 019
The Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Illustrations consist of photographs and other illustrations reproduced in Station Bulletins published from the mid-1920s to early 1940s. The subjects are representative of the various agricultural research projects conducted in Corvallis and at Branch Stations throughout Oregon.
Oregon State University Libraries, Special Collections and Archives Research Center
Special Collections and Archives Research Center
121 The Valley Library
Oregon State University
Corvallis OR
Telephone: 5417372075
Fax: 5417378674
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

The Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station was established under the provisions of the federal Hatch Act of 1887, which provided grants of $15,000 to each U.S. state and territory for experimentation in the "principles and applications of agricultural science." Agricultural experimentation began at Oregon Agricultural College in 1888 under Edgar Grimm, the Station's first director, and in 1889 state legislation was approved formally establishing the Experiment Station. That year, the Station published its first bulletin and the college farm was increased from 35 acres to 155 acres.

In 1901 the first Branch Station was established at Union, in northeast Oregon, to address issues pertaining to the agriculture in that part of the state. Over the next few years, Branch Stations were established throughout Oregon, at Hermiston and Moro (1909); Harney and Talent (1911); Hood River (1912); and Astoria (1913). Prior to World War II, stations were established at Pendleton (1927); Medford (1931); Squaw Butte (1935); Klamath Falls (1937); and Oregon City (1939).

Major achievements of the Station's first 50 years included a successful way to remove spray residues from fruit; introduction of new grain varieties; new methods for storing and marketing Oregon pears; control of various livestock diseases; development of the modern maraschino cherry; and poultry breeding for egg production.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Illustrations consist of photographs and other illustrations published in the Station Bulletin series. These illustrations were used in 129 Station Bulletins (with numbers 214-398) published between 1925 and 1941. Not all of the Bulletins published during this time period are represented.

Subjects of the illustrations are representative of the various agricultural research projects conducted in Corvallis and at Branch Stations throughout Oregon during this time period. Notable topics are horticulture, especially fruits, berries, and nuts; dairy husbandry and production; forage crops such as hay alfafa, and oats; cattle and sheep raising and marketing; poultry; speciality crops such as hops and flax; soils and irrigation; and plant diseases and insect pests. In some cases, individual farms or processing facilities are identified.

Of special note are photographs of Asian pears and pear trees taken by Frank Charles Reimer during a trip to China and published in Station Bulletin 214 in 1925.

The bulk of the photographs are photographic prints; the collection includes 10 film negatives and 7 nitrate negatives. Other illustrations are included for most bulletins including charts, graphs, diagrams, equipment drawings, and maps.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Illustrations (P 019), Oregon State University Archives, Corvallis, Oregon.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The collection consists of one series: I. Station Bulletin Illustrations, 1925-1941. The illustrations are arranged by bulletin number (SB) and have not been assigned unique individual numbers. In some cases, they are labeled P019:xxx, where "xxx" represents the bulletin number. In other cases, the items are labeled with the bulletin number (beginning with SB) and the figure number from the publication.

Acquisition Information

The collection was acquired by the Archives in the mid-1960s.

Related Materials

Original paper copies of Station Bulletins 214-398 are available in the Publications Collection (PUB 6-14a). Illustrations published in later Station Bulletins (numbers 413-594, dated 1938-1963) are part of the Extension and Experiment Station Communications Photographic Collection (P 120). Other photographs of Asian pears and their marketing are part of the Agricultural Experiment Station Photographic Collection (P 029). Many other photographs of Agricultural Experiment Station programs are part of the Agricultural Experiment Station (P 029), Extension and Experiment Station Communications (P 120), and Experiment Station Publications (P 132) photographic collections and Harriet's Collection.

Extensive documentation of the Station's agricultural research programs are available in the Agricultural Experiment Station Records (RG 025).

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series I:  Station Bulletin Illustrations, 1925-1941Return to Top

Series I consists of illustrations published in the Experiment Station Bulletin series from the mid-1920s through early 1940s. The bulletin number (beginning with SB), title, publication date, number and format of images, and topics depicted in the images are provided.

Container(s) Description Dates
SB 214: Blight resistance in pears and characteristics of pear species and stocks
35 photographs
Pears and pear trees; Asian pears and pear trees in China.
June 1925
SB 215: Phloridzin I. The significance of phloridzin in apple and pear tissue. II. The hydrolysis and estimation of phloridzin
7 charts
June 1925
SB 216: The control of core break-down in pears
1 photograph and 1 chart
Pear fruit interior.
June 1925
SB 218: Fattening lambs for the late-winter market
2 photographs and 1 chart
Sheep in pen and being moved on road.
August 1925
SB 220: Cost of producing beef on the ranges of eastern Oregon
1 chart and 5 photographs
Free range.
November 1925
SB 221: Potato wilt and its control
10 photographs and 3 diagrams
Potato stalks and potato tubers.
March 1926
SB 222: European canker of pomaceous fruit trees
15 photographs, 7 diagrams, and 2 maps.
Anjou pear tree.
March 1926
SB 223: The tree crickets of Oregon
6 diagrams
Basal antennal segments; snowy tree cricket.
June 1926
SB 225: The cranberry in Oregon
17 photographs
Cranberry fields, workers, machinery, and crates; spreading sawdust in field; wagon filled with cranberries.
January 1927
SB 226: A progress report on the removal of spray residue from apples and pears
1 photograph and 1 diagram
Diseased pear.
February 1927
SB 227: Walnut drying and packing in Oregon
12 photographs, 3 illustrations
Rotating disc washer; vertical brush washer; elevator and bins; cross sections of green walnuts; interior of North Pacific Nut Growers Cooperative in Dundee, Oregon; grader; weighing and sacking machines.
May 1927
SB 228: Investigations on the harvesting and handling of Bosc pears from the Rogue River Valley
3 diagrams
July 1927
SB 229: Cattle marketing investigations at Portland, Oregon
8 photographs and 1 diagram
Cattle in feedlots (Benson Comm. Co.).
August 1927
SB 236: Field crops for pump irrigation at Harney Branch Experiment Station, 1920 to 1927
6 photographs
Kaiser field peas, Mammoth Russian sunflowers, and oats; irrigation.
June 1928
SB 238: Coccidiosis of chicken
4 photographs and 1 diagram
December 1928
1, 7
SB 239: Pollination study of the Anjou pear in Hood River Valley
4 photographs and 3 diagrams, including one oversize diagram
Anjou blossoms; Bartlett; Anjou tree; planting arrangement.
March 1929
SB 240: Soils of the Willamette series and their utilization
3 photographs
December 1928
SB 241: Cost and efficiency in producing alfalfa hay in Oregon
2 folders with 91 photographs, 2 maps, and 9 diagrams
Willamette Valley; Umatilla, Malheur, Deschutes, Rogue River, and Klamath regions; sheep pasturing; Ward Brothers of Baker; hay derricks, stackers, and other equipment; William Reed; A. L. Goodrich; Nicholson Brothers; and L. E. Sullivan.
December 1928
SB 242: The occurrence and prevention of calyx injury in apple from the Hood River Valley
11 photographs
May 1929
SB 243: The relation of woolly apple aphis to perennial canker infection, with other notes on the disease
20 photographs
May 1929
SB 245: Cost and practices in strawberry production in the Willamette Valley
4 photographs
Workers in strawberry fields.
May 1929
SB 246: Alfalfa in western Oregon
10 photographs and 3 diagrams
Alfalfa bunches and workers.
May 1929
SB 248: Cost and efficiency in producing hay in the Willamette Valley
15 photographs, 2 diagrams
Tractors, trucks, and hay slips; A. E. Holmes, Benton County; J. W. Gentle, Polk County.
May 1929
SB 250: Cost of horse labor on Oregon Farms
1 photograph
June 1929
SB 251: Cost of producing silage and kale in the Willamette Valley
8 photographs, 2 diagrams, 1 map
Farms of Albert Eyman, Clackamas County; August Nielson, near Amity; and E. A. Canning, Linn County.
June 1929
SB 252: Studies of factors influencing separation of dried prunes into quality grades
4 photographs, 19 diagrams
July 1929
SB 253: Congenital loco in chicks
2 photographs
July 1929
SB 254: Further investigations on the harvesting, storying and ripening of pears from Rogue River Valley
1 photograph
August 1929
SB 255: Electric hay hoists
4 photographs
September 1929
SB 256: Use of time by Oregon homemakers
15 photographs, 18 diagrams
Mrs. O.L. Smith; Floyd Bullis farm home; women with children; laundry equipment; kitchen and home interiors; woman feeding chickens.
November 1929
SB 257: Trends of tax levies in Oregon with emphasis upon rural and city area properties
2 maps, 9 diagrams
November 1929
SB 258: The butter industry of Oregon; factors relating to the quality of butter
5 photographs
Creamery and dairy equipment.
December 1929
SB 259: Sprays, their preparation and use
1 diagram
Contact sprays, stomach poisons, and fungicides.
February 1930
SB 260: Marketing Willamette Valley wools through the Pacific cooperative wool growers
4 graphs
February 1930
SB 262: Electric brooders
8 photographs and 7 diagrams
April 1930
2, 8
SB 264: Irrigated pastures for dairy cattle
19 photographs, including 1 nitrate negative, and 4 diagrams
Wisconsin and Willamette Valley; men standing in pasture; irrigation ditch.
May 1930
SB 265: Lamb marketing investigations in Western Oregon
6 photographs
June 1930
SB 266: Studies in fascioliasis in Oregon sheep and goats
5 photographs
Wood pile; farm land.
June 1930
SB 267: Cost and efficiency in pear production in the Rogue River Valley
16 photographs and 10 diagrams
Pear picking; laden pear tree; plowing and pruning; spray gun and smudge pots.
June 1930
SB 268: Mechanical refrigeration of milk in a tank type refrigerator
3 photographs and 2 diagrams
Milk cooler.
June 1930
SB 269: Fattening pigs for market
2 photographs
Self-feeder for grain mixture.
November 1930
SB 270: Progress report of the irrigated eighty-acre demonstration farm unit of the Harney Branch Experiment Station, 1927-1930
4 photographs and 2 diagrams
Ditches; children in alfalfa field.
October 1930
SB 271: Deferred breeding of beef cows
4 photographs
Cattle in lots.
November 1930
SB 272: The comparative value of kale and corn silage for milk production
1 photograph
Man in kale field.
December 1930
SB 273: Fowl-pox control
21 photographs
Fowl comparisons.
December 1930
SB 275: Bleaching and dyeing Royal Ann cherries for maraschino or fruit salad use
4 photographs and 1 diagram
May 1931
SB 276: Fattening calves and yearlings
6 photographs
May 1931
SB 277: Preliminary report on effect of irrigation on major berry crops in the Willamette Valley
7 photographs and 14 diagrams
May 1931
SB 278: The 'frozen-pack' method of preserving berries
6 photographs and 3 diagrams
Strawberry boxes and cans including "Heart of the Valley" strawberries.
May 1931
3, 7
SB 279: A method for studying water conduction in plant in relation to pruning, grafting and other horticultural practices
37 photographs, including one oversize print
Dissected tree branches.
May 1931
SB 280: A preliminary report on Anjou scald and its control
2 photographs
June 1931
SB 281: Varietal resistance, physiologic specialization, and inheritance studies in bunt of wheat
8 photographs and 3 diagrams
June 1931
SB 282: A peculiar freezing trouble of pears in cold storage
2 photographs
Dissected pears.
June 1931
SB 283: Baking of pears; standardization of household practice as applied to the baking of Bosc, d'Anjou and Comice pears
6 photographs
Dessert dishes.
June 1931
SB 284: A preliminary report on the vegetative growth of okra (Hibiscus esculentus Linn.) in relation to the production of varying amounts of reproductive tissue
4 photographs and 4 diagrams
June 1931
SB 285: Oats production in western Oregon
2 photographs
Oats growing in Corvallis.
June 1931
SB 286: Austrian winter field peas in Oregon
3 photographs
June 1931
SB 287: Cost and efficiency in commercial egg production in Oregon
4 photographs, 2 diagrams
Hens in farm yard.
June 1931
SB 288: An economic study of the hop industry in Oregon
24 diagrams
June 1931
SB 289: The Angora goat industry of Oregon
12 photographs
Burned forest land.
June 1931
SB 290: Raising calves on dry calf meals
19 photographs and 12 diagrams
Profiles of calves.
June 1931
SB 291: Factors for consideration in standardization of Oregon dried prunes
7 photographs and 4 diagrams
June 1931
SB 292: Cost and efficiency in prune production in western Oregon
15 photographs
Fields and orchards; prune shed.
June 1931
SB 294: Potato virus diseases; Oregon investigation, 1924-1929
6 photographs
Plow; potato plant and leaves; potatoes.
January 1932
SB 295: A strawberry disease caused by Rhizoctonia
9 photographs
Field; petri dishes; and roots and leaves.
March 1932
SB 296: The strawberry crown moth
14 photographs
Fields; roots and moth cocoon.
May 1932
SB 297: Types of hogs marketed and consumer demand in Oregon
6 photographs
Hog profiles.
May 1932
SB 299: Soils of Chehalis series and their utilization
7 photographs and 1 diagrams
Test field; spray irrigation.
May 1932
SB 301: Design of equipment and method for preparing starter for Oregon creameries and cheese factories
10 photographs and 3 diagrams
June 1932
SB 302: Twenty-five years of supplemental irrigation investigations in Willamette Valley
2 photographs and 2 diagrams
June 1932
SB 304: Diseases of narcissus
23 photographs
Plants, leaves, roots, and bulbs.
June 1932
SB 305: Cream refrigeration on the farm and the quality of butter manufactured
4 photographs and 8 diagrams
Dairy equipment and creamery; dairy cattle in streambed.
June 1932
SB 307: Electric hotbeds an propagating beds
11 photographs and 1 diagram
Greenhouse interior.
June 1932
SB 312: Cost of keeping dairy herd sires and suggestions on their selection and management
3 photographs and 7 diagrams
Electric bull exerciser; photograph of assembled newspaper clippings about accidents and injuries caused by bulls.
May 1933
SB 314: Coccidiosis of the chicken
1 diagram
Digestive diagram.
June 1933
SB 315: Cost and practices in establishing walnut orchards in Oregon
14 photographs and 5 diagrams
Filbert and walnut orchards.
June 1933
4, 8
SB 318: Cost and efficiency in dairy farming in Oregon
34 photographs, including 1 nitrate negative, and 46 diagrams
Cows at pasture; types of pasture; alfalfa crop; kale and corn silage; R. H. Christensen Coos River Farm; loafing sheds.
September 1933
SB 321: Dormant sprays and their use of the control of insect pests of fruit trees in Rogue River Valley
18 photographs
Winter Nelis, Anjou, Bartlett, Bosc, Comice, Newtown and Howell pear varieties.
December 1933
SB 323: Preliminary survey of the food of Oregon trout
1 diagram and 14 illustrations
Mayfly nymph, adult mayfly, adult stonefly, caddis fly larva, adult caddis fly, adult midge, midge and blackfly larva, and fresh water shrimp.
May 1934
SB 324: Cost and efficiency in raising dairy heifers in Oregon
2 photographs and 3 diagram
June 1934
SB 326: Methods of cooling and storing cream for Oregon's dairy farms; influence on the quality of butter which can be manufactured
4 photographs
Dairy equipment.
June 1934
SB 327: Lungworms (Dictyocaulus filaria Rudolphi) in sheep and goats
1 photograph
Eastern Oregon yearling artificialy infected.
June 1934
SB 329: Growth, reproduction, and lactation of dairy cattle fed dry rations varying in mineral and vitamin contents
6 photographs and 1 diagram
Cow profiles.
SB 330: The root-weevils injurious to strawberries in Oregon
24 photographs and 1 diagrams
Shaker and bait gun.
June 1934
SB 331: Cooperative efficiency of farm milk coolers
11 photographs
Dairy equipment.
June 1934
SB 333: Cost of producing turkey hatching eggs in Oregon
2 photographs
Turkey farm.
October 1934
SB 335: Six years of progress in improving the quality and standardizing the composition of Oregon butter
1 diagram
March 1935
SB 337: The blackberry mite in Oregon
8 photographs and 2 diagrams
Evergreen canes; applying dormant spray.
June 1935
SB 338: Methods of controlling the composition of Oregon butter
8 photographs
Dairy testing equipment.
June 1935
5, 8
SB 340: Part-time farming in Oregon
2 photographs, including 1 nitrate negative
Farm house.
June 1935
SB 342: The occurrence in pears of metabolic gases other than carbon dioxide
6 photographs
August 1935
SB 345: Effect of sulfur sprays on corrosion of prune cans
16 photographs, including 2 negatives
Vacuum testing machine.
June 1936
SB 347: Influences of irrigation upon important small fruits
2 photographs
Men working in field.
June 1936
SB 349: The ticks of Oregon
2 photographs and 7 diagrams
Elk or winter Tick; life cycle of spotted fever tick.
June 1937
SB 350: Effect of agricultural and home economic research on Oregon's agricultural progress; a report of activities and accomplishments for biennium ending June 30, 1936
23 photographs
Hood River, Pendleton, and Hermiston, Oregon; tomatoes in field; lilies in bloom in field.
June 1937
SB 351: Cost and efficiency in the filbert enterprise in Oregon
9 photographs, including 3 negatives
June 1937
SB 352: Corn drying
8 photographs and 12 diagrams
Draw-off roll assembly; Oregon shelled corn drier.
June 1937
SB 353: Dried Italian prune products
7 photographs and 5 diagrams
June 1938
SB 354: Cost and efficiency in fiber flax production in the Willamette Valley, Oregon
6 photographs, including 1 negative
June 1938
SB 355: Barley production in Oregon
3 photographs
Barley varieties.
June 1938
SB 357: Insect pests and diseases of strawberry in Oregon
7 photographs
Willamette Valley strawberry field; Marshall Strawberry plant.
August 1938
5, 8
SB 359: Agricultural research serves to relieve the tax burden
39 photographs, including 3 nitrate negatives
Farm aerial photographs; berries, pears, and poultry; Hermiston; soil moisture availabilimeter; snow survey; curly top resistant squash; irrigated field corn; lambs being fed.
December 1938
SB 360: Black disease
7 photographs
March 1939
SB 361: Sudan grass, millets and sorghums in Oregon
5 photographs
Cows in pasture.
March 1939
5, 8
SB 362: Cost and practices in producing honey in Oregon
3 photographs, including 1 nitrate negative, and 1 diagram
Bee hives.
June 1939
SB 364: Cost and efficiency in producing hops in Oregon
9 photographs, including 4 negatives, and 1 diagram
workers harvesting hops.
June 1939
SB 366: The value of irrigated pastures for dairy cattle
9 photographs and 1 diagram
Cattle at pasture.
September 1939
SB 369: House planning ideas of Oregon rural women
1 diagram
February 1940
SB 370: Fattening lambs on Oregon feedstuffs
3 photographs
Lamb profiles and lambs feeding.
April 1940
SB 372: Soil moisture, root distribution and aeration as factors in nut production in western Oregon
6 diagrams
SB 373: Land use and production costs on dry-land wheat farms, Columbia Basin, Oregon
7 photographs and 14 diagrams
Mark Weatherford's "Caterpillar"; horse drawn tractor; cattle in pasture.
June 1940
SB 374: Anjou pear responses to irrigation in a clay adobe soil
35 photographs and 20 diagrams
Orchards; pear blossoms.
July 1940
SB 377: Some economic considerations of marketing Oregon fruits and vegetables through cooperative canning associations
6 diagrams
October 1940
SB 378: Some economic considerations affecting the marketing of Oregon dried prunes through cooperative dried-prune-packing associations
4 diagrams
November 1940
SB 379: Preparation of starter for cheese, buttermilk, butter
14 photographs and 2 diagram
Dairy equipment.
December 1940
SB 380: Feeding alfalfa hay alone and with concentrates to dairy cows
4 photographs and 2 diagrams
Cow profiles.
December 1940
SB 381: Ranch organization and range land use in Coos and Curry Counties, Oregon
6 photographs and 1 table
Hill pasture on Pedrioli Farm in Harbor, Oregon.
December 1940
SB 383: Sampling, preserving, testing milk
10 photographs
Dairy equipment.
December 1940
SB 384: Financing fire protection for timber lands under Oregon laws
2 diagrams
December 1940
SB 387: Twenty-two years of soil fertility investigations in the Willamette Valley, Oregon
9 photographs
March 1941
SB 389: Pea aphid control in Oregon
18 photographs and 1 diagram
Duster mounted on tractor and other equipment.
April 1941
SB 390: Cost, efficiency and management of dairy cattle pasture, Coast Region, Oregon
5 photographs and 1 diagram
May 1941
SB 391: Cost and efficiency of irrigated farm pasture in eastern Oregon
4 photographs and 1 diagram
Cattle at pasture.
May 1941
SB 392: Costs and grazing values of Willamette Valley and southern Oregon farm pastures
13 photographs
Cattle and sheep at pasture.
June 1941
SB 393: Sprays, their preparation and use
1 photograph
Spray equipment.
May 1941
SB 394: Irrigation requirement of arable Oregon soils
10 diagrams
June 1941
SB 396: Cost and efficiency in producing walnuts in Western Oregon
13 photographs and 5 diagrams
Mountainside Farm Commercial Walnut Dryer.
June 1941
SB 397: Reducing the loss of fat during churning
1 photograph
July 1941
SB 398: Feeding for milk production
4 photographs
Cows feeding; cows in pasture; dairy equipment.
October 1941

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Agricultural experiment stations--Oregon.
  • Agriculture--Economic aspects--Oregon.
  • Agriculture--Research--Oregon.
  • Cattle--Oregon.
  • Crops--Research--Oregon.
  • Dairy products--Oregon.
  • Fruit--Research--Oregon.
  • Fruit-culture--Oregon.
  • Horticulture--Oregon.
  • Pear--China.
  • Plant diseases--Research--Oregon.
  • Poultry--Research--Oregon.
  • Sheep--Oregon.

Form or Genre Terms

  • Film negatives.
  • Nitrate negatives.
  • Photographic prints.

Other Creators

  • Corporate Names
    • Oregon Agricultural College. Experiment Station. (creator)
    • Oregon State Agricultural College. Agricultural Experiment Station. (creator)